Advocacy Medical Workers

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GED 0111; Purposive Communication

Sec. 8
Lee, Hyeonsuk
Donguila, Michelle
Manuel, Richville
Peroy, Mariel
Olivia, Nicole
Lorenzo, Faela
Samonte, Mark Gabriel
Advocacy Plan
Subject: Worker’s Rights
Topic: Working Condition of Medical Industry Workers
Claim: Medical professionals are working under high health risks facing poor working
conditions without any form of protection (what kind of protection? Insurance?).

Mission VG
To bring improvement to workplaces by establishing quality measure standards,
To bring improvement to working conditions by increasing safety measures
against chemical/biological hazard, and
To establish proper system/protocol for social and financial protection of
professional employee
Coalition Good on this one just specify the organizations’ names on your final
Medical student organizations
Private doctors
Public hospitals
Pre-med students’ org.
We aim to build an independent protective community that is recognized by
health professionals; a community that protects the professionals from both social
injustice and safety issues; a community that brings positive change to the workplaces
for workers’ sake; and a community that unbiasedly supports professionals of all
Formulation and Implementation
Legal VG just don’t forget to cite
According to WHO under WHA60.26, “Workers’ Health: Global Plan of Action”
the increasing skills of primary care providers–general practitioners, nurses,
environmental and public health technicians, and community health workers–to provide
basic occupational health services such as advice on improving working conditions,
monitoring the health status of workers and detecting the most common occupational
diseases among workers in small companies, rural areas, farms, the informal sector and
among migrants.
Research VG just don’t forget to cite
According to the CNN Philippines, a year ago, videos and photos of sleeping
nurses in a public hospital in Metro Manila made rounds on social media, which started
an online discussion on the amount of tasks our health workers have to deal with as
well as the glaring gap in our healthcare system.
With the hours that our government health workers need to put in, it is then
hoped that they at least be compensated properly. During Saguil’s time as a resident in
1992, they were only paid ₱1,000 per month, as a sort of allowance. This changed in
1994, under Fidel V. Ramos’ administration, when the Magna Carta for Public Health
Workers was established, which promised the health workers the following:

a. To promote and improve the social and economic well-being of the health workers,
their living and working conditions and terms of employment

b. To develop their skills and capabilities in order that they will be more responsive and
better equipped to deliver health projects and programs;

c. To encourage those with proper qualifications and excellent abilities and remain in
government service.”

The Magna Carta also includes the implementation of salary grades as well as
additional compensations, such as hazard allowance, subsistence allowance, longevity
pay, laundry allowance, and remote assignment allowance. By 1994, Saguil and her co-
residents started receiving around ₱7,000 per month. Salaries of public health workers
have steadily increased in the succeeding years. On March 15 this year, President
Duterte issued amendments to Executive Order 201, which scheduled the fourth
tranche of adjustments under the salary standardization law on Jan. 1, 2019.
Political VG just don’t forget to cite
As CDC further weakens COVID-19 guidance, nurses outraged by failed federal,
state, local, employer efforts stage day of action Wednesday to demand protections for
nurses, patients, public.
To protest the ineffective employer and government response to COVID-19 and
demand protections now, nurses will be holding a national day of action on Wednesday,
March 11, 2020, said the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing
Committee (CNA/NNOC) and National Nurses United. Nurses are fighting back
collectively by holding rallies, press conferences, and solidarity actions across the
country to demand optimal screening and isolation procedures and policies, staffing,
PPE, training and education, and more.
“If nurses and health care workers aren’t protected, that means patients and the
public are not protected,” said Bonnie Castillo, RN and CNA/NNOC and NNU executive
director. “This is a major public health crisis of unknown proportions. Now is not the time
to be weakening our standards and protections, or cutting corners. Now is the time we
should be stepping up our efforts.”
These changes include, among other things, rolling back personal protective
equipment (PPE) standards from N-95 respirators to allow simple surgical masks;
not requiring suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients to be placed in negative
pressure isolation rooms at all times; and weakening protections for health care
workers collecting diagnostic respiratory specimens. 
Negotiation VG
According to the Republic Act. No. 11058 that the state shall ensure a safe and
healthful workplace for all working people by affording them full protection against all
hazards in their work environment. Under Sec.3, certified first-aider refers to any person
trained and duly certified to administer first aid by the Philippine Red Cross or any
organization authorized by the Secretary of Labor and Employment. Also, occupational
health personnel refer to a qualifies aider, nurse, dentist or physician engaged by the
employer to provide occupational health services in the establishment, project, site or
Media VG
The healthcare industry was reportedly the biggest target of cybercrime in 2015,
which has become known as the year of the healthcare hack. One of the big issues we
are seeing in the 2016 healthcare threats is ransomware. This is a type of malware that
works to extort money from an organization. In a survey done earlier this year
by HIMSS Analytics, they found that a staggering 75% of respondents from U.S. based
hospitals had been victims of ransomware.
 Creating and establishing and implementing workplace hygiene standard and
incidents recovery protocol. An hourly or daily practice routine sanitizing or
disinfect anting the places or frequently touched surfaces such as tables, door
knobs, light switches and stairways. We are now facing a crisis that involves
public health workers and medical related works.
 This advocacy plan is protecting the public health workers also concerning their
safety on the workplace. Government Agencies and Non-Government Sectors
must have enough budget and supply for the Medical Workers. The medical
workers need to come to work not exhausted or burned out. Treat with proper
respect them.
 Implementing this by setting a budget and value the safety of the health of our
medical workers.

References/Bibliography VG just don’t forget your in text-citations above

corresponding these references ; be consistent as well if you will be using APA
or MLA
Protecting workers’ health. (2017, November 30). WHO | World Health
Ladrido, P. (2019, April 22). The burden of being a public health worker in the
Philippines. cnn.
As CDC further weakens COVID-19 guidance, nurses outraged by failed federal, state,
local, employer efforts stage day of action Wednesday to demand protections for
nurses, patients, public. (2020, March 10). National Nurses
2017. Republic Act. No. 11058. [ebook] Metro Manila: Congress of the Philippines.
Available at: <> [Accessed 17
March 2020].
What Does Security Awareness Mean for Doctors, Nurses and Hospital Staff? (n.d.).
Infosec Resources.

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