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Argumentative Essay



14th April 2020

“Cyber Bullying”

Considering that social media has become the most common way of communicating,
Cyber bullying is the most common method of bullying. Eliminating cyber bullying is
important because it affects all users, including our next generation. This generation of
children is becoming more computer literate than their parents. According to a survey
on, 93% of teens use social media. This use of social media in our youth
also brings the possibility of cyber bullies attacking them.

Cyber bullies, also called "trolls", can have a harmful effect on children. Watching
hateful Comments appear on your screen after you've posted something that may
eventually affect your self-esteem. When someone is constantly told that they are ugly,
they begin to believe it. Anonymous comments may seem irrelevant, but they can affect
a child and how they see the world. Furthermore, these comments may also come from
their peers. This could carry over to how people look at school. Many people cannot
determine if a rumor is simply a rumor or if it is a fact. So if one child posts a rumor
about another on a social media website for all to see, this could lead to rumors that
unfold off the Internet and in the real world. Things on the internet don't always stay on
the internet. For example, a few years ago, an investigation was conducted of a "roast"
Facebook page at local college. The page was dedicated to mocking the students of the
college and after numerous complaints the principle was addressed. The Principle then
interviewed students and when he appeared empty-handed he called the police to trace
the IP address of the Facebook account. Formal assault charges will be brought to the
harasser when caught. As you can see, this "harmless" rumor page will have caused
the victim's heart ache and the stalker a real-life criminal history.

In children who are being bullied, this development of low self-esteem and a harsh
worldview can change the way an adolescent will grow into an adult. A child exposed to
the negativity of strangers or peers can lead to the belief that everyone hates them or
that they have no one to ask for help. Victims of bullying are 2-9 times more likely to
consider suicide than non-victims, according to Yale University studies. A recent cyber
bullying event that made headlines in North America: the case of Amanda Todd.
Amanda Todd used social media such as video chat to meet new people. A new man
she met convinced her to show him explicit parts of her body. The man leaked these
photos on the Internet. Her reputation fell apart and her classmate physically and
verbally assaulted her. Her assault did not stop at school, but followed her home. Her
classmates even created a website dedicated to slandering Amanda.
She moved out of school hoping to leave her past behind, but wherever she went the
photos followed in some way. Amanda Todd was fifteen when she committed suicide in
2012. Amanda Todd's story reveals how easily cyber-bullies can destroy lives and her
story is one of many. We need to eliminate cyber bullying once and for all because we
cannot afford to lose more of our youth.

The fact that cyber bullies can affect children to the point of ending their lives is enough
for anyone to want to stop cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is becoming a problem
because it is not harmless. Eliminating cyber bullying is important because no one
should worry about what others will say on the Internet. Bullying in the real world is quite

The Amanda Todd case reference:

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