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Marshmallow Cream

Body Wash Cubes

By Sandra Labossiere

Before starting, mix together the following:

1 tsp water soluble Titanium Dioxide for a creamier looking product(optional)
1 TBSP SLSa - Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (aka Lathanol Powder)
1 TBSP Cream of Tartar
Add enough water to make a smooth pourable paste and set aside. No lumps. :)

Melt the following on low heat or in the microwave:

120 grams - Foaming Bath Butter
450 grams - Melt & Pour Soap of choice (white)
10 grams - Shea Butter

Add: 20 grams of Fragrance Oil and colour of choice and the SLSa and Cream of Tartar mixture/slurry.

Use a hand mixer and whip the soap until it's at least double in size. Whip until it almost starts to set up.
It will suddenly get very thick and may start to climb up the beaters. This part is tricky and takes a bit of
practice getting it to just the right pouring thickness. If you pour too soon, the soap will flop. If you wait
too long, it will be very difficult to get into the mold. The good news is can gently melt it down and
whip it again if you're not happy with how it turns out.

Quickly pour the whipped mixture into a silicone soap mold and scrape the sides of the bowl very
quickly as it will set up fast at this point. I like to use a silicone loaf soap mold, but you can use a silicone
cake pan if you prefer. You want a mold size that will allow the soap to be about 1 1/2 - 2 inches deep.
A very light spray of Pam may help the soap come out of the mold easier. If you want to put sprinkles
or glitter on, do it immediately after pouring. The surface of the soap will set up almost instantly and the
sprinkles won't stick at that point.

Allow to set for 24 hours before removing from the mold. Let it sit for an hour or two to let the sides dry.
It will be a bit sticky. Cut into cubes and place on paper towels to dry out for a couple of days before
wrapping. If you want them to look even more like marshmallows, place a tiny amount of corn starch
into a large Ziploc bag. Toss the cubes in the bag to very lightly coat. Add a tiny sprinkle of glitter

Options: If you want smaller marshmallows, use larger pans (or two smaller ones) and pour to 1 inch
deep. Cut into 1 inch cubes and use as individual washes. The smaller ones look best when tossed with
a tiny amount of cornstarch. They also don’t need to set in the pan for as long. Enjoy! 

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