War of 1971

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First general election

An intense election campaign took place in 1970 as restrictions on press, speech, and assembly were

The first general election conducted in Pakistan on the basis of one person, one vote, was held on
December 7, 1970. The voting was heavy. Yahya Khan kept his promise of free and fair elections. The
Awami League won a colossal victory in East Pakistan. They won 160 seats,which was 52% seats of
National Assembly without winning a seat in the West Wing. Awami League mobilized support
on the basis of its Six-Points Program, which was the main attraction in the party's
manifesto. . The PPP won a large majority in the West Wing, especially in Punjab and Sindh, but no
seats in the East Wing. In the Nwfp and Balochistan, the majority seats were won by National Awami

War of 1971
The Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 was a military conflict between India and
Pakistan. Indian, Bangladeshi and international sources consider the
beginning of the war to be Operation Chengiz Khan, Pakistan on December
3, 1971 pre-emptive strike on 11 Indian airbases. Lasting just 13 days it is
considered one of the shortest wars in history.
During the course of the war, Indian and Pakistani forces clashed on the eastern and western fronts. The
war effectively came to an end after the Eastern Command of the Pakistani Armed Forces signed the
Instrument of Surrender, the first and perhaps the only public surrender to date

Separation of Bangladesh
The surrender led to the disintegration of East and West Pakistan and the establishment of
Bangladesh. After 25 years, the East Pakistanis declared themselves independent and renamed
their Province as Bangladesh..

Bhutto and others condemned Yahya for failing to protect Pakistan's unity. Isolated, Yahya
resigned on 20 December and transferred power to Bhutto, who became the president, army
commander-in-chief as well as the first civilian chief martial law administrator.[11]

Bhutto as a leader
Bhutto visited India to meet Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and negotiated a formal peace
agreement and the release of 93,000 Pakistani prisoners of war. The two leaders signed the
Shimla Agreement , which committed both nations to establish a new yet temporary Cease-
fire Line in Kashmir and obligated them to resolve disputes peacefully through bilateral talk.

One of the greatest achievement of Mr Bhutto was the establishment of an atomic power
development programme and he inaugurated the first Pakistani atomic reactor, built in
collaboration with Canada in Karachi on 28 November.

. Bhutto developed closer relations with China as well as Saudi Arabia and other Muslim
nations. He hosted the Second Islamic conference between 22 and 24 February in 1974.
Pakistan finally recognized Bangladesh at the Islamic Conference in Lahore on February 22,

Constitution of 1973One of his greatest achievement as a leader was the

preparation of a constitution for country. The most prominent characteristic of this
Constitution was that it accommodated proposals from the opposition parties and hence
almost all the major political parties of the country accepted it. After that he became the
Prim Minister and Fazal Ilahi becaome the President of Pakistan.

In second general election ppp overall gained 99% seats .Pakistan National Aliance leaders protested
that there had been a systematic rigging of election results to defeat them. The voting figures showing
the success of the P. P. P. candidates often surpassed the actual number that turned up for voting.

At last Martial Law was imposed by Zia-ul-Haq and Bhutto was arrested  on charges of "conspiracy to
murder of" Ahmed Raza Kasuri.

Death sentence and appeal

On 18 March 1978, Bhutto wasn't declared guilty of murder but was sentenced to death.
Bhutto did not seek an appeal. While he was transferred to a cell in Rawalpindi central jail,
his family appealed on his behalf.

On 24 March 1979 the Supreme Court dismissed the appeal. Zia upheld the death sentence.
Bhutto was hanged at Central jail, Rawalpindi, on 4 April 1979,[29] and is buried in Village
Cemetery at Garhi Khuda Baksh.

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