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Dept. Of Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE)

Exam: Mid Term 1, Trimester: Summer, Year: 2011
Course: EEE 477 (Sec – B), Title: Power System Protection
Marks: 40, Time: 1:30 Hour

There are four questions. Answer all the questions. Figures in the right-hand margin indicate
full marks.
1. a) What is accuracy limit factor? Write the specification of a CT of 30VA rating, class10, [2.5]
and accuracy limit factor 20 . Differentiate ratio error and composite error of a CT. What
is the composite error for a CT of class 10P?

b) Explain the magnetization curve of a CT and draw the test setup to plot the curve. How [2]
saturation affects the operation of a measuring CT and a Protective CT?

c) Why transient behavior of CT is important to consider? List the different types of CTs [2]
that are designed for transient performance and comment on their characteristics.

d) Consider a current transformer of nominal rated 100/5A and having secondary winding [3.5]
resistance of 0.15 ohm. Burden connected to secondary and specified as 0.4 ohm at
primary current of 1000A. Also the saturation factor is 20. The magnetization curve of
the CT is as shown in Figure 1. Find the ratio error of the CT.

Figure 1

2. a) What are the different three-phase connections available for PT? Draw the residual PT [2]
connection and explain the application of it in the protection of power system.

b) What is Capacitor Voltage Transformer(CVT) and the modified CVT? List the [2]
advantages and disadvantages of it.
c) A capacitor type voltage transformer is as shown in Figure 2. The value of the three [4]
capacitors used are C1= 10µF , C2= 20µF , C3= 30µF . Find the value of the reactor
connected to the secondary circuit for power line frequency.

d) List the factors to be considered in selecting PT for a particular protection scheme. [2]

3. a) What is a protective relay? What are the important criterias that must be fulfilled by a [2]
protective relaying system?
Consider the basic relaying system as shown in Figure 3a and the rating of relay coil and
CT ratio as described in the figure. Now, if the fault current is 2000A and the minimum
actuating quantity of the relay is 4A, comment on its sensitivity.

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