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* * * * * MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017 ~ VOL. CCLXIX NO. 29 HHHH $3.00

Last week: DJIA 20071.46 g 22.32 0.1% NASDAQ 5666.77 À 0.1% STOXX 600 364.07 g 0.6% 10-YR. TREASURY g 4/32 , yield 2.496% OIL $53.83 À $0.66 EURO $1.0786 YEN 112.59

What’s Appellate Standoff Looms Over Ban


U.S. Supreme Court.
The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals early Sunday morn-
ing denied a request from the
the U.S. for visitors from seven
predominantly Muslim coun-
tries for at least 90 days, say-
ing such action was needed to
he posted Sunday afternoon
on Twitter. “If something hap-
pens blame him and court sys-
tem. People pouring in. Bad!”
court could reach a decision
on whether to reinstate the
ban during the ongoing court
case would be late Monday.
Business & Finance appeals court, based in San Justice Department to imme- keep terrorists from entering The appeals court in its or- Either side could appeal
Francisco, is set to rule as diately restore the executive the U.S. The order also sought der early Sunday asked for any action by the appeals
soon as this week on President order after U.S. District Judge to freeze the entire U.S. refu- further legal briefings on the court, asking the Supreme
Donald Trump’s executive or- James Robart, a federal judge gee program for four months. issue, the last of them due Court to intervene. But that
T he top six U.S. banks
could potentially return
over $100 billion to inves-
der on immigration in a deci-
sion that may have more influ-
in Seattle, late on Friday is-
sued a restraining order
Over the weekend, Mr.
Trump repeatedly criticized
Monday afternoon. The case
was brought by the state of
may prolong the legal limbo,
Please see FREEZE page A4
tors in dividends and stock ence—and last longer—than against enforcement of the Judge Robart’s ruling. “Just Washington and was joined by
buybacks if Trump succeeds usual because of the long- travel ban. cannot believe a judge would the state of Minnesota.  Why Seattle case stands
in easing regulations. A1 standing vacant seat on the The ban suspended entry to put our country in such peril,” The earliest the appeals above others.............................. A4
 Republicans in Congress
are set to release plans to
roll back the Dodd-Frank
law as early as this week. B1
 Bankers want a Dodd-
Patriots Come Back From the Dead to Defeat Falcons in Super Bowl U.S. Aims
To Sever
Frank overhaul to include a
pledge to end new rules and
changes to stress tests. B8
 Hospital executives are
telling lawmakers they fear
a loss of revenue if the ACA
Iran Ties
is repealed and would want
federal funding restored. B1
 Google is selling its
Terra Bella satellite-imag-
ery business to Planet Labs BY JAY SOLOMON
for shares in the startup. B4
 An oil-market gauge is
administration is exploring
signaling that a glut may be
ways to break Russia’s military
easing, a development that
and diplomatic alliance with
could boost crude prices. B9
Iran in a bid to both end the
 BuzzFeed was sued by a Syrian conflict and bolster the
Russian tech executive whose fight against Islamic State,
name appeared in an unver- said senior administration, Eu-
ified dossier on Trump. B4 ropean and Arab officials in-
volved in the policy discus-
 Michael Jackson’s estate

is set to face off with the IRS
The emerging strategy
over the valuation of the pop
seeks to reconcile President
star’s name and image. B5
Donald Trump’s seemingly
 Universal’s “Split” led the contradictory vows to improve
box office for a third-straight relations with Russian Presi-
week, a rare streak for a dent Vladimir Putin and to ag-
low-budget horror film. B5 gressively challenge the mili-
RECORD WIN: New England quarterback Tom Brady, owner Robert Kraft and coach Bill Belichick celebrate their 34-28 overtime win in tary presence of Iran—one of
 Tiffany said the luxury-
Super Bowl LI, a record fifth for Mr. Brady and Mr. Belichick, A14. See how Super Bowl ads scored with fans, Moscow’s most critical allies—
goods firm’s CEO is leaving,
in the Middle East, these offi-
effective immediately. B3
cials say.
A senior administration of-
World-Wide A Social Snapshot ficial said the White House

 Trump ramped up his

SHARING: Plans for an IPO for
Snap prompt comparisons to
MEXICO RECONSIDERS doesn’t have any illusions
about Russia or see Mr. Putin
as a “choir boy,” despite fur-
criticism of the judge who
ruled against his immigra-
tion order, saying the courts
Facebook’s stock launch. B4
active Facebook
ITS U.S. FRIENDSHIP ther conciliatory statements
from Mr. Trump about the
Russian leader over the week-
should be blamed if there is users 483 million end. But the official said that
a terrorist attack. A1, A4 (4Q 2011) the administration doesn’t
view Russia as the same exis-
 The administration is ex- Trump’s plans rekindle the nationalism that marked 170 years of hostility tential threat that the Soviet
ploring ways to break Rus- Snap
161M Union posed to the U.S. during
sia’s ties with Iran in a bid to
(4Q 2016) BY DAVID LUHNOW AND JACOB M. SCHLESINGER trillion dollars worth of goods and services the Cold War and that Mr.
end the Syria war and aid the
each year. There is cooperation on security, Trump was committed to con-
fight against Islamic State. A1
Revenue Mexico had a closed and struggling econ- migration and the environment. Wal-Mart straining Iran.
 Trump faced criticism
omy in the mid-1980s, with little American Stores Inc. has become Mexico’s largest pri- “If there’s a wedge to be
from Republicans after he
$1.13B investment, and most Mexicans viewed the vate-sector employer. Americans couldn’t driven between Russia and
appeared to draw an equiva-
(4Q 2011) U.S. as their historic enemy. After Mexican make enough Super Bowl guacamole without Iran, we’re willing to explore
lence between Putin and the
drug lords tortured and murdered a U.S. Mexican avocados. that,” the official said.
behavior of the U.S. A7
Drug Enforcement Administration agent, President Donald Trump’s vows to move Such a strategy doesn’t en-
 Intelligence officials
$166M President Ronald Reagan temporarily closed quickly to renegotiate the Nafta accord, tirely explain the mixed sig-
speculate that arrests in
Note: Data for (4Q 2016) the border. build a wall along the border and crack Please see RUSSIA page A7
Russia may be tied to alleged quarter immediately Much has changed in the ensuing 30 down on immigration are testing those
U.S. election hacking. A8 preceding the S-1 filing
Source: the companies
years. Under the North American Free Trade bonds. He has said the alliance fostered by  Trump draws fire on Russia
 Al Qaeda’s offshoot in Ye- Agreement, the two countries trade half a Please see MEXICO page A10 stance............................................. A7
men exhorted followers to
take on the U.S. in response
to a raid by Navy SEALs. A6
 Over 11,400 civilians California’s Next Buzzy Varietal INSIDE Bank Push Paves Way
May Not Come From Grapes For Capital Returns
were killed or injured in Af-
ghanistan last year, the
U.N. said, a record. A7
i i i
 DeVos faces the risk of BY TELIS DEMOS return more capital to share-
Senate rejection as opposi- Pot farmers aim to copy wine’s system of AND PETER RUDEGEAIR holders. While there is no guar-
tion mounts to Trump’s pick antee the banks will do so when
for education secretary. A3 provenance; ‘hints of lavender and gas’ The six biggest U.S. banks they are able, they have been
could potentially return more eager in recent years to return
 The U.N. chief urged
than $100 billion in capital to capital as their profits have
Washington not to scale
back financial support. A6
BY ZUSHA ELINSON Calvino, a 37-year-old mari-
juana farmer who lives here
TV’S investors over time through
dividends and share buybacks if
grown and their balance sheets
have become less risky.
 Avalanches killed at least ALBION, Calif.—Justin with his wife and seven chil- GRIMMEST the Trump administration suc- The top six U.S. banks have
54 people in Afghanistan
over the past three days. A9
Calvino maneuvered his mud- dren.
spattered black Ford truck With recreational pot be-
CITY ceeds in a push to loosen bank
$101.57 billion in capital in ex-
cess of what regulators require
away from crashing waves of coming legal in the state in President Donald Trump on them to set aside, according to
 The suspect in a ma-
the Pacific Ocean and into the November—though it is still il- LIFE & ARTS, A11 Friday signed a memorandum research from RBC Capital Mar-
chete attack on soldiers in
piney hills of what he hopes legal under federal law— ordering a review of the Dodd- kets. Analysts at Morgan Stan-
Paris was questioned. A9
will become “the growers in the Frank Act, the postfinancial-cri- ley estimate such capital at
Bordeaux of canna- Emerald Triangle, sis regulatory overhaul that has around $120 billion across 18 of
CONTENTS Life & Arts....... A11-13 bis.” a remote portion guided regulators such as the the largest banks.
Business News. B3-5 Markets................... B10
Closed-End Funds B7 Opinion.............. A15-17 The cool, ma- of Northern Cali- Federal Reserve. The aim is Big banks such as J.P. Mor-
Commodities........... B9 Sports....................... A14 rine air that blan- fornia known for “cutting a lot out” of those gan Chase & Co. and Citigroup
Crossword.............. A12 U.S. News............. A2-4 kets the Mendo- its prolific canna- rules, Mr. Trump said in a Inc. climbed more than 3% Fri-
Heard on Street. B10 Weather................... A12
Journal Report.. R1-8 World News....... A6-9
cino coast gives bis crops, are try- meeting at the White House. day, while the KBW Nasdaq
the marijuana ing to model That caused bank stocks to Bank Index gained about 2.2%.
grown here a dis- Coffee Kush themselves after gain ground Friday, building on That index has risen about 24%
> tinctive “fresh, the wine industry,
earthy taste” he said as he which places great worth on
HITS AND sharp increases since the presi-
dential election. Those occurred
since Election Day compared
with a 7.4% gain for the S&P
gunned the V8 turbo diesel en- provenance. MISSES OF A as expectations among inves- 500.
gine. State officials said they
“If you’re growing a Coffee would set up a governmental
STOCK MANTRA tors of higher interest rates,
less regulation and stronger
Please see BANKS page A2
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones &
Company. All Rights Reserved Kush, you can almost taste the body to decide whether certain economic growth stoked opti-  GOP gets ready to roll back
moss and the sea,” said Mr. Please see STRAIN page A10 JOURNAL REPORT, R1 mism that banks will be able to financial overhaul..................... B1
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Spending Math Promises Wider Deficits
or an economy that isn’t ing on health care and retire- to detail the scope of his Mercatus Center at George
in recession, the U.S. is ment, it also shrinks the tax Debt Burdens agenda and the deficits it may Mason University.
facing one of the bleak- base and may lead to slower Government debt loads are projected to soar as entitlement require. Even if Republicans opt to
est fiscal outlooks since World rates of growth in personal in- spending rises, squeezing other spending. One overriding question: offset new spending with cuts,
War II. One question that come and household spending. Would he design tax changes it remains unclear whether
President Donald Trump will Faster economic growth Publicly held debt as a share Capital investment as a share that don’t raise deficits, a goal the White House could iden-
soon have to decide: How would solve many of Mr. of GDP of all federal outlays of House Republicans, or tify programs that allies in
much is he willing to embrace Trump’s problems. But dou- would he stick with plans Congress are willing to ax. Mr.
even wider deficits? bling the growth rate to 4%, 100% 25% sketched out during his cam- Trump has ruled out changes
The answer will determine Mr. Trump’s stated goal, paign that relied heavily on to the biggest drivers of rising
whether Mr. Trump’s domes- would be difficult when pro- 80 20 growth to offset steep revenue outlays, Social Security and
tic agenda lives up to markets’ ductivity and the labor force losses? Medicare.
bold expectations, and his are growing slowly. Another Mr. Trump has tipped his

own. hurdle: Unemployment is al- 60 15 hand in favor of tolerating epublicans are planning
THE Before Mr. ready low. The Federal Re- deficits. “A balanced budget is cuts on nondiscretion-
OUTLOOK Trump does serve might stand in the way 40 10 fine, but sometimes you have ary spending and wel-
NICK anything, grow- of a very fast growth rate if it to fuel the well in order to re- fare programs, but some of
TIMIRAOS ing budget defi- threatens to push unemploy- ally get the economy going,” those have already seen large
cits are already ment much lower and risks 20 5 Mr. Trump said on Fox News reductions due to automatic
on a course to spurring inflation. last month. “Our military is curbs Congress imposed five
push federal debt to record The Fed sees a long-run 0 Estimate 0 Estimate more important to me than a years ago.
levels as a share of gross do- growth rate of just 1.8%. balanced budget.” Big cuts can be popular in
1962 ’70 ’80 ’90 ’00 ’10 ’20 1962 ’70 ’80 ’90 ’00 ’10
mestic product. That will “You’re not going to be able He could face resistance symbolic budget resolutions
make it extremely difficult to to grow your way out of this Sources: Congressional Budget Office (ratio); from budget hawks in his own offered in the spring. But ana-
make good on promises to cut one. It’s too big,” said Rep. White House Office of Management and Budget (outlays) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. party. GOP lawmakers have lysts at Beacon Policy Advi-
taxes and boost spending Tom Cole (R., Okla.). He ex- split sharply over the past two sors said in a report that
without spilling more red ink. presses worry about relying borrowing costs. Second, large tax cuts. President Ron- years on whether to boost when it comes to actually
Unlike past periods, deficits on rosy growth projections health-care inflation has been ald Reagan inherited shrinking military spending without passing spending bills in late
are swelling not because of an through the use of so-called slower than expected. It isn’t deficits, and George W. Bush adding to the deficit. summer, Republican lawmak-
economic downturn or a dynamic scoring, to assume clear how long those will last. inherited budget surpluses Lawmakers are even warier ers will object to specific re-
short-term boost in discre- tax cuts would stimulate the The Congressional Budget that were projected to grow. about adding to deficits with ductions that affect their own
tionary spending, but because economy to materially offset Office expects, under current The publicly held debt was infrastructure spending, an constituents.
of the costs of caring for an immediate revenue losses. “I law and assuming the econ- much lower, too, at 25% and initiative where Mr. Trump’s “The long-term budget
aging population. Medicare worry we’re so in love with omy keeps expanding mod- 31% of GDP, respectively, com- appetite seems most out of problems are no longer long-
and Social Security are the dynamic scoring, and it never estly, deficits to rise from pared with 77% today. step with GOP elected offi- term. They are here now,”
biggest projected drivers of works out the way the tax gu- 2.4% in the fiscal year that cials. White House officials are says Andrew Laperriere, pol-

spending. Ten years ago, some rus tell us it’s going to,” said starts this October to 4.2% aced with a worsening looking at creative ways to fi- icy analyst at research firm
6,700 Americans turned 65 ev- Mr. Cole. gradually over the following deficit outlook when he nance such spending. Cornerstone Macro LP. In
ery day. The number is now Two trends kept deficits four years. took office in 1993, Pres- “There’s a big budget battle overlooking the budget math,
9,800 Americans, and it will below forecasts in recent The last two times Republi- ident Bill Clinton tossed over- coming if they don’t come for- he believes, investors are too
rise to 11,700 by 2026. years. First, low inflation and cans reclaimed the White board his campaign promise ward with a big pay-for plan,” optimistic about both the tim-
An aging population not weak global growth held down House from Democrats, in of a middle-class tax cut. Mr. said William Beach, an econo- ing and size of any fiscal stim-
only pushes up federal spend- interest rates and thus federal 1981 and 2001, they secured Trump and his team have yet mist with the right-leaning ulus.

Train-Car Pileup Narrowly Misses House in Iowa Volunteers Host Events

To Archive U.S. Data
BY DANIELA HERNANDEZ homa Attorney General Scott
Pruitt, Mr. Trump’s pick to run
Academics, librarians and the EPA, said last month that
technology professionals are the role of human activity on
hosting “archive-a-thons” to climate change is subject to con-
copy public databases hosted tinued debate, a statement that
by the U.S. Environmental Pro- runs counter to the consensus of
tection Agency, NASA and the scientific community.
other federal agencies, saying “Everybody knows [Mr.
they are worried access to the Trump is] unconventional,”
data could be compromised un- said Rush Holt, chief executive
der the Trump administration. officer of the American Associ-
The goal is to ensure the ation for the Advancement of
climate, environmental and Science, a general scientific so-

other data remain in the public ciety, and a former Democratic

domain, according to organiz- congressman. “There’s uncer-
ers of the events, which are tainty about whether evidence
taking place across the U.S. has a privileged place in the
and in Canada. administration.”
“We don’t feel like some- White House spokeswoman
one’s going to flip a switch and Kelly Love declined to com-
turn off webpages,” said Je- ment, and the EPA didn’t pro-
rome Whitington, a faculty vide a comment.
member in New York Univer- National Aeronautics and
sity’s department of anthropol- Space Administration spokes-
ogy who is part of the archiving man Allard Beutel said the
effort. “One of the easiest ways agency was “continuing to pro-
to attack that stuff is to defund vide NASA data and informa-
that maintenance…We want to tion about our research and
CLOSE CALL: Over 20 cars from a Canadian Pacific Railway train derailed Sunday south of Dubuque, Iowa. No injuries were reported. ensure that high-quality infor- missions to the public as we
mation is in the hands of people previously have been doing.”
so they can use it.” Scott Smullen, a spokesman
While President Donald for the National Oceanic and

BANKS Holding Back

Estimated amount of excess capital
held by the six largest U.S. banks
capital is a key reason for the
investment, Mr. Muldoon said.
Being able to release more or
all of that capital would be a
Trump has said nothing spe-
cific about cutting off access
to data, his past statements
about reducing funding to the
Atmospheric Administration,
said the agency hadn’t re-
ceived any directives from the
Trump administration target-
Continued from Page One boon to banks and their inves- EPA, during which he called it ing the availability of NOAA
“Bank regulation didn’t seem Citigroup tors in several ways. First, Economic data this week will “the laughingstock of the databases. Archivists are also
like priority one for the admin- $27.5 billion banks would likely return much provide details about the state world,” and his administra- copying NOAA data.
istration, so to see these execu- of the capital through dividend of international trade, a hot tion’s moves to clamp down on Archiving events have been
J.P. Morgan
tive actions come so early is a increases or higher share buy- topic thanks to President Donald communications at some fed- held in New York, Portland,
positive,” said Jason Benowitz, 20.3 backs. The latter, by decreasing Trump’s promise to reorient U.S. eral agencies, have raised con- Ore., and Ann Arbor, Mich.,
senior portfolio manager at the Wells Fargo the number of shares a bank trade policy. cern among scientists about with others planned for Cali-
Roosevelt Investment Group 16.4 has outstanding, helps to boost MONDAY: Mario Draghi, pres- long-term access to data. fornia and Boston this month.
Inc., which manages $3 billion. earnings per share. That, in ident of the European Central The administration’s skepti- —Thomas M. Burton
Requirements for capital Bank of America turn, can boost share prices. Bank, will travel to the European cism toward climate science has and Stephanie Armour
aren’t explicitly laid out in the 14.1 Goldman Sachs bank ana- Parliament in Brussels for his added to these concerns. Okla- contributed to this article.
Dodd-Frank Act, but are set by Goldman Sachs lysts said the average big U.S. regular testimony. He is ex-

the Fed and other regulators. bank could boost 2018 earnings pected to face questions about
They also are guided by inter- 12.4 per share by 13% if all excess when the ECB might start to
national banking agreements. Morgan Stanley capital is returned to sharehold- wind down its €2.3 trillion ($2.5
While the Trump administra- 10.9 ers via buybacks. trillion) quantitative-easing pro-
tion couldn’t directly change As well, reducing the amount gram. A recent rise in inflation A Page One article in some in the Review section incor-
these requirements, it could in- Source: RBC Capital Markets of capital a bank holds helps to has sparked calls in Germany for editions Saturday about a fed- rectly omitted the word “al-
fluence them, as well as the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. boost returns on equity. This is a policy reversal from Frankfurt. eral judge blocking President leged.”
Fed’s stress tests. a measure of bank profitability TUESDAY: The U.S. Com- Donald Trump’s executive order
As much as shareholders requirements counter that that compares net income with merce Department releases its on immigration and refugees Six years ago, Yosan Tesfay
would welcome greater capital banks need even higher buffers common shareholder equity. final international trade report was written by Devlin Barrett fled her home country of Eri-
returns, such a move would cre- to truly dispel the notion that Many big banks have strug- from 2016. The December data and Dan Frosch. Mr. Frosch’s trea for Ethiopia. On Wednes-
ate risks. Before the financial they are too big to fail. gled in recent years to post re- will effectively serve as a base- byline was incorrectly omitted. day, she arrived in Phoenix
crisis, for example, it was com- Some investors have come to turns that exceed their theoreti- line for the trade deficit before from Ethiopia. A photo caption
mon for large banks to spend regard these buffers as trapped cal cost of capital—or how Mr. Trump took office in January. Alleged Jewish terrorists in with a U.S. News article on Fri-
more on dividends and stock re- capital since the banks’ ability much it costs them to raise He has promised to narrow that 2015 firebombed a Palestinian day about refugees incorrectly
purchases than they earned in to return funds to shareholders funds—of about 10%. gap and proposed imposing fees home in the West Bank village said she arrived in Phoenix
annual profit. That left big is restricted by the Fed through If banks’ return on equity on certain imports. An rise in of Duma. Saturday’s cover story from Eritrea.
banks including Citigroup annual “stress tests.” That has jumps, that would likely lead to imports and a fall in exports
poorly positioned for financial led many lenders to hold more higher valuations for their helped retard economic growth Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by
tumult, leading it and others to capital. shares. in the last three months of 2016 emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
accept government bailouts. Citigroup has the most ex- But capital returns that are a FRIDAY: China will release its
It isn’t clear exactly what cess capital at around $27 bil- boon for shareholders could January trade data (Thursday THE WALL STREET JOURNAL (USPS 664-880)
regulatory measures Mr. lion, according to RBC. J.P. Mor- make debt investors nervous, evening in the U.S.). Given re- (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660) (Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935)
Trump’s push could eliminate. gan has $20 billion, and Wells leading to an increase in bank cent improvement in the “new (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
One area of interest for inves- Fargo & Co. has $16 billion. funding costs. Fitch Ratings export orders” subindex of Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
tors are the billions of dollars of “Regulatory relief could be a warned Friday that banks could China’s official purchasing man- Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
capital that banks have been significant tailwind for the in- become riskier with smaller agers index—to 50.3 in January POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
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forced to hold as a buffer dustry in terms of capital effi- capital buffers. from 50.1 in December—econo- which are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1155 Avenue of
against future financial crises. ciency and managing cost,” said “Any changes in rules that mists expect exports to range the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertiser’s order.
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Bankers have argued that those Conor Muldoon, fundamental reduce capital and liquidity re- from flat to a few percentage Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
buffers are in excess of what portfolio manager at Causeway quirements could have negative points positive following Decem-
they need to absorb losses. Reg- Capital Management LLC, which rating implications if banks re- ber’s 6.1% year-to-year decline. NEED ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
ulators, however, see them as a manages $44 billion globally. spond to such rules with FRIDAY: The U.S. Labor De- CONTACT CUSTOMER SUPPORT.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Monday, February 6, 2017 | A3


Few Recall Gorsuch Volunteer Role President:

Repeal of
Questions arise over
Supreme Court pick’s
level of participation
ACA Won’t
in Harvard programs Be Swift
President Donald Trump
When President Donald lowered expectations for his
Trump introduced his Supreme party’s swift repeal and re-
Court pick on live television placement of the 2010 health
last week, he said Neil Gorsuch law in an interview with Fox
had “demonstrated a commit- News’s Bill O’Reilly aired Sun-
ment to helping the less fortu- day, saying “maybe it’ll take til
nate” by working in the Har- some time into next year.”
vard Prison Legal Assistance “Obamacare doesn’t work.
Project and the Harvard De- So we are putting in a wonder-
fenders. ful plan. It’s statutorily… takes
His affiliation with these awhile to get. We’re going to
volunteer programs—which of- be putting it in fairly soon,”

fer law school students real-life Mr. Trump said.

legal experience representing “I think that yes, I would
prison inmates and the poor— like to say by the end of the
helped give Mr. Gorsuch’s year, at least the rudiments,
deeply conservative résumé a but we should have something
personal touch, and the groups within the year and the follow-
were highlighted in news re- ing year.”
ports about his nomination. He was responding to a
But roughly three dozen stu- question from Mr. O’Reilly
dents who participated in the President Trump said Neil Gorsuch, pictured on Capitol Hill last week, had ‘demonstrated a commitment to helping the less fortunate.’ over whether Americans could
two programs while Mr. Gor- expect to see the Trump ad-
such was at Harvard Law this period said they had no attended a few weeks of train- tion isn’t reflected on Harvard’s question of whether he remem- ministration roll out a plan by
School from 1988 to 1991 said memory of Judge Gorsuch’s in- ing for the Defenders program transcripts. bered Judge Gorsuch. year-end to overturn the 2010
they have no recollection of his volvement, a third one declined with Judge Gorsuch in either Mr. Gorsuch didn’t appear in Lisa Dealy, Harvard’s assis- health law and enact new pol-
involvement. to say, and a fourth died in 1990 or 1991. any of the yearbook photos for tant dean for clinical and pro icy in its place.
“If he was active in PLAP I 1998. Other Harvard classmates “What I am prepared to do either of the groups during his bono programs, and Boston Mr. Trump’s remarks ap-
am sure I would remember and friends of Mr. Gorsuch say is corroborate that Neil Gor- three years at Harvard, nor was criminal defense lawyer John peared to acknowledge Repub-
him,” said Elizabeth Buckley they have no recollection of such was in the Harvard De- he listed among other students “Jack” Cunha, who worked as a licans’ current logjam in fulfill-
Lewis, who attended Harvard at him discussing either program. fenders,” said Mr. Edel. “I have as “not pictured.” Still, other supervising attorney of the De- ing a long-stated ambition of
the same time as Mr. Gorsuch. Memories can fade over 25 a specific recollection of talking students active in the groups fenders from 1985 to 1995, both striking President Barack
The White House gave The years, and the programs de- to him about one case, but I sometimes didn’t appear in the said they had no recollection of Obama’s signature Affordable
Wall Street Journal the name of manded no specific time com- don’t want to go into the de- photos, and PLAP and Defend- Mr. Gorsuch’s involvement. Care Act. The party’s majori-
one Harvard Law School gradu- mitment. tails…I’d like to leave it there.” ers are clearly informal in Marty Gideonse, who was ties in the House and Senate
ate who said he could corrobo- Mr. Gorsuch didn’t respond In PLAP, students represent many ways, with no official ar- PLAP’s supervisor while Mr. cannot sustain significant de-
rate that Judge Gorsuch was in to emailed questions. inmates at disciplinary and pa- chives. Gorsuch was at Harvard, died fections by either moderate or
the Defenders, but declined to According to the White role hearings. Defenders pro- “It’s not like there is a roster in 1998. conservative GOP lawmakers,
give any details of the judge’s House, Mr. Gorsuch said he par- vide representation to indigent of people who participated, A spokesman for the Massa- and those two sides are cur-
participation. The White House ticipated in PLAP his first year defendants. In both cases, stu- who came to one meeting or 10 chusetts Department of Correc- rently seeking irreconcilable
also provided copies of a 2008 of law school and the Defenders dents are guided by more expe- meetings or did what on some tion said the agency doesn’t approaches. The answer came
email exchange between the during the latter part of his rienced students and by super- case,” said John Salsberg, who maintain records dating to after a week in which conser-
Defenders’ alumni director and time there. The White House vising attorneys. has served as a supervising at- 1988-1991, the period during vative lawmakers said they
Judge Gorsuch. referred The Wall Street Jour- PLAP and Defenders are vol- torney for the Harvard Defend- which Mr. Gorsuch would have were frustrated at the slow
Two people who broadly nal to Chris Edel, a New York unteer programs and students ers since the early 1980s. He represented prison inmates in pace of movement to repeal
oversaw the students during County prosecutor who said he don’t earn credit, so participa- said he couldn’t answer the disciplinary proceedings there. the health law.

Opposition Mounts for Trump’s Education Nominee

BY SIOBHAN HUGHES victory, bringing national at-
AND TAWNELL D. HOBBS DeVos Comments cation fitted to their needs. should determine policies on tention to the president’s views
When Sen. Maggie Hassan guns in schools. Referencing a on education that Democrats
Betsy DeVos, President Fuel Pushback (D., N.H.), whose son has cerebral mention by Sen. Mike Enzi (R., believe are out of the main-
Donald Trump’s choice to be palsy, asked whether Mrs. DeVos Wyo.) of a grizzly-bear fence stream.
secretary of education, is at understood that the disabilities surrounding a Wyoming school, “I have heard from thou-
risk Tuesday of becoming the During a Senate hearing on act applies nationally, Mrs. DeVos Mrs. DeVos said, “I would imag- sands—truly thousands—of
first cabinet nominee in 28 her nomination to be secretary replied, “I may have confused it.” ine that there is probably a gun Alaskans,” said Sen. Lisa

years to be rejected by the of education last month, Betsy The comments were a red in the school to protect from po- Murkowski (R., Alaska) in an-
Senate, due in large part to DeVos said states should de- flag to some educators who tential grizzlies.” nouncing she would oppose the
the efforts of people like Tim cide whether federally funded worry the federal government Clips of the exchanges nomination. “They’ve con-
Royers, a high-school history schools must meet the require- will provide money to charter posted on the Facebook page of tacted me by phone, by email,
teacher in Nebraska. ments of the Individuals with schools without holding them ac- Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) in person.”
Named his state’s teacher of Disabilities Education Act, a countable for providing services have been viewed million of Mrs. DeVos, a 59-year-old
the year, Mr. Royers started or- U.S. law that ensures students mandated under the law. times. billionaire, has spent decades
ganizing his fellow honorees with a disability receive an edu- Mrs. DeVos also said states —Siobhan Hughes pushing for charter schools and
against Mrs. DeVos when they advocating for vouchers.
gathered for a celebration last Those opposing Mrs. DeVos
month in Florida. When Mrs. Similar efforts by parents, the confirmation vote. making her the only cabinet question her loyalty to the tra-
DeVos, a school-choice activist, teachers and others around the Republicans hold 52 Senate nominee in history to win con- ditional public school system.
seemed to stumble in her con- country helped jam Senate seats, and Democrats have 48. firmation on a tiebreaking Supporters say her 30-plus
firmation hearing days later, phone lines for days. With two If no additional opponents to vote. years of dedication to the
Facebook messages began fly- Republican senators now op- her nomination emerge, the For a Democratic Party that school-choice movement and to
ing among the teachers about posed to Mrs. DeVos, her nomi- Senate will be tied, 50-50, leav- lacks the votes to stop Mr. widening educational options
Betsy DeVos during a Senate how to use the moment to nation would fail if a third Re- ing Vice President Mike Pence Trump’s nominees on its own, for low-income families make
confirmation hearing Jan. 17 lobby lawmakers. publican abandons her during with the deciding vote and the process has become a small her a good fit for the job.
©T&CO. 2017

Lines Drawn on Legislation in South

BY CAMERON MCWHIRTER ability to prosper,“ he said.
AND JON KAMP The Human Rights Cam-
paign, a national advocacy
ATLANTA—Socially conser- group for lesbian, gay, bisexual
vative legislation pushed by Re- and transgender people, said it
publicans in Southern states counted 250 bills in 38 states in
such as Georgia, Tennessee and 2016 that the group said could

Texas faces opposition from cause harm through steps like

some business groups worried eliminating local protections for
about the potential economic the LGBT community, or allow-
fallout. ing businesses to cite religion
Business coalitions with as a reason to deny services.
names like Texas Competes, Only five, including the
Georgia Prospers and Tennessee North Carolina bill restricting
Thrives are advocating against transgender bathroom access,
legislation that they say would became law. The Human Rights
allow discrimination based on Campaign says the low number
sexual identity, or could limit is in part due to staunch busi-
bathroom access for transgen- ness opposition.
der people. The next test may come in
Proponents of such legisla- Texas, where some lawmakers
tion say it protects religious be- Sign on a women’s bathroom door at a business in Texas. are trying to pass a bill that
liefs or public safety in bath- would put limits on transgender
rooms. The coalitions argue it ticultural affairs. “Those laws support these bills in Georgia bathroom access, similar to the
hurts states as they compete for do not reflect our values,” he are “keeping their heads down,” bill passed in North Carolina
businesses and workers. said. afraid to speak up for fear of re- last year that led to the exit of
Multinational companies in- Social conservatives also prisals. businesses and events from the
cluding Atlanta-based Delta Air claim public business support. David Fowler, president of state.
Lines Inc. and Memphis-based As controversy swirled follow- the Christian-conservative Fam- Speaking recently, Texas Love is...
International Paper Co., the ing the passage of North Caro- ily Action Council in Tennessee, House Speaker Joe Straus, a
Atlanta Falcons football team
and small businesses liked Ur-
lina’s bathroom law last year,
groups favoring the law listed
and a former state senator, sup-
ports bills in his state that have
San Antonio Republican, set the
table for a fractious debate SOMETHING TO
ban Hippie Chiropractic in Dal-
las have joined the effort in op-
backing from hundreds of local
business owners. One group,
drawn controversy, including a
bathroom-access measure that
“Many people where I come WRITE HOME ABOUT
position to the legislation. KeepNCSafe, says on its website failed last year and a law that from get concerned about any-
Bethesda, Md.-based Mar- it had more than 300 busi- allowed Tennessee counselors thing that could slow down our NEW SWEET NOTHINGS ENVELOPE CHARM
riott International Inc., which nesses sign a letter thanking to refuse and refer on clients overall job-creating machine,”
has signed up for both Texas the governor for the law that it based on personal principles. Mr. Straus said, addressing a
Competes and Georgia Prospers said allowed businesses to oper- He said Tennessee can main- conference sponsored by the
business coalitions because of ate “with their deeply held be- tain a business-friendly environ- Texas Association of Business
its properties in those states, liefs.” ment and its conservative roots. last month. “They’re also
found taking such positions “an Virginia Galloway, regional “The state as a whole has al- watching what’s happened in
easy call” because such laws are field director for the Atlanta- ways been conservative, partic- North Carolina, and they’re not 800 843 3269 | TIFFANY.COM
bad for business, said Apoorva based Faith and Freedom Coali- ularly on social issues, and it enthusiastic about getting that
Gandhi, vice president for mul- tion, said small businesses that obviously has not affected our type of attention.”
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A4 | Monday, February 6, 2017 P W L C 10 11 12 H T G K B F A M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O I X X **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Why Seattle Case Stands Above Others

Judge Robart’s ruling A day after Mr. Trump widely applied federal policy. to provide resolution to the
signed the order, a federal Judge Robart concluded the constitutional and other issues
for nationwide halt to judge in Brooklyn, N.Y., states were likely to succeed raised in the legal challenges.
Trump’s immigration blocked the government from on the merits of their claims, For instance, were the Ninth
deporting refugees, visa hold- but didn’t engage in a full anal- U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to
order has swift impact ers and others from the seven ysis of the constitutional is- enter a stay, the case would go
listed countries who had been sues. Rather, his ruling empha- back to Judge Robart, who
BY ASHBY JONES cleared to enter the U.S. but sized the impracticable nature would move forward with the


AND JACOB GERSHMAN were detained as they came of a piecemeal order. substance of the case rather
into country. Other factors could have than potentially have the case
In the 10 days since Presi- A federal judge in Virginia been at play in dictating the end up quickly before the Su-
dent Donald Trump handed last week temporarily blocked scope of the order since the preme Court, said Erwin
down his executive order on the federal government from plaintiffs were two states— Chemerinsky, an expert on the
immigration, plaintiffs have detaining green card holders at Washington and Minnesota— federal court system and the
flooded the courts with legal Dulles International Airport. rather than individuals. dean at the University of Cali-
challenges. As of Sunday, more A federal court in Los Ange- “It’s fairly straightforward fornia, Irvine, School of Law.
than two dozen petitions and les, meanwhile, issued a tem- to give relief when the plain- Early Sunday morning, the
lawsuits had been filed. porary restraining order on tiffs are individuals asking for Ninth Circuit denied a request
But for the moment, one Tuesday that prohibited the [something] specific and dis- from the Justice Department to
lawsuit looms above all others, government from denying en- crete,” said Adam Winkler, a lift the stay. Instead, the court
a case brought by Washington try to immigrants from the constitutional-law expert at asked for further legal brief-
state and Minnesota filed last seven countries with valid vi- the University of California, ings on the issue, the last of
week in Seattle federal court. Before U.S. District Judge James L. Robart’s ruling, several courts sas. The order didn’t address Los Angeles. “But when you them due Monday afternoon.
The pre-eminence of the Se- had curbed parts of President Trump’s travel ban. refugees or nonimmigrants, have a whole state, or two A halt of the stay would put
attle case, which now sits with such as students and tourists. states, it can be hard to give the Seattle case on a slower
a federal appeals court in San other rulings so far. the ruling on Saturday. Mr. Exactly why Judge Robart relief that’s short of compre- track, opening the door for
Francisco, owes largely to the The impact was immediate: Trump was critical of Judge chose the path he did wasn’t hensive.” other challenges and other rul-
breadth of the ruling made Travelers who had been Robart, referring to him as completely explained in his or- The ruling’s breadth might ings to move ahead of it.
Friday by U.S. District Judge barred from entering the U.S. “this so-called judge,” in a der. His broad power derives also have been driven by a per- “With so many cases coming
James L. Robart. under the order began to ar- tweet Saturday. He also said from the idea that in presiding ceived need to halt, at least up in so many courts, it’s not
While other courts have rive this weekend, without ap- the ruling was “ridiculous and over a dispute, a judge gener- temporarily, the confusion cre- clear that this case is going to
chipped away at Mr. Trump’s parent incident. will be overturned!” ally has the authority to bind ated by week’s other rulings, be the most important,” said
directive, the Seattle-based Legal experts called the Before Judge Robart’s ruling, the parties from acting in a say legal experts. Mr. Winkler. “How it plays out
judge ordered a nationwide move unusual, but well within several courts had curbed parts way deemed to violate the law. But despite its front-runner from here is anyone’s guess.”
halt to all of its main parts, a Judge Robart’s discretion to of Mr. Trump’s travel ban, but That power often inherently status at the moment, legal ex- —Joe Palazzolo
dramatic and controversial make. had largely chosen to leave the broadens when a case involves perts say there is no guarantee and Nicole Hong
move that went far beyond The White House appealed main thrust of it undisturbed. the U.S. government—and a the Seattle case will be the one contributed to this article.

GOP Bill Led to Nations

Named in Trump Order
BY JOE PALAZZOLO U.S. without a visa.
Ms. Miller’s bill forced coun-
White House officials had an tries to turn over intelligence
answer ready when reporters about their citizens with sus-
asked how President Donald pected terrorist links or face
Trump chose the seven coun- suspension from the visa-
tries whose citizens he tempo- waiver program.
rarily banned from entering the She introduced an amended
U.S.: He took his cues from the version of the bill the following
Obama administration. year. It included the informa-
Mr. Trump’s chief of staff, tion-sharing provisions and
Reince Priebus, said in a recent new restrictions on waivers.
appearance on NBC that the Citizens from the 38 countries
places named in Mr. Trump’s in the program who had made
executive order on immigration trips to Iran, Iraq, Sudan or
and refugees were “identified Syria since 2011 would be ineli-
by the Obama administration gible to enter the U.S. without
as the seven most dangerous a visa.
countries in the world in re- Ms. Miller declined to com- ANTONIO CALANNI/ASSOCIATED PRESS

gard to harboring terrorists ment.

and affirmed by Congress.” A stand-alone version of the
But most of the countries bill sailed through the House
were first identified in legisla- by a vote of 407-19. The legisla-
tion introduced by Republicans. tion, given urgency by the No-
The bill, which later passed vember 2015 Paris attacks, ulti-
Congress with bipartisan sup- mately passed as part of a
port, was aimed not at curbing spending bill in December 2015
immigration, but at pressuring and was signed by then-Presi-
European allies to share more dent Barack Obama. Iran-born bioengineer researcher Nima Enayati checked in on a flight from Milan to New York on Sunday afternoon.
terror-related intelligence. The new law required the
The story of how the seven
majority-Muslim countries
came to be in Mr. Trump’s or-
der begins with a 2014 bill in-
Department of Homeland Secu-
rity to decide whether travel to
any additional countries should
disqualify people from obtain-
FREEZE Travelers Trickle In
As Rules Change
for four months. The order re-
sulted in the revocation of tens
of thousands of visas.
easy. “I think it’s best not to
single out judges for criti-
cism,’’ Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) told
troduced by then-Rep. Candice ing visa waivers. Continued from Page One Camille Mackler of the New CNN on Sunday.
Miller, a Michigan Republican The department added potentially for months. York Immigration Coalition said Mr. Trump’s comments this
who retired from Congress this Libya, Somalia and Yemen to Given the current 4-4 split A handful of travelers who visa holders began arriving in weekend aren’t the first time
year. the list of disqualifying coun- on the Supreme Court be- had been barred from entering Boston and New York on Sat- he has publicly attacked a fed-
The bill sought to tighten tries last year, bringing the to- tween liberal-leaning and con- the U.S. under an executive or- urday and Sunday. “It’s back eral judge. During the presi-
the security of a federal pro- tal to seven. servative-leaning justices, it is der by President Donald Trump to business as usual, as far as dential campaign, he criticized
gram that allows citizens of the The Department of Home- possible that the losing side began to arrive this weekend, I can tell,” she said. a judge overseeing civil fraud
U.K., France and three dozen land Security didn’t respond to at the Ninth Circuit won’t be moving through customs with- Lawyers at Chicago’s lawsuits against Trump Uni-
other nations to travel to the a request for comment. able to muster the support out incident, immigration law- O’Hare International Airport versity, claiming Judge Gon-
needed among the justices for yers said. said visa holders from the zalo Curiel had “an absolute
high-court intervention. An The slow resumption of seven targeted countries were conflict’’ in presiding over the
emergency stay of the lower travel reflects the chilling ef- trickling in. Some had changed litigation because he was of
court ruling by the Supreme fect of the Jan. 27 order and their flights to get in as soon Mexican heritage. The judge

GOING OUT Court would require agree-

ment from five justices. A Su-
preme Court tie vote would
its associated legal uncertainty,
along with the difficulty in
quickly arranging for interna-
as possible after they heard of
a federal judge’s order Friday
that blocked the ban.
was born in the U.S.
After the election, Mr.
Trump reached a $25 million
OF BUSINESS leave the Ninth Circuit deci-
sion in place.
tional travel.
The executive order blocked
Refugee One, a Chicago
group that resettles refugees
settlement to end the litiga-
tion. He didn’t admit wrong-
The Ninth Circuit has long people from seven countries— in the area, said it was expect- doing.
After 40 years, been regarded as perhaps the Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Su- ing refugees to begin arriving Over the weekend, govern-
Cellini Jewelers nation’s most prominent left- dan, Syria and Yemen—from at O’Hare on Monday. ment lawyers filed court pa-
leaning appeals court, though entering the U.S. for 90 days —Joe Palazzolo and pers arguing that because the
is closing its doors
such leanings aren’t necessar- and paused refugee admissions Shibani Mahtani executive order was issued out
at the Waldorf Astoria ily predictive of how three- of a concern for national secu-
due to the hotel’s judge panels will rule on spe- rity, it is wrong and poten-
renovation cific issues. A large majority of eral and conservative presi- previous immigration split, tially dangerous for a court to
judges on the court have been dents have ruled against the however, highlights potential review such judgments.
appointed by Democratic pres- administration so far. But if court tensions. The justices “Judicial second-guessing of
idents. there were gridlock at the high deadlocked last June on the the president’s national secu-
The vacancy on the high court, the ruling from the Obama administration’s plan rity determination in itself im-
court remains open because Ninth Circuit could be the final to defer deportations and al- poses substantial harm on the
Republicans declined to act on word on what legal rules are low work authorization for federal government and the
U.S. Circuit Judge Merrick in place in the near term while millions of illegal immigrants. nation at large,’’ Justice De-
Garland’s nomination by for- a flurry of court challenges At some point months down partment lawyers wrote in le-
mer President Barack Obama unfold. the road, a nine-judge Su- gal papers defending the exec-
to succeed the late Justice An- Mr. Trump last week nomi- preme Court may decide to utive order.
tonin Scalia, saying they answer the overarching legal Noah Purcell, a lawyer for
wanted to allow voters to question of how much author- the state of Washington, which
weigh in on the court’s direc- ity a president has to decide had filed the suit, criticized
tion by electing the next presi-
A Supreme Court who does and doesn’t enter that reasoning at Friday’s
dent. emergency stay would the U.S. court hearing.
The justices have found Mr. Trump, meanwhile, “They’re basically saying
ways to come together in a
require agreement ramped up his criticism Sun- that you can’t review anything
range of cases, but even with from five justices. day of the legal wrangling about what the president does
Liquidating Chief Justice John Roberts’s over the ban, saying the courts or says, as long as he says it’s
all fine jewelry push for consensus, the eight- should be blamed if there is a for national security reasons.
member court has found itself terrorist attack. And that just can’t be the
and watches at loggerheads in some ideo- nated Judge Neil Gorsuch as For now, immigration law.’’
logically divisive cases. And his nominee to fill the vacant agents aren’t enforcing Mr. Mr. Trump’s executive or-
those tie votes have left some seat, though his nomination Trump’s Jan. 27 order. A small der, which suspended entry to
EVERYTHING MUST GO! areas of the law unsettled, in-
cluding in a major case last
process may become a pro-
longed fight given that some
number of people from the
targeted countries in the ban
the U.S. of visitors from Iran,
Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan,
year involving Obama adminis- Democratic senators feel they began to clear customs this Syria and Yemen, indefinitely
tration efforts to assist illegal were unfairly deprived of con- weekend without incident, im- barred Syrians from entering
immigrants. sideration for Judge Garland. migration attorneys said. as refugees. It cut the number
It isn’t yet clear if Mr. The eight current Supreme On Saturday, also on Twit- of refugees the U.S. will accept
Trump’s immigration order Court justices don’t automati- ter, Mr. Trump had referred to in fiscal 2017 to 50,000—less
would produce those kinds of cally split into ideological Judge Robart as “this so- than half the number former
divisions, and lower court camps and broad agreement called judge,” an attack that President Barack Obama called
judges appointed by both lib- among them is possible. The made some Republicans un- for this year.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | A5

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A6 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Al Qaeda in Yemen Urges Reprisal for Raid
Al Qaeda’s offshoot in Ye- AQAP’s narrative of defend-
men exhorted followers to ing Muslims against the West
take on the U.S. in response to and could increase anti-U.S.
a raid by American comman- sentiment and with it AQAP’s
dos that killed two senior fig- pool of recruits,” the Brus-
ures in the group, while the sels-based International Cri-
militants launched fresh at- sis Group said in a report on
tacks on territory held by the Tuesday.
internationally recognized AQAP has also begun at-
government. tacking villages recently in
the southern Abyan province,
By Asa Fitch in Dubai south of where the U.S. raid


and Saleh al-Batati in took place, according to local
Aden, Yemen residents. While it was un-
clear whether the assaults
Qasim al-Raymi, the leader were a direct response to the
of al Qaeda in the Arabian raid, AQAP fighters haven’t
Peninsula, or AQAP, com- made such a push in Abyan in
pared his group to extremists months.
fighting American forces in The areas attacked are
Iraq, Afghanistan and Soma- currently in control of Ye-
lia, according to a speech meni forces allied to the in-
translated by SITE Intelli- ternationally recognized gov-
gence Group, which tracks ex- ernment of President Abed
tremist activities and mes- Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Mr.
saging. Hadi is backed by a Saudi
“My message to our lions Arabia-led military coalition
in the battlefield [is] here Yemeni government forces in Zinjibar in August following an offensive to recapture the city from al-Qaeda jihadists. that is fighting an almost
comes America, stepping on two-year war against Yemen’s
your land with its arrogance An American special forces The raid, the first such op- had been considered under Experts have warned that Houthi rebels, who control
and pride,” Mr. Raymi said on unit attacked an AQAP com- eration under Mr. Trump and Mr. Obama’s watch. AQAP would try to exploit the capital, San’a.
Saturday, according to SITE. pound in a remote part of the first involving U.S. Mr. Raymi said 25 people, the raid to drum up anti- AQAP has tried to capital-
“Remind it with the raids of central Yemen on Jan. 29, ground troops in Yemen since including 14 men and 11 American feelings, as Mr. ize on the country’s chaos to
Mogadishu, the victories of killing militants and likely 2014, sparked controversy in women and children, were Raymi is doing, and attract gain territory during the war,
Kandahar, and the persis- some civilians, according to Washington as officials of the killed in the raid. Among the more recruits. but has lost significant
tence of Fallujah,” he added, U.S. officials. A U.S. Navy former administration of Ba- dead were two senior AQAP “The use of U.S. soldiers, ground over the past year.
referring to cities in Somalia, SEAL was killed in a firefight rack Obama disputed ac- figures—Abdulraoof al-Dha- high civilian casualties and Among the losses were its
Afghanistan and Iraq, respec- and three American soldiers counts of its planning and hab and Sultan al-Dhahab—he disregard for local tribal and headquarters in the southern
tively. were wounded. questioned assertions that it said. political dynamics…plays into coastal city of Al Mukalla.

U.N.’s New Chief Presses U.S. to Keep Up Its Support

BY FARNAZ FASSIHI as peacekeeping, climate change global body. as a vocal advocate for pro- three arms of the organization
and humanitarian relief. “We Mr. Trump, on his Twitter António tecting and sheltering refu- work as one entity.
UNITED NATIONS—Secretary are engaging in a dialogue….I account, has called the U.N. a Guterres, who gees. The U.S.’s new Ambassador
General António Guterres urged hope will lead to a confidence “club.” A draft executive order took charge In trying to convince Mr. to the U.N., Nikki Haley, has
the U.S. not to scale back its being built to allow the U.S. to prepared at the White House, Jan. 1, made Trump to maintain his sup- said that overhauling the or-
support for the United Nations, be a strong and reliable partner meanwhile, calls for a 40% cut structural port, he said, he intended to ganization, including getting rid
saying that any move to defund to the U.N.,” he said. in U.S. funding of international reforms a top highlight that negotiations of programs she called obsolete,
or disengage from the world “Whenever there is space organizations, including such priority. and deals are central to the is one of her priorities.
body would pave the way for left by someone, another programs as Unicef, which is U.N.’s success. Mr. Guterres said her goals
other nations to fill in the void. moves to occupy it,” he added. focused on children, and U.N. Mr. Guterres has made in- for greater efficiency weren’t
In an interview with The The U.S. contributes about peacekeeping. The Trump ad- ing process in which he con- stitutional reform the bedrock too far from his, adding that
Wall Street Journal, Mr. Gu- $8 billion a year to the U.N. ministration hasn’t formally sistently ranked first among of his vision. he believed that if the U.N.
terres said he hoped to send a and is its top donor. proposed the cuts and hasn’t his competitors for the job. In the interview, he said avoided overlap and improved
message to President Donald Mr. Guterres’s comments said whether the draft order is Previously, he served as Portu- one of his goals was to accountability, “it will be
Trump that “there is value” to followed indications by Mr. under serious consideration. gal’s prime minister and the streamline the U.N.’s develop- much easier with this adminis-
the U.S. for its contributions to Trump that he was rethinking Mr. Guterres took charge of head of U.N.’s refugee agency, ment, human rights and peace tration to have strong support
programs and operations such the U.S.’s commitment to the the U.N. on Jan. 1. after a poll- where he gained a reputation and security endeavors so the for what we do.”

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, February 6, 2017 | A7


Trump Draws Fire on Russia Stance Afghan

President appears to
draw an equivalence
between U.S., Putin,
sowing confusion At a High

President Donald Trump KABUL—More than 11,400

faced criticism Sunday from civilians were killed or injured
fellow Republicans as his ad- in Afghanistan last year, ac-
ministration sowed confusion cording to a United Nations
about its approach to Russia, report released Monday, a re-
the latest example of the new cord high amid rising armed
commander-in-chief creating clashes between the country’s
distractions from the work of coalition-backed government
unifying his party around forces and the Taliban.
plans to cut taxes and rework Civilian casualties increased
health-care laws. 3% year-on-year in 2016, in-
In an interview that aired cluding 3,498 deaths and 7,920
Sunday on Fox, Mr. Trump ap- injured, for which both the in-
peared to draw an equivalence surgents and Afghan govern-
between Russian President ment forces were responsible,
Vladimir Putin and the behav- the report said. The U.N.
ior of the U.S. He waved off a started keeping records in

description of Mr. Putin as “a 2009.

killer” by suggesting the U.S. Casualties were at a record
was similarly immoral. level for the second consecu-
“We’ve got a lot of killers,” tive year, reflecting the deteri-
Mr. Trump said on Fox. “You oration in security conditions
think our country’s so inno- in Afghanistan since the with-
cent?” drawal of most foreign troops
His comments drew a quick after the North Atlantic Treaty
rebuke from the Senate Re- U.S. President Donald Trump speaks on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Oval Office in January. Organization combat mission
publican leader—and others in ended at the end of 2014.
the party—and appeared to Trump had “a very good call” Trump took office that he ap- Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida; Mr. Pence also drew criti- “This appalling conflict de-
conflict with messages from with Ukrainian President peared to push his party off Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the cism from some in his own stroys lives and tears commu-
within his own cabinet. United Petro Poroshenko, addressing message and alienate Republi- daughter of former Vice Presi- party after he suggested that nities apart in every corner of
Nations Ambassador Nikki Ha- various topics including can leaders in Congress, fur- dent Dick Cheney; and Senate the U.S. could lift sanctions on Afghanistan,” said Tadamichi
ley criticized Russia in her “Ukraine’s long-running con- ther straining relationships Majority Leader Mitch McCon- Russia in the coming months Yamamoto, U.N. Special Repre-
first appearance at the U.N. flict with Russia.” with the lawmakers he will nell. if Mr. Putin cooperates with sentative of the Secretary-
Security Council on Thursday, Moscow has denied in- need to approve the robust “Putin is a former KGB the fight against Islamic State. General for Afghanistan.
when she called for “clear and volvement in a nearly three- agenda he promised on the agent—he’s a thug,” Mr. Asked on ABC’s “This The rise in civilian casual-
strong condemnation of Rus- year conflict with Ukrainian campaign trail. McConnell said Sunday on Week” whether sanctions on ties was driven by an escala-
sian actions” in Ukraine.” government forces in Instead of letting Republi- CNN. The Kentucky Republi- Russia would remain in place tion of fighting around heavily
Critics charged the presi- Ukraine’s east, despite evi- cans focus on praise for his can added that while he was as long as Moscow continued populated areas in provinces
dent with being too soft on a dence that it provides not Supreme Court nominee and “not going to critique every to violate the cease-fire in where the Taliban have sought
nation that is challenging and only weapons and fighters to pressuring Democrats for a utterance of the president, I Ukraine, Mr. Pence answered to overrun major cities.
complicating U.S. foreign pol- pro-Russian separatists there quick confirmation, Mr. obviously don’t see this issue that a decision would depend In October last year, the
icy in the Middle East and but also its own military units. Trump’s comments add fur- the same way he does… I on whether “we see the kind Taliban overran the provincial
Eastern Europe. The White House statement ther cracks to already tenuous don’t think there’s any equiva- of changes in posture by Rus- capital of Kunduz and threat-
The Trump administration quoted Mr. Trump as saying relationship with Congress. lency between the way the sia and the opportunity per- ened several other provinces,
also added to the uncertainty he would work with Ukraine, “There is confusion and Russians conduct themselves haps to work on common in- including southern Helmand
about its Russia strategy with Russia “and all other parties mixed signals, which is the and the way the United States terests,” including the fight and western Farah.
a statement released late Sat- involved to help them restore last thing the world needs at a does.’’ against terrorists. The escalation in attacks
urday, after a phone call with peace along the border.” The time of conflict and aggres- Vice President Mike Pence Mr. Rubio said sanctions forced the U.S. military to dis-
Ukraine’s president, that conflict, which flared up again sion,” said Adrian Karatnycky, defended Mr. Trump’s com- should only be lifted if Russia patch troops and air support
noted Russia’s involvement in last week, is taking place a senior fellow at the Atlantic ments Sunday, saying on NBC “ends violations of Ukraine to the besieged city centers to
the conflict there but ap- along a 250-mile front inside Council, a Washington think that the president was “not in sovereignty.” prop up struggling govern-
peared to misstate where the eastern Ukraine. tank. the least” drawing an equiva- —Devlin Barrett ment forces, adding to the toll
fighting is taking place. It marked the third consec- Republican criticism of Mr. lence between the U.S. and and James Marson on the civilian population
The statement said Mr. utive weekend since Mr. Trump’s remarks came from Mr. Putin. contributed to this article. caught in the fighting.

Continued from Page One
nals Mr. Trump and his circle
have sent regarding Moscow,
which have unnerved U.S. al-
lies and caught Republican
leaders in Congress off guard.

Days after the U.S. ambas-

sador to the United Nations,
Nikki Haley, said a surge in vi-
olence in eastern Ukraine de-
manded “clear and strong con-
demnation of Russian actions,”
Vice President Mike Pence
suggested Sunday that Wash-
ington could lift sanctions on
Moscow soon if it cooperated Ali Shamkhani, right, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National
in the U.S. fight against Is- Security Council, with Russia’s special envoy on Syria, Alexander
lamic State. Lavrentiev, in Tehran on Sunday
Mr. Trump spoke again
about wanting to mend rela- The Kremlin has said it the talks at a high-level, an in-
tions with Mr. Putin in an in- aims to mend ties with the vitation not extended while
terview that aired before Sun- U.S. under the Trump adminis- President Barack Obama was
day’s Super Bowl, saying “it’s tration but in recent months in office. Last week, the ad-
better to get along with Russia has also signaled its intent to ministration sent only a lower-
than not.” After Fox News host continue to build on its coop- level official, its ambassador
Bill O’Reilly said Mr. Putin was eration with Iran. to Kazakhstan.
a “killer,” the president re- Moscow and Tehran have Mr. Putin largely has suc-
sponded: “What, you think our
country’s so innocent?”
But those involved in the
formed a tight military alli-
ance in Syria in recent years.
The Kremlin is a major sup-
ceeded in saving the regime of
Mr. Assad from collapse
through a brutal air war in
The #1 heart care
latest policy discussions argue
there is a specific focus on
trying to drive a wedge be-
tween Russia and Iran.
plier of weapons systems and
nuclear equipment to Iran.
But the Trump administra-
tion is seeking to exploit what
Syria over the past 18 months.
But the Kremlin is interested
in fortifying its long-term mil-
itary presence in Syria and
in the nation.
“There’s daylight between
Russia and Iran for sure,” said
a senior European official who
has held discussions with Mr.
senior U.S., European and
Arab officials see as potential
divisions between Russia and
Iran over their strategy in
doesn’t necessarily view Mr.
Assad as an enduring partner,
these officials said.
Iran, conversely, is wholly
22 years in a row.
Trump’s National Security Syria and the broader Mideast. wedded to Mr. Assad as its
Council staff in recent weeks. “The issue is whether Putin primary partner for shipping It’s why people from 127 countries
“What’s unclear is what Putin is prepared to abandon [Aya- weapons and funds to Iran’s
would demand in return for tollah] Khamenei,” said Mi- military proxies in Lebanon traveled to Cleveland for heart care.
weakening the alliance.” chael Ledeen, an academic and the Palestinian territories.
But persuading Mr. Putin to who advised National Security “Russia is fully aware of the
break with Tehran would be Council Advisor Michael Flynn corruption and incompetence
immensely difficult and—a during the transition and co- of the Assad regime…[and]
number of Russian experts in wrote a book with him last knows that a stable Syria—a
Washington say—come at a year. “I think that might be country worth having military Same-day appointments available.
heavy cost likely to reverber- possible if he is convinced we bases in the long term—is un-
ate across America’s alliances will ‘take care’ of Iran. I doubt attainable with Assad at the
with its Western partners. Nor he believes that today.” helm,” said Fred Hof, a former
would Mr. Trump be the first Russia, Iran and Turkey State Department official who
U.S. president to pursue the have been leading talks in Ka- oversaw Syria policy during
strategy: The Obama adminis- zakhstan in recent weeks to President Obama’s first term.
tration spent years trying to try to end Syria’s six-year war. A number of Russia experts
coax Russia away from Iran, Participants in the discussions, in Washington say they believe
particularly in Syria, only to which have excluded high-level Mr. Putin would demand a
see the two countries intensify U.S. diplomats, said Russia has heavy price now for any move
their operations there to bol- appeared significantly more to distance himself from Iran.
ster the Damascus regime. open than the Iranians to dis- In addition to easing sanc- Call 1.855.299.APPT l /heartcare
“If the Kremlin is to reduce cussing a future without Presi- tions, they believe he would
its arms supplies to Iran, it is dent Bashar al-Assad. want assurances that the U.S.
likely to expect a significant A Russian-backed faction in would scale back its criticism
easing of sanctions,” said Dim- the talks has promoted the of Russia’s military operations
itri Simes, a Russia expert and creation of a new Syrian con- in Ukraine and stall further ex-
U.S. News & World Report 2016-17
president of the Center for the stitution and a gradual transi- pansion of North Atlantic
National Interest in Washing- tion away from Mr. Assad. Treaty Organization member-
ton. “The Russians don’t be- Moscow has pressed the ship for countries near the
lieve in free lunches.” Trump administration to join Russian border.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A8 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Colombia Rebels Start Transition to Peace

FARC guerrillas move of the rebels disarmed by
June, except for about 5% of
to secure zones even FARC combatants whom they
as government works expect to abstain from the
peace. Colombia’s Defense
to finish building them Ministry has said it plans to
pursue dissidents as orga-
BY KEJAL VYAS nized-crime gangs.
For the rebels, as well as
CALDONO, Colombia—It for farmers in this region of
was supposed to be a happy rugged, cloud-covered moun-
ending, with 6,300 Marxist tains, there are more serious
rebels marching on jungle concerns than creature com-
paths for days to lay down forts.
their guns in secure zones and The withdrawal of the
finally put one of the world’s FARC—a battle-hardened
longest-running civil conflicts group that until now has con-
to rest. trolled drug-producing regions
But as bedraggled fighters in the countryside—has
carrying Galil assault rifles sparked fears over who will
and rucksacks filed into fill the void amid a boom in
this remote hilltop village, coca, the plant used to make
they took stock with looks of cocaine. Rex Tillerson, who
dejection. The government had became U.S. secretary of state
promised them accommoda- on Thursday, said last month
tions with beds, running wa- he would “review the details”
ter, electricity, and fully of the peace pact and hold the
stocked kitchens. What they Santos government to its com-
found were sacks of cement in mitment to “rein in drug pro-
an empty field. duction.”
The scene here has been re- The Colombian government
peated at two dozen hamlets said unidentified gunmen
across this country, where reb- killed a dozen leftist activists
els from the FARC, or Revolu- in January, adding to nearly Above, a transition site in Cauca, Colombia, set to host FARC rebels. Below, FARC graffiti seen on a wall in the hamlet of San Antonio.
tionary Armed Forces of Co- 60 killed last year across re-
lombia, were congregating mote regions like this one. The promised. FARC’s still-to-be-founded po-
over the weekend as they be- threat has put former FARC “Doubts? We have lots of litical party.
gin a six-month process of fighters on edge. them,” she said as two trucks “People think we’re like the
surrendering weapons of war “Everyone from the guerril- and a bus, all packed with reb- police in these parts,” said
to United Nations monitors las to the surrounding commu- els, arrived on Wednesday. Karina, smiling at the irony,


and becoming civilians again. nities are scared about what Still, the rebels from the when asked about the group’s
Most of the guerrilla force comes next,” said a rebel who FARC, weakened by years of a relationship with local villag-
is expected to have assembled goes by the nom de guerre U.S.-supported military offen- ers.
in the next few days as gov- Marcela González. “We bet ev- sive to the point that peace While the prospect of peace
ernment contractors scramble erything on this.” talks became a logical option, has given many in Colombia
to build housing. Clipboard in hand, Ms. said they were ready to give hope, it has also polarized so-
President Juan Manuel San- González, who has spent 30 of peace a chance. ciety. Mr. Santos, who won the
tos and his aides have ac- her 50 years with the FARC, “Our only weapon will be Nobel Peace Prize for working
knowledged difficulties in get- was supervising some 200 words,” reads a FARC welcome to end the 52-year conflict,
ting promised supplies to the comrades, most in civilian at- sign at the entrance to the had to resort to congressional
camps, citing their far-flung tire, as they carried in bamboo makeshift camp here. A 29- approval of the peace deal af-
locations. poles to set up a makeshift year-old guerrilla using the ter voters rejected an earlier
But they said they were still campsite while awaiting the alias Karina said she hoped to version of it in an October ref-
on track to have the majority housing the government had work as an activist for the erendum.

Trump Gives Poland Reason to Reset EU Ties Church

increased support for do-
mestic small and midsize
businesses, paid for in part
by demanding foreign inves-
tors pay more tax in Poland.
But in the absence of deep
domestic capital markets, he
For ‘Reign
also knows that Poland re-
mains heavily reliant on for-
eign investment, which in
Of Terror’

turn hinges on the country

German Chancellor Angela restoring its reputation for
Merkel’s trip to Poland this strong institutions and pre- The Roman Catholic Church
week is an important moment dictable decision-making. in the Philippines slammed
for both sides—and for all of President Rodrigo Duterte’s

Europe. Since Poland’s conser- s. Merkel’s visit of- war on drugs in a sermon deliv-
vative Law and Justice party fers an opportunity ered during Sunday’s services,
took office in October 2015, for Poland to begin marking its strongest opposi-
the Polish government has the process of resetting its tion yet to a flagship policy
been a persistent thorn in the relationship with the EU. that has led to the deaths of
side of the European Union. Germany is the biggest in- more than 7,000 people in the
Whereas its predecessor vestor in Poland and a cru- last seven months.
prioritized building a network cial ally in Polish attempts to Church leaders, in a pastoral
of alliances across the conti- German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in Malta on Friday, heads to Warsaw this week. persuade the U.S. and other letter by the Catholic Bishops’
nent and es- European partners to take a Conference of the Philippines,
tablishing a national security since the bility in the Baltic states. Pol- questions about how it will hard-line against Russian re- called Mr. Duterte’s antinarcot-
reputation as arrival of Donald Trump in ish ministers and officials fund these handouts, particu- visionism in Western Europe. ics campaign a “reign of terror
a reliable the White House. What Pol- have been trying to estab- larly after a fall in the rate of That said, there is little evi- in many places of the poor.”
partner, the ish ministers and officials lish—so far without success— growth in 2016 to 2.7%, com- dence that Warsaw is ready They said that while illegal
current gov- fear most is a deal between where Mr. Trump intends to pared with expectations of to back down on the two ma- drug trafficking needs to be
ernment has Mr. Trump and Russian Pres- draw the border of U.S. influ- 3.5%, in large part because of jor points of conflict. Oppo- stopped, “the solution does not
adopted a more confronta- ident Vladimir Putin over ence in the region and a slowdown in investment. sition to mandatory resettle- lie in the killing of suspected
tional approach, particularly Ukraine that forces the gov- whether this includes Poland. The government says for- ment of refugees remains drug users” and dealers.
over the question of EU asy- ernment in Kiev to take back eign investment remains ro- resolute across the Polish Opposition to Mr. Duterte’s

lum reform, where it has the Donbas region on terms arsaw has no inten- bust and that the shortfall re- political spectrum. drug war has intensified in the
blocked proposals for the that will make Ukraine un- tion of being drawn flects lower spending by local Nor does Warsaw have any past week, following the al-
mandatory redistribution of governable, creating instabil- into any European councils and slower deploy- intention of backing down in leged murder in police custody
refugees across the bloc. ity along Poland’s eastern anti-Trump front. Nonetheless, ment of EU funds. Opponents its dispute with Brussels over of a South Korean business-
Meanwhile, the European border. They fear that the it is clearly in Warsaw’s inter- say this is the government’s the rule of law, believing the man after he was abducted by
Commission has accused latest upsurge in violence in ests to repair its relations with fault for firing officials with commission overreached by antinarcotics officers. After
Warsaw of abusing the rule eastern Ukraine is a ploy by other EU members who might relevant technical and financial intervening in what was a do- strangling the businessman,
of law, not least because of Mr. Putin to bring Mr. Trump be better placed to exercise le- expertise and replacing them mestic political dispute. Jee Ick-joo, to death, the offi-
changes to Poland’s constitu- to the negotiating table. verage on Mr. Trump. with incompetent party hacks. Besides, Ms. Merkel may cers allegedly pretended he
tional tribunal, and threat- There is also growing anxi- Poland also has economic Deputy Prime Minister be willing to sweep both is- was still alive to extract a ran-
ened reprisals. ety in Warsaw over evidence reasons to want to reset its re- Mateusz Morawiecki has am- sues under the carpet in the som from his wife.
But Poland has good rea- of Russia attempting to ex- lationship with the EU. The bitious plans to boost long- interests of wider strategic The incident, which took
sons to want to reset its re- tend its soft power in Be- government has embarked on term potential growth and priorities. Whether other EU place in October but came to
lationship with the rest of larus, as well as the prospect a substantial program of social enable Poland to escape its members are willing to do so light last month, shocked the
the EU. The first concerns of Moscow stirring up insta- spending. That has raised middle-income trap through is another matter. political establishment in the
Philippines, leading to calls
for police chief Gen. Ronald

Arrests in Russia Spur Questions on Hacking Links Dela Rosa, a staunch ally of
the president, to step down.
Mr. Dela Rosa kept his job but
promptly suspended all antin-
MOSCOW—A series of high- an employee at Kaspersky tween the Kremlin and President officials who moonlight as Kaspersky Lab confirmed arcotics operations of the po-
profile arrests in Russia, pur- Lab, Russia’s most prominent Donald Trump’s campaign. hackers for hire and may have that one of its employees had lice force, handing the respon-
portedly including officers of cybersecurity firm—as being The roundup of Russian in- been jeopardizing ongoing in- been arrested. A spokeswoman sibility over to a much smaller
the country’s secretive Federal part of a treason case. telligence officials has the ear- telligence operations. for the Moscow-based firm, a drug-enforcement agency.
Security Service and a cyber- Russian officials haven’t marks of a classic mole hunt, The Kremlin has made only well known provider of antivi- Sunday’s criticism from the
security expert, has intelli- publicly confirmed details of some current and former in- a cryptic acknowledgment of rus technology, confirmed that Catholic church adds further
gence officials on both sides of the case or the arrests, but lo- telligence officials said. But the recent arrests. Kremlin Ruslan Stoyanov, the head of pressure on the government
cal news outlets have reported spokesman Dmitry Peskov said an investigation unit at at a time when it is reeling
By Nathan Hodge and dramatic details, including the Wednesday that Russian Presi- Kaspersky Lab, was arrested. from Mr. Jee’s murder. The
Olga Razumovskaya in arrest of one of the intelli- dent Vladimir Putin had most Mr. Stoyanov, who joined Philippines is one of the
Moscow and gence officers at an FSB meet-
The Kremlin has likely been briefed on a cyber- Kaspersky Lab in 2012, worked world’s most Catholic coun-
Shane Harris in ing, with the suspect being led made only a cryptic espionage case that has been for the Russian Interior Minis- tries; more than 80% of Filipi-
Washington away with a bag over his head. making headlines in Russia. “I try’s cybercrime unit in Mos- nos identify as belonging to
The reports have fueled spec-
acknowledgment of do not rule out that, as part of cow between 2000 and 2006, the religion.
the Atlantic trying to unravel ulation among Western intelli- the recent arrests. [intelligence] reports, informa- according to his LinkedIn pro- To date, however, Mr. Du-
a mystery they suspect may be gence officials who have been tion was provided in a timely file. He couldn’t be reached for terte’s drug war remains popu-
connected to Russian hacking monitoring the situation closely manner to the president” on comment. lar among Filipinos, who have
in the U.S. that the arrests may be tied to the matter, Mr. Peskov said. “This case is not related to embraced the tough talk and
Russian news media have allegations that Russia was in- they said there are other plau- The FSB hasn’t spoken pub- Kaspersky Lab,” the company expletive-laced language of a
described the arrests—includ- volved in hacking aimed at influ- sible explanations why Russian licly about the matter and said. “Ruslan Stoyanov is un- president who has taken swift
ing at least two intelligence encing the recent U.S. presiden- authorities would go after hasn’t responded to a formal der investigation for a period and bloody action against a
officials at the FSB, the suc- tial election and an unverified their own spies, including request for comment from The predating his employment at problem that many see as fuel-
cessor agency to the KGB, and dossier alleging collusion be- cracking down on government Wall Street Journal. Kaspersky Lab.” ing crime and corruption.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | A9


Zambia Battles a Corn-Crop Pest

Avalanches Leave
Dozens Dead
BY NICHOLAS BARIYO Avalanches in Afghanistan
have killed at least 54 people in
Zambia’s military is fighting the past three days and left
a life-or-death battle. dozens of others injured, officials
Soldiers toting pesticide said on Sunday.
pumps in backpacks are work- The death toll may rise as re-
ing to eradicate a recent inva- ports come in from remote ar-
sion of armyworms, inch-long eas, officials said. Mohammad
brown-and-yellow-striped cat- Aseem, governor of the hard-hit
erpillars that are exacerbating northern province of Parwan,
Southern Africa’s worst grain said that 16 people were killed
shortage in a decade. Above, and eight others injured in ava-
troops flying Chinese Harbin lanches in two districts. Many
helicopters drop pesticide to roads to affected areas were
farms whose corn crops are blocked by snow, he said.
being devoured. More than 150 homes have
“It was a surprise outbreak been destroyed by the ava-
which required a military-style lanches, said Omer Mohammadi,
response,” said John Ndhlovu, spokesman for the Afghan state
a spokesman for Zambia’s mil- minister for disaster manage-
itary. ment and humanitarian affairs.
The unprecedented offen- The avalanches, which came
sive against the armyworms after heavy snowfall, also have
highlights the threat to Afri- killed hundreds of animals and
can countries from plant-eat- destroyed several thousand
ing pests that find hospitable acres of farmland, Mr. Moham-
conditions because of increas- madi said. On Sunday, the gov-
ingly volatile weather patterns ernment declared a public holi-
scientists have associated with day due to the heavy snowfall.

climate change. —Associated Press

Since late last year, army-
worms—so called because FRANCE
they march in large forma-
tions and leave behind de- Suspect in Louvre
struction—have invaded a Attack Is Silent
third of Zambia’s 3.5 million Small-scale farmer Mutale Sikaona and agriculture officials examine corn plants attacked by armyworms in Keembe district, Zambia.
acres of cornfields. An Egyptian man suspected
They have also crossed over to spray,” said the 35-year-old armyworms crossed the Atlan- of charging soldiers at Paris’s
into Zimbabwe and Malawi, mother of three. “By the time Threatened Harvest tic on container ships ferrying Louvre museum with a machete
two countries that depend on I received pesticides, the ar- Zambia produces more corn than it needs, unlike many of its grain imports from South was questioned Sunday by
international food aid after a myworms had consumed most neighbors in Southern Africa, but a pest invasion threatens yields. America. They were first de- French investigators for the first
severe drought last year. of the plants. I don’t how I will tected in West Africa last year, time since Friday’s attack.
South Africa, Africa’s top corn feed my children.” Corn deficit/surplus for 2016–2017 season, in millions of metric tons before making their way The Paris prosecutor’s office
grower, confirmed Friday that The armyworm outbreak south, the Zambia Farmers said the suspect, who allegedly
armyworms had invaded two has delivered a one-two punch Union said. shouted “Allahu akbar!” while
of its corn-growing provinces, to a region still reeling after Lesotho “It will take a bit of time rushing toward the soldiers and
according to Bomikazi Molapo, its worst drought in 35 years. before farmers and other was shot four times after
the spokeswoman for the Last year, Zambia was the only Botswana stakeholders understand how slightly injuring one, remained si-
country’s Ministry of Agricul- country in Southern Africa Malawi to manage” the new pest, said lent during the interview and
ture, Forestry and Fisheries. that produced more corn than David Phiri, regional coordina- will remain in custody.
Brenda Chihame, who it needed and expectations of Zimbabwe tor for Southern Africa for the The Louvre was closed imme-
grows corn on a family farm in a serious grain shortage this South Africa
United Nations’ Food and Ag- diately following the attack, but
Zambia’s Copper Belt, hoped year have driven up lo- riculture Organization. reopened for the weekend.
for a record harvest this year cal corn prices to 50% above –2,000 –1,500 –1,000 –500 0 500 Corn is the main ingredient Authorities haven’t thus far
after early rains persuaded her their five-year average. Sources: FAO, FEWSNET THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. for the region’s staple food, a named the suspect, but con-
to double plantings. But one The shortages and price in- starchy thick porridge known firmed he was likely a 29-year-
morning in late December she creases threaten to compound tons in 2016-17, compared with But this year’s outbreak as nsima that millions eat at old Egyptian man.
noticed moths perched on the hunger in a region containing an average surplus of three caught many unprepared be- every meal. He matches the photo and
lush green shoots in a corner some 40% of the world’s poor- million tons. cause it is led by so-called fall “Food-price pressures risk fingerprints of an Egyptian resi-
of her garden. Soon after, a le- est populations. Southern Africa has fallen armyworms, which are usually stoking social and economic dent of Dubai who arrived
gion of armyworms had U.S.-funded research group victim to armyworm attacks in endemic to the Americas and tensions” in the entire region, France on Jan. 26, said French
gnawed its way across the Famine Early Warning Sys- the past and governments and immune to the pesticides that warned Irmgard Erasmus, an antiterror prosecutor François
five-acre farm. tems Network said it expects farmers usually store pesti- kill African armyworms. analyst with NKC Africa Eco- Molins.
“I did not even get a chance a corn deficit of five million cides to fend off an incursion. Scientists believe the fall nomics. —Associated Press


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A10 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


MEXICO that the gringos are not our

enemies,” says Armando San-
tacruz, 55, president of a Mex-
ican company that distributes
Continued from Page One chemicals throughout Latin
his four predecessors, two Re- America. “Every day, Mexicans
publicans and two Democrats, had less of a chip on their
has undermined America’s shoulder. It was all: Let’s get
economy by encouraging U.S. down and do business, Mexi-
manufacturers to relocate jobs cans and gringos.”
south of the border, and its se- In a 2015 survey of atti-
curity by what he calls lax en- tudes around the world to-
forcement of immigration re- ward the U.S., the Pew Re-
strictions. search Center found one of the
The U.S. trade deficit with biggest generation gaps in
Mexico, he notes, has in- Mexico: 74% of Mexicans be-
creased. Mexico “has outnego- tween the ages of 18 and 29
tiated us and beat us to a pulp had a favorable view of the
through our past leaders,” he U.S., compared with 55%
said on Jan. 27. “They’ve among those age 50 or older.
made us look foolish.” On Over the past decade, U.S.
Thursday, he told U.S. lawmak- law enforcement and military
ers he is aiming to “kick-start” authorities have helped train
the Nafta renegotiation pro- their Mexican counterparts to
cess. fight drugs and organized


The escalating tension has crime—a once-unthinkable col-
called into question whether laboration given historical
the friendliness of the past sensitivities. In 2016, Mexico
three decades will endure, or deported close to 150,000 non-
whether the two neighbors Mexican immigrants headed to
will revert to the hostility the U.S.
common during the first 170 Despite those ties, U.S.-
years of U.S.-Mexican rela- Mexico relations have been a
tions. Much will depend on The U.S.-Mexico border near Ciudad Juarez; bonds between the nations have been tested lately by President Donald Trump’s remarks. sensitive subject for some
whether early signs of a work- Americans suspicious of the
ing relationship between impact of Mexican exports and
lower-level officials will over- A Closed Economy Democracy didn’t return for
What Mexico Trades with the U.S.
immigrants on the U.S. econ-
come President Trump’s pro- nearly 90 years. omy and on their communi-
pensity to rile the Mexican For Several Decades Yet Mexico never fully Total U.S.-Mexico trade was $590 billion in 2015. ties, even as the number of il-
government. turned against the U.S. It re- legal immigrants crossing the
The confrontation is spark- buffed a German attempt to Mexico exports to the U.S. Mexico imports from the U.S. border has dropped in recent
ing a nationalist backlash in Mexican sensitivities about enlist Mexico against the U.S. in years. From the start of his
Mexico not seen in years. Mr. American slights are studded World War I in exchange for Capital goods presidential campaign, Mr.
Trump’s insistence that Mex- throughout the history of the the return of Mexico’s old lands. Trump made a point of speak-
ico pay for the proposed relationship. The seminal event In World War II, Mexico de- $88 billion $83 billion ing to those voters’ concerns
wall—a demand seen as an in- in Mexican history is the clared war on Axis powers and in blunt terms.
sult in Mexico—prompted the 1846-48 war that led the U.S. sent a fighter squadron to the Automobiles
normally mild-mannered Mexi- to take half of Mexico’s land. Pacific to fight the Japanese. $106 billion $34 billion
can President Enrique Peña Ni- Late 19th and early 20th cen- After the war, Mexico Job losses
eto leader to call off a planned tury dictator Porfirio Díaz said: closed off its economy to the Industrial Even Nafta advocates ac-
visit to Washington. “This is “Poor Mexico, so far from God outside world. “Made in Mex- $34 billion $79 billion knowledge job loss from the
not a negotiating strategy,” and so close to the United ico” became paramount. Mex- pact. In a 2014 report, the Pe-
Foreign Minister Luis Videga- States.” ico stayed on the sidelines of Consumer goods terson Institute for Interna-
ray told a Mexican broad- Behind-the-scenes maneu- the Cold War. Mexican school- $40 billion $15 billion tional Economics put the an-
caster. “This is a limit we are vering by a U.S. ambassador children grew up reading text- nual net U.S. job loss from
not going to cross because it’s helped lead to the 1913 assas- books that highlighted the his- Food trade with Mexico at 15,000,
about Mexican dignity.” sination of Mexico’s first dem- toric danger the U.S. posed to $23 billion $16 billion
while also citing research ar-
A recently trending Twitter ocratically elected leader. That their country. guing that the offsetting bene-
hashtag was #FueraStarbucks, intensified the Mexican revolu- —Jacob M. Schlesinger Travel fit to the U.S. economy was
or Starbucks Out, referring to tion, when some 700,000 died. and David Luhnow several hundred thousand dol-
the American coffee chain that $14 billion $17 billion lars for each lost job.
has opened hundreds of shops Other services Some Mexicans view Mr.
across Mexico. The flare-up is Washington for talks on how Friday to smooth things over. Trump as a blip in the increas-
stoking support for populist to proceed with the bilateral Both sides agreed not to dis- $8 billion $15 billion ing integration of North Amer-
leftist Andrés Manuel López agenda. The timing was seen cuss the issue of payment for Other goods
ica. Cross-border supply
Obrador, an early front-runner in Mexico as a diplomatic slap the wall publicly. Mr. Trump chains in industries such as
in next year’s presidential in the face. was quoted as saying Mexico $9 billion $8 billion autos will make unwinding
election, who has branded Mr. Nevertheless, Foreign Min- wasn’t doing a good job tack- commercial ties costly and
Trump’s actions “foreign ag- ister Videgaray and Economy ling drug gangs, whom he Total complicated. Some 4.9 million
gression” and declared “the Minister Ildefonso Guajardo called “bad hombres,” anger- $322.4 billion U.S. jobs are linked to exports
fatherland is first.” A recent met with senior White House ing many in a nation that has $267.2 billion to Mexico, the U.S.’s second-
poll showed 59% of Mexicans officials over two days, includ- lost hundreds fighting cartels. biggest export market, accord-
think relations with the U.S. ing Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Mr. Trump says his tough Source: U.S. Commerce department THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
ing to a recent estimate by the
are bad or very bad, compared Jared Kushner and top aide stance on trade, immigration Wilson Center, a nonpartisan
with 13% two years ago. and the border wall will help, think tank in Washington.
Mr. Trump’s approach to not hurt, ties between the two table and strengthen and im- wanted a stable neighbor,” There are more than 160 mil-
Mexico is an early test for his
foreign policy—one that gives
Mr. Trump’s policies countries. “By working to-
gether on positive trade, safe
prove the Nafta agreement.”
Starting in the early 1980s,
says Carla Hills, who launched
the Nafta negotiations as Pres-
lion Mexicans and Mexican-
Americans in North America.
primacy to trade and promises on Mexico have set borders and economic cooper- financial crises rocked Mexico, ident George H.W. Bush’s trade Just as Mexico was begin-
to rethink longstanding alli-
ances and assumptions. How
off a nationalist ation, I truly believe we can
enhance the relation between
and millions headed to “El
Norte”. Mexico’s government
Mexico signed more free-
ning to view itself more as
North American than Latin
the confrontation with Mexico backlash there. our two nations to a degree began slowly opening the trade deals than any country American, it feels to many in
plays out could affect how the not seen before in a very, very economy. in the world. Nafta and trade Mexico as if the U.S. wants to
Trump presidency takes on long time,” he said when an- helped stabilize its economy kick it out of the neighbor-
other challenges overseas, es- nouncing his actions. “I think following the 1994-95 peso hood. Mr. Trump’s emphasis
pecially in trying to redress a Steve Bannon. “The meetings our relationship with Mexico Future with the U.S. collapse and eventually helped on building a wall—a fence al-
trade imbalance with China. were going well until Trump’s is going to get better.” In 1988, then-President Car- pull millions out of poverty. ready exists along much of the
“Trump inherited an inbox tweet,” said a high-ranking Michael C. Camúñez, chief los Salinas decided to advance The pact forced Mexico to em- border—sends a pointed mes-
of foreign policy problems that Mexican official in reference to executive of Washington con- the opening by seeking part- brace investment rules and sage to Mexicans, says
could be described as daunt- Mr. Trump’s suggestion that sulting firm ManattJones nerships with more advanced protections demanded by Lorenzo Meyer, a leading Mex-
ing,” said Richard Haass, pres- the Mexican president cancel Global Strategies and a former economies. He has said the in- Western companies, opening ican historian.
ident of the Council on For- his U.S. visit if his country U.S. assistant Commerce sec- difference he encountered on its economy to a flood of for- “The idea, which had been
eign Relations who formerly wasn’t prepared to pay for the retary in the Obama adminis- trips to Japan and Europe eign direct investment. Mexico accepted in Mexico, that we
worked in George W. Bush’s wall. tration, said that “despite the made him realize that Mexico’s also became a full democracy. were a part of—a poor part of,
State Department. “What he A White House official said, rhetoric, there’s actually a future was with the U.S. The Nafta era largely erased but part of—North America
has done with Mexico and “President Trump and his plausible scenario in which the He told countrymen they anti-Americanism, one of the has been destroyed,” says Mr.
China is add to that inbox.” team continue to have produc- U.S.-Mexico relationship could had to change the way they foundations of the nationalist Meyer. “Trump is saying, we
Mr. Trump formally an- tive meetings on a wide range ironically emerge even stron- thought of the U.S.: It wasn’t PRI regime which ruled from have changed the definition of
nounced his plan to go ahead of issues with officials from ger, commercially speaking, their greatest threat, he said, 1929 until 2000, and returned who belongs in North America,
with the border wall on the Mexico.” under a Trump administration but their greatest opportunity. in 2012 under Mr. Peña Nieto. and it’s just us and Canada.”
same day that high-ranking Aides to both leaders set up because of the political will- American leaders re- “Nafta has created a men- —José de Córdoba
Mexican officials arrived in another phone call for that ingness to actually get to the sponded enthusiastically. “We tality in younger Mexicans contributed to this article.

STRAIN ter people to the couch, “you’ll

still be able to do your work”
after smoking it, said Mr.
Canady. “It’s not too couchy.”
stimulating type of cannabis
called sativa has “citrus fla-
vors, which go naturally with
fish or chicken,” he said.
Northern California was cho-
sen by growers in the days
when marijuana was illegal be-
cause it was easy to conceal
Continued from Page One In the pot world, citrus, At home, the 31-year-old, from law enforcement, not be-
parts of California deserve pine, earthy, floral and spice who is the CEO of Cultivating cause it is the ideal climate for
their own exclusive appella- odors are good things, while Spirits, said he is partial to a the plant.
tions for cannabis, like Cham- buds that smell “strongly of combination of fish tacos with “The best stuff I could grow

pagne and Bordeaux wine in salt and pepper” and those some Golden Goat, which has is if I were in the Central Val-
France, or Napa Valley Caber- that evoke “rancid old gym “a lemony pine taste.” ley,” he said, referencing the
net Sauvignon just down the lockers” are negatives, accord- “Braised Oxtail with Creamy sun-drenched region that pro-
road. ing to instructors at the Corn Porridge and Orange-Po- duces much of the country’s
Soon, a Mendocino Kush Trichome Institute, which blano Marmalade” paired with fruits and vegetables as well as
could take its place in this pan- trains cannabis sommeliers in Blue Dream, which “balances large cannabis crops.
theon—not to be sold by grow- Colorado. full-body relaxation with gen- Emerald Triangle farmers
ers from any other region. “Cannabis itself has a bad tle cerebral invigoration,” was are hoping to snag the high
Behind the push is the no- stigma because our culture part of a seven-course dinner end of the market in the com-
tion of terroir, which holds makes it that way—every TV hosted in Boulder, Colo., late petition with production from
that unique climate, soil and show or movie shows cannabis last month by the Mason Jar the Central Valley, which can
farming practices influence ag- Nick Smilgys, who has served as a judge in the Emerald Cup users as stoners,” said Max Event Group. be cultivated year-round.
ricultural crops. It stretches cannabis competition, takes a whiff of locally grown marijuana. Montrose, 28, Trichome’s pres- Of course, cannabis fa- Legal cannabis sales in Cali-
back centuries to the grape- ident. “Cannabis is also an- mously stimulates the appetite fornia could be worth about
growing monks of Burgundy, cannabis aficionados extolled It doesn’t taste like coffee— cient, and it’s way more so- in ways that wine doesn’t. “We $6.2 billion in five years, ac-
France, who, legend has it, the virtues of the local product the effects are like drinking a phisticated in how many types don’t have a lot of leftovers, cording to estimates from the
tasted the soil in an effort to on a cold afternoon in January. cup of it, he said. there are and how it affects I’ll tell you that,” said Kendal Arcview Group, a cannabis in-
demarcate different wine re- “A lot of it starts with nose Later, the men smoked a people in so many ways.” Norris, the founder of Mason dustry investment and market
gions. and look,” said Nick Smilgys, joint and commented on Long Mr. Montrose teaches peo- Jar. research firm.
Wine connoisseurs taste the whose palate has earned him a Valley Royal Kush, a strain that ple how to discern the effects As California’s cannabis Part of that will be market-
subtle differences between position as a judge at the Em- does particularly well on the of a particular marijuana farmers gear up to make the ing Northern California’s out-
grapes grown just miles from erald Cup, which Rolling Stone Mendocino coast because it strain by smelling and looking case for their unique location, law past, reminiscent of Prohi-
each other in slightly different magazine has called “the Acad- can grow in the at it. His students have been there is still debate over bition-era bootleggers, said Mr.
climates. Now, as pot laws re- emy Awards of the cannabis shorter warm season here, Mr. growers, pot shop owners and whether the Emerald Trian- Calvino, who has been growing
lax around the country, “can- industry.” Calvino said. even chefs who want to pair gle—Mendocino, Humboldt in the area for close to a de-
nasseurs” are refining their Mr. Smilgys eyeballed a “The taste is amazing, it’s food with cannabis. and Trinity counties—is as cade.
own taste buds for buds. sample of Coffee Kush, noting like lavender and gas,” said Indica “has more earthy special as France’s Bordeaux “We’re like an American
Surrounded by the towering the “bluish highlights.” He held Brett Canady, the man who tones and goes better with red region. treasure: we’ve lived through
redwood trees at Mr. Calvino’s it up and took a deep whiff, de- tends the crops here. meats,” said Philip Wolf, who Ed Rosenthal, a founder of some s—,” he said. “The hip-
Mendocino County farm, claring it was “leaning more The effect is unique as well. leads $249 tours in Colorado High Times Magazine who is sters are going to love that—
where bright blue peacocks toward fruity than fuely. You Even though it is an indica, a that feature cannabis-food known as the Guru of Ganja, it’s like meeting Machine Gun
roam free, he and two other got earthy in there, too.” relaxing variety known to plas- pairings. In contrast, the more said this foggy region of Kelly.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Monday, February 6, 2017 | A10A


Man Charged
With Killing
Queens Jogger
BY ZOLAN KANNO-YOUNGS displaying suspicious behavior
in the area around Spring
A 20-year-old man from the Creek Park.
East New York section of Investigators looked into a
Brooklyn was arrested for the report filed by officers who
strangling death of a jogger had stopped Mr. Lewis at that
last summer in a Queens park, time and found he had been
the New York Police Depart- issued three criminal sum-
ment said Sunday. monses for quality-of-life of-
Chanel Lewis faces a charge fenses near the park.
of murder in the second degree Chief Boyce said the police

for allegedly killing Karina Ve- had been confident that who-
trano, 30, in early August, Chief ever killed Ms. Vetrano lived in
of Detectives Robert Boyce East New York because cam-
said. eras didn’t show anyone leav-
The Saturday night arrest ing the Howard Beach side of
came after police said they the park on the night she was
matched the man’s DNA with killed.
crime-scene evidence from “So now we turned to East
Spring Creek Park in the How- New York, Brooklyn, and that
ard Beach section of Queens, bicycle path that runs along the
which abuts East New York. Belt [Parkway],” he said.
“This was a three-week
Joshua Mahinanda Kangere in his apartment with Deo Byakisaka, right, his case manager from International Institute of Connecticut. crime scene in the hot August
sun,” Chief Boyce said. “Our
A DNA match led

A New Country, a New Life

field investigators and forensic
investigation division worked to the man’s arrest:
thoroughly and tirelessly.”
On Sunday afternoon, the
‘Karina helped us
NYPD detectives walked Mr. identify this person.’
Congo refugee is one his life, said politics aren’t Lewis out of the 107th Precinct

of last to arrive in U.S.

his primary concern. He is Local Groups Boost gram for four months and to a police car that took him to
more focused on finding a job stopped acceptance of Syrian the Queens Central Booking
before ban took effect; so he can eventually bring his Refugee Assistance refugees indefinitely. building to await arraignment. Police spoke to Mr. Lewis on
family—he has 10 children— Each year, the U.S. resettles The suspect didn’t com- Thursday and he willingly gave
feeling lonely—and cold to the U.S. With a federal court ruling tens of thousands of refugees ment before he was put into a swab of his DNA. A match
“I can’t say I will change my over the weekend that lifted who each go through a vetting the police car. A lawyer for was made with DNA found on
BY KATE KING life without working,” Mr. Kan- the ban on refugee arrivals, the process that can take two years. Mr. Lewis couldn’t be reached Ms. Vetrano’s body, police said.
gere said in Swahili to Deo By- International Institute of Con- They arrive often with few pos- for comment. “Karina helped us identify
BRIDGEPORT, Conn.— akisaka, his case manager from necticut is expecting a Syrian sessions and receive about If convicted, Mr. Lewis faces this person,” Chief Boyce said.
Joshua Mahinanda Kangere the resettlement agency. family of five who had been $1,000 in cash from the federal 25 years to life in prison, Ms. Vetrano left her home
started his first morning in the Many Congolese refugees scheduled to arrive Tuesday to government to get started. Queens District Attorney Rich- on Aug. 2 for a jog in the park;
U.S. with a prayer over a tradi- arrive with degrees and had be allowed to travel. More support is often pro- ard Brown said. the area’s tall weeds shield jog-
tional Congolese breakfast. It worked in Africa as teachers, The order, signed by Presi- vided by local resettlement “This is truly a very sad case gers from view.
would be his last familiar expe- accountants and medical pro- dent Donald Trump at the end agencies, nonprofit organiza- in which a beautiful and tal- Hours later, her father, Phil
rience of the day. fessionals, Ms. Connor of the of January, barred entry to na- tions and faith-based groups ented young woman senselessly Vetrano, went looking for her
The 41-year-old, who landed International Institute of Con- tionals from seven predomi- that provide language classes, lost her life,” Mr. Brown said. after she didn’t return his
Thursday at John F. Kennedy necticut said. But without pro- nantly Muslim countries for 90 training, employment assis- The NYPD received more phone calls. He found her in
International Airport, was one ficiency in English, most refu- days, due to terror concerns, tance and rent support. than 250 leads from the public. the park with scrapes on her
of the last refugees to arrive in gees can only find entry-level, suspended the refugee pro- —Kate King Within the past 10 days, Chief legs and articles of clothing
the U.S. before a White House minimum wage jobs until their Boyce said, investigators fol- pulled down.
order suspending the refugee language skills improve. lowed up on a 911 call from Mr. Vetrano didn’t return
resettlement program took ef- The federal government pro- and a cellphone plan. they living, how is their life? May that warned of someone calls seeking comment.
fect. He was the 55th refugee vides every refugee with $950 In the Democratic Republic All those things when I think
received by the International to help them get started, Mr. of Congo, Mr. Kangere worked about it, I really feel bad.”
Institute of Connecticut since Byakisaka said, adding that he as a nurse in his native vil- On Friday afternoon, with
October, according to executive encourages refugees to begin lage of Uvira. As part of his the temperature dipping below
director Claudia Connor. looking for work right away. In job, he documented rape freezing, Mr. Byakisaka took
“It was heartbreaking for Mr. Kangere’s case, his small cases for court proceedings, Mr. Kangere out into the
our team to know that peo- room in the three-bedroom at one point working with neighborhood, pausing at
ple that we were preparing apartment that he will share United Nations peacekeepers street corners to explain
to receive would not be ar- with three other refugees costs on cases allegedly involving crossing signals. They stopped

riving and would be stuck in $350 a month. Congolese soldiers. at a grocery store, where Mr.
refugee camps indefinitely,” Mr. Kangere, who speaks One day in 2010, he said he Kangere picked out two bags
said Ms. Connor. limited English, said he is ea- was threatened by two Congo- of cornmeal, long-grain rice,
Roughly two-thirds of the ger to begin working and not lese soldiers and, concerned peanut butter and coffee
refugees who the International picky about what job he takes. for his life, fled to Nairobi, creamer.
Institute of Connecticut reset- He will participate in an em- Kenya, where he received refu- Back in the apartment, Mr.
tles in the Bridgeport area are ployment program run by the gee status and lived for seven Kangere kept his jacket and
from the Democratic Republic International Institute of Con- years awaiting resettlement. gloves on as he sat at the
of Congo, where war has been necticut, which will help him He hasn’t seen his family since. kitchen table, weary from jet
waged for decades. look for a job and cover three “Sometimes I feel bad that I lag. On Monday, he will sit
Mr. Kangere, who fled the months of rent and utility am all alone,” said Mr. Kangere, down with an employment
Democratic Republic of Congo costs as well as some spend- who is divorced. “I don’t how counselor to begin looking for
seven years ago fearing for ing money for transportation my children are, and how are jobs. “I have to work,” he said. Chanel Lewis on Sunday outside the 107th Precinct in Queens.

Up Close With a Dragon Facebook, Where Gangs Are Waging Turf Wars
BY ZOLAN KANNO-YOUNGS prevent the next fatal shooting municate to young people the are watching.”
by defusing online confronta- repercussions of aggressive on- That makes it difficult to per-
For years, Samuel Jackson tions. line behavior. suade a young person who has
walked through the Bronx Social media rapidly esca- The training is now being been embarrassed online not to
ready to step in between rival lates tension between gangs. extended to all 18 Cure Violence retaliate. Mr. Alvarado directs
gangs on the verge of a Many of the gang shootings sites citywide. A team of inter- his interrupters to initially send
deadly exchange. last year were rooted in an ex- rupters said they spot up to 25 a message asking the online

As a “violence interrupter” change on social media, author- online posts a day that have the user to come into the Release
for Bronx Connect’s Release the ities said. potential to turn violent. the Grip office and talk.
Grip office, a Bronx site for the “When people scream at These posts can take many When that doesn’t work, the
global nonprofit Cure Violence, each other in the streets, when forms: a Facebook status sham- staff shows young people re-
the 39-year-old former gang it’s over, it’s over,” said Richard ing a family member, a post ports of indictments where so-
member used his personal ex- Aborn, president of the Citizens threatening a rival gang or cial-media photographs and
perience to persuade young Crime Commission, a nonprofit even a live stream of a violent comments were used as evi-
gang members to walk away focusing on crime and public interaction. dence against gang members.
from violent showdowns. safety policies. “When people “With social media, things “Think about what you do-
Today, Mr. Jackson spends scream at each other on Face- have the potential to go viral,” ing before you do it,” Mr. Jack-
almost 14 hours of the day on book, it stays there.” said Michael Alvarado, 30, the son said he often tells the
Facebook and Instagram. New York University and the program supervisor for Release young people who he encoun-
GOOD LUCK SYMBOL: A young girl encountered a magical beast As heated social media ex- Citizens Crime Commission the Grip. “Not only do you have ters. “You don’t want to be sit-
Sunday in the Lunar New Year Parade in Manhattan’s Chinatown. changes fuel gang violence, Mr. launched a pilot program last the potential to get beat up, but ting in a prison cell, contem-
Jackson and his colleagues year to train interrupters to you have the potential to get plating for the next 25 years of
have gone digital. They aim to identify risky posts and com- beat up and millions of people the mistake you made.”

IWC PortugIese r .
the leg e nd among ICons.
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the beginning of a new legendary era. And that revolu- off at a glance. iwc . e n g i n e e r e d fo r m e n . 44.2 mm
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A10B | Monday, February 6, 2017 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


A High Line
Plan Emerges
In Newark

BY KEIKO MORRIS lion conversion of a vacant
warehouse to retail and loft-
A former skeptic of the style office space will sit in
High Line walkway on Manhat- the middle of Mulberry Com-
tan’s West Side is now one of mons at one end of the raised
the biggest advocates of a promenade. The bridge and
similar project across the Hud- park will be designed by Sage
son River. and Coombe Architects, with
Jerry Gottesman, chairman the park expected to be com-
of Edison Properties LLC, a pleted by late summer in 2018.
real estate com- The hope is that the public
PROPERTY pany and park- open space would do for New-
ing-lot and self- ark what the High Line helped
storage giant, do for Manhattan’s West Side:
was once a vocal skeptic of ef- spur further development,
forts to convert the abandoned raise property values and
freight rail line on the West bring more foot traffic and
Side into a landscaped prome- residents.
nade. The project attracts “Mulberry Commons is the
more than 7.5 million people a catalyst we’re waiting for, the
year. catalyst to raise the value of
Now, Mr. Gottesman is an property and also bring people
advocate of a similar elevated to an essential location of the
promenade in Newark, N.J. city where they can hang out,
A raised pedestrian bridge live and play,” said Newark
is one of the signature fea- Mayor Ras Baraka.
tures of a 22-acre public-pri- In a statement, Mr. Gottes-
vate redevelopment project man said: “Edison Properties
called Mulberry Commons, un- has been a strong believer in
veiled by the city of Newark Newark for decades, and now
and developers last month. we are delighted to play a ma-
jor role in its resurgence.”
His embrace of the High Line
Developers unveiled happened over many years.
plans for Mulberry Edison Properties executives
said a key turning point was re-
Commons in Newark zoning, which allowed for
last month. greater density on certain par- At top, a rendering of Mulberry Commons Park in Newark, N.J., with Newark Penn Station in the background. The project would
cels and the transfer of devel- convert abandoned railroad tracks, above left, into walkways and replace an existing parking lot, right, in the city’s downtown.
opment rights that added value
Although the bridge won’t to surrounding properties. High Line launched their in Chelsea with the High Line Line, in part to assuage con- Mulberry Commons Park, in-
be built on old railroad tracks, Before Friends of the High quest, Mr. Gottesman was running through it for $870 cerns that the new project cluding a large vacant 110-
like the High Line is, it will Line, the organization that led skeptical there would be million, far more than it paid would steer people off the year-old warehouse. Edison is
connect neighborhoods, creat- the conversion of the tracks to enough funding, said Benjamin for it in the 1980s. streets, as with the drab en- investing another $20 million
ing a pathway linking the public open space, came on Feigenbaum, chief operating The Mulberry Commons de- closed walkways built decades in the park and bridge, which
city’s Ironbound neighbor- the scene, Mr. Gottesman and officer of Edison Properties. velopment is the result of ago as part of the Gateway of- essentially serve as the front
hood, a former industrial sec- about two dozen property But the High Line quickly more than a decade of compli- fice complex. door to its warehouse-conver-
tion known for its ethnic mix, owners had long been lobby- proved to be a success. cated land exchanges involving “The High Line has made sion project, now called Iron-
restaurants and shops, with ing for the dilapidated rail line Friends of the High Line esti- Edison and J&L Cos., another people think of how public side Newark.
Newark Penn Station and a to be demolished. He was mates the park will generate Newark developer committed space can be used to connect “We considered all options,
planned 3-acre park sur- known to have his staff mail to $1 billion in tax revenue for to developing two sites in the places,” said Robert Ham- including tearing it down until
rounded by commercial and elected officials pieces of de- the city over 20 years. project. mond, co-founder and execu- we started seeing what other
residential development in bris that had fallen from the In 2015, Newark-based Edi- The mayor made it a prior- tive director of Friends of the people were doing with old
front of the downtown Pru- tracks onto his property. son, which Mr. Gottesman and ity to complete the negotia- High Line. warehouse buildings,” said
dential Center. Even after the two co- his late brother started in the tions. Mr. Gottesman brought Edison Properties owns six Robert Selsam, chairman of
Edison Properties’ $80 mil- founders of Friends of the 1950s, sold an entire block site Mr. Baraka to visit the High sites surrounding the planned Edison’s board.

Tower Gets New Renovated Building Startup Matchmaker
Moniker, Upgrades Gets New Financing Firm Finds Space
The owner of an office tower The owners of a Midtown An Israeli company that fos-
at the edge of Manhattan’s No- East office tower have secured ters relationships between big
Mad neighborhood is investing $65 million in refinancing a few corporations and startups from
$80 million in improvements and years after investing in signifi- across the globe has estab-
has named real-estate services cant upgrades. lished its first New York City lo-
firm JLL as its exclusive leasing The joint venture of the Wil- cation in Chelsea.
agent. liam Kaufman Organization and a SOSA, founded by people in
Global Holdings Management subsidiary of Travelers Cos. ob- the high-tech and venture-capi-
Group has renamed the 39-story tained a $65 million leasehold tal industry in Israel, opened a
building at 1250 Broadway No- mortgage on the 471,240-square- temporary, 6,600-square-foot
mad Tower and plans to expand foot building at 747 Third Ave., space at 50 W. 17th St., with
its retail space, revamp the according to the Singer & Bassuk plans to move to a 40,000-
lobby and add tenant meeting Organization LLC, the real-estate square-foot space at 115 Sev-
spaces and bicycle access, ac- finance brokerage firm that rep- enth Ave. after a renovation
cording to JLL. resented the owners. there.
About 52,000 square feet of The building, built in 1972, “We work with corporates
the 773,000-square-foot tower spans the entire east block of and investors and connect them
will become available for lease in Third Avenue between East to the most relevant startups in
the next 12 months, with an ad- 46th and East 47th streets. Israel,” said Roy Oron, SOSA’s
ditional 435,000 square feet The William Kaufman Organi- chief executive.
available in 2018. Built in 1968, zation launched a renovation in SOSA is partnering in the
the tower sits between West 2012, investing $17.3 million, said building with Ashkenazy Acqui-
31st and West 32nd streets. Jonathan Kaufman Iger, chief ex- sition Corp., which bought the
The JLL team handling the ecutive of Sage Realty Corp., the building in 2014, and two other

office leasing is led by Paul leasing and management divi- investors, Izaki Group Invest-
Glickman and Mitch Konsker, sion of the William Kaufman Or- ments and G-Holdings LLC.
A rendering of the revamped lobby at 1250 Broadway, which has been renamed Nomad Tower. both vice chairmen. ganization. —Keiko Morris

‘Waitress’ Fans Vie for Chance to Sing Along

BY CHARLES PASSY companied by the show’s with the winners hailing from Such thinking is becoming
band. The event, the fifth such locales such as White Plains, the Broadway norm, say the-
When Monroe Scott at- one that the Broadway show N.Y., and Wilmington, Del. ater-industry insiders and ob-
tended a performance of has hosted, has created buzz Or, in Ms. Scott’s case, from servers. Shows are looking for
“Waitress” last week, she got among fans, say “Waitress” Australia. She said she has be- a variety of ways to connect
more than an opportunity to producers. come a booster of the musical with fans. Consider the Broad-
see the hit musical. She also Many of the karaoke par- during her extended visit to wayCon gathering, the second
got a chance to be a part of it ticipants at last Wednesday’s New York, with the karaoke annual edition of which was
on stage. show said they attended the night marking the fifth time held in late January at the
Ms. Scott, a 21-year-old as- nearly sold-out performance she has seen the show. Javits Center and featured
piring songwriter, was one of largely for the singing oppor- But seeing is one thing, Ms. cast members from several
a handful of audience mem- tunity, even if the odds were Scott said; participating is an- musicals, attracting a crowd of
bers selected for a post-show slim they would be among the other. “It takes it to the next thousands.
karaoke session in which ev- dozen picked from those who level,” said Ms. Scott, who At BroadwayCon, attendees
eryday folks sing songs from vied for a shot. performed the comical ballad make a point of dressing up as

the musical, guided by “Wait- Producers said the selec- “When He Sees Me.” the characters from their fa-
ress” cast members and ac- tions were made via lottery, The quality of perfor- vorite shows. Some “Wait-
mances at the latest karaoke ress” karaoke participants did
night ranged from perfectly the same. For example, Eliza-
CORRECTIONS AMPLIFICATIONS polished to decidedly amateur-
ish, though the crowd voiced
beth Brandon, a fan from Bed-
ford Hills, N.Y., arrived in
their support of everyone. waitress garb, joined by two
The last Broadway theater group. An article Friday about While “Waitress” producers friends in similar attire. Dur-
to open was the Henry Miller’s the new Hudson Theatre in- say they welcome the extra ing the karaoke event, they
Theater (now the Stephen correctly said the last theater ticket sales karaoke night is sang one of the show’s signa-
Sondheim Theatre), which to open was the Ford Center yielding, the opportunity is ture numbers, “Opening Up.”
bowed in 2009, according to for the Performing Arts (now more about creating ties be- Ms. Brandon said the three
the Broadway League, a trade the Lyric Theatre) in 1998. tween the show and audience. friends even rented a studio to
“It was just an obvious add- prepare for their moment on
Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by on to us,” said lead producer stage. “These girls are as Sisters Tori and Hayley Feinstein belted a number Wednesday on
emailing or by calling 888-410-2667. Barry Weissler. crazy as I am,” she said. stage as ‘Waitress’ cast member Caitlin Houlahan looked on.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | A11


TV Writers Obsess Over Chicago

Producers of prime-time series about crime aim to balance headlines, politics and ratings


billionaire comes to Chicago, takes
over a police district and equips
cops with high-tech tools, includ-
ing a crime-tracking
The series pre-
mieres Monday, days
after the real Chi-
cago Police Depart-
ment touted an app
that lets officers
track gunfire in real
time, and President
Donald Trump said
that if Chicago can’t
quell its violence
problem, “we’re go-
ing to solve the
problem for them.”
Grim facts are col-
liding with TV fiction
in a number of dra-
mas set in a city un-
der national scrutiny
because of its bloodshed. Fifty-one
people were murdered in Chicago
last month, according to police, one
more than in January 2016, the
start of the city’s most violent year
in two decades.
That epidemic, along with re-
lated tensions between law en-
forcement and minorities, isn’t al-
ways reflected in broadcast shows
depicting the city for prime-time The creators of television series set in Chicago are trying to square the city’s reputation for violence with storylines that attract and hold viewers. Among the
audiences. They include three se- series that unfold in the Windy City are Fox’s ‘APB,’ below left, which premieres Monday, and NBC’s ‘Chicago P.D.,’ below right, produced by Dick Wolf, inset.
ries (“Chicago Fire,” “Chicago P.D.”
and “Chicago Med”) on NBC, which
in March will add a fourth to pro-
ducer Dick Wolf’s franchise, “Chi-
cago Justice.”
“APB” (Fox) cites the ratio of
cops to citizens in Chicago, but not
the city’s homicide or shooting sta-
tistics. In the show’s fictional ver-
sion of the city, the mayor (not
Rahm Emanuel) wants tech mogul
Gideon Reeves (played by Justin
Kirk) to fail in his effort to reinvent
policing with souped-up stun guns,
drones and bulletproof vehicles.
Producers say they’re trying to
keep the show realistic and plan to
tackle actual problems plaguing
the city—within the parameters of
network entertainment. “We have
a crime-of-the-week format, an ac-
tion-packed, adrenaline-driven in-
vestigation, but we’re hoping that
the show not only addresses how production costs. Then creator Da- work wanted a version where Gid- plot involves the characters’ quest of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald
to better catch bad guys but also vid Slack quit because his plans, eon and the police go after bad to find common ground with gang and the release of a report by a
how to improve police and polic- such as having the hero aggres- guys more than a version that had leaders and “a community that ba- mayoral task force citing racism
ing,” says executive producer, Trey sively target problems in police Gideon battling the police.” A rep- sically doesn’t trust cops,” Mr. Nix throughout the Chicago Police De-
Callaway. culture, didn’t match Fox’s. “I resentative for Fox declined to says. partment. In the “Chicago P.D.” ep-
The series went through didn’t know how to do a police comment. In a “Chicago P.D.” episode last isode, protesters chant “Hands up,
changes on its way to air. Origi- show that didn’t speak to Black The first few episodes don’t fea- spring, a white officer shoots a don’t shoot!” The officer is
nally set in Los Angeles, which Lives Matter, so I felt like I had to ture the street killings and gang young black man in the back after cleared; the honor student she
was closer to home for its produc- walk away,” Mr. Slack says. skirmishes for which Chicago has she and her partner are ambushed. shot turns out to have avenged a
ers, it switched cities because Illi- His replacement, executive pro- become notorious, but the “APB” The show aired after months of loved one whose life was ruined by
nois offers a tax credit that cut ducer Matt Nix, says, “The net- writers say later episodes will. One protests over the police shooting Please see CHICAGO page A13




proportions.” But a New York magazine on-
line review deemed the book “very, very
AUTHOR GEORGE SAUNDERS knows the Mr. Saunders has long been fascinated by
question of what happens after death can’t the supernatural. He said when he was
be deferred indefinitely. “We really are go- about 11, he saw his grandfather’s spirit, “a
ing to find out—it kind of sounds obvious, dark form” at the end of his bed two or
but we are,” he says. “Even if it’s nothing, three days after the man’s unexpected death.
that’s something.” In his long-awaited debut “I was really scared and I got shivers but I
novel “Lincoln in the Bardo,” he also knew it was him,” Mr. Saun-
offers an answer. ders says, adding that the ghost
The book, due out Feb. 14, is conveyed to him a sense that ev-
rooted in the death of Abraham erything was all right. “It was a
Lincoln’s 11-year-old son Willie, message of almost humorous reas-
inspired by a story Mr. Saunders surance.”
heard from a relative more than The 58-year-old author, known
20 years ago when driving near for short-story collections with
Washington, D.C.’s Oak Hill Ceme- other-worldly twists both melan-
tery. The tale, reported in some choly and absurd, is closing a deal George Saunders has his first novel out Feb. 14. It is getting early rave reviews for the best-selling
newspapers after the child’s with actors Nick Offerman and author who is known for his short stories.
death in 1862, held that the Megan Mullally to adapt the novel
grieving president repeatedly re- for the screen. On other fronts, invented testimonies. in Golden, Colo., spent years working odd
turned to the Oak Hill crypt alone after the Mr. Saunders is developing a series based on The novel lays out the president’s strug- jobs, including pulling knuckles out of cow
funeral. An image of Lincoln cradling his his story, “Sea Oak” for Amazon, and he is gle with private loss against the mounting legs in a slaughterhouse. He published his
dead son emerged in Mr. Saunders’s mind working with actor Ben Stiller on a TV proj- numbers of anonymous Civil War dead. first book at age 37. Since then, the Syracuse
and has stayed there ever since. ect based on his tale “CivilWarLand in Bad While Willie was dying, possibly from ty- University English professor has racked up
The novel depicts the afterlife in that Decline.” He is exploring a potential adapta- phoid fever spread through drinking water honors. He received a MacArthur “genius
cemetery, a place full of ghosts who hold tion of his short story, “Escape from Spider- contaminated by soldiers along the Potomac grant” and his 2013 short-story collection
onto their quirks and gripes. They crave hu- head,” with “Little Miss Sunshine” directors River, Lincoln was facing rising criticism “Tenth of December” was a finalist for the
man contact, unable to realize or accept that Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. Two over the war. National Book Award.
they are dead. In this realm, young spirits other possible film projects are in the works. Mr. Saunders was surprised to learn how But novels always eluded him. In his
smell like wild onions and ghosts don’t fly, “Lincoln in the Bardo”—the title is drawn unpopular Lincoln was at that time and youth, he believed, wrongly, that he had
they “walk-skim.” When they move on to from the term in Tibetan Buddhism that de- noted his resilience. “I can’t even take a bad written a great one (his wife had her head in
heaven or hell, they disappear with a clat- scribes the transitional state between death review,” he says. her hands by the sixth page). After that,
tering boom. and rebirth—is a blend of fiction and nonfic- The author, a guitar-playing one-time even if he giddily sensed that he had landed
Anticipation for the book is high in pub- tion. Mr. Saunders culled quotes from his- prom king who almost skipped college but on a longer work of fiction, he inevitably
lishing circles. Elle magazine raved, calling tory books and isolated them like dialogue. instead got a degree in geophysical engi- kept it short. “If I start thinking, expanding,
it “an unsentimental novel of Shakespearean Then he mixed in his own equally convincing neering from the Colorado School of Mines I just lose my mojo,” he says.
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A12 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


MUSIC REVIEW | Jim Fusilli

The Top-of-the-Chart Awards

The Grammys overwhelmingly favor popularity over pure talent, but there is still superior work recognized if you look for it.
IS THIS THE YEAR the Recording
Academy admits that the word
“best” has an alternative definition
when applied to the Grammys?
Probably not, but in Grammy-
land “best” clearly means “top sell-
ing” or “most familiar.” Four of the
nominees for Album of the Year—
“25” by Adele, “Lemonade” by Be-
yoncé, “Purpose” by Justin Bieber
and “Views” by Drake—achieved
the top position on the Billboard
200 albums chart, which measures
sales and streams. The fifth, “A
Sailor’s Guide to Earth” by Sturgill
Simpson, reached the No. 3 slot on
the Billboard 200, but it was No. 1
on the country and Americana/folk
charts. Let’s not pretend that these
albums are the best released dur-
ing the eligibility period of Oct. 1,
2015, to Sept. 30, 2016. The
Grammy Awards will be broadcast
on CBS on Sunday beginning at 8
The celebration of what sells
and what’s well known continues Clockwise from above: Beyoncé;
throughout the 84-category list. A Fantastic Negrito, nominated for Best
commercial juggernaut, Twenty Contemporary Blues Album; René
One Pilots is up for five Grammys. Marie, nominated for Best Jazz Vocal
The innocuous duo’s “Stressed Out” Album.
competes for Record of the Year
against singles by Adele, Beyoncé, Veloso and Gilberto Gil. Across the “You and I” is the only a cappella

Lukas Graham and Rihanna (featur- global, there are many less-familiar number among the nominees. Mr.
ing Drake) in a category that is, like musicians—like Imarhan, the Alge- Collier is also nominated in Cate-
Album of the Year, another eyes- rian desert-blues band; Maarja gory 64—Best Arrangement, In-
on-the-charts cluster. How popular Nuut, the avant-garde violinist and struments and Vocals—for his ren-
are these tracks? Beyoncé didn’t li- singer from northern Estonia; or dition of the “Flintstones” theme.
cense hers to Spotify, but each of Terra Sangue Mare, the Sicilian trio Hair-splitting by the academy
the four other nominees have been that adds new colors to the island’s can befuddle music fans in search
streamed more than 625 million traditional folk music—who are of what’s new. Category 50 seeks
times on that service. worthy of recognition. to recognize the Best Contempo-
Going with what’s well known In Category 63—Best Arrange- rary Blues Album and three of its
isn’t the rule only in major catego- ment, Instrumental or a Cappella— five nominees—“The Last Days of
ries. There are times when it ap- three of the six nominees were se- Oakland” by Fantastic Negrito,
pears the Academy isn’t even try- lected for their work on songs “Love Wins Again” by Janiva Mag-
ing: Down in Category 54, related to Christmas. The other ness and “Give It Back to You” by
recordings by household names three songs were composed by the Record Company—veer pleas-
constitute the Best World Music Al- John Lennon and Paul McCartney, ingly from the traditional blues
bum list: Celtic Woman, Ladysmith Thelonious Monk and Stevie Won- format. But the other two, “Blood-
Black Mambazo, Yo-Yo Ma and the der. No one excels at arranging line” by Kenny Neal and “Every-
Silk Road Ensemble, Anoushka new music? By the way, Jacob Col- body Wants a Piece” by Joe Louis
Shankar and the tandem of Caetano lier’s arrangement of Mr. Wonder’s Walker, adhere to the time-tested
electric blues format and thus
crowd out a more experimental ap-
proach to the genre. Better they the quest for superior work is re- Lagerberg, Hillary Lindsey and Ste-
should be among the Best Tradi- warded with a deep search of the ven Lee Olsen for Keith Urban; “Die
tional Blues Album nominees. categories. The Best Jazz Vocal Al- a Happy Man” by Sean Douglas,
R&B is so strong these days that bum nominees, which is Category Thomas Rhett and Joe Spargur for
it would be hard to put together a 32, represent well the great Ameri- Mr. Rhett; “Humble and Kind” by
bad set of nominees in the genre. can art form with mature, evoca- Lori McKenna for Tim McGraw;
In the Best Urban Contemporary tive performances. René Marie’s “My Church” by Busbee and Maren
Album class—Category 20—“Lem- “Sound of Red,” the Branford Morris for Ms. Morris; and “Vice”
onade” by Beyoncé is joined by Marsalis Quartet with Kurt Elling’s by Miranda Lambert, Shane
“Ology” by Gallant, “We Are King” “Upward Spiral,” Gregory Porter’s McAnally and Josh Osborne for Ms.
by King, “Malibu” by Anderson “Take Me to the Alley,” Catherine Lambert. The recorded perfor-
Paak and “Anti’ by Rihanna, all fine Russell’s “Harlem on My Mind” mances, with the exception of Ms.
modern R&B albums. One quibble: and the Tierney Sutton Band’s Morris’s overly fussy arrangement,
The excellent “In My Mind” by BJ “The Sting Variations” feature are stripped back, letting the songs
the Chicago Kid isn’t on that list, classy singers who work wonders shine. The category serves as a re-
even though the album features a within the tradition while stretch- minder that it is the song, and not
variety of A-list rappers. Instead, ing it when the mood arises. the popularity of the artist who
it’s nominated in the more retro- A great composition is still the sings it, that is at the heart of
minded Best R&B Album category, spine of country music, as the Best what’s best in rock and pop music.
thus blurring the distinction be- Country Song list indicates. The
tween the groupings. nominees in Category 28 are “Blue Mr. Fusilli is the Journal’s rock and
Twenty One Pilots is up for five Grammys this year. Not all is puzzling, though, and Ain’t Your Color” written by Clint pop music critic.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
30s Edmonton
d t <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 7 Edinburgh 37 Extremely
10s residents popular
V Calgary
ary -0s 0s 14 15 16
0s 10s 8 California’s 39 Call out
Seattle Winnipeg
ip 10s 17 18 19 Big ___
20s 40 It breaks on the
P d
Montreal 30s 20 21 22 9 Overhead beach
Bismarckk Ottawa
railways 41 Not new
30s Billings 20s Augusta
A g t 23 24 25 26 27
g 10 Fr. holy woman
20s Mpls./St. Paul
pls //St. Pa
P Toronto
T t Albany t
A bany Boston 50s 46 Sue Grafton’s
Boise 28 29
30s 60s 11 “Time heals all “___ for
40s P oux Falls
Pierre Sioux ll k
Milwaukee Detroit
t l
t d
Clevel d
Cleveland 70s 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 wounds,” for Evidence”
50s es Moines
Des Ch
Chic g
Chicago New
ew York
L ke City
Salt Lak C example
Ch y
Cheyenne Omaha
h Ph
hil d lphi
Philadelphia 80s 38 39 40 41 47 Mechanics work
Sacramento Springfield
p g d Pittsburgh
Pit b gh 12 Kind of boom or
d p
Indianapolis hington
hi gton D.C.
Washington DC 90s on them
an Francisco Kansas
Topeka barrier
C d
Colorado 42 43 44
LLas p g
St. Lou
h l t
Charleston h
Richmond d 100+ 48 Sea of
60s Wichita
hit LLouisville
Lou ill
Vegas Raleigh
l igh
h 45 46 47 48 13 “If only!” Tranquillity
h 50s
Los A
Angeles 60s Santaa FFe Memphis
C h l tt 18 Black, to poets setting
Alb q q Columbia
C b 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
Phoenix Oklahoma City Warm Rain 49 Cumin or
San Diego LLittlee Rockk Atlanta
Atl t 22 Not just rent
Tucson 70s Birmingham
h 56 57 58 cardamom
El Paso
Ft. Worth D Dallas Jack
Cold 24 Fleece stuff
70s T-storms 50 Wore
bil Jacksonville 59 60 61 62 63 25 Corrosive
80s A
Austin 80s Stationary 51 ___ Sketch
10s t
l d
Orlando Snow 64 65 66 liquids
0s New
ew Orleans (drawing toy)
70s San
an Antonio
A t i Tampa 26 Signals to the
0s Anchorage
A h g 80s Showers Flurries 67 68 69
l Miami auctioneer 52 Roused
20s 30s 80s
Ice 27 Tune for two 53 Unconfined
CATCH MY DRIFT? | By Matt Skoczen 54 ___ Gay (famed
30 “Eureka!”
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 23 Many-layered 60 Words to avert 31 Fireplace item
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Long, involved snack bad luck 55 Sing in the Alps,
Omaha 52 35 c 42 17 c Frankfurt 44 34 c 40 30 c 32 Make slow
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; story 28 Small bill 64 Jailbird say
Orlando 80 59 pc 83 62 s Geneva 43 34 c 41 35 r progress
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 48 39 s 54 53 r Havana 81 60 sh 84 61 pc
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 5 Ordinary people, 29 Take a tally 65 Carrie of “Star 60 Chain offering
Phoenix 73 55 pc 74 55 pc Hong Kong 72 62 pc 69 63 pc
with “the” 33 Witches’ group
Anchorage 22 15 pc 24 14 pc Pittsburgh 49 43 pc 60 46 r Istanbul 57 47 pc 55 44 c 30 Brand for beagles Wars” meals in buckets
Atlanta 63 53 sh 70 60 t Portland, Maine 29 17 pc 28 24 sn Jakarta 87 77 t 87 75 t 11 Letter before 34 Garden shed
33 Rebuke 66 Castaway’s place sight 61 Zero, in scores
Austin 78 60 c 85 52 pc Portland, Ore. 43 32 r 42 33 c Jerusalem 57 41 s 62 41 s omega
Baltimore 52 41 s 61 55 r Sacramento 59 55 sh 62 58 r Johannesburg 76 59 pc 76 60 t 35 “How disgusting!” 67 London lang. 36 Singapore sling 62 Sugar suffix
Boise 47 31 sh 40 31 sn St. Louis 61 55 sh 64 32 c London 46 41 r 51 33 pc 14 Long in the
Boston 34 27 pc 37 36 sn Salt Lake City 49 38 sh 46 40 sh Madrid 60 41 pc 57 33 pc tooth 38 Paramount, for 68 Does a maid’s job ingredient 63 Humor
Burlington 21 18 sn 30 29 sn San Francisco 61 56 sh 63 57 r Manila 86 74 pc 86 72 c example 69 Blue-green hue
Charlotte 65 50 s 71 56 c Santa Fe 55 34 pc 58 37 pc Melbourne 61 53 r 79 62 s 15 Mystical Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Chicago 46 37 sh 44 23 r Seattle 41 33 sn 42 28 c Mexico City 75 48 pc 76 49 pc practices 42 In the past Down A B D U L D O G P A P A S
Cleveland 48 42 c 57 38 r Sioux Falls 44 25 pc 29 6 sn Milan 56 35 pc 52 41 pc L O R N A R OW I R I S H
16 Like bass voices 43 Roof features 1 Did some E N J O Y L I F E N I C K I
Dallas 79 56 c 80 54 pc Wash., D.C. 55 46 s 65 58 r Moscow 4 -7 s 2 -6 s
Denver 59 32 pc 57 29 pc Mumbai 84 70 pc 86 71 pc 44 Mailed off carpentry O Y E N A G T U E
17 Greek ruse in G E N O V E S E G E T U P S
38 33 pc 45 31 r
80 68 sh 80 64 pc
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
40 c
77 pc
49 37 pc
91 78 pc
the Trojan War 45 Inquire (into) 2 Greek E L I D
Houston 79 66 c 80 65 pc Today Tomorrow Riyadh 63 41 sh 67 44 s 19 Singer DiFranco marketplace M P H S A T D OWN F A D
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W 47 Mrs., to Michel S E T H D Y E S E X I L E
Indianapolis 52 48 sh 59 29 r Rome 56 42 sh 59 43 pc
20 Make mistakes 3 Conductor Solti V E R E E N T B I L L S
Kansas City 59 40 sh 58 25 pc Amsterdam 43 34 c 40 26 r San Juan 84 75 sh 84 75 sh 49 “Divergent” star P A I R U P T E A R I E S T
Las Vegas 67 55 pc 70 55 c Athens 64 52 pc 59 48 sh Seoul 35 21 s 36 21 pc 21 Pitcher 4 Put two and two O N S P T A B S A
Little Rock 71 59 sh 75 47 c Baghdad 63 37 pc 65 40 s Shanghai 49 36 pc 48 40 c 56 Best buds together U N I T E S H O E S T O R E
Saberhagen N O O S E P I N K I W I S
Los Angeles 62 57 r 67 59 r Bangkok 94 72 s 94 73 pc Singapore 88 77 t 86 76 c 57 Four-legged Oz
Miami 83 70 sh 83 68 sh Beijing 42 21 s 39 24 pc Sydney 93 73 pc 77 71 sh 22 “(Sittin’ on) 5 Madison’ s D Y N E S S P Y A L L O T
visitor successor The contest answer is DOG POUND. If you change
Milwaukee 40 35 c 41 22 r Berlin 32 24 c 29 21 pc Taipei 65 58 c 68 60 pc The Dock of the
Minneapolis 35 25 c 32 3 sn Brussels 44 37 c 42 34 r Tokyo 60 37 s 49 38 s 58 Lennon’s wife one letter in each theme entry, you’ll get a pair of
Toronto 33 27 sf 33 31 sn
Bay” singer 6 Needed a synonyms: ENJOY/LIKE, SAD (or EAT)/DOWN,
Nashville 64 58 sh 69 48 r Buenos Aires 74 54 pc 76 60 pc
New Orleans 77 61 pc 77 64 pc Dubai 71 61 pc 72 61 s Vancouver 35 27 sn 38 26 sf Redding 59 Wedding words massage SHOP/STORE, PICTURE/FILM, and SIGHT/VISION.
New York City 43 37 s 47 47 r Dublin 49 36 r 45 31 c Warsaw 28 16 sn 21 14 sf The contest answer (found at 6-Across and
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | A13


Debbi Brawley, a real-estate broker in Greers

Ferry, Ark., trains for skydiving by doing yoga,

below, and lugging hay bales, above, for the

horses she owns with her husband, Mike.


She’s 59 and Fit to Jump sends assembled ingredients for meals to

cook at home. One favorite recipe: sesame
chicken with bok choy and jasmine rice.

From an Airplane “Because we live in a rural area, we don’t

really have access to a lot of those ingredi-
ents,” she says.

The Cost & Gear

Assembling her skydiving rig, which includes
Spaceland Dallas in Whitewright, Texas. The She says the combination of skydiving parachute, reserve chute, safety devices, suit
company’s two larger-than-average planes and the workouts has improved her balance and helmet, cost Ms. Brawley about $9,000.
mean she can jump from 14,000 feet five or and reflexes, and made her stronger and She rides her mountain bike indoors on a
FOR DEBBI BRAWLEY, life began at 55. six times in a day. Ms. Brawley’s lifetime more alert. CycleOps bike trainer that sells for $300.
Her daughter showed her a video of some- tally is more than 420 jumps. “When you’re in the sky, even a slight Packs of DDP Yoga DVDs cost $50 to $90.
one leaping from a mountain in a wingsuit She’s working on a discipline called free- movement of your arm or leg can change At Skydive Spaceland Dallas, jumps cost
and flying through the air. Mother and flying, which is free-falling in various verti- the dynamic,” she says. “You’ve got to con- $25 each for licensed jumpers—about one-
daughter took their first skydiving jump cal positions. The more common, slower stantly be thinking and analyzing.” quarter of what they cost for a beginning
months later, for Ms. Brawley’s 55th birthday. skydiving position is with one’s belly toward student. Each license carries a $30 fee, but
She was hooked before her feet hit the the earth. Ms. Brawley is working toward The Diet most of the cost of securing licenses is in
ground. earning her C skydiving license (on an A-to- Ms. Brawley eats Cheerios for breakfast and paying for its requirements. The C license,
Since then the 59-year-old real-estate D scale, with A the first step). She ulti- an apple, grapes or nuts for snacks. Lunch is for example, requires completing 200 jumps
broker in Greers Ferry, Ark., has built a mately wants to compete in formation sky- often a turkey sandwich, salad or peanut and landing within 7 feet of a target on 25
workout routine and her life around a pur- diving on a two-person team. butter and jelly with all-fruit jam. She jumps, among other things.
suit she says has transformed her. “It’s almost like a dance in the sky,” she avoids deep-fried foods and has cut out Ms. Brawley says skydiving for her is “not
“There’s so many women my age who just says. “It’s beautiful to watch.” most added sugars except on her birthday, like a circus ride, it’s not a death wish, or an
think their lives are over,” Ms. Brawley says. Thanksgiving and Christmas. obsession or an addiction. It just feels right.
“I mean, they’ve told me that. Actually, The Workout She’s a fan of Blue Apron, a service that Like I belong in the sky.”
these have been my best years.” Skydiving keeps Ms. Brawley motivated to
Twice a month she makes the six-hour stay in shape. “In free-flying you use your
drive to her favorite drop zone, Skydive legs more than anything, but you are going
to use your arms to kind of help balance,”
she says.
She does DDP Yoga, created by former
professional wrestler Diamond Dallas Page,
three times a week to maintain upper-body
strength. She follows the video workouts on
an old laptop while watching skydiving vid-
eos on another laptop.
“When I first started yoga, I couldn’t
even do one push-up,” she recalls. Now she
can do more than 20.
If she’s tired after work, she’ll skip yoga
and pedal for 45 minutes on a mountain
bike placed on a stationary trainer. In the
spring and summer, she hikes most evenings
after work on trails near her home.
An occasional workout is lugging 40-
pound hay bales from a trailer into the barn
The scene after Ms. Brawley’s first skydiving or from the loft into a stall for the three
experience 4½ years ago. horses she and her husband own.

Continued from page A11
a racist cop.
Since its launch five years
ago, the “Chicago” fran-
chise’s success has had less
to do with hot-button sto-
rylines than the relationship
drama among its core char-
acters. However, producers
have suggested that the new
“Chicago Justice” will tackle
controversial topics. In one
episode a familiar cop is
prosecuted after a dealer he
arrested dies in custody. The Art of precision
Representatives for NBC
and the “Chicago” franchise Goyen Ornamental Lathe
declined to comment.
Regardless of good inten- Rare machine. Incredible workmanship. A craftsman’s dream.
tions by TV writers, some This incredible ornamental lathe by William Goyen is one
Chicagoans say the police of only 12 known to exist. Goyen’s lathes are considered
procedural format doesn’t al- to be the most exquisite ever made, as evidenced by the
low for much nuance. “If it’s
a cop-driven program, it’s al- sheer beauty and quality of the present masterpiece. This
ways lock up, lock up, lock remarkable machine is the ultimate carving tool, capable
up, good guy and bad guy,” of producing highly detailed objects of exquisite artistry.

says LeVon Stone Sr., a

Its matching mahogany cabinet is filled with hundreds of
South Side native and a pro-
gram director for CeaseFire, wood-cutting tools to achieve any array of decorative effects.
an organization that deploys Lena Waithe, creator of the coming drama series ‘The Chi,’ aims Circa 1880. 555/8”w x 35”d x 743/4”h. #30-5223
“interrupters” to prevent vi- to ‘show the human-ness behind the headlines’ about Chicago.
olence in community hot
spots and sends responders noise while they’re having and his teen brother embed-
to hospitals to head off retal- dinner, so it’s easy for them ded in street life. Showtime
iation. to categorize it as a jungle. recently picked it up. Ms.
Lena Waithe, creator of We really want to show the Waithe, who appeared in the
the coming drama series human-ness behind the Netflix comedy “Master of
“The Chi,” says she’s re- headlines.” The series, None,” says making “The 630 Royal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana • 877-677-2801 • •
sponding to the image of whose producers include Chi” for a pay-cable channel
her hometown that comes rapper, actor and Chicago allows her team to experi- Since 1912, M.S. Rau Antiques has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
across in news reports. native Common, will revolve ment with format and point Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
“People see the numbers around black characters of view. She says she wants
coming out of the city and from the South Side, includ- to depict day-to-day life in
hear about it as background ing an aspiring restaurateur the midst of violence.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A14 | Monday, February 6, 2017 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Patriots Storm Back to Stun Falcons

Down 19 points to start the fourth quarter, Tom Brady leads New England on a historic Super Bowl rally and overtime victory

HOUSTON—The New England Pa-

triots had been here before. They had
won here before. But never like this.
Their 34-28, overtime victory over
the Atlanta Falcons in Super Bowl LI
on Sunday night didn’t just earn
them their fifth championship since
2001. It was the greatest comeback
in Super Bowl history, a stunning
feat that came after they trailed by
as many as 25 points in
NE 34 the third quarter. And
ATL 28 it stirred in them a
feeling unlike anything
from Super Bowls past.
Beneath the confetti that de-
scended on NRG Stadium following
James White’s clinching, 2-yard
touchdown run, there were the famil-
iar scenes of celebration. But from
the scrum of players at midfield to
bars and living rooms across New
England, there was also a new senti-
ment: redemption.
A franchise marred for two years
by the Deflategate scandal was tri-
umphant again. Tom Brady, whose
season began with a related four-
game suspension, set Super Bowl re-
cords with 43 completions and 466
passing yards. He was named Super
Bowl MVP.
After the game, Brady received a
congratulatory handshake from
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell,
whom he fought in court in a failed
effort to have his suspension over-
turned. Goodell was booed loudly

by the crowd when he emerged on
a stage to hand the Vince Lombardi
Trophy to Patriots owner Robert
When the Patriots won the Super
Bowl two years ago, Kraft said, “I
told our fans that was the sweetest
one of all. But a lot has transpired in James White #28 of the New England Patriots scores the game winning touchdown in overtime against the Atlanta Falcons during Super Bowl LI in Houston.
the last two years. And I don’t think
that needs any explanation.” Now, he But slowly, like a snowflake that White’s 1-yard run across the goal But Atlanta will go down as simply of a representative sample of Ameri-
said, “This one is unequivocally the became an avalanche, the tension be- line with 57 seconds left. He then the latest of five different teams to can fans found them to be the most
sweetest.” gan to mount. First came White’s 5- threw to Amendola to complete a lose in the Super Bowl to New Eng- disliked team in the NFL.
The Falcons were vying for their yard touchdown catch with just over game-tying, two-point conversion. land in this century. The fallout from the deflated foot-
first championship in their 51-year two minutes left in the third quarter. The Falcons never got possession As usual, the most notable his- balls used during the 2015 AFC
history. For three quarters, there was Then came a field goal kick by Ste- of the ball in overtime. After New tory was made by the Patriots, one championship game pitted Brady
little doubt that they would secure it. phen Gostkowski with 9:44 left in the England won the coin toss, Brady of the great dynasties in profes- against Goodell. But it also inspired
The Patriots didn’t score a point until fourth, followed by a Falcons fumble fired five consecutive completions to sional sports. Bill Belichick became even more loyalty from Patriots fans,
a field goal with just seconds remain- that led to Danny Amendola’s 6-yard move the ball down the field. White the first coach to win five Super who came to view Brady as not
ing in the first half, and they still touchdown catch. took it from there, with a 10-yard run Bowls. Brady became both the first merely a beloved icon but also a
trailed 21-3. Even early in the second Brady’s summary was more con- before his decisive dive across the quarterback to win five titles and cause to rally around. Across New
half, there was little hint of what cise. “There was a lot of shit that goal line. the first to win four Super Bowl England, shirts that read “Free
would come. happened tonight,” he said. “As soon as I dove,” White said, “I MVP awards. Brady” became ubiquitous.
A 6-yard touchdown catch by Te- None of it was more stirring than knew I got in.” The game marked New England’s It all culminated Sunday night,
vin Coleman put Atlanta ahead 28-3 the Patriots’ final drive of regulation. The Falcons won 11 games during seventh Super Bowl appearance since with Brady and the Patriots trium-
with 8:36 left in the third quarter, With New England down 28-20 and the regular season and saw quarter- 2001, and at no point in that storied phant over Atlanta and the masses
turning the game into a snoozer. just over three minutes left, Brady back Matt Ryan emerge as an elite run have the Patriots been more divi- who have come to despise them.
“Down 25 points,” Brady said, “it’s led the Patriots on a 91-yard march passer, earning his first MVP award. sive than they are now. For the sec- “We’ll remember this,” Brady said,
hard to imagine us winning.” to the end zone. It ended with They had the best offense in the NFL. ond consecutive year, public polling “for the rest of our lives.”


New England’s Comeback Shakes Houston

Houston rushed, hurried and hit. Even suc-
An hour after overtime ended, it cessful completions had conse-
still didn’t feel real. The players quences. It was hard to tell if
had long left the field, half of them Brady was rattled, but the Falcons
triumphant, the rest shellshocked. were achieving the desired effect.
Snowdrifts of confetti piled around An early fumble from LeGarrette
the benches, looking like an aban- Blount nullified a potential New
doned New Year’s Eve England scoring drive.
bash. Inside this emp- But the biggest mistake in the
tying stadium late Sun- first half was Brady’s own. With
day night, a surreal Atlanta roaring at 14-0, Brady had
question lingered: the Patriots deep in Falcons terri-
What, exactly, had happened tory, only to throw a short pass
here? dangerously into double-coverage.
The New England Patriots had Atlanta’s Robert Alford jumped in
done everything in football, it front and intercepted it—and, with
seemed, but they hadn’t done any- only Brady to beat, he raced 82
thing like this. Not this insanity. yards for an emphatic touchdown.
Not simply coming back, but 21-0. Oof.
crawling back from the crypt. By the third quarter the Patriots
From 25 points down. No team in were resorting to trick plays and
Super Bowl history had ever done onside kicks. Frantic and over-
anything like that—not even Tom matched is not a familiar look for
Brady, Bill Belichick and these un- this era of Patriots. Decades-old
deniable and now unprecedented vibes of New England Super Bowl
Patriots. blowouts—46-10 Bears in Super

Let’s briefly review, because Bowl XX, anyone?—began to recir-

it’s all so absurd: they trailed the culate like a bad dream. The
Atlanta Falcons 28-3 with eight Brady/Belichick Patriots had lost
and a half minutes left in the this game before, but not like this.
third quarter. If you shut off the This did not feel real.
TV at that point, taken the dog And then it became familiar and
for a walk, and a cocktail, or sim- real.
ply drifted to sleep, it cannot be Tom Brady of the Patriots celebrates with head coach Bill Belichick after clinching their fifth Super Bowl title together. This spectacular Super Bowl is
held against you. These Patriots why the NFL lights $1,000 cigars
appeared cooked. They appeared cesses and Atlanta mistakes than this for the rest of our lives,” said ments about Brady being the with $100 bills. Why TV networks
cooked even before a bedazzled a single, defining break. The Pa- Brady, who was brilliant in victory, sport’s greatest quarterback and line up to pay billions for rights,
Lady Gaga dropped from the sta- triots chipped, chipped, chipped— completing 43 of 62 passes for 466 Belichick being among its greatest and digital companies will pay bil-
dium roof into the halftime show. they pulled off a pair of two- yards, a Super Bowl record. coaches. lions in the future. It’s why foot-
Brady and Belichick had enjoyed point conversions in the fourth This is a fifth ring for Brady, Those questions are resolved. ball—despite all of its abundant
many great days and nights over quarter, for goodness’s sake, of presumably for his thumb. Enter- For most of the night, however, nonsense—remains the premier
the past decade and a half, but course there was New England re- ing the game, there was the sub- victory did not appear to be in the entertainment in America, ahead
this did not appear to be one of ceiver Julian Edelman’s comically plot of “Deflategate” and the New cards. New England sputtered of even movies about talking ani-
them. athletic catch inches from the England region’s feud with league early. In Brady and Belichick’s two mals.
Then it changed, almost imper- turf—“I don’t know how the hell commissioner Roger Goodell, and Super Bowl losses to the New York It is a crazy game that can get
ceptibly. It’s hard to detect ex- he caught it,” Brady said—and that awkward trophy ceremony did Giants, a blueprint had emerged: you to do crazy things, football. It
actly when the key moment for then somehow, in the last minute, indeed happen, but it would be a get to Brady early, rush him, hurry can get you to scream at the TV
New England occurred; not even they tied it 28-28. mistake to think that revenge was him, make him uncomfortable. Put and break your heart in the space
Brady could pinpoint it after the It became the first overtime the story Sunday night in Houston. what may be the greatest quarter- of minutes. We often flip between
game. There were some big com- game in Super Bowl history. And a The story will be the comeback. back ever on the back foot early. loving it and hating it and yet it
pletions and penalties and a key handful of minutes later, the Patri- You can probably capitalize it now: It’s easier said than done, but remains irresistible. Never was it
Falcons fumble, but it felt more ots shockingly won it. The Comeback. that’s exactly what Atlanta’s de- more irresistible than it was Sun-
like an accumulation of little suc- “We’re all going to remember Meanwhile, let’s end the argu- fense did. Brady was repeatedly day night in Houston.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | A15

Sharp Left Turn Ahead—Beware BOOKSHELF | By Robert D. Kaplan

By Douglas E. Schoen could consign Democrats to immigration from ‘terror For these vulnerable incum- How to Spread
permanent minority status, prone’ regions, even if it bent senators—among the few
huck Schumer practically continuing a trend that has means turning away refugees moderate Democratic office-
lives in the Senate, but
these days there’s a lot
going on at the house. Leftist
throngs have been gathering
cost the party the White
House, both houses of Con-
gress, 13 governorships and
nearly 1,000 state legislative
from those regions”; only 42%
were opposed. Polls taken af-
ter the executive order
showed levels of support rang-
holders left—the way to win in
2018 and beyond will be to
carve out an alternative
agenda based on working with
Our Values
outside Mr. Schumer’s resi-
dence in Brooklyn, N.Y., de-
seats in the past eight years. ing from 42% to 52%, depend-
ing on how the question was
Mr. Trump in areas where
compromise is possible, and
Why Wilson Matters
manding that the Senate mi- framed. also offering ideas to guaran- By Tony Smith
nority leader “get a spine” and If Democrats have a Whereas Mr. Schumer has tee health care for all, pro- (Princeton, 332 pages, $35)

oppose President Trump on cast his lot with “the resis- mote affordable prescription
everything. road back to power, tance,” Democratic senators drugs, invest in infrastructure merican elites flatter themselves in their belief that
That probably isn’t his nat- ‘the resistance’ will from Trump states have made and lift federal spending lim- they understand the world, with its countless
ural inclination. Mr. Schumer clear that they seek areas of its. Cooperating on trade, job geographical, cultural and political cleavages. They
once said that a “pause” in drive them off it. cooperation with the presi- creation, infrastructure and theorize abstractly in Washington, meet with fellow elites
Syrian immigration “may be dent. Even the fiercely left- tax reform would enable sena- at conferences in country capitals, and then delude them-
necessary,” and after the elec- wing Sherrod Brown has said tors to push Mr. Trump for selves into thinking that they know the mind-set and reality
tion he declared himself ready There may be more losses he is “ready to support Ohio compromise on traditional of distant villages and border posts. This assumption of
to “work with” Mr. Trump. But to come, especially in the Sen- workers by working with the Democratic priorities such as knowledge where little exists has been a factor in our
now he has yielded to the ate, where 10 Democrats are Trump Administration to re- green energy and access to misadventures in Iraq, Libya and elsewhere.
noisy crowd. up for re-election next year in negotiate NAFTA, put Ameri- health care. Tufts University political scientist Tony Smith calls such
Mr. Schumer vows to fight states Mr. Trump carried. can workers ahead of corpo- But the more Mr. Trump hubris “neo-Wilsonianism,” which he claims does violence
the president “tooth and nail” They’re unlikely to win rate profits, and create jobs.” proposes policies anathema to to President Woodrow Wilson’s original and more nuanced
and to “vote against nominees through unyielding resistance. North Dakota’s Heidi Heit- the Democratic base, the more vision of how to spread our values. “Why Wilson Matters”
who will be the very worst of Total noncooperation with kamp has said that it is “abso- strident the activism will be- is a painstaking, take-no-
this anti-immigrant, anti-mid- Mr. Trump’s agenda isn’t via- lutely critical” to work with come, and the greater the prisoners attack on those
dle-class, billionaires’ club ble in Indiana, Missouri, Mon- the Trump administration on pressure on Democratic law- who believe that America’s
cabinet.” That includes Trans- tana, North Dakota and West “common interests in doing makers to take the road of in- historical experience can be
portation Secretary Elaine Virginia, all of which Mr. things in energy, doing things transigence and “total resis- duplicated everywhere. Mr.
Chao, herself an immigrant Trump carried with more than in agriculture.” West Virginia’s tance”—to become the party Smith argues that liberal
and the wife of Majority 55% of the vote. Florida, Mich- Joe Manchin, a staunch advo- of Bernie Sanders, who calls internationalism is now in deep
Leader Mitch McConnell. Mr. igan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and cate of the coal industry, has Mr. Trump a “delusional presi- crisis because of its own recent
Schumer was in the Senate in Wisconsin were closer, but said that he looks forward “to dent.” bent toward militarism and not
2001 when Ms. Chao was con- Democratic senators in those working with [Mr. Trump], his If the Democratic Party’s because of the vision of
firmed, without opposition, as states surely realize anti- administration and my col- activists cannot accept that America’s 28th president.
President Bush’s labor secre- Trump intransigence will not leagues in order to keep Amer- victory requires selective co- Wilson, the author writes,
tary. persuade the thousands of ica’s promise to our miners operation with Mr. Trump as “tried to promote a concept of
Mr. Schumer isn’t alone in Trump voters they need. and make sure they receive well as protection of their core world order that would take this
feeling pressure from the left. Mr. Trump’s executive or- the healthcare they have values, the party itself could nation permanently out of
His party is deeply divided be- der on immigration draws fu- earned and deserve.” Michi- be condemned to further isolationism.” The U.S. would claim a
tween pragmatic politicians rious opposition in blue-state gan’s Debbie Stabenow told weakness, irrelevance and leadership role “in the name of promoting democratic
and an activist base that styles cities, but its reception in NPR in November that “the re- even obsolescence—beginning governments, open markets, and . . . collective security.”
itself “the resistance.” The mi- Trump country is likely to be sponsible approach is to work with the 2018 election. Wilson wanted to replace the balance of power with a
nority leader may feel his sur- different. Quinnipiac polling with the president when he is “community of power.” Over time, this shift turned out to be
vival depends on adopting the after the election found 48% proposing something that’s Mr. Schoen served as a po- a successful grand strategy, Mr. Smith claims, culminating in
activist approach. But outside nationwide support for Mr. good for working people and litical adviser and pollster for the fostering of democracy in Japan and Germany after World
the heavily blue coasts, it Trump’s policy of “suspending for the economy.” President Clinton, 1994-2000. War II and, later, in the creation of the European Union.
Yet Wilson himself, Mr. Smith says, was a gradualist
whose inclinations were “restrained.” He attacked the

Fire and Terrorism in Chile French Revolution and championed the American
Revolution precisely because the former, with its
declaration of lofty principles unmoored to any program of
More than evated concerns in rural Chile a suspicious car they’d been In 2015 Chilean lawyer Fe- governance, led to chaos, while the latter was undergirded
one million about the rise in organized vi- chasing fled on foot. Inside lipe Silva told the Chilean by a concept of order that was itself built on “the strictures
acres in the olence against civilians and the abandoned vehicle they magazine Qué Pasa that in of English law, customs, and institutions.”
center and private property by left-wing found fuel and lighters. 2009, during Ms. Bachelet’s Just before and during Wilson’s years in office, America’s
south of Chile extremists aiming to topple Both the fire chief and the first presidential term, the interventions in the Philippines, Mexico and Haiti had
have gone up the democracy. Ms. Bachelet fire superintendent in the par- government received a report proved ever more vexing. Even so, he remained committed
AMERICAS in flames was warned about the threat ish of Empedrado in El Maule from then-Colombian Defense to his long-range goal of expanding the boundaries of
since July during her first term reported that in the wee hours Minister Juan Manuel Santos historical liberalism, if cautious about how exactly to
By Mary
2016, with al- (2006-10), as was former of Jan. 26 some 20 gunshots linking so-called Mapuche ter- achieve it. His worldview may have been expressed best
most 70% of President Sebastian Piñera were heard outside the fire rorist groups with the Revolu- decades later by the philosopher Reinhold Niebuhr, who in
the destruc- (2010-14). Neither acted. house. The fire chief said that tionary Armed Forces of Co- 1952 celebrated liberalism’s “fortunate vagueness,” its
tion occurring President Bachelet refers to a nearby vehicle was left with lombia, known as the FARC, rootedness in “common sense rather than in abstract
last month. The affected area the violence as a “rural con- bullet holes. He worried that and the Chilean Communist theories.” Only in the post-Cold War period of the 1990s,
is larger than the state of flict.” But it is terrorism, and his volunteer firefighters Party. Mr. Smith says, would liberal internationalism begin to
Rhode Island. At least 11 peo- the unwillingness of her gov- might not come back to work. Mr. Silva told me in a tele- degenerate into “a ‘hard’ ideology.”
ple have died and more than ernment to address it is al- phone interview on Thursday
1,000 homes have been de- lowing its spread. that he knew about it be-
stroyed. The causes of the fires— Setting churches and cause he retrieved a similar What Iraq needed in 2003 was not a thuggish
Forest fires during the hot, more than 100 in January— report from Colombia for the democracy, but a more enlightened dictatorship
dry Chilean summer are not are under investigation. My forests afire is the Chilean opposition that same
uncommon. But Socialist Pres- sources in Chile say that much modus operandi of year. like the one then in Egypt and Pakistan.
ident Michelle Bachelet’s anti- of the destruction will likely In an April 2016 letter to
market ideology may be exac- be attributed to accidents guerrillas in the south. Ms. Bachelet, the president of
erbating the situation. made worse by litter, high the association of southern It is certainly true that Wilson’s outlook was more
One example: When the winds and drought. trucking companies alleged nuanced than is generally known. Even so, and despite Mr.
Chilean wife of Sam Walton’s But the government has ad- A Jan. 30 headline in the that she had made a deal inside Smith’s protestations, Wilson was naive about the world’s
grandson, heir to a fortune, mitted there is evidence of ar- online news outlet biobio- her ruling coalition—which in- persistent dangers. He hailed the end of empire in Habsburg
offered to charter a 747-400 son in some cases and it has declared: “Neighbors cludes the Chilean Communist Austria and Ottoman Turkey but could not understand that
supertanker equipped to fight arrested 43 people as part of and authorities fear forest fires Party—not to apply Chile’s an- the new democracies and other regimes in these imperial
fires, the government put up its investigation. Undersecre- may be terrorist attacks.” The titerrorism law against the voids could be even more unstable and impose even harsher
obstacles. That delayed, by a tary of the Interior Mahmud story reported that locals in guerrillas. This, the letter said, repressions on their minorities. His ultimate goal of making
couple of precious days, the Aleuy said on Jan. 30 that Constitución, also in El Maule, is putting “a violent few above the rest of the world just like us was itself a form of
arrival of the plane, which has “there is no pattern” that are concerned that sabotage the immense majority of Chil- narcissism, which avoided the complexities of the world as
turned out to be enormously leads to “definite conclu- aimed at forestry companies eans” and it implored her to it was, with its widely varied historical experiences.
effective. Yet when Russia of- sions,” and that “some of the endangers their homes. reconsider. For Wilson, and for sectors of the academic and policy
fered to send smaller planes, detainees have been street The presence of left-wing The terrorists use the face establishments to this day, “the heart of the matter of war
there was no such delay and people, others have severe extremist groups—claiming to of the native Mapuche as an and peace,” as Mr. Smith puts it, has been the struggle
Ms. Bachelet celebrated on mental problems.” represent the indigenous Ma- excuse for their violence. Yet between autocracy and democracy. But this Manichaean
Twitter. Even so, on Jan. 29 Interior puche—in the southern region they don’t represent the popu- dichotomy does not hold up in the real world. On the
La presidenta’s near-wor- Minister Mario Fernández said of La Araucanía is well known. lation, which heavily backed ground there are usually shades of gray rather than good
ship of Fidel Castro and his the government hasn’t ruled In recent years they have ex- Gen. Augusto Pinochet and and evil, with autocracies in places such as Oman, Jordan
communist vision for Latin out terrorism in some cases. panded into Los Ríos and Bío still votes overwhelmingly and Morocco providing more liberalism than full-fledged
America is legendary. But her Perhaps that’s because there Bío. Setting churches, forests, conservative. Most Mapuche democracy would. What Iraq needed in 2003 was not the
decision to put her politics have been reports that don’t trucks and other property are peaceful, small-landown- violent sectarian chaos and thuggishly incompetent
over the well-being of rural jibe with the “homeless” nar- afire and killing people in am- ers trying to earn a living. democracy that would follow Saddam Hussein, but a more
Chileans in this crisis is a rative. Last month in the par- bushes and sniper attacks is Their trial by fire, terrorism, enlightened military dictatorship like the ones that were
scandal. ish of Arauco, in the Bío Bío their modus operandi, and seems not to trouble the Chil- then operating in Egypt and even Pakistan.
Some fires have been in- region, police reported being they operate on both sides of ean government. Mr. Smith’s argument builds to a denunciation of what he
tentionally set and this has el- shot at when the occupants of the border with Argentina. Write to O’ considers the naive and militant ideology of the Clinton,
younger Bush and Obama administrations, when liberal
internationalism, he believes, was taken to an extreme by

There’s No School Like the Kitchen neo-Wilsonian academics, neoconservatives and humanitar-
ian interventionists. He offers up their maximalist urgings,
including the claim that it is America’s duty to help imple-
By Lorraine Allen For toddlers, the kitchen is the menu because a child is at fire and electric blenders, used ment democracy in Baghdad, Beijing and almost every-

a perfect place to hone their risk of anaphylaxis? Not a prob- routinely and calmly. where else. He juxtaposes such assertions, sometimes on
y husband and I cook gross and fine motor skills, us- lem. Mix white vinegar with Parents today cover sharp the same page, with quotations from Wilson that manifest
daily for our 8-year- ing their hands to wash and baking soda, and watch it in- corners and install baby gates. caution and restraint. In the author’s eyes, contemporary
old daughter because, peel produce, stir sauce, or dig stantly foam up and fizzle. Stir We want to keep our children thinkers have misinterpreted Wilson rather than emulated
like 15 million other Americans out a measure of flour or pinch this magical concoction into safe, but the world cannot be him. They did not see that places like Libya and Iraq at the
(an estimated two children per of salt. A preschooler will gain cake or muffin batter as an egg padded and children must turn of the 21st century were not the cultural and historical
classroom), she has food aller- important cognitive skills from replacement, and you’ll get the learn to manage danger to equivalents of Germany and Japan following World War II.
gies. For our daughter, this rit- sorting forks and spoons, same light, moist results. thrive. The kitchen provides a All this makes for powerful reading but breaks little
ual is inspiring and educa- matching lids on sippy cups, Cooking opens minds to controlled space to sharpen ground, given that supposedly Wilsonian interventionism
tional. She loves helping out— and avoiding a hot stove. different ideas and cultures. and wield blades without fan- has already been condemned in a plethora of other books.
rolling dough, mixing sauces— Curious elementary school Our travel options are limited fare or panic or elbow pads. A What’s new in “Why Wilson Matters” is the author’s
and creating her own dishes, children can practice literacy by food allergies, but recently place where children learn narrative showing Wilson’s beliefs becoming more and more
from tarts to homemade lin- skills when they decipher in- our daughter suggested going from experience, by example, distorted by others as time goes on. Mr. Smith concludes
guine. At age 6 she opened her gredient labels and recipe di- around the world from our and by engaging their senses, with the nostrum that we need to deepen our own
own allergy-friendly bakery. rections. As they create dishes stove. After homemade Italian and food can be safely pre- democratic institutions while encouraging gradual liberal
I’m no gourmet chef, but I more independently, they learn pizza, we hit China to prepare pared and enjoyed. change elsewhere, even as we try to avoid military force.
spent much of my own child- about nutrition, natural sci- pork and ginger dumplings in The kitchen fosters close The election of Donald Trump demonstrates, among
hood helping my grandmother ences and health. They shiitake broth. Next, we ex- connections, promotes self- much else, a deep-seated resentment in the heartland
in the kitchen, a lucky thing, I sharpen math skills by weigh- perimented with Mexican car- sufficiency. Maybe best of all, toward neo-Wilsonian interventionism. Yet Mr. Trump
now know. ing, measuring, adding, sub- nitas followed by a Moroccan when we learn to prepare food, himself needs to understand that Wilson’s original vision of
As our child grows, I’ve tracting and multiplying ingre- tagine. we also learn to feed ourselves pushing out the boundaries of liberalism world-wide still
come to realize that helping in dients. And in contrast to a While preparing meals, chil- and others better. We improve works as a grand strategy. For if American foreign policy
the kitchen develops far more classroom, after all those mea- dren observe and assist care- our health, in addition to our were to be simply pragmatic and nothing more, little would
than basic cooking skills. Chil- surements, they can have their givers as they stir boiling liq- knife skills. At the start and separate it from the foreign policy of, say, the Chinese. Our
dren gain countless crucial de- cake and eat it, too—at least a uids, use oven mitts (or forget end of any day, the kitchen of- values are still worth promoting, and we project power
velopmental skills, and because fraction of it. to), and adjust flames. In to- fers a life full of flavor, no mat- mainly so that we can indeed advance them.
they absorb these lessons in a At any age, and especially day’s sterilized world, there is ter the challenges.
hands-on, playful way, they are for children with dietary re- no place like the kitchen, where Mr. Kaplan is the author of “Earning the Rockies: How
immediately engaged without strictions, the kitchen is a sci- delectable things come together Ms. Allen writes a blog at Geography Shapes America’s Role in the World.” He is a
parental nagging. entific laboratory. Are eggs off from dangerous tools such as senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security.
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A16 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


A Trump-Cohn Financial Rewrite Repeal of Transparency Rule Was a Mistake

resident Trump is focusing early on roll- has ruled in its favor. The Trump Administration House Majority Leader Kevin American companies aren’t being
ing back regulation, and on Friday he could drop the government’s appeal and settle McCarthy’s “How the House Will singled out, as the anticorruption re-
Roll Back Washington’s Rule by Bu- porting effort is also applied to for-
took another good step with directives with MetLife in a way that exempts insurers
reaucrat” (op-ed, Jan. 25) encourag- eign competitors, including private
to peel back Dodd-Frank and from the SIFI label. ing Congress to overturn the Cardin- and state-owned companies in China,
the Labor Department’s fidu- They could offer Wall Also in need of review is Lugar anticorruption rule (Section Russia, India and Brazil. Shell, BP and
ciary rule. Democrats are pre- Street fewer rules in the Volcker Rule, which had 1504 of Dodd-Frank)—which had even Russian giant Gazprom have al-
dicting another financial cri- the sensible goal of barring strong bipartisan support and was ready filed reports under EU rules.
sis, but it’s possible to build a return for more capital. high-risk trading at taxpayer- widely debated—wrongly paints a There is no unreasonable burden to
sturdy system that also allows insured banks. But regulators danger sign on public transparency businesses in asking them to track op-
for more risk-taking to serve needed four years to finalize and accountability. erating payments that should be part
economic growth. the abstruse 950-page rule that includes 2,800 The Republican-controlled House of the normal course of legitimate
Start by repealing rules that add costs with- footnotes. One iron rule of government is that and Senate gutted the rule last week, business. Who supports gutting trans-
out making the system safer, such as the fidu- the more complex a regulation, the easier to doing the bidding of Big Oil. For years, parency? The dictators and autocrats
the American Petroleum Institute, who are skimming billions from their
ciary rule that Labor imposed last year under find loopholes.
fueled by Exxon, fought Cardin-Lugar countries’ oil and mineral revenues at
the guise of protecting savers. The rule requires Dodd-Frank’s fatal flaw is assuming that reg- relentlessly in court. Last year the SEC the expense of their own people.
brokers to act in the “best interest” of clients, ulators who failed to prevent the last crisis will finally published its rule that requires I’m not done fighting the war
though many investors will be harmed. The rule foresee and prevent the next one. All they need extractive companies listed on the U.S. against entrenched corruption that
will make investment advice too expensive for are more rules and more power. But financial stock exchanges to disclose their pay- harms American taxpayers and
many small investors as brokers eliminate com- manias happen precisely because everyone as- ments to foreign governments. Mean- keeps millions of people in poverty
missions and instead charge fees. Plaintiff at- sumes the good times will last forever. while, following U.S. leadership, the worldwide.
torneys are circling, ready to slap brokers with i i i EU and Canada passed nearly identical
class-action lawsuits if stock prices fall. The better way to prevent a panic is to have laws, already in effect. Cardin-Lugar SEN. BEN CARDIN (D., MD.)
Small investors may also find themselves at simple but firm rules along with high capital has become an international norm. Washington
the mercy of robo advisers that may have a hard standards that make banks better able to en-
time discerning their client’s best interest. dure losses in a downturn. That’s the philoso-
Want to know whether to boost your invest- phy behind House Financial Services Chairman Good Economic Policy Makes Its Own Luck
ment in health stocks if ObamaCare is repealed? Jeb Hensarling’s proposed financial reform, and Regarding Alan S. Blinder’s “Will dent Jimmy Carter and 3.61% under
Ask Alexa. Robert Litan and Hal Singer have es- it’s the direction the Trump Administration Trump Deliver a Growth Miracle? President Ronald Reagan.
timated that depriving small investors of hu- should take even without legislation. Don’t Count on It” (op-ed, Jan. 23): We need men of clear vision to re-
man advice could cost clients $80 billion in a But will it? The President signed his direc- Prof. Blinder approves both Dodd- store our economy. We cannot expect
downturn. Mr. Trump ordered Labor to review tives Friday after meeting with bank executives, Frank and EPA regulations, blind to the Blinder to lead the lame.
and perhaps rewrite the rule that was sched- and he didn’t help himself politically by prais- costs and benefits. He condemns tax CHARLES W. MEYRICK
uled to take effect in April. ing the “great returns” BlackRock has earned. cuts that disproportionately benefit Bridgeport, Conn.
The President also directed a review of the The point is to help the larger economy, not those who pay disproportionately, not
seeing that we can’t cut taxes for Prof. Blinder points to a review of
2,300-page Dodd-Frank law that has turned bank profits.
those who pay no taxes. He believes research regarding the effect of sup-
banks into regulated utilities. Gary Cohn, who As a Goldman Sachs alum, Mr. Cohn has a we are at “approximately full employ- ply-side tax cuts on economic growth
runs Mr. Trump’s National Economic Council, particular burden not merely to relax regula- ment,” turning a blind eye to the dete- that concluded there was no positive
told the Journal that Dodd-Frank’s costs and tions that are the bane of big banks while doing rioration in the labor-force participa- relationship. The conclusion of that
complexity have restrained bank lending. Dem- little to relieve the burden on their smaller tion rate. He claims that Congress has review, however, is at odds with the
ocrats wrote Dodd-Frank with enough ambigu- competitors and tech start-ups. J.P. Morgan’s done the “opposite” of stimulating de- two-decade acceleration of growth
ity so the feds could regulate as they please. But Jamie Dimon and Goldman Sachs’s Lloyd Blank- mand, not considering the near dou- that followed President Reagan’s sup-
this means a new government can ease those fein have argued against a wholesale repeal of bling of the national debt in eight ply-side tax cuts. Perhaps the re-
burdens without Congress. Dodd-Frank, which has given these large incum- years. He tells us that cutting taxes searchers attributed the excess
Take the Financial Stability Oversight Coun- bents a competitive advantage. “does redistribute income from the growth delivered by Reaganomics to
cil (FSOC), which has the power to designate Although Mr. Cohn said the U.S. has the high- have-nots to the haves,” blindly rede- the dumb luck of 1980s technical
fining “redistribution” to mean “not progress, but lower taxes and less reg-
“systemically important financial institutions.” est bank capital standards in the world, they
redistributing.” ulation that stimulate business invest-
SIFIs must comply with onerous regulations but aren’t as high as they should be. The trade he He offers an “interesting historical ment may be the elixir that creates
carry an implicit taxpayer guarantee. could offer Wall Street is less burdensome regu- fact”: “Since Harry Truman, the dumb luck. Sometimes the “luck” oc-
Big banks that accept taxpayer-insured de- lation in return for higher capital standards. growth rate has fallen every time a curs immediately, and sometimes a
posits are obvious SIFI candidates, but the The banks would then be freer to lend money Republican president replaced a Dem- subsequent administration reaps the
Obama FSOC also tagged AIG, MetLife and Pru- while taxpayers have more protection against ocrat.” According to the Federal Re- benefit, thereby making cause-effect
dential Financial as SIFIs. These insurers are the next bailout. This would have the added po- serve Bank of St. Louis’s historical real analyses more challenging.
burdened with bank-style regulations that don’t litical benefit of blunting the inevitable Demo- GDP figures, the annual average BILL GREENE
fit their business model. MetLife sued to rescind cratic attacks that Messrs. Cohn and Trump are growth rate was 2.75% under Presi- Williamsburg, Va.
the arbitrary designation, and a federal judge trying to help Wall Street.

Coaxing Workers Back to Work Our Civil Servants Need Real Accountability

Philip K. Howard’s “The President’s rity officer who was incompetent, so
riday’s employment report for January U.S. has shifted to a permanently lower level Right to Say ‘You’re Fired’” (op-ed, the government shuffled him to Health
was good news, and not only because of employment. This would be a significant re- Jan. 30) on the need for civil-service and Human Services. The deal the HHS
the private economy created 237,000 straint on the economy’s ability to grow, bar- reform makes some valid points, but I employees made with him was that if
net new jobs in the month. ring faster immigration. The would hate to see the service return to he wouldn’t come out of his office, they
The rise in the jobless rate to Can faster growth trend to watch in future a spoils system. Considering my 34- would leave him alone until he retired.
4.8% from 4.7% and the in- year career in the U.S. civil service, I The excuse is always the same: We
crease in labor participation
induce idle Americans months is if faster growth
and rising incomes continue have to agree that it is far too difficult can’t fire them. Yes, we can. Let’s
into the labor force? for poor employees to be fired. I have change the rules.
suggests that faster growth to coax more Americans into
seen a supervisor spend the majority TOM C. JOHNSON
could pull more workers off the workforce. of his time doing a great deal of paper- San Francisco
the economic sidelines. Another hopeful sign last work over three years to successfully
The jobless rate rose because the size of the week was the blowout in the National Federa- fire two useless employees. This, after
labor force increased while the overall civilian tion of Independent Business hiring plans in- they had previously been fired, ap- Is This Becoming the U.S.-
population declined amid the Bureau of Labor dex. The small business survey reported job pealed and won reinstatement with
Statistics’ annual revisions. Both the labor par- openings at a level not seen since April 2006. back pay.
Mexican War, Round Two?
ticipation rate (62.9%) and the employment- NFIB cited a continuation of “post-election op- Most supervisors aren’t willing to Regarding your editorial “Trump’s
population ratio (59.9%) increased by two per- timism” with gains in compensation “to recov- put themselves through the agony of Little Mexican War” (Jan. 27): If Presi-
centage points. ery record high levels.” All of this confirms the firing employees; they will sideline dent Trump is on weak footing with
These key measures of labor market health increase in animal spirits that has also boosted them, transfer them, even promote Mexican policy, why is the peso drop-
them to be rid of them. And if poor ping and not the dollar? Mexico has
have lagged during the Obama expansion, stock prices. Now Republicans have to deliver
employees have any type of minority more to lose than we do.
leading some economists to conclude that the the policies to keep it going. status there is no use even trying to So much of the anti-Trump rhetoric
get them out of the system. The solu- has a “shoot the messenger” ring to it.

Trump Restraining Order tion is to make it easier for supervisors

to fire poor employees; let’s not take
President Trump has the courage to
voice some inconvenient truths. Mex-

the civil service back to the horrors ofico exports its problems to the U.S.,
he damage from President Trump’s as injury to States’ operations, tax bases and political favoritism. NATO members aren’t paying their
order on immigration and refugees public funds.” BILL HASLEM
fair share of the costs and the U.S. is
continues to compound, now escalat- The Constitution gives the federal govern- St. George, Utah
taken advantage of in trade deals—
ing into a conflict with the ment supremacy over immi- and Mr. Trump is singled out as the
He’s right on the law Mr. Howard presents a pretty dismal bad guy. Shouldn’t the light shine on
judicial branch. There’s gration, and in the Immigra-
portrait of federal government employ- the source of the problem rather than
enough bad behavior and but his rants against tion and Naturalization Act of ees. There is no accountability. I had on the one who’s expressing it?
blame to go around, but Mr. 1952 Congress gave the Presi- personal experience with a Social Secu- VINCENT MCCORD
Trump didn’t need to court a judge are offensive. dent the exclusive authority Santa Monica, Calif.
this altercation. to temporarily suspend “the
On Friday federal Judge entry of any class of aliens” No, She Didn’t Deserve It, You liken President Trump’s treat-
James Robart in Seattle issued a nationwide that “would be detrimental to the interests of ment of Mexico to President Obama’s
temporary restraining order (TRO) on Mr. the United States.”
Even If It Was Only an Egg maltreatment of Israel. A few weeks
Trump’s suspension of U.S. entry for migrants The first step for any judge is to determine I’m stunned that someone of Doug- before he left office, President Obama
from seven countries associated with terror- if he has jurisdiction—that is, the plaintiffs las M. Parker’s experience would write signed off on a plan to donate $38 bil-
ism risks. The Trump Administration is obey- have suffered concrete injuries that are a letter (Feb. 1) making the ultimate lion to Israel, or roughly $5,000 for
argument that the victim of an assault every man, woman and child, over the
ing and not enforcing its new immigration pol- grounds for a lawsuit. Speculative claims about
“had it coming”—which is what the next decade. Mexico would be happy
icy pending appeal of the TRO, so apparently state budgets and colleges don’t qualify. Thus closing paragraph of his letter sug- to be maltreated like that.
the onset of fascism that we keep hearing Judge Robart’s TRO exceeds the limits on judi- gests. He should have stopped at, PETER UNGAR
about will be postponed by the Constitution’s cial power. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals “There is no excuse,” because there New Rochelle, N.Y.
normal checks and balances. denied the Trump Administration’s motion for isn’t.
But Mr. Trump is exporting his politics-by- an administrative stay that would have lifted I write as someone who attended
insult to the courts, writing on Twitter that Judge Robart’s order immediately, but the the Women’s March in Los Angeles, Pepper ...
“The opinion of this so-called judge, which es- plaintiff—Washington State—must respond by didn’t vote for Donald Trump and is
sentially takes law-enforcement away from our Monday. Then a panel will decide whether to concerned by fire-breathing rhetoric
And Salt
country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!” rule or hear oral arguments. wherever it comes from. As we nor- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

The more appropriate response to executive Mr. Trump’s rants against the judiciary are malize trivial violence like throwing
eggs (free-range organic?) we open
defeat in the courts is to say that the Adminis- offensive to the rule of law, and perhaps also
the door to the unbalanced few who
tration is confident it will prevail on appeal, to his own case. Anyone who defies Mr. Trump welcome more serious political vio-
and especially in this case. Judge Robart’s TRO these days becomes an overnight progressive lence. I see some of this in the left.
is remarkably flimsy. folk hero—think Sally Yates—and the judicial Some progressives want to imagine
Judges have the power to impose temporary liberals of the Ninth Circuit may rally around themselves as heroic revolutionaries.
restraining orders when the plaintiffs can a bad ruling if they feel they have to defend That didn’t end well in the ’70s, and it
show they are suffering irreparable injury and the judiciary from presidential attack. won’t end well now.
are likely to win on the merits. Judges have an Even if the law is on his side, Mr. Trump and MARC DANZIGER
obligation to explain why they are availing aides Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller cre- Los Angeles
themselves of this extraordinary remedy and ated this mess with an executive order that was
to work through the logic. conceived in secret, sloppily written and over- Letters intended for publication should
Judge Robart’s seven-page ruling includes broad, and sprung on a confused public. Breit- be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
no discussion or analysis, with only a cursory bartian methods may work online but in the or emailed to Please
assertion of the harms that Washington and Oval Office they run up against political reality. include your city and state. All letters
other states have conjured to “the operations When Mr. Trump indulges his worst impulses, are subject to editing, and unpublished
and missions of their public universities and he makes enemies out of potential friends and letters can be neither acknowledged nor “Because sitting is bad
other institutions of higher learning, as well debacles out of should-be victories. for my health.”
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Monday, February 6, 2017 | A17


The Iran Deal Can’t Be Enforced

By John Bolton deal, along with even many who had doesn’t have a nuclear-weapons pro-

opposed it, argue against abrogation. gram. Really, what could go wrong?
ran’s continued missile testing Instead they say that America should These are weasel words of the
on Saturday has given Presi- “strictly enforce” the deal’s terms and highest order, coupled with flat-out
dent Trump one more reason hope that Iran pulls out. This would misrepresentation by Iran and willful
to tear up his predecessor’s be a mistake for two reasons. First, blindness by the United States. The
deal with the regime in Teh- the strategic miscalculations embod- Jell-O will not stick to the wall. The
ran. After Iran’s Jan. 29 ballistic-mis- ied in the deal endanger the U.S. and deal cannot be “strictly enforced.”
sile launch, the Trump administra- its allies, not least by lending legiti- And this is only one example of the
tion responded with new sanctions macy to the ayatollahs, the world’s slippery language found throughout
and tough talk. But these alone won’t central bankers for terrorism. the deal.
have a material effect on Tehran or Second, “strictly enforcing” the Pentagon sources have said that
its decades-long effort to acquire de- deal is as likely to succeed as nailing the missile Iran recently tested failed
liverable nuclear weapons. Jell-O to a wall. Not only does the while re-entering the Earth’s atmo-
The real issue is whether America entire agreement reflect appease- sphere. This is telling. If the missile

will abrogate Barack Obama’s deal ment, but President Obama’s diplo- program were, as Iran claims, only
with Iran, recognizing it as a strate- macy produced weak, ambiguous and for launching weather and communi-
gic debacle, a result of the last pres- confusing language in many specific cations satellites, there would be no
ident’s misguided worldview and provisions. These drafting failures need to test re-entry vehicles. The
created huge loopholes, and Iran is goal would be to put satellites in or-
now driving its missile and nuclear A long-range missile fired during a military drill in Bushehr, Iran, Dec. 29, 2016. bit and keep them there. But nuclear
The agreement’s entire programs straight through them. warheads obviously have to re-enter
Take Tehran’s recent ballistic- The key paragraph of Annex B says: a unanimous Security Council ac- the atmosphere to reach their tar-
basis is appeasement. It missile tests. The Trump administra- “Iran is called upon not to undertake cepted it. Resolution 2231 includes a gets. The recent tests provide even
merely ‘calls upon’ Tehran tion sees them as violating the deal. any activity related to ballistic mis- paragraph: “Welcoming Iran’s reaf- more evidence of what Iran’s ballis-
Iran disagrees. Let’s see what “strict siles designed to be capable of deliver- firmation in the JCPOA that it will tic-missile program has always been
not to test missiles. enforcement” would really mean, ing nuclear weapons” for eight years. under no circumstances ever seek, about, namely supplying delivery ve-
bearing in mind that the misbegot- Note the language I’ve italicized. develop or acquire any nuclear hicles for nuclear weapons.
ten deal is 104 pages long, consisting Iran is not forbidden from engaging weapons.” The ayatollahs have been Time always works on the side of
diplomatic malpractice. Terminating of Security Council Resolution 2231 in all ballistic-missile activity, merely doing precisely that ever since their nuclear proliferators, and the Iran
the agreement would underline that and two attachments: Annex A, the “called upon” to do so. The range of 1979 revolution. deal is providing the ayatollahs with
Iran is already violating it, clearly in- Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action proscribed activity is distinctly lim- Finally, Resolution 2231 itself also protective camouflage. Every day
tends to continue pursuing nuclear (the main nuclear deal, known by ited, applying only to missiles “de- merely “calls upon” Iran to comply Washington lets pass without rip-
arms, works closely with North Korea the acronym JCPOA); and Annex B, signed to be capable” of carrying nu- with Annex B’s ballistic-missile lim- ping the deal up is a day of danger
in seeking deliverable nuclear weap- covering other matters including clear weapons. Implementation is its, even as the same sentence says for America and its friends. We pro-
ons, and continues to support inter- ballistic missiles. left to the Security Council. that all states “shall comply” with ceed slowly at our peril.
national terrorism and provocative Annex B isn’t actually an agree- The loopholes are larger than the other provisions. When the Security
military actions. Escaping from the ment. Iran is not a party to it. Instead activity supposedly barred. Iran sim- Council wants to “prohibit” or “de- Mr. Bolton is a senior fellow at
Serbonian Bog that Obama’s negotia- it is a statement by the Security Coun- ply denies that its missiles are “de- mand” or even “decide,” it knows the American Enterprise Institute
tions created would restore the reso- cil’s five permanent members and signed” for nuclear payloads—be- how to say so. It did not here. and author of “Surrender Is Not an
lute leadership and moral clarity the Germany, intended to “improve trans- cause, after all, it does not have a The upshot is very simple: Iran Option: Defending America at the
U.S. has lacked for eight years. parency” and “create an atmosphere nuclear-weapons program. This is a can’t violate the ballistic-missile lan- United Nations and Abroad” (Simon
But those who supported the Iran conducive” to implementing the deal. palpable lie, but both the JCPOA and guage because it has reaffirmed that it & Schuster, 2007).

A Libel Suit Threatens Catastrophe for the Climate of Public Debate

By Michael A. Carvin Not content to answer his critics toward superior understanding of the supported in friend-of-the-court his critics for peddling “pure scien-
And Anthony Dick in the public square, Mr. Mann has world around us.” Even a meritless briefs by such unlikely allies as the tific fraud,” engaging in what he calls

sued them. One target of his lawsuit defamation suit can be an effective American Civil Liberties Union, the “the fraudulent denial of climate
he First Amendment provides is the political magazine National Re- weapon to intimidate critics and shut Electronic Frontier Foundation, the change,” and taking “corporate pay-
robust protection for political view, which published a 270-word down debate through ruinous litiga- Washington Post and the Reporters offs for knowingly lying about the
and scientific debate, but it blog post criticizing Mr. Mann as tion costs. Committee for Freedom of the Press. threat climate change posed to hu-
faces a new threat from a climate ac- “the man behind the fraudulent . . . In this case the trial court refused Yet a panel of the D.C. Court of Ap- manity.” He accused Fox News of try-
tivist determined to silence his crit- ‘hockey-stick’ graph.” His lawsuit ob- to dismiss Mr. Mann’s libel suit. peals—Judges Vanessa Ruiz, Corinne ing to “mislead its viewers” through
ics. In a case pending before the Dis- jects to the magazine’s decision to Judge Natalia Combs Greene ruled Beckwith and Catharine Easterly— a “deceptive” report about climate
trict of Columbia Court of Appeals, quote a critic who wrote that Mr. that the defamation claims were held in December that Mr. Mann’s change.
Penn State professor Michael Mann is Mann “could be said to be the Jerry “likely” to succeed because “to call suit should proceed to a jury. The None of this is particularly polite,
waging an aggressive campaign of Sandusky of climate science, except court again relied on various “offi- but it is common in the cut-and-
lawfare, accusing of defamation those that instead of molesting children, he cial” investigations that had cleared thrust of public debate. If such caus-
who dare to question his work. So far, has molested and tortured data.” Michael Mann sues to Mr. Mann of misconduct, including tic criticism is now to be fair game
the courts have given this assault on National Review moved to dismiss an inquiry by the federal govern- for legal action, big oil companies
free speech a green light. the suit, citing a phalanx of Supreme silence critics, and errant ment. Speech that disagrees with the and other well-heeled interests can
Mr. Mann is famous as the creator Court precedent. The Constitution courts ignore the First government is at the core of the launch their own lawsuits asking ju-
of the “hockey stick” graph, which obviously does not allow crippling First Amendment’s protection— ries in Texas or Oklahoma to silence
portrays a dramatic trend in global damages to be imposed for voicing Amendment to help him. though not in this court’s topsy- Mr. Mann and his allies.
warming over the past century. Nu- one’s opinion, however vehemently or turvy world. The logic of Mr. Mann’s position
merous critics have cast doubt on the caustically. Punishing such criticism National Review has filed a peti- threatens to convert political and sci-
quality and accuracy of his work. because a jury disagrees with it does his work a sham or to question his in- tion for rehearing along with its co- entific debate into a litigation free-
They argue that his historical tem- not aid the search for truth, but im- tellect and reasoning is tantamount defendants, the Competitive Enter- for-all, with all sides seeking to sue
perature proxies are unreliable, his pedes it by stifling conflicting views. to an accusation of fraud,” when in prise Institute and Rand Simberg. If one another into submission instead
data presentation misleading, and his As the liberal Justice William Bren- fact Mr. Mann “has been investigated the full court of appeals does not cor- of resolving differences through the
statistical techniques skewed. nan observed: “Truth may not be the by several bodies (including the rect the error and end this assault on free exchange of ideas. For those who
Even among those who support subject of either civil or criminal EPA)” which determined that his re- the First Amendment, the case will care about the spirit of open inquiry
the theory of global warming, some sanctions where discussion of public search was “sound and not based on doubtless proceed to the Supreme at the heart of the scientific enter-
have singled out Mr. Mann’s work as affairs is concerned.” Such speech “is misleading information.” For proce- Court. prise, it is scarcely possible to imag-
sloppy and exaggerated. David Hand, the essence of self-government.” dural reasons, the case was reas- Those hoping Mr. Mann prevails ine a greater legal disaster than the
a former president of Britain’s Royal As a federal court once put it in signed to Judge Frederick Weisberg, because they agree with him about prospect of Mr. Mann’s succeeding on
Statistical Society, has written that the particular context of scientific who largely adopted Judge Green’s global warming are missing the his claims.
Mr. Mann’s technique “exaggerated controversies: “More papers, more reasoning. point. If he succeeds in diminishing
the size of the blade at the end of the discussions, better data, and more Appellate courts, which exist to the right to free speech, he and his Messrs. Carvin and Dick are Wash-
hockey stick,” which corresponds to satisfactory models—not larger reverse such legal error, in this case fellow climate activists have just as ington lawyers. They represent Na-
the 20th-century temperature rise. awards of damages—mark the path compounded it. National Review was much to lose. Mr. Mann has attacked tional Review in Mr. Mann’s lawsuit.

It’ll Take More Than a Band-Aid to Fix Medicaid

By Regina Herzlinger would give enrollees the ability to have fallen by more than 10%, saving weren’t made for six months they of low-cost, high-value services,
And Richard Boxer choose their own insurers and pro- the government $1.7 billion in subsi- would lose insurance. Yet the pro- such as home care. Demonstration

viders. In essence, Washington dies. gram remained popular: 70% of en- projects such as Medicaid’s Cash and
ne of the most fraught ques- could give the states Medicaid block Health savings accounts, which rollees contributed and 86% de- Counseling program have shown
tions in Donald Trump’s grants, allocated per capita, to pro- force medical providers to compete scribed themselves as satisfied, that beneficiaries can fulfill unmet
Washington is how Republi- vide beneficiaries with high-deduct- for consumers who pay out of their according to a survey from the needs and improve their quality of
cans will reform health care. No as- ible insurance and health savings own pocket, also reduce overall Lewin Group last summer. As more life when they have more control
pect of the debate over ObamaCare accounts. costs. When employers introduce over their medical dollars.
presents as much risk, or opportu- Premiums on ObamaCare’s insur- such accounts, health-care costs are The high-deductible plan should
nity, as what to do with the law’s ex- ance exchanges are rising in part be- reduced by about 5% for each of the Save the program by giving be required to cover preventive care,
pansion of Medicaid, which gave cause so few providers participate. next three years, according to a 2015 as well as maintenance medications.
government health insurance to mil- Our plan would allow Medicaid en- study from the National Bureau of states money to provide And as with other health savings ac-
lions of Americans. It won’t be easy, rollees to shop for their high-deduct- Economic Research. high-deductible plans with counts, unspent funds could be
but President Trump and Congress ible plans on exchanges. More people Two years ago Indiana imple- rolled over to the next year or used
have an opportunity to control Med- shopping would draw more insurers, mented a modified version of the health savings accounts. for purchases beyond prescribed
icaid costs, improve the health of en- thereby increasing competition and program we propose, the Healthy In- medical expenditures.
rollees—and also win bipartisan sup- containing costs. diana Plan, or HIP 2.0. Comparing Current Medicaid rules also often
port. A 2015 study in the American enrollees who used health savings data are gathered, policy makers can pay for services that beneficiaries
Republicans should combine two Journal of Health Economics simu- accounts with those who didn’t better understand what beneficiaries find unnecessary. For example, a 2015
ideas popular in their party: block lated what would have happened if showed that the former used more want and how Medicaid dollars can paper for the National Bureau of Eco-
grants and health savings accounts. all the insurers active on the ex- primary and preventive care, ad- be efficiently spent to meet their nomic Research found that Oregon
The former would let states tailor changes in 2011 had participated hered better to their drug regimens, health needs. recipients gained only 20 to 40 cents
their Medicaid policies to their lo- statewide through 2014. The results? missed fewer appointments and Combining high-deductible plans in value for services that cost Medic-
cal communities, while the latter Premiums for silver coverage would showed up less frequently at the and health savings accounts could aid $1. The integrity of the Medicaid
emergency room. also improve the health of enroll- program depends on bringing real
Although the Hoosier State’s “ba- ees. Current Medicaid coverage value to its beneficiaries.
sic” traditional Medicaid was free, overemphasizes costly treatments. Democrats often say that block
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY those in HIP 2.0 were charged 2% of Duke University professor Barak grants allow states to divert federal
their income but did not have to Richman has long argued that the dollars away from Medicaid benefi-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp make copayments. If payments program doesn’t take full advantage ciaries. But allocating the funds di-
Gerard Baker William Lewis rectly to beneficiaries through health
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher savings accounts should allay con-

Notable & Quotable: Parties

Rebecca Blumenstein, Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT:
cerns and draw more moderate Dem-
Deputy Editors in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; ocrats to support the reform.
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications; Combining high-deducible insur-
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy; Katie Vanneck-Smith, President
Scott Adams writing on his Dil- By the way, I’m not a Republi- ance plans and health savings ac-
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, blog, Feb. 5: can. This is just an observation. counts—and block-granting them per
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES:
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology;
I’ve been watching Democrats not capita for use on exchanges—isn’t
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Neal Lipschutz, Jason P. Conti, General Counsel; One of the most underrated police their own ranks—after the the sexiest proposal. But it would al-
Standards; Alex Martin, News; Ann Podd, Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; qualities of Republicans is that they Berkeley violence for example—and locate scarce dollars more effi-
Initiatives; Andrew Regal, Video; Matthew Rose, Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Enterprise; Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Steve Grycuk, Customer Service;
police their own ranks. If you have it occurred to me that you don’t ciently, address the nexus of poverty
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page; Jonathan Wright, International a problem with a violent Republi- see that on the Republican side. and illness, and make insurance mar-
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page DJ Media Group: can racist, call some Republicans. Republicans generally appreciate kets work again. It could also pass
Almar Latour, Publisher; Kenneth Breen,
WALL STREET JOURNAL MANAGEMENT: Commercial; Edwin A. Finn, Jr., Barron’s;
They’ll solve it for you. free speech, but if someone attacks even in a deeply divided Congress.
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: But don’t call a Republican if you your family, your country, or your
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; are simply offended by another per- freedom in some physical form, Ms. Herzlinger is a professor of
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head
son’s opinion. In that situation you keep some Republicans on speed business administration at Harvard
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: want to call some Democrats to rid- dial. Business School. Dr. Boxer is a pro-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 icule and physically attack the per- Try it. You’ll be surprised how fessor at the UCLA School of Medi-
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
son with the objectionable opinion. well it works. cine.
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GOP Gets
Ready to
Hospitals Fear Changes to ACA
BY MELANIE EVANS fordable Care Act. If that hap- The Congressional Budget Chief Executive William Car- can Hospitals. The AHA, with a

Roll Back Hospital executives are de-

scending on Washington with
pens, however, hospitals say
they want Congress to restore
billions of dollars in federal
Office estimated the funding
cuts would total $232 billion
through the first 10 years of
penter told a San Francisco
health-care conference in Jan-
uary. In an interview, Mr. Car-
membership of about 5,000
hospitals, health systems and
other organizations, is urging

Financial a message: They are con-

cerned about losing insured
patients and revenue under
funding they lost when the
ACA took force.
The ACA cut two kinds of
the law.
The belief was the ACA
would make up for these cuts
penter said he conveyed the
company’s ACA priorities to
Republican senators on the fi-
hospital leaders to visit Wash-
ington as soon as possible, ac-
cording to Tom Nickels, the

Overhaul any plan to dismantle or sig-

nificantly alter the Affordable
Care Act.
funding for hospitals: federal
dollars known as “dispropor-
tionate share payments” that
by providing hospitals with
new, paying customers. More
than 20 million Americans
nance and budget committees
during a trip to Washington in
November. LifePoint, based in
group’s executive vice presi-
dent for government relations.
“It’s an ongoing effort,” he
BY RACHEL WITKOWSKI In a flurry of recent meet- were sent to some hospitals to gained health insurance under Brentwood, Tenn., operates 72 said.
AND RYAN TRACY ings, the executives have told help them care for uninsured the law. hospitals. GOP leaders entered the
lawmakers they don’t want and low-income patients; and “If you’re going to repeal Others bringing that mes- year vowing to repeal and re-
WASHINGTON—Republi- Americans to lose insurance annual raises the government the Affordable Care Act, we sage to lawmakers include the place the ACA, but consensus
cans in Congress are preparing under any alternative the Re- paid hospitals for treating need to have the cuts repealed American Hospital Association on a full repeal is far from es-
to release plans to roll back publicans devise for the Af- Medicare patients. as well,” LifePoint Health Inc. and the Federation of Ameri- Please see ACA page B2
the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial
overhaul as early as this week,
following an executive order
by President Donald Trump
seeking a broad review of the
Obama-era law.
Super Bowl Ads Run With Humor, Unity
House Financial Services
Committee Chairman Jeb Hen-
sarling (R., Texas), who has
been working on a package to
undo parts of Dodd-Frank, is
poised to unveil his plan,

called the Financial Choice Act
2.0, people familiar with the
matter said.
The Dodd-Frank law was
enacted after the financial cri-
sis, when Democrats controlled
Congress and the White House,
with the aim of avoiding an-
other economic meltdown. Re-
publicans and industry critics
say it has led to overly burden-
some regulations that unnec-
essarily constrain financial
firms and limit consumer op-
tions for financial products.
Mr. Hensarling attended the
ceremony Friday where Mr.
Trump signed the Dodd-Frank
order along with a memoran-
dum asking the Labor Depart-
ment to review a regulation
scheduled to take effect in April
that critics have said would up-
end the retirement-account ad-
visory business. “I was proud to
stand next to President Trump
Please see DODD page B8

INSIDE Clockwise from top left: Avocados from Mexico, Me-

lissa McCarthy for Kia Motors, NFL ad, Cam Newton
for Buick, Mr. Clean, Terry Bradshaw for Tide.

BY SUZANNE VRANICA The Wall Street Journal. Funny ads always tend to do pearing during the National edlin, an 83-year-old in Riviera
“They took an old ad icon well, and this year they may Football League title game Beach, Fla.
A sexy Mr. Clean, a sloppy and made it fun again,” said have been just what many between the New England Pa- “The ad had nice inten-
Terry Bradshaw, and a pot- Courtney Cotrupe, managing viewers were looking for—a triots and the Atlanta Falcons tions but I am not really in-
seeking Snoop Dogg all fea- director at Partners + Napier. respite from the divisive politi- went for the funny bone. terested in a political mes-
tured in the Super Bowl com- Another acclaimed ad from cal climate, ad executives said. Several companies tackled sage during the game” said
TIFFANY CHIEF mercials that scored big with
marketing experts, in a year
the consumer-product giant
promoted Tide detergent by
“People need an escape
right now,” said Pete VonDer-
heavier topics, venturing into
potentially controversial polit-
Dan White, a 45-year-old
from Rowley, Mass. “I am
EXITS LUXURY when weighty ads on political showing sports TV analyst and Linn, executive creative direc- ical and social territory or ad- looking for more humor in
JEWELER and social themes were also
on full display.
former star quarterback Terry
Bradshaw enduring a social-
tor at Partners + Napier.
For marketers, striking the
vocating for unity in these di-
visive times.
Please see ADS page B2

Procter & Gamble Co. aired media shaming for getting a right note with Super Bowl During the pregame, Coca-
RETAIL, B3 a spot featuring an animated stain on his shirt. (Mr. Brad- commercials is critical. The big Cola Co. aired “It’s beautiful,”
version of the decades-old shaw wore a stained shirt dur- game reaches more than 100 a 2014 Super Bowl ad that
OIL GLUT icon for its multipurpose
household cleaner, Mr. Clean,
ing the live Fox broadcast be-
fore the ad ran.)
million viewers. Companies
shelled out up to $5 million for
highlighted America’s diversity
by showing people from vari-
SEEMS TO BE dancing, thrusting and mop- “The Tide ad was really 30 seconds of ad time this ous ethnicities and lifestyles
SHRINKING ping as a woman looks on with
pleasure. It was a clear winner
funny and the casting was re-
ally good,” said Juliana Stan-
year, more than double the
price of 10 years ago, according
singing “America the Beauti-
ful” in several languages.
See how Super Bowl ads
scored with fans, plus watch
among advertising executives campiano, a 38-year-old in Se- to ad tracker Kantar Media. “I loved that spot, it sends and vote for your favorite ones
COMMODITIES, B9 and consumers surveyed by attle, Wash. Not every advertiser ap- a nice message,” said Jane Sh- at

How Millennials Are Turning

Snapchat Into the New TV RULES OF
n the registration filing
for its initial public stock
offering, Snapchat parent
Snap Inc. said its competitors
range from Google, Apple and

Facebook to popular Asian

messaging apps such as
Kakao and Line. But it didn’t
list any tra-
ditional me- Trading over 15 million times an hour,* the
dia compa- SPDR S&P 500 ETF has given investors the confidence
nies like Fox
they need to get in—or out of—the market with ease.
or Viacom.
That is
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KEYWORDS odd, be-
about SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY).
MIMS Angeles-
based Snap Snapchat in many ways is also a new kind of television.
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The parallels with TV It is hard for people who even has a mode where you in all market conditions. Brokerage are registered trademarks of for SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, a unit
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reduce returns. Services LLC (S&P) and have Inc. is not affiliated with State Street
Snapchat. In the filing, made Snapchat friends to grasp, ries you like without inter-
SPDR ® S&P 500 ® ETF Trust, an been licensed for use by State Global Markets, LLC.
Thursday, Snap reported its but once your network is ruption. It is reality TV, star-
users view 10 billion videos a sufficiently big, viewing sto- ring people you know. Before investing, consider the funds’ investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses.
day, more than the eight bil- ries can feel like the “lean Since there is no social feed- To obtain a prospectus or summary prospectus, which contains this and other information,
lion video views a day last back” experience of watching back, the way there is on Face- call 1.866.787.2257 or visit Read it carefully.
claimed by Facebook in late television, as opposed to the book and Instagram, the pres-
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2015. It is important to note “lean forward” experience of sure to judge and possibly
that on Snapchat, “videos” engaging on social media. Please see MIMS page B4
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B2 | Monday, February 6, 2017 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

Alphabet .............. B4,B10 ............. B10
Harbin Bank..............B10
GM Hits Hurdles in Europe ACA
Amgen.......................B10 Honda Motor...............B2 Shoprite Holdings.......B3 BY MIKE COLIAS Continued from the prior page
Anheuser-Busch InBev Hull Tactical US ETF .. R7 Snap..................B1,B4,R6 tablished. Republicans are ac-
.....................................B2 Huobi...........................R6 SolidX Bitcoin Trust...R8 Shortly after taking the knowledging that knocking
Apple.........................B10 I Space Exploration helm three years ago, Gen- down the law is more difficult
AT&T............................B3 Intel...........................B10 Technologies.............B3
eral Motors Co. Chief Execu- than they expected. Some in
Audi.............................B2 International Paper....A3 Starbucks.............A10,R6
tive Mary Barra flew to the the GOP now are considering
B iShares MSCI Mexico T auto maker’s money-losing moves to repair parts of the
Bank of America.........B8 Capped ETF...............R6
Takata..........................B3 Opel unit in Germany to tell law, namely retaining and
Big Spaceship ............. B2 J Tata Consultancy employees they were a “vital propping up key provisions.
Bitcoin Investment J.P. Morgan Chase......A1 Services...................B10 part” of the company and “As people are studying this
Trust..........................R8 K Tiffany.........................B3 profits would come by “the more, there’s both a rhetorical
BlackRock...............B8,R6 T-Mobile US................B2
BMW ........................... B3
Kaspersky Lab ............ A8 middle of the decade.” and substantive change,” said
Kia Motors..................B2 U Ms. Barra Sen. Susan Collins (R., Maine)
Butler, Shine, Stern & L U.S. Tax Court.............B5 THE WEEK will reveal last week. “Regardless of who
Partners....................B2 LifePoint Health.........B1 V AHEAD Tuesday was elected president, we
BuzzFeed.....................B4 LPL Financial Holdings Vanguard Group..........B8 whether that were going to have to do ma-
C .....................................B8 goal was jor repairs on the Affordable


Vanguard REIT Index
Chubu Electric Power.B9 M Fund .......................... R5 reached when GM reports Care Act.”
Citigroup ..................... A1 Marriott International Vanguard Total Stock fourth-quarter earnings. President Donald Trump
Coca-Cola.....................B1 .....................................A3 Market ETF...............R1 Opel, a longtime subsidiary told ABC News in January that
Massmart Holdings....B3 Vanguard Value ETF...R8 of the Detroit auto giant, his ACA replacement would of-
Mattel..........................B9 Verizon Communications hasn’t turned an annual fer “better health care for
Delta Air Lines...........A3 Microsoft ............. B10,R8 .....................................B3 profit there since 2000 and more people at a lesser cost.”
E Morgan Stanley.....A1,B8 Volkswagen.................B2 has lost more than $15 bil- Mr. Trump has said he
84 Lumber...................B2 N W lion over that span. wouldn’t release a detailed
F National Football Wal-Mart Stores...A1,B3 Brisk sales of pickups and plan until Rep. Tom Price (R.,
Facebook......................B4 League.......................B1 Walt Disney................B9 sport-utility vehicles are lift- A General Motors assembly plant in Arlington, Texas, last year. Ga.), his nominee to lead the
Fidelity Investments Netflix.........................B3 Wells Fargo ........... A2,B8 ing U.S. operations to record Department of Health and Hu-
.....................................B8 O Winklevoss Bitcoin profits. Any reversal in GM’s GM has been restructur- tion. man Services, is confirmed.
G OKCoin.........................R6 Trust..........................R8 nascent comeback in Europe ing European operations for “Europe might be the Mr. Price said in hearings a re-
P Wipro.........................B10 could reignite questions of years. In 2009, when the most competitive market in placement would assure Amer-
General Motors...........B2
Goldman Sachs Group Planet Labs.................B4 X whether the U.S. auto giant’s company used bankruptcy to the world,” Susquehanna Fi- icans “access to affordable
............................... A2,R6 Procter & Gamble.......B1 XBT Holding................B4 presence there continues to fix its U.S. operation, GM nancial Group Matthew Sto- coverage.”
make sense. found a buyer for Opel but ver said in an interview. “It’s There are signs of at least

INDEX TO PEOPLE GM, which has exceeded

most of Ms. Barra’s financial
targets, has warned that the
ended up backing away from
that sale.
GM’s actions aimed at fix-
going to be tough for them
to get beyond break-even.”
GM was breaking even in
partial Republican sympathy
toward the hospitals’ requests.
In a 2015 reconciliation bill
A Fishman, Seth Matthew Marsh, Terry ............... R1 fallout from Brexit could ing Opel include the 2014 Europe as of the first three sponsored by Mr. Price to dis-
Aked, Michael.............R5 .....................................R2 Masturzo, Jim.............R5 spoil the company’s Europe closure of an assembly plant quarters of 2016, erasing a mantle parts of the ACA that
G May, Theresa..............R6 goals for 2016. Analysts say in Bochum, Germany—the $500 million loss from the was passed by Congress and
Meighan, Bob..............R7 the company’s annual perfor- first auto maker to shut a same period the prior years. ultimately vetoed by President
Barra, Mary.................B2 Gayed, Michael ........... R5
Muldoon, Conor .......... A2 mance in the region is too major German car factory The devaluation of the Brit- Barack Obama, Republicans re-
Benowitz, Jason.........A2 Gorsuch, Neil..............A3
Musk, Elon..................B3 close to call. amid the country’s strict la- ish pound in the wake of the stored some of the cuts to dis-
Beutel, Allard ............. A2 Gubarev, Aleksej.........B4
N Even if GM reports a bor laws since World War II. U.K.’s exit from the European proportionate share payments.
Bogart, Spencer..........R8 H small amount of black ink But GM still is saddled Union threatened to wipe But that bill left in place
Nadig, David................R8
Borzi, Phyllis...............B8 Hensarling, Jeb...........B1
P for 2016 in Europe, plotting with too much unused fac- away as much as $400 mil- the rest of the ACA’s reduc-
Brown, Sherrod...........B8 Hira, Ron...................B10 the next steps to make Opel tory capacity in Europe. And lion in profit during the sec- tions.
Burniske, Christopher Holt, Rush...................A2 R a meaningful contributor to Opel’s vehicle lineup lacks ond half of 2016, company Some believe it may prove
Hull, Blair....................R7 Roper, Barbara............B8 the bottom line remains one the higher-margin trucks, executives said. difficult to persuade Congress
C Hung, Anne.................B9 S of Ms. Barra’s toughest sports cars and luxury name- Still, industry sales in Eu- to restore the federal funding.
Cantor, Susan ............. B2 J Schmansky, Robert.....R7 tasks. And, while the auto plates that fuel GM’s profit rope since the June Brexit Giving the money back to hos-
Carbone, Jeff .............. R8 Silbert, Barry..............R8 maker is pulling ahead of in the U.S. vote have fared better than pitals “puts Medicare further
Johnson, Kevin ........... R6
Carpenter, William ..... B1 Slott, Ed.................R1,R2 Ford Motor Co. in total Excess manufacturing ca- many industry watchers in the hole,” said Joseph An-
Chan, Kam Fong..........R1
K profit, it is far behind its pacity—a problem across Eu- feared, rising 5.2% for the tos, health-policy expert at the
Smith, Ben..................B4
Chen, Morris ...............R5 Kantrowitz, Mark ....... R7
Smullen, Scott............A2 crosstown rival in Europe. rope because of the difficulty year. right-leaning American Enter-
Choate, Natalie...........R1 Kemery, Ebele.............B9 Steele, Christopher.....B4 “There are a number of getting government approval GM’s rivals have re- prise Institute. Medicare is ex-
Cohn, Gary...................B8 Knight, Thaya Brook...B8 Stoyanov, Ruslan........A8 actions that we’re working to lay off workers or close bounded more rapidly from a pected to be insolvent in 2028,
Cotrupe, Courtney.......B1 Kowalski, Michael.......B3 through with the European plants—is a bigger problem bruising six-year decline in according to the latest projec-
Cotton, Ed...................B2 L team to mitigate” Brexit’s for GM than most auto mak- European auto sales that tions.
White, Dan..................B1 fallout, GM Chief Financial ers. GM used just 63% of its ended in 2014. Ford notched A spokeswoman for Repub-
Cumenal, Frederic.......B3 Lee, Joo-Yung.............A2 Whitington, Jerome...A2 Officer Chuck Stevens told factory capacity there last a record $1.2 billion operat- lican U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley
D Love, Kelly .................. A2 Winklevoss, Cameron.R8
analysts in October. “But cer- year, LMC Automotive esti- ing profit for 2016, and Fiat- of Iowa, a senior member of
Devitt, Cedric..............B2 M Winklevoss, Tyler.......R8
tainly the environment in mates. That is worse than Chrysler Automobiles boosted the Senate Finance Committee,
F Magerko, Maggie Hardy Z Europe is challenging and the industry average 71% and margins in the region for a said he is hearing from many
Fink, Larry...................R6 .....................................B2 Zuckerberg, Mark ....... B4 uncertain, and very volatile.” Ford’s 70% capacity utiliza- second consecutive year. health-care organizations.

ADS Some ad executives praised

the company for being brave
enough to tackle the issue of
blocked the order pending a
legal battle.)
In the six days after its re-
lease on Jan. 31, the Budweiser
A spot for Volkswagen’s
Audi that showed a father
watching his daughter com-
peting in a cart race and pro-
Continued from the prior page “Many will be violently ad, as of early Sunday, had moted gender pay equity also
the commercials,” he added.
A commercial for building-
against the message and other
will be more positive,” said Ed
generated over 57,000 com-
ments on social media—about
touched off controversy in the
days leading up to the Super
Economics 101
supply chain 84 Lumber Co., Cotton, chief strategy officer 17% of them negative and 14% Bowl.
which features a Spanish- of Butler, Shine, Stern & positive, according to research Beyond the fees for airtime,
speaking mother and daughter Partners. firm Networked Insights. marketers spent millions more
on a journey—apparently to- “It was a provocative ad “It’s a great ad, but it on special effects, well-known
ward the U.S. border—was but I liked it” because it seems unlikely that people will directors and celebrities.
clearly polarizing, ad execu- showed a different view of im- interpret the ad as being Honda Motor Co.’s ad
tives said. migrants, said Charlie Fisher, a showing high school yearbook Why does IBKR
The spot directed viewers 26-year-old from Toronto, pictures of celebrities such as
to a special website where the Canada. Mr. Fisher tried to
Beyond the fees for Tina Fey and Robert Redford do more trades than
rest of the ad was available. watch the rest of the ad on- coming to life was selected as
The video showed the pair
making it to the border and
line, but the site had crashed.
Even ads that weren’t in-
airtime, marketers one of the best celebrity com-
mercials of the night.
any other broker?
finding a wall had been tended to make a political
spent millions more “A unique way to use celeb-
erected. But the two were able statement might provoke de- on special effects. rities,” said Ms. Cotrupe at Because it is the
to cross because the wall had bate. Anheuser-Busch InBev Partners + Napier.
a big door that opened.
“Even President Trump has
NV’s Budweiser spot showed
the company’s co-founder im-
Other winning celebrity ads
included an environmentally
least expensive.*
said there should be a ‘big migrating from Germany to St. about the heritage of the beers themed spot for Kia Motors
beautiful door in the wall so Louis in 1857. as opposed to being a politi- Corp. featuring Melissa McCar-
that people can come into this The world’s largest brewer cally motivated jab,” said Ce- thy hugging trees and rescuing
country legally,’” said Maggie released its ad online just days dric Devitt, chief creative offi- rhinos and a spot for T-Mobile
Hardy Magerko, 84 Lumber’s after Mr. Trump signed an ex- cer of digital ad firm Big US Inc. showing Martha Stew-
president, in a statement. “It’s ecutive order suspending im- Spaceship. art playing on words with Why is IBKR the
not about the wall. It’s about migration from seven Muslim- “It’s so relevant to what is Snoop Dogg.
the door in the wall. If people majority nations for what the going on today, and the ad “Martha and Snoop have least expensive broker?
are willing to work hard and administration said were con- makes me want to drink Bud- great chemistry,” said Susan
make this country better, that cerns about terrorism. (Fed- weiser,” said Alicia Mandel- Cantor, chief executive officer
door should be open to them.” eral courts have temporarily Hickey, 52-year-old in Phoenix. of branding firm Red Peak. Because it does
more trades.†
Super Bowl Ad Battle
Super Bowl advertising inventory is the priciest real estate on $370
television, thanks to the estimated 100 million viewers who tune in $345
for the game. Companies collectively shelled out $369.6 million for Autos
ad time during the Super Bowl in 2016. $292
$91.2M How did we get here?
Ad spending $228
in millions $213 $205 In a free economy
$163 $152 Beverages the best technology wins!*


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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | B3


Tiffany CEO Will Wal-Mart Takes Its Time

Exit as Sales Slip Subsidiary Massmart
is expanding slowly in
especially because loans in
many African countries are
dollar-denominated. And infla-
BY SUZANNE KAPNER South Africa, even as tion, a malady in various econ-
AND STEPHEN NAKROSIS omies on the continent, has
consumer class grows cut into the buying power of
Tiffany & Co. on Sunday middle-class consumers.
said Chief Executive Frederic BY ALEXANDRA WEXLER Wal-Mart’s slow but deliber-
Cumenal is stepping down and ate approach to Africa diverges
the luxury jeweler is starting a JOHANNESBURG—After from past strategies in devel-
search for a new leader to re- some costly stumbles on its oping markets, where aggres-

verse a prolonged sales slump. march into developing mar- sive expansions hit hurdles.


The New York-based com- kets, Wal-Mart Stores Inc. has Last year, Wal-Mart closed
pany said Mr. Cumenal, who adopted a different strategy 115 outlets in Latin America,
has run Tiffany for the past for Africa: taking it easy. leaving its store count in the
two years, will be succeeded, When the U.S. retail behe- region at roughly 4,000. In
effective immediately, by his moth bought a $2.4 billion China, the company has
predecessor, company Chair- majority stake in South Afri- slowed store growth, and in
man Michael Kowalski. can retailer Massmart Hold- June sold its Yihaodian web-
Tiffany said its board is ings Ltd. in 2011, it trumpeted site for a stake in local online
“committed to our current core the potential of the continent’s retailer Inc.
business strategies, but has burgeoning consumer class. At A five-year U.S. investigation
been disappointed by recent fi- the time, Massmart had 26 Massmart-operated supermarkets include the Game brand, above. into possible foreign bribery has
nancial results.” The company Departing CEO Frederic Cumenal stores outside its home mar- dogged Wal-Mart in Mexico; and
reiterated its recent financial ket; in the five years since, it C. America 3,097 the probe, which is related to
forecasts and said it needed to has been flat at about $4 bil- has added only 13 of its signa- Costa Rica 232
store openings, has also pointed
Mexico 2,379
accelerate its execution to im- lion since 2014. ture large destination-type Guatemala 218 to possible misconduct in Brazil
prove its performance. Tiffany is the latest luxury outlets. In that same span, by and in India. Wal-Mart, which
Shares of Tiffany, which have company to undergo an execu- contrast, rival Shoprite Hold-
Other* 268 Retailer's Reach didn’t respond to requests for
underperformed the broader tive shake-up, underscoring ings Ltd. has opened 182 of its U.S.-based Wal-Mart has comment on its African strategy,
S. America 966
market, closed Friday at $80.47, the pressure on established mostly smaller, grocery-cen- moved into emerging has said it is cooperating fully in
Chile 360 Brazil 499 markets, though not
little changed from when Mr. brands to reinvent themselves tric stores outside South Af- the various investigations. But
Argentina 107 always smoothly. Its
Cumenal took the helm. for a fast-changing market, rica, for a total of 375. the company’s efforts to im-
The luxury brand has where social media allows up- Some analysts and investors stores in those regions: prove compliance have slowed
Asia 446
posted declining same-store starts to quickly gain a footing wonder whether Massmart’s expansion in some markets, ac-
sales for several quarters, hurt and consumers are no longer slow expansion means Wal- China 426 cording to a former employee
*Nicaragua (92); El Salvador (89);
by diminished spending by for- loyal. Last week, Ralph Lauren Mart is losing interest in its Af- India 20 Honduras (87) familiar with the situation.
eign tourists as the stronger Corp. said its chief executive, rican venture. But Guy Hayward, †Botswana (11); Mozambique, Nigeria (5 Massmart’s Mr. Hayward
dollar has made such shopping Stefan Larsson, will leave the who took over as Massmart’s Africa 412 each); Namibia, Zambia (4); Lesotho (3); concedes that the chain’s ap-
Malawi (2); Ghana, Kenya, Swaziland,
trips more expensive. company in May after less chief executive in June 2014, S. Africa 373 Tanzania, Uganda (1)
proach in Africa is partly born
Last month, the company re- than two years on the job due says the modest pace is part of Other† 39 of necessity. Sketchy land reg-
ported a 4% drop in North to creative differences with “a very deliberate strategy” and Source: the company THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. istries, sudden changes to lo-
American same-store sales for the company’s founder. not a sign of weakness. cal laws and property owners
the holidays, which it blamed Mr. Cumenal joined Tiffany “If being sort of Steady Ed- Mr. Hayward notes that its ing high rents, a lack of shop- holding out for a bonanza are
on lower foot traffic to its flag- in 2011 to oversee sales and die is described as a criticism, outlets—most of which bear ping malls and intense bureau- only a few of the hindrances to
ship Fifth Avenue store. The distribution, and was ap- I’m happy to be criticized,” its Game and Builders Ware- cracy. In 2011, Pick n Pay Stores doing business.
company highlighted traffic dis- pointed president and joined said Mr. Hayward, a South Af- house brands—average about Ltd. entered Mozambique and “The rule of thumb is prob-
ruptions and security around the board in 2013. The French- rican native who joined Mass- 3.5 times the sales of a typical Mauritius, but exited both mar- ably about three years from
its neighbor, Trump Tower, man was hired from LVMH, mart in 2000. Shoprite store. kets two years later, citing un- first meeting a developer on a
where the new president was where he had been CEO of In August, Massmart an- Some retailers who rushed profitability and differences dusty piece of land to opening
meeting with various leaders. Moet & Chandon SA. nounced plans to open five into African markets have paid with its respective franchisees. the stores,” the 51-year-old
Mr. Cumenal said he didn’t Mr. Kowalski, who joined new stores in Africa beyond a steep price. Woolworths More broadly, recent sharp CEO said. “This is their once-
expect a material improvement the company in 1983, was the its home market through 2017, Holdings Ltd., an upmarket re- fluctuations in African curren- in-a-lifetime payday and valu-
in the macroeconomic chal- CEO of Tiffany from 1999 until while Shoprite set out to add tailer of groceries and clothing cies—a result of the commodi- ations are crazy.”
lenges the company faced in he handed over the top spot to 46 stores outside South Africa in South Africa, closed its three ties crisis—have jolted busi- —Sarah Nassauer
2016. The company’s revenue Mr. Cumenal in April 2015. in the 12 months to June 2017. Nigerian stores in late 2013, cit- nesses including retailers, contributed to this article.

Trump Would Seek Private Space Funds

BY ANDY PASZTOR White House advisers assigned completed during Mr. Trump’s Co. and Lockheed Martin Corp.
to oversee NASA also have or- current four-year term. are seeking to safeguard mul-
The Trump administration’s ders to delay big decisions un- From potentially staking tibillion-dollar rocket and
evolving space policy is ex- til a governmentwide space out mineral rights on the manned capsule programs
pected to foster private invest- council is formally set up un- moon to fostering the concept slated to explore deep space in
ment, while likely favoring rel- der Vice President Mike Pence, of privately owned and oper- coming decades.
atively short-term goals such according to people familiar ated space stations circling The result, according to in-
as sending astronauts back to with the details. the globe, the vision sketched dustry and transition officials,
orbit the moon by 2020, ac- But in the interim, the out in memos reviewed by The is a tussle pitting such estab-
cording to industry and transi- agency and its programs are Wall Street Journal illustrates lished priorities against alter-
tion officials. embroiled in political maneu- growing pressure on NASA to native, commercially driven
Based on interviews with vering. Proponents of com- change its traditional way of projects championed by com-
these officials and copies of mercial space efforts have operating. panies including entrepreneur
previously confidential memos sought to recast the initial Despite an annual budget of Elon Musk’s Space Explora-
sent to the White House, Pres- NASA transition team’s pro- roughly $19 billion and some tion Technologies Corp., or
ident Donald Trump’s aides posed “agency action plan” by 17,000 employees, outside ex- SpaceX.
envision one of NASA’s top stressing, among other items, perts say the agency isn’t Mr. Musk is a member of
priorities will be further pro- a rapid and affordable return likely to have the needed fund- Mr. Trump’s economic advi-
motion of public-private part- to the moon, possibly led by ing to carry out all of its man- sory council.
nerships in the heavens. private enterprise. dates during the next decade. For each of the past four

No final decisions have The common thread among But for now, Republican years, NASA has spent more
been made, and steps to alter many of the policy options, congressional leaders are vow- than $2 billion overall devel-
existing programs or launch transition and industry offi- ing to maintain every big- oping its most powerful
new ones await nomination of cials said, is a focus on proj- ticket item. rocket, called Space Launch
a National Aeronautics and ects able to attract voter sup- At the same time, legacy System, and a companion
Space Administration chief. port that realistically can be contractors including Boeing manned capsule, named Orion. A launch simulator at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston.

BMW U.S. due to potentially dysfunc- produced from 2001 to 2002, sure after millions of its rupture-
tional air-bag inflators produced and sport-utility vehicles made prone air bags were recalled
Air-Bag Inflators by troubled Japanese manufac- between 2001 and 2003, accord- around the world.
Lead to Recall turer Takata Corp. ing to a safety recall report from —Andrea Thomas
The recalls affect some BMW the U.S. National Highway Traffic Explore Costa Rica on a Caravan fully guided tour
BMW AG is recalling more 3-series cars produced between Safety Administration. WIRELESS

than 230,000 vehicles in the 2000 and 2002, 5-series cars Takata faces financial pres-
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Sharp Corp. recorded its first profit of ¥4.2 billion ($37 million) looking restructuring after Tai paying the carrier, although the
quarterly net profit in more than was a turnaround from a year- Jeng-wu arrived as CEO from video is delivered at lower quality. ®
two years for the October-De- earlier loss of ¥24.7 billion, Foxconn Technology Group, AT&T and Verizon applauded
cember period. brought about by cost-cutting. which took control in August. the FCC’s order on Friday. Fully Guided Tours Since 1952
The fiscal third-quarter net Sharp has shifted to forward- —Takashi Mochizuki —Thomas Gryta
B4 | Monday, February 6, 2017 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Facebook Looms Over Snap MIMS

crease brand awareness—in
other words, TV ads.
Taco Bell, an early adver-
tiser, knew from the beginning
Continued from page B1 that “this level of engagement
As Snapchat parent revenue of $404.5 million com- share everything you see is off. was a total game-changer,” a
Social Profiles pares with more than $27 bil- “People are using Snapchat spokesman says, adding that
prepares for IPO, At the time of their IPO filings, Facebook was lion for Facebook. as their down time,” says Mike it plans to continue to adver-
larger rival is borrowing larger and about three years older than Snap. But Snapchat and Insta- Germano, chief digital officer tise on Snapchat.
gram were neck-and-neck of millennial-focused media In a new form of product
some of its moves REVENUE PER DAILY ACTIVE USER NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES among more than 10,000 U.S. company Vice and chief execu- placement, advertisers can
Facebook Snap teens surveyed In the fall of tive of Carrot Creative, a Vice- customize Snapchat’s aug-
BY DEEPA SEETHARAMAN 3,200 1,859 2016 by Piper Jaffray, with owned agency that creates ads mented-reality selfie “lenses.”
(4Q 2011) (4Q 2016) 80% saying they used Snap- for major social platforms. “In Taco Bell says it worked with
Two years ago, as Face- Facebook chat at least once a month, an age when if you look at Snapchat on its Cinco de
book Inc. was struggling to $2.41 compared with 79% for Insta- your Twitter and Facebook Mayo taco head lens for
get its users to post more, the (4Q 2011) Snap gram. Slightly more than half feed and it’s depressing as nearly six weeks; the feature
social-media giant turned for $1.05 of the teens said they went on all hell, Snapchat is this fun garnered 224 million views.
inspiration to a messaging app (4Q 2016) Facebook that often. Those place where it’s a little bit of When Twentieth Century
called Snapchat. Note: Data are for the quarter trends were nearly identical to escapism.” Fox used superpowered lenses
Facebook teams created dia- immediately preceding the S-1 filing a year earlier. Snap uses actual humans to to promote the movie “X-Men:
grams to compare how many Source: the companies THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Facebook declined to com- curate snaps from across the Apocalypse” last year, the
steps a user had to take to post ment for this article. site into stories on anything of campaign yielded 298 million
on each of the two apps, ac- Snap and Facebook are chas- interest, ranging from scenes views, according to Snap.
cording to people familiar with ing the same juicy user demo- from the Coachella music fes- As advertisers take notice
the matter. At least one chart graphic: people under the age of tival to funny things grand- of Snapchat’s 160 million or
was sobering: It took nearly 35, who have become increas- mothers say. so daily users, Snap has the
twice as many steps to post on ingly hard to reach with ads in Content also comes from opportunity to capture a
Facebook as it did on Snap- traditional media. Snapchat’s partnerships with celebrities portion of the $71 billion a
chat, one of the people said. ease of use appeals to these and production studios that year that goes to television
Comparing Snapchat and consumers and is a big reason may split revenue with Snap, commercials. Nielsen re-
Facebook is likely to be the why it has become teens’ favor- more like a traditional studio ported a 37% decline in the
latest hobby of IPO investors ite place to hang out. than a platform such as amount of time spent view-
after the messaging app’s par- On Snapchat, the camera is Facebook. ing television among 18- to
ent, Snap Inc., filed plans for available from the moment you Comedy Central was a 24-year-olds, Snapchat’s core
an initial public stock offering open the app. Images disap- launch partner on the very
Thursday. The IPO is targeting pear, creating a sense of infor- first version of Snapchat’s
a valuation between $20 bil- mality and a safe zone for post- Discover section, which al-
lion and $25 billion for the ing. And there is no need to lows media brands, from
Snap has a chance to
five-year-old company with a “like” or comment, eliminating magazines like Cosmo and capture a slice of the
coveted user base—an indica- the popularity-contest nature Complex to news outlets like
tion of, among other things, of posting on Facebook and its CNN and, yes, The Wall Street
$71 billion a year that
how desperate advertisers are photo-sharing app, Instagram. Journal, to create curated sto- goes to television ads.
to penetrate the bubble of to- Facebook executives were ries of their own. Each ever-

day’s smartphone-tethered keenly aware of how Snapchat’s refreshing collection of highly

teens and young adults. core features differed from their produced, video- and anima-
Yet for all of Snapchat’s Snapchat helps ‘X-Men’ fans become their favorite characters. own. Determined to out-Snap tion-rich stories feels like its demographic, between 2010
popularity, it has reason to Snapchat, Facebook launched or own TV channel. and 2016. And IDC projects
worry, as Facebook rips pages three months of 2016, com- dress what is their unique sell- tested several new features in- “I kept referring to it as that by 2020, advertisers
out of its playbook. Face- pared with 11% in the year- ing proposition in those mar- cluding Stories on Instagram. the millennial skinny bun- will spend more money on
book’s launch in August of earlier quarter. In 2009, when kets, if a legacy player already Snapchat caught Facebook dle,” says David Bernath, mobile than they will on TV.
Stories on Instagram is espe- Facebook’s daily user count has some of the key features Chief Executive Mark Zucker- general manager of Comedy Snapchat reported $404
cially ominous. was roughly the same size, its that someone might download berg’s attention early on: Central. A “skinny bundle” is million in revenue in 2016, and
In its S-1 IPO filing Thurs- quarterly user growth was at Snapchat for,” said Cathy Facebook in 2013 offered to the growing trend in cable aims to hit $1 billion in 2017.
day, Snap warned that intensi- a roughly 30% pace. Boyle, analyst at eMarketer. buy the then-two-year-old ri- toward selling consumers a But that growth must be built
fying competition could clip Facebook could undercut Snap Inc. ended 2016 with val for more than $3 billion. handful of channels for less primarily atop better ad target-
its growth rate further. Snapchat especially outside the 161 million daily users, com- Snapchat’s co-founder and than they would typically ing and deeper engagement
Growth in daily active users of U.S., where Facebook and In- pared with 1.2 billion for Face- CEO, Evan Spiegel, rejected pay for cable-TV service. from users, because it isn’t at
Snapchat is slowing, with us- stagram already have a running book, which is about seven the offer, believing his app “Twenty years ago you all clear Snapchat will grow its
ers growing by 5% in the last start. “Snap will have to ad- years older. Snapchat’s annual was worth more. would create MTV2 or VH1 user base the way Facebook
Classic,” says Mr. Bernath, did. Snapchat’s user growth ac-
but now that content goes to tually slowed in the fourth

Google to Sell Its Satellite Business

Snapchat. quarter of 2016.
Snapchat is also a great Snapchat is the most im-
deal like television in its busi- portant social network for
ness model. Video ads that ap- teens and people in their early
BY JACK NICAS self, a person familiar with the pear in the app are more like 20s, according to a survey by
deal said. Negotiations be- TV commercials than the pre- Piper Jaffray. But investing in
Alphabet Inc.’s Google is tween the companies took roll advertising that has failed Snap means weighing its at-
selling its satellite business to place last month. to generate profit at YouTube. traction against a litany of un-
competitor Planet Labs Inc. Google purchased Terra One reason is sheer quantity. knowns.
for shares in the startup, in a Bella for $500 million in 2014, While YouTube limits itself to Robust competition from
move to simplify Google’s when it was known as Skybox 15- or 30-second pre-roll ads Facebook is foremost among
sprawling operations. Imaging. The sale is Alphabet’s in front of every third video or them. The company has been
Under the deal, Planet would latest move to shed some of so, Snapchat can cram three rapidly copying Snapchat’s
acquire Google’s satellite-imag- its bolder bets, including its under-10-second ads into ev- features in both Instagram
ery Terra Bella unit and its effort to sell robot-maker Bos- ery one-and-a-half to two-min- and Messenger. Facebook also
seven satellites in orbit, the ton Dynamics. ute story—without annoying wants to be the next TV, and
companies said. In exchange, Planet Chief Executive Will viewers. is spending some of its mas-
Google would get a stake in Marshall said Terra Bella’s sat- How does Snapchat achieve sive (mobile) ad revenues on
Planet and agree to purchase ellites capture imagery six such density without serious original programming and
satellite images from the com- times as detailed as the im- backlash? The brief ads are of- new apps for set-top boxes.

pany for five years. The compa- ages from Planet’s network of ten actually fun to watch. Then there is the concern
nies declined to disclose further 60 satellites. Planet, based in They have to be, because all that the Snapchat app is un-
details of the deal, which re- San Francisco, also said Friday Snapchat’s ads can be in- likely to ever capture a criti-
quires regulatory approval. that it plans to launch an addi- Liftoff for satellites for Terra Bella in French Guiana last year. stantly skipped. Snap charges cal mass of users over 30.
Google is selling Terra Bella tional 88 satellites later this less for skipped ads than ones Even loyalists could age out
largely because it believes it month, enabling it to photo- world in medium resolution, we Planet plans this year to that are viewed, and full pay- of the app as they reach a
can save money and simplify graph all 57.3 million square can spot changes. And then we launch six more Terra Bella ment only comes when a user point when social display
its business if it buys satellite miles of the Earth’s land mass can point [Terra Bella’s] high- satellites, which weigh about swipes up to see the ad in its and fear of missing out—two
imagery from a third party each day, up from roughly 19 resolution satellites on those 260 pounds each. Planet’s ex- entirety. Those features make key drivers of Snapchat en-
versus launching and operat- million square miles today. changes,” Mr. Marshall said. isting satellites weigh about 10 them perfect for the kind of gagement—are no longer
ing a network of satellites it- “By scanning the whole “So it’s very complementary.” pounds each. advertising that aims to in- motivating forces.


Legal Notices
Russian Sues BuzzFeed
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
A Russian tech executive
NOTICE OF SALE whose name appeared in an
unsubstantiated intelligence
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which was filed in state court Trump and that the Kremlin in a staff memo at the time, say-
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nalism.’ ” The suit also names While many news organiza- A separate lawsuit, filed in
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It alleged that even though they were unable to verify its Steele and his firm, Orbis In-
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“BuzzFeed and Smith specifi- claims, BuzzFeed published telligence Ltd., of tarnishing

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which had redacted some given to then-President Barack told The Wall Street Journal
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The 35-page dossier pur- untrue” and said he was seeking runs a legitimate business and
ported to contain intelligence an undetermined amount of doesn’t employ hackers.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | B5


‘Split’ Tops Box Office

Third Straight Week
Associated Press riod at multiplexes. Hollywood
traditionally bypasses Super
NEW YORK—M. Night Shya- Bowl weekend due to the
malan’s multiple personality game’s enormous television
thriller “Split” led the box of- audience.
fice for a third-straight week, Paramount’s horror offer-
a fairly unprecedented streak ing, “Rings,” came in second
for a low-budget horror film. with an estimated $13 million.
According to studio esti- The sequel revived the dor-
mates Sunday, “Split” came mant franchise begun with
out on top again with $14.6 2002’s “The Ring.”
million in North American The weekend’s other debut,
ticket sales, bringing the “The Space Between Us,” fiz-
Universal Pictures release’s zled. The STX Entertainment
three-week haul to $98.7 release, starring Asa Butter-


million. The film’s run has field as a boy born on another
come in an especially slow pe- planet, earned $3.8 million.

Estimated Box-Office Figures, Through Sunday



Depending on the outcome of the case, Michael Jackson’s estate could have to pay more than $500 million in taxes, IRS documents show.
1. Split Universal $14.6 $98.7 -43%
2. Rings Paramount $13.0 $13.0 —
3. A Dog’s Purpose Universal
4. Hidden Figures Fox
5. La La Land Lions Gate
Jackson’s Estate Faces Tax Demand
IRS disputes valuation his name and likeness essen- likeness—as opposed to his Mr. Jackson’s death have been
*Friday, Saturday and Sunday Source: comScore tially worthless, valuing it at music—in his lifetime,” said entertainment attorney John
of the singer’s name $2,105, as Mr. Jackson’s reputa- Mr. Weitzman, noting that he Branca and veteran music ex-
and likeness rights at tion was then tainted by child- only earned about $50 million ecutive John McClain.
abuse allegations and his from those rights while he Since 2009, the two executors
the time of his death strange public behavior. was alive.“They are trying to have helped the estate net about
After releasing his last studio take what Michael’s estate $1 billion, due to endeavors in-
BY HANNAH KARP album in 2001, he was accused created for his children after cluding the posthumous release
in 2003—and later acquitted— death and extract an unrea- of the documentary “This Is It,”
When pop star Michael of molesting children at his sonable and excessive tax.” which followed Mr. Jackson as he
Jackson died in 2009, weeks Neverland ranch in Southern prepared for his comeback tour.
before a planned comeback California. Numerous other inci- The biggest payout came
tour, how much was the man in dents also hurt his public image. last year when they sold the
the mirror worth? The answer
is far from black and white.
After coming to agreements
on the value of some of the
Even after Mr. Jackson had
sold out the 50 shows at Lon-
don’s O2 arena that he had
planned for the “This Is It”
Value the IRS places on the pop
estate’s approximately 50%
stake in the world’s biggest
music publishing company,
Sony/ATV Music Publishing, to
King of Pop’s more concrete as- tour in the summer of 2009, he star’s name and likeness. Sony Corp., netting about $750
sets in a legal fight that began was unable to find a tour spon- million. As a result, the $500
four years ago, the estate’s ex- sor, said Howard Weitzman, million in debt Mr. Jackson
ecutors are facing off with the one of the attorneys represent- died with has been trans-
Internal Revenue Service in ing the estate in the trial. But The IRS didn’t respond to a formed into about the same
U.S. Tax Court on Monday, pri- the IRS argues that the pop request for comment. amount in cash for the per-
marily about the valuation of star’s name and likeness should The gaping discrepancy former’s mother and children.
the singer’s name and likeness have been valued at $161 mil- highlights the difficulty of put- The executors first brought

rights at the time of his death. lion; that would be down from ting a price on a music star’s the fight to U.S. Tax Court in
Depending on the outcome 2013, when it valued those name and image, as distinct 2013 when they filed a petition
of the case, the estate could be rights at $434 million. from what his or her music is challenging a notice from IRS
on the hook for more than “No celebrity’s name and worth. Doing so requires guess- that had adjusted the estate’s
$500 million in taxes and $200 likeness rights have sold for ing what the celebrity would total value to more than $1.3
million in penalties, according anywhere near that much— have earned in licensing deals. billion, from $7 million. The
to the IRS’s notice to the es- not Elvis, not Marilyn, not Ali. Future licensing opportunities right to Mr. Jackson’s image
tate of its deficiency. And Michael did not make also can be hard to predict. and likeness was among the
The run for ‘Split’ has come during a slow period at multiplexes. The estate said it considered that much from his name and Running the estate since IRS’s biggest adjustments.

Lo hoc
$3 w ki

4 95
Pr ng

Actual size
is 40.6 mm

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For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B6 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index New to the Market
Last Year ago Last Year ago
20071.46 t 22.32, or 0.11% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 20.33 17.12 2297.42 s 2.73, or 0.12% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 24.18 21.40
Public Offerings of Stock
High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 17.24 15.31 High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 17.59 15.87 IPOs in the U.S. Market
the past 52 weeks Dividend yield 2.39 2.78 the past 52 weeks Dividend yield 2.08 2.32 Initial public offerings of stock expected this week; might include some
All-time high 20100.91, 01/26/17 All-time high: 2298.37, 01/25/17 offerings, U.S. and foreign, open to institutional investors only via the
Rule 144a market; deal amounts are for the U.S. market only
Current divisor 0.14602128057775 Symbol/ Pricing
19900 2300 Expected primary Shares Range($)
pricing date Filed Issuer/business exchange (mil.) Low/High Bookrunner(s)
65-day moving average
2/8 8/7 Mauser Group MSR 12.6 20.00/ BofA ML, Citi,
19200 2225 2015 Supplier of plastic and N 22.00 Credit Suisse, RW
metal packaging products Baird & Co, DB,
and services for industrial Jefferies
18500 2150
2/9 10/7 Clipper Realty CLPR 7.1 13.50/ FBR Cptl Mrkts & Co,
2016 Acquires, owns, and N 15.50 Raymond James
operates multi-family & Assoc., Janney
17800 2075 residential and commercial Montgomery
properties. Scott, Wunderlich
200-day moving average
Week's high 2/9 1/13 Foundation Building Materials FBM 12.8 17.00/ DB, Barclays, RBC
17100 2000 Supplier of construction N 19.00 Cptl Mkts, Citi,
DOWN UP materials, including RW Baird & Co
concrete and steel

Monday's open Friday's close products.

16400 1925
Friday's close Monday's open 2/9 10/28 Sachem Capital SACH 3.0 5.00/ Joseph Gunnar & Co

2016 Real Estate Investment Nq 5.00

200-day moving average 65-day moving average Trusts focused on short-
15700 1850 term loans secured by first
Week's low mortgage liens.
Bars measure the point change from Monday's open
15000 1775
Lockup Expirations
F M A M J J A S O N D J F F M A M J J A S O N D J F Below, companies whose officers and other insiders will become eligible
to sell shares in their newly public companies for the first time. Such
NYSE weekly volume, in billions of shares market Composite sales can move the stock’s price.

Financial Flashback Lockup Offer Offer amt Through Lockup
20 The Wall Street Journal, February 6, 2006 expiration Issue date Issuer Symbol price($) ($ mil.) Friday (%) provision
10 Chemicals maker Huntsman Corp. abandoned efforts to Feb. 6 Aug. 10, ’16 Medpace Holdings MEDP 23.00 185.2 45.2 180 days
0 sell itself, highlighting tensions between leveraged-buyout Aug. 10, ’16 Protagonist Therapeutics PTGX 12.00 93.0 59.5 180 days
F M A M J J A S O N D J F firms and targets looking for higher prices. Feb. 7 Aug. 11, ’16 Airgain AIRG 8.00 12.0 109.0 180 days
* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.
Sources: Dealogic; WSJ Market Data Group

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Nasdaq Composite IPO Scorecard

Latest Week 52-Week % chg s 5.98, or 0.11% Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first
High Low Close Net chg % chg Low Close (l) % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. % Chg From % Chg From
High last week
Dow Jones Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Friday3s Offer 1st-day
IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close
Industrial Average 20081.48 19784.77 20071.46 -22.32 -0.11 15660.18 l 20100.91 23.9 1.6 9.3 Kimbell Royalty Ptnrs 20.64 14.7 ... JELD-WEN Holding 28.51 24.0 9.2
Transportation Avg 9368.54 9047.40 9241.56 -202.72 -2.15 6883.49 l 9468.77 33.1 2.2 9.4 KRP Feb. 3/$18.00 JELD Jan. 27/$23.00
Utility Average 669.10 654.14 662.07 4.37 0.66 610.87 l 723.51 6.0 0.4 9.7 Ramaco Resources 13.55 0.4 ... Jounce Thera 17.05 6.6 –1.2
METC Feb. 3/$13.50 JNCE Jan. 27/$16.00
Total Stock Market 23917.51 23555.38 23909.98 46.91 0.20 18663.11 l 23922.9 24.4 2.7 9.3
5630 Invitation Homes 20.63 3.2 3.2 REV Grp 25.86 17.5 3.4
Barron's 400 614.97 602.94 613.59 0.35 0.06 446.15 l 617.4 33.2 2.0 8.7 INVH Feb. 1/$20.00 REVG Jan. 27/$22.00
Nasdaq Stock Market Laureate Edu 13.27 –5.2 0.2 AnaptysBio 17.53 16.9 3.1
5590 LAUR Feb. 1/$14.00 ANAB Jan. 26/$15.00
Nasdaq Composite 5666.84 5576.09 5666.77 5.98 0.11 4266.84 l 5666.77 29.9 5.3 12.3
Jagged Peak Energy 14.72 –1.9 2.7 ObsEva 11.68 –22.1 0.3
Nasdaq 100 5165.47 5086.33 5161.60 -6.46 -0.13 3947.80 l 5168.06 28.3 6.1 14.5 JAG Jan. 27/$15.00 OBSV Jan. 26/$15.00
Standard & Poor's 27 30 31 1 2 3 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; FactSet Research Systems
500 Index 2298.31 2267.21 2297.42 2.73 0.12 1829.08 l 2298.37 22.2 2.6 9.7 January
Other Stock Offerings
MidCap 400 1707.33 1666.34 1706.64 9.97 0.59 1238.82 l 1710.29 33.4 2.8 10.5 DJ US TSM
Secondaries and follow-ons expected this week in the U.S. market
SmallCap 600 841.95 820.91 841.34 2.98 0.36 588.26 l 857.5 39.0 0.4 10.7 s 46.91, or 0.20%
None expected this week
Other Indexes last week
Russell 2000 1377.93 1342.66 1377.84 7.13 0.52 953.72 l 1388.07 39.8 1.5 8.0 Off the Shelf
NYSE Composite 11316.73 11147.11 11310.75 27.56 0.24 9029.88 l 11339.05 20.5 2.3 5.1 “Shelf registrations” allow a company to prepare a stock or bond for
Value Line 517.04 507.25 517.01 1.08 0.21 383.82 l 520.17 29.1 2.1 4.0 23950 sale, without selling the whole issue at once. Corporations sell as
NYSE Arca Biotech 3304.64 3103.49 3302.80 117.10 3.68 2642.53 l 3477.87 20.4 7.4 10.4 conditions become favorable. Here are the shelf sales, or takedowns,
NYSE Arca Pharma 484.65 469.86 484.65 10.76 2.27 463.78 l 554.66 -0.7 0.6 1.6 23800 over the last week:
KBW Bank 93.25 90.50 93.14 0.29 0.32 56.51 l 93.71 51.7 1.5 12.5 Takedown date/ Deal value Registration
Issuer/Industry Registration date ($ mil.) (mil.) Bookrunner(s)
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 94.02 88.66 92.92 3.34 3.73 54.34 l 112.86 68.0 17.8 1.1
23650 Neos Therapeutics Feb. 3 $25.0 $125.0 Cowen & Co,
PHLX§ Oil Service 184.16 177.28 183.12 -0.77 -0.42 129.55 l 192.66 29.1 -0.4 -11.0 Healthcare Aug. 1,316 BMO Cptl Mkts
PHLX§ Semiconductor 965.31 938.76 964.02 1.76 0.18 559.18 l 964.02 64.4 6.3 23.0 Interpace Diagnostics GroupFeb. 3 $3.6 $100.0 Maxim Group
CBOE Volatility 12.99 9.97 10.97 0.39 3.69 10.58 l 28.14 -53.1 -21.9 -20.0 23500 Healthcare Oct. 2,315
27 30 31 1 2 3 First BanCorp (Puerto Rico) Feb. 2 $128.6 $206.1 Citi, UBS
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group January Finance Feb. 23,316
Civeo Corp Feb. 2 $60.0 $300.0 RBC Cptl Mkts
Dining & Lodging July 29,316
International Stock Indexes Commodities and Corium International Feb. 2 $20.0 $125.0 Cantor Fitzgerald & Co

Latest Week 52-Week Range YTD

Currencies Healthcare
Cymabay Therapeutics
May 8,315
Feb. 2 $10.0 $100.0 JonesTrading Institutional
Region/Country Index Close % chg Low Close High % chg Last Week YTD
Healthcare Nov. 7,314 Services
Close Net chg %Chg % chg
World The Global Dow 2615.06 –0.24 2047.44 • 2626.44 3.3
DJ Commodity 575.04 -0.24 -0.04 1.37
Synergy Pharmaceuticals Feb. 1
Healthcare July 2,315
$125.0 $250.0 Cantor Fitzgerald & Co,
Canaccord Genuity
DJ Global Index 337.59 0.22 272.15 • 337.59 3.5
193.20 -0.23 -0.12 0.36 Univar Jan. 31 $435.0 ... GS
DJ Global ex U.S. 223.20 0.25 184.52 • 223.20 4.3 TR/CC CRB Index
Chemicals Dec. 12,316
Global Dow Euro 2282.27 –1.01 1699.54 • 2320.68 1.0 Crude oil, $ per barrel 53.83 0.66 1.24 0.20
Taylor Morrison Home Jan. 31 $190.0 ... JPM, Citi, Credit Suisse
Natural gas, $/MMBtu 3.063 -0.295 -8.78 -17.75
DJ TSM Global 3478.33 0.23 2795.15 • 3478.33 3.5 Construction/Building March 2,315
Global ex U.S. 2254.88 0.27 1863.63 • 2254.88 4.4 Gold, $ per troy oz. 1218.50 30.10 2.53 5.96 Sanchez Energy
Oil & Gas
Jan. 31
March 21,316
$143.8 ... JPM, Citi, Johnson Rice & Co
Developed ex U.S. 2195.04 0.18 1843.94 • 2195.04 3.8 U.S. Dollar Index 99.73 -0.83 -0.82 -2.42 Rigel Pharmaceuticals Jan. 31 $40.0 $150.0 Jefferies, Piper Jaffray,
Global Small-Cap 4794.35 0.70 3665.30 • 4794.35 3.7
WSJ Dollar Index 90.35 -1.07 -1.17 -2.79 Healthcare May 7,315 BMO Cptl Mkts
Global Large-Cap 3293.21 0.17 2667.12 • 3293.21 3.5
Euro, per dollar 0.9272 -0.0075 -0.81 -2.47 New Residential InvestmentJan. 30 $848.2 ... Citi, Barclays, BofA ML,
Americas DJ Americas 556.99 0.22 433.35 • 557.05 3.1
Yen, per dollar 112.59 -2.55 -2.21 -3.78
Real Estate/Property Aug. 10,316 Credit Suisse
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 64953.93 –1.64 39318.30 • 66190.62 7.8
U.K. pound, in dollars 1.25 -0.01 -0.50 1.14
Summit Midstream PartnersJan. 30
Utility & Energy Oct. 4,316
$96.0 $2,337.0 Barclays
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15476.39 –0.64 12087.37 • 15643.84 1.2
Mexico IPC All-Share 47225.10 –0.41 42359.26 • 48694.90 3.5 52-Week
Low Close(l) High % Chg Public and Private Borrowing
Chile Santiago IPSA 3298.64 –0.32 2910.90 • 3358.44 2.3
DJ Commodity 432.69 580.38 30.51 Treasurys
Europe Stoxx Europe 600 364.07 –0.63 303.58 • 367.50 0.7 l

Stoxx Europe 50 3008.31 –0.77 2566.26 • 3051.81 –0.1 TR/CC CRB Index 155.01 l 195.82 19.31
Monday, February 6 Tuesday, February 7
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 351.49 –0.77 284.92 • 355.72 0.4 Crude oil, $ per barrel 26.21 l 54.06 74.26
Auction of 13-week bills; Auction of three-year notes;
Euro Stoxx 50 3273.11 –0.91 2680.35 • 3326.15 –0.5 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.64 l 3.93 48.47 announced on Feb.2; settles on Feb.9 announced on Feb.1; settles on Feb.15
Belgium Bel-20 3606.16 0.02 3130.76 • 3665.69 –0.01 Gold, $ per troy oz. 1127.80 l 1364.90 5.24 Auction of 26-week bills; Auction of four-week bills;
France CAC 40 4825.42 –0.30 3896.71 • 4922.49 –0.8
Germany DAX 11651.49 –1.38 8752.87 • 11848.63 1.5 U.S. Dollar Index 92.57 l 103.25 2.85 announced on Feb.2; settles on Feb.9 announced on Feb.6; settles on Feb.9
Israel Tel Aviv 1414.40 –0.65 1382.34 • 1502.66 –3.8 WSJ Dollar Index 84.64 l 93.56 0.60 Wednesday, February 8 Thursday, February 9
Italy FTSE MIB 19116.04 –1.10 15104 • 19688 –0.6
Euro, per dollar 0.87 l 0.96 3.45 Auction of 10-year notes; Auction of 30-year bonds
Netherlands AEX 485.92 0.01 382.61 • 488.09 0.6
Yen, per dollar 99.88 l 118.18 -3.67 announced on Feb.1; settles on Feb.15 announced on Feb.1; settles on Feb.15
Spain IBEX 35 9462.70 –0.44 7645.5 • 9549.3 1.2
Sweden SX All Share 549.61 1.26 435.21 • 549.61 2.8 U.K. pound, in dollars 1.20 l 1.49 -13.90 Public and Municipal Finance
Switzerland Swiss Market 8350.84 –0.34 7496.62 • 8452.19 1.6
Real-time U.S. stock
Deals of $ 150 million or more expected this week
U.K. FTSE 100 7188.30 0.05 5536.97 • 7337.81 0.6 Final Total Rating Bookrunner/

WSJ quotes are available on Sale maturity Issuer ($mil.) Fitch Moody’s S&P Bond Counsel(s)
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1495.40 0.24 1190.45 • 1498.20 5.1 Track most- Feb. 6 prelim. New York City 800.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. D A Davidson
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5621.60 –1.62 4765.3 • 5807.4 –0.8
.COM active stocks, new -New York & Co/—
China Shanghai Composite 3140.17 –0.60 2687.98 • 3282.92 1.2
highs/lows, mutual Feb. 7 prelim. California Poll 215.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Stifel Nicolaus
Hong Kong Hang Seng 23129.21 –0.99 18319.58 • 24099.70 5.1
funds and ETFs. Control Fin
India S&P BSE Sensex 28240.52 1.28 22951.83 • 29045.28 6.1
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 18918.20 –2.82 14952.02 • 19594.16 –1.0 Plus, get deeper money-flows data and
Feb. 7 Jan. 1, 2035 Massachusetts 197.4 N.R. N.R. N.R. BoA Merrill/
Singapore Straits Times 3041.94 –0.75 2538.28 • 3067.49 5.6 email delivery of key stock-market
Dept of Locke Lord
South Korea Kospi 2073.16 –0.50 1835.28 • 2087.14 2.3 data.
Transport LLP
Taiwan Weighted 9455.56 0.08 8053.69 • 9455.56 2.2 All are available free at Feb. 7 prelim. Metropolitan 178.7 A N.R. N.R. Jefferies LLC
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Transport Auth

Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark Yields and Rates Feb. 7 prelim. NYC Transit
665.0 N.R. Aa3 N.R. Goldman
& Co/—
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates Treasury yield curve Forex Race Feb. 7 Dec. 1, 2034 Nevada 159.0 AA+ Aa2 AAA Preliminary/
A consumer rate against its Home Equity Yield to maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Sherman &
benchmark over the past year notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Howard avg†: 4.69%
Feb. 7 prelim. University of 200.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. M. Stanley/—
Home equity loan
First Citizens Bank 2.24% 5.00% 18% Pittsburgh
t 5.00% Rancho Santa Margari, CA 949-459-8250
4.00 s Feb. 7 prelim. Virgin Islands 219.2 N.R. N.R. N.R. M. Stanley/
FirstNorthernBankandTrustCompany 3.20% 12
4.00 Yen Public Fin Au Hawkins Delafield
Palmerton, PA 800-242-4671 3.00 6 (VIPFA) & Wood
3.00 Berkshire Bank 3.25% Euro
s Feb. 8 April 1, 2047 Fairfax Water 198.6 AAA Aaa AAA Preliminary/

2.00 0
Prime rate New Hartford, NY 315-735-6106 Authority Ballard Spahr
2.00 InstitutionforSavingsinNewburyport 3.25% 1.00 –6 LLP

Newburyport, MA 978-462-2344 One year ago Feb. 8 Aug. 1, 2017 Metropolitan 500.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Preliminary/
1.00 0.00 WSJ Dollar index
–12 Transport Auth Nixon Peabody
F MA M J J A S O N D JF Salem Five 3.25% 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30 2016 2017 (MTA) D Seaton & Asso.
2016 2017 Salem, MA 978-745-5555 month(s) years Feb. 10 prelim. California 405.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Citi/—
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg maturity Municipal Fin
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts) Sources: Ryan ALM; Tullett Prebon; WSJ Market Data Group Auth
Federal-funds rate target 0.50-.75 0.50-.75 0.25 l 0.75 0.50 Feb. 10 prelim. California 322.7 N.R. N.R. N.R. Goldman
Prime rate* 3.75 3.75 3.50 l 3.75 0.50
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields State & Co/—
Libor, 3-month 1.03 1.04 0.62 l 1.04 0.80 Spread +/- Treasurys, Univ Trustees
Yield (%) in basis pts, 52-wk Range Total Return
Money market, annual yield 0.31 0.27 0.22 l 0.32 -0.10 Bond total return index Last Wk ago Last Low High 52-wk 3-yr Feb. 10 prelim. California 821.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. Goldman
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.22 1.22 1.17 l 1.32 -0.11 State & Co/—
10-yr Treasury, Ryan ALM 2.496 2.480 -4.07 2.53 Univ Trustees
30-year mortgage, fixed† 4.19 4.20 3.43 l 4.29 -0.17
DJ Corporate 3.266 3.200 4.99 3.59 Feb. 10 prelim. NYS Dorm 242.8 N.R. N.R. N.R. J P Morgan
15-year mortgage, fixed† 3.38 3.39 2.70 l 3.50 -0.05
Aggregate, Barclays Capital 2.650 2.630 44 43 70 1.16 2.41 Authority Securities
Jumbo mortgages, $424,100-plus† 4.62 4.58 4.02 l 4.88 -0.02
High Yield 100, Merrill Lynch 5.418 5.259 352 341 741 17.713 3.622 LLC/—
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 3.66 3.79 2.97 l 4.03 0.06
Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2.930 2.940 22 10 30 0.17 2.38 Feb. 10 prelim. Salt Lake 198.5 N.R. A2 A+ Citi/—
New-car loan, 48-month 3.15 3.09 2.87 l 3.38 0.34
Muni Master, Merrill 2.180 2.205 9 -9 12 -0.857 3.019 City-Utah
HELOC, $30,000 4.69 4.65 4.29 l 4.84 -0.58 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 5.821 5.915 338 338 538 12.659 6.698
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Feb. 10 prelim. Salt Lake 753.6 N.R. A2 A+ Citi/—
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Ryan ALM; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Barclays Capital; Merrill Lynch
Source:Thomson Reuters/Ipreo
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | B7

Listed are the 300 largest closed-end funds as 52 wk 52 wk Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo
measured by assets. Prem Ttl Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Closed-end funds sell a limited number of shares and Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
invest the proceeds in securities. Unlike open-end Income Preferred Stock Funds Prudentl Sh Dur Hi Yd Fd ISD 16.86 15.88 -5.8 8.1 Single State Muni Bond
funds, closed-ends generally do not buy their shares Royce Value Trust RVT 16.28 14.00 -14.0 48.2 Eaton Vance Tax-Mng Div ETY 11.60 10.76 -7.2 15.2 Calamos Strat Fd CSQ 11.84 NA NA NA Wells Fargo Incm Opps Fd EAD 9.24 8.57 -7.3 9.0 BlackRock CA Municipal Tr BFZ 15.09 14.92 -1.1 5.5
back from investors who wish to cash in their holdings. Source Capital SOR 42.18 36.93 -12.4 15.8 EatonVanceTax-MngdOpp ETW 10.95 10.81 -1.3 19.5 Cohen & Steers Dur Pfd LDP 25.99 25.28 -2.7 22.4 Wstrn Asset Glbl Hi Inco EHI NA 10.14 NA 11.1 BlkRk MuniHldgs CA Qlty MUC 15.28 14.39 -5.8 5.2
Instead, fund shares trade on a stock exchange.
a-The NAV and market price are ex dividend. b-The
Tri-Continental TY 26.54 22.68 -14.5 30.1 EtnVncTxMngGlDvEqInc EXG 9.13 8.60 -5.8 19.9 Cohen & Strs Sel Prf Inco PSF 26.48 26.76 +1.1 20.6 Wstrn Asset High Inco II HIX NA 7.27 NA 10.0 Blkrck MunHl NJ Qlty MUJ 15.14 14.16 -6.5 5.8
NAV is fully diluted. c-NAV is as of Thursday’s close. d- Specialized Equity Funds Fiduciary/Clymr Opp Fd FMO 16.15 17.31 +7.2 90.0 FT Interm Duration Pfd FPF 23.74 23.27 -2.0 17.9 Wstrn Asset Opp Fd HIO NA 5.12 NA 8.1 BlRk MuHldg NY Qlty MHN 14.45 13.68 -5.3 5.3
NAV is as of Wednesday’s close. e-NAV assumes rights Adams Natural Rscs Fd PEO 23.91 20.29 -15.1 32.8 FT Energy Inc & Growth Fd FEN 26.63 27.55 +3.5 48.9 Flaherty & Crumrine Dyn DFP 25.09 24.81 -1.1 19.3 West Asst HY Def Opp Fd HYI NA 15.37 NA 8.5 BlkRk MuniYld CA Fd MYC 15.24 16.01 +5.1 5.2
offering is fully subscribed. f-Rights offering in process. AllnzGI NFJ Div Interest NFJ 14.79 13.26 -10.3 31.3 FstTrEnhEqtIncFd FFA 15.74 14.00 -11.1 27.1 Flaherty & Crumrine Pfd FFC 19.28 19.91 +3.3 9.3 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds BlkRk MuniYld CA Quality MCA 15.43 14.81 -4.0 5.4
g-Rights offering announced. h-Lipper data has been AlpnGlblPrProp AWP 6.42 5.46 -15.0 19.0 First Tr Engy Infr Fd FIF 20.26 19.29 -4.8 51.5 Apollo Tactical Incm Fd AIF 17.38 15.99 -8.0 9.5
adjusted for rights offering. j-Rights offering has
John Hancock Pfd Income HPI 21.65 21.04 -2.8 10.5 BlkRk MuniYld MI Qlty MIY 15.13 13.66 -9.7 5.7
expired, but Lipper data not yet adjusted. l-NAV as of ASA Gold & Prec Metals ASA 14.76 12.80 -13.3 44.1 First Tr MLP & Engy Incm FEI 16.20 16.99 +4.9 62.9 John Hancock Pfd II HPF 21.38 21.00 -1.8 13.0 Ares Dynamic Credit Alloc ARDC NA 15.68 NA 8.1 BlkRk MuniYld NJ Fd MYJ 15.50 15.45 -0.3 5.7
previous day. o-Tender offer in process. v-NAV is BlkRk Enh Cap Inco CII 15.46 13.96 -9.7 20.4 Gabelli Utility Tr GUT 5.44 6.65 +22.2 23.6 John Hancock Pfd Inc III HPS 19.04 18.35 -3.6 9.7 Barings Corp Investors MCI NA 14.72 NA 6.1 BlRk Muyld NY Qlty MYN 13.85 12.95 -6.5 5.2
converted at the commercial Rand rate. w-Convertible BlkRk Engy Res Tr BGR 16.12 14.59 -9.5 32.8 GAMCOGlblGoldNatRscs&Inc GGN 5.87 5.58 -4.9 35.9 JHancock Pr Div PDT 15.70 15.98 +1.8 26.1 BlackRock Multi-Sector IT BIT 18.68 17.25 -7.7 11.1 Eaton Vance CA Mun Bd EVM 12.27 11.60 -5.5 5.5
Note-NAV (not market) conversion value. y-NAV and BlackRock Enh Eq Div Tr BDJ 9.29 8.31 -10.5 27.2 GoldmanSachsMLPIncOpp GMZ 11.41 NA 85.5 LMP Cap & Inco Fd SCD 13.94 NA 38.1 BlackRock Taxable Mun Bd BBN 22.67 22.07 -2.6 7.1 Invesco CA Value Mun Incm VCV 13.20 12.43 -5.8 5.6
market price are in Canadian dollars. NA signifies that
the information is not available or not applicable. NS Blackrock Global Trust BOE 13.89 12.27 -11.7 19.6 Goldman Sachs MLPEnergy GER 9.12 8.63 -5.4 94.3 Nuveen Preferred & Incm JPI 24.58 23.82 -3.1 11.4 Doubleline Oppor Credit DBL NA 23.21 NA 8.6 Invesco PA Value Mun Incm VPV 13.80 12.37 -10.4 5.7
signifies fund not in existence of entire period. BlkRk Health Sci BME 32.53 33.44 +2.8 8.2 John Hancock Finl Opps Fd BTO 35.14 NA NA NA Nuveen Pfd Incm Opps Fd JPC 10.41 10.03 -3.7 15.9 Duff & Phelps Utl & Cp Bd DUC 9.95 9.38 -5.7 6.4 Invesco Inv Grade NY Muni VTN 14.33 13.51 -5.7 5.7
12 month yield is computed by dividing income BlkRk Intl Grwth&Inco BGY 6.50 5.76 -11.4 10.1 KayneAndersonEngyTRFd KYE 13.77 12.83 -6.8 97.1 Nuveen Pfd Secs Incm Fd JPS 9.75 9.57 -1.8 15.0 EtnVncLtdFd EVV NA 14.13 NA 8.1 Nuveen CA AMT-Free Qual NKX 15.25 14.68 -3.7 5.6
dividends paid (during the previous twelve months for BlackRck Rscs Comm Str Tr BCX 10.33 8.89 -13.9 46.9 Kayne Anderson MLP Invt KYN 21.32 21.59 +1.3 74.3 TCW Strategic Income Fund TSI 5.46 NA 10.8 Franklin Ltd Duration IT FTF NA 12.22 NA 6.8 Nuveen CA Muni Value NCA 10.20 10.24 +0.4 4.3
periods ending at month-end or during the previous
fifty-two weeks for periods ending at any time other BlackRock Science & Tech BST 21.61 19.60 -9.3 38.3 Kayne Andrsn Midstr Engy KMF 18.57 16.89 -9.0 95.4 Virtus Global Dividend ZTR 12.41 11.36 -8.5 18.1 GuggenheimTaxableMuni GBAB 22.87 21.83 -4.5 7.3 Nuveen CA Quality Muni NAC 15.21 14.55 -4.3 6.0
than month-end) by the latest month-end market price BlackRock Utility & Infr BUI 19.85 19.48 -1.9 18.5 Macquarie Glbl Infrstrctr MGU 24.58 21.40 -12.9 26.0 Convertible Sec's. Funds John Hancock Investors JHI 18.17 17.11 -5.8 7.8 Nuveen MD Qual Muni NMY 14.13 12.67 -10.3 5.2
adjusted for capital gains distributions. CBREClarionGlblRlEstIncm IGR 8.62 7.51 -12.9 14.6 NeubergerBermanMLPIncm NML 10.38 NA 61.6 AdvntClymrFd AVK 17.39 NA NA NA KKR Income Opps Fund KIO NA NA NA 9.5 Nuveen MI Qual Muni NUM 15.04 13.41 -10.8 5.3
Source: Lipper Central Fund of Canada CEF 13.27 12.28 -7.5 7.0 Neubrgr Brm Rl Est Sec Fd NRO 5.91 5.31 -10.2 26.1 AllianzGI Conv & Incm NCV 6.89 6.78 -1.6 58.2 MFS Charter MCR 9.41 8.65 -8.1 8.5 Nuveen NC Qual Muni NNC 14.59 13.05 -10.6 4.4
Friday, February 3, 2017 ClearBridge Amer Engy CBA 10.38 NA 80.1 Nuveen Dow 30 Dynamic DIAX 16.82 15.62 -7.1 28.4 AllianzGI Conv & Incm II NCZ 6.17 6.10 -1.1 58.6 MFS Multimkt MMT 6.72 6.17 -8.2 8.6 Nuveen NJ Qual Muni NXJ 15.06 13.32 -11.6 5.7
52 wk ClearBridge Engy MLP Fd CEM 17.42 NA 48.2 Nuveen Diversified Div JDD 12.74 11.98 -6.0 32.5 AllianzGI Equity & Conv NIE 21.69 19.26 -11.2 27.6 Nuveen Build Am Bd Fd NBB 21.50 20.94 -2.6 6.2 Nuveen NY AMT-Free NRK 14.15 12.96 -8.4 5.2
Prem Ttl Clearbridge Engy MLP Opp EMO 14.18 NA 67.0 Nuveen Engy MLP Fd JMF 14.42 14.26 -1.1 93.0 Calamos Conv Hi Inco Fd CHY 11.72 11.20 -4.4 33.2 PIMCO Corporate & Incm PTY NA 15.29 NA 11.2 Nuveen NY Qual Muni NAN 14.79 13.74 -7.1 5.5
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Clearbridge Engy MLP TR CTR 14.01 NA 66.8 NuvNASDAQ100DynOver QQQX 20.22 20.04 -0.9 28.6 Calamos CHI 11.10 10.90 -1.8 38.5 PIMCO Corporate & Incm PCN NA 15.81 NA 11.3 Nuveen OH Qual Muni NUO 16.25 15.00 -7.7 5.0
Cohen & Steers Infr Fd UTF 22.74 20.67 -9.1 25.3 Nuveen Real Est Incm Fd JRS 11.47 11.36 -1.0 26.6 World Equity Funds PIMCO HiInco PHK NA 8.75 NA 12.5 Nuveen PA Qual Muni NQP 14.74 13.29 -9.8 5.7
General Equity Funds C&S MLP Incm & Engy Opp MIE 13.39 11.82 -11.7 79.7 14.95 NA 33.2 PIMCO Inco Str Fd PFL NA 10.85 NA 9.9
NuvS&P500DynOverwrite SPXX Alpine Tot Dyn Div AOD 9.26 8.04 -13.2 26.8 Nuveen VA Qual Muni NPV 13.99 13.04 -6.8 4.7
Adams Divers Equity Fd ADX 15.83 13.25 -16.3 23.7 Cohen & Steers Qual Inc RQI 13.42 12.72 -5.2 25.5 NuveenS&P500Buy-Write BXMX 13.77 13.18 -4.3 18.1 PIMCO Incm Strategy Fd II PFN NA 9.88 NA 9.8
Calamos Glbl Dyn Inc CHW 8.46 7.52 -11.1 32.8 PIMCO California Muni PCQ NA 16.16 NA 5.6
Boulder Growth & Income BIF 11.17 9.11 -18.4 39.2 CohnStrsPfdInco RNP 21.96 19.81 -9.8 24.4 Reaves Utility Fund UTG 32.80 33.18 +1.2 33.9 Putnam Mas Inco PIM 5.07 4.74 -6.5 6.6
Cdn Genl Inv CGI 28.63 19.15 -33.1 19.6 PIMCO California Mun II PCK NA 9.81 NA 6.1
Central Securities CET 27.87 22.49 -19.3 34.3 Cohen & Steers TR RFI 13.36 12.72 -4.8 17.9 Salient Midstream & MLP SMM 14.15 NA 105.0 China Fund CHN 18.42 15.77 -14.4 22.2 Putnam Premier Income Tr PPT 5.60 5.30 -5.4 5.8
CohSteer Opprtnty Fd FOF 13.55 12.35 -8.9 33.8 Wells Fargo Multi-Sector ERC 14.34 13.17 -8.2 8.0 52 wk
CLSeligmn Prem Tech Gr Fd STK 19.42 19.97 +2.8 37.3 Tekla Hlthcr Investors HQH 24.05 23.39 -2.7 11.7 Clough Global Opp Fd GLO 11.07 9.76 -11.8 19.2 Prem Ttl
Cornerstone Strategic CLM 13.48 15.24 +13.1 41.3 Divers Real Asset Incm Fd DRA 18.81 16.80 -10.7 25.6 Tekla Healthcare Opps Fd THQ 18.41 17.03 -7.5 23.5 EtnVncTxAdvGblDiv ETG 16.56 15.09 -8.9 20.4 World Income Funds
EtnVnc TaxAdvDiv EVT 22.24 21.78 -2.1 32.8 Abeerden Asia-Pacific FAX 5.47 4.90 -10.4 6.9 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
Duff & Phelps DNP 9.68 10.59 +9.4 21.4 Tekla Life Sciences HQL 19.29 18.29 -5.2 17.5 EatonVance TxAdv Opport ETO 22.70 22.28 -1.9 26.0
Gabelli Dividend & Incm GDV 22.77 20.53 -9.8 34.5 Duff&PhelpsGblUtilIncFd DPG 19.26 16.63 -13.7 29.8 Tekla World Hlthcr Fd THW 14.86 14.02 -5.7 17.3 First Trust Dynamic Eur FDEU 17.97 16.17 -10.0 16.3 Etn Vnc Short Dur Fd EVG NA 13.94 NA 7.7 General Equity Funds
Gabelli Equity Trust GAB 6.07 5.79 -4.6 33.3 Eaton Vance Eqty Inco Fd EOI 13.86 12.85 -7.3 11.7 Tortoise Engy Ind Fd NDP 17.26 16.76 -2.9 90.8 India Fund IFN 25.76 22.83 -11.4 15.5 Legg Mason BW Glbl Incm BWG NA 12.42 NA 9.5 Specialized Equity Funds
Genl American Investors GAM 38.65 32.71 -15.4 30.5 Eaton Vance Eqty Inco II EOS 14.27 13.45 -5.7 19.8 Tortoise Energy TYG 33.18 34.63 +4.4 61.9 Japan Sml Cap JOF 11.70 10.25 -12.4 19.6 MS EmMktDomDebt EDD 8.53 7.63 -10.6 9.8 Griffin Inst Access RE:M NA NA NA NS
HnckJohn TxAdv HTD 25.43 24.35 -4.2 23.9 EtnVncRskMngd ETJ 10.08 9.52 -5.6 12.5 Tortoise MLP Fund NTG 21.75 21.41 -1.6 58.4 Korea Fund KF 39.70 34.99 -11.9 17.1 MS Emerging Mkts Debt MSD 10.75 9.45 -12.1 6.7 NexPointRlEstStrat;A 21.07 NA NA NS
Liberty All-Star Equity USA 6.33 5.43 -14.2 30.4 Etn Vnc Tax Mgd Buy-Write ETB 15.75 17.03 +8.1 24.9 Tortoise Pipeline & Engy TTP 25.13 22.22 -11.6 95.5 Mexico Fund MXF 16.72 14.64 -12.4 -4.8 PIMCO Dynamic Credit PCI NA 20.68 NA 12.5 NexPointRlEstStrat;C 21.02 NA NA NS
Royce Micro-Cap RMT 9.80 8.40 -14.3 44.1 Eaton Vance BuyWrite Opp ETV 14.28 15.34 +7.4 20.8 Voya Gl Equity Div IGD 7.95 7.04 -11.4 26.2 MS China a Shr Fd CAF 21.58 18.07 -16.3 23.4 PIMCODynamicIncomeFund PDI NA 28.71 NA 14.3 NexPointRlEstStrat;Z 21.02 NA NA NS
MS Emerging Fund MSF 16.14 14.01 -13.2 19.6 PIMCO Income Opportunity PKO NA 24.67 NA 10.8 Resource RE Div Inc:A 10.25 NA NA 18.5
MS India Invest IIF 32.78 29.16 -11.0 31.9 PIMCO Strat Income Fund RCS NA 9.20 NA 10.1 Resource RE Div Inc:C 10.23 NA NA 17.5
New Germany Fund GF 15.69 13.85 -11.7 16.3 Stone Harbor Em Mkts Fd EDF 14.75 15.59 +5.7 13.8 Resource RE Div Inc:D 10.40 NA NA 17.8
Borrowing Benchmarks | Swiss Helvetia Fund SWZ 12.26 10.87 -11.3 14.5
Templeton Dragon TDF 20.37 17.67 -13.3 23.3
Templeton Emerging TEI 12.49 11.42 -8.6 7.0
Templeton Global GIM 7.41 6.64 -10.4 4.6
Resource RE Div Inc:I 10.70 NA NA 17.4
Resource RE Div Inc:T 10.22 NA NA 17.6
Templeton Emerging EMF 14.88 13.02 -12.5 42.4 Wstrn Asset Gl Def Opp Fd GDO NA 17.47 NA 7.8
National Muni Bond Funds Resource RE Div Inc:U 10.25 NA NA 18.5
Money Rates February 3, 2017 Voya Infr Indls & Matls IDE 15.31 13.78 -10.0 36.6
Wells Fargo Gl Div Opp EOD 6.32 5.64 -10.8 9.4 AllianceBrnstn NtlMun AFB 14.46 13.63 -5.7 5.1 Resource RE Div Inc:W 10.40 NA NA 17.8
RvrPrk Comm Rl Est:Inst RCRIX 10.09 NA NA NS
Blackrock Invest BKN 15.18 14.82 -2.4 5.7
Prem12 Mo BlackRockMun2030Target BTT 22.82 22.71 -0.5 4.2 SharesPost 100 27.11 NA NA 8.0
Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:F 27.30 NA NA 7.0
BlackRock Municipal Trust BFK 14.15 14.41 +1.8 6.0
guide to general levels but don’t always represent actual transactions. U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds BlackRockMuni BLE 14.85 14.91 +0.4 6.1 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I 27.35 NA NA 7.3
Week —52-WEEK— Week —52-WEEK— BlackRock Income Trust BKT 6.74 6.23 -7.6 5.1 BlackRockMuni Tr BYM 14.89 14.05 -5.6 5.7 Wildermuth Endwmnt Str 12.12 NA NA 20.4
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low Nuveen Mtg Opp Term Fd JLS 25.46 24.46 -3.9 5.7 Wildermuth Endwmnt S:C 12.03 NA NA NS
BlkRk MuniAssets Fd MUA 13.92 14.10 +1.3 4.9
Dec. index Chg From (%) Investment Grade Bond Funds BlkRk Munienhanced MEN 11.75 11.64 -0.9 5.9 Income Preferred Stock Funds
level Nov. '16 Dec. '15 Secondary market Libor Blackrock Core Bond Tr BHK 14.31 13.13 -8.2 6.1 BlkRk MuniHldgs Inv MFL 14.60 14.47 -0.9 5.8 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:A 15.69 NA NA 9.9
One month 0.77556 0.77833 0.78000 0.42650 BlkRk Credit Alloc Incm BTZ 14.44 13.06 -9.6 6.8 BlkRk MuniHldgs Qlty II MUE 14.01 13.43 -4.1 5.8 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:C 15.44 NA NA 9.0
U.S. consumer price index Fannie Mae John Hancock Income Secs JHS 15.19 14.35 -5.5 6.0 BlkRk MuniHldgs MHD 16.72 16.94 +1.3 5.9 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:I 15.86 NA NA 10.8
Three month 1.03400 1.03900 1.04344 0.61720
All items 241.432 0.03 2.1 30-year mortgage yields MFS Inc Tr MIN 4.65 4.38 -5.8 9.1 BlkRk MuniVest MVF 9.59 9.95 +3.8 6.0 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:L 15.53 NA NA 9.4
Six month 1.34989 1.35878 1.36183 0.85785 WstAstClymr InfLnkd Fd WIW NA 11.18 NA 3.5 BlkRk MuniVest II MVT 15.13 16.35 +8.1 5.9
Core 249.134 –0.04 2.2 30 days 3.695 3.728 3.828 2.806 One year 1.71344 1.72400 1.73289 1.11560 Convertible Sec's. Funds
WstAssetClymr InflLnk Sec WIA NA 11.45 NA 3.3 BlkRk MuniYield MYD 14.60 14.49 -0.8 6.1 Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc CCD 20.27 18.95 -6.5 23.3
60 days 3.728 3.760 3.862 2.832 Loan Participation Funds BlkRk MuniYld Quality MQY 15.47 14.98 -3.2 5.9
International rates Euro Libor Apollo Sr Fltg Rate Fd AFT 18.13 17.48 -3.6 7.0 BlkRk MuniYld Qlty II MQT 13.62 12.98 -4.7 5.8
World Equity Funds
Other short-term rates BMO LGM Front ME 9.23 NA NA 20.6
One month -0.383 -0.385 -0.240 -0.386 BlackRock FR Incm Strat FRA 15.04 14.68 -2.4 5.5 BlRkMunyldQltyIII MYI 14.19 13.85 -2.4 6.0
Week 52-Week Blkrk FltRt InTr BGT 14.51 14.45 -0.4 5.2 Deutsche Mun Income Tr KTF 12.59 13.62 +8.2 6.1 Prem12 Mo
Latest High Low
Three month -0.344 -0.345 -0.188 -0.345
ago Week 52-Week BlackstoneGSO Strat Cred BGB NA 15.95 NA 8.4 Dreyfus Mun Bd Infr Fd DMB 13.52 12.82 -5.2 5.6 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Six month -0.241 -0.241 -0.115 -0.242
Latest ago high low Blackstone GSO Sr Float BSL NA 18.33 NA 6.3 Dreyfus Municipal Income DMF 9.26 9.06 -2.2 5.6 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
Prime rates One year -0.106 -0.095 0.000 -0.106
Eagle Point Credit ECC NA 17.46 NA 13.8 Dreyfus Strat Muni Bond DSM 8.31 8.37 +0.7 5.9 Vertical Capital Income 12.24 NA NA 2.8
U.S. 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.50 Call money Eaton Vance FR Incm Tr EFT 15.51 15.42 -0.6 5.9 Dreyfus Strategic Munis LEO 8.52 8.70 +2.1 5.9 Loan Participation Funds
Euro interbank offered rate (Euribor) EatonVnc SrFltRate EFR 15.17 15.09 -0.5 6.2 Eaton Vance Mun Bd Fd EIM 13.47 12.67 -5.9 5.4
Canada 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.25 504 Fund 9.78 NA NA 3.1
One month -0.373 -0.372 -0.234 -0.374 Eaton Vance Sr Incm Tr EVF 7.15 6.78 -5.2 5.9 Eaton Vance Mun Income EVN 13.02 12.65 -2.8 5.9 FedProj&TrFinanceTender 10.01 NA NA NS
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 1st Tr Sr Fltg Rt Fd II FCT 14.26 13.89 -2.6 6.0 EV National Municipal Opp EOT 21.69 21.33 -1.7 4.8
Commercial paper Three month -0.328 -0.328 -0.167 -0.329 Invesco Sr Loan A 6.66 NA NA 4.9
Six month -0.244 -0.243 -0.104 -0.244 Invesco Credit Opps Fund VTA 13.21 12.40 -6.1 7.1 Invesco Adv Mun Incm II VKI 11.97 11.33 -5.3 6.4 Invesco Sr Loan B 6.66 NA NA 4.9
Policy Rates 30 to 270 days n.q. ... ... ... Invesco Senior Income Tr VVR 4.91 4.67 -4.9 6.3 Invesco Mun Incm Opps Tr OIA 7.39 7.54 +2.0 5.3
One year -0.101 -0.101 -0.001 -0.103 Invesco Sr Loan C 6.67 NA NA 4.2
Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 Nuveen Credit Strt Inc Fd JQC 9.41 8.84 -6.1 7.0 Invesco Mun Opportunity VMO 13.36 13.02 -2.5 6.5
Commercial paper (AA financial) NuvFloatRteInco Fd JFR 11.80 12.24 +3.7 6.2 Invesco Municipal Trust VKQ 13.33 12.67 -5.0 6.1 Invesco Sr Loan IB 6.66 NA NA 5.2
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 Value 52-Week
Nuv Float Rte Opp Fd JRO 11.75 12.45 +6.0 6.4 Invesco Qlty Mun Inco IQI 13.32 12.54 -5.9 6.0 Invesco Sr Loan IC 6.66 NA NA 5.0
Britain 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 90 days 0.91 0.88 1.03 0.45 Latest Traded High Low
Invesco Sr Loan Y 6.66 NA NA 5.2
Australia 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 Nuveen Senior Income Fund NSL 7.00 6.96 -0.6 6.3 Invesco Inv Grade Muni VGM 13.83 13.02 -5.9 6.2
DTCC GCF Repo Index Pioneer Floating Rate Tr PHD 12.60 12.13 -3.7 5.9 Invesco Value Mun Incm Tr IIM 15.82 14.91 -5.8 5.4 RiverNorth MP Lending RMPLX 25.36 NA NA NS
Euro commercial paper
Voya Prime Rate Trust PPR 5.79 5.59 -3.5 5.7 MainStay DefinedTerm MMD 19.37 18.89 -2.5 5.8 Voya Senior Income:A 12.81 NA NA 5.4
Overnight repurchase 30 day n.q. n.q. -0.13 -0.14 Treasury 0.605 57.330 1.266 0.244 Voya Senior Income:B 12.75 NA NA 4.9
High Yield Bond Funds MFS Munl Inco MFM 7.22 6.96 -3.6 5.3
U.S. 0.60 0.55 1.30 0.15 Two month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. MBS 0.618 73.650 1.328 0.257 AllianceBernstein Glbl AWF 13.72 12.78 -6.9 7.6 NuveenAMT-FreeMunValue NUW 16.67 16.67 0.0 4.5 Voya Senior Income:C 12.79 NA NA 4.9
Three month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. Open Implied Barings Glbl Short Dur HY BGH 21.39 19.98 -6.6 9.1 Nuveen AMT-Free Quality NEA 14.50 13.42 -7.4 5.7 Voya Senior Income:I 12.78 NA NA 5.7
U.S. government rates Four month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. Settle Change Interest Rate BlackRock Corp Hi Yd Fd HYT 12.08 11.05 -8.5 8.0 Nuveen AMT-Free Mun NVG 15.49 14.59 -5.8 5.9 Voya Senior Income:W 12.82 NA NA 5.7
Five month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. BlkRk Debt Strat Fd DSU 12.62 11.57 -8.3 6.5 Nuveen Mun Credit Incm Fd NZF 15.21 14.34 -5.7 6.1 High Yield Bond Funds
Discount DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures BlackRockDurInco Tr BLW 16.85 15.78 -6.4 9.2 Nuveen Enhncd Mun Val Fd NEV 14.71 14.26 -3.1 6.4 PionrILSInterval 10.30 NA NA 9.8
Six month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q.
1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 Brookfield Real Assets RA 25.50 NA NA NS Nuveen Intermed Dur Mun NID 13.34 13.22 -0.9 5.1 WA Middle Mkt Dbt NA NA NA 11.0
Treasury Feb 99.405 0.005 9314 0.595 Credit Suisse High Yld DHY 2.76 2.72 -1.4 10.2 NuveenMuniIncoOpp Fd NMZ 12.90 13.03 +1.0 6.7
Treasury Mar 99.320 0.000 3157 0.680 WA Middle Mkt Inc WMF NA NA NA 11.2
Federal funds DoubleLine Incm Solutions DSL NA 20.25 NA 9.0 Nuveen Muni Value Fund NUV 10.04 9.75 -2.9 4.0 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
Treasury Apr 99.260 0.005 378 0.740 Dreyfus Hi Yld Fd DHF 3.58 3.42 -4.5 9.5 Nuveen Qual Mun Incm Fd NAD 14.86 13.92 -6.3 6.0
Effective rate 0.6800 0.6800 0.7000 0.2700 Capstone Church Capital 11.52 NA NA 1.1
Fst Tr Hi Inc Lg/Shrt Fd FSD 18.03 16.64 -7.7 6.3 Nuveen Sel Tax Free NXP 14.90 14.13 -5.2 3.8 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt Fd NA NA NA NS
High 0.8125 0.8125 0.8125 0.5600 Guggenheim Strat Opps Fd GOF 19.47 20.07 +3.1 10.8 Nuveen Sel TF NXQ 14.37 13.48 -6.2 3.8
Low 0.5000 0.5000 0.6600 0.2000 Notes on data: GL Beyond Income 4.39 NA NA NE
Ivy High Income Opps Fund IVH 16.35 15.07 -7.8 9.99 PIMCO MuniFd PMF NA 14.39 NA 6.3
Bid 0.6600 0.6700 0.6800 0.2000 U.S. prime rate is effective December 15, 2016. Discount rate is effective December 15, 2016. U.S. Palmer Square Opp Income 19.01 NA NA 6.6
Neuberger Berman HYS NHS 13.44 12.00 -10.7 8.0 Pimco Muni Inc II PML NA 12.55 NA 6.2
Offer 0.7500 0.6800 0.7500 0.2600 prime rate is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks; NexPoint Credit Strat Fd NHF 25.93 23.32 -10.1 12.0 PIMCO Muni Inc III PMX NA 11.67 NA 6.2 Resource Credit Inc:A 11.06 NA NA 4.7
Other prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; DTCC GCF Nuveen Gl Hi Incm Fd JGH 18.31 16.77 -8.4 9.2 Pioneer Mun Hi Inc Adv Tr MAV 11.75 11.11 -5.4 7.0 Resource Credit Inc:C 11.17 NA NA 4.2
Treasury bill auction Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable Nuveen High Incm Dec18 JHA 10.15 10.33 +1.8 5.9 Pioneer Mun Hi Incm Tr MHI 12.62 11.88 -5.9 6.3 Resource Credit Inc:D 11.03 NA NA 4.4
CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Futures on the DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on Nuveen High Incm Dec19 JHD 10.27 10.30 +0.3 NS Putnam Tr PMM 7.74 7.36 -4.9 5.8 Resource Credit Inc:I 11.08 NA NA 4.8
4 weeks 0.490 0.480 0.520 0.160 NYSE Liffe US. Resource Credit Inc:T 11.02 NA NA 4.2
Nuveen Hi Incm Nov 2021 JHB 10.05 10.06 +0.1 NS PutnamMuniOpportunities PMO 12.88 12.24 -5.0 5.6
13 weeks 0.515 0.505 0.555 0.220 Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information; Resource Credit Inc:U 11.06 NA NA 4.7
Pioneer High Income Trust PHT 10.64 9.98 -6.2 10.3 Wstrn Asset Mngd Muni MMU NA 13.95 NA 5.5
26 weeks 0.625 0.600 0.660 0.340 General Electric Capital Corp.; Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. Prud Gl Shrt Dur Hi Yd GHY 16.61 15.12 -9.0 8.4 WesternAssetMunTrFund MTT NA 22.85 NA 4.8 Resource Credit Inc:W 11.04 NA NA 4.4

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B8 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Continued from page B1
Banks Offer Regulatory Wish List
in the Oval Office today as he Lenders see some
signed two important executive
actions that represent the be- good in Dodd-Frank,
ginning of the end of the Dodd- but seek changes in
Frank mistake,” Mr. Hensarling
said after the event. Fed ‘stress tests’
Passing legislation through
the Republican-controlled The Dodd-Frank law
House appears likely. The more spawned thousands of pages of
difficult task is the Senate, rules designed to make banks
where most legislation re- safer. Now, with President Don-
quires 60 out of 100 votes to ald Trump looking to undo
advance. Republicans hold 52 much of that U.S. legislation,
Senate seats. banks are scurrying to prepare
Democrats may agree to mi- their wish lists.
nor Dodd-Frank changes, such
as easing rules on community By Emily Glazer,
banks and credit unions. Christina Rexrode
But Republicans at the least and Liz Hoffman
want to raise the $50 billion
asset threshold at which banks It isn’t an easy task, in part
face tougher oversight, require because many bank executives
more disclosure by the Finan- say the sprawling law did some


cial Stability Oversight Council good, helping restore confi-
and change the leadership of dence in bank balance sheets
the Consumer Financial Pro- and the financial system. But it
also added costs and restric-
tions they say have hurt profits
and restricted lending.
Mr. Trump’s actions Banks and investors reacted
in office have made positively Friday to the White
House’s proposal to gut the Morgan Stanley, which has a large financial-advisory network, was the top gainer among big bank stocks Friday. Its shares rose 5.5%.
compromise on the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial-
legislation less likely. overhaul act. Shares of the big- senior bankers are looking for is bank reporting and compliance
gest lenders rose between 3% a commitment to stop adding ‘Now the question is, with the Volcker rule, at times
and 6% on investor hopes that new rules to those instituted asking for conflicting remedies
banks’ costs would drop sharply since the financial crisis. Bank has it gone too far? Do to the same issue.
tection Bureau from a single and that the deregulatory of America Chairman and Chief we have [to hold] an Executives at large banks
director to a five-person com- moves could boost lending rev- Executive Brian Moynihan said extra $20 billion in also want more freedom to
mission. enue and economic growth. at a conference last week that manage their inventories of
There are other, more sig- Morgan Stanley was the top the postcrisis regulations were capital? Which doesn’t stocks and bonds to serve cli-
nificant, regulatory rollbacks big-bank gainer, in part because needed to hold banks to higher sound like a lot, but ents’ trading demands without
that have been proposed, such it could benefit not just from standards. that’s $200 billion in running afoul of Volcker. “You
as repealing the Volcker rule, changes to Dodd-Frank but also “Now the question is, has it have active market making in


which restricts how banks in- from a separate move by the gone too far? Do we have [to
loans we could make.’ lumber, rebar, chicken, pork,
vest taxpayer-insured deposits, Trump administration Friday to hold] an extra $20 billion in cotton; we need it in financial
or scrapping mortgage-under- effectively kill the fiduciary rule capital? Which doesn’t sound BRIAN MOYNIHAN instruments,” J.P. Morgan CEO
writing standards that were governing financial advisers. like a lot, but that’s $200 billion CEO, Bank of America James Dimon said in December
designed to ensure borrowers Morgan Stanley has one of the in loans we could make,” Mr. at a conference.
have the ability to repay. biggest financial-adviser net- Moynihan said at the confer- Although it is a politically
Mr. Trump’s actions during works in the U.S. ence. fraught topic, some banks
his first two weeks in office Despite the initial banker eu- Bank executives also have would also like to see Congress
may have made legislative phoria, some executives coun- said regulators should look at or regulators revisit Dodd-
compromise less likely by in- seled patience, saying the over- how recently passed rules have Frank’s Durbin amendment,
flaming partisan passions on all impact of Dodd-Frank should worked together and how much tative, less unpredictable and to return to freewheeling days which set interchange fees on
Capitol Hill. be studied further before dra- economic growth could be re- more collaborative process. This before the crisis, when proprie- debit-card transactions. The
“Contrary to lobbyists’ talk- matic changes are made. Many gained if they are relaxed. is crucial for them since the tary-trading desks at the banks move hurt bank revenue and
ing points, we’re still open to prefer slowly unwinding regula- Next on bankers’ wish lists tests help determine how much operated like hedge funds helped retailers, which was a
finding consensus on other tions a few at a time, rather are changes to the “stress tests” capital can be returned via divi- within taxpayer-backed deposit popular tonic after the financial
ways to provide relief where it’s than a ripping-off-the-bandage administered each year by the dends or share buybacks. gatherers. crisis. But bankers argue it had
warranted,” Sen. Sherrod approach that could add uncer- Federal Reserve. The exam is Banks as a whole aren’t nec- What banks do want, though, nothing to do with the overall
Brown (D., Ohio) said. “But it tainty and concerns about a re- meant to gauge a bank’s ability essarily keen for the adminis- is a more consistent and safety of the economy.
will be hard to have a construc- turn to precrisis practices. to weather shocks that could tration to scrap the Volcker straightforward approach to Many banks also say they are
tive conversation about that if That said, there are things upend the financial system. rule, which curtailed firms’ abil- how this and other rules are en- in favor of changes that would
Republicans are hellbent on bankers would like to see While banks see merit in the ity to engage in proprietary forced and monitored. At pres- relax regulations on community
gutting Dodd-Frank.” changed. Among the first steps tests, they want a more quanti- trading. Few banks, if any, want ent, multiple regulators oversee and regional banks.

Fiduciary Rule Changes: What Investors Need to Know

BY DAISY MAXEY point. But some believe the rule brokers face, Ms. Brook spent millions of dollars to said. And LPL has imple-
Many financial-industry would prove harmful to re- Knight said. comply. Many say they will mented lower account mini-
President Donald Trump’s leaders have said those fig- tirement investors with small Would the rule’s delay or continue to move ahead with mums on fee-based accounts
move to roll back an Obama- ures are inflated. Consultancy accounts. death mean the end to the embracing the fiduciary stan- and other pricing changes.
era retirement-savings rule A.T. Kearney projected that “It risks reducing access fiduciary standard? dard regardless of what hap- How can investors pro-
leaves many retirement in- the rule would result in as to advice and has an infan- Not likely. pens going forward. tect themselves without a
vestors wondering what the much as $20 billion in lost tilizing view of American in- Over the past few years, Bank of America Corp.’s fiduciary rule?
action means for their nest revenue for the industry, vestors,” said Thaya Brook more financial advisers have Merrill Lynch, which has Investors should ask if
eggs. about 7% of total revenue in Knight, associate director of voluntarily adopted fee-only more than $2 trillion in cli- their adviser is a fiduciary,
The fiduciary rule, which 2015. financial-regulation studies compensation models—for ent assets, has said it would required by law to act in
was unveiled by the Labor Brokers who work under at the Cato Institute, a liber- example, charging a percent- end commission-based re- their best interest. All regis-
Department last spring and the suitability standard are tarian think tank. “The big- age of a clients’ assets under tirement accounts and tered investment advisers,
is due to take effect in April, required to make recommen- gest risk is that the cost of management—rather than charge a fee based on a per- who charge fees for their ad-
aims to hold brokers and fi- dations that are suitable for compliance in particular for accepting commissions. centage of assets even if the vice, are fiduciaries.
nancial advisers who work their clients, not those that a broker who typically works Many brokerage firms rule doesn’t survive. “The single most impor-
with tax-advantaged retire- are in their best interest. on commission would be so also see benefits in embrac- Other brokerages, such as tant thing investors can and
ment savings to a fiduciary Some brokers make recom- great that they would just ing the fiduciary model and Morgan Stanley, Wells should do if [the rule] is re-
standard as opposed to the mendations that pay them stop offering advice” to re- are moving in that direction. Fargo & Co. and LPL Finan- pealed is make sure they’re
previous suitability standard. the biggest commissions tirement savers without In preparation for the fidu- cial Holdings Inc., haven’t getting their advice from a fi-
Under the fiduciary stan- rather than those that are large accounts, she said. ciary rule’s implementation, eliminated commissions as duciary adviser, and not a
dard, advisers overseeing best for their clients, propo- Investors are capable of many brokerages have made an option for retirement sav- salesperson masquerading as
about $3 trillion in U.S. re- nents of the rule say. understanding the conflicts changes to fee structures and ers but are moving ahead a financial adviser,” said Bar-
tirement savings would be with other changes. Morgan bara Roper, director of inves-
required to work in their cli- Stanley has told its brokers it tor protection at the Con-
ents’ best interest and gener- Genie Out of Bottle, will move ahead with sumer Federation of America.
ally avoid the conflicts that changes to product pricing, “It’s really hard to do be-
can arise with commission- Rule’s Architect Says such as lowering the price of cause they all market them-
based compensation. commissions tied to stocks selves as financial advisers;
Here are answers to ques- and exchange-traded funds. legally, they are salespersons,
tions that individual inves- WASHINGTON—For some- Wells Fargo plans to go for- and they are fighting very
tors may be asking: one whose life work was just ward with heightened over- hard for their right to profit
Where does the rule thrown onto the chopping sight of retirement accounts, at their customers’ expense.”
stand now? block, Phyllis Borzi sounds sur- people familiar with the —Michael Wursthorn
For now, the fiduciary prisingly upbeat. bank’s strategy previously contributed to this article.
rule is under review and pos- The former Labor Depart-
sibly won’t take effect, at ment assistant secretary, who

least as originally planned, in led work on the department’s Currencies

April. retirement-savings advice rule,
Mr. Trump in a memoran- said that even before President U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
US$vs, US$vs,
dum directed the Labor De- Donald Trump’s order to delay Fri YTDchg Fri YTDchg
partment to study the rule’s and potentially halt its imple- Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
impact and rescind or revise mentation, the rule was push- Americas Vietnam dong .00004417 22639 –0.6
it if it isn’t consistent with ing the financial industry to- Argentina peso .0640 15.6150 –1.6 Europe
the administration’s regula- ward the intended goals of Phyllis Borzi led work on the Labor Department’s fiduciary rule. Brazil real .3208 3.1174 –4.2 Czech Rep. koruna .03991 25.056 –2.5
tory principles, which were helping people save more for Canada dollar .7678 1.3024 –3.1 Denmark krone .1450 6.8960 –2.4
laid out in a separate execu- their retirement. Amid fierce opposition from rule is shelved. Chile peso .001561 640.60 –4.4 Euro area euro 1.0786 .9272 –2.5
Colombia peso .0003509 2850.00 –5.1 Hungary forint .003479 287.40 –2.3
tive order, that “empower “I think the genie is out of industry and Republican law- Asset managers such as 1 1 .008811 113.50
Ecuador US dollar unch Iceland krona 0.5
Americans to make indepen- the bottle,” Ms. Borzi said in an makers, Mr. Trump Friday or- BlackRock Inc., Fidelity Invest- Mexico peso .0491 20.3634 –1.8 Norway krone .1218 8.2070 –5.1
dent financial decisions and interview. “The market has al- dered the Labor Department to ments and Vanguard Group Peru new sol .3068 3.260 –2.8 Poland zloty .2506 3.9898 –4.7
informed choices in the mar- ready spoken. The best interest put off the April 10 implemen- have lowered fees for ex- Uruguay peso .03574 27.9800 –4.7 Russia ruble .01695 59.006 –3.7
ket place, save for retire- is what they are asking for and tation of the rule completed change-traded funds and index Venezuela b. fuerte .100150 9.9851 –0.1 Sweden krona .1141 8.7622 –3.8
ment, and build individual what consumers are now be- last year, with an eye toward mutual funds. Asia-Pacific Switzerland franc 1.0075 .9926 –2.6
Turkey lira .2705 3.6964 4.9
wealth.” ginning to expect…Nothing we killing it off eventually. “I think companies have Australian dollar .7684 1.3014 –6.3
Ukraine hryvnia .0368 27.1635 0.3
What does the rule mean did was wasted.” Ms. Borzi, 70 years old and spent an awful lot of money on China yuan .1456 6.8661 –1.1
UK pound 1.2486 .8009 –1.1
Hong Kong dollar .1289 7.7576 0.03
for retirement savers? The fiduciary rule holds bro- recently retired from the gov- compliance, and I’m not sure if Middle East/Africa
India rupee .01488 67.205 –1.1
It depends upon whom kers and financial advisers help- ernment, was referring to deci- they are going to be turning Indonesia rupiah .0000750 13325 –1.5 Bahrain dinar 2.6531 .3769 –0.1
you ask. ing retirement savers to a fidu- sions by various large financial back,” Ms. Borzi said. Japan yen .008882 112.59 –3.8 Egypt pound .0534 18.7385 3.3
Proponents of the rule say ciary standard, or to work in companies to revamp their Critics say the rule hurts Kazakhstan tenge .003090 323.63 –3.0 Israel shekel .2666 3.7515 –2.5
it would eliminate incentives the best interest of their clients. compensation structures and smaller savers by cutting off Macau pataca .1246 8.0232 1.4 Kuwait dinar 3.2773 .3051 –0.2
that led brokers to give con- Previously, these professionals cut fund fees to comply with access to investment advice. Malaysia ringgit .2258 4.4280 –1.3 Oman sul rial 2.5980 .3849 –0.01
New Zealand dollar .7320 1.3661 –5.4 Qatar rial .2746 3.641 0.02
flicted advice. The Obama were only required to offer the fiduciary rule even before it Gary Cohn, White House Na- Pakistan rupee .00955 104.700 0.3 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7506 ...
administration has said such “suitable” advice, which made it took effect. tional Economic Council Direc- Philippines peso .0201 49.648 0.1 South Africa rand .0754 13.2685 –3.1
conflicted advice costs Amer- easier to recommend products Merrill Lynch, for example, tor, said Thursday: “We think Singapore dollar .7096 1.4092 –2.6
ican families $17 billion a that generated higher fees, has said it would stick with its it’s a bad rule. It is a bad rule South Korea won .0008785 1138.35 –5.8 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg

year and pushes down an- even when they weren’t neces- plan to end commission-based for consumers.” Sri Lanka rupee .0066765 149.78 0.9 WSJ Dollar Index 90.35 –0.16–0.18 –2.79
nual returns on their retire- sarily the “best” for their clients. retirement accounts even if the —Yuka Hayashi Taiwan dollar .03244 30.829 –5.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group
Thailand baht .02855 35.030 –2.2
ment savings by a percentage
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | B9


Oil Gauge Signals Glut Is Abating

BY STEPHANIE YANG may not ease so quickly and
AND ALISON SIDER Crude Comeback backwardation could remain
As the oil market prices in less supply, that could elusive or short-lived.
A closely watched indicator prompt investors to jump back into the market. Some analysts say that this


in the oil market is signaling time backwardation might in-
that a glut may be easing, a Analysts say a long period of contango—in which future oil dicate a flurry of speculative
development that could help prices are more expensive—may be nearing its end this year. activity, rather than a tighten-
boost crude prices. $20 a barrel ing oil market. They say the
This market gauge refers to lower future prices signal a
the relationship between cur- Backwardation sharp uptick in hedging by
One year difference in oil futures
rent and future oil prices. For 10 U.S. drillers, which are enter-
more than two years, the price ing into futures contracts to
of oil delivered in the future sell oil in late 2017 and 2018
has been higher than the spot 0 to lock in prices and ramp up
price—a market condition production. An LNG tanker arrives at Chubu’s power station in Japan in January.
known as contango. That has The increase in U.S. shale
made it more profitable to
store oil rather than sell it
right away and is one reason

production could also become
a major hurdle in forcing down
inventory levels, preventing
Japan Market Beckons
U.S. Exporters of LNG
for a supply buildup that has –20 contango from ending.
weighed on the market. 2006 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 But hedge funds and other
But now this crucial price speculative investors are al-
relationship may be changing. As the market moves to backwardation, in which current oil ready betting that oil prices BY MAYUMI NEGISHI
After the Organization of prices are more expensive, it could pull more money into oil. will rise on the theory that Stepping on the Gas
the Petroleum Exporting 400,000 contracts supply and demand come into TOKYO—In early January, a Japan liquefied-natural-gas
Countries and other major balance. Last week, net bullish ship carrying liquefied natural prices have recovered lately
Net long positions held
producers in late November positions reached their high- gas from Louisiana docked on despite fears of oversupply.
by speculative investors
agreed to cut output by 1.8 300,000 est levels in the 10 years of re- the Japan Sea coast, where it
Contracted LNG spot price
million barrels a day for the cords kept by the Commodity will fuel a power plant owned
next six months, near-term Futures Trading Commission. by Chubu Electric Power Co. $20 per million British thermal units
crude prices have moved 200,000 And if future oil prices do It was a milestone: LNG—
higher. flip to become less expensive gas supercooled into liquid
Bank of America Merrill than near-term prices, the fu- form at minus-260 degrees
Lynch and Goldman Sachs tures market could also attract Fahrenheit—has been coming
project that as a result of this money by offering investors a to Japan for decades, but this 10
deal, current prices could be- short-term profit boost. was the first time it came from
gin to exceed future prices as Since funds tend to hold the the lower 48 states in the U.S.
early as the second quarter of 2006 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 nearest-month oil contracts, and the first LNG shipment de- 5
2017. That situation is known Sources: Société Générale (oil prices); rolling contracts over to the rived from American shale gas.
as backwardation. Commodity Futures Trading Commission THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. next month requires paying U.S. natural gas is playing a 0
The price difference be- the difference. In contango, role in a transformed energy
tween contracts for delivery a bullish stance,“ said Ebele This extended period of rel- the following futures contract market for Japan, which would 2014 ’15 ’16
late this year and early next Kemery, head of energy in- atively depressed oil prices co- is more expensive than the quickly grind to a halt without Note: December 2016 price is preliminary.
year has been fluctuating, a vesting at J.P. Morgan Asset incides with the second-lon- current one, creating a “roll imported fuel. Ample supplies of Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and
signal that closer-dated oil fu- Management. If the oil-price gest period of contango, cost” that eats into any prof- gas from around the world are Industry
tures could move into back- curve returns to backwarda- according to S&P Dow Jones its. bringing down prices for Japa-
wardation in the next few tion, she added, “I would ex- Indices data going back to But in backwardation, that nese consumers and factories ers. The imported LNG is the
months, according to Société pect the market would jump 1987. Only the period from No- difference becomes positive, previously at the mercy of ma- leading fuel for electricity gen-
Générale Commodities Re- on it.” vember 2008 to October 2011, boosting returns for commod- jor oil and gas players. Helped eration after the Fukushima
search. While U.S. oil prices have when demand plummeted ity investors even when oil by deregulation, electricity nuclear accident in 2011
That shift would be good bounced off their lows of amid the financial crisis, prices are relatively flat. Gold- prices fell nearly 8% in 2016, ac- pushed most nuclear reactors
news for crude prices because about a year ago, trading in lasted longer. man Sachs analysts expect cording to government data. offline, accounting for 44% of
it would make oil more attrac- recent weeks between $50 and Even if OPEC follows that to become “an increas- The prospects of an LNG electricity in the year ended
tive to investors. $55 a barrel, they are at through on its pledged cuts, ingly important driver of total glut could be propelled further March 2016.
“It’s what causes investors roughly half their level of analysts say there are plenty return” in commodities in the by the energy-friendly admin- Last year Japan spent
or market participants to take mid-2014. of reasons why the supply glut next 12 months. istration of President Donald nearly $30 billion importing
Trump, who has said Japan LNG, so if the U.S. over the
doesn’t buy enough American next decade can grab a signifi-
EQUITIES products.
Buyers in Japan “now have
cant chunk of that business, it
could make a dent in the $60
more options and can say no billion trade surplus Japan had
AHEAD OF THE TAPE | Steven Russolillo to what’s being negotiated. with the U.S. in 2016. That will
They can walk away,” said mean competing with Austra-

Hasbro: The Force Is Strong With This One

Anne Hung, a partner at law lia, which was the biggest LNG
firm Baker & McKenzie who supplier to Japan last year.
advises Japanese companies Mr. Trump’s nominee for
on oil and gas deals. energy secretary, former Texas
Playtime riod. Revenue is expected to fate. In the past five years, The changing market isn’t Gov. Rick Perry, said at his
isn’t over for have ticked up 2.5% to $1.5 Toy Story not including last month’s re- good news for everyone, in- Senate confirmation hearing in
at least one toy billion. Share-price performance sults, Mattel’s stock fell nine cluding some potential U.S. January that he wanted to
maker. By comparison, Mattel, times in the trading day af- suppliers that are getting into boost U.S. LNG exports. “If we
Hasbro Inc. which named a new chief ex- 150% ter its own earnings reports. the game late. Companies can produce it in America, it
should fare ecutive last month, reported Hasbro Yet in those same earnings get whipsawed by unexpected makes abundant good sense to
better in its fourth-quarter that its sales dropped 8% in 100 Mattel seasons, Hasbro shares price swings, such as the one me for us to sell it to the
earnings Monday than rival the final three months of the gained six of nine times fol- that dropped the spot price of world,” he said.
Mattel Inc., whose stock year. lowing its own results. LNG in Japan from nearly $20 Japanese utilities have con-
sank 18% last month follow- Hasbro has benefited from One risk for the toy indus- per million British thermal tracted to buy 14 million tons
ing disappointing results. its “Star Wars” products as try is a tax-code proposal units in 2014 to below $5 in of U.S. LNG a year by 2020,
Mattel’s difficult end to 2016 well as gaining the licenses 0 that would curb deductions early 2016 before a recovery about one-fifth of projected to-
sent shivers across the toy for Walt Disney Co.’s prin- for the cost of items made later in the year. The current tal U.S. LNG exports, making
landscape, pushing Hasbro’s cess dolls and toys associ- overseas. Roughly half of price is $8 per million British Japan one of the biggest buy-
shares lower. Roughly half of ated with the blockbuster hit Hasbro’s revenue comes from thermal units. ers alongside nations in Eu-
retail sales in the toy indus- “Frozen” last year. Those 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 the U.S., but nearly all of its After misreading natural- rope and South America.
try occur during the holiday have helped lift sales in its Source: FactSet products are made overseas. gas prices in connection with The issue for now is over-
season. girls’ portfolio—Hasbro’s Toy companies could be LNG investments, major trad- supply. Last July, Royal Dutch
But Hasbro has advan- strongest division—and Over the past five years, Has- forced to raise prices as a re- ing companies Mitsubishi Corp. Shell PLC postponed a final in-
tages over Mattel, mostly should help mask potential bro’s stock has more than sult. and Mitsui & Co. both recorded vestment decision on an LNG
thanks to its product lineup. weakness elsewhere. doubled even as Mattel’s has Despite the uncertainty, multibillion-dollar losses in the export plant in Lake Charles,
Its stable of branded toys Even if Hasbro disap- fallen. Hasbro shares have held year ended March 2016. La., with Shell’s chief executive
and games inspired by mov- points, its shareholders don’t Hasbro and Mattel are of- steady since the election. Japan is the world’s biggest saying it was “not the moment
ies and TV usually have bet- have much to gripe about. ten linked because they, And fetching 18 times pro- buyer of LNG, receiving 85 mil- to commit to large-scale capi-
ter margins than generic The stock’s performance was along with Lego, make up jected earnings over the next lion tons a year on giant tank- tal outlays.”
toys. Analysts polled by Fact- nearly quadruple that of the roughly half of the U.S. toy 12 months, its multiple is
Set estimate Hasbro earned S&P 500 over the past two market, according to UBS. similar to Mattel’s but with-

$280 billion
$1.27 a share, down from years and outperformed Mat- But Mattel’s struggles don’t out the drama. It is all fun
$1.39 in the year-earlier pe- tel by 55 percentage points. necessarily foretell Hasbro’s and games for this stock.

THE TICKER | Market events coming this week

The value of acquisitions announced
Monday Expected 250,000
world-wide last month, the second-largest
Earnings expected*
Estimate/Year Ago($)
EIA report: natural gas January for M&A on record
Previous change in stocks in billions of cubic
Hasbro 1.27/1.39 feet
Loews 0.63/(0.02) down 87
Newell Brands
0.54/0.45 Wholesale inventories
M&A Jumps in January
Twenty-First Century Fox Nov., previous up 1.0%
Dec., expected up 1.0% The brisk pace of mergers nounced deals world-wide, the
and acquisitions to start this second lowest level of any
Tyson Foods 1.27/1.15
Earnings expected* year has many deal makers hop- month. So while the value of
Tuesday Estimate/Year Ago($) ing that “animal spirits” have re- deals announced last month may
Activision Blizzard 0.73/0.83 turned to corporate America. rank as one of the biggest Janu-
Consumer credit
Coca-Cola 0.37/0.38 Acquirers announced $280 arys, it is just the 55th largest
Nov., previous up $24.5 billion
CVS Health 1.67/1.53 billion of deals world-wide last monthly total globally and the
Dec., expected up $19.8 billion
Nvidia 0.83/0.35 month, according to Dealogic. 70th biggest for the U.S., accord-
Occidental Petro. (0.03)/(0.17) ing to Dealogic.
Int’l trade deficit
Nov., previous $45.2 billion Reynolds American 0.60/0.48 MONEYBEAT Also, the level of deal activity
Dec., expected $44.8 billion to start a year is no predictor of
Purchases of U.S. companies ac- how the rest of the year will
Friday counted for $107 billion of that proceed. For example, this year’s

Earnings expected*
Estimate/Year Ago($) Import price index total. Last month’s global total is U.S. deal volume is the highest
Emerson Electric 0.42/0.56 Dec., previous up 0.4% the largest for a January since since 2009, but that year’s an-
General Motors 1.17/1.39 Jan., expected up 0.3% 2000. The U.S. total, meanwhile, nual total is the lowest from
Intercontinental Exchange is the biggest in eight years. 2003 through 2016. Meanwhile,
0.69/0.65 U.Mich. consumer index Since the election, consumer some of the biggest years for
Mondelez 0.49/0.46 A scene from Activision Blizzard’s videogame ‘Overwatch’ Jan., final 98.5 and business sentiment surveys M&A activity, such as 2007,
S&P Global 1.18/1.04 Feb., prelim. 97.5 have jumped, in a sign of grow- 2014, 2015 and 2016, have got-
Gasoline up 3.9 Time Warner 1.19/1.06 ing confidence in the economy, ten off to middling starts.
Walt Disney 1.50/1.63 Distillates up 1.6 —Stephen Grocer
Wednesday Thursday Treasury budget but is the increased deal making
Jan., ‘16 $55.0 billion surplus a manifestation of animal spirits
Earnings expected* Short-selling reports
Mort. bankers indexes Ratio, days of trading volume of current Jan., ‘17, exp. n.a returning to the business world? ONLINE
Purch., previous down 6% Estimate/Year Ago($) position, at Jan. 13 Perhaps, but a closer look sug-
Refinan., previous down 1% Allergan 3.73/3.41 NYSE 4.3 Earnings expected* gests it would be wise not to For more

EIA status report

Previous change in stocks in millions of barrels
Cognizant Technology

Initial jobless claims

CBRE Group
Interpublic Group
Estimate/Year Ago($)
read too much into January’s
M&A data.
Since 1995, Januarys have
MoneyBeat blog
posts, go to
Crude oil up 6.5 Prudential Financial 2.32/1.94 Previous 246,000 Ventas 0.43/0.38 averaged $184 billion of an- MoneyBeat
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B10 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Trump Makes ‘Smart Beta’ Look Smart
ETFs focusing on value
are popular, but some Tide Turns Vanguard 20%
worry investors will be Exchange-traded funds that seek to buy low-priced Value ETF
led into new mistakes companies, such as the Vanguard Value ETF, have bested SPDR S&P
500 ETF
the market lately. Low-volatility funds have fallen behind 15
after outperforming for much of last year.
The Trump Trade has been
a boon for “smart beta,” the PERCENTAGE CHANGE SINCE FEB. 1, 2015
hottest trend in exchange-
traded funds.
ETFs that pick undervalued
U.S. stocks have swelled to re- 5
cord size since the election,
buoyed by the gains in financial SINCE U.S. ELECTION
and technology stocks that fol-
lowed President Donald Trump’s 0
victory. Value ETFs that invest
in big U.S. companies have
taken in $15 billion since the Weekly data through Jan. 31, 2017
start of November, though in- –5
flows slowed in January, ac- 2015 ’16 ’17
cording to Morningstar Inc.
Smart beta, a term popular- Investors are buying ETFs that buy underpriced U.S. Smart beta tries to improve on traditional index funds that invest based on market value. But
ized by a consulting firm, has companies, forsaking funds that aim to reduce risk. there’s no one definition of ‘smart beta,’ and funds that sound alike can behave very differently.
become a catchall for funds
that pick stocks based on traits
like value, growth or volatility, Risk oriented Return oriented iShares Edge MSCI USA Value Factor Vanguard Value ETF PowerShares Dynamic Large Cap Value ETF
as opposed to traditional index
15% 0% 5 10 15 20 25
products that invest in propor-
tion to company size. Real estate
Issuers are looking to smart Though all three
10 Basic materials
beta to help bolster profits, are value ETFs,
charging fees that can be as Communication services
their sector
much as five times the cost of Utilities allocation can
traditional index ETFs. The 5
Consumer cyclical vary widely,
smart-beta category has added
Energy as they do in
208 new U.S. ETFs since the
technology stocks,
start of 2015, according to 0 Consumer defensive
Morningstar. Despite its rising ranging from
Industrials 11.6% to 22.4%.
popularity, there is still con-
siderable confusion about how Health care
smart beta works, how best to Technology
2016 ’17
harness it and even what it Financial services
*Measures asset growth attributable to investor inflows, excluding market
means. performance. Risk-oriented includes strategies like low-volatility, while
“There’s a huge range of return-oriented includes value, growth, momentum and others.
possibilities in the smart-beta Sources: Morningstar THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
world, and they can’t all be
that smart,” said Yves Chouei-
faty, chief executive of Tobam, der the smart-beta moniker. company size forces investors stocks peaked in 2000 at al- cheap relative to profits; or try last year’s vogue for low-vola-
a Paris-based asset manager. Smart beta’s purported ben- to pay inflated prices. most 35%, right before the tech to build portfolios that aim to tility funds, in the view of
Money managers and quant efit is that it avoids the built- “ M a r k e t - c a p - w e i g h te d bubble burst. It is now 21.3%. muffle market swings. some analysts, is a sign that
traders have used the strate- in hazards of traditional funds benchmarks are simply very Smart beta does it differ- But the industry’s popular- investors are using smart beta
gies for decades, and value and that apportion their invest- dumb,” Mr. Choueifaty said. ently. Instead of weighting in- ity, along with the prolifera- to chase the latest fad.
growth “style” ETFs have been ments based on company size, “The benchmark only buys vestments based on the size of tion of new funds, has sparked “People are making classic
around for years. It is only re- where bigger companies and what is fashionable, and the company, a smart-beta in- concern that smart beta will mistakes with a shiny new set
cently that asset managers like industries are larger shares of there’s a price for that.” For dex might give equal weight to lead investors into new mis- of toys,” said Ben Johnson,
BlackRock Inc. and Invesco the pie. Smart-beta adherents example, the S&P 500’s expo- stocks; focus on companies takes. The recent surge into head of ETF research for
Ltd. began marketing ETFs un- say that weighting based on sure to information-technology with share prices considered value ETFs at the expense of Morningstar.


Tech Titans Could Get Visa Shift to Work China Faces

Trickier Path
Big U.S. technology com- wage of about $65,000 aver-
panies worried about poten-
tial changes to America’s
worker visa programs under
2013 median wages of workers on H-1B visas.
aged across the five largest
outsourcing firms in the
To Growth
President Donald Trump Google $118,000 While no one knows for “The sky has unexpected
could—ironically—make a Apple 115,000 sure what changes will be storms,” a Chinese maxim
case that might appeal to the made or how they will be goes. It fits the surprise
nationalistic ethos of the Microsoft 105,000 rolled out, immigration in election of Donald Trump—
new administration. Amazon 95,000 general is rightly of major and China’s just-released

Of course, that depends Intel 94,223

concern to U.S. tech execu- manufacturing purchasing
on the details, none of which tives running global busi- manager’s index.
are certain at this point. A Accenture 67,100 nesses under a distinctly an- The January PMI from
draft executive order circu- Infosys 65,631 tiglobalist president. Most Caixin, whose survey focuses
lating around Washington di- big tech companies have spo- on the private sector, show-
rects the government to re- Tata 65,600 ken out against the adminis- ed the biggest fall in 18
examine immigration Wipro 64,522 tration’s controversial travel months. It adds to recent
programs, including the H-1B ban, which bars entry into data showing the manufac-
Cognizant 61,131
visa system used heavily in Microsoft headquarters the U.S. from seven majority- turing sector cooling quicker
the tech industry. Nearly Sources: Howard University; Getty Images (photo) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. H-1B workers are in demand. Muslim countries that also than expected following last
two-thirds of the H-1B posi- happen to be home to some year’s record stimulus and
tions certified by the Labor Hira, who testified before tel Corp. also have system favor positions that of their employees. Some, inconveniently comes just as
Department in fiscal 2016 Congress last year on abuses sponsored thousands of H-1B pay higher wages, that could such as Apple and Amazon, the People’s Bank of China
were in tech-related fields. of the H-1B visa. These visas workers over the years. benefit the big tech compa- have said they are examining shifts more aggressively into
Many of these positions are controversial because Many of these are talented nies who already are paying legal challenges to the order. tightening mode.
are used by India-based com- U.S. companies often employ software and semiconductor a premium over what out- But the stated rationale The central bank has sig-
panies such as Tata Consul- these types of services to re- engineers hired from abroad sourcing firms can afford. for H-1B reform is about eco- naled increasing unhappiness
tancy Services, Infosys and place their own employees that end up staying in the According to Mr. Hira’s nomics, not national secu- with some side effects of
Wipro that provide out- with lower-paid, outsourced U.S., earning high wages, study, the median wage paid rity. So U.S. tech companies that stimulus, such as mas-
sourcing services to large positions. paying taxes and buying for H-1B positions at Google, have a stronger case to sive debt issuance by strug-
corporations. That is accord- But large tech companies goods and services while Apple, Microsoft, Amazon make—and perhaps a gling industrial companies
ing to a study of govern- such as Google parent Al- working their way up the and Intel was a little more slightly better chance that and rising leverage in the in-
ment-issued data by Howard phabet, Microsoft, Ama- ranks. than $105,000, on average. the new president will listen. terbank bond market. It
University professor Ron, Apple Inc. and In- If the changes to the H-1B That is far above the median —Dan Gallagher lifted its guidance for inter-
bank rates Friday, after rais-
ing longer-term borrowing
costs before the weeklong
Good News for Amgen Is Good for Biotech OVERHEARD Lunar New Year holiday.
Chinese bonds sold off
Biotechnology, lately the health outcomes. Repatha is sales by 2022, according to sharply Friday on the news,
stock market’s laggard, may also subject to a legal battle FactSet. Negative data on Better believe it: Chinese old-economy industrial region, with the benchmark 10-year
finally be on the mend. with Regeneron and Sanofi the drug would have called banks’ “brand value” now out- it also topped a list of China’s treasury yield hitting its
Amgen announced a surrounding the intellectual those expectations into strips that of American ones. best wealth-management firms highest since August 2015.
highly anticipated clinical property of their competing question. That is according to re- on the back of rapidly growing The Caixin numbers
trial involving its new cho- drug, Praluent. Since sentiment plays a search firm Brand Finance. sales of retail investment prod- weren’t all bad. New export
lesterol drug, Repatha, was Still, the positive result is large role in biotech stock What has pushed Chinese ucts. orders rose at their fastest
successful in reducing the significant. Repatha came to prices, the trial success is lenders to the top of the Brand Finances uses an ap- pace since September 2014,
risk of cardiovascular events the market in 2015 amid also good news for the in- league table? proach called the “Royalty Re- adding to evidence of a
in patients with heart dis- high expectations, but total dustry overall. The optimistic and patriotic lief” method to evaluate a global pickup in trade.
ease. That should bolster sales so far have been less While drug-pricing con- Chinese consumer—something brand’s strength, which de- An export boom could
the case for doctors to pre- than $150 million. Payers troversies and fears of new Western brands “can only pends on the present value of prop up manufacturing. But
scribe Repatha, which car- have pushed back against regulation battered stocks dream of.” future sales. Chinese exports have been
ries a price tag above the drug’s relatively high last year, so did a relative The most rapidly growing What this calculation strongest recently precisely
$14,000 a year before re- price absent hard data on absence of positive clinical brand this year is China’s Har- misses is that Chinese banks to the most inconvenient
bates and discounts, instead cardiovascular outcomes, data. bin Bank, whose brand value are stuffed with bad loans, place: the U.S.
of older statins that cost and as a result most of the Risks to the sector ha- has grown 199%, making it “im- need fresh capital and trade If January’s export data
much less. prescriptions issued were ven’t vanished altogether. possible to ignore.” for well below book value. later this month continue
The good news comes turned down by payers such But with the Nasdaq Bio- Also hard to ignore is the Add in China’s banks’ profit that pattern, expect more
with some caveats: Amgen as insurers. technology Index more than bank’s 123% rise in impairment growth slowing to a crawl in rumblings from across the
won’t present the complete But expectations for Re- 25% below all time highs, a losses in the first half of last recent quarters and Chinese Pacific. Mr. Trump isn’t one
trial data until March, so it patha are still high over the little positivity might go a year. consumers’ loyalty may have to pass up on a convenient
remains unclear to what ex- long term. Analysts expect long way for shareholders. Headquartered in China’s its limits. source of leverage.
tent Repatha improves nearly $3 billion in annual —Charley Grant —Nathaniel Taplin
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or


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When Is a Fafsa Pointless?
Experts’ answers to questions
about paying for college
Eventually, we must Q&A
all take withdrawals Blackjack Expert on Stocks
Blair Hull shuffles the S&P 500
from 401(k)s and IRAs like it’s a deck of cards. So why
is he wary of market timing?
deadlines regarding these payouts. For exam- Such payouts are often required for 401(k), ‘Irrational Exuberance’ for
ple, some people who are still working at age 403(b) and other workplace plans as well. Bitcoin ETFs?
70½ don’t have to start taking RMDs from a Some analysts predict just that,
IF YOU ARE ONE of the millions of Americans 401(k). Why are withdrawals required? assuming a new fund is
with a retirement-savings account, three of the “I was surprised at how complicated the Congress encouraged people to save for re- approved next month
most important letters in your financial life process was for me—and I’m an expert,” says tirement by providing tax benefits for these ac- R8
might be these: Natalie Choate, a lawyer with Nutter, McClen- counts, but lawmakers don’t want to shelter
RMD. nen & Fish in Boston who turned 70½ last year. these savings forever. So users often must SCOREBOARD
They stand for required minimum distribu- Here are questions savers are asking about withdraw at least a minimum amount every
tion, which is something that the nation’s baby withdrawal requirements, with answers that year after age 70½. January 2017 fund performance,
boomers now need to grapple with for the first draw on the expertise of Ms. Choate and an- total return by fund type. More on R2.
time. It refers to an annual payout that savers other IRA specialist, CPA Ed Slott of Rockville Do all retirement accounts have mandatory
must take from their retirement kitty at a cer- Centre, N.Y. withdrawals after 70½? U.S. Intl. Bonds
tain point, as required by law. Most, but not all. Under current law, there stocks* stocks* (intmd.)
The first of the boomers (people born Why is age 70½ important? are no required withdrawals from Roth IRAs
mid-1946 through 1964) are just now hitting It marks the point when savers must begin during the owner’s lifetime. Roth IRAs are dif-
the age of 70½, when most will be required to taking required annual payouts from tax-shel- ferent from many other tax-sheltered retire-
pull money out of their 401(k)s and IRAs, but tered retirement accounts such as individual ment accounts in that savers pay tax on the 1.8% 3.5% 0.3%
there are a dizzying array of exceptions and retirement accounts, Simple IRAs and SEP IRAs. Please turn to the next page *Diversified funds only, excluding sector
and regional/country funds
Source: Lipper

‘Sell in May and Go Away’? Mostly a Myth, but Not Entirely

of the U.S. presidential term but was
Hit and Miss otherwise not statistically signifi-
Winters are better for stocks, but cant.
THE STOCK MARKET’S famous six- mostly in the third year of presidencies What might cause stocks to per-
months-on, six-months-off pattern— form so much better in the winters of
12 %
known alternately as “Sell In May presidential third years than in the
and Go Away” or the Halloween Indi- 10 Winters summers of those years? The profes-
cator—is more than a superstition. 8 (Nov.-April) sors offer only a conjecture. They
But not by much. 6 Summers point to a 2013 University of Chicago
To be precise, according to a new (May-Oct.) study that created an index measur-
study, there is evidence that the phe- ing uncertainty surrounding economic
nomenon of stocks performing better 2 policy. That index turns out to be
in winter than in summer does tend 0 highest in the winter months of presi-
to occur. However, almost all of the –2 –0.1% dential third years, on average. Draw-

advantage comes in the third year of Year 3 Years 1, 2 and 4 ing on standard principles from Fi-
presidential terms. Otherwise, the Note: Data reflect DJIA from 1896 through 2016 nance 101, they reason that the
seasonal difference is so weak as to Source: market may be providing a higher re-
be statistically nonexistent. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. turn during those times to compen-
These are the implications of re- sate investors for greater uncertainty.
search now circulating by Kam Fong tial terms, there was just a 1-per- decades, there was an 11-percentage- summer was the exception. For most investors, of course, the
Chan, a senior lecturer in finance at centage-point difference between the point difference between the average The two researchers became even best advice remains to buy and hold
the University of Queensland in Aus- Dow’s average winter and summer winter and summer. That spread is more confident in their conclusions a low-cost index fund—such as Van-
tralia, and Terry Marsh, an emeritus returns—3.3% versus 2.3%. Given the highly significant statistically. after searching for the Halloween In- guard Total Stock Market ETF
finance professor at the University of variation in year-to-year results, this Another implication of this re- dicator in the stock markets of sev- (VTI), with an expense ratio of just
California, Berkeley, and CEO of Quan- difference turns out to be not signifi- search is that there is no reason to eral foreign countries: Canada, 0.05%, or $5 per $10,000 invested.
tal International, a risk-management cant at the 95% confidence level that get out of stocks most summers—in- France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Brit-
firm for institutional investors. statisticians use to determine cluding this coming one. The Dow ain, Australia and Singapore. Just as Mr. Hulbert is the founder of the
Consider the Dow Jones Industrial whether a pattern is genuine. rose in three of the four summers in the U.S., the seasonal difference in Hulbert Financial Digest and a
Average back to 1896. In the first, Third years are the exception. during Barack Obama’s second term, other countries’ stock markets was senior columnist for MarketWatch.
second and fourth years of presiden- During such years over the past 12 by an average of 3.9%. The third most pronounced in the third years Email him at

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R2 | Monday, February 6, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Required Distributions
Continued from the prior page
money they contribute. Then the assets
can grow tax-free and be withdrawn tax-
and the deadline is April 1 of the follow-
ing year. Thus, someone born in the first
half of 1946 must take the first payout by
have taxes withheld.
If a saver dies without having taken
the required payout for the year, there
Where to Find
There’s also a useful exception for em-
ployees who participate in workplace
April 1, 2017, but for someone born in the
last half of 1946, the initial deadline is
April 1, 2018.
can be complications for the person or
people who inherit the IRAs. There’s still
a required withdrawal, but it goes on the
Continuing Ed
plans such as 401(k)s and are still working Caveat: Savers who postpone their heir’s tax return. Also: Questions on IRAs,
after age 70½. If these workers don’t own first withdrawal until the April 1 deadline
more than 5% of the company and their risk triggering a higher tax bracket, be- If I take more than the minimum pay- 401(k)s and Social Security
plan doesn’t mandate payouts at 70½, cause they will have two payouts in the out one year, can I apply the excess to
then they needn’t take required withdraw- same year. my minimum payout the next year? I would like to hear about resources for con-
als from the plan until they retire. No. tinuing education. For instance, I would be in-
In addition, if this plan accepts roll- What’s the tax rate on withdrawals? terested in taking a college-level class on in-
overs of the worker’s other IRAs or other The withdrawal becomes part of the Required withdrawals are showering troductory Shakespeare or one on psychology,
401(k)s, then those assets can typically be saver’s ordinary income and is taxed at me with taxable income I don’t need. but finding all that is offered and distinguish-
shielded from required payouts as well, those rates, not lower long-term capital- Are there ways to lower them? ing between the strengths and weaknesses of
until the worker retires. Otherwise, those gains rates. Yes, within limits. Still-working em- the offerings is a challenge.
accounts will have required withdrawals If the saver has after-tax money in a ployees older than 70½ may be able to
after 70½. traditional IRA, then a portion of the re- forgo payouts until they retire (see dis- The best place to start is institutions of higher education
quired annual payout is not taxable. Fig- cussion above). In addition, charitably (two- and four-year colleges and universities) in your own back-
How large are mandatory withdrawals? uring this portion can be troublesome minded savers often benefit by using IRA yard. But you might have to dig a bit: Programs for older learn-
For most people they begin at about and requires good records. assets to make their donations (see ac- ers aren’t always called the same thing or found in the same
3.6% of assets and rise with age—al- companying article). places.
though they’re never large enough to I have several IRAs and a 401(k) plan IRA owners can also exclude up to For instance, some schools have programs that are clearly
empty the account. The withdrawal per- with required withdrawals. Must the $125,000 of assets from the base for com- labeled for older adults: “Lifelong Learning” or “Senior Scholar”
centage is lower for savers whose spouse payout for each account come from puting required payouts if they use the or “Project 60” (which is found at Cleveland State University in
is more than 10 years younger and is the that account? assets to buy “qualifying longevity annu- Ohio). In other cases, though, a program (if there is one) might
sole beneficiary of the IRA. This issue causes much confusion. ity contracts,” or QLACs. These are IRS- fall under the broad heading of “department of continuing edu-
The annual percentage applies to an Each payout from a 401(k) plan must be approved deferred annuities that don’t cation.” Or there might not be a formal program at all, but
individual’s retirement assets as of the figured separately and taken from that pay out until the owner reaches age 85, older students might be able to attend (read: audit) the normal
preceding Dec. 31. In other words, a re- account. and they help make sure savers won’t lineup of classes. The admissions office at most schools should
quired withdrawal for 2017 is based on With IRAs, however, the saver is free outlive their assets. be able to help.
assets as of Dec. 31, 2016. There’s no limit to take the required payout dispropor- Finally, the IRA owner can convert IRA Two great resources: Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes and
on withdrawals—for example, an IRA tionately. So he or she can take a large assets above the required annual payout Road Scholar. The former ( can be found,
owner can pull out as much above the amount from one IRA, a little from an- to a Roth IRA, which doesn’t require currently, on 120 university and college campuses across the
RMD amount as he or she wants. other and nothing from others, as long as withdrawals during the owner’s lifetime country. The latter ( has programs that combine
payments add up to the correct total. A under current law. education and travel in all 50 states (as well as 150 countries).
How do I figure the minimum with- good reason to take uneven payouts The catch here is the cost: Assets con- Also, don’t forget local libraries and museums, says Seth
drawal? might be that one account has more cash verted to a Roth IRA are taxable, and do- Matthew Fishman, an assistant professor at Villanova Univer-
IRA sponsors are required to compute than another, or the owner wants to drain ing a conversion can push the taxpayer sity, in suburban Philadelphia, who has studied lifelong learning.
this amount for savers, but they can make a smaller IRA and close it. into higher brackets. Whether the move “They don’t always find a place in the conversation” about
mistakes. But be sure to avoid another common is worth it depends on individual circum- older students, he notes. But “they’re rich in programs involving
If you want to double-check, the Inter- mistake in this area, which is when one stances. the humanities and arts.”
nal Revenue Service gives tables for mak- spouse takes the entire required payout Many people who convert assets to You can, of course, go the online route. Organizations like
ing the calculation in Appendix B to Pub- for both spouses if each has IRAs. In- Roth IRAs do so in increments over sev- the Kahn Academy, One Day University,,
lication 590-B. In essence, savers take stead, each partner must take such pay- eral years in order minimize the tax bill. and offer hundreds of classes that you can screen
their relevant retirement assets and di- outs from his or her own accounts. Often a good time to do such conversions at home. That said, many older students seem to prefer face-
vide it by a life-expectancy factor—which is in the years leading up to age 70½. If to-face classes, as opposed to online offerings. “It’s more en-
changes slightly every year. Must I take the withdrawals in cash? the IRA owner has retired and is in a gaging; you’re meeting people outside your immediate social
For example, say a 72-year-old single No, it’s possible to take them “in lower tax bracket, the cost of Roth con- groups,” Prof. Fishman says.
woman had $400,000 of IRA assets on kind”—that is, as stock shares or even a versions will often be lower as well. As for picking “better” or “best” courses and instruc-
Dec. 31, 2016. According to Table III, her piece of real estate. For an IRA owner tors…we haven’t come across any good rankings. Here again,
factor is 25.6 years. So she divides who doesn’t plan to spend the money, What if I miss a withdrawal or take some homework might be in order: Look online for instructors’
$400,000 by 25.6 and learns that she this move could help avoid commissions less than the required amount? names and reviews of their classes; talk to others who have al-
must withdraw at least $15,625 in 2017. for selling and then repurchasing an in- The penalty is 50% of the amount not ready taken a course; try sitting in on a single class (if you’re
vestment. But it can be complicated, so withdrawn. That’s stiff, but there’s often thinking about enrolling in, say, a semesterlong program).
What’s the deadline for taking re- allow extra time and find out if the spon- a remedy, says Mr. Slott. Just withdraw And finally, a request of our own: Tell us about any educa-
quired withdrawals? sor charges fees. the shortfall right away, file Form 5329 tional programs for the 50-plus crowd that you think are espe-
The first payout is for the year a tax- The new “cost basis” in the asset, with the IRS, and attach a short state- cially valuable. Your thoughts may be used in a future column.
payer turns 70½. This can be tricky, so which is the starting point for measuring ment explaining why. You don’t need to
i i i
we’ll use two presidents as an example. taxable gain, is the value on the date of pay the penalty to do this.
For someone like Donald Trump who was the payout. Often the IRS will forgive the penalty, I am retiring soon and wondered if I can roll over both my
born during first half of 1946, the first he says, and filing the form also starts 401(k) and cash-balance pension plan into the same individual
withdrawal must be taken for 2016. But How should I time withdrawals? the clock running for the statute of limi- retirement account. I would be opening a new IRA for this pur-
for someone like Bill Clinton born in the This is a matter of individual choice. tations. “I’ve seen this work in virtually pose.
second half of 1946, the first payout is Some savers opt for periodic payments every case,” he says.
due for 2017. similar to a pension. Others take a lump Yes, you can do this—but keep three things in mind.
For most years, the deadline for taking sum late in the year to delay owing Ms. Saunders is a Wall Street Journal First, the best way to do this is a direct rollover of your
the mandatory withdrawal is Dec. 31. But taxes. Retirees often owe quarterly esti- special writer in New York. Email her funds to the new IRA, as opposed to a “60-day” rollover. In the
there’s a grace period for the first payout, mated taxes, so consider whether to at latter case, your company gives you a check, which you, in turn,
must deposit in the new IRA. That approach has too many po-
tential pitfalls. Stick with the direct rollover.
Second, check to see if your retirement plan includes highly
appreciated company stock, says Ed Slott, an IRA expert in
CHARITY CAN COUNT TOWARD YOUR IRA WITHDRAWAL Rockville Centre, N.Y. If so, you might benefit from a tax break
for “net unrealized appreciation,” or NUA. In short, you would
Want to make required withdrawals from nations, neither are they part of the do- assets, and the donation must bypass place the stock in a taxable brokerage account and the rest of
a retirement account and do good at the nor’s adjusted gross income, or AGI. And the owner and go directly from the IRA the funds in the IRA. This could minimize your tax bite in the
same time? AGI is a trigger for several important tax sponsor to the charity. Charitable trans- future. (Needless to say, talk with a good tax professional.)
Owners of individual retirement ac- provisions. Minimizing AGI can help lower fers also aren’t valid until an IRA owner Third and last: You might want to wait before you do any-
counts can donate a total of up to or avoid the 3.8% surtax on net invest- actually turns 70½. thing. President Donald Trump is proposing tax cuts, which, in
$100,000 annually from their IRAs to ment income, payments for Medicare In addition, IRA sponsors don’t have the long run, could affect the value of the NUA strategy, Mr.
qualified charities, such as a school, premiums and even taxes on Social Se- to include IRA donations on the 1099-R Slott says. “That’s what I’m telling people with any significant
church or other group, and have the do- curity payments. tax form, so donors must remember tax transactions now,” he adds. “It’s still early in the year, so
nations count toward their required mini- Doing a charitable transfer also en- them when gathering tax documents. there’s no rush.”
mum distribution. (Owners of traditional ables some savers to forgo filing Sched- Finally, donors who have highly appre-
i i i
IRAs have to start taking distributions ule A and claim the “standard” deduc- ciated investments held longer than a
from their accounts after age 70½, or tion, reducing paperwork and possibly year in a taxable account may reap more Can I contribute to my individual retirement account after age
face a tax penalty.) lowering taxes. benefits by donating them instead of IRA 70½?
For charitably minded IRA owners, Details matter with these transfers. assets, so it’s important to evaluate al-
this is often a highly tax-efficient move. For example, the benefit is available only ternate strategies. Nope. The Internal Revenue Service, in publication 590-A
While there’s no deduction for such do- for donations of IRA assets, not 401(k) —Laura Saunders (“Contributions to Individual Retirement Arrangements”),
states: “Contributions cannot be made to your traditional IRA
for the year in which you reach age 70.5 or for any later year.”
The key words in that sentence are “traditional IRA.” The
rules are different for Roth IRAs. You can make contributions to
MONTHLY MONITOR | WILLIAM POWER a Roth IRA after turning 70½, as long as you have taxable
compensation. (See pages 40-41 of the same publication.).

U.S.-Stock Funds Rose 1.8% in January i i i

In a recent column, you stated that an ex-wife could claim So-
cial Security benefits as a divorced spouse at her full retire-
ment age and allow her own benefit (based on her work re-
Well, it sure was better than last year. the end of January, though, the administra- 0.3% for the month. cord) to grow. I’m married. Does the same advice apply to
U.S.-stock funds posted a 1.8% total re- tion’s travel-ban fallout cut into gains. International-stock funds, which had me?
turn in January, a month that saw the hul- As financial and industrial shares— been pummeled by U.S. counterparts in
labaloo of Dow 20000 and the minute-to- which soared after the November vote—fell 2016 (10.8% to 0.7% in favor of the U.S.), It depends on your birthday. If you were born before Jan. 2,
minute ups and downs of the Trump back in January, some investors again vis- turned the tables in January with a total 1954—and if you first claim Social Security when you reach your
administration. ited the “safe” corners of the market, like return of 3.5%. full retirement age—then, yes, the same rule would apply to
It was a turnaround from January 2016, gold. Gold-oriented funds, which had you. You could claim just a spousal benefit and switch to your
when the market’s tumult sent the average soared 55% in 2016 but ended the year on Super Bowl’s Final Score benefit (based on your work record) at a later point in time.
diversified U.S.-stock mutual fund to a a down note, advanced 15% in January. Final update on the Super Bowl Predic- Again, Congress, in 2015, eliminated this claiming strategy for
negative 6.3% return, according to Thom- Bond funds eked out small gains, but tor of the market, which worked after 40 most people, but made an exception for people born before the
son Reuters Lipper data. In fact, indexes analysts said some investors are warming of the 50 Super Bowls through last year. above date.
hadn’t had a January gain since 2013. to them again as yields increase. Stocks go up for the year if an original
Stock-market indexes have risen since Funds focused on intermediate-maturity, NFL team wins, or down otherwise. The Mr. Ruffenach is a former reporter and editor for The Wall Street
President Donald Trump’s election, on ex- investment-grade debt, the most com- winner Patriots are from the old AFL, so Journal, and co-author of “The Wall Street Journal Complete
pectations the economy will reignite. Toward monly held type of bond fund, gained the market is poised to deflate in 2017. Retirement Guidebook.” His column examines financial issues for
those thinking about, planning and living their retirement. We
Mr. Power is a Wall Street Journal news editor in South Brunswick, N.J. Email him at welcome your questions and comments at

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | R3

Interest rates may change.

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Performance data shown represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal
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Before investing in any mutual fund or exchange-traded fund, you should consider its investment objectives, risks, charges,
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information. Read it carefully.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
ETFs are subject to market fluctuation and the risks of their underlying investments. ETFs are subject to management fees and other expenses. Unlike mutual funds, ETF shares are bought and sold at market price,
which may be higher or lower than their NAV, and are not individually redeemed from the fund.
Total returns are historical and include change in share value and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, if any. Cumulative total returns are reported as of the period indicated. Life of fund figures are reported as of the commencement
date to the period indicated.
In general, the bond market is volatile, and fixed income securities carry interest rate risk. (As interest rates rise, bond prices usually fall, and vice versa. This effect is usually more pronounced for longer-term securities.) Fixed income
securities also carry inflation risk, liquidity risk, call risk, and credit and default risks for both issuers and counterparties. Lower-quality fixed income securities involve greater risk of default or price changes due to potential changes in the
credit quality of the issuer. Unlike individual bonds, most bond funds do not have a maturity date, so holding them until maturity to avoid losses caused by price volatility is not possible.
Expense ratio is the total annual fund operating expense ratio from the fund’s most recent prospectus.
As of 12/31/2016, Fidelity Total Bond Fund earned a 4-Star Overall Morningstar RatingTM, based on its risk-adjusted performance, compared to 869 funds within the Morningstar Intermediate-Term Bond category.
Morningstar Awards 2017 ©. Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Awarded to Ford O’Neil and Team, FTBFX, for Fixed-Income Fund Manager of the Year (2016), U.S.
Morningstar’s award recognizes Ford O’Neil, Matthew Conti, Jeffrey Moore, and Michael Foggin for Fidelity Total Bond Fund (FTBFX). Established in 1988, the Morningstar Fund Manager of the Year award recognizes portfolio managers
who demonstrate excellent investment skill and the courage to differ from the consensus to benefit investors. To qualify for the award, managers’ funds must have not only posted impressive returns for the year, but the managers also must
have a record of delivering outstanding long-term risk-adjusted performance and of aligning their interests with shareholders’. Nominated funds must be Morningstar Medalists—a fund that has garnered a Morningstar Analyst Rating™ of
Gold, Silver, or Bronze. The Fund Manager of the Year winners are chosen based on Morningstar’s proprietary research and an in-depth evaluation by its manager research analyst team.
The Overall Morningstar RatingTM for a fund is derived from a weighted average of the performance figures associated with its 3-, 5-, and 10-year (if applicable) Morningstar Rating metrics, which are based on risk-adjusted returns.
The Morningstar RatingTM for funds, or “star rating,” is calculated for funds with at least a three-year history. (Exchange-traded funds and open-end mutual funds are considered a single population for comparative purposes.) It is calculated
based on a Morningstar Risk-Adjusted Return measure that accounts for variation in a fund’s monthly excess performance, placing more emphasis on downward variations and rewarding consistent performance. The top 10% of funds in
each fund category receive 5 stars, the next 22.5% receive 4 stars, the next 35% receive 3 stars, the next 22.5% receive 2 stars, and the bottom 10% receive 1 star.
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R4 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Category Kings in 16 Realms Data provided by Leaders and Laggards Data provided by

Top-performing funds in each category, ranked by year-to-date total returns (changes in net asset values Performance numbers are total returns (changes in net asset values with reinvested distributions) as of
with reinvested distributions) as of Jan. 31; assets are as of Dec. 30. All performance numbers are final. January 31; assets are as of December 30. Equity data are final. All other data are preliminary.
Best-Performing Stock Funds
Large-Cap Core Small-Cap Core Assets
Total Return (%)
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%) Fund Ticker ($ millions) January 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr*
Direxion:Jr Mnr Bull 3X JNUG 645.2 62.2 207.0 –56.3 N.A. N.A.
Direxion:iBillionaire Id 13.8 5.5 17.9 N.A. N.A. LMCG Internatl SmCp;Inst 5.2 4.4 N.A. N.A. N.A. Direxion:Gold M Id Bl 3X NUGT 1,468.2 44.6 114.1 –46.6 –66.2 N.A.
AMG Yacktman Focsd;S 4,540.9 4.9 19.2 8.3 10.9 Bernzott US Sm Cap Val 73.6 4.3 29.1 7.2 N.A. VelShs 3x Inv Nat Gas DGAZ 256.6 44.4 –63.2 2.5 N.A. N.A.
Amer Cent:Foc DG;Inv 10.2 4.7 18.9 7.0 11.1 Federated Eq Advtg;Inst 2.3 4.1 N.A. N.A. N.A.
ProShares:Ult Jr Miners GDJJ 5.3 40.4 199.4 N.A. N.A. N.A.
American Tr Allegiance 22.1 4.5 19.2 4.4 8.0 AlphaMark Act Mgd SC 24.5 4.0 15.5 N.A. N.A.
Direxion:Slvr M Id Bl 2X SHNY 1.6 38.4 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
J Hancock II:US Gro;1 103.0 3.5 14.2 7.4 N.A. Frst Tr Srs:Cnfl SCV;A 11.2 3.8 31.4 10.1 12.5
Glbl X Uranium ETF URA 126.0 35.3 44.1 –14.5 –20.1 N.A.
Indep Franch Prtnrs USEq 1,558.7 3.4 16.5 12.1 13.6 Nashville Area ETF 8.0 3.3 12.7 4.6 N.A.
Direxion:Brazil Bull 3X BRZU 71.5 33.2 325.0 –32.6 N.A. N.A.
BNY Mellon:Foc Eq Op;M 416.0 3.3 22.9 10.2 13.6 Pru Jenn Small Co;Z 3,472.7 3.3 27.5 7.9 11.9
Rex VolMAXX SVW Ftrs Str VMIN 6.8 31.8 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
AMG Yacktman Fund;I 8,532.4 3.3 16.8 7.6 10.7 AMG SouthernSun SC;I 324.0 3.2 28.1 1.1 9.0
Direxion:Latin Bull 3X LBJ 12.1 30.8 143.9 –25.0 –32.7 N.A.
Vulcan Value Partners 1,387.0 3.3 20.7 7.8 14.1 Highland:Sm-Cp Eqty;A 50.9 3.0 47.7 10.1 13.0
VelShs 3x Long Silver USLV 186.7 30.8 41.7 –29.4 –49.7 N.A.
BlackRock:LC Gro;A 1,126.4 3.2 17.7 10.1 12.9 TD Asset Mgmt:USSMCE;Ins 100.9 2.9 30.6 7.9 N.A.
VelShs DlyInv VIX ST ETN XIV 566.0 29.5 201.0 29.0 48.3 N.A.
Category Average: 806.0 1.8 18.2 8.8 12.6 Category Average: 294.8 0.4 30.4 7.4 12.1
ProShs II:UlS Blm Nat Gs KOLD 4.0 29.4 –36.6 26.8 –6.3 N.A.
Fund Count 772.0 930 873 792 704 Fund Count 821.0 942 877 735 641 ProShs II:ShVIX STF ETF SVXY 228.1 29.2 198.6 28.5 47.4 N.A.
ProShares:Ult Gold Minrs GDXX 11.1 29.2 115.2 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Direxion:S&P Btech Bl 3X LABU 299.1 28.6 39.6 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Large-Cap Value Small-Cap Value Direxion:S Korea Bull 3X KORU 3.6 27.4 56.2 –10.4 N.A. N.A.
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%) VelShs VIX Short Vol Hdg XIVH 35.6 23.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* PureFds Jr Silver(SCM/E) SILJ 49.4 23.2 209.7 11.1 N.A. N.A.
TCW/Gargoyle Sys Val;I 1.3 3.5 22.7 N.A. N.A. Aegis Value;I 143.1 3.9 94.1 0.9 9.8 ProFunds:UltraLatin;Inv UBPIX 23.3 23.0 127.3 –13.7 –21.2 N.A.
Natixis:VN Select;Y 128.0 3.4 17.3 9.0 N.A. Invesco SC Value;Y 2,718.6 3.6 39.6 7.4 14.1 ProShares:Ult MSCI Braz UBR 15.4 21.6 206.2 –12.2 –24.8 N.A.
TCW:New America Prm Eq;I 8.8 3.2 18.1 N.A. N.A. Ancora MicroCap;I 17.2 2.1 28.6 8.7 13.1
Glbl X Copper Miners ETF COPX 39.5 20.7 147.4 –1.6 –9.9 N.A.
Fidelity Blue Chip Value 403.8 3.0 20.0 9.9 13.5 Towle Deep Value 154.2 1.9 78.2 12.6 18.6
Direxion:EmgMk Bull 3X EDC 154.9 20.7 65.7 –9.6 –13.9 N.A.
DoubleLine:Sh Enh CAPE;I 1,966.9 3.0 29.2 16.3 N.A. Huber Cap SC Val;Inst 108.3 1.8 32.6 –0.7 8.6
ProFunds:Prec Metals;Inv PMPIX 28.5 20.3 99.0 –11.1 –25.9 –13.1
Barclays ETN+ShillerCAPE 43.8 2.8 27.3 15.1 N.A. Walthausen:Sel Val;Rtl 89.4 1.6 23.5 4.3 12.2
Direxion:CSI Ch Int Bl2X CWEB 2.0 19.9 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Fidelity Adv Val Ldr;A 34.2 2.8 18.7 9.2 12.9 iShares:S&P MC 400 Val 5,625.2 1.4 35.5 10.7 14.7
iPath Bloomberg Lead A LD 1.2 19.1 38.2 1.7 –1.2 N.A.
Snow Cap Foc Val;I 1.3 2.7 27.3 3.7 N.A. SPDR S&P 400 Mid Cap Val 371.5 1.4 35.6 10.7 14.7
VnEck Vctrs:Jr Gld Mnrs GDXJ 3,454.3 18.5 107.6 4.5 –18.8 N.A.
MassMutual Sel:Fc Vl;I 749.6 2.4 31.9 9.6 15.0 Vanguard S&P MC400V;ETF 729.2 1.4 35.6 10.7 14.8
iShares:MSCI Gl SMiners SLVP 57.9 18.4 138.9 5.0 –11.4 N.A.
Dodge & Cox Stock 61,600.5 2.3 33.2 10.6 16.2 iShares:Mornstr SC-Val 428.2 1.3 39.2 10.1 14.4
ProFunds:UltraEM;Inv UUPIX 19.2 18.4 62.5 0.9 –8.2 –9.3
Category Average: 481.2 0.9 22.9 8.4 12.5 Category Average: 346.7 –0.3 35.5 7.8 12.3 Rydex:Emg Mk 2x Str;H RYWVX 3.4 18.3 61.1 0.4 –8.7 N.A.
Fund Count 447.0 508 484 414 370 Fund Count 286.0 337 318 268 238 DB Base Met Db Long ETN BDD 3.8 18.0 88.7 0.1 –10.4 N.A.

Best-Performing Bond Funds

Total Return (%)
Large-Cap Growth Small-Cap Growth Fund Ticker
($ millions) January 1-year 3-year
5-year 10-year
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ProShs II:Ult Yen YCL 5.5 6.7 9.8 –9.2 –16.8 N.A.
iShares:Intl Pref Stk IPFF 66.4 6.5 24.5 –5.6 –3.4 N.A.
Transam:Cap Growth;I2 600.7 10.5 19.6 8.4 15.3 Delaware Smd Cp G;A 951.7 5.5 8.9 5.5 10.1
Rydex:Wkn Dlr 2x Str;H RYWBX 2.9 5.5 –2.6 –13.9 –10.0 –4.2
Morg Stan I:Growth;A 3,070.2 10.1 19.2 8.3 15.0 JPMorgan:Dyn SCG;Sel 148.6 5.1 32.4 4.0 11.7
WisdomTree:AU NZea Debt AUNZ 17.2 5.4 10.41 –0.04 –1.9 N.A.
Touchstone:Sel Gro;Y 2,408.7 8.5 13.1 2.7 11.5 JPMorgan:SmCp Gro;R6 1,088.2 5.1 32.3 4.3 12.1
Mrkt Vctrs ETN Dbl Lg Eu URR 2.1 5.4 –4.4 –16.8 –9.9 N.A.
Touchstone Inst:Snd Gr 2,097.8 8.5 13.1 2.8 11.7 WellsFargo:Emer Gr;I 707.8 5.1 29.5 3.0 10.6
CurShs:AU Dollar FXA 173.9 4.9 8.3 –3.2 –4.8 2.1
Columbia:Select LCG;Z 4,163.8 7.7 14.2 5.2 12.3 Artisan:Small Cap;Inv 1,195.0 4.7 24.6 2.3 10.8
Bishop St:Strat Gro;I 26.2 7.3 12.8 4.6 9.6 Timothy Plan:Agg Gr;A 21.7 4.7 18.4 2.5 8.4
ProShs II:Ult Euro ULE 11.9 4.7 –4.5 –16.3 –9.6 N.A.
Baron Fifth Ave Gro;Inst 140.4 7.0 15.5 7.0 13.2 Westcore:Sm Cp Gr;Inst 4.2 4.6 27.7 4.2 N.A. iShares:Curr Hgd Em Mkts HEEM 245.3 4.3 16.7 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Edgewood Growth;Inst 6,552.4 5.9 19.8 11.9 16.2 Buffalo:Small Cap 561.4 4.6 23.9 0.9 10.0 WisdomTree:Brz Real Str BZF 24.2 4.3 41.8 1.8 –2.9 N.A.
Dunham:Focused LC Gro;N 56.3 5.9 7.5 4.3 10.2 Morg Stan I:SCG;IS 757.0 4.6 17.8 –4.5 N.A. Franklin Inv:Cv Sec;Adv FCSZX 2,129.4 4.2 19.3 5.9 9.6 N.A.
SS Inst:Prem Gro Eq;Inv 324.2 5.9 18.7 10.2 14.6 T Rowe Price New Hzns 16,741.6 4.3 23.9 7.9 15.0 Cav Hedged High Inc;Inst CHIIX 6.4 4.0 9.8 3.8 N.A. N.A.
Category Average: 782.3 4.1 13.9 8.3 12.6 Category Average: 179.3 2.3 24.9 4.6 11.2 Ashmore:Ems Crp Dbt;Inst EMCIX 237.7 3.9 29.3 5.2 6.3 N.A.
UBS E-TRACS MP 2xL D HI DVHL 21.7 3.9 67.0 9.8 N.A. N.A.
Fund Count 628.0 711 669 597 534 Fund Count 513.0 590 562 504 445
Measured Risk Strategy;A MRPAX 0.2 3.8 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
CurShs:Swedish Krona FXS 21.3 3.8 –3.4 –10.1 –5.2 –2.1
iPath ETN JPY/USD ExRt A JYN 1.5 3.7 7.1 –4.0 –8.3 N.A.
Midcap Core Multicap Core EuroPac Intl Bond;A EPIBX 43.4 3.6 6.7 –4.1 –2.9 N.A.
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%) CurShs:Japanese Yen FXY 136.4 3.6 7.0 –3.7 –7.9 N.A.
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr*
Lord Abbett Convert;I LCFYX 562.0 3.5 24.7 4.2 9.0 5.6
CB Select;IS 10.6 8.3 28.3 7.6 N.A. Aspiration Redwood 7.4 4.8 34.9 N.A. N.A.
Frst Tr VIII:CEF Inc Opp FCEF 16.0 3.5 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Sterling:Cp SMID Opps;I 7.0 4.4 N.A. N.A. N.A. SPDR MFS Sys Gro Eqty 12.5 4.8 19.5 13.3 N.A.
Oppenheimer Mn St MC;A 2,961.8 4.0 24.5 7.9 12.2 Manning&Napier:PB Max;S 708.5 4.4 14.0 3.9 8.7 Merk Hard Curr;Inv MERKX 113.8 3.4 2.8 –5.6 –4.1 0.9
Osterweis Emerg Oppt 39.1 3.6 N.A. N.A. N.A. Davenport Equity Opps 334.4 4.4 17.7 7.3 12.6 Eaton Vance Ms Inc;I EVBIX 594.2 3.4 32.4 3.4 N.A. N.A.
Sterling:Mid Value;Inst 623.6 3.5 28.2 9.3 14.2 Weitz:PrtnrsIII Opp;Inst 667.1 4.4 16.7 3.0 9.2 SPDR WF Preferred Stock PSK 488.9 3.3 2.9 7.8 5.8 N.A.
Sterling:Cp Str MCV;Inst 62.2 3.3 25.6 7.7 12.7 Weitz:Research 29.5 4.4 20.5 4.8 9.4 Oppenheimer Ro VA Mu;A ORVAX 77.8 3.2 8.6 6.3 2.5 1.4
AMG Mg Fairpt MC;I 3,897.8 3.1 40.9 8.9 14.8 Weitz:Partners Val;Inv 733.5 4.2 16.9 3.3 9.8 Fairholme:Focused Inc FOCIX 243.2 3.1 43.1 8.3 11.4 N.A.
Thompson MidCap 44.4 3.1 36.3 8.0 12.8 UBS US LgCp Eq;P 27.6 4.1 26.6 10.7 13.6 SPDR Bbg Barclays Cnv Sc CWB 3,116.5 3.0 20.1 6.2 9.8 N.A.
Calvert US MCC Resp Ix;Y 19.3 3.0 27.2 N.A. N.A. Lyrical US Val Eqty;Inst 1,067.5 4.0 29.4 9.7 N.A. iShares:Internatl HY Bd HYXU 68.6 3.0 9.8 –3.0 N.A. N.A.
WellsFargo:Cm Stk;A 1,252.4 3.0 27.3 7.5 11.8 Dreyfus Opptnstc MCV;A 1,341.0 3.9 32.7 6.7 13.6 1290:Conv Secs;I TNFIX 20.5 3.0 17.4 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Columbia:Conv Secs;A PACIX 697.5 3.0 24.3 5.3 9.4 5.7
Category Average: 399.7 1.9 25.7 8.1 12.5 Category Average: 516.9 2.1 19.8 8.0 12.3
TETON WW:Convert Sec;AAA WESRX 7.1 3.0 18.4 4.7 8.1 3.7
Fund Count 424.0 478 424 369 315 Fund Count 663.0 788 743 647 572
Worst-Performing Stock Funds
Total Return (%)
Assets Annualized
Midcap Value Multicap Value Fund Ticker ($ millions) January 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year

Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%) Direxion:Jr Mnr Bear 3X JDST 81.9 –48.8 –98.7 –86.3 N.A. N.A.
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* VelShs 3x Long Nat Gas UGAZ 320.2 –46.5 –55.7 –81.4 N.A. N.A.
Ancora Special Oppty;C 15.2 3.3 28.8 7.3 13.0 GPS:Emerg Mkts;Svc 100.8 6.3 23.2 5.5 11.4 VelShs Dly 2x VIX ST ETN TVIX 247.1 –42.7 –97.4 –87.0 –89.6 N.A.
Nuveen Mid Cp Value;I 106.0 3.3 27.7 9.8 13.4 RvrPrk:Foc Value;Instl 44.5 4.7 10.9 N.A. N.A. ProShs II:UltVIX STF ETF UVXY 538.3 –42.6 –97.4 –86.9 –89.6 N.A.
Neuberger MC Int V;Inv 90.6 3.1 31.1 9.3 13.7 Fidelity Lvrgd Co Stk 3,167.3 4.1 23.7 4.5 11.7 Direxion:Gold M Id Br 3X DUST 242.5 –37.5 –95.5 –72.8 –47.5 N.A.
Huber Cap MC Val;Inst 1.5 3.0 30.8 N.A. N.A. Biondo Focus;Inv 22.2 3.9 22.6 1.6 9.8 iPath Bloomberg NatGas A GAZ 6.9 –34.8 –12.5 –47.9 –32.0 N.A.
PENN:Cap S/M Cp Eq;Inst 10.3 2.7 32.4 N.A. N.A. Berwyn Cornerstone 22.3 3.5 40.7 5.2 10.5 Direxion:Slvr M Id Br 2X DULL 4.0 –33.6 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
TCW:Rel Value MC;I 105.8 2.6 41.7 7.5 12.8 Putnam Multi-Cap Val;A 449.3 3.2 23.8 8.2 13.9 ProShs II:Ult Blm Nat Gs BOIL 43.2 –30.5 –24.2 –60.1 –45.4 N.A.
Glenmede:Mid Cap Eq;Adv 18.2 2.4 21.2 N.A. N.A. Invesco Val Opps;A 795.6 3.0 36.6 7.0 11.6 Direxion:S&P Btech Br 3X LABD 62.6 –28.2 –81.1 N.A. N.A. N.A.
CM:Advisors Fund;I 72.4 2.4 56.3 1.0 5.3 Monongahela All Cap Val 6.9 2.9 30.3 9.2 N.A. Rex VolMAXX LVW Ftrs Str VMAX 2.5 –27.6 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
BlackRock:MC Val Opp;A 541.9 2.4 35.1 8.3 12.1 Fairholme:Fairholme 2,907.7 2.9 45.8 4.7 13.1 ProShares:UlS Gold Minrs GDXS 3.5 –26.0 –83.6 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Gabelli Eq:Foc Five;I 186.7 2.3 13.2 –0.1 8.7 Ariel:Focus;Inv 50.4 2.9 33.2 6.5 10.9 VelShs 3x Invrs Silver DSLV 9.4 –25.7 –62.6 –24.4 –6.2 N.A.
Category Average: 298.1 1.5 28.3 8.2 12.9 Category Average: 548.4 1.3 24.9 8.1 12.5 iPath ETN SP500 VIX ST A VXX 1,240.3 –23.8 –79.7 –54.0 –59.2 N.A.
Fund Count 138.0 157 149 118 107 Fund Count 303.0 365 351 305 280 VelShs VIX ShTm ETN VIIX 10.3 –23.8 –79.7 –54.0 –59.2 N.A.
ProShs II:VIX ST Fut ETF VIXY 174.2 –23.7 –79.6 –54.1 –59.2 N.A.
VelShs Dly 2x VIX MT ETN TVIZ 1.6 –23.3 –63.6 –46.2 –59.0 N.A.
Midcap Growth Multicap Growth iPath ETN Glbl Carbon A GRN 1.5 –20.8 –13.4 –3.4 –13.1 N.A.
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ProFunds:UltSh Latin;Inv UFPIX 6.1 –20.3 –71.6 –19.1 –5.3 N.A.
ProShares:UlS MSCI Brz BZQ 36.9 –19.4 –82.6 –34.0 –12.4 N.A.
Tocqueville:Opportunity 79.4 7.1 20.6 3.8 10.5 Morg Stan MultiCp Gr;A 306.1 10.5 18.0 6.1 13.3
Direxion:EmgMk Bear 3X EDZ 118.2 –18.1 –60.3 –25.9 –21.7 N.A.
BlackRock:MC Gro;A 530.0 6.0 20.4 7.8 13.3 Zevenbergen Genea;Inst 2.9 10.2 29.1 N.A. N.A.
Virtus:Mid-Cap Gro;A 82.7 6.0 17.3 6.2 8.9 RidgeWorth:Innv Gr St;I 18.4 8.0 22.7 4.8 12.8 DB Base Metals Db Sh ETN BOM 1.9 –18.0 –54.1 –10.5 –0.4 N.A.
Alger Inst:MdCp Gr;I 95.6 6.0 19.5 5.7 11.1 Morg Stan I:MCG;I 760.8 7.9 5.5 –3.6 4.6 ProFunds:UltSh EM;Inv UVPIX 5.2 –16.3 –49.6 –19.2 –10.1 –28.6
Alger:Mid Cap Growth;A 159.2 5.8 18.2 4.7 10.4 Zevenbergen Growth;Inst 4.2 7.8 19.9 N.A. N.A. Direxion:Hbldrs&Sup Br3X CLAW 3.1 –16.2 –54.8 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Baron Partners Fund;Rtl 1,567.5 5.6 29.3 6.6 14.4 Baron Opportunity;Rtl 194.2 7.4 15.3 0.6 8.8 Rydex:Inv EM 2x Str;H RYWYX 1.2 –16.1 –49.0 –18.9 –10.1 N.A.
Alger:SMid Cap Growth;A 161.3 5.4 21.6 3.9 9.3 Berkshire:Focus 52.4 7.1 16.3 4.7 13.5 United States Nat Gas UNG 533.2 –16.1 –7.5 –31.6 –18.2 N.A.
Manning&Napier:Dyn Opp;S 247.1 5.2 16.3 2.9 N.A. Franklin Cust:Dyna;A 2,848.4 6.6 18.5 7.9 13.8 Direxion:China Bear 3X YANG 75.6 –15.8 –57.5 –40.9 –39.1 N.A.
Am Beacon:Md Cp Gro;Inst 81.3 5.0 24.3 5.3 10.7 WellsFargo:Growth;A 4,897.9 6.1 16.3 4.6 10.2 ProShares:UPS Nasdaq Bio ZBIO 7.2 –15.7 –46.6 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Putnam Equity Spectrum;Y 1,233.4 5.0 20.4 0.3 10.7 Direxion:NASDAQ-100 EWI 99.7 6.0 23.6 12.2 N.A. ProFunds:UlSh China;Inv UHPIX 3.3 –15.4 –36.9 –24.0 –25.9 N.A.
Category Average: 278.5 3.4 19.7 6.0 11.1 Category Average: 306.8 4.0 16.0 6.8 11.9 Direxion:Cybr Sc&IT Br2X HAKD 2.9 –14.6 –51.0 N.A. N.A. N.A.
ProShares:UltP Sht QQQ SQQQ 618.7 –14.3 –49.5 –42.9 –46.1 N.A.
Fund Count 348.0 408 393 362 318 Fund Count 522.0 612 591 513 453
Worst-Performing Bond Funds
Total Return (%)
Gold-Oriented funds Natural Resources Assets Annualized
Fund Ticker ($ millions) January 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ProShs II:UltSht AUD CROC 16.6 –9.7 –18.8 1.2 N.A. N.A.
ProShares:Ult Gold Minrs 11.1 29.2 115.2 N.A. N.A. Dreyfus Natural Res;I 301.1 4.9 43.1 1.6 3.5 FX Strategy;I FXFIX 28.4 –7.1 0.2 4.3 0.9 N.A.
PureFds Jr Silver(SCM/E) 49.4 23.2 209.7 11.1 N.A. Spirit of Amer:Energy;A 614.2 4.6 38.7 N.A. N.A. ProShs II:UlS Yen YCS 276.8 –7.0 –16.1 3.9 13.2 N.A.
VnEck Vctrs:Jr Gld Mnrs 3,454.3 18.5 107.6 4.5 –18.8 MainStay:Cushing RA;I 226.2 3.8 46.9 1.4 N.A. Rydex:Stg Dlr 2x Str;H RYSBX 29.8 –5.5 –1.5 11.1 5.8 –0.9
iShares:MSCI Gl SMiners 57.9 18.4 138.9 5.0 –11.4 SPDR S&P N Amer Ntrl Res 828.5 3.8 53.0 N.A. N.A. Mrkt Vctrs ETN Dbl Sh Eu DRR 36.4 –5.1 0.8 14.7 6.4 N.A.
Glbl X Silver Miners ETF 278.3 17.5 119.1 3.0 –11.3 ICON:Ntrl Res;S 79.0 3.3 41.2 4.0 6.7 ProShs II:UlS Euro EUO 356.2 –4.9 0.4 13.3 5.4 N.A.
Oppenheimer Gld & Sp;A 991.3 17.5 73.9 2.2 –13.6 PowerShares Water Res 738.6 3.0 25.0 0.5 7.4 ProFunds:Rs USD;Inv RDPIX 68.6 –2.8 –1.2 5.0 2.5 –0.3
Glbl X Gold Explrs ETF 40.0 16.5 112.5 13.8 –16.4 Frst Tr:Water 221.8 3.0 40.2 8.9 13.7 Direxion:20+Y Trs Br 3X TMV 482.9 –2.8 –1.2 –27.1 –19.2 N.A.
Rydex:Precious Metls;Inv 61.8 16.3 88.9 0.7 –13.1 Virtus:Essential Res;I 4.8 3.0 16.0 N.A. N.A. PowerShares DB USD Bull UUP 845.9 –2.7 –0.6 5.6 3.1 N.A.
ALPS Sprott Gold 180.3 16.2 67.1 N.A. N.A. Frst Tr:NASDAQ CE Green 51.8 2.5 11.5 –4.5 9.0 WisdomTree:Blm USD Bull USDU 205.1 –2.6 –1.6 5.3 N.A. N.A.
ALPS Sprott Junior Gold 46.1 16.0 88.9 N.A. N.A. PowerShares WldHill CE 84.8 2.4 –4.4 –15.3 –5.9
ProShs II:Short Euro EUFX 15.8 –2.4 0.3 6.6 N.A. N.A.
Category Average: 380.7 14.9 75.7 3.1 –13.2 Category Average: 447.4 –0.1 35.8 –5.1 –0.4 Pac Fds:Curr Strat;P 84.2 –2.2 1.1 1.2 N.A. N.A.
Fund Count 63.0 73 73 70 65 Fund Count 77.0 100 93 81 66 Pac Fds:Flt Rt Ln;P 8.0 –2.1 5.8 0.9 2.7 N.A.
ProShares:UPSh 20+ Trs TTT 95.1 –1.7 unch. –26.1 N.A. N.A.
ProShares:UlS TIPS TPS 1.3 –1.7 –8.0 –4.7 –2.4 N.A.
Latin American funds Financial Services PowerShares Eu Curr HLV FXEU 10.5 –1.4 1.8 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Assets Total return (%) Assets Total return (%)
($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr* ($ millions) Jan 1-yr 3-yr* 5-yr*
iPath ETN Trs 5Yr Bear DFVS 2.2 –1.4 12.2 –8.1 –5.5 N.A.
GMO:Curr Hgd Intl Bd;III GMHBX 61.7 –1.3 1.7 5.7 5.9 4.9
iShares:MSCI Brz Sm-Cap 38.0 16.7 114.6 –7.0 –10.0 iShares:US BD & SE ETF 192.9 4.2 44.8 13.2 20.0
PowerShares Jp Curr HLV FXJP 1.3 –1.3 0.8 N.A. N.A. N.A.
VnEck Vctrs:Brazil Sm Cp 82.9 13.8 101.2 –8.1 –12.6 SCM:Shelton BDC Inc;Inv 13.5 3.0 27.3 N.A. N.A.
DFA Wld ex US Gv FI;Inst DWFIX 784.7 –1.3 1.6 4.9 4.2 N.A.
Frst Tr ADex:Brazil 100.3 11.1 88.2 –0.4 –6.6 PowerShares KBW Hi Dv Y 241.5 2.7 37.0 6.4 9.2
Glbl X MSCI Argnt ETF 85.0 11.1 49.8 14.8 2.6 SPDR S&P Cap Mkts ETF 80.7 2.5 28.1 1.2 11.1 iPath ETN Trs 10Y Bear A DTYS 54.4 –1.3 23.6 –12.4 –8.6 N.A.
BlackRock:Latin Amer;A 162.0 9.9 42.3 –1.8 –6.4 Innovator IBD 50 36.3 2.2 20.1 N.A. N.A. CG Cap Mkts:Intl Fxd Inc TIFUX 175.8 –1.1 4.3 4.2 3.7 5.1
iShares:MSCI Brazil Cap 4,254.1 9.7 93.6 0.3 –8.3 Fidelity Sel Brkg & IM 358.6 1.8 25.0 2.8 11.9 JPMorgan:Dvs Rtn Euro CH JPEH 24.9 –1.1 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
iShares:Lat Amer 40 941.3 9.4 50.7 –0.8 –5.8 PIMCO:Captl Sec&Fin;Inst 35.6 1.7 11.7 N.A. N.A. ProShares:UlS 20+ Yr Trs TBT 2,116.6 –1.0 1.4 –17.1 –11.1 N.A.
Frst Tr ADex:Lat America 106.8 9.1 61.0 0.7 –3.1 Davis:Financial;A 976.3 1.4 26.3 12.1 14.8 Deutsche Barclays ITBH IGVT 4.9 –1.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
T Rowe Price Int:Lat Am 568.5 8.6 45.2 0.2 –6.0 Guggenheim LC Optmz Dvsf 1.3 1.3 N.A. N.A. N.A. Pru International Bond;Q PXBQX 25.5 –1.0 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
Deutsche Latin Am Eq;S 255.4 8.4 47.9 –0.1 –3.9 Frst Tr VI:RBA Am IndRen 138.3 1.2 57.6 N.A. N.A. iShares:Intl Agg Bond IAGG 237.9 –1.0 2.3 N.A. N.A. N.A.
Category Average: 276.7 7.7 45.0 –2.9 –6.9 Category Average: 575.1 0.4 32.9 11.0 15.7 ProShares:Sht High Yield SJB 125.8 –1.0 –15.9 –5.8 –7.7 N.A.
SEI Inst Intl:Intl FI;F SEFIX 479.5 –1.0 2.4 3.4 3.4 3.5
Fund Count 34.0 40 39 34 31 Fund Count 76.0 92 85 75 72 Barclays Inv US TC ETN TAPR 18.5 –1.0 2.5 N.A. N.A. N.A.
N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new * Annualized Note: For funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown. Note: For funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown. N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new or data not available
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, February 6, 2017 | R5



How to Figure If REITs Are Worth It

Here is a 3-step rent increases.
Different property types may re-

IN TRANSLATION way to estimate quire different levels of expenditure.

REIT funds own a mixture of prop-

future returns erty types, making the 2% annual
long-term “constant quality” mainte-
nance cost reasonable.
That means REIT investors should
Increasingly we are hearing mar- cut the roughly 4% dividend yield by
ket professionals talk about “nor- 2 percentage points, leaving a 2% an-
malization.” Usually they are re- MANY INVESTORS have reaped nualized return before factoring in


ferring to interest rates on hefty returns from real-estate funds the third element of the model.
government securities, which in recent years, but there are signs
have been anything but normal that the party may be winding down. 3. PRICE CHANGE
over the past few years. That’s because the prices of build-
Since the financial crisis, the ings—and the stocks of the compa- The third component of the fore-
government’s cost to borrow nies that own income-producing real cast is the constant-quality price
money has been low by historical estate (known as real-estate invest- change. Research Affiliates estimates
standards. For short-term bor- ment trusts, or REITs)—are high. that constant-quality prices are 20%
rowing, the benchmark federal- Commercial property prices have above their long-term trend, which
funds rate, set by the Federal Re- risen so much since the financial cri- Menlo Park Mall in Edison, N.J., owned by a giant REIT, Simon Property. is a rough proxy for replacement
serve, has been near zero. For sis that investors already have cap- cost, the amount for which a builder
longer-term borrowing, a govern- tured much of the future profits that real-estate pros—is the current would build and sell a building. If
ment bond-buying program real estate likely will deliver. profit properties are delivering to What to Expect that 20% premium shrinks, it could
known as quantitative easing has Just how good was the run? In- investors. Investors typically con- REIT returns could be meager after cut into the next decade’s already
kept the 10-year Treasury rate vestors in Vanguard REIT Index sider net operating income in rela- adding up three variables paltry 2% annualized real return.
low. The yield is now 2.496%. Fund (VGSIX), for example, achieved tion to the price of property to ar- Some good news for investors is
Now that the economy is 15.5% annualized returns from 2009 rive at what’s called a capitalization HIGH REVERT TO that developers haven’t been active
healthier and inflation is starting through 2016. Over that same time, rate—or a rough estimate of an in- COMPONENTS PRICES HISTORICAL in creating new supply. Messrs. Aked
to rise, it seems the era of ex- the fund’s assets swelled above $60 vestor’s return on investment from a OF RETURN PERSIST NORMS and Masturzo say credit is tighten-
traordinarily low rates is ending. billion from less than $10 billion. property or a portfolio of properties. Dividend Yield 4% 4% ing. Without credit flowing freely
In other words, it is normalizing. With the help of Research Affili- A Research Affiliates paper by Mi- and new development occurring,
Reserves for –2 –2
The thing is, it isn’t altogether ates, a Newport Beach, Calif., invest- chael Aked and Jim Masturzo uses a prices of commercial real estate can
clear what normal means any- ment firm, we came up with a way capitalization rate or income per remain high and investors can keep
more in terms of interest rates. to estimate the likely future returns unit of price as the first component Real constant- 0 –2 the expected 2% real return.
That “has to be fine-tuned,” of REITs. The formula starts with of return. In an interview, Messrs. qualtity price change Morris Chen, who heads commer-
says Michael Gayed, portfolio dividend yield, adjusts it for prop- Aked and Masturzo said investors in cial mortgage-backed securities and
Expected 2% 0%
manager at investment adviser erty-maintenance costs, and then REITs or REIT mutual funds could commercial real estate at DoubleLine
real return
Pension Partners in New York. factors in an element of price, or simply substitute dividend yield for Capital, says money-center bank
Mr. Gayed says that normal how properties are trading relative the capitalization rate as the first in- Sources: S&P, Research Affiliates lending for new projects has been
rates likely won’t be as high as to their history. Based on that for- put of the return model. (A REIT’s THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. tepid. He, too, expects lower com-
they were in the past. In the mula, we predict REIT returns over dividend yield is typically covered by mercial-property returns over the
1990s, the 10-year rate for gov- the next decade won’t be nearly as the cash remaining after collecting necessary to maintain the quality of next decade.
ernment borrowing rarely dipped robust as they have been over the rent and paying basic expenses.) the property. They include replacing Of course, it’s possible that new
below 5%, and in the decade pre- past five years. Here is a closer look: According to Research Affiliates, roofs and refurbishing kitchens and development activity could send real
ceding the financial crisis, it the capitalization rate of commercial bathrooms, among other things. prices down by around 2% a year
mostly remained above 4%. 1. FIRST, DIVIDEND YIELD real estate has been falling, from Messrs. Aked and Masturzo argue over the next decade, in which case
Normal rates likely won’t return 7%-8% in the 1980s and 1990s to that landlords have spent 2% of the REIT investors wouldn’t make any
to that level because inflation is Real-estate investors estimating 5.5% in the past five years. The Re- value of their property a year to real return. Either way, investors al-
so much lower than it once was, future returns of a commercial prop- search Affiliates model used 4.6% for maintain the property at “constant most certainly won’t achieve any-
thanks in part to improved eco- erty start with the current rent mi- current profit when it was published quality,” or to keep it in the condi- thing like the 15% annualized returns
nomic efficiency, he says. “There nus basic expenses such as repairs, in August 2016. The current dividend tion it was when first completed. domestic REITs have delivered since
has been a generic shift down on insurance, and taxes. That number— yield of U.S. REIT indexes is around Letting the property deteriorate, 2009. Investors may want to con-
rates due to efficiency. People often called net operating income by 4%, according to Standard & Poor’s. maintaining it only at “minimum tinue holding a small allocation in
who talk about rising rates aren’t quality,” can boost profit at first, but REITs, but those who have piled into
necessarily understanding the 2. MAINTENANCE COSTS ultimately erodes the property’s the sector with gusto recently, hop-
shift in rates due to technology.” FUND RESULTS value and future profitability. Alter- ing for continued torrid returns,
In short, the new normal might After current profit, the second natively, maintaining property at should lower their expectations.
not be the old normal because Lipper’s A-to-Z monthly component of the model is the capi- “current quality” of technology, ame-
new tech has allowed the economy
to grow without surges in prices.
—Simon Constable
fund listings and other
performance tables are
available free at
tal required to maintain properties
over the longer haul. These aren’t
day-to-day repairs but rather bigger
nities and building standards, as op-
posed the standards of its own com-
pletion date, drains too much cost
Mr. Coumarianos, a former
Morningstar analyst, is a writer in
Laguna Niguel, Calif. He can be projects that are more expensive and that can’t be recouped in big enough reached at

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All investments involve risk, including loss of principal, and there is no guarantee that investment objectives will be met.
Income and dividends will fluctuate and are not guaranteed.
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R6 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



Test Your Smarts on Dow 20K, Starbucks, Snap

D. none of the above
ANSWER C. The coffee chain created the
INVESTORS MOSTLY buzzed about two app to reduce long lines at the cash regis-
things in January: The Dow Jones Indus- ter, but the lines just shifted to the pickup
trial Average topping 20000 for the first counter, said Mr. Johnson, who is slated to
time and President Donald Trump taking become CEO in April. The long waits there
office. The new state of affairs in Washing- have driven away some potential custom-
ton helped spark moves in Mexican and ers, he said.
Russian assets. Brexit, bitcoin and Star-
bucks also made waves.
How much do you know about last
month’s news in fund investing and the
8. How much did China’s three largest
bitcoin exchanges start charging
customers last month in an effort to curb
markets? Here’s a quiz to test your knowl- speculation?
A. 0.2% per transaction

1. In his annual letter to U.S. corpora-

tions, BlackRock Chief Executive
Larry Fink said businesses will need to
B. 0.5% per transaction
C. 1.5% per transaction
D. 2.5% per transaction


help “the employee who once operated a
machine learn to ____________.” ANSWER A. BTCC, Huobi and OKCoin ac-
count for most of the virtual currency’s
A. program it B. destroy it global trading volume.
C. love it D. ship it to China

ANSWER: A. The boss at the world’s largest

money manager called for offering more
9. Where does Snap Inc. plan to list its
much-anticipated initial public offer-
ing of stock?
internal training to help workers adapt to
technological changes. The IPO for Snapchat’s parent will get buzz, but on which market? See Question No. 9. A. Nasdaq
B. New York Stock Exchange

2. Goldman Sachs Group stock contrib-

uted how many points to the Dow’s
see a reason to buy. Brexit will affect the currency. C. London Stock Exchange
D. none of the above
rise to 20000 from 19000?
A. 525 points
C. 379 points
B. 436 points
D. 287 points
4. True or false: Gold’s gain in January
topped the S&P 500’s advance. 6. True or false: The biggest U.S. ex-
change-traded fund focused on Mexi-
can stocks slumped last month, as Presi-
ANSWER B. The parent for messaging app
Snapchat is expected to list on the NYSE,
True False dent Trump backed his plan to build a going public as soon as March. Young tech
ANSWER C. Goldman and other bank stocks wall on the border with Mexico. companies historically have headed to the
have been big winners since President ANSWER True. Gold prices rose about 5% to Nasdaq Stock Market, but that has changed
Trump’s election as investors expect higher around $1,210 an ounce, while the stock True False somewhat after Facebook’s glitch-filled IPO
interest rates and looser regulations. benchmark climbed 1.8% to 2279. in 2012.
ANSWER False. The iShares MSCI Mexico

3. What was rated as this year’s least

attractive asset class, according to a
poll of chief investment officers?
5. Fill in the blank: The British pound
on Jan. 16 fell to its lowest level
since __________ as investors braced for a
Capped ETF gained 1.9% in January. Some
traders said any Trump-inspired selling
had become overdone.
10. True or false: The ruble lost
ground in January, even as traders
see the Trump administration aiming for
A. Stocks B. Government bonds speech by U.K. Prime Minister Theresa warmer relations between the U.S. and
C. Hedge funds D. Gold

ANSWER B. Some 83% of respondents in

May on her plans for negotiating the
country’s exit from the European Union. 7. Fill in the blank: In explaining a drop
in transactions in the fiscal first
quarter, Starbucks Corp. Chief Operating

True False
the poll by Dow Jones’s Financial News A. January 1986 B. August 1992 Officer Kevin Johnson said: “The
said government bonds are set for poor re- C. August 2011 D. October 2016 __________ of mobile order-and-pay has ANSWER False. Russia’s currency gained
turns in the next 12 months, making them created a new challenge.” about 2% against the dollar last month.
the least attractive asset class by a com- ANSWER D. The pound traded under $1.20
fortable margin. That suggests investors during that session, hitting its lowest level A. error-riddled launch Mr. Reklaitis is a markets writer for
might want to steer clear of government since its flash crash in October, on con- B. confusing design MarketWatch in London. Email him at
bonds in 2017, though contrarians might cerns about how the details of the looming C. success

Tracking Exchange-Traded Portfolios How the Largest Funds Fared Data provided by

Performance figures are total returns for periods ended Jan. 31; for largest exchange-traded funds and Performance numbers are total returns (changes in net asset values with reinvested distributions) as of
other portfolios, ranked by asset size. Jan. 31; assets are as of Dec. 30. All data are final.
Assets Volume Expense Launch Performance (%)
Fund Symbol ($ billions) (000s) ratio date January 1-year 3-year
SPDR S&P 500 ETF SPY 227.39 73,917.6 0.09 01/22/93 1.9 19.9 10.7 The Largest Stock Mutual Funds
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF IVV 92.85 4,785.9 0.07 05/15/00 1.9 20.0 10.8 Total Return (%)
Assets Annualized
Vanguard Tot Stk Mkt Idx ETF VTI 71.90 3,305.8 0.05 05/24/01 1.9 21.7 10.2 Fund Ticker ($ billions) January 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year
iShares MSCI EAFE ETF EFA 62.21 29,663.7 0.33 08/14/01 2.9 12.0 0.6 Vanguard TSM Idx;Adm VTSAX 498.12 1.9 21.7 10.2 13.9 7.2
Vanguard 500 Index ETF VOO 59.72 994.7 0.05 09/07/10 1.9 20.0 10.8 Vanguard 500 Index;Adm VFIAX 282.40 1.9 20.0 10.8 14.1 7.0
Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF VWO 47.31 15,383.9 0.14 03/04/05 4.9 24.8 2.5 Vanguard Tot I Stk;Inv VGTSX 231.93 3.9 15.1 1.5 4.8 1.2
PowerShares QQQ Nasdaq 100 QQQ 43.16 18,530.6 0.20 03/10/99 5.2 20.8 14.4 SPDR S&P 500 ETF SPY 224.82 1.9 19.9 10.7 14.0 6.9
Vanguard FTSE Developed Markets ETF VEA 42.57 21,455.2 0.09 07/20/07 3.7 12.7 1.6 Vanguard Instl Indx;Inst VINIX 211.50 1.9 20.0 10.8 14.1 7.0
iShares Core US Aggregate Bond ETF AGG 42.06 7,075.5 0.07 09/22/03 0.2 1.4 2.6 American Funds Gro;A AGTHX 146.04 4.5 22.6 10.1 14.5 7.3
iShares Russell 2000 ETF IWM 37.75 32,649.5 0.20 05/22/00 0.4 33.6 8.0 American Funds EuPc;R-6 RERGX 120.69 4.4 12.3 2.3 6.9 N.A.
iShares Core S&P Mid-Cap ETF IJH 36.60 3,335.3 0.12 05/22/00 1.7 30.1 10.3 Fidelity 500 Idx;Pr FUSVX 109.23 1.9 20.0 10.8 14.0 7.0
iShares Russell 1000 Value ETF IWD 35.04 2,641.2 0.20 05/22/00 0.7 24.3 10.0 Fidelity Contrafund FCNTX 102.72 4.4 14.4 8.8 13.3 8.1
American Funds Inc;A AMECX 101.82 1.3 14.6 6.8 9.2 5.5
Vanguard REIT ETF VNQ 33.74 11,091.4 0.12 09/23/04 –0.04 12.3 11.6
iShares Russell 1000 Growth ETF IWF 31.98 1,782.8 0.20 05/22/00 3.4 17.0 10.6 American Funds Bal;A ABALX 101.24 1.8 13.4 7.8 10.4 6.6
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF BND 31.74 2,857.1 0.06 04/03/07 0.3 1.5 2.5 American Funds CIB;A CAIBX 99.53 1.2 9.5 4.9 7.4 4.1
SPDR Gold Shares GLD 31.15 10,403.8 0.40 11/18/04 4.6 8.7 –1.4 Vanguard Wellington;Adm VWENX 95.04 0.9 15.3 7.8 10.0 7.0
iShares:Core S&P 500 IVV 90.60 1.9 20.0 10.8 14.0 6.9
iShares iBoxx $ Inv Grade Cor B ETF LQD 28.33 4,982.5 0.15 07/22/02 0.2 6.2 3.8
American Funds Wash;A AWSHX 85.93 1.3 20.1 9.7 13.1 6.5
iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF IJR 28.24 5,252.3 0.12 05/22/00 –0.4 34.3 10.7
American Funds CWGI;A CWGIX 81.84 3.1 15.5 4.9 9.7 4.6
Vanguard Value ETF VTV 27.98 1,896.0 0.08 01/26/04 0.6 23.5 11.0
Franklin Cust:Inc;A FKINX 81.06 0.9 21.4 4.3 7.4 5.2
iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Fund EEM 27.42 67,138.6 0.72 04/07/03 5.4 24.7 0.8
American Funds ICA;A AIVSX 79.99 2.7 22.1 10.2 13.8 6.5
*Expense charge is a maximum of 8 cents a share †Assets are estimated N.A.= Not applicable, fund is too new.
Note: Total returns are based on the change in the net asset values, not changes in market prices. Net asset values can vary from market prices, which American Funds FInv;A ANCFX 79.82 2.9 22.1 10.7 13.8 7.3
therefore can reflect a premium or discount to the net asset values. Source: Thomson Reuters Vanguard Md-Cp Idx;Adm VIMAX 76.47 3.0 23.7 9.6 13.6 7.6
Vanguard Sm-Cp Idx;Adm VSMAX 69.48 1.6 30.1 8.3 13.6 8.1
Vanguard FTSE Dev Mk ETF VEA 67.28 3.7 12.7 1.6 6.5 N.A.
Mutual-Fund Yardsticks: How Fund Categories Stack Up Dodge & Cox Stock DODGX 61.60 2.3 33.2 10.6 16.2 6.0
All returns are for periods ended Jan. 31. All data are final. Data provided by
Vanguard REIT Idx;ETF VNQ 61.19 –0.04 12.3 11.6 10.4 4.4
Vanguard FTSE Em Mkt ETF VWO 61.03 4.9 24.8 2.5 0.3 2.4
Performance (%) Performance (%) iShares:MSCI EAFE ETF EFA 59.67 2.9 12.0 0.6 5.9 0.9
Investment objective January 1-yr 5-yr* 10-yr* Investment objective January 1-yr 5-yr* 10-yr*
American Funds NPer;A ANWPX 59.37 4.4 13.7 6.4 10.7 6.1
Diversified stock & stock/bond funds World stock funds Vanguard Gro Idx;ETF VUG 54.30 3.7 16.9 10.0 13.5 8.2
Large-Cap Core 1.8 18.2 12.6 6.2 Global 2.9 15.2 8.5 3.8 Dodge & Cox Intl Stock DODFX 54.19 4.3 24.6 1.6 7.6 2.4
Large-Cap Growth 4.1 13.9 12.6 7.3 International (ex-U.S.) 3.5 10.8 5.3 0.9 Vanguard Ext Mk Id;Adm VEXAX 51.55 2.1 30.1 7.9 13.5 7.8
Large-Cap Value 0.9 22.9 12.5 5.0 European Region 2.0 7.7 6.7 0.9 Vanguard Value Idx;ETF VTV 50.80 0.6 23.5 11.0 14.4 6.0
Midcap Core 1.9 25.7 12.5 6.9 Emerging Markets 5.4 21.3 0.7 1.9 American Funds AMCP;A AMCPX 50.28 3.3 19.9 8.9 13.7 7.7
Midcap Growth 3.4 19.7 11.1 6.8 Latin American 7.7 45.0 –6.9 –0.3 First Eagle:Global;I SGIIX 50.20 2.7 18.0 5.9 7.9 6.7
Midcap Value 1.5 28.3 12.9 6.3 Pacific Region 5.2 16.1 5.5 3.8 Vanguard Wellesley;Adm VWIAX 49.68 0.3 8.7 6.1 7.0 6.7
Small-Cap Core 0.4 30.4 12.1 6.7 Gold Oriented 14.9 75.7 –13.2 –1.9
Small-Cap Growth 2.3 24.9 11.2 7.0 Global Equity Income 1.6 12.8 7.1 2.6
Small-Cap Value –0.3 35.5 12.3 6.5 International Equity Income 2.3 10.6 3.8 0.2 The Largest Bond Mutual Funds
Total Return (%)
Multicap Core 2.1 19.8 12.3 5.9 Taxable-bond funds Assets Annualized
Multicap Growth 4.0 16.0 11.9 7.0 Short-Term 0.3 2.1 1.3 2.5
Fund Ticker ($ Billions) January 1-year 3-year 5-year 10-year
Multicap Value 1.3 24.9 12.5 5.4 Long-Term 0.5 5.8 3.4 5.0 Vanguard Tot Bd;Adm VBTLX 171.81 0.3 1.5 2.5 2.0 4.3
Equity Income 1.0 19.7 11.0 5.9 Intermediate Bond 0.3 2.4 2.2 4.0 Vanguard Tot Bd II;Inv VTBIX 114.01 0.3 1.3 2.4 1.9 N.A.
S&P 500 Funds 1.8 19.2 13.5 6.4 Intermediate U.S. 0.7 3.7 0.4 3.4 Met West:Total Return;I MWTIX 78.57 0.3 1.5 2.5 3.8 5.9
Specialty Divers. Equity 1.0 4.1 –4.6 –4.7 Short-Term U.S. 0.3 2.4 2.2 4.0 PIMCO:Tot Rtn;Inst PTTRX 75.73 0.7 2.3 2.4 2.8 5.7
Balanced (BL) 1.5 11.8 7.2 4.6 Long-Term U.S. 0.3 –1.3 1.1 3.9 PIMCO:Income;Inst PIMIX 70.33 0.9 9.3 6.0 8.5 N.A.
Stock/Bond Blend 1.6 11.7 6.2 4.1 General U.S. Taxable 0.8 6.2 4.0 5.5 Vanguard Tot Itl BI;Adm VTABX 68.19 –0.9 2.1 4.0 N.A. N.A.
Avg. U.S. Stock Fund† 1.8 20.7 11.2 5.7 High-Yield Taxable 1.2 16.4 5.8 6.0 Vanguard Sh-Tm Inv;Adm VFSUX 57.77 0.4 2.6 1.9 2.2 3.4
Sector stock funds Mortgage 0.1 0.8 1.9 4.0 DoubleLine:Tot Rtn;I DBLTX 55.70 0.3 1.2 3.1 3.8 N.A.
Science & Technology 4.8 25.8 13.5 8.1 World Bond 1.2 8.3 1.2 3.9 Vanguard Int-Tm TxEx;Adm VWIUX 49.37 0.5 –0.5 3.1 2.6 4.1
Telecommunication 2.9 18.4 10.5 3.9 Avg. Taxable-Bond Fund** 0.6 6.3 2.5 4.0 Dodge & Cox Income DODIX 46.63 0.4 6.1 3.1 3.4 5.1
Health/Biotechnology 4.2 10.1 16.7 11.0 Muncipal-bond funds Vanguard Sh-Tm Bd;ETF BSV 46.07 0.3 0.8 1.1 1.1 N.A.
Utility 1.8 13.5 9.6 5.5 Short-Term Muni 0.2 0.3 0.3 1.9 iShares:Core US Agg Bd AGG 41.55 0.2 1.4 2.6 2.0 4.2
Natural Resources –0.1 35.8 –0.4 1.6 Intermediate Muni 0.5 –1.0 1.8 3.3 Templeton Gl Bond;Adv TGBAX 40.94 –0.4 6.9 2.2 3.2 6.8
Sector –0.3 14.7 8.6 3.0 General & Insured Muni 0.4 –0.5 2.9 3.7 Lord Abbett Sh Dur;F LDLFX 37.03 0.6 4.6 2.2 2.8 N.A.
Real Estate –0.2 11.3 9.4 3.5 High-Yield Muni 0.7 0.7 4.7 3.4 American Funds Bond;A ABNDX 31.91 0.5 2.1 2.4 2.3 3.0
T Rowe Price New Inc PRCIX 30.77 0.3 2.0 2.5 2.2 4.5
Stock and Bond Benchmark Indexes All total return unless noted Fidelity Str Adv Cre Inc FPCIX 28.85 0.5 4.1 2.9 2.9 N.A.
Performance (%) Performance (%) Vanguard Int-Tm Bd;Adm VBILX 28.77 0.4 1.3 3.0 2.6 5.4
Investment objective January 1-yr 5-yr* 10-yr* Investment objective January 1-yr 5-yr* 10-yr* Vanguard Int-Tm Inv;Adm VFIDX 27.55 0.4 3.3 3.4 3.5 5.4
Large-cap stocks Stock indexes Fidelity US B Id;IP FXNAX 27.05 0.2 1.4 2.5 2.1 N.A.
DJIA 0.6 23.9 12.3 7.4 DJ U.S. TSM Growth 3.3 20.0 14.0 8.5 JPMorgan:Core Bond;Sel WOBDX 27.04 0.4 1.2 2.4 2.1 4.7
S&P 500 1.9 20.0 14.1 7.0 DJ U.S. TSM Value 0.7 23.3 13.8 5.9 iShares:iBoxx $IG Corp LQD 27.04 0.2 6.2 3.8 3.9 5.5
Midcap stocks Taxable bond Vanguard GNMA;Adm VFIJX 25.90 –0.1 0.6 2.6 1.9 4.5
Fidelity Total Bond FTBFX 25.71 0.5 5.8 3.3 3.1 5.0
S&P MidCap 400 1.7 30.2 14.2 8.9 Barclays Agg. Bond 0.2 1.5 2.1 4.4
Vanguard Infl-Prot;Adm VAIPX 25.34 1.0 4.0 1.8 0.6 4.3
Small-cap stocks Muncipal bond Fidelity Srs Inv Gd Bd FSIGX 23.43 0.5 4.1 2.9 2.5 N.A.
Russell 2000 0.4 33.5 13.0 6.9 Barclays Muni. Bond 0.7 –0.3 2.9 4.3 Vanguard Ltd-Tm TxEx;Adm VMLUX 21.89 0.6 –0.1 1.1 1.1 2.5
Broad stock market International stocks iShares:TIPS Bd ETF TIP 21.35 0.9 3.9 1.7 0.5 4.3
DJ U.S. Total Stock Market 1.9 21.7 13.9 7.2 MSCI EAFE†† (price return) 2.9 8.9 3.1 –1.8 Vanguard HY Corp;Adm VWEAX 20.98 1.0 13.5 4.9 6.2 6.5
Russell 3000 1.9 21.7 14.0 7.1 Dow Jones World (ex. U.S.) 3.6 16.3 4.8 1.6 Pru Tot Rtn Bond;Z PDBZX 19.40 0.5 4.2 3.7 3.8 5.9
*Annualized †Diversified funds only **Excludes money-market funds ††Europe, Australia, Far East Note: For funds with multiple share classes, only the largest is shown. N.A.: Not applicable; fund is too new or data not available
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Monday, February 6, 2017 | R7


‘We do it with
He Shuffles the S&P Like Cards science, looking
at the various
A former blackjack player runs an ETF that times the market indicators.’

face cards] and aces. That’s a ter, people tweeting about [founder of Vanguard Group]


total of 10 numbers. the S&P 500 and whether was correct when he said
And we have 10 indica- they are bullish or bearish. If that, in the last century, buy-
BLAIR HULL BELIEVES that tors—or something like that, they are bullish for a certain and-hold was the best strat-
investors owe it to them- it can be a few more or less amount of time, it’s time to egy, but since 2000 we have
selves to do some market depending on the model—for sell the market; if they’re had this explosion of data,
timing—if they do it analyti- our trading programs. How bearish for a certain amount and along with that explosion
cally, not emotionally, and do we count them? We do it of time, it’s a signal to buy. has come predictive analytics Blair Hull hopes for just a slight advantage in the market.
don’t do too much of it. with science, looking at the If the sentiment is sus- and machine-learning tech-
Mr. Hull is founder of Hull various indicators, which tained long enough, it be- niques that we really didn’t possible to have a systematic egies should be 5% or 10% of
Tactical Asset Allocation in show when there is a time to comes meaningful and we have before. Right now, you approach that gives you bet- the typical investor’s portfo-
Chicago, which runs the $95 be in or out of the market. factor it in with the other in- have very few academic pa- ter returns for less risk. lio. People can do both, they
million Hull Tactical US ETF dicators; there’s nothing pers saying you can’t time can buy-and-hold and time
(HTUS). He made a living at WSJ: How big of an edge can emotional about that. the market. Right now, they WSJ: Despite that belief, you the market. Not having all of
blackjack, spending the early you create? all say it’s possible, and they don’t believe in putting most your eggs in one basket cer-
1970s as a card counter (the MR. HULL: I played blackjack WSJ: Why have you changed have a vast number of ways of your money at risk through tainly makes a lot of sense,
art of expertly tracking the for five years from 1971-75, your mind about buy-and- people are trying to do it. market timing, do you? no matter which approach
cards that have been dealt). getting an advantage of, at hold investing? A lot of those approaches MR. HULL: The strategy fits you believe in.
As a trader, Mr. Hull al- best, 51-49 [wins to losses]. MR. HULL: I haven’t. It’s still aren’t going to work—they in the alternative-investment
ways wanted to take a simi- If we can get a slight advan- right for most people and are too susceptible to fear area—essentially, it’s hedge- Mr. Jaffe is a writer in
lar approach—basing his tage in the market, say 55-45, most of their money. Timing and greed and are run by fund performance at retail Boston. He can be reached at
moves more on a system and we sustain that over a is very hard. Jack Bogle emotions—but I think it’s prices—but alternative strat-
than a hunch. His fund plays long period, we will have the
the S&P 500 index the way odds in our favor and will ac-
Mr. Hull played blackjack, us- tually gain more wealth than
ing data to time each move. if we just went buy-and-hold.
He spoke with The Wall I think that’s possible.
Street Journal about why
market timing makes more WSJ: Your system is all
sense in the 21st century than about removing emotion
before, and how it should fit from the market, yet one in-
into an investor’s portfolio. dicator you rely on in some
models is Twitter. Isn’t that
WSJ: You say there are simi- injecting emotion?
larities between market timing MR. HULL: We’re not making
and counting cards. How do emotional decisions about
they give the investor an edge? Twitter, or any of the other
MR. HULL: You have 10 differ- indicators used in any of our
ent indicators in a deck of
cards: You have 2 through 9,
and you have 10s [including
models. We read the Twitter
feed, and we look at the sen-
timent that occurs on Twit-
There will be more than nine
billion people to feed by 2050.
Over the next 35 years, it’s estimated that the world’s population

At What Point Is the will swell by two billion. To keep up, global food production needs to
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More college-finance answers This is how the world advances.Learn more at

Readers continue to ask questions about paying for college, and we

again answer their queries with the help of experts.
i i i
I’m told I should fill out financial-aid forms for college, even if I
think I don’t qualify. But realistically, how much income is the
likely cutoff?

There is no firm cutoff, but unless you can pay the full tuition
cost out of pocket for every child you have in college, you ought
to file the federal financial-aid form known as Fafsa, says educa-
tion-savings expert Mark Kantrowitz, publisher of
Except for the wealthiest families, most college-goers will qual-
ify for some kind of aid,
especially if a family has
more than one child in col-
lege, because of the way
the formulas are calcu-
lated, Mr. Kantrowitz says.
They’re dependent on in-
come, and to a lesser ex-
tent on assets, but also on
the number of college stu-
dents in a household. You
can qualify for more aid either by having a lower expected family
contribution (which gauges how much your family can afford to
pay), or by attending a school with a higher cost of attendance.
That’s why expensive private colleges sometimes give financial aid
to families whose incomes you might think would be too high, he
says. “At some of the most selective colleges with ‘no loans’ fi-
nancial-aid policies, even families with income up to $180,000 can
qualify for institutional grants,” he says.
A family with one child enrolled at an in-state public college,
with household income over $350,000 a year and assets of more
than $1 million (aside from retirement accounts and the family
home), shouldn’t bother filing the Fafsa unless they want to take
out loans, he says. But if you make less than that, have fewer as-
sets, have a student at a more expensive school or have more
than one child in college, you should fill out the form.
i i i
My grandson has graduated from college with student loans. If
he cashes in savings bonds to repay the loans, would that be
considered an education expense for which savings-bond interest
isn’t taxable?

You can’t use this money in a tax-free manner to pay off stu-
dent loans. “The exemption for excluding savings-bond interest is
for qualified education expenses, which the payback of loans
isn't,” says Robert Schmansky, a certified financial planner with
Clear Financial Advisors in Livonia, Mich. What’s more, he says,
the bondholder must have been 24 years old before the bond’s is-
sue date.
One potential bright spot: Student-loan interest can be re-
ported as a tax deduction on your tax return. “This has the po-
tential to lower your tax liability,” says Bob Meighan, a vice presi-
dent at Intuit’s TurboTax unit.
i i i
Is it possible to set up a Upromise 529 account for future grand-
children not yet born? In that way, the account could benefit
from my purchases without me having to put any personal
money in until I have grandchildren.

Upromise, a product offered by Sallie Mae, incorporates both

your contributions and loyalty bonuses based on your purchases
from participating shopping partners to fund either a regular sav-
ings account or a 529 account, Mr. Meighan says. However, you’ll
need a living beneficiary—not a future grandchild—before you can
establish a 529. “While you cannot set up a 529 for anyone not
currently alive, you can set up a 529 for yourself as the benefi-
ciary and make a change of beneficiary at some point in the fu-
ture,” Mr. Schmansky says.
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Copyright © 2017 CME Group. All rights reserved.
MORE ONLINE: Go to for more questions
and answers this month, as well as links to past columns. Have
a college-finance question in general? Write to
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R8 | Monday, February 6, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



‘Irrational Exuberance’ for Bitcoin ETFs?

Some analysts predict just that, in 2013, the SEC has teased out
the many, often bizarre risks of
assuming that a new fund is a bitcoin ETF. Among the is-
sues: Could robots hijack more SPOTLIGHT
approved by the SEC next month than half of the mining capacity
and bring the whole system VANGUARD VALUE
down? Could the bitcoin uni-
already trades over the coun-
ter but currently is only avail-
verse split in two as a rival
cryptocurrency did? Could the


able to wealthy investors. fund be hacked?

IF THE SECURITIES and Ex- (Closely held SolidX, the
change Commission approves Winklevosses ready smaller entrant in the race,
a bitcoin exchange-traded fund After a nearly four-year distinguishes itself from the
next month, it might set off a wait, the SEC faces a deadline other two by promising to in- Despite the hype over so-
speculative rush into bitcoin. of March 11 to decide on a rule sure its bitcoin.) called smart-beta funds,
An easily accessed ETF that change that would allow the Spencer Bogart, an analyst which are index funds that
tracks the value of bitcoin Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust ETF who follows bitcoin for bou- weight holdings by more
could cause money to flood to trade on the Bats Global tique brokerage Needham & “factors” than just market
into the fledgling bitcoin mar- Market exchange. Co., says the Winklevosses capitalization, ETF inves-
ket, analysts say. Indeed, what Two other funds have filed TWO SIDES OF A COIN | Winklevoss twins Cameron and Tyler have addressed security con- tors are flocking to funds
some see as a chance for aver- similar applications that cerns—planning, for example, that emphasize one of the
age investors to participate in would offer ordinary investors obtains SEC approval, it would The Winklevosses declined to keep private keys locked in- most basic factors of all—
one of the great financial in- broader access to bitcoin in- likely mark Mr. Silbert as a to comment, through a repre- side offline computers, which value. According to Fact-
novations of recent years vesting as well: Bitcoin Invest- new style of Wall Street wun- sentative; Mr. Silbert said, in would themselves be locked Set, three of the top four
could set off a trading frenzy ment Trust, run by tech entre- derkind. Similarly, if the Win- an email, that his lawyers had away in secure locations. Mul- smart-beta ETFs for new
in an already wild market. preneur Barry Silbert, and klevoss twins, Tyler and Cam- put him on “total lockdown” tiple individuals in multiple lo- assets in 2016 were value
“My concern is that the SolidX Bitcoin Trust, run by eron, succeed with their ETF, with the press since filing for cations would have to grant funds, said David Nadig,
launch of an ETF could lead to SolidX Partners, are waiting they would see vindication af- his fund’s NYSE listing. access simultaneously to a bad CEO of, at a Jan-
irrational exuberance if the for the SEC to rule on their ter they were elbowed out of actor wanting to see the keys, uary conference.
price of bitcoin appreciates applications to be listed on the social-networking phenome- How bitcoin works he says, for a theft to occur— Leading the pack was
dramatically,” says Christo- New York Stock Exchange. non Facebook. The novel nature of bit- an event he considers unlikely. Vanguard Value ETF
pher Burniske, blockchain- There’s no guarantee that Further, the Winklevosses coin—essentially a chain of The small size of the bitcoin (VTV), which attracted
products lead at money man- any of these applications will stand to gain from any price numbers linked to another market, however, could still be $5.4 billion in new assets
ager and research firm ARK succeed. But most bitcoin ob- increase caused by the ETF as number on a public ledger an impediment to orderly fund to close the year with
Investment Management. ARK servers say that a bitcoin ETF they are among the largest in- stored in the internet cloud— trading. Across all U.S. ex- $27.2 billion. Like other
invests in Bitcoin Investment is an inevitability eventually. dividual holders of bitcoin— intrigues investors but has changes tracked by data pro- value funds, it focuses on
Trust, an ETF-like fund that If Bitcoin Investment Trust alongside Mr. Silbert’s fund. given the SEC pause. vider CoinDesk, the average stocks that are underval-
Once a bitcoin is created in daily volume of bitcoin traded ued relative to the market.
a computer “mining” process, is about $30 million. Much With an expense ratio
the community recognizes more trading occurs in China, of 0.08%, VTV is a share
ETFs vs. ETNs: There Are Different Risks ownership of the invisible ab-
straction through two num-
but those exchanges wouldn’t
be used by a U.S. fund, Mr. Bog-
class of Vanguard’s value-
index mutual fund, ac-
When it comes to investment products, some- the assets they track—an S&P 500 ETF, for bers produced in that process. art says, because they function counting for more than
times a slight difference in a name means a instance, owns stocks that are included in One is the public key, which is in an opaque manner. half of the overall $50.8
lot of difference in risk. the index. ETNs don’t own a portfolio of as- like the owner’s PayPal ad- If the Winklevoss fund isn’t billion in assets. The fund
A case in point: The difference between sets. They are simply debt issued by banks dress. Anyone can send bitcoin approved, the closest thing to tracks the CRSP U.S.
an exchange-traded fund and an exchange- that promise a return to the investor linked to this address. The other is an ETF will be Bitcoin Invest- Large Cap Value Index,
traded note. to the performance of the assets they track. the private key, a number that ment Trust, which uses a pri- which includes 327 stocks
“ETFs and ETNs are as different as a dog That difference is important in a worst- is mathematically linked to the vate-trust structure and is and has an aggregate
and a cat,” says Steve Hanke, professor of case scenario. The assets of an ETF are held public key but is revealed only managed by Grayscale Invest- price-to-book ratio of 2.2.
applied economics at Johns Hopkins Univer- in trust for the fund’s investors. With an ETN, to the owner of the bitcoin. ments LLC, a unit of Digital Traditionally, value
sity. “And if you get a bad ETN, then it could there is no such protection. If the issuer goes Bitcoin has proved useful as Currency Group Inc. Only ac- stocks tend to be from
be a dog.” bust and can’t pay off debt, investors could a low-cost way of moving credited investors can buy the slower growing, more ma-
Confusion could leave some investors lose it all. In any case, the price of the notes money around the world. But shares on the primary private ture industries as opposed
more exposed to risk than they think they are can fluctuate with the issuer’s credit rating. its price is volatile. Last year market, where they are priced to growth stocks, currently
if they own ETNs. And that applies to more ETN issuers make these risks clear. alone, bitcoin closed in a daily in line with bitcoin. at a 4.7 price-to-book ratio
investors—the ETN market is now $22 bil- For those who decide ETNs are worth the trading range between $358 and more heavily concen-
lion, up from $4.7 billion at the end of 2007. risk: “You want to make sure that the ETN is- and $993, according to data Mr. Curran, a writer in trated in technology and
Here’s what investors need to know: Both suer is solid, just like you would with a bond,” provider CoinDesk. Denton, Texas, is a regular consumer services. Still,
ETFs and ETNs track the price of things like says Jeff Carbone, managing partner at Cor- contributor to Dow Jones the largest stockholding in
baskets of stocks, bonds or commodities, but nerstone Financial Partners in Charlotte, N.C. SEC’s task Newswires and The Wall the VTV ETF is Microsoft.
they do so differently. ETFs own a portion of —Simon Constable Since the Winklevosses ap- Street Journal. Email him at —Ari I. Weinberg
plied for approval of their ETF

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