Post Capitalism

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sov2017 VERSO About authors Books Blog \ Events Subjects Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work “A fascinating book about an alternative to austerity.” — Owen, Jones A major new manifesto fora high-tech future free from work [Nooierlism ent working, Assis orsing millions into portend many Inventing the Futures abl ew manifesto fori oer capitalism, Against the ‘onfsed understanding of ourbigh-ach wodd byboth the ght and tele, this ‘ook ais hatte entncpelry and ftre arlene pastes of our soley ned, instead of running om a comple ature Nick rice and canbe re Alex Willan dennd a postaptlist economy capable of advancing standards beating humanity fom worknd developing technologies hatexpend our so yeors of radial pubsing {Cr 0) Lapin Reiter Paperback 296 ges ISBN apeiraq68 ISBN 787880082 Eos £599 10% uf Paperback 27 pages £599 30% ‘A papotback to eat freedoms Reviews “Nick Seni and Alex Wiliams’ project daresto propose a diferent way of ‘thinking and ating Given thefzaling of tse Oosypy moment, a radical rethinking ofthe anarchic approach bay needed but jst not happening This ook could do alt of workin geting tha rethink gong = Doug Henwood, author of WallStreet “Apowerfl ook: it not only shows show the posteapitalist world of rapidly improving technology could make ws fee but iaso shows us how swecan organise to get there. Thisisa must-read.” Paul Mason, author of Posteaptaism: A Guide to Our Future ‘Srnicek and Willams demonstrate how asustainable economic futures Jess question of means than of imagination, The postapitalist world they ‘envision isutteny attainable if we can remember that we have been Jventng the economy all along” = Dougls Rushkoft, author of Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now “Inventing the Future isexacly what we need right now. With immense patience and care itsets outa lear and compeling visio ofa postcapitlist socjety. Equllyimportanty, tas out a plausible programme which can ‘he us from 24/7 capitalist immiseration toa wold fre of work” Mark Fisher, author of Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? “Aconceptal launch pa for anew socialist imagination, = Mike Divi, author of Planet of Slums Show A itp: verscbooks com books/1888-inveting-the-faure Blog ‘What can Star Wars and Star Trek really tell us about the future? {nam excerpt from he new book Hour Putures if After Capitalism, Peter Prose discusses how siene fiction enn elp us understand the future (One way of differentiating socal sionce fom science Fictions thatthe est, is about describing the world that, while the second speculates about a ‘work that might be. But realy, both area mitre of imagination and. ‘empirical investigation, put together indifferent ways. Hoth attempt to understand empirical fas an lived experience as something thats shaped by abstract—and not directly perceptible—structural forces Certain types of speculative fiction are more attuned than others tothe particularities of soca structure end politcal economy. In Star Wars, you dont really are about the details of the galactic politcal economy. And ‘ne the suthor tres to flesh them outs George Laas did nis widely derided Star Wars prequel movies, itonly gums up te story. Ina world ke StarTrek, onthe other hand these details actualy mater. Eventhough Star Ware and Star Trekmight sopertially look ike similar tales of space vel and swasibling, they ace fundamentally different types of fein. The former exists only for its characters and its myth narrative, while the utter wants to root its characters ina richly andlogeally structured soa word, Continue Reading 18 sov2017 itp: verscbooks com books/1888-inveting-the-faure \ How Did We Get Into This Mess A British polities reading ist “THE SALE HAS NOW FINISHED *** seen alendmarkyeas fr this rainy land, Labour coup attempis, Brea chaos sing poverty, thriving righ rng polities, and yet! we've seer more ‘owtrage over potential marmite shortage than the spike in rally motivated stack Ieyond that, there's heen an aeeleate ise ofthe freight throughout Barope (and, ofcourse, the horror inthe US), a refugee crits so poorly managed thal sn even worse hursnitarian evi awa us in 2017, and a lobal elimate catastrophe that n't goiagaway but eontinuesto be argel) ignored, Capitalism ssl dong sit or the ih, whilst fling everyone else, creating a wealth divide so large that i's hard to see where it wil end ‘Our British polities reading list includes books that loka these very issue, aswell asthe historia eonteats and political conditions that have allowed ‘hom to thrive inthe ast year. Until Jan lou print books are s0% off, (ith re shipping worwide and bundled ebooks) all our ebooks are 90% off Continue Reading By Vero Bake 15 Deemer 2005 sments Emerging Futures: A Bookshelf In this moment of wide-sale rejection of establishment polities and the flobal ge ofvght wing populist movement, weneed utopian and ica visions of society more than ever. This isnot escapist wishful thinking but a reimagining of socety as one that ‘alues people over profits, that rules democratically and collectively, that, provides forthe needs of al citizens, In this clamitous time, wtopian $hinking cen inform our soci movements and our strategies for builing a better fare sov2017 (Other books by ‘Nick Srnicek and ‘Alex Williams Inventing the Future ‘hiphaee tare re \ Continue Reading iy Verso sks 1 Downer son sraments VERSO About Authors BOOKS Blog Events Subjects itp: verscbooks com books/1888-inveting-the-faure I -soynors free publishing (care) agin Reltr

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