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Chapter 26: Parent's Legacy to Children


Parents play a very important role in determining the condition of the life of their children. Their
habits and traits of character will affect or be reproduced in their children whether they like it or
not. In this manner, they have the power and responsibility to mold their children either for good
or bad and in this training they give to their children, the society will be affected. Since this is a
great task entrusted to them, they must work with God.

This fact of the magnitude of a parent's accountability before God as stewards of the lives of the
children, is often neglected by some parents. As observed in the present generation, the
troubles and heartaches of individuals today can be traced primarily to the neglect of parents of
the duty that was given to them. Moreover, parents should keep in mind that it is not only one
generation of children that will be affected but also the succeeding generations. If the parent left
a bad influence or habit to his children then the children and the generations to come will live in
suffering. The legacy the parent left will either bless or curse their children and the generations
to come.

The children serve as the mirror of parents wherein they are able to see the reproduction of their
character. When they see that their children acquired a wrong habit, the parent must reflect also
upon himself and examine his or her character then correct it in himself and patiently remove it
from the child. This process is not easy but parents are encouraged to be patient and meek with
the children that have reproduced their negative characters. Ultimately, God has promised them
strength if they will trust in Him.

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