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Chapter 48: Heaven’s Estimate of Children


Children Are the Purchase of Christ’s Blood

The Lord values every person that was ransomed by His blood including the
children. They are precious in the sight of God and parents must also show the
valuableness of children by taking good care of them and training them. In this way, the
kids will grow as individuals who please both their earthly parents and their Heavenly
Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven
The characteristics of a child such as innocence, gentleness, forgiving, meek,
etc. are one that we should follow just like Jesus’ instructions during His time. As the
Lord values the little ones, they must be taught about God as they grow up. They are to
be brought to Christ and trained for Christ. Their lives are not to be taken as a light
matter but they must not be allowed to acquire influences of no value.
God’s Property Entrusted to Parents
Children are not the property of the parents but the Lord’s. They are entrusted to
the parents to learn of God and have salvation. They were to be trained so that when
they will grow up, they will be useful in the work of God. The responsibility given to
parents is a great one—they are the stewards that were entrusted to mold the lives and
character of their kids in accordance to the character of God. They should be treated as
a sacred charge. Parents must not spoil them or direct them to their own ways and
fatten their pride. We do not have anything that we can call our own but everything we
have belongs to God. As stewards, God allowed us to manage what has been entrusted
to us however He expects a fruit and progress.
The Path to Heaven is Suited to Children’s Capacity
God has appointed us a path suited to the strength and capacity of children. And
He has promised that He will be with us along the way.

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