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Chapter 52: Home Government


The guiding principle for parents is that when they have children they are entrusted the
responsibility to train them. Also, before training their children, they must keep in mind that they
are God’s possessions and must therefore be taught about Him. As the parents give instructions
to the children, they must work together with God. As a result, the children will grow up to be
both pleasing in the sight of God and men.

Rules are necessary inside the home. In addition to this, the parents themselves must keep the
laws they give because the children learn by example and it is in this way that the children learn
effectively. So as the parents teach good values to their children, it will be carried by them as
they grow up.

As the parents are managing their children, they must adhere to the principles of the Bible. The
parents could not effectively teach their children if they are not yet converted. They must first
implement it in themselves and then to their children. Moreover, the Bible should be the
textbook where parents base their training in the home. It should be upheld more than any
worldly parenting book because the instructions are from the creator Himself.

Parents must consider that the children have also their rights and that they must respect and
meet them. Far more important than the rights stated in the bill of rights is the right of the
children to be educated, to develop a Christ-like character that they will possess until they grow
up. They have the right to be influenced by good and those that will make them please God.

The parents must not be fond of any outward show of love and affection to their children unless
they feel that it is true. Because too much of this blind affection may lead you to overlook the
faults and unimproved aspects of your child.

The parents are warned not to do two things and those are blind affection and undue severity.
Blind affection makes parents to spoil their children while undue severity leads their hearts away
from you. The children cannot be brought to God by force. It is possible that you can train
children and they will obey you without being harsh and that is to combine authority and love
with and eye single to the glory of God.

Another reminder to parents is that they need to spare hurtful and harsh words so that they
would not be able to injure the hearts of their children. The children are very sensitive and they
often remember the things that you said. In disciplining the children, the parents must be gentle
and calm, consider their children and every side of the story and they must be firm with their
decisions. Moreover, the parents should also keep in mind that they not only should control their
children but also themselves.

The children belongs to the Lord. The parents cannot do as they please to the children and also
the children cannot do anything they want with themselves. Both the parents and children
should keep this in mind. There must also be unity in the home. In conclusion the home is under
the government of God and both parents and children must obey Him.

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