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United Natjons Children's Fund UNICEF 1 P.O. Box 1250 } Fairbridge Avenue, Belgravia Telephone 04 703791 ee ween Zimbabwe | REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES | LRPS-2019-9146934 | 07 March 2019 UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND (UNICEF) Wishes to invite you to submit a proposal for VIDEOGRAPHY LONG TERM ARRANGEMENT Consultancy Services for Establishment of Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for Video documentation of UNICEF Programmes. | Sealed proposals from institutional contractors for Consultancy Services for Establishment of Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for Video documentation of UNICEF Programmes should be seni/placed in the Bid Box (located in the Reception area of the UNICEF office). Proposals forwarded by mail or courier services must contain written instructions on the external envelope that allows the receiving mail agents to place the envelope in the Bid Box. The mailing address for SEALED Proposals is: ] UNICEF Harare Office | 6 Fairbridge Avenue | P.O. Box 1250 | Belgravia, Harare Zimbabwe IMPORTANT - ESSENTIAL INFORMATION ‘The reference "LRFP ZIM/2019 - 9146934 " Subject: "Consultancy Services for Establishment of Long Term Arrangement (LTA) for Video documentation of UNICEF Programmes.", must be writien/typed on the envelope containing the Technical Proposal and, on the envelope, containing the Financial Proposal, as well as on the outer packaging containing both envelopes. Proposals must be submitted in three (3) copies (one original and two copies), in a securely sealed envelope in accordance with the Instructions attached to this RFP. The Proposal MUST be received atthe above address by latest 10:00 hours Harare local ime on Monday 25th March 2019. There will be no public opening i.e. the Technical and Financial Proposals will not be opened publicly (please refer to Clause 2.2). Proposals received after the stipulated date and time will be invalidated. THE FORM "LRFP ZIM/2019 - 9146934 - PROPOSAL FORM" ON PAGE 3 MUST BE COMPLETED, SIGNED AND ATTACHED TO THE TECHNICAL PROPOSAL WHEN REPLYING TO THIS REP.FAILURE|TO SUBMIT YOUR BID IN THE ATTACHED PROPSAL FORM, OR FAILURE TO COMPLETE THE DETAILS AS REQUESTED, WILL RESULT iN INVALIDATION. All emailed Bid response must be submitted to the ONLY Acceptable email addresses which is: Emailed proposals should be in PDF Version and proposal should be prope marked with bid number and subject " LRFPIZIM/2019/ 9146934 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR Establishment of Long Terms Arrangement (LTA) for Video documentation of UNICEF programmes. "The technical proposal and financial proposal must be sent as separate attachments and clearly marked as such in the file name (e.g. Company ABC Technical Proposal, Company ABC Financial Proposal. It is mandatory that all bidders attend the Pre-Bid Briefing meeting on Thursday 14th March 2019 at 11:00am, in order to get clear explanation on the technical briefing. Objective of this pre-bid meeting is to clarify doubts, answer the queries and bring clarity with respect to this bid REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page 1 of 27 | ~~ LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef THIS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES HAS BEEN: Coenen Olivia Mhungu: Date: 7 March 209% Olivia Mhungu (To be contacted for additional information, NOT FOR SENDING PROPOSALS) Email : Approved By: Wns doeme WW) Ube UNIGEF Zimbabwe. 7 Date: + March 2019 Abeba Tadesse Chichayebelu REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES: Page 2 of 27 LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef | REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES FORM This FORM must be completed, signed and returned to UNICEF Proposal must be made in accordance with the instructions contained in this Request for Proposal for Services (RFPS). | TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT Any Contract resulting from this RFPS shall contain UNICEF General Terms and Conditions for Institutional and Corporate Contracts and any other Specific Terms and Conditions detailed in this RFPS. | INFORMATION | Any request for information regarding this RFPS must be forwarded by email to the person who prepared this document, with specific reference to the RFPS number. The Undersigned, having read the Terms and Conditions of RFPS No. LRPS-2019-9146934 set out in the attached document, hereby offers to execute the services specified in this document, Signature: Date: Name & Title: Company: Postal Address Tel No: Fax No! | E-mail Address: Currency of Proposal: _ __ Validity of Proposal - | Please indicate which of the following Payment Terms are offered by you 10 Days 3.0%. 15 Days 2.5%, 20 Days 2.0% _|__30 Days Net. Other, REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES — Page 3 of 27 | ~ LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef Item Service Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Price 10 Videography LTA Videography LTA. 1 PU REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES: Page 4of 27 LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef | SPECIAL NOTES PROPOSAL FORM I The PROPOSAL FORM (LRFP ZIM/2019 -9146934: PROPOSAL FORM) must be completed, signed and returned to UNICEF together with your detailed Proposal and supporting documents. The Proposal must be made in accordance with the instructions contained in this Request for Proposal. ] It is important that you read all of the provisions of the request for proposal, to ensure that you understand UNICEF's requirements and can submit a proposal in compliance with them. Note that failure to provide complete proposals may result in invalidation of your proposal TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT/LTA | Any Institutional Contract/ LTA resulting from this RFP shall contain UNICEF's General Terms and Conditions and any other Specific Terms and Conditions as detailed herein. | INFORMATION | Any request for information concerning this RFP| must be forwarded via e-mail to or, with specific reference to the RFP number and subject. All efforts will be made to provide additional information expeditiously, but any delay in providing such information will not be accepted as a reason for extending the submission date of your proposal. Requests for additional information or clatrifications should be done no later than Wednesday 20th March 2019. Requests for additional jinformation/clarifications received after this date may not be responded to. | 1.Background | UNICEF is a leading humanitarian and development agency working globally for the rights of every child. In Zimbabwe, UNICEF's interventions include but are not limited to health, water, sanitation and hygiene, education, HIV and child [protection. UNICEF works with the Government, donors, leaders, thinkers, policy makers and innovators to help all children realize their rights # especially the most disadvantaged. UNICEF communication has a strong track record of amplifying the voices of children and communities by harnessing the power of various mediums and tools that include human interest stories, videos, photo essays and documentaries. UNICEF uses these various communication tools to influence policy-makers, political and social leaders, to create an enabling policy and legislative environment that creates and sustains social transformation, and to raise resources for its programmes. | 2.Objective | UNICEF Zimbabwe needs to update its video archive to continue effectively supporting advocacy and resource mobilization efforts, and as welll as provide visibility to its donors. This assignment is related to the visibility plan for UNICEF and donors as part of humanitarian response support for all vulnerable children in Zimbabwe. The assignment will result in quality videos that will be used in reports, social media and exhibitions. Videos are critical to document UNICEF's work and the situation of children in Zimbabwe. These videos are utilized nationally and internationally in support of public advocacy (including the creation of content for UNICEF digital channels), communication for development, fundraising and donor reporting. | In communicating with a variety of audiences, the videgs can send a powerful message: more impactful than the written or spoken word. | There is need to greatly expand the portfolio of UNICEF, Zimbabwe video documenting country programme results to complement the existing video database with a wider variety of videos; to enhance an increasing number of publications and materials produced by UNICEF Zimbabwe Country Office; and to meet the document requirements for Zimbabwe videos on the UNICEF website, WeShare. | = ——_| — REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page Sof 27 | TRPS-2019-9146934 unicef @ In emergency situations, timely video documentation is also critical to effective communication and fundraising efforts. National Committees and other UNICEF fundraisers depend on videography # distributed as soon as possible after the onset of an emergency # to provide the immediate evidence of the situation of children and women in crisis. Since advocacy and fundraising work is highly competitive, professional videographers are needed to ensure that key events and situations are captured, that technical requirements are met and that the quality is competitive with international standards because quality equals impact, 3.Justification To provide high quality short videos, public service announcements(PSAs), video and audio documentaries that tell the story of UNICEF's work in Zimbabwe and that reach Zimbabwe audiences through the range of audio-visual methods. The main objective is to show the impact of UNICEF programmes for children in Zimbabwe. Communication and advocacy materials are to be used by UNICEF internal and external partners across various platforms. 4.Scope of the Assignment: The contracted firm(s) is expected to provide the following services: Video documentation (shooting and interviews) of UNICEF supported programmes upon request from the Communication Section based on UNICEF guidelines for video production and multi-media documentation “Submission of three (3) different scenarios and storyboards and presentation to UNICEF Zimbabwe communication and relevant programme team. Travel to the field to film Editing (including addition of narration and music) of raw footage according to the ZCO recommendations/requests and UNICEF guidelines for video production and multi-media documentation Translation and subtitling of media pieces upon request from the Communications Section -Re-editing/formatting of UNICEF owned video materials, previously produced, to be included in other video productions or re-edited for future productions according to Communication Section recommendations/requests and UNICEF guidelines for video production and multi-media documentation Finalization of video material (Colour and sound correction and any other graphical effects/additions needed) under the guidance of the Communication Team and following UNICEF guidelines for branding and copyright. Submission of the final video material in two (2) sets; a) High Definition (HD) quality b) Compressed quality (MP4, AVI, Movie, formats) for uploading and sharing on various social media platforms. ‘Submission of all HD raw footage material to UNICEF in both Windows and Mac formats. Storage of all archive film in a readily accessible format 5 Specific Tasks ACTIVITIES, TASKS a)Activity 1: TV spots Tasks: Script, produce, film, captioning, edit and subtitle high quality TV public service announcements (PSA) about UNICEF projects and priorities. Responsibilities: 1.The contractor will in work close coordination with UNICEF to develop appropriate scripts, messages, storyboard and shot lists for PSAs. 2.Thereafter, the contractor will travel throughout Zimbabwe, as required, filming scenes relating to UNICEF programmatic priorities. 3.The contractor will be available for follow ups calls regarding the direction of videos 4.The contractor shall edit, caption and insert subtitles into film 5.The contractor shall submit draft video and make edits based on suggestions from UNICEF communications staff REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page 6 of 27 TRPS-2019-9146934 unicef €) | 6.The contractor shall submit final video that meets the expectations of UNICEF Zimbabwe b)Activity 2: Short Videos | Tasks: Script, produce, film, captioning, edit and subtitle high quality videos (1-20 minutes) about UNICEF projects and priorities, and journalistic-style filed activity reports. Responsibilities: 1.The contractor will in work close coordination with UNICEF to develop appropriate scripts, messages, storyboard and shot lists for videos. | 2.Thereafter, the contractor will travel throughout Zimbabwe, as required, filming scenes relating to UNICEF programmatic priorities. 3.The contractor will be available for follow ups calls regarding the direction of the videos 4.The contractor shall edit, caption and insert subtitles into videos 5.The contractor shall submit draft video and make edits based on suggestions from UNICEF communications staff | 6.The contractor shall submit final video that meets the expectations of UNICEF Zimbabwe 6.Expected background and Experience | a) QUALIFICATIONS, SPECIALIZED EXPERIENCE AND ADDITIONAL COMPETENCIES, Expected background and Experience: The assignment requires a highly motivated and competent contractor with the following qualifications and qualities: ‘The contractor shall be a public institution or registered video production company operating in the field of multimedia news production or video production with proven expertise in production of broadcast-ready quality video of events or issues at locations around the country. Fluency in written and spoken English, Shona and Ndebele The contractor must be able to produce high quality videos in English, Shona and Ndebele and have staff capable of communicating in these languages- other local vernaculars an asset. ‘The contractor must have sufficient technical and creative staff to handle multiple projects at one time and against tight deadlines | The contractor must have a visible track record of being able to call upon and quickly deploy cultural influencers for use in a range of media projects at the same time The contractor must be familiar with the latest technology in broadcast and have the capacity to edit, caption and subtitle multiple products, | “The contractor must possess @ high level of creativity and the ability to translate abstract ideas and raw data into attractive visuals. | The contractor must be able to edit materials into narrative format that meets UNICEF scope of work | ‘The contractor must have prior experience producing similar materials as those outlined above. The contractor must be able to submit high quality videos/audios/that they have previously produced, including references | b) Previous experience | #Previous work with UNICEF/other UN agencies or other international institution (public or private) developing products in the field of video production #Proven experience in producing and editing broadbast-ready quality videos as well as post-production of multimedia communication: | ‘A list of three video products from Zimbabwe or the region in three different geographic locations provided over the last two years | Experience in working with UNICEF or comparable international organizations/media an asset. c)Accreditations | Accreditation (with the Media Commission of Zimbabwe) or an on-going accreditation process by a certified accreditation body will be an asset | d)Technical Requirements | ‘Broadcast quality high definition camera equipment with a range of accessories needed for REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FORSERVICES Page7of 27 | LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef professional images including tripod, lighting, sound equipment, microphones, batteries and battery chargers. Portable broadcast quality editing equipment compatible with HD camera capable of editing and exporting HD video files identical to original and of compressing into other formats suitable for social media platforms. ‘Ability to operate a drone-conveyed camera and own (or source) the same as and when required. Must be able to produce high quality voice narration and soundtracks, Provide proof of permission for copyrighted material ‘Must provide samples loaded onto Dropbox or we Transfer of three (2) minutes extracts of previous work done. “At least 5 years# experience in video documentation/photography ‘A team leader with at least a qualification in mass communication, journalism, fine arts or a related social science discipline. e)Staffing ef Hedicated to multimedia video production on a full/part time basis, in the following areas -TV News Images and Video Production Service: video journalists with both outstanding reporting and technical skills. Camera crews with good command of English/Shona and Ndebele who can provide a shot list and liaise with various communities in their languages. 7.CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION - INSTITUTIONS Reference Annex C for the Criteria of evaluation. 8.Payment Terms Full / total contract value to be paid upon satisfactory completion of all listed works. 9.General Conditions: Procedures and Logistics Policy both parties should be aware of: Members of the contracting company are not entitled to payment of overtime. All remuneration must be within the contract agreement. No contract may commence unless the contract is signed by both UNICEF and the Contractor. For international contractors outside the duty station, signed contracts must be sent by fax or email. Signed contract copy must be received by the office before commencement of travel. No member of the contracting company may travel prior to contract signature. Unless authorized, UNICEF will buy the fickets. In exceptional cases, the contractor may be authorized to buy their travel tickets and shall be reimbursed at the #most economical and direct route# but this must be agreed to beforehand. Members of the contracting company will not have supervisory responsibilities or authority on UNICEF budget A SPECIFIC TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 4 ALIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR LATE DELIVERY a The Contractor should ensure the services are delivered within the quoted days (time) of each order. In case of delay in delivery of the Services, UNICEF will deduct 0.5% of fee for the service per day (for late delivery of any agreed timescale pertaining to completion date(s) from the Contractor's invoice, up to maximum 10 % of the invoice amount. 1.2CONTRACTUAL PERIOD The proposed duration of the Long Term Arrangement / LTA will be for an initial period of 1 year with possibility extension for further period of 2 years subject to good performance. 41.3SUBCONTRACTING REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page 8 of 27 LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef & Proposers MUST identify in their offer, any services, which may be offered by themselves, but originate from another contractor. UNICEF must review all subcontracting prior to award 1.4PRICING | The proposal must detail a cost breakdown of the financial proposal (Annex B) RFP TERMS, CONDITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 2.MARKING AND RETURNING OF PROPOSALS | SEALED PROPOSALS, clearly marked on the outside with the RFP number, must be dispatched to arrive at the UNICEF office and placed in’ the Bid Box in the reception area NO LATER THAN 10:00 hours Harare local time on Monday 25th March 2019. Proposals received in any manner other than as outlined below, and Proposals received after this date and time, will be INVALIDATED. | All emailed Bid response must be submitted to the ONLY Acceptable email addresses which is:, | Emailed proposals should be in PDF Version and proposal should be properly marked with bid number and subject " LRFP/ZIM/2019/ 9146934 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR Establishment of Long Terms Arrangement (LTA) for Video documentation of UNICEF programmes. "The technical proposal and financial proposal must be sent_as separate attachments and clearly marked as such in the file hame (e.g. Company ABC Technical Proposal, Company ABC Financial Proposal | Proposals shall be submitted in English with one (1)/ original and two (2) copies for both technical and financial proposals, duly signed and dated, and accompanied by an electronic version of the offer on a CD. Proposals shall be sealed in outer and two inner envelopes. All envelopes shall indicate the Institutional Contractor's nante and address. The outer envelope shall be addressed as follows. | Name & Address of the Institutional Contractor UNICEF Harare Office 6 Fairbridge Avenue P.O. Box 1250 Belgravia, Harare, Zimbabwe PLEASE PUT THIS ENVELOPE INTO THE BID BOX LOCATED IN THE RECEPTION AREA OF THE UNICEF OFFICE OR EMAIL (PDF Version) TO:, LRFP ZIM/2019 #9146934 CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR Establishment of Long Terms Arrangement (LTA) for Video documentation of UNICEF programmes DUE DATE: Monday 25th March 2019 | The first inner envelope shall be marked "Technical Proposal’ and addressed in the same manner as the outer envelope and shall contain all documentation and CD relevant to the Technical Proposal. The Form "LRFP ZIM/2019 -9146934 - PROPOSAL FORM" must be completed, signed and attached to the Technical Proposal. The second inner envelope shall be marked "Financial Proposal’, sealed and addressed in the same manner as the outer envelope. A separate CD with the electronic version of the Financial Proposal must be included in the Financial Proposal's envelope. All proposals must be placed in the designated Bid Box located in the reception area of the UNICEF Harare Office. If the proposal is being sent via courier services (i.e., FedEx, DHL, UPS, REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page Sof 27 LRPS-2079-9146534 etc.), the courier service provider should be instructed to place the proposal in the Bid/Tender Box. Appropriate instructions to this effect are the responsibility of the participating Institutional Contractor. UNICEF undertakes no responsibility in the event the delivery courier service fails to place the proposal envelope into the Bid/Tender Box. Offers delivered at a different address or in a different form than prescribed in this RFP, or which do not respect the required confidentiality, or received after the designated time and date, will be rejected. 2.1TIME FOR RECEIVING PROPOSALS Sealed Proposals received prior to the stated closing time and date will be kept unopened in the Bid Box. The Officer of the Bid Opening Unit will open Proposals at the specified time and no Proposal received thereafter will be considered. UNICEF will accept no responsibility for a premature opening of a Proposal which is not properly addressed or identified. Any delays encountered in the mail delivery will be at the risk of the Institutional Contractor. Modification of sealed Proposals already submitted in a sealed envelope will be considered if notice is received prior to the stated closing time and date. A\ll references to descriptive documents should be included in the appropriate response paragraph, though the documents themselves may be provided as annexes to the proposal/response. The Service Providers must also provide sufficient information in the Technical Proposal to address each area of the Technical Proposal Evaluation to allow the evaluation team to make a fair assessment of the candidates and their proposal. 2.2PUBLIC OPENING OF PROPOSALS, There will not be a public opening of the Technical and Financial Proposals. The Technical Proposals will be opened by an internal UNICEF Bidding Committee at the stipulated opening date and time mentioned above. A 2-stage procedure will be followed in evaluating proposals, with evaluation of the technical proposal being completed prior to any evaluation of the financial proposal. Evaluators of the technical proposals shall have no access to the financial Proposals until the technical evaluation is completed. Technical Proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their responsiveness to the terms of reference, applying the point system specified as the evaluation criteria. Each Technical Proposal will be given a technical score. Technical Proposals receiving the minimum qualifying points or higher, will be considered technically responsive. After the completion of the technical evaluation, the financial proposal will be opened. Proposals which are considered non-technically compliant and non-responsive, will not be given further consideration 2.3REQUEST FR INFORMATION All requests for information/clarification or queries concerning this RFP must be forwarded via e-mail to and with specific reference to the RFP number and subject. Only written, email will be entertained. Please be informed that if the question is of common REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page 10 of 27 ~ LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef €& | interest, the answer will be shared with all potential RFP |nstitutional Contractor. 2.4RFP RESPONSE | Proposers are requested to submit a proposal separated into two sections. Please submit with one (1) original and two (2) copies of the technical proposal (2.5) and one (1) original financial proposal and two (2) copies (2.8) in a separate sealed envelope. 2.5Technical Proposal: | Formal submission requirements The formal submission requirements as outlined in this Request for Proposal must be followed, e.g. regarding Proposal Form, timing of submission, marking of the envelopes, etc. Technical Proposal The Technical Proposal should address all aspects and criteria outlined in this Request for Proposal, especially in the Terms of Reference detailed in Section A of this Request for Proposal. UNICEF welcomes new ideas and innovative approaches. Technical Proposals must be complete and provide all relevant support documentation to enable the RFP Evaluation Team to adequately assess and evaluate the Proposal. | Ata minimum, the Technical Proposal must include: ‘Detailed Overview of the Company: Profile ‘History Scope of services Management, operations and organizational structure Organization’ (include affiliations or associations with other professional firms and/or consultants) | ‘Supporting documentation on the financial status of the firm ‘Approach to the work, including methodology \ Profile of the Team and qualifications, including CVs of staff and their responsibilities References # Proposer shall provide details of the names, addresses and contact details of 2-3 clients for whom similar services were provided, experience with UN Agencies and non-profit ‘organizations should be noted (please complete the attached Bid Experience and Reference Form in Annex B). UNICEF reserves the right to contact these references without notifying the participating institution/contractor. | ‘Subcontractors # Participating Institution/contractor must identify and clearly state in their proposal any services which may be subcontracted from| another institution/contractor. UNICEF reserves the right to review all subcontracting parties prior to award. | The Technical Proposal should address all aspects and criteria outlined in this Request for Proposal, especially in the Terms of Reference detalled in Section A of this Request for Proposal, UNICEF welcomes new ideas and innovative approaches. Technical Proposals must be complete and provide all relevant support documentation to enable the RFP Evaluation Team to adequately assess and evaluate the Proposal. | 2.6Formal submission requirements | The formal submission requirements as outlined in this Request for Proposal must be followed, e.g. regarding Proposal Form, timing of submission, marking of the envelopes, etc. 2.7Mandatory Criteria | Ail mandatory (i.e. must/have to/shallishould) criteria mentioned throughout this Request for Proposal have to be addressed and met in your proposal. No financialiprice information should be contained in the technical proposal. Any proposals not ‘compliance with it, the proposal shall be invalidated, and the proposer would be disqualified. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page 11 of 27 LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef €& 2.8Financial Proposal: One (1) original and two (2) copies of the financial proposal must be submitted in a separate sealed envelope. The sealed envelope containing the financial proposal (please use a format provided (Annex B) in this RFP document) must have the name of the proposer on the top left-hand corner. Pricing information shall not appear in any other part of the Technical Proposal, as only those, passing the minimum score of 70 % (= 45.5 out of 65) and above of the Technical Proposal, Financial Proposal will be opened and evaluated 2.9Checklist to guide proposers in submission of proposals: Proposal Form filled in and signed Envelope for technical proposal ‘Technical proposal x 3 sets (One original and two copies) “Electronic version of the technical proposal on 1 x CD Technical proposal does not contain prices Envelope is sealed Envelope is marked as follows: Name of company, RFP number and subject, opening date and time, "Technical Proposal” Envelope for Financial Proposal Financial proposal x 3 sets (One original and two copies) Electronic version of the financial proposal on 1 x CD ‘Envelope is sealed Envelope is marked as follows: Name of company, RFP number and subject, opening date and time, "Financial Proposal" 1 outer enveloped Containing Proposal Form, envelope for technical proposal, and envelope for financial proposal Envelope is sealed Envelope is marked as per details in 2 2.10CORRECTIONS, MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL Erasures or other corrections in the proposal must be explained and the signature of the proposer shown alongside. Proposers are expected to examine all instructions pertaining to the work. Failure to adequately cover all technical and financial aspects will be at the proposer#s own risk and disadvantage. All changes to a Proposal must be received prior to the closing time and date. It must be clearly indicated that it is a modification and that it supersedes the earlier Proposal or states the changes from the original Proposal Proposals may be withdrawn on written or faxed request received from Proposers prior to the opening time and date. Negligence on the part of the Proposer provides no right for the withdrawal of the Proposal after it has been opened 2.4 1VALIDITY OF PROPOSALS Proposals should be valid for a period of not less than 90 days after RFP opening, and must be signed by an authorized representative of the Proposer in question. Proposals must indicate the period of validity as UNICEF reserves the right to consider or award additional contracts against the Best and Final Offer (BAFO) if requests for identical services are received during the validity period of the Proposal. UNICEF may also request the validity period to be extended if necessary. 2.12PAYMENT TERMS UNICEF'S standard payment terms are net 30 days after delivery of contractual milestones REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page 12 of 27 ~__ ERPS-2019-9146934 unicef | agreed to in the Contract, acceptance of the deliverables by UNICEF and receipt of Company's Invoice in duplicate. Payment will be affected by bank transfer in the currency of billing. 2.13LATE DELIVERY | Without limiting any other rights or obligations of the patties hereunder, if the Contractor will be unable to deliver the services by the delivery date emo in the Contract, the Contractor shall (i) immediately consult with UNICEF to determine the most expeditious means for delivering the services and (i) use an expedited means of delivery, al requested by UNICEF. | 2.14FAILURE TO PERFORM | in case of failure by the Contractor to perform under the terms and conditions of this Contract, UNICEF may, after giving the Contractor reasonable notice to perform and without prejudice to any other rights or remedies, exercise one or more of the following rights: the Contractor's cost, if reasonably so | a.Procure all or part of the services from other sources, in which event UNICEF may hold the Contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. In exercising such rights UNICEF shall mitigate its damages in good faith; | b.Refuse to accept delivery of all or part of the services; c.Terminate the Contract without any liability for termination charges or any other liability of any kind of UNICEF; | d.For late delivery of services or for services which do not_meet UNICEF#s terms of reference/statement of work and are therefore rejected by UNICEF, claim liquidated damages from the Contractor and deduct 0.5% of the value of the services pursuant to a Contract per additional day of delay, up to a maximum of 10% of the value of the Contract. The payment or deduction of such liquidated damages shall not relieve the Contractor from any of its other obligations or liabilities pursuant to this Contract. | 2.145RIGHTS OF UNICEF Rights pertaining to the RFP and competitive bidding process: This RFP, along with any responses there to, shall be considered the property of UNICEF and the responses will not be returned to their originators. UNICEF reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part; or, to reject any or all proposals. | UNICEF reserves the right to invalidate any Proposal received from a Proposer who has previously failed to perform properly or complete contracts on time, or a Proposal received from a Proposer who, in the opinion of UNICEF, is not in a pdsition to perform the contract. UNICEF shall not be held responsible for any cost incurred by the Proposer in preparing the response to this Request for Proposal The Proposer agrees to be bound by the decision of UNICEF as to whether her/his proposal meets the requirements stated in this Request for Proposal UNICEF will treat in confidence those parts of the RFP proposal that are marked "Confidential" by the Proposer. | Specifically, UNICEF reserves the right to: | ‘Contact any or all references supplied by the Proposer Request additional supporting or supplementary data (from the Proposer) ‘Arrange interviews with the proposed project team/consiittants Visit and inspect the Proposer’s premises | Reject any or all of the proposals submitted | INVALIDATE any Proposal received from a Proposer who, in the opinion of UNICEF, is not in a position to perform the Contract ‘Accept any Proposals in whole or in part I Negotiate with the service provider(s) who has/have attained the best rating/ranking, ie. the one(s) providing the overall best value proposal(s); | REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES Page 13 of 27) LRPS-2019-9146934 unicef & -Contract any number of proposers as required to achieve the overall evaluation objectives 2.46EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS After opening of proposal each proposal will be assessed on its technical merits and subsequently on its price. The proposal with the best overall composed of technical merit and price will be recommended for award of contract. UNICEF will set up an evaluation panel composed of technical UNICEF staff and their conclusions will be forwarded to the internal UNICEF contract Review Committee. The evaluation panel will first evaluate each response in compliance with the requirements of this RFP. Responses deemed not meet all of the mandatory requirements will be considered non-compliant and rejected at this stage without further consideration. Failure to comply with any of terms and conditions contained in the RFP, including provision of all required information may result in a response or proposal being disqualified from further consideration. The proposal will be evaluation against the followings criteria; Once the deadline for presentation for proposals has arrived, the technical proposals will be opened by UNICEF to determine if institution/contractor meet the basic requirements (Qualification, background and experience in Section 6 of Scope of work ).All institution/contractor meeting the basic requirement will be shortlisted and their technical proposals reviewed by a technical team using the criteria below. Evaluation Criteria, Technical proposals that score 70% (= 45.5 out of 65) or higher will have their financial proposals evaluated. Proposals which are not considered to be technically compliant and non-responsive will not be given further consideration. The most-favored Proposal will be selected on the basis of the Best and Final Offer (BAFO) to UNICEF in terms of both Technical and Financial Scores (best overall value). Alll prices/rates quoted must be exclusive of all taxes as UNICEF is a tax-exempt organization. 4.Institutions/contractors are requested to align their proposed payment schedule and payment terms as in accordance with Expected Deliverables& Payment Terms (Section 6 and 8 of Scope of works ) All payment schedules and terms must be in line with global UNICEF policies and procedures In addition to the Technical and Financial Evaluation, UNICEF reserves the right to conduct an independent, administrative validation exercise to ensure that potential institution/contractors s meet the minimum legal, financial and structural suitability requirements. Institutions that do not meet such requirements could be disqualified All references to descriptive material and brochures should be included in the appropriate response paragraph, though the material/documents themselves may be provided as annexes to the Proposal. The proposer must also provide sufficient information in the Proposal to address each area of the Evaluation Assessment Criteria in Table above to allow the evaluation team to make a fair assessment ofthe indvidual/company and their capacity to execute the services offered in the Proposal. Information, which the proposer considers proprietary, should be clearly marked "proprietary", if any, next to the relevant part of the text, and UNICEF will treat such information accordingly. Responses deemed not meet all of the mandatory requirements will be considered non-compliant and rejected at this stage without further consideration. Failure to comply with any of terms and conditions contained in the RFP, including provision of all required information may result in a response or proposal being disqualified from further consideration REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR SERVICES: Page 140f 27 ~~ CRPS-2079-9746934

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