Unit 13 Final Project Proposal Pro Forma

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Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production & Technology

Candidate Lucy Horner

Candidate Number

Pathway Creative Media Production

Project Title 90s Drama

Section 1: Rationale (Approx 150 words)

One of the differences between the Extended Diploma compared to last year is that last year we wer
for all of the units apart from our final project. However, this year, all of the assignments we’ve done
individual projects, meaning that we didn’t have a group of 3 or 4 people to share the workload with.
this I have had to learn how to manage my time so that I can complete all of the pre-production, prod
post-production by myself. One assignment that I feel I learnt a lot from was the personal project we
Christmas, where I chose to produce a single scene from a book that I was working on. This is what in
do a single scene for my final project, because during that assignment I learnt that I will achieve a lot
actually create something I can be proud of if I put my energy into something short, sweet and simpl
really focus on, rather than attempting to create something big, glamourous and unrealistic that I do
time or the budget to make work.
Section 2: Project Concept (approx 200 words)

My final project will be a 3-5 minute scene from a period drama set in the 90s. The overall drama wou
social issues happening in the 90s, but with our 21st century view on it. The scene I plan on producing
a teenage girl teenage girl will simply be laying on her bed, flicking through the latest Top of the Pop
while she's on the phone to her friend. The phone call is then interrupted when she hears shouting fr
She goes to investigate and finds her mother shouting at her brother after finding some sort of adult
then later revealed that the magazine was in fact the girl's. With this project, I really want to capture
like for a queer teenager to live in the 90s, where prejudiced, ignorant, judgemental mindsets still ve
existed, forcing a lot of people to hide their true identity out of fear of being bullied and shunned. In o
understand how to make my drama accurate to the 90s, I’ve been watching a lot of series set in the
about similar issues to what I’m thinking. For example, Derry Girls, My Mad Fat Diary and Everything
about high school-age kids set in the 90s, and all three in some way feature storylines about characte
LGBTQ+ community, among other storylines about important topics. In a period drama, mise-en-scen
one of the most important things in terms of making a drama accurate to a certain era. To make my
accurate to the 90s, I will need to nail to costume, props and location. Costume won’t be too hard to
90s “vintage” fashion is very popular today, however props and location will be a little more difficult.
my bedroom and house. I’m going to turn my bedroom into a 90s bedroom but ordering loads of 90s
colourful bedspread, dreamcatchers, lava lamps, etc. There isn’t much I can do to change the décor i
house/bedroom, so I won’t be able to use bold 90s wallpaper, but my house was built in the late 80s
hasn’t been much done to change it and make it look more modern so it should still work.

Section 3: Evaluation Methods (approx 150 words)

I will reflect and evaluate on my ongoing work by keeping a weekly blog on Weebly. I will use this me
any decisions I make throughout the production of my final project, as well as changes that happen t
process. As for the conclusion and evaluation once my finished product is complete, I will write a piec
overall experience of my final project. I will reflect on what went well, as well as things that didn’t go
and what methods I used to solve any problems. I will also discuss what could be improved and how
learnt throughout this project in future experiences. I will also use primary research.

UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Extended Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

Proposed Research Sources and Bibliography (Harvard Format)
A lot of my research will come from online recourses; websites, articles, as well as the likes of YouTub
as I will have to watch a lot of things for research purposes, such as shows/films from the 90s and sh
the 90s so that I can get a clear idea of the costumes, props and locations I will need to use. I also ha
contextual resources such as Derry Girls, My Mad Fat Diary and Everything Sucks. As for primary rese
most likely use social media to ask my followers certain questions that will help me determine how I
project as successful as possible. As I work on producing my scene, I will need to use Harvard Refere

Project Proposal – Unit 13

Project Action Plan and Timetable

This section provides you with an opportunity to outline your planning and organisation over a period of
weeks, and the activities you will need to carry out in order to successful complete your project within the
agreed time frame. It is important that you consider how you will balance ambition, time and realism in
the realisation of the project.
This should include what you are going to do, how you will do it and by when. The more time and thought
you give to
planning your project, the more successful it is likely to be. Remember to include: time spent sourcing
questionnaires, access to workshops, tutorial and peer group feedback, and where you will incorporate
independent study

Wee Date Activity / What you are intending Resources / What you will need
k Week to do - including independent to do it - including access to
Beginning study workshops
1 Berlin trip – learning about
02/03 Berlin’s history will help me think
about my own project

2 Generating ideas, building my Computer access

09/03 website, creating moodboards

3 Proposal form, starting context & Computer & internet access

16/03 research

4 Continue context & research Computer access

23/03 Begin pre-production
5 Continue research, context, Computer access, Teams
30/03 complete & present pitch, access, camera access
CLOSED write script, test shoot
06/04 Edit test shoot Editing software

UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Extended Diploma Project Proposal Doc.


8 20/04 Continue pre-production, Computer access, camera

(Monday –
College storyboard, finish planning access, cast
costumes, begin filming (on
closed BH)
COLLEGE Sunday, only one scene)
9 Try to sort out editing Editing software, computer
27/04 software, plan final scene, access, camera access
finish filming
10 04/05 Post-production Editing software
(Monday –
closed BH)

11 11/05 First deadline & evaluate Computer access

12 28/05 FINAL DEADLINE, continue Computer access


UAL Awarding Body Level 3 Extended Diploma Project Proposal Doc.

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