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Ghantoot Transport & General Cont L.L.

Roads & Infrastructure Division P.O.Box 30541 , Abu Dhabi, UAE

RAD No. Date

Type New Req. No.

Model No. Serial No. Asset No.

Date of Accident/Defect User Card No.

Location Custody No.

Extent of Defect : Minor Major Beyond Repair Job Card No.

Damage due to : User Wear & Tear Combination

Repair under : Insurance Company User NIL

% charge to user : 100 75 50 25 NIL

Purchase Price Written Down Value Purchase Date

Description of Defect:

How did this occur :

Repair Estimate Options

(1) (2) (3)

Quote Ref
Prepared by : Technical Assessment by : Reviewed by (HOD):
Name : Name: Name:
Signature : Signature: Signature:

Inspected by (Assets Controller):

Use as spare parts Yes No Name :

Store for inspection Yes No
Approved by (G.M.) :

Purchase replacement Yes No

c.c. Purchase Dept. / Account Dept. / Asset Controller

GTGC-RID-OP-FRM-11 7/5/2018 Issue 5.0 Rev. 00

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