Data Collection Method Advantages Disadvantages

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Data collection method Advantages Disadvantages

Primary Data Collectio • Addresses Specific Rese • Cost

n arch Issues
• Time Consuming
• Greater Control
• Not Always Feasible
• Efficient Spending for Inf

• Proprietary Information

1. Questionnaire
• Can be used as a metho • Design problems.
d in its own right or as a
basis for interviewing or a • Questions have to be rela
telephone survey. tively simple.

• Can be posted, e-mailed • Historically low response

or faxed. rate (although inducemen
ts may help).
• Can cover a large numbe
r of people or organizatio • Time delay whilst waiting
ns. for responses to be retur
• Wide geographic coverag
e. • Require a return deadline.

• Relatively cheap. • Several reminders may b

e required.
• No prior arrangements ar
e needed. • Assumes no literacy prob
• Avoids embarrassment o
n the part of the respond • No control over who com
ent. pletes it.

• Respondent can consider • Not possible to give assis

responses. tance if required.

• Possible anonymity of re • Problems with incomplete

spondent. questionnaires.

• No interviewer bias. • Replies not spontaneous

and independent of each
• Respondent can read all
questions beforehand an
d then decide whether to
complete or not. For exa
mple, perhaps because it
is too long, too complex,
uninteresting, or too pers

Data collection method Advantages Disadvantages

2. Interviews
• Serious approach by res • Need to set up interviews.
pondent resulting in accu
a) Personal interview rate information. • Time consuming.

• Good response rate. • Geographic limitations.

• Completed and immediat • Can be expensive.

• Normally need a set of qu
• Possible in-depth questio estions.
• Respondent bias – tende
• Interviewer in control and ncy to please or impress,
can give help if there is a create false personal ima
problem. ge, or end interview quick
• Can investigate motives
and feelings. • Embarrassment possible
if personal questions.
• Can use recording equip
ment. • Transcription and analysi
s can present problems –
• Characteristics of respon subjectivity.
dent assessed – tone of
voice, facial expression, • If many interviewers, train
hesitation, etc. ing required.

• Can use props.

b) Telephone interview
• If one interviewer used, u
niformity of approach.

• Used to pilot other metho


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• Relatively cheap. • Often connected with selli
• Quick.
• Questionnaire required.
• Can cover reasonably lar
ge numbers of people or • Not everyone has a telep
organizations. hone.

• Wide geographic coverag

• Repeat calls are inevitabl
e – average 2.5 calls to g
et someone.
• High response rate – kee
p going till the required n • Time is wasted.
• Straightforward questions
• No waiting. are required.

• Spontaneous response. • Respondent has little tim

e to think.
• Help can be given to the
respondent. • Cannot use visual aids.

• Can tape answers. • Can cause irritation.

• Good telephone manner i

s required.

Data collection method Advantages Disadvantages

3. Observation
• Useful for collecting infor • Subjects need to be clear
mation from employees. about what they are bein
g asked to do, why and w
• Different writers compare hat you plan to do with th
d and contrasted simulta e data.
• Diarists need to be of a c
ertain educational level.

• Allows the researcher fre

edom to move from one
organization to another. • Some structure is necess
ary to give the diarist .foc

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• Researcher not personall us, for example, a list of h
y involved. eadings.

• Diaries can be used as a • Encouragement and reas

preliminary or basis for in surance are needed as c
tensive interviewing. ompleting a diary is time-
consuming and can be irr
• Used as an alternative to itating after a while.
direct observation or whe
re resources are limited. • Progress needs checking
from time-to-time.

• Confidentiality is required
as content may be critical.

Analyses problems, so yo
u need to consider how r
esponses will be coded b
efore the subjects start fill
ing in diaries

Data collection method Advantages Disadvantages

• Unobtrusive • Data availability

Secondary Data Collec • Fast & inexpensive • Level of observation
tion • Avoid data collection pro • Quality of documentation
blems • Data quality control
• Provide bases for compa • Outdated data
rison • Quality of Researcher
• Ease of Access • Not Specific to Research
• Low Cost to Acquire er’s Needs
• May Help Clarify Researc • Inefficient Spending for In
h Question formation
• May Answer Research Q • Incomplete Information
uestion • Not Timely
• May Show Difficulties in • Not Proprietary Informati
Conducting Primary Res on

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