GTGC-RID-OP-FRM-25 Interview Evaluation Report

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Ghantoot Group- Roads & Infrastructure Division

Interview Evaluation Form

Name Candidate: Gender: M/F Civil Status: Date:

Nationality: Passport No.: Expiry Date:

Name of Institution Graduation Year Country Qualification/Degree

Intented Position: Reporting to: Date of Birth:

Years of Experience: Contact Number: email:

Evaluation * Weighted score; multiply the scored % by the weight %. For example, technical competence (if you give a score of 90% out of 100%, multiply
90% by 35%, that is (90x35), hence, the weighted score is 31.5 for technical competence

35% Technical
Competence: Excellent Good Poor Score out of 100: Weighted Score:

30% Relevant
Experience: Excellent Good Poor Score out of 100: Weighted Score:

Skills 20%: Excellent Good Poor Score out of 100: Weighted Score:

15% Personality: Excellent Good Poor Score out of 100: Weighted Score:

Passing score is >75% Total Score:

Recommendation: Hire: YES/NO Comments:

Expected Salary Structure Salary Budget: Recommendations



Interviewer: Verified by:

Signature: Signature:

GTGC-RID-OP-FRM-25 7/5/2018 Issue 5.0, Revesion 0.0

GTGC-RID-OP-FRM-25 7/5/2018 Issue 5.0, Revesion 0.0

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