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Eight Semester B.E.

Degree Examination,
CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks: 80
Note : Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting ONE full question from each module.
Module - 01
1. a. State and explain the advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic communication
systems. (08 Marks)
Ans. Advantages;
i) Band width
● Fiber optic cables have a much greater bandwidth than metal cables. The amount
of information that can be transmitted per unit time of fiber over other
transmission media is its most significant advantage.
ii) Low power loss
● An optical fiber offers low power loss, which allows for longer transmission
distances. In comparison to copper in a network, the longest recommended
copper distance is 100 m while fiber it is 2 km.
iii) Interference
● Fiber optic cables are immune to electro interference. It can also be run in
electrically noisy environments without concern as electrical noise will not affect
iv) Size
● The diameter of fiber is much smaller compared to other cables therefore fiber
cable is small in size, requires less storage space.
v) Weight
● Fiber optic cables are much thinner and lighter than metal wires, they also occupy
less space with cables of the same information capacity. Lighter weight makes
fiber easier to install.
vi) Security
● Optical fiber are difficult to tap. As they do nor radiate electro magnetic energy,
emissions can not be intercepted. As physically tapping the fiber takes great skill
to do undetected, fiber is the most secure medium available for carrying sensitive
vii) Flexibility
● An optical fiber has greater tensile strength than copper or steel fibers of the
same diameter. It is flexible, bends easily and resists most corrosive elements that
attack copper cable.
viii) Cost
● The raw materials for glass are plentiful, unlike copper, this means glass can be
made more cheaply than copper.

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VIII Sem Fiber optics and networks
i) Difficult to splice
● The optical fibers are difficult to splice and there are loss of the light in the fiber
due to scattering they have limited physical are of cables, if you bend the too
much, they will break.
ii) Highly susceptible
● The fiber optic cable is a small and compact cable and it is highly susceptible to
becoming cut or damaged during installation or construction activities, the fiber
cables can provide tremendous data transmission capabilities. So, when the fiber
optic cabling is chosen as the transmission medium, it is necessary to address
restoration, backup and survivability.
iii) Can’t be curred
● The transmission on the optical fiber requires repeating to distance Intervals. The
fibers can be braken or have transmission losses when wrapped around curves of
only a few centimetre radius.
1. b. Explain the ray theory optical fiber with help of neat sketch. (08 Marks)
Ans. Ray - theory transmission;-
> Total Internal Reflection;
● When light travels in optical fiber it uses, Ray theory model and uses the Refractive
Index of Dielectric medium (RI)

Velocityof light in vaccum

R.I(n) 
loecditiya oisf lD
igehntsien, m
raeydituramvels slowly than the less dense media.
● An example to illustrate this, glass - air Interface is considered when a ray is
incident on such dielectric of different Indices interfaced and refraction occurs.

● If incident ray is propagating in dielectric media of n1 as R.I with ∟ normal

to the surface. If the diectric media on the otherside has R.I n2. Hence refraction
occurs with ∟.
● The angle of Incidence ∟ and ∟ are related by snell‟s law.
n1 sin 1  n2 sin 2 or n1 cos 1  n2 cos 2
Sin1 n2
  1......... Snell 's law
Sin2 n1

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1
● In fig 1 a part of incident light is reflected back into the originating dielectric
medium (partial internal reflection)
● Sine n1>n2,  
● If  o, refracted ray emerges parallel to the interface at this point 
● When o, c= critical angle of incidence, shown in fig 2
 Sin c  2 substitute 2in above Equation 1
 n1
● If c then light reflects back into the originating dielectric media with % 

● When a light incidence on a lower index diectric from higher dielectric media
with sufficiently shallow angle (<90-c ) may considered to propagate down an
optical fiber with low loss, and gives total internal reflection.
2. a. A graded index fiber with parabolic refractive index has n 1=1.48 and n2=1.46.
If core radius is 20m. Find the number of modes at 13000nm and 1550nm.
(08 Marks)
Ans. Given
For nm v=?
For nm v=?
Note: a parabolic refractive index profile is given by 
In this case Mg 
Total number of guided modes calculated by using
Where V  NA
a→radius of core
NA→Numerical Aperture

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VIII Sem Fiber optics and networks
W.K.T NA   n12  n 22 

 n21  n22

 1.48   1.46 
2 2

NA  0.2424
i) For nm V=? [  is6 also should be same unit as core radius]
2a 2 20 10
V NA   0.2424
1 1.2 106
V  23.43
The totalnumber of modesfor   2is
 V 2 V 2  23.43

Mg   
2 2 4 4
Mg  137 mod es for 1  1300nm
ii) For 2 =1550nm
2a 2 20 106
V  NA   0.2424  19.65
2 1.55 106
Totalnumber of modes Mg   97 modes
Mg  97 modes for 2  1550nm

2. b. What are the different material used in optical communication? Explain briefly.
(08 Marks)
Ans. A fiber material must give the following requirements.
● Must be possible to make long, thin, flexible fibers.
● Must be transparent at a particular wavelength in order to guide light efficiently.
● Physically compatible materials with slight different refractive Indices for core
and cladding must be available.
Glass and plastics fulfills these requirements
● Most fibers consists of silica (sio2) or silicate, various types of high loss and
low loss glass fibers are available to suit the requirements. Plastic fibers are not
popular because of high attenuation they have better mechanical strength.
Glass fibers
Most commonly used are
● Silica(sio2)→ Refractive Index of 1.458 at 850nm
● To produce similar materials that have slightly different Indices of refraction for

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1

core and cladding, either fluorine or various oxides (do pants)such as B2O3, Ge
O2 P2 O5 are added to silica.
1.48 Increases RI
RI 1.46
B2O3 Decreases RI
Dopant addition (mol%)
● Other combinations of core - cladding interfaces are
(i) Geo2-sio2 core ; sio2 cladding
(ii) P2o5-sio2 core ; sio2 cladding
(iii) Sio2-core ; B2o3-sio2 cladding
(iv) Geo2-B2o3- sio2 core ; B2o3-sio2 cladding
● Glass → pure silica → silica glass, fused silica or vitreous silica.
● Upto 1000o resistance
● Low thermal expansion
● Good chemical durability
● High transparency in both visible and infrared regions.
Active glass fibers
● Incorporating rare - earth elements (atomic numbers 57-71) into a normally
passive glass gives the resulting material having new optical and magnetic
● These new properties allow material to perform Amplification, attenuation, phase
● Doping can be carried out for silica, tellurite and halide glasses.
● Two materials commonly used for fiber lasers are erbium and heodymium.
● Inonic concentration of rare earth materials of order (0.005-0.05 mo k %) which
is of very low to avoid clustering.
● The spectar of these materials shows that
Optical source emits wavelength at absorption which excites e to higher energy
levels in such rare earth lights.
Plastic optical fibers
● For high speed services they develop high B.W, G.I polymer (plastic) optical
● Core of these fibers are poly methylmeth crylate or a perfluorinated polymer.
● Signal attenuation more.
● Tough and durable, low B.W
● Core diameters of plastic fibers are 10-20 times larger.
● Optical coupling efficiency increased.

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Module - 02
3. a. Derive an expression for pulse spreading due to material dispersion. (06 Marks)
● Pulse spreading due to material dispersion from the different group velocities of
various spectral components launched into the fiber from the optical source.
● It occurs when phase velocity of plane wave propagating in a medium varies non-
linearly with wavelengths.


am 100 Region of negligible material dispersion

(M) 50
50 1.3m

0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6

d2 n
If 0 i.e., second differentiation of R.I with to wavelength
● Pulse spread is amount of spread can be obtained by group delay cg
ie Vg   group velocity
Inverse of group velocity leads to group delay given by,
d 1   1 
dn 
  dw C n  d1 

 
Group delay is time taken by a mode to travel through the fiber where n1→ refractive
Index of core materials.
● Pulse
L  delay, dndue to material dispersion in a fiber of length „L‟
1   
n 
1  d  1 

 
● For a source with rms spectral width  and mean wavelength , the rms pulse
broadening due to material dispersion  may m
be obtained from expansion of
equation 1 using Taylor series.
   dm  2d2 m 
 .........

m y
By neglecting higher order terms  to 0.9m then
dm  
m  y  2
Hence pulse spread can be evaluated by considering dependence of Cm on  where
m from equation 

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1

d L d n d2 n dn 
  1  1 2 1 

d C  d d d 
L d2 n  
 1

C d2
Substitute e in e we get
 L d2 n1
m   
C d
The material dispersion for optical fiber is sometimes quoted as value for
d2 n d2 n
 C 21 or simply
d d2
Material dispersion parameter M which is defined as,
1 dm
  d n 1
M Ps / nm km
L d C d
Variation of material dispersion parameter „M‟ with 

M Region of negligible material dispersion
PS/nm km 50
0 at 1.3m
0.6 0.8 1.2 1.4 1.6
● Dispersion tends to zero for larger  (i.e., at =1.3m for pure silica)
● Low attenuation with minimum dispersion, we select injection laser since it has
a narrow spectral width.
3. b. The input power to an optical fiber is 2m W while the power measured at the
output end is 2 W. If the fiber attenuation is 0.5dB/km, calculate the length of
the fiber. (06 Marks)
Ans. Given
Input power P(0) =2mw =2×10-3 watt
Output power P(Z)= 2m= 2×10-6W
Length (Z)=?
dB/ km
 P(o) 
  10  Z log  P  Z  

 

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1  2 103 
0.5  10  log  6 
Z  2 10 
05  log1000
Z  20 log1000
length of opticalfiber Z  60 km

3. c. For a 30 km long fiber attenuation 0.8 dB/km at 1300nm. If a 200  watt power
is launched into the fiber, find the output power. (04 Marks)
Ans. Given
P  o   fibers is given by
1 inoptical
  10  log  
Z PZ 

 
1  200 106 
0.8  10  log  
30  P  Z  
 200 106 
24 log   
 P  Z  
200 106  200 106
102.4  
102.4 251.188
Output power PZ  0.7962 watt
4. a. Explain the following briefly:
i) Fiber splices ii) Fiber connectors. (08 Marks)
Ans. i) Fiber splices
● A permanent or semi permanent connection between two individual optical fibers
is known as fiber splice, and process of joining two fibers called as splicing.
● Typically, a slice is used outside the building and connectors are used to join the
cables within the buildings. Slices lower attenuation and lower back reflection
than connectors and are less expensive.
Types of splicing
There are two main types of splicing (i) Fusion splicing (ii) mechanical splicing /
V. groove.

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1
Fusion splicing

● Fusion splicing involves butting two cleaned fiber end faces and heating them
until they melt together for use.
● Fusion splicing is normally done with a fusion splicer that controls the alignment
of two fibers to keep losses as low as 0.05dB.
● Fiber ends are first prealigned and butted together under a Microscope with micro
manipulators, the butted joint is heated with electric arc or laser pulse to melt the
fiber ends so can be bonded together, fig above shows fusion of optical fibers.
Mechanical splicing / V. Groove

● Mechanical splices join two fibers together by clamping them with a structure or
by epoxying the fibers together.
● Mechanical splices may have a slightly higher loss and back reflection these can
be reduced by inserting index matching gel.
● V groove mechanical splicing provides a temporary joint  fibers can be
disassembled of required, the fibers ends are butted together in a V-shaped groove
as shown in above figure.
● The splice loss depends on fiber size and eccentricity
ii) Fiber connectors
● Connectors are mechanisms or techniques used to join an optical fiber to another
fiber or to a fiber optic component.
● Different connectors with different characteristics, advantages and disadvantages
and performance parameters are available.
● Suitable connector is chosen as per the requirement and cost.
● Various fiber optic connectors from different manufactures are available SMA
906, ST, Biconc, FC, D4, HMS-10, SC, FDDI, ESCON, EC/RACE, LC, MT.

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● Three different types of connectors are used for connecting fiber optic cables
these are
(i) Subscriber channel (SC) connector.
(ii) Straight Tip (ST) connector
(iii) MT- RJ connector.
● SC connectors are general purpose connections. It has push pull type locking
system, figure as shown below.

● ST connectors are most suited for networking devices. It is more reliable than SC
connector. ST connector has bayonet type locking system.
Figure as show below.

● MT- RJ connector is similar to RJ 45 connector as shown in below

4. b. Different types of mechanical misalignment are shown in figure below

(08 Marks)
(i) Lateral misalignment
● Lateral (or) axial misalignment occurs when the axes of two fibers are seperated
by distance “d”
(ii) Longitudinal misalignment
● Longitudinal misalignment occurs when fibers have same axes but their end faces
are separated by distance „S‟

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1
(i) Lateral misalignment

Fiber 1
Fiber 2

(ii) Longitudinal misalignment


(iii) Angular misalignment

(iii) Angular misalignment

● Angular misalignment occurs when fiber axes and fiber and faces are no longer
parallel there is an angle „‟ between fiber end faces
● The axial (or) lateral misalignment is most common in practice causing
considerable power loss the axial offset reduces the common core area of two
fiber end faces as shown in above figure.
Module -03
5. a. List the characteristics of light sources required in optical communication.
(06 Marks)
Ans. To be useful in an optical link, a light source needs the following characteristics.
● It must be possible to operate the device continuously at variety of temperatures
for many years.
● It must be possible to modulate the light output over a wide range of modulating
● For fiber links, the wavelength of the output should coincide with one of
transmission window for the fiber type used.
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● To couple large amount of power into an optical fiber, the emitting area should
be small
● To reduce material dispersion in an optical fiber link, the output spectrum should
be narrow.
● The power requirement for its operation must be low.
● The optical output power must be directly modulated by varying the input current
to the device.
● Better linearity of prevent harmonics and intermodulation distortion.
● High coupling efficiency.
● High optical power output.
● High reliability.
5. b. A planar LED is fabricated from gallium arsenide which has a refractive index
of 3.6.
i) calculate the optical power emitted into air as a percentage of the internal
optical power for the device when transmission factor at the crystal-air
interface is 0.68.
ii) When the optical power generated internally is 50% of the electric power
supplied determine the external power efficiency. (06 Marks)
Ans. Given
R.I (n)=3.6
(i) Pe=?
(ii) ep=? For 50%
Pint Fn2
Pe 
4n 2x
Pint 0.68
Pe  
4   3.6 

Pe  0.013P int
Power emitted is only 1.3% of the optical power generated Internally.
(ii) External power efficiency is given by
  e 100
  0.013 10
For Pint  0.5P
0.5 P
  0.013 100
ep  0.65%

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1
5. c. What is quantum efficiency? How are the ‘responsivity’ and ‘quantum efficiency’
related? (04Marks)
Ans. A quantum efficiency (QE) may apply to incident photon to converted electron
(IPCE) ratio.
● This deals with the term as a measurement of a devices electrical sensitivity to
● Responsibility is similar measurement, but it has different units; amperes watt
(i.e., how much current comes out of the device per incoming photon of a given
energy and wavelength).
Both the quantum efficiency and the responsibility are functions of the photons
To convert
R hC from Rresponsibility (R in A/w) to QEA (on scale 0 to 1)
QE       1240 W.nm / A

 

 e 
Where  is the wavelength in nm,
h→ is the planck constant
c→ is the speed of light in a vaccum
e→ is the elementary charge.
● Determination
QE   N

Where Ne→ Number electrons produced#

Nv→ Numbers of photons absorbed.
Nv 
 0
t c
Assuming each photon absorbed in the depletion layer produces a viable electron -
hole pair and other photons Do not
Ne 
 E
t c
Where t→ time in seconds
 incident optical absorbed in watts
E→ Optical power absorbed in Depletion layer, also in watts.
6. a. Explain the GaAs homojunction injection laser with fabry - perot cavity and
also derive its quantum efficiency of the above laser. (08 Marks)
Ans. Injection Laser Diode
Stimulated emission by the recombination of the injected carries is encouraged in
the semiconductor injection laser by the provision of an optical cavity in the crystal
structure in order to provide feedback of photons.
● The injection laser has many advantages over other semi conductors sources they

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(i) High radiance due to amplifying effect of stimulated emission
(ii) Narrow line width of the order of 1 nm or less.
(ii) Modulation capability in the range of giga hertz.
(iv) Relative temporal coherence which allows heterodyne detection.
(v) Good spatial coherence, which allows the output to be focused by a lens into a
spot which has greater intensity than the dispersed unfocused emission.
● Early injection lasers had the form of fabry perot cavity often fabricated in
gallium arsenide.
The basic structure of this heterojection is show below.

● If a PN junction is formed by as single crystal semiconductor material, it is side

to be homojunction laser diode.
● Generally the homojunction laser are not used in the communication applications
due to their higher divergence and high threshold current. Further they produce
high dispersion and have low optical confinement.
● A heterojunction is an interface between two adjoining single crystal
semiconductor with different band gap energies. Improved carrier confinement
and lower threshold current densities were achieved using hetrojunction structure.
● The differential external quantum efficiency D . Which is the ratio of the increase
in photon output rate for a given increase in the number of injected electrons. If
Pe is the optical power emitted from the device, I is the current, e is the charge of
an electron and hf is the photon energy, then

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1

d Pe / f dPe
D  dI / e  dI Eg 
Where Eg→ is the band gap energy expressed in electron volts.
D→ is the slope quantum efficiency.
For a continuous wave semiconductor laser it ranges between 40-60%.
The internal quantum efficiency of the semiconductor laser i which is defined by,
number of photons produced in the laser cavity
i 
number of injectedelectrons
Its value ranges between 50-100%.It is related to differential external quantum
efficiency by the expression.
 1
i  
  1  2L / ln 1/ r r   

  1 2 
Where  is the loss co-efficient of the laser cavity.
L is the length of the laser cavity.
r1 and r2 are the total efficiency T which is defined as,
total number of output photons
T 
totalnumber of injectedelectrons
Pe / f Pe
 
I/e I Eg
● As the power emitted Pe changes linearly, when the injection current I is greater
than the
 threshold
I  current Ith, then
T   D  1  th 
 
● For high injection current (e g I=5 I ) then  = , where as for lower currents,
th T D
I=2 Ith, the total efficiency is lower and around 15-25%.
● The external power efficiency of the device epin converting electrical input to
optical output is given by,
Pe Pe
  100  100%
Where P= IV is the dc electrical input power.
The total
 Eg efficiency
 we find
 100%
V  
 9.022
10    7.98
10 
 

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6. b. With a schematic diagram, explain the working of an optical receiver.

(08 Marks)
● Optical receiver = photon dector+ Amplifier + signal processing circuit.
● Receiver task is to convert optical signal to electrical signal then amplify it then
processing this signal.
● In this task, it accomplishes noises and distortions which unavoidably a photo
current is weak due to random noises and same when amplifies additional noises
of amplifier corrected signals.
● While designing receiver desirable to predict performance based on mathematical
model of receiver.
● Important criteria is error probability.
● Error probability is different for analog OFC and digital OFC.
● To carry out this, trade-off between calculations and accuracy.
Optical receiver operation (Digital signal Transmission)
Complicated than transmission must detect weak distorted signals.
Simple technique to transmit digital message is ASK or on-off keying.

Tb Tb
1 0 1 1 0 1
LED (or) Optical fiber
Laser TX
Electric input Attenuated and
pulses Distorted optical
power pulses

pin (or) Amplifier

avalanche and
Electric current Voltage pulses and
photodoide filter
pulses containing amplifier noise
photodetector (or)

Decision ckt 101 Signal

and pulse processing
generator equipment
Signal path thro optical data link
Module - 04
7. a. Explain operational principle and implementation of WDM with diagrams.
(08 Marks)
● A characteristic of WDM is that the discrete wavelength from an orthogonal set
of current that can be separated, routed, and switched without interfering with
each other.
● The implementation of sophisticated WDM networks requires variety of passive

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and active device to combine, distribute, isolate and amplify optical power at
different wavelengths.
● Passive device requires no external control for their operation, so they are some
what limited in their application flexibility, these components are mainly used to
split and combine or tap off optical signals.
● The wavelength - dependent performance of active devices can be controlled
electronically or optically, there by providing a large degree of network flexibility.
● Active WDM components include tunable optical filters, tunable sources, and
optical amplifiers.

Figure shows the implementation of passive and active components in a typical

WDM link containing various types of optical amplifier.
● At the transmitting end there are several independently modulated light sources,
each emitting signals at a unique wavelength. Here a multiplexer is needed to
combine these optical outputs into a continuous spectrum of Tb→n bit duration.
Txo → transmit electrical to optical conversion by directly modulating light source.
Device current with information steam to produce o/p optical power Rxr → Detector
 e current amplifiers thro amplifier LPF (Defines B.W) minimize the ISI, and
equalizes the shape of pulse to „Tb‟ sec.
● This is called equalizer [Rxr circuit is as follows]

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Decision circuit
● Samples the signal level at the mid point of each time slot and compare with a
certain reference voltage known as threshold level.
If voltage of Rxed signal > Vref, 1 is transmitted otherwise „O‟
● Bit boundaries are defined through clock.
Error sources
● Various errors and noise and disturbances are as shown below

Photon detector
gain (M)

Photon detection ♦ Dark current Amplifier noise

Quantum noise ♦ Statistical gain
(Poisson fluctuation) ♦ Fluctuation (For APD)
Thermal noise

Signals and couple them into a single fiber.

● At the receiving end a multiplexer s required to separated signals into appropriate
detection channels for signal processing.

● The figure above shows, there are many independent operating regions across
the spectrum ranging from the 0- band through the L-band in which narrow - line
width optical sources can be used simultaneously.
● We can view these regions either in terms of spectral width (the wavelength band
occupied by the light source) or by means of optical bandwidth (the frequency
band occupied by the light signal).
● To find the optical B.W
Weuse C  V Differentiating this yields
 V  

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1
Where the frequency deviation ∆V corresponds to the wavelength deviation ∆
around .
● The operational frequency band allocated to a particular light source normally
ranges from 25 to 100 GHz.
● The exact width of the frequency or spectral band that is selected needs to take
into account possible drifts in the peak wavelength emitted by the laser and
temporal variations in the wavelength response to other link components.
7. b. Derive an equation for path difference in 2×2 Mach - Zehnder interferometer.
(08 Marks)
● Match zehnder interferometry is used to make wavelength dependent multiplexers
these device can be either active or passive.
● A layout of 2×2 passive MZI is shown in figure below. It consists of three stages.
(i) 3- dB splitter
(ii) Phase shifter
(iii) 3-dB combiner.
L + L
Ein, 1 Eout, 1

Ein, 2 d L d Eout, 2

3dB splitter Phase shifter 3dB combiner

Fig : Layour of 2 x 2 passive Mach-Zehnder Interferometer
● Initially a 3dB directional coupler is used to split input signals the middle stage in
which one of wave guide is longer by ∆L to given a wavelength dependent phase
shift between the two arms the third stage is a dB coupler which recombines the
signals at output.
● Thus input beam is splitted an phase shift it introduced in one of the paths the
recombined signals will be in phase at one output and out of phase at other output,
the output will be available in only one port.
Output powers
● The output power are given by,
P = E + E* → 1
out,1 out,1 – out,1
Pout,2 = Eout,2+ Eout,2 → 2
The optical output Lpowers
 are square
 of Lrespective
 optical output field strengths.
P  Sin2 K Pin, 2  cos2 K Pin, 2  3
out,1  1 Z  
 2 2  

   
2 L  2 L 
P  Cos K Pin,1sin K Pin, 2  4
out,2  1 2  
 2 2 

   
SVCE, Bengaluru 19
VIII Sem Fiber optics and networks

Where Kj 2eff / j

L Difference of path lengths
Pin, j  Ein, j  Ejn, j Ein, j
● If all the power from both input should leave the same output port then, there is
need to have
L L
K   and K / 2
1 2
2 2 1 
 K1  K2 L  2eff   L  
  5 
 1  2 

● The length difference1

in interferometer arms should be
1 1
L  2eff   
 1 2 

2eff V
Where ∆V is frequency separation of two wavelengths
eff is effective refractive index in wave guide.
8. a. Derive an equation for amplifier gain in semiconductor optical amplifier.
(06 Marks)
● A semiconductor optical amplifier is essentially an In Ga As P laser that is
operating below its threshold point.
● It‟s gain peak at 1280 nm in 0- band to 1650 nm in u-band by varying composition
of active In Ga As P material.
● Here laser feedback mechanism makes many passes through losing cavity of
● The optical signal is passed only once through losing cavity in SOA gains energy
and emerges intensified at the other end of amplifier.
30 Pout sat

Gain (dB) Saturation region

i/p signal power

CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1

Ps, out
● Single pass gain in active medium is.
● As LT, G↑
gZ 
Ps  z 
dp gz.PsZ.dZ
 1 1 
go  Z .dZ   dP
 Ps  Z  P 
 amp,sat 

Ps,out 
 1  1 
 go dZ   Ps  Z P dP

o Ps,in  amp,sat 

In signal pass, G o  exp  g o L  , then we have,

ln  
Pamp,sat Go
G 1 
Ps,in  G 

8. b. With relevant schematic diagrams, explain the three possible configurations of

a EDFA. (06 Marks)
● An optical fiber amplifier consists of a doped fiber, one or more pump lasers, a
passive wavelength coupler, optical isolators and tap couplers as shown in below


VIII Sem (CSE/ISE) Fiber optics and networks
● The dichronic (two wavelength) coupler handles either 980/1550nm or
1480/1550nm wavelength combinations to couple both the pump and signal
optical powers efficiently into the fiber amplifier.
● The tap coupler are wavelength insensitive with typical splitting ratios ranging
from 99:1 to 95:5, they are generally used on both sides of the amplifier to
compare the incoming signal with the amplified output.
● The optical isolators prevent the amplified signal from reflecting back into device,
where it could increase the amplifier noise and decrease the amplifier efficiency.
● The pump light is usually injected from the same direction as the signal flow, this
is known as co-directional pumping.
● It is also possible to inject the pump power in the opposite direction to the signal
flow which is known as counter directional pumping shown in above figure.
● One can employ either a single pump source or use dual pump schemes with the
resultant gains typically being +17 dB and +35 dB respectively.
● Counter directional pumping allows high gain, but co directional pumping gives
betters noise performance.
● In addition, pumping at 980nm is preferred, since it produces less noise and
achieves larger population inversions than pumping at 1480nm.
8. c. Write a short note on i) Raman Amplifiers
ii) Wideband Optical Amplifiers. (04 Marks)
Ans. (i) Raman Amplifiers
● A Raman optical amplifier is based on a non-linear effect called stimulated Raman
scattering (SRS) which occurs in fibers at high optical powers.
● The SRS effect is due to an interaction between an optical energy field and the
vibrational modes of the lattice structure in a material. The gain curve is given in
terms of the Raman gain co-efficient gRunits of 10-14 m/w
Gain peak

Relative Data signal at 1535m


Raman pump Signals at

1445nm 1535 nm SRS generated interference
signal at 1535m
(ii) Wideband optical Amplifier
● The ever growing demand for more bandwidth created an interest in developing
wideband optical amplifies that operate over several wavelength bands to handle
a larger number of WDM channels simultaneously.
● The amplifier combinations can be parallel or in series as shown in figure below.
● In parallel design a wideband demultiplexer splits the incoming signal spectrum
into two wavelength bands.


CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1

C-band C - band C-band

& L-band & L-band
inputs band band outputs
demux L - band mux

Fig Representation of two different band output amplifier in parallel

C-band C-band
& L-band C/L & L-band
L - band
inputs band GFF1 GFF2 outputs

Fig Representation of two different band output amplifier in series

● The series configuration of two different band optical amplifier because it does
not require splitting the signals into separate paths it also avoids the noise figure
degradations of wavelength couplers and the additional costs of the couplers
Module -05
9. a. Explain the configuration of SONET / SDH frame with relevant Diagrams.
(08 Marks)
● TDM scheme was a standard signal format called synchronous optical network
(SONET) in north America and synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) in other
parts of world.
90 columns of bytes

Rows Section
bytes and

3 columns
87 Columns
Fig SONET frame 2D structure
● Section connects adjacent pieces of equipment, a line is a longer line connects
SONET devices.
● Path is a complete end to end connection
SONET frame duration =125 s

Transmission bit rate of STS 1is 

90 bytes / row9rows / frame8bit / bytes
125s / frame
 51.81m bit s1


VIII Sem (CSE/ISE) Fiber optics and networks
● First 3 columns carry network management information
● Remaining 87 columns is called synchronous payload envelop carries user data in
addition of end equipment status, signal labeling, a tracing function.
● Logical STS-N signal is modulated by an optical source termed as OC-N1.
● As N columns >1, the columns of frame becomes N times wide but rows remaining
to 9 .
270 x N columns

9 rows Section 9 rows Section

Path Path
& line & line
over SPE over SPE
over over
head head
head head

3xN Performance 9xN

columns N columns columns N columns
by the end
87 x N columns equipment 261 x N columns

(a) STS - N SONET frame (b) STM - N SDH frame

● N ranges from 1 to 768 recognizes N=1, 3, 12, 24, 48, 192 in ANS1 T1.
● In SDH basic rate is STS-3 or 155.52 MbPs ~ synchronous transfer module level
-1 CST.
● Higher rates are STM-M (M=1, 4, 16 and 64)
↑ Both electrical and optical signals.
9. b. With a neat sketch explain the open system interconnection reference model in
associated with optical networks. (08 Marks)
Ans. Open systems Interconnection reference model
Layer Function Data unit
7 Application Network process to
6 Presentation Data representation and
encryption Data
Host layers
5 Session Inter host
4 Transport End to end connections Segments
and reliability
3 Network Path determination and Packets
logical address
Media layers
2 Data link Physical addressing Frames
1 Physical Media, signal and Bits
binary transmission
Fig: Description of the layer in the OSI reference model.
Open systems interconnection (OSI) describes a standard architecture to be used
for designing networks the OSI model was specified jointly by the international


CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1
organization for standardization (ISO) and ITU-T.
● Fig above shows the structure of the OSI network reference model and identifies
the functions of each of the seven layers.
Application layer
● It provide user to access information on or utilize the network by receiving a
● This layer is the main interface for the users to interact through applications with
the network.
Presentation layer
● This layer transforms data to provide a standard interface for the application layer.
Session layer
● It controls the dialogs (sessions) between intelligent device.
● It establishes, manges and terminates the connections between the local and
remote application.
Transport layer
● It provides transparent of data between end users, thus transport layer controls the
reliability of specific link through how control, segmentation and error control.
Network layer
● It provides the service to the transport layer and also performs networks roputing
functions, report on delivery errors.
Data link layer
● The data link layer provide the functional and procedural mechanisms to enable
transfer of data between network entities and to detect and potentially correct,
errors that may occur in the physical layer.
Physical layer
● It is located at the bottom of the OSI reference model hierachy and it defines all
the electrical, optical and physical media specifications for devices.
● It both establishes and terminates a connection to the communication medium.
10. a. Explain the operation of optical Add / Drop multiplexers with a relevant
diagram. (08 Marks)
● A optical node is considered as multifunctional element that performs several
tasks depending upon its type and the network requirements.
● Essentially it sends, receivers and resends or redirects optical signals to its
neighboring connected nodes.
● It should be noted that unlike semiconductor switches an optical switch performs
wavelength operational functions [i.e., multiplexing / demultiplexing and
switching ] and the physical medium remains fixed with only the information
contained in the messages being changed to send it to the corresponding.
Destination node through the assigned route, such wavelength switches can be
constructed using integrated optical or optoelectronic devices.


VIII Sem (CSE/ISE) Fiber optics and networks

● An optical add/ drop multiplexer (OADM) which also comprises a wavelength

add/ drop device (WADD) is shown in figure above where an incoming
multiplexed signal comprising three wavelengths (i.e.,    and  is partially
demultiplexed by dropping the  signal at an intermediate port 2.
● The OADM further adds another wavelength signal  4 at intermediate port 3
which is them multiplexed with transmitted signal wavelength so that combine
signal leaving port 4 contains wavelengths   and 
● Devices which are configured to drop a particular wavelength (in this case  and
add another specific wavelength (in this case  are also known as fixed OADM.
● A combination of an OADM and an optical switch producing a reconfigurable
optical add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) is illustrated in Fig(e).
● This device can drop one or a desired number of wavelength channels after de
multiplexing a wavelength multiplexed signal and similarly it can also add a new
single or more wavelength channels through an optical switch.
● Finally, the multiplexer unit in figure (e) bring together all the wavelength
channels to produce a combine wavelength multiplexed output signal.
10. b.Write a short note on structure of Access networks. (08 Marks)
Ans. Access networks
● The access networks is an element of a public telecommunication network that
connects access nodes to either individual users (i.e., business, residential) or
MAN‟S therefore it can be considered as the last link in a network between the
customers premises and the first point of connection to the network infrastructure.
● i.e., Local exchange / switching centre or local office.
● The transmission media choices providing strategies for the development of an
access network are show in figure below.
● These different media options the access network can be provided from a single
point that can be located at the local exchange or a regional hub(metro) or at point
of presence (POP) for long haul network, connection to service and users.


CBCS - Model Question Paper - 1

● The different types of access network characterized by transmission media are

also shown below.
(i) Hybrid fiber co axil (HFC) cable TV network.
(ii) optical fiber access network →* feeder and distributions sections
* different deployment strategies.
Access network based on hybrid fiber co-axil (HFC) are combination of two
technologies employing both optical fiber and co-axil cable as the media.

● Originally, HFC was a cable TV(CATV) concept to provide TV broadcasting and

reception in rural areas.
● A generic form of HFC network providing cable TV service to business or 500 to
2000 residential users is depicted in figure above.
● The optical node employ optoelectric transceivers to connect the optical fiber
used to co-axil cabe infrastructure. In these network RF amplifiers are used as
trunk and line amplifiers to amplify signal power on the co-axil cables to enable
a large number of customers premises to be reached.


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