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Preface xi

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Suggestions for the Targeted Reader 2
1.2 Prior Research and Scope of Book Topics 4
1.3 Terminology Used in the Book 6
1.4 Summary of Case Studies 7

Chapter 2 Common Scenarios in Food Products

Manufacturing 9
2.1 Baseline Model of Operations 9
2.2 Refrigerated Cookie Dough: Bulk/Pack 11
2.3 Orange Juice: Bulk/Pack with Co-Products 13
2.4 Poultry Processing 14
2.5 Snack Foods with Subcontracted Production 16
2.6 Agricultural Produce: Grading/Sorting 17
2.7 Beer Manufacturing 18

Chapter 3 Item Definition 21

3.1 Enterprise Versus Company-Level Information for an Item 22
3.2 Typical Business Process for Defining a Material Item 27
3.3 Different Approaches to Item Identification 30
3.4 Significance of the Production Type for a Material Item 32
3.5 Using Templates for Partially Populating Item Information 33
3.6 Descriptive Information about an Item 34
3.7 Unit of Measure Considerations for an Item 37
3.8 Define Information for a Purchased Item 40
3.9 Define Information for a Manufactured Item 40
3.10 Company Versus Site/Warehouse Information for an Item 41
3.11 Inventory Costing and Financial Reporting for Items 42
3.12 Significance of the Item Group 44
3.13 Alternative Item Identifiers 45
3.14 Item Identification Using an Item Number and Variant Code 46
3.15 Item Identification of Non-Stock Material 50
3.16 Item Identification of a Service 50
Executive Summary 51

Chapter 4 Formula Information 53

4.1 Choosing a Formula Versus BOM Approach 54
4.2 Typical Business Process for Defining an Item’s Formula 57
4.3 Item Information Related to a Formula Item 59
4.4 Master Formulas and Formula Versions 60

vi Contents

4.5 Formula Version Policies for an Item 62

4.6 Formula Lines for Ingredients 65
4.7 Formula Lines for Substitute Ingredients 73
4.8 Co-Products for a Formula Version 74
4.9 By-Products for a Formula Version 77
4.10 Planning Items and Formulas 79
4.11 Bulk/Pack Scenarios and Formulas 81
4.12 Catch Weight Items and Formulas 82
4.13 Order-Dependent Formula for a Batch Order 82
4.14 Maintain Formula Information 83
Additional Case Studies 85
Executive Summary 87

Chapter 5 Bill of Material Information 89

5.1 Choosing a BOM Approach 89
5.2 Typical Business Process for Defining an Item’s Bill of Material 90
5.3 Item Information Related to a BOM Item 91
5.4 Master BOMs and BOM Versions 91
5.5 BOM Version Policies for an Item 92
5.6 BOM Lines for a Component 93
5.7 Order-Dependent BOM for a Production Order 95
5.8 Maintain BOM Information 95
Additional Case Studies 96
Executive Summary 96

Chapter 6 Managing Catch Weight Items 97

6.1 Major Variations for Catch Weight Items 98
6.2 Setup Information for a Catch Weight Item 100
6.3 Implications of Catch Weight Items 101
6.4 Reporting a Weight Loss or Gain for the Inventory of a
Catch Weight Item 104
Additional Case Studies 104
Executive Summary 105

Chapter 7 Batch Tracking Considerations 107

7.1 Batch Tracking 107
7.2 Vendor Batch Information 110
7.3 Shelf Life Information 111
7.4 Batch Attributes 113
7.5 Batch Disposition Codes and Restricted Usage 116
Additional Case Studies 118
Executive Summary 121

Chapter 8 Resources and Routings 123

8.1 Typical Business Process to Define Production Resources 124
8.2 Define Resources and Resource Groups 126
8.3 Define Capabilities and Assign to Resources 131
8.4 Define Competencies and Assign to Employees 134
Contents vii

8.5 Master Routings and Route Versions 134

8.6 Typical Business Process to Define Routing Information 137
8.7 Define Master Operations 139
8.8 Define an Internal Operation in a Routing 140
8.9 Review Feasibility of Resource Requirements 145
8.10 Scheduling Method: Job Versus Operation Scheduling 146
8.11 Order-Dependent Routing for a Batch/Production Order 148
8.12 Maintain Routing Information 148
8.13 Alternatives to the Use of Routing Information 150
Additional Case Studies 151
Executive Summary 152

Chapter 9 Product Costing 153

9.1 Summary of Costing Versions 154
9.2 Terminology for Item Cost Records and Cost Calculations 157
9.3 Significance of Cost Groups 159
9.4 Standard Costs for Purchased Items 161
9.5 Define Resource Costs via Cost Categories 164
9.6 Define Overhead Costs via Overhead Formulas 166
9.7 Standard Cost Calculations for Manufactured Items 167
9.8 Define Standard Costs for Co/By-Product Items 172
9.9 Convert Items to a Standard Cost Method 175
9.10 Cost Calculation of a Manufactured Item’s Planned Cost 175
9.11 Calculation of a Manufactured Item’s Sales Price 177
9.12 Order-Specific Calculations for an Item’s Cost and Sales Price 178
9.13 Summary of Standard Cost Variances 179
9.14 Actual Costing 180
Additional Case Studies 182
Executive Summary 184

Chapter 10 Coverage Planning Data for Item

Replenishment 187
10.1 Planning Data for Purchased Items 188
10.2 Special Cases for Purchased Items 195
10.3 Planning Data for Manufactured Items–Formula Items 197
10.4 Planning Data for Manufactured Items–BOM Items 200
10.5 Special Cases for Manufactured Items 201
10.6 Planning Data for Transfer Items 202
10.7 Planning Data for Co-Product Items 204
10.8 Significance of Planning Data for Negative Days and
Positive Days 205
Executive Summary 207

Chapter 11 Sales and Operations Planning 209

11.1 Common S&OP Scenarios 210
11.2 Typical Business Process to Maintain S&OP Game Plans 211
11.3 Using Sales Forecasts 214
viii Contents

11.4 Using Safety Stock Requirements 217

11.5 Assign Sales Order Promise Dates Based on ATP Logic 218
11.6 Typical Business Process to Run Planning Calculations
and Analyze Results 219
11.7 Understanding Planning Calculations 222
11.8 Unique Aspects of Planning Calculations for Food Products 225
11.9 Using Simulations for S&OP Purposes 227
11.10 Guidelines Concerning S&OP Game Plans 228
Case Studies 230
Executive Summary 232

Chapter 12 Sales Order Processing 233

12.1 Typical Business Process for Sales Orders 233
12.2 Basic Model of Sales Order Processing 235
12.3 Key Considerations in Sales Order Processing 239
12.4 Sales Prices and Trade Agreements 247
12.5 Sales Agreements 253
12.6 Customer Information 255
12.7 Customer Rebates 257
12.8 Special Orders and Direct Orders 262
12.9 Customer Returns and RMAs 266
12.10 Major Variations in Sales Order Processing 269
12.11 Sales Analysis 272
12.12 Commissions for Sales Orders 273
Additional Case Studies 274
Executive Summary 277

Chapter 13 Purchase Order Processing 279

13.1 Typical Business Process for Purchase Orders 280
13.2 Basic Model for Purchase Order Processing 281
13.3 Approved Vendors for a Purchased Item 288
13.4 Key Considerations for Purchase Order Processing 289
13.5 Purchase Trade Agreements 293
13.6 Purchase Agreements 297
13.7 Vendor Information 299
13.8 Major Variations in Purchase Order Processing 301
13.9 Workflows and Purchase Order Approval 302
13.10 Purchase Order Returns 303
13.11 Coordinate Procurement Activities 304
Case Studies 307
Executive Summary 309

Chapter 14 Batch Orders and Production Orders 311

14.1 Common Terminology for Batch/Production Orders 312
14.2 Significance of a Single Order in Batch-Oriented Production 313
14.3 Typical Business Process for Production of a Bulk Item 315
14.4 Basic Model of Batch/Production Order Processing 319
14.5 Life Cycle of a Batch/Production Order 322
Contents ix

14.6 Considerations about Batch/Production Orders 327

14.7 Significance of Picking Lists 329
14.8 Significance of Route Carts and Job Cards 332
14.9 Report Finished Quantity of a Parent Item 334
14.10 Report Finished Quantity of a Co/By-Product 335
14.11 Rework Order for a Finished Quantity 335
14.12 Scheduling an Individual Order 337
14.13 Coordinate Production via Planned Orders 338
14.14 Coordinate Production via Action Messages 341
14.15 Coordinate Production via Production Schedules 341
14.16 Coordinate Bulk/Pack Production via Consolidated Orders 343
14.17 Costing for a Batch/Production Order 345
Case Studies 347
Executive Summary 349

Chapter 15 Subcontracted Production 351

15.1 Variations in Subcontracted Production 351
15.2 Modeling Subcontracted Production 355
15.3 Define an Item Representing the Subcontracted Service 356
15.4 Define the Formula/BOM for a Subcontract Manufactured Item 359
15.5 Planning Data for a Subcontract Manufactured Item 360
15.6 Typical Business Process for Subcontracted Production 361
15.7 Considerations about Subcontracted Production 363
Case Studies 365
Executive Summary 366

Chapter 16 Managing Transfers in a Multisite Operation 367

16.1 Solution Approaches for Multisite Operations 367
16.2 Transfer Orders 370
16.3 Considerations about Transfer Orders 373
16.4 Coordinate Transfer Orders 378
16.5 Intercompany Orders 380
16.6 Master Scheduling Across a Multicompany Supply Chain 382
16.7 Other Multisite Variations 385
Additional Case Studies 387
Executive Summary 388

Chapter 17 Quality Management 389

17.1 Broad Viewpoint of Quality Management 389
17.2 Receiving Inspection and Quarantine Orders 392
17.3 Quality Inspection and Inventory Blocking 394
17.4 Product Testing and Quality Orders 395
17.5 Quality Problems and Nonconformance Reports 400
17.6 Using Cases for Quality Management Purposes 403
17.7 Coordination of Quality-Related Activities 404
17.8 Hazardous Materials and MSDS Documents 405
17.9 Sales Order Limitations on Restricted Products 406
17.10 Stop Replenishment or Sales of an Item 406
x Contents

17.11 Regulatory Reporting Requirements for Different Countries 407

Case Studies 407
Executive Summary 409

Chapter 18 Inventory and Warehouse Management 411

18.1 Basic Functionality for Warehouse Management 412
18.2 Handling Arrivals 418
18.3 Handling Shipments 419
Case Studies 421
Executive Summary 422

Chapter 19 Summary 423

19.1 System Usage in Distribution 423
19.2 System Usage in Manufacturing 428
19.3 Concluding Remarks 432

Appendix A Comparison of Formula Versus BOM Approach 433

Appendix B Suggestions for the Knowledgeable AX Reader 439

B.1 Incremental Learning of New Capabilities in AX 2012 439
B.2 Incremental Learning of Process Industry Capabilities
in AX 2012 443

List of Figures 447

Chapter 4

Formula Information
A key aspect of manufactured items consists of product structure informa-
tion. The product structure is typically termed a formula in the context of
process manufacturing, and a bill of material (BOM) in the context of
discrete manufacturing. These terminology differences have a special signif-
icance within Dynamics AX, since the production type assigned to a manu-
factured item (of Formula or BOM) impacts software functionality. The
terms formula item and BOM item will be used to differentiate the two types
of manufactured items. Many food manufacturing scenarios can be modeled
using either approach or a combination of the two approaches. Choosing a
formula versus BOM approach depends on several factors, as explained in
the first section of the chapter.
This chapter focuses on formula information. It begins with a typical
business process for defining an item’s formula. Subsequent sections explain
key aspects of the business process, including how to maintain formula infor-
mation. The chapter also covers several major variations in food products
manufacturing, such as bulk/pack scenarios, the use of planning items for
disassembly/grading purposes, and the use of catch weight items. The chap-
ter includes the following sections:

1. Choosing a formula versus BOM approach

2. Typical business process for defining an item’s formula
3. Item information related to a formula item
4. Master formulas and formula versions
5. Formula version policies for an item
6. Formula lines for ingredients
7. Formula lines for substitute ingredients
8. Co-products for a formula version
9. By-products for a formula version
10. Planning items and formulas
11. Bulk/pack scenarios and formulas
12. Catch weight items and formulas
13. Order-dependent formula for a batch order
14. Maintain formula information

54 Chapter 4

4.1 Choosing a Formula Versus BOM Approach

A formula and a bill of material (BOM) represent the two approaches within
AX for modeling the product structure of a manufactured item. The selected
approach also determines whether you coordinate production activities with
a batch order or production order. You indicate the desired approach by
assigning a Production Type of Formula or BOM to a manufactured item.
Many food product manufacturing scenarios can be modeled using either
approach or a combination of the two approaches. The two approaches
reflect the design history of Dynamics AX, which initially employed the
BOM approach (and production orders) and subsequently added the formula
approach (and batch orders).1 The BOM approach to product structure is the
only approach supported by standard AX when not using the process industry
capabilities. The formula approach supports additional functionality for
addressing the requirements of food products manufacturing.
An example product structure provides one way to compare the two
approaches. The product structure displayed in Figure 4.1 consists of a bulk
item produced in batches using a mixing kettle, and the bulk item is packaged
into boxes/cases on a packaging line. Each item’s routing data defines the
resource requirements, such as a mixing kettle for the bulk item and the pack-

Figure 4.1 Example Product Using Formula Versus BOM Approach

The formula approach (and its associated batch order) was first incorporated into standard software
functionality for AX 2009.
Formula Information 55

aging line for the packaged product. Many people conceptualize a formula
approach for the bulk item’s product structure, and a BOM approach for the
packaged product. The following subsections summarize the arguments for
using a formula approach and a BOM approach, and the AX terminology for
the two approaches.

Arguments for the Formula Approach Using the formula approach

for the bulk item, you can specify the production characteristics of the mixing
kettle—such as formula size (1000 pounds) and expected yield (98%)—as
part of the formula version policies. The ingredient requirements can be ex-
pressed as a percentage or a quantity to produce the formula size. Additional
formula versions may be employed to reflect quantity-sensitive formulations,
such as using larger mixing kettles with a different formula size and yield in
order to meet higher demand quantities. The larger mixing kettles are also
reflected in quantity-sensitive routing versions for the item. Several addi-
tional considerations may apply in many scenarios, such as substitute ingre-
dients, catch weight items, co/by-products of the production process,
planning items (where the production process only results in co/by products)
and the synchronization of batch orders for the bulk item and its related
packed items. These additional considerations are only supported by the
formula approach.
The formula approach can also apply to the packaged product. In this
case, you typically specify a formula size of one, and define the component
requirements for producing one product. The additional considerations—
especially the synchronization of bulk/pack orders—require the use of a
formula approach for both the bulk item and its packaged products. Other-
wise, a BOM approach can be used for the packaged product. Even when not
required, many food product firms employ the formula approach for all
manufactured items so that the same constructs are used for defining product
structure (via formulas) and coordinating production activities (via batch

Arguments for the BOM Approach The product structure for the
packaged product can often be conceptualized in terms of the BOM approach
when the additional considerations do not apply. The component require-
ments are expressed as a quantity to produce one product, and a component
may be a formula item. With the BOM approach, you coordinate production
activities using production orders.
The product structure for the bulk item can also be conceptualized in
terms of the BOM approach when the additional considerations do not apply.
The production characteristics of the mixing kettle’s formula size (1000
pounds) can be modeled as a site-specific order quantity minimum and
56 Chapter 4

multiple for the manufactured item. The expected yield (98%) can be
modeled as operation scrap percentages within the routing or as component
scrap percentages within the BOM.
In summary, the BOM approach can be used in some food manufacturing
scenarios, such as packaged products or even bulk items. It also applies to
scenarios involving discrete manufacturing, such as producing equipment
related to food products.

AX Terminology for the Formula and BOM Approach The desig-

nation of a manufactured item as a Formula Item or a BOM item has a
special significance within Dynamics AX, since the software functionality
differs slightly for defining product structure and coordinating production
activities. The previous subsection summarized the additional functionality
associated with the formula approach, and subsequent sections provide more
detailed explanations. The AX terminology for the two approaches is sum-
marized in Figure 4.2 and explained below.
The formula approach and BOM approach both employ similar constructs
for defining product structure. For example, the BOM approach employs
Master BOMs, BOM Versions, and BOM Lines to define product structure.
The formula approach employs Master Formulas, Formula Versions, and
Formula Lines, and also supports additional functionality such as substitute
ingredients, co/by-products and catch weight items.

Figure 4.2 AX Terminology for the Formula and BOM Approaches

Formula Information 57

Both approaches also employ similar constructs for coordinating produc-

tion—termed batch orders and production orders—with corresponding
differences in supporting additional functionality such as co/by-products and
catch weight items.

4.2 Typical Business Process for Defining an

Item’s Formula
The typical business process for defining an item’s formula consists of
several steps performed by a product designer role. These steps are
illustrated in Figure 4.3 and summarized below.

Overview As a starting point, the product designer selects the desired

item and accesses a separate form in order to create a new formula version
for the item, either by creating a new master formula or by assigning an
existing master formula. The formula version policies include the formula
size and effectivity dates. Each formula line identifies an ingredient and the
required quantity. When applicable, a formula line can define an allowable
substitute for an ingredient. Additional information can also be specified
about the expected co/by-products of the production process, if any. Upon
completion of all information, the product designer approves and activates
the item’s formula version.

Select the Item for Defining a Formula Version The product

designer selects the desired item, which must be designated as a Formula
Item or Planning Item (as defined by the Production Type assigned to the
item) in order to access and define its formula information.

Select item Create a new Define Define Approve

for defining Yes Master Formula Formula and activate
a formula Formula Version Lines for Formula
New Substitute Co/by-products?
Product Designer

Request a version for the item policies ingredients Version Approved

formula version Master ingredients? Define and active
for an item Assign a Yes Define Formula Yes co-product formula version
No Master Lines for for formula for an item
Formula substitute version
to the item ingredients Define
for formula

Figure 4.3 Typical Business Process for Defining an Item’s

58 Chapter 4

Create a New Master Formula for the Item When creating a new
Master Formula for an item, the product designer can manually specify the
identifier of the Master Formula or have it automatically created. The Master
Formula is automatically assigned to the item, and each assignment is termed
a Formula Version. An item may have multiple formula versions, such as
different versions that represent site-specific formulas or planned changes.

Assign an Existing Master Formula to the Item As an alternative,

the product designer can assign an existing Master Formula to create a
formula version for the item. Information about ingredients will be dis-
played, but information about co/by-products will not be displayed. This
information will need to be updated to reflect the formula version policies
about formula size.

Define Formula Version Policies The product designer employs the

formula version policies to specify the effectivity dates and to indicate
whether the formula version represents a company-wide or site-specific
formula. Other policies include the formula size and an expected yield

Define Formula Lines for Ingredients The product designer uses a

formula line to identify an ingredient and the required quantity to produce the
formula size. The required quantity can be expressed in different ways such
as a quantity or percentage. Other considerations include the designated
warehouse source of the ingredient and the applicable operation number.

Define Formula Lines for Substitute Ingredients The product

designer uses a formula line to indicate an allowable substitute for a preferred
ingredient. Multiple lines can be used to indicate multiple substitutes and
their priority. Planning calculations will suggest a substitute ingredient for
a planned order when there is insufficient inventory of the preferred

Define a Co-Product for a Formula Version When applicable, the

product designer employs an additional form to define the expected co-
products for a Formula Version. This information can only be defined for
items designated as a co-product or by-product, as defined by the Production
Type assigned to the item. The expected output quantity for a co-product
reflects the formula size. As an option, additional information can be speci-
fied to calculate the costs of a co-product.

Define a By-Product for a Formula Version When applicable, the

product designer employs an additional form to define the expected by-
Formula Information 59

products for a Formula Version. This information can only be defined for
items designated as a co-product or by-product, as defined by the Production
Type assigned to the item. The expected output quantity for a by-product
reflects the formula size. As an option, additional information can be speci-
fied to allocate the costs associated with a by-product.

Approve and Activate the Formula Version for the Item The Pro-
duct Designer must approve a Formula Version before it can be specified for
a batch order, and an approved version is typically activated for use in
planning and costing calculations. Electronic signatures can be optionally
employed as part of the approval process.

4.3 Item Information Related to a Formula Item

Several aspects of item information only apply to manufactured items and the
use of formulas. A key aspect involves the Production Type assigned to an
item (previously described in Section 2.3), since it indicates whether a
manufactured item can be modeled with a formula. It also indicates the items
representing co-products and by-products that can be defined in a formula.
Another aspect involves the default value for the expected yield percent of
a formula item.
Other attributes of a manufactured item include its production group,
production pool, and property.

˜ Production Group. The user-defined production group assigned to a

manufactured item acts as a default on its batch/production orders, and
provides the basis for grouping orders. In addition, the production group
can define the basis for assigning G/L account numbers related to
manufacturing activities for the item (such as reporting resource time)
when assignment is based on the production group.
˜ Production Pool. The user-defined production pool assigned to a manu-
factured item acts as a default on its batch/production orders, and only
provides the basis for grouping orders. For example, a production pool
could reflect the planner responsibility or a grouping of orders that
represent packaging variations of a common bulk item.
˜ Property. The user-defined property assigned to a manufactured item
acts as a default on its batch/production orders, and only provides the
basis for grouping the orders. For example, the property could reflect a
similar production characteristic.2

The property assigned to a manufactured item only provides reference information. In contrast, the property
assigned to an operation provides the basis for block scheduling of batch/production orders.
60 Chapter 4

The information on a formula line includes the ingredient’s unit of

measure, flushing principle, planned scrap factors, and a phantom desig-
nation. The initial values for these fields can be defaulted from the item
master information for the ingredient.

4.4 Master Formulas and Formula Versions

A master formula has a unique identifier (termed the Formula Number)
which can be manually or automatically defined. Manual definition should
be used when the identifier needs to be meaningful.
The creation of a master formula typically occurs in the context of
creating an item’s formula, where it is automatically assigned to the item.
Each assignment of a master formula to an item is termed a Formula Version.
A formula version has several policies, including a specified formula size.
This policy is important because a formula line within the formula version
defines an ingredient’s required quantity in terms of the specified formula
size. The policies for a formula version help support multiple formula
versions for an item.

Rationale for Multiple Formula Versions Multiple formula versions

can be defined for an item, typically to support the following situations:

˜ Formula variations between sites producing the same manufactured item.

The site-specific formula versions may reflect variations in ingredients
or co/by-products, or different formula sizes and yields. In addition, a
site-specific formula version may apply to production at one site, and a
company-wide formula version may apply to production at the other
˜ Planned changes with effectivity dates. The multiple formula versions
can represent planned changes in the item’s formulation, where each
formula version has a different validity period. For example, a manu-
factured item may have two formula versions—one valid to date X and
the other valid from date X+1—to indicate planned changes. Planned
changes will sometimes reflect seasonality considerations for ingredients,
or the availability/costs of alternative ingredients.
˜ Revision levels for a manufactured item. The formula versions can repre-
sent the revision levels for a manufactured item. The formula version
policies indicate the effectivity dates for phasing out (and phasing in)
these revision levels. A complete change in a product is typically iden-
tified by a different item number.
˜ Variations due to quantity-sensitive formulations. The multiple formula
versions can represent quantity-sensitive formulations, where each
Formula Information 61

formula version has a different quantity breakpoint. The quantity break-

points often represent larger formula sizes or higher yield percentages.
They may also represent the use of larger or faster equipment to handle
the larger quantity, and similar breakpoints can be mirrored in the item’s
route version.
˜ Alternate formulas. Different formula versions may represent alternate
formulations for producing the manufactured item, including a version
for R&D purposes and a version for trial batches. In most cases, the
formula version will be approved (but not active) so that it can be spe-
cified for a manually created batch order.

In summary, a manufactured item can have multiple active formula

versions that reflect different sites, non-overlapping validity periods, and/or
different quantity breakpoints for a batch order quantity. An item can also
have approved-but-not-active formula versions.

Approved and Active Formula Versions An item’s formula version

is initially treated as unapproved, which still allows you to calculate the
item’s costs. It must be approved in order to specify it on a manually created
batch order. Only an approved formula version can be marked as active.
The active formula version will normally be used in planning and cost
Electronic signatures can be optionally employed as part of the approval
process. For example, you can be prompted for an electronic signature when
approving a formula version, or when marking a formula version as active.
Related situations may also require an electronic signature, such as releasing
a batch order or reporting the finished quantity for a batch order.

Case 4: Revision Levels for a Manufactured Item

A food company employed the formula versions to represent the revision

levels for a manufactured item, such as revision A, B, and C. The identifier
assigned to each Master Formula reflected a combination of the item number
and revision level. The formula version policies identified the effectivity
dates for phasing out (and phasing in) these Master Formulas. In order to
support the identification of the item’s inventory by revision level, the
company embedded the revision level in the batch number assigned to a
product. A complete change in a product was identified by a different item
number, since it represented the maxim about changing form/fit/function.
62 Chapter 4

4.5 Formula Version Policies for an Item

The formula version policies serve several different purposes, especially in
modeling the characteristics of a batch-oriented production process. For
example, the policies enable a manufactured item to have multiple active
formula versions that reflect different sites, non-overlapping validity periods,
and/or different quantity breakpoints for a batch order quantity. The policies
also support batch size considerations in terms of a specified formula size
and an associated yield percentage. The following explanation covers the
key fields in the formula version for an item:

Site-Specific Versus Company-Wide Formula Versions Specifying

a blank site for an item’s formula version indicates a company-wide formu-
lation, whereas a specified site indicates a site-specific formulation. The
primary difference is that planning calculations will use a site-specific
formula version (if it exists) that matches the site of the item’s requirements.
If a site-specific formula version does not exist, the planning calculations will
use the company-wide formula version for the manufactured item. The
planning calculations will generate an error message if an appropriate
formula version does not exist.
A secondary difference concerns the options for defining the warehouse
source of an ingredient. The warehouse source can be manually specified for
a site-specific formula version, but not for a company-wide formula version.
A subsequent section and related diagram (Figure 4.5) provides further
explanation about the warehouse source of component inventory.

Yield Percentage The expected yield percentage for an item’s formula

version is oftentimes related to the formula size, and to different formula
versions reflecting large quantity breakpoints. A default value can be speci-
fied for an item; the system initially assumes a value of 100%. The default
value will be inherited (and optionally overridden) for the item’s formula
version, and this value will be inherited (and optionally overridden) for
related batch orders. The yield percentage can be less than or greater than
A yield percentage less than 100% will increase the required quantities
of ingredients, since the normal requirements will be divided by the yield
percentage. The increased requirements are recognized in planning and
costing calculations, and in the order-dependent formula.
A planned yield percentage represents a slightly different concept than
planned scrap for a component or a routing operation. Planned manufac-
turing scrap can be expressed for components and for routing operations.
With a component, the planned scrap percentage and/or fixed amount will
result in increased requirements. With routing operations, the planned scrap
Formula Information 63

percentage for an individual operation results in increased requirements for

its total time and units, and for related material components. In addition, an
operation’s scrap percentage has a cumulative effect on previous operations
in a multi-step routing, and the system automatically calculates an accumu-
lated scrap percentage for each operation. These scrap factors are included
in planning and cost roll-up calculations for a manufactured item.

Formula Size and Multiple A batch-oriented manufacturing process

is often characterized by the capacity constraints of the equipment, such as
a mixing vessel or kettle that handles a batch size of 1000 gallons. In this
example, a given batch quantity of a product could be something less than
1000 gallons, or batch sizes of 1000 gallons may be required or preferred.
When there is a required or preferred batch size, it can be specified as part of
the item’s formula version in terms of the formula size and an optional
multiple expressed in the product’s inventory UM. The formula size must
equal the multiple if a multiple has been specified. However, many scenarios
do not have a required or preferred batch size, so that a formula size of one
should be used.
The formula size and multiple assigned to an item’s formula version have
several implications, as summarized below.3

˜ Defining the required quantity for a component. A component’s required

quantity is specified for the formula size, either as a fixed or variable
consumption amount.4 The component requirements can also be ex-
pressed as percentages rather than quantities (as described in a sub-
sequent section), so that a required quantity reflects the percentage
multiplied by the formula size.
˜ Suggested quantity for a planned batch order. The suggested quantity
will cover demands and reflect the formula size and multiple associated
with the product’s active formula version. You can override the sug-
gested quantity.
˜ Suggested quantity for a manually created batch order. As part of the
creation dialogue, the quantity will initially default to the corresponding
formula size for the item’s selected formula version. You can manually
override this quantity, but an infolog warning message will be displayed
if it does not reflect the formula multiple (if specified). The infolog
message suggests a rounded-up quantity that reflects the formula mul-
tiple, and you can accept or reject the suggested quantity.

The implications reflect the intended design of AX, and the author’s actual testing indicated slightly different
results that should be corrected.
The specified formula size for a formula version is also reflected in the per series quantity for each
component, such as a per series quantity of 100 when the formula size equals 100.
64 Chapter 4

˜ Cost roll-up calculations for amortizing a manufactured item’s constant

costs. The cost roll-up calculations will reflect the formula size asso-
ciated with the product’s active formula version, since it acts as the
accounting lot size for amortizing constant costs.

The implications become more complex when you specify a minimum

quantity or a standard order quantity for a formula item. These can be
defined as company-wide or site-specific values.

˜ Suggested quantity for a planned batch order. The suggested batch

quantity will cover demands and reflect the larger of (1) the product’s
minimum order quantity or (2) the formula size and multiple associated
with the product’s active formula version.
˜ Suggested quantity for a manually-created batch order. The batch quan-
tity will initially default to the larger of (1) the formula size corres-
ponding to the selected formula version for the product, (2) the minimum
order quantity, or (3) the standard order quantity. The initial value will
also be rounded up to the formula multiple.

Effectivity Dates for an Item’s Formula Version The effectivity

dates for an item’s formula version can represent planned changes in the
item’s formulation. For example, a manufactured item may have two
formula versions—one valid to date X and the other valid from date X+1—to
indicate planned changes. A blank value for the starting and/or ending date
indicates no limitation. An item can have multiple active formula versions
with non-overlapping dates.

Quantity Breakpoints for an Item’s Formula Version A product

with a quantity-sensitive formulation can be modeled using multiple formula
versions with different quantity breakpoints.5 For example, one formula
version can reflect a small batch size (up to 999 gallons) with a lower yield,
a second formula version can reflect a larger batch size (for 1000 gallons or
more) with a higher yield, and both formula versions can be approved and
active. A planned batch order will be assigned the relevant formula version
based on the required quantity.
The concept of a quantity-sensitive formulation also applies to routing
versions, where larger batch sizes are produced on different equipment.
Hence, you typically define the same quantity breakpoints in the routing
versions and the formula versions. Chapter 8 provides further explanation
of routing information.

Quantity breakpoints can also be defined in the BOM version policies (for a BOM item), but the associated
yield cannot be specified.
Formula Information 65

Allow Reporting of Unexpected Co/By-Products When a formula

version includes co/by-products, this policy (termed co-product variations)
allows you to report a finished quantity of an unexpected co/by-product for
a batch order. This co-product variations policy for a batch order is initially
inherited from the policy assigned to the formula version.

Designated Bulk Item for Supporting Bulk/Pack Scenarios Some

manufacturing scenarios involve batch orders for producing a bulk item, and
additional batch orders for packaging the bulk into container variations that
have unique item numbers. This is termed a bulk/pack production process
or containerized packaging. As part of the setup information, you specify the
bulk item as an ingredient of each packed item, and also designate the bulk
item in the formula version policies for each packed item. A subsequent
section (Section 4.11) provides further explanation of the formulas for bulk/
pack scenarios.

Checking the Maximum Possible Quantity That Can Be Produced

from Component Inventory A common question for a manufactured
item is, “How many can you produce from on-hand inventory?” The ques-
tion can be answered using the Maximum Report as Finished inquiry. The
inquiry reflects a specified site/warehouse, the formula/BOM version, and the
logic for exploding requirements when shortages exist for a manufactured
component. The inquiry displays the maximum quantity possible for the
parent item, and also indicates which components (in a multi-level product)
constrain the ability to produce this maximum quantity. Several caveats
apply to this inquiry: it ignores on-hand inventory of the parent item, and it
does not consider reservations for the component inventory.

4.6 Formula Lines for Ingredients

A formula line is used to define each ingredient (aka component) of a manu-
factured item. Key aspects of a formula line include the item identifier of the
ingredient, the required quantity, the associated operation number, and the
warehouse source of the ingredient. In particular, an ingredient’s required
quantity reflects the formula size, and the requirement can be expressed as
a quantity or percentage. This section summarizes these key aspects of
defining an ingredient, starting with the different approaches to defining
ingredient requirements.

Define Ingredient Requirements as a Quantity The ingredient’s

required quantity typically reflects the variable amount needed to produce the
specified formula size of the parent item. The required quantity also reflects
66 Chapter 4

the specified UM for the ingredient. This quantity can be entered as a

fraction or decimal.
Some basic variations to the required quantity include a fixed quantity,
the rounding up policy, and planned scrap. These variations are explained

˜ Fixed Quantity (aka Constant Consumption). The ingredient’s required

quantity can be a fixed amount rather than a variable amount.
˜ Rounding-Up Policy. The component’s required quantity can be rounded
up to a specified multiple, such as 1.00 to represent a whole number.
This rounded-up quantity impacts cost roll-up calculations, planning
calculations, and the formula lines for a batch order. The additional
component requirements stemming from the specified multiple represent
excess consumption or scrap.
˜ Planned Scrap for a Component. A component’s planned scrap can be
expressed as a percentage or a fixed amount or both. You can optionally
designate an item’s planned scrap factors on the item master, which
means the values act as defaults when adding the item to a formula line.
˜ Negative Quantity. A negative quantity represents the historical ap-
proach within AX to model a co-product. When an ingredient has a
negative quantity, cost roll-up calculations subtract its cost and planning
calculations recognize its scheduled receipt. A negative quantity ingre-
dient in the formula lines for a batch order can be received into inventory
via the picking list journal. A negative quantity is not recommended for
the ingredient of a formula item because a different approach can be used
for co- and by-products, as described in subsequent sections (Sections 4.8
and 4.9).

Define Ingredient Requirements as a Percentage Component

requirements can be expressed as a percentage rather than a quantity, and the
component quantity will be automatically calculated based on the specified
formula size.6 The sum of component percentages must equal 100% in order
to approve the formula. If applicable, a mix of percentages and quantities
can be used to define component requirements, but the sum of percentages
for relevant components must still equal 100%.
The two approaches for defining component requirements—using a
specified quantity versus a percentage—are illustrated in Figure 4.4. In the
left side of Figure 4.4, the bulk item’s component requirements are expressed

A percentage can be specified for a component when it has been flagged with the Percent Controlled
checkbox, and the relevant component quantity will be automatically calculated based on the formula size for the
item’s formula version. The component percentages are assumed to be scalable for various batch sizes, as indicated
by the automatic assignment of the Scalable checkbox to each component.
Formula Information 67

Figure 4.4 Ingredient Requirements Expressed as a Quantity or


as a quantity (for the formula size of 1000 gallons), whereas the right side
shows component requirements expressed as a percentage.
As a caveat to using percentages or small component quantities, the
specified formula size should be at least 100 (or 1000) so that the cost cal-
culations will correctly account for the component’s requirement. Otherwise,
the cost roll-up calculations will treat a small required quantity (of less than
.5) as zero, so that its costs are not included.

Impact of a Scalable Requirement A formula line includes an

additional policy—termed the Scalable checkbox—that automatically applies
to requirements expressed as a percentage. With the percentage approach,
the Scalable policy simply means that a change in formula size (on a formula
version) will automatically change the calculated requirement for quantity.
The Scalable policy can also apply to requirements expressed as a quan-
tity. In this case, changing the formula size will automatically change the
ingredient’s required quantity, and changing an ingredient’s required quantity
will proportionally change the formula size (thereby affecting the required
quantities of other scalable ingredients).

Define Ingredient Requirements as a Step Function In some

production processes, an ingredient’s required quantity reflects a nonlinear
or step-function relationship. You can define this step-function relationship
in terms of multiple values for the required quantity and its associated
68 Chapter 4

quantity breakpoint. These requirements are treated as a constant, which

impacts cost roll-up calculations and planning calculations. For example, the
calculated costs of the manufactured item will amortize these constant costs
over its accounting lost size (as described in Section 9.7). Planning
calculations will determine the appropriate ingredient quantity based on the
requirements for the manufactured item.

Impact of the Operation Number Assigned to an Ingredient When

routing data exists, the operation number assigned to an ingredient provides
the key link between the formula/BOM and the associated operation within
the routing. There are several impacts of assigning an operation number to
an ingredient, as described below.

˜ Align the due date of an ingredient with the start of its associated opera-
tion. Ingredients with a blank operation number are required at the start
of the batch/production order.
˜ Align the due date of an ingredient with the end of its associated
operation, typically required in the context of a component representing
a subcontracted service.
˜ Calculate component requirements to reflect the operation’s scrap
percentage (and its cumulative scrap percentage in a multi-step routing).
˜ Populate the picking list based on the started quantity for a specified
operation number (or range of operation numbers).
˜ Segment the picking list by operation number. A picking list can be
generated for all ingredients with the same operation number.
˜ Determine the resource that requires the component in order to support
resource consumption logic about the warehouse source of component

The operation number assigned to a component should correspond to the

operation number in the associated route version. However, the operation
number in the routing may not exist in some cases. For example, you can
specify a different route version when manually creating a production/batch
order, or override the operations in the order-dependent routing.

Warehouse Source of an Ingredient A component’s warehouse

source indicates where to pick the item for a production/batch order. There
are three basic options for defining the component’s warehouse source, as
summarized in Figure 4.5 and explained below. The third option—termed
resource consumption logic— provides the most flexibility.

˜ Specify the component warehouse in the formula version. The first

option only applies to a site-specific formula version, and the specified
Formula Information 69

Figure 4.5 Options for a Component’s Warehouse Source

warehouse must belong to the site. After creating a batch order for the
manufactured item, the component in the order-dependent formula
inherits the component’s specified warehouse.
˜ Use the component item’s default inventory warehouse. The second
option does not specify a component warehouse on the formula line, and
requires additional information about the item’s default inventory ware-
house for each site (as defined in the item’s site-specific order settings).
After creating a batch order, the component in the order-dependent
formula inherits the component’s default inventory warehouse for the
required site.
˜ Auto-assign the component’s warehouse based on the resource for the
operation (using resource consumption logic). The third option does not
specify a component warehouse on the formula line, but it does specify
a resource consumption policy and an operation number for the com-
ponent. This operation number provides a link to the routing operation
and the associated resource. In turn, the resource is linked to a produc-
tion unit that defines the associated picking warehouse.7 After creating

A production unit may apply to one or more resources, as described in Chapter 8.
70 Chapter 4

a batch order, the component in the order-dependent formula inherits the

picking warehouse associated with a resource requiring the component.

The first two options represent the most straightforward approach and do
not require routing data. The third option provides the greatest flexibility for
indicating the warehouse source for a component, but also requires routing
data and involves more complexity. If no information has been entered for
the three options, then the component’s warehouse on the order-dependent
formula will be blank.

Case 5: Warehouse Source of Components

A food manufacturer produced items at different sites and employed site-

specific formula versions to define the ingredients. Each site typically had
one associated warehouse, which was specified for each formula line as the
warehouse source of components. The company felt this approach was the
most straightforward to understand and simplest to maintain. After creating
a production/batch order for the manufactured item, the component in the
order-dependent formula inherited the component’s specified warehouse.

Impact of the Formula Line Type The formula line type indicates
whether a manufactured ingredient will be treated as a normal item or a
phantom item, as described below.

˜ Item (or Normal). Planning calculations employ netting logic to suggest

a planned order to satisfy requirements, such as a planned purchase or
batch order for a purchased or manufactured component respectively.
These orders are not directly linked to the batch order for the parent item.
˜ Phantom. A phantom only applies to a manufactured item. The require-
ments for a phantom component are passed (or blow-through) to its
components and routing operations. The impact of blow-through logic
becomes obvious in the order-dependent formula and routing for a batch
order. The netting logic within planning calculations ignores the phan-
tom’s on-hand inventory and scheduled receipts (if applicable), and
suggests planned orders for the phantom’s components to satisfy require-
One caveat is that you are prevented from designating a manufactured
component as a phantom if its formula version contains co/by-products,
since the blow-through logic cannot handle the co/by-products.
Formula Information 71

Case 6: Phantoms for Intermediate Levels of Food Packaging

A food products company produced and sold cases of several types of cereal,
where each case included boxes of the cereal. The cereal box represented the
consumer unit and an intermediate level of packaging. Each case and box of
cereal had a separate item number, with different UPC codes, weights, and
measurements. The box of cereal was treated as a phantom in the product
structure because the packaging line could fill boxes (with the bulk cereal)
and pack them immediately into cases. In addition, this intermediate item
was never stocked or sold separately. The company was considering two
different approaches to the use of phantoms, as illustrated in Figure 4.6. The
first approach correctly modeled the product structure, but did not support the
AX capabilities for bulk/pack scenarios—which require a single-level
relationship between the bulk item and its related packed items. The second
approach did support the bulk/pack capabilities within AX. The same issue
occurred in other products requiring two levels of intermediate packaging,
one for the consumer unit (a bag of cereal) and one for a caddy (containing
8 bags of cereal), where a case consisted of multiple caddys.

Figure 4.6 Phantoms for Intermediate Packaging Levels

72 Chapter 4

Two other line types—termed pegged supply and vendor—support the

special cases of make-to-order and buy-to-order logic.

˜ Make-to-order ingredient. A line type of pegged supply applies to a

manufactured item, and represents a make-to-order production strategy
with direct linkage between batch orders. That is, a production/batch
order for the parent automatically generates a linked order (termed a sub-
production or reference order) for each manufactured ingredient with a
line type of pegged supply.8 The system indicates linkage via the refer-
ence fields in each batch order, and linked orders can be scheduled
separately or synchronized.
The netting logic within planning calculations ignores the com-
ponent’s on-hand inventory and scheduled receipts, since the system
assumes they are being produced just for the parent item. The cal-
culations generate planned orders to provide visibility of requirements,
but these planned orders cannot be firmed.
˜ Buy-to-order ingredient or service. A line type of vendor applies to a
purchased item or service to support buy-to-order logic. That is, a batch/
production order for the parent automatically generates a linked purchase
order for each purchased component with a line type of vendor.9 This
line type has one other unique feature, since a preferred vendor can be
defined for the component as an override to the preferred vendor on the
item master. When automatically generating a linked purchase order, the
system assigns the component’s preferred vendor (if defined) or the
item’s preferred vendor to the purchase order. The vendor line type is
commonly used to support purchases of a component that represents a
subcontracted service (aka outside operation).
A vendor line type can also be assigned to a manufactured com-
ponent, and it works just like the line type of pegged supply. As a minor
difference, this type of batch order is labeled as vendor rather than
standard. For example, a batch order type of vendor could indicate sub-
contract manufacturing will be used to produce the manufactured

The production/batch for a make-to-order component is automatically generated when the status of the parent
item’s batch/production order has been changed from created to estimated, or to a higher status.
The purchase order for a buy-to-order component is automatically generated when the status of the parent
item’s batch/production order has been changed from created to estimated, or to a higher status.
Formula Information 73

Case 7: Subcontracted Service at a Co-Packer

A food company produced several products at a co-packer, and supplied the

packaging materials via purchase orders directly delivered to the co-packer.
Using the AX approach to subcontract manufacturing, a separate item
number representing the subcontracted service was identified as a component
with a line type of vendor. The purchase order for this buy-to-order service
was automatically generated for each production/batch order for the parent

Considerations about Planned Scrap The planned scrap for an

ingredient can be expressed as a percentage or a fixed quantity or both.
When using routing data, the planned scrap percentage for an operation can
also affect the requirements of components associated with the operation.
The yield percentage for a formula version can also inflate the calculation of
component requirements.

Effectivity Dates of an Ingredient The effectivity dates provide one

approach for managing planned changes to formula information.

4.7 Formula Lines for Substitute Ingredients

Substitute ingredients can be optionally defined for an ingredient within a
formula. As a result, master scheduling logic will automatically consider the
substitute ingredients when there is insufficient inventory of the preferred
ingredient, and assign the appropriate ingredients to the formula lines for a
planned batch order. Typical examples include the use of more expensive
alternates, or using the alternate after running out of stock. The approach
involves identifying the substitute ingredients in formula lines and several
considerations about planning and costing.

Identifying the Preferred and Substitute Ingredients The pre-

ferred ingredient (and its quantity) must be defined in a formula line, and
each substitute ingredient is also defined as a formula line (with a zero
quantity).10 In addition, each of these ingredients must be assigned a plan
group and a priority. The assignment of a user-defined plan group provides
a grouping of ingredients, and the priority (of 1, 2, and so forth) indicates the
desired sequence of substitutes for planning calculation purposes.
In some cases such as potency, the substitute item may need a greater (or lesser) quantity, which can be
expressed as an incremental fraction using a positive (or negative) quantity in the formula line. However, these
fractional quantities will be included in the cost roll-up calculations for the parent item.
74 Chapter 4

Planning Considerations for Substitute Ingredients The master

scheduling logic will automatically consider the substitute ingredients when
there is insufficient inventory of the preferred ingredient, and assign the
appropriate substitute(s) to the formula lines for a planned batch order.
Based on available inventory, for example, the scheduling logic may assign
the primary ingredient (up to its available inventory) and also assign the
substitute ingredient for the remaining requirements. The assigned ingre-
dients will also be reflected in the formula lines after you firm the planned
batch order. This logic does not apply to a manually created batch order.
The scheduling logic will assign the primary ingredient when there is no
available inventory of any substitute.

Costing Considerations for Substitute Ingredients The zero

quantity for a substitute ingredient means that it will not be included in the
cost roll-up calculations for the parent item. However, the assignment of a
substitute ingredient (and quantity) to a batch order will be considered in
order costing, and may create a material substitution variance for standard
cost scenarios.

4.8 Co-Products for a Formula Version

Some scenarios involve a production process that generates co-products or
by-products or both. A co-product represents a desirable or reusable output
from a manufacturing process for a parent item, whereas a by-product typi-
cally represents waste. The differences between a co-product and by-product
are reflected in different approaches to costing and master scheduling. For
example, a co-product’s costs can be calculated (thereby reducing the costs
associated with its parent item), and its requirements can result in the
generation of planned orders for the parent item. In contrast, you can manu-
ally specify the costs for a by-product, and the cost calculations will add
these costs to the parent item’s costs. A by-product’s requirements are
ignored by master scheduling logic. This section focuses on co-products, and
the next section focuses on by-products. An additional section focuses on
modeling a disassembly or grading process via a planning item, where the
only outputs consist of co/by-products.

Formula Information with a Co-Product Each co-product must be

identified by an item number, and explicitly designated as a co-product using
the Production Type field. The item number can then be specified as a co-
product (or by-product) when defining the formula version for a parent item.
The definition of this formula information is illustrated in Figure 4.7, which
shows the ingredients for producing a parent item and a co-product.
Formula Information 75

Figure 4.7 Example Formula with a Co-Product

In this example formula, the ingredients (totaling 100 pounds) are used
to produce the parent item (with a formula size of 70 pounds) and the co-
product (with an expected quantity of 30 pounds).
A formula version with co-products has several implications for the
formula size, costing, master scheduling, and reporting of co-product outputs
for a batch order, as summarized below. Another consideration includes
recurrent co-products.

Implications for the Formula Size and Component Quantities The

total expected output of a formula version includes the formula size (for the
parent item) and the expected quantity of the co-products. The component
quantities should be specified for this total expected output rather than just
the formula size. Component requirements expressed as a percentage will
only reflect the formula size, so that component requirements are typically
expressed as a quantity.

Costing Implications of a Co-Product The costs of a co-product item

can be manually specified or automatically calculated based on the cost
calculations for its parent item. When defining a co-product for a formula
version, you specify a cost allocation method of “manual” or “pro rata” to
support automatic calculation based on a specified or pro rata percentage. A
cost allocation method of “none” means that the co-product’s cost will not
be calculated.
When automatically calculated, the co-product’s cost reflects a percent-
age allocation of the parent item’s cost. The remaining cost percentage (aka
76 Chapter 4

unallocated costs) is used to calculate the parent item’s costs. Figure 4.7
illustrates a specified cost allocation percentage of 30% for the co-product,
which results in a remaining cost allocation percentage of 70% for the parent

Master Scheduling Implications of a Co-Product Sales forecasts,

sales orders and other demands can apply to the parent item and the co-
product. Master scheduling logic will generate planned orders to cover these
demands based on the site/warehouse-specific planning data. As described
in Chapter 10, the planning data for a co-product item determines whether
master scheduling generates planned purchase orders or transfer orders, or
planned batch orders for a designated parent item.

Reporting Co-Product Outputs of a Batch Order The output of a

batch order includes the parent item and the co/by-products, which can be
recorded in the report-as-finished journal for the batch order. You can
optionally add an expected co/by-product to a batch order, or add an
unexpected co/by-product to the report-as-finished journal, but only when
permitted (as designated by the Co/By Product Variations checkbox for the
batch order).11 In this case, you should review and modify the associated cost
allocations prior to ending the batch order.
When using standard costing, variances will be calculated after you
update the batch order status to Ended. You can view the variances asso-
ciated with producing the parent item, and the variances associated with
producing the co-products.

Recurrent Co-Product A recurrent co-product represents a special

case, since the same item number is also defined as an ingredient of the
parent item. As part of the formula version information, you must explicitly
flag a co-product as a recurrent co-product in order to support the circular
logic. The recurrent flag allows the entry of the co-product item when it is
also defined as an ingredient. The co-product quantity can be manually
specified, or it can be expressed as a recovery percentage of the ingredient
quantity. The synonyms for a recurrent co-product vary by industry, exem-
plified by the terms regrind, reclaim, and recycled products. For example,
a chocolate manufacturer can reuse chocolate grind in the next melting batch.

The policy on a batch order (for the Co/By Product Variations checkbox) is initially inherited from the policy
specified for the Formula Version for the parent item.
Formula Information 77

Case 8: Co/By-Products of Orange Juice Extraction

The production process for fresh orange juice starts with fresh oranges,
which go through a wash/inspection process and an extraction process to
produce pure juice. As illustrated in Figure 4.8, the formula version for pure
juice is defined for a typical formula size of 1000 gallons, and identifies the
required ingredient quantity of fresh Valencia oranges (8000 pounds) as well
as the expected co-products such as pulp (200 pounds) and peel oil (40

Figure 4.7 Co/By-Products of Orange Juice Extraction

4.9 By-Products for a Formula Version

Some scenarios involve a production process that generates co-products or
by-products or both. A co-product represents a desirable or reusable output
from a manufacturing process for a parent item, whereas a by-product
typically represents waste. This section focuses on by-products whereas the
previous section covered co-products.

Formula Information with a By-Product Each by-product must be

identified by an item number, and explicitly designated (on the item master)
as a by-product using the Product Type field. The item number can then be
specified as a by-product (or co-product) when defining the formula informa-
tion for a parent item. The definition of this formula information is illus-
trated in Figure 4.9, which shows the ingredients for producing the parent
item and a by-product.
78 Chapter 4

Figure 4.9 Example Formula with a By-Product

In this example formula, the ingredients (totaling 100 pounds) are used
to produce the parent item (with a formula size of 90 pounds) and the by-
product (with an expected quantity of 10 pounds).
A formula version with by-products has several implications for the
formula size, costing, master scheduling, and reporting of co-product outputs
for a batch order, as summarized below.

Implications for Formula Size and Component Quantities The

total expected output of a formula version includes the formula size (for the
parent item) and the expected quantity of the by-product(s). The component
quantities should be specified for this total expected output (rather than just
the formula size). Component requirements expressed as a percentage will
only reflect the formula size.

Costing Implications of a By-Product The costs for a by-product

item represent its disposal costs. These costs can be manually specified for
the item, although they are often specified as zero so that the by-product’s
inventory will be valued at zero. When a formula includes the by-product
item, the cost calculations for the parent item will include the by-product’s
cost. Alternatively, you can specify the value for the by-product’s cost as
part of the formula information, which is termed the By-Product Burden
Amount field.12 In either case, you calculate and view the contributions of
The Burden checkbox indicates that a specified burden amount should be used in calculating the costs of
the parent item. Otherwise, the burden amount will equal the by-product quantity times the by-product’s cost.
Formula Information 79

the by-product’s costs to the parent item’s costs. Figure 4.9 illustrates a
specified burden amount of $5 for the by-product.

Master Scheduling Implications of a By-Product Master sched-

uling logic ignores the demands for a by-product item, and the demands are
not displayed as net requirements. This means master scheduling will not
generate a planned order for the parent item to satisfy requirements for the

Reporting By-Product Outputs of Batch Order The output of a

batch order includes the parent item and the by-product, which can be
recorded in the report-as-finished journal for the batch order. You can
optionally add an unexpected by-product to the report-as-finished journal, but
only when permitted (as designated by the Co/By Product Variations check-
box for the batch order).13 The burden amount associated with a by-product
is automatically recorded when you change the batch order status to ended.
These costs are recorded in the route card journal for the batch order.14

4.10 Planning Items and Formulas

Some scenarios involve a production process that involves a disassembly or
grading that only results in co/by-products. The formula’s parent item is
simply used for planning purposes and is never received. This section
explains the use of a planning item, and the implications for formula defini-
tion, costing, master scheduling, and reporting for batch orders.

Formula Definition for a Planning Item The planning item must be

identified by an item number, and explicitly designated on the item master
as a planning item using the Production Type field. The formula version for
the planning item defines the ingredient(s) and the expected co/by-products.
The example formula in Figure 4.10 illustrates a simplified example of a
planning item for poultry processing, which has often been called the chicken
disassembly scenario.
In this example formula, the disassembled chicken is represented by an
item number (aka the planning item) with a formula version specifying a
single ingredient of an incoming chicken and two expected co-products of
wings and legs.

The policy on a batch order (for the Co/By Product Variations checkbox) is initially inherited from the policy
specified for the Formula Version for the parent item.
The route card journal provides a unique approach for recording the “burden” associated with a by-product’s
quantity and costs, since this journal is normally used to report time or units against a routing operation. The by-
product’s quantity and costs are expressed as the number of hours and an hourly rate.
80 Chapter 4

Figure 4.10 Example Formula for a Planning Item

Costing Implications of a Planning Item The cost roll-up calcu-

lation for a planning item will calculate the costs for a co-product, and
include the costs for a by-product, as described in the previous sections.

Master Scheduling Implications of a Planning Item Master sched-

uling logic will generate planned orders to cover demands for a co-product
item based on the site/warehouse-specific planning data. The planning data
determines whether master scheduling generates planned purchase orders or
transfer orders, or planned batch orders for a designated parent item.

Reporting Co/By-Products of a Batch Order The output of a batch

order only includes the co-products or by-products, which can be recorded
in the report-as-finished journal for the batch order.

Case 9: Sorting/Grading Agricultural Produce

A food products company purchased cucumbers in order to make pickles,

where the incoming cucumbers went through a sorting/grading process. A
planning item was defined for the Sort/Grade process, and its formula version
defined the ingredient of incoming cucumbers as well as the expected co-
products of small, medium and large cucumbers and the expected by-product
of dirt/rocks. The formula version was then assigned to the batch order for
processing the incoming cucumbers. Figure 2.6 previously illustrated this
formula version for a planning item.
Formula Information 81

Case 10: Cut Plans for Poultry Processing

A poultry company had multiple variations for processing a flock of

incoming chickens into different desired outputs (termed a cut plan), ranging
from a whole chicken to different cuts for the front half and back half. The
cut plans, for example, may vary for processing the front half cuts into wings,
breasts (fillets or split), and tenders (boneless or whole). Each cut plan varia-
tion was modeled as a formula version for the planning item (a disassembled
chicken). The formula’s co-products identified the desired outputs, and by-
products identified the expected waste requiring disposal. The formula
version was then assigned to the batch order for processing a flock of
incoming chickens. Figure 2.4 previously illustrated this formula version for
a planning item.

4.11 Bulk/Pack Scenarios and Formulas

Some manufacturing scenarios involve batch orders for producing a bulk
item, and additional batch orders for packaging the bulk into container
variations that have unique item numbers. This is termed a bulk/pack pro-
duction process or containerized packaging. Several examples of a bulk/pack
scenario have been previously diagramed and explained in Chapter 2, such
as refrigerated cookie dough, orange juice, poultry products, and agricultural
As part of the setup information for supporting bulk/pack scenarios, you
specify the bulk item as an ingredient of each packed item, and also designate
the bulk item in the formula version policies for each packed item. As a
prerequisite step, you also define a ratio between these packed items and the
item number for the bulk item. The ratio identifies how much of the bulk
product is contained within each of the container variations, and the ratio can
only be defined between formula items.15
The bulk item conversion ratio is a different factor than the one you
might enter in the standard Unit Conversion form. For example, the bulk
product might consist of a fruit juice with a UM of gallons, so that a .25 ratio
applies to the item number for the quart container of juice, and a ratio of 1
applies to the item number for the 1 gallon container. You define these ratios
using the Bulk Item Conversion form, which can be accessed directly or from
the Released Products form.

The bulk item conversion ratio can be defined for purchased material, where you assign a production type
of formula to the item, and also have planned replenishment based on purchase orders.
82 Chapter 4

4.12 Catch Weight Items and Formulas

The use of catch weight items impacts formula definition and all other
aspects of system usage, as described in Chapter 6. This section focuses on
two aspects of formula information: the component requirements for a catch
weight item and the formula version for a manufactured catch weight item.

Defining Component Requirements for a Catch Weight Item In

a formula line, the component’s required quantity must be expressed in
pieces (the catch weight UM) rather than weight (the inventory UM). This
information must be entered in a separate field (termed the CW Quantity
field), and the corresponding weight is automatically displayed in the
Required Quantity field based on the nominal weight. As one example, the
component’s required quantity may be 3 bags for a 1000 pound formula size,
so that a nominal weight of 50 pounds per bag would result in a required
quantity of 150 pounds. The component’s required quantity in an order-
dependent formula is also expressed in pieces, with the same calculation of
a corresponding weight.

Defining a Formula Version for a Manufactured Catch Weight

Item The formula size must be expressed in pieces (the catch weight UM)
rather than weight (the inventory UM). This information must be entered in
a separate field (termed the CW Size field), and the corresponding weight is
automatically displayed in the Formula Size field based on the nominal
weight. If applicable, you also express the breakpoints for a quantity-
sensitive formulation using the catch weight UM of pieces (termed the From
CW Size field). However, you still specify a formula multiple using weight,
which must reflect increments of the nominal weight. A nominal weight of
10 pounds, for example, means that the formula multiple must reflect a
multiple of 10 pounds.

4.13 Order-Dependent Formula for a Batch Order

An order-dependent formula refers to the formula lines attached to a batch
order. It initially contains the formula lines inherited from the formula
version used to create the batch order, and changes do not affect the master
formula. Creation and maintenance of the order-dependent formula reflect
several rules.

˜ Creation of a batch order for a formula item (or planning item) also
creates an order-dependent formula, which includes the ingredients and
(if applicable) the co/by-products.
Formula Information 83

˜ The order-dependent formula initially reflects the active formula version

and the delivery date when the batch order was created. The user can
optionally override the formula version (or the formula date) when
manually creating a batch order, or use the copy function to update this
information after order creation.
˜ The order-dependent formula contains components of a phantom.
˜ You can modify the ingredients in an order-dependent formula at any
time prior to reporting the batch order as finished or ended.
˜ You can modify the co/by-products in an order-dependent formula (if
applicable) at any time prior to reporting the batch order as finished or
˜ A material item can be issued to a started batch order even when the
component does not exist on the order-dependent formula. The issued
component will be automatically added to the order-dependent formula
with a zero required quantity.
˜ An unexpected co/by-product can be reported as finished, but only when
allowed by the co-product variations policy assigned to the order.

4.14 Maintain Formula Information

Formula information can be maintained using several approaches, such as
planned changes, the copy function, mass changes to components, and a
graphical design tool. The analyses of formula information include multi-
level and where-used viewpoints.

Managing Planned Changes Using Effectivity Dates Planned

changes to an item’s formula are normally managed by (1) the date effec-
tivities for a component or (2) date effectivities for a formula version.
Figure 4.11 illustrates these two approaches to planned changes, where a
product has two formula versions.
The first approach employs date effectivities for a component. Using the
example shown in the left side of Figure 4.11, where a Master Formula has
been assigned to Product #1, the new component Raw Material #2 becomes
effective on the specified date of 12/12/201X.
The second approach employs date effectivities for a formula version.
Using the example shown in the right side of Figure 4.11, a different Master
Formula has been assigned to Product #1. This master formula represents a
different revision level for Product #1. You would phase out the assignment
of the original Master Formula on the day prior to 12/12/201X, and phase in
the assignment of the revised Master Formula on 12/12/201X. The approval
status and active status for a formula version provide an additional con-
sideration for planned changes. Removing the approval status or the active
84 Chapter 4

Figure 4.11 Managing Planned Changes to a Formula

status on a formula version, or phasing out the effectivity, provides a selec-

tive approach to discontinued use.
A third approach to managing planned changes represents a special case,
and generally applies to make-to-order custom products. It employs a speci-
fied formula version for a manufactured component, where the item’s
formula version is approved but not necessarily active. This third approach
can build on the use of component date effectivities to phase in and phase out
specified formula versions for a manufactured component.

Copying Components to a Formula A copy function can be used to

add components to master formulas and to the order-dependent formula for
a batch order. For a master formula, components can be copied from another
master formula as of a specified date. Alternatively, the components can be
copied from the order-dependent formula associated with a specified batch
order. You determine whether the components will add to or replace the
existing components. Hence, the copy function can be used multiple times
to generate incremental additions.
The copy function also works for an order-dependent formula. The copy-
to information identifies the specified batch order number, and the copy-from
can be another batch order or a master formula.
As a result of differences between formula items and BOM items, you
cannot copy information about a formula item (or a batch order) to a BOM
item and vice versa.
Formula Information 85

Mass Changes to Components Based on Where-Used Informa-

tion Where-used information provides the basis for a mass replace and
a mass add function for maintaining components. You perform a mass
change of BOM information using the periodic task Change BOM Item, or
the periodic task Change Formula Item for updating formula information.
In either case, you can select an item to be phased out or replaced, view the
affected BOMs or formulas, selectively eliminate them from the update or
change the required quantity, and then indicate when the new item should be
phased in.

Graphical Tools for Maintaining Formula Information The Form-

ula Designer provides a graphical tool for maintaining information about the
formula versions (and route versions) for an item. The form displays a multi-
level product structure with an indented graphical format. You can edit or
delete existing components, or add components via drag-and-drop from the
displayed list of item master data. This graphical tool is employed in other
contexts, such as displaying the formula information during sales order entry.

Analyzing Formula Information Analysis tools for formula infor-

mation include multi-level formula reports, and a multi-level costed formula
with routing information (based on cost roll-up calculations). The analysis
tools also include where-used inquiries about a component item and a master
There are two other types of where-used inquiries that reflect information
about existing batch orders and batch tracking. The first type includes
single- and multi-level pegging to the sources of demand and supply. The
second type includes forward and backward batch tracking throughout the
product structure.

Additional Case Studies

Case 11: Yield Percentage for Aged Scotch Whiskey A whiskey
manufacturer produced several types of blended scotches, where the age of
a blended scotch whiskey determined how it should be packaged and sold.
Examples include 12-year-old and 20-year-old blended scotch. The initial
blending process involved a combination of several single malt scotches,
where the batch attributes of each ingredient were critical considerations in
obtaining the correct taste. For example, one ingredient (from one part of
Scotland) may have a slight charcoal taste, which required the appropriate
blending with another ingredient (from another part of Scotland) with a peaty
taste. The batch of blended scotch was placed into oak barrels, and then aged
appropriately—such as 12 or 20 years. The yield percentage assigned to the
12-year-old scotch was 20%, whereas 3% was assigned to the 20-year-old
86 Chapter 4

scotch. The yield percentage reflected evaporation over time that was lost
to the heavens, also termed the angel’s share.

Case 12: Formula for Oat Processing An oat processor produced

several types of finished oats from raw oats, as well as some co-products
(such as oil from the oats). Figure 4.12 illustrates the formula for one of the
oat products, identified as Finished Oats-E. In this example, the production
process starts with a feed prep step to produce groats, which then go through
several steps (such as a pin mill and a hammer mill) resulting in a 50 pound
bag that must be irradiated. During these steps, solvent is added to the groats
and then reclaimed as a co-product (via an oil stripper step) along with crude
oil from the oats. This crude oil is then refined and packaged into a container
with a label.

Figure 4.12 Example Formula for Oat Processing

Formula Information 87

Other types of finished oats (not shown in the figure) can also be
produced from groats. As one example of a different finished oats product,
the groats go through the same steps for the pin mill and solvent operation,
but then go through a different hammer mill and pin mill before packaging
into 50 pound bags and irradiation.

Executive Summary
Food product manufacturers typically employ formula items and related
formula versions to model their product structure, although some scenarios
can be modeled using BOM items and their related BOM versions. This
chapter summarized a typical business process for defining an item’s
formula, and described the key information about formula version policies
and formula lines. It described the definition of co- and by-products for a
production process, and the special case of planning items. It also described
the special cases of formula definition for bulk/pack scenarios and for catch
weight scenarios. A manufactured item may have multiple formula versions
(and route versions) to support site-specific variations, planned changes,
alternate or quantity-sensitive formulations, and other purposes. The case
studies illustrated variations of formula information in different food product
manufacturing environments.
Chapter 14

Batch Orders and

Production Orders
Batch orders and production orders provide a key coordination tool for
scheduling and reporting production activities. The two types of orders
reflect the production type assigned to a manufactured item. Most companies
will use just one type of order, such as batch orders in a food products manu-
facturing firm. However, some scenarios will use both types of orders. The
two types of orders share many similarities in software functionality, so that
it makes sense to provide a combined explanation using common terminology.
This chapter describes the common functionality for both types of
orders—termed batch/production orders for explanatory purposes—as well
as the key differences. A basic model of batch/production order processing
provides the starting point for further explanation of the order life cycle,
scheduling, production reporting, costing, and other considerations. These
topics are reflected in the following sections:

1. Common terminology for batch/production orders

2. Significance of a single order in batch-oriented production
3. Typical business process for production of a bulk item
4. Basic model of batch/production order processing
5. Life cycle ofa batch/production order
6. Considerations about batch/production orders
7. Significance of picking lists
8. Significance of route cards and job cards
9. Report finished quantity of a parent item
10. Report finished quantity of a co/by-product
11. Rework order for a finished quantity
12. Scheduling an individual order
13. Coordinate production via planned orders
14. Coordinate production via action messages
15. Coordinate production via production schedules
16. Coordinate bulk/pack production via consolidated orders
17. Costing for a batch/production order

312 Chapter 14

14.1 Common Terminology for Batch/Production

The designation of a manufactured item’s production type—as a BOM item
or formula item—has a special significance within Dynamics AX, since
software functionality differs slightly as described in a previous chapter
(Section 4.1). In particular, batch orders can only be created for a formula
item (or a planning item), and production orders can only be created for a
BOM item. There are several key differences between these order types but
the majority of software functionality is exactly the same so that terminology
becomes the primary difference.
As an explanatory approach, it is easiest to use common terminology to
explain the two types of orders, and just highlight the differences when
applicable. The book employs a single term batch/production order (or
production/batch order) when referring to both order types. Figure 14.1
summarizes the common terminology that will be used to explain batch/
production orders. The figure also shows two differences related to co/by-
products, since these are only applicable to batch orders.
The primary differences between batch orders and production orders have
been previously described. These differences include the additional informa-
tion associated with a formula item (Section 4.1), the suggested order quan-

Figure 14.1 Common Terminology for Batch/Production Orders

Batch Orders and Production Orders 313

tity based on item planning data (Sections 10.3 and 10.4), and the additional
logic within master scheduling (Section 11.8). The differences are also
summarized in Appendix A.

14.2 Significance of a Single Order in Batch-

Oriented Production
The significance of a single batch/production order can vary in different
scenarios, especially those involving batch-oriented production. It may
represent a single physical batch or production run in some scenarios, or it
may represent multiple batches/runs within a day or week in other scenarios.
The terms for a “single physical batch” or a “single production run” may
differ between companies, but the terms represent synonyms within this
book. This book primarily employs the term physical batch.

Single Order Represents One Physical Batch When a single order

represents one physical batch, you would typically assign a single batch
number to the finished quantity for the parent item. The batch number may
be assigned as part of recording the finished quantity, or assigned before-
hand. Most scenarios employ automatic creation and assignment of a batch
number based on a batch number mask, but it can also be manually created
and assigned. Manual creation is typically employed to reflect a meaningful
Several additional considerations apply to this approach. For example,
the entire order quantity would be reflected in the started quantity, the
generation and posting of picking lists about material usage, and (when using
routing data) the generation and posting of route cards about operation time.
The start date of the order typically represents the due date for ingredient
availability. However, the ingredient due dates may reflect an operation start
date in scenarios with lengthy processing times in a multistep routing and
material usage tied to an operation number.
One advantage of this approach concerns batch tracking, since the batch
numbers of ingredients can be traced to a single batch number of the parent
item. Other approaches do not provide this granularity in batch tracking.

Single Order Represents Multiple Physical Batches When a

single order represents multiple physical batches or production runs, the
following variations should be considered.

˜ Assignment of batch numbers. Each physical batch can be assigned a

unique batch number, or all physical batches related to a single order can
314 Chapter 14

be assigned the same batch number. The choice of how to assign batch
numbers (and the batch number mask) can be embedded within the batch
tracking policies for a manufactured item, as described in a previous
chapter (Section 7.1).
˜ Reporting the finished quantity for unique batch numbers. The assign-
ment of unique batch numbers must be reflected in how you report
finished quantities for the order. Each physical batch can reported as it
is finished, or multiple batches can be reported in a single transaction by
registering the different quantity associated with each batch prior to
Reporting the finished quantity has an additional consideration, since
it can trigger automatic generation and posting of a picking list about
material usage. This is commonly termed back flushing of material,
where the relevant ingredients have been assigned a flushing principle of
finish. When using routing data, the finished quantity can also trigger a
similar process for automatic generation and posting of a route card about
resource usage, where the relevant operations have been assigned a
flushing principle of automatic route consumption.
˜ Reporting the started quantity (and picking lists) for unique batch
numbers. In most scenarios, you would report a started quantity that
corresponds to a single physical batch. Each additional physical batch
would involve an additional started quantity.
The started quantity has an additional consideration, since it can
trigger the automatic generation of a picking list populated with sug-
gested quantities and locations of ingredients. The picking list can reflect
all ingredients, or only those ingredients assigned a flushing principle of
start. You can report actual material usage against the picking list, and
then post the picking list to update inventory balances. The reported
usage can indicate the initially picked quantities, or the final consumption
quantities, since you can post the picking list at any time. If needed, an
additional picking list may be manually created to indicate adjustments
to the consumed material.
The started quantity can also support the concept of forward flushing
material, which involves automatic generation and posting of a picking
list. You identify automatic posting as part of the policies for starting an
order quantity.
In a similar fashion with routing data, the started quantity can also
trigger the automatic generation of a route card reflecting the operations,
and also support the concept of forward flushing resource usage.

Summarizing the Significance of a Single Order The basic varia-

tions in the significance of a single order number and its related batch
numbers are summarized in Figure 14.2. The figure also lists some of the
Batch Orders and Production Orders 315

Figure 14.2 Significance of Single Order and its Related Batch


additional considerations, such as how to report finished quantities and

started quantities for an order, and the automatic generation of picking lists
and route cards. As one other consideration, the lead time for the manu-
factured item should reflect the significance of a single order—whether the
lead time is manually specified or calculated based on routing data—so that
due dates for ingredients will align with the order start date.

14.3 Typical Business Process for Production of

a Bulk Item
This business process focuses on the batch-oriented production of a bulk
item, where a single batch order represents one physical batch. The business
process employs a picking list for the entire order quantity, and automatic
assignment of a batch number when reporting the finished quantity for the
order. The typical business process consists of multiple steps performed by
different roles, as illustrated in Figure 14.3 and described below. A sub-
sequent section (Section 14.16) extends this business process to bulk/pack
316 Chapter 14

Firm a Report a
planned No batch order

batch order Requires as Started


Identify a Planned?
manufacturing update?
Manually Yes Review/
No Schedule a update a
create a
batch order batch order
batch order
and Warehouse Worker

Report actual Backflush Report a
Machine Operator

Generate finished qty No

material resource batch order
picking list of parent
usage Testing Also usage Testing as Ended
required co/by-
item required
batch order
during products? for
production? Report finished
Yes finished qty quantity?
Yes of co/by-
product item Yes
Quality Control

Report test Report test


results during results after

production production

Figure 14.3 Typical Business Process for Production of a Bulk Item

production scenarios. A subsequent chapter (Section 17.4) provides further

explanation of quality orders for reporting test results.
The typical business process would vary when a single production order
represents multiple physical batches. As one variation, each physical batch
may have a separate picking list, a separate transaction for the finished
quantity, and the assignment of a unique batch number.

Overview The production planner analyzes and firms a planned batch

order that reflects requirements stemming from the S&OP game plans and
the item’s planning data. Alternatively, the planner manually creates and
then schedules a batch order, typically to meet an unplanned requirement or
as part of a manually-maintained master schedule. The production planner
reviews the batch order and optionally updates it, such as rescheduling the
order or changing the order quantity. The production planner reports the
order as started (for the entire order quantity), where the started quantity
automatically generates a picking list.
Starting the order represents an authorization to report actual production
activities. This includes the reporting of picking and receiving activities, and
the reporting of test results. The reporting of a finished quantity for the
parent item results in automatic assignment of a unique batch number, and
also triggers backflushing of resource usage. The production process may
also generate a co/by-product which requires reporting of a finished quantity.
The machine operator reports the production order as ended when all
activities have been reported.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 317

Firm a Planned Batch Order The production planner analyzes and

firms a planned batch order that reflects requirements stemming from the
S&OP game plans and the item’s planning data. The production planner can
analyze the source of requirements and action messages for the planned
order, and optionally edit the order—such as changing the suggested quantity
or date.

Manually Create a Batch Order The production planner manually

creates a batch order, typically to meet an unplanned requirement or as part
of a manually maintained master schedule. When creating the order, the
planner may optionally override the inherited value for the item’s active
route version or formula version, such as indicating use of a different routing.

Schedule a Batch Order The production planner schedules a manually

created batch order so that planning calculations recognize the requirements
for the components and resources. The scheduling logic assigns the start/end
dates to the batch order, and also the operation start/end times when using
routing data.

Review/Update the Batch Order The production planner may need

to review and update the batch order. For example, the production planner
may change the order quantity or the order-dependent formula, schedule the
batch order on different dates, or lock the order to prevent rescheduling.
When using routing data, the production planner can review the detailed
schedule of operation start/stop times in tabular or Gantt chart format, and
optionally assign an operation to a different resource.

Report a Batch Order as Started The production planner reports a

batch order as started, along with a started quantity representing the entire
order quantity. This automatically generates a picking list for the started
quantity, where the picking list can be optionally segmented by operation

Generate the Picking List for a Batch Order A picking list can be
automatically generated based on the started quantity, and it indicates the
suggested quantity and location for each ingredient. It can optionally indi-
cate an ingredient’s suggested batch number based on FEFO reservation
logic. The machine operator can also manually generate an additional
picking list, typically to report adjustments or corrections to ingredient usage.

Report Actual Material Usage Against a Picking List Using the

picking list, the machine operator can report actual usage by confirming or
overriding the suggested information. As noted previously, the machine
318 Chapter 14

operator may manually generate an additional picking list in order to report

adjustments or corrections to ingredient usage.

Report Test Results during Production As part of reporting pro-

duction for an operation, the system can automatically generate a quality
order identifying the item’s testing requirements and the sample quantity.
The quality control clerk reports the actual test results against the quality
order, and then validates the test results to determine pass/fail status. After
the validation step, the quality control clerk can optionally reopen a quality
order in order to revise the test results or the validation.

Report Finished Quantity of the Parent Item The machine operator

reports the parent item’s finished quantity after completion of a physical
batch, with automatic assignment of the internal batch number. The finished
quantity also triggers backflushing of resources. If reporting partial or
multiple receipts, the machine operator also indicates when the last receipt
is being recorded so that order status will be updated.

Back Flush Resource Usage The finished quantity of the parent item
triggers automatic generation and posting of a route card journal which will
back flush resource usage. The resource usage provides the basis for
calculating remaining work for the batch order.

Report Finished Quantity of a Co/By-Product Item The machine

operator reports the finished quantity of a co/by-product item, with automatic
assignment of the internal batch number. An unexpected co/by-product can
also be recorded when permitted.

Report Test Results after Production As part of reporting a finished

quantity, the system can automatically generate a quality order identifying
the item’s testing requirements and the sample quantity. The testing require-
ment can optionally block further transactions for the material until actual
test results have been reported and validated. The quality control clerk
reports the actual test results against the quality order, and then validates the
test results to determine pass/fail status. After the validation step, the quality
control clerk can optionally reopen a quality order in order to revise the test
results or the validation.

Report a Batch Order as Ended The machine operator reports the

end of a batch order, indicating that no additional transactions need to be
reported. When there are missing transactions, the system provides warning
messages and does not change the order status to ended, although specifying
an override will force an ended status. After ending the batch order, the
variances are automatically calculated for a standard cost item.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 319

14.4 Basic Model of Batch/Production Order

This section summarizes a basic model of batch/production order processing
that reflects many aspects of the typical business process described above.
The basic model consists of the major steps illustrated in Figure 14.4, which
highlights the key forms, documents and order status associated with each
step. The figure’s numbered steps result in a change to order status, whereas
other steps do not change order status.
The basic model provides a framework for explaining major variations
in system usage for managing internal production. For example, subsequent
sections describe variations in using picking lists and route cards, scheduling
orders, reporting finished quantities and coordinating production. The next
section provides more comprehensive explanations of the possible life cycle
steps and how you change order status via a user-initiated task and related

Step 1: Create the Batch/Production Order Two different forms—

termed Batch Order and Production Order—are used to manually create an
order or maintain an order generated from firming a planned order.

Figure 14.4 Basic Model of Batch/Production Order Processing

320 Chapter 14

˜ Manually create an order. When you manually create a batch order, the
system displays the Create Batch Order dialogue so that you can specify
the relevant information. A similar Create Production Order dialogue
applies to a manually created production order. The relevant information
includes the parent item, quantity, delivery date and the deliver-to
site/warehouse/bin. Based on this information, the dialogue displays the
active formula version and route version, and these can be optionally
overridden prior to order creation. Completion of the dialogue results in
the creation of a batch order (with a created status) and an order-
dependent formula and routing.
˜ Maintain an order created from a planned order. The firming process
results in a batch order (or production order) with an assigned order
status.1 Most scenarios employ an assigned status of scheduled, which
enables planning calculations to recognize requirements associated with
the order-dependent formula/BOM and routing. A subsequent section
(Section 14.13) provides further explanation about firming planned

Steps in the order status can be skipped, as shown by the dashed lines in
Figure 14.4. For example, you could simply jump from the created status to
the report-as-finished status in order to record the parent receipts, with auto-
deduction of components and routing operations. The ability to skip steps is
determined by company-wide or site-specific policies.2

Step 1a: Schedule the Order A batch/production order with a created

status must be scheduled so that planning calculations recognize the
requirements associated with the order-dependent formula/BOM and routing.
Firming a planned order typically results in a scheduled status, whereas a
manually created order has a created status that must be changed to a
scheduled status. For example, when you initiate the schedule order task for
a batch/production order, the system displays a dialogue so that you can
specify relevant information. The two choices for the schedule order
task—termed operations scheduling and job scheduling—will be discussed
in a subsequent section (Section 14.12). Completion of the dialogue results
in a scheduled order status.

Step 2: Report the Order as Started A batch/production order must

have a started status in order to report actual production activities such as
The status assigned to a batch/production order generated by the firming process reflects an item-specific
policy embedded in the coverage group for the item. A scheduled status reflects a commonly used policy.
The ability to skip steps can be defined as a company-wide policy (on the Status Tab of the Production
Control Parameters form) or as a site-specific policy (on the Status Tab of the Production Control Parameters by
Site form).
Batch Orders and Production Orders 321

material usage, operation time and parent receipts. When you initiate the
start order task for an order, the system displays a start order dialogue so that
you can specify relevant information. The relevant information includes the
started quantity and policies about automatic generation of picking lists and
route cards. Subsequent sections provide further explanation of picking lists
(Section 14.7) and route cards (Section 14.8). Completion of the dialogue
results in a started order status.

Generate Picking List and Report Material Usage You typically

generate and print a picking list as part of starting an order and then report
actual material usage against the picking list. Each picking list has a unique
identifier. You report actual usage using the Picking List Journal form, and
then post the picking list. The same form can also be used to manually
generate a picking list, typically to report and post adjustments to material
usage. A subsequent section provides further explanation of picking lists
(Section 14.7).

Generate Route Card and Report Operation Time and Units Com-
pleted In many food product scenarios, operation time will be back
flushed based on the finished quantity for the parent item. That is, the
finished quantity automatically generates and posts a Route Card Journal. In
other scenarios, you generate a Route Card Journal as part of starting an
order. You report actual operation time and unit completions, and then post
the journal. Reporting unit completions at the last operation can optionally
update the finished quantity of the parent item. A subsequent section
provides further explanation of route cards (Section 14.8).

Register the Batch Number(s) for the Order When a single batch/
production order represents multiple physical batches, and you report the
finished quantity for multiple physical batches as a single transaction, you
can register the separate batch numbers (and their quantities) as part of
reporting the finished quantity. The registration step is not typically used
when separately reporting the finished quantity for each physical batch. The
registration step updates the item’s inventory balance, where the inventory
has a registered status.

Step 3: Report the Finished Quantity You indicate the finished

quantities of a parent item using the Report as Finished Journal, typically as
part of the report-as-finished task for the order. The report-as-finished task
is also used for reporting co/by-product receipts. When you initiate the
report-as-finished task, the system displays a reported-as-finished dialogue
so that you can specify relevant information such as the good quantity. The
order status changes to report-as-finished after flagging the order as complete
322 Chapter 14

using the end job flag. The reported-as-finished status means that the system
ignores remaining component/routing requirements and expected parent
receipts, but additional transactions can be reported. Subsequent sections
provide further explanation about reporting finished quantities for the parent
item (Section 14.9) and co/by-products (Section 14.10).

Report Test Results after Production When testing requirements

have been defined for the finished quantity of the parent item or a co/by-
product item, the system automatically generates a quality order. You report
the actual test results against the quality order, and then validate the test
results to determine pass/fail status. A subsequent chapter provides further
explanation of quality orders (Section 17.3).

Step 4: Report the Order as Ended When you initiate the end order
task, the system displays an end dialogue so that you can specify relevant
information, such as how to allocate scrap costs. Completion of the dialogue
results in an order status of ended, and further transactions cannot be

Analyze Production Costs and Variances You can view the details
underlying actual versus estimated production costs for the order, and also
view the variances related to standard cost items.

14.5 Life Cycle of a Batch/Production Order

The life cycle of a batch/production order consists of several steps repre-
sented by an order status.3 The order status represents a linear progression
that affects order behavior, such as the ability to report actual production
activities. Steps in the linear progression can be skipped. Steps can also be
reversed by resetting order status.
Each step involves a user-initiated update task (and an associated dia-
logue) and results in a change to order status. For example, changing order
status to started involves a start task and an associated start dialogue, and

Those readers familiar with the concept of a production order life cycle in other ERP packages often ask for
clarification about the differences with AX. In Dynamics AX, for example, a planned production order represents
a separate construct so there is no order status called planned. The process of firming a planned production order
generates a production order with a designated order status such as scheduled or started; there is no order status
called firmed. The started status (rather than the released status) indicates an authorization to report production
activities. The reported-as-finished status means that the system ignores remaining component requirements and
expected parent receipts, but additional transactions can be reported without reopening the production order.
Changing the order status to ended prevents any further transactions, and results in the calculation of production
variances for standard cost items. The order status can be reset at any time prior to ended status, and the system will
automatically reverse all associated transactions.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 323

Figure 14.5 Update Tasks for Batch/Production Orders

default values can be defined for many of the dialogue fields. The life cycle
steps first require an understanding of these update tasks, since the update
tasks provide the context for understanding order status. The types of update
tasks and their significance are summarized in Figure 14.5 and explained
below. The figure also indicates the ability to define dialogue default values,
and the option to include reference orders linked to the batch/production

Create Order Task The critical information in the create order dialogue
includes the item, quantity, delivery date, and the deliver-to site/warehouse.
Based on this information, the dialogue displays the active formula/BOM
version and routing version, but these can be optionally overridden. Once the
order has been created, the order-dependent formula/BOM and routing
initially reflect the specified versions, and they can be manually maintained.

Estimate Order Task The estimate order task calculates the order costs
based on the order-dependent formula/BOM and routing, the related cost
information, and the order quantity. A price calculation inquiry displays the
order’s per-unit costs. The estimate order task represents an optional step
when you need to calculate estimated costs prior to scheduling or starting an
order. It is typically performed automatically as a result of updating order
status to a higher status such as scheduled or started.
324 Chapter 14

Schedule Order Task There are two scheduling methods—termed

operation scheduling and job scheduling—to choose from. The scheduling
method is only relevant when using routing data, and the choice depends on
how you assign resource requirements to an operation (described in Section
8.10). Job scheduling must be used when resource requirements are defined
in terms of resource capabilities or employee competencies.
When scheduling an order using either method, you specify the critical
information in a schedule order dialogue, such as the scheduling direction
and several scheduling policies. The scheduling direction, for example,
could be forward from today’s date or backward from a specified scheduling
date. The scheduling policies can optionally include consideration of finite
capacity and material. A subsequent section provides further explanation
about scheduling individual orders (Section 14.12). The schedule order task
must be repeated after changing the order quantity or the order-dependent
formula/BOM and routing.
You can optionally specify that an order is locked, thereby preventing
rescheduling by planning calculations or by the schedule order task.

Release Order Task The release order task and its dialogue can be used
to print shop traveler paperwork (related to routing information) prior to
starting production activities. The release order task represents an optional

Start Task Starting an order quantity (via a start order dialogue)

represents an authorization for reporting actual production activities. The
relevant information depends on the significance of a single order, as
described in a previous section (Section 14.2). In some scenarios, you will
start the entire order quantity and all operations. In other scenarios, you will
start a partial order quantity or selected operations. You can also indicate
completion of all picking activities or routing operations so that planning
calculations ignore remaining requirements.
The reporting of actual production activities—shown in Figure 14.5 for
informational purposes—includes component material usage, time and unit
completions by operation and finished quantities. Unit completions at the
last operation can optionally update the finished quantity for the parent item.

Report as Finished Task The report-as-finished task provides one

approach for reporting parent receipts and co-product receipts, expressed in
terms of the good quantity and scrap quantity (termed error quantity). As
part of the report-as-finished dialogue, you can optionally indicate comple-
tion of all picking activities or routing operations, so that planning calcula-
tions ignore remaining requirements. The order status changes to report-as-
finished after flagging the order as complete using the end job flag. The
Batch Orders and Production Orders 325

reported-as-finished status means that the system ignores remaining

component/routing requirements and expected parent receipts, but additional
transactions can be reported. The report-as-finished journal contains these
transactions for parent receipts and co-product receipts.
Order status will not change to reported-as-finished when transactions are
missing unless you indicate that errors will be accepted (as part of the report-
as-finished dialogue). Missing transactions may include expected parent
receipts or remaining requirements for components and operations.

End Task The end task changes the order status to ended. The end dia-
logue also indicates how to handle costs associated with a scrap quantity,
either by allocating scrap costs to actual parent receipts or by charging them
to a specified G/L account.
Under certain conditions the end task can be performed instead of the
report-as-finished task (via the reported-as-finished flag in the end task
dialogue), where the system assumes the entire order quantity will be
reported as finished.

Reset Status Task A batch/production order can be reset to a previous

status, and you indicate the desired order status on the reset order dialogue.
For example, order status may be changed to created to allow deletion, or
changed to released from started so that the system automatically reverses all
transactions about actual production activities.

Update Tasks and the Option to Include Reference Orders Several

update tasks for a batch/production order have an option to include reference
orders, as indicated in the right-hand column of Figure 14.5. A reference
order reflects a buy-to-order or make-to-order component. The reference
orders can be included in cost calculations, scheduling, releasing, and the
authorization to start production activities. For example, the estimate task
will always generate reference orders, and the schedule order task can
optionally include reference orders and even synchronize them. Resetting
order status can apply to reference orders. Deleting an order can optionally
delete the reference orders. The update tasks can also be performed for a
batch/production order that represents a reference order.

Significance of Batch/Production Order Status The update tasks

provide a context for understanding the order status of a batch/production
order. The update tasks allow you to skip steps in the order status, since the
system automatically performs the intervening update tasks based on default
values for each dialogue. For example, you could manually create an order
and then change status to started, and it would be automatically estimated
and scheduled. As another example, the firming process can generate a pro-
326 Chapter 14

Figure 14.6 Significance of Batch/Production Order Status

duction order with a scheduled status or started status. The order status also
affects several aspects of system behavior, as illustrated in Figure 14.6 and
summarized below.
The order status determines whether planning calculations recognize
expected parent receipts and co-product receipts, and the requirements for
components and operations. It also affects the ability to modify the order-
dependent formula/BOM and routing, generate a picking list or shop paper-
work, report actual production activities, split an order quantity, reset order
status, and delete an order.
When firming a planned order, an item-specific policy (embedded in the
coverage group assigned to the item) determines the order status of the
resulting batch/production order. In most cases, you should employ the
option for a scheduled status.
When using automatic reservations for the ingredients of a batch/
production order, an order-related policy determines when the reservations
will be performed. In most cases, you should employ the option for a
scheduled status.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 327

Figure 14.7 Life Cycles Related to a Batch/Production Order

Life Cycles Related to a Batch/Production Order The life cycle

of a batch/production order consists of several steps represented by an order
status automatically updated by the system, as previously described. Several
other constructs and their life cycles are related to an order, such as a picking
list, route card, quality order and the inventory status of the parent item.
Figure 14.7 summarizes these related life cycles in terms of the basic model
of batch/production order processing.

14.6 Considerations about Batch/Production

The basic information for a batch/production order includes the item, quan-
tity, delivery date, and the deliver-to site/warehouse. Additional information
includes the order-dependent formula/BOM and routing, the location for
component material, and other factors. Some additional considerations only
apply to batch orders, such as the yield percentage and co/by-products.

Order Quantity Considerations Order quantity modifiers apply to the

creation dialogue when manually creating an order, or when manually over-
riding the quantity for a planned order or existing order. The considerations
differ slightly for batch orders and production orders, as previously described
(Section 4.1). In addition, when manually creating an order for an item with
328 Chapter 14

quantity-sensitive formulations, the manually entered quantity may also

result in a different active version for the formula/BOM or routing.

Picking Lists and the Order-Dependent Formula/BOM The order-

dependent formula/BOM initially reflects the formula/BOM version used to
create the order. You can manually maintain the information, but the system
does not recognize the changes until you perform the scheduling (or esti-
mation) task for the order. The order-dependent formula/BOM also provides
the foundation for generating picking lists to report material usage, as
described in a subsequent section (Section 14.7).

Route Cards and the Order-Dependent Routing The order-

dependent routing initially reflects the routing version used to create the
order. You can manually maintain the information, but the system does not
recognize the changes until you perform the scheduling task for the order.
The order-dependent routing also provides the foundation for generating
route cards to report operation time and unit completions, as described in a
subsequent section (Section 14.8).

Co/By-Products for a Batch Order The co/by-products associated

with a batch order initially reflect those items defined for the formula version
assigned to the batch order. You can manually maintain the information.
You record the finished quantity of a co/by-product just like a parent item,
as described in a subsequent section (Section 14.10). A policy for the batch
order—termed the Co/By Product Variations checkbox—determines whether
you can receive an unexpected co/by-product via manual additions to the
report-as-finished journal.

Splitting a Batch/Production Order Splitting a batch/production

order results in a new order for the specified quantity and delivery date. The
split order quantity must be less than the originating order quantity, and you
can split an order prior to a started status. A started batch/production order
can be split, but only for a quantity that has not yet been reported as started.
This approach avoids the complications associated with allocations of issued
components and reported operation times to the split orders.

Production Lead Time The planning calculations will calculate a

variable production lead time based on routing data, or use a fixed lead time
when no routing data applies. An item’s fixed production lead time can be
specified as a company-wide value and overridden for a site/warehouse, as
previously described (Sections 10.3 and 10.4). The calculation of a variable
lead time reflects the order quantity, the resource requirements for routing
operations, and the available capacity of resources.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 329

Prevent Order Rescheduling A batch/production order can be

flagged as locked to prevent rescheduling, and then unlocked when desired.

Identifying Order Linkage to a Demand A batch/production order

can be directly linked to a demand, either a sales order line item or another
production order’s component. The system indicates direct linkage in the
reference fields for a batch/production order, and also in the corresponding
demand (such as a sales order line item).
The significance of the reference type field can become confusing, since
an additional system capability termed marking also employs the reference
fields. A primary purpose of marking is to support cost tracking and reserva-
tions by linking receipt transactions to issue transactions. Marking auto-
matically applies to a batch/production order with direct linkage, which also
involves a hard reservation. It can optionally apply to orders with indirect
linkage. For example, you can manually mark an existing order so that costs
can be tracked to one or more demands. As another example, the firming
process for planned orders can assign marking based on pegging information.
Marking does not provide direct linkage, but it can update the value of the
reference type field. The dual use of the reference type field can lead to
confusion. For simplicity’s sake the explanation focuses on the significance
of the reference fields related to direct linkage. The Reference List inquiry
for a batch/production order identifies the linked reference orders.

Summarized Information The summarized information includes esti-

mated and actual costs for a batch/production order. Access to detailed
information includes actual component issues, parent receipts and routing
operations; batch and serial tracking, and related reference orders.

14.7 Significance of Picking Lists

Material usage can only be reported through a picking list. There are mul-
tiple variations for generating a picking list, where the variations reflect
differences in modeling the business process. This section summarizes the
variations and the starting point of an order-dependent BOM/Formula.

Order-Dependent BOM/Formula The order-dependent BOM/formula

provides the foundation for generating a picking list. Creation and main-
tenance of this information was previously described for a batch order
(Section 4.13) and a production order (Section 5.7). Several factors have
particular relevance to picking lists, as summarized below.

˜ Warehouse location assigned to components

330 Chapter 14

˜ Operation number assigned to components

˜ Flushing policy assigned to a component item
˜ Reservation policy for the order and the suggested batch numbers for
batch-controlled components
˜ Assignment of substitute ingredients to a planned batch order
˜ Impact of an order’s yield percentage on component requirements
˜ Impact of a phantom component
˜ Impact of a make-to-order or buy-to-order component resulting in a
reference order

Common Scenarios for Picking Lists The common scenarios for

picking lists typically reflect variations in the significance of a single order
and its related physical batches, as previously described (Section 14.2).
When the order represents a single physical batch, the common scenarios
include the following.

˜ Single picking list for all ingredients

˜ Multiple picking lists reflecting ingredients by operation number
˜ One picking list for reporting actual material usage, and one picking list
for auto-deduction of material
˜ Additional picking list for reporting adjustments and corrections

Reserving Component Inventory for a Batch/Production Order

Some scenarios require reservations of component inventory for a batch/
production order. A reservation policy assigned to the order determines
whether reservations will be made manually or automatically, and the timing
of automatic reservations can reflect an order status of estimated, scheduled
or started. The reservation policy is inherited from a company-wide or site-
specific default value. The reservations for a component will be reflected in
the picking list.
The use of automatic reservations involves several additional item-
specific policies embedded in the Item Model Group assigned to the com-
ponent item. With batch-controlled material, for example, one policy
determines whether first-expired-first-out (FEFO) logic will be used for
automatic reservations, and a related policy determines the date basis (of the
expiration date or best before date).
In some scenarios, the reserved material is based on batch attribute
values. Batch searching logic can be used to find and reserve the batches for
a component in the order-dependent formula/BOM. A previous chapter
(Section 7.4) described batch attributes and the related batch searching logic.

Variations in Generating and Posting Picking Lists A picking list

can be generated using several different approaches, where the approach also
Batch Orders and Production Orders 331

determines how it is populated and posted. The different approaches are

summarized below.

˜ Automatically generate a picking list based on the started quantity. A

typical example would be to populate the picking list with ingredients
assigned a flushing principle of start. The approach reflects the policies
in the Start Order dialogue.4
˜ Automatically generate and immediately post a picking list based on the
started quantity. This approach is commonly termed forward flushing
because the picking list is automatically posted. The approach reflects
the policies in the Start Order dialogue.
˜ Automatically generate and immediately post a picking list based on the
finished quantity. A typical example would be to populate the picking
list with packaging components assigned a flushing principle of finish.
This approach is commonly termed back flushing because the picking list
is automatically posted. The approach reflects the policies in the Report
As Finished dialogue.
˜ Manually generate a picking list. This approach starts from the Picking
List Journal where you specify the basis for automatically populating a
picking list via a Create Lines dialogue. For example, you can auto-
matically create lines based on a specified quantity or the order’s started
quantity. You post the picking list after reporting actual material usage.
The approach ignores the flushing principle assigned to component items.
˜ Reverse the entries for a previously posted picking list. When manually
generating a picking list (described above), the basis for automatically
populating the picking list can reflect reversing entries for a previously
posted picking list. This approach is typically employed to record adjust-
ments or corrections.
˜ Issue unexpected components to an order. This approach starts from the
Picking List Journal where you manually add a line item for issuing the
component. A manually created line item represents an unexpected com-
ponent which will be added to the order-dependent BOM/formula with
a required quantity of zero. It will also result in a material substitution
variance for a standard cost item. It does not represent an additional
quantity for an existing component.

Definition of Remaining Requirements for a Component A

material shortage represents the remaining requirements for a component in
the order-dependent bill for a started production order. The system ignores
the components’ remaining required quantity under several conditions: when

The policies within the Start dialogue (and the dialogues for other update tasks) can be specified for each
order, and default values can also be defined as shown in Figure 14.5.
332 Chapter 14

a specific component has been flagged as completely picked; when picking

for all components has been flagged as complete; when an operation linked
to the material has been flagged as complete; or when the production order
status becomes reported-as-finished. The system displays shortages on the
Material Stock-out List inquiry.

14.8 Significance of Route Cards and Job Cards

Reporting for an internal operation involves unit completions and/or opera-
tion time, and only applies to orders with routing data. A route card or job
card can be used for reporting purposes.5

˜ Reporting Operation Time. Operation time is reported on the route card

journal. Each journal line indicates the operation number, resources,
time element (such as process or setup time) and actual hours expended.
The route card journal provides several user options, such as overriding
the basis for costing and indicating the employee performing the work.
You can optionally create a picking list journal from the route card
journal, which may be useful when the operator is responsible for
reporting component usage at the operation.
˜ Reporting Unit Completions by Operation. Units completions by
operation are reported on the route card journal for an order, and units
can be reported without a time entry. Unit completions are reported as
a good quantity, with an incremental quantity for scrapped units and an
optional reason code. You can indicate the operation is completed so that
remaining requirements are ignored. The route card journal provides
several other user options, such as overriding the basis for costing unit
Reporting unit completions for the last operation has special signi-
ficance. The good unit completions can optionally update parent receipts
by designating the report-as-finished flag. Additional information may
need to be recorded about batch and serial numbers based on the item’s
quality management policies.

The unit completions and processing hours provide one measure of

progress against the routing operation. The system automatically calculates
a completion percentage based on actual versus expected process hours as

The approach for reporting operation time depends on the scheduling method. The route card journal applies
to batch/production orders scheduled via either method, whereas the job card journal only applies when orders have
been scheduled via the job scheduling method. The two reporting approaches are similar. The job card differs
slightly, since it also supports calculation of reported time based on specified start- and end times. For simplicity’s
sake further explanation focuses on using the route card journal for reporting unit completions and operation time.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 333

one indicator of remaining work. The completion percentage can be manu-

ally overridden. The completion percentage is used in planning calculations
to calculate remaining work.

Order-Dependent Routing The order-dependent routing provides the

foundation for generating a route card. Creation and maintenance of this
information was previously described (Section 8.11). Several aspects have
particular relevance to route cards.

˜ Operation number assigned to the operation

˜ Resource assigned to the operation
˜ Warehouse location assigned to components based on the resource
˜ Automatic consumption policy assigned to an operation
˜ Significance of the operation’s time elements (defined in the Route
˜ Impact of a phantom component on the order-dependent routing

Automatic Consumption Policy for an Operation Time expended

for an operation’s run time and setup time can be manually reported or auto-
deducted; likewise for unit completions. These represent three different
aspects of a routing operation. A routing operation has three policies
(embedded in the routing group) indicating whether each aspect should be
manually reported or auto-deducted.
The auto-deduction policies for routing operations are slightly different
than the ones for material, since they do not differentiate between a flushing
principle of forward or finish. Hence, a fundamental decision is typically
made about using either forward or backward flushing, so that auto-deduction
does not result in doubled-up reporting.6 The same triggers for automatically
generating picking lists also apply to generating route cards, as described

˜ Start Trigger. The start quantity and specified operation(s) determine

how the system generates a route card journal, where journal lines iden-
tify the auto-deducted routing operation transactions. Policies embedded
in the start order dialogue determine whether it is posted immediately.
Reviewing the route card journal prior to posting allows you to make

The decision about forward- versus backward-flushing is embedded in the automatic route consumption
policy associated with the start order and report-as-finished tasks (and associated dialogues), where the policy is
specified as never for one task. When using a backward-flushing approach, for example, the policy would be never
for the start task and routing group dependent for the report-as-finished task. Conversely, the policy would be never
for the report-as-finished task when using a forward-flushing approach.
334 Chapter 14

˜ Finish Trigger. The quantity of good plus scrapped items determines

how many auto-deducted hours will be in the route card journal, and the
journal is posted immediately without an option to be reviewed.

Remaining Time Requirements for an Operation The remaining

time requirements for a routing operation can be ignored under several
conditions: when the operation has been flagged as complete, when the
entire routing has been flagged as complete, or when the order status
becomes reported-as-finished.

Labor Data Collection and the Manufacturing Execution System

(MES) Module The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) module
supports data collection for reporting unit completions and operation time via
clock-in and clock-out registrations for specific batch/production orders and
operations. Based on this registration information, the system automatically
accumulates the times and unit completions by operation, which can then be
used to create line items in route card (or job card) journals. This func-
tionality builds on the time and attendance capabilities within the module,
and also supports preparation of payroll data from a single source of labor
data. The MES capabilities require setup information, and a detailed
explanation of this setup information falls outside the book’s scope because
of book length considerations.

14.9 Report Finished Quantity of a Parent Item

The finished quantity of a batch/production order is also termed a parent
receipt.7 Reporting the finished quantity involve identification of the good
quantity, with an incremental quantity for scrapped units and an optional
reason code. Parent receipts can be recorded three different ways.

˜ Report-as-finished task. This update task provides one method for

reporting parent receipts when routing data does not exist, and it
generates a report-as-finished journal. As part of the task dialogue, you
can also indicate the completion of all picking or all routing operations,
or completion of the entire order.
˜ Report-as-finished journal. The journal can be accessed directly in order
to create line items for reporting the finished quantity.

The term reported-as-finished has several contexts within Dynamics AX that can lead to confusion. These
contexts include the update task for a batch/production order, a journal for reporting unit completions by operation,
report-as-finished flags when reporting production activities, and the status of a batch/production order. Hence, the
term parent receipt is used for clarification purposes.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 335

˜ Route card journal for reporting unit completions at the last operation.
When routing data exists, reporting the unit completions at the last
operation can generate and post the report-as-finished journal.

You indicate completion of a batch/production order using either the

report-as-finished task or the report-as-finished journal, which changes order
status to reported-as-finished. However, the system prevents changing order
status when missing feedback or errors exist, as described below.

˜ All component quantities must be issued.

˜ Each operation must be reported as completed.
˜ Parent receipts must equal the good unit completions at the last operation.
˜ Parent receipts must be less than or equal to the quantity started.

The system provides warnings about these conditions. You can override
these warnings by using the accept errors flag on the report-as-finished task.

14.10 Report Finished Quantity of a

You record the receipts of a co-product or by-product just like a parent item.
A batch order for a planning item represents a disassembly process, so that
the only receipts will be for the co-products. A policy for the batch order—
termed the Co/By Product Variations checkbox—determines whether you
can receive an unexpected co-product via manual additions to the report-as-
finished journal. The policy is initially inherited from the formula version
for the batch order.
The costs associated with a by-product receipt are automatically recorded
(in a route card journal) when you change the order status to ended.

14.11 Rework Order for a Finished Quantity

Rework may be necessary for the finished quantity of a batch/production
order that has not been reported as scrapped. The approach for managing this
rework differs slightly for batch orders and production orders. The two
different approaches are summarized in Figure 14.8 in terms of the basic
model for batch/production order processing. The key differences involve
the creation step for the rework order, and subsequent steps (shown in grey)
follow the basic model.
336 Chapter 14

Figure 14.8 Rework for the Finished Quantity of a Batch/


˜ Rework using a batch order. You manually create a new batch order, and
flag it as a rework order so that the order-dependent formula will be
automatically populated with the parent item as a component of itself.8
After updating the order status to scheduled (or estimated), you
mustexplicitly reserve this component. The reservation step is especially
important for a batch-controlled item, so that the rework order correctly
identifies the component’s batch number. The finished quantity is
normally assigned a new batch number, so that reworked inventory can
be tracked separately. Alternatively, you can assign the original batch
number to the order, so that reworked inventory is not tracked separately.
˜ Rework using a production order. You manually create a new produc-
tion order, but with an unspecified BOM version so that you must
manually define the parent item as a component of itself in the order-
dependent BOM. After updating the order status to scheduled (or esti-
mated), you must explicitly reserve this component. The reservation step
is especially important for a batch-controlled item, as explained above.

A rework order typically has a context of a recently completed batch order. Hence, you can also create a
rework order for a selected order on the Batch Order form (using the function to create rework order), but only after
the order status of the selected order has been updated to report-as-finished.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 337

In both scenarios, you report the order as started, and then report
consumption of the component and any other material used in rework. Upon
completion, you report the finished quantity of good items (and a scrap
quantity if applicable) and update the order status to ended. Additional
considerations may apply, such as the definition of a routing version for
rework (which can be assigned when you create the rework order) and the
reporting of actual time expended on rework. It may also be helpful to assign
a production pool (to rework orders) that represents rework, which helps
filter the orders related to rework.

14.12 Scheduling an Individual Order

Scheduling an individual batch/production order has several considerations.
It can change order status to scheduled, or update an already scheduled order,
so that requirements for resources and materials will be correctly recognized
and scheduled. The resource requirements and related scheduling logic only
apply when using routing data. The considerations include the scheduling
method, the scheduling direction and several scheduling options, as described

Choosing a Scheduling Method There are two scheduling methods

—termed operation scheduling and job scheduling—to choose from. The
scheduling method is only relevant when using routing data, and the choice
depends on how you assign resource requirements to an operation (described
in Section 8.10). Job scheduling must be used when resource requirements
are defined in terms of resource capabilities or employee competencies.

Scheduling Direction Both scheduling methods support different

scheduling directions. The basic scheduling directions are forward and
backward as of a given date, such as the requirement date. Figure 14.9
summarizes the variations in scheduling directions for both scheduling
methods. Fewer options are available for rescheduling a planned order.

Scheduling Options Scheduling logic for individual orders can option-

ally include finite capacity and finite material, the use of properties (for block
scheduling purposes), and reference orders. Another option can exclude
selected time elements, such as queue and transit time, to calculate the fastest
possible production throughput.

˜ Finite Capacity. When a bottleneck resource has finite capacity, the

scheduling logic ensures the scheduled loads do not exceed the available
capacity. The consideration of available capacity can be factored down
338 Chapter 14

Figure 14.9 Variations in Scheduling Direction

by an operations schedule percentage assigned to the resource, so that the

resource is not loaded to 100% of available capacity.
˜ Finite Material. Scheduling logic requires on-hand inventory on the start
date of the batch/production order or the relevant operation (if appli-
cable). When there is insufficient inventory of the component item, the
scheduling logic uses the item’s lead time to determine when it will be
available. The components’ availability date determines when the order
can be started.
˜ Finite Property and Block Scheduling. The finite property approach
represents a form of block scheduling for grouping similar operations to
minimize setup time, and performing them during a predefined block of
time in the calendar assigned to a resource.
˜ Reference Orders. You can optionally schedule and synchronize refer-
ence orders related to the selected order, thereby synchronizing down-
stream (and upstream) orders via forward (and backward) scheduling.

14.13 Coordinate Production via Planned Orders

Planning calculations synchronize supplies to meet demands and provide
several coordination tools. Chapter 11 previously explained planning calcu-
Batch Orders and Production Orders 339

lations. The coordination tools consist of planned orders and suggested

action messages, plus capacity analysis and production schedules when
routing data has been defined. This section focuses on planned orders.
Suggestions for planned orders reflect the S&OP game plans and the
planning data for manufactured items. These suggestions can be viewed on
the Planned Orders form or the Planned Production Orders form.9 You can
create batch/production orders from selected planned orders via a function
termed firming planned orders. This function involves selecting and firming
planned orders. It may also involve analyzing and editing planned orders,
and time fence policies about automatic firming and a frozen period.

Selection of Planned Orders There are several methods to select

planned orders for firming. For example, orders can be individually marked
or block-marked. Planned orders can also be viewed and optionally selected
based on attributes such as the buyer, order date, and a separate status for
planned orders. You can assign this separate status to planned orders (unpro-
cessed, processed, and approved) to indicate those that have been analyzed,
but this status only represents reference information. The form does not
retain marked orders if you exit before firming.

Firming the Selected Planned Orders The firming function gener-

ates batch/production orders for selected planned orders. The generated
orders have an assigned order status based on an item-related policy
(embedded in the coverage group assigned to the item). A status of sched-
uled is a typical policy. The system automatically deletes the suggestion for
a planned order after execution of the firming function. It also creates a log
for tracking which planned orders have been firmed and by whom.
A different approach must be used to “firm and consolidate” the planned
batch orders for bulk/pack production, as described in a subsequent section
(Section 14.16).
The Planned Orders form provides one starting point for firming planned
orders. The same form can also be accessed in the context of making sales
order delivery promises by exploding the requirements for the end item.

Analyzing and Editing Planned Orders Planners often need to

understand the rationale and impact for a planned order, and the Planned
Orders form supports the following approaches.

˜ Related action messages. The form displays action messages related to

a planned order, such as expediting the planned order or delaying
delivery because of the projected completion date.

You can view information for a selected set of master plan data or forecast plan data. For simplicity’s sake
the explanation focuses on the set of data representing the current master plan data.
340 Chapter 14

˜ Understanding the sources of demand and supply. The form displays

single-level pegging information about the source of demand for a
planned order. Additional inquiries display single-level pegging to all
supplies and demands for an item (via a Net Requirements inquiry), and
the multi-level pegging information about supplies and demands for a
planned order (via an Explosion inquiry).
The Explosion form provides additional functionality to calculate a
projected delivery date (termed a futures date) for completing the planned
order quantity. You can also take action to firm planned orders for all
components in the multi-level product structure.
˜ Understanding requirements for components. The component
requirements can be viewed along with action messages related to each
˜ Understanding requirements for routing operations. The routing opera-
tions can be viewed along with the scheduled start/end dates for each

The analysis efforts often lead to needed action, and the following actions
can be implemented on the Planned Orders form.

˜ Change quantity and/or delivery date for the planned order.

˜ Reschedule the planned order using a specified scheduling method and
scheduling direction, with optional consideration of finite material and
˜ Split the planned order using a specified quantity and date.
˜ Group together several selected planned orders for the same item, with
a total quantity for a single batch/production order. The delivery date
reflects the currently selected planned order.
˜ Change the planned batch/production order to a planned purchase order
or transfer order to indicate an alternate source of supply.

Automatic Firming and a Frozen Period The use of planned orders

is affected by two item-specific time fence policies regarding near-term
schedule stability and automatic firming of batch/production orders. These
time fence policies are embedded in the coverage group assigned to an item.

˜ Freeze Time Fence. The freeze time fence provides one approach to
support near-term schedule stability, since planning calculations will
place planned orders at the end of the frozen period.
˜ Firm Time Fence. The firm time fence enables the planning calculations
to automatically firm batch/production orders, thereby eliminating the
effort to manually firm the planned orders. To be effective, the automatic
firming time fence should be slightly greater than the item’s production
lead time and reorder cycle.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 341

14.14 Coordinate Production via Action

Planning calculations generate two types of action messages termed actions
and futures, as previously explained in Chapter 10 (and Figure 10.3). These
messages are summarized below.

˜ Actions Message. An actions message indicates a suggestion to advance/

postpone an order’s delivery date, to increase/decrease an order quantity,
or to delete an order. Suggested advancement of an existing order
reflects the item’s rescheduling assumption, so that the system suggests
expediting rather than a new planned order to cover a requirement.
˜ Futures Message. A futures message indicates that the projected com-
pletion date for supply chain activities (based on realistic scheduling
assumptions) will cause a delay in meeting a requirement date such as a
sales order shipment.

Dynamics AX displays actions and futures messages on two different

forms termed the Actions form and Futures form. You cannot take action on
these inquiry forms, but you can readily access the relevant master table for
the referenced order to indicate the action.

14.15 Coordinate Production via Production

When using routing data, planning calculations can provide a capacity load
analysis for resources and suggested production schedules. The visibility of
these resource requirements is constrained by a capacity time fence expressed
in days, which is normally defined as part of the policies assigned to a master
plan. For example, the capacity time fence may reflect several months for
long-term capacity analysis, or it may reflect a few weeks for near-term
scheduling purposes.

Capacity Analysis Capacity analysis reflects a comparison between a

resource’s available capacity and the requirements stemming from batch/pro-
duction orders. You can optionally include or exclude requirements stem-
ming from planned orders based on company-wide policies embedded in the
production control parameters. The nature of capacity analysis depends on
three major factors: the definition of an operation’s resource requirements,
consideration of finite capacity limits, and the set of master plan data.
342 Chapter 14

˜ Definition of an operation’s resource requirements. The resource

requirements for an operation can be defined in several ways, as pre-
viously described in Chapter 8. For example, they may be specified for
a single resource, a resource group, or a resource capability.
˜ Consideration of finite capacity. A resource’s available capacity can be
viewed as infinite or finite. An infinite capacity viewpoint means that
scheduling of each operation’s duration considers the available working
hours at a resource, but an unlimited number of orders can be scheduled
concurrently. This means capacity analysis can identify overloaded
A finite capacity viewpoint typically means that only one order can
be scheduled concurrently during working hours, and that scheduling
logic considers existing loads. Scheduling logic only considers a finite
capacity limit for resources centers designated as having finite capacity.
˜ Set Master Plan data. Capacity analysis can be viewed for a specified set
of master plan data or forecast plan data. The current dynamic master
plan acts as a default.

With these factors in mind, capacity analysis can be viewed for a resource
(or a resource group) using a tabular or graphic format.

˜ Tabular Format for Capacity Analysis. The Capacity Load Inquiry pro-
vides a tabular format for load analysis of one resource or a resource
group. It displays total load hours in daily increments and automatically
highlights overloaded days. You can view detailed reference information
about routing operations comprising a daily load. A separate form
(termed Capacity Reservations) provides a tabular format about all
routing operations for the resource.
˜ Graphical Format for Capacity Analysis. The Capacity Load Graphical
Inquiry provides a setup dialogue that determines how to display the
information. For example, the information can be displayed in hours or
percentages, and in specified increments (such as daily, weekly or
monthly) for a specified range of dates. These time increments represent
the continuum of aggregate to detailed capacity analysis, and the percent-
age viewpoint can highlight overloaded periods.
Additional variations include displaying loads for a range of
resources, either as multiple graphics or as a single graphic with an accu-
mulated load. Selected sources of loads can be excluded, such as loads
stemming from planned orders. You cannot access detailed reference
information about the operations comprising a resource load.

Production Schedules The nature of a production schedule depends

on the three major factors mentioned above—the definition of an operation’s
Batch Orders and Production Orders 343

resource requirements, the consideration of capacity limits, and the set of

master plan data. A production schedule identifies each routing operation
performed in the resource. It consists of the same detailed reference infor-
mation as the load analysis drill-down, but is presented in a format more
appropriate for communicating the needed action. In particular, it provides
visibility of batch/production orders at various order statuses so that produc-
tion personnel can finish those already started as well as anticipate those that
need to be started.
Production schedules can be displayed in different formats, such as
tabular or Gantt chart. Each firm tends to customize their production sched-
ule to fit their operations, but a typical tabular format can be described. A
production schedule in tabular format identifies operations in a priority
sequence with the hottest operations listed first. The simplest sequencing
rule is based on operation start (or ending) date and time. Operation infor-
mation includes the remaining units and time and also the units completed to-
date. It may include other information that proves useful to the planner or
production personnel, such as the prior and next operation, the expected
operation scrap percentage, and the operation description. Much of the
information may be identified by the shop paperwork for each order, thereby
minimizing the need for including it in the production schedule. The
Operations List Inquiry provides one example of a production schedule.

14.16 Coordinate Bulk/Pack Production via

Consolidated Orders
A bulk/pack production process often requires synchronization of the batch
orders for the bulk item (aka a bulk order) with batch orders for the pack-
aging variations (aka a packed order). An additional construct—termed a
consolidated order—supports synchronization between these batch orders,
and provides a single point for managing and reporting production activities.
The functionality for consolidated orders requires some simple setup infor-
mation, as previously described (Section 4.11). It builds on the basic model
of batch order processing, and involves several changes. Changes to the
typical business process are illustrated in the top half of Figure 14.10 and
summarized below.

Overview The production planner creates a consolidated order that repre-

sents a production run consisting of orders for a bulk item and its packaging
variations. The production planner typically creates a consolidated order by
firming and consolidating planned orders. A consolidated order can also be
manually created so that you can assign existing batch orders to it. The con-
344 Chapter 14

Firm and Balance the Review

consolidate quantities for schedule for
planned bulk/packed Consolidated

Identify Planned? orders orders Order

for producing
bulk/packed No Create a Add orders
items Consolidated for bulk and
Order packed items

Report actual
BulkReport order production Yes Report order
Machine Operator

Order as Started activities as Ended

Bulk vs + Expected
packed output?
order for the
bulk item
Packed Report actual
Report order production Report order
as Started activities as Ended
+ Completed
order for the
packed item

Figure 14.10 Typical Business Process for Bulk/Pack Production

solidated order provides a single point for further coordination and reporting
of production. Using the consolidated order, the production planner can
balance the production quantities so that the bulk quantity can be completely
packed into the relevant containers. It also provides a graphical planning
board, so that the production planner can define the detailed schedule of
operation start/stop times for each production order for bulk and packed
items. The machine operator reports an order as started, which authorizes
production activities.

Firm and Consolidate the Planned Orders for Bulk and Packed
Items The production planner analyzes the planned orders that represent
a production run for a bulk item and its related packed items.10 Specifically,
you mark the relevant orders on the Planned Orders form, and then perform
the “firm and consolidate” function in order to view the selected orders on
the Firm Consolidated Orders form. This form consists of three sections—
about the consolidated order, the bulk orders, and the packed orders—and
allows you to change information. For example, you can adjust the produc-
tion quantities of packed items to fully consume the bulk quantity. When
finished, you mark and firm the consolidated order, and the information will
be displayed on the Consolidated Orders form.
The Consolidated Orders form also consists of the same three sections,
so that you can select a consolidated order in the top section and view its

The discussion assumes the bulk item has a separate batch order. A bulk order is not required when the bulk
item is designated as a phantom component, or when filling the packed orders from existing inventory.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 345

related bulk orders and packed orders in the lower two sections. A con-
solidated order has a separate status that is automatically updated based on
the order status of the related batch orders.

Create a Consolidated Order and Add Existing Orders for the

Bulk and Packed Items The production planner manually creates a
consolidated order that represents a production run for a bulk item and its
related packed items, and then adds existing orders for the bulk and packed

Balance the Quantities for Bulk and Packed Orders Assigned to

a Consolidated Order The production planner employs a consolidated
order to analyze differences between a bulk item’s production quantity and
the quantity required by the orders for its packaging variations. The produc-
tion planner adjusts the production quantities of packed items to fully
consume the bulk quantity. After reporting the actual quantity produced of
the bulk item, the production planner may need to re-balance the quantities
of the production orders for the packed items.

Review Schedule of Bulk and Packed Orders assigned to a Con-

solidated Order The production planner employs a consolidated order
for viewing and sequencing the related orders. When using routing data, the
production planner employs a graphical planning board to define the detailed
schedule of operation start/stop times for each production order.

View Consolidated On-Hand Inventory Using the Consolidated On-

Hand form, you can view the current inventory balances for the bulk item
and the equivalent units for its end-item packaging variations. The equi-
valent units are expressed in the inventory UM for the bulk item, and reflect
the ratios defined on the Bulk Item Conversion form.

14.17 Costing for a Batch/Production Order

The estimated costs for a batch/production order can be initially calculated
by performing the estimate order task, where the calculated costs reflect the
order quantity and the order-dependent formula/BOM and routing. The
estimate order task may be used to recalculate estimated costs after changes,
such as changes to components or operations, or changes to the active cost
records for items, labor rates, or overhead formulas.
The actual costs (termed realized costs) for a batch/production order are
automatically calculated based on reported production activities, such as
actual material usage and operation times. You can view detailed trans-
346 Chapter 14

actions about reported activities on the Production Posting inquiry for a

batch/production order. Several reports summarize reported activities for all
current orders, including the raw materials in process report, the work in
process report (for routing transactions), and the indirect costs in process
report (for overheads incurred).
You can analyze estimated and actual costs using the price calculation
inquiry for the order. Cost information is shown for each component,
operation, and applicable overhead formula.

Updating an Item’s Actual Cost With an actual cost item, it’s actual
cost will be updated based on a batch/production order that has been ended.

Calculated Variances for a Standard Cost Item Variances are

calculated after ending a batch/production order for a standard cost item.
The variances reflect a comparison between the reported production activities
and the item’s standard cost calculation (not to the order’s estimated costs).11
Four types of variances are calculated: lot size variance, production quantity
variance, production price variance, and production substitution variance.
Figure 14.11 identifies these four variances that account for the difference
between an order’s actual costs and the item’s standard cost. Similar vari-
ances are also calculated for co/by-products.
The common sources of order variances are shown in the bottom half of
Figure 14.11. When applicable, the sources may also stem from the co/by-
products for a batch order. For example, a different quantity or an unex-
pected co/by-product may be received, or the cost allocations may have
changed on the batch order, in comparison to the values used in the standard
cost calculation. A separate inquiry for a batch order’s co/by-products
displays these variances.
You can analyze order variances using the Production Variances inquiry
or report. You can use the report options to view detailed variances by item,
resource or cost group, or to view summarized variances. The cost break-
down policy within the inventory parameters determines whether variances
will be tracked by cost group. The Standard Cost Transactions inquiry pro-
vides another approach to analyzing order variances. For example, you can
identify the variances associated with every batch/production order for an
item. In order to anticipate variances prior to ending a production order, you
can analyze the detailed information provided on the Cost Estimates and
Costing report.

The calculated standard cost for a manufactured item reflects the specified formula/BOM version, route
version, quantity, calculation date, and active cost records as of the calculation date. Calculation of a manufactured
item’s cost was previously explained in Chapter 9 (Section 9.7).
Batch Orders and Production Orders 347

Figure 14.11 Order Variances for Production

Use the Variance Analysis Statement report to view production variances

(and purchase price variances) during a specified time period, such as the
current period or current year. You can use the report options to view vari-
ances by item, batch/production order or cost group, with a summary or
detailed breakdown of variances.

Case Studies
Case 58: Frankfurters This scenario involves a meat processor that
produces several flavors of frankfurters with different packaging variations,
such as different counts and private labels for each package. Figure 14.12
shows one example of a frankfurter 12-pack (aka the packed item) which can
be produced from the meat emulsion (aka the bulk item). Other packaging
variations can also be produced from the meat emulsion.
The production process starts with a mixing vessel containing a 500
pound batch of ingredients (such as purchased meat, flour and a special spice
mix) that goes through a cutting/mixing step to become a meat emulsion.
The special spice mix is prepared beforehand and then added to the mixing
vessel. This meat emulsion is then stuffed into wiener casings, which go
through cooking and cooling steps before being placed into plastic packaging.
348 Chapter 14

Figure 14.12 Example Formula for Frankfurters (aka Hot Dogs)

The production/batch orders for the bulk item (aka the bulk orders) typi-
cally require synchronization with the production/batch orders for the
packaging variations (aka the packed orders) produced from the bulk item.
These multiple orders can be grouped together into a consolidated order in
order to support synchronization efforts. Using the consolidated order, for
example, you may perform batch balancing to optimize the use of a bulk
order quantity, such as changing the quantity for a packed order or adding/
removing packed orders. The consolidated order also provides a single point
for reporting production activities against the bulk orders and packed orders.

Case 59: Sequencing Production Batches A food products com-

pany produced bulk material with different allergens which required
sequencing to minimize changeover times in the mixing kettles. The sched-
uling considerations included sequence-dependent changeover times (based
on the allergen) and the mixing kettle capabilities for handling different
products and batch sizes. Scheduling considerations also included secondary
resources for skilled operators, as defined by employee competencies.
Batch Orders and Production Orders 349

Case 60: Reserving Component Material Based on Batch Attri-

butes A food products company tracked the batch attributes of several
purchased ingredients. The actual values for these attributes determined
usability of the key ingredients for producing bulk items. Prior to starting
production for a bulk item, the planner used batch attribute searching to find
and reserve the applicable batches of the key ingredients a component item.
The reserved batches were identified on the picking list so that the correct
material was used in production.

Case 61: Synchronize Production of Fruit Juice Packaging A

fruit juice manufacturer produced several types of fresh juices from apples,
and packaged the bulk juice into different containers. Based on demand, the
planning calculations generated planned orders for the packaging variations
and the bulk item, where the planned orders for the bulk item suggested the
optimal equipment. The production planner firmed and consolidated these
planned orders into a consolidated order representing a production run. A
consolidated order provided the basis for balancing the order quantities to
fully pack the output of each bulk order, and for detailed coordination of the
orders. It also provided a single point for reporting updates to the related
batch orders, such as reporting ingredient usage and completed product.

Executive Summary
Production represents the distinctive competency of many food product
manufacturers. Production activities can be coordinated and reported using
batch/production orders, and the significance of a single order affects these
activities. Several considerations apply to batch/production orders, such as
the order status within the order life cycle, the order-dependent formula/
BOM and routing, and the production order lead time. Production activities
can be reported against started orders, such as picking material, reporting
operation time, and receiving parent items and co-products. Coordination of
production activities is based on suggestions for planned orders, action
messages and production schedules by resources. The case studies high-
lighted variations in manufacturing environments, such as bulk/pack
production and sequencing issues.
350 Chapter 14
Columbus currently employs over 1,000 dedicated
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and 6,000 successful implementations, Microsoft
recognizes Columbus as a top global partner and has
presented the company with virtually every award
and certification available.

Industry Certified
Scott Hamilton consults and teaches globally on
SCM and ERP issues, and has consulted with several
hundred food product businesses. He authored
Maximizing Your ERP System and six previous
books about Microsoft Dynamics AX. Scott has
won the rarely given Microsoft MVP award for
Dynamics AX, and earned a doctorate in information
systems specializing in manufacturing. He is
currently employed by Columbus where he consults
with food manufacturing clients worldwide.

We in Microsoft Business Solutions are excited to see Scott providing thought

leadership for effectively using Microsoft Dynamics AX to manage a manufacturing
business and gain ROI, this time focusing on food products manufacturing.”
Kirill Tatarinov, President, Microsoft Business Solutions

The food industry has specific requirements… unique business processes,

unique data and more. Scott has leveraged his extensive experience to help
us understand these requirements and how Dynamics AX satisfies those
requirements. The devil is in the details, and Scott clearly explains the details as
well as the overall frameworks for managing a food company.”
Olin Thompson, Founder, Process ERP Partners

Scott Hamilton is the most recognized authority in the Microsoft Dynamics AX

community. His books and lectures are the most valuable in the industry. If you do
not have his books, you should get them. If you have not heard him speak, you owe
it to yourself to see him. His lecturers are the most informative and entertaining of
anyone in the AX space.”
Don Riggs, Senior AX Consultant, Envista Corporation

’Columbus’ is a part of the registered trademark ‘Columbus IT’

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