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· ART · 刮鬍
Presented by
Sun Tzu Thomas Hazelton
for the
Undistinguished Lecture Series
UBC Department of Computer Science
19 September 2008
• Motivation • Advanced Shaving Techniques
• The History of Shaving ▫ The J-Hook
• Modern Methods of Shaving ▫ The Gillette Slide
▫ Wet Shaving vs. Dry Shaving ▫ Blade Buffing
• The Art of Wet Shaving • Recommended Reading
▫ Common Myths • Questions and Answers
▫ The Shaver’s Toolkit
▫ Pre-Shave
▫ The Shave: Proper Shaving
▫ Post-Shave
• Razor burn SUCKS!
• Ingrown hairs SUCK!
• Nicks and cuts SUCK!

• Wouldn’t it be great if you

didn’t have to worry about
those things ever again?

• Wouldn’t it be awesome if
every morning shave felt like
a trip to the barber?

• Wouldn’t it be outstanding if
shaving could become a
treasured ritual, rather
than a dreaded task??
A Brief History of Shaving
• People have hated facial hair so
much throughout history, they
have used:
▫ Stone!
▫ Flint!
▫ Clam shells!!
to pluck out unwanted hair.
• Around 500 B.C., Egyptians and
Greeks began shaving their
entire heads as a defensive
Exhibit A. A clean-shaven Alexander the
measure in wars Great pictured in the Alexander Mosaic,
• Origin of the word 2xx BC
A Brief History of Shaving (20th
Modern Methods of Shaving

Wet Shaving Dry Shaving

• Performed with a • Performed with an
manual razor, a electric razor
lubricant and hot • Generally not as
water close as a wet shave
• Generally • Convenient for “on-
considered to give a the-go” shavers
“closer” shave than • Some guys prefer
dry shavers this and can get a
close shave
• Can cause razor

Common Myths
1. More blades = Better shave!

2. More pressure = Closer


3. Shaving more often will cause

hair to grow back faster and

4. If it’s newer, it must be better!

5. Shaving with/against the grain

is good/bad!
The Shaver’s Toolkit
• Prepare the “shaving mix”
with an appropriate ratio
of water:cream

• We want free-standing
peaks in our mix!!

• This can take a few minutes

– be patient

• Thoroughly wet your face

with the hottest water you
can stand – towel optional

• Shaving after a shower

ensures pores are open
• Pinch the base of the
bristles with your
fingers and apply the
cream to your face in a
swirling motion

• After full coverage,

hold the brush by the
handle and “paint” the
cream evenly around
your face
The Shave: Proper Technique
• Shaving with a single-bladed razor requires multiple
• The purpose of each pass is to gradually reduce the
beard, not eliminate it
• A quick rinse with hot water and re-lathering is
required between each pass
• The direction of the beard grain does not matter
if the mix is properly generated, and shaving strokes
are not too aggressive
Form 1: Straight down
Form 2: Towards centre line
Form 3: Towards centre line, 90°
angle from Form 2

Form 4: Freeform; catch rough

• Apply a styptic pencil
to any nicks or cuts;
rinse residue in about
10 minutes

• Apply a mild balm to

your face; alcohol-
based aftershaves can
dry the skin and
inflame irritation
Advanced Shaving Techniques
▫ These techniques are FRIGGING serious!
▫ Get some practice with the basic form before attempting
▫ SERIOUS cuts can occur if you do these improperly

• Patience, young grasshopper…shaving requires the

discipline of martial arts.

• All advanced techniques borrowed from “Advanced

Shaving Techniques” YouTube video:
The J-Hook
• Start with the head of
the razor parallel to the

• Slide the razor in an arc

on your face, very
lightly, so that the head
of the razor ends up
perpendicular to the

• Great for removing the

“little bits”
The Gillette Slide

• Simultaneously move
the blade down and

• If you move the blade

more forward than
down, you will get a
paper-cut like lesion
on your face – ouch!
Blade Buffing
• The most controversial
advanced technique!

• Cartridge razors: Keep

the blade on the face,
and lightly rub back and

• Single-blade razors: Lift

the blade off the face
between each pass
Recommended Reading
▫ These guys need another hobby… but you can get
about as much information about shaving as you can
handle here. VERY detailed instructions and tips.
▫ This guy has released a series of instructional shaving
videos with very detailed information and
demonstrations. Entertaining, and worth a watch if
you’re just starting.
Questions? Comments?

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