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In Britain, when someone gets old they often go to live in a home with other old people

where there are nurses to look after them. Sometimes the government has to pay for this

care.Who do you think should pay for this care, the government or the family?Give reasons

for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or


In recent years, the number of people who live in nursing homes in England,
Wales and Scotland has been increasing. Some people believe that the family
should pay for the care of nursing homes. However, I argue that the
government should take responsibility for the cost. The first reason is that
some people are too old to pay for the care of other family members and the
second reason is that some families cannot afford to pay for the care.

The government should pay for the cost of nursing homes because some
family members are also too old to pay for the cost of care. Some countries
have an aging population due to healthier lifestyles and the advanced state of
medical technology. Take Japanese society as an example; it is predicted that
one-third of the population in 20 years will be over 65 years. This means that
70 year old people might have to pay for the care of their elderly parents in the
future. I therefore believe that taxpayer money should pay for elderly care.

The second reason is that the financial situation varies depending on the
family. In the case that families cannot afford to pay for the cost, they have to
take care of their elderly loved ones. While some people think it is natural to
take care of elderly people and they are willing to bath them, feed them and
shower them, other people find it very difficult. It is not uncommon that family
members use financial, physical, and psychological abuse on their elderly
parents because of the stress from taking care of them. For example, there
were an increase in the number of cases of euthanasia in countries where this
is legal during the recent global economic recession.
In conclusion, I strongly agree with the idea that the state should pay for the
care of the aged because some family members are too old to pay for them
and it might be a heavy burden to take care of them at home. Therefore, the
government should establish their pension system for the care of elderly

2.advantages overweighs disadvantages.

Question- Many museums charge for admission while others are free.

Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the


Some museums have an admission charge while some do not. In my opinion,

the drawbacks of an entrance fee are eclipsed by its benefits in the sense that
the income will be ploughed back into operation and development of the

Excellent. You have outlined what you are going to talk about and at the same
time made your opinion very clear. This is exactly what you need to do to
make it clear to the examiner what you think about the question and also
helps them to follow the rest of your essay.

A major disadvantage of an admission fee is the possibility of reducing the

number of visitors. Museums house exhibitions and artefacts of great
educational and historical value. If the chief aim of a museum is to introduce
the local community, admission should be free to the public and visitors. Take
some folk museums in Hong Kong, which preserve historic relics and display
folk customs, for example. Admission to these folk museums, which are often
monuments, is free of charge. If they had charged an entrance fee, many
might have turned to other activities.
Excellent. Clear and relevant main reasons and fully developed idea. It was
great to see how you took one central idea and developed it fully with
explanations and a specific example.

Granted, an entrance fee might have a negative effect on the admission

figures, but an income is favorable to museums in terms of operation.
Museums feature educational exhibitions at times, and this could not have
been done without a sum of money expended on hiring professionals and
buying equipment. The Hong Kong Space Museum, for instance, has monthly
exhibitions on different issues and professional docents are employed to take
visitors on a guided tour around the museum. This example speaks volumes
about how a reasonable admission charge is advantageous to the operation
of a museum.

As above. I particularly like the way you linked both main ideas in the first

In conclusion, the disadvantages of an admission fee are overshadowed by

the benefits accruing from a stable source of income. Therefore, having
weighed up the pros and cons, I am convinced that museums should charge
an entrance fee for the sake of operation and development.

Very elegant conclusion. You have summarised your main points and
reiterated your opinion. Well done.

3.Disuss both views with balanced approach

Lots of you have been asking me to write an essay with a balanced approach,
or in other words when you agree with both sides. I normally advise my
students to pick one side or the other, as this leads to a very clear opinion, but
here is a sample that takes a more balanced view.

Some people think that a sense of competition in children should

be encouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate
rather than compete become more useful adults.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

It is often argued that children should be motivated to be more competitive,

while others feel that cooperation is a more important value to instill in
youngsters. This essay will discuss both these views, before coming to the
conclusion that they are equally valid.

It is important that young people are pushed to be the best they can possibly
be, in whatever pursuit they take part in. This drive to win boosts their work
ethic and teaches them that hard work and discipline are the keys to success.
For example, it was shown in a recent study by Queen’s University that
students who won something in sports before they reached the age of 14,
were 42% more likely to go on to third-level education than those who did not.
Despite this, the development of a child requires not only a will to win, but also
lessons on the value of teamwork.

Working as part of a team strengthens our empathy, selflessness and make

us more responsible toward others. If one were to want to win at the expense
of those around us, it is likely that we would alienate our peers and become
detached from any team we operate in. For example, Michael Jordan was
often criticised by his coaches for being too competitive in practice and overly
critical of his team mates and he had to change for the sake of his team.

In conclusion, our young ones should be taught to try their best to achieve
their goals, but this should also be balanced with the importance of working
with others. Both are equally important and will result in a more balanced
young adult.

4.Discuss both views and give your opinion

Some people work for the same organization all their working life. Others think that it is

better to work for different organizations.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In the past, people used to work for the same company all their lives. In recent
years, there has been an increase in the number of people who prefer to work
for a variety of companies. This essay will show that despite there being many
financial benefits to having a one-company career, it is better to switch
workplaces regularly in order to fully develop.

On the one hand, those who believe that having the same job throughout their
lives argue that it gives them financial stability. Long term employees normally
accrue financial rewards such as a higher salary and a decent pension plan.
For instance, long-term employees of the UK government can normally retire
when they are 55 with 75% of their final salary paid to them each month until
they die. However, having the same job for life does not suit everyone and
could leave to certain level of stagnation.

People working for a variety of companies are given more opportunities to

learn different skills. When workers start a new job, they will be exposed to
new co-workers and a different corporate culture that shows them how to do
things differently. For example, Wired Magazine recently reported that the
average Apple employee only works there for 5 years and the average Google
worker is there for less than 2 for this very reason.

In conclusion, while working for the same company all our lives can provide
financial security, this essay believes that it is better to work for different
companies in order to grow and become better than before.

5.positive or negative development essay

Scientists predict that in the future cars will be driven by computers.

What are the reasons behind this?
Is it a positive or negative development?

In the coming years, experts believe that vehicles will be driven autonomously
by computers. The main reason for this is the development of artificial
intelligence that specialises in manoeuvring cars. This should be seen as a
positive development because it will prevent accidents and save lives.
In the past few years, there has been an explosion in the advancement of
vehicles due to A.I. Advanced computer learning means that cars and other
vehicles can move from point A to point B without the need for human
interference. Due to the nature of these self-learning computers, the more they
drive, the better they become and this will soon mean that it will be quite
normal for people to be driven by computers. For example, Google, Tesla, and
Apple all have autonomous driving projects, with Tesla announcing that all of
its vehicles will be self-driving within 5 years.

This should be welcomed because, despite some initial safety concerns, it will
ultimately save lives. This is because most collisions are due to human error
and as machine learning gets better and better it will completely eliminate
human involvement. This will mean that incidents such as drink driving, falling
asleep at the wheel and speeding become a thing of the past. For instance,
Elon Musk of Tesla Motors announced that its ‘Auto Pilot’ system has logged
over 10 million miles with only one accident. Similar distances with people
driving would have resulted in far more road traffic accidents.

In conclusion, the emergence of computer-controlled transportation will

inevitably become the new standard in driving as computers learn more and
should be viewed positively as it will improve safety standards.

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