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Palestine Polytechnic University ‫جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين‬

Language & Translation Center ‫مركز اللغات والترجمة‬

English | Final Project | Action Plan |

1) Name of student Abdul-Rahman Osama Dwaik # 184276

2) Title of project: How to deal with the Covid-19 crisis in the light of Islamic Shari'ah

3) Description of the project (what is the project about and what do you want to do

This study shows how Islam dealt with crises similar to the Virus Corona crisisas Covid-19, and how

was the first to impose quarantine and social separation and what the commandments it gave to


4) Titles and links of resources:

1) Sahih Muslim
2) Sharh Al-Bari
3) Al-Wafa summary, Dar Al-Mustafa news
5) What will you have in each section:
a. Introduction (what you want to present):
Islamic law is complete law, leaving nothing but talk about it
And this current crisis, Islam knows best how to deal with it.
b. Body:
i. Facts (at least 3):
1. When the plague occurred, the Messenger, Peace be upon him,
prevented anyone from leaving the affected country or entering it
ii. When the plague of Emmaus occurred, the Khalifa Omar did not enter
iii. Commander Amr ibn al-As instructed people about something similar to what is known
today as social distribution
iv. Your opinion: What you think and why you think so: Islam is a comprehensive and
complete religion, and the believer cannot take a single step without
referring to his legislation
v. A message to people: Say 2 important things to people and ask them to take action:
Palestine Polytechnic University ‫جامعة بوليتكنك فلسطين‬

Language & Translation Center ‫مركز اللغات والترجمة‬

1. Two things: I advise people to return to their religion in every

matter and advise them to avoid rumors, especially what is
attributed to this debt regarding dealing with crises
2. Take action: To do as Allah and His Messenger commanded them
to abide by the endemic areas and not to leave or enter the
country .
c. Closing: describe the project again and show the importance of your topic:
The importance of this project is that it sheds light on the importance of
Islamic law in people's lives and how in the light of the Islamic religion, this
crisis can be dealt with until it is gone.

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