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Активности 21.04.

7 grade

Hello students. As I’ve promised, we are continuing our lessons in English.

For today we have the question words How many/How much…..?

As we know many is used in questions if the noun is countable (many се користи во прашања
ако именката е бројна и е во множина) For example:

-How many cookies does the average North American eat?

-How many teeth has an adult got?

-How many children are there at the playground?

How many books have you read so far?

The nouns cookies, teeth, children and books are countable plural nouns (Бројни именки во
множина) and their singular forms (во еднина гласат) are a cookie, a tooth, a child, a book

Much is used in questions if the noun is uncountable (ако именката е небројна наместо many
користиме much). For example:

-How much water does an elephant drink?

-How much blood is there in our body?

How much coffee can you drink?

Step 1 -Copy the table in exercise 2 p.104 and fill in the gaps

Step 2 -Complete the sentences in exercise 3 p.104 with many or much (don’t
have to copy the sentences just write answers)

Step 3 -Make questions for the answers in exercise 4. P.104 (Please be careful
with this exercise, think twice)

Step 4- I am sending a handout with 2 more exercises for some extra practice.
Write the answers only.

Please finish up this lesson by Thursday. On Friday I am sending a new lesson

for you. If you have any questions feel free to ask. If you think that some of your
classmates will have problems with the instructions being in English please help
him/her with the translation. Help each other.

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