How To Drink 5 To 6 Liters of Water A Day

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How to Drink 5 to 6 Liters of Water a day

“How much water we need to drink a day?” A single voice of truth is always suppressed
among the mass of untruth.

The water should be taken in two parts:

1) water on empty stomach
2) water during the day.

• Water to be taken empty stomach:

This is the first dose of water has to be taken immediately after wake up.
During this period we have to take 2.5 to 3 liters of water.
This can be done in 3 different installments within 2-3 hours.
Wake up early in the morning. The best time to wake up is 3-4 A. M. The process of
drinking water begins as soon as we get up from bed. Some people need to urinate
immediately after getting up. Such people can start taking water after urinating. Some
others may not have an urgent urge to ablate immediately after getting up. This is a
good habit. They can start taking water after attending the nature call.

First Installment:
We should drink 1 to 1 ½ liters of water as soon as we get up. Those who find it difficult
to drink one liter of water at a stretch can take half a liter and the rest after 5-6
minutes. It can be taken at one go also.
After drinking water without attending to any other work, concentrate on intestines;
move around for 10-15 minutes and the movement in your intestines starts. If we
concentrate on intestines without thinking any other things, the nerves in our intestines
relax. In addition to this the pressure of 1 to 1 ½ liters of water, acts as a flush upon the
intestines, which are holding the fasces. Instead of rushing to the toilet immediately
move around for a while & then enter the toilet. The Ablution is easy and complete.
Ablating after the breakfast or lunch is not a good habit. Unless you attend to nature
calls you should not do other things. After ablution you may brush your teeth. The water
we take goes into blood after 20-25 minutes and then you can go for your physical
When you take 1 to 1 ½ liters of water it has two advantages. With the pressure of
water the waste material is easily purged out along with the purification of urine The first
installment of water goes into blood and the cells and soaks overnight waste material,
which has moved due to the excretion process. If we do some physical exercises the
waste material is stirred well. If water soaks, the physical exercise moves it.

Second Installment:
Those who do physical exercises can take 1 liter of water after finishing their exercises
ie., after 1 hour or more of their exercises. Those who attend household duties can take
the second installment of water, 40-45 minutes after their first installment.
Concentrate again on the intestines and move around for 10 – 15 minutes.
Our large intestine which stores the fasces is about one and half meters long. In the first
installment only the fasces stored at the corner of the intestine comes out. Double to
that is still there in the intestines. We never think about it as we are not aware of it. It
takes half an hour to move the remaining fasces. It means the second installment is
ready after half an hour after you ablate first. The delay is on our part. Since there is
constipation the intestines may not listen to us. When fasces do not move even after the
intake of second installment of water it is better for them to take enema with warm
water for few days. After taking second installment of water and ablation you can take

Third Installment:
Those who take 2.5 to 3 liters of water in two installments need not take third
installment. Those who have taken only 1 or 2 liters in two installments can take third
installment of water. If it is inconvenient you may skip the third installment of water.
Those who are overweight, suffer from constipation, have stones in kidneys, suffer from
chronic diseases and emit bad body odor need to take another liter of water after
consuming 2.5 to 3 liters of water.

It is better to finish all the three installments in the morning by 7 or 7.30 A.M.
The water taken on empty stomach will rectify the loopholes of our body and repair the
system purging out the leftover waste material in the form of fasces, urine and sweat.
The water taken on empty stomach will cleanse the cells and 5-6 liters of blood internally
as bathing cleanses the external body. That is why whatever may be the amount of
soap, talcum powders, skin cleansers and creams that we apply, the bad smell returns
just after an hour. This is the real way of cleaning our body. As we all know that our
body consists of 70% of water, it is the only the water taken on empty stomach that
cleanses but not the water that is taken during the day.

One must remember two special notes here. (1) Those who suffer from cold, allergy,
sinusitis, sneezing, acidity and ulcers better take warm water on empty stomach. (2)
After the intake of water, 20 to 30 minutes gap is to be maintained before eating

• Taking Water during the Day:

We eat something or the other during the day.
The water we take is very useful to digest, transport the digested food and turn it into
energy apart from discharging two more duties. The work we attend to generates heat in
the muscles. Water is needed to cool the muscles. It is hot during day due to sun. If we
have to protect our body and skin from the sun there should be ample water in the body.
To discharge these two duties we have to supply water to the body in time. Water
needing during the day is about 2.5 to 3 liters. Let us also remember that we should
take these 2.5 to 3 liters of water when the stomach is empty but not while we eat.

Fourth Installment:
It begins two hours after the breakfast. By this time the food we eat in our breakfast is
churned and converted in the form of paste or flour by various gases released in the
stomach and completely digested. The water we take at this mixes up with that flour or
paste and turns it into juice form. Fourth installment of 1 liter of water need not be
taken at a time because there is no need to ablate. It can be taken in small quantities.
First time one or two glasses of water can be taken and another glass or two with an
interval of half an hour or an hour. In this way it can be taken between breakfast and
half an hour before lunch. This fourth installment of water protects us from sun and
maintains the water level in the body. When there is enough water in the glands and
blood, saliva, digestive juices in the stomach and intestines will be produced sufficiently.
It means the fourth installment of water will qualify us to take food.

Fifth Installment: It begins two hours after lunch. One liter of water is enough in this
installment. Two hours after lunch the food is digested. However, digestion process in
the small intestines goes on. The water taken during this installment will help the
digested food to mix with blood. Then it reaches the cells. The fifth installment of water
protects us from the heat generated by our body due to work as well as sun.

Sixth Installment: This installment of water begins half an hour before evening snacks
and two hours after snacks. We should consume this installment between 5.30 P.M. to
6.30 P.M. This is because we need to urinate by 10-11 P.M. Take your dinner 30 minutes
after completing this installment. If we take dinner by 7 P.M, it will be digested by the
time we go to bed. When food is digested stomach and intestines find rest. Then, the
body resumes the duty of cleaning and repairing. If you take late dinner late at nights
there won’t be any time for this process. It may cause diseases. Two hours after dinner
half or one glass of water can be taken. That much water is sufficient carry the digested
food into blood.

If the urine is not yellowish but white in color it is a sign of good health. Don’t get
confused with the mention of white urine. Urine is usually pale yellow.

Have Patience: Here is a special note for the beginners. Those who wish to take water
in this way may try to take 3-4 liters of water a day in the beginning. Take 1 to 1.5 liters
of water in the morning, the same quantity in the afternoon for four or five days and
then go for 5-6 liters of water. If you feel any difficulty reduce the intake till you are
accustomed to it. Aged people who need not move out can take only 4 liters of water.

In the beginning you may feel that you have nothing to do except drinking water,
purging and urinating. You might even feel confined to your toilets. Keep patience for a
week’s time. The result begins to show after 10 days. You might have a feeling of being
on cloud nine. You might feel light and comfortable. After that you are going to feel
blessed for cultivating such a great habit in you. The mother asks her child whether he
has brushed his teeth as soon as he gets up. But how many mothers ask their child
whether they have drunk enough water. Immediately after waking up the wives should
offer water .

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