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“Basic Tenses are usually used in the Meeting”

Individual Work

Intended to fulfill one the assignments in the Engslig Bussiness course

Arranged by :
Name : Agung Prasetya
NPM: D1.1803357

Management study program

Sebelas April Sumedang college Economic


First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled “Basic Tenses are usually used in the Meeting” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Cece
Enjang Kartiwa, M.M as lecturer in Structure major.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. Hopefull allah replies all help and bless you all. The writer realized this
paper still imperfect in arramgment and the content. Then the writer hope the criticim from
the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least hopefully,
this paper can helps the readers to again more knowledge about english bussiness.

Sumedang, 12 April 2020

Agung prasetya

English is international language. If we can speak English well, we can communicate
with all people in the world. And then we also can get insight and science for our nation, we
can read English literature, listen international radio, and watch international movie. So, we
can get sciences for all category.
Not only to add skill international language, learn English make easier to get a job.
Speak international language give as many advantage for every one. Make us ready to stay
Therefore, very need to learn grammar or tenses in English. So that we can speak
Englis more easy. We also understand how to make sentence correctly.

1.2Formulation of the problem

1. Know 10 tenses in English.
2. Understanding 10 tenses, formulas, and example sentences

1.3Aims Of Paper
From the identification of the problems above, then I certainly aim to explain or explain
these points, in accordance with the knowledge I have gained, both from the source book and
from the teachers. Hopefully all of them provide benefits for us. If there are writing errors or
words in this paper, I apologize profusely.

2.1   Simple Present Tenses
simple present tense is used to express repetitive or unchanging actions. the action
can be in the form of habits, hobbies, recurring events, emotions or desires. present tense is
not used to express the action that is happening right now.
present tense formula :

type of sentence form present tense formula
positive Verbal Subject + Verb-1 = (s/es)
Nominal Sebject + is/am/are + nominal
Negative Verbal Subject + do/does + not +infinitive
Nominal Subject + is/am/are + not + nominal
interrogative Verbal Do / does + subject + infintive
nominal Ia / am/are + subject + nominal

 The use of simple present tense :

1. Habits and routines
the use of this simple present is to describe actions that are often the most
obvious. for example: our daily habits or routines.
2. Reveals facts, generalizations and universal truths
we can use this simple present to talk about universal truths (such as natural law)
or things we believe are true or not.
3. Certain events or events that will occur.
Simple present tense can also function to state an event that will inevitably
happen in the future
4. Permanent Situation.
One of the functions of present tense can also be to talk about situations in life
that lasts a long time.

 Example of Simple Present Tense Sentences

Examples of simple present tense positive, negative and interrogative sentences are:
Positive :
o I live in Cimalaka.
o He works in the office.
o Cats eat fish.

o I don't watch television everyday
o She doesn't go to the market every week.
o He doesn't draw well.

Question (Interrogative) :
o What do you do?
o Do you have a handphone?
o Can you do me a favor

2.2 Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous tense functions to express continuous actions. The form of present
continuous tense is used to indicate that something is happening or will soon happen.
 Present Continuous Tense formula
These Tense are active verbs in the form of present participle ending in "-
ing" and also with "to be". The form of the present continuous tense formula is
subject + to be + verb-ing.
Types of Sentences Present Continuous Tense Formula
Positive Sentences S + to be + Verb-ing
Negative Sentences S + to be + not + Verb-ing
Interrogative Sentences To be + S + Verb-ing?

 Use of Present Continuous Tense

1. The situation is ongoing
You can also use continuous present to reveal that you are doing something
and that the activity requires a certain amount of time to complete.
2. Temporary activities.
Present progressive functions to declare activities that only last for a limited
period of time.
3. Anger
The use of the present form of continuous tense can also be to express anger
over someone or something that is happening right now.
4. Current events or actions.
The present continuous tense is most often used to talk about events or actions
that occur while speaking.
5. Future plan.
There are times when some people use present continuous tense to show that
something is planned and will be done soon.
 Examples of Presentations Continuous Tense Sentences
Examples of positive, negative and interrogative present continuous
tense sentences are:

o Agung is listening to his sister right now.
o Fatin is taking math classes at the university.
o I am cooking at an kitchen.

o I am not singing
o They are not walking.
o She is not going home.
Interrogative (ask).
o What are you doing these days?
o Are You learning English now?
o Is He eating now?

2.3 Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense is used to express events that occurred at the time it began in the
past and continues today.
This sentence form can also function to state an event that is influential at this time.
We can say that the present perfect tense is a relationship between the past and the present.
 Present Perfect Tense formula
type of sentence form Perfect Tense Formula
Positive Verbal Subject + have/has +Verb-3 + O/Adv

Nominal Subject + have/has+ been + Noun/Adj/Adv

Negative Verbal Subject + have/has + not+ Verb-3 + O/Adv
Nominal S + have/has + not + been +

Interrogative Verbal Verbal Have/has + Subject + verb-3 +

nominal Have/has + Subject + been +

 Use of Present Perfect Tense

1. The events still continue until now.
Present perfect tense is often used when we want to emphasize that an event
continues today.
2. Activity is still influential at this time.
Perfect tense is also able to express an activity that is still influential at this
3. The unknown event is definitely the time before now.
Present perfect is used to talk about events that occurred a while in the past
that are not certain exactly when the event occurred.
You can say present perfect tense with obscure words like "ever", "already",
"never", "and" yet ".
The present perfect with the word "ever" is often used in interrogative
sentences. It can also be used in negative sentences with "no body has ever".
If you use "Already" you can use it in interrogative statements or sentences.
This word can be placed before playing the verb or past partisiple at the end of
the sentence.

 Examples of Present Perfect Tense Tense Sentences

Examples of sentences present perfect tense tense positive, negative and
interrogative are:
Positif :
o I have seen that movie many times.
o The have not slept much recently.
o I have lived in Cimalaka for twelve years.

o Agung has not finished his homework yet.
o They have not mastered Japanese.
o The rain hasn't stopped.
Interrogative :
o Have you ever met him?
o Has Bill arrived?
o Has the army attacked that city?

2.4 . Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Present perfect continuous tense functions to talk about actions or situations that are
taking place before several other actions or situations. This tense refers to actions that began
in the past and continue to this day.

 Present Perfect Continuous Tense formula

The way to form a present perfect continuous tense sentence is to use the formula "has
/ have + been + present participle".

Types of Sentences Present Perfect Continuous Formula

Positive Sentences Subject + have/has + been + Present Participle (V1-ing)

Negative Sentences Subject + have/has + not + been + Present Participle (V1-

Interrogative Sentences have/has + Subject + been + Present Participle (V1-ing) ?
 Use of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense
1. Temporary activities.
Use present perfect continuous tense to express a job or temporary
2. Activities have continued until now.
Present perfect continuous tense can be used to show that an activity that
began in the past and still continues until now.
3. New work is over.
The present perfect continuous function is also to talk about a job that
started in the past and has just finished.
2.5 . Simple Past Tense
Simple past tense is used to express past events or work that have already been
completed. The work or event may take place over a long period of time or not and may
occur one after the other in succession.

Past Tense formula :

Type of sentence Simple Past Tense formula

Positive Sentences S + Verb-2 (past tense)
I/You/We/They + were
He/She/it + was

Negative Sentences S + did + not + bare infinitive

I/You/We/They + were + not
he/she/it + was + not

Interrogative Sentences Did + S + bare infinitive

be(was/were) + S

 Use of Past Tense

1. Past events.
The use of simple past tense occurs when we talk about past events and
historical facts.
2. A series of past work.
Simple past tense can be used to describe several jobs in the past that
happened one after the other in sequence.
3. Past events that have been completed.
Another simple past tense use is to state actions or events that occurred at a
certain time in the past, be it long or not.
 Example of Simple Past Tense Sentences
Examples of simple past tense positive, negative and interrogative
sentences are:
o Agung went to London yesterday.
o She was still single in 2020.
o He congratulated him for the success.

o I didn't like rice before.
o Agung was not a football player.
o They aren`t worked for Amazon.
o Did you eat an egg?

o Did she drink coffee?
o When did you move here?
o Did she drink coffee?./li>
o When did you move here?

2.6 Past Continuous Tense

Past continuous tense serves to show something happening over a certain period of
time. This tense is used to express something that happened before now and is still ongoing
Past Continuous Tense formula :

Type of sentence Past Continuous Tense formula

Positive S + be (was/were) + Present Participle (V-ing) + O

Negative S + be (was/were) + not + Present Participle (V-ing) + O

introgative be (was/were) + S + present participle (v-ing) + O?

 Use of Past Continuous Tense

1. Two activities take place at the same time.
We can use this past continuous tense to talk about two or more activities that occur at
the same time, usually using when or while to connect the two sentences.
2. Conditions in the past whose duration is unknown.
Past continuous tense has a function to talk about something that has been going on for
some time in the past with an unknown duration of time.
3. Activity is interrupted while in progress.
The use of past continuous is also often used to indicate one activity is in process but is
interrupted by another event in the past. The word to connect these two sentences is
when or while.

 Examples of Past Continuous Tense Sentences

Examples of positive, negative and interrogative past continuous tense sentences are:
o I was eating banana yesterday in the evening.
o Agung was studying English.
o She was swimming in the river.

o Agung was not sleeping.
o I wish you were not driving this car.
o We were not getting home.
o What was John doing yesterday?

o What were you watching yesterday night?
o What were you doing last week?

2.7 . Past Future Tense

Past future tense is an action / event that is planned and promised in the future in the
The past future tense formula :

Type of sentence Simple Past Tense formula

Positive Positif S + Should/Would + bare infinitive
S + was/were + going to + bare infinitive

Negative S + Should/Would + not + bare infinitive

S + was/were + not + going to + bare

Interrogative Should/Would + S + bare infinitive?

Was/were + S + going to + bare infinitive?.

 Use of Past Future Tense

1. An act of necessity.
Stating an event, action and action that becomes a necessity.
2. Invite others.
Inviting others to do something.
3. Events that did not occur.
State an event that did not happen in the past and is not possible in the present.
 Examples of Past Future Tense Sentences
Examples of positive, negative and interrogative past future tense sentences are:
o Metallica has a strong feeling that They would perform in Jakarta.
o He said he would pick him up at the station yesterday evening.
o I said I would not forgive him.
o He said He would not forgive him.
o The window should not be opened.
o I wish that I would not be disturbed.
o Would you come to her your party?
o Should It be discovered soon?
2.8 Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense is an expression to emphasize that work or circumstances in the past
are done before other work begins in the past.

Past Perfect Tense formula :

Type of sentence Past Perfect Tense formula

Positive S + Had + V-3 + O

Negative S + Had + not + V-3 + O

Interrogative Had + S + V-3 + O?

 Use of Present Perfect Tense

1. Expectations that are not realized.
Past perfect tense is useful for expressing hopes, intentions, plans that are
not realized.
2. Dissatisfaction with something in the past.
Past perfect is often used to show dissatisfaction with something in the
past. The usual sentence starts with I wish or If only.
3. Events before other events in the past.
The final and primary use of past perfect tense is to emphasize that one
event in the past occurred before another event in the past.
 Example of Past Perfect Tense Sentences
Examples of positive, negative and interrogative past perfect tense
sentences are:

o I had closed the windows before I went yesterday morning.
o Siti said she had not seen this movie.
o He asked if I had watched Titanic.
o The car had not been used for years before we had it repaired.
o She had not called her mother before she left this morning.
o You might have been so tired when you stopped playing.
o Had It been proved to be true before I checked it myself?
o Had Zidane disappeared from football since 7 years ago?
o Had you got some water after you took your pill that night?

2.9 . Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past perfect continuous tense is a form of verb that is used to talk about an ongoing
activity or situation before some other activity or situation.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense formula:

Type of sentence Past Perfect Continuous Tense formula
Positive S + had + been + Present Participle (V-ing) + O

Negative S + had + not + been + Present Participle (V-ing) +


Interrogative Had + S + been + Present Participle (V-ing) + O?

 Use of Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Showing cause.
Use past perfect continuous tense to show the causes of events or circumstances in
the past.
2. Declares work in progress before other work.
The use of past perfect continuous tense can also function to state the state or
work in progress before several other conditions or work.
2.10 . Simple Future Tense
Simple future tense is a form of verb that is used to refer to the future. Simple future
tense has two forms: i.e. "will + verb" and "to be + going to verb". Both refer to specific
times in the future.
Simple Future Tense formula :
a) Simple future - will
"Will" usually expresses a promise to do something or act voluntarily. The sentence is
formed by the simple future formula: will + verb. You can turn it into a negative sentence by
placing "not" between "will" and "verb".
b) Simple future - to be + going to
"To be + be verb" usually expresses plans to do something. Sentences are formed with
the simple future tense to be + going to + verb formula. You can turn it into a negative
sentence by placing "not" between to be and going to.
Both forms of simple future above can be used to express predictions about the future.
type of sentence form Future Tense formula
positive Verbal S + will/shall + V-1 + O
S + am/is/are + going to + V-1 + O

Nominal S + will/shall + be + C
S + is/am/are + going to be + Complement

Negative Verbal S + will/shall + not + V-1 + O

S + am/is/are + not + going to + V-1 + O

Nominal S + will/shall + not + be + Complement

S + am/is/are + not + going to + be + V-1

interrogative Verbal Will/shall + S + V-1 + O?.

Am/is/are + S + going to + V-1 + O?.

nominal Will/shall + S + be + C?.

is/am/are + S + going to + be + C?.

Both forms of simple future tense above can be used to express predictions about the
 Use of Simple Future Tense
1. Promise.
Use simple future tense to make promises and vows.
2. Estimate.
Serves to make estimates based on our experience or intuition, such as the
words: believe, feel sure or suppose. By using adverbs: maybe, maybe or maybe.
3. Event is coming up.
Used to talk about events or events that are coming up and we have no influence on
those events.
 Examples of Simple Future Tense Sentences
Examples of simple future phrases positive, negative and interrogative tense
o He will send you a letter next week.
o I am going to finish my work in a day.
o My wife will be here tomorrow.

o He is not going to spend his vacation in Bali next month.
o I will not call you tomorrow.
o We aren`t going to eat a whole apple together.
o Who will help Me finish this homework?
o What are you going to do this month?
o Is He going to drive all the way to Surabaya?

Learning English tenses is an important part of learning grammar because it is closely
related to the use of assistive words, verbs, to be and conditions in conversation practice.
In total there are sixteen tenses in English, although foreign countries are often
mentioned that only twelve English tenses are often used.
There are three basic forms of tenses, namely: present tense, past tense, future tense.
From the development of the three basic forms it produces sixteen tenses,
namely:Present tense, (simple present, present continuous, present perfect, present
perfect continuous).
Past tense, (simple past, past continuous, past future, past perfect, past perfect
continuous, past future perfect, past future continuous, past future perfect continuous).
Future tense, (simple future, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect

The material of this paper about English still needs to be completed, in which there
are still many shortcomings due to limitations possessed by the composer. To the lecturer
of the course concerned and all parties who read this paper, so as to provide input so that
this paper can be more useful and easier to understand.




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