Elscint: CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet

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CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet

Table of Contents

Image Quality Performance
Scanning System
Scanning Modes
X-Ray System
Computing and Display System
Data Storage
Operator Console
Physical Specifications

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 1 AUGUST 1996

Main Menu Table of Contents

CT Twin Flash - Features

• Dual-slice spiral scanner by design

• High efficiency Dual-Arc solid-state detector arrays
• On-board 60 kW, high frequency, high-voltage generator
• Low voltage Slip Ring
• 1 second routine scanning
• 512 Mbyte RAM
• Large 500 mm field-of-view inside a wide flared 70 cm aperture
• 3.5 MHU DFS X-Ray Tube effectively doubled to 7 MHU due to dual-slice design.
Optional: 5 MHU tube (effective 10 MHU
• Dynamic Focal Spot (DFS) X Ray Tube design providing up to 20 lp/cm ultra-high spatial
resolution, in axial and spiral scanning
• 2.4 seconds reconstruction time of a large FOV, body 5122 image
• Gantry and Table controls conveniently located both on Gantry and Operator Console
• 21" high resolution 1280 x 1024 color, multi-display monitor
• Reconstruction matrices of 3402, 5122 , 7682 and 10242
• SlimScan (optional): 0.5 mm slice thickness enabling Isotropic Imaging
• Double Helix (spiral) scanning (optional): up to 62 sec. continuous acquisition, or, up to
105 sec. multiple, back-to-back, bi-directional acquisitions
• Evolving Images: image reconstruction in step with spiral acquisition
• Multi-tasking operation: acquisition, reconstruction and data management are indepen-
dent parallel tasks
• Real-time image processing: Zoom & Pan, Cine, Multiformat, Image Enhancement and
Image Graphics
• Software Packages: Basic - MPR (Oblique), 3D Single-tissue, TLCT 3D multi-tissue,
MIP (Max. & Min.), DentaCT, BMAS, Stereotaxis, Auto Filming

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 2 AUGUST 1996

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CT Twin Flash - Image Quality Performance

High Contrast Spatial Resolution

(measured on acrylic/air bar phantom)

Ultra-High Mode
9.4 lp/cm @ 50% MTF
16.7 lp/cm @ 10% MTF
20.0 lp/cm @ cut-off

Scan Technique:
120 kVp, 200 mA, 1 sec, 2.5 mm slice width, 5122 matrix, 25 cm FOV, zoom 2, detail (E) filter

High Mode
7.4 lp/cm @ 50% MTF
12.0 lp/cm @ 10% MTF
14.0 lp/cm @ cut-off

Scan technique:
120 kVp, 200 mA, 1 sec, 2.5 mm slice width, 5122 matrix, 43 cm FOV, zoom 2.5, detail (E)

Standard Mode
5.4 lp/cm @ 50% MTF
8.5 lp/cm @ 10% MTF
11.0 lp/cm @ cut-off

Scan technique:
120 kVp, 300 mA, 1 sec, 10 mm slice width, 5122 matrix, 43 cm FOV, zoom 1.8, detail (D) fil-


Standard Mode
0.29% as measured on the Elscint system phantom (21.6 cm water equivalent)

Scan technique
120 kVp, 300 mA, 1 sec, 10 mm, dual-slice mode, 5122 matrix, 25 cm FOV, standard (EB) fil-
ter, 25 mGy peak dose

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Low Contrast Detectability

Standard Mode
Better than 0.25% for 3.0 mm pins as measured on the 16 cm ATS Phantom.

Scan technique
120 kVp, 300 mA, 1 sec, 10 mm, dual-slice mode, 5122 matrix, 25 cm FOV, standard (EB) fil-
ter, 25 mGy peak dose

Absorption Measurement Range

-1000 to +3095 Hounsfield units

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 4 AUGUST 1996

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CT Twin Flash - Scanning System

Scanning Regime
Continuous rotate/rotate Twin-Beam

High efficiency solid state Dual-Arc detector array consisting of 1052 elements plus one refer-
ence detector.
DFS X Ray Tube design doubles ray density, i.e. effectively doubles the number of detection
channels to 2104.

Dynamic Range
1,000,000 to 1

Data Sampling Rate

Up to 1100 views/sec/slice

Scan Acquisition
Number of measurements per slice (in million samples/slice)

Sampling Scan Time

1 2 4
normal 0.6 1.2 2.3
high 1.2 2.3 4.6
very high 2.3 4.6

Gantry Aperture
700 mm diameter

Gantry Tilt
+20° to -30°

Scan Circle Diameters

180, 250, 430, 500 mm

Slice Withs
0.5(optional), 1.0, 2.0*, 2.5, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0 mm (* fused mode)

Scan Angles
223°, 360°, 403°

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 5 AUGUST 1996

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Scan Times
0.6 sec for partial 223° scan;
1, 2 sec for full 360° scan
2x1, 2x2, 4x1 seconds for multi-rotation scans

Slice Position Indicator

Triple-axis fiberoptic system

Scanning Table
Longitudinal Motion

Range: 1680 mm
Speed: 0.5 to 70 mm/sec
Position accuracy: ±0.25 mm

Vertical Motion

Range: 680 1090 mm above floor

Speed: 10 mm/sec or 30 mm/sec

Table Load Capacity

215 kg (with full accuracy)

Swivel Angulation (Option)

± 12° for optimal symmetric imaging

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 6 AUGUST 1996

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CT Twin Flash - Scanning Modes

Sequential Axial Scanning

Single Slice Scan

Conventional slice-by-slice acquisition

Dual-Slice Scan
Two contiguous slices acquired simultaneously followed by a double table increment

Fused-Slice Scan
Acquisition of two contiguous thin slices and reconstruction of one thick slice. Reduced par-
tial volume effects.

Multi-Rotate Scan
Multiple rotation acquisition for reduced patient motion artifacts

Double-Helix Spiral Scanning (Option)

Spiral Acquisition
Multiple back-to-back bi-directional acquisitions

Spiral Exposure
Up to 62 sec. of uninterrupted spiral scanning
105 sec. of total spiral data acquisition prior to image reconstruction

Spiral Pitches
Dual 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
Fused 1.0, for reduced slice profile broadening

Spiral Image Reconstruction

• Modes: Concurrent, On-line, Off-line
• Algorithm: Linear Interpolations
Pitches>1: Partial 180° image reconstruction
Pitches<1: Full 360° image reconstruction
Pitches=1.0 : 180° or 360°, at users choice
• Effective slice width: The spiral image slice width (FWHM) depends on the choice of the
spiral pitch and the reconstruction algorithm. It might be equal, 10% or 30% wider than
the physical slice collimation

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 7 AUGUST 1996

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Spiral Coverage
Maximum scan length (cm) for 62 sec acquisition

Image 3.5 MHU 130 mAs 170 mAs 260 mAs 340 mAs 520 mAs
Slice 5 MHU 150 mAS 200 mAs 300 mAs 400 mAs 600 mAs

11-13 100* 100* 100* 90 60
5.5-6.5 100* 90 60 45 30
2.7-3.2 60 45 30 22 15
1.1-1.3 24 18 12 9 6
0.55-0.65 12 9 6 4.5 3

*Limited by standard table-top scannable range

RLT-1 or CRLT-1 option provide 153 cm scannable range

Dynamic Scanning

Continuous Dynamic Scan

Up to 30 sec of uninterrupted 1 second scan acquisition. Images reconstructed with up to 0.1
sec temporal resolution

Dynamic Scan
Up to 20 dual-slice scans/min with adjustable interscan delay, with or without table increment

Radiographic technique for automatic positioning

Viewing Angles
0°, 45°, 90°, ... 315°

Longitudinal speed
40 mm/sec

Measurement Increment
0.5 mm

Scan Length
Up to 1000 mm

Scan Width
457 mm

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 8 AUGUST 1996

Main Menu Table of Contents

CT Twin Flash - X-Ray System

Generator Power
60 kW

X-Ray Tube
Dynamic Focus System (DFS) rotating graphite composite anode. Continuous operation dur-
ing scan.

Anode Heat Capacity

3,500,000 heat units (5 MHU optional)

Max. Anode Cooling Rate

735,000 HU/min

Housing Cooling Rate

500,000 HU/min

High Voltage
Three selectable voltages: 90, 120, 140 kVp

50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300* mA (*available with limited kV)

Focal Spot (actual size)

Standard: 1.5 x 1.4 mm
Small: 0.75 x 1.4 mm

Radiation Leakage
Compliant with U.S. CDRH, Federal Radiation Performance Standards, 21 CFR, subchapter J.

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 9 AUGUST 1996

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CT Twin Flash - Computing and Display System

Central Imaging Computer

Elscint proprietary high-speed parallel reconstruction/display computer, based on custom-
made VLSI gate array technology.
Computional power: 426 MIPS (million instructions per second).

Main Memory
512 MByte RAM

User Interface Server Computer

Industry standard computer

Operator Interface Display

10" electro-luminescent screen with 640 x 400 pixel resolution

Image Display System

21" high resolution, 1280 x 1024, color, multi-display monitor.
120 MHz bandwidth non-interlaced.

Display Matrix
1280 x 1024

Display Memory
2 Mbytes

Gray Levels and Colors

256 gray levels and up to a total of 1024 colors for image;
16 colors or gray levels for overlays and text

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 10 AUGUST 1996

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CT Twin Flash - Data Storage

Non-destructive image compression/decompression algorithm is used during image storage/

retrieval to/from any archive.

Hard Disk

Winchester-type disk

1 Gbyte basic, 2 Gbyte optional

3.5" Micro Diskette

1.44 Mbyte

Typical Number of Images:

7 images per diskette (5122 matrix)

Erasable Optical Disk (EOD) - Optional

Re-writable, 51/4", magneto-optic

Cartridge Capacity
1.2 Gbyte

Images Storage Capacity

matrix typical no. of images

Standard Optional Optional
1 GB HD 2 GB HD 1.2 GB CR
340x340 10000 20000 12000
512x512 5500 11000 6600
768x768 2500 5000 3000
1024x1024 1400 2800 1700

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 11 AUGUST 1996

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CT Twin Flash - Physical Specifications

Power Requirements
Power cabinet380/48060.0

Operating Temperature

Gantry Room
2028°C (6882°F)

Console Room
2030°C (6886°F)

Utility Room
1527°C (5980°F)

Maximum Temperature Gradient


30% 80%, non-condensing

Dimensions and Weights

weight height width depth

kg (lbs) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in)
Gantry 2400 (5280) 192 (75.6) 222 (87.4) 106 (41.7)
Patient Table 600 (1320) 68 (26.8) 70 (27.6) 170 (66.9)
Console w/o Monitor 80 (176) 93 (36.6) 110 (43.3) 79 (31.1)
Image Monitor 37 (81) 47 (18.5) 50 (19.7) 53 (20.9)
Computer Rack 150 (330) 104 (40.9) 66 (26.0) 78 (30.7)
Power Cabinet 500 (1100) 190 (74.8 80 (31.5) 60 (23.6)
System Cooling Unit(option) 241 (530) 117 (46.16) 86 (33.9) 64 (25.2)

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Heat Dissipation

kW Btu/
scan room
Gantry and Table 0.4 1400
control room
Console 0.3 1020
Computer Rack 1.4 4600
service room
Power Cabinet 3.0 10200
System Cooling Unit 10.0 34100

CT Twin Flash - Data Sheet 13 AUGUST 1996

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