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Technical Consultancy Organizations

Technical Consultancy Organizations (TCOs) provide a complete set of consultancy services to small
and medium enterprises, individual entrepreneurs, Government Departments and agencies, various
state level institutions, commercial banks etc. they provide consultancy services and counsel small
scale units in preparation of techno-economic feasibility reports, market survey, modernization and
diversification programmes, revival of sick units, etc. over 18 TCO’s are functioning in various states
of India.

All India financial institutions and state Govt. have set lip a network of TCOs. • For facilitating
technical for industrial projects. • Were established by the all India financial Institutions •
(IDBI,ICICI,IFCL etc) • In the collaboration the state level financial / development organisations and
commercial banks. • There are in all 18 state-level TCOs across India. • 9 have been lead sponsored
by IDBI, 5 by IFCI 3 by ICICI bank and one by the Govt. Of Karnataka. • TCOs have transformed being
consultancy firm handling project reports, market surveys, etc. to Multi functional, multi-disciplinary
organisations • Offering a wide range of services to the industrial and infrastructure sector.

Functions of TCO • Conducting surveys on industrial potential • Preparing project profiles •

Undertaking techno-economic appraisal of projects • Carrying out market research • Providing
technical and managerial assistance to entrepreneurs, assistance in modernisation • Technology up
gradation and rehabilitation programs. • organising information cell and data bank • concerning
industrial and economic activities and provide these to entrepreneurs. • Development of Industry
Clusters • Vocational training • Offering Merchant Banking Services • Offering Consultancy for
Export oriented Enterprises

Major TCOs in India • KITCO Ltd. (Kerala) • APITCO Ltd. (Andhra Pradesh) • GITCO Ltd. (Gujarat) •
HIMCON Ltd. (Himachal Pradesh) • ITCOT Consultancy and Services Ltd. (Tamil Nadu) • TECSOK Ltd.
(Technical Consultancy of Karnataka) • MPCON Ltd. (Madhya Pradesh Consultancy Organisation Ltd.
 MITCON Consultancy and Engineering Services Ltd. (Maharashtra)  NITCON Ltd. (North India
Technical Consultancy Organisation Ltd.)  UPICO Ltd. (UP Industrial Consultants Ltd.)  WEBCON
Ltd. (West Bengal Consultancy Organisation Ltd)

GITCO – a premier Technical Consultancy Organisation (TCO) - provides consulting services to

accelerate the growth of industrial and services economy of Gujarat. For the last 28 years, with
committed hard work, the GITCO Professional Team has won the trust of Ministries and
Departments of the Government, Multi-lateral Agencies, Financial Institutions, Industry Associations
and the ubiquitous Gujarati businessmen. The inherent Gujarati insight and business acumen along
with professional inputs enable us to give innovative perspectives in our consulting assignments.
Currently we offer our services for generic as well as niche areas aimed to ensure balanced growth
and development.

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