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TheWorld's Navies

The navies of the world are at

present undergoing a fundamental
process of re-equipment and
reassessment of their roles in
modern military affairs. Though
large numbers of ships, mostly
destroyers, frigates and submarines ,
date from W orld War II in construc-
tion or design, there is growing
evidence that these and the postwar
generation of ships are rapidly
becoming outmoded : they ar e
horrendously expensive to maintain
and run, and ar e limited in their
capabilities despite constant improve-
ments, especially to the armament
and the electronics.
Recent years have seen the
rapid growth to world position of
the Soviet navy, now powerfully
equipped with aircraft-carriers,
helicopter-carriers, guided-missile
cruisers , guided-missile destroyers
and a host of lesser craft, most of
them equipped to fire missiles. The
US Navy has been relatively slow
to respond to this threat, largely
because of financial restrictions, but
is at last producing large numbers
of missile-armed ships with advan-
ced electronics and provision for
considerable technological growth.
For strategic purposes, the
ballistic-missile-armed nuclear sub-
marine continues to dominate, but
smaller conventional submarines
are coming to playa decisive part
in coastal defence planning. Even
, more important, perhaps , is the fact
that missile-armed fast attack craft,
relatively cheap to buy and maintain,
allow even the smallest navies to
pack a punch capable of causing
considerable damage to the ships of
even the largest fleets. This book
therefore examines the ships and
organisations of the world's navies,
from the smallest coastal defence
forces to the major fleets that control
the world's sealanes.

The World's Navies covers:

Warships and submarines - class, displace-
ment, dimensions, armament, radar, sonar,
engines, speed , range, and crew
Sea-launched missiles - type, -guidance,
dimensions, booster, sustainer, warhead ,
weights and performance
Underwater weapons - type, guidance,
launch method, dimensions, performance, and
TheWorld's Navies


General Editor Chris Chant


David & Charles Newton Abbot London

@Talos Publishing Ltd 1979
4 Chillingworth Road , London , N7 8QJ

All rights reserved . No part of this

publication may be reproduced , stored
in a retrieval system , or transmitted,
in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical , photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission
of David & Charles (Publishers) Limited

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

The world's navies.

1. Navies- Dictionaries
359'.003 VA40

ISBN 0-7153- 7689-6

Typeset and printed in Great Britain

by Redwood Burn Limited, Trowbridge and Esher
for David & Charles (Publishers) Limited
Brunei House Newton Abbot Devon
Introduction 7 Ivory Coast 102
Jamaica 102
Albania 11 Japan 103
Algeria 12 Jordan 111
Angola 12 Kampuchea 111
Anguilla 13 Kenya 111
Argentina 13 Kuwait 112
Australia 17 Laos 113
Austria 21 Lebanon 113
Bahamas 21 Liberia 113
Bahrain 21 Libya 113
Bangladesh 21 Malagasy Republic 116
Barbados 22 Malawi 116
Belgium 22 Malaysia 116
Belize 23 Maldives 118
Bolivia 23 Mali 118
Brazil 23 Malta 118
Brunei 27 Mauritania 119
Bulgaria 28 Mauritius 119
Burma 29 Mexico 119
Cameroon 30 Montserrat 121
Canada 30 Morocco 121
Chile 34 Mozambique 122
China 39 Netherlands 122
Colombia 43 New Zealand 127
Congo 45 Nicaragua 129
Costa Rica 45 Nigeria 129
Cuba 45 North Korea 130
Cyprus 46 North Yemen 132
Denmark 46 Norway 132
Dominican Republic 49 Oman 136
East Germany 50 Pakistan 137
Ecuador 51 Panama 139
Egypt 51 Papua-New Guinea 139
Eire 53 Paraguay 139
El Salvador 53 Peru 140
Equatorial Guinea 53 Philippines 143
Ethiopia 54 Poland 144
Fiji 54 Portugal 147
Finland 54 Qatar 149
France 56 Romania 149
Gabon 71 Sabah 149
Gambia 71 St Kitts 149
Ghana 71 StLucia 150
Greece 72 St Vincent 150
Grenada 78 Saudi Arabia 150
Guatemala 78 Senegal 150
, 79 Sierra Leone 151
Guyana 79 Singapore 151
Haiti 79 Somali Republic 152
Honduras 79 South Africa 153
Hong Kong 79 South Korea 155
Hungary 79 South Yemen 157
.. 80
Sri Lanka
Indonesia 83 Sudan 165
Iran 85 Surinam 165
Iraq 87 Sweden 165
Israel 87 Switzerland 173
Italy 89 Syria 173

Taiwan 173 United Kingdom 203
Tanzania 176 United States of America 215
Thailand 176 Uruguay 237
Togo 177 Venezuela 238
Tonga 177 Vietnam 240
Trinidad and Tobago 178 Virgin Islands 240
Tunisia 178 West Germany 240
Turkey 179 Yugoslavia 245
Uganda 182 Zaire 245
Union of Soviet List of Abbreviations 246
Socialist Republics 183 Index 247
United Arab Emirates 202 Illustration Credits 251

In trod uction
The World's Navies is intended as a manageable but nonetheless comprehensive
guide to the navies of the world at the beginning of 1979, and it is hoped that
periodic editions of the book will enable the information to be updated in the light
of developments. Unfortunately, it is in the very nature of such works that they
are inherently 'out-of-date', perhaps by only a few months, as continued
procurement of new equipment, the phasing out of older equipment, and
attrition ('natural' in the event of disasters such as collision at sea or running
aground, and 'operational' in the event of hostilities) alter the situation. At the
same time, political and economic fluctuations alter the number and types of
ships and other weapons on order (a case in point being Iran in the aftermath of
the Shah's downfall at the beginning of 1979: the interim government headed by
Mr Bakhtiar cut Iran's order for US 'Spruance' class guided-missile destroyers
from four to two, and the current Islamic government, beset by internal problems
associated with left-wing guerrillas and a determination to' move out of the free
West's sphere of influence, is likely to cut the remaining orders still further).
More changes in naval strengths have resulted from the overrunning of
Kampuchea by Vietnam and other small-scale conflicts, while economic
considerations have made difficult the forecasting offuture naval equipment
orders. In general, however, the naval strengths and types quoted in the present
work are up-to-date as far as the beginning of 1979.
For a variety of reasons it has been impossible to coyer every type of ship and
weapon currently operated by the world's navies, and an editorial selection of the
types covered has therefore been inevitable. The types covered, accordingly, are
basically the following:

(i) aircraft-carriers (attack and anti-submarine warfare)

(ii) anti-submarine cruisers
(iii) cruisers (over 10,000 tons/10,160 tonnes)
(iv) light cruisers (between 5,000 tons/5,080 tonnes and 10,000 tons/
10,160 tonnes)
(v) destroyers (between 3,000 tons/3,048 tonnes and 5,000 tons/5,080
(vi) frigates (between 1,100 tons/1,118 tonnes and 3,000 tons/3,048
(vii) submarines
(viii) corvettes (between 500 tons/508 tonnes and 1,100 tons/1, 11 8 tonnes)
(ix) fast attack craft (missile), capable of more than 25 knOts ·
(x) fast attacK crlift (gun), capable of more than 25 knots
(xi) fast attack craft (torpedo), capable of more than 25 knots
(xii) fast attack craft (patrol), capable of more than 25 knots
(xiii) large patrol craft (between 100 tons/101.6 tonnes and 500 tons/508
- (xiv) coastal patrol craft (under 100 tons/101.6 tonnes)
(xv) assault ships
(xvi) minelayers
(xvii) ocean minesweepers
(xviii) minehunters
(xix" coastal minesweepers.

All ships in categories (i) to (v) and (vii) are covered, and representative
examples of each class, plus a few important or interesting additio'lal ships or
craft, of categories (vi) and (viii) to (xix) are described. With the aid of the index,
therefore, the reader can look up the main entry for an ex-US' Auk' class
corvette, and relate these details to the vessels operated by another country. It

must be emphasised, however, that substantially different armament may be
fitted to the same basic hull design by various users. It should also be noted,
moreover, that the classification above (derived fromJane's Fighting Ships), is
an ideal one, and that some of the distinctions are blurred by the use to which a
vessel is put, and the armament carried: this is particularly true of the
borderlines between light cruiser/destroyer, frigate/corvette and fast attack craft
(patrol)/large patrol craft/coastal patrol craft.. The reader should therefore not
be surprised to find the occasional anomaly.
Apart from ships, the other main weapons covered in this work are:
(i) missiles (shipborne surface-to-air, surface-to-surface and underwater-to-
(ii) torpedoes.

The tabular sections give the numbers and types of aircraft operated by the
various countries' naval air arms, and these can be found in the companion
volume, The World's Air Forces.
The volume is arranged alphabetically by country, and consists of two main

(a) the tabular sections detailing the numbers and types of ships, craft and
aircraft operated by each country's navy, together with an organisational
break-down of the more important navies
(b) the technical sections giving details of the ships, craft, torpedoes and
missiles; these have in general been arranged in the order of the categories
(i) to (xix) above, though exceptions have been made where a particular
type of vessel plays an especially important part in the nation's maritime
defence planning (this aspect is most apparent in the sections dealing with
the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom and the
United States of America, and to a lesser extent in those sections dealing
with China and France - all countries which have or soon will have
submarines capable oflaunching ballistic thermonuclear missiles).

A third, occasional strand is provided by brief examinations of the nature and

capabilities of the world's most important (not necessarily largest) navies.
Each technical entry,has been designed to provide an easily assimilable, but
relatively complete, quantity of data, to allow the reader to assess the capabilities
of the ship, together with brief notes designed to elucidate the ship's or missile's
history., design and var-iants.
Within each technical entry for ships there are 12 sub-headings:
(i) Class indicates the class of ship to which the vessel belongs, thus
..allowing the reader to compare the ship with others of the same class
used by different nations .
(ii) Displacement indicates the 'weight' of the vessel, in four different
(a) light: actual minimum displacement in seagoing condition
(b) standard: weight of vessel fully manned and equipped, with stores
and ammunition, but without reserve feed-water or fuel (also known
as the Washington Treaty tonnange)
(c) normal
(d) full load: as (b) but with reserve feed-water and fuel
(for submarines, the two usual displacement figures are surfaced and
dived tonnages, which are self explanatory.)
(iii) Diinen.sions indicate the overall length, maximum beam and maximum
draught of the vessel unless otherwise specified
(iv) Armament indicates the vessel's weapons in five categories:
(a) guns (excluding saluting guns), with the number of weapons in each
calibre, and generally their mountings
(b) missiles, with their launchers, functions and reserve rounds
(c) A!S weapons, designed for operations against submarines: these are
mostly small-calibre torpedo tubes (sometimes listed under torpedo
tubes), depth-charge racks, depth-charge throwers (DCTs), rocket-
launchers and various types of pattern-bomb throwers
(d) torpedo tubes, usually for anti-ship work, and listed by calibre and
number of tubes in a mounting
(e) aircraft
(v) Radar and electronics indicate the types and functions of the radar and
other electronic combat aids carried by the ship
(vi) Sonar indicates the type of sonar (asdic) carried
(vii) Powerplant indicates the type and power of the ship's engines, and the
number of shafts driven
(viii) Speed indicates the vessel's speed in knots
(ix) Range indicates the vessel's range at a given speed or speeds
(x) Crew indicates the vessel's complement: where the sign (+ ) is used, the

figure before the sign shows the number of officers carried, that after
the sign the number of other ranks carried
(xi) Used indicates the countries which use that class of vessel
(xii) Notes give further information about alterations, sister-ships, and key

The sub-headingsJor torpedoes are fully self-explanatory, but those for missiles
may need some amplification:

(i) Type indicates the function of the missile

(ii) Guidance indicates the principle and method by which the missile is
guided in flight
(iii) Dimensions are self-explanatory
(iv) Booster indicates the method by which the missile is accelerated at
launch towards cruising speed
(v) Sustainer indicates the method by which the missile is maintained at
cruising speed
(vi) Warhead indicates the nature and weight of the warhead
(vii) Weights are self-explanatory
(viii) Performance indicates the missile's speed, range and (where relevant)
the circular error probable (CEP) or the radius of the circle within
which half the missiles fired at the same target might be expected to fall
(ix) Used iridicates user nations
(x) Notes give a brief summary of the missile's history and variant, where

All measurements are given in Imperial and metric equivalents, the following
conv~rsion factors having been used:

ton to tonne: multiply by 1.016

inch to centimetre: multiply by 2.54
inch to millimetre: multiply by 25.4
foot to metre: divide by 3.2808
mile to kilometre: multiply by 1.6094
pound to kilogramme: divide by 2.2046
(NB: 1 knot = 1.1515 mph = 1.85 kph)

Where the compiler of the technical sections has been unable to find an exact
figure:>-or where sources conflict, he has left the sub-heading blank, so that the
reader may fill in the space for himself should he be able to find a figure which
satisfies him. In this context, the publishers would be most grateful for any
comments on the book and for any further information that readers may be able
to supply.

3,000 men (1,000 conscripts) 'Kronshtadt' class corvette (4) Radar and electronics : 'Ball Gun' surface
search, ' Neptun' navigation and ' High Pole'
ss: Class: 4 ex-Russian ships
IFF radars
Sonar : ' Tamir'
3 Whiskey Displacement : 310 tons (315 tonnes) stan- Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 3,300 bhp
dard ; 380 tons (386 tonnes) full load to three shafts
Corvettes: Dimensions: Length 170 ft 7 in (52 .0 m) Speed : 24 knots
4 Krottshtadt 8eam 21 ft 6 in (6.5 m) Range: 1,500 miles (2,414 km) at 12 knots
Draught 9 ft (2.7 m) Crew : 65
Light Forces: Armament : Used also by: China , Cuba, Indonesia ,
4 Hoku FAC(M) Guns 1 85-mm (3 .5-in) Romania
32 Hu Chwan FAH(T ) 237- mm Notes : All four ships transferred from the
6 12.7-mm machine-guns (twin mounts) USSR in 1958. Two were returned for
6 Shanghai II FAC(G) Missile systems updating in 1960, and the other two in
6P-4FAC(T) none 1961 . The ships are fitted for minelaying
A!S weapons with two rails and about eight mines.
Mine Warfare Forces: 2 DC projectors; 2 DC rails; 2 5-tube ·
2T-43 rocket-launchers
6 T-301 Torpedo tubes
10P02 none
4 tankers
c 20 others

'Hu Chwan' class fast attack 'Shanghai II' class fast attack
hydrofoil (torpedo) (32) craft (6)

Class : 32 ex- Chinese craft Class : 6 ex- Chinese craft

Displacement : 45 tons (45.7 tonnes) Displacement : 120 tons (121 .9 tonnes)
Dimensions : Length 71 ft (21.8 m) standard ; 155 tons (157.5 tonnes) full load
Beam 14 ft 6 in (4.5 m) Dimensions : Length 128 ft (39.0 m)
Draught 3 ft 1 in (0.9 m) Beam 18 ft (5 .5 m)
Armament: Draught 5 ft 7 in (1 .7 m)
Guns 2 14.5-mm machine-guns in a twin Armament :
mounting Guns 4 37 -mm in twin mountings
Missile systems 4 25-mm in twin mountings
none Missile systems
A!Sweapons none
none A!Sweapons
Torpedo tubes 8 DCs
2 533 -mm (21 -in) Torpedo tubes
Aircraft none
none A ircraft
Radar and electronics : 'Skinhead' target none
acquisition radar Radar and electronics : 'Skinhead' target
Sonar : acquisition radar
Powerplant : 3 M50 diesels, delivering 3,600 Sonar :
hp to two shafts Powerplant : 4 diesels, delivering 4 ,800 hp
Speed : 55 knots Speed : 30 knots
Range : Range :
Crew: Crew : 25
Used also by : China , Pakistan, Romania, Tan- Used also by : Cameroon, China, Pakistan,
zania Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka
Notes: These craft ride on foils forward while Notes : The first four craft were transferred in
the stern planes. Known transfers were as the middle of 1974, the last two following
follows : 6 in 1968, 15 in 1969, 2 in 1970, in 1975.
7 in 1971 and 2 in 1974.


3,800 men 'Komar' class fast attack craft Missile systems
2 SS-N-2 'Styx'
(missile) (6) A/Sweapons
Light Forces:
6S0IPC Class : 6 ex- Russian craft (671-676) Torpedo tubes
6 Komar FACCM) Displacement: 70 tons (71 .12 tonnes) stan- none
3 Osa I FACCM) dard; 80 tons (81 .3 tonnes) full load Aircraft
3 Osa II FACCM) Dimensions : Length 84ft 2 in (25.7 m) none
10 P-6 FACCT) 8eam 21 ft 1 in (6.4 m) Radar and electronics : 'Square Tie', 'High
10 Baglietto type FACCG) Draught 5 ft (1 .5 m) Pole ' and 'Dead Duck'
Armament : Sonar:
Aircraft : Guns 2 25- mm in a twin mounting Powerplant : 4 diesels, delivering 4,800 bhp
(3 F 28) to four shafts
Speed : 40 knots
Range: 400 miles (644 km) at 30 knots
Mine Warfare Forces: Crew : 20
2T-43 Used also by: China , Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia,
Syria , Vietnam
Auxiliaries: Notes : Handed over in 1967 .
5 others

• •

'Osa I and II' class fast attack A/S weapons

craft (missile) (6) none
Torpedo tubes
Class : 3 ex- Russian craft (R167, R267, Aircraft
R367) and 3 others (Osa II) none
Displacement: 165 tons (167 .65 tonnes) Radar and electronics : 'Square Tie', ' Drum
standard ; 200 tons (203 .2 tonnes) full Tilt', ' High Pole' and 'Square Head'
load Sonar:
Dimensions : Length 128 ft 8 in (39 .3 m) Powerplant: 3 diesels, delivering 13,000 bhp
Beam25ft1 in{7.7m) Speed: 32 knots
Draught 5 ft 11 in (1.8 m) Range : 800 miles (1 ,288 km) at 25 knots
Armament: Crew: 25
Guns 4 30-mm in twin mountings Used also by : Bulgaria , Cuba, East Germany,
Missile systems Egypt, India , Iraq, North Korea , Syria ,
4 SS- N-2 'Styx' USSR
Notes : All three Osa Is were handed over in
1967 , and the three Osa lis in 1976-77 .

1,500 men 'Argos' class large patrol craft Armament:
Guns240- mm
(4) Missile systems
Light Forces: Class: ex-Lira (P361) ; ex-Pegaso (P362) ; ex- none
4 Argos PC Escorpiao (P375) ; ex- Centauro {P11301. all A/S weapons
2 Jupiter PC ex- Portuguese craft none
4 Bellatrix PC Displacement: 180 tons (182.9 tonnes) Torpedo tubes
1 ZhukPC standard ; 210 tons (213 .4 tonnes) full load none
Dimensions : Length 136 ft 10 in (41.6 m) Aircraft
Auxiliaries: Beam 20 ft 6 in (6 .2 m) none
Draught 7 ft (2 .2 m) Radar and electronics :
2 Alfange LCT
5 LCU (Russian) Sonar :
Powerplant : 2 Maybach MTU diesels, deliver-
ing 1,200 bhp

Speed : 1 7 knots
Range :
Crew: 24
Used only by: Ahgola
Notes : The first two were built by Arsenal
do Alfeite , Lisbon, and the second pair by
Estaleiros Navais de Viano do Castelo.
Commissioned into Portuguese service
between 1963 and 1965. It is reported
that Argos, Dragao and Orion of the same
type have been handed over to Angola for

(Royal St Christopher, Nevis and
Anguilla Police Force)
Light Forces:
1 Fai~ey Huntsman PC

32,900 men (12,000 conscripts) Light Forces: 'Colossus' class aircraft-carrier
including air arm and marine force 2 Type 148 FAC(M) (+ 1) (1 )
2 Type TNC 45 FAC(G) Class: Veinticinco de Mayo (V21. ex",Dutch
CV: 3 Lynch PC Karel Doorman , ex-British Venerable
1 Colossus 3 patrol craft Displacement : 1 5,892 tons (16,147 tonn'8s)
2 Higgins FAC(T) standard; 19,896 tons (20.216 tonnes) full
Cruisers: load
2 Brooklyn (CL) Mine Warfare Forces: Dimensions : Length 693 ft 2 in (211.3 m)
6 Ton Beam 80 ft (24.4 m). Width
121 ft4in(37 .0m)
Destroyers: Draught25ft(7 .6 m)
1 Type 42 (+ 1) Naval Air Force (4,000): Armament :
3 Fletcher 1 FB sqn with 15 A-4Q. Guns 9 40-mm Bofors L70
3 Allen M. Sumner 1 MR sqn with 6 S-2A/E, 10 SP-2H, 3 Missile systems
1 Gearing FRAM II HU-16B,? PBY-5A none
18 transports A/S weapons
Corvettes: 17 utility none
2 King 21 ( + 3) helicopters Torpedo tubes
4ATA type 29 (+ 12) trainers none
2ATFtype 21
1 Bouchard Marine Force (7,000): Radar and electronics : HSA LW-01 and -08
5 bns warning radars, plus DA-08 tactical and
SS: 1 cdo bn ZW navigation radars; Ferranti CAAIS with
2 Salta (Type 209) (+ 2) 1 fd arty bn Plessey Super-CAAIS display electronics
2 Guppy 1A and II 1 AD regiment Sonar :
Support forces Powerplant : 4 3-drum boilers supplying
Amphibious Forces: steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
1LSD ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
Speed: 24* knots
1LST Range : 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 14
3 LSTtype knots ; 6 ,200 miles (9,978 km) at 23 knots
1 LCTtype Crew : 1,500
27 LCVP Used also by : 8razil
Notes : Built by Cammell Laird at Birkenhead
and commissioned into British service in
1945. Sold to Argentina by the Nether-
lands in 1968. Appearance altered con-
siderably by raked funnel, lanice mast and
modified 'island'.

'Brooklyn' class cruiser (2)

Class: Genera/ Be/grano (C4). ex-17 de

Dctubre, ex-Phoenix (CL46) ; Nueve de
Ju/io (C5). ex-Boise (CL47)
Displacement : 10,800 tons (10,973 tonnes)
standard and 13,645 tons (13 ,864 tonnes)
full load for Genera/Be/grano ; 10,500 tons
(10,668 tonnes) standard and 13,645 tons A!Sweapons
(13 ,684 tonnes) full load for Nueve de Ju/io none Speed : 32 t knots (when new)
Dimensions: Length 608 ft 4 in (185.4 m) Torpedo tubes Range: 7,600 miles (12,231 km) at 15 knots
Beam 69 ft (21 .0 m) none Crew : 1,200
Draught 24 ft (7 .3 m) A ircraft Used also by: Chile
Armament: 2 helicopters Notes : Built respectively by New York and
Guns 15 6- in (152- mm) in triple mountings Radar and electronics : Signaal LWO and DA Newport News Ship- Building companies,
8 5-i n (127 - mm) ; 6 5-i n in Nueve de Ju/io search radars, and gu nnery radars and commissioned into US service in
2 40- mm twins; 4 40- mm twins in Nueve Sonar : 1939. Bought by Argentina in 1951.
de Ju/io Powerplant: 8 Babcock & Wilcox Express Armour as follows : belt 1t-4 in
Missile systems boilers supplying steam to Parsons geared (38~ 102 mm) ; decks 2- 3 in (51 - 76
2 quadruple Sea Cat launchers (Genera/ turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to four mm) ; turrets 3- 5 in (76- 127 mm) ; con-
Be/grano only) shafts ning tower 8 in (203 mm).

Type 42 destroyer (2) Torpedo tubes Speed : 30 knots

2 triple 12. 75 -in (324- mm) Mark 32 Range: 4,000 miles (6,438 km) at 18 knots
Aircraft Crew : 300
Class: Hercu/es (028). Santissima Trinidad
1 Lynx helicopter Usedalso by : UK
Radar and electronics : Type 965 primary Notes: Hercu/es was built by Vickers at
Displacement : 3 ,150 tons (3 ,201 tonnes)
search, Type 992Q genera l-purpose, two Barrow-in- Furness, and Santissima Trin -
standard ; 3 ,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) full Type 909 trackers and illuminators for the idad by AFN E in Rio Santiago. The first was
load Sea Dart; Type 1006 high-definition sur- comm issioned in the middle of 1976, but
Dimensions : Length 410ft (125.0 m) face warning , navigation and helicopter the completion date of the latter remains
Beam 48 ft (14.6 m)
control radars ; Plessey- Ferranti ADAWS-4 uncertain. The electronics provide computer-
Draught 17 ft (5 .2 m)
for information co-ordination to- computer data links with Veinticinco
Armament :
Sonar : Type 184 hull- mounted and Type 162 de Mayo.
Guns 1 4.5- in (114.3- mm) automatic
2 20- mm Oerlikon
Powerplant: Rolls- Royce Olympus gas tur-
Missile systems
bines for full power and Rolls- Royce Tyne
1 tw in Sea Dart launcher
gas turbines for cruising , delivering 50,000
shp tp two shafts
see below

'Fletcher' class destroyer (3) Armament: Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search, SPS
Guns4 5-in (127-mm) 10 tactical, and Mk 25 (with Mk 37 direc-
6 3-in (76-mm) tor). Mk 35 (Mk 56). Mk 34 (Mk 63) gun-
Class: Rosales (022). ex-Stembel;Almirante 2 40-mm in D20-22 only nery radars
Domecq Garcia (D23), ex-Braine ; Almi- Missile systems Sonar: SOS4
rante Storni (D24). ex-Cowell none Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
Displacement : 2,100 tons (2,134 tonnes) A/Sweapons supplying steam to 2 GE or AC geared tur-
standard; 3 ,050 tons (3,099 tonnes) full 2 Hedgehogs, 1 Mk 3 DC rack; 2 side- bines, delivering 60,000 shp to two shafts
load launching torpedo racks (D 20-22 only) Speed: 35 knots
Dimensions: Length 376ft 6 in (114.8 m) Torpedo tubes Range: 6,000 miles (9,656 km) at 15 knots
8eam 39 ft 6 in (12 .0 m) 1 quadruple 21-in (533-mm) in D20-22 ; Crew : 300
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 Used also by: Brazil, Chile, Greece, Italy,
Aircraft Mexico, Peru, South Korea , Spain, Taiwan,
none Turkey, West Germany
Notes: All commissioned into US service in
1943. The first two were transferred in
1961,thelasttwoin 1971 .

'Allen M. Sumner' class de- Missile systems Powerplant : 4 boilers supplying steam to 2
MM38 Exocet to be fitted General Electric geared turbines, delivering
stroyer (3)
A/Sweapons 60,000 shp to two shafts
2 Hedgehogs Speed : 34 knots
Class: Segui (D25). ex-Hank; Bouchard Torpedo tubes Range: 3,865 miles (6,220 km) at 11 knots,
(D26). ex-Borie; Buena Piedra (D29). ex- 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 990 miles (1,593 km) at 31 knots
Collett Aircraft Crew: 291 on Bouchard, 331 on Segui
Displacement: 2 ,200 tons (2,235 tonnes) provision for 1 small A/S helicopter (on Used also by: Brazil, Colombia, Greece,
standard; 3,320 tons (3,373 tonnes) full Bouchardonly) Taiwan, Venezuela
load Radar and electronics : SPS 6 search, SPS Notes : Commissioned into US service in
Dimensions : Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m) 10 tactical; Mk 25 (with Mk 37 director) 1944 and transferred to Argentina in 1972.
Beam 40 ft 11 in (12 .5 m) and Mk 35 (Mk 56 director) radars (the last Two other ships of the same class, Mans-
~ Draught 19 ft (5.8 m) on Segui only) field and Collett, were transferred in 1974
Armament: Sonar : SOS 30 and SQA 10 (VDS) on Bou- for cannibalization, Collett being com-
Guns 6 5-i n (127-mm) in twin mountings chard; SOS 30 on Segui missioned as Buena Piedra .
4 3-in (76-mm) in Seguionly

'Gearing FRAM II' class de- Aircraft Crew : 275

stroyer (1) provision for a small A/S helicopter Used also by : Greece, South Korea, Taiwan,
Radar and electronics : SPS 37 air search Turkey
radar Notes : Commissioned into US service in
Class: Py (D2 71. ex-Perkins Sonar: SOS 29 1945 from the Consolidated Steel Cor-
Displacement : 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers poration 's yard . Sold to Argentina in 1973
standard ; approximately 3,500 tons (3,556 supplying 2 Westinghouse turbines, deliver- after Fleet Rehabilitation and Moderniza-
tonnes) full load ing 60,000 shp to two shafts tion Stage II (FRAM II) conversion.
Dimensions : Length 390ft 6 in (119.0 m) Speed : 31 t knots
Beam 40ft 11 in (12.4 m) Range : 6 ,150 miles (9 ,898 km) at 11 knots,
Draught 19 ft (5.8 m) 1,4 75 miles (2 ,374 km) at 30 knots
Armament :
Guns 6 5- in (127-mm) in twin mountings
Missile systems
M M 3 8 Exocet to be fitted
2 Hedgehogs
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 12.75-i n (324-mm) Mark 32

'King' class corvette (2) 5 machine-guns Sonar :
Missile systems Powerplant: 2 Werkspoor diesels, delivering
none 2 ,500 bhp to two shafts
Class : Murature (P20). King (P21)
A/Sweapons Speed : 18 knots
Displacement: 913 tons (928 tonnes) stan-
4 DCTs Range : 6,000 miles (9,656 km) at 12 knots
da rd; 1,032 tons (1 ,049 tonnes) full load
Torpedo tubes Crew: 130
Dimensions: Length 252 ft 8 in (77 .0 m)
none Used only by : Argentina
8eam 29 ft (8 .8 m)
Aircraft Notes : 8uilt by Astillero Nav. of Rio Santiago
Draught 7 ft 6 in (2 .3 m)
none and comm issioned in 1946.
Guns 31 05-mm (4.1-in) Radar and electronics :
4 40-mm 8ofors L70

'Salta' class (Type 209) sub- Missile systems Speed : 10 knots surfaced ; 22 knots dived
marine (2) none Range :
A/Sweapons Crew : 32
none Used also by: Colombia, Ecuador, Iran, Peru,
Class: Salta (S31 ). San Luis (S32) Torpedo tubes Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela
Displacement : 980 tons (996 tonnes) sur- 8 533- mm (21 -in) w ith reloads Notes : Highly successful type of boat, built in
faced ; 1,230 tons (1 ,250 tonnes) dived Aircraft sections by Howaldtswerke of Kiel to the
Dimensions: Length 183 ft 5 in (55.9 m) none Ingenieurkontor of Lubeck IKL 68 design.
Beam 20 ft 6 in (6.25 m) Radar and electronics : The sections were assembled in Argentina
Draught 17 ft 11 in (5 .4 m) Sonar : by Tandanor in Buenos Aires. Two more
Armament : Powerplant: MTU diesels and 4 generators, examples are projected.
Guns none del ivering 5,000 hp to one shaft

'Guppy 1A and II' class sub- Armament : Speed : 18 knots surfaced ; 15 knots dived
Guns none Range : 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 10
marine (2) M issile systems knots
none Crew: 82- 84
Class : Santa Fe (S21). ex- Catfish ; Santiago A/Sweapons Used also by: Brazil, Peru, Taiwan, Turkey,
de/ Estero (S22). ex-Chivo none Venezuela
Displacement : 1,870 tons (1 ,900 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Notes: Both built by the Electric Boat
surfaced ; Santa Fe 2,420 tons (2,459 10 21 -in (533-mm) Company and commissioned into US
tonnes) and Santiago 2,540 tons (2 ,581 Aircraft service in 1945. Catfish was modernised
tonnes) dived none in the 1948- 50 Guppy II programme, and
Dimensions: Length 307 ft 6 in (93 .8 m) Radar and electronics: Chivo under the 1951 Guppy 1A pro-
Beam 27 ft 2 in (8.3 m) Sonar: gramme. Both boats were sold to Argen-
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) for Santa Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 4 ,800 tinain 1971 .
Fe , 17 ft (5 .2 m) for Santiago shp, and 2 electric motors, delivering
5,400 shp to two shafts

Type" TNC 45 class fast attack 'Lynch' class large patrol craft
craft (gun) (2) (3)

Class: /ntrepida (P8 5).fndomita (PB6) Class: Lynch (GC21 ). Toll (GC22 ). Erezcano
Displacement : 268 tons (272 .3 tonnes) (GC23)
Dimensions: Length 148 ft 11 t in (45.4 m) Displacement : 100 tons (101 .61 tonnes)
8eam 24 ft 3t in (7.4 m) normal ; 117 tons (118.9 tonnes) full load
Draught 7 ft 6t in (2.3 m) Dimensions : Length 90ft (27 .5 m)
Armament: Beam 19 ft (5.8 m)
Guns 1 76- mm (3 -in) OTO Melara Draught 6 ft (1 .8 m)
2 40-mm Bofors Armament:
Missile systems Guns 1 20-mm
1 tw in 81 -mm Oerlikon launcher Missile systems
A/S weapons none
none A/S weapons
Torpedo tubes none
2 533-mm (21 -in) for wire-guided torpe- Torpedo tubes
does none
Aircraft Aircraft
none none
Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaal Radar and electronics :
WM20 fire-control radar Sonar :
Sonar : Powerplant: 2 Maybach diesels, delivering
Powerplant : 4 diesels, delivering 12,000 hp 2,700 hp
to fou r shafts Speed: 22 knots
Speed : 40 knots Range :
Range: Crew: 16
Crew : 35 Used only by : Argentina
Used only by : Argentina Notes: Built by AFNE at Rio Santiago, and
Notes : The two craft were ordered in 1970 commissioned between 1964 and 1967.
and built by Lurssen of Vegesack. Com- Used by the Prefectura Nava/Argentina .
missioned in the second half of 1974.

The Royal A ustralian Navy capability. Melbourne is partnered by Frigates:
Australia has a very long coastline, the three 'Perth' class ASW destroyers, (3 Oliver Hazard Perry)
many island dependencies, and two which have Ikara A!S weapons and 6 River
major sets of treaty obligations. Tartar SAM missiles for fleet defence.
Considering these factors, the Royal This combination is as powerful as any SS:
Australian Navy seems small in force the Royal Australian Navy is 6 Oxley (Oberon)
numbers and reserves, but relatively likely to encounter in the foreseeable
high in quality and general flexibility. future. The A!S forces also include the Mine Warfare Forces
This is particularly important in view six 'River' class frigates, soon to be 3 Modified Ton
of Australia's need to extend naval joined by three 'FFG7' (or 'Oliver
assistance to Christmas Island, the Hazard Perry') class frigates, the latter Light Forces:
Cocos (Keeling) Islands, the Coral Sea being very flexible in their tactical 12 Attack PC
Islands, Norfolk Island, Papua-New capabilities. This leaves, for patrol and (15 PC)
Guinea, Malaysia and Singapore attack on surface targets, two 'Daring'
(under the Five-Power defence class destroyers and six 'Oberon' class Auxiliaries :
arrangement of 1971 ), and to submarines, supported by the eight 1 Daring DD training ship
American and New Zealand territories attack aircraft embarked on 1 oiler
in the Pacific (under the ANZUS M elbourne. 1 DDtender
tripartite treaty of 1951 ). Australia therefore has a limited, but 6LCH
Military service in the Royal perhaps adequate, navy. What it lacks, (1 heavy lift ship)
Australian Navy is vol.untary, and its however, is the reserve to ensure that 4 survey ships (+ 1)
16,342 men constitute 23 .3 per cent of the navy can operate in war, sustain others
the manpower strength of Australia's losses, and still maintain its role. There
armed forces (regulars only). are only 925 reservists with training Fleet Air Arm:
Considering the extent of Australia's obligations, and no aircraft or ship 1 FB sqn with 8 A-4G
maritime interests, the provision of reserves worthy of note. The burden on 2 ASW sqns with 3 S-2E, 11 S-2G
only 12 large patrol craft ('Attack' the patrol forces should be eased soon 1 ASW/ SAR sqn with 7 Sea King, 2
class) seems quite small. However, by the addition of 15 more patrol craft. Wessex
given that the total defence budget is 1 helicopter sqn with 5 UH-IH, 2 Bell
only 2.64 per cent of the gross national 16,342 men including air arm 206B, 4 Wessex
product, it is perhaps inevitable that . 1 training sqn with 8 MB 326H, 3
Australia should concentrate her naval CV: T A-4G, 5 A-4G
resources in a flexible offensive force, 1 Majestic 2 HS748 FCM trainers
centred round the somewhat elderly,
but extensively updated, carrier .. Destroyers:
Melbourne, which embarks eight A-4 3 Perth
attack aircraft, six S-2 ASW aircraft, 2 Daring
and 10 helicopters with SARiASW

'Modified Majestic' class aircraft- A/S weapons reduction geared turbines, delivering
none 42,000 shp to two shafts
carrier (1) Torpedo tubes Speed: 23 knots
Class: Melbourne (21). ex-British Majestic none Range: 12,000 miles (19 ,313 km) at 14
Displacement : 16,000 tons (16 ,257 tonnes) Airc raft knots ; 6,200 miles (9,978 km ) at 23 knots
standard ; 19,966 tons (20,287 tonnes) full about 17 Crew: 1,335 as a carrier; 75 + 995 as flagship
load Radar and electronics : HSA LW-02 early Used only by: Australia
Dimensions : Length 701 ft 6 in (213 .8 m) warning for aircraft direction, Type 293 Notes : Built by Vickers Armstrong at Barrow-
Beam 80 ft 2 in (24.5 m). flight- target indicator and surface warning , and in- Furness and comm issioned into Aus-
deck width 126 ft (38 .4 m) carrier-controlled approach radars ; Plessey tral ian service in 1955. The balance of the
Draught 25 ft 6 in (7 .8 m) tactical displays and electronic warfare and various types of aircraft carried can be
Armament : intelligence systems varied according to tactical requirements.
Guns 12 40-mm Bofors (4 twin and 4 single) Sonar :
Missile systems Powerplant : 4 Admiralty 3-drum boilers
none supplying steam to Parsons single-

'Perth' class guided missile de- Torpedo tubes Sonar : SOS 23F, AN/ UOC lD/ E and Type
2 t riple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 189
stroyer (3) Aircraft Powerplant : 4 Foster Wheeler '0 ' type boil-
none ers supplying steam to 2 General Electric
Class : Perth (38). Hobart (39). Brisbane (41 ) Radar and electronics : SPS 52 three- double-reduction geared turbines, deliver-
Displacement: 3,370 tons (3,424 tonnes) dimensional, SPS 40 air search and SPS ing 70,000 shp to two shafts
standard ; 4,618 tons (4,692 tonnes) full 10 surface search radars ; Naval Combat Speed: 35 knots
load Data System in Perth (to be fitted to others
Dimensions : Length 437 ft (132 .2 m) during current modernization programme)
Beam 47 ft 1 in (14.3 m)
Draught 20 ft 1 in (6.1 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 5-i n (127-mm)
Missile systems
1 Tartar launcher
A/S weapons
2 Ikara launchers

Range : 4 ,500 miles (7,242 km) at 15 knots;
2 ,000 miles (3 ,219 km) at 30 knots
Crew :21+312
Used only by : Australia
Notes : Generally similar to the US 'Charles F.
Adams' class and built by the Defoe Ship-
building company at Bay City, Michigan,
between 1962 and 1966. The first two
ships were commissioned into Australian
service in 1965 and the last in 1967. The
superstructure is made of aluminium.

'Daring' class destroyer (2) Aircraft Range : 3 ,700 miles (5,955 km) at 20 knots
none Crew : 14+ 306
Radar and electronics : HSA LW-02 early Used also by: Peru
Class : Vendetta (OB). Vampire (11) warning , 8GR301 and M22 fire- control Notes : Similar design to the British ' Darings',
Displacement : 2 ,800 tons (2 ,845 tonnes) radars but built in Australia between 1949 and
standard ; 3 ,600 tons (3,658 tonnes) full Sonar : Type 162,170,174, 185 1959. Sistership Voyager was sunk in col-
load Powerplant : 2 Foster Wheeler boilers lision in 1964.
Dimensions : Length 388 ft 6 in (118 .4 m) supplying steam to English Electric geared
Beam 43 ft (13 .1 m) turbines, delivering 54,000 shp to two
Draught 12 ft 10 in (3.9 m) shafts
Armament : Speed: 30t knots
Guns 6 4.5-i n (115-mm) in twin mountings
640- mm
Missile systems
1 3- barrelled Limbo mortar
Torpedo tubes

'Oliver Hazard Perry' (FFG 7)
class guided missile frigate (3)

Class : three ships, as yet unnamed

Displacement : 3,605 tons (3,663 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions : Length 445 ft (135.6 m)
Beam45ft(13 .7m)
Draught 24 ft 6 in (7 .5 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 76-mm OTO M elara
Missile systems Radar and electronics : AN/S PS 49 long- Speed : 2 8 + knots
1 Mark 13 Model 4 launcher for Stan - range search and early warning , A N/ SPS Range : 4,50 0 miles (7,2 4 2 km) at 20 knots
dard/ Harpoon missiles 55 search and navigation radars, plus M ark Crew : 18 5- 190
A/S weapons 92/ STI R fire-control system for guns and Used only by : Australia
2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes missiles Notes : Tw o ships have been ordered from
Torpedo tubes Sonar : SOS 56 the USA, for delivery in 198 1, and the
as above Powerplant: 2 General Electric LM 2500 gas purchase of a third vessel has been con-
Aircraft turbines, delivering 40,000 shp to one firmed . The ships are of the basic 'Oliver
2 ASW helicopters shaft Hazard Perry' type.

'River' class frigate (6)

Class : Yarra (45). Parramatta (46). Stuart

(48). Derwent (49). Swan (50). Torrens
Displa cement: 2 ,100 tons (2,134 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,700 tons (2,743 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 370 ft (112.8 m)
Beam41 ft(12 .5m)
Draught 17 ft 3 in (5.3 m)
Arma m ent : Radar and electronics : HSA LW-02 early- Range : 3,400 miles (5,4 72 km) at 12 knots
Guns 2 4.5- in (115-mm) warning, Type 293 air/surface warning Crew : 13 + 234 in Swan and Torrens ;
Missile systems (Swan and Torrens have 8 GR- 30 1 w arn- 13 +237 in others
1 quadruple Sea Cat launcher ing radar) and M RS or HSA fire-control Used also by : Burma, Dominican Republic,
A/S weapons systems Sri La nka
1 Ikara launcher Sona r : Type 162, 170, 177m, 18 5, 189 in Not es : Built by Williamstow n Naval Dock-
1 3-barrelled Limbo launcher (not Yarra) Swan and Torrens yard in Melbourne, and by Cockatoo IslaM
Torpedo tubes Powerplant : 2 Babock & Wilcox boilers Dockyard in Sydney between 19 57 and
none supplying steam to 2 double- reduction 1971. The first four "re basically the same
Aircraft geared turbines, delivering 30,00 0 shp to as the British Type 12 frigates, and the last
none two shafts pair to the Leander class frigates. The class
Speed : 30 knots is in the process of modernization .

'Oxley' class submarine (6)

Class : Oxley (57). Otway (59). Onslow (60).

Orion (61). Otama (62). Ovens (70)
Displacement : 2,196 tons (2 ,231 tonnes)
surfaced ; 2,417 tons (2,456 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 295 ft 6 in (90. 1 m)
Beam 26 ft 6 in (B. l m)
Draught 1 B ft (5 .5 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
A/S weapons
Torpedo tubes
8 21-in (533- mm)
Radar and electronics: Type 1006 high-
definition navigation radar
Sonar : Type 1 B7C attack, Type 197 inter-
ception, Type 719 torpedo warning and
Type 2007 long- range passive search
Powerplant : 2 Admiralty Standard Range
diesels, delivering 3 ,600 bhp, and 2 electric
motors, delivering 6,000 shp to two shafts Notes : Bu ilt by Scotts' Shipbuilding & Engin-
Speed : 16 knots surfaced ; 18 knots dived eering company at Greenock between
Range : 12,000 miles (19 ,313 km) at 10 1965 and 1977 to the British 'Oberon '
knots class design. All the boats are to be modern-
Crew : 7 + 55 ized with advanced radar, sonar and tor-
Used also by : Brazil, Canada, Chile, UK pedoes.

Modified 'Ton' class mine-

sweeper and minehunter (3)

Class : Snipe (1102). ex-Alcaston ; Curlew

(1121) , ex-Chediston ; Ibis (1183). ex-
Displacement: 375 tons (381 tonnes) stan-
dard; 445 tons (452 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 152 ft (46.3 m)
Beam 28 ft 10 in (8.8 m)
Draught 8 ft 2 in (2 .5 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 40- mm (Ibis)
1 40- mm (Snipe and Curlew)
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
Rader and electronics : Type 975 surface
warning radar
Sonar: Type 163 (exceptlbis)
Powerplant : 2 Napier Celtic diesels, deliver-
ing 3 ,000 bhp to two shafts
Speed : 1 6 knots
Range : 2 ,300 miles (3,702 km) at 13 knots; Notes : Built between 1952 and 1954 and
3 ,500 miles (5,633 km) at 8 knots sold to Australia in 1961 . Curlew and Snipe
Crew : 4 + 30 (Ibis) ; 3 + 35 (others) were turned into minehunters in 1967- 8
Used also by : UK and 1969- 70 respectively .

. Attack' class large patrol craft Armament :

12) Guns 140-mm
2 machine-guns
(A ware is unarmed)
:lass:Acute (81l.Adroit (82). Advance (83). Missile systems
Ardent (87),Assail (89) ,Attack (89),Aware none
(91), Barbette (97). Barricade (98). Bom- A/Sweapons
bard (99). Buccaneer (1 00). Bayonet (1 01) none
)isplacement : 146 tons (148.3 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes
load none
)imensions: Length 107 ft 6 in (32.8 m) Aircraft
Beam 20 ft (6.1 m) none
Draught 7 ft 4 in (2 .2 m)

Radar and electronics : Type 975 surface
warning radar (to be replaced soon by
Powerplant : 2 Paxman 16 YJCM diesels, de-
livering 3,500 hp to two shafts
Speed : 24 knots
Range : 1,220 miles (1,963 km) at 13 knots
Crew :3 + 16
Used also by : Indonesia
Notes : Arrow was lost in a cyclone in 1974.
The class was built between 1967 and
1969 by Evans Deakin Ltd and Walkers Ltd.
Mostly used for fishery patrol and rescue
work off northern Australia .

Type: guided missile carrying a homing tor-
pedo (Mark 44 typical)
Guidance : radio command by computer with
aid of sonar and radar information
Launch method: ramp
Dimensions : Length about 10ft 2 in (3 .1 m)
Span about 4 ft 11 in (1 .5 m)
Weight :
Engine : dual-thrust rocket motor
Speed :
Range :
Warhead : as for torpedo carried
Used aiso by : Brazil. UK
Notes: Highly effective method of dispatch-
ing a torpedo to the optimum position over
the target area , where it descends to the
water by parachute and then homes on the
submarine using its own terminal homing
system. Information on the submarine's
movements are fed to the shipboard com -
puter continuously, and this latter steers
the missile in flight. The launch ship's com-
puter can also operate from information
supplied by other ships and by helicopters.

Austria Bahamas Bahrain

27 men (under army control) (under police control) About 150 men (under coastguard
Riverine Forces: Patrol Craft:
2 river patrol craft, 10 M3 patrol craft 2 Vosper 31.4-m type Patrol Craft:
4 Keith Nelson 18.9-m type (+3 ) 1 Fairey Tracker
2 Fairey Spear
1 Cheverton 15.25-m type
3 Cheverton 8.2-m type
1 Cheverton Loadmaster amphibian

Bangladesh 'Salisbury' class (Type 61) frig- Radar and electronics : Type 965 long-range
surveillance, Type 993 air/surface warning,
3,500 men ate (1) Type 977Q height-finding, Type 982 target
indicator, Type 975 fire-control and navi-
Frigates: Class : UmarFarooq (F161. ex-Llandaff gation radars
1 Type 61 Salisbury Displacement : 2 ,170 tons (2 ,205 tonnes) Sonar : Type 174 and 170B
1 Type 41 Leopard standard; 2,408 tons (2,447 tonnes) full Powerplant : 8. ASR diesels, delivering
load 14,400 bhp to two shafts
Patrol Craft: Dimensions : Length 339 ft 10 in (103 .6 m) Speed: 24 knots
Beam 40 ft (12 .2 m) Range : 7,500 miles (12,071 km) at 16 knots ;
2 Kraljevica PC Draught 15 ft 6 in (4.7 m) 2,300 miles (3 ,702 km) at 24 knots
2 Akshay class Armament : Crew: 14+223
5 Pabna riverine PC Guns 2 4.5 -in (114-mm) in twin mounting Used also by: UK
240-mm Notes : Built by Hawthorn Leslie Ltd at Heb-
Auxiliaries: Missile systems burn-on-Tyne and commissioned into
1 training ship none British service in 1958. Transferred to
A/Sweapons Bangladesh in 1976.
1 3-barrelled Squid DC mortar

'Leopard' class frigate (1) Missile systems Powerplant: 8 Admiralty St~ndard Range
none diesels, delivering 14,400 bhp to two
Class : Ali Hyder, ex- British Jaguar A/Sweapons shafts
Displacement: 2,300 tons (2 ,337 tonnes) 13-barrel Squid mortar Speed: 24 knots
standard ; 2,520 tons (2 ,560 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Range : 7,500 miles (12,070 km) at 16 knots
load none Crew: 15+ 220
Dimensions: Length 339 ft 9 in (103 .6 m) Aircraft Used also by: India , UK
Beam40ft(12 .2 m) none Notes: Jaguar was built by William Denny &
Draught 16 ft (4.9 m) Radar and electronics : Type 965 air search, Brothers at Dumbarton between 1953 and
Armament: Type 275 fire-control , and Type 975 navi- 1957, being commissioned into British ser-
Guns 4 4.5-in (114-mm) in twin turrets gation radars vice in 1959. She was sold to Bangladesh
140-mm Sonar : Types 174 and 164 in 1977 .

61 men (under coastguard control)

Patrol Craft:
1 Guardian 20-m
3 Guardian 12-m

The RoyalBelgian Navy for operations in inshore and coastal 'E-71' class frigate (4)
Belgium has only a relatively small waters, where land-based airpower can
navy, made up for the most part of provide more than adequate air cover. Class : Wie/ingen (F910). Westdiep (F911),
minor warships, but this reflects the Wande/aar (F912). Westhinder (F913)
short length of her coastline, lack of 4,300 (800 conscripts) Displacement : 1,880 tons (1 ,910 tonnes)
ocean areas in which she has interests, light; 2,283 tons (2 ,320 tonnes) deep load
Dimensions : Length 347ft 9 in (106.0 m)
and the fact that her commitments Frigates:
Beam 40ft4 in (12 .3 m)
internationally are only to NATO, and 4E-71 Draught 18 ft 10 in (5 .6 m)
those within northern Europe. Armament :
The 4,300 men of the Royal Belgian Mine Warfare Forces: Guns 1 1OO-mm (3.9-in)
Navy (including 800 conscripts) 7 MSO (ex-AM) Type 498 1 Close-I n Weapon System
constitute only 4.94 per cent of the 6 MSC (ex-AMS) Type 60 Missile systems
manpower strength of the Belgian 14 Herstal 1 octuple NATO RIM - 7H -2 Sea Sparrow
armed forces, which receive some 2.48 SAM launcher
per cent of the gross national product as Patrol Craft: 4 MM38 Exocet SSM launcher
a defence budget. With the exception of 6 riverine PC 1 sextuple 375- mm (14.76-in) launcher
the four new' E-71' class general- Torpedo racks
purpose frigates, most of the navy's Auxiliaries: 2 533- mm (21 -in) for L-5 torpedoes
budget usually goes to the maintenance 2 support ships Aircraft
and improvement of its mine warfare 2 research ships none
forces. This is the navy's primary task, 12 others Radar and electronics: air/surface warning,
for the Belgian ports, together with target indicator and navigation radars ; HSA
those of the Netherlands, are the prime Aircraft: (SEWACO 4) integrated weapons control
ports of entry for US military support 3 Alouette III electronics with ECM capability
Sonar: Westinghouse SOS 505A
for Europe in time of war. Only from 1 Sikorsky S-58 Powerplant : (CO DOG) 1 Rolls-Royce
these ports can the swift arrival of Olympus TM3 gas turbine, delivering
materiel on the North German plain be 28,000 bhp, and 2 Cockerill CO-240 die-
ensured. In the confined waters at the sels, delivering 6,000 bhp to two shafts
eastern end of the English Channel, Speed : 28 knots (18 knots on diesels)
therefore, Belgium's seven MSO Type Range : 4 ,500 miles (7 ,242 km) at 18 knots
498 ocean minehunters, six MSC Type Crew : 14+ 146
60 coastal minesweepers and Used only by : Belgium
minehunters, and 14 'Herstal' class Notes : Built by Boelwerf of Temse and Cock-
erill of Hoboken. All four were in service by
inshore minesweepers, playa decisive the end of 1979.
part in NATO's defence plans. To
supplement these forces, and to
contribute to NATO's general naval 'MSO (ex-AM) Type 498' mine-
strength, Belgium has built four new hunter (7)
general-purpose frigates, fitted with
sophisticated electronic equipment, and Class : Van Haverbeke (M 902). ex-MSO 522 ;
armed with specialist A!S weapons, A.F. Dufour (M903). ex-Lagen ; De Brouwer
long-range surface-to-surface missiles, (M904). ex-Nansen ; Breyde/ (M906). ex-
MSO 504; Arteve/de (M907). ex-MSO
and short-range SAM defences. 503; G. Truffaut (M908). ex-MSO 515; F.
Within the limitations of budget and Bovesse (M909). ex-MSO 516
requirements, therefore, Belgium Displacement: 720 tons (732 tonnes) stan-
possesses a small but adequate naval dard; 780 tons (793 tonnes) full load
force. Naval airpower is limited to five Dimensions : Length 172 ft 6 in (52 .6 m)
helicopters, but this is not necessarily a Beam 35 ft (10.7 m)
hindrance: the Belgian navy is intended Draught 11 ft (3 .4 m)

Armament: Speed: 14 knots
Guns 1 40-mm (onlyArtevelde) Range: 300 miles (483 kml at 10 knots
Missile systems Crew: 5+67
none Used only by: Belgium
A/Sweapons Notes: Built in the US between 1953 and
none 1960. De Brouwer and A.F. Dufour were
Torpedo tubes transferred from Norway in 1966, the
none others from the US between 1956 and
Aircraft 1960. Built of wood and non-magnetic
none metal, they are capable of sweeping all
Radar and electronics: types of mine. Artevelde now used as a
Sonar: General Electric sao 14 (exceptArte- diving vessel, though retaining minehunt-
velde) ing capacity.
Powerplant: 2 General Motors diesels, deliv-
ering 1,600 bhp to two shafts

50 men

Patrol Craft:

1,500 men, including marine force

Patrol Craft:

1 transport

49,000 (3,000 conscripts), including Light Forces: 'Colossus' class aircraft-carrier
naval air force, marine force and 6 Piratini PC (1 )
auxiliary corps 6 AnchovaPC
4 riverine PC Class : Minas Gerais (A 11J. ex-British Ven-
CV: geance
Displacement: 15,890 tons (16,145 tonnes)
1 Colossus Mine Warfare Forces: standard ; 19,890 tons (20,209 tonnes) full
6 Schutze load
Destroyers: Dimensions: Length 695 ft (211 .8 m)
6 Niteroi Auxiliaries: Beam 80 ft (24.4 mJ. flight-
7 Fletcher 8 survey ships deck width 121 ft (37.0 m)
1 Allen M. Sumner 1 submarine rescue ship Draught 24ft 6 in (7.5 m)
4 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II 1 support ship Armament :
2 Gearing FRAM I 3 tankers Guns 10 40-mm in 2 quadruple and 1 twin
15 transports mounting
SS: 2 47-mm saluting
3 floating docks Missile systems
3 Oberon others none
2 Guppy III A/Sweapons
5 Guppy II Air Arm: none
1 ASW sqn with 5 SH-3D Torpedo tubes
Amphibious Forces: 1 utility helicopter sqn with 5 none
1 LST 511-1152 Whirlwind, 6 Wasp, 1 FH 1110, 2 Aircraft
1 De Soto County LST Bell 47, 18 AB 206B, 2 Lynx 20
7EDVP 1 training sqn with 10 Hughes 269/ Radar and electronics : SPS 12 air-
4LCU surveillance, SPS 4 surface-search, SPS
300 8B fighter-direction , SPS 8A air-control,
28 LCVP (7 Lynx) SPG 34 gunfire-control, MP 1402 naviga-
tion radars
Patrol Craft: Sonar :
10 Imperial Marinheiro Powerplant : 4 Admiralty boilers supplying
2 Pedro Teixeira riverine PC steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
1 Thornycroft river monitor ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
3 Roraima river PC Speed: 25~ knots
Range : 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 14
knots; 6,200 miles (9,978 km) at 23 knots
Crew: 1,000 (ship) + 300 (air group)
Used also by: Argentina

Notes : Laid ctown in November 1942 at December 1956 and refitted in Rotterdam.
Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richardson of Commissioned into Brazilian service in
Wallsend on Tyne, launched in February December 1960, and since used mostly for
1944 and commissioned into British ser- A/S duties w ith fixed- and rotary-winged
vice in January 1945. Sold to Brazil in aircraft.

'Niteroi' class destroyer (6)

Class : Niteroi (F40), Defensora (F41). Con-
stituiqao (F42), Uniao (F43). Indepen-
dencia (F44). Liberal (F45)
Displacement : 3,200 tons (3 ,251 tonnes)
standard ; 3,800 tons (3,861 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 424 ft (129 .2 m)
Beam 44 ft 3t in (13 .5 m)
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Guns 2 4 .5-in (114-mm) Mark 8 in gen-
eral-purpose version
1 4.5-in (114-mm) Mark 8 in A/S version
Missile systems
2 twin MM38 Exocet launchers in gen-
eral -purpose version
1 Ikara launcher in A/S version
2 triple Sea Cat launchers in both versions
1 375-mm (14.76-in) Bofors twin-tube
rocket-launcher and 1 DC rail
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32
1 WG 13 Lynx helicopter
Radar and electronics : Plessey AWS- 12 air-
warning, Signal ZI/V-O- 6 surface-warning,
2 Selenia RTN-10X weapon-control and Speed : 30 knots on gas turbines; 22 knots on Notes: F40, F41 , F44, F45 were built by the
tracking, with an Ikara tracking radar in A/S diesels designers, Vosper Thornycroft, and the last
versions; Ferranti CAAIS and Decca ECM Range: 4,200 miles (6.759 km) on 4 diesels; two by Arsenal de Marinho, Rio de Janeiro.
fit 1,300 miles (2 ,092 km) on gas turbines Niteroi was laid down in June 1972, Lib-
Sonar: medium-range EDO 610E and vari- Crew: 200 eral in May 1975. Niteroi was com-
able-depth EDO 700E (in A/S versions) Used only by: Brazil missioned in November' 1976, and Uniao
Powerplant: (CO DOG) 2 Rolls-Royce Olympus was commissioned in October 1978. These
gas turbines, delivering 56,000 bhp, and Vosper Mark 10 ships are very economical
4 MTU diesels, delivering 18,000 shp in manpower.

'Fletcher' class destroyer (7) 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin mountings (Per- Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search, SPS
nambuco only) 10 tactical and I-band fire-control radars
Class: Para (027), ex-US Guest (00472) ; 10 40-mm in 2 quadruple and 1 twin Sonar:
Paraiba (02B). ' ex-US Bennett (00473); mounting (Para : 6 40-mm in 3 twin Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
Parana (029). ex-US Cushing (00797) ; mountings) supplying steam to 2 General Electric
Pernambuco (030). ex-US Hailey Missile systems geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
(00556) ; Piaui (031), ex-US Lewis Hancock 1 quadruple Sea Cat (MaranhlJo only) two shafts
(00675) ; Santa Catarina (032). ex-US A/Sweapons Speed : 35 knots
Irwin (00794) ; Maranhao (033). ex-US 2 Hedgehog, 1 DC rack, 2 side-launching Range: 5,000 miles (B ,047 km) at 15 knots
Shields (00596) torpedo racks (except MaranhlJo) and 2 Crew: 260
Displacement: 2,050 tons (2 ,OB3 tonnes) triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 Used also by: Argentina, Chile, Greece, Italy,
standard ; 3,050 tons (3 ,099 tonnes) full tubes Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan,
load Torpedo tubes Turkey, West Germany
Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114 .B m) 5 21-in (533-mm) except in MaranhlJo Notes : The ships were transferred between
Beam 39 ft 3t in (12.0 m) Aircraft 1959 and 196B, and bought by Brazil in
Draught 1B ft (5.5 m) none 1972 and 1973.
Armament :
Guns 55-in (127-mm) in single mountings
(Pernambuco : 4 5-in)

'Allen M. Sumner' and 'Allen M. Radar and electronics: SPS 6, SPS 10 and
Sumner FRAM II' destroyer (5) Mark 20 director (Mato Grosso) ; SPS 10
and SPS 37 (Espiritu Santo) ; SPS 10 and
SPS 40 (rest)
Class: Mato Grosso (034). Sergipe (035). Sonar: 50S 31 (Mato Grosso) ; SOA 10 and
Alagoas (036). Rio Grande do Norte (037) SOS 40 (rest)
and Espirito Santo (03B). ex-US Compton Powerplant : 4 boilers supplying steam to 2
(00705).James C. Owens (00776). Buck geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
(00761), Strong (0075B) and Lowry two shafts
(00770) Speed: 34 knots
Displacement: 2 ,200 tons (2,235 tonnes) Range: 4 ,600 miles (7,403 km) at 15 knots;
standard ; 3,320 tons (3 ,373 tonnes) full 1,260 miles (2 ,02B km) at 30 knots
load Crew : 274
Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114 .B m) Used allo by: Chile, Colombia, Iran, South
Beam 40ft 11 in (12 .5 m) Korea, Turkey, Venezuela
Draught 19 ft (5 .B m) Notes: Mato Grosso was built by Federal
Armament: Shipbuilding and commissioned into US
Guns 6 5-in (127-mm) in twin mountings service in 1944; the others were built by
Missile systems Bethlehem at San Francisco and San
Sea Cat (Mato Grosso only) Pedro, commissioning between 1944 and
A/Sweapons 1946. Mato Grosso is a basic Sumner class
2 Hedgehog ahead-firers ; OCs (Mato ship, but the others are FRAM " conver-
Grosso only) sions. All were transferred to Brazil in the
Torpedo tubes early 1970s.
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32
small helicopter (FRAM "ships only)

'Gearing FRAM I' destroyer(2)
Class: Marcilio Dias (025) and Mariz E.
Barros (026). ex-US Henry W. Tucker
(00875) and Brink/ey Bass (00887)
Displacement: 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes)
standard; 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 390 ft 6 in (119.0 m)
Beam 40ft 11 in (12.5 m)
Draught 19 ft (5 .8 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin mountings
Missile systems
1 octuple ASROC launcher
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32
facilities for small helicopter
Radar and electronics : SPS 10 sur-
face-search and SPS 40 air-search/
surveillance radars
Sonar : SOS 23
Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Used also by: Greece, Pakistan, South Korea , were transferred to Brazil in December
supplying steam to 2 General Electric Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA 1973. FRAM = Fleet Rehabilitation And
geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to Notes : Both ships were built by Consolidated Modernization, I = basic scheme for
two shafts Steel between 1944 and 1945, and com- improved A/S capabilities and provision of
Speed : 34 knots missioned into US service in 1945. Both helicopter facilities.
Range : 5,800 miles (9 ,335 km) at 15 knots
Crew : 14+ 260

'Oberon' class submarine(3) Armament: Sonar :

Gunsnone Powerplant : 2 Admiralty Standard diesels,
Class : Humaita (S20). Tone/ero (S21). Ria- Missile systems delivering 3,680 shp, and two AEI - English
chue/o (S22) none Electric electric motors, delivering 6,000
Displacement : 1,610 tons (1 ,636 tonnes) A/S weapons shp to two shafts
standard ; 2 ,030 tons (2,062 tonnes) sur- none Speed : 12 knots (surfaced) ; 17 knots (dived)
faced; 2,41 0 tons (2,449 tonnes) dived Torpedo tubes Range :
Dimensions : Length 295 ft 6 in (90.1 m) 8 21 -in (533 -mm) Crew : .6 + 64
Beam 26 ft 6 in (8 .1 m) Aircraft Used also by: Australia , Canada, Chile, UK
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) none Notes : All three boats were built between
Radar and electronics: 1970 and 1977 by Vickers at Barrow.

'Guppy III' patrol submarine (2) Armament: Powerplant: 4 diesels, delivering 6,400 hp; 2
Guns none electric motors, delivering 5,400 hp to two
Missile systems shafts
Class : Goiaz (S 15) and Amazonas (S 16). ex-
none Speed : 20 knots surfaced ; 15 knots dived
US Trumpetfish (SS425) and Greenfish
A(S weapons Range :
none Crew : 85
Displacement : 1,975 tons (2 ,007 tonnes)
Torpedo tubes Used also by: Greece, Italy, Turkey
standard ; 2,450 tons (2,489 tonnes) dived Notes : Built by Cramp Shipbuilding and Elec-
10 21-in (533 -mm)
Dimensions : Length 326 ft 6 in (99.4 m)
Aircraft tric Boat between 1943 and 1945; com-
Beam 27ft (8.2 m)
none missioned into US service in 1946. Both
Draught 17 ft (5 .2 m)
Radar and electronics : boats were updated in 1960-2, and sold
Sonar: BOR 2 array and BOR 4 fire-control to Brazil in October 1973.

'Guppy II' class submarine (5)
Class: Guanabara (S 10). ex-US Dogfish
(SS350) ; Rio Grande do SuI (S 11). ex-US
Grampus (SS523); Bahia (S 12). ex-US Sea
Leopard (SS483); Rio de Janeiro (S 13). ex-
Guanabara , ex-US Odax (SS484) ; Ceara
(S 13). ex-USAmberjack (SS522)
Displacement: 1,870 tons (1 ,900 tonnes)
stapdard ; 2,420 tons (2,459 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 307 ft 6 in (93.8 m)
Beam 27 ft 2t in (8.3 m) ,
Draught 18 ft (5 .5 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
A/S weapons
Torpedo tubes
10 21-in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics :
Sonar :
Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 4 ,800 shp,
and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,400 shp
to two shafts
Speed : 18 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
Range : 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 10
knots surfaced
Crew: 8'2
Used also by: Argentina , Taiwan , Venezuela
Notes : The five boats were built by Electric
Boat, Boston Navy Yard, Portsmouth Navy
Yard (2). and Boston Navy Yard respectively
between 1944 and 1945, being com-
missioned into US service in 1945 and
1946. All except Rio de Janeiro were mod-
ernised to Guppy II standard between
1948 and 1950, with Rio de Janeiro being
modernised first to Guppy I and then to
Guppy II standard . All were transferred to
Brazil in 1972 and 1973.

'Piratini' class large patrol craft Armament: Radar and electronics :

(6) Guns'3 0 .5-in (12.7-mm) machine- guns Sonar : none
1 81 -mm mortar Powerplant: 4 diesels, delivering 1,100 bhp
Missile systems Speed: 1 7 knots
Class : Piratini (Pl 0). Piraja (Pll). Pampeiro none Range: 1,700 miles (2 ,736 km) at 12 knots
(P12). Parati (P13). Penedo (P14). Poti A/Sweapons Crew: 15
(P15) none Used only by : Brazil
Displacement: 105 tons (106 .7 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Notes: All were built by Arsenal de Marinha at
standard none Rio de Janeiro, being commissioned in
Dimensions: Length 95 ft (30.5 m) Aircraft 1970 and 1971.
Beam 19 ft (6.1 m) none
Draught 6 ft 6 in (1.9 m)

292 men (under command of Royal 'Pahlawan' class fast attack Torpedo tubes
Brunei Regiment) craft (missile) (1) none
Light Forces: none
Class : Pahlawan (PO 1) Radar and electronics: Decca TM 616
3 Perwira Displacement: 95 tons (96.5 tonnes) stan- Sonar: none
3 Raja Isteri dard ; 114 tons (115 .8 tonnes) full load Powerplant: 3 Bristol Siddeley Proteus gas tur-
3 riverine PC Dimensions: Length 99 ft (303m) bines, delivering 12,750 bhp to three
Beam 24ft (7.3 m) shafts, plus 2 diesels for cruising and man-
Amphibious Forces: Draught 7 ft (2 .2 m) oeuvring
2 Cheverton Loadmaster Armament : Speed : 57 knots
24 fast assault craft Guns 1 40-mm Range: 2,300 miles (3 ,702 km) at 10 knots ;
220-mm 450 miles (724 km) at 57 knots
Missile systems Crew: 20
2 quadruple SS 12 launchers Used only by: Brunei
A/Sweapons Notes : Built by Vosper Thornycroft in 1966.
none Missiles were added in 1972.

' Riga ' class frigate (2 )
Bulgaria Class: Druzki (3 1). Smeli (32)
Displacem ent : 1,200 tons (1 ,219 tonnes)
10,000 men (6,000 conscripts) and standard ; 1,600 tons (1,626 tonnes) full
15,000 reservists load
Dimensions: Length 298 ft 7 in (91.0 m)
Frigates: 8eam 33 ft 6 in (10.2 m)
2 Riga Draught 11ft (3.4 m)
Arma ment:
Guns 3 3.9-in (1 OO- mm) in single mountings
SS: 437-mm
2 Romeo Missile systems
Corvettes: A/Sweapons
3 Poti 4 quintuple M8U 1800 launcher and 4
Light Forces: Torpedo tubes
321 -i n (533-mm)
6 SO I coastal escort Aircraft
4 Osa I FAC(M) none
6 Shershen F AC(T) Radar and electronics : 'Slim Net' search ,
4P4FAC(T) 'Neptune' navigation, ' Highpole A' IFF,
'Wasphead ' and 'Sunvisor A' fire-control
Mine Warfare Forces: radars
2T-43 Sonar : Tamir' or 'Hercules'
4 Vanya Powerplant : 7 boilers supplying steam to
geared turbines, delivering 25 ,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed : 28 knots
Amphibious Forces: Range : 2 ,500 miles (4,024 km) at 15 knots
10 VydraLCU Crew: 150
lOMFP Used also by: China, East Germany, Finland,
Indonesia, USSR
Auxiliaries: Not es : Transferred from the USSR in 1957
2 Varna survey ships and 1958.
3 tankers
19 others


'Romeo' class patrol submarine 'Poti ' class corvette (3)

Cla ss : Nos33, 34, 35
Class : Pobeda, Siava Displacement : 550 tons (55 8 .8 tonnes)
D isplacement: 1,000 tons (1 ,01 6 tonnes) standard ; 600 tons (609. 6 tonnes) full load
surfaced ; 1,600 tons (1 ,626 tonnes) dived Dimensions : Length 193 ft 6 in (59.0 ml
Dimensions : Length 249 ft 4 in (76 .0 m) Beam 26 ft 3 in (8.0 m)
Beam 24 ft (7 .3 m) Draught 9 ft 2 in (2 .8 m)
Draught 14ft 6 in (4.4 m) A r mament :
Armament : Guns 2 57 - mm in twin mounting
Guns none Missile systems
Missile systems none
none A/S weapons
A/S weapons 2 MBU 2500A launchers
none Torpedo tubes
Torpedo tubes 4 1 6-in (406- mm) for A/S torpedoes
8 21 - in (533 - mm) Aircraft
Aircraft none
none Radar and elect ronics : 'Strut Curve ' search ,
Radar and electronics : 'Snoop Plate' sub- 'Muff Cob' fire-control and 'Don ' naviga-
marine surveillance radar tion radars
Sonar : Sonar : 'Hercules'
Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 4 ,000 hp, Powerplant : 2 gas turbines and 2 diesels,
and 2 electric motors, delivering 4,000 delivering a total of 20,0 00 shp to four
hp to two shafts shafts
Speed : 17 knots surfaced ; 14 knots dived Speed : 28 knots
Range : 8 ,060 miles (12,975 km) Range :
Crew : 65 Crew :
Used also by : China, Egypt, North Ko rea, Used also by : Romania, USSR
USSR Notes: B.uilt in the USSR- between 196 1 and
Notes : Transferred to Bulgaria in 197 2-3 as 1968 ; transferred to Bulgaria in late 197 5.
rep lacements for a pair of 'W hiskey' class

'Shershen' class fast attack craft
(torpedo) (6)

Class : Nos 2 7, 28, 29,30 and two others

Displacement : 150 tons (152 .4 tonnes)
standard ; 160 tons (162 .6 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 1·15 ft 6 in (35.2 m)
Beam 23 ft 3t in (7 .1 m)
Draught 5 ft (1 .5 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 30- mm in twin mountings
Radar and electronics : ' Pot Drum ' sur- Speed : 41 knots
Missile systems
face-search, 'Drum Tilt' fire-control and Range : 700 miles ('1,127 km) at 20 knots
'High Pole A' IFF radars Crew : 25
Sonar : none Used also by: East Germany, Egypt, North
12 DCs
Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 13,000 bhp Korea , USSR, Yugoslavia
Torpedo tubes
to three shafts Notes: Transferred from USSR in 1970.
4 21 - in (533 - mm)

9,000 men (800 marines) British ' River' class frigate (1 ) Radar and electronics : Decca Type 202
navigational and tactical radar
Sonar : Type 144
Frigates: Class : Mayu, ex- British Fal Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to
1 British River Displacement : 1,460 tons (1,483 tonnes) reciprocating engines, delivering 2,000 ihp
1 Algetine standard; 2,170 tons (2 ,205 tonnes) full to two shafts
load Speed : 16t knots
Corvettes : Dimensions : Length 301ft 4 in (91.8 m) Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,438 km) at 12 knots
1 PCE 827 Beam 36ft8 in (11 .3 m) Crew: 140
1 Admirable Draught 12 ft (3 .7 m) Used also by : Greece, Thailand
2 Nawarat Armament : Notes : Laid down in August 1943 at Port
Guns 1 4-in (1 02 - mm) Arthur Shipyards, Canada , as an ocean
440-mm minesweeper. Launched in May 1944 and
Light Forces: Missile systems commissioned into Canadian servic!, in
10 River PC none May 1945. Used as an escort. Handed over
25 Yugoslav river PC A!S weapons to Burma in April 1958 and refitted as II
3 LCG(M) type gunboats none minelayer for up to 16 mines.
10 Y301 gunboats Torpedo tubes
2 Improved Y301 gunboats none
8 gunboats (ex-transports) Aircraft 'peE 821' class corvette (1)
6 PGM type gunboats none
Radar and electronics : Type 974 radar Class: Yan Taing Aung (PCE41), ex-US Far-
7 CGC type gunboats
Sonar: none mington (PCE894)
Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to Displacement : 640 tons (650 tonnes) stan-
Auxiliaries: reciprocating engines, delivering 5,500 ihp dard ; 903 tons (917 tonnes) full load
2 survey ships to two shafts Dimensions : Length 184 ft (56.1 m)
1 support ship Speed: 1 9 knots Beam33ft(10. 1 m)
1 LCU transport Range : 4,200 miles (6,759 km) at 12 knots Draught 9 ft 6 in (2 .9 m)
8 LCM 3 transports Crew : 140 Armament :
Used also by : Australia, Dominican Republ ic, Guns 1 3- in (76- mm) dual-purpose
Sri Lanka 2 40- mm in twin mounting
Notes : Laid down at Smiths Dock in May 8 20-mm in twin mountings
1942, launched in November 1942 and Missile systems
commissioned into British service in July none
1943. Acqu ired by Burma in March 1948. A!Sweapons
1 Hedgehog, 2 DCTs and 2 DC racks
Torpedo tubes
'Algerine' class frigate (1) none
Class : Yan MyoAung, ex-British Mariner, ex- none
Canadian Kincardine Radar and electronics:
Displacement: 1,040 tons (1,057 tonnes) Sonar:
standard; 1,335 tons (1 ,356 tonnes) full Powerplant : General Motors diesels, deliver-
load ing 1,800 hp to two shafts
Dimensions: Length 235 ft (71 .6 m) Speed : 1 5 knots
Beam 35 ft 6 in (1 9 .8 m) Range :
Draught 11 ft 6 in (3.5 m) Crew:
Armament : Used also by : Philippines, South Korea
Guns 1 4-in (1 02-mm) Notes : Laid down in December 1942 at W iI-
440-mm lamette Iron & Steel , Oregon ; launched in
'-' Missile systems May 1943 and commissioned into US ser-
none vice as a patrol escort in August 1943.
A!Sweapons .Transferred to Burma in June 1965.
Torpedo tubes

'Admirable' class corvette (1 ) Powerplant: diesels, delivering 1,710 shp to Armament:
two shafts Guns 2 25-pounders
Class : Yan Gyi Aung (PCE42). ex- US Cred- Speed: 14t knots 240- mm
dock (MSF356) Range: 4 ,300 miles (6,920 km) at 10 knots Missile systems
Displacement : 650 tons (660 tonnes) stan- Crew : none
dard ; 945 tons (960 tonnes) full load Used also by: Dominican Republic, Mexico, A/S weapons .
Dimensions : Length 184 ft 6 in (56.2 m) Philippines none
Beam 33 ft (10.1 m) Notes: Laid down in November 1943 at the Torpedo tubes
Draught 9 ft 9 in (2 .8 m) Willamette Iron &. Steel yards in Oregon as none
Armament: a minesweeper; launched in July 1944 and Aircraft
Guns 1 3-i n (76-mm) commissioned into US service in 1944. none
4 40- mm in twin mountings Transferred to Burma in March 1967 . Radar and electronics :
4 20-mm in twin mountings Sonar:
Missile systems Powerplant: 2 Paxman - Ricardo diesels, de-
none 'Narawat' class corvette (2) livering 1,160 bhp to two shafts
A/Sweapons Speed : 1 2 knots
1 Hedgehog, 2 DCTs and 2 DC racks Class : Nawarat, Nagakyay Range :
Torpedo tubes Displacement : 400 tons (406 tonnes) stan- Crew : 43
none dard; 450 tons (457 tonnes) full load Used only by : Burma
Aircraft Dimensions : Length 163 ft (49 .7 m) Notes : Built by the Government Dockyard,
none Beam 26 ft 10 in (8.2 m) Rangoon , and commissioned in April and
Radar and electronics: Draught 5 ft 10 in (1 .8 m) December 1960 respectively.
Sonar :

300 men
Light Forces:
2 Shanghai FAC(G)
1 PR 48 type PC
4 large PC
3 coastal PC (+ 3)
Auxiliaries :
7 others

The OanadianArmedForces (two in reserve) and one support ship in must be added, though, that many of
(Maritime) the Pacific. Operationally, the balance Canada's ships are close to the end of
The armed forces of Canada were is about 2:1 in favour of the Atlantic. their useful lives, and that no adequate
unified in 1968, with subordinate Canada's coastline is felt fairly secure, replacement programme has been set in
commands for land, sea and air forces as proved by the fact that coastal patrol motion.
within the overall structure. Canada is entrusted primarily to the six coastal
has two very long coastlines, to the west patrol/training ships of the 'Bay' class, 14,200 men
and the east of the country, that require supported by the one 'Fort' and five
naval protection, and one even longer 'Porte' class vessels. For offensive Destroyers:
one, in the north of the country, that purposes in ocean areas this leaves the 4 T ribal
has the natural protection of semi- three 'Oberon' class submarines in the
permanent ice stretching down from Atlantic, four helicopter destroyers of Frigates:
the polar ice cap. Apart from local the 'Tribal' class, two helicopter 2 Annapolis
defence considerations, Canada also frigates of the' Annapolis' class, six 4 Mackenzie
plays a vital part in NATO planning for helicopter frigates of the 'St Laurent' 3 Restigouche
Atlantic operations, especially in the class, and 11 conventional frigates of 4 Improved Restigouche
escort of convoys from North America the' Mackenzie', Improved 6 St Laurent
to Europe, and in the suppression of 'Restigouche' and 'Restigouche' SS :
Russian sea power in the Atlantic in classes. Operating in conjunction with 3 Oberon
time of war. the Maritime Group of the Air
Service in the Canadian Armed Command, which comes under the Auxiliaries:
Forces is voluntary, and the navy has operational control of Maritime 3 replenishment ships
some 17.75 per cent of the manpower Command, this provides Canada with a 2 tankers
total. The defence budget is about 1.84 powerful A!S capability, fixed wing 1 maintenance ship
per cent of the gross national product. aircraft helping to locate submarines, 5 research ships
The naval forces have a manpower which can then be attacked by 1 A!S hydrofoil
strength of some 14,200, about 9,000 of shipborne helicopters (CHSS-2 Sea 6 Bay (ex-MSC) training ships
them directly controlled by the King) and the ships themselves. All 1 Fort training ship
Maritime Command. The navy has Canadian surface warships are well 5 Porte training ships
responsibilities on both coasts, as provided with A!S weapons (torpedoes, 10 diving support ships
reflected in the disposition of ships: all Limbo launchers and ASROC), so 17 others
three submarines, 13 surface vessels perhaps the main criticism that can be
(one in reserve), and two support ships made of them is lack of surface-to- Patrol Craft:
in the Atlantic; and 10 surface vessels surface armament other than guns. It 6PC

'Tribal' class destroyer (4)

Class: Iroquois (2'80). Huron (281), A thabas-

kan (282).Algonquin (283)
Displacement : 4,200 tons (4,267 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions : Length 4'26 ft (129.8 m)
Beam 50 ft (15.2 m)
Draught 14 ft 6 in (4.4 m)
Guns 1 5-in (127 -mm) OTO- Melara
Missile systems
2 quadruple Raytheon GMLS Sea Sparrow
launchers fire- control radars ; Hollandse Signaal Mark Range: 4 ,500 miles (7 ,242 km) at 20 knots
A!Sweapons 22 weapon-control system Crew: 20 + 225 (plus 7 + 33 in air unit)
1 Mark 10 Limbo Sonar : hull-mounted SOS 505, vari- Used only by : Canada
Torpedo tubes able-depth 18 ft (5 .5 m) towed body, and Notes : First two built by Marine Industries of
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 SOS 501 bottomed target identification Sorel, the second pair by Davies Shipbuild-
Aircraft Powerplant : 2 Pratt & Whitney FT4A2 gas ing of Lauzon. All laid down in 1969,
2 CHSS-2 Sea King A!S helicopters turbines, delivering 50,000 shp ; 2 Pratt & launched in 1970 and 1971 , and com-
Radar and electronics: SPO 2D sur- Whitney FT12AH3 gas turbines for cruis- missioned in 1972 and 1973. They are
face-warning and navigation, SPS 501 ing, delivering 7,400 shp to two shafts designed as A!S vessels. Also known as
(SPS 12) long- range warning and M 22 Speed: 29 + knots ' DD280' class.


'Annapolis' class frigate (2) T

Class :Annapolis (265). Nipigon (266)
Displacement : 2,400 tons (2,439 tonnes)
standard ; 3,000 tons (3,048 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 371 ft (113.1 m)
Beam 42 ft (12.8 m)
Draught 14 ft 5 in (4.4 m)
Guns 2 3-in (76-mm) in twin mounting
Missile systems
1 Mark 10 Limbo
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32
1 CHSS-2 Sea King A!S helicopter
Radar and electronics: S PS 12 search, S PS
10 tactical. and I-band fire-control
Sonar: Types 501 , 502, 503 , 504 and SOS
10/ 11 Range: 4 ,570 miles (7 ,355 km) at 14 knots Sorel, and launched in April 1963 and
Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to Crew: 11 + 199 December 1961 respectively, for com-
geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to Used only by : Canada missioning in December 1964 and May
two shafts Notes : Laid down in July and April 1960 at 1964. Designed for A!S operations.
Speed : 28 knots Halifax Shipyards and Marine Industries of

'Mackenzie' class frigate (4)
Class: Mackenzie (261). Saskatchewan
(262), Yukon (263). Qu'Appelle (264)
Displacement : 2,380 tons (2,418 tonnes)
standard; 2,880 tons (2,926 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 366 ft (111.5 m)
Beam 42 ft (12.8 m)
Draught 13 ft 6 in (4.1 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 3-in (76-mm) in two twin turrets
2 3-in (76-mm) 50 cal (Qu'Appelle only)
Missile systems Radar and electronics : SPS 12 search, SPS Crew :11+199
none 10 tactical and I-band fire-control radars Used only by: Canada
A!Sweapons Sonar : Types 501 , 502 , 503 and SQS 10/11 Notes : Laid down in four yards between
2 Mark 10 Limbos Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to 1958 and 1960, launched in 1961 and
Torpedo tubes geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to 1962, and commissioned in 1962 and
side launchers for Mark 43 torpedoes two shafts 1963. Designed as A!S vessels, but
Aircraft Speed : 28 knots officially designated DDE.
none Range : 4 ,750 miles (7,645 km) at 14 knots

'Restigouche' class frigate (3)

Class : Chaudiere (235). Saint Croix (256).
Columbia (260)
Displacement : 2,370 tons (2,408 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,880 tons (2 ,926 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 366 ft (111 .5 m)
Beam 42 ft (12.8 m)
Draught 13 ft 6 in (4.1 m)
Guns 4 3-in (76-mm) in twin mountings
Missile systems
2 Mark 10 Limbos
Torpedo tubes
side launchers for Mark 43 torpedoes
Radar and electronics: SPS 12 search, SPS
10 tactical and SPG 48 fire-control radars
Sonar : Types 501 , 502, 503 and SQS 10/11
Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to
geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed: 28 knots
Range : 4 ,750 miles (7,645 km) at 14 knots
Crew: 12 + 236
Used only by: Canada
Notes: Laid down in 1953 and 1954,
launched in 1956 and 1957, and com-
missioned in 1958 and 1959, these three
ships are now in reserve.

'Improved Restigouche' class Radar and electronics : SPS 12 search, SPS Notes : Laid down in 1952 and 1953,
10 tactical , SPG 48 fire-control and Sperry launched in 1954 to 1957 , commissioned
frigate (4)
Mark II navigation radars in 1958 and 1959. The aft 3- in (76 - mm)
Sonar : hull-mounted Types 501 and 505, and gun was removed to make room for the
Class: Gatineau (236). Restigouche (257). variable depth Type 505 ASROC and Limbo mountings.
Kootenay (258). Terra Nova (259) Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to
Displacement : 2 ,390 tons (2,428 tonnes) geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to
standard ; 2,900 tons (2,947 tonnes) full two shafts
load Speed : 28 + knots
Dimensions : Length 371 ft(113 .1 m) Range: 4 ,750 miles (7 ,645 km) at 14 knots
8eam 42 ft (12 .8 m) Crew : 13 + 201
Draught 14 ft 1 in (4.3 m) Used only by : Canada
Armament :
Guns 2 3- in (76- mm) in twin mounting
Missile systems
1 ASROC and 1 Mark 10 Limbo
Torpedo tubes

'Saint Laurent' class frigate (6) Notes: La id down in 1951 and 1952,
launched between 1952 and 1954, com -
missioned in 1956 and 1957. Original
Class : Saguenay (206 ). Skeen a (207). armament was 4 3- in (76- mm). 2 40- mm
Ottawa (229). Margaree (230). Fraser and 2 Limbos.
(233) ,Assiniboine (234 )
Displacement : 2 ,260 tons (2 ,296 tonnes)
standard ; 2,858 tons (2 ,904 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 366 ft (111 .5 m)
8eam 42 ft (12 .8 m)
Draught 13 ft 2 in (4.0 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 3-in (76- mm) in tw in mounting
Missile systems
1 Mark 10 Limbo
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 12.75- in (324-mm) Mark 32
1 CHSS -2 Sea King A!S helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS 12 search , SPS
10 tactical, SPG 48 fire-control and Sperry
Mark II navigation radars
Sonar : Types 501 , 502 , 503 , 504 and SOS
Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to
English Electric geared turbines, delivering
30,000 shp to two shafts
Speed : 28t knots
Range: 4,570 miles (7 ,355 km) at 14 knots
Crew : 11 + 197 (plus 7 + 13 for air unit)
Used only by : Canada

'Oberon' class submarine (3) Missile systems Powerplant: 2 Admiralty Standard diesels,
none delivering 3 ,680 bhp ; 2 AEI-English Elec-
Class: Ojibwa (72), Onondaga (73), Okana- A/Sweapons tric electric motors, delivering 6,000 shp to
gan (74) none two shafts
Displacement: 2 ,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Speed: 12 knots (surfaced); 17 knots (dived)
normal surfaced ; 2,420 tons (2,459 8 21 -in (533-mm) Range:
tonnes) dived Aircraft Crew : 7 + 58
Dimensions : Length 294ft 2t in (90.0 m) none Used also by : Australia , Brazil, Chile, UK
Beam 26 ft 6 in (8.1 m) Radar and electronics : Type 1006 radar Notes: All three boats were built by HM
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) Sonar : Type 187 attack, Type 197 intercept, Dockyard, Chatham, between 1962 and
Armament: Type 719 torpedo warning and Type 2007 1966, being commissioned in 1965, 1967
Guns none long-range passive search and 1968. Ojibwa had been laid down as
the RN Onyx.

24,000 men (1,600 conscripts) 4 UH-19, 2 UH- ID 'Gota Lejon' class cruiser (1)
including naval air arm and marines 12 Bell 4 7 helicopters
6 Alouette III Class: Latorre (04), ex-Swedish Gota Lejon
Cruisers: 5 T-34 trainers Displacement : 8,200 tons (8,332 tonnes)
1 GotaLejon (5 EMB-lllN) standard; 9,200 tons (9,348 tonnes) full load
1 Brooklyn (CL) Dimensions: Length 597 ft 1 in (182 .0 m)
4 C-47 transports Beam 54 ft 2 in (16.5 m)
6 EMB-llOC transports Draught 21 ft 6 in (6.6 m)
Destroyers: 4 AB 206 helicopters Armament:
2 Almirante 3 UH-19 Guns 7 5.9-in (150-mm)
2 Fletcher 2UH- ID 457 -mm
2 Allen M, Sumner FRAM II 1140-mm
Missile systems
Frigates: none
2 Leander A/Sweapons
3 Cha~les Lawrence none
Torpedo tubes
6 21 -in (533-mm)
SS : Aircraft
2 Oberon none
1 Balao Radar and electronics: LW-03 and Type 227
search, Type 293 tactical, and I-band fire-
Patrol Craft: control radars
2 Sotomoyo Sonar :
1 Cherokee Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2
1 PC 1638 sets of Laval geared turbines, delivering
100,000 shp to two shafts
2 large PC Speed : 33 knots
2 coastal PC Range:
Crew : 610
Light Forces: Used only by: Chile
4 Lurssen type FACCT) Notes: Laid down in September 1943 at the
yards of Eriksberg Mekaniska Verkstad in
Amphibious Forces: Goteborg, launched in November 1945
3LST and commissioned into Swedish service in
1 Cherokee survey ship
1 training ship (sail)
4 transports
3 tankers ( + 1)
2 ARD floating docks
9 others
Air Arm (500 men):
1 ASW/SAR sqn with 6 EMB-lll, 2
PBY-5A, 3 PBY-6A, 4 SP-2E, 5
Beech DI8S, 1 Piper Navajo, 1 F27,

December 1947. Bought by Chile in July
1971. She has a capacity of 120 mines.
The main armament (2 twin and 1 triple
mounting) are <lutomatically loaded and
have an elevation of 70° for AA use.
Armour is from 3 in to 5 in (75 mm to 125
mm) .

'Brooklyn' class cruiser (1)

Class : Prat (03). ex-US Nashville (CL43)
Displacement : 10,000 tons (10,161 tonnes)
standard ; 13,500 tons (13,717 tonnes) full
Dimension s: Length 608 ft 3 in (185.4 m)
Beam 69 ft (21 .0 m)
Draught 24 ft (7 .3 m)
A rmament:
Guns 6-in (1 52-mm) in triple mountings
8 5-in (127-mm) in single mountings
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
1 Bell helicopter
Radar and elect ronics : SPS 12 search and Speed : 32t knots 19 37 and commissioned into US service in
SPS 10 tactical radars Range : 14,500 miles (23,336 km) at 15 November 1938 . Sold to Chile in 1951.
Sonar: knots Her sistership Brooklyn (CL40) was bought
Powerplant: 8 Babcock & Wilcox Express Crew : 888-975 (in peace) as 0 'Higgins, but is now used as an accom-
boilers supplying steam to Parsons geared Used also by: Argentina modation vessel and is non-operational.
turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to four Not es : Laid down in January 1935 at New Armour varies from 1t in to 5 in (3 8 mm to
shafts York Shipbuilding, launched in October 127 mm).

'Almirante ' class destroyer (2)

Class : Almirante Riveros (18). A Imirante Wi/-
Iiams (19)
Displa cement : 2 ,730 tons (2 ,774 tonnes)
standard ; 3 ,300 tons (3 ,353 tonnes) full
Dim ensions : Length 402 ft (122 .5 m)
Beam43ft(13 .1 m)
Draught 13 ft 4 in (4.0 m)
A rm am ent :
Guns 4 4- in (1 02 - mm) in single mountings
4 40-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
4 MM38 Exocet launchers
2 quadruple Sea Cat launchers
2 triple Squid DC mortars
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32
Radar and electronics: Plessey AWS-1 and
target indication radars are being fitted
Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
supplying steam to Parsons Pametrada
geared turbines, delivering 54,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed : 34t knots
Ra nge : 6,000 miles (9,656 km) at 16 knots
Crew : 266
Used only by : Chile
Notes : Laid down at Vickers-Armstrong 's
Barrow yards in April 1957 and June 1956,
these two vessels were launched in
December and May 1958, and com-
missioned in December and March 1960
respectively. Sea Cat and Exocet fitted

'Fletcher'· class destroyer (2)
Class : Blanco Enca/ada (14). ex-US Wadleigh
(00689) ; Cochrane (15). ex-US Rooks
Displacement : 2,100 tons (2,134 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,750 tons (2,7 94 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 376 ft 6 in (110.5 m)
Beam 39 ft 6 in (12.0 m)
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in single mountings
6 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings
Missile systems
none Radar and electronics : SPS 6 search, SPS Crew: 14+236
A!Sweapons 10 tactical and I- band fire-control radars Used also by : Argentina, Brazil , Greece, Italy,
2 Hedgehog Sonar : Mexico, Peru, South Korea , Spain , Taiwan,
1 DC rack Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Turkey, West Germany
6 'K' DCTs supplying steam to 2 Westinghouse geared Notes: The two vessels were built in 1943
2 side-launching torpedo racks turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to two and 1944 respectively by Bath Iron Works
Torpedo tubes shafts and Todd Pacific Shipyards, and com-
1 quintuple 21 -i n (533-mm) Speed : 35 knots missioned into US service in 1943 and
Aircraft Range: 5,000 miles (8 ,047 km) at 1 5 knots 1944. Both were transferred to Chile in
none 1963.

'Allen M. Sumner FRAM II'

class destroyer (2)

Class : Ministro Zenteno (16). ex- US Charles

S. Sperry (00697) ; Ministro Portales (17),
ex-US Douglas H. Fox (00779)
Displacement : 2 ,200 tons (2,235 tonnes)
standard ; 3 ,320 tons (3,373 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m)
Beam 40ft 11 in (12 .4 m)
Drau ght 19 ft (5 .8 m)
Armament :
Guns 6 5-i n (127-mm) in twin mountings
Missile systems
none Radar and electronics : SPS 37 (Ministro Crew: 274
A!Sweapons Zenteno) and SPS 40 (Ministro Portales) Used also by : Brazil , Colombia, Iran, South
2' Hedgehog search, and SPS 10 tactical radars Korea , Turkey, Venezuela
2 trjple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 Sonar : SOS 40 Notes : The two vessels were built in 1944
tubes Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers and 1943 respectively by Todd Pacific
Torpedo tubes supplying steam to 2 geared turbines, de- Shipyards and Federal Shipbuilding Dry
1 quintuple 21 -i n (533-mm) livering 60,000 shp to two shafts Dock, and commissioned into US service in
Aircraft Speed : 34 knots 1944. Both were transferred to Chile in
facilities for 1 small helicopter Range: 4,600 miles (7,403 km) at 15 knots 1974.

'Leander' class frigate (2)

Class : Conde/! (06).Almirante Lynch (07)
Displacement: 2,500 tons (2,540 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,962 tons (3 ,010 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 372 ft (113 .4 m)
Beam43ft (13 .1 m)
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 4 .5-i n (114- mm) in twin mounting
Missile systems
4 MM38 Exocet launchers
1 quadruple Sea Cat launcher geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to 1971 at Yarrow's Scotstoun yards,
A!S weapons two shafts launched in June and December 1972 and
see below Speed : 30 knots commissioned in December 1973 and May
Torpedo tubes Range : 4 ,500 miles (7,242 km) at 12 knots 1974. The foremasts are slightly higher
2 triple 12.75-i n (324-mm) Mark 32 Crew: 263 than British ones, and the Exocets are located
Aircraft Used also by: India , New Zealand, UK on the quarterdeck.
1 light helicopter Notes: Laid down in June and December
Radar and electronics : Type 9220 surveil-
lance and target indication, Type 965 air-
search, Type 975 navigation , GWS 22/
MRS3 gun- and missile-control
Sonar: Types 162, 170, 177
Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to 2 o

'Charles Lawrence' class frigate

Class : Serrano (26). ex US-Odum (APD71 );

Orella (27). ex- US Jack C. Robinson
(APD72) ; Uribe, ex-US Daniel Griffin
Displacement : 1,400 tons (1,422 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,130 tons (2 ,164 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 306 ft (93 .3 m)
8eam 37 ft (11.3 m)
Draught 12 ft 7 in (3.8 m)
Armament :
Radar and electronics : AN/SPS 4 search and Crew: 209
Guns 1 5-i n (127-mm)
commercial navigation radars Used also by : Ecuador, Mexico, South Korea
640- mm
Sonar: Notes : 8uilt between 1942 and 1944, these
Missile systems
Powerplant: 2 Foster Wheeler '0' boilers former high-speed transports were com -
supplying steam to General Electric turbo- missioned into US service in 1943 and
A/S weapons
electric engines, delivering 12,000 shp to 1945. They were bought by Chile in 1966.
2 Hedgehogs and 2 DC racks
two shafts Riquelme was bought at the same time, but
Torpedo tubes
Speed : 23t knots cannibalized for spare parts.
Aircraft Range : 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 15 knots

'Oberon' class submarine (2)

Class : O 'Brien (22); Hyatt, ex-Condell (23)
Displacement : 1,610 tons (1 ,634 tonnes) .
standard ; 2 ,030 tons (2 ,062 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 2,41 0 tons (2,449 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 295 ft 2t in (90.0 m)
Beam 26 ft 6 in (8.1 m)
Draught 18 ft 1t in (5.5 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems Radar and electronics : Range :
none Sonar : Crew :
A/Sweapons Powerplant : 2 Admiralty Standard diesels, Used also by: Australia, Brazil, Canada, UK
none delivering 3 ,680 shp, and 2 AEI - English Notes: Both boats were built by Scott-
Torpedo tubes Electric electric motors, delivering 6 ,000 Lithgow between 1971 and 1973, being
8 21 -i n (533-mm) shp to two shafts commissioned into Chilean service in
Aircraft Speed : 12 knots (surfaced); 17 knots (dived) 1976.

'Balao' class submarine (1)

Class : Simpson (SS21). ex- US Spot (SS413)
Displacement: 1,816 tons (1,845 tonnes)
surfaced ; 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 311 ft 7 in (95.0 m)
Beam 27 ft (8.2 m)
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m)
Armament :
Guns none Aircraft Range :
Missile systems none Crew: 80
none Radar and electronics: Used also by: Greece, Italy, Turkey, Vene-
A/S weapons Sonar : zuela
none Powerplant : 4 General Motors Corporation Notes : Simpson was built by Mare Island
Torpedo tubes diesels, delivering 6 ,500 hp, and 2 electric Navy Yard between 1943 and 1944, and
10 21 - in (533-mm) motors, delivering 4 ,61 0 bhp to two shafts commissioned into US service in 1944.
Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; 10 knots (dived) She was sold to Chile in 1961 .

'Sotoyomo' class corvette (2) Torpedo tubes

Class : Lientur (60). ex- US ATA 177; Lautaro Aircraft
(62). ex-USATA 122 none
Displacement : 534 tons (543 tonnes) stan- Radar and electronics :
dard ; 835 tons (848 tonnes) full load Sonar :
Dimensions : Length 143 ft (43.6 m) Powerplant : General Motors Corporation
Beam33ft(10.1 m) diesel-electric drive, delivering 1,500 shp
Draught 13 ft 2t in (4.0 m) Speed : 12 t knots
Armament : Range :
Guns 1 3-in (76-mm) Crew : 33
220-mm Used also by : Dominican Republic, Peru ,
Missile systems South Korea , Taiwan, USA
none Notes : Both vessels were built by Leving-
A/Sweapons stone Shipbuilding, and commissioned into
none US service as ocean rescue tugs 1943-4.

'PC-1638'· class large patrol
craft (1)

Class: PBpudo (37). ex-US PC 1646

Displacement: 450 tons (457 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 173 ft (52.8 m)
8eam23ft(7 .0m)
Draught 10ft 2 in (3 .1 m)
Guns 1 40-mm
2 20-mm in twin mounting
Missile systems
1 Mark 1 5 Hedgehog
2 DCTs
4 DC racks
Torpedo tubes Speed: 19 knots
none Range:
Aircraft Crew : 4 + 65
none Usedonlyby : Chile
Radar and electronics : Notes: Built by Asmar at Talcahuano and
Sonar : commissioned in November 1971 . The
Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 2,800 bhp design is similar to that of the Turkish
to two shafts 'Hisar' class.

'Lurssen' type fast attack craft Missile systems Powerplant: diesels delivering 4,800 bhp to
none two shafts
(torpedo) (4) NSweapons Speed: 32 knots
none Range : 1,500 miles (2,4 14 km) at 15 knots
Class : Guaco/dB (80). FresiB (81), QuidorB Torpedo tubes Crew : 20
(82). requa/da (83) 421 -in (533-mm) Used only by: Chile
Displacement: 134 tons (1 36 tonnes) Aircraft Notes : All four craft were built by Bazan of
Dimensions : Length 1 18ft 1 in (36.0 m) none Cadiz to the designs of Lurssen of Vege-
Beam 18ft 4t in (5.6 m) Radar and electronics: sack. The first pair were commissioned in
Draught 7 ft 2t in (2 .2 m) Sonar : 1965, the second pair in 1966.
Armament :

The Chinese Navy nuclear power and Chinese SS :
Communist China has only recently developments in the field of solid 51 Romeo
begun to build up.a modern navy with propellants may allow SLBM-equipped 21 Whiskey
ocean-going ships, such developments submarines to be built in the 1980s. At 1 S-1
having been considered unnecessary the moment, China has just one missile- 2 Ming
during the period up to the end of the capable boat, a modified 'Golf' class
1960s, when Chinese politico-military built in China. It is doubtful if the boat Escorts:
thought centred on the desirability and is operational, however. It will 15 ships of foreign construction
inevitability of 'people's war'. In this, probably be used for testing Chinese
the mass of the Chinese people, without SLBMs when these reach the hardware Light Forces:
sophisticated equipment or weapons for stage. 20 Kronshtadt submarine chasers
the most part, would inevitably prevail Chinese ocean-going surface vessels 23 Hainan class submarine chasers
- or so it was decreed. However, in the are few in number, the most modern 1 US 170-ft type
last years of Chairman Mao Tse-tung's being the missile-equipped 'Luta' class, 2 ( ?) Hai Dau (+?) FACCM)
life, a switch in Chinese military of which five have been built so far. 80 Osa FACCM)
thought became evident, with the Also fitted with launchers for the SS-N- 4 Komar FACCM)
larger-scale development of modern 2 or Chinese equivalent are four ex- 76 Hoku FACCM)
weapons, and increasing efforts to buy Russian 'Gordy' class destroyers of 25 Shanghai I FACCG)
western military technology (as such or venerable age. Other major Chinese 340 Shanghai II FACCG)
in the form of weapons), which is some surface vessels are the 'Kiang Hu' and 6 Hai Kou FACCG)
twenty years more advanced than 'Kiangtung' missile-armed frigate 30 Swatow FACCG)
Chinese technology. Yet even today the classes, the conventional 'Kiangnan' 120 Hu Chwan FACCT)
Chinese armed forces are marked by class frigates, and the four 'Riga' class 70 P-6 FAC(T )
relatively simple equipment and large frigates built in China in the late 1950s. 30 P-4 FACCT)
numbers of personnel. The Chinese The Chinese Navy also possesses an
Navy has about 300,000 men, about air arm of some size, with 30,000 men 25 Whampoa FACCG)
6.9 per cent of China's total armed and some 700 combat aircraft. The 2 Shantung FAH(G)
forces' manpower, but only 23 major naval fighters are integrated into the 1 Fukien FACCG)
surface warships. Total defence overall Chinese air defence system, but ? Yu Lin coastal PC
spending is about 7 per cent of gross the bombers and torpedo-bombers ? Ying Kou coastal PC
national product, it is believed. would be of considerable use in 4 Tai Shan coastal PC
The bulk of China's navy consists of operations in Chinese coastal waters. 30 Wu Hsi/Pei Hai coastal PC
large numbers of patrol craft and FAC So far, no Chinese warship has been
types, there being about 395 FACCG) able to operate a helicopter. Mine Warfare Forces:
boats of the 'Shanghai', 'Swatow' and Deployment is into three major 18 T-43
'Whampoa' classes, and about 160 fleets. The South Sea Fleet has some
FACCM) boats of the 'Osa' and 300 vessels, and operates from the Amphibious Forces:
'Komar/Hoku' classes, armed with SS- Vietnamese frontier north to 15 LST 511-1152
N-2 surface-to-surface missiles. Other Tangshan, with bases at Yulin, l3LSM
than these, there are some 70 'P-6' and Huangpu and Chanchiang; the East 15 LSIL
30 'P-4' FACCT) craft, and rapidly Sea Fleet has some 450 vessels, and 17LCT
diminishing numbers of obsolete and operates northwards from Tangshan to 1 YuLingLSM
obsolescent craft. a point south ofLienyunkang, with 300 Yunnan
Support and auxiliary ships are few bases at Ta Hsiehtao, Shanghai and 450+ LCM/LCU
in number, but China inherited from Chou Shan; and the North Sea Fleet cl50LCM
the Nationalist Chinese in 1949 a fair has some 300 vessels, and operates from
number of American landing craft, south ofLienyunkang north to the Yalu Auxiliaries:
giving the navy a useful amphibious River, with bases at Tsingtao, Luta and 1 submarine support ship
capability. The most important of these Lushun. 1 repair ship
amphibious craft are 15 of the LST511- 2 Shih Jian research ships
1152 type, l3 LSM types, 15 LSIL 300,000 men, including naval air force 1 Yen Hsi research ship
types, and 17 modified LCT types. The (30,000) and marines (38,000) 3+ research ships
Chinese have built some 300 landing 9 survey ships
craft of the 'Yunnan' class, and have Destroyers: l3 supply ships
inherited some 150 British and 5 Luta ( + others building) 20+ tankers
American LCMs to supplement some 4 Gordy 3 icebreakers
450 or more locally built craft. Others
Chinese submarine development is Frigates:
very retarded, and the bulk of Chinese 3 KiangHu (+2) Naval Air Force:
boats are of the Russian 'Romeo' (51 1 Kiang Tung ( + 2?) 700 combat aircraft in four bombers
boats) and 'Whiskey' (21 boats) classes. 5 Kiang Nan and five fighters divisions. Aircraft
'Romeo' class boats are still being built 4 Riga include: l30 11-28 torpedo-bombers,
in Chinese yards, despite the Tu-2 and Tu-16 light bombers, MiG-
obsolescence of the type. The only SSN: 17, MiG-19/F-6 and F-9 fighters,
Chinese-designed boats are the two 1 Han Be-6 MR aircraft
'Ming' class and one 'Han' class, the 50 Mi-4 helicopters
latter being nuclear-powered. The fact SSB:
that this was completed in 1974 but has 1 Golf
not been followed by other such boats
probably indicates trouble with the
nuclear powerplant. However, once
this has been solved, the combination of

'Luta' class guided-missile de-
stroyer (7)

Class : Nos 240, 241 , 242, 243, 244, 245,

Displacement : 3,250 tons (3 ,302 tonnes)
standard ; 3,750 tons (3 ,810 tonnes) full
load Torpedo tubes Speed : 32 + knots
Dimensions : Length 450 ft (137 .3 m) none Range : 4,000 miles (6,438 km) at 15 knots
8eam 45ft (13 .7 m) Aircraft (estimate)
Draught 15 ft (4.6 m) none Crew : 300 (estimate)
Armament : Redar and electronics : 'Cross Slot' air- Usedonlyby : China
Guns 4 130-mm (5.1-in) in twin mountings search, 'Wasphead ' and ' Postlamp' gun- Notes: These are the first such Chinese de-
837 - or 57 -mm fire-control , 'Square Tie' missile-control stroyers, five so far commissioned from the
825-mm and ' Neptune' navigation radars Dairen (Luta) yards, with another two
Missile systems Sonar : building.
2 triple SS- N-2 type Powerplant : 7 boilers supplying steam to
A/Sweapons geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp
2 A/S rocket-launchers

'Gordy' class guided-missile de- 'Kiang Hu' class guided-missile Radar and electronics :
Sonar :
stroyer (4) frigate (3) Powerplant : diesels
Speed : about 28 knots
Class : Anshan, Chang Chun. Chi Lin, Fu Chun Class : Nos 521 , 525 and one other Range :
(ex- Russian ships) Displacement: approximately 1,800 tons Crew :
Displacement : 1,657 tons (1, 684 tonnes) (1,829 tonnes) Used only by : China
standard ; 2,040 tons (2,073 tonnes) full Dimensions : Length about 347ft 9 in (106.0 Notes : Laid down at the Hutang yards in
load m) Shanghai in 1971 , launched in 1973 and
Dimensions: Length 370 ft 1 in (112.8 m) 8eam about 39 ft 4 in (12 .0 ) comm issioned in 1977. There are indi-
8eam 33 ft 6 in (1 0 .2 m) Draught cations that Chung Tung is not operational
Draught 13 ft (4.0 m) Armament : because of problems with the SAM system ,
Armament : Guns 4 1OO-mm (3.9-in) in twin mountings and that severe problems with Chinese
Guns 4 130-mm (5.1-in) in single mountings 80r 12 37 - mm heavy shipbuilding have resulted in the
8 37 -mm in twin mountings Missile systems dropping of plans to build more than a
Missile systems 2 twin SS-N-2 type launchers sistership launched in 1974, and possibly
2 twin SS- N-2 type launchers A/Sweapons not yet commissioned.
A/Sweapons unknown
2 DC racks Torpedo tubes
Torpedo tubes unknown
'Kiang Nan' class frigate (5)
none Aircraft
Class: Nos 209 , 214, 231 , 232 , 233
Aircraft none
Displacement : 1,350 tons (1 ,372 tonnes)
none Radar and electronics:
standard ; 1,600 tons (1 ,697 tonnes) full
Radar· and electronics : 'Cross 8 ird' air- Sonar :
search, 'Square Tie' fire-control , 'Neptune' Powerpl~nt :
Dimensions : Length 297 ft 10 in (90. 8 m)
navigafion and 'Ski Pole' IFF radars Speed :
8eam 33 ft 6 in (10.2 m)
Sonar : Range :
Draught 11 ft (3.4 m)
Powerplant: 7 boilers supplying steam to Tosi Crew :
geared turbines, delivering 48,000 shp to Used only by : China Armament :
two shafts Notes : Two ships were launched in 1975 and Guns 3 1OO-mm (3 .9-in) in single mountings
Speed : 36 knots commissioned in 1976, with the third unit 6 37 -mm in twin mountings
Range : 2 ,600 miles (4,184 km) at 19 knots ; being launched in 1976 and commissioned 412 .7-mm in twin mountings
800 miles (1 ,288 km) at 36 knots in 1977. The class appears to be a modifi- Missile systems
Crew : 250 cation of the 'Kiang Tung' design . none
Used only by: China
2 MBU 1800 rocket-launchers
Notes : 8uilt in Russia between 1936 and
'Kiang Tung' class guided-missile 4 DCTs
1941 , and commissioned into Russian ser-
2 DC racks
vice between 1939 and 1943. The design frigate (1)
is Italian. One pair of ships was transferred Torpedo tubes
to China in December 1954 and the other none
pair in July 1955. 8etween 1971 and Class: Chung Tung Aircraft
1974 they were converted, the torpedo Displacement: 1,800 tons (1 ,829 tonnes) none
standard Radar and electronics : 'Ball Gun' surface
tubes being replaced by missile launchers.
Dimensions: Length about 347ft 9 in (106 .0 warning, 'Wok Won' fire-control and
The class is now known as the 'Anshan '
class. m) 'Neptun' navigation radars
8eam about 39 ft 4 in (12 .0 m) Sonar:
Draught Powerplant : diesels, delivering 24,000 shp
Armament : Speed : 28 knots
Guns 4 1OO-mm (3 .9-in) in twin mountings Range :
12 37-mm in twin mountings Crew: 175
Missile systems Used only by : China
2 twin SAM launchers Notes : Built at Canton and Shanghai from
A/Sweapons 1965 and commissioned between 1967
2 M 8U 1800 rocket- launchers and 1969. These were the first ships of the
2 DCTs new building programme initiated in 1965.
Torpedo tubes

'Golf' class ballistic missile sub- Armament : Powerplant: 3 diesels delivering 6,000 shp
Guns none and 3 electric motors, deliveriog 6,000 hp
marine (1) to three shafts
Missile systems
3 vertical tubes Speed : 20 knots surfaced ; 20 knots dived
Class : one boat A!Sweapons Range : 22 ,700 miles (36,533 km) surfaced
Displacement: 2,350 tons (2,388 tonnes) none Crew: 1+74
surfaced; 2,800 tons (2,845 tonnes) dived Torpedo tubes Used only by : China
Dimensions : Length 320 ft (97.5 m) 10 21-in (533-mm) Notes : Built at Dairen in 1964 to the Russian
8eam 25 ft 1 in (7 .6 m) Aircraft 'Golf design. The three missile tubes are
Draught 22 ft (6.7 m) none located in the long 'sail', but there may be no
Radar and electronics : missiles as yet.

'Romeo' class submarine (51) Radar and electronics : 'Snoop Plate' surface- Notes: China probably received four Russian
search radar boats (to which the technical specification
Class: 51 Chinese and ex-Russian boats Sonar : 'Hercules' and 'Feniks' above applies). and is building her own ver-
Displacement : 1,100 tons (1 ,11 8 tonnes) Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 4 ,000 hp, sion at the rate of about six boats per year.
surfaced ; 1,600 tons (1 ,626 tonnes) dived and 2 electric motors, delivering 4 ,000 hp These are probably somewhat larger, with
Dimensions : Length 246 ft (75 .0 m) to two shafts a surfaced/dived displacement of 1,400/
Beam24ft(7 .3m) Speed: 17 knots (surfaced); 14 knots (dived) 1,800 tons (1,422/1,829 tonnes). a length
Draught 14 ft 6 in (4.4 m) Range: 8,060 miles (12,975 km) at 5 knots of 252 ft (76.8 m). an armament of 8 21-in
Armament : surfaced (533-mm) tubes, and the capabilit¥ of
Guns none Crew: 65 carrying 36 mines in place of torpedoes.
Missile systems Used also by: Bulgaria, Egypt, North Korea,
none USSR
Torpedo tubes
6 21-in (533-mm) with 18 torpedoes

'Whiskey' class submarine (21 ) A!Sweapons Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
none Range: 13,000 miles (20,922 km) at 8 knots
Class : 21 ex-Russian boats Torpedo tubes surfaced
Displacement : 1,030 tons (1 ,046 tonnes) 6 21-in (533-mm) with 20 torpedoes or 40 Crew: 60
surfaced; 1,180 tons (1 ,199 tonnes) dived mines Used also by: Albania , Bulgaria, Egypt,
Dimensions : Length 240 ft (73.2 m) Aircraft Indonesia , North Korea , Poland, USSR
Beam 22 ft (6 .7 m) none Notes : These boats were assembled in
Draught 15ft (4.6 m) Radar and electronics : 'Snoop Plate' surface- Chinese yards from 'kits' supplied by the
Armament : search radar Russians between 1956 and 1964. They
Guns 2 25-mm in a twin mounting in some Sonar: 'Tamir' are fitted with schnorkels.
boats Powerplant: diesels delivering 4,000 hp and
Missile systems electric engines delivering 2,500 hp to two
none shafts

'Ming' class submarine (2) 'Hainan' class fast attack craft 'Shanghai' class Type I fast
(gun) (23) attack craft (gun) (25)
Class: 2 boats
Displacement: possibly 1,500 tons (1 ,524 Class: 25 Chinese-built craft
tonnes) Class: Nos 267 to 285 and four others
Displacement: 360 tons (366 tonnes) stan- Displacement: 100 tons (101.6 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length about 250ft (76.2 m) load
dard; 400 tons (406 tonnes) full load
Beam Dimensions: Length 115 ft 2 in (35 .1 m)
Dimensions : Length 196 ft 10 in (60.0 m)
Draught Beam 18 ft (5.5 m)
Armament: Beam 24 ft 3 in (7.4 m)
Draught 6 ft 10 in (2 .1 m) Draught 5 ft 6 in (1 .7 m)
Gunsnone Armament:
Missile systems Armament:
Guns 2 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings Guns 1 57 -mm
none 2 37 -mm in twin mounting
A/Sweapons 4 25-mm in twin mountings
Missile systems Missile systems
none none
Torpedo tubes none
A/S weapons A/Sweapons
probably 6 21 -in (533-mm) 8 DCs
Aircraft 4 MBU 1800 rocket-launchers
2 DCTs Torpedo tubes
none 2 18-in (457-mml. mostly removed
2 DC racks
Radar and electronics: Aircraft
Torpedo tubes
Sonar : none
Powerplant: probably diesels and electric Radar and electronics : 'Skinhead' sur-
motors face-search radar
Speed: none
Radar and electronics : 'Pothead' sur- Sonar: none
Range: Powerplant : 4 diesels, delivering 4,800 bhp
Crew: face-search radar in most craft; 'Skinhead'
surface-search radar in others Speed : 28 knots
Used only by: China Range:
Notes : These two boats, of which very few Sonar :
Powerplant : diesels, delivering 8,000 shp Crew : 25
details are available, were laid down in Used only by : China
Speed : 28 knots
1971 and 1972, and probably entered ser- Notes : First appeared in 1959.
Range : 1,000 miles (1 ,609 km) at 10 knots
vice in 1974 and 1975.
Crew: 60 (estimate)
Used also by : Pakistan
Notes: Built from 1963 at the rate of about
four craft per year.

'Shanghai' class Type II fast

attack craft (gun) (340)

Class : 340 Chinese-built craft

Displacement : 120 tons (122 tonnes) stan-
dard ; 155 tons (157 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 128 ft (39.0 m)
. Beam 18 ft (5.5 m)
Draught 5 ft 7 in (1 .7 m)
Armament : Torpedo tubes Speed : 30 knots
Guns 4 37-mm in twin mountings none Range :
4 25-mm in twin mountings Aircraft Crew: 25
1 twin 75-mm recoilless rifle in some craft none Used also by : Albania, Cameroon, Pakistan,
Missile systems Radar and electronics: 'Skinhead' sur- Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka
none face-search radar Notes : Being built at the rate of about 10 craft
A/Sweapons Sonar : none per year.
8 DCs Powerplant : 4 diesels, delivering 4 ,800 bhp

'Hai Kou' class fast attack craft Range: 850 miles (1,368 km) at 20 knots Torpedo tubes
(gun) (6) (estimate) none
Crew : Aircraft
" Used only by : China none
Class : 6 Chinese-built craft Notes: Believed to be an enlarged 'Shanghai' Radar and electronics :
Displacement : 160 tons (162 .6 tonnes) type built during the 1960s. Sonar: none
standard ; 175 tons (177 .8 tonnes) full load Powerplant : 4 diesels, delivering 3,000 bhp
Dimensions : Length about 149 ft 3 in (45.5 'Swatow' class fast attack craft Speed : 28 knots
m) (gun) (30) Range: 500 miles (805 km) at 28 knots
Beam about 18 ft (5.5 m) Crew : 17
Draught about 6 ft 10 in (2.1 m) Used also by : North Korea , Vietnam
Armament : Class : 30 Chinese-built craft Notes : Built at Canton, Dairen and Shanghai
Guns 4 37-mm in twin mountings Displacement : 80 tons (81 .3 tonnes) full after 1958. Now being deleted.
4 25-mm in twin mountings load
Missile systems Dimensions : Length 83 ft 8 in (25.5 m) 'Whampoa' class fast attack
none Beam 19 ft (5.8 m)
Draught 6 ft 7 in (2 .0 m)
craft (gun) (25)
none Armament :
Torpedo tubes Guns 4 37-mm in twin mountings Class: 25 craft
none 2 12.7-mm machine guns Displacement : 42 tons (42.7 tonnes) stan-
Aircraft 1 twin 75-mm recoilless rifle in some craft dard ; 50 tons (50.8 tonnes) full load
none Missile systems Dimensions: Length 75ft 6 in (23.0 m)
Radar and electronics : none Beam 13 ft (4.0 m)
Sonar : none A/Sweapons Draught 5 ft (1 .5 m)
Powerplant : diesels 8 DCs Armament :
Speed : 30 knots (estimate) Guns 2 37-mm in single mountings

2 machine-guns in single mountings Notes: These craft were built in Canton and Missile systems
Missile systems Shanghai during the first half of the 1950s, none
none and are used only for coastal and riverine A!Sweapons
A!Sweapons duties as they are slow and have only low none
none freeboards. Torpedo tubes
Torpedo tubes none
none 'Shantung' class fast attack Aircraft
Aircraft hydrofoil (gun) (2) none
none Radar and electronics :
Radar and electronics : Sonar :
Sonar: Class : 2 craft Powerplant:
Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 600 hp Displacement : about 85 tons (86.4 tonnes) Speed: 40 knots
Speed : 12 knots Dimensions : Length 80ft (24.4 m) Range:
Range: 400 miles (644 km) at 9 knots Beam 16 ft (4 .9 m) Crew:
Crew:25 Draught 6 ft (1 .9 m) Used only by : China
Used only by : China Armament: Notes: This attack hydrofoil proved only
Guns 4 37 -mm in twin mountings slightly useful in service and is now being
phased out.

9,800 men, including marines Modified 'Halland' class de- Radar and electronics : LW-03/SGR 1 14
search, DA-02/SGR 105 tactical and M20
stroyer (2) (probably) fire-control radars, all built by
2 Modified Halland Hollandse Signaalapparaten
Class : Veinte de Julio (005)' Siete de Agosto Sonar:
1 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II (006) Powerplant : 2 Penhoet, Motala Verkstad boi-
Displacement : 2 ,650 tons (2 ,693 tonnes) lers supplying steam to De Laval double-
Frigate~ : standard ; 3 ,300 tons (3 ,353 tonnes) full reduction geared turbines, delivering
1 APDtype load 55,000 shp to two shafts
1 Courtney Dimensions : Length 397 ft 4 in (121 .1 m) Speed: 25 knots
Beam 40ftB in (12.4 m) Range : 445 miles (716 km ) at 25 knots
SS: Draught 15ft 5 in (4.7 m) Crew : 20+ 240
2 Type 209 Armament : Used also by : Sweden
Guns 6 4 .7-in (120-mm) in twin mountings Notes : Built between 1955 and 1956 by
4 Type SX-506
440-mm Kockums Mek Verkstads of Malmo and
Missile systems Gotaverken of Goteborg ; commissioned
Light Forces: none into Colombian service in June .and
7PC A!Sweapons October 195B. They differ from t he Swe-
3 Arauca gunboats 1 375-mm (14.76-i n) Bofors rocket- dish 'Halland' class in having six main guns
1 Barranquilla gunboat launcher instead of four, no 57-mm guns, four
10 gunboats Torpedo tubes instead of eight torpedo tubes, and differ-
4 21 -in (533- mm) ent accommodation.
Auxiliaries: Aircraft
3 survey vessels
1 Patapsco tanker
4 transports 'Allen M. Sumner FRAM II' class Displacement: 2 ,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes)
1 training ship (sail) destroyer (1 ) standa rd; 3,320 tons (3,3 73 tonnes) fu ll
14 others load
Dimensions: Length 376 ft (1 14.B m)
Class : Santander (003), ex- US Waldron Beam 40ft 11 in (12.4 m)
Marine Force (2,800 men): (00699) Draught 19 ft (5.B m)

Armament: Aircraft Crew: 274
Guns 6 5-in'(127-mm) in twin mountings facilities for 1 small helicopter Used also by : Brazil, Chile, Iran, South Korea,
Missile systems Radar and electronics : SPS 10 search and Turkey, Venezuela
none SPS 10 Mark 25 fire-control radars Notes : The ship was launched from Federal
A!S weapons Sonar : Shipbuilding in 1944 and commissioned
2 Hedgehog Powerplant : 4 boilers supplying steam to 2 into US service in the same year. She was
2 triple 12.75 - in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to sold to Colombia in 1973.
facilities for 1 small helicopter (in San- two shafts
tander only) Speed : 34 knots
Torpedo tubes Range : 4,800 miles (7 ,725 km) at 15 knots

'APD' type frigate (1) Armament : Powerplant : 2 ' D' Express boilers supplying
Guns 1 5-in (127 - mm) steam to General Electric turbines with
440- mm electric drive, delivering 12,000 shp to two
Class: Cordoba (DT15), ex- US Ruchamkin Missile systems shafts
(LPR89) none Speed : 23 knots
Displacement: 1,400 tons (1,422 tonnes) A!S weapons Range : 5,500 miles (8,852 km) at 15 knots
standard; 2 ,1 30 tons (2 ,164 tonnes) full see below Crew: 204 (+ optional 162 troops)
load Torpedo tubes Used only by: Colombia
Dimensions : Length 306 ft (93 .3 m) 2 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 Notes : Built by Philadelphia Navy Yard be-
Beam 37 ft (11 .3 m) Aircraft tween 1943 and 1944; commissioned into
Draught 12 ft.7 in (3 .8 m) none US service in 1945. Transferred to Colombia
Radar and electronics : in 1969. Cordoba has been modernized to
Sonar : FRAM II standards.

'Courtney' class frigate (1 ) Armament : Sonar :

Guns 2 3-in (76-mm) in twin mounting Powerplant : 2 FosterWheeler boilers supply-
Missile systems ing steam to 1 Laval geared turbine, delivering
Class : Boyaca (DE16), ex- US Hartley none 20,000 shp to one shaft
(DE1029) A!S weapons Speed: 25 knots
Displacement : 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes) 1 DC rack Range :
standard ; 1,914 tons (1,945 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Crew: 165
load 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 Used only by : Colombia
Dimensions : Length 314ft 6 in (95.9 m) Aircraft Notes: Built by New York Shipbuilding and
Beam 36ft 10in (11 .2 m) provision for 1 small helicopter comm issioned into US service in 1957.
Draught 13 ft 7 in (4.1 m) Radar and electronics : SPS 6 air-search and Sold to Colombia in July 1972.
SPS 10 surface-search radars

Type 209 patrol submarine (2) A!S weapons

Torpedo tubes
Class : Pijao (SS28)' Tayrona (SS29) 8 21 -i n (533-mm)
Displacement: 1,000 tons (1 ,016 tonnes) Aircraft
surfaced ; 1,290 tons (1 ,311 tonnes) dived none
Dimensions : Length 183 ft 5 in (55.9 m) Radar and electronics :
Beam 20 ft 6 in (6.25 m) Sonar :
Draught Powerplant: (diesel-ele.ctric) 4 MTU diesels
Armament : and 1 Siemens electric motor, delivering
Guns none 5,000 shp to one shaft
Missile systems Speed : 10 knots surfaced ; 22 knots dived

Range : 50 days endurance
Crew : 31
Used also by : Argentina, Ecuador, Iran, Peru ,
Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela
Notes : Examples of the highly successful
Type 209 designed by Ingenieurkontor of
Lubeck and built by Howaldtswerke of Kie!.
Commissioned intO' Colombian service in
April and July 1975.

Type 5X-506 submarine (4) A/5 weapons Crew : 5

none Used only by: Colombia
Torpedo tubes Notes : Built by Cosmos, of Livorno, and de-
Class : Intrepido (5520). Indomable (552 1), none livered in sections for assembly at Carta -
Roncador (5523). Quita Sueno (5524) Aircraft gena . First pair commissioned in 1972 and
Displacement: 58 tons (58.9 tonnes) sur- none second pair in 1974. Can carry 8 attack
faced ; 70 tons (71 .1 tonnes) dived Radar and electronics : swimmers with 2 tons of explosive, plus
Dimensions : Length 75ft 5t in (23 .0 m) Sonar : two swimmer delivery vehicles. Diving
Beam 6 ft 7 in (2 .0 m) Powerplant : diesel-electric, delivering 300 depth 328 ft (100 m).
Draught 13 ft 1 in (4.0 m) bhp to one shaft
Armament : Speed : 8 knots surfaced; 7 knots snorting ; 6
Guns none knots dived
Missile systems Range : 1,200 miles (1 ,931 km) at 7 knots

200 men
Patrol Craft:
3 Shanghai
4 river PC
12(?) small river PC

Costa Rica
50 men

Patrol Craft:
3 coastal PC

9,000 men Auxiliaries: 'SO-I' class patrol craft (12)
6 Nyryat I survey vessels
Light Forces: 1 training ship Class : 12 ex-Russian craft
12 SO I submarine chasers 7 others Displacemont : 215 tons (218.4 tonnes)
6 Kronshtadt submarine chasers standard ; 250 tons (254 tonnes) full load
18 Komar FAC(M) Dimensions : Length 137 ft 9t in (42 .0 m)
5 Osa I FAC(M) Beam 21 ft 4 in (6 .5 m)
3 Osa II FAC(M) Draught 9 ft 2 in (2 .8 m)
12 P-6 FAC(T) Armament :
12 P-4 FAC(T) Guns 4 25- mm in twin mountings
Missile systems
Patrol Forces: A/5 weapons
8 Zhuk FAC(P) 2 DC racks
12 coastal PC 4 qu intuple MBU-4800 rocket-launchers
Torpedo tubes
Amphibious Forces: none
7T-4LCM Aircraft

Radar and electronics: 'Pot Head' short- many, Egypt, Iraq, North Korea , South
range surface search, 'High Pole ' IFF, and Yemen, USSR, Vietnam
'Dead Duck' iFF radars Notes : Six of these craft were transferred
Sonar: Tamir' from Russia in 1964, the other six in 1967.
Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 6 ,000 hp
to three shafts
Speed : 29 knots
Range : 1,1 00 miles (1 ,770 km) at 13 knots
Crew: 30
Used also by: Algeria , Bulgaria, East Ger-

50 men

Patrol Craft:
2 R ( ?)

6,100 men (1,900 conscripts) 'Peder Skram' class frigate (2) Radar and electronics : two CWS 3 com-
bined warning , three CGS 1 fire-control,
Frigates: NWS 1 tactical and NWS 2 navigation
Class : Peder Skram (F3521. Herluf Trolle radars
2 Peder Skram (F353) Sonar : PMS 26
4 Hvidbjj21rnen Displacement: 2 ,030 tons (2,063 tonnes) Powerplant : (CODOG) 2 General Motors
1 Modified Hvidbjj::Srnen standard ; 2,720 tons (2,7 64 tonnes) full 16- 567 D diesels, delivering 4,800 bhp and
(3 Niels Juel ) load 2 Pratt & Whitney PWA GG 4A-3 gas tur-
Dimensions : Length 396 ft 6 in (112.6 m) bines, with a total output of 44,000 shp to
Corvettes: Beam 39 ft 6 in (12 .0 m) two shafts
3 Triton Draught 11 ft 10 in (3 .6 m) Speed : 30 knots
Armament : Range :
Guns 2 5-i n (127 - mm) in twin mountings Crew : 190
SS : 440- mm
2 Narhvalen Used only by : Denmark
Missile systems Notes : Both built to Danish designs by
4 Delfinen 1 4 -cell Sea Sparrow Helsingors J & M between 1964 and
2 quadruple Harpoon launchers 1965; commissioned into Danish service in
Light Forces: A!S weapons June 1966 and Apri l 1967 respectively.
10 Willemoes FAC(M) DCs The Harpoon launcher has replaced B
6 S,fllj2fven F AC(T) Torpedo tubes turret (see drawing and photograph).
4 21 -i n (533- mm) for wire-guided torpe-
Patrol Forces: does
Airc raft
9 Daphne PC none
2 Agdleq PC
9 Barsj21PC
2 Maagen PC
1 Tejsten PC
2 Botved type coastal PC
3 small Botved type coastal PC
3 Y type coastal PC
6 MHV 90 coastal PC
6 MHV 80 coastal PC
3 MHV 70 coastal PC

Mine Warfare Forces:

3 Falster minelayers
2 Lindormen minelayers
1 Langeland minelayer
8 Sund coastal minesweepers

2 tankers
3 icebreakers
2 others

Aircraft :
8 Alouette III
(? L ynx) 'Hvidbj;,rnen' class frigate (4) Dimensions : Length 238 ft 2 in (72 .6 m)
Beam38ft(11 .6m)
Draught 16 ft (4.9 m)
Class : HvidbjIJrnen (F34 8 1. Vaedderen Armament:
(F3491.Ingolf(F3501. Fylla (F351) Guns 1 3-i n (76- mm)
Displacement : 1,345 tons (1 ,367 tonnes) Missile systems
standard ; 1,650 tons (1 ,656 tonnes) full none

A/Sweapons Sonar: PMS 26 Notes : The first was built by Aarhus Flydedok,
none Powerplant: 4 General Motors 16-567C die- the second and fourth by Aarlborg Vaerft
Torpedo tubes sels, delivering 6,400 bhp to one shaft and the third by Svendborg Vaerft in 1961
none Speed: 1 8 knots and 1962, for commissioning in 1962 and
Aircraft Range : 6,000 miles (9,656 km) at 13 knots 1963. They are fishery protection and
1 Alouette III helicopter Crew: 75 survey vessels for operation in northern
Radar and electronics : AWS 1/ CWS 2 Used only by: Denmark waters.
search and NWS 1 tactical radars

'Modified Hvidbj~rnen' class Missile systems Powerplant: 3 BW Alpha diesels, delivering

none 7,440 bhp to one shaft
frigate (1) A/Sweapons Speed : 18 knots
none Range : 6,000 miles (9,656 km) at 13 knots
Class: Beskytteren (F340) Torpedo tubes on one engine
Displacement : 1,970 tons (2,002 tonnes) none Crew : 60
full load Aircraft Used only by : Denmark
Dimensions : Length 244ft (74.4 m) 1 Alouette III helicopter Notes : Built by Aarborg Vaerft between 1974
Beam 39 ft (11 .8 m) Radar and electronics: AWS 1/ CWS 2 and 1975, for comm issioning in February
Draught 15 ft (4.5 m) search, NWS 1 tactical and NWS 2 navi- 1976. Designed as a fishery protection and
Armament: gation radars survey vessel for northern waters,
Guns 1 76-mm (3-in) OTO Melara Sonar : PMS 26 strengthened for operations in ice.

'Niels Juel' class frigate (3)

Class : 'Niels Juef' (F354). Olfert Fischer
(F355). Peter Tordenskjold(F356)
Displacement: 1,320 tons (1 ,341 tonnes)
full load
Dimen$ions : Length 275 ft (84.0 m)
Beam 33 ft 10 in (1 0.3 m)
Draught 10ft 1 in (3 .1 m)
Guns 1 76-mm (3-in) OTO Melara
Missile systems
1 octuple Sea Sparrow Radar and electronics: Plessey AWS 5 Speed : 28 knots
2 quadruple Harpoon search radar Range:
A/Sweapons Sonar : Crew : 90
unfixed as yet Powerplant : (CO DOG ) Rolls-Royce Used only by : Denmark
Torpedo tubes Olympus gas turbine , delivering 25,400 hp, Notes : First keel laid early in 1977 for a cl a ~s
none and 2 MTU 20V- 956 diesels, delivering intended finally to number six.
Aircraft 6,000 hp to two shafts

'Triton' class corvette (3) A/Sweapons Speed : 20 knots

1 Hedgehog Range: 3,000 miles (4,828 km) at 18 knots
Class : Bellona (F344). Flora (F346). Triton 4 DCTs Crew : 110
(F347) Torpedo tubes Used only by: Denmark
Displacement : 760 tons (772 tonnes) stan- none Notes : Built between 1953 and 1955 by
dard; 873 tons (887 tonnes) full load Aircraft Naval Meccanica of Castellammare, Can-
Dimensions : Length 250 ft 4 in (76.3 m) none tiere del Tirreno of Riva Trigosa and Can-
Beam 31 ft 6 in (9 .6 m) Radar and electronics : Plessey AWS 1 tiere Navali di Taranto, as sisters to the
Draught 9 ft (2 .7 m) search and E-band navigation radars Italian 'Albatros' class. The three ships
Armament: Sonar : QCU -2 were commissioned in 1957, 1956 and
Guns 2 76-mm (3-in) in single mountings Powerplant: 2 Ansaldo Fiat 409T diesels, de- 1955 respectively. A fourth Triton ', Diana
140-mm livering 4,400 bhp to two shafts (F345). was deleted in 1974.
Missile systems

'Narhvalen' class submarine (2) 'Delfinen' class submarine (4) 'Willemoes' class 'fast attack
craft (missile) (10)
Class: Narhvalen (S320)' Nordkaperen Class : Delfinen (S326), Spaekhuggeren
(S321) (S327). Tumleren (S328), Springeren
Displacement : 370 tons (376 tonnes) sur- (S329) Class : Bille (P540)' Bredal (P541), Hammer
faced ; 450 tons (457 tonnes) dived Displacement : 595 tons (604.5 tonnes) sur- (P542l. Huitfelde (P543), Krieger (P544) ,
Dimensions : Length 144ft 5 in (44.3 m) faced; 643 tons (653 .3 tonnes) dived Norby (P545), Rodsteen (P546), Sehested
Beam 15 ft (4.6 m) Dimensions : Length 117 ft 2 in (54.0 m) (P547). Suenson (P548), Willemoes
Draught 12 ft 6 in (3 .B m) Beam 15 ft 5 in (4.7 m) (P549)
Armament: Draught 13 ft 1 in (4.0 m) Displacement : 240 tons (243 .8 tonnes) full
Guns none Armament: load
Missile systems Guns none Dimensions : Length 150 ft 11 in (46.0 m)
none Missile systems Beam 24 ft (7 .4 m)
A!Sweapons none Draught 8 ft (2 .4 m)
none A!S weapons Armament :
Torpedo tubes none Guns 1 76- mm (3 - in) OTO Melara
8 21 - in (533-mm) Torpedo tubes Missile systems
Aircraft 4 21 -i n (533 - mm) 4 or 8 Harpoon missiles (in place of aft tor-
none A ircraft pedo tubes)
Radar and electronics : none A!Sweapons
Sonar : active and passive Radar and electronics : none
Powerplant : 2 MB diesels, delivering 1,500 Sonar : active and passive Torpedo t ubes
bhp, and 2 electric motors, delivering Powerplant: 2 Burmeister & Wain diesels, 2 or 4 21 - in (533-mm) (see notes)
1,500 bhp delivering 1,200 bhp, and electric motors, Aircraft
Speed: 12 knots surfaced ; 17 knots dived delivering 1,200 hp none
Range : Speed : 15 knots surfaced and dived Radar and electronics : combined warning ,
Crew : 22 Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,438 km) at 8 knots fire-control and NWS 3 navigation radars
Used only by: Denmark Crew : 33 Sonar :
Notes: Built under licence by the Royal Dock- Used only by : Qenmark Powerplant : (CODAG) 3 Rolls-Royce Pro-
yard at Copenhagen to the Improved Type Notes : All built by the Royal Dockyard in teus gas turbines, delivering 12,000 hp,
205 design of Ingenieurkontor of Lubeck. Copenhagen. The first three were laid down and diesels for cruising, delivering 8 ,000
S320 laid down in February 1965, between July 1954 and May 1956, hp
launched in September 1968 and com- launched between May 1956 and May Speed : 40 knots ; 12 knots on diesels
missioned in February 1970; S321 in Jan- 1958, and commissioned between Sep- Range:
uary 1966, December 1969 and tember 1958 and January 1960. S329 Crew :6 + 18
December 1970. was laid down in January 1961 , launched Used only by : Denmark
in April 1963 and comm issioned in Notes : Designed by Lurssen , and similar to
October 1964. the Swedish 'Spica II' class. 8uilt by Frede-
rikshavn V & F. Willemoes was put in com-
mission in October 1975, with Bille, Bredal
and Hammerfollowing in 1976. Willemoes
was tested with four tubes and no missiles.
A class of 24 craft is planned.

'S~I;ven' class fast attack craft 'Falken' class fast attack craft 'Daphne' class large patrol craft
(torp.edo) (6) (torpedo) (4) (9)

Class : S,"JVen (P51 0), S~ridderen (P511), Class: Falken (P506), Glenten (P507). Grib- Class : Daphne (P530)' Dryaden (P531 ), Hav-
S,bjornen (P512), SMesten (P513)' ben (P508)' H~gen (P509) manden (P532), Havfruen (P533)' Najaden
S~hunden (P514), S,ulven (P515) Displacement : 119 tons (120.9 tonnes) (P534)' Nymfen (P535), Neptun (P536),
Displacement : 95 tons (96.5 tonnes) stan- Dimensions : Length 118 ft (35 .9 m) Ran (P537). Rota (P53 8 )
dard ; 114 tons (115.8 tonnes) full load Beam 17 ft lOin (5.4 m) Displacement : 170 tons (172 .7 tonnes )
Dimensions : Length 99 ft (30.3 m) Draught 6 ft (1 .8 m) Dimensions : Length 121 ft 4 in (38 .0 m)
Beam 25 ft 6 in (7.3 m) Armament : Beam 20 ft (6.8 m)
Draught 7 ft (2.2 m) Guns 1 40- mm Draught 6 ft 6 in (2.0 m)
Armament : 120-mm Armament:
Guns 2 40- mm Bofors in single mountings Missile systems Guns 1 40- mm
Missile systems none 2 51 - mm flare- launchers
none A!Sweapons Missile systems
A!Sweapons none none
none Torpedo tubes A!Sweapons
Torpedo tubes 4 21 -in (533-mm) DCs
4 21 -i n (533- mm) Aircraft Torpedo tubes
Airc raft none none
none Radar and electronics : NWS 1 tactical radar Aircraft
Radar and electronics: NWS 1 tactical radar Sonar : none
Sonar : Powerplant: 3 MTU diesels, delivering 9,000 Radar and electronics : NWS 3 navigation
Powerplant : 3 Bristol Siddeley Proteus gas bhp to three shafts radar
turbines, delivering 12,750 bhp, and Gen- Speed : 40 knots Sonar :
eral Motors diesels for cruising Range : Powerplant : 2 Foden FD6 diesels, delivering
Speed : 54 knots ; 10 knots on diesels Crew : 23 2 ,600 bhp, and 1 cruising diesel , delivering
Range : 400 miles (644 km) at 46 knots Used only by : Denmark 100 bhp, to t wo shafts
Crew : 29 Notes : All built by the Royal Dockya rd at Speed : 20 knots
Used only by : Denmark Copenhagen with US finance , and com- Range :
Notes: First two built by Vosper and com- missioned in October and December 1962, Crew: 23
missioned in February 1965. The rest were and April and June 1963. Now deleted. Used only by: Denmark
built by the Royal Dockyard at Copenha- Notes : All built by the Royal Dockyard at
gen , commissioning between September Copenhagen, and commissioned between
1965 and March 1967. The type combines December 1961 and January 1965. Built
the ' Brave' class hull with 'Ferocity' class w ith US finance , and some craft have now
construction. been disarmed.

'Falster' class minelayer (3) M ines Powerplant : 2 General Motors 56703 diesels,
400 delivering 4 ,BOO shp to two shafts
Class : Falster (N.BO). Fyen (NB1). Moen (NB2) A/Sweapons Speed: 1 7 knots
Displacement : 1,900 tons (1,930 tonnes) none Range :
full load Torpedo tubes Crew : 120
Dimensions : Length 252 ft 7 in (77 .0 m) none Used only by: Denmark
Beam 41 ft (12 .5 m) Aircraft Notes : The first was built by Nakskov Skibs-
Draught 9 ft 10 in (3.0 m) none vaerft, and the second pair by Frederiks-
Armament : Radar and electronics : CWS 2 combined havn Vaerft, the first two commissioning
Guns 4 3- in (76-mm) in twin mountings warning , CGS 1 fire-control, NWS 1 tacti- in 1963 and the third in 1964. A sistership,
Missile systems cal and NWS 2 navigation radars Sjaelland (NB3) was converted to a FAC
Sea Sparrow Sonar : and submarine depot ship in 1976. The
hulls are strengthened for ice navigation.

'Lindormen' class minelayer (2) Missile systems Sonar :

none Powerplant: diesels, delivering 1,600 hp
Class : Lindormen (N43), Lossen (N44) A/Sweapons Speed : 14 knots
Displacement : 570 tons (579 tonnes) none Range :
Dimensions : Length 147ft 7 in (45.0 m) Torpedo tubes Crew : 27
Beam 29 ft 6 in (9 .0 m) none Used only by : Denmark
Drau ght B ft 10 in (2.7 m) Aircraft Notes : Both built by Svendborg Vaerft and
Armament : none commissioned in 197B.
Guns220- mm Radar and electronics :

Dominican Republic
4,050 men 'Tacoma' class frigate (2) Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to
triple-expansion reciprocating engines, de-
Frigates: Class : Gregorio Luperon (452), ex- US Pueblo livering 5,500 ihp to two shafts
2 Tacoma (PF13) ; Capitano General Pedro Santana Speed : 19 knots
(453), ex- US Knoxville (PF64) Range : 9 ,500 miles (1 5,2B9 km) at 12 knots
1 Canadian River
Displacement : 1,430 tons (1,453 to nnes) Crew : 140
standard ; 2,415 tons (2,454 tonnes) full Used also by : Thailand
Corvettes: Notes : Built by Leatham D. Smith Ship Build-
2 Canadian Flower Dimensions : Length 304 ft (92.7 m) ing and Kaiser Ship Yards respectively be-
2 Admirable Beam 37 ft 6 in (11.4 m) tween April 1943 and January 1944;
3 Cohoes Draught 13 ft B in (4.2 m) commissioned into US service in April and
Armament : May 1944. They were transferred to t he
Patrol Forces: Guns 3 3-i n (76-mm) in single mountings Dominican Republic in September 1947
3 Argo 4 40- mm in twin mountings and July 1946 respectively, with the
620- mm names Presidente Troncoso and Presidente
1 PGMPC Peynado until 1962. Now in reserve .
4 0 .5-i n (12 .7- mm) machine-guns
1 large PC
Missile systems
12 coastal PC none
Amphibious Forces: none
1LCT Torpedo tubes
1LCM none
Auxiliaries: none
5 survey vessels Radar and electronics :
2 tankers Sonar :
10 others

Canadian' 'Flower' class cor- Arma'ment: Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to
vette (2) Guns 1 4 -in (1 02-mm) triple expansion reciprocating engines, de-
2 40-mm , 6 20-mm and 4 0,5-in in Colon livering 2,750 ihp
1 40-mm, 6 20-mm and 2 0.5-in inAcosta Speed: 1 6 knots
Class: Cristobal Colon (401), ex- Canadian Missile systems Range : 2,900 miles (4,667 km) at 15 knots
Lachute ; Juan Alejandro Acosta (402), ex- none Crew: 53
Canadian Louisburg NSweapons Used only by : Dominican Republic
Displacement: 1,060 tons (1,077 tonnes) none Notes: Both built by Morton Ltd of Quebec
standard ; 1,350 tons (1,372 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes City, they were launched in June 1944 and
load none July 1943 respectively, and commissioned
Dimensions: Length 208 ft (63.4 m) Aircraft into Canadian service in October 1944 and
8eam 33 ft (10.0 m) none December 1943. Five of these ships were
Draught 13 ft 4 in (4.0 m) Radar and electronics : transferred to the Dominican Republic
Sonar: during 1947.

PGM Type large patrol craft (1) Missile systems Speed: 21 knots
none Range : 1,500 miles (2.414 km) at 10 knots
Class: Betelgeuse (GC1 02). ex-USPGM 71 NSweapons Crew: 20
none Used also by : Burma, Ethiopia , Philippines,
Displacement: 145.5 tons (147.8 tonnes)
Torpedo tubes Turkey
Dimensions: Length 101 ft 6 in (30.9 m)
none Notes: Built in the US by Peterson, and com-
Beam 21 ft (6.4 m)
Aircraft missioned into US service in 1966 before
Draught 5 ft (1 .5 m)
none transfer to the Dominican Republic later in
Radar and electronics: the year.
Guns 1 40-mm
4 20-mm in twin mountings
Powerplant: 8 General Motors 6-71 diesels,
2 0 ,5-in (12.7 -mm) machine-guns
delivering 2 ,200 bhp to two shafts

East Germany
16,000 men (10,000 conscripts) Mine Warfare Forces: 'Hai' class large patrol craft (14)
52 Kondor 1 and II
Frigates: Class: Bad Doberan, Butzow, Grevesmuhlen,
1 Riga Auxiliaries: Gadebusch, LUbz, Ludwigslust, Parchim,
2 Kondor intelligence ships Perleberg, Ribnitz-Damgarten, Sternberg,
Light Forces ~ 4 survey ships Teterow, Wismar and two others
12 Osa 1 FAceM) 10 training ships Displacement: 300 tons (304,8 tonnes)
3 Osa II FAceM) 3 icebreakers standard ; 370 tons (375.9 tonnes) full load
18 Shershen FAceT) 34 others Dimensions: Length 187 ft (57,0 m)
Beam 19 ft (5,8 m)
7 Libelle FAceT) Draught 10ft (3 .1 m)
40 lItis FAceT) Aircraft: Armament :
1 sqn with 8 Mi-4, 5 Mi-8 Guns 4 30-mm in twin mountings
Patrol Forces: Missile systems
4 SO-I large PC none
14 Hai large PC NSweapons
4P-6 FAceP) 4 quintuple RBU 1800 launchers
18 KB 123 coastal PC 2 DC racks
Torpedo tubes
Amphibious Forces: none
5 FroschLST none
10 RobbeLST Radar and electronics:
12 LaboLCT Sonar:
Powerplant : 2 gas turbines, and diesels, de-
livering 8,000 bhp
Speed : 25 knots
Crew: 45
Used only by: East Germany
Notes : Built between 1962 and 1969 by
Peenewerft of Wolgast.

3,800 men (700 marines) 'Hunt' Type 1 class frigate (2) Torpedo tubes
Destroyers: Class: Presidente Alfaro (D02), ex-British none
1 Gearing FRAM I Quantock; Presidente Velasco Ibarra Radar and electronics:
(D03), ex-British Meynell Sonar :
Frigates: Displacement: 1,000 tons (1 ,01 6 tonnes) Powerplant: 2 Admiralty type boilers supply-
1 Charles Lawrence standard ; 1,490 tons (1,514 tonnes) full ing steam to Parsons geared turbines, de-
2 Hunt Type 1 load livering 19,000 shp to two shafts
(1 Lupo) Dimensions: Length 280 ft (85.4 m) Speed: 23 knots
Beam 29 ft (8 .8 m) Range: 2,000 miles (3,218 km) at 12 knots
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m) Crew: 146
Corvettes: Armament:
2 PCE type Used also by: Egypt, India , UK
Guns 4 4-in (1 02-mm) in twin mountings Notes: Builtin 1939and 1940 by Scotts Ship
(4 ?) 2 40-mm in twin mounting Building of Greenock and Swan Hunter of
220-mm Wallsend, and commissioned into British
SS : Missile systems service in February 1941 and December
2 Type 209 none 1940 respectively. Both ships were bought
A!Sweapons by Ecuador in 1954 and handed over after
Light Forces: DCTs and DC racks refits in 1955. They are now due for de-
3 Liirssen type FAC(M) letion .
3 Manta FAC(T)
Type 209 submarine (2) Aircraft
Patrol Forces: none
2PGM71PC Radar and electronics:
5 coastal PC Class: Shyri(SS 11), Huancavilca (SS 12)
Displacement : 980 tons (995.7 tonnes) sur- Sonar:
faced; 1,356 tons (1,378 tonnes) dived Powerplant: MTU diesels, and 4 electric
Amphibious Forces: Dimensions : Length 183 ft 5 in (55.9 m) motors, delivering 5,000 shp to one shaft
1 LST 511-1152 Beam 20 ft 8 in (6.3 m) Speed: 10 knots (surfaced); 22 knots (dived)
2 LSM-1 Draught 17 ft 8t in (5.4 m) Range:
Armament : Crew: 32
Auxiliaries: Guns none Used also by: Argentina, Colombia, Iran,
Peru, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela
1 Aloe survey ship Missile systems
none Notes: Built by Howaldtswerke of Kiel , these
4 tugs two boats were laid down in 197.5 and
1 training ship A!S weapons
none commissioned in 1977 . Two more boats of
6 others the same class are reportedly on order. .
Torpedo tubes
8 21-in (533-mm)
3 Arava transports
2 T-37 trainers
2 T -41 trainers
1 Cessna 320
1 Cessna 177
2 Alouette III

20,000 men (15,000 reservists) SS: Patrol Forces :
6 Romeo 12S0IPC
Destroyers: 6 Whiskey 3 Nisr PC
4 Skory • 20 Bertram type coastal PC
1Z Light Forces:
6 Osa I FAC(M) Amphibious Forces:
Frigates: 10 Komar FAC(M) 3 Polnocny LCT
1 Black Swan 6 Shershen FAC(T) and FAC(G) 10 Vydra LCU
1 British River 20 P-6 FAC(T) 4SMBl LCU
1 British Hunt 4 P-4 FAC(T) 10LCM
(2 Lupo) (6 Vosper Ramadan FAC(G))

Mine Warfare Forces: 'Skor f' class destroyer (4) Torpedo tubes
6 T -43 ocean minesweepers 2 quintuple 21-in (533 - mm)
4 Yurka ocean minesweepers Class: AI Zaffer; Damiette; 6 October, (ex-AI Aircraft
2 T-301 inshore minesweepers Nasser) ; Suez none
2 K-8 inshore minesweepers Displacement: 2,600 tons (2,642 tonnes) Radar and electronics: El F-band (probably)
standard; 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) full search, G-band (probably) tactical and
load 'Hawk Screech' fire-control radars
Auxiliaries: Sonar:
3 SRN-6 hovercraft ( + 3) Dimensions: Length 395 ft 4 in (120.5 m)
Beam 38ft8 in (11.8 m) Powerplant: 3 boilers supplying steam to
3 training ships Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m) geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
2 tugs Armament: two shafts
Guns 4 5.1-in (130-mm) Speed : 35 knots
Aircraft: 2 3.4-in (88-mm) Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,438 km) at 15 knots
6 Sea King ASW helicopters 8 37-mm and 4 25-mm in twin mountings Crew: 260
(unmodified ships) Used also by : USSR
4 57-mm in quadruple mounting, 4 37-mm Notes: Built in Russia and launched in 1951.
and 4 25-mm in twin mountings (modi- Egypt received the original AI Nasser andAI
fied ships) Zaffer in 1956, and Damiette and Suez in
A!S weapons 1962. During April 1967 AI Nasser and
2 DCTs and 2 DC racks (unmodified ships) Damiette were exchanged for modified
2 12-barrel RBU 2500 launchers, 2 DCTs vessels which.took the same names.
and 2 DC racks (modified ships)

'Z' class destroyer (1 ) Radar and electronics: Type 960 search,

Type 293 tactical and I-band fire-control
Class: EI Fateh, ex-B ritish Zenith Sonar :
Displacement: 1,730 tons (1,758 tonnes) Powerplant: 2 Admiralty boilers supplying
standard ; 2,575 tons (2,616 tonnes) full steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
load ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
Dimensions: Length 362 ft 9 in (110.6 m) Speed: 31 knots
Beam 35ft9 in (10.9 m) Range: 2,800 miles (4,506 km) at 20 knots
Draught 17 ft 1 in (5 .2 m) Crew: 250
Armament : Used only by: Egypt
Guns 4 4.5-in (114-mm) in single mountings Notes: built by William Denny & Brothers at
640-mm Dumbarton between 1942 and 1944, and
Missile systems commissioned into British service in
none December 1 944. She was bought by Egypt
A!Sweapons in 1956, refitted and handed over in 1956.
4 DCTs
Torpedo tubes

'Black Swan' class frigate (1) 220-mm Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying stealJl to
Missile systems geared turbines, 4,300 shp to two shafts
none Speed: 1 9-1 knots
Class: Tariq (555), ex-Malek Farouq (42), ex- A!S weapons Range: 4 ,500 miles (7,242 km) at 12 knots
British Whimbrel 4 DCTs Crew: 180
Displacement: 1,925 tons (1,956 tonnes) DC racks Used also by: India
Dimensions: Length 299 ft 6 in (91 .3 m) Torpedo tubes Notes: Built by Yarrow at Glasgow between
Beam38ft6in(11.7 m) none October 1941 and August 1942, and com-
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m) Aircraft missioned into British service in January
Armament: none 1943. Transferred to Egypt in November
Guns 6 4-in (1 02-mm) in twin mountings Radar and electronics: 1949.
440-mm Sonar:

'Romeo' class submarine (6) A!Sweapons Speed: 1 7 knots (surfaced) ; 14 knots (dived)
none Range: 8,078 miles (13,000 km) at 5 knots
Torpedo tubes surfaced
Class: Nos 744, 745, 765, 766 and two 8 21-in (533-mm), with 18 torpedoes or Crew: 65
others 36 mines Used also by: Bulgaria, China, North Korea,
Displacement: 1,000 tons (1 ,01 6 tonnes) Aircraft USSR
surfaced ; 1,600 tons (1,626 tonnes) dived none Notes: The six Egyptian 'Romeo' class attack
Dimensions: Length 249 ft 4 in (76.0 m) Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate' surveil- submarines were transferred from Russia
Beam 23 ft 11 t in (7.3 m) lance radar and 'Stop Light' ECM in the period 1966-9. Their construction
Draught 14 ft 5 in (4.4 m) Sonar: ' Herkules' and ' Feniks' probably took place in Leningrad, starting
Armament: Powerplant: 2 diesel engines delivering in 1961.
Guns none 4,000 hp, and 2 electric motors, delivering
Missile systems 4,000 hp to two shafts

'Whiskey' class submarine (6)

Class: Nos 4 ~5, 418, 421 , 455 and two

Displacement: 1,030 tons (1,046 tonnes)
surfaced ; 1,350 tons (1 ,372 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Lengtb 249 ft 4 in (76.0 m)
Beam 22 ft (6.7 m)
Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m)
Guns none
Missile systems Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate' surface Crew: 60
none search radar and 'Stop Light' ECM Used also by: Albania, Bulgaria, China,
A!S weapons Sonar: Tamir' Indonesia , North Korea ,~eoland , USSR
none Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 4 ,000 hp, Notes: Four 'Whiskey' class boats were trans-
Torpedo tubes and 2 electric motors, delivering 2,500 hp ferred to Egypt in 1957, another three in
6 21-in (533-mm) with 18 torpedoes or 24 to two shafts 1958, and an eighth in 1962. In 1966 two
mines Speed: 17 knots (surfaced); 15 knots (dived) of the boats were replaced by 'Romeo'
Aircraft Range: 13,000 miles (20,922 km) at 8 knots class boats. The 'Whiskey' class is designed
none surfaced for torpedo attack.

600 men 'Oeidre' class patrol vessel (2) Aircraft
Corvettes: Radar and electronics:
Class : Deidre (P20). Erner(P21 ) Sonar:
2 Deidre (+ 1) Displacement: 972 tons (988 tonnes) Powerplant: 2 British Polar diesels, deliver-
Dimensions: Length 184 ft 4 in (56 .2 m) ing 4,200 bhp to one shaft
Mine Warfare Forces: Beam 34ft 1 in (10.4 m) Speed: 1 8 knots
3 Ton coastal minesweepers Draught 14 ft 5 in (4.4 m) Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 12 knots
Armament: Crew: 5+41
Guns 1 40-mm Bofors
Auxiliaries: Used only by: Eire
Missile systems
1 training ship none
Notes: Both vessels were built by Verolme of
1 tender Cork, Deidre being commissioned in 1972.
A/Sweapons Erner, commissioned in 1978, is 6ft 7 in
none (2.0 m) longer, and has SEMT Pielstick
Torpedo tubes diesels, improving speed by 2 knots. She
none displaces 1,020 tons (1,037 tonnes).

El Salvador
130 men

Patrol Craft:

Equatorial Guinea
Light Forces: Patrol Forces:
1 P-6 FAC(T) 1 Poluchat PC
1,500 men Light Forces:
Patrol Craft: Mine Warfare Forces:
4PGM type PC 1 Wildervank coastal minesweeper
1 Kraljevica PC
4 Sew art large PC Auxiliaries:
4 Sewart coastal PC 1 Barnegat training ship
4 Swift PC (?) 2LCM

159 men (under command of Royal Fiji
Military Forces)
Mine Warfare Forces:
3 Redwing coastal minesweepers

1 survey vessel

2,500 men 'Turunmaa' class corvette (2) Aircraft
Frigates: Radar and electronics: search and tactical
Class: Karja/a, Turunmaa radar by Hollandse Signaal
2 Riga Displacement: 660 tons (671 tonnes) stan- Sonar:
dard; 770 tons (782 tonnes) full load Powerplant: (CODOG) 3 Mercedes-Benz
Corvettes: Dimensions: Length 243 ft 1 in (74. 1 m) MTU diesels, 3,000 bhp and 1 Rolls-Royce
2 Turunmaa Beam 25 ft 7 in (7 .8 m) Olympus gas turbine, 22,000 hp
Draught 7 ft 10 in (2 .4 m) Speed: 35 knots (1 7 knots on diesels)
Light Forces: Armament: Range:
Guns 1 4.7 -in (120-mm) Bofors Crew: 70
4 Tuima FACCM) (+5) 240-mm
1 experimental FACCM) Used only by: Finland
2 30-mm (twin) Notes: Laid down in March 1967, launched
13 Nuoli FAC(G) Missile systems later that year and commissioned in the
1 Vasama FACCGf none second half of 1968. Fitted with Vosper
A!Sweapons Thornycroft stabilizers.
Patrol Forces: 2 DCTs and 2 DC racks
3 Ruissalo PC Torpedo tubes
2 Rihtniemi PC none

Mine Warfare Forces:

1 Improved Ruotsinsalmi minelayer
6 Kuha inshore minesweepers
(1 ? minelayer)

2 HQships
6 Kala LCU transports
5 Kave LCU transports
3 Pukkio support ships
9 icebreakers

The Coastguard has 600 men, and

operates five large patrol craft and
eight coastal patrol craft, plus large 'Tuima' class fast attack craft Missile systems
numbers of inshore patrol boats, one 4 SS-N-2 launchers
(missile) (4) A!S weapons
training ship and one supply ship.
Class: Tuima, Tuu/i, Tuisku, Tyrsky Torpedo tubes
Displacement: 165 tons (167.6 tonnes) none
standard; 200 tons (203 .2 tonnes) full load Aircraft
Dimensions: Length 128 ft 8 in (39 .3 m) none
Beam 25 ft 1 in (7.7 m) Radar and electronics: Finnish search and
Draught 5 ft 11 in (1.8 in) fire-control radars
Armament: Sonar:
Guns 4 30-mm in twin mountings Powerplant: 3 diesels, deliveril'lg 13,000 hp

Speed: 36 knots
Range : 800 miles (1 ,288 km) at 25 knots
Used only by :'Finland
Notes: 8uilt in the USSR as 'Osa' class craft,
but fitted with Finnish electronics. Five
more are planned

Experimental missile craft (1)

Displacement : 140 tons (142 .25 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 86 ft 6 in (26.0 m)
Beam 28 ft 7 in (8.7 m)
Draught 5 ft 11 in (1.8 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 30-mm in twin mounting
Missile systems
4 SS-N-2 launchers
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics :
Powerplant: 4 Russian M50 diesels, deliver-
ing 3,600 bhp
Speed: 1 5 knots
Crew : 25
Used only by : Finland
Notes: Commissioned in 1970 from the
Reposaaron yard at Konepaja as an exper-
imental and training craft. It is basically a
combination of missile-craft superstructure
and armament with a landing-craft hull.

'Ruissalo' class large patrol craft


Class: Ruissalo (3) Raisio (4). Roytta (5)

Displacement: 110 tons (111 .8 tonnes)
standard ; 130 tons (132 .1 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 111 ft 6 in (33.0 m)
Beam 19 ft lOin (6.0 m)
Draught 5 ft 11 in (1 .8 m)
Guns 1 40- mm
2 machine-guns
Missile systems
1 Squid mortar
Torpedo tubes
none Powerplant: 2 Mercedes-Benz MTU diesels, Used only by: Finland
Aircraft 2,500 bhp Notes: Built by Laivatteollisuus at Turku in
none Speed : 1 8 knots 1958 and 1959. All three boats were com-
Radar and electronics: Decca Range : missioned in the second half of 1959.
Sonar: one (hull-mounted) Crew: 20

'Rihtniemi" class large patrol
craft (2)

Class: Rihtniemi (1). Rymattlya (2)

Displacement: 90 tons (91.45 tonnes) stan-
dard; 110 tons (111 .8 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 101 ft 8 in (31.0 m)
Beam 18 ft 8 in (5.6 m)
Draught 5 ft 11 in (1.8 m)
Guns 1 40-mm
120- mm
2 machine-guns
Missile systems
2 DC racks
Torpedo tubes
none Crew: 20
Aircraft Powerplant: 2 Mercedes-Benz MTU diesels, Used only by: Finland
none 1 AOO bhp Notes: Built by Rauma-Repola at Rauma in
Radar and electronics: Speed: 1 5 knots 1955 and 1956, and commissioned in the
Sonar: Range: first half of 1957. Both craft can lay mines.

'Improved Ruotsinsalmi' class Speed : 1 5 knots Notes: Ordered in 1955, launched in 1957
minelayer (1) Range: from the Helsinki yard of Valmet and com-
Crew: 60 missioned towards the end of the year. The
Used only by: Finland armament was updated in 1972.
Class: Keihassalmi
Displacement: 360 tons (365.8 tonnes)
Dimensions:Length 168 ft (52.0 m)
Beam 23 ft (7.0 m)
Draught 6 ft (1 .9 m)
Guns 4 30-mm in twin mountings
220- mm
Missile systems
100 capacity
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: search and tactical
radar ; Decca navigation
Powerplant: 2 Wartsila diesels, 2,000 bhp to
two shafts

The French Navy France, as a nuclear power, has and nine of them of the redoubtable
The French Navy is faced with the opted for a triple delivery capability, 'Daphne' classes.
prospect of maritime war on three with submarine- and silo-launched France's major surface ships are a
fronts - coastal operations in the north missiles, and air-dropped bombs. The well balanced mix of A!S shil?s and
along the English Channel coast, and SLBMs are under the control of the surface strike vessels. The NS force is
ocean as well as coastal operations navy, which has four special nuclear- centred on the new PA 75 type nuclear-
along the Atlantic and Mediterranean powered ballistic missile-launching powered helicopter carrier to be laid
'fronts'. France is no longer a member submarines, plus one building and a down in-1980 or 1981, the three new
of the integrated military organisation sixth (ofa new type) ordered in 1978. Type C70 dual-purpose destroyers, the
of NATO, but her forces are clearly France has also embarked on a three Type F67 destroyers, the five
designed to operate with NATO's forces programme of nuclear attack Type T4 7ASW destroyers, several
in time of war, and are thus to be submarine construction, the first boat other 'one off' destroyers, and the 12
considered in the de facto if not de iure being laid down in 1976 for (plus two building) Type A69 frigates.
light of NATO's overall military commissioning in 1981. It is expected Eventually the force will be joined by
strategy. Accordingly, France has a that these boats, which will incorporate three A!S versions of the Type C70
large and well-balanced fleet many of the systems used in the destroyer, and other new construction
commensurate with her European and 'Agosta' class of conventional vessels. For the strike role, France has
international obligations and interests. submarines, will eventually comprise two attack carriers of the 'Clemenceau'
The French Navy has some 68,300 two squadrons (eight boats), one class, provided with SAM defence and
men, including 17,400 conscripts, squadron based at Brest for Atlantic the radar control of their air strikes by
about 13.56 per cent of the total armed operations, and the other at Toulon for the cruiser Colbert, and 'supported by
forces' personnel. The defence budget is Mediterranean operations. France also the guided-missile destroyers of the
about 4.67 per cent of the gross has 23 conventional attack submarines, 'Suffren' class. Colbert and the two
national budget. four of them of the excellent' Agosta' 'Suffren' class ships are to b~ retrofitted

with Exocet surface-to-surface missiles 68,300 men (17,400 conscripts) Patrol Forces:
to improve their attack capabilities. including naval air arm (about 50,000 10 Sirius PC
Further missile support is provided by reservists) 3 Le Fougueux PC
the four destroyers of the Type T 47 6 La Dunkerquoise PC
DDG SAM class, and the nine frigates SSNB : 5HamPC
of the 'Commandant Riviere' SSM 4 Le Redoutable ( + 1) 1 Fairmile ML type PC
missile class. Other ships are fitted with (1 ?) 4 Tecimar coastal PC
SAM, SSM or surface-to-underwater SSN: 2 coastal PC
missile systems, making the French (1 + 4 SNA 72)
Navy extremely strong in this aspect of Mine Warfare Forces:
modern naval war. France also has five SS : 5 Circe minehunters
FAC(M) fitted with the older SS.11 4 Agosta 13 Aggressive and MS0498 ocean mine-
and SS.12 surface-to-surface missiles, 9 Daphne hunters and ocean minesweepers
and another six large FAC(M), 4 Arethuse 6 Sirius coastal minesweepers
probably armed with.Exocet, are to be 6 Narval 15 Adjutant coastal minesweepers
built by 1982. 1 experimental SS 1 Type DBI coastal minesweeper
These missile boats are designed for (1 + 14 Modified Circe minehunters)
coastal operations, in which they are CV:
joined by 31 large patrol craft and a 2 Clemenceau Auxiliaries:
number of coastal patrol craft. Also (1 PA75 nuclear-powered) 9 survey vessels
intended for operations in these waters 10 tankers
are 26 coastal minesweepers, supported Cruisers: 5 depot ships
in ocean waters by the five minehunters 1 La Resolue (CAH) 4 maintenance ships
of the 'Circe' class and 13 minehunters/ 1 Colbert 5 stores ships
minesweepers of the 'Aggressive' and 6 trials ships
'MS0498' classes. . Destroyers: others
Until recently, the possibility of 3 Type C70 (+3 )
major amphibious operations has 2 Suffren Naval Air Arm (Aeronavale) (13,000
featured prominently in France's naval 3 Type F67 (C67 A) men):
thinking, and this has left the country 1 TypeT56 24 Etendard IVM (2 attack sqns)
with two landing ships (dock), two light 1 Modified Type T53 ASW 20 F-8E (2 interceptor sqns)
transports, five landing ships (tank) 2 TypeT53 24 Alize (2 ASW sqns)
and a number of other amphibious 4 TypeT47 DDG (4 MR sqns) 25 Atlantic, 10 SP-2H
warfare vessels. 5 Type T47 ASW 8 Etendard IVP (1 recce sqn)
Although it has only 123 combat 1 TypeC65 (2 OCUs) 12 Etendard IVM 14 Magis-
aircraft, the French Navy's air arm, the ter, 4 Nord 262
Aeronavale, is of high quality in men Frigates: (3 ASW sqns) 12 Super Frelon,. 12
and materiel, well able to fulfil the tasks 9 Commandant Riviere SH-34 J, 8 Alouette III
envisaged for it. Particularly important 10 Type E52 12 SH-34 J (1 assault helicopter sqn)
are the two Etendard IVM attack 1 TypeE50 20 Alouette II/ III (2 SAR sqns)
squadron~ , the two Alize ASW 12 Type A69 (+4) (1 GP helicopter sqn) 4 Alouette II, 7
squadrons, the three shore-based Super Frelon, 18 Lynx
helicopter ASW squadrons, and the Amphibious Forces: (9 communications sqns) DC-6, C-47,
four shore-based maritime 2 TCDLSD Alouette, Super Frelon
reconnaissance squadrons equipped 2 Batral type transports (4 training/liaison sqns) Nord 262, C-
with Atlantic and Neptune aircraft. 5 BDCLST 47, Falcon/ Mystere 20, Paris, Alize,
The French Navy has good 12 EDICLCT Rallye
manpower reserves, a fairly modern 16CTMLCM (29 Super Etendard)
and carefully thought out support 20 LCM (miscellaneous) (8 Lynx)
force, and a forward-looking building
programme, all of which should ensure Light Forces:
that France maintains her present 4 Trident FAC(M)
efficient navy. 1 La Combattante I FAC(M)

'Le Redoutable' class nuclear

ballistic missile submarine
(5+1) .

Class: Le Foudroyant (5610), Le Redoutable

(5611), Le Terrible (561'2), L'lndomptable
(5613), Le Tonnant (5614), and possibly
L'lnflexible (Q260)
Displacement : 7,500 tons (7 ,620 tonnes)
surfaced; 9,000 tons (9,144 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 420 ft (128.0 m)
Beam 34ft 9 in (10.6 m)
, Draught 32 ft 10 in (10.0 m)
Armament: Torpedo tubes Sonar:
Guns none 4 21 .7-in (550-mm) with 18 torpedoes Powerplant: 1 pressurized water-cooled
Missile systems Aircraft reactor; 1 2,670-hp auxiliary diesel
16 launcher tubes for M5B5 none Speed: 20 knots surfaced ; 25 knots dived
A!5weapons Radar and electronics: Calypso navigation Range :
none and attack radar; passive ECM and DF Crew: 15+ 120 (two alternating crews)
systems Used only by: France

Notes : Diving depth over 700 ft (213 m). All L 'lnflexible may be laid down in 1982 as
five current boats built by Cherbourg Naval the lead boat of a new class. All boats will
Dockyard: Le Redoutable launched in eventually carry M-4 missiles.
March 1967 and Le Tonnant in 1975.

'Agosta' class patrol submarine


Class: Agosta (5620)' Beveziers (5621). La

Praya (5622), Ouessant (5623)
Displacement: 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes)
surfaced; 1,725 tons (1 ,753 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 221 ft 9 in (67.6 m)
Beam 22 ft 4 in (6.8 m)
Draught 17 ft 1 in (5.2 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tu bes
4 21.7-in (550-mm) tubes with 24 torpe-
none 3,500 kW electric motor delivering 4,600 Used by: France ; to be built for Spain at Car-
Radar and electronics: possibly Calypso TH hp to one shaft tagena ; and 2 ordered for South Africa
D 1030 or TH D 1031 search and naviga- Speed: 12 knots surfaced; 20 knots dived Notes: All built by Cherbourg Naval Dock-
tion radar Range: 8,500 miles (13,680 km) at 9 knots yard. All were laid down 1972-4 and
Sonar: DUUA 2 active and DSUV passive (snorting); 350 miles (563 km) at 3-!- knots launched between October 1974 and Jan-
Powerplant: (diesel electric) 2 SEMT Piel- (dived) uary 1976. They are very quiet boats, and
stick 16 PA4 diesels delivering 3,600 hp; 1 Crew: 7+43 have an endurance of 45 days.

'Oaphnlt' class patrol submarine


Class: Daphne (5641). Diane (5642), Doris

(5643)' Flore (5645), Galatee (5646),
Junon (5648), Venus (5649), Psyche
(5650), Sirene (5651)
Displacement: 869 tons (883 tonnes) sur-
faced; 1,043 tons (1 ,060 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 189 ft 8 in (57.8 m)
Beam 22 ft 4 in (6.8 m)
Draught 15 ft 1 in (4.6 m)
Guns none Sonar: DUUA 2 active ; passive ranging; inter- Used also by: Libya, Pakistan, Portugal,
Missile systems ception set South Africa, Spain
none Powerplant: (diesel electric) SEMT-Pielstick Notes: Basically improved Arethuse class
A!Sweapons motors delivering 1,300 bhp surfaced and boats with a diving depth of 984 ft (300 m).
none 1 ,600 bhp dived to two shafts The first two were built by Dubigeon, the
Torpedo tubes Speed: 13-!- knots (surfaced); 16 knots (dived) next five by Cherbourg Naval Dockyard, and
12 21 .7-in (550-mm) Range: 2,700 miles (4,345 km) at 12-!- knots the last two by Brest Naval Dockyard. The
Aircraft (surfaced) ; 4,500 miles 7,242 km) at 5 nine French boats were built between
none knots (snorting) ; 3,000 miles (4,828 km) at 1958 and 1967, the last commissioning in
Radar and electronics: Calypso II search and 7 knots (snorting) March 1970.
navigation Crew: 6+39

'Arltthuse' class patrol sub-

marine (4)

Class : Arethuse (5635), Argonaute (5636),

A mazone (S639),Ariane (5640)
Displacement: 543 tons (552 tonnes) sur-
faced; 669 tons (680 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 162 ft 9 in (49.6 m)
Beam 19 ft (5.8 m)
Draught 13 ft 1 in (4.0 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
A!Sweapons Range :
none Sonar: DUUA2 active Crew: 6+34
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: SEMT-Pielstick diesel electric, Used only by: France •
4 21 .7-in (550-mm) with 8 torpedoes delivering 1,060 bhp (surfaced); electric Notes: All built by Cherbourg Naval Dockyard
Aircraft motors delivering 1,300 hp (dived) to one between 1955 and 1958, they are excel-
none shaft lent boats. Diving depth about 656 ft (200
Radar and electronics : Speed: 12-!- knots (surfaced); 16 knots (dived) m).

'Narval' class patrol submarine

Class: Narval (S631). Marsouin (S632). Dau-

phin (S633). Requin (S634). Espadon
(S636) , Morse (S638)
Displacement : 1,635 tons (1 ,661 tonnes)
surfaced ; 1,910 tons (1 ,941 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 254 ft 7 in (77 .6 m)
Beam 25 ft 7 in (7.8 m)
Draught 17 ft 9 in (5.4 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
none Pielstick diesels and 2 electric motors, de- four by Cherbourg Naval Dockyard, the fifth
Torpedo tubes livering 4,800 hp to two shafts by Normand, and the sixth by Seine Mari-
6 21 .7-in (550-mm) with 20 torpedoes Speed: 1 5 knots (surfaced); 18 knots (dived) time.
Aircraft Range: 15,000 miles (24,141 km) at 8 knots
none (snorting)
Radar and electronics: Crew: 7+56
Sonar : DUUA 1 Used only by: France
Powerplant: (diesel electric) 3 SEMT- Notes: Improved German Type XXI boats.
Built between 1951 and 1958, the first

'Clemenceau' class aircraft-

carrier (2)

Class : Clemenceau (R98), Foch (R99)

Displacement: 27 ,307 tons (27,745 tonnes)
standard ; 32,780 tons (33 ,306 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 869 ft 5 in (265 .0 m)
Beam 104 ft (31.7 m) over
bulges Range: 7,500 miles (12,070 km) at 18 knots; Brest Dockyard between November 1955
Draught 28 ft 3 in (8 .6 m) 3,500 miles (5,633 km) at 32 knots and December 1957; Foch by Chanti!:lrs de
Armament: Crew: 65+ 1, 163 I'Atlantique between February 1957 and
Guns 8 3.9-in (1 OO-mm) automatic in single Used only by : France July 1960. The two ships commissioned ·in
mountings Notes: First specially designed French air- November 1961 and July 1963 respecti-
Missile systems craft-carriers. Clemenceau was built by vely.
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: DRBV 20C long-
range search, DRBV 23B air-search and
surveillance, 2 DRBI 10 height-finder,
DRBV 50 search and DRBC 31 gunfire-
control radars; SENIT 4 tactical data
system ; DF and ECM fits
Sonar: SOS 505
Powerplant: 6 boilers supplying steam to 2
Parsons geared turbines, delivering
126,000 shp to two shafts
Speed: 32 knots

'La Resolue' class guided missile Aircraft

heavy A!S helicopters (4 in peace, 8 in war)
cruiser (1)
Radar and electronics: DRBV 22D search,
DRBV 50 search, DRBN 32 air-
Class:Jeanne d'Arc (R97) surveillance and DRBI 10 height-finder
Displacement: 10,000 tons (10,161 tonnes) radars
standard: 12,365 tons (12,563 tonnes) full Sonar: SOS 503
load Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to
Dimensions: Length 597 ft 1 in (182.0 m) Rateau-Bretagne geared turbines, deliver-
Beam 78 ft 9 in (24.0 m) ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
Draught 23 ft 11 in (7 .3 m) Speed: 26t knots
Armament : Range: 6,000 miles (9,656 km) at 15 knots
Guns 4 3.9-in (1 OO-mm) in single mounts Crew: 30+587, and 192 cadets in peace
Missile systems Used only by: France
6 MM38 Exocet
Crota Ie to be fitted
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes

Notes: Built. between July 1960 and Sep-
tember 1961 as La Resolue by Brest Dock-
yard. Commissioned in July 1963 and
became Jeanne d'Arc on the decommis-
sioning of t he previous ship of that name.
Used as a cadet ship in peace, in war would
be converted into commando carrier, troop
transport or anti-submarine helicopter car-

'Colbert' class guided missile

cruiser (1)
Class : Colbert (C611)
Displacement: 8,500 tons (8,636 tonnes)
standard; 11 ,300 tons (11,481 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 593 ft 2 in (180. m)
Beam 66 ft 3 in (20.2 m)
Draught25ft3 in (7 .7 m)
Guns 2 3 .9-in (1 OO-mm) in single mounts
12 57-mm in twin mountings
Missile systems
1 twin Masurca SAM launcher with 48
M M 3 8 Exocet to be fitted
A!S we.apons
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: Decca RM416 navi-
gation , DRBV 50 surveillance, DRBV 23C
ai r-surveillance, DR BV 20 warning, two
DRBR 51 fire-control , DRBR 32C fire-
control, two DRBC 31 fire- control and delivering 86,000 shp to two shafts December 1953 and March 1956: com-
DRBI 10 height-finder radars ; SENIT data Speed: 3 1t knots missioned in May 1959. Original arma-
automation system Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,438 km) at 25 knots ment was 16 5-i n (127-mm) guns, and
Sonar: hull- mounted Crew: 24+536 armour is 50- 80-mm belt and 50-mm deck.
Powerplant: 4 Indret boilers supplying steam Used only by : France Now equipped as command ship and for
to 2 sets of CEM-Parsons geared turbines, Notes: Built by Brest Dockyard between radar control of air strikes.

Type C70 guided missile de-

stroyer (3)

Class : Georges Leygues (0640). Dupleix

(D641).Montcalm (0642)
Displacement : 3,800 tons (3 ,861 tonnes)
standard ; 4 ,100 tons (4,166 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 456 ft (139 .0 m)
Beam 45 ft 11 in (14.0 m) AA version to carry StandardfTartar SM 1 Radar and electronics: DRBV 26 search,
Draught 18 ft 8 in (5.7 m) system DRBV 51 fire-control , DRBV 32E and
Armament: A!Sweapons Decca 1226 radars (AA versions will carry
Guns 1 3 .9-in (100-mm) in A!S version ; 2 none DRBV 26 , DRBJ 11 and two SPG 51 C) ;
3.9- in (1 OO- mm) in AA version Torpedo tubes SEN IT data automation system
220-mm 2 quintuple 21-in (533-mm) for L5 torpe- Sonar: hull- mounted DUBV 23 and vari-
Missile systems does able-depth DUBV 43 (DUBV 25 or 26 in
4 MM38 Exocet launchers Aircraft AAversion)
1 Crotale launcher 2 WG 13 Lynx A!S helicopters

Powerplant: (CODOG) 2 Rolls-Royce
Olympus gas turbines delivering 42 ,000
shp and 2 SEMT- Pielstick 16PA6 diesels
delivering 10,000 shp to two shafts
Speed : 29t knots (19t knots on diesels)
Range: 9,000 miles (14,485 km) at 18 knots
on diesels
Crew : 19 + 223
Used only by : France
Notes : These three vessels, all built by Brest
Dockyard, are the precursors of a class to
number 24 by 1985. Eighteen are to be A/S
versions like Georges Leygues and the
other six AA versions. George Leygues was
laid down in September 1974, launched in
December 1976 and commissioned in
1978 . Dupleix and Montcalm were laid
down in October and December 1975

'Suffren' class guided missile

destroyer (2)

Class: Suffren (D602),Duquesne (D603)

Displacement : 5,090 tons (5 ,172 tonnes)
standard ; 6,090 tons (6,188 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 517 ft (157 .6 m)
Beam 50ft 10in (15 .5 m)
Draught 20 ft (6.1 m)
Guns 1 3.9-in (1 OO-mm) automatic in single
Missile systems
2 Masurca launchers with 48 Masurcas
4 MM38 Exocet launchers
A/s weapons
1 Malafon launcher with 13 missiles
Torpedo tubes
2 double 21 -in (533-mm) for L5 torpedoes
Radarand electronics: DRBN 32 navigation,
DRBI 23 air-surveillance and target des- Powerplant : 4 boilers supplying steam to Notes : Suffren was laid down at Lorient
ignator (in dome), DRBV 50 sur- Rateau double-reduction geared turbines, Dockyard in December 1962, launched in
face-surveillance , DRBR 51 Masurca fire- delivering 72,500 shp to two shafts May 1965 and commissioned in July
control and DR BC 32A gunfire-control Speed: 34 knots 1967 ; Duquesne was laid down at Brest
radars ; SENIT I data automation system Range: 5,100 miles (8 ,208 km) at 18 knots ; Dockyard in November 1964, launched in
and twin Syllex . 2,400 miles (3 ,863 km) at 29 knots February 1966 and commissioned in April
Sonar : hull-mounted DUBV 23 and vari- Crew : 23 + 332 1970.
able-depth DU BV 43 Used only by: France

Type F67 (ex C67 A) guided

missile destroyer (3)

Class: Tourville (0610), Duguay Trouin

(D611), De Grasse (0612)
Displacement: 4,580 tons (4,654 tonnes)
standard ; 5,745 tons (5,837 tonnes) full A/Sweapons automation system and twin Syllex
load 1 Malafon launcher with 13 missiles Sonar : hull-mounted DUBV 23 and vari-
Dimensions: Length 501 ft 4 in (152 .8 m) Torpedo tubes able-depth DU BV 43
Beam 50ft2 in (15 .3 m) 2 21-in (533-mm) tubes for L5 torpedoes Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to
Draught 18 ft 8 in (5 .7 m) Aircraft Rateau geared turbines, delivering 54,400
Armament: 2 WG 13 Lynx A/S helicopters shp to two shafts
Guns 2 3.9-in (1 OO-mm) Radar and electronics: DRBV 51 surface- Speed : 31 knots
Missile systems and air-surveillance, DRBC 320 fire- Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 18 knots
6 MM3B Exocet launchers control, twin Decca 1226 navigation and Crew: 25+278
1 octuple Crotale launcher DRBV 26 air-search radars; SENIT data Used only by: France

Notes : Developed from the Type C65 design,
and originally designated corvettes; now
frigates, although with destroyer pennant
numbers. All three were built at Lorient
Naval Dockyard , Tourville being laid down
in March 1970, launched in May 1972 and
commissioned in June 1974; Duguay
Trouin in February 1971 , June 1973 and
September 1975 ; and De Grasse in 1972,
November 1974 and July 1976.

Type T56 guided missile de- Sonar : hull-mounted DUBV 23 and vari- Notes : Laid down at Lorient Naval Dockyard
able-depth'DUBV 43 in November 1958, launched in March 1960
stroyer (1) Powerplant: 4 Indret boilers supplying steam and commissioned in July 1962, La
Class : La Galissonniere (D638) to 2 Rateau geared turbines, delivering Galissonniere was France's first operational
Displacement : 2,750 tons (2,794 tonnes) 63 ,000 shp to two shafts guided-missile vessel.
standard ; 3 ,740 tons (3 ,800 tonnes) full Speed : 32 knots
load Range : 5 ,000 miles (8,047 km) at 18 knots
Dimensions : Length 435 ft 8 in (132 .8 m) Crew : 15 + 255
Beam41 ft8in(12.7 m) Used only by: France
Draught 20 ft 8 in (6 .3 m)
Guns 2 3 .9-in (1 OO-mm) automatic in single
Missile systems
1 Malafon launcher
Torpedo tubes
2 ' triple 21 .7-in (550-mm) for K2 and L3
1 A!S helicopter
Radar and electronics: DRBV 50 surface-
and air-surveillance, DRBN 32 navigation,
DRBV 22 air-search and DRBC 32A gun-
fire- control radars ; TACAN beacon; full OF
and ECM fits

Type T53 (Modified ASW)

guided missile destroyer (1 )

Class : Duperre (0633)

Displacement: 2 ,800 tons (2 ,845 tonnes)
standard ; 3 ,900 tons (3 ,963 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 435 ft 8 in (132 .8 m) Powerplant: 4 Indret boilers supplying steam Notes : Laid down at Lorient Naval Dockyard
Beam 41 ft8 in (12.7 m) to 2 sets of Rateau geared turbines , deliver- in November 1954, launched in June 1955
Draught 20 ft (6 .1 m) ing 63,000 shp to two shafts and commissioned in October 1957 with
Armament: Speed : 32 knots an armament of 6 5-in (127 - mm) guns,
Guns 1 3.9-in (1 OO- mm) Range: 5,000 miles (8 ,047 km) at 18 knots Served as a trials ship 1967-71, and then
Missile systems Crew: 15+257 refitted to her present condition , com-
4 MM38 Exocet Used only by: France missioning in May 1974,
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
1 octuple 21-in (533-mm) for L5 torpedoes
1 WG 13 Lynx A!S helicopter
Radar and electronics: DRBV 22A air-
search, Decca navigation and helicopter,
DRBC 32E fire-control and DRBV 51 sur-
face- and air-surveillance radars ; SENIT
data automation system and twin Syllex
Sonar: hull-mounted DUBV 23 and vari-
able-depth DUBV 43

Type T53 destroyer (2) A/S weapons Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 18 knots
1 375- mm (14.76- in) Mark 54 projector Crew: 15+261
Class : Forbin (D635), Tartu (D636) Torpedo tubes Used only by: France
Displacement: 2,750 tons (2,794 tonnes) 2 triple 21 .7- in (550- mm) for K2 or L3 tor- Notes: Built by Brest Naval Dockyard, Chan-
standard ; 3,740 tons (3 ,800 tonnes) full pedoes tiers de Bretagne and Gironde respectively :
load Aircraft Forbin laid down August 1954, launched
Dimensions: Length 421 ft 11 in (128.6 m) none October 1955 and commissioned February
Beam 41 ft 8 in (12.7 m) Radar and electronics: DRBI lOA 3D air- 1958 ; Tartu November 1954, December
Draught 20 ft (6.1 m) search, DRBV 22A air-search and DRBV 1955 and February 1958; now used as
Armament: 31 navigation ; SEN IT data automation air-direction vessels. Forbin has a helicopter
Guns 6 5- in (127-mm) in twin mountings system andTACAN beacon platform aft.
except Forbin : 4 5- in Sonar: DUBA 1 and DUBV 24
6 57-mm in twin mountings Powerplant : 41ndret boilers supplying steam
220-mm to 2 geared turbines, delivering 63 ,000 shp
Missile systems to two shafts
none Speed : 32 knots

Type T47 guided missile de-

stroyer (4)

Class: Kersaint (D622), Bouvet (D624).

Dupetit Thouars (D625). Du Chayla (D630)
Displacement: 2 ,750 tons (2,794 tonnes)
standard ; 3,740 tons (3 ,800 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 421 ft 11 in (128.6 m)
Beam 41 ft 8 in (12 .7 m)
Draught 20 ft 8 in (6 .3 m)
Guns 6 57-mm in twin mountings
Missile systems
1 Mark 13 Tartar launcher with 40 missiles
1 375-mm (14.76-in) Mark 54 projector
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 21 .7-in (550- mm) for K2 or L3 tor- Sonar: DUBA 1 and DUBV 24 Notes : First two built by Lorient Naval Dock-
pedoes Powerplant: 4 Indret boilers supplying steam yard between 1951 and 1953, being com-
Aircraft to 2 geared turbines, delivering 63,000 shp missioned in March and May 1956; second
none to two shafts pair built by Brest Naval Dockyard between
Radar and electronics: DRBV 20A air- Speed: 32 knots 1952 and 1954, being commissioned in
search , SPS 39 3D search for Tartar, two Range : 5,000 miles (8 ,047 km) at 18 knpts September 1956 and June 1957 . Built as
SPG 51 B Tartar control and DRBV 31 navi- Crew: 17+260 gun destroyers with 6 5-in (127-mm) guns,
gation radars ; SENIT data automation Used only by: France and converted into AA destroyers between
system 196 1 and 1965.

Type T47 (ASW) destroyer (5)

Class : Maille Breze (D627), Vauquelin

(D628). D 'Estrees (D629). Casabianca
(D631). Guepratte (D632)
Displacement: 2,750 tons (2 ,794 tonnes)
standard; 3 ,900 tons (3,963 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 434ft 8 in (132 .5 m)
Beam41 ft8 in (12 .7 m)
Draught 20 ft 8 in (6.3 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 3 .9- in (1 OO- mm) in single mountings
Missile systems
A!S weapons
1 Malafon launcher
1 375-mm (14.76-in) Mark 54 projector
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 21 .7-in (550- mm) for K2 or L3
Aircraft Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 18 knots
none Crew: 15 + 245
Radarand electronics : DRBN 32 navigation, Used only by: France
DRBV 22A air-surveillance, DRBV 50 air- Notes : First two built by Lorient Naval Dock-
and surface-search, and two DRBC 32A yard, the last three by Brest Naval Dock-
gunfire-control radars ; SENIT data auto- yard, Gironde and Bretagne respectively.
mation system All were laid down in 1953 and launched in
Sonar : hull-mounted DUBV 23 and va ri- 1954. They were commissioned as gun de-
able-depth DUBV 43 stroyers with 6 5-in (127- mm) guns in May
Powerplant: 4 Indret boilers supplying steam 1957,November1956 , Ma~h1957 , May
to 2 geared turbines, delivering 63 ,000 shp 1957 and June 1957 respectively. The
to two shafts class was converted to ASW between
Speed : 32 knots 1968 and 1971.

Type C65'destroyer (1)

Class :Aconit (D609, ex F703)

Displacement : 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes)
standard ; 3,900 tons (3,963 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 416 ft 8 in (127 .0 m)
8eam 44 ft (13.4 m)
Draught 19 ft (5 .8 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 3 .9- in (1 OO- mm)
Missile systems
M M 3 8 Exocet to be fitted lance, DR8C 32B gunfire-control, DRBN Speed : 27 knots
A/S weapons 32 navigation, and DRBV 22A air- Range: 5,000 miles (8 ,047 km) at 18 knots
1 Malafon launcher surveillance radars ; centralized data analy- Crew : 15+ 213
1 quadruple 305-mm (12 - in) mortar sis and twin Syllex Used only by: France
Torpedo tubes Sonar : hull-mounted DUBV 23 and vari- Notes: Laid down at Lorient Naval Dockyard
2 21 -in (533-mm) for L5 torpedoes able-depth DUBV 43 in January 1966, launched in March 1970
Aircraft Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to 1 and commissioned in March 1973. This is a
none Rateau geared turbine, delivering 28,650 one-off prototype of the F67 type.
Radar and electronics : pulse doppler surveil- shp to one shaft

'Commandant Riviere' class Radarand electronics: DRBN 32 navigation, Crew : 10+ 157
DRBC 32A fire control, DRBV 22A air- Used only by : France
frigate (9) search, DRBV 50 surface- and air-search, Notes: All built by Lorient Naval Dockyard.
DRBC 32C Exocet radars The class was laid down between April
Class : Victor Schoe/cher (F725), Comman - Sonar: DUBA 3 and SQS 17 1957 and September 1962, launched be-
dant Bory (F726), Amira/ Charner (F727). Powerplant : 4 SEMT- Pielstick diesels deliver- tween October 1958 and December 1963,
Doudart de Lagree (F728)' Ba/ny (F729), ing 16,000 shp to two shafts (Ba/ny has and commissioned between December
Commandant Riviere (F733), Comman- an experimental CODAG arrangement of 1962 and February 1971 . The class are
dant Bourdais (F740), Protet (F748)' two diesels and one Turbomeca M38 gas capable of worldwide operations, and can
Enseigne de Vaisseau Henry (F7 49) turbine, powering one shaft) carry a senior officer and his staff, plus 80
Displacement : 1,750 tons (1 ,778 tonnes) Speed: 25 knots troops and two landing craft.
standard ; 2 ,250 tons (2 ,286 tonnes) full Range: 7,500 miles (12,070 km) at 15 knots ,
load (Ba/ny 1,650/ 1,676 ; 1,950/ 1,981 except Ba/ny, 8 ,000 miles (12 ,875 km) at
tons/ tonnes) 12 knots
Dimensions : Length 340ft 3 in (1 03.7 m)
Beam 38 ft 5 in (11 .7 m)
Draught 15ft 9 in (4.8 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 3 .9- in (1 OO-mm) automatic in single
230- mm
Missile systems
4' MM38 Exocet (except Ba/ny)
A/s weapons
1 quadruple 305-mm (12- in) mortar
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 21 - in (533-mm) for K2 or L3 torpe-
provision for a helicopter aft

Type E52 frigate (10) Radar and electronics: DRBV 31 navigation, Crew : 12 + 192
DRBV 22A air-search and DRBC 31 fire- Used only by : France
control radars Notes : Built between 1953 and 1957 by
Class : Le Normand (F765), Le Picard (F766), Sonar : DUBV 24 and DUBA 1, except F771 , Lorient Naval Dockyard, Penhoet, Loire,
Le Gascon (F767). Le Savoyard (F771), F772, F773 which have DUBV 1 and and Chantiers de la Mediterranee, being
Le Basque (F773), L 'Agenais (F774), Le DUBA1 commissioned between 1956 and 1960.
Bearnais (F775), L 'A/sacien (F776), Le Powerplant : 2 Indret boilers supplying steam Le Lorrain and Le Champenois were dis-
Provenqa/(F777),Le Vendeen (F778) to Parsons or Rateau geared turbines, de- armed in 1975, and Le Breton and Le Bour-
Displacement : 1,250 tons (1,270 tonnes) livering 20,000 shp to two shafts guignon placed in reserve during 1976. Le
standard ; 1,702 tons (1,729 tonnes) full Speed: 27 knots Picard, Le Gascon and L 'Agenais went into
load Range: 4,500 miles (7,242 miles) at 15 knots reserve in 1977 .
Dimensions: Length 327 ft 5 in (99.8 m)
Beam 33ft 10in (10.3 m)
Draught 13 ft 5 in (4. 1 m)
Guns 6 57-mm in twin mountings, except 4
57 - mm in F771, F772 , F773
Missile systems
1 sextuple Bofors ASM mortar, except F776,
F777, F778
1 quadruple 305-mm (12-in) mortar in F776,
F777 , F778
2 DC mortars and 1 DC rack
Torpedo tubes
4 triple 21-in (533-mm) for K2 or L3 torpe-

Type A69 frigate (12)

Class : D 'Estie"ne d 'Orves (F781), Amyot

d'lndville (F782), Drogou (F783), Detroyat
(F784), Jean Moulin (F785), Quartier
MaItre Anquetil (F786), Commandant de
Pimodan (F787), Second MaItre Le Bihan
(F788), Lieutenant de Vaisseau Lavallee
(F790), Premier MaItre L 'Her (F792), Com- NSweapons Speed : 24 knots
mandant Blaison (F793), Enseigne de Vais- 1 375-mm (14.76- in) Mark 54 rocket- Range : 4 ,500 miles (7,242 km) at 1 5 knots
seauJacoubet (F794) launcher Crew: 64 (+ optionaI29)
Displacement: 950 tons (965 tonnes) stan- Torpedo tubes Used also by: South Africa possibly
dard ; 1,170 tons (1,189 tonnes) full load 4 21 .7-in (550-mm) for L3 and L5 torpe- Notes: Built by Lorient Naval Dockyard from
Dimensions: Length 262 ft 6 in (80.0 m) does September 1972. F794 has not yet been
Beam 33 'f t lOin (10.3 m) Aircraft laid down for financial reasons, and another
Draught 9 ft lOin (3.0 m) none two are to be built to replace Lieutenant de
Armament: Radar and electronics: Decca 202 naviga- Vaisseau Le Henaff (F789) and Comman-
Guns 1 3.9-in (100-mm) t ion, DRBN 32 navigation, DRBV 51 air- dant f'Herminier (F791), sold to South
220-mm and surface-search, DRBC 32E fire-control Africa while still building, but still in France
Missile systems Sonar: hull-mounted DU BA 25 after a UN embargo on arms sales to Sou'th
2 MM38 Exocet in F781, F783 , F787 Powerplant : 2 SEMT-Pielstick PC2V diesels, Africa. Designed for coastal NS operations,
delivering 11 ,000 bhp to two shafts these vessels have an endurance of 15

'Trident' class fast attack craft Armament : Speed: 26 knots

(missile) (4) Guns 1 40-mm Range: 1,500 miles (2,414 km) at 25 knots
Missile systems Crew: 1+ 17
6SS12 Used only by : France
Class : Trident (P670)' Glaive (P671)' Epee NSweapons Notes: First two built by Auroux of Arcachon
(P672), Pertuisine (P673) none between December 1974 and August
Displacement : 115 tons (116.8 tonnes) Torpedo tubes 1975; the second pair by CMN, Cherbourg,
standard ; 130 tons (132 tonnes) full load none between April 1975 and June 1976. The
Dimensions : Length 121 ft 5 in (37 .0 m) Aircraft four boats were commissioned in June,
Beam 18 ft (5.5 m) none November, August and October 1976
Draught 5 ft 3 in (1 .6 m) Radar and electronics : respectively, and were intended as the lead
Sonar : craft for a class of 30, 16 of them for
Powerplant: 2 AGO diesels, delivering 4,000 overseas service.
hp to two shafts

'La Combattante I' class fast Armament :

attack craft (missile) (1) Missile systems
1 quadruple SS 11 launcher
Class : La Combattante (P730) NSweapons
Displacement: 180 tons (182 .9 tonnes) none
standard ; 202 tons (205.25 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes
load none
Dimensions : Length 147ft 8 in (45.0 m) Aircraft
Beam 24ft 3 in (7.4 m) none
Draught 6 ft 7 in (2.5 m) Radar and electronics:
Sonar :

Powerplant: 2 SEMT-Pielstick diesels, deliver-
ing 3,200 bhp to two shafts
Speed: 23 knots
Range: 2 ,000 miles (3,219 km) at 12 knots
Crew : 3 + 22
Used only by : France
Notes: Built by CM de Normandie between
April 1962 and June 1963, and com-
missioned in March 1963. Can carry an BO-
man raiding force over very short ranges.

'La Fouguaux' class large Missile systems Powerplant : 4 SEMT-Pielstick diesels, deliver-
patrol craft (3) none ing 3,240 bhp to two shafts
A!Sweapons Speed : 18t knots
1 120-mm (4.7-in) A!S mortar Range: 3,000 miles (4,82B km) at 12 knots
Class: L'Ardent (P635). Le Fringant (P640). 2 DC mortars Crew: 4+42
L 'A droit (P644) 2 DC racks Used also by: Tunisia , Yugoslavia
Displacement: 325 tons (330.2 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Notes: Fourteen of these craft were built be-
standard; 400 tons (406.4 tonnes) full load none tween 1956 and 1959, and the first three
Dimensions: Length 173 ft 11 in (53.0 m) Aircraft were deleted in 1975. L 'Attentif, L'Enjou~,
Beam 23 ft 11 in (7.3 m) none L 'Etourdi and L 'Intr~pide were placed in
Draught 10ft 2 in (3 .1 m) Radar and electronics : Decca radar reserve in 1976; L 'Alerte, L'Effront~, Le
Armament : Sonar: QCU2 Frondeur and Le Hardi were placed in
Guns 2 40- mm Bofors reserve in 1977.

'La Dunkarquoisa' class large

patrol craft (4)

Class: La Lorientaise (P652). ex- Canadian

Miramichi; La Dunkerquoise (P653). ex-
Canadian Fundy; La Dieppoise (P655). ex-
Canadian Chaleur; La Paimpolaise (P657l.
ex-Canadian Thunder
Displacement: 370 tons (375 .9 tonnes)
standard; 470 tons (4'77 .5 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 152 ft (46.3 m)
Beam 28 ft (8 .5 m)
Draught B ft 8 in (2.7 m)
Guns 1 40-mm

Missile systems Powerplant: General Motors diesels, deliver-
none ing 2 ,500 bhp to two shafts
A!Sweapons Speed: 1 5 knots
none Range: 4 ,500 miles (7,242 km) at 11 knots
Torpedo tubes Crew: 4+31
none Used only by : France
Aircraft Notes: All built in Canada between 1951 and
none 1954 to the 'Bay' class design for mines-
Radar and electronics: weepers, and transferred to France as
Sonar : patrol craft in 1973. La Malouine and La
Bayonnaise, two other ex-Canadian craft,
are in reserve.

'Circe' class minehunter (5) Missile systems Speed: 18 knots

none Range: 3,000 miles (4,828 km) at 12 knots
A!Sweapons Crew: 4+44
Class: Cybele (M712), Calliope (M713), Clio none Used only by: France
(M714), Circf! (M715), Ceres (M716) Torpedo tubes Notes: All built by CM de Normandie and
Displacement: 460 tons (467.4 tonnes) none commissioned in "972 and 1973. No
standard ; 510 tons (518 .2 tonnes) full load Aircraft normal minesweeping gear is carried, the
Dimensions: Length 167 ft (50.9 m) none ships finding mines with the aid of sonar
Beam 29 ft 2 in (8.9 m) Radar and electronics : and TV in a remotely controlled PAP. The
Draught 11 ft 2 in (3.4 m) Sonar : DUBM 20 mine is then detonated by a 220-lb (100-
Armament : Powerplant : 1 MTU diesel, delivering 1,800 kg) charge laid by the PAP.
Guns 1 20-mm bhp to one shaft

'Aggressive' and 'MSO 498' Radar and electronics: 1953. Bir Hacheim (M614), ex-US MSO
Sonar : 451, was returned in 1970 and subse-
class ocean minesweeper and Powerplant: 2 General Motors diesels, de- quently transferred to Uruguay as Mal-
minehunter (13) livering 1,600 shp to two shafts donado. Origny converted to survey vessel
Speed: 13t knots in 1960. Cantho, Dompaire, Garigliano,
Class: Narvik (M609), ex-US MSO 512 ; Range : 3,000 miles (4,828 km) at 10 My tho and Vinh Long were converted to
Ouistrehem (M610)' ex-US MSO 513 ; knots minehunters between 1975 and 1977;
Alencon (M612). ex-US MSO 453; Berne- Crew : 5+53 Autun, Baccarat, Berlaimont, Colmar and
val (M613), ex-US MSO 450 ; Cantho Used also by: Spain, Uruguay, USA Ouistrehem were converted from 1977 to
(M615), ex-US MSO 476; Dompaire Notes: Transferred in three batches during 1979.
(M616), ex- US MSO 454; Garigliano I
(M617), ex-US MSO 452 ; My tho (M618)' ".
ex-US MSO 475; Vinh Long (M619), ex-
US MSO 477; Berlaimont (M620), ex-US
MSO 500; Autun (M622). ex-US MSO
502; Baccarat (M623), ex- US MSO 505;
Colmar (M624), ex- USMSO 514
Displacement: 700 tons (711 .2 tonnes)
standard; 780 tons (792 .5 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 171 ft (52 .1 m)
Beam 35 ft (1 0 .66 m)
Draught 10ft 4 in (3.15 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 40-mm
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes

Aerospatiale MM38 Exocet

Type : naval surface-to-surface missile

Guidance: inertial plus active radar terminal
Dimensions : Span 39 ! in (100.4 cm)
Body diameter 13 ~ in (35 .0 cm)
Length 17 ft 1 in (5.21 m)
Booster: solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: solid-propellant rocket
Warhead: 3641b (165 kg) high explosive
Weights : Launch 1,620 Ib (735 kg)
Burnt out
Performance: speed Mach 0 .93 ; range 26
miles (42 km)
Used also by : various nations
Notes: A powerful anti-ship system, the
MM38 Exocet is launched by the parent
ship's fire-control computer, then flies at
very low level at high subsonic speed in the
predetermined direction of the target,
before homing in the terminal phases of the
flight under t he guidance.ofthe active radar
head. There are two variants of the MM38
Exocet :
1. AM39 Exocet air-launched anti-ship
missile, with a length of 15 ft 4 ~ in
(4.69 m). a weight of 1,433 Ib (650
kg). and a range of up to 31 miles (50
2. MM40 Exocet, a version with
improved range (up to 43 t miles/70
km). a length of 18 ft 6 ! in (5.65 m).
and a weight of 1,8191b (825 kg).

DTCN Crotale Navale

Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided

weapon system
Guidance : radio command based on radar
and infra-red tracking
Dimensions : Span 21 t in (54.0 cm)
Body diameter 51\ in (15.0 cm)
Length 9 ft 5 ~ in (2 .89 m)
Boo~ter : single-stage solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer : see above
Warhead: 33 - lb (15-kg) high explosive
Weights: Launch about 1761b (80 kg)
Burnt out
Performance : speed Mach 2 .3 ; range about
5t miles (8 .5 km)
Used also by: other nations
Notes: The missile used in the system is the
Crotale land-mobile all-weather missile, in-
stalled for deployment in French vessels in
an octuple launcher containing its own
tracking radar and infra-red system . The

weight of the entire launcher with 8 rounds
is 6.5 tons, and further equipment below
deck weighs another 3 .5 tons. The Crotale
system neetls its own single-man fire- II
control room, whose activities are super-
vised from the ship's central operations
room. The specifications for the missile in its
container are wei ght 331 Ib (150 kg), di-
ameter 20 in (51 .5 cm) and length 10ft
6 in(3 .2 m).

DTCN Masurca
Type : naval surface-to-air tactical guided
missile system
Guidance: semi-active radar terminal homing
Dimensions: Span4ft 11 in (1 .5 m)
Body diameter 16-n, in (41.0
Length (with booster) 28 ft 2 i
in (8 .6 m) ; (without booster 17
ft 4t in (5 .29 m)
Booster : solid- propellant rocket
Sustainer : solid-propellant rocket
Warhead : 11 O- Ib (50-kg) high explosive
Weights : Launch (with booster) 4 ,079 Ib
(1,850 kg); (without booster) 1,852
Ib (840 kg)
Burnt out
Performance: range more than 25 miles (40
kni) ; speed Mach 2 .5 3 , the earlier Mark 2 Model 2 having had
Used only by: France radio command guidance. Masurca is fired
Notes : The Masurca system arms the French from a twin launcher, and is used in con-
vessels Co/bert, Duquesne and Suffren , to junction with DRBR 51 tracking radar,
provide long- range anti-aircraft protection . which follows the target and controls the
The version in service is the Ma rk 2 Model illuminating radar.

Latecoere Malafon
Type : surface to underwater missile system :
winged m issile carrying an acoustic tor-
Guidance: radio command
Launch method : ramp
Dimensions : Length 20 ft 2 in (6 .1 5 m)
Span 10ft 10 in (3.3 m)
Weight: 3,3071b (1 ,500 kg)
Engine: 2 solid-fuel boosters
Speed : 520 mph (837 kph)
Range : about 8 miles (13 km)
Warhead : as for torpedo carried
Used only by: France
Notes : After computer-controlled launch , the
missile cruises under the control of a radio
altimeter in a flat trajectory until it reaches
a distance some 875 yards (800 m) from
the target submarine or ship, where a para-
chute drogue slows the missile and so
ejects the torpedo from the nose. The tor-
pedo falls into the water and homes nor-

MSBS M-2/M-20
Type: submarine-launched medium- range
ballistic missile
Guidance : inertial
Dimensions : Body diameter 4 ft 11-n, in (1 .5
Length 34 ft 1t in (10.4 m)
Booster (1 st stage) : SEP Type 904 rocket
w ith 9 .842 tons (10 tonnes) of solid fuel ,
delivering 99,207 - lb (45 ,000-kg) thrust for
Sustainer (2nd stage) SEP RITA II rocket with
5.91 tons (6 tonnes) of solid fuel , delivering
70,547-lb (32 ,000- kg) thrust for 52 secs
Warhead : M-2 nuclear, 500 kilotons
'---- M-20 thermonuclear, 1 megaton

Weights : Launch approximately 19.684 tons
Burnt out
Performance : range 1,864 miles (3 ,000 km)
Used only by: France
Notes: The M-2 is an upgraded model of the
M -1, wit h the superior RITA II replacing the
RITA I 2nd stage. The M -20 features the
same veh icle as the M -2 , but has a more
powerful warhead with improved pen-
etration aids and hardening against high-
altitude ABM nuclear det onations. (MSBS
= Mer-Sol Balistique Strategique or Sea-
to- Surface Strategic Ballistic Missile).

E14 E15 L3
Type: submarine- launched anti-ship (and Type: submarine- launched anti-ship (and Type : ship- or submarine-carried anti-
anti-submarine) acoustic torpedo anti-submarine) acoustic to rpedo submarine acoustic torpedo
Guidance: passive acoustic homing Guidance : passive acoustic homing Guidance : AS-3 active acoustic homing
Launch method: tube Launch method : tube Launch method: tube
Dime.n sions : Length 14 ft O! in~(4.291 m) Dimensions: Length 19 ft 8t in (6.0 m) Dimensions : Length 14 ft 1 in (4.3 m)
Diameter 21 ~ in (550 mm) Diameter 21 ~ in (550 mm) Diameter 21 ~ in (550 mm)
Weight: ~ ,9841b (900 kg) Weight: 2 ,9761b (1,350 kg ) Weight : 2,0061b (91 0 kg)
Engine : 40 kWelectric Engine : 50 kW electric Engine : 40 kWelectric
Speed : 25 knots Speed : 25 knots Speed : 25 knots
Range: 6,015 yards (5,500 m) Range: 13,1 23 yards (12,000 m) Range : 6,015 yards (5,500 m)
Warhead: 441 Ib (200 kg) high explosive Warhead: 661 Ib (300 kg) high explosive Warhead: 441 Ib (200 kg) high explosive
Used only by: France Used only by : France Used only by : France
Notes: Can be set to operate between 20 and Notes: Can be set to operate between 20 and Notes: Capable of operating to depths of 984
59 ft (6 and 18 m). Primary targets are sur- 59 ft (6 and 18 ml. against surface vessels ft (300 ml. and against targets moving
face vessels, although submarines close to moving at speeds of up to 20 knots and at up to 20 knots. There is also a 21 -in
the surface can also be engaged. The fuses against submarines close to the surface. (533 - mm) version , although this is not in
are contact and magnetic. The fuses are contact and magnetic. production. The fuses are contact and
proximity (acoustic).

L4 L5 Z16
Type : aircraft-launched anti-submarine Type : ship- (Modele 1) or submarine- Type : submarine-launched anti-ship torpedo
aco.ustic torpedo (Modele 3) launched torpedo Guidance: preset plus pattern
Guidance : active acoustic homing Guidance : Thomson- CSF active/ passive Launch method : tube
Launch method : air-dropped from aircraft or hom ing Dimensions : Length 23 ft 7 tin (7 .2 m)
Malafon Launch method : tube Diameter 21 ~ in (550 mm)
Dimensions : Length 10ft 3 in (3.13 m) with Dimensions : Length Weight: 3,7481b (1,700 kg)
parachute stabiliser Diameter 21 in (533 mm) Engine : electric
Diameter 21 in (5.33 mm) Weight: Modele 1: 2,205 Ib (1 ,000 kg) ; Speed : 30 knots
Weight: 1,190 Ib (540 kg) Modele 2 : 2 ,8661b (1 ,300 kg) Range: 6.2 miles (10 km)
Engine: electric Engine: electric Warhead: 661 Ib (300 kg)
Speed : 30 knots Speed : 35 knots Used only by : France
Range : Range: Notes: Probably obsolescent. This is a free-
Warhead : high explosive Warhead: high explosive runn ing torpedo, preset for a certain angle,
Used only by: France Used only by: France depth (up to 59 ft/18 m) and distance. If no
Notes: After landing in the water, the torpedo Notes: These two torpedoes have four target is met, the torpedo switches to a pro-
circles until its hom ing system picks up the methods of operation : active direct attack, grammed zig-zag pattern. The fuses are
sound of the submarine. If the latter is active programmed search, passive direct contact and magnetic proximity.
moving at under 20 knots the torpedo attack and passive programmed search.
homes, detonating by either its contact or
acoustic proximity fuses.

100 men There is also a coastguard service with
6 Arcoa coastal PB and 1 Arcoa 960
Light Forces: PC.
1 FAC(M)
3 FAC(G)
Patrol Forces:
3 large PC

Patrol Forces:
2 coastal PC

1,300 men 'Kromantse' class (Vosper Mark Aircraft
1 ) corvette (2) none
Corvettes: Radar and electronics: Plessey AWS 1
2 Vosper Mark 1 sea rch rada r
Class: Kromantse (F17). Keta (F18) Sonar: hull-mounted
Displacement: 440 tons (447 tonnes) stan- Powerplant: 2 Bristol Siddeley Maybach
Light Forces: dard ; 500 tons (508 tonnes) full load diesels, delivering 7,100 bhp to two shafts
(2 Type 45 FAC(M)) Dimensions: Length 177 ft (54.0 m) Speed : 20 knots
(2 PB 57 type FAC(M)) Beam Z8 ft 6 in (8.7 m) Range: 2 ,900 miles (4,667 km) at 14 knots
Draught 13 ft (4.0 m) Crew : 9+45
Patrol Forces: Armament: Used only by: Ghana
2 Ford PC Guns 1 4-in (1 02-mm) Notes: Joint Vosper and Vickers Armstrong
2 large PC 140-mm venture, the former building Kromantse
Missile systems and the latter Keta . The two were launched
Mine Warfare Forces: none in 1963 and 1965 respectively, and com-
A!Sweapons missioned in July 1964 and May 1965.
1 Ton coastal minesweeper 1 triple Squid A!S morta r Intended principally as anti-submarine ves-
Torpedo tubes sels. .
Auxiliaries: none
1 service craft
1 training ship (LCT)

'Ford' class large patrol craft (2) 'Ruthof' type large patrol craft
Class: Elmina (P13). Romenda (P14)
Displacement: 120 tons (121 .9 tonnes) Class : Diela (P24). Sahene (P25)
standard ; (144.3 tonnes) full load Displacement : 160 tons (162 .6 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 117 ft 6 in (35.8 m) Dimensions: Length 115 ft 6 in (35 .2 m)
Beam 20 ft (6 .1 m) Beam 21 ft 4 in (6.5 m)
Oraught 7 ft (2.1 m) Oraught 7 ft (2 .1 m)
Armament : Armament:
Guns 1 40-mm Bofors L60 Guns240-mm
Missile systems Missile systems
none none
A!Sweapons A!Sweapons
OCTs none
Torpedo tubes Torpedo tubes
none none
Aircraft Aircraft
none none
Radar and electronics : Radar and electronics:
Sonar : Sonar :
Powerplant: 2 MTU M016 V53 87 B90 Powerplant:
diesels, delivering 3,000 hp to two shafts Speed :
Speed: 30 knots Range:
Range : 1,000 miles (1 ,609 km) at 30 knots Crew:
Crew: 3+29 Used only by: Ghana
Used also by : Nigeria , Singapore, South Notes: Both craft were commissioned in
Africa, UK 1974 after building at the yards of Ruthof
Notes: Commissioned in the early 1960s. Werft, Mainz. Six were planned, but the
other four were not built because the yare.
went bankrupt.

17,500 men (11,000 conscripts) Amphibious Forces: 'Gearing FRAM I' and 'Gearing
1 Cabildo LSD FRAM II' class destroyer (5)
Destroyers: 2 Terrebonne Parish LST
1 Gearing FRAM II 2 LST 511-1152 Class : Themistokles (210). ex-US Frank Knox
4 Gearing FRAM I 5 LSTl-510 (00742); Kanaris (212). ex-US Stickell
1 Allen M, Sumner 5 LSM1 (00888); Kon to urio tis (213). ex-US
6 Fletcher 6 LCT6 Rupertus (00851) ; Sachtouris (214). ex-
13LCM US Arnold J . Isbell (00869); Tombasiz
Frigates: 34 LCVP (215). ex-US Gurke (00783)
4 Cannon (14 LCP) Displacement: 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes)
standard ; 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) full
SS: Mine Warfare Forces: load
4 Glavkos (Type 209 ) ( +4) Dimensions: Length 390 ft 6 in (119 .0 m)
2 coastal minelayers Beam 40 ft 10 in (12.4 m)
1 Guppy III ., 10 Falcon coastal minesweepers Oraught 19 ft (5 .8 m)
1 GuppyIIA 5 Adjutant coastal minesweepers Armament :
1 Balao Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin mountings,
Auxiliaries: except Themistokles 2 76- mm (3-in)
Light Forces: 4 surveying craft OTO- Melara Compact
4 La Combattante III FAC(M) (1 training ship) Missile systems
4 La Combattante II FAC(M) (+6) 1 depot ship 1 octuple Albatros BPOM launcher to be
2FAC(M) fitted
2 Patapsco tankers MM38 Exocet to be fitted
5 Nasty FAC(T) 1 ammunition ship A!Sweapons
7 Jaguar FAC(T) 6 Larbour tankers 2 fixed Hedgehogs in Themistokles
1 Brave FAC(T) 31 others 1 octuple ASROC launcher in others
Torpedo tubes
Patrol Forces: Aircraft: 2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32
(10?FAC(P) 4 Alouette III (1 sqn) Aircraft
2PGM-9 PC facilities for small helicopter in all except
3 coastal PC ( +?) Themistokles
2 KW coastal PC Radar and electronics : SPS 10 surface-
search and SPS 37/ 40 air-search radars
Sonar: variable-depth to be fitted
Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
supplying steam to 2 Westinghouse geared
turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to two
Speed : 34 knots
Range: 4,800 miles (7 ,725 km) at 15 knots
Crew: 16+253
Used also by: (FRAM I) Brazil , Pakistan,
South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA;
(FRAM II) Argentina , South Korea , Taiwan,

Notes : Built in the last two years of World Navali Riuniti. Themistokles was a FRAM II
War II , and commissioned into US service radar-picket conversion , the others FRAM I
between 1944 and 1946. The vessels were destroyer conversions. Sachtouris and
transferred in 1971 , 1972, 1973, 1974 Kanaris have one 76-mm forward and one
and 1977 respectively. All are to undergo 40-mm aft.
an extensive modernisation by Cantieri

'Allen M. Sumner' class de- Armament : Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2

Guns 6 5-in (127 - mm) in twin mountings geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
stroyer (1)
Missile systems two shafts
none Speed: 34 knots
Class : Miaoulis (211), ex-US Ingraham A/Sweapons Range : 4 ,600 miles (7,403 km) at 1 5 knots
(00694) 2 Hedgehogs Crew : 16+253
Displacement: 2,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Used also by : Argentina , Brazil, Colombia,
standard ; 3,320 tons (3,373 tonnes) full 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 Taiwan, Venezuela
load Aircraft Notes: Built by Federal Shipbuilding & Ory
Dimensions : Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m) none Oock between 1943 and 1944, and com-
Beam 40ft 10in(12.4m) Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search and missioned into US service in March 1944.
Oraught 19 ft (5 .8 m) SPS 10 tactical radars Transferred in July 1971 . Has been mod-
Sonar : SOS 30 ernised to FRAM II standards.

'Fletcher' class destroyer (6)

Class : Aspis (06), ex- US Conner (00582)

Velos (16), ex-US Charette (00581)
Thyella (28), ex-US Bradford (00545)
Lonkhi (56), ex- US Hall (00583) ; Nava-
rinon (63), ex- US Brown (00546) ; Sfen-
doni (85), ex- USAulick (00569)
Displacement : 2 ,100 tons (2 ,134 tonnes)
standard ; 3,050 tons (3 ,099 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 376ft 6 in (114.7 m)
Beam 39 ft 6 in (12 .0 m)
Oraught 18 ft (5.5 m)
. Guns 4 5- in (127 - mm) in Aspis, Velos, Lonkhi,
55-in (127-mm) in Thyella, Navarinon
6 3-in (76-mm) in twin mountings in Aspis,
Velos, Lonkhi, Sfendoni
10 40-mm in 2 quadruple and 1 twin
mounting in Thyella, Navarinon

Missile systems Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search, SPS Crew: 250
none 10 search, GFC 56 fire-control and GFC 56 Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Italy,
A/Sweapons fire-control radars Mexico, Peru, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan,
Hedgehogs and DCs Sonar : Turkey, West Germany
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Notes: Built between 1941 and 1943, and
1 quintuple 21-in (533 - mm) in all but supplying steam to 2 General Electric commissioned into US service in 1942 and
Thyella and Navarinon geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to 1943 . Aspis, Velos and Sfendoni were
side-launching racks for A/S torpedoes two shafts transferred in 1959, Lonkhi in 1960, and
Aircraft Speed: 32 knots Thyella and Navarinon in 1962. Greece
none Range : 6 ,000 miles (9,656 km) at 15 knots bought the vessels in 1976.

'Cannon' class frigate (4) Missile systems Range: 9,000 miles (14,485 km) at 12 knots
none Crew: 220
A/S weapons Used also by: Peru , Philippines, South Korea,
Class: Aetos (01), ex-US Slater (DE766) ; 1 Hedgehog Thailand, Uruguay
lerax (31), ex-US Elbert (DE768); Leon 8 DCTfi Notes: The first two were built by Tampa
(54), ex-US Eldridge (DE173); Panthir (67), 1 DC rack Shipbuilding between 1 943 and 1944,
ex- US Garfield Thomas (DE 193) Torpedo racks and commissioned into US service in May
Displacement : 1,240 tons (1 ,260 tonnes) side-launching for A/S torpedoes and July 1944; the second pair by Federal
standard ; 1,900 tons (1 ,930 tonnes) full Aircraft Shipbuilding & Dry Dock in 1943, and
load none were commissioned into US service in
Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93.3 m) Radar and electronics: August 1943 and January 1944. The first
Beam 36ft8 in (11.2 m) Sonar: pair were transferred in March 1951 , the
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m) Powerplant : 4 General Motors diesel- second pair in January 1951 . The triple
Armament : electric, delivering 6 ,000 bhp to two 21 - in (533-mm) tubes were removed.
Guns 3 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings shafts
6 40-mm in twin mountings Speed: 19t knots
14 20- mm in twin mountings

'Glavkos' class (Type 209) sub-

marine (4)

Class : Glavkos (S 11 0), Nereus (S 111)' Triton

(S 112). Proteus (S 113)
Displacement: 990 tons (1,006 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 1,290 tons (1,311 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 177 ft 1 in (54.0 m)
Beam 20 ft 4 in (6 .2 m)
Draught 18 ft ot in (5.5 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
8 21-in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics:

Powerplant : 4 MTU diesels, Siemens diesel- Used also by: Colombia , Indonesia , Peru,
generators and 1 Siemens electric motor, Turkey, Venezuela
powering one shaft Notes: All built by Howaldtswerke of Kiel,
Speed : 10 knots-surfaced; 22 knots dived launched in 1971 and commissioned one
Range: 50 days endurance in 1971 and three in 1972. Four more
Crew:31 boats are on order, three having been
ordered in November 1975 and the fourth
in September 1976, for 1978launch.

'Guppy III' class submarine (1) M issile systems Powerplant : 4 diesels, delivering 6,400 hp,
none and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,400 shp
A!S weapons to two shafts
Class: Katsonis (S 115), ex-US Remora none Speed: 20 knots surfaced; 15 knots dived
(SS487) Torpedo tubes Range : 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 10
Displacement: 1,975 tons (2,007 tonnes) 10 21-in (533 - mm) knots surfaced
standard; 2,450 tons (2,489 tonnes) dived Ai rcraft Crew : 85
Dimensions : Length 326 ft (99.4 m) none Used also by : Brazil, Italy, Turkey
Beam 27ft (8 .2 m) Radar and electronics : Notes: Built in 1945 by Portsmouth Navy
Draught 17 ft (5 .2 m) Sonar : BQG-4 and BQR-2 Yard as a Tench· class boat. Later modified
Armament: to 'Guppy II" and ·Guppy III" standards;
Guns none transferred to Greece in October 1973.

'Guppy IIA' class submarin&(1)

Class : Papanikolis (S 114), ex-US Hardhead

Displacement : 1,840 tons (1 ,870 tonnes)
standard ; 2,445 tons (2,484 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93 .2 m)
Beam 27 ft (8.3 m)
Draught 17 ft (5 .2 m)
Armament :
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
10 21 -in (533 - mm)
Radar and electronics:
Sonar :
Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 4 ,800 shp, Crew: 84
and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,400 shp Used also by : Spain , Turkey
to two shafts Notes: Built in 1943 by Manitowoc Ship-
Speed: 17 knots surfaced ; 15 knots dived building, and commissioned into US ser-
Range: 12,000 miles (19 ,313 km) at 10 vice in April 1944. Transferred to Greece in
knots su rfa ced July 1972 .

'Balao' class submarine (1)

Class : Triaina (S86), ex- US Scabbardfish

Displacement : 1,816 tons (1 ,845 tonnes)
surfaced ; 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 3 1 1 ft 6 in (94.9 m)
Beam 27ft (8.2 m) ,
Draught 17 ft (5 .2 m)
Guns none
Missile systems

A!Sweapons Sonar : Crew: 85
none Powerplant: Fairbanks Morse diesels, deliver- Used also by: Chile, Italy, Turkey, Venezuela
Torpedo tubes ing 6,500 bhp, and Elliot Motors electric Notes: Built by Portsmouth Navy Yard in
10 21-in (533-mm) motors, delivering 4,61 0 bhp to two shafts 1943 and 1944, and commissioned into
Aircraft Speed : 20 knots surfaced ; 10 knots dived US service in April 1944. Later fitted with a
none Range : 12,000 miles ( 19,313 km) at 10 streaml ined conning tower. Transferred to
Radar and electronics: knots surfaced Greece in February 1965.

'La Combattante III' class fast Missile systems Range : 2 ,000 miles (3 ,219 km) at 15 knots
4 MM38 Exocet Crew : 42
attack craft (missile) (4)
A!Sweapons Used only by : Greece
none Notes : All built by Constructions Mecaniques
Class: Antiploiarhos Laskos (P50), Plotarhis Torpedo tubes de Normandie at Cherbourg to an order
Blessas (P51), Ipoploiarhos Troupakis 2 21-in (533-mm) placed in September 1974. The first craft
(P52l.lpoploiarhos Mikonios (P53) Aircraft was commissioned in October 1976, and
Displacement : 385 tons (391 .2 tonnes) none the other three in 1977.
standard ; 425 tons (431 .8 tonnes) full load Radar and electronics: Triton navigation and
Dimensions : Length 184 ft (56.2 m) surveillance, I-band fire-control radars
Beam 26 ft (8.0 m) Sonar :
Draught 7 ft (2 .1 m) Powerplant: 4 MTU diesels, delivering
Armament: 18,000 bhp to four shafts
Guns 2 76-mm (3-in) OTO Melara Speed : 3 5t knots
4 30- mm Emerlec in twin mountings

'La Combattante II' class fast Speed: 36t knots de Normandie at Cherbourg to an order
attack craft (missile) (4) Range : 850 miles (1,370 km) at 25 knots placed in 1969. P54 was commissioned in
Crew: 4 + 36 December 1971 , the other three craft in
Used only by : Greece 1972. In December 1976 another six were
Class : Ipoploiarhos Batsis (P54),lpoploiarho5 Notes: All built by Constructions Mecaniques ordered, two to be built in France and the
Arliotis (P55),lpoploiarhos Anninos (P56), otherfour in Greece.
Ipoploiarhos Konidis (P57)
Displacement: 234 tons (237 .75 tonnes)
standard ; 255 tons (259.1 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 154 ft 2 in (47 .0 m)
Beam 23 ft 4 in (7 .1 m)
Draught8ft2 in (2.5 m)
Guns 4 35- mm in twin mountings
Missile systems
4 MM38 Exocet
Torpedo tubes
2 w ire-guided torpedoes
Radar and electronics: Triton navigation and
surveillance, Plessey Mark 10 I FF radars
Powerplant: 4 MTU diesels, delivering
12,000 bhp to four shafts

Fast Attack Craft (missile) (2)

Class : Kelefstis Stamou (P2S). Diopos

Antoniou (P29)
Displacement : SO tons (Sl .3 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 105 ft (32.0 m)
Beam 21 ft (6.4 m)
Draught 5 ft 3 in (1 .6 m)
Armament :
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
none Crew: 17
Radar and electronics : Used only by : Greece
Sonar : Notes : These two craft were built by Chan-
Powerplant : 2 MTU 12V 331 TCSl diesels, tiers Navales de l' Esterel to a Cypriot order.
delivering 2,700 hp They were later transferred to Greece, and
Speed: 30 knots commissioned in 1975 and 1976 respecti-
Range : 1,500 miles (2,414 km) at 1 5 knots vely.

'Jaguar' class fast attack craft

(torpedo) (7)

Class': Hesperos (P196). ex- German Seeadler

(P606S) ; Kataigis (P197), ex- German
Falke (P6072) ; Kentauros (P19S). ex-
German Habicht (P6075); Kyklon (P199).
ex-German Greif (P6071) ; Lelaps (P22S).
ex- German Kondor (P6070) ; Scorpios
(P229), ex-German Kormoran (P6077) ;
Tyfon (P230). ex- German Geier (P6073)
. Displacement : 160 tons (163 tonnes) stan-
dard; 190 tons (193 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 139 ft 5 in (42 .5 m)
Beam 23 ft 7t in (6.2 m)
Draught 7 ft lOt in (2.4 m)
Guns 2 40-mm Bofors U70 in single moun-
M issile systems
A/S weapons
Torpedo t ubes
4 21-in (533-mm ) Speed : 42 knots Notes : These vessels were built by Lurssen or
Aircraft Range: Kroger, and commissioned into German
none Crew : 39 service in 1955. The first three were trans-
Radar and electronics : Used also by : Saudi Arabi a, Turkey ferred in 1976, the rest in 1977 . Greece
Sonar: also has ex-Albatros , ex-Bussard and ex-
Powerplant : 4 diesels, del ivering 12,000 bhp Sperber for spares.
to four shafts

'Brave' class fast attack craft

(torpedo) (1)

Class : Astrapi (P20). ex-German Strahl

Displacement : 95 tons (96.5 tonnes) stan-
dard; 110 tons (lll.S tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 99 ft (30.2 m)
Beam 25ft (7.6 m)
Draught 7 ft (2 .1 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings
Missile systems
Torpedo chutes
4 21-in (533 - mm) side- launching
Radar and electronics :

Powerplant: 3 Bristol Siddeley Marine Pro-
teus gas turbines, delivering 12,750 bhp to
three shafts
Speed: 55t knots
Range :
Used only by : Greece
Notes : Built by Vosper Thornycroft of Ports-
mouth, this craft was launched in 1962 and
commissioned into German service at the
end of that year. Transferred to Greece in

'PGM-9' class large patrol craft Armament : Radar and electronics :

(2) Guns 1 3-in (76-mm) Sonar:
620-mm Powerplant: 2 General Motors Corporation
M issile systems diesels, delivering 3,600 bhp to two shafts
Class : Ploiarhos Arslanoglou (P 14), ex-US none Speed: 19 knots
PGM 25, ex-US PC 1565; Antiploiarhos A!Sweapons Range :
Pezopoulos (P70)' ex-US PGM 21 , ex-US 1 Hedgehog Crew:
PC 1552 DC racks Used only by: Greece
Displacement: 335 tons (340 tonnes) stan- side-launching torpedo racks Notes : The three craft were built in 1943-4,
dard ; 439 tons (446 tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes and bought from the US in 1947. In 1963
Dimensions: Length 174ft B in (53.3 m) none the two 40-mm guns were removed, and a
Beam 23 ft (7.0 m) Aircraft Hedgehog was fitted .
Draught 10ft 10 in (3.3 m) none

Patrol Forces:
1 coastal PC

400 men (including 200 marines) 'Broadsword' class patrol craft Armament:
(3) Guns 1 75-mm recoilless rifle
Patrol Forces: 181-mmmortar
5 0.5-in (12.7 -mm) machine-guns
16 coastal PC Class: P1051, P1052, P1053
Missile systems
Displacement: 90.5 tons (91 .95 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 105 ft (32.0 m)
Beam 20 ft 6 in (6.3 m)
1 LCM6 Draught 6 ft 4 in (1.9 m)
1 repair barge
1 tug

• • ..
A/Sweapons Powerplant : 2 General Motors Corporation
none diesels
Torpedo tubes Speed: 32 knots
none Range:
Aircraft Crew: 19
none Used only by: Guatemala
Radar and electronics : Notes : The craft are built by Halter Marine
Sonar: (Halmar) of Louisiana, the first two being
delivered in 1976, and the last in 1977.


Patrol Forces:
1 P-6FAC(T)
? riverine PC

Patrol Forces: Auxiliaries:
1 Vosper 31.4-m type PC 1 lighter
3 Vosper 12.2-m type coastal PC

300 men

Patrol Craft:
2 Cape class coastal PC
5 coastal PC

50 men Auxiliaries:
1 survey launch
Patrol Forces:
5 coastal PC

Hong Kong
1,292 men of the Marine District of the Auxiliaries:
Royal Hong Kong Police Force 2 command vessels
2 logistic craft
Patrol Forces: 11 launches
29 patrol craft

500 men of the Maritime Wing of the Auxiliaries:
Hungarian Army ? troop transports
Patrol Forces: ?tugs
10 river PC ? icebreakers
? barges
Mine Warfare Forces:
? river mine countermeasures craft

170 men of the Coast Guard Service Aircraft:
1 Fokker Friendship
Patrol Craft: 2 Bell helicopters
6 fishery protection ships 1 Hughes helicopter

46,000 men including Naval Air Force 'Majestic' class aircraft-carrier Aircraft
(1 ) 22
CV: Radar and electronics: Types 277 and 960
1 Majestic search , Type 293 tactical, and Type 963
Class : Vikrant (R 11), ex-British Hercules carrier approach radars
Displacement: 16,000 tons (16,256 tonnes) Sonar :
Cruiser: standard ; 19,500 tons (19,812 tonnes) full Powerplant: 4 Admiralty boilers supplying
1 Fiji load steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
Dimensions : Length 700 ft (213.4 m) ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
Destroyers: Beam (hull) 80 ft (24.4 m) Speed : 24t knots
(2 Kashin) Draught 24 ft (7.4 m) Range : 12 ,000 miles (19 ,313 km) at 14
Armament: knots ; 6,200 miles (9 ,978 km) at 23 knots
Frigates: Guns 15 40- mm Bofors in 4 twin and 7 single Crew: 1,075 in peace ; 1,345 in war
4 Leander (+2) mountings Used only by : India
Missile systems Notes : Hercules was built by Vickers-
12 Petya II
none Armstrong between 1943 and 1945, but
2 Whitby NSweapons never commissioned , into British service.
3 Leopard none She was bought by India in 1957 and com-
2 Blackwood Torpedo tubes pleted by Harland & Wolff. Commissioned
1 British Hunt Type II none into Indian service in 1961 . The flight deck
2 Black Swan is 128 ft (39.0 m) wide.
1 British River

4 Nanuchka (+2?)

SS :
8 Foxtrot (+2?)

Light Forces:
16 Osa I and II FACCM)
Patrol Forces:
4 Improved Abhay (+4)
1 AbhayPC
5 Poluchat coastal PC
2 Sharada coastal PC
Amphibious Forces:
1 LST(3)
6 Polnocny LCT
(3 ?)

Mine Warfare Forces:

4 Ton coastal minesweepers
4 Ham inshore minesweepers
'Fiji' class cruis~r (1) Radar and electronics : Types 277 and 960
Auxiliaries: search , Type 293 tactical and I-band fire-
Class: Mysore (C 60), ex-British Nigeria control radars
3 survey ships Sonar:
1 Ugra submarine tender Displacement: 8,700 tons (8,839 tonnes)
standard ; 11,040 tons (11,217 tonnes) full Powerplant: 4 Admiralty boilers supplying
1 Modified T -58 submarine rescue ship steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
1 repair ship Dimensions : Length 555 ft 6 in (169 .3 m) ing 72 ,500 shp to four shafts
4 tankers Beam 62 ft (18.9 m) Speed: 31 t knots
others Draught 21 ft (6.4 m) Range :
Armament: Crew : 800
Naval Air Force: Guns 9 6-in (152-mm) in triple turrets Used only by : India
25 Sea Hawk (1 attack sqn) 8 4-in (1 02-mm) in twin turrets Notes : Nigeria was built between 1938 and
1939 by Vickers-Armstrong, and com-
12 Alize (1MR sqn) 12 40-mm Bofors in 2 single and 5 twin
missioned into British service in 1940. She
3 MR sqns with 5 Super Constellation, mountings
Missile systems was bought by India in 1954, and exten-
311-38,5 Defender, 2 Devon. sively modernized before her com-
1 SAR helicopter sqn 10 Alouette III missioning in 1957. Main armour
3 ASW sqns with 12 Sea King, 10 none thicknesses are sides 4* in (114 mm), deck
Alouette III Torpedo tubes
2 in (51 mm), conning tower 4 in (102 mm)
Training units: none and turrets 2 in (51 mm) .
Kiran, Vampire, Sea Hawk, Hughes Aircraft
360 none

'Leander' class frigate (6)
Class : Ni/giri (F32). Himgiri (F33). Dunagiri
(F34). Uda ygiri (F35). Taragiri (F36).
Vindhyagiri (F38)
Displacement: 2,450 tons (2,489 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,800 tons (2 ,845 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 372 ft (113.4 m)
Beam43ft(13 . 1 m)
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Guns 2 4.5-i n (114-mm) in a twin mounting
220- mm
Missile systems
2 quadruple Seacat launchers (except Ni/giri: Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap- Crew : 263
1 quadruple Sea cat launcher) parat radars Used also by : Chile, New Zealand, UK
NSweapons Sonar: Notes : These six examples of broad-beamed
1 triple Limbo DC mortar Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to 2 ' Leander' class frigates were the first large
Torpedo tubes geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to warships built in Indian yards, all being built
none two shafts in Mazagon Docks of Bombay. Work on the
Aircraft Speed: 30 knots first began in 1966, and Nilgiri was com-
1 Alouette III helicopter Range : 4 ,500 miles (7,242 km) at 12 knots missioned in 1972.

'Petya II' class frigate (12)

Class : Ama/a (P68). Androth (P69). Anjadip

(P73). Andaman (P74). Amini (P75). Kam -
orta (P77). Kadmath (P78). Kiltan (P79).
Kavaratti (P80). Katcha/ (P8l). Kanjar (P82).
Amindivi (P83) all ex-Russian vessels
Displacement: 950 tons (965 tonnes) stan-
dard ; 1,150 tons (1 ..168 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 270 ft (82 .3 m)
Beam 29 ft lOin (9.1 m) Torpedo tubes 30,000 hp, and 2 diesels, delivering 6 ,000
Draught 10ft 6 in (3 ,2 m) 3 533-mm (21-in) hp, to two shafts
Armament : Aircraft Speed : 30 knots
Guns 4 76- mm in twin mountings none Range: 5,190 miles (8 ,350 km) at 20 knots
Missile systems Radar and electronics: 'Slim Net' surface Crew: 100
none search, 'Neptune' navigation, 'Hawk Used also by: USSR
NSweapons Screech' fire-control , 'High Pole' IFF, Notes : All vessels of the 'Petya ' class are t1uilt
4 MBU 2500 16-barrel rocket-launchers 'Square Head' IFF, 'Watch Dog' ECM at Nikolayev 'and at Kaliningrad , the first
2 DC racks radars and systems unit being laid down in 1960 and com-
Sonar : 'Hercules' pleted in 1963 . The first of the type trans-
Powerplant: 2 gas turbines, delivering ferred to India arrived in 1969.

'Whitby' class frigate (2) M issile systems Powerplant : 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
3 SS-N-2 'Styx' iaunchers (Ta/waronly) supplying steam to 2 geared turbines, de-
Class : Ta/war(F40) , Trishu/(F43) NSweapons livering 30,000 shp to two shafts
Displacement: 2,144 tons (2,178 tonnes) 2 Limbo 3- barrel DC mortars Speed : 30 knots
standard ; 2 ,545 tons (2 ,586 tonnes) and Torpedo tubes Range: 4 ,500 miles (7 ,243 km) at 12 knots
2,557 tons (2,598 tonnes) full load respec- none Crew: 11 + 220
tively Aircraft Used also by: New Zealand, UK
Dimensions : Length 369 ft lO in (112 .7 m) none Notes: The two vessels were built between
Beam41 ft(12 .5m) Radar and electronics: Types 277 and 293 1957 and 1959 by Cammell Laird of Bir-
Draught 17 ft lOin (5.4 nil tactical, I-band fire-control , and (Ta/war kenhead and Harland & Wolff of Belfast,
Armament : only) 'Square Tie' SS-N-2 ' missile control and commissioned into Indian service in
Guns 2 4 .5-in (114- mm) in a tw in turret (Tri- radars 1960. Ta/warhad her 4.5-in (114-mm) gun
shu/only) Sonar: turret replaced by three SS-N-2 launchers
4 40- mm Bofors in one twin and two single in 1975.

'Leopard' class frigate (3)

Class: Brahmaputre, ex-Panther (F31) ; Beas

(F137) ; Betwa (F139)
Displacement: 2 ,251 tons (2 ,287 tonnes)
standard ; 2,515 tons (2 ,555 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 339 ft lOin (103 .6 m)
Beam 40 ft (12 .2 m)
Draught 16 ft (4.9 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 4 .5- in (114-mm) in twin turrets
2 40-mm Bofors
Missile systems
1 Squid 3-barrel DC mortar

Torpedo tubes Powerplant : Admiralty Standard diesels, de- Notes: The Brahmaputra was ordered from
none livering 12,380 bhp to two shafts John Brown Ltd as the British Panther, laid
Aircraft Speed : 25 knots down in 1956, launched in 1957 and com-
none Range: 7,500 miles (12,070 km) at 16 knots missioned into Indian service in 1958. The
Radar and electronics : Type 960 search, Crew:210 other two were built by Vickers-Armstrong
Type 293 tactical and I-band fire-control Used also by : Bangladesh, UK between 1957 and 1959, and com-
Sonar : missioned into Indian service in 1960.

'Blackwood' class frigate (2)

Class : Kirpan (F144).Kuthar(F146)
Displacement: 1,1 80 tons (1 ,199 tonnes)
standard ; 1,456 tons (1,479 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 3 10ft (64.5 m)
Beam 33 ft (1 0 .0 m)
Draught 15 ft 6 in (4.7 m)
Armament :
Guns 3 40- mm Bofors in single mountings
M issile systems Radar and electronics : E-band air and sur- Used also by : UK
none face surveillance radar Notes : The two ships were laid down in
A/Sweapons Sonar : 1957, launched in 1958 and com-
2 Limbo 3-barrel DC mortars Powerplant: Babcock & Wilcox boilers missioned in 1959. The builders were Alex
Torpedo tubes supplying steam to 1 geared t urbine, deliv- Stephen & Sons of Govan, and J . Samuel
none ering 15,000 shp to one shaft White of Cowes respectively. The sistership
Aircraft Speed: 27 t knots Khukri was sunk in the 1971 Indo-
none Range : 4,000 miles (6,438 km) at 12 knots Pakistani War. Now used by Indian Coast-
Crew : 150 guard .

'Foxtrot' class submarine (8)

Class : Kursura (S20). Karanj (S21). Kanderi

(S22). Kalvari (S23). Vela (S40). Vagir
(S41). Vag/i (S42). Vagsheer (S43) all ex-
Russian boats
Displacement: 2 ,000 tons (2 ,032 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Range : 13,825 miles (22,250 km) at 5 knots
surfaced; 2 ,300 tons (2 ,337 tonnes) dived 10 533 - mm (21-in) forward and 4 400- surfaced
Dimensions: Length 296 ft 1 1 in (90.5 m) mm (15 .75-in) aft, with 22 torpedoes or Crew: 70
Beam 23 ft 11 in (7 .3 m) 44 mines Used also by : Libya, USSR
Draught 19 ft (5.8 m) Radar and electronics: ·Snoop Plate· surface Notes : The boats of the ·Foxtrot" class are
Armament: search radar and 'Stop Light" passive ECM designed as torpedo attack submarines,
Guns none Sonar : ·Hercules' and ' Feniks· and entered production at Leningrad in
Missi.le systems Powerplant: 3 diesels, delivering 6 ,000 bhp, 1958. The first Indian boat was handed
none and 3 electric motors, delivering 6,000 hp over in 1968 and the last in 1975, although
A/Swe a~ons to three shafts t here are reports that India may be getting
none Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; 1 5 knots (dived) another pair.

'Abhay' class large patrol craft Armament : Radar and electronics: none
(1 ) Guns 1 40- mm Bofors Sonar : none
Missile systems Powerplant: 2 diesels
none Speed: 1 8 knots
Class :Abhay(P3135) A/Sweapons Range :
Displacement : 120 tons (121.9 tonnes) none Crew :
standard ; 151 tons (153.4 tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes Used also by : Bangladesh , Mauritius
Dimensions : Length 117 ft 1t in (35 .7 m) none Notes : Six of the class were originally built by
Beam20ft(6.1 m) Aircraft the Hooghly Docking & Engineering Co of
Draught 5 ft (1 .5 m) none Calcutta , in the late 1950s and early

39,000 including 1,000 naval air arm 'Claud Jones' class frigate (4) A!Sweapons
and 12,000 marines 2 Hedgehogs
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Class: Samadikun (341), ex-USJohnR. Perry Torpedo tubes
Frigates: (DE1034) ; Martadinata (342). ex-US none
4 Claud Jones Charles Berry (DEl 035); Mongisidi (343). Aircraft
3 Riga ex-US Claud Jones (DE1033); Ngurah Rai none
2 Surapati (344). ex-US McMorris (DEl 036) Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search and
2 Pattimura Displacement: 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes) SPS 10 tactical radars
(3 ?) standard; 1,750 tons (1,778 tonnes) full Sonar: SOS 29 to 32 series
load Powerplant: 4 diesels, delivering 9,200 hp to
Dimensions: Length 310ft (94.5 m) one shaft
SS: Beam 37 ft (11 .3 m)
3 Whiskey Speed: 22 knots
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) Range:
(2 Type 209) Armament: Crew: 175
Guns 1 3-in (76-mm) (341 and 342) Used only by: Indonesia
Light Forces: 2 37-mm in a twin mounting (341 and Notes: The four ships were built between
4 PSSM Mark 5 FAC(M) 342) 1957 and 1959 by Avondale Marine Ways
9 KomarFAC(M) 2 25-mm in a twin mounting (341 and and American Shipbuilding. They were
4 Liirssen TNC-45 FAC(T) 342) commissioned into US service in 1959 and
2 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings (343 1960. The first unit was transferred to
and 344) Indonesia in 1973, the remaining three in
Patrol Forces: 2 25-mm in a twin mounting (343 and
6 Kronshtadt PC 1974. The secondary armament is Russian.
3 PC461 PC Missile systems
3PGM39PC none
2 Attack PC
5 Kialjevica PC
3 Kelabang
2 Fairey Spear coastal PC
6 Australian de Havilland type coastal

Amphibious Forces:
6 LST 511-1152
2 LST 1-511
1 Japanese LST
3LCM (+1O)
25+ LCM type
20+ LCVP type

Mine Warfare Forces:

5 T-43 ocean minesweepers
2 R coastal minesweepers
4 survey ships
2 submarine tenders 'Surapati' class frigate (2) Torpedo tubes
1 destroyer depot ship 3 21-in (533-mm)
1 repair ship Aircraft
Class: Iman Bondjol (355). Surapati (356) none
8 tankers Displacement: 1,1 50 tons (1,1 68 tonnes) Radar and electronics :
1 training ship standard ; 1,500 tons (1 ,624 tonnes) full Sonar:
1 cable ship load Powerplant: 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply-
3 tugs Dimensions: Length 324 ft 9t in (99.0 m) ing steam to 2 Parsons geared turbines, de-
Beam 36 ft 1 in (11 .0 m) livering 24,000 shp to two shafts
Naval Air Arm: Draught 8 ft 6t in (2.6 m) Speed: 32
5 HU-16 Armament: Range: 2,800 miles (4,500 km) at 22 knots
Guns 4 4-in (1 02-mm) in twin mountings Crew: 200
6C-47 6 30- mm in twin mountings
6 Nomad MR (+6) Used only by: Indonesia
6 20-mm in twin mountings Notes: Built by Ansaldo at Genoa in 1956,
4Be1l47G Missile systems these two near-sisters to the Venezuelan
6 Alouette II/III none 'Almirante Clemente' class were com -
A!S weapons missioned into Indonesian service in 1958.
The customs service operates a large 2 Hedgehogs Both are now in reserve.
number of coastal patrol craft. The 4 DCTs
army operates 14 large transports, 2
LSTs and 5 cargo ships. The air force
operate,s six cargo ships. 'Pattimura' class frigate (2) Dimensions: Length 270ft 3 in (82.4 m)
Beam 34ft 1t in (10.4 m)
Draught 8 ft lOin (2.7 m)
Class : Pattimura (801). Sultan Hasanudin Armament: .
(802) Guns 2 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings
Displacement: 950 tons (965 tonnes) stan- 2 30~mm in a twin mounting
dard; 1,200 tons (1,219 tonnes) full load Missile systems

A!S weapons · Radar and electronics: Used only by: Indonesia
2 Hedgehogs Sonar: Notes: These two vessels, basically similar to
4 DCTs Powerplant: 3 Ansaldo-Fiat diesels, deliver- the Italian 'Albatros' class, were built by
Torpedo tubes ing 6,900 shp to three shafts Ansaldo at Livorna, the first in 1956 and
none Speed: 22 knots the second in 1957. Both vessels were
Aircraft Range: 2,400 miles (3,863 km) at 18 knots commissioned into Indonesian service in
none Crew: 110 1958. 802 is now in reserve .

'Whiskey' class submarine (3)

Class : Nagga Banda (403), Pasopati (410),

Bramastra (412), all ex-Russian boats
Displacement : 1,030 tons (1 ,046 tonnes)
surfaced ; 1,350 tons (1 ,372 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 249 ft 4 in (76 .0 m) .
Beam 22 ft (6.7 m)
Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m)
Guns 2 25-mm in a twin mounting (in 403)
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
6 21-in (533-mm) with 18 torpedoes or 40
Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate ' surface
search radar and 'Stop Light' passive ECM
Sonar: Tamir' Crew : 60 country to 14, though only three are oper-
Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 4,000 hp, Used also by: Albania , Bulgaria , China , Egypt, ational. Nine others are in reserve, and two
and 2 electric motors, delivering 2 ,500 hp North Korea, Poland , USSR are being cannibalised for spares. The
to two shafts Notes: The arrival of four 'Whiskey' class tor- 'Whiskey' class entered production in
Speed: 1 7 knots (surfaced) ; 1 5 knots (dived) pedo attack submarines in Indonesia in 1950, the first boat being completed in
Range : 13,000 miles (20,900 km) at 8 knots 1962 brought the total delivered to that 1951 .

PSSM Mark 5 fast attack craft Guns 1 3-in (76-mm) Sonar:

(missile) (4) 2 40-mm Bofors Powerplant: 1 General Electric LM 2500
2 0 .5-in (12 .7- mm) machine-guns gas turbine and 2 MTU diesels, delivering
Missile systems power to two shafts
Class: four craft 4 Harpoon SSM launchers Speed: 45 knots (gas) ;
Displacement: 250 tons (254 tonnes) full A!S weapons 17 knots (diesel)
load - none Range :
Dimensions: Length 165 ft (50.3 m) Torpedo tubes Crew : 32
Beam 24 ft (7.3 m) none Used also by: Taiwan
Draught 6 ft 7 in (2 .0 m) Aircraft Notes: Ordered from Tacoma Boatbuilding,
Armament: none these four craft have been built by a South
Radar and electronics: Korean yard.

'Lurssen TNC-45' class fast Armament : Radar and electronics :

Guns 2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Sonar :
attack craft (torpedo) (4) Powerplant: 4 MTU diesels, delivering
Missile systems
none 12,000 bhp to four shafts
Class: Beruang (652), Matjan Kumbang (653)' A!S weapons Speed: 42 knots
Harimau (654),Anoa (655) none Range :
Displacement: 1 60 tons (1 62.6 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Crew : 39
standard ; 190 tons (193 tonnes) full load 4 21-in (533-mm) Used only by : Indonesia
Dimensions: Length 140 ft 9 in (42 .9 m) Aircraft Notes : Basically similar to the German
Beam 22 ft (6.7 m) none 'Jaguar' class, the TNC-45 ' class were
Draught 7 ft 6t in (2 .3 m) built in a Singapore yard, the first and last
being commissioned in 1959, and the
middle pair in 1960.

'PGM 39' class large patrol craft Armament : Radar and electronics:
Guns220-mm Sonar:
(3) 2 machine-guns Powerplant: 2 Mercedes- Benz MB 820 dB
Missile systems diesels, delivering power to two shafts
Class : Bentang Kalungkang (570)' ex-US PGM none Speed : 1 7 knots
57 ; Bentang Walta tire (571), ex-US PGM A!Sweapons Range :
56 ; Bentang Silungkang (572), ex-US none Crew :
PGM55 Torpedo tubes Used only by : Indonesia
Displacement: 122 tons (124 tonnes) full none Notes : Designed as amphibious control craft,
load Aircraft the three craft of the 'PGM 39 ' class were
Dimensions: Length 100ft (30.5 m) none transferred from the US in 1962 , and are
Beam 21 ft (6.4 m) now used as patrol craft.
Draught 8 ft 6 in (2 .6 m)

28,000 men 'Battle' class guided missile de- Aircraft
stroyer (1) Radar and electronics: Plessey AWS 1
(2 Spruance) Class : Artemiz (51), ex- British Sluys (060) search, Contraves Sea Hunter fire-control
and Decca ROL 1 interception radars
1 Battle Displacement : 2 ,325 tons (2,362 tonnes)
Sonar :
2 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II standard ; 3 ,360 tons (3,414 tonnes) full
load Powerplant: 2 Admiralty boilers supplying
Dimensions : Length 379 ft (115.5 m) steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
Frigates: Beam 40 ft 6 in (12 .3 m) ing 50,000 shp·to two shafts
4Saam Draught 17 ft 6 in (5 .2 m) Speed : 35t knots
(6 Lupo) Armament : Range : 3,000 miles (4,828 km) at 20 knots
Guns 4 4 .5-in (114-mm) in twin turrets Crew : 270
Corvettes: 4 40- mm Bofors in single mountings Used also by : Pakistan
4 PF 103 Missile systems Notes : Sluys was built by Cammell Laird at
4 Standard SSM launchers with 8 missiles Birkenhead between 1943 and 1945, and
1 quadruple Sea cat launcher comm issioned into British service in 1946.
SS : Transferred to Iran in 1967 asArtemiz.
3 Tang A!S weapons
1 Squid 3-barrel A!S mortar
(6 T ype 209 ) Torpedo tubes
Light Forces:
6 Kaman FAC(M) (+ 6)
'Allen M. Sumner FRAM II' Radar and electronics : SPS 10 search, SPS
Patrol Forces: 37 air surVeillance and IFF, Mark 37 fire-
class guided missile destroyer control with Mark 25 radar, and naviga-
3 Improved PGM 71 PC (2)
4 Cape PC tional radars ; UL0/6 ECM arrays
Sonar : SOS 29 series, plus variable-depth
6 BH.7 hovercraft Class: Babr (61). ex-US Zellers (00777) ; sonar on Babr
8 SR.N6 hovercraft Palang (62). ex-US Stormes (00780) Powerplant : 4 boilers supplying steam t o 2
Displacement : 2 ,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes) geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
Mine Warfare Forces: standard ; 3,320 tons (3 ,373 tonnes) full two shafts
3 MSC292 and 268 coastal mme- load Speed : 34 knots
sweepers Dimensions : Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m) Range :
Beam 40 ft 10 in (12.4 m) Crew: 14+ 260
2 MSI inshore minesweepers Draught 19 ft (5 .8 m) Used also by: Brazil , Chile, Colombia , South
Armament : Korea , Turkey, Venezuela
Auxiliaries: Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets Notes : Both vessels were built by Toda Paci-
2LCU Missile systems fic Shipyards, and commissioned into US
1 tanker 4 Standard SSM launchers with 8 missiles service in 1944 and 1945 respectively. The
2 landing ships logistic A!S weapons two units were extensively modernised and
2 supply ships ( +4) 2 Hedgehogs altered before sailing for Iran in 1972 . Iran
1 repair ship 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes has ex-Kenneth D. Bailey (00713) of the
9 others Torpedo tubes 'Gearing' class for spares.
Naval Air Arm: 1 ASW helicopter
6 P-3F (1 MR sqn)
12 SH-3D (1 ASW sqn)
1 transport sqn with 6 Shrike Com- 'Saam' class guided missile Displacement: 1,110 tons (1 , 128 tonnes)
mander, 4 F-27. standard ; 1,290 tons (1 ,311 tonnes) full
frigate (4) load
5 AB205A
7 AB212 Dimensions : Length 310ft (94.4 m)
Class: Sa am (71). Zaal (72), Rostam (73), Beam 34 ft (10.4 m)
6 RH-53D Faramarz (74) Draught 11 ft 2 in (3.4 m)
(39 P-3C MR)
(15 SH-3D)

Marine Force:
3 bns

Guns 1 4 .5-in·(114-mm)
2 35-mm Oerlikon in a twin mounting
Missile systems
1 quintuple Sea Killer launcher
1 triple Sea cat launcher
1 Limbo 3- barrel A!S mortar
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics : Plessey AWS 1 air Powerplant: 2 Rolls-Royce Olympus gas tur- Notes: The first and last ships were built by
surveillance and IFF, Contraves Sea Hunter bines, delivering 46,000 shp, and 2 Vosper Thornycroft at Woolston, and the
fire-control and Decca RDL 1 interception Paxman diesels, delivering 3 ,800 shp to middle pair by Vickers at Newcastle and
radars two shafts Barrow. Laid down in 1967 and 1968, the
Sonar: Speed: 40 knots vessels were launched in 1968 and 1969,
Range: being commissioned into Iranian service in
Crew: 125 1971 and 1972.
Usedonlyby : Iran

'PF 103' class corvette (4) Missile systems Powerplant: F- M diesels, delivering 6,000
none bhp to two shafts
A!Sweapons Speed : 20
Class: 8ayandor (81), ex-US PF 103; Haghdi Range:
4 DCTs
(82), ex-US PF 104; Milanian (83), ex-US Crew : 140
2 DC racks
PF 105; Kahnamuie (84), ex- US PF 106
Torpedo tubes Used also by: Thailand
Displacement: 900 tons (914.4 tonnes)
none Notes: All four ships were built by Leving-
standard ; 1,135 tons (1,153 tonnes) full stone Shipbuilding, the first pair being laid
none down in 1962, launched in 1963 and com-
Dimensions: Length 275 ft (83 .8 m)
Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search, Ray- missioned into US service in 1964, the
Beam 33 ft (10.0 m)
theon navigation and AN/ SPG 34 fire- equivalent dates for the second pair being
Draught 10ft 2 in (3 .1 m)
control radars 1967, 1968 and 1969. The two pairs were
Sonar: transferred to Iran in 1964 and 1969, im-
Guns 2 3- in (76-mm) in single mountings
mediately after commissioning.
2 40- mm Bofors in a twin mounting
2 23-mm in a twin mounting

'Tang' class submarine (3)

Class: Kusseh (101), ex-US Trout (SS566) ;

N ahang (102), ex-US Wahoo (SS565);
Dolfin (103)' ex- US Tang (SS563)
Displacement : 2 , 100 tons (2 ,134 tonnes)
Torpedo tubes Speed : 16 knots (surfaced and dived)
surfaced ; 2,700 tons (2,743 tonnes) dived
8 21-in (533-mm) Range:
Dimensions: Length 287 ft (87 .4 m)
Aircraft Crew : 8 + 79
Beam 27ft 4 in (8 .3 m)
none Used also by: Italy, USA
Draught 19 ft (6.2 m)
Radar and electronics : Notes: The three boats were built between
Sonar: 1949 and 1951, and commissioned into
Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 4 ,500 bhp, US service in 1952. Designed as patrol
Missile systems
and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,600 shp boats, the submarines are being transferred
to two shafts to Iran in 1978, 1979 and 1980 unless the
A!S weapons
political situation in Iran dictates other-

'Kaman' class fast attack craft Armament: Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap-
(missile) (12) Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara paraten WM 28 tactical and fire-control
1 40-mm Bofors radar
Missile systems Sonar: none
Class : Kaman (P221), Zoubin (P222), Kha- 2 twin Harpoon launchers Powerplant : 4 MTU diesels, delivering
dang (P223), Peykan (P224)' Joshan A!Sweapons 14,400 bhp to four shafts
(P225), Falakhon (P226), Shamshir none Speed : 36 knots
(P227), Gorz (P228), Gardouneh (P229), Torpedo tubes Range : 700 miles (1,125 km) at more than
Khanjar (P230), Neyzeh (P231), Tabarzin none 30 knots
(P232) Aircraft Crew: 30
Displacement: 249 tons (253 tonnes) stan- none Usedonlyby: Iran
dard ; 275 tons (279.4 tonnes) full load Notes: Of the 'La Combattante II' class, these
Dimensions : Length 154ft 2t in (47.0 m) 12 craft were ordered from Construction de
Beam23ft3tin(7 .1 m) Mecanique, Normandie, in 1974, to be
Draught 6 ft 3 in (1 .9 m) completed by spring 1979.

Improved 'PGM 71' class large Armament: Powerplant: 8 General Motors Corporation
patrol craft (3) Guns 1 40-mm Bofors diesels, delivering 2,000 bhp
2 0.5-in (12 .7 -mm) machine-guns Speed: 1 5 knots
Missile systems Range:
Class: Parvin (211), ex-US PGM 103; Bah- none Crew:
raam (212), ex-US PGM 112; Nahid (213)' A!S weapons Used also by: Liberia
ex-US PGM 122 none Notes: The first craft was built by Peterson
Displacement: 10.5 tons (106 .7 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Builders, the other two by Tacoma Boat-
standard; 146 tons (148 .3 tonnes) full load none building, being commissioned into US ser-
Dimensions: Length 100 ft (30.5 m) Aircraft vice (for disposal overseas) in 1970, 1967
Beam 22 ft (6.7 m) none and 1968.
Draught 10ft (3.1 m) Radar and electronics:

'Cape' class large patrol craft (4) Armament: Radar and electronics: -
Guns 1 40-mm Bofors Sonar:
Missile systems Powerplant: 4 Cummins diesels, delivering
Class: Kayvan (201), Tiran (202), Mehran none 2,200 bhp to two shafts
(203), Mahan (204) A!S weapons Speed: 20 knots
Displacement: 85 tons (86.4 tonnes) stan- 1 7.2-in (183-mm) 8-barrel projector Range: 1,500 miles (2,415 km)
dard; 107 tons (1 08.7 tonnes) full load 8 DCs Crew: 15
Dimensions: Length 95 ft (28.9 m) Torpedo tubes Used also by: South Korea, Thailand
Beam 20 ft 2 in (6.2 m) none Notes: All built to a US Coast Guard design in
Draught 6 ft lOin (2 .1 m) Aircraft the late 1950s, the four Iranian units of the
none 'Cape' class are used for coastal patrol.
4,000 men 'Poluchat I' class large patrol Radar and electronics:
craft (2) Sonar: none
Light Forces: Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 2,400 hp to
3 SO I submarine chasers two shafts
Class: 2 ex-Russian craft Speed: 20 knots
6 Osa I FAC(M) Displacement: 100 tons (101.6 tonnes) Range:
8 Osa II FAC(M) standard Crew: 15
10 P-6 FAC(T) Dimensions: Length 98 ft 5 in (30,0 m) Used also by: Albania, Algeria, Egypt, Equa-
Beam 19 ft (5.8 m) torial Guine.a, India, Mozambique, North
Patrol Forces: Draught 5 ft 11 in (1.8 m) Yemen, Somali Republic, South Yemen,
2 Poluchat I PC Armament: Tanzania, USSR
4 Nyryat II coastal PC Guns 2 25-mm in a twin mounting Notes: 'Poluchat' class craft have been built
4 Zhuk coastal PC Missile systems in Russia since the early 1960s for use as
none patrol craft and torpedo recovery vessels.
2 PO 2 coastal PC A!Sweapons Two were transferred to Iraq in the late
8 Thornycroft 36-ft coastal PC none 1960s. An alternative armament installa-
4 Thornycroft 21-ft coastal PC Torpedo tubes tion uses two 14.5-mm AA machine-guns
none on a twin mounting.
Mine Warfare Forces: Aircraft
2 T -43 ocean minesweepers none
3 Y evgen ya inshore minesweepers

Amphibious Forces:
3 Polnocny LCT

5,000 men (1,000 conscripts), and Amphibious Forces: Type 206 submarine (3)
3,000 reservists 3LSMI
3 AshLCT Class: Gal, Gur, Rahav
SS: 3 LCLCT Displacement: 420 tons (426.7 tonnes) sur-
3 Type 206 3LCM faced; 600 tons (609.6 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 1"47 ft 7t in (45.0 m)
Corvettes: Auxiliaries: Beam 15ft5in(4.7m)
(2 Qu-9-35 type) Draught 12 ft 1t in (3.7 m)
1 support ship Armament:
2 transports Gunsnone
Light Forces: others Missile systems
6 ReshefFAC(M) (+6) SLAM launcher for Blowpipe SAM in sail
12 Saar. FAC(M) Naval Air Arm: A!Sweapons
(2 FlagstaffFAH(G)) 3 IAI 1124 Westwind MR (+ 3) none
2 Dvora FAC(M) (+?) Torpedo tubes
8 21-in (533-mm)
Patrol Forces: Aircraft
35 Dabur coastal PC none
3 PBR coastal PC Radar and electronics:
3 Firefish Model III coastal PC Sonar:

Powerplant: diesels, delivering 2 ,000 hp, and Used also by: West Germany
1 electric motor, delivering 1,800 hp to one Notes: Type 206 is a design by Ingenieur-
shaft kontor of Lubeck, built by Vickers at
Speed: 11 knots (surfaced) ; 17 knots (dived) 8arrow. The first two boats were built
Range: between 1975 and 1976, and com-
Crew: 22 missioned into Israeli service in 1977. A
third unit was commissioned in 1978.

'T' class submarine (1 )

Class: Dolphin (77). ex-British Truncheon
Displacement: 1,310 tons (1,331 tonnes)
standard ; 1,535 tons (1,560 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 1,740 tons (1,768 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 293 ft 6 in (89 .5 m)
Beam 26 ft 6 in (8.1 m)
Draught 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
6 21-in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics:
Powerplant : diesels, delivering 2,500 bhp, Crew: 65 1945. After sale to Israel, she was length-
and electric motors, delivering 2 ,900 hp, to Used only by: Israel ened by some 20 ft (6.1 mI. Dolphin's sister
two shafts Notes: Truncheon was built by HM Dockyard submarine Dakar, ex-British Totem, was
Speed: 15* knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived) at Devonport between 1942 and 1944, lost in 1968. Now deleted.
Range : and commissioned into British service in

'Reshef' class fast attack craft

(missile) (12)

Class: Resher. Keshet, Romah, Kidon, Tar-

shish, Yaffo and six others
Displacement: 415 tons (421 .6 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 190 ft 3t in (58.0 m)
Beam 25 ft 7 in (7 .8 m)
Draught 7 ft lOt in (2.4 m)
Guns 2 76-mm OTO Melara in single moun-
2 20-mm Oerlikons
Missile systems
6 Gabriel and 4 Harpoon SSM launchers
A!S weapons Sonar: ELAC fitted to craft in the Red Sea Notes: All Israeli craft are built by Haifa Ship-
none Powerplant : 4 MTU diesels, delivering yard. The first six 'Reshef class craft were
Torpedo tubes 10,680 hp to two shafts commissioned between 1973 and 1975,
none Speed: 32 knots and the first of the second group of six
Aircraft Range: about 1,500 miles (2,415 km) at 30 in 1977. The second group is slightly larger,
none knots with a length of 202 ft 5 in (61.7 mI .
Radar and electronics: EL/M -2207 search Crew:45
radar Used also by : South Africa

'Saar' class fast attack craft

(missile) (12)

Class : Mivtach (311). Miznach (312). Misgav

(313). Eilat (321). Haifa (322).Acco (323) ,
all of Group A; Saar (331). Soufa (332).
Gaash (333). Herev (341). Hanil (342).
Hetz (343). all of Group B
Displacement: 220 tons (223 .5 tonnes)
standard; 250 tons (254 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 147ft 7 tin (47 .0 m)
Beam 23 ft (7 .0 m)
Draught 8 ft 2t in (2 .5 m)
Guns 76-mm OTO Melara or 40-mm Bofors
(see Notes)

Missile systems Powerplant : 4 MTU diesels, delivering had 3 40-mm Bofors AA guns and 4 Mark
Gabriel SSM launchers (see Notes) 13,500 bhp to four shafts 32 tubes, while the craft of Group B had
A!S weapons Speed : 40+ knots 76-mm OTO Melara guns. Gabriel SSM
none Range: 2,500 miles (4,025 km) at 15 knots ; launchers have been added in Israel, with
Torpedo tubes 1,000 miles (1 ,609 km) at 30 knots Group A craft now capable of accepting
none Crew : 35 to 40 1 40-mm gun and 8 Gabriel launchers, and
Aircraft Used only by : Israel Group B craft 1 76-mm gun and 2 triple
none Notes: All 12 craft were built by Chantiers de Gabriel launchers.
Radar and electronics: EUM-2207 search Normandie, the first group being com-
radar missioned in 1968 and the second group
Sonar : ELAC in GroupAcraft in 1969. Originally, the craft of Group A

Israeli Aircraft Industries


Type: naval surface-to-surface missile

Guidance : radar control, plus (probable) ac-
tive radar terminal homing
Dimensions : Span 23i in (60.0 em) for tail ;
54! in (138.0 em) for wings
Body diameter 12~ in (32.5 em)
Length 11 ft (3 .35 m)
Booster: solid- propellant rocket, developing
7,937-lb (3,600-kg) thrust for 3 seconds
Sustainer: solid-propellant rocket, develop-
ing 170-lb (77-kg) thrust for 100 seconds
in the short-range version
Warhead : 397 Ib (180 kg) of high explosive
Weights : Launch 8821b (400 kg)
Burnt out
Performance : speed Mach 0.7 ; range 1t to
13 ~ miles (2 to 22 km)
Used also by: Argentina, Malaysia , Singa-
pore, South Africa
Notes: The Gabriel anti-ship rnissile is fired
from a fixed container/ launcher. With its
course controlled by the launch vessel 's
sensors and fire-control computer, the
Gabriel cruises at about 246 ft (75 m) and
then at 32 ft (10m), finally descending to
just above the sea for the terminal homing
phase under the guidance of its active (the
Israelis claim semi-active) homing head .
The Gabriel Mark II has a larger engine, giv-
ing a range of some 25-!- miles (42 kml.
Weight is about 1,102 Ib (500 kg) .

The I talian Navy weapons and Terrier SAMs. She also Italian destroyers are of a conventional
The Italian Navy is designed for has a useful gun armament, making her nature, although CODAG machinery
operations in the 'landlocked' an excellent all-round vessel whose onl)' was pioneered in San Giorgio.
Mediterranean, within easy reach of major disadvantage appears to be her The Italians make extensive use of
land-based airpower, a factor that has size, which is something of a liability. CO DOG-powered frigates, their speed,
greatly influenced the latest trends in The two other helicopter cruisers of the acceleration and manoeuvrability
Italian naval design and construction, 'Andrea Doria' class are smaller, and being ideal for Mediterranean
as has the need to provide surface can handle only four NS helicopters. conditions. Six 'Maestrale' (basically
warships with the latest in anti- The gun armament is the same, and the improved 'Lupo') class are to be built in
submarine weapons and techniques. combined ASROC/ferrier launcher is the 1980s, but for the moment Italy has
The manpower strength of the Italian not fitted, these earlier ships having a four 'Lupo' class, with two NS
Navy is 42,000, some 11 .6 per cent of twin launcher for Terrier SAMs alone, helicopters, Otomat SSMs and a
the total strength of the armed forces, NS armament being restricted to two Selenia Albatros SAM system, two
whose budget amounts to 2.6 per cent triple torpedo tube mountings. All three 'Alpino' class with two NS helicopters,
of the gross national product. ships can make over 30 knots, and are four 'Bergamini' class with one
The need to combine air and quite manoeuvrable. helicopter, and four 'Centauro' class
underwater protection has led the The importance of SAMs in Italian with no helicopter. The 'Bergamini'
Italian Navy to the forefront of naval thinking is emphasised by the and 'Centauro' classes are steam
helicopter cruiser development and four ships of the' Audace' and powered,
service; with three such ships in 'Impavido' classes, each of which has a Italy has 13 corvettes, none of them
existence, and another to enter service single Tartar SAM launcher. Anti- particularly distinguished, and five of
in the mid-1980s. The latest ship is submarine torpedo tubes are fitted, and them fairly old and now used for a
Andrea Doria, which can operate nine an NS helicopter (two in the case of the variety of secondary roles. .
A/S helicopters, but also has two triple 'Audace' class) are carried. Two of an Submarines can be useful in
NS torpedo tube mountings, and a Improved 'Audace' class are to be built Mediterranean conditions, and Italy
combined twin launcher for ASROC NS for service in the 1980s. The three other has six modern submarines of the

'Sauro' and 'Toti' classes, with another 42,000 men (24,000 conscripts) SS:
two building. There are also six ex- including 750 naval air arm, 1,700 2 Sauro (+ 2)
American boats, only two of which are marines, and 115,800 reservists 4 Toti
of any real operational importance. 2 Tang
For coastal operations, Italy has Helicopter Cruisers: 2 Guppy III
surprisingly few attack craft, with only (1 ?)
one 'Sparviero' class missile hydrofoil 1 Vittorio Veneto Light Forces:
(with another six building), and four 2 Andrea Doria 1 Sparviero FAH(M) (+6)
convertible fast attack craft with gun or 2 Freccia FAC(G/f)
torpedo armament. Amphibious forces Destroyers (DDG): 2 Lampo FAC(G/f)
are limited to two 'De Soto County' 2 Audace 3 Higgins F AC(P)
LSTs, one 'Kenneth Whiting' 2Impavido 2 FAC(T)
transport, and landing craft. Mine
warfare forces are better provided for, Destroyers (DD): Amphibious Forces:
however, with 10 minehunters/ 1 San Giorgio 2 De Soto County LST
minesweepers to be built in the 1980s, 2Impetuoso 1 Kenneth Whiting transport
four ' Agile' class ocean minesweepers, 57 landing craft
14 'Bluebird' class coastal Frigates (FFG):
minesweepers, 17 'Agave' class coastal (6 Maestrale) Mine Warfare Forces:
minesweepers, and 10 'Aragosta' class 4 Lupo (10? minehunters)
inshore minesweepers. 4 Agile ocean minesweepers
The support and replenishment of Frigates (FF): 13 Adjutant coastal minesweepers
Italian warships is well catered for, 2 Alpino 17 Agave coastal minesweepers
leaving the Italian Navy with the 4 Bergamini 10 Aragosta inshore minesweepers
shortage of small missile-armed craft as 4 Centauro
its one major weakness. The utility of Auxiliaries:
such craft in a major war has yet to be Corvettes: 4 survey vessels
proved, so perhaps the Italians are not 4 De Cristofaro 2 replenishment tankers
running much risk. However, there 4 Albatros 1 Barnegat support ship
does seem to be a role for such craft, 4 Ape 10 coastal transports
and relatively large numbers of them 2 training ships (sail)
can be built quite cheaply. others
As the areas in which it is to operate
are all within easy reach ofland-based Naval Air Arm:
aircraft, the naval air arm of the Italian 5 ASW helicopter sqns with 3 SH-34,
Navy has been kept small, with only 24 SH-3D, 32 AB 204AS, 12 AB 212
five ASW helicopter squadrons using (15 AB 212)
71 helicopters. Another 24 ASW (9 SH-3D)
helicopters are on order.

'Vittorio Veneto' class helicopter Radar and electronics: SPS 52 3D air search
cruiser (1 ) and target designator, SPS 40 long-range
search, SMA!SPO-2 search and naviga-
tion, SPG 55B Terrier fire-control and
Class: Vittorio Veneto (C550) Orion (Argo/Elsag NA9 system) gun fire-
Displacement: 7.500 tons (7 ,620 tonnes) control ; TACAN AN/URN-20
standard ; 8,850 tons (8,992 tonnes) full Sonar: SOS 23
load Powerplant: 4 Foster Wheeler boilers supply-
Dimensions: Length 589 ft 3 in (179.6 m) ing steam to 2 Tosi double-reduction
Beam 63 ft 8 in (19.4 m) geared turbines, delivering 73,000 hp to
Draught 19 ft 8 in (6.0 m) two shafts
Armament: Speed: 32 knots
Guns 8 76-mm in single mountings Range: 6,000 miles (9,650 km) at 20 knots
Missile systems Crew: 60+500
1 twin Terrier/ASROC launcher Used only by: Italy
A!S weapons Notes: Vittorio Veneto is based on the
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes 'Andrea Doria' class, but with vastly
Torpedo tubes improved helicopter and A!S facilities. She
none was built by Navalmeccanica at Castellam-
Aircraft mare di Stabia between 1965 and 1967,
9 ASW helicopters and commissioned into Italian service in

'Andrea Doria' class escort
cruiser (2)

Class : Andrea Doria (C553), Caio Duilio

Displacement: 5,000 tons (5,080 tonnes)
standard ; 6 ,500 tons (6,604 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 489 ft 10 in (149.3 m)
8eam 56ft 5 in (17.2 m)
Draught 16 ft 5 in (5.0 m)
Guns 8 76-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
1 twin Terrier launcher
A!S weapons
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
4 ASW helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS 39 (SPS 76B on
C553) 3D target designator and air sur-
veillance, SPS 40 long-range search, SPG
55A (SPG 55C on C553) Terrier fire-
control, and Orion (Argo/Elsag NA9 system)
gun fire-control; TACAN AN/U RN-20
Sonar: SOS 23
Powerplant: 4 Foster-Wheeler boilers
supplying steam to 2 double-reduction
geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed : 3 1 knots
Range: 6,000 miles (9,655 km) at 20 knots
Crew: 45 + 440
Used only by: Italy
Notes : Andrea Doria was built by Cantieri del
Tirreno between 1958 and 1963, and
commissioned in 1964; Caio Duilio by
Navalmeccanico di Stabia between 1958
and 1962, and commissioned in 1964.

'Audace' class guided missile

destroyer (2)

Class : Ardito (D550)'Audace (D551)

Displacement: 3 ,600 tons (3,658 tonnes)
standard ; 4,400 tons (4,470 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 448 ft 2 in (136.6 m)
Beam 47 ft 7 in (14.5 m)
Draught 15 ft 1 in (4.6 m)
Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single mountings Radar and electronics: SPS 52 3D air sur- Range:
4 76-mm in single mountings veillance, SPG 51 tracking and missile Crew: 30+350
Missile systems guidance, SPS 12 surface search, Orion Usedonlyby: Italy
1 Tartar launcher RTN 10X (Argo 10/ Elsag NA 10 system) Notes : The vessels were built by Navalmec-
A!S weapons rada rs canica at Castellammare and Cantieri del
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Sonar: CWE 610 Tirreno at Riva Trigosa between 1968 and
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 4 FosterWheeler boilers supply- 1971, and commissioned in 1973 and
4 533-mm (21-in) ing steam to 2 geared turbines, delivering 1972 respectively. The design is an
Aircraft 73 ,000 shp to two shafts improved version of that of the 'Impavido'
2 ASW helicopters Speed : 33 knots class.

'Impavido' class guided missile
destroyer (2)

Class : Impavido (D5701.lntrepido (0571)

Displacement : 3 ,201 tons (3,252 tonnes)
standard; 3,851 tons (3,913 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 430 ft 9 in (131.3 m)
8eam 44ft 7t in (13 .6 m)
Draught 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m)
Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in a twin turret
4 76- mm in single turrets
Missile systems
1 Tartar launcher
2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS 39 3D search ,
SPS 12 search, SPG 51 Tartar fire-control,
and Argo 10/ Elsag NA 10 gun fire-control
Sonar : 50S 23
Powerplant : 4 FosterWheeler boilers supply-
ing steam to 2 double-reduction geared
turbines, delivering 70,000 shp to two
shafts Notes: Impavido was built by Cantieri del Tir-
Speed : 34 knots reno at Riva Trigosa between 1957 and
Range : 3,300 miles (5,310 km) at 20 knots ; 1962, and commissioned in 1963 ; Intre-
2,900 miles (4,667 km) at 25 knots pido was built by Ansaldo at Livorno be-
Crew : 23+312 tween 1959 and 1962, and commissioned
Used only by: Italy in 1964.

'San Giorgio' class destroyer (1) A!Sweapons Speed: 28 knots on gas turbines and diesels;
1 MENON 3-barrelA!S mortar 20 knots on diesels
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range: 4 ,800 .miles (7,725 km) at 20 kpots
Class: San Giorgio (0562) Torpedo tubes Crew: 15+280+ 130 cadets
Displacement: 3 ,950 tons (4,013 tonnes) none Used only by: Italy
standard ; 4 ,350 tons (4,420 tonnes) full Aircraft Notes: San Giorgio was built by Cantieri
load none Navali Riuniti of Ancona between 1939
Dimensions : Length 466 ft lOin (142 .3 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-6 search and 1- and 1941 , and commissioned into Italian
Beam 47ft 3 in (14.4 m) band fire-control radars service in 1943 as Pompeo Magno. She
Draught 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m) Sonar: 50S 11 was converted into a fleet destroyer in
Armament: Powerplant: 2 Tosi Metrovick gas turbines, 1951 , and into a cadet training vessel!
Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets delivering 15,000 bhp, and 4 Fiat diesels, destroyer between 1963 and 1965. It was
3 76-mm in one twin and one single delivering 16,000 hp, to two shafts during this modernisation that the gas tur-
mounting bine/ diesel propulsion arrangement was in-
Missile systems stalled .

'Impetuoso' class destroyer (2) Missile systems Powerplant: 4 Foster Wheele~ boilers supply-
none ing steam to 2 double-reduction geared
A!Sweapons turbines, delivering 65,000 shp to two
Class: Impetuoso (0558).1ndomito (0559) 1 three-barrel A!S mortar shafts
Displacement: 2,755 tons (2,799 tonnes) 4 OCTs and 1 DC rack Speed: 35 knots
standard; 3,800 tons (3,861 tonnes) full 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range: 3,400 miles (5,4 75 km) at 20 knots
load Torpedo tubes Crew : 15+ 300
Dimensions: Length 418 ft 7t in (127 .6 m) none Used only by: Italy
Beam 43 ft 7t in (13.3 m) Aircraft Notes : Both ships were built between 1952
Draught 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m) none and 1956, for commissioning in 1958, by
Armament: Radar and electronics : SPS 6 and spa 2 Cantieri del Tirreno of Riva Trigosa and
Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets search and Mark 25 (Mark 37 FCS) and Ansaldo of Livorno. They were the first de-
16 40-mm Bofors in twin mountings SPG 34 (Mark 63 FCS) fire-control radars stroyers built in Italy since World War II.
Sonar: SOS 11

'Fletcher' class destroyer (2) Missile systems Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
none supplying steam to General Electric geared
A!Sweapons turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to two
Class : Geniere (0555). ex- US Pritchett 2 Hedgehog shafts
(00561) ; Fante (0561). ex-US Walker 1 DC rack Speed: 35 knots
(00517) 2 triple 12. 75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range: 6,000 miles (9,655 km) at 20 knots
Displacement : 2 ,080 tons (2 ,113 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Crew: 10+240
standard; 2 ,940 tons (2,987 tonnes) full none Used also by: Argentina , Brazil, Chile,
load Aircraft Greece, Mexico, Peru, South Korea , Spain,
Dimensions : Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m) none Taiwan, Turkey, West Germany
Beam 39 ft 6 in (12.0 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-6 and SPS-10 Notes : The two ships were built by Seattle-
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) search radars Tacoma Shipbuilding and Bath Iron Works
Armament: Sonar: SOS-4 between 1942 and 19~3 , and were com-
Guns 2 5-in (127 - mm) in single mountings missioned into US service in 1944 and
4 3- in (76- mm) in twin mountings 1943 respectively. Fante was transfe rred
in 1969, and Geniere in 1970. Now deleted.

'Lupo' class guided missile
frigate (4)
Class: Lupo (D564)' Sagittario (F5651. Perseo
(F5661. Orsa (F567)
Displacement : 2,208 tons (2,243 tonnes)
standard ; 2,500 tons (2 ,540 tonnes) full
load -
Dimensions: Length 355 ft 7 tin (108.4 m)
8eam 37 ft 1 in (11 .3 m)
Draught 12 ft 1t in (3 .7 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 127-mm OTO Melara Compact Radar and electronics: MM/SPS 774 air Range: 4,400 miles (7 ,080 km) at 16 knots
4 40-mm Breda in twin Dardo systems search , Selenia RAN 11 L!X system com- on diesel power
Missile systems bined search and Orion (Argo 10/Elsag Crew: 16+ 169
1 octuple Otomat SSM launcher NA 10 system) gun fire-control radars ; Used also by: Ecuador, Egypt, Iran, Peru ,
1 octuple NATO Seasparrow SAM launcher Selenia IPN 10 automatic command and Venezuela
system control system; Elletronica ECM system Notes: All four vessels will be built by Cantieri
2 SCLAR system launchers Sonar: Raytheon DE 1160B hull-mounted Navali Riuniti of Riva Trigosa . Lupo was
A!Sweapons Powerplant: CODOG arrangement, with 2 laid down in 1974, launched in 1976 and
2 triple 12.75- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Fiat LM 2500 gas turbines, delivering commissioned in 1977. Sagittario was
Torpedo tubes 50,000 shp, and 2 GMT diesels, delivering commissioned in May 1978, and Perseo
none 7,800 hp, to two shafts and Orsa are due for commissioning in
Aircraft Speed: 35 knots on gas turbines; 21 knots on February and August 1979.
2 ASW helicopters diesels

'Alpino' class frigate (2)

Class : A/pino (F580)' ex-Circe; Carabiniere

(F581 ), ex-C/imene
Displacement: 2,700 tons (2,743 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions : Length 371 ft at in (113 .3 m)
Beam 43 ft 7t in (13.3 m)
Draught 12 ft 9t in (3 .0 m)
Guns 3 76- mm in single mountings
Missile systems
1 DC mortar
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
Aircraft .
2 helicopters
Radar and electronics: SPS 12 combined
search, SPQ 2 air/surface search and navi-
gation, Orion (Elsag/Argo '0' system) fire-
control and M M/SPR A interception radars

Sonar: hull-mounted SQS 29; SQA 10 vari- Speed: 29 knots on diesels and gas turbines; Notes : Both vessels were built by Cantieri
able-depth 22 knots on diesels Navali del Tirreno of Riva Trigosa between
Powerplant: 4 Tosi diesels, delivering Range: 4,200 miles (6,760 km) at 18 knots 1963 and 1967, and 1965 and 1967, for
16,800 hp, and 2 Tosi Metrovick gas tur- Crew: 20+233 commissioning in 1968. The design is
bines, delivering 15,000 hp, to two shafts Used only by: Italy derived from that of the 'Centauro' class
frigates, with features of the 'Bergamini'
class frigates.

'Bergamini' class frigate (4)

Class: Carlo Bergamini (F593), Virginio Fasan
(F594), Carlo Margotinni (F595)' Luigi
Rizzo (F596)
Displacement: 1,650 tons (1 ,676 tonnes)
full load •
Dimensions: Length 311 ft 8 in (95.0 m)
Beam 37 ft 5 in (11.4 m)
Draught 10ft 6 in (3 .2 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 76- mm in single mountings
Missile systems
A/S weapons
1 DC mortar
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS 12 combined Speed: 24t knots Notes: The lead ship was built by the San
seprch, SPQ 2 air/surface search and navi- Range: 4,000 miles (6,440 km) at 18 knots Marco yard of Trieste, and the other three
gation, Orion (Elsag/Argo system) fire- Crew: 19+ 139 ships by Navalmeccanica of Castellam-
control, and MM/SPR A interception radars Used only by : Italy mare, between 1957 and 1960; the.first to
Sonar : SQS 40 be commissioned was Luigi Rizzo in 1961,
Powerplant : 4 diesels (Fiat in 594 and 595, the other three following in 1962.
Tosi in 593 and 596), delivering 15,000
bhp to two shafts

'Centauro' class frigate (4)

Class: Canopo (F551), ex-D570 ; Castore
(F553)' ex-D573; Centauro (F554), ex-
D571 ; Cigno (F555) , ex-D572
Displacement: 1,807 tons (1 ,836 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,250 tons (2,286 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 338 ft 3 in (103. 1 m)
Beam 39 ft 4t in (12 ,0 m)
Draught 12 ft 5t in (3 .8 m)
Guns 3 76-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
1 three-barrel DC mortar
2 triple 12 .75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search, SMA/
SPQ 2 combined search and navigation, Speed: 25 knots Notes: Centauro was built between 1952 and
I-band fire- control, and MM/SPR A inter- Range: 3,660 miles (5,890 km) at 20 knots 1954 by Ansaldo at Livorno, and com-
ceptic:m radar Crew: 16+209 missioned in 1957. The other three ships
Sonar: SQS 11 and SQS 36 Used only by: Italy were built by Cantieri Navali of Taranto be-
Powerplant: 2 FosterWheeler boilers supply- tween 1952 and 1956, and were com-
ing steam to 2 double- reduction geared missioned in 1957 and 1958.
turbines, delivering 22,000 shp to two

'De Cristofaro' class corvette (4) Dimensions: Length 263 ft 1t in (80.2 m) Torpedo tubes
Beam 33 ft 9t in (1 0 .3 m) ·none
Draught 8 ft 10 in (2 .7 m) Aircraft
Class: Pietro de Cristofaro (F540), Umberto Armament: none
Grosso (F541), Licio Visintini (F546). Salva- Guns 2 76-mm in single mountings Radar and electronics : SMA/SPQ 2 combined
tore Todaro (F550) Missile systems search and Orion 3 (OG3 FCS) fire-control
Displacement: 850 tons (863.6 tonnes) none radars
standard ; 1,020 tons (1 ,036 tonnes) full A/S weapons Sonar: SOS 36 hull- mounted and variable-
load 1 single-barrel DC mortar depth, with Elsag DLB-1 fire-control
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes system

Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 8,400 bhp Used only by: Italy other two by Cantiere Ansaldo at Livorno
to two shafts Notes: Visintini was built between 1963 and between 1962 and 1964. The four ships
Speed : 23t knots 1965 by CRDA at Monfalcone, de Cristo- were commissioned in 1965 and 1966.
Range : 4,000 m'iles (6,440 km) at 18 knots faro between 1963 and 1965 by Cantiere Design was based on that of the 'Albatros'
Crew: 8+123 Navali del Tirreno at Riva Trigosa , and the class corvettes.

,Albatros' class corvette (4)

Class : Aquila (F542), Albatros (F543),

Alcione (F544),Airone (F545)
DispllJcement : 800 tons (812 .8 tonnes)
standard; 950 tons (965.2 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 250 ft 4 in (76.3 m)
Beam 31 ft 6 in (9 .6 m)
Draught 9 ft 1ot in (2 .8 m)
Guns 4 40-mm Bofors
Missile systems
2 Hedgehog Mark II
2 DCTs
1 DC rack
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics : SMA/SPO 2 com-
bined search and navigation, and fire-
control radar as part of the Elsag NA,2 fire-
control system
Sonar : OCU 2 Used only by: Italy the same period . The 'Albatros' class was
Powerplant: 2 Fiat diesels, delivering 5,200 Notes: The first unit was built by Breda financed by the US , and originally com-
bhp to two shafts Marghera in Venice, between 1953 and prised one ship (Aquila) for the Nether-
Speed : 19 knots 1954, and commissioned in 1956, The lands, four for Denmark and three for It aly,
Range: 3 ,000 miles (4,830 km) at 18 knots other three units were built by Navalmec- Aquila was transferred to Italy in 1961,
Crew: 109 canica at Castellammare di Stabia, during

'Sauro' class submarine (4) Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 3 ,210 bhp, Crew: 45
and 1 electric motor, delivering 3 ,650 hp to Used only by : Ita ly
one shaft Notes : Both cu rrent boats were built by
Class : Nazario Sauro (S518), Fecia di Cossato Speed : 11 knots (surfaced) ; 20 knots (dived) Italcantieri at Monfalcone, Sauro being com-
(S519), Leonardo da Vinci (S520)' Gug- Range : 7 ,000 miles (11 ,265 km) surfaced ; missioned in 1977 and Cossato in 1978. The
lielmo Marconi (S521) 12,500 miles (20,120 km) at 4 knots boats have an endurance of 45 days, and a
Displacement: 1,456 tons (1,480 tonnes) snorting ; 400 miles (645 km) at 4 knots diving depth of 984+ ft (300+ m). Two more
surfaced; 1,631 tons (1,657 tonnes) dived dived ; 20 miles (32 km) at 20 knots dived of the class are on order.
Dimensions: Length 209 ft 7 tin (63 .9 m)
Beam 22 ft 3t in (6 .8 m)
Draught 18 ft 8t in (5.7 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
A/S weapons
none '
Torpedo tubes
6 533-mm (21 - in) w ith 12 torpedoes
Radar and electronics : search radar, and
ECM fit
Sonar: active and passive

'Toti' class submarine (4) Missile systems Speed : 14 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
none Range : 3 ,000 miles (4,B30 km) at 5 knots
A/5 weapons surfaced
Class : Attilio Bagnolini (5505). Enrico Toti none Crew : 4 + 22
(5506). Enrico Dandolo (5513). Lazzaro Torpedo tubes Used only by: Italy
Mocenigo (5514) 4 533-mm (21-in) Notes : All four boats were built by Italcantieri at
Displacement : 460 tons (467 .4 tonnes) Aircraft Monfalcone, the first pair between 1965
standard ; 524 tons (532.4 tonnes) sur- none and 1967, for commissioning in 1968, and
faced ; 582 tons (591 .3 tonnes) dived Radar and electronics : search and naviga- the second pair between 1967 and 1968,
Dimensions: Length 151 ft 7 in (46.2 m) tion radar; ECM fit for commissioning in 1968 and 1969. The
Beam 15 ft 5 in (4.7 m) Sonar: active and passive boats can dive to a depth of 590 ft (180 m) .
Draught 13 ft 1t in (4.0 m) Powerplant : 2 Fiat MB B20 Ni l diesels and 1
Armament : ele ctric motor, for a diesel-electric drive de-
Guns none livering 2 ,200 hp to one shaft

'Tang' class submarine (2)

Class: Livia Piomarta (5515). ex-U5 Trigger
(55564) ; Romeo Romei (5516). ex-U5
Harder (55568)
Displacement: 2,100 tons (2,134 tonnes)
su rfaced ; 2 ,700 tons (2 ,743 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 287 ft (87 .5 m)
. Beam 27ft 4 in (8.33 m)
Draught 19 ft (5 .8 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
8 21 -i n (533-mm)
Rada r and electronics: PP5-12
Sonar :
Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 4 ,500 shp,
and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,600 hp
to t wo shafts
Speed: 20 knots (surfaced); 18 knots (dived)
Range : 11,000 miles (17.703 km) at 11
Crew: 7 + 68
Used also by : Iran , U5A missioned into U5 service in 1952. The
Notes: Both boats were built by the Electric boats were transferred to Italy in 1973 and
Boat Division of General Dynamics be- 1974.
tween 1949 and 1951 , and were com-

'Guppy III' class submarine (2) Armament :

Guns none
Missile systems
Class: Primo Longobardo (5501). ex-U5 none
Vola dar (55 490); Gianfranco Gazzana A/5 weapons
Priaroggia (5502). ex-U5 Pickerel (55524) none
Displacement : 1,975 tons (2,007 tonnes) Torpedo tubes
standard ; 2,450 tons (2,489 tonnes) dived 10 21-in (533-mm)
Dimensions: Length 326 ft 6 in (99.5 m) Aircraft
Beam 27 ft (8 .23 m) none
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m) Radar and electronics:

Powerplant: 4 diesels, delivering 6,400 bhp,
and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,400 shp
to two shafts '
Speed: 20 knots (s~rfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
Range: 12,000 miles (1 9,31 3 km) at 10
knots surfaced
Crew: 10+ 75
Used also by : Brazil, Greece, Turkey
Notes : Pickerel was built by Boston Navy
Yard in 1944, and commissioned into US
service in 1949. Volador was built by
Portsmouth Navy Yard between 1945 and
1946, for commissioning in 1948. Both
boa ts were transferred to Italy in 1972.

'Balao' class submarine (2) Missile systems Speed: 18 knots (surfaced); 10 knots (dived)
none Range: 14,000 miles (22,532 km) at 10
Class :Alfredo Cappellini (S507), ex-US Capi- A!Sweapons knots surfaced
taine (SS336) ; Evangelista Torricelli none Crew: 7+68
(S512), ex-US Lizardfish (SS373) Torpedo tubes Used also by: Chile, Greece, Turkey, Vene-
10 21 -in (533-mm) zuela
Displacement: 1,600 tons (1 ,626 tonnes)
standard ; 1,855 tons (1,885 tonnes) sur- Aircraft Notes : Both boats were built during 1944,
fac~d ; 2,455 tons (2,494 tonnes) dived
none the first by the Electric Boat Division of
Radar and electronics: General Dynamics for commissioning in
Dimensions: Length 311 ft 6 in (94.95 m)
Beam 27 ft (8.2 m) Sonar: 1945, the second by Manitowoc Ship-
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m) Powerplant: 4 General Motors Corporation building for commissioning in 1944. The
16/ 278 diesels, delivering 6,000 hp, and 4 two boats were transferred to Italy in 1966.
Armament :
electric motors, delivering 2,750 hp to two Both now deleted.
Guns none

'Sparviero' class hydrofoil (mis- Radar and electronics : Orion RTN-1 OX radar Speed: 50 knots
as part of the Elsag NA 10 f ire-control Range: 400 miles (645 km) at 40 knots;
sile) (1) 1,200 miles (1,930 km) at 8 knots
Sonar : none Crew: 2 + 8
Class : Sparviero (P420) Powerplant: 1 Bristol Siddeley Proteus gas Used only by : Italy
Displacement: 62t tons (63 .5 tonnes) turbine, delivering 4,500 bhp to the water- Notes: Sparviero was commissioned in 1974
Dimensions: Length 80 ft 8t in (24.6 m) with jet pump, and 1 diesel for propeller drive after building at the La Spezia yards of Alin-
foils extended avi. Another six craft are planned.
Beam 39 ft 8t in (12 .1 m) with
foils extended
Draught 14 ft 5-1- in (4.4 m) hull-
Guns 176-mm OTO Melara
Missile systems
2 Otomat SSM launchers
Torpedo tubes

'Freccia' class fast attack craft Missile systems Speed: 40 knots
(2) 1 quintuple Sea Killer Mark 1 SSM Range:
launcher (Saetta only) Crew: 4+33
NSweapons Used only by : Italy
Class: Freccia (P493). ex-MC590; Saetta none Notes: Freccia was built by Cantiere del Tir-
(P494). ex-MC591 Torpedo tubes reno at Riva Trigosa for commissioning in
Displacement : 188 tons (191 tonnes) stan- (as torpedo boat) 2 533-mm (21-in) 1965 ; Saetta by CRDA at Monfalcone for
dard ; 205 tons (208.3 tonnes) full load Ai rcraft commissioning in 1966. The two craft can
Dimensions : Length 150 ft 3 in (45.8 m) none be altered within 24 hours to act as gun-
8eam 23 ft 11 t in (7 .3 m) Radar and electronics: E-band navigation boats, fast minelayers (with eight mines),
Draught 5 ft 7 in (1 .7 m) and tactical radar (Freccia) ; Contraves fire- torpedo boats and finally as a missile craft .
Armament: control system (Saetta) (Saetta), although th is last is still exper-
Guns (as gunboat) 2 or 3 40-mm Sonar: imental.
(as fast minelayer) 1 40-mm Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 7,600 bhp,
(as torpedo craft) 2 40-mm and 1 Bristol Siddeley Proteus gas turbine ,
delivering 4,250 shp


'Lampo' class fast attack craft


Class : Lampo (P491). ex-MC491 ; 8a/eno

(P492), ex-MC492
Displacement: 170 tons (172.7 tonnes)
standard ; 196 tons (199. 1 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 131 ft 6-i in (40.1 m)
Beam 21 ft (6.4 m)
Draught 4 ft 11 in (1 .5 m)
GunsJas gunboat) 2 or 3 40- mm
(as t orpedo boat) 2 40-mm
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 2 Fiat diesels and 1 Metrovick Used only by: Italy
(as torpedo boat) 2 533-mm (21-in) gas turbine, delivering a total of 11,700 hp Notes: Both craft were built by Arsenale MM
Aircraft to three shafts of Taranto, the first being commissioned in
none Speed: 39 knots 1963 and the second in 1965. Both craft
Radar and electronics: 3 ST 7-250 radar Range: can be used as gunboats or torpedo boats.
Sonar : Crew: 5 + 28

'Agile' class ocean mine-

sweeper (4)

Class : Sa/mone (M5430). ex- US MS0507;

Storione (M5431). ex-US MS0506;
Sgombro (M5432), ex-US MS0517;
Squa/o (M5433), ex-US MS0518
Displacement: 665 tons (675 .6 tonnes)
standard; 750 tons (762 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 173 ft (52 .7 m)
Beam 35 ft (10.67 m)
Draught 13 ft 7 in (4.14 m)
Guns 1 40- mm
Missile systems
A!Sweapons Sonar: Notes : These vessels have wooden hulls and
none Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 1,600 bhp stainless steel engines to make them non-
Torpedo tubes to two shafts magnetic. The first pair were com-
none Speed: 14 knots missioned in 1956, the second pair in
Aircraft Range : 3 ,000 miles (4,830 km) at 10 knots 1957.
none Crew: 7+44
Radar and electronics : Used also by : USA

Selenia/Elsag Albatros Naval
Defence System

Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided

missile and gun weapon system
Guidance: semi-active radar homing
Dimensions: Span 31 t in (80.0 cm)
Body diameter 8 in (20.3 cm)
Length 12 ft 1 ~ in (3 .7 m)
Booster: solid-propellant rocket
. Sustainer: none
Warhead : high explosive
Weights : Launch 4851b (220 kg)
Burnt out
Performance : speed more than Mach 2.5
Used only by: Italy
Notes: The Albatros weapon system is
designed to give Italian ships an all-
weather defence against air attack by the
use of an integrated missile and gun
system. The missile used is the Aspide, to
which the technical details above apply.
The system has four major components:
1. one or two missile and gun fire-
control systems
2 . up to three groups of guns with two
ballistic characteristics
3. one missile-Iaunchirig system
4 . Aspide missiles.
TheA spide launcher is an octuple unit.

Sistel Sea Killer Mark 1

Type: naval surface-to-surface tactical guided

Guidance : beam-riding/ command/ radio alti-
meter, or optical radio command/radio alti-
Dimensions : Span 33t in (85.0 cm) Weights : Launch 370 Ib (168 kg) patrol boats. The guidance system , w ith
Body diameter 7-i+; in (20.0 cm) Burnt out 260 Ib (118 kg) two alternative forms of control , allows use
Length 12 ft 3 in (3 .73 m) Performance: speed Mach 1.9; range 6t ofthe missile in all weathers. The Sea Killer
Booster : solid-propellant rocket , rated at miles (10 km) Mark 1 is also being used for the develop-
4,41 O-Ib (2 ,000-kg) static thrust Used only by: Italy ment of the Marte weapons system for
Sustainer : as above Notes : The Sea Killer Mark 1 was developed helicopters.
Warhead: 77 Ib (35 kg) high explosive frag- as a short-range attack missile for use on
mentation type

OTO Melara/Matra Otomat

Type : naval surface-to-surface missile

Guidance: inertial , with active radar terminal
homing =
Dimensions : Span 4 ft 5t in (1 .35 m)
Body diameter 18 ~ in (46 .0
Length 14 ft 7t in (4.46 m)
Booster : two solid-fuel jettisonable boosters
Sustainer : Turborneca turbojet Mark III, to be designated Teseo, is a 124-
Warhead: 132 Ib (60 kg) of high explosive mile (200-km) range coastal defence mis-
Weights: Launch 1 ,6981b (770 kg) sile currently under development.
Burnt out
Performance : speed Mach 0.9 ; range 37t
miles (60 km) effective, and 112 miles
(180 km) maximum
Used also by : Ecuador, Egypt, Libya , Peru ,
Notes: The Otomat is fired from a fi xed con-
tainer/launcher on board the parent ship on
a course predetermined by the ship's fire-
control computer. In the terminal homing
phase of the flight, the missile seeks its
target with the aid of its active radar head ,
climbs sharply and then dives into the
target. The Otomat Mark II has an effective
range of about 62 m iles (100 kml. and a

Sistel Sea 'Killer Mark 2 A184 G6E 'Kangaroo'
Type : ship- and submarine-launched torpedo
Type: naval surface-to-surface and ai r-to- Type : submarine-launched torpedo
Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel,
surface tactical guided missile Guidance: wire-guidance from the launch
plus active/passive sonar homing
Guidance: beam- riding/command/ radio alti- boat, plus active acoustic homing
Launch method: tube
meter, or optical radio command/ radio alti- Launch method: tube
Dimensions: Length 19 ft 8t in (6.0 m)
meter Dimensions: Length 20 ft 4 in (6 .2 m)
Diameter 21 in (533 mm)
Dimensions: Span 39t in (1.0 m) Diameter 21 in (533 mm)
Body diameter 7~ in (20.0 cm) Weight:
Engine: electric
Length 15 ft 5 in (4.7 m) Engine: electric
Speed :
Booster: SEP 299 solid-propellant rocket, Speed:
Range :
rated at 9,702-lb (4,400-kg) static thrust Range:
Warhead: high explosive
for 1.6 seconds Warhead: high explosive
Used only by: Italy
Sustainer : SEP 300 solid-propellant rocket, Used only by : Italy
Notes : capable of use against both surface
rated at 220t-lb (1 OO-kg) static thrust for Notes: This weapon system comprises the
and submarine targets.
73 seconds obsolete G6E to rpedo modified to carry a
Warhead: 1 541b (70 kg) high explosive semi- A244 Mark 44 lightweight torpedo instead of its
armour piercing conventional warhead. After launch, the
Weights: Launch 661 Ib (300 kg) Type: aircraft- and ship-launched light- G6E parent torpedo moves under wire
Burnt out guidance towards the target, ejecting the
weight torpedo
Performance: cru ising speed Mach 0.74; Guidance : acoustic homing Mark 44 to rpedo at the end of its run .
range 15t miles (25 km)
Launch method : air-drop or tube
Used also by: Iran Dimensions: Length 8 ft 10 in (2 .7 m)
Notes : Essentially a Sea Killer Mark 1 with a Diameter 12.75 in (324 mm)
more powerful warhead , and with a boos-
ter stage to increase range, the Sea Killer
Engine: electric
Mark 2 is in service with Iran as part of her
frigates' armament, .and is also being used Range:
in the development of the Marte anti-
Warhead: high explosive
shipping weapon system for helicopter use. Used by: Italy
Notes: A development of the US Mark 44
w ith improved electronics, especially in the
acoustic homing head (the A244/ S has even
better homing characteristics).

Ivory Coast
250 men Franco-Beige type missile craft Torpedo tubes
(2) none
Light Forces: Aircraft
2 Franco-BeIge type missile craft none
Class : Vigilant, Le Valeureux Radar and electronics :
Displacement : 235 tons (238.8 tonnes) Sonar :
Patrol Forces : standard for Vigilant; 250 tons (254 Polllierplant: 2 AGO diesels, delivering 4 ,220
(1 Patra type PC) tonnes) standard for Le Valeureux hp to two shafts
1 VC type PC Dimensions : Length 155 ft 10 in (47 .5 m) for Speed: 18t knots (Vigilant) ; 22 knots (Le
5 river PC Vigilant ; 157 ft 6 in (48 .0 m) for Valeureux)
Le Valeureux Range : 2,000 miles (3,220 km) at 15 knots
Amphibious Forces: Beam 22 ft 11 t in (7.0 m) Crew: 3 + 22
1 Batral type transport Draught 8 ft 6t in (2 .6 m) Used only by: Ivory Coast
Armament: Notes: Both craft were built by SFCN , Vigilant
2 LCVP Guns240-mm being commissioned in 1968, and the
Missile systems improved Le Valeureux in 1976. Similar
Auxiliaries: 8 SS.12 SSM launchers craft used by Cameroon , Malagasy Repub-
1 transport A/S weapons lic, Senegal and Tunisia.

133 men of the Coast Guard, the Patrol craft (1 ) Radar and electronics :
Maritime Arm of the Defence Force Sonar:
Class: Fort Charles (P7) Powerplant: 2 MBU 16V 538 TB90 diesels,
Displacement : 103 tons (104.6 tonnes) delivering 7,000 shp
Patrol Forces: Speed: 32 knots
Dimensions: Length 105 ft (32 .0 m)
1 Sewart 31.5-m PC Beam 22 ft (6.7 m) Range : 1,200 miles (1 ,931 km) at 18 knots
3 Sew art 25. 9-m coastal PC Draught 7 ft (2.13 m) Crew: 16
2 coastal PC Armament : Used by : Jamaica
Guns 1 20-mm Notes: Fort Charles was built by Teledyne
2 0.5-in (12.7-mm) machine-guns Sewart Seacraft of Berwick, Louisiana, and
Missile systems commissioned in 1974. She has accom-
none modation for 24 troops or 24 hospital beds.
Torpedo tubes

TheJapaneseNavy ships of a new frigate class are planned, Destroyers (DD) :
With the long coastlines of five major however, and these may have only a 2 Haruna
islands, as well as vital sealanes, to single ASROC launcher and several (2 Improved Haruna)
defend, Japan needs and has a strong Harpoon SSM launchers. Japanese 4 Takatsuki
navy, inferior in the Pacific only to corvettes also have a fairly powerful A!S 6 Yamagumo
those of the United States and the armament, but are clearly designed 3 Minegumo
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. more for coastal operations, with their 1 Amatsukaze
The latter is seen as Japan's only likely low freeboards and limited ranges. 2 Akizuki
opponent in war during the immediate So far as submarines are concerned, 3 Murasame
future, and the former is bound to the Japanese have shown considerable 7 Ayanami
Japan by a bilateral defence treaty. skill in the design and production of the 2 Harukaze
Manpower is 41,000, some 17.1 per Improved 'Uzushio', 'Uzushio',
cent of Japan's military manpower, 'Ooshio', 'Hayashio' and 'Natsushio' Frigates:
which is supported by 1.27 per cent of classes, totalling 15 boats in (6-8 ?)
the gross national product. commission and one building. All are 11 Chikugo
With the whole range of Russian fast, well armed, deep diving and safe 4 Isuzu
warships as likely opponents, Japan has boats, with a fair measure of the
been forced to build a large number of manoeuvrability so essential in Corvettes:
versatile warships to meet the threat, underwater craft. Surprisingly, 8 Mizutori
and aims to have, in 1982, some 60 though, the Japanese have virtually 4 Umitaka
destroyers, 16 submarines, 40 to 45 ignored the FAC type with the
mine warfare ships, 25 to-30 other exception of five torpedo boats. Patrol SS:
warships, 15 supply ships and LSTs, of the home islands has been left in the 7 Uzushio
and 220 aircraft. With American aid, hands of the Maritime Safety Agency, (1 Improved U zushio )
Japan can thus hope to meet the threat the Japanese coastguard service, which 500shio
posed by the Russian Pacific Fleet uses 10 large patrol ships, 57 medium 3 Hayashio and Natsushio
based at Vladivostok. patrol ships, 24 small patrol ships, and
The latest Japanese ship is 209 coastal patrol craft. Light Forces:
Tachikaze, the second unit of whose The amphibious forces have six 5 FACCT)
class is due for commissioning in 1979. LSTs, and the mine warfare forces, as
She has a Tartar launcher for the always where the Russians are a likely Patrol Forces:
Standard missile, anti-submarine enemy, are strong: two support ships, 10 coastal PC
torpedo tube mountings, and an 33 coastal minesweepers, with two
octuple ASROC mounting. This last is more under construction, and six Amphibious Forces:
clear evidence of the threat posed by minesweeping boats. The Japanese 3 MiuraLST
Russian submarines and appreciated by Navy is intended, as its official title of 3 AtsumiLST
the planners of the Japanese Navy. Maritime Self-Defence Force suggests,
Surprisingly, no provision has been to operate solely in defence of Japan, Mine Warfare Forces:
made for a helicopter in the 'Tachikaze' and so there is little need for support 1 Souya minesweeper support ship
class design. Three A!S helicopters are and service forces of more than a minor 1 Hayase minesweeper support ship
carried in the two units of the 'Haruna' type, as the ships operate from Japan's 1 MSC 649 type coastal minesweeper
class, as they will be in the two ships of five main bases and a number of (+2)
the Improved 'Haruna' class scheduled smaller ones scattered through the 13 Kasado coastal minesweepers
for commissioning in 1981 and 1982. home islands. 19 Takami coastal minesweepers
These also have provision for Sea In the great expanses of the Pacific, 1 Kouzu mine countermeasures
Sparrow short-range SAM defence. the Japanese clearly appreciate that support ship
The four ships of the 'Takatsuki' class maritime airpower is vital, especially in 6 Nana-Go minesweeping boats
each carry two A!S helicopters as well the ASW and reconnaissance roles. The
as an octuple ASROC launcher. The main strength of the naval air arm, Auxiliaries:
slightly older 'Yamagumo' class ships, with 12,000 personnel, is thus 11 2 training support ships
six in number, are more limited, being maritime reconnaissance squadrons 2 submarine rescue ships
slower and having no helicopter, and with US- and Japanese-built P-2 7 survey ships
only a single ASROC launcher. The Neptune aircraft, S2F aircraft, and PS- 15 tenders
same applies to the basically similar I flying-boats, plus seven helicopter 1 icebreaker
'Minegumo' class of three ships. Other squadrons with KV-107 and HSS-2 others
Japanese destroyers are less well helicopters, as well as a number of SAR
equipped, and it is notable that with the flights. Naval Air Arm:
exception of the 'Tachikaze' class ships Japan's Maritime Self-Defence 11 MR sqns with 110 P-2, S2F, 18 PSI
and the one unit of the' Amatsukaze' Force is thus in good shape with 7 helicopter sqns with 7 KV-107, 61
class, Japanese destroyers are not fitted personnel and ships. However, in the HSS-2
for missiles. It is possible, though, that future it will have to concentrate on 1 transport sqn with 4 YS-ll, 1 S2F
up to eight new destroyers will be built more versatile ships, with SSMs and c 100 trainers
by 1981, and their design allows for a SAMs in addition to A!S weapons, and (19 P-2 MR)
helicopter, Harpoon SSMs and Sea possibly the introduction ofFAC types. (18 KM-2)
Sparrow SAMs. (14 HSS-2)
Japanese frigates are similar to 41,000 men, including 12,000 naval air (5 PS-l)
Japanese destroyers in their heavy anti- arm, plus 600 reservists (2 US-I )
submarine armaments, the 11 ships of (4 SH-3)
the 'Chikugo' class having octuple Destroyers (DDG):
ASROC launchers and two triple 1 Tachikaze (+ 1) The Maritime Safety Agency (coast-
torpedo tube mountings. Up to eight (3 ?) guard) has 11,200 men, and operates
91 patrol vessels.

'Tachikaze' class guided missile
destroyer (2)

Class: Tachikaze (DD168).Asakaze (DD169)

Displacement: 3,900 tons (3 ,962 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 469 ft 2 in (143 .0 m)
Beam 46 ft 11 in (14.3 m)
Draught 15 ft 1 in (4.3 m)
Guns 2 127- mm in single mountings
Missile systems
1 Mark 13 Model 3 Tartar D
launcher for Standard SAMs
1 octuple ASROC launcher
2 t riple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics : SPS-52 3D search,
OPS 17 tactical and ' SPG 51 missile-
cont rol radars
Sonar : SOS- 35(J) variable-depth
Powerplant : 2 turbines, delivering 60,000
shp t o two shafts
Speed: 33 knots
Range :
Crew: 260
Used only by : Japan
Notes: Both ships were built by Mitsubishi
Heavy Industries, Tachikaze between 1973
and 1974 for commissioning in 1976, and
Asakaze between 1976 and 1977 for com-
missioning in 1979.

'Haruna' class destroyer (2)

Class : Haruna (00141). Hiei(DD142)

Displacement : 4 ,700 tons (4,775 tonnes)
Dimensions : Length 501ft 11 tin (153 .0 m)
Beam 57 ft 5 in (17 .5 m)
Draught 16 ft 8t in (5 .1 m)
Guns 2 12 7-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
1 octuple ASROC launcher
2 triple 12 .75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
3 ASW helicopters
Radar and electronics : OPS-11 and OPS- 17
air- and surface-search radars
Sonar : 00S-3
Powerplant : 2 turbines, delivering 70,000
shp to two shafts
Speed : 32 knots
Range :
Crew: 364
Used only by: Japan
Notes: Haruna was built by Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries at Nagasaki between 1970 and
1972, for commissioning in 1973; Hiei
was built by Ishikawajima at Tokyo be-
tween 1972 and 1973 for commissioning
in 1974.

. Improved 'Haruna' class guided Armament :

missile destroyer (2) Guns 2 127-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
Class: two unnamed vessels (DD 143 and 1 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defence
DD144) Missile System
Displacement: 5,200 tons (5 ,283 tonnes) NSweapons
Dimensions: Length 521 ft (158.8 m) 1 octuple ASROC launcher
Beam 57 ft 5 in (17 .5 m) 2 triple 12.7 5- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Draught 17 ft 4t in (5 .3 m)

Torpedo tubes Speed: 32 knots
none Range:
Aircraft Crew: 370
3 ASW helicopters Used by: building for Japan
Radar and electronics: OPS-12 and OPS-28 Notes: DD143 is building in the Tokyo yards
radars of Ishikawajima Heavy Industries for
Sonar: OQS- l0l hull-mounted and launch in late 1978 and commissioning in
SQS-35(J) variable-depth 1980. DD 144 is scheduled for launching
Powerplant : 2 turbines, delivering 75,000 in 1979.
shp to two shafts

'Takatsuki' class destroyer (4)

Class : Takatsuki(DD 164)' Kikuzuki (DD 165)'

Displacement: 3,100 tons (3,150 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 446 ft 2 in (136 .0 m)
8eam 44 ft (13.4 m)
Draught 14 ft 5t in (4.4 m)
Armament : Radar and electronics : OPS-ll search, Speed : 32 knots
Guns 2 127-mm in single mountings OPS-17 tactical and Mark 35 (GFCS 56 Range : 7 ,000 miles (11 ,265 km) at 20 knots
Missile systems system) fire-control radars Crew: 270
none Sonar: hull-mounted SQS-23 in D 164 and Used only by: Japan
A!S weapons D165 ; OQS-3 in DD166 and DD167; Notes : The four ships were built in alternating
1 octuple ASROC launcher SQS-35(J) variable-depth in DD 164 and pairs by Ishikawajima and Mitsubishi
1 four-barrel rocket-launcher DD165 Heavy Industries at their Tokyo and Naga-
2 triple 12 .75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Powerplant: 2 Mitsubishi CE boilers supply- saki yards between 1964 and 1969. The
Torpedo tubes ing steam to 2 Mitsubishi WH geared tur- four ships were commissioned in 1967,
none bines, delivering 60,000 shp to two shafts 1968, 1969 and 1970.
2 ASW helicopters

'Yamagumo' class destroyer (6)

Class: Yamagumo (DDl13), Makigumo

(DDl14), Asagumo (DDl15), Aokumo
(DDl19), Akigumo (DD120), Yuugumo
Displacement: 2,100 tons (2,134 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 377 ft 3t in (115.0 m)
Beam 38 ft 8t in (11 .8 m)
Draught 13 ft 1t in (4.0 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 76'- mm in twin turrets
1 ASROC launcher
1 four-barrel rocket-launcher
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes

Radar and electronics: OPS-ll search,
OPS- 17 tactical and Mark 35 (GFCS 56
system) fi re-control radars
Sonar: hull- mounted SOS-23 in DO 113,
00114, 00115, but 00S-3 in 00119 ,
DO 120 and DO 121 ; variable-depth
SOS-35(J) in 00113, DOl14, 00115
Powerplant: 6 diesels, delivering 26,500 bhp
to two shafts The new member of the class, Yuugumo,
Speed: 27 knots built by Sumitomo Heavy Industries for
Range: 7,000 miles (11,265 km) at 20 knots commissioning in 1978, was to have been
Crew: 210 the leader of an improved sub-class, of
Used only by: Japan slightly greater dimensions and with a
Notes: The original five units of this class COOOG machinery arrangement giving
were built between 1964 and 1973, being speeds of up to 32 knots.
commissioned between 1966 and 1974.

'Minegumo' class destroyer (3)

Class: Minegumo (00116). Natsugumo

Displacement : 2,1 00 tons (2 ,134 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 377 ft 3t in (115.0 m)
8eam 38 ft 8t in (11.8 m)
Draught 13 ft 1t in (4.0 m)
Guns 4 76-mm in twin turrets
Missile systems
1 ASROC launcher
1 four-barrel rocket- launcher
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
none Speed: 27 knots the upper works. So far as equipment was
Radar and electronics : OPS-ll search, Range: 7,000 miles (11 ,265 km) at 20 knots concerned , the only original difference be-
OPS-17 tactical and Mark 35 (GFCS 56 Crew:210 tween the two classes was that the 'M ine-
system) fire-control radars Used only by: Japan gurno' class had two Dash helicopters in
Sonar: 00S-3 hull-mounted; SOS-35(J) vari- Notes : Very similar to the ships of the 'Yama- place of the ASROC launcher, which was
able-depth in DO 118 gumo' class, the units of the ' Minegumo' retrofitted in 1977-79. The three ships were
Powerplant: 6 diesels, delivering 26,500 bhp class differ mainly in the arrangements of built between 1967 and 1969, com-
to two shafts missioning in 1968, 1969 and 1970.

'Amatsukaze' class guided

missile destroyer (1 )

Class:Amatsukaze (00163)
Displacement: 3,050 tons (3,099 tonnes)
standard ; 4 ,000 tons (4,064 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 429 ft 9t in (131 .0 m)
8eam 43 ft 11 tin (13.4 m)
Draught 13 ft 9t in (4.2 m)
Guns 4 76- mm in twin turrets
Missile systems
1 Tartar SAM launcher
1 octuple ASROC launcher
2 Hedgehogs
2 t riple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
1 ASW helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS-52 3D search,
SPS-29 air-search, OPS-16 surface-search,
SPS-51 Tartar fire-control, and I-band gun
fire-control radars
Sonar: SOS-23
Powerplant: 2 Ishikawajima/ Foster Wheeler
boilers supplying steam to 2 Ishikawajima/
General Electric geared turbines, delivering Crew: 290
60,000 shp to two shafts Used only by: Japan
Speed: 33 knots Notes: Amatsukaze was built between 1962
Range : 7,000 miles (11 ,265 km) at 18 knots and 1963 and commissioned in 1965.

'Akizuki' class destroyer (2)

Class:Akizuki(DD 161), Teruzuki (DD162)

Displacement: 2 ,350 tons (2 ,388 tonnes)
standard; 2,890 tons (2,936 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 387 ft 1t in (118.0 m)
Beam 39 ft 4t in (12 .0 m)
Draught 13 ft 1t in (4.0 m)
Guns 3 127-mm in single turrets
4 76-mm in twin turrets
Missile systems
1 4-barrel 14.75-in (375-mm) Bofors
2 triple 12. 75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
1 quadruple 533-mm (21-in) Sonar: SOS-29 hull-mounted; OQA-l vari- Range:
Aircraft able-depth Crew: 330
none Powerplant: 2 Mitsubishi CE boilers supply- Used only by: Japan
Radar and electronics: OPS-l air-search, ing steam to 2 geared turbines (Mitsubishi Notes: DD 161 was built by Mitsubishi
OPS-15 surface-search and Mark 34 (Mark Escher-Weiss in D D 1 61 , Westinghouse in Zoosen at Nagasaki between 1958 and
57 and 63 GFCS) radars DD162). delivering 45,000 shp to two 1959, and commissioned in 1960; DD162
shafts was built by Shin Mitsubishi Jyuko at Kobe
Speed: 32 knots between 1958 and 1959, and com-
missioned in 1960.

'Murasame' class destroyer (3)

Class: Murasame (DD1071. Yudachi

(DDl 081. Harusame (DD109)
Displacement: 1,800 tons (1,829 tonnes)
standard; 2,500 tons (2,540 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 354ft 4 in (108.0 m)
Beam36ftl in(11.0m)
Draught 12 ft 1t in (3 .7 m)
Guns 3 127-mm in single turrets
4 76-mm in twin turrets
Missile systems
Radar and electronics: OPS-l air-search, shafts
OPS-15 surface-search and Mark 34 (Mark Speed: 30 knots
57 and 63 GFCS) radars Range: 6,000 miles (9,655 km) at 18 knots
2 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Sonar: S05-29 hull-mounted; OQA-1 vari- Crew: 250
1 Hedgehog
able-depth in Harusame Used only by: Japan
1 DC rack
Powerplant: 2 boilers (Mitsubishi CE in Notes: The three ships were built between
1 V- gun (replaced in Murasame by 2 triple
DDl 07, and Ishikawajima FW-D in DD108 1957 and 1959, and were commissioned
12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes)
and DD109) supplying steam to 2 geared in 1959. The builders were Mitsubishi
Torpedo tubes
turbines (Mitsubishi Jyuko in DD107 , and Zoosen at Nagasaki, Ishikawajima Jyuko at
Ishikawajima Harima Jyuko in DD 108 and Tokyo, and Uraga Dock.
DD109). delivering 30,000 shp to two

'Ayanami' class destroyer (7)

Class: Ayanami (DD103), Isonami (DD104).

Uranami (DD105). Shikinami (DD106).
Takanami (DDll0). Oonami (DD111),
Displacement: 1,700 tons (1,727 tonnes)
standard ; 2,500 tons (2,540 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 257 ft 7* in (109.0 m)
Beam 35ft l*in (10.7 m)
Draught 12 ft 1tin (3.7 m)
Guns 6 76-mm in twin turrets
Missile systems
2 US Mark 15 Hedgehogs
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
(in DDs" 03,104,105, 106, 112)
2 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
1 quadruple 533-mm (21-in)

Aircraft Ayanami, Isonami and Uranami; Hitachi/ Used only by : Japan
none Babcock & Wilcox in Oonami, Shikinami Notes: The seven ships of the class were built
R~dar and electronics: OPS-1 or -2 air- and Takanami; Kawasaki Jyuko BD in by six yards during the period between
search, OPS-15 or -16 surface-search, and Makinaml) supplying steam to 2 Mitsubi- 1956 and 1960, with commissioning dates
Mark 34 (Mark 57 and 63 GFCS) fire- shi/Escher-Weiss geared turbines, deliver- between 1958 and 1960.lsonami and Shi-
control radars ing 35,000 shp to two shafts kinami have been converted into training
Sonar: hull-mounted OQS-12 ; variable-depth Speed: 32 knots ships, with their 533 - mm torpedo tubes re-
OQA-1 in DDs 103, 104, 110 Range: 6 ,000 miles (9,655 km) at 18 knots moved and replaced by teaching facilities.
Powerplant : 2 boilers (Mitsubishi CE in Crew: 230

Yukikaze) supplying steam to 2 geared tur-

'Harukaze' class destroyer (2) A!Sweapons
bines (Mitsubishi/Escher We iss in Haru-
2 12. 75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes
2 Hedgehogs kaze; Westinghouse in Yukikaze).
Class: Harukaze (DD1 01). Yukikaze (DD1 02) 4 K-guns delivering 30,000 shp to two shafts
Displacement: 1,700 tons (1,727 tonnes) 1 DC rack Speed: 30 knots
standard ; 2 ,340 tons (2,377 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Range: 6,000 miles (9,655 km) at 18 knots
load none Crew : 240
Dimensions: Length 358 ft 6 in (109.3 m) Aircraft Used only by: Japan
Beam 34 ft 6 in (10.5 m) none Notes: Both ships were built in 1954 and
Draught 12 ft (3 .7 m) Radar and electronics : SPS-6 air-search, 1955, and commissioned in 1956. Haru-
Armament: OPS-37 surface-search and Mark 26 and kaze was built by Mitsubishi loosen at
Guns 3 127-mm in single turrets 34 fire-control radars Nagasaki; Yukikaze by Shin Mitsubishi
8 40-mm in quadruple mountings Sonar : SQS-29 Jyuko at Kobe. These were the first two
Missile systems Powerplant: 2 boilers (Hitachi/Babcock in proper destroyers built in Japan after World
none Harukaze; Combustion Engineering in Warll.

'Chikugo' class frigate (11 )

Class: Chikugo (DE215). Ayase (DE216).

Mikuma (DE2171. Tokachi (DE218)./wase
(DE219). Chitose (DE220). Niyodo
(DE221l. Teshio (DE2221. Yoshino
(DE223). Kumano (DE224). Noshiro
Displacement: 1,470 tons (1,494 tonnes) for
DEs 216, 217 , 218, 219 , 221 ; 1,480 tons
(1 ,504 tonnes) for DEs 215 , 220; 1,500
tons (1,524 tonnes) for DEs 222, 223,
Dimensions: Length 305 ft 6 in (93 .0 m)
Beam 35ft 6 in (10.8 m)
Draught 11 ft 6 in (3 .5 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 76-mm in a twin turret
2AO-mm in a twin mounting
Missile l>ystems
1 octuple ASROC launcher
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics : OPS-14 air-search,
OPS-17 surface-search and I-band (GFCS
Mark 1 system) fire-control Speed: 25 knots Notes: The 11 ships were built between
Sonar: hull-mounted OQS-3 ; SPS-35(J) vari- Range: 1969 and 1976, and commissioned from
able-depth Crew : 165 1970 to 1977 . Seven of the class were
Powerplant: 4 diesels (Mitsui B & W in DEs Used only by: Japan built by Mitsui loosen at Tamano, three by
215, 217,218, 219, 221 , 223,225;MH- Hitachi loosen at Maizuru, and the lead
subishi UEV 30/ 40N in DEs 216, 220, 222 , ship by Ishikawajima Harima Jyuko at
224). d'elivering 16,000 shp to two shafts Tokyo.

'Isuzu' class frigate (4)

Class: Isuzu (DE211l. Mogami (DE2121.
Kitakami(DE213). Ooi(DE214)
Displacement: 1,490 tons (1 ,514 tonnes)
standard; 1,700 tons (1,727 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 309 ft 6 in (94.3 m)
Beam 34ft 2t in (10.4 m)
Draught 11 ft 6 in (3 .5 m)
Guns 4 76 - mm in twin turrets
Missile systems

A/5weapons Radar and electronics : OP5-1 air-search, Used only by: Japan
1 four-barrel Bofors A!5 rocket-launcher OP5-16 surface-search and Mark 34 (Mark Notes: The ships were built in two pairs, the
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes 63 G FC5) fire-control radars first between 1960 and 1961, com-
1 V-gun ; 1 DC tack (211 and 214) Sonar: hull-mounted 505-29 ; variable-depth missioning in 1961 ; and the second be-
Torpedo tubes OOA-l in Mogami and Kitakami tween 1962 and 1963, commissioning in
1 quadruple 533-mm (21-in) Powerplant: 4 diesels (Mitsui in Isuzu and 1964. In 1966 the V-gun and DC racks
Aircraft Ooi; Mitsubishi in Mogami and Kitakamt1, were removed from Mogami and Kitakami
none delivering 16,000 hp to two shafts to make room for the variable-depth sonar;
Speed : 25 knots and in 1974 the late.s t Bofors A!5 launcher
Range : was added in Isuzu and Mogami.
Crew: 180

'Mizutori' class large patrol craft

Class : Mizutori (311). Yamadori (312). Otori
(313). Kasasagi (314). Hatsukari (315).
Umidori (316). Shira tori (319). Hiyodori
Displacement: between 420 tons (426 .7
tonnes) and 440 tons (447 tonnes) stan-
Dimensions: Length 197 ft (60. 1 m)
Beam 23 ft 3t in (7 .1 m)
Draught 8 ft (2.4 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 40- mm in a twin mounting
Missile systems
A!5 weapons
1 Hedgehog
1 DC rack
2 triple 5hort A!5 torpedo tubes (316 , 319 ,
320) ; 2 5hort A!5 torpedo launchers
(rest) .-r- --~ --~ - .., - ::-- ----
Torpedo tubes
-- - ---- ~ ~---<'------- .
none Crew : 80
Aircraft Sonar: 505-11 A Used only by: Japan
none Powerplant: 2 MAN diesels, delivering 3,800 Notes: These eight vessels were built by four
Radar and electronics: OP5-35 (311, 312). bhp to two shafts yards in the period between 19Q9 and
OP5-36 (313, 314, 315, 316). or OP5 - 16 Speed: 20 knots 1965, for commissioning between 1960
(319, 320) Range : 2,000 miles (3 ,220 km) at 12 knots and 1966.

'Umitaka' class large patrol craft Missile systems Radar and electronics: OP5-35 (309, 310).
none OP5- 36 (317). or OP5- 16 (318) radars
A!5 weapons Sonar: 505- 11A
1 Hedgehog Powerplant: 2 B & W diesels, delivering
Class : Umitaka (309). Otaka (310). Waka-
1 DC rack 4,000 bhp to two shafts
taka (317). Kumataka (318)
2 triple 12. 75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Speed: 20 knots
Displacement : between 440 tons (447
(317 , 318) Range : 3,000 miles (4,830 km) at 12 knots
tonnes) and 460 tons (467.4 tonnes) stan-
2 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes (309, Crew: 80
310) Used only by : Japan
Dimensions : Length 197 ft (60.1 m)
Torpedo tubes Notes : The four ships were built by th ree
Beam 23 ft 3t in (7 .1 m)
none yards in two pairs, the first in 1959 for
Draught 8 ft (2.4 m)
Aircraft commissioning in 1959 and 1960, and the
Armament :
none second in 1962 and 1963, for com-
Guns 2 40-mm in a twin mounting
missioning in 1963 and 1964.

'Uzushio' and Improved 'Uzu-

shio' class submarine (8)

Class : Uzushio (55566). Makishio (55567).

Isoshio (55568). Narushio (55569). Kuro -
shio (55570). Takashio (55571), Yaeshio
(55572) and one unnamed boat (55573)
Displacement : 1,850 tons (1 ,880 tonnes)
Dimensions : Length 236 ft 2t in (72.0 m)
Beam 29 ft 6 in (9.0 m)
Draught 24 ft 7 in (7 .5 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
none '
A!5 weapons
Torpedo tubes
6 533 - mm (21 -in)

Radar and erectronics: Crew: 80 commissioned between 1971 and 1979.
Sonar: Used only by: Japan 55573 is the lead boat of the Improved
Powerplant: 2 KawasakVMAN diesels, deliver- Notes : The boats of this class are built alter- 'Uzushio' class, with a displacement of
ing 3,400 bhp, and 1 electric motor, de- nately by Kawasaki Jyuko at Kobe and by 2 ,200 tons (2,235 tonnes), dimensions of
livering 7,200 hp, to one shaft Mitsubishi Jyuko, also at Kobe. The boats 249 ft 4 in (76 .0 m) by 32 ft 6 in (9 .9 m) by
Speed: 12 knots (surfaced); 20 knots (dived) were laid down between 1968 and 1976, 24 ft 7 in (7 .5 m), and increased diving
Range: launched between 1970 and 1978, and depth.

'Ooshio' class submarine (5)

Class: Ooshio (55561). Asashio (55562).

Harushio (55563), Michishio (55564),
Arashio (55565)
Displacement: 1,650 tons (1 ,676 tonnes)
standard except Ooshio 1,600 tons (1,626
Dimensions: Length 288 ft 8t in (88.0 m)
Beam 26ft 11 in (8.2 m)
Draught 16 ft 2t in (4.9 m),
except Ooshio 15 ft 5 in (4.7 m)
Missile systems Radar and electronics: Range :
none Sonar: Crew: 80
A!5weapons Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 2,900 bhp, Used only by : Japan
2 A!5 torpedoes in swim-out tubes and 2 electric motors, delivering 6,300 hp Notes: The boats were built alternately by
Torpedo tubes to two shafts ' Mitsubishi Jyuko and Kawasaki Jyuko,
6 533-mm (21-in) Speed : 14 knots (surfaced) ; 18 knots (dived) both at Kobe, between 1963 and 1968,
Aircraft and commissioned between 1965 and
none 1969.

'Hayashio' and 'Natsushio ' class Armament: Speed: 11 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
Guns none for Natsushio and Fuyushio, 14 knots
submarine (3) (dived) for Wakashio
Missile systems
none Range:
Class : Wakashio (55522). Natsushio A!5weapons Crew: 40
(55523), Fuyushio (55524) none Used only by : Japan
Displacement : 750 tons (762 tonnes) stan- Torpedo tubes Notes : The boats were built at Kobe by Kawa-
dard for Wakashio ; 790 tons (802.6 3 533-mm (21 -in) saki Jyuko and Mitsubishi Jyuko between
tonnes) standard for Natsushio and Fuyu- Aircraft 1960 and 1962, for commissioning be-
shio none tween 1962 and 1963. The first boat of the
DilTlensions: Length 193 ft 6-i in (93.0 m) for Radar and electronics: class (Hayashio/ 55521) was decommis-
Wakashio ; 200 ft 1t in (61 .0 m) Sonar: sioned in 1977 . Natsushio and Fuyushio
for 55523 and 524 Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 900 hp, and comprise the ' Natsushio' class.
Beam 21 ft 3t in (6.5 m) 2 electric motors, delivering 2,300 hp, to
Draught 13 ft 6 in (4.1 m) two shafts

Fast Attack Craft (torpedo) (5)

Class: PT 11 (811). PT 12 (812). PT13 (813),

PT14 (814),PT 15(815)
Displacement: 100 tons (101 .6 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 116 ft 5t in (35.5 m)
Beam 30 ft 2t in (9 .2 m)
Draught 3 ft 11 in (1.2 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 40-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
4 533-mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics: OP5-13 radar
Sonar :
Powerplant : CODAG arrangement, with 2
Mitsubishi diesels and 2 Ishikawajima
Heavy Industries gas turbines, delivering a
total of 11,000 hp to three shafts
Speed: 40 knots
Crew: 26 to 28
Used only by: Japan
Notes : All five craft were built by Mitsubishi
at 5himonoseki, and commissioned be-
tween 1971 and 1975.

300 men

Patrol Forces:
10 coastal PC

Patrol Forces:
c 88 small PC

Amphibious Forces:
7 landing craft

400 men Brooke Marine 37.5-m type Torpedo tubes
large patrol craft (3) Aircraft
Patrol Forces:
Class: Madaraka (P3121l. Jamhuri (P3122), none
3 Brooke 37.5-m PC Harambee (P3123) Radar and electronics :
1 Brooke 32.6-m PC Displacement: 1 25 tons (127 tonnes) stan- Sonar:
3 Vosper 31-m PC dard ; 160 tons (162 .6 tonnes) full load Powerplant: 2 Ruston diesels, delivering
Dimensions: Length 123ft(37.5 m) 4,000 hp to two shafts
Beam 22 ft 6 in (6.9 m) Speed: 25 knots
Draught 5 ft 2t in (1 .6 m) Range: 3,300 miles (5,31 0 km) at 13 knots
Armament : Crew : 3 + 22
Guns 2 40- mm Bofors in single mountings Used also by : Oman
Missile systems Notes : Built by Brooke Marine at Lowestoft.

Brooke ·Marine 32.6-m type Armament: Radar and electronics:
Guns 2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Sonar:
large patrol craft (1) Missile systems Powerplant: 2 Ruston-Paxman Valenta
none diesels, delivering 5,400 bhp to two shafts
Class: Mamba (P31 00) A!Sweapons Speed: 2 5t knots
Displacement: 120 tons (121.9 tonnes) none Range: 2,500 miles (4,025 km) at 12 knots
standard; 145 tons (147 .3 tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes Crew: 3+18
Dimensions: Length 107 ft (30.6 m) none Used also by: Nigeria
Beam 20 ft (6 .1 m) Aircraft Notes: Built by Brooke Marine at Lowestoft.
Draught 5ft 7 in (1 .7 m) none

r~~:~~I~--------.__ ~ .. •
, I, ) . -1 ' J '
I ,. J . 'J

Vosper 31-m type large patrol

craft' (3)

Class: Simba (P3110)' Chui (P3112), Ndovu

Displacement: 96 tons (97.5 tonnes) stan-
dard; 109 tons (110.7 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 103 ft (31.4 m)
Beam 19ft 10 in (6.0 m)
Draught 5 ft 10 in (1.8 m)
Guns 2 4O-mm Bofors in single mountings
Missile systems
none Radar and electronics: Range: 1,500 miles (2,415 km) at 16 knots
A!Sweapons Sonar: Crew: 3+20
none Powerplant: 2 Paxman Valenta diesels, deliver- Used only by: Kenya
Torpedo tubes ing 2,800 bhp to two shafts Notes: All three craft were built by Vosper at
none Speed: 24 knots Portsmouth, and commissioned in 1966.

500 men of the Coastguard Amphibious Forces:
3 Vosper Thomycroft 27-m landing
Patrol Forces: craft
10 Thomycroft 23.8-m coastal PC
2 Vosper Thomycroft 17.8-m coastal
7 Thomycroft 15.25-mm coastal PC
1 Vosper Thomycroft 14-m coastal PC
8 Vosper Thomycroft 10.3-m coastal

About 550 men

Patrol Forces: .
c 20 river patrol craft

Amphibious Forces:
14 landing craft

300 men

Patrol Forces:
1 large PC
3 coastal PC

About 200 men

Patrol Forces:
1 PGM71 gunboat
3 coastal PC

1 yacht

2,000 men Vosper Thornycroft Mark 7 frig- Armament :
ate (1 ) Guns 1 4 .5- in (114-mm)
Frigate: 2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings
2 35-mm in a twin mounting
1 Vosper Thornycroft Mark 7 Class: DatAssawari(F01) Missile systems
Displacement : 1,325 tons (1,346 tonnes) 2 triple Sea cat SAM launchers
SS: standard ; 1,625 tons (1 ,651 tonnes) full A!S weapons
2 Foxtrot ( +4?) load 1 Mark 10 A!S mortar
Dimensions: Length 330 ft (100.6 m) Torpedo tubes
Beam36ft(11.0m) none
Corvettes: Draught 11 ft 3 in (3 .4 m) Aircraft
4550-ton none
1 Tobruk

Light Forces:
(10 La Combattante II G FAC(M))
5 Osa II FAC(M) (+?)
3 Susa FAC(M)
Patrol Forces:
4 Garian PC
6 T hornycroft 30.5-m PC
1 Thornycroft 23.8-m coastal PC

Amphibious Forces:
2 LSD type support ships
2 PS700LST

1 maintenance craft

Radar and electronics: AWS-l air surveil- 23,200 shp, and 2 Paxman diesels, deliver- Used only by: Libya
lance, RDL-l radar direction finding , and ing 3,500 bhp, to two shafts Notes : The ship was built by Vosper Thorny-
fire-control radars Speed: 37t knots (gas turbines) ; 17 knots croft between 1968 and 1969, and com-
Sonar: (diesels) missioned in 1973. She is similar to the
Powerplant: CODOG arrangement, with 2 Range : 5,700 miles (9 ,175 km) at 17 knots two Iranian Mark 5 frigates, but larger and
Rolls-Royce Olympus gas turbines, delivering Crew : with a heavier armament.

'Daphne' class submarine (4) Missile systems delivering 1,600 hp to two shafts
none Speed: 13t knots (surfaced) ; 16 knots (dived)
A/Sweapons Range : 2,700 miles (4,345 km) at 12t knots
Class: four boats building none surfaced ; 3 ,000 miles (4,830 km) at 7
Displacement: 869 tons (882 .9 tonnes) sur- lorpedo tubes knots snorting
faced ; 1,043 tons (1,060 tonnes) dived 12 550-mm (21 .7- in) Crew : 52
Dimensions: Length 189 ft 7t in (57.8 m) Aircraft Used also by: France, Pakistan, Portugal,
Beam 22 ft 3i in (6.8 m) none South Africa , Spain
Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m) Radar and electronics: Notes: The four boats are building in the Car-
Armament: Sonar: tagena yards of Bazan for delivery in 1981 .
Gunsnone Powerplant: SEMT-Pielstick diesel-electric, Order now cancelled.

'Foxtrot' class submarine (2) Torpedo tubes Babr was delivered in December 1976 and
10 533-mm (21-in) with 22 torpedoes or her first sistership in 1977 . The other four
Class: Babr and one other Aircraft units await the training of Libyan crews in
Displacement : 2,100 tons (2,134 tonnes) none the USSR.
surfaced ; 2,400 tons (2,438 tonnes) Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate' search
dived radar and 'Stop Light' ECM
Dimensions : Length 292 ft (89 .0 m) Sonar: 'Hercules' and 'Feniks'
Beam 27 ft 2t in (8.3 m) Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 6 ,000 bhp,
Draught 15 ft 9 in (4.8 m) and 3 electric motors, delivering 5,000 hp
Armament: to three shafts
Gunsnone Speed: 18 knots (surfaced); 17 knots (dived)
Range: 20,000 miles (32,188 km) surfaced
Missile systems
Crew: 70
Used also by : India, USSR
Notes : Babr and her sisterships (another four
units as possible additions to the unit
already delivered) are built in a reopened
line at the Sudomekh yard in Leningrad.

Missile corvette (4)

Class: four vessels
Displacement: 547 tons (555 .8 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 202 ft 5 in (61 .7 m)
8eam 30 ft 6 in (9.3 m)
Draught 16 ft 3 in (5.0 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara
2 40-mm Breda in a twin turret
Missile systems
4 Otomat SSM launchers
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 4 MTU MA 16V956TB91 diesels,
none delivering 1,800 hp to four shafts
Aircraft Speed: 3 1 knots
none Range:
Radar and electronics: Selenia RAN 11 LX Crew: 54
air/ surface search, Decca TM 1226 naviga- Used only by : Libya
tion, and Elsag NA 10 fire-control radars; Notes: Four vessels are building at the yards
ECM fit of Cantieri Navali del Tirreno e Riuniti,
Sonar: Thomson-CSF Diodon probably for delivery in 1978 or 1979.

'Tobruk' class corvette (1) Torpedo tubes

Class: Tobruk(C01) Aircraft
Displacement: 440 tons (447 tonnes) stan- none
dard; 500 tons (508 tonnes) full load Radar and electronics: surface warning
Dimensions: Length 177 ft (54.0 m) radar
Beam 28 ft 6 in (8.7 m) Sonar :
Draught 13 ft (4.0 m) Powerplant: 2 Paxman Ventura diesels,
Armament: delivering 3,800 bhp to two shafts
Guns 1 4-in (1 02-mm) Speed: 18 knots
4 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Range : 2,900 miles (4,665 km) at 14 knots
Missile systems Crew: 5+58
none Used only by: Libya
A/S weapons Notes: Tobruk was built by Vosper and Vick-
none ers between 1965 and 1966, and com-
missioned in 1966.

'La Combattante IIG' class fast Radar and electronics : Thomson-CSF Triton
surface-search and Castor target-tracking
attack craft (missile) (10) radars (Veja system)
Class: 10 craft building Powerplant: 4 diesels, delivering 20,000 bhp
Displacement: 311 tons (316 tonnes) to fou r shafts
Dimensions : Length 160 ft 9 in (49 .0 m) Speed: 40 knots
Beam 24ft 11 in (7.6 m) Range: 1,600 miles (2,575 km) at 15 knots
Draught 7 ft 1 otin (2.4 m) Crew: 31
Armament: Used only by: Libya
Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara Notes: The 10 craft are building at the Cher-
2 40-mm Breda in a twin mounting bourg yards of CMN for delivery 1978-80.
Missile systems
4 M M3B Exocet SSM launchers
Torpedo tubes

'Susa' class fast attack craft Armament: Powerplant: 3 Bristol Siddeley Proteus gas
(missile) (3) Guns 2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings turbines, delivering 12,750 bhp to three
Missile systems shafts
Class : Susa (P01), Sirte (POn Sebha , ex- 8 SS.12 SSM launchers Speed: 54 knots
Sokna (P03) A!S weapons Range:
Displacement : 95 tons (96.5 tonnes) stan- none Crew: 20
dard ; 114 tons (115 .B tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes Used only by: Libya
Dimensions : Length 100 ft (30.5 m) none Notes: Advanced craft with a sighting turret
. Beam 25 ft 6 in (7.8 m) Aircraft for the SS.12 missiles, the 'Susa' class
Draught 7 ft (2 .1 m) none were built by Vosper at Portsmouth, and
Radar and electronics: commissioned in 1969. The craft are simi-
Sonar : lar to the Danish 'S0Ieven' class boats.

'Garian' class large patrol craft Aircraft Range : 1,500 miles (2,4 15 km) at 12 knots
none Crew: 15 to 22
Radar and electronics: Used only by: Libya
Sonar : Notes: All four craft were built by Brooke
Class: Garian, Khawlan, Merawa, Sabratha Powerplant : 2 Paxman diesels, delivering Marine at Lowestoft, the first pair being
Displacement: 120 tons (121.9 tonnes) 2,200 bhp to two shafts commissioned in 1969, and the second
standard; 1 59 tons (161 .5 tonnes) full load Speed: 24 knots pair in 1970.
Dimensions : Length 106 ft (32 .3 m)
Beam 21 ft 3 in (6.5 m)
Draught 5 ft 6 in (1 .7 m)
Guns 1 40-mm Bofors
Missile systems
none '
AlS weapons
Torpedo tubes

Thornycroft type large patrol
craft (6)

Class : Akrama, Ar Rakib, Benina, Farwa,

Homs, Misurata
Displacement: 100 tons (101.6 tonnes)
Dimensions : Length 100 ft (30.5 m)
Beam 21 ft (6 .4 m)
Draught 5 ft 6 in (1 .7 m)
Guns 1 20- mm
Missile systems
none Sonar : Used also by: Kuwait
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 3 Rolls-Royce DVBTLM diesels, Notes : Four of the craft were built by Vosper
none delivering 1,740 bhp to two shafts Thornycroft, the other two by John I.
Aircraft Speed : 18 knots Thornycroft at Woolston . Two craft were
none Range: 1,800 miles (2,895 km) at 14 knots commissioned in each of 1967 , 1968 and
Radar and electronics: Crew : 1969.

Malagasy Republic
600 men Auxiliaries :
1 landing ship'(transport)
Patrol Forces: 1 training ship
1 large PC 1 tender
5 coastal PC

Patrol Forces:
4 lake PC

6,000 men Yarrow type frigate (1) Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap-
paraten LW 02 air surveillance, M20 gun
Frigates: Class: Rahmat, ex-Hang Jebat (F24) fire-control and M44 Sea cat fire-control
1 Yarrow 93.9-m type Displacement: 1,250 tons (1,270 tonnes) radars
standard; 1,600 tons (1,626 tonnes) full Sonar:
1 Yarrow 103.5-m type Powerplant : 1 Bristol Siddeley Olympus gas
Dimensions: Length 308 ft (93 .9 m) turbine, delivering 19,500 shp, and 1
Light Forces: Beam 34ft 1 in(10.4m) Crossley/Pielstick diesel, delivering 3,850
6 Jerong FAC(G) Draught 14 ft 10 in (4.5 m) bhp, to two shafts
(4 Spica-M FAC(M) ) Armament: Speed: 26 knots with gas turbine ; 16 knots
4 Perdana FAC(M) Guns 1 4 .5-in (114-mm) on diesel alone
2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Range: 6,000 miles (9,655 km) at 16 knots
Missile systems Crew: 140
Patrol Forces : U'sed only by : Malaysia
4 KedahPC 1 quadruple Sea cat SAM launcher
A!S weapons Notes : Rahmat was built by Yarrow Shipbuild-
4 SabahPC 1 Limbo 3-barrel mortar ers between 1966 and 1967, and com-
14 Kris PC Torpedo tubes missioned in 1971 . She has many
none automatic systems, this helping to save
Amphibious Forces: Aircraft manpower.
3 LST511-1152 facilities for 1 small helicopter

Mine Warfare Forces:

5 Ton coastal minesweepers

1 survey vessel
1 diving tender

The Royal Malaysian Police operate 27

coastal PC

Yarrow type frigate (1)
Class : one ship, ex-British Mermaid (F76)
Displacement :' 2 ,300 tons (2 ,337 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,530 tons (2 ,560 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 339 ft 4 in (103 .5 m)
Beam'40ft(12 .2m)
Draught 12 ft (3 .7 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 4-in (1 02 - mm) in a twin turret
2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings
Missile systems
1 3-barrel Limbo
Torpedo tubes
none Range: 4,800 miles (7,725 km) at 15 knots 'Salisbury' and ' Leopard' classes. Ghana
Radar and electronics : Crew: refused the vessel after the fall of President
Sonar : Used only by : Malaysia Nkrumah, and she was bought by the Royal
Powerplant : 8 diesels, delivering 14,400 hp Notes : This frigate was originally built for Navy in 1972, commissioning in 1973.
to two shafts Ghana by Yarrow Shipbuilders between She was transferred to Malaysia in 1977 .
Speed: 24 knots 1965 and 1966, as a development of the

'Jerong' class fast attack craft 'Spica-M' class fast attack craft
(gun) (6) (missile) (4)

ClasS: Jerong (3505), Todak (3506), Paus Class: four craft building
(3507), Yu (3508)' Baung (3509), Pari Displacement: 240 tons (243.8 tonnes)
(3510) Dimensions : Length 143 ft (43 .6 m)
Displacement: 254 tons (258.1 tonnes) full Beam23ft2tin(7 .1 m)
load Draught 7 ft 1 ot in (2.4 m)
Dimensions: Length 147ft 3t in (44.9 m) Armament :
Beam 23 ft (7.0 m) Guns 1 57-mm
Draught 12 ft 9 in (3 .9 m) 140-mm
Armament: Missile systems
Guns 1 57-mm 4 MM 38 Exocet SSM launchers
1 40-mm Bofors 1 Blowpipe SAM launcher
Missile systems A!S weapons
none none
A!Sweapons Torpedo tubes
none none
Torpedo tubes Aircraft
none none
Aircraft Radar and electronics :
none Sonar :
Radar and electronics: Powerplant : 3 MTU diesels, delivering
Sonar: 10,800 hp to three shafts
Powerplant: 3 Maybach Mercedes-Benz Speed : 34t knots
diesels, delivering 3,300 bhp to three shafts Range: 1,850 miles (2,977 km) at 14 knots
Speed : 32 knots Crew :
Range: 2 ,000 miles (4,830 km) at 15 knots Used only by: Malaysia
Crew: Notes : Basically similar to the Swedish 'Spica
Used only by: Malaysia T131 ' class, the four craft of the Malaysian
Notes: All six craft were built by class are building at Karlskrona shipyards
Hong-Leong-Uirssen at Butterworth in for delivery in 1979. .
Malaysia, to a basic Uirssen design, and
commissioned in 1976 and 1977.

'Perdana' class fast attack craft A!Sweapons Notes : The 'Perdana' class are of the same
none basic design as the 'La Combattante II'
(missile) (4) Torpedo tubes class, and were all built by Constructions
none Mecaniques de Normandie for com -
Class : Perdana (P3501), Serang (P3502). Aircraft missioning in late 1972 and 1973.
Ganas (P5303)' Ganyang (P5304) none
Displacement: 234 tons (237 .7 tonnes) Radar and electronics : Thomson- CSF Triton
standard ; 265 tons (269 .2 tonnes) full load surface-search and Pollux fire-control radars
Dimensions: Length 154 ft 2t in (47.0 m) (Vega system)
, Beam 23 ft 1 in (7 .0 m) Sonar:
Draught 12 ft 10 in (3 .9 m) Powerplant : 4 MTU diesels, delivering
Armament: 14,000 bhp to four shafts
Guns 1 57-mm Bofors Speed: 36t knots
1 40- mm Bofors Range : 800 miles (1 ,290 km) at 25 knots
Missile systems Crew :
2 MM38 Exocet SSM launchers Used only by: Malaysia

'Perkasa' class fast attack craft Missile systems Speed: 54 knots on gas turbines; 10 knots on
(missile) (4) 2 quadruple SS.12(M) SSM launchers two wing shafts and diesel power alone
NSweapons Range :
none Crew :
Class : Perkasa (P150), Handa/an (P151). Torpedo tubes Used only by: Malaysia
Gempita (P152), Pendekar (P153) none Notes: The four craft were built as torpedo
Displacement: 95 tons (96.5 tonnes) stan- Aircraft boats (4 21-in/ 533-mm tubes) by Vosper
dard ; 114 tons (115.8 tonnes) full load none at Portsmouth , commissioning in 1967.
Dimensions: Length 99 ft (30.2 m) Radar and electronics: The craft combine the hull form of the
Beam 25 ft 6 in (7 .8 m) Sonar: 'Brave' class, with the construction of the
Draught 7 ft (2 .1 m) Powerplant: 3 Rolls-Royce Proteus gas tur- 'Ferocity' class. The missiles replaced the
Armament: bines, delivering 12,750 bhp, and 2 Gen- torpedo tubes in 1971 . Now deleted.
Guns 1 40-mm Bofors eral Motors Corporation diesels, delivering
120-mm power to three shafts

Patrol Forces:
3 trawlers (PC)
1 Fairey coastal PC
4 landing craft
2 launches


Patrol Forces:
3 river PC

A coastguard force of the Maltese
Patrol Forces:
2 Swift coastal PC
8 coastal PC

Mauritania Mauritius
300 men Patrol Forces: Patrol Forces:
2 Mirny PC 1 AbhayPC
Light Forces: 4 large PC
2 Barcelo FAC(G) 2 coastal PC

19,000 men including 350 naval air 'Fletcher' class destroyer (2) Radar and electronics: SC and SG 1 search,
force and 2,000 marines and Mark 12 (Mark 37 director system)
Class : Cuauthemoc (IE01, ex-F1). ex-US Har- gun fire-control radars
rison (00573); Cuitlahuac (IE02 , ex- F2). Sonar :
ex- US John Rodgers (00574) Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2
2 Fletcher General Electric geared turbines, delivering
Displacement : 2,100 tons (2,134 tonnes)
standard; 3,050 tons (3,099 tonnes) full 60,000 shp to two shafts
Frigates: load Speed : 36 knots
1 Edsall (training ship) Dimensions : Length 376ft6 in (114.7 m) Range: 5 ,000 miles (8,047 km) at 14 knots
1 Durango Beam 39 ft 6 in (12 .0 m) Crew : 197
4 Charles Lawrence and Crossley Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Armament: Greece, Italy, Peru , South Korea , Spain,
Corvettes: Guns 55-in (127-mm) in single turrets Taiwan, Turkey, West Germany
18Auk 10 40- mm in twin mountings Notes: Both ships were built by Consolidated
M issile systems Steel at Orange, Texas, between 1941 and
16 Admirable 1942, being commissioned into US service
A!S weapons in 1943. They were transferred to Mexico
Patrol Forces: none in 1970.
22 Azteca PC (+9) Torpedo tubes
2 Azueta coastal PC 1 quintuple 21-in (533- mm)
4 Polimar coastal PC Aircraft
8 river PC none

1 survey vessel
1 transport
2 LST 511-1152
1 patrol forces tender
2 harbour tankers ---.
17 others

Naval Air Force:

10 HU-16
1 Lear;et 24D
4C-45 'Edsall' class frigate (1) Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93.3 m)
3 DC-3 Beam 36ft9 in (11.2 m)
Draught 13 ft (4.0 m)
1 Beech Baron Class: Como Manuel Azueta (A06). ex-US Armament :
3 Beech Bonanza Hurst (OE250) Guns 3 3- in (76- mm) in single mountings
4 Cessna 150 Displacement: 1,200 tons (1,219 tonnes) Missile systems
4 Alouette II standard; 1,850 tons (1 ,880 tonnes) full none
3 Bell 47 load
5 Hughes 269A
Marine Force:
19 security coys

A/S weapons . Radar and electronics : Kelvin Hughes Types Used only by : Mexico
none 14 and 17 Notes: Hurst was built between 1942 and
Torpedo tubes Sonar : QCS-1 1943 as a destroyer escort by Brown
none Powerplant: 4 diesels, delivering 6,000 shp Shipbuilding of Houston, Texas, and com-
Aircraft to two shafts missioned into US service in 1943. She
none Speed: 20 knots was transferred to Mexico in 1973, and is
Range: 13,000 miles (20,922 km) at 12 knots used as a training ship.
Crew: 15 + 201

'Durango' class frigate (1)

Class: Durango (B-01 , ex-128)

Displacement: 1,600 tons (1,626 tonnes)
. .,.

standard ; 2,000 tons (2,032 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 256 ft 6 in (78.2 m)
Beam 36 ft 7 in (11.2 m)
Draught 10ft 6 in (3.1 m)
Guns 2 4-in (1 02-mm) in single mountings
2 57-mm in single mountings
4 20-mm in single mountings
Missile systems Radar and electronics: Used only by: Mexico
none Sonar: Notes: Durango was built as an armed trans-
A/s weapons Powerplant: 2 Enterprise DMR-38 diesel- port between 1934 and 1935 by Union
none electric drives, delivering 5,000 bhp to two Naval de Levante at Valencia, and com-
Torpedo tubes shafts missioned in 1936. At that time she had a
none Speed: 1 8 knots conventional geared turbine propulsion of
Aircraft Range: 3,000 miles (4,830 km) at 12 knots British manufacture.
none Crew: 24+ 125

'Azteca' class large patrol craft


Class : Andres Quintana Roos (P01). Matias

de Cordova (P02). Miguel Ramos Arizpe
(P03).Jose Maria Izazgu (P04). Juan Bau-
tista Morales (P05). Ignacio Lopez Rayon
(P06). Manuel Crecencio Rejon (POn
Antonio de la Fuente (P08). Leon Guzman
(P09). Ignacio Ramirez (P10). Ignacio
Mariscal (P11). Heriberto Jara Corona
(P1"2). Jose Maria Maja (P13). Felix
Romero (P14). Fernando Lizardi (P15).
Francisco J. Mujica (P16). Pastor Rouaix
(P17). Jose Maria del Castillo Velasco
(P18). Luis Manuel Rojas (P19). Jose Nati-
vidad Macias (P20). Esteban Baca Calde-
ron (P21 ).lgnacioZaragosa (P22)
Displacement: 130 tons (132 . 1 tonnes) A/S weapons Powerplant: 2 Paxman Ventura diesels, de-
Dimensions: Length 111 ft 9 in (34.1 m) none livering 3 ,600 bhp to two shafts
Beam 28 ft 2 in (8.6 m) Torpedo tubes Speed: 24 knots
Draught 6 ft 9 in (2.0 m) none Range: 2,500 miles (4,025 km) at 12 knots
Armament: Aircraft Crew: 24
Guns 1 40- mm none Used only by: Mexico
120-mm Radar and electronics: Notes: Of British design, some 22 of this
Missile systems Sonar : class are already in service with the Mexi-
none can Navy, and another nine are on order.
The craft are built by a number of yards.

Coastguard element of the Montserrat
Police Force

Patrol Forces:
1 Brooke 12-m type coastal PC

2,000 men including 600 marines Large patrol craft (1 ) Torpedo tubes
Class:AI Bachir(22, eX-12) Aircraft
Frigates: Displacement: 125 tons (127 tonnes) light; none
(1 + 4 Modified Descubierta) 154 tons (156.5 tonnes) full load Radar and electronics:
Dimensions: Length 133 ft 2t in (40.6 m) Sonar :
Patrol Forces: Beam 21 ft (6.4 m) Powerplant : 2 SEMT- Pielstick diesels, deliv-
2 PR 72 type PC (+2) Draught 4 ft 8 in (1.4 m) ering 3,600 bhp to two shafts
Armament: Speed: 25 knots
3largePC Range : 2,000 miles (3 ,220 km) at 15 knots
12 P32 type coastal PC Guns 2 40-mm in single mountings
2 machine-guns Crew: 23
3 Arcor 31 coastal PC Used only by: Morocco
Missile systems
(4 Modified Lazaga FAC(G)) none Notes : AI Bachir was built at Cherbourg be-
A!Sweapons tween 1965 and 1967 by Constructions
Mine Warfare Forces: none Mecaniques de Normandie, and com -
1 Sirius coastal minesweeper missioned in 1967.

Amphibious Forces:
3 Batral type landing ships logistic
1 EDIC type LCT ..
Marine Force:
1 naval infantry bn

Modified 'Le Fougueux' class Torpedo tubes

large patrol craft (1 ) Aircraft
Class: Lieutenant Riffi (32) Radar and electronics:
Displacement: 311 tons (316 tonnes) stan- Sonar:
dard ; 374 tons (380 tonnes) full load Powerplant : 2 SEMT-Pielstick diesels, deliver-
Dimensions: Length 174ft(53.0m) ing 3 ,600 bhp to two propellers
Beam 23 ft (7 .0 m) Speed: 19 knots
Draught 4 ft 8t in (1.4 m) Range : 3,000 miles (4,830 km) at 12 knots
Armament: Crew: 49
Guns 1 76-mm Used only by : Morocco
240-mm Notes: Lieutenant Riffiwas built at Cherbourg
Missile systems by Constructions Mecaniques de Nor-
none mandie and commissioned in 1964.
2 A!S mortars

'PR 72' class fast attack craft (2) Missile systems Powerplant: 4 AGO V16 diesels, delivering
none 1 1,040 hp to four shafts
Class: Okb{l. Triki A!Sweapons Speed: 28 knots
Displacement: 375 tons (381 tonnes) stan- none Range: 2,500 miles (4,025 km) at 16 knots
dard; 445 tons (452 . 1 tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes Crew: 5+48
Dimensions: Length 188 ft 7t in (57 .5 m) none Used only by: Morocco
Beam 25 ft (7.6 m) Aircraft Notes: Both craft were built by the Societe
Draught 7 ft 1 in (2 .1 m) none Franr;:aise de Construction Navale, and
Armament: Radar and electronics : Thomson-CSF Vega commissioned in 1976 and 1977 respecti-
Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara system radars vely. Another pair are on order. All four craft
1 40-mm Breda Sonar: can be fitted with the MM38 Exocet SSM.

700 men Amphibious Forces:
1 Alfange LCT
Patrol Forces:
1 Poluchat PC
1 Antares PC
3 Jupiter PC
2 Bellatrix PC

Th e R oyal N etherlands Navy equally elderly 'Balder' class. Great 16 Van Straelen inshore minesweepers
The Netherlands are in a position store is set on mine countermeasures, (15 Improved Circe or Alkmaar)
similar to that of Belgium, with limited though, and to complement the 15 new
overseas obligations, but an important Improved 'Circe' class minehunters to Amphibious Forces:
coastline and port facilities to protect be built shortly, the Netherlands have 11 LCA type
against maritime attack, and vital four 'Onversaagd' class MCM support
economic sealanes to guard against ships, 18 'Dokkum' class coastal Auxiliaries:
enemy intervention. Thus the minesweepers/minehunters, and 16 3 survey ships
Netherlands' naval requirements are 'Van Straelen' class inshore 2 fast combat support ships
double: ocean-going warships for the minesweepers. 2 training ships
protection of trade and as a Fleet support is provided by a others
contribution to NATO's main surface number of modern ships, which ensure
forces, and coastal vessels for the that the Dutch long-range forces are
protection of ports and the coast itself. well supplied. They also receive Naval Air Arm:
For this purpose the Royal Netherlands adequate air support from the naval air (2 MR sqns) 8 Atlantic 15 P-2 Neptune
Navy has six submarines and 19 major arm's two maritime reconnaissance (2 ASW helicopter sqns) 6 Lynx, 12
surface ships, manned by some of the squadrons, equipped with Atlantic and Wasp
17,000 men in the navy. This Neptune aircraft, and two ASW (18 Lynx)
represents some 15.5 per cent of the helicopter squadrons, equipped with
total manpower strength of the armed Lynx and Wasp helicopters. Marine Force:
forces, whose budget is some 4 per cent The big question mark over the 2 amphibious combat groups
of the gross national product. Dutch navy seems to lie in the belief 1 mountain/ arctic coy
The main elements of the Dutch fleet that such a force can do without light
are the two versatile ships of the forces and their F AC types, either
'Tromp' class, classified as guided- missile- or torpedo-armed.
missile light cruisers or destroyers.
These are fitted as flagships, have the 17,000 men (2,000 conscripts)
latest air search radar, and are armed including 1,900 naval air arm and
with one Tartar SAM launcher, Sea 2,900 marines
Sparrow short-range SAMs, and
Harpoon SSMs, as well as guns and NS Cruisers (DLG):
weapons. General support is provided 2 Tromp
by the eight 'Friesland' and one
'Holland' class conventional Destroyers:
destroyers, though these are to be 8 Friesland
replaced by the ships of the new 1 Holland
'Kortenaer' frigate class, intended to
number 12 by the later 1980s. The first Frigates (FFG):
of these commissioned in 1978 and the 2 Kortenaer (+ 10)
second in 1979. Designed as general-
purpose frigates, the ships of the Frigates (FF):
'Kortenaer' class have an NS 6 Van Speijk
helicopter, two triple torpedo tube
mountings for NS torpedoes, Harpoon SS:
SSMs, Sea Sparrow SAMs, guns, and 2 Zwaardvis
gas turbine propulsion, as well as 2 Potvis
advanced electronics and radar. The 2 Dolfijn
'Kortenaer' class ships will be
partnered by the 'Van Speijk' class Corvettes:
frigates, the six of which are being 6 Wolf
modernised to include Harpoon SAMs,
triple NS tubes and more advanced Patrol Forces:
sensors and electronics. 5 Balder PC
Confident that long-range
operations provide the best defence, Mine Warfare Forces:
Holland has not invested in FAC types, 4 Onversaagd mine countermeasures
coastal defence being entrusted to the support ships
six corvettes of the elderly 'Wolf' class, 18 Dokkum class coastal minesweepers
and the five large patrol craft of the and minehunters

'Tromp' class guided missile de-
stroyer (2)

Class : Tromp (F801) and De Ruyter (F806)

Displacement : 4 ,300 tons (4,369 tonnes)
standard; 5,400 tons (5,486 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 454 ft ot in (138.4 m)
Beam 48 ft 7 in (14.8 m)
Aircraft Powerplant: 2 Rolls-Royce Olympus gas tur-
Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m)
1 helicopter bines, delivering 50,000 hp, and 2 Rolls-
Armament: Royce Tyne gas turbines, delivering 8 ,000
Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap-
Guns 24.7- in (120- mm) in a twin turret hp to two shafts
paraten 3D search, HSA WM 25 Sea Spar-
Missile systems Speed: 30 knots
row and gun fire-control , SPG- 51 Tartar
1 Tartar SAM launcher Range:
fire-control and Decca navigation radars; 2
1 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Missile Defence Crew : 306
Knebworth Corvus chaff dispensers;
System Used only by: Netherlands
SEWACO I automated action data auto-
2 quadruple Harpoon SSM launchers Notes : The two ships were built at Vl issingen
mation and command and control system
A!Sweapons Sonar : CWE 610 between 1971 and 1974 by Koninklijke
2 triple 12 .75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Maatschappij de Schelde, and com-
Torpedo tubes missioned in 1975 and 1976 respectively.

'Friesland' class destroyer (8)

Class : Friesland (0812). Groningen (0813).

Limburg (0814). Overijssel (0815).
Drenthe (0816). Utrecht (0817). Rotter-
dam (D818).Amsterdam (0819)
Displacement: 2,497 tons (2 ,537 tonnes)
standard ; 3,070 tons (3,119 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 380 ft 6 in (116.0 m)
Beam 38ft6 in (11 .7 m)
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m)
Guns 4 4.7'-in (120-mm) in twin tu rrets
4 40-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
........ none
2 4- barrel 375- mm Bofors rocket-
2 DC racks

Torpedo tubes
Ai rcraft
Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap-
paraten LW 03 search, DA 05 tactical,
M45 main armament fire-control, and
separate 40-mm and Bofors fire-control
Sonar :
Powerplant: 4 Babcock boilers supplying Used only by: Netherlands
steam to 2 Werkspoor geared turbines, de- Notes: The eight ships of the class were built
livering 60,000 shp to two shafts by four yards in the period between 1951
Speed: 36 knots and 1956, and commissioned between
Range: 1956 and 1958. They have deck and side
Crew: 284 armour.

'Holland' class destroyer (1)

Class: Zeeland (0809)

Displacement : 2,215 tons (2 ,250 tonnes)
standard ; 2,765 tons (2,809 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 371 ft 1 in(113 .1 m)
Beam 37 ft 6 in (11.4 m)
Draught 16 ft 10 in (5 .1 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 4.7-in (120-mm) in twin turrets
Missile systems
2 4-barrel 375- mm Bofors rocket-
2 DC racks
Torpedo tubes
none Powerplant: 4 Babcock boilers supplying Notes : Holland was built between 1950 and
Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap- steam to 2 Werkspoor Parsons geared tur- 1953 by Rotterdamse Droogdok MiL and
paraten LW 03 search, DA 02 tactical, bines, delivering 45,000 shp to two shafts sold to Peru in 1978; Zeeland was built
M45 main armament fire-control , and Speed: 32 knots between 1951 and 1953 by Koninklijke
separate A!S fire-control radars Range: Maatschappij de Schelde at Vlissingen, and
Sonar: Crew: 247 commissioned in 1955. Two sisterships
Used also by : Peru were built : Gelder/and is now a training
hulk, and Noord Brabant was written off in
an accident in 1974.

'Kortenaer' class frigate (8) Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap- Armament:
paraten search, tactical and fire-control Guns 2 76-mm OTO Melara
radars Missile systems
Class: Kortenaer (F807), Callenburgh (Fa08), Sonar: SOS-505 1 NATO Sea Sparrow Point Defence Mis-
Van Kinsbergen (F809), Banckert (F810), Powerplant: 2 Rolls- Royce Olympus gas tur- sile System
Piet Heyn (F811), Pieter Florisz (F812), bines, delivering 50,000 shp, and 2 Rolls- 8 Harpoon SSM launchers
Witte de With (F813), Abraham Crijnssen Royce Tyne gas turbines, delivering 8,000 A!Sweapons
(F814) shp, to two shafts 2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes
Displacement: 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) Speed: 30 Torpedo tubes
Dimensions: Length 419 ft 10 in (128.0 m) Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,440 km) on Tynes none
Beam 47 ft 2t in (14.4 m) Crew : 176 Aircraft
Draught 14 ft 3 in (4.4 m) Used only by : Netherlands 1 helicopter

Radar and electronics : Hollandse Signaalap- Range : 4 ,000 miles (6,440 km) on Tynes Fijenoord . The aft 76-mm gun will be
paraten search, tactical and fire-control Crew : 176 replaced by a twin 35-mm mounting when
radars Used only by: Netherlands this is available.
Sonar: SQS- 505 Notes : All vessels are to be built in the VI iss-
Powerplant : 2 Rolls- Royce Olympus gas tur- ingen yards of Koninklijke Maatschappij de
bines, delivering 50,000 shp, and 2 Rolls- Schelde, between 1975 and 1980, for
Royce Tyne gas turbines, delivering 8 ,000 commissioning between 1978 and 1984.
shp, to two shafts . Another four will then be built, two by the
Speed : 30 knots present builders and two by Wilton-

'Van Speijk' class frigate (6)

Class : Van Speijk (F802). Van Galen (F803),

Tjerk Hiddes (F804)' Van Nes (F805), Isaac
Sweers (F814), Evertsen (F815)
Displacement: 2 ,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,850 tons (2 ,896 tonnes) full
load o
Dimensions : Length 372 ft (113.4 m)
Beam 41 ft (12 .5 m)
Draught 18 ft (5 .5 m)
Guns 2 4.5-in (114-mm) in a twin turret
Missile systems
2 quadruple Sea cat SAM launchers
A!S weapons
1 3-barrel Limbo A!S mortar
Torpedo tubes
1 small helicopter
Radar and electronics : Hollandse Signaalap-
paraten LW-02 search, DA 05 target indi-
cator, M45 main armament fire-control,
M44 Sea cat fire-control and Kelvin-
Hughes surface warning/navigation radars
Sonar: hull-mounted and variable-depth
Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
supplying steam to 2 double- reduction '
geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed : 30 knots
Crew : 254
Used only by : Netherlands
Notes : The ships were built in two groups of
three, at Vlissingen by Koninklijke Maats-
chappij de Schelde and at Amsterdam by
Nederlandse Dok en Scheepsbouw Mij.
The ships were laid down between 1963
and 1965, launched between 1965 and Melara replacing the twin 4 .5-in , the Limbo
1967, and commissioned between 1967 being replaced by 2 triple Mark 32 tubes as
and 1967. The design is based on that of A!S armament, and 2 quadruple Harpoon
the British 'Leander' class frigates. The SSM launchers being added.
class is being modernised, a 76-mm OTO

'Zwaardvis' class submarine (2) Range: Notes : The two boats were built between
Crew: 67 1966 and 1971 in Rotterdam by Rotter-
Used only by : Netherlands damse Droogdok MiL and commissioned in
Class : Zwaardvis (S806), Tijgerhaai (S807) 1972.
Displacement: 2,350 tons (2 ,388 tonnes)
surfaced; 2,640 tons (2 ,682 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 217 ft 2t in (66.2 m)
Beam 33ft 10in(10.3 m)
Draught23ft3 in (7 .1 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
6 533 - mm (21 - in)
Aircraft .
Radar and electronics: Type 1001
Powerplant : 3 diesel generators, delivering
power to one shaft
Speed : 13 knots (surfaced) ; 20 knots (dived)

'Potvis' and 'Oolfijn' class sub- M issile systems Range:
none Crew: 64
marine (4) A!S weapons Used only by: Netherlands
none Notes: 5804 and 5805, the two ·Potvis' class
Class: Potvis (5804), Tonijn (5805), Do/fijn Torpedo tubes boats, were built in Schiedam by Wilton-
(S808), Zeehond (S809) 8 533-mm (21-in) Fijenoord between 1962 and 1965, for
Displacement: 1,140 tons (1 ,1 58 tonnes) Aircraft commissioning in 1965 and 1966; the two
standard ; 1,494 tons (1 ,518 tonnes) sur- none ·Dolfijn' class boats were built at Rotter-
faced ; 1,826 tons (1 ,855 tonnes) dived Radar and electronics: Type 1001 radar dam by Rotterdamse Droogdok Mij be-
Dimensions: Length 260 ft 10 in (79.5 m) Sonar : tween 1954 and 1960, for commissioning
Beam 25 ft 10 in (7.8 m) Powerplant: 2 MAN diesels, delivering 3,100 in 1960 and 1961. The boats were voted
Draught 15ft 10 in (4.8 m) bhp, and electric motors delivering 4,200 for at the same time, but the 'Potvis· class
Armament: hp to two shafts was considerably delayed. Triple-hull con-
Guns none Speed: 14t knots (surfaced) ; 17 knots (dived) struction gives a diving depth of 984 ft

'Wolf class corvette (6)

Class : Wolf (F817), ex-US PCE1607 ; Fret

(F818), ex- US PCE1604 ; Hermelijn
(F819) , ex-US PCE1605 ; Vos (F820), ex-
US PCE1616; Panter (F821l. ex-US
PCE160B; Jaguar (F8221. ex-US PCE160B
Displacement: 870 tons (833 .1 tonnes)
standard ; 975 tons (990.6 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 184 ft 6 in (56.2 m)
Beam 33 ft (10.0 m)
Draught 14 ft 6 in (4.4 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 3-in (76-mm)
6 40-mm in all except Panter and Jaguar: 4
Missile systems
1 Hedgehog
2 (4 in Panter and Jaguar) DCTs
2 DC racks
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: Kelvin- Hughes navi-
gation radar
Sonar : hull-mounted
Powerplant: 2 General Motors Corporation
diesels, delivering 1,800 bhp to two shafts
Speed : 1 5 knots
Range: 4,300 miles (6,920 km) at 10 knots
Crew: 96
Used only by: Netherlands
Notes : The six vessels were commissioned
into service in 1954.

'Balder' class large patrol craft

Class: Balder (P802), Bulgia (P803). Freyr

(P804). Hadda (P805). Hefring (P806)
Displacement : 169 tons (1 71 .7 tonnes)
standard ; 225 tons'(228.6 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 119 ft 1 in (36.3 m)
8eam 20 ft 2t in (6 .2 m)
D.raught 5 ft 11 in (1 .8 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 40- mm
Missile systems
1 Mousetrap
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: Decca navigation
Sonar: hull- mounted Crew: 27
Powerplant : diesels, delivering 1,300 shp to Used only by: Netherlands
two shafts Notes: All five craft were built with US fin-
Speed: 1 5t knots ance at Rijkswerf Willemsoord, and com-
Range: 1,000 miles (1,610 km) at 10 knots missioned in 1954 and 1955.

New Zealand
2, 750 men and 325 reservists 'Leander' and 'Broad-Beamed Torpedo tubes
Leander' class frigate (2)
Frigates: Aircraft
1 small helicopter
1 Leander Class : Waikato (F55). Canterbury (F421) Radar and electronics: Type 965 search,
1 Broad-beamed Leander Displacement: 2,450 tons (2,489 tonnes) Type 993 tactical, and I-band (in MRS 3
2 Whitby standard and 2,860 tons (2 ,906 tonnes) system) fire-control radars .
full load for Waikato; 2,470 tons (2 ,510 Sonar: hull- mounted
Patrol Forces: tonnes) standard and 2,990 tons (3,038 Powerplant : 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
4LakePC tonnes) full load for Canterbury supplying steam to 2 double-reduction
4 HDML type coastal PC Dimensions: Length 372 ft (113.4 m) gea red t urbines, delivering 30,000 shp to
Beam 41 ft (12 .5 m) for Waika- two shafts
Auxiliaries: to; 43 ft (13 .' m) for Canterbury Speed : 30 knots (Waikato) ; 28 knots (Canter-
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) bury)
1 survey ship Armament : Range :
2HDMLtype Guns 2 4 .5-in (114- mm) in a twin turret Crew: 14+ 234 in Waikato; 14+ 229 in Can-
1 research vessel 220- mm terbury
2 tugs Missile systems Used also by : Chile, India , UK
1 quadruple Seacat launcher Notes : Waikato was built by Harland & Wolff
A!Sweapons in Belfast between 1964 and 1965, and
1 Limbo 3-barrel DC mortar in Waikato commissioned in 1966; Canterbury was
2 Mark 32 Model 5 A!S tubes in Canter- built by Yarrow on the Clyde between 1969
bury and 1970, and commissioned in 1971 .

'Whitby' class frigate (2) A/Sweapons Range:
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324- mm) Mark 32 Model Crew: 13+ 227
5 tubes Used also by: India , UK
Class: Otago (F1111. ex-British Hastings ; Torpedo tubes Notes : Otago was built by Thornycroft at
Taranaki(F148) none Woolston between 1957 and 1958, and
Displacement: 2,144 tons (2,178 tonnes) Aircraft commissioned into NZ service in 1960;
standard ; 2 ,557 tons (2 ,598 tonnes) full none Taranaki was built by J. Samuel White in
load Radar and electronics : Types 993 and 277 the Isle of Wight between 1958 and 1959,
Dimensions: Length 370ft (112.8 m) search, and I-band fire-control radars and commissioned in 1961 . Both vessels
Beam 41 ft(12 .5 m) Sonar: hull-mounted have the alterations found on the
Draught 17 ft 4 in (5.3 m) Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers 'Rothesay' class. The original 12 21-in
Armament: supplying steam to 2 double-reduction (533-mm) torpedo tubes have been re-
Guns 2 4.5- in (114- mm) in a twin turret geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to moved.
2 20-mm in Taranaki only two shafts
Missile systems Speed: 30 knots
1 quadruple Sea cat SAM launcher

'Lake' class large patrol craft (4) Armament: Aircraft

Guns 2 0 .5-in (12 .7-mm) machine-guns none
1 81-mm mortar/0.5-in (12.7-mm) machine- Radar and electronics :
Class: Pukaki (P35681. Rotoiti (P35691. gun combination Sonar:
Taupo (P35701. Hawea (P3571) Missile systems Powerplant: 2 Paxman 12YJCM diesels, de-
Displacement; 105 tons (106.7 tonnes) none livering 3,000 bhp to two shafts
standard; 134 tons (136. 1 tonnes)fuilioad A/Sweapons Speed : 25 knots
Dimensions: Length 107 ft (32.8 m) none Range :
Beam 20 ft (6.1 m) Torpedo tubes Crew : 3 + 18
Draught 11 ft 10 in (3.6 m) none Used only by : New Zealand

Notes : The four craft were built at Lowestoft
by Brooke Marine, and commissioned in

200 men

Patrol Forces:
10 patrol craft

4,500 men Vosper Thornycroft Mark 3 cor- Torpedo tubes
vette (2) Aircraft
1 Nigeria
Class : Dorina (F81 L Otobo (F82) Radar and electronics: Plessey AWS-1 air
(1 ?) Displacement: 500 tons (508 tonnes) stan- search, Hollandse Signaalapparaten M20
dard ; 650 tons (660.4 tonnes) full load fire-control , and Decca TM626 navigation
Corvettes: Dimensions: Length 202 ft (61 .6 m) radars
2 VosperThornycroft Mark 3 Beam 31 ft (9.5 m) Sonar:
(2 VosperThornycroft Mark 9) Draught 11 ft 4 in (3.5 m) Powerplant: 2 MAN diesels
Armament : Speed: 23 knots
Guns 2 4-in (1 02-mm) in a twin turret Range : 3,500 miles (5 ,635 km) at 14 knots
Light Forces: 2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Crew: 7+59
(3 Liirssen S-143 FAC(M)) 220-mm Used only by: Nigeria
(3 La Combattante IIIB FAC(M)) Missile systems Notes : Both ships were built by Vosper
none Thornycroft and commissioned in 1972.
Patrol Forces: A!S weapons
4 Brooke 32.6-m PC none
4 Ford PC
4 Abeking and Rasmussen type PC

2 survey vessels
1 LCT(4) transport
1 supply ship
1 training ship

Armament: Radar and electronics : Type 293/ AWS-4
'Nigeria' class frigate (1) Guns 2 4-in (1 02-mm) in a twin turret Sonar: none
3 40-mm in single m.ountings Powerplant : 4 MAN diesels, delivering
Class: Nigeria (F87) Missile systems 16,000 bhp to two shafts
Displacement: 1,724 tons (1 ,752 tonnes) none Speed: 26 knots
standard ; 2 ,000 tons (2 ,032 tonnes) full A!Sweapons Range: 3,500 miles (5 ,635 km) at 15 knots
load 1 Squid 3-barrel A!S mortar Crew: 216
Dimensions: Length 360ft 2t in (109 .8 m) Torpedo tubes Used only by : Nigeria
Beam37ft(11 .3m) none Notes: Nigeria was built by Wilton- Fijenoord
Draught 11 ft 6 in (3 .5 m) Aircraft in the Netherlands between 1964 and
facil ities for 1 helicopter 1965, and comm issioned in 1965.

Vosper Thornycroft Mark 9 cor- Missile systems Speed: 29 knots

1 Sea cat SAM launcher Range: 4 ,100 miles (6,599 km) at 14 knots
vette (2) A!S weapons Crew: 90
1 Bofors A!S rocket-launcher Used only by: Nigeria
Class : Erin 'mi, Enyimiri Torpedo tubes Notes: Both ships are built by VosperThorny-
Displacement: 820 tons (833 . 1 tonnes) none croft, for commissioning in 1978 and
Dimensions : Length 226 ft 4t in (69 .0 m) Aircraft 1979.
Beam 34ft 5t in (10.5 m) none
Draught 11 ft 9f in (3.6 m) Radar and electronics: Plessey AWS-2
Armament : search radar
Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara Sonar :
140-mm Powerplant : 4 MTU-20V 956 TB92 diesels,
220-mm delivering 19,740 shp

North Korea
27,000 men 4 K-48 FAC(G) 15S0lPC
20 MO IV FAC(G) 1 or 2 Artillerist PC
Frigates: 60 Chako FAC(G) 10 KM-4 coastal PC
3 Najin (+ 1) 30 Chong-jin FAC(G) 20 small gunboats
4 Shershen FAC(T)
SS: 62 P-6 FAC(T) Amphibious Forces:
11 Romeo 12 P-4 FAC(T) c90LCM type
4 Whiskey 15 Iwon FAC(T)
6 Au Ju FAC(T) Auxiliaries:
Light Forces: 60 Sin Hung and Kosong FAC(T) 5- 10 small trawlers and cargo vessels
8 Osa I FAC(M) 100 support/ patrol craft
10 Komar I FAC(M) Patrol Forces:
8 Shanghai FAC(G) 2 Tral PC
8 Swatow FAC(G) 3 Sariwan PC
4 Chodo FAC(G) 4 Hainan PC

'Najin' class frigate (3) 'Romeo' class submarine (11) 'Whiskey' class submarine (4)
Class : 3025, 3026, 3027
Class: eleven ex-Chinese boats Class: four ex-Russian boats
Displacement: ; ,500 tons (1,524 tonnes)
Displacement: 1,000 tons (1,016 tonnes) Displacement: 1,030 tons (1 ,046 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 328 ft (100.0 m)
surfaced ; 1,600 tons (1,626 tonnes) dived surfaced ; 1,350 tons (1,372 tonnes) dived
Beam 32 ft 10 in (10.0 m)
Dimensions: Length 249 ft 4 in (76.0 m) Qimensions: Length 249 ft4 in (76.0 m)
Draught 8ft 10 in (2.7 m)
Beam 24 ft (7.3 m) Beam 22 ft (6.7 m)
Armament: Draught 14 ft 6 in (4.4 m) Draught 15ft (4.6 m)
Guns 2 1OO-mm in single mountings
Armament : Armament:
4 57 - mm in twin mountings
Gunsnone Guns none
4 25-mm in twin mountings Missile systems
Missile systems
814.5-mm none none
Missile systems A!Sweapons A!Sweapons
none none none
A!Sweapons Torpedo tubes Torpedo tubes
3 launchers, 2 racks, 2 mortars 6 533-mm (21-in) with 18 torpedoes 6 533-mm (21-in) wit h 18 torpedoes or 40
Torpedo tubes
Aircraft mines
3 533-mm (21-in)
none Aircraft
Radar and electronics : none
Sonar: Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate' surface-
Radar and electronics : 'Skin Head' and ' Pot
Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 4 ,000 bhp, search radar
Head' surface-search radar: 'Ski Pole ' IFF
and 2 electric motors, delivering 4 ,000 hp, Sonar: Tamir'
Sonar :
to two shafts Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 4,000 bhp,
Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 15,000 bhp
Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 14 knots (dived) and 2 electric motors, delivering 2,500 hp
to two shafts
Range : 16,000 miles (25,750 km) at 10 to two shafts
Speed : about 25 knots
knots surfaced Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
Range : 4,000 miles (6,438 km) at 14 knots
Crew : 65 Range: 13,000 miles (20,925 km) at 8 knots
Crew: 180
Used also by: Bulgaria, China, Egypt, USSR Crew: 60
Used only by : North Korea
Notes: Two boats were transferred by China Used also by : Albania , Bulgaria, China, Egypt,
Notes: Built in North Korean yards, the first
in 1973, two more in 1974, and three in Indonesia, Poland, USSR
ship was commissioned in 1973, the
1975. The North Koreans themselves built Notes:
second in 1975. A third was laid down in
two additional boats in 1976, and others
1976 and a fourth should be commissioned
with altered specifications continue to be
in 1978.
built in North Korea .

~ I .... .

'Chodo' class fast attack craft none
Torpedo tubes
(gun) (4) none
Class: four craft none
Displacement : about 130 tons (132 .1 Radar and electronics: 'Skin Head' surface
tonnes) search radar
Dimensions: Length 140ft (42 .7 m) Sonar :
Beam 19 ft (5.8 m) Powerplant : diesels, delivering 6 ,000 bhp to
Draught 8 ft 6 in (2.6 m) two shafts
Armament : Speed: about 24 knots
Guns 4 3 7-mm in single mountings Range:
4 25-mm in twin mountings Crew:about40
Missile systems Used only by: North Korea
none Notes: All four craft were built in North
Korean yards during the mid-1960s.

'K-48' cJass fast attack craft 'Tral' class large patrol craft '5ariwan' class large patrol craft
(gun) (4) (2) (3)

Class: four craft Class': two ex- Russian craft Class: 725, 726, 727(7)
Displacement: about 110 tons (111 .8 Displacement : 475 tons (482.6 tonnes) Displacement: 475 tons (482.6 tonnes)
tonnes) Dimensions : Length 203 ft 6 in (62 .0 m) Dimensions : Length 203 ft 6 in (62 .1 m)
Dimensions: Length 125ft (38.1 m) Beam 23 ft 10 in (7 .2 m) Beam 24 ft (7 .3 m)
Beam 18 ft (5.5 m) Draught 7 ft 9 in (2.4 m) Draught 7 ft 9 in (2.4 m)
Draught 5 ft (1 .5 m) Armament : Armament:
Armament: Guns 1 100-mm Guns 1 85-mm
Guns 1 76-mm 3 37-mm in single mountings 2 57 -mm in a twin mounting
3 37-mm in single mountings 412 .7-mm machine-guns 12 or 16 14.5-mm machine-guns
4 or 6 14.5-mm machine-guns in twin Missile systems Missile systems
mountings none none
Missile systems A!Sweapons A!S weapons
none 2 DC racks none
A!S weapons Torpedo tubes Torpedo tubes
none none none
Torpedo tubes Aircraft Aircraft
none none none
Aircraft Radar and electronics: 'Skin Head' surface Radar and electronics: 'Skin Head' surface
none search radar; 'Yard Rake' IFF search ; 'Ski Pole' or 'Yard Pole' IFF
Radar and electronics: 'Skin Head' surface Sonar : Sonar :
search Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 2,800 hp to Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 3,000 bhp
Sonar: two shafts to two shafts
Powerplant: diesels, delivering up to 5,000 Speed: 18 knots Speed: about 21 knots
bhp to two shafts Range: Range:
Speed : about 24 knots Crew : 55 Crew : about 70
Range: Used only by : North Korea Used only by: North Korea
Crew: Notes: Designed as fleet minesweepers, the Notes : The th ree craft were built by North
Used only by: North Korea ships of the Tral' class are no longer used Korean yards in the mid- 1960s, and each
Notes: The four craft were probably built in by the USSR , but some four or five were craft can ca rry 30 mines.
North Korean ya rds during the mid-1950s. transferred to North Korea as patrol craft in
the mid-1950s, and one or possibly two
still survive. The craft can carry 40 mines.

North Yemen
500 men Auxiliaries:
2 small landing craft
Light Forces:
4 P~4 FAC(T )
4 Poluchat PC .
c 12 coastal PC

Th e Norwegian Navy the successful West German Type 205. Norwegian plans, and there are 19 .
Norway's navy is intended primarily It is expected that, during the 1980s, FAC(T) of the 'Tjeld' class so armed.
for the defence of Norway's long the West German Type 205 and the Mine warfare is also a strategic
coastline, and the importance attached Norwegian Type 207 boats will be prospect for Norway, especially for the
to this task may well be gauged by the replaced by the new Type 210 coastal offensive defence of territorial waters.
fact that the navy's 9,000 men submarine currently under Mines can be laid by three coastal
constitute 23 per cent of the country's consideration. minelayers, and there are also a
39,000 servicemen, an unusually high The main strength of Norway's number of minesweepers: 10 of the
percentage for what is normally a maritime defences lies with missile- 'Falcon' coastal type, and one of the
materiel-rather than a manpower- armed FAC types, however. So inshore 'Gassten' type.
intensive service, Norway, it should be important does Norway consider the Amphibious warfare forces consist of
noted, spends some 3,6 per cent of her naval surface-to-surface missile, seven LCTs, and the whole offensive
gross national product on defence. indeed, that she has developed her own force is supported by a number of depot
The major elements in Norway's such missile to meet the stringent and support ships.
maritime defence are the five frigates of requirements of the navy. This is the
the 'Oslo' class, and two corvettes of the Penguin, which is currently being 9,000 (6,000 conscripts) including
'Sleipner' class. The former are developed for air launching, and its 1,600 coast artillery, plus 22,000
general-purpose ships with a strong A!S SSM version is the primary armament reservists
armament, Penguin SSMs and Sea of the 40 FAC(M) built or building in
Sparrow SAMs, while the latter are Norway: four in each of the 14 'Hauk' Frigates:
principally A!S ships. class building, four in each of the six 5 Oslo
Coastal submarines are also 'Snogg' class in service, and six in each
reckoned to be of great importance, as of the 20 'Storm' class in service. The Corvettes:
proved by the fact that Norway has 15 torpedo also has an important part in 2 Sleipner
Type 207 submarines, developed from

SS: 'Oslo' class frigate (5) Aircraft
15 Type 207 none
Radar and electronics: DR BV 22 search , and
Class: Oslo (F300). Bergen (F301). Trond- Hollandse Signaalapparaten M24 tactical
Light Forces: heim (F302). Stavanger (F303). Narvik and fire-control system radars
1 Hauk FAC(M) (+ 13) (F304)
Sonar: Terne III Mark 3 and AN/ SQS-36
6 Snogg FAC(M) Displacement : 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes) Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
20 Storm FAC(M)- standard ; 1,745 tons (1 ,773 tonnes) full supplying steam to 1 De Laval Ljungstrom
19 Tjeld FAC(T) load double- reduction geared turbine, delivering
Dimensions : Length 317 ft (96.6 m) 20,000 shp to one shaft
Beam 36ft8 in (11 .2 m) Speed : 25 knots
Mine Warfare Forces: Draught 17 ft 5 in (5.3 m)
2 coastal minelayers Range:
Armament: Crew : 11 + 140
1 controlled minelayer Guns 4 76-mm in twin turrets Used only by: Norway
10 Falcon coastal minesweepers Missile systems Notes : All five ships were ,built at Horten by
1 Gassten inshore minesweeper 6 Penguin SSM launchers Marinens Hovedverft between 1963 and
1 octuple NATO Sea Sparrow Point 1965, and commissioned in 1966 and
Amphibious Forces: Defence Missile System 1967. Half the financial burden for the
2 K valsund LCT A!Sweapons class was borne by the USA. The basic
1 Terne A!S system design of the class is that of the 'Dealey'
5 Reinoysund LCT 2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes class of US destroyers, with alterations to
Torpedo tubes suit Norwegian operation requirements.
Auxiliaries: none
(1 submarine/light forces depot ship)
1 light forces depot ship
2 diving tenders
1 yacht
1 research ship

Coast Artillery:
36 coast arty btys

There is also a coastguard service with

six fishery/ oil rig protection ships (+
seven) and (1 support ship).

'Sleipner' class corvette (2) Aircraft

Radar and electronics: Mark 34 radar as part
Class : Sleipner(F31 O).Aeger (F311) of the Mark 63 gun fire-control system
Displacement: 600 tons (609 .6 tonnes) Sonar : Terne III Mark 3 and AN/ SQS-36
standard; 780 tons (792.5 tonnes) full load Powerplant : 4 MTU diesels, delivering 9,000
Dimensions: Length 226 ft 4t in (69.0 m) bhp to two shafts
Beam 26 ft 3 in (8.0 m) Speed: 20+ knots
Draught 8 ft 3 in (2 .4 m) Range :
Armament: Crew : 62
Guns 1 76-mm Used only by : Norway
1 40-mm Bofors Notes : The two ships were built between
Missile systems 1963 and 1965, for commissioning in
none 1965 and 1967 , by Nylands Verksted
A!Sweapons (Sleipner) and Akers (Aeger) . Five of the
1 Terne ASW system class were initially planned, and the two
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes built are now used mainly as training ships.
Torpedo tubes

Type 207 submarine (15)

Class: Ula (5300). Utsira (5301). Utstein

(5302). Utvaer (5303). Uthaug (5304).
Sklinna (5305). Skalpen (5306). Stadt
(5307). Stard (5308). Svenner (5309).
Kaura (5315). Kinn (5316). Kya (5317).
Kabben (5318). Kunna (5319)
Displacement: 370 tons (375.9 tonnes)
standard; 435 tons (442 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 149 ft (45.2 m)
Beam 15 ft (4.6 m)
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes electric motor, delivering 1,200 hp to one Notes: The Type 207 is a development of the
8 533-mm (21-in) shaft Ingenieurkontor Lubeck (lKL) Type 205
Aircraft Speed: 10 knots (surfaced); 17 knots (dived) with increased diving depth. All boats were
none Range: built by Rheinstahl-Nordseewerke of
Radar and electronics: Emden in West Germany between 1960
Crew: 5+13
Sonar: Used only by: Norway and 1967, and commissioned between
Powerplant: 2 Maybach Mercedes-Benz MB 1964 and 1967. Half the cost of the class
820 diesels, delivering 1,200 bhp, and 1 was borne by the U5A.

'Hauk' class fast attack craft

(missile) (14)

Class: P986 (Hauk) to P999

Displacement: 120 tons (121 .9 tonnes)
standard ; 150 tons (154 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 119 ft 9 in (36 .5 m)
Beam 20 ft 4 in (6.2 m)
Draught 5 ft 6 in (1.6 m)
Guns 1 40-mm Bofors
Missile systems
6 Penguin 55M launchers
none Sonar: Used only by: Norway
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 2 MTU diesels, delivering 7,000 Notes: Based on the '5niigg' class craft, the
4 533-mm (21-in) hp to two shafts boats of the 'Hauk' class are coming into
Aircraft Speed: 34 knots service during 1978. Ten boats are being
none Range: 440 miles (71 0 km) at 34 knots produced by Bergens Mek. Verksteder at
Radar and electronics : Kongsberg Vappen- Crew: 22 Lakeseviig, and four by Westermiien at
fabrikk M51-805 fire-control system Alta.

'5nogg' class fast attack craft

(missile) (6)

Class: Snogg, ex-Lyr (P980). Rapp (P981).

Snar (P982). Rask (P983). Kvikk (P984).
Kjapp (P985)
Displacement: 100 tons (101.6 tonnes)
standard ; 125 tons (127 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 119 ft 9 in (36.5 m)
Beam 20 ft 6 in (6.2 m)
Draught 5 ft (1 .3 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 40-mm Bofors
Missile systems
4 Penguin 55M launchers
A/5 weapons
Torpedo tubes
4 533-mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics: ,
Powerplant: 2 MTU diesels, delivering 7,200
bhp to two shafts
Speed: 32 knots

Crew : 18
Used only by: Norway
Notes: All the craft were commissioned in
1970 and 19'71 after building in the Mandai
yards of Batservis Verft. The hull is based
on that of the 'Storm' class gunboat,

'Storm' class fast attack craft

(missile) (20)

Class: Storm (P960), Blink (P961), Glimt

(P962), Skjold (P963) , Trygg (P964), Kjekk
(P965), Djerv (P966), Skudd (P967), Arg
(P968), Steil (P969), Brann (P970)' Tross
(P971), Hvass (P972), Traust (P973), Brott
(P974)' Odd (P975), Pil (P976), Brask
(P977), Rokk (P978) , Gnist (P979)
Displacement: 100 tons (101 .6 tonnes)
standard ; 125 tons (127 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 119 ft 9 'in (36.5 m)
Beam 20 ft 4 in (6.2 m)
Draught 5 ft (1 .5 m)
Guns 1 76-mm
1 40-mm Bofors
Missile systems
6 Penguin SSM launchers
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: Range : at MandaI. The commissioning dates of the
Sonar: C'rew: class run from 1965 to 1968. The original
Powerplant : 2 MTU diesels, delivering 7,200 Used only by: Norway Storm has been scrapped, and a new
bhp to two shafts Notes: Fourteen ofthe craft were built by Ber- Storm is being produced as the last of the
Speed : 32 knots gens MV, and the other six by Westermoen class.

Kongsberg Penguin

Type: naval surface-to-surface tactical guided

Guidance: inertial, plus infra-red terminal
Dimensions : Span 55nr in (1.4 m)
Body diameter 11 in (28.0 cm)
Length 10ft (3 .05 m)
Booster: solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: solid-propellant rocket
Warhead: 265-lb (120-kg) semi-armour pier-
cing high explosive
Weights : Launch 7281b (330 kg)
Burnt out
Performance: speed Mach 0 .8 ; range 11t
miles (18 .5 km)
Used also by: Greece, Sweden , Turkey
Notes: Launched in the direction of the target
from a fixed container-launcher, the Pen-
guin cruises at Mach 0 .8 under inertial con-
trol until the passive infra-red seeker head
picks up the target and homes the missile
onto it. The possibility of an active infra-red
seeker head is being considered. An air-to-
surface Mark 2 version is under develop-
ment. This will have a range of 17 miles (27
km) . '

900 men 'AI Said' class corvette (1) Aircraft
Corvettes: Radar and electronics: Decca TM626 navi-
Class:AISaid gation rada r
1 Al Said Displacement: 900 tons (914.4 tonnes) Sonar:
2 Wildervank Dimensions: Length 203 ft 5 in (62.0 m) Powerplant: 2 Paxman Ventura diesels, de-
Beam 35ft 1 in (10.7 m) livering 2,740 bhp to two shafts
Patrol Forces: Draught 9 ft lOin (3 .0 m) Speed :
7 Brooke 37.5-m PC Armament: Range:
4 Vosper Thornycroft 22.9-m PC Guns 1 40-mm Bofors Crew: 32+ 7 staff +32 troops
3 Cheverton 8.2-m coastal PC Missile systems Usedonlyby: Oman
none Notes: AI Said was built at Lowestoft by
A!Sweapons Brooke Marine, and commissioned in 1971
Amphibious Forces: none
2 Cheverton 18.3-m Loadmaster as the sultan 's yacht. The gun was fitted
Torpedo tubes later.
1 Cheverton 13.7-m Loadmaster none
(1 LCL)

1 transport
1 training ship
1 launch

Brooke Marine 37.5-m fast A!Sweapons

attack craft (missile) (7) none
Torpedo tubes
Class: AI Bushra (B1). AI Mansur (B2). AI Aircraft
Nejah (B3). AI Wafi (B4). AI Fulk (B5). AI none
Au/(B6).AIJabbar(B7) Radar and electronics: Decca TM916 radar
Displacement: 135 tons (137 .1 tonnes) Sonar:
standard ; 1 53 tons (155.4 tonnes) full load Powerplant: 2 Paxman Ventura diesels, de-
Dimensions: Length 123 ft (37.5 m) livering 4,800 bhp to two shafts
Beam 22 ft 6 in (6.9 m) Speed: 29 knots
Draught 5 ft 6 in (1.7 m) Range: 3,300 miles (5,310 km) at 15 knots
Armament: Crew: 25
Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara Compact (B4-7) Used also by: Kenya
2 40-mm Bofors (B 1-3) Notes: All craft have been built by Brooke
1 20-mm (B4-7) Marine at Lowestoft, the first group of three
Missile systems commissioning in 1977, and the remaining
2 MM38 Exocet SSM launchers four in 1977. .


11,000 men Modified 'Dido' class cruiser (1) Sonar:
Powerplant: 4 Admiralty boilers supplying
Cruiser: steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
Class: Babur (C84). ex-British Diadem ing 62 ,000 shp to four shafts
1 M.odified Dido (iraining ship) Displacement: 5,900 tons (5,994 tonnes) Speed: 20 knots
standard ; 7,560 tons (7,681 tonnes) full Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,440 km) at 18 knots
Destroyers: load Crew : 588
2 Gearing FRAM 1 Dimensions: Length 512 ft (156 .1 m) Used only by: Pakistan
1 Battle Beam 52 ft (15 .8 m) Notes: Diadem was built at Hebburn-on-Tyne
1CH Draught 18 ft 6 in (5.6 m) by R. & W . Hawthorn Leslie between 1939
2CR Armament: and 1942, and commissioned into British
Guns 8 5.25-in (133- mm) in twin turrets service in 1944. She was sold to Pakistan
14 40-mm Bofors
Frigates: Missile systems
in 1956, and commissioned into Pakistani
2 Type 16 service in 1957 . She was converted into a
none cadet training ship in 1961, although she
A!S weapons retains an operational capability. Her sides
SS: none are armoured to 3 in (76 mm). and her
4 Daphne Torpedo tubes decks and turrets to 2 in (51 mm).
6 SX404 2 triple 21 - in (533-mm)
Light Forces: none
Radar and electronics: Types 960 and 293
12 Shanghai II FAC(G) search, and Types 284 and 285 fire-control
4 Hu Chwan FAC(G) radars

Patrol Forces:
2 Hainan PC( + 3)
1 Town PC o
( ? 50.6-m coastal PC)
Mine Warfare Forces:
7 MSC type coastal minesweepers

1 survey ship
2 tankers
1 rescue ship
3 tugs
3 others

SAR unit with 4 Alouette III, 6 Sea
'Gearing FRAM I' class de- Aircraft
stroyer (2) 1 small ASW helicopter
Radar and electronics : SPS- l0 surface
search and SPS-40 air search radars
Class: Tariq (0165). ex-US Wiltsie (00716) ; T Sonar: SOS-23
Taimur (0166). ex-US Epperson (00719) Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
supplying steam to 2 geared turbines, de-
Displacement: 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) livering 60,000 shp to two shafts
standard ; 3 ,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) full Speed: 30 knots
load Range:
Dimensions: Length 390 ft 6 in (119 .0 m) Crew: 274
Beam 40ft lOin (12.4 m) Used also by: Brazil, Greece, South Korea ,
Draught 19 ft (5 .8 m) Spain, Taiwan , Turkey, USA
Armament: Notes: The ships were built by Federal Ship-
Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets building and Todd Pacific Shipyards in
M issile systems 1944 and 1945, being commissioned into
none US service in 1946 and 1945 respectively.
A!Sweapons They were sold to Pakistan in 1977.
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes

'Battle' class destroyer (1) 7 40- mm Bofors in 2 twin and 3 single

Missile systems
Class : Badr (0 161). ex-British Gabbard none
Displacement: 2,325 tons (2,362 tonnes) A!Sweapons
standard; 3,361 tons (3,415 tonnes) full 1 Squid 3-barrel A!S mortar
load Torpedo tubes
Dimensions : Length 379 ft (115.5 m) 2 quadruple 21-in (533-mm)
Beam 40ft3 in (12 .3 m) Aircraft
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m) none
Armament : Radar and electronics: Type 293 search and
Guns 4 4 .5-in (114-mm) in single turrets Type 275 fire-control

Sonar: Notes: Gabbard was built at Wallsend-on-
Powerplant: 2 Admiralty boilers supplying Tyne by Swan, Hunter & Wigham Richard-
steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver- son between 1944 and 1945, and was
ing 50,000 shp to two shafts commissioned into British service in 1946.
Speed: 35t knots She was sold to Pakistan in 1956, refitted
Range: 6,000 miles (9,655 km) at 20 knots with US funds and commissioned in Pakis-
Crew: 270 tani service in 1957. Her sistership
Used also by: Iran Khaibar, ex-British Cadiz, was sunk in the
Indo-Pakistan War of 1971 .

'CH' class destroyer (1) 'CR' class destroyer (2) Type 1 6 frigate (1 )
Class: ShahJahan (D164), ex-British Charity
Class : Alamgir (D160). ex-British Creole ; Class : Tippu Sultan (F260). ex-British Onslow,
Displacement: 1,710 tons (1,737 tonnes)
Jahangir (D 162), ex-British Crispin, ex- ex-Pakenham
standard; 2 ,545 tons (2 ,586 tonnes) full
Craccher Displacement: 1,800 tons (1,829 tonnes)
Displacement: 1,730 tons (1,758 tonnes) standard ; 2,300 tons (2,337 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 362 ft 8 in (110.5 m)
standard ; 2 ,560 tons (2,601 tonnes) full load
Beam 35ft8 in (10.9 m)
load Dimensions: Length 345 ft (107 .2 m)
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m)
Armament: Dimensions: Length 362 ft 9 in (110.5 m) Beam 35 ft (1 0 .7 m)
Beam 35ft 8 in (10.9 m) Draught 15 ft 8 in (4.8 m)
Guns 3 4.5-in (114-mm) in single turrets
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m) Armament:
6 40-mm Bofors
Armament: Guns 2 4- in (1 02-mm) in a twin mounting
Missile systems
Guns 3 4.5-in (114-mm) in single turrets 5 40-mm Bofors
6 40-mm Bofors Missile systems
Missile systems none
2 Squid 3-barrel DC mortars
none NSweapons
Torpedo tubes
NSweapons . 2 Squid 3-barrel DC mortars
1 quadruple 21 - in (533-mm)
2 Squid 3-barrel DC mortars Torpedo tubes
Torpedo tubes 4 21-in (533-mm)
1 quadruple 21-in (533-mm) Aircraft
Radar and electronics: Type 293 search and
Aircraft none
Type 275 fire-control radars
none Radar and electronics: Type 293 search
Radar and electronics: Type 293 search, and radar
Powerplant: 2 Admiralty boilers supplying
Type 275 fire- control radars Sonar :
steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
Sonar: Types 170and 174 Powerplant: 2 Admiralty boilers supplying
ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
Powerplant: 2 Admiralty boilers supplying steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
Speed: 36t knots
steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver- ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
Range: 5,600 miles (9,010 km) at 20 knots
ing 40,000 shp to two shafts Speed: 34 knots
Crew: 200
Used only by: Pakistan Speed: 36t knots Range:
Range : 5,600 miles (9,01 0 km) at 20 knots Crew : 170
Notes: Charity was built at Woolston by John
I. Thornycroft between 1943 and 1 944, Crew: 200 Used only by : Pakistan
Used only by : Pakistan Notes: The ship was built as an '0 ' class
and commissioned into British service in
Notes: Both ships were built in the Isle of destroyer in 1940 and 1941 and entered
1945. She was bought for Pakistan by the
Wight by J . Samuel White of Cowes, in the British service in 1941 . She was bought
USA in 1958, at the same time as her sis-
period between 1944 and 1945, for com- with her sisterships Tughril, ex-British
tersRip Chivalrous, which became Taimur
missioning into British service in 1946. The Onslaught, and Tariq , ex-British Ofta, by
and was scrapped in 1960.
two were bought by Pakistan in 1956 and Pakistan in 1949 and 1951. In 1957
commissioned in 1958 after extensive Tippu Sultan and Tughril were converted
refits . Funding was provided by the USA. into NS frigates with US funding , and in
1959 Tariq was scrapped. Tughril was
deleted in 1977.

'Daphne' class submarine (4) Powerplant : diesel-electric propulsion, with Notes: S 131 was built by the Arsenal de
1,300 bhp on the surface and 1,600 bhp Brest, the next two by C. N. Ciotat at Le
dived, with two shafts Trait, and the last by Dubigeon in Cher-
Class: Hangor (S 131). Shushuk (S 132). Speed: 13 knots (surfaced) ; 15t knots (dived) bourg. The boats were built between 1967
Mangro (S 133). Ghazi (S 134). ex- Range: and 1970, and commissioned in 1970
Portuguese Cachalote Crew: 45 (Cachalote in 1969). The Portuguese boat
Displacement : 700 tons (711 .2 tonnes) Used also by: France, Libya , Portugal, South was bought by Pakistan in 1975.
standard; 869 tons (882 .9 tonnes) sur- Africa , Spain
faced; 1,043 tons (1,060 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 189 ft 7 in (57 .8 m)
Beam 22 ft 4 in (6.8 m)
Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m) .~ ..
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
12 550-mm (21 .7-in)
Radar and electronics:

'SX 404' class submarine (6) Missile systems Powerplant:
none Speed: 11 knots (surfaced); 6t knots (dived)
A!Sweapons Range: 1,200 miles (1,930 km) on the sur-
Class : six boats ' none face; 60 miles (95 km) submerged
Displacement: 40 tons (40.6 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Crew: 4
Dimensions : Length 52 ft 6 in (16 .0 m) none Used only by: Pakistan
Beam 6 ft 7 in (2.0 m) Aircraft Notes: Built by Cosmos of Livorno, these
Draught none boats are intended for clandestine oper-
Armament: Radar and electronics: ations, and can carry 12 passengers. The
Guns none Sonar: diving depth is only 328 ft (100 rn) .

'Town' class large patrol craft

(1 )

Class: Rajshahi (P 140)

Displacement: 11 5 tons (116.8 tonnes)
standard ; 143 tons (145.3 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 107 ft (32.6 m)
Beam20ft(6.1 m)
Draught 11 ft (3 .4 m)
Guns 2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
none Speed: 24 knots
Aircraft Range :
none Crew: 19
Radar and electronics: Used only by : Pakistan
Sonar : Notes: Rajshahi is one of four Town' class
Powerplant: 2 MTU 12V 538 diesels, deliv- craft built by Brooke Marine at Lowestoft
ering 3,400 bhp to two shafts in 1965, the other three having been sunk.

About 300 men of the coastguard Auxiliaries:
service 1 Elk River LCM
3 LCM8
Patrol Forces:
2 Vosper 31.4-m PC
2 AVR coastal PC
2 CG Utility type coastal PC

Papua-New Guinea
Marine part of the Papua-New Guinea Amphibious Forces:
Defence Force 2LCH
Patrol Forces:
5 Attack PC

2,000, including naval air arm and 500 Auxiliaries: 'Humaita' class river defence
marines 1 tender vessel (2)
3 tugs
River Defence Vessels: 1 transport/training ship Class: Paraguay (C1). ex-Commodor Meza;
2 Humaita 6 others Humaita (C2). ex-Capitan Cabral
Displacement: 636 tons (646.2 tonnes)
Corvettes: Aircraft: standard; 865 tons (878.8 tonnes) full load
3 Bouchard 4 Cessna U-206 Dimensions: Length 231 ft (70.0 m)
2 Cessna 150 Beam 35ft (10.7 m)
Patrol Forces: Draught 5 ft 4 in (1.7 m)
2 Bell 4 7G helicopters
1 large PC Armament:
Guns 4 120-mmm
2 CG type coastal PC 376-mm
6701 coastal PC 240-mm
Missile systems

A!S we'apons Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to
none Parsons geared turbines, delivering 3 ,800
Torpedo tubes shp to two shafts
none Speed: 1 7 knots
Aircraft Range: 1,700 miles (2 ,735 km) at 16 knots
none Crew: 86
Radar and electronics : Used only by: Paraguay
Sonar : Notes : The two ships were built by Odero of
Genoa, and commissioned in 1931 .

'Bouchard' class corvette (3) Armament: Sonar :

Guns440-mm Bofors Powerplant: 2 MAN diesels, delivering 2 ,000
2 machine-guns bhp to two shafts
Class: N anaw a (M 1). ex-Argentinian Bou- Missile systems Speed : 1 6 knots
chard; Capitan Meza (M2) , ex-Argentinian none Range: 6 ,000 miles (9,655 km) at 12 knots
Parker; Teniente Farina (M3). ex-Argentinian A!Sweapons Crew: 70
Py none Used also bv: Argentina
Displacement: 450 tons (457 .2 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Notes: These are eX-Argentinian minesweep-
standard ; 650 tons (660.4 tonnes) full load none ers, and were comm issioned into Argen-
Dimensions : Length 197 ft (60.0 m) Aircraft tinian service in 1937 and 1938. Four of
Beam24ft(7 .3m) none the class were sold to Paraguay : 1964
Draught 8 ft 6 in (2 .6 m) Radar and electronics : (two) and 1967 (two) . The type can carry

14,000 men including naval air arm Naval Air Arm: 'De Ruyter' class guided missile
and 1,000 marines 9S-2AASW cruiser (2)
6 C-47 transports
Cruisers: 2 F-27 transports
2 De Ruyter Class : Almirante Grau (CL81). ex-Dutch De
1 Piper Aztec transport Ruyter; Aguirre (CL84). ex- Dutch DeZe:'en
2 Ceylon 6 AB 212ASW helicopters Provincien
5 Bell 4 7G helicopters Displacement: 9,529 tons (9 ,681 tonnes)
Destroyers: 10 Bell 206 helicopters standard; 11 ,850 tons (12 ,040 tonnes)
2 Daring 6 UH-ID/ H helicopters full load
2 Fletcher 2 Alouette III helicopters Dimensions: Length 615 ft 6 in (187 .6 m)
8 T-34 trainers Beam 56 ft 9 in (17 .3 m)
Frigates (FFG): Draught 22 ft (6 .7 m)
2 modified Lupo (+2) Marine Force: Armament :
Guns 8 152-mm in twin turrets
1 bn
Frigates (FF): 8 57-mm in twin mountings
2 Cannon Missile systems
4 MM38 Exocet SSM launchers
SS: A!Sweapons
2 Type 209 (+4 ) none
2 Guppy 1A Torpedo tubes
4 Abtao none
Light Forces: 3 ASW helicopters
(6 PR-72P FACCM)) Radar and electronics : Hollandse Signflalap-
paraten LWO 1 search, SGR 104 height
finder, DA 02 tactical, M20 main arma-
Patrol Forces: ment fire-control , and M45 secondary ar-
2 Maranon river gunboats mament fi re~control radars
2 Loreto river gunboats Sonar:
1 river gunboat Powerplant: 4 Werkspoor-Yarrow boilers
3 river PC supplying steam to 2 De Schelde-Parsons
4 coastal PC geared turbines, delivering 85 ,000 shp to
4 lake PC two shafts
Speed: 32 knots
Amphibious Forces:
Crew : 49 + 904
1 LST1 Used only by: Peru
1 LST 511-1152 Notes : De Ruyter was built between 1939
2 LSM1 and 1944 by Wilton- Fijenoord at Schie-
dam , and commissioned in 1953; De
Auxiliaries: Zeven Provincien was built between 1939
(1 oceanographic ship) and 1950 by Rotterdamse Droogdok
2 survey vessels Maatschappij, and commissioned in 1953.
1 research vessel De Ruyter was bought by Peru in 1973,
and DeZeven Provincien in 1976.
1 transport
4 replenishment tankers
3 support tankers
14 others

'Ceylon' class cruiser (2)

Class: Coronel Bolognesi (CL82), ex-British

Ceylon; Capitan Quinones (CL83), ex-British
Displacement: 8 ,781 tons (8,921 tonnes)
standard, and t 1,11 0 tons (11,288
tonnes) full load for Coronel Bolognesi;
8,800 tons (8,941 tonnes) standard, and
11,090 tons (11 ,267 tonnes) full load for
Capitan Quinones
Dimensions: Length 555 ft 6 in (169 .3 m)
Beam 63 ft 7 in (19 .4 m)
Draught 20 ft 6 in (6 .2 m)
Armament : Radar and electronics : Types 960, 277 Notes: Ceylon was built between 1939 and
Guns 9 6-in (152-mm) in triple turrets and 293 search, E-band main armament 1 942 by Alexander Stephen & Sons at
8 4-in (1 02-mm) in twin turrets fire-control and I-band secondary arma- Govan, and commissioned into British
18 (Bolognesi) or 12 (Quinones) 40-mm ment fire-control radars service in 1943 ; Newfoundland was built
Missile systems Sonar: between 1939 and 1941 by Swan,
none Powerplant: 4 Admiralty boilers supplying Hunter & Wigham Richardson at Wall-
A!Sweapons steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver- send-on-Tyne, and commissioned into
none ing 72,500 shp to four shafts British service in 1942. Newfoundland be-
Torpedo tubes Speed: 31 t knots came the Peruvian Almirante Grau in
none Range: 6 ,000 miles (9,655 km) at 13 knots 1959, and was renamed Capitan Quinones
Aircraft Crew : 766 (Bolognesi); 743 (Quinones) in 1973; Ceylon became the Peruvian
none Used only by: Peru Coronel Bolognesi in 1960.

'Daring' class guided missile de-

stro,(er (2)

Class: Palacios (DD73), ex-British Diana ;

Ferre (DD74), ex-British Decoy
Displacement: 2 ,800 tons (2,845 tonnes)
standard ; 3,600 tons (3,658 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 390 ft (118 .9 m)
Beam43ft(13 .1 m)
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Guns 4 4.5-in (114-mm) in twin turrets
Missile systems
8 MM38 Exocet SSM launchers
none Powerplant: 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply- Used also by : Australia
Torpedo tubes ing steam to English Electric double- Notes: Both ships were built at Scotstoun by
none reduction geared turbines, delivering Yarrow between 1946 and 1952, for com-
Aircraft power to two shafts missioning into British service in 1954 and
provision for 1 helicopter Speed : 34 knots 1953 respectively . They were bought by
Radar and electronics: Plessey AWS-1 Range: 3,000 miles (4,830 km) at20 knots Peru in 1969, and have since undergone
search and TSF fire-control radars Crew: 297 two major reconstructions.

'Fletcher' class destroyer (2) Sonar: Turkey, West Germany

Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Notes : Both ships were built on Staten Island
supplying steam to 2 General Electric by the Bethlehem Steel Corporation in
Class: Villar (DD71). ex-US Benham geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to 1943 and 1942 respectively, for com-
(DD796); Guise (DD72), ex-US Isherwood two shafts missioning into US service in 1943. They
(DD520) Speed: 34 knots were transferred to Peru in 1960 and
Displacement: 2,120 tons (2 ,154 tonnes) Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 15 knots 1961. Peru also has ex- US La Vallette
standard; 3,050 tons (3,099 tonnes) full Crew: 15+230 (DD448) and ex-US Terry (DD513) for
load Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Greece, spares.
Dimensions: Length 376ft3 in (114.7 m) Italy, Mexico, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan,
Beam39ft9in(12.1 m)
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Guns 4 (Villar) or 5 (Guise) 5-in (127-mm) in
single turrets
6 3-in (76-mm) in twin turrets
Missile systems
2 Hedgehogs
2 side-launching racks for A!S torpedoes
Torpedo tubes
1 quintuple 21-in (533-mm)
facilities for 1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS 6 and SPS 10
search, G FCS 68 fire-control forward , and
GFCS 56 aft radars

Modified 'Lupo' class guided A!Sweapons Speed: 35 knots
2 105-mm Breda/ Elsag 20-barrel rocket- Range :
missile frigate (4)
launchers Crew:
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Used only by: Peru
Class: Meliton C8rv8j81, M8nuel Vill8vicencio Torpedo tubes Notes: The first two ships are building at Riva
and two others none Trigosa in the yards of CNR for com-
Displacement: 2,208 tons (2,243 tonnes) Aircraft missioning in 1978 and 1979. The second
standard ; 2,500 tons (2 ,540 tonnes) full 1 helicopter pair will be commissioned in 1979 and
load Radar and electronics : 1980 after building at SIM 's yards at
Dimensions: Length 347 ft 9 in (116.0 m) Sonar: Callao. The main difference between the
Beam 39 ft 6 in (12.0 m) Powerplant: CODOG arrangement, with 2 Peruvian and Italian ' Lupo' class vessels is
Draught 12 ft (3 .7 m) General Electric/Fiat LM 2500 gas tur- the inclusion of a helicopter and its facilities
Armament : bines, delivering 50,000 hp, and 2 Fiat A at the expense of 4 Otomat launchers in the
Guns 1 127-mm OTO Melara 230 diesels, delivering 7,800 hp, to two Peruvian vessels.
4 40-mm Breda in twin turrets shafts
Missile systems
2 twin Otomat SSM launchers
1 octuple Albatros SAM system

Type 209 submarine (4)

Class: Isl8Y (S45).AriC8 (S46) and two others

(S47 and S48)
Displacement: 990 tons (1 ,006 tonnes) sur-
faced; 1,290 tons (1,311 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 177 ft 2 in (54.0 m)
Beam 20 ft 4 in (6.2 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
8 533-mm (21-in) electric motor, delivering power to one Notes : The Type 209 boats are an Ingenieur-
Aircraft shaft kontor Lubeck (iKL) design, built by
none Speed: 10 knots (surfaced) ; 22 knots (dived) Howaldtswerke of Kie!. The two current
Radar and electronics : Range: 50 days' endurance boats were built between 1971 and 1974,
Sonar : active and passive Crew : 31 and were commissioned in 1974 and
Powerplant : diesel-electric, with 4 MTU Used also by: Argentina , Colombia, Ecuador, 1975. Another two boats were ordered in
Siemens diesel-generators and 1 Siemens Iran , Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela 1976, andafurthertwoin 1977 .

'Guppy 1 A' class submarine (2) Missile systems Speed: 18 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
none Range:
A!S weapons Crew : 85
Class: La Pedrera (S49). ex-Pabellon de Pica, none Used also by : Argentina, Turkey
ex- US Sea Poacher (SS406); Pacocha Torpedo tubes Notes : Both boats were built in Portsmouth
(S50). ex-US A tule (SS403) 10 21-in (533-mm) Navy Yard between 1943 and 1944, and
Displacament: 1,870 tons (1,900 tonnes) Aircraft were commissioned in US service in 1944.
standard ; 2,440 tons (2,4 79 tonnes) dived none They were modernised in 1951, and sold to
Dimensions: Length' 308 ft (93 .8 m) Radar and electronics: Peru in 1974. Peru also has ex-Tench
Beam 27 ft (8.2 m) Sonar : (SS417) for spares.
Draught 17 ft (5 .2 m) Powerplant: 3 diesels, delivering 4 ,800 hp,
Armament: and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,400 shp
Guns none to two shafts

'Abtao' class submarine (4) Missile systems Speed: 16 knots (surfaced); 10 knots (dived)
none Range : 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 10 knots
A!Sweapons surfaced
Class : Dos de Mayo (S41). ex-Lobo ; Abtao none Crew: 40
(S42), ex-Tiburon; Angamos (S43). ex-A tun ; Torpedo tubes Used only by: Peru
Iquique (S44). ex-Merlin 6 21-in (533-mm) Notes : All four boats were built by the Electric
Displacement : 825 tons (838 .2 tonnes) Aircraft Boat Division of General Dynamics at
standard ; 1,400 tons (1,422 tonnes) dived none Groton in Connecticut, the first pair be-
Dimensions : Length 243 ft (74.1 m) Radar and electronics: tween 1952 and 1954, for commissioning
Beam 22 ft (6.7 m) Sonar: in 1957 . The design is based on that of the
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m) Powerplant: 2 General Motors Corporation US 'Mackerel' class.
Armament : 278A diesels, delivering 2,400 bhp, and
Guns 1 5- in (127 - mm) in Dos de Mayo and electric motors delivering power to two
Abtao shafts

Mine Warfare Forces :
2 MSC coastal minesweepers 'Savage' class frigate (1 )
20,000 men including 7,000 marines Amphibious Forces:
and naval engineers Class: Rajah Lakandula (PS4). ex-South Viet-
27LST namese Tran Hung DaD , ex- US Camp
4LSM1 (DER251)
Frigates: 4 LSSLl Displacement: 1,590 tons (1,615 tonnes)
1 Savage 4 LSIL standard ; 1,850 tons (1,880 tonnes) full
4 Casco 11 LSM8 load
3 Cannon 50 LCM6 Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93 .3 m)
7 LCVP Beam 36 ft 7 in (11.2 m)
Corvettes: Draught 14 ft (4.3 m)
2Auk Armament:
8 PCE 827 Guns 2 3- in (76-mm) in single turrets
Auxiliaries: Missile systems
1 Admirable 3 repair ships none
2 presidential yachts A!S weapons
Patrol Forces: 6 tankers 1 Mark 1 5 Hedgehog
6 Hamelin type PC (+ 14?) 4 survey vessels 1 DC rack
4 PC461 PC others 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
5PGMPC Torpedo tubes
2 hydrofoil PC Aircraft:
2 PT32 hydrofoil PC 10 Islander (1 SAR sqn) none
31 de Havilland type coastal PC (+49?) 3 BO 105 helicopters Radar and electronics: SPS-28 and SPS- 10
15 Swift Marks 1 and 2 coastal PC search, and SPG-34 fire-control radars
13 Improved Swift coastal PC Marine Force: Sonar: SOS-31
2 coastal PC 6 marine bns (1 bde)

Powerplant :' Fairbanks Morse diesels, deliv- Notes: Built in Houston , Texas, by Brown
ering 6,000 bhp to two shafts Shipbuilding, Camp was commissioned as
Speed: 19 knots an escort vessel in 1943. During the Viet-
Range : namese Wa r she was used for coastal
Crew : about 170 patrol and interdiction by the US and South
Used also by : Tunisia Vietnamese Navies before her acquisition
by the Philippines in 1975.

'Casco' class frigate (4) Dimensions: Length 310ft 9 in (94.7 m) Powerplant : Fairbanks Morse diesels, deliver-
Beam41ft1 in(12 .5m) ing 6,080 bhp to two shafts
Draught 13 ft 6 in (4.1 m) Speed : about 1 8 knots
Class : Andres Bonifacio (PS7), ex-South Armament: Range:
Vietnamese Ly Thoung Kiet, ex-US Chinco- Guns15-in(127-mm) Crew: about 200
teague (WHEC375) ; Gregorio de Pilar 1 or 2 81-mm mortars Used also by : US Coast Guard
(PS8), ex-South Vietnamese Ngo Kuyen , 20r340-mm Notes : All but WHEC380 (Associated Ship-
ex- US McCulloch (WHEC386) ; Diego Missile systems builders) were built between 1942 and
Silang (PS9), ex- South Vietnamese Tran none 1944 by Lake Washington Shipyard, and
Quang Hai, ex-US Bering Strait A/Sweapons commissioned in 1943 and 1944 as US
(WHEC382); Francisco Dagahoy (PS10). none Navy seaplane tenders of the AVP type
ex- South Vietnamese Tran Binh Trong , Torpedo tubes (' Barnegat' class). In 1946-8 they were
ex- US Castle Rock (WHEC383) ; and two none transferred to the US Coast Guard as cut-
others, ex-South Vietnamese Tran Nhat Aircraft ters. They were transferred to South Viet-
Duat, ex-US Yukutat (WHEC380) and ex- none nam in 1971 - 2, and to the Philippines in
South Vietnamese Tran Quoc Toan, ex- Radar and electronics: SPN-21 and SPS-29 1975-6.
US Cook Inlet (WH EC 384) search, and Mark 26 (as part of Mark 52
Displacement: 1,766 tons (1,794 tonnes) G FCS) fire-control radars
standard ; 2 ,800 tons (2 ,845 tonnes) full Sonar :

'PC 461' class large patrol craft Armament : Sonar:

(4) Guns 1 3-in (76-mm) Powerplant : General Motors Corporation
140-mm diesels, delivering 2,800 bhp to two shafts
20-mm (several, in single or twin moun- Speed: 20 knots
Class: Batangas (PS24). ex- US PC1134 ; t ir,gs) Range :
Capiz (PS27), ex-US PC 1564; Negros Missile systems Crew : about 70
Oriental (PS29), ex- US PC1171 ; Nueva none Used also by: Indonesia
Viscaya (PS80), ex-US PC568 A/Sweapons Notes : Commissioned between 1942 and
Displacement: 280 tons (284.5 tonnes) DCs (except Negros Orienta!) 1944, these vessels were used as patrol
standard ; 450 tons (457.2 tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes craft by the USA. Nueva Viscaya was for-
Dimensions: Length 173 ft 8 in (56.9 m) none merly the USAF Altus, and Negros Oriental
Beam 23 ft (7 .5 m) Aircraft the French L'/nconstant and Cambodian
Draught 10ft 10 in (3.5 m) none P636.
Radar and electronics :

PGM-type large patrol craft (5) 2 or4 0.5-in (12 .7-mm) machine-guns Speed: 1 7 knots
Missile systems Range :
none Crew: about 15
Class: Basilan (PG60)' ex-South Vietnamese A/Sweapons Used also by: Dominican Republic, Burma ,
Hon Troc; Agusan (PG61) ; Catanduanes none Ethiopia, Turkey
(PG62) ; Romlbon (PG63) ; Palawan (PG64) Torpedo tubes Notes: PG61-64 were built by Tacoma Boat-
Displacement : 122 tons (124 tonnes) full none building of Washington and commissioned
load Aircraft into Philippine service in 1960. PG60 was
Dimensions: Length 100 ft 4 in (32 .9 m) none built by Petersen Builders of Wisconsin and
Beam 21 ft 1 in (6.9 m) Radar and electronics: transferred to South Vietnam in 1967, and
Draught 6 ft 11 in (2 .3 m) Sonar : from there to the Philippines in 1975. The
Armament: Powerplant : 2 Mercedes-Benz diesels, deliv- design is basically a lengthened version of
Guns 140-mm ering 1,900 bhp to two shafts the US Coast Guard 85-ft 'Cape' class.
4 20-mm in twin mountings

22,500 (6,000 conscripts) including Mine Warfare Forces: Naval Aviation Regiment:
marines, plus 45,000 reservists 12 Krogulec ocean minesweepers 1 bomber/ recce sqn with 10 11-28
12 T-43 ocean minesweepers 4 fighter sqns with 12 MiG-IS, 38 MiG-
Destroyers (DOG): 20 K-48 mines weeping boats 17
1 SAM Kotlin 2 helicopter sqns with c 25 Mi-l/2/ 4
Amphibious Forces:
ss: 23 Polnocny LCT There is also a coastguard service with
4 Whiskey 15 LCP (+?) nine large and three coastal PC

Light Forces: Auxiliaries:

12 Osa FAceM) 1 surveying vessel
15 Wisla FAceT) 1 intelligence vessel
6 P-6 FAceT) 6 training ships
1 training ship (sail)
Patrol Forces: 3 tankers
50bluzePC 2 salvage ships
8 Modified Obluze PC others

'SAM Kotlin' class guided missile Aircraft Range: 5,500 miles (8,850 km) at" 16 knots
none Crew: 285
destroyer ( 1 ) Radar and electronics: 'Head Net A' air Used also by: USSR
search, 'Peel Group' SAM fire-control , Notes: The first ' Kotlin' class destroyer was
Class: Warszawa (275). ex-Russian Spraved- 'Wasp Head' and 'Sun Visor B' gun fire- laid down in 1954, and commissioned in
livy control and ' Hawk Screech' gun fire- 1955. The first missile-armed example,
Displacement: 2,850 tons (2 ,896 tonnes) control radars; 'High Pole B' IFF designated 'SAM Kotlin' by NATO, was
standard ; 3,885 tons (3 ,947 tonnes) full Sonar : ' Hercules' seen in 1962. This vessel was transferred
load Powerplant: boilers supplying steam to to Poland in 1970.
Dimensions: Length 415 ft (126.5 m) geared turbines, delivering 72 ,000 shp to
Beam 42 ft 4 in (12.9 m) two shafts
Draught 16 ft 1 in (4.9 m) Speed: 36 knots
Guns 2 130-mm in a twin turret
4 45-mm in a quadruple mounting
Missile systems
1 twin SA-N - 1 'Goa' SAM launcher
2 16- barrel M BU launchers
Torpedo tubes
1 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)

'Whiskey' class submarine (4) Armament: Sonar: Tamir'

Guns none Powerplant: diesel-electric, with 2 diesels,
Missile systems delivering 4,000 hp, and 2 electric motors,
Class: Orzel (292). Sokol (293). Kondor none delivering 2,500 hp, to two shafts
(294). Bielik (295). all ex-Russian boats A!Sweapons Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
Displacement: 1,030 tons (1 ,046 tonnes) none Range: 13,000 miles (20,925 km) at 8 knots
surfaced ; 1,350 tons (1,372 tonnes) dived Torpedo tubes surfaced
Dimensions: Length 249 ft 4 in (76 .0·m) 6 533-mm (21-in) with 12 torpedoes Crew: 60
Beam 22 ft (6 .7 m) Aircraft Used also by: Albania, Bulgaria, China, Egypt,
Draught 15 ft 1 in (4.6 m) none Indonesia , North Korea, USSR
Radar and electronics : 'Snoop Plate' surveil- Notes: The first of the class were laid down· in
lance radar; 'Stop Light' passive ECM fit 1950and commissioned in 1951 .

'Obluze' class large patrol craft Modified 'Obluze' class large 'Oksywie' class large patrol craft
(5) patrol craft (8) (4)

Class: Nos 349, 350, 351 , 352 , 353 Class: Nos 301 , 302, 303, 304, 305, 306,
Class: Nos 336, 337, 338, 339
Displacement: 170 tons (172.7 tonnes) 307, 308 Displacement: 170 tons (172 .7 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 137 ft 9t in (42.0 m) Displacement: 150 tons (152.4 tonnes)
Beam 19 ft 8 in (6 .0 m) Dimensions: Length 134ft 6 in (41.0 m)
Dimensions: Length 134 ft 6 in (41 .0 m)
Draught 6 ft 1ot in (2 .1 m) Beam 16 ft 8 in (6.0 m)
Beam 19 ft 8 in (6.0 m)
Armament: Draught 6 ft 6f in (2.0 m)
Draught 6 ft 6f in (2 .0 m)
Guns 4 30- mm in twin mountings Armament: Armament:
Missile systems Guns 4 30-mm in twin mountings
Guns 2 37-mm in single mountings
none Missile systems
4 12.7-mm machine-guns
A!Sweapons none
Missile systems
2 DC racks A!S weapons none
Torpedo tubes 2 DC racks
none Torpedo tubes
2 DC racks
Aircraft none
Torpedo tubes
none Aircraft none
Radar and electronics: 'Drum Tilt' fire- none Aircraft
control radar Radar and electronics: 'Drum Tilt' fire- none
Sonar: Tamirio RN 231 control radar Radar and electronics:
Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering power to Sonar: Tamirio RN 231 Sonar: Tamir'
two shafts Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering power to
Powerplant: diesels, delivering power to two
Speed: 20 knots two shafts
Range : Speed: 20 knots
Speed: 20 knots
Crew: Range:
Used only by: Poland Crew:
Crew :
Notes: All five craft were built by Oksywie Used only by: Poland
Used only by: Poland
Shipya ~d and commissioned in 1965 and Notes: The Modified 'Obluze' class craft are
Notes: The craft were built between 1962
1966. slightly smaller than the original craft, and and 1964, and are based on the hull design
were built in the late 1960s. of German World War II 'R' craft.

'Krogulec" class ocean mine- Dimensions : Length 190 ft 3t in (58.0 m) Radar and electronics :
Beam 27 ft 6t in (8.4 m) Sonar:
sweeper (12) Draught 8 ft 2t in (2 .5 m) Powerplant: diesels. delivering power to two
Armament : shafts
Class: Orlik (643). Krogulec (644). Jastrab Guns 6 25-mm in twin mountings Speed : 1 6 knots
(645). Kormoran (646). Czapla (647). Missile systems Range:
Albatros (648). Pelikan (649). Tukan (650). none Crew:
Kania (651). Jaskolka (652). Zuraw (653). A!S weapons Used only by: Poland
Czalpa (654) none Notes : All 12 ships were built at Gdynia by
Displacement: 500 tons (508 tonnes) Torpedo tubes the Stocznia Yard. and commissioned be-
none tween 1963 and 1967.

14,000 men including 2,500 marines

4 Comandante Joao Belo
3 Almirante Pereira da Silva
10 Joao Coutinho

3 Daphne
Patrol Forces:
2 Dom Aleixo coastal PC
5 Albatroz coastal PC
1 coastal PC

Mine Warfare Forces:

4 Sao Roque coastal minesweepers

Amphibious Forces:
1 Bombarda LCT

(1 oceanographic vessel)
1 surveying vessel 'Comandante Joao Belo' class Torpedo tubes
1 replenishment tanker frigate (4) 2 triple 550-mm (21 .7-in) tubes
1 training ship (sail) Aircraft
4 others none
Class: Comandante Joao Belo (F480), Radar and electronics : Thomson-CSF DRBV
Comandante Hermenegildo Capelo (F481), 22A search, DRBV 50 tactical , DRBC 31 D
Comandante Roberto Ivens (F482), fire-control , and Decca RM 316 navigation
Coman dante Sacadura Cabral (F483) radars
Displacement: 1,990 tons (2,022 tonnes) Sonar : SQS-17A search, and DUBA-3A
standard ; 2 ,230 tons (2,266 tonnes) full attack
load Powerplant: SEMT-Pielstick diesels, deliver-
Dimensions: Length 337 ft 11 in (103.0 m) ing 18,760 bhp to two shafts
Beam 37 ft 8t in (11 .5 m) Speed : 25 knots
Draught 14 ft 6 in (4.42 m) Range: 4,500 miles (7 ,240 km) at 15 knots;
Armament: 2,300 miles (3,700 km) at 25 knots
Guns 3 1OO-mm in single mountings Crew: 14+ 186
2 40-mm in single mountings Used only by : Portugal
Missile systems Notes: The four ships were built between
none 1965 and 1968 by Ateliers et Chantiers de
A!S weapons Nantes, and commissioned between 1967
1 305-mm 4-barrel A!S mortar and 1969. The design is modelled closely
on that of the French 'Commandant
Riviere ' class.

'Almirante Pereira da Silva'

class frigate (3)

Class: Almirante Pereira da Silva (F472), ex-

US DE1039; Almirante Gago Countinho
(F473), ex-US DE1042 ; Almirante
Magalhaes Correa (F474), ex-US DE1046
Displacement: 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes)
standard ; ~ ,914 tons (1,945 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 314 ft 7 in (95.9 m)
Beam 36 ft 8 in (11 .18 m)
Draught 17 ft 6 in (5 .33 m) Aircraft one shaft
Armament: none Speed: 27 knots
Guns 4 3-in (76-mm) in twin mountings Radar and electronics: M LA-l b search, Type Range: 3,220 miles (5,180 km) at 15 knots
Missile ,systems 978 tactical. AN/ SPG-34 main armament Crew: 12+ 154
none fire-control. and Decca RM 316P naviga- Used only by : Portugal
A!Sweapons tion radars Notes: The ships of this class were built at
2 375-mm Bofors 4-barrel A!S rocket- Sonar : A!SQS-30/ 32A search, AN/ SQA-l OA Estaleiros Navais in Lisbon (F472 and
launchers variable-depth, and DU BA-3A attack F4 73), and at Estaleiros Navais de Viana do
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Powerplant: 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply- Castelo, between 1962 and 1966, with
Torpedo tubes ing steam to De Laval double-reduction commissioning dates in 1966, 1967, and
none geared turbines, delivering 20,000 shp to 1968. The design is based on that of the
' Dealev' class of US destroyer escorts.

'Joao Coutinho' class frigate

Class: Antonio Enes (F471). Joao Countinho

(F475), Jacinto Candido (F476), General
Pereira d'Eca (F4 77), Augusto de Castilho
(F484), Honorio Barreto (F485), Baptista
de Andrade (F486), Joao Roby (F487),
Alfonso Cerqueira (F488), Oliveira E.
Carmo (F489)
Displacement: 1,203 tons (1,222 tonnes)
standard; 1,380 tons (1,402 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 277 ft 6t in (84.6 m)
Beam 33 ft 9t in (10.3 m)
Draught 11 ff 9t in (3 .6 m)
Guns 2 76-mm in a twin turret (first six)
2 40-mm (first six)
Missile systems
1 Hedgehog
2 DC racks
2 DCTs
Torpedo tubes Radar and electronics: M LA-l b air search, Range: 5,900 miles (9,495 km) at 18 knots
none AN/SPG-34 gun fire-control, and Decca Crew: 9+91
Aircraft TM 626 navigation radars Used only by: Portugal
none Sonar: Notes: Three of the class were built by
Powerplant: 2 Pielstick OEW diesels, deliver- Empresa Nacional Bazan, in Spain, and
ing 10,560 bhp to two shafts 475,476 and 477 by Blohm und Voss of
Speed: 24t knots Hamburg. The class was built between
1968 and 1974, with commissioning dates
between 1970 and 1975.

'Oaphn6' class submarine (3) A!Sweapons Range: 2,710 miles (4,360 km) at 12t knots
none surfaced ; 2,130 miles (3,430 km) at 10
Torpedo tubes knots snorting
Class: Albacora (S163), Barracuda (S164), 12 550-mm (21 .7-in) Crew: 5+45
Delfin (S166) Aircraft Used also by : France, Libya, Pakistan , South
Displacement: 700 tons (711.2 tonnes) none Africa, Spain
standard; 869 tons (882.9 tonnes) sur- Radar and electronics: Notes: The three boats were built by Dubi-
faced; 1,043 tons (1,060 tonnes) dived Sonar: geon-Normandie between 1965 and
Dimensions: Length 189ft 7t in (57.8 m) Powerplant: SEMT-Pielstick diesels, deliver- 1968, and commissioned into Portuguese
Beam 22 ft 3t in (6.8 m) ing 1,300 bhp, and electric motors deliver- service in 1967, 1968 and 1969. Their sis-
Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m) ing 1,600 hp to two shafts tership Cachalote was sold to Pakistan in
Armament: Speed: 13-.1- knots (surfaced); 16 knots (dived) 1975.
Guns none
Missile systems

'Cacine' class large patrol craft


Class: Cacine (Pl140)' Cunene (Pl141),

Mandovi (Pl142). Rovuma (Pl143),
Cuanza (Pl144), Geba (Pl145), Zaire
(Pl146), Zambeze (Pl147), Limpopo
Displacement: 292.5 tons (297.2 tonnes)
standard ; 31 0 tons (315 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 144 ft 4 in (44.0 m)
Beam 25 ft 3 in (7 .7 m)
Draught 7 ft 2t in (2.2 m)
Guns 2 40-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
1 37- mm 32-barrel rocket-launcher
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: KH 975 radar
Powerplant: 2 MTU 12V 538 diesels, Range: 4,400 miles (7,080 km) at 12 knots Notes: Six of the craft \tIIere built by the
delivering 4,000 bhp to two shafts Crew: 3+30 A'rsenal do Alfeite, and the other four
Speed: 20 knots Used only by: Portugal (1144, 1145, 1146, 1147) by Estaleiros
Navais do Mendogo. The craft were com-
missioned between 1969 anq 1973.

Vosper Thornycroft 33.4-m type Torpedo tubes
Qatar large patrol craft (6) none
400 men of the Marine Police Division Class: Barzan (Ql1), Hwar (Ql2). That Radar and electronics:
of the Qatar Police Force Assuari (Q 13)' AI Wusaail (Q 14), Fateh-al- Sonar:
Khair (Q 15), Tariq (Q 16) Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 4,000 hp to
Displacement : 120 tons (121 .9 tonnes) two shafts
Patrol Forces: Dimensions : Length 109 ft 8 in (33 .4 m) Speed: 27 knots
6 VosperThornycroft 33.4-m PC Beam 21 ft (6.4 m) Range:
2 22.5-m coastal PC Draught 5 ft 6 in (1 .7 m) Crew: 25
2 Keith Nelson 13.5-m coastal PC Armament: . Used only by: Qatar
25 Fairey Spear coastal PC Guns 2 20-mm in single mountings Notes: All five craft were built by Vosper
2 Fairey Interceptor rescue craft Missile systems Thornycroft and commissioned in 1975
none and 1976.

10,500 men (5,000 conscripts) plus Patrol Forces: Auxiliaries:
20,500 reservists 3 Kronshtadt PC 2 tugs
9 river PC 1 training ship (sail)
Corvettes: 10 VG coastal PC others
3 Poti 9 SM165 coastal PC
Light Forces: Mine Warfare Forces: 4 Mi-4 helicopters
18 Shanghai FAC(G) 4 M40 coastal minesweepers
50saFAC(M) 10 T-301 inshore minesweepers
10 Hu Chwan FAC(T) 8 TR-40 minesweepingboats
13 P-4 FAC(T)

Patrol Forces:
4 coastal PC
1 yacht

St Kitts
Marine detachment of police force
Patrol Forces:
1 Fairey Spear coastal PC

St L'u cia
Patrol Forces:
1 Brooke coastal PC

St Vincent
Marine detachment of police force

Patrol Forces:
1 Brooke coastal PC

Saudi Arabia
1,500 men Fast attack craft (missile) (4) Speed: 38 knots (gas turbine); 18 knots
Class: Badr (612),AI Yarmuk (614), Hitteen Range:
Corvettes (missile): (616), Tabuk (618)
(9 nO-ton) Crew: 35
Displacement: 320 tons (325 tonnes) Used only by: Saudi Arabia
Dimensions: Length 184ft 5 in (56.2 m) Notes: The craft are building in the USA and
Light Forces: Beam 25 ft (7 .6 m) are expected in service in 1980 and 1981.
(4FAC(M)) Draught 5 ft 9 in (1 .8 m)
3 Jaguar FAC(T) Armament:
Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara
Patrol Forces: 1 81 - rTIm mortar
2 40-mm mortar
1 USCG type PC 220-mm
8 P32 type coastal PC Missile systems
12 Rapier coastal PC 2 twin Harpoon SSM launchers
2 12.2-m coastal PC A!Sweapons
43 C-80 coastal PC none
10 Fairey Huntress coastal PC Torpedo tubes
20 6 .1-m coastal PC none
8 SRN-6 hovercraft Aircraft
Radar and electronics: AN/SPS-60 surface
Mine Warfare Forces: warning, AN/SPS-40B air warning, and
4 MSC322 coastal minesweepers Mark 92 fire-control radars
Auxiliaries: Powerplant: CO DOG arrangement, with 1
4LCU General Electric gas turbine, delivering
3 others 16,500 hp, and 2 diesels, delivering 1,500
(4 landing craft) hp

350men 'P 48' class large patrol craft (3) Sonar:
Powerplant: 2 MGO diesels, delivering
Patrol Forces: 2,400 bhp to one shaft
Class: Saint Louis, Popenguine, Podor Speed: 18t knots
3 P48 PC Displacement: 250 tons (254 tonnes) full Range: 2,000 miles (3,220 km) at 18 knots
2 VC type coastal PC load Crew: 25
12 Vosper 13.7-m coastal PC Dimensions: Length 155 ft lOin (47.5 m) Used also by: Cameroon, Ivory Coast,
1 Fairey Lance coastal PC Beam23ft3tin(7 .1 m) Malagasy Republic, Tunisia
1 Fairey Spear coastal PC Draught 8 ft 2t in (2.5 m) Notes: Saint Louis was built by Chantiers
2 Fairey Huntress coastal PC Armament: Navales Franco-Belges and commissioned
Guns 2 40-mm in single mountings
1 trawler type PC in 1971 . The other two were built by the
Missile systems Societe Franr;;ais de Constructions Navales
none and commissioned in 1974 and 1977
Amphibious Forces: A!Sweapons respectively.
1 EDICLCT none
2 LCM6 Torpedo tubes
Auxiliaries: Aircraft
1 tender none
Radar and electronics:

Sierra Leone
150 men

Light Forces:
3 Shanghai II FAC(G)

'TNC 48' class fast attack craft Torpedo tubes

Singapore (missile) (6) none
3,000 men Class : Sea Wolf (P76). Sea Lion (P77). Sea Radar and electronics:
Dragon (P78). Sea Tiger (P79). Sea Hawk Sonar :
(P80). Sea Scorpion (P81) Powerplant: 4 MTU diesels, delivering
Light Forces:
D"isplacement: 230 tons (233 .7 tonnes) 14,400 hp to four shafts
6 Liirssen TNC-48 FAC(M) Dimensions: Length 157 ft 6 in (48.0 m) Speed: 34 knots
3 Vosper Thornycroft Type A FAC(G) Beam 23 ft (7 .0 m) Range:
3 Vosper Thornycroft Type B FAC(G) Draught 7 ft 6t in (2.3 m) Crew: 40
Armament: Used also by : Thailand, Turkey
Patrol Forces: Guns 1 57-mm Notes: The designers, Lurssen Werft of Vege-
1 Ford PC 140-mm sack, built the first pair, and the other four
1 large PC Missile systems were built by Singapore Shipbuilding & En-
5 Gabriel SSM launchers gineering. The first pair were com-
A!S weapons missioned in 1972, the second pair in
Mine Warfare Forces:
none 1974 and the third pair in 1975.
2 Redwing coastal minesweepers

Amphibious Forces: Torpedo tubes

6 LST511-1152 Vosper Thornycroft 'Type A' fast
6 landing craft attack craft (gun) (3) Aircraft
There is also a marine police force with Class: Independence (P69). Freedom (P70). Radar and Cllectronics:
four coastal PC Justice (P72) Sonar:
Displacement: 100 tons (101.6 tonnes) Powerplant: 2 MTU 16V 538 diesels, deliver-
standard ing7,200bhp
Dimensions: Length 109 ft 8 in (33 .5 m) Speed: 32 knots
Beam 21 ft (6.4 m) Range: 1,100 miles (1 ,770 km) at 1 5 knots
Draught 5ft7 in (1 .8 m) Crew: 19t022 .
Armament: Used only by: Singapore
Guns 1 40-mm Notes: The lead craft was built by the design-
120-mm ers, Vosper Thornycroft, and the other two
Missile systems by Vosper Thornycroft Private Ltd of Singa-
none pore. The first craft was commissioned in
A!S weapons 1970, the other two in 1971 .

Vosper Thornycroft 'Type 8' fast Torpedo tubes
attack craft (gun) (3) Aircraft
Class: Sovereignty (P71). Daring (P73). Radar and electronics :
Dauntless (P74) Sonar:
Displacement : 100 tons (101 .6 tonnes) Powerplant: 2 MTU 16V 538 diesels, deliver-
standard ; 130 tons (132 .1 tonnes) full load ing 7,200 bhp
Dimensions: Length 109 ft 8 in (33.5 m) Speed: 32 knots
8eam 21 ft (6.4 m) Range : 1,100 miles (1 ,770 km) at 15 knots
Draught 5 ft 7 in (1 .8 m) Crew : 3 + 16
Armament: Used only by : Singapore
Guns 1 76-mm Bofors Notes : The lead craft was built by the design-
120-mm ers, Vosper Thornycroft, and the other two
Missile systems by Vosper Thornycroft Private Ltd of Singa-
none pore. All three craft were commissioned in
A/Sweapons 1971.

Somali Republic
500 men
Light Forces:
3 Osa II FAC(M)
4 P-6 FAC(T)

Patrol Forces:
4 Mol PC
6 Poluchat PC
Amphibious Forces:
1 Polnocny LCT
4 T-4LCM

South Africa
5,500 men (1,400 conscripts) 'W' class destroyer (1 ) Torpedo tubes
Destroyer: Class : Jan van Riebeeck (D378). ex-British 2 small helicopters
1W Wessex, ex-British Zenith Radar and electronics: Type 293 search and
Displacement: 2,205 tons (2,240 tonnes) I-band (NSG NA 9 system) fire-control
Frigates: standard ; 2,850 tons (2,896 tonnes) full radars
3 President load Sonar:
Dimensions: Length 362 ft 9 in (110.6 m) Powerplant: 2 Admiralty boilers supplying
ss: Beam 35 ft 8 in (10.9 m)
Draught 17 ft 1 in (5.2 m)
steam to 2 Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
ing 40,000 shp to two shafts
3 Daphne
Armament: Speed: 36 knots
Light Forces: Guns 4 4-in (1 02-mm) in twin turrets Range: 3,260 miles (5,245 km) at 14 knots
2 40-mm in single mountings Crew: 11 +181
6 Reshef Missile systems Used only by: South Africa
none Notes: Wessex was built between 1942 and
Patrol Forces: A!Sweapons 1943 by Fairfield Shipbuilding & Engin-
5 Ford PC 2 DCTs eering at Govan on the Clyde, and com-
2 DC racks missioned into British service in 1944. She
Mine Warfare Forces: 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes was bought by South Africa in 1950, and
10 Ton coastal minesweepers was extensively modernised in 1964-6.

2 surveying vessels 'President' class frigate (3) Aircraft
1 small helicopter
1 fleet replenishment ship Radar and electronics : Thomson-CSF Jupi-
10 o~hers Class: President Pretorius (F 145). President ter surveillance, Type 293 air and surface
Steyn (F1471, President Kruger (F150) search, and Elsag NA 9C fire- control radars
Displacement : 2,250 tons (2 ,286 tonnes) Sonar :
standard ; 2,800 tons (2,849 tonnes) full Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
load supplying steam to 2 double-reduction
Dimensions: Length 370 ft (112 .8 m) geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp to
Beam41 ft 1 in (12 .5 m) two shafts
Draught 17 ft 1 in (5.2 m) Speed : 30 knots
Armament: Range : 4,500 miles (7 ,240 km) at 12 knots
Guns 2 4 .5-i n (114-mm) in a twin turret Crew: 13+ 190
2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Used only by : South Africa
Missile systems Notes: The three ships were originally buHt as
none 'Rothesay' class frigates, the first and last
A!Sweapons by Yarrow at Scotstoun, and the second by
1 Limbo 3-barrel mortar Alex Stephen & Sons at Yarrow, in the
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes period between 1959 and 1962. The ships
Torpedo tubes were commissioned in 1962, 1963 and
none 1964. They have been quite extensively '
modernised in South African ya rds.

'A69' class frigate (2) Missile systems Powerplant: 2 SEMT-Pielstick PC2V diesels,
2 M M38 Exocet SSM launchers delivering 11 ,000 bhp to two shafts
Class: two ships, ex-French Lieutenant de A!S weapons Speed: 24 knots
Vaisseau Le Htmaff and ex-French Com- 1 375-mm Mark 54 rocket-launcher Range: 4 ,500 miles (7 ,240 km) at 15 knots
mandant de I'Herminier 4 533-mm (21-in) tubes for L3 or L5 torpe- Crew : 5 + 70
Displacement : 950 tons (965 .2 tonnes) does Used also by: France
standard ; 1,170 tons (1 ,189 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Notes: 80th ships were built by Lorient Naval
load nene Dockyard between 1976 and 1977, and
Dimensions : Length 262 ft 5t in (80.0 m) Aircraft sold to South Africa whilst still under con-
8eam 33 ft 9t in (10.3 m) none struction . They are due to enter service in
Draught 9 ft lOin (3 .0 m) Radar and electronics: 1978, and there are reports that South
Armament: Sonar: Africa has ordered another two of the same
Guns 1 100-mm class. A UN embargo on arms sales to
220-mm South Africa has prevented delivery.

'Daphne' class submarine (3) Missile systems w ith diesels delivering 1,300 bhp and elec-
none tric motors 1,600 hp to two shafts
Class: Maria van Riebeeck (S97), Emily Hob- A!S weapons Speed: 16 knots (surfaced and dived)
house (S98),Johanna van derMerve (S99) none Range : 4,500 miles (7 ,240 km) at 5 knots
Displacement : 850 tons (863.6 tonnes) sur- Torpedo tubes snorting
faced; 1,040 tons (1,057 tonnes) dived 12 550-mm (21 .7- in) Crew : 6+41
Dimensions: Length 190 ft 3 in (58 .0 m) Aircraft Used also by : France, Libya, Pakistan, Portu-
Beam 22 ft 2t in (6 .8 m) none gal, Spain
Draught 15 ft 5 in (4.7 m) Radar and electronics: Notes : The three boats were built by Dubi-
Armament: Sonar: geon-Normandie at Nantes between 1968
Gunsnone Powerplant: SEMT- Pielstick diesel-electric, and 1970, and were commissioned in
1970 and 1971 .

'Agosta' class submarine (2) Aircraft Speed : 12 knots (surfaced) ; 20 knots (dived)
none Range: 9 ,000 miles (14,485 km) at 9 knots
Radar and electronics: surfaced ; 350 miles (565 km) at 3t knots
Class: two boats Sonar : dived
Displacement: 1,470 tons (1,494 tonnes) Powerplant: diesel-electric, with 2 SEMT- Crew : 50
surfaced ; 1,790 tons (1,819 tonnes) dived Pielstick diesels, developing 3 ,600 bhp, Used also by: France, Spain
Dimensions : Length 222 ft 9 in (67 .9 m) and 1 main electric motor, delivering 4,600 Notes: The two boats are on order from Dubi-
Beam 22 ft 2t in (6.8 m) bhp to one shaft geon- Normandie of Nantes, for delivery in
Draught 17 ft ot in (5.2 m) 1978 and 1979. A UN embargo on arms
Armament : sales to South Africa has prevented deli-
Guns none very.
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
4 550-mm (21 .7-in) with 20 torpedoes

South Korea
32,000 men, plus 25,000 reservists Light Forces: Amphibious Forces:
7 Tacoma PSMM 5 FACCM) 3 LST1-510
Destroyers: 1 Asheville FACCM) ( +4) 5 LST511-1152
2 Gearing FRAM 1 1 Elk River LSMR
2 Gearing FRAM II Patrol Forces: 11 LSM1
2 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II 5 CPICtypeFACCP) 1 LCU501
3 Fletcher 8 Cape PC
232.7-mmPC Auxiliaries:
Frigates: 10 Schoolboy coastal PC 1 repair ship
1 Rudderow 9 Sew art 21.3-m coastal PC 6 supply ships
6 Charles Lawrence and Crossley 4 Sew art 13 .1-m coastal PC 1 tanker
(1 + 3 1,600-ton) 3 harbour tankers
Mine Warfare Forces: others
Corvettes: 8 MSC268 and 294 coastal mine-
3 Auk sweepers There is also a coastguard service
3 PCE827 1 MSB minesweeping boat operating about 25 vessels

'Gearing FRAM I' and 'Gearing Aircraft

FRAM II' class destroyer (4) 1 small helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS- 10 search and
SPS-40 air search radars
Class : Kwang Ju (0090)' ex-US Richard E. Sonar: SOS-29 series
Kraus (00849) ; Chung Buk (0095). ex- Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
US Chevalier (00805);Jeong Buk(0096), supplying steam to 2 General Electric
ex-US Everett F. Larson (00830) ; Taejon geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
(0099), ex-US New (00818) two shafts
Displacement: 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) Speed: 34 knots
standard ; about 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) Range:
full load Crew : about 275
Dimensions: Length 390ft 6 in (119.0 m) Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Greece,
Beam 40ft 10 in (12 .4 m) Pakistan, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, USA
Draught 19 ft (5.8 m) Notes: Three of the ships were built t>y Bath
Armament: Iron Works, of Bath (Maine), and the last by
Guns 6 5- in (127-mm) in twin turrets Consolidated Steel Corporation, in ·the
1 20-mm Vulcan rotary cannon (DDs 95 period between 1943 and 1946, for com-
and 96) missioning into US service in 1945 and
2 30- mm Emerlec in a twin mounting in 1946. In 1949 they were modified into
JeongBuk radar picket destroyers, and in the 1950s
Missile systems the first two were modernised to FRAM II
none standard, and the second two to FRAM I
A/Sweapons standard. The first pair were transferred in
2 Mark 11 Hedgehogs 1972, and the second pair in 1977.
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes

' Allen M.· Sumner FRAM II'
class destroyer (2)

Class : Dae Gu (0095), ex- US Wallace L. Lind

(00703) ; In Cheon (0098), ex-US De
Ha ven (00727)
Displacement : 2 ,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes)
standard ; 3 ,320 tons (3 ,373 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m)
Beam 40ft 10 in (12.4 m)
Oraught 19 ft (5.8 m)
A rmament : Radar and electronics: SPS- 10 surface Crew: about 275
Guns 6 5- in (127-mm) in twin t urrets search and SPS-40 air search (Dae Gu) or Used also by : Brazil, Chile, Colombia , Iran,
1 20- mm Vulcan rotary cannon SPS-37 air search (In Cheon) radars Tu rkey, Venezuela
Missil e system s Sonar: hull-mounted SOS-29 and vari- Notes: The ships were built between 1943
none able-depth SOA-1 0 and 1944 by Bath Iron Works of Bath
A/Sweapons Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers (Maine) and by Federal Shipbuilding & Ory-
2 Mark 11 Hedgehogs supplying steam to 2 General Electric dock of Kearney (New Jersey), and com-
2 t riple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to missioned into US service in 1944. They
Torpedo t ubes two shafts both received FRAM II modification during
none Speed: 34 knots the 1950s, and were transferred to South
Aircraft Range: Korea in 1973.
1 small helicopter

'Fletcher' class destroyer (3) Missile systems Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
none supplying steam to General Electri~geared
A!S weapons turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to two
Class: Chung Mu (0091), ex-US Erben 2 Mark 11 Hedgehogs shafts
(00631) ; Seoul (0092). ex-US Halsey DCs Speed: 35 knots
Powell (00686); Pusan (0093), ex-US 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range:
Hickox (00673) Torpedo tubes Crew : about 250
Displacement: 2,O~0 tons (2 ,083 tonnes) none Used also by : Argentina, Brazil , Chile,
standard ; 3 ,050 tons (3,099 tonnes) full Aircraft Greece, Italy, Mexic.o, Peru, Spain, Taiwan ,
load none Turkey, West Germany
Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-6 search and Notes: The three ships were built between
Beam 39 ft 7 in (12 .0 m) SPS-1 0 surface search radars 1942 and 1943 by Bath Iron Works of Bath
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) Sonar: (Maine), Bethlehem Steel of Staten Island
Armament: (New York) and Federal Shipbuilding of
Guns 55-in (127-mm) in single turrets Kearney (New Jersey), and commissioned
10 40-mm in 1 twin and 2 quadruple into US service in 1943 .- Erben was trans-
mountings (not in Seoul) ferred in 1963, and the other two in 1968.

'Rudderow' class frigate (1) M issile systems Sonar:

none Powerplant: 2 Combustion Engineering boi-
A!Sweapons lers supplying steam to General Electric
Class : Chung Nam (DE73), ex-US Holt 1 Hedgehog geared turbines (turbo-electric drive), deliver-
(DE706) DCs ing 12,000 shp to two shafts
Displacement: 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes) 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Speed: 24 knots
standard; 1,890 tons (1,920 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Range:
load none Crew: about 21 0
Dimensions : Length 306 ft (83.2 m) Aircraft Used also by: Taiwan
Beam 37ft (11.3 m) none Notes: Holt was built by Defoe Shipbuilding
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-5 surface sur- of Bay City (Michigan) in 1943, and com-
Armament: veillance and SPS-6 search radars missioned in 1944. She was transferred to
Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets South Korea in 1963.
4 40-mm in twin mountings

'Auk' class corvette (3) Missile systems Powerplant: . General Motors Corporation
none diesels as part of a diesel-electric drive de-
A!Sweapons livering 3,532 bhp to two shafts
Class : Shin Song (PCE1001l. ex-US Ptarmi- 1 Hedgehog Speed: 1 8 knots
gan (MSF376) ; Sunchon (PCE1002), ex- DCs Range:
US Speed(MSF116) ; Koje (PCE1003)' ex- 1 triple 12.7 5-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes Crew: about 110
US Dextrous (MSF341) Torpedo tubes Used also by: Mexico, Norway, Philippines,
Displacement: 890 tons (904.25 tonnes) none Taiwan, Uruguay .
standard ; 1,250 tons (1 ,270 tonnes) full Aircraft Notes: The three ships were built between
load none 1942 and 1944 as minesweepers of the
Dimensions: Length 221 ft 3 in (63.2 m) Radar and electronics: AM type. The first ship was transferred to
Beam 32 ft 3 in (9 .2 m) Sonar : South Korea in 1963, and the other two in
Draught 10ft 10 in (3 .0 m) 1967 . Transfer arrangements included the
Armament: removal of the sweeping gear and the ad-
Guns 2 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings dition ofthe second 3-in (76- mm) gun .
4 40-mm in twin mountings
2 20-mm in single mountings

Tacoma PSMM 5 type fast Guns 1 3-in (76-mm) Powerplant: 6 Avco Lycoming TF35 gas
1 40-mm (possibly removed) turbines, delivering 16,800 hp to two
attack craft (missile) (7) 2 0 .5-in (12.7-mm) machine-guns shafts
Missile systems Speed: 40+ knots
Class: Paek Ku 12 (102), Paek Ku 13 (103), 4 Standard SAM launchers with eight mis- Range:
PaekKu 15 (105), PaekKu 16 (106),Paek siles . Crew: 5+27
Ku 17 (107). Paek Ku 18 (108), Paek Ku A!S weapons Used only by: South Korea
19(109) none Notes: Designed by Tacoma Boatbuilding of
Displacement: about 250 tons (254 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Tacoma (Washington), the PSMM is a
full load none mUlti-mission patrol ship based in design
Dimensions: Length 165 ft (50.3 m) Aircraft on the US Navy 'Asheville' class, Tacoma
Beam 24 ft (7 .3 m) none built the first three craft, which were com-
Draught 9 ft 6 in (2 .9 m) Radar and electronics: missioned in 1975 and 1976, and the
Armament: Sonar: remaining four craft of the class were built
in South Korea , commissioning in 1976
and 1977.

South Yemen
600 men' under army control 1 Poluchat PC Amphibious Forces:
3 Fairey Spear coastal PC 2 Polnocny LCT
Light Forces: 1 Fairey Interceptor coastal PC 3T-4LCVP
2 P-6 FAC(T) 2 Zhuk FAC(P)
Patrol Forces: Mine Warfare Forces: 1 lighter
2S0IPC 3 Ham inshore minesweepers

The Spanish Navy Lazaga' and the six 'P-lO/ Barcelo' Patrol Forces:
Spain is not a member of the NATO class large patrol craft, though these 6 LazagaPC
alliance, but inevitably her fortunes are are oflimited combat value. There are 6 Barcelo PC
bound up with those of the rest of also a number of coastal and river 4 Guadiaro PC
Europe. Therefore, because she has patrol craft, more useful for policing 5 LP1 coastal PC
long coastlines on both the Atlantic and than for military duties. Spain needs 3 USCG 25 .4-m coastal PC
the Mediterranean, as well as extensive missile- and torpedo-armed FAC types, 1 fishery protection vessel
overseas trade, Spain requires strong but future plans indicate that 1 patrol vessel
armed forces, especially a strong navy. construction of this type will consist of 13 coastaVriver patrol launches
Naval personnel amount to 40,000, six small patrol ships and six large
some 12.7 per cent of the total Spanish patrol craft. Amphibious Forces:
armed forces, whose budget is about 1.9 Amphibious warfare plays a major 1 Haskell attack transport
per cent of the gross national product. part in Spanish defence thinking, as 1 Andromeda attack freighter
Spain's maritime defence policy is indicated by the existence of one attack 1 Cabildo LSD
based on a twofold notion oflong-range transport, one attack freighter, one 3 Terrebonne Parish LST
offensive action by powerful surface LSD, three LSTs, eight LCTs, two 2 LCT(4)
strike forces and submarines, and LCUs and six LCMs. Mine warfare also 3 Spanish LCT
short-range coastal defence by smaller features prominently: there are four 3EDICLCT
units. The ocean strike force is built 'Aggressive' class ocean minesweepers, 2LCU
round the light carrier Dedalo and its with another four to be delivered, 12 6 LCMS
AV-SA Matador VTOL strike aircraft, 'Nalon' class coastal minesweepers, and
while defence of the strike force against four 'Guadiaro' class units, which Mine Warfare Forces:
submarine attack is greatly are now used mainly for patrol, but 4 Aggressive ocean minesweepers ( +4)
strengthened by the Dedalo's ability to could be used for their intended role of 12 Nalon/ MSC coastal minesweepers
operate, in addition to the AV-SAs, coastal minesweeper if aecessary.
some 20 ASW helicopters. It should be Service and auxiliary forces are well Auxiliaries:
noted, though, that Dedalo can also be catered for, and so the most important 4 survey ships
used in support of assault landings, the criticism of the Spanish navy must be 2 oceanographic ships
ASW helicopters being replaced by that although it has enough types, these 1 transport
HueyCobra helicopter gunships and/ or are not of the right kind. For the most 1 replenishment tanker
Bell 204 and 212 assault transport part Spain's major surface vessels are 13 harbour tankers
helicopters. obsolescent, and both they and the light 1 training ship (sail)
Dedalo will be supported by units forces need bolstering with missile- 1 royal yacht
from Spain's destroyer force : five 'D60/ armed units. Matters will be partially others
Gearing FRAM 1', two' Roger de rectified if the proposed additional four
Lau.ria', one 'Oquendo' and five corvettes are built to supplement the Naval Air Service:
'D20/ Fletcher' class. Although the four already under construction. 1 FGAsqn with 5AV-SA, 2 TAV-SA
number of destroyers appears Approval is also being sought for one 4 Piper Commanche (1 communication
adequate, their modernity does not, sea control ship, three frigates, and sqn)
and the real utility of these somewhat another two corvettes, all of which will (5 helicopter sqns) 10 SH-3D, 11 AB
elderly ships is open to doubt, the more help the Spanish navy modernise itself 204/ 212 ASW, 12 Bell 47G, 12 ·
so as none have been modernised to in an age of rapid, but totally necessary, Hughes 500HM, 6 AH-1G .
include any type of missile armament, technological innovation. (5 AV-SA)
and only seven carry a light ASW (5 AB 212)
helicopter. 44,SOO men (32,000 conscripts) plus (6 SH-3D)
Spain is better provided with 10,600 marines and 200,000 reservists
frigates . A new class of such ships, Marine Force:
similar to the US 'Oliver Hazard Perry' CV: 4 light inf regts
class, is under construction. But in the 1 Independence (CVL) 2 independent groups
meantime Spain has the 'F30' class,
with four building for commissioning Destroyers:
by 1979, another four approved, and 5 D60/ Gearing FRAM1
possibly another three to be approved. 2 Roger de Lauria
The ships will have a Sea Sparrow 1 Oquendo
short-range SAM defence, and 5 D20/Fletcher
Harpoon SSMs. There are also the five
'F70/ Baleares' class ships, with a single Frigates (FFG):
Tartar/ Standard SAM launcher, and (3 FFG7)
the other nine frigates of the' Audaz', 4 F30 (+4)
'Alava', Modernised 'Pizarro' and 5 F70/ Baleares
'F60/ Atrevida' classes, all of them
conventional ships but useful for escort Frigates (FF):
and general-purpose duties. 1 Audaz
The Spanish submarine arm is well 2 Alava
provided for, with two 'S70/ Agosta' 2 Modernised Pizarro
class boats building apd two ordered, 4 F60/ Atrevida
four 'S60/ Daphne' class boats in
service, as well as three 'S30/Guppy SS :
llA' . (4 Agosta)
For long-range patrol work, Spain 4 S60/ Daphne
relies on the available six 'P-OO/ 3 S30/Guppy IIA

'Independence' class light air-
craft-carrier (1 )

Class: Dedalo (PH01). ex-US Cabot (AVT3).

ex-US Cabot (CVL28)
Displacement: 13,000 tons (13 ,208 tonnes)
standard; 16,41610ns (16,679 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 623 ft (189.9 m)
8eam (hull) 71 ft 6 in (21.8 m)
Oraught 26 ft (7.9 m)
Armament :
Guns 26 40-mm in 2 quadruple and 9 twin
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
7 aircraft and 20 helicopters
Radar and electronics : SPS-6 search, SPS-
40 search, SPS- 52B 30 surveillance , ANI
WLR-1 height-finder, SPS-1 0 tactical. and Speed : 32 knots on the stocks into an aircraft-carrier, and
4 fire-control radars Range: 7 ,200 miles (11,590 km) at 15 knots launched in 1943, also being com-
Sonar : Crew: 1,112 without air groups missioned into US service in 1943. She
Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Used only by : Spain was later modernised to incorporate better
supplying steam to General Electric geared Notes : Cabot was laid down in 1942 by New protection and additional electronic gear,
turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to four York Shipbuilding as CL79, a light cruiser of with a flight deck measuring 545 ft by 108
shafts the 'Cleveland' class. She was converted ft (166 .1 m by 32 .9 m) . She was loaned to
Spain in 1967, and sold to her in 1973.

Armament: _ Powerplant:' 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers

'060' ('Gearing FRAM I') class
Guns 4 5- in (127-mm) in twin turrets supplying steam to 2 General Electric or
destroyer (5) Missile systems Westinghouse geared turbines, delivering
none 60,000 shp to two shafts
Class : Churruca (061), ex-US Eugene A. A!S weapons Speed : 34 knots
Greene (00711) ; Gravina (062), ex- US 1 ASROC launcher Range: 4,800 miles (7,725 km) at 15 Rnots
Furse (00882) ; Mendez Nunez (063). ex- 2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes Crew: 17 + 257 .
US O'Hare (00889) ; Langaria (064), ex- Torpedo tubes Used also by: Brazil , Greece, Pakistan, South
US Leary (00879) ; BIas de Lezo (065). ex- none Korea , Taiwan, Turkey, USA
USNoa(00841) ' Aircraft Notes : The five ships were built between
Displacement : 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) 1 small helicopter 1944 and 1945, the first by Federal Ship-
standard ; 3,480 tons (3 ,536 tonnes) full Radar and electronics : SPS-40 air search building & Orydocking, the next three by
load (061 , 062), SPS-37 air search (others), Consolidated Steel Corporation, and the
Dimensions : Length 390 ft 6 in (119 .0 m) SPS- 10 surface search, and Mark 37 fire- last by Bath Iron Works, All five were com-
Beam 40ft9 in (12.4 m) control radars missioned into US service in 1945. The
Oraught 19 ft (5.8 m) Sonar : SOS-23 first two were transferred in 1972, and the
other three in 1973, all five being bought in

'Roger de Lauria' class destroyer


Class : Roger de Lauria (042), Marques de la

Ensenada (043)
Displacement : 3 ,012 tons (3,060 tonnes)
standard ; 3,785 tons (3,846 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 391 ft 6 in (119 .3 m)
Beam 42 ft 8 in (13 .0 m)
Oraught 18 ft 5 in (5 .6 m)
Guns 6 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets
Missile systems
2 triple 12 .75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
2 21 -in (533 - mm)
Aircraft Powerplant : 3 boilers supplying steam to 2 Notes : Both ships were built at the Ferrol
1 small helicopter Rateau-Bretagne geared turbines , deliver- yards, being laid down in 1951 to the same
Radar and electronics : SPS-40 search , SPS- ing 60,000 shp to two shafts specification as the 'Oquendo' class. They
10tactical, Mark25 (Mark 37 directod and Speed: 28 knots were launched in 1958 and 1959, and then
Mark 35 (Mark 56 director) radars Range : 4 ,500 miles (7 ,245 km) at 1 5 knots towed to Cartagena for modification. Ar-
Sonar : SOS-32C hull- mounted and SQA- 10 Crew : 20 + 298 mament and electronics are identical to
variable-depth Used only by : Spain those of 'Gearing FRAM II ' class de-
stroyers, 042 was finally commissioned in
1969, and 043 in 1970.

'Oquendo' class destroyer (1 )

Class: Oquendo (D41)

Displacement: 2,342 tons (2 ,379 tonnes)
standard; 3,005 tons (3,053 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 382 ft (11 6.4 m)
Beam 36 ft 6 in (11.1 m)
Draught 12 ft 6 in (3.8 m)
Guns 4 120-mm in twin turrets
6 40-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
2 Mark 11 Hedgehogs
2 Mark 4 side-launchers with 3 Mark 32
torpedoes each
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: Type 293 search,
Marconi SNW 10 air search , and Type
275 and Type 262 fire-control radars
Sonar: QHB a Notes: Oquendo was built at the Ferrol yards
Powerplant: 3 boilers supplying steam to 2 between 1951 and 1956, and com-
Speed: 32-!- knQts missioned in 1960. Oesigned as a fleet de-
Rateau- Bretagne geared turbines, deliver-
Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 15 knots stroyer, Oquendo was modified during
ing 60,000 shp to two shafts
Crew: 17 +233 construction into an anti-submarine de-
Used only by: Spain stroyer.

'020' ('Fletcher') class destroyer 6 3-in (76-mm) in twin turrets (023 , 024, Sonar: SQS-4 or SQS-29
025) Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
6 40-mm in twin mountings (021, 022) supplying steam to Westinghouse (021 ,
6 20-mm in single mountings (021,022) 022) or General Electric (others) geared
Class: Lepanto (021). ex-US Capps (00550); Missile systems turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to two
Almirante Ferrandiz (022). ex-US David W. none shafts
Taylor (00551); Almirante Valdes (023). A!Sweapons Speed: 35 knots
ex-US Converse (00509) ; Alcala Galiano 2 Mark 11 Hedgehogs Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 15 knots
(024). ex-US Jarvis (00799); Jorge Juan 6 (021, 022) or4 (others) OCTs Crew: 17 +273
(025). ex-US McGowan (00678) 2 (D21 , D22) or 1 (others) OC racks Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Displacement: 2,080 tons (2,113 tonnes) 2 side-launching Mark 4 racks, each with 3 Greece, Italy, Mexico, Peru, South Korea ,
standard; 3,050 tons (3 ,099 tonnes) full Mark 32 A!S torpedoes Taiwan, Turkey, West Germany
load Torpedo tubes Notes: The five ships were built between
Dimensions: Length 376ft 6 in (114.8 m) 3 21-in (533-mm) in 023, 024, 025 1941 and 1943, for commissioning into
Beam 39 ft 6 in (12 .0 m) Aircraft US service in 1943 and 1944. The first two
Oraught 18 ft (5.5 m) none were transferred to Spain in 1957, the third
Armament: Radar and electronics: SPS-6C search, SPS- in 1959, and the last two in 1960. Spain
Guns 5 (021, 022) or 4 (others) 5-in (127- 10 tactical, Mark 37 (021, 022) fire- bought all five ships in 1972.
mm) in single turrets control. and Marks 37,56 and 63 (others)
fire-control radars

'Baleares' or 'F70' class guided

missile frigate (5)

Class : Baleares (F71), Andalucia (F72).

Cataluna (F73). Asturias (F74). Extrema-
dura (F75)
Displacement: 3,015 tons (3 ,063 tonnes)
standard; 4,177 tons (4,244 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 438 ft (133 .6 m)
Beam46ft11 in(14.3m)
Oraught 15ft 5 in (4.7 m) A!S weapons Aircraft
Armament: 1 octuple ASROC launcher with 8 reloads none
Guns 1 5-in (127-mm) 4 Mark 32 tubes for Mark 46 torpedoes Radar and electronics: SPS-52A 30 search,
Missile systems 2 Mark25 tubes for Mark 37 torpedoes SPS-l0 tactical. SPG-51 C missile fire-
1 Mark 22 Tartar/Standard SAM launcher Torpedo tubes
with 16 missiles none

control , and SPG-53B gun fire-control Speed: 28 knots

class was ordered to replace the 'Leander'
radars Range : 4 ,500 miles (7 ,240 km) at 15 knots class frigates ordered from UK, but can-
Sonar : SOS-23 hull- mounted and SOS-35V Crew : 15 + 241 celled in 1962 as a result of British insults
variable-depfh Used only by : Spain to Spain. The design is based on that of the
Powerplant : 2 V2M boilers supplying steam Notes : All five ships were built by Bazan at US ' Knox' class, and Spain enjoyed full US
to 1 Westinghouse geared turbine , deliver- Ferrol between 1968 and 1972, for com- co-operation in the design of the class.
ing 35,000 shp to one shaft missioning between 1973 and 1976. The

'F30' class guided missile frigate


Class : Descubierta (F31), Diana (F32),

Infanta Elena (F33), Infanta Cristina
(F34), and four others (F35 , F36 , F37 ,
Displacement : 1,200 tons (1 ,219 tonnes)
standard ; 1,497 tons (1,521 tonn es) full
Dimensions : Length 291 ft 4 in (88.8 m)
Beam 34 ft (10.5 m)
Draught 11 ft 6 in (3 .5 m)
Torpedo tubes Speed : 26 knots
Armament :
none Range : 4 ,000 m iles (6,440 km)
Guns 1 76- mm OTO Melara
Aircraft Crew : about 100
2 40- mm in single mountings none Used only by : Spain
1 or 2 20-mm Meroka 12-barrel AA
Radar and electronics : Hollandse Signaalap- Notes: The first four of the class were built by
paraten DA OS/ 2 combined search, 2W-06 Bazan at Cartagena between 1974 and
Missile systems
navigation and helicopter control and WM 1976, for commission ing between 1977
1 octuple Sea Sparrow SAM launcher with
22/ 41 fire-control system radars; Elettronica and 1979. The se cond four are being built
16 reloads
'Beta' ECM fit by Bazan at Ferrol , for commissioning in
2 quadruple MM39 Exocet or Harpoon
Sonar : 1 Raytheon 1160B the early 1980s. The design is simila r to
SSM launchers
Powerplant : 4 MTU - Bazan 16V 956 TB 91 that of the Portuguese 'Joao Coutinho'
diesels, del ivering up to 18,000 bhp to two class, but w ith new engines and armament .
1 375 - mm Bofors twin-barrel launcher
shafts It seems lils.ely that another four of the class
2 triple 12 .75-in (3 2 4- mm) Mark 32 tubes
wil l eventually be built.

'Audaz' class frigate (1 ) Dimensions : Length 308 ft 5 in (94.0 m) N Sweapons

Beam 30 ft 6 in (9.3 m) 2 Mark 1 1 Hedgehogs
Draught 17 ft 1 in (5 .2 m) 8 DC mortars
Class: Intrepido (038) Armament : 2 DC racks
Displacement : 1,227 tons (1 ,247 tonnes) Guns 2 3-in (76-mm) 2 side- launching racks for NS torpedoes
standard ; 1,550 tons (1 ,575 tonnes) full 240- mm Torpedo tubes
load Missile systems none

Aircraft Powerplant: 3 La Seine boilers supplying Used only by: Spain
none steam to 2 Rateau - Bretagne geared tur- Notes: The ship was built between 1945 and
Radar and electronics: SPS-5B surface bines, delivering 28,000 shp to two shafts 1961 at the Ferrol yards, and com-
search, MLA-l B air search, and Mark 63 Speed: 28 knots missioned in 1965. She is modelled on the
fire-control radars Range: 3,800,miles (6,115 km) at 14 knots French 'Le Fier' design.
Sonar: OHBa Crew: 13+ 186

,Alava' class frigate (2) A!Sweapons Speed: 29 knots

2 Hedgehogs Range: 4,100 miles (6,600 km) at 15 knots
8 DC mortars Crew: 15+207
Class: Liniers (D51, ex-21)' Alava (D52, ex- 2 DC racks Used only by: Spain
23) 2 side-launching racks for A!S torpedoes Notes: Both ships were built by Bazan at Car-
Displacement: 1,842 tons (1,871 tonnes) Torpedo tubes tagena between 1 944 and 1 947, for com-
standard ; 2,287 tons (2,324 tonnes) full none missioning in 1951 and 1950 respectively.
load The ships were ordered in 1936 but
Dimensions: Length 336ft 3t in (1 02 .5 m) none delayed by the start of the Spanish Civil
Beam 31 ft 6 in (9.6 m) Radar and electronics: MLA-l B air search, War, started again in 1940, but again
Draught 19 ft 8 in (6.0 m) SG-6B surface search, and Decca TM 626 delayed by the problems occasioned by
Armament: navigation radars World War II, and finally built from 1944
Guns 3 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings Sonar: SOS-30A onwards. They are the last survivors of the
340-mm Powerplant: 4 Yarrow boilers supplying 18-strong 'Churruca ' class.
Missile systems steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
none ing 31 ,500 shp to two shafts

Modernised 'Pizarro' class frig- Missile systems search, M LA-l B air search, and Decca TM
none 626 navigation radars
ate (2) A!Sweapons Sonar:
2 Hedgehogs Powerplant: 2 Yarrow boilers supplying
Class: Vicente Yanez Pinzon (F41), Legazpi 8 DC mortars steam to 2 Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
(F42) 2 DC racks ing 6,000 shp to two shafts
Displacement: 1,924 tons (1,955 tonnes) 2 side-launching racks for A!S torpedoes Speed: 1 8t knots
standard ; 2 ,228 tons (2,264 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Range : 3,000 miles (4,830 km) at 15 knots
load none Crew: 16+239
Dimensions: Length 312 ft 6 in (95.3 m) Aircraft Used only by: Spain
Beam 39 ft 6 in (12 .0 m) none Notes:' Both ships were built at Ferrol be-
Draught 17 ft 9 in (5.4 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-5B surface tween 1943 and 1945, and commissioned
Armament: in 1949 and 1951 respectively. Both were
Guns 2 5-in (127 - mm) in single turrets modernised in 1949 and 1950.

'Atrevida' or 'F60' class frigate

(4) '

Class : Atrevida (F61), Princesa (F62), Nau-

tilus (F64), Villa de Bilbao (F65)
Displacement: 1,031 tons (1 ,047 tonnes)
standard; 1,135 tons (1,153 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 247 ft 8t in (75.5 m)
Beam 33 ft 6 in (10.2 m)
Draught 9 ft lOin (3.0 m)
Guns 1 3-in (76-mm)
3 40-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
2 Hedgehogs
8 DC mortars
2 DC racks
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: Modified SPS- 5B air/ Range: 8,000 miles (12,875 km) at 10 knots Cadiz. They were built between 1950 and
surface search radar Crew : 9+123 1958, and commissioned between 1954
Sonar: OHBa Used only by: Spain and 1960. They can carry 20 mines. The
Powerplant: Sulzer diesels, delivering 3,000 Notes: The ships were all built by Bazan, the class has the unusual feature of no funnels,
bhp to two shafts first two at Cartagena, the second pair at the diesels exhausting on the starboard
Speed: 18t knots side just above the waterline.

'570' ('Agosta') class submarine Dimensions: Length 221 ft 9t in (67 .6 m) A!Sweapons

Beam 22 ft 4 in (6.8 m) none
(4) Draught 17 ft 9 in (5.4 m) Torpedo tubes
Armament: 4 550-mm (21 .7-in)' w ith 20 torpedoes
Class : S71, S72, S73 , S74 Gunsnone Aircraft
Displacement: 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes) Missile systems none
surfaced ; 1,725 tons (1,753 tonnes) dived none

Radar and electronics: Thomson-CSF delivering 6,400 hp, to one shaft Crew: 50
Calypso surveillance and navigation radar Speed: 12 knots (surfaced); 20 knots (dived) Usee! ,Lo bi: France
Sonar: DUUA active, and DSUV passive Range: 9,000 miles (14,485 km) at 9 knots Notes: The boats are building in the Baz6n
Powerplant: diesel-electric, with 2 diesels, snorting; 350 miles (565 km) at 3t knots yards at Cartagena , with the first two craft
delivering 3,600 hp, and 1 electric motor, dived to be commissioned in 1980 and 1981 .

'560' ('Daphne') class sub- A/Sweapons Speed: 13* knots (surfaced); 15t knots
none (dived)
marine (4) Torpedo tubes Range: 4,500 miles (7,245 km) at 5 knots
12 550-mm (21.7-in) with 12 torpedoes snorting; 2,710 miles (4,360 km) at 12t
Class: Delfin (S61), Tonina (S62), Marsopa Aircraft knots su rfaced
(S63). Narval (S64) none Crew: 6+41
Displacement: 870 tons (883.8 tormes) sur- Radar and electronics: Thomson-CSF Used also by: France, Libya, Pakistan, Portu-
faced; 1,040 tons (1,057 tonnes) dived DRUA-31 radar; ECM fit gal. South Africa
Dimensions: Length 189 ft 7t in (57 .8 m) Sonar: DUUA-1 active, DSUV passive, and Notes: The four boats were built by Baz6n at
Beam 22 ft 4 in (6.8 m) DUUG-1 Cartagena in two pairs, the first between
Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m) Powerplant : SEMT-Pielstick diesel-electric, 1968 and 1972, commissioning in 1973,
Armament: with diesels delivering 2,600 bhp, and and the second pair between 1971 and
Guns none electric motor delivering 2,700 hp, to two 1974, commissioning in 1975.
Missile systems shafts

'530' ('Guppy IIA') class sub-

marine (3)

Class: Isaac Peral (S32). ex-US Ronquil

(SS396); Cosme Garcia (S34), ex-US Bang
(S'S 385); S35, ex-US Jallao (SS368)
Displacement: 1,840 tons (1 ,869 tonnes)
surfaced ; 2,445 tons (2,484 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93 .3 m)
Beam 27 ft (8.2 m)
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
10 21-in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics : SS 2 radar
Sonar: BaS and BaR
Powerplant: 3 Fairbanks-Morse diesels, de- Crew: 74 1944. The boats were transferred in 1971,
livering 4,800 bhp, and 2 Elliot electric Used also by: Greece, Turkey 1972 and 1974.
motors, delivering 5,400 shp to two shafts Notes: The first two boats were built by
Speed: 18 knots (surfaced); 14 knots (dived) Portsmouth Navy Yard, the last by Manito-
Range: 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 10 woc Shipbuilding, between 1943 and
knots surfaced 1944, for commissioning in 1943 and

'Lazaga (P-OO)' class large patrol Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara Sonar: ELAC (7)
1 40-mm Breda-Bofors Powerplant: 2 MTU-Baz6n MA 15 TB91 die-
craft (6) 2 20-mm Oerlikon sels, delivering 8,000 bhp
Missile systems Speed: 28 knots
Class: Lazaga (P01). Alsedo (P02). Cadarso provision for 4 MM38 Exocet, or 8 MM39 Range: 6,100 miles (9,815 km) at 17 knots
(P03). Villamil (P04). Bonifaz (P05). or Harpoon SSM launchers Crew: 3+27
Recalde (P06) A/Sweapons Used only by: Spain
Displacement: 275 tons (279.4 tonnes) 2 DC racks Notes: The class was designed by Uirssen of
standard ; 400 tons (406.4 tonnes) full load provision for 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Vegesack, who built the first craft for com-
Dimensions: Length 190 ft 3 in (58 .0 m) Mark 32 tubes missioning in 1975. The rest were built by
Beam 24ft 11 in (7 .6 m) Torpedo tubes Baz6n at La Carraca , for commissioning in
Draught 8 ft 6 in (2 .6 m) none 1976 and 1977. The hull is based on that
Armament: Aircraft of the Israeli 'Reshef' class.
Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap-
paraten M29 series surface search and
target indicator and Decca TM626 navi-
gation radar

'Barcelo (P1 0)' class large patrol
craft (6)

Class : Barcelo (P11), Laya (P12), Xavier Qui-

roga (P13), Ordonez (P14),Acevedo (P15),
Candido Perez (P16)
Displacement : 139 tons (141 .2 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 118 ft 9 in (36.2 m)
Beam 19 ft (5 .8 m)
Draught 8 ft 3 in (2.5 m)
Guns 1 40- mm Breda-Bofors
2 20- mm Oerlikon
2 12.7-mm machine-guns
Missile systems
provision for 2 or 4 SSMs
Torpedo tubes
provision for 2 533-m m (21 - in) tubes
Radar and electronics:
Powerplant: 2 MTU-Bazan MD-16V TB90 Crew : 19 ners, Lurssen of Vegesack, and the other
diesels, delivering 6,000 bhp to two shafts Used only by : Spain five by Bazan at La Carra ca. The first two
Speed : 34 knots Notes: The first craft was built by the desig- were commissfoned in 1976, the next
Range: 1,200 miles (1,930 km) at 17 knots three in 1977, and the last in 1978.

Sri Lanka
2,400 men Canadian 'River' class frigate (1) Aircraft
Frigate: Radar and electronics :
Class: Gajabahu (F232), ex-Israeli Misnak, Sonar :
1 Canadian River ex-Canadian Hallowell Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to
Displacement : 1,445 tons (1,468 tonnes) triple-expansion engines, delivering 5,500
Light Forces: standard ; 2 ,360 tons (2 ,398 tonnes) full ihp to two shafts
5 Sooraya/Shanghai II FAC(G) load Speed : 20 knots
1 Mol FAC(G) Dimensions: Length 310ft 6 in (91.9 m) Range: 4 ,200 miles (6,760 km) at 12 knots
Beam 36 ft 6 in (11.1 m) Crew : 190
Patrol Forces: Draught 13 ft 9 in (4.2 m) Used also by : Austral ia, Burma , Dominican
20 Thornycroft 14.9-m coastal PC Guns 1 4-in (1 02-mm)
10 coastal PC (+ 1) Notes: Hallowell was built in 1944, and com-
340-mm missioned into Canadian service in 1945
Missile systems after completion by Canadian Vickers of
Auxiliaries: none Montreal. She was bought by Israel in
4 survey craft A/S weapons 1950, and by Sri Lanka in 1959. Up to
none 1965 her armament consisted of 3 4 .7- in
Torpedo tubes (119-mm) and 820- mm .

'Mol' class fast attack craft (gun) Torpedo tubes

(1 ) none
Class: Samudra Devi Radar and electronics : ' Don' navigation
Displacement: 205 tons (208.3 tonnes) radar; 'High Pole ' IFF
standard; 245 tons (248.9 tonnes) full load Sonar :
Dimensions : Length 126 ft 7t in (38.6 m) Powerplant : 3 M504 diesels, del ivering
Beam 25 ft 7 in (7 .8 m) 15,500 bhp to two shafts
Draught 9 ft 6 in (2 .9 m) Speed: 40 knots
Armament: Range:
Guns 4 30-mm in twin mountings Crew : 25
Missile systems Used only by : Sri Lanka
none Notes: Samudra Devi was built in Russia and
A/S weapons comm issioned in 1975. The hull is basically
none that of an 'Osa ' class craft.

600 men PBR type large patrol craft (4) Torpedo tubes
Light Forces: Aircraft
Class: Gihad (PB 1), Horriya (PB2), /stiq/a/ none
6101 FACCG) (PB31. Shaab (PB4) Radar and electronics:
Displacement: 100 tons (101.6 tonnes) Sonar:
Patrol Forces: Dimensions: Length 114ft 10 in (35.0 m) Powerplant: MTU 12V 493 diesels, deliver-
2 Kraljevica PC Beam 16 ft 5 in (5 .0 m) ing 1,800 bhp to two shafts
4PBR type PC Draught 5 ft 7 in (1.7 m) Speed: 20 knots
3 coastal PC Armament: Range : 1.400 miles (2,255 km) at 12 knots
Guns 1 40-mm Crew: 20
120- mm Used only by: Sudan
Amphibious Forces: 2 7 .62-mm machine-guns Notes : The four craft were built by the Mosor
2DTK221 LCT Missile systems yard of Trogir in Yugoslavia , the first pair
1LCU none being commissioned into Sudanese service
A!S weapons in 1961, and the second pair in 1962.
Auxiliaries: none
1 survey ship
1 support tanker
1 water boat

Patrol Forces:
3 large PC
7 coastal PC

The Swedish Navy torpedo armament and quiet running. Frigates:
The defence problems facing Sweden Like the other Scandinavian 2 Oland
are similar to those facing Norway, countries, Sweden feels that fast attack 4 Visby
with the principal difference that craft, armed with missiles or torpedoes,
Sweden's coastline is in the Baltic, and stand the best chance of defeating SS:
that Swedish warships must face a enemy naval forces in her territorial 3 Nacken
greater threat of air attack by land- waters. The FAC types can operate 5 Sjoormen
based Russian aircraft than do their from concealed bases, reach the scene 6 Draken
Norwegian counterparts. Sweden's of action quickly, strike devastatingly 6 Hajen
navy has a manpower strength of from a distance, and then retire to
11,800, some 18 per cent of the total safety again. To co-ordinate the Light Forces:
unmobilised strength of the country's activities of such craft, three corvette- 3 Hugin FACCM) (+14)
armed forces, which have a budget of type flotilla leaders are to be built, but 12 Spica T131 FACCT)
about 3.55 per cent of the nation's gross the weight of action will fall on the 6 Spica T121 FACCT)
national product. three Hugin class FACCM), with 3 Plejad FACCT)
The main striking force of the Royal another 14 on order, armed with six 11 T-42 FACCT)
Swedish Navy is found by the four Penguin SSMs, and the 32 FACCT)
destroyers of the 'Sodermanland' class types of the 'Spica T131', 'Spica T121', Patrol Forces:
and the two destroyers of the 'Halland' 'Plejad' and 'T42' classes. It is hoped, 1 large PC
class. Basically conventional ships, moreover, that minefields laid by the 26 coastal PC
these have been modernised in recent four minelayers, nine coastal
years, the former now having a Seacat minelayers and 37 small minelayers Mine Warfare Forces:
SAM air defence system, and the latter will take their toll of attackers, and 2 Alvsborg minelayers
an RB08A SSM launcher. Both ships channel the survivors into areas of 1 minelayer/training ship
can also lay miq~s, as can the two advantage to the Swedish attack forces. 9 coastal minelayers
frigates of the 'Oland' class. Sweden's Swedish naval forces will be 36 small minelayers
last four major warships, the four 'Visby' protected from enemy mines, it is 6 Hano coastal minesweepers
class frigates, have no special hoped, by the efforts of the nine new 12 Arko coastal minesweepers
equipment and are to be disposed of in minehunters which are to be built, and 3 M47 inshore minesweepers
the near future. the 18 coastal and 18 inshore 3 M31 inshore minesweepers
Again like Norway, Sweden feels minesweepers already in service. 4 M44 inshore minesweepers
that submarines can playa major part 8 M 15 inshore minesweepers
in the defence of the country; 11,800 men (6,950 conscripts), plus 2 mine transports
accordingly, the 20 submarines 10,000 reservists
available ('Nacken', 'Sjoormen', Amphibious Forces:
'Draken' and 'Hajen' classes) have key Destroyers: 336-mLCM
tasks. In these they are aided by good 4 Sodermanland 235-mLCM
underwater manoeuvrability and 2 Halland 4 AneLCM
speed, combined with an adequate 19256 LCU (+5 )

14242 LCU
41201 LCU
5 L51 LCU
5 survey vessels (+ 1)
1 supply ship
1 support tanker
1 salvage ship 'Sodermanland' class destroyer Aircraft
(4) none
2 training ships (sail) Radar and electronics: Thomson-CSF
others Saturn search and target designator, Hol-
Class: Ostergot/and (J20), Soderman/and landse Signaalapparaten M45 gun fire
Aircraft: (J21 ), Gi'Jstrik/and (J22), Hi'J/sing/and (J23) control , and Hollandse Signaalapparaten
5 Alouette II Displacement: 2 ,150 tons (2,184 tonnes) M44 missile fire-control radars
3 Vertol107 standard; 2 ,600 tons (2,642 tonnes) full Sonar:
load Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
7 KV-107/II Dimensions: Length 367 ft 6 in (112.0 m) supplying steam to De Laval geared tur-
10 Bell Jet Ranger Beam 36ft9 in (11 .2 m) bines, delivering 47 ,000 bhp to two shafts
Draught 12 ft (3 .7 m) Speed: 35 knots
Armament: Range : 2,200 miles (3,540 km) at 20 knots
Guns 4 120-mm in twin turrets Crew : 18+226
4 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Used only by: Sweden
Missile systems Notes: The four ships were built between
1 quadruple Sea cat SAM launcher 1955 and 1957 by Gotaverken of
1 RB08A SSM launcher Goteborg, Eriksberg Mekaniska Verkstad,
NSweapons Gotaverken, and Kockums Mek Verkstads,
1 3-barrel Squid mortar the first pair being commissioned in 1958,
Torpedo tubes the second pair in 1959. The class was ex-
1 sextuple 533-mm (21-in) tensively modernised between 1965 and

'Halland' class destroyer (2)

Class: Hal/and (J 18), Smaland (J 19)

Displacement : 2,800 tons (2 ,845 tonnes)
standard ; 3,400 tons (3,454 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 397 ft (121 .0 m)
Beam 41 ft 4 in (12 .6 m)
Draught 14 ft 9 in (4.5 m)
Guns 4 120-mm in twin turrets
2 57-mm in a twin mounting
6 40-mm Bofors
Missile systems
1 RB08A SSM launcher
A!S weapons
2 4-barrel Bofors rocket-launchers
Torpedo tubes
2 quadruple 533 - mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics : Thomson-CSF
Saturn search and target designator, Hol-
landse Signaalapparaten LW-02/03 air turbines, delivering 58,000 bhp to two Notes: The ships were built between 1951
warning , and Hollandse Signaalapparaten shafts and 1952 by Gotaverken of Goteborg and
M22 fire-control radars ; ECM fit Speed : 35 knots Eriksberg Mekaniska Verstad of Goteborg ,
Sonar : Range : 3,000 miles (4,830 km) at 20 knots and commissioned into Swedish service in
Powerplant: 2 Penhoet boilers supplying Crew : 18+272 1955 and 1956. Both were fully modern-
steam to De Laval double-reduction geared Used also by: Colombia ised in 1962.

'Oland' class frigate (2) Missile systems Powerplant: 2 Penhoet boilers supplying
none steam to De Laval geared turbines, deliver-
A!S weapons ing 44,000 bhp to two shafts
Class: Oland(F16)' Uppland(F17) 1 3-barrel Squid mortar Speed: 35 knots
Displacement: 2 ,000 tons (2,032 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Range: 2,500 miles (4,025 km) at 20 knots
standard ; 2,400 tons (2,438 tonnes) full 2 triple 533-mm (21-in) Crew: 210
load Aircraft Used only by : Sweden
Dimensions : Length 367 ft 5t in (1 '1 2.0 m) facilities for 1 helicopter (Uppland) Notes: The two ships were built between
Beam 36 ft 9 in (11 .2 m) Radar and electronics: Thomson-CSF 1943 and 1946 by Kockums Mek \lerstads
Draught 11 ft 1t in (3.4 m) Saturn search and target designator, and of Malmo and Karlskrona Dockyard, being
Armament: Hollandse Signaalapparaten M45 fire- commissioned in 1947 and 1949 respllcti-
Guns 4 120-mm in twin turrets control radars vely. Oland was modernised in 1960 and
6 40-mm Bofors in single mountings Sonar: 1969, and Uppland in 1963. Both vessels
have a mine capacity of 60.

'Visby' class frigate (4) Missile systems Sonar:
none Powerplant : 3 boilers supplying steam to De
NSweapons Laval geared turbines, delivering 36,000
Class : Visby (F11). Sundsvall (F12), Halsing- 1 375-mm Bofors 4-barrel rocket-launcher shp to two shafts
borg (F13) , Kalmar(F14) Torpedo tubes Speed : 39 knots
Displacement : 1,1 50 tons (1 ,1 68 tonnes) none Range : 1,600 miles (2 ,575 km) at 20 knots
standard; 1,320 tons (1 ,341 tonnes) full Aircraft Crew: 140
load facilities for 1 helicopter Used only by: Sweden
Dimensions: Length 321 ft 6 in (98 .0 m) Radar and electronics : Thomson - CSF Notes: The four ships were built between
Beam 30 ft (9 . 1 m) Saturn search and target designator, Hol- 1941 and 1943, for commissioning in
Draught 12 ft 6 in (3 .5 m) landse Signaalapparaten M24 fire-control 1943 and 1944. All are due for disposal.
Armament: radars
Guns 3 120- mm
257 - mm
340- mm

'Nacken' class submarine (3)

Class: Nacken (NAc). Najad (NAJ). Neptun

Displacement : 980 tons (995.7 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 1,125 tons (1 ,143 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 134 ft 6 in (41 .0 m)
Beam 20 ft (6 .1 m)
Draught 16 ft 9 in (5.1 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
4 533 - mm (21-in) with 12 torpedoes
Radar and electronics:
Powerplant: diesels and electric motors, de-
livering power to one shaft
Speed; 20 knots (surfaced and dived)
Crew : 25
Used only by: Sweden Kockums Mek Verstads of Malmo, for com-
Notes : The three boats were built between missioning in 1977, 1978 and 1979. The
1972 and 1976 by Kockums Mek Verk- boats have a high beam to length ratio to
stads of Malmo, Karlskrona Dockyard, and ensure high underwater speeds.

'Sjoormen' class submarine (5) Radar and electronics :
Sonar :
Powerplant: 2 Pielstick diesels, delivering
Class: Sjbormen (SOR), Sjblejonet (SLE), 2 ,200 bhp, and 1 electric motor, delivering
Sjbhunden (SHU)' Sjbbjbrnen (SBJ)' power to one shaft
Sjbhasten (SHA) Speed : 15 knots (surfaced) ; 20 knots (dived)
Displacement : 1, 125 tons (1,143 tonnes) Range:
standard ; 1,400 tons (1,422 tonnes) dived Crew : 23
Dimensions: Length 165 ft 8 in (50.5 m) Used only by: Sweden
Beam 20 ft (6.1 m) Notes : The first three boats were built by
Draught 16 ft 9 in (5 .1 m) Kockums Mek Verstads at Malmo be-
Armament : tween 1965 and 1968, for com-
Guns none missioning in 1967 and 1968 ; the last
Missile systems two by Karlskrona Dockya rd between
none 1966 and 1968 for commissioning in
A!Sweapons 1968. The class have high beam to length
2 A!S torpedo tubes ratios , and a diving depth of 492 ft (150
Torpedo tubes m) .
4 533-mm (21 -i n)

'Draken' class submarine (6)

Class : Delfinen (DEL), Draken (DRA), Gripen

(GRI), Nordkaparen (NOR), Springaren
(SPR), Vargen (VGN)
Displacement : 770 tons (782 .3 tonnes)
standard ; 835 tons (848.4 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 1,110 tons (1 ,128 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 226 ft 4t in (69 .0 m)
Beam 16 ft 9 in (5 .1 m)
Draught 17 ft 4t in (5.3 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
4 533- mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics :
Sonar :
Powerplant : 2 Pielstick diesels, delivering
1,660 bhp, and 1 electric motor, delivering
power to one shaft
Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 20 knots (dived)
Crew : 36
Used only by : Sweden
Notes: The first and third boats were built by
Karlskrona Dockyard , the other boats by
Kockums Mek Verkstads of Malmo, be-
tween 1958 and 1961, for commissioning
in 1961 and 1962.
'Hajen' class submarine (6)

Class: Bavern (BAVL Hajen (HAJL lIIern

(lLNL Sa/en (SAL), Uttern (UTNL Va/en
Displacement: 720 tons (731 .5 tonnes)
standard; 785 tons (797.7 tonnes) sur-
faced; 1,000 tons (1,016 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 216 ft 6t in (66.0 m)
Beam 16 ft 9 in (5 .1 m)
Draught 16 ft 5 in (5.0 m)
Missile systems Radar and electronics: Crew: 44
none Sonar: Used only by: Sweden
A!S weapons Powerplant: 2 SEMT - Pielstick diesels, de- Notes: All but the last boat were built by
none livering 1,660 bhp, and 2 electric motors, Kockums Mek Verstads of Malmo, Va/en
Torpedo tubes delivering power to two shafts being built by Karlskrona Dockyard. The
4 533-mm (21-in) with 8 torpedoes Speed: 16 knots (surfaced); 17 knots (dived) boats were built between 1953 and 1958,
Aircraft Range: for commissioning between 1957 and
none 1960.

'Hugin' class fast attack craft

(missile) (17)

Class: Jagaren (P150L Hugin (P151) and

15 others (P152-P166)
Displacement: 140 tons (142 .25 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 118 ft 1 in (36.0 m)
Beam 20 ft 4 in (6.2 m)
Draught 4 ft 11 in (1.5 m)
Guns 1 57-mm Bofors
Missile systems
6 Penguin Mark 2 SSM launchers
Torpedo tubes
provision for 4 533-mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics:
Powerplant: 2 MTU MB20V 672 TY90 die-
sels, delivering 7,000 bhp to two shafts
Speed: 35 knots

Range: Mekaniske Verksted, and the remaining
Crew: 19 five by Westerm6en . Jagaren was com-
Used only by: Sweden missioned in 1972, the next two in 1977,
Notes: The design is similar to that of the Nor- and the rest will follow in the late 1970s
wegian 'Hauk' class, and all 17 craft will be and early 1 980s.
built in Norway, the first 12 by Bergens

'Spica T131' class fast attack

craft (torpedo) (12)

Class: Norrkoping (T131), Nynashamn

(T132). Norrta/je (T133). Varberg (T134).
Vasteras (T135). Vastervik (T136). Umea
(T1371. Pitea (T138). Lufea (T139).
Hafmstad (T140). Stromstad (T141 ). Ystad
Displacement: 230 tons (233 .7 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 134 ft 6 in (41.0 m)
Beam 23 ft 3t in (7 .1 m)
Draught 5 ft 3 in (1.6 m)
Armament :
Guns 1 57-mm Bofors
Missile systems
TorP!'ldo tubes
6 533-mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics: Philips Teleindustrie
9 LV 200 air and surface search radar
Powerplant: 3 RO'lIs-Royce Proteus gas tur-
bines, delivering 12,900 bhp to three
shafts '
Speed: 40t knots
Crew: 27
Used only by: Sweden
Notes: The craft were all built by Karlskrona-
varvet, and commissioned between 1973
and 1976. Some craft are to be fitted with
2 twin SSM launchers in the near future .

'Spica T121' class fast attack Armament: Powerplant: 3 Bristol Siddeley Proteus gas
Guns 1 57-mm Bofors turbines, delivering 12,720 shp to three
craft (torpedo) (6) Missile systems shafts
none Speed: 40 knots
Class : Spica (T121), Sirius (T122). Capella A/Sweapons Range:
(T123). Castor (T124). Vega (T125). Virgo none Crew: 7+21
(T126) Torpedo tubes Used only by: Sweden
Displacement: 200 tons (203.2 tonnes) 6 533-mm (21-in) Notes: The first three craft were built by
standard ; 230 tons (233.7 tonnes) full load Aircraft G6taverken of G6teborg, the other three by
Dimensions: Length 134 ft 6 in (41 .0 m) none Karlskronavarvet, the commissioning dates
Beam 23 ft 3t in (7 .1 m) Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaalap- being 1966 and 1967 respectively.
Draught 5 ft 3 in (1 .6 m) paraten M22 fire-control radar

'Plejad' class fast attack craft
(torpedo) (3)

Class : Aldebaran (T1 07), Arcturus (T110),

Astrea (Tl12)
Displacement : 1 55 tons (1 57 .5 tonnes)
standard ; 170tons (172 .7 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 147ft 7 tin (45.0 m)
Beam 19 ft (5.8 m)
Draught 5 ft 3 in (1 .6 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 40- mm Bofors in single turrets
Missile systems
N Sweapons
Torpedo t ubes
6 533-mm (21 - in) Radar and electronics : Crew: 33
Aircraft Sonar : Used only by : Sweden
none Powerplant : 3 MTY 20V 672 diesels, deliver- Notes: The craft were all built by Lurssen of
ing 9 ,000 bhp to three shafts Vegesack, and commissioned between
Speed : 37 t knots 1955 and 1957 . Only three of the original
Range : 600 m iles (965 km) at 30 knots 11 are still in service.

Saab-Scania R B08A

Type : naval surface-t o-surface tactical cruise

Guidance : autopilot, plus (probably) active
radar terminal homing
Dimensions : Span 9 ft lOt in (3.01 m)
Length 18ft9n- in (5.72 m)
Height 4ft 41in (1 .33 m)
Booster: solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: Turbomeca Marbore liD turbojet,
rat ed at 882-lb (400-kg) static thrust
Warhead : high explosive
Weights : Launch 2 ,6791b (1 ,215 kg)
Burnt out
Performance: speed and range classified
Used only by : Sweden
Notes: Fired from a variety of launchers, the
RB08A climbs to cruising altitude and
speed after launch, and then flies in the
direction of the target until the radar
homing head guides the missile into the
attack. The booster, wh ich weighs 694 Ib
(315 kg), drops away after expenditure.

TP41 TP42 TP61

Type : ship- and submarine- launched torpedo Type: ship-, submarine- and helicopter- Type: ship- and submarine- launched torpedo
Guidance : passive homing sonar launched torpedo Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel
launch method: tube Guidance: passive sonar homing or optional launch method: tube
Dimensions: Length 8 ft (2.44 m) wire-guidance Dimensions: Length 23 ft Ot in (7 .025 m)
Diameter 15.75 in (400 mm) launch method: tube or air-drop Diameter 21 in (533 mm)
Weight : 551 Ib (250 kg) Dimensions: Length 8 ft (2.44 m), plus 7 .1 in Weight: 3 ,891 Ib (1 ,765 kg)
Engine: electric (18 cm) for w ire-guidance Engine : thermal
Speed: casket Speed:
Range: Diameter 15.75 in (400 mm) Range :
Warhead : high explosive Weight: 5511b (250 kg) in basic form Warhead: 551 Ib (250 kg) high explosive
Used only by : Sweden Engine: electric Used also by : Denmark, Norway
Notes : Th is weapon is intended for use in Speed: Notes: Intended for use against surface tar-
conditions of considerable acoustic diffi- Range: gets, the TP61 is a highly effective and reli-
culty, such as shallow water and the like. Warhead: high explosive able weapon , its the rmal engine, using
The torpedo can be used aga inst surface Used only by: Sweden hydrogen peroxide as its oxidiser, ensuring
and submarine targets, and both impact Notes: Developed from the TP41 , the TP42 high speed w ithout wake and very long
and proximity fuses are standard fittings. has the same capabil it ies for operation in range (some three to five times that of elec-
acoustically difficult conditions, plus the trically driven torpedoes). Impact and prox-
ability to be air-dropped from helicopters imity fuses are fitted.
and optional wire-guidance for use in con-
ditions of counter-measures. Impact and
proximity fuses are fitted.

Maritime detachment of the army

Patrol Forces:

2,500 men, plus 2,500 reservists 'Petya I' class frigate (2) Radar and electronics: 'Slim Net' surface
target, 'Neptune' navigation , 'Hawk
Frigates: Screech' gun fi re-control radars : 'High
Class: two ex-Russian ships Pole'lFF
2 Petya I Displacement: 950 tons (965.2 tonnes) Sonar : 'Hercules'
standard ; 1,150 tons (1 ,168 tonnes) full Powerplant : 1 diesel, delivering 6 ,000 hp,
Light Forces: load and 2 gas turbines, delivering 30,000
6 Osa I FAC(M) Dimensions : Length 270ft (82.3 m) hp, to three shafts
6 Komar FAC(M) Beam 29 ft 11 in (9.1 m) Speed : 30 knots
8 P-4FAC(T) Oraught 10ft 6 in (3.2 m) Range: 5,200 miles (8,370 km) at 20 knots
Armament: Crew: 100
Guns 4 76-mm in twin turrets
Patrol Forces: Missile systems
Used also by: USSR
3 CH type PC Note.s : The ships were transferred in 1975.
Mine Warfare Forces: 416- barrel MBU 2500 launchers
1 T-4.3 ocean minesweeper Torpedo tubes
2 Vanya coastal minesweepers 3 533-mm (21-in)
Auxiliaries: none
1 diving tender

35,000 men, plus 45,000 reservists 19 LST511-1152 'Gearing FRAM I' and 'Gearing
1 LST511-1152 flagship FRAM II' class guided missile
Destroyers: 4LSM1 destroyer (9)
3 Gearing FRAM 1 22 LCU501 and 1466
6 Gearing FRAM II
Auxiliaries: Class: Dang Yang (0011), ex-US Lloyd
1 Gearing FRAM II radar picket Thomas (00764) ; Chien Yang (0012), ex-
8 Allen M. Sumner 4 survey ships US James E. Kyes (00787) ; Han Yang
4 Fletcher 1 repair ship (0015), ex-US Herbert J. Thomas
2 transports (00833) ; Lao Yang (0020)' ex-US Shelton
Frigates: 7 support tankers (00790) ; Liao Yang (0021), ex- US
lO APD 37 and 87 others Hanson (00832) ; Kai Yang, ex-US Richard
1 Rudderow B. Anderson (00786) ; Te Yang, ex- US
Sarsfield (00837) ; Shen Yang, ex- US
Corvettes: Power (00839) ; and one other, ex- US
Leonard F. Mason (00852)
3Auk Displacement: 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes)
standard; about 3 ,500 tons (3,556 tonnes)
SS: full load
2 Guppy II Dimensions: Length 390ft 6 in (119.0 m)
Beam 40ft 10 in (12.4 m)
Light Forces: Draught 19 ft (5.8 m)
1 PSMM Mark 5 FAC(M) (+ 1) Armament:
2 25,9-m FAC(T) Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets
2 23.3-m FAC(T) 4 40-mm in twin mountings (Han Yang
2 22,6-m FAC(T) only)
Missile systems
3 Gabriel SSM launchers (Dang Yang only)
Patrol Forces: A/Sweapons
14 coastal PC 1 octuple ASROC launcher (except DO 11 ,
ex- 00786 and ex-00782)
Mine Warfare Forces: 1 Mark 15 Hedgehog (0011)
14 Adjutant coastal minesweepers 2 triple 12.75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes
1 minesweeping boat Torpedo tubes
7 minesweeping launches none
Amphibious Forces: 1 helicopter
Radar and electronics : SPS-37 and SPS- 10
1 Ashland LSD search radar (except Dang Yang : SPS- 6
1 Casa Grande LSD and SPS- 10 ; and Chien Yang: SPS-40 and
3 LST1-510 SPS- 10)

Sonar : SOS~23 (except Dang Yang: SOS-29) Range: vice in 1945, 1946 and 1947. Dang Yang
Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2 Crew: about275 is the FRAM II vessel , and the ships were
General Electric geared turbines, delivering Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Greece, transferred as follows: DO 11 in 1972;
60,000 shp to two shafts Pakistan, South Korea, Spain , Turkey, USA DO 12, 0020, 0021 in 1973; DO 15 in
Speed: 34 knots Notes: The ships were built between 1944 1974: ex-00786, ex- 00837 and ex-00839
and 1945, and commissioned into US ser- in 1977; and ex-00852 in 1978.

'Gearing FRAM II' radar-picket 8 40- mm in twin mountings Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
4 0 .5-in (12 .7-mm) in single mountings supplying steam to 2 General Electric
gu'i ded missile destroyer ( 1 ) Missile systems geared turbines, delivering 60,000 ShP to
3 Gabriel SSM launchers two shafts
Class: Fu Yang (007), ex- US Ernest G. Small A!Sweapons Speed: 34
(00838) 2 Hedgehogs Range :
Displacement: 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) 2 triple 12.7 5- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Crew: about 275
standard ; about 3,500 tons (3,556 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Used also by: Argentina, Greece, South
full load none Korea , Turkey
Dimensions: Length 390 ft 6 in (119 .0 m) Aircraft Notes : Small was built by Bath Iron Works in
Beam 40ft 10 in (12.4 m) none 1945, and commissioned into US service
Draught 19 ft (5 .8 m) Radar and electronics : SPS-37 and SPS- 10 in 1945. She was converted into a radar
Armament : search radars picket (OOR) during 1952 and ' then
Guns 6 5- in (127-mm) in twin turrets Sonar: SOS-29 hull-mounted and SOS-10 brought up to FRAM II standards. Trans-
variable-depth ferred in 1971 .

'Allen M. Sumner' class guided Armament: Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
Guns 6 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets supplying steam to 2 General Electric or
missile dest~oyer (8) 4 3-in (76-mm) in twin turrets Westinghouse geared turbines, delivering
8 40-mm in 1 quadruple and 2 twin moun- 60,000 shp to two shafts
Class: Hsiang Yang (DO 1). ex-U S 8 rush tings in some ships Speed: 34 knots
(00745); Heng Yang (002). ex-US Missile systems Range:
Samuel N. Moort: (00747); Hua Yang 1 triple and 2 twin Gabriel SSM Crew: about 275
(003). ex-US 8ristol (00857); Yuen Yang launchers in DOl, 003 and 005 Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia,
(005). ex-US Haynsworth (00700); Huei A!Sweapons Greece, Venezuela
Yang (006). ex-US English (00696); Po 2 Hedgehogs Notes: All except 005 and 006 were built by
Yang (0010). ex-US Maddox (00731); Lo OCs in some ships Bethlehem Steel at three yards, while 005
Yang (0014). ex-US Taussig (00746); 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes and 006 were built by Federal Shipbuild-
Nan Yang (0017). ex-US John w. Thoma- Torpedo tubes ing & Dry Dock, in the period between
son (00760) none 1943 and 1944, commissioning into US
Displacement: 2,200 tons (2,235 tonnes) Aircraft service in 1944 and 1 945. None of the
standard; 3 ,320 tons (3,373 tonnes) full none ships received FRAM modernisation. DO 1
load Radar and electronics : SPS-6 and SPS-l0 and 003 were transferred in 1969; 002,
Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m) search radars (except Po Yang: SPS-l0 005, 006 in 1970; DO lOin 1972 ; and
8eam 40ft 11 in (12.4 m) and SPS-40; and Nan Yang : SPS-l0 and 0014,0017in1974.
Draught 19 ft (5.8 m) SPS-37; and Lo Yang: SPS-l 0 and SPS-29)

'Fletcher' class destroyer (4) Torpedo tubes

1 quintuple 21-in (533-mm) in Kuen Yang
Class: Kwei Yang (008). ex-US Twining none
(00540); Chiang Yang (009), ex-US Mul- Radar and electronics: SPS-6 and SPS- l0
lany (00528); An Yang (0018). ex-US (DDs 8, 9, 19); SPS-l0 and SPS-12
Kimberly (00521) ; Kuen Yang (DO 19). ex- (0018)
US Yarnall (00541) Sonar:
Displacement: 2 ,100 tons (2,134 tonnes) Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
standard ; 3,050 tons (3,099 tonnes) full supplying steam to Allis Chalmers (Kuen
load Yang). General Electric (An Yang) or Wes-
Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114.7 m) tinghouse (others) geared turbines, deliver-
Beam35ftll in(11.9m) ing 60,000 shp to two shafts
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) Speed: 36 knots
Armament: Range:
Guns 4 (Chiang Yang) or 5 (others) 5-in (127- Crew: about 250
mm) in twin turrets Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
4 3-in (76-mm) in twin turrets in Kwei Greece, Italy, Mexico, Peru, South Korea,
Yang and Chiang Yang Spain, Turkey, West Germany
Missile systems Notes: All four ships were built by Bethlehem
1 Sea Chaparral SAM launcher Steel at two yards between 1942 and
A!S weapons 1943, commissioning in US service in
2 Hedgehogs in some ships 1943. 008 was transferred in 1971, 009
OCs in some ships in 1971 , 0018 in 1967, and 0019 in
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes 1968.
in Kwei Yang and Chiang Yang

'APD 37' and 'APD 81' class Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93 .3 m) Sonar:
Beam 37 ft (11 .3 m) Powerplant : 2 FosterWheeler boilers supply-
frigate (10)
Draught 12 h 7 in (3 .2 m) ing steam to General Electric geared tur-
Armament: bines, for a turbo-electric drive delivering
Class: Yu Shan (PF32), ex-US Kinzer Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets 12,000 shp to two shahs
(APD91); Hwa Shan (PF33)' ex-US Donald 6 40-mm in twin mountings Speed : 23i knots
W. Wolf (APD129); Wen Shan (PF34)' ex- 4 or 8 (Hwa Shan) 20-mm in twin moun- Range:
US Gantner (APD42); Fu Shan (PF35), ex- tings Crew: about 200
US Truxton (APD98); Lu Shan (PF36), ex- Missile systems Used only by: Taiwan
US Bull (APD78); Shoa Shan (PF37). ex- none Notes: These ships were laid down between
US Kline (APD120); Tai Shan (PF38) ex- A!S weapons 1942 and 1944 as destroyer escorts, but
US Register (APD92); Kang Shan (PF42), 2 Hedgehogs in some Des were converted on the stocks into high-
ex-US G. W. Ingram (APD43); Chung 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes speed transports for up to 160 men. The
Shang (PF43), ex-US Blessman (APD48) ; Torpedo tubes ships were completed between 1943 and
Tien Shan (APD215), ex-US Kleinsman none 1945, and commissioned between 1943
(APD134) Aircraft and 1945. The 'APD 37' class has a high
Displacement: 1,400 tons (1,422 tonnes) none bridge, while that of the 'APD 87' class is
standard ; 2 ,130 tons (2 , 164 tonnes) full Radar and electronics: SPS-5 and Decca low. The ships were transferred between
load 707 in most 1962 and 1967.

'Guppy II' class submarine (2) Armament: Speed : 18 knots (surfaced); 15 knots (dived)
Guns none Range:
Missile systems Crew: 11 +70
Class: Hai Shih (SS91). ex-US Cutlass none Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela
(SS478); Hai Pao (SS92), ex-US Tusk A!Sweapons Notes: The two boats were built by Ports-
(SS426) none mouth Navy Yard and Federal Shipbuilding
Displacement: 1,870 tons (1,900 tonnes) Torpedo tubes . & Dry Dock, and entered service w ith the
standard; 2,420 tons (2,459 tonnes) dived 1021-in (533-mm) US Navy in 1945 and 1946. Originally of
Dimensions: Length 307 h 6 in (93.6 m) Aircrah the Tench ' class, they were modernised
Beam 27ft 3 in (8.3 m) none under the GUPPY II programme, and trans-
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) Radar and electronics: ferred to Taiwan in 1973.
Powerplant: 3 Fairbanks Morse diesels, de-
livering 4,800 bhp, and 2 Elliot electric
motors, delivering 5,400 shp to two shahs

700 men

Light Forces:
7 Shapghai FAC(G)
4 Hu Chwan FAH(T)
3 P-6FAC(G)
4 P-4FAC(T)

Patrol Forces:
1 Poluchat PC
2 Schwalbe coastal PC
2 24-m coastal PC
4 Yu Lin coastal PC
4 22 .9-m coastal PC


28,000, induding 8,000 marines 1 Klongyai PC 3 LSM1
lOPGM71 PC 1 LSGtype
Frigates: 1 SC type PC 2 LSIL
1 Yarrow 4 Cape PC 26 LCM6
2 PF103 21 coastal PC (+ 1) 6LCU
1 Cannon 6 LCVP
2 Tacoma Mine Warfare Forces: ?LCA
2 Bangrachan coastal minesweepers
Light Forces: 4 Bluebird coastal minesweepers Auxiliaries:
3 Lurssen 45-m FAC(M) 1 MCM support ship 3 training ships
(3 Breda BMB30 FAC(M)) 10 minesweeping boats 1 survey ship
3 oceanographic craft
Patrol Forces: Amphibious Forces: 2 support tankers
4 TradPC 1 LST1-510 2 harbour tankers
7 LiulomPC 4 LST511-1152

2 transports

Air Arm:
1 MR sqn with 10 S-2F, 2 HU-16
(2 CL-215 )

Marine Force:
1 marine bde with 3 infbns, 1 arty bn

Yarrow type frigate (1 ) A!S weapons Powerplant: 1 Rolls-Royce Olympus gas tur-
1 3-barrel Limbo mortar bine, delivering 23 ,125 shp, and 1
2 DCTs Crossley- Pielstick 12 PC2V diesel , deliver-
Class : Makut Rajakumarn 1 DC rack ing 6 ,000 bhp, to two shafts
Displacement : 1,650 tons (1 ,676 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Speed: 26 knots on gas turbine ; 18 knot s on
standard ; 1,900 tons (1 ,930 tonnes) full none diesel
load Aircraft Range : 5 ,000 miles (8,047 km) on diesel
Dimensions: Length 320ft (97.6 m) none Crew : 16 + 124
Beam 36 ft (11 .0 m) Radar and electronics : Hollandse Signaalap- Used only by: Tha iland
Draught 18 ft 1 in (5.5 m) paraten LW-04 surveillance, M20 fire- Notes: The ship was built by Yarrow at Scot-
Armament: control, M44 SAM fire-control and Decca stoun between 1970 and 1971, and com -
Guns 2 4 .5- in (114-mm) in single turrets TM 626 navigation radars; HSA combat in- missioned into Thai service in 1973. The
2 40-mm Bofors in single mountings formation centre system use of many automatic systems helps to
Missile systems Sonar : Type 170and PlesseyType MS 27 keep the crew small.
1 quadruple Sea cat SAM launcher

'Trad' class large patrol craft (4) 140-mm Sonar:

220-mm Powerplant: 2 Yarrow boilers supply"ing
Missile systems steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
Class : Pattani(13), Surasdra (21), Chandha- none ing 9,000 hp to two shafts
buri (22). Rayong (23) A!Sweapons Speed: 31 knots
Displacement : 318 tons (323.1 tonnes) none Range: 1,700 miles (2 ,735 km) at 15 knot s
atandard; 470 tons (477.5 tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes Crew : 70
Dimensions: Length 223 ft (68.0 m) 2 twin 18-in (457- mm) Used only by: Thailand
Beam 21 ft (6.4 m) Aircraft Notes: These four are the survivors of a
Draught 7 ft (2 .1 m) none class of seven, built in the second half of the
Armament : Radar and electronics : 1930s by Cantieri Riuniti dell'Adriatico at
Guns 2 3-in (76- mm) in single mountings Monfalcone.

200 men

Patrol Forces:
2 coastal PC

Patrol Forces:
2 coastal PC

Trinidad and Tobago
286 men of the coastguard service Vosper 31.S-m large patrol craft Torpedo tubes
(2) Aircraft
Patrol Forces:
2 Vosper 31.5-m PC Radar and electronics :
Class: Chaguaramus (CG3). Bucco Reef(CG4)
2 Vosper 31.4-m PC Displacement: 100 tons (101.6 tonnes) Sonar :
3 coastal PC standard; 125 tons (127 tonnes) full load Powerplant : 2 Paxman Ventura diesels, de-
Dimensions: Length 103 ft (31 .5 m) livering 2,900 bhp to two shafts
Beam 19 ft 9 in (5.9 m) Speed: 24 knots
Draught 5 ft 9 in (1.6 m) Range: 2 ,000 miles (3 ,220 km) at 13 knots
Armament : Crew : 3+16
Guns 1 20-mm Hispano-Suiza Used only by: Trinidad and Tobago
Missile systems Notes : Both craft were built by Vosper at
none Portsmouth, and commissioned in 1972.

2,500 men (500 conscripts) 'Savage' class frigate (1 ) Powerplant: 4 diesels, delivering 6,000 bhp
to two shafts
Frigate: Class : President Bourguiba (En ex-US Speed: 1 9 knots
1 Savage ThomasJ. Gary (DER326) Range : 11 ,500 miles (1 B,51 0 km) at 11
Displacement: 1,590 tons (1,615 tonnes) knots
standard ; 2,100 tons (2 ,134 tonnes) full Crew: 169
Patrol Forces: Used only by : Tunisia
1 Le Fougueux PC Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93 .3 m) Notes: Thomas J . Gary was laid down by
3 P48 PC Beam 36 ft 7 in (11.1 m) Consolidated Steel as an 'Edsall' class de-
2 Vosper 31.4-m PC Draught 14 ft (4.3 m) stroyer escort, and commissioned into US
4 32-m coastal PC Armament: service as such in 1943. In 1958 she was
6 25-m coastal PC Guns 2 3-in (76-mm) in single turrets converted into a 'Savage' class radar
220-mm picket, and transferred to Tunisia in 1973.
Mine Warfare Forces : Missile systems
2 Acacia coastal minesweepers none
2 triple 12 .75-in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes
Auxiliaries: Torpedo tubes
3 tugs none
Radar and electronics : SPS-l0 surface
search and SPS-29 air surveillance radars

45,000 men (31,000 conscripts) plus 'Gearing FRAM I' and 'Gearing Aircraft
25,000 reservists 1 helicopter
FRAM II' class destroyer (5) Radar and electronics: SPS-40 (FRAM I) or
Destroyers: SPS-6 (FRAM II) long-range air-search,
Class: M . Fevzi Cakmak (0351), ex-US SPS-10 surface search, and MarK 25
3 Gearing FRAM 1 Charles H. Roan (00853); Gayret (0352), (GFCS Mark 37) fire-control radars
2 Gearing FRAM II ex-US Eversole (00789) ;Adatepe (0353). Sonar: SQS-23 (FRAM I) or SQS-29 (FRAM
1 Robert H . Smith (minelayer) ex- US Forrest Royal (00872) ; Kocatepe II)
1 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II (0354). ex-US Norris (00859); Tinaztepe Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
5 Fletcher (0355). ex-US Keppler (00765) supplying steam to 2 geared turbines, de-
Displacement: 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes) livering 60,000 shp to two shafts
Frigates: standard; 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) full Speed: 34 knots
2 Berk load Range: 4,800 miles (7 ,725 km) at 15 knots
Oimensions: Length 390 ft 6 in (119 .0 m) Crew: 15+260
8eam 40ft 11 in (12 .5 m) Used also by: Argentina , Brazil, Greece,
SS: Oraught 19 ft (5.8 m) Pakistan, South Korea, Spain, TaiWan , USA
2 Type 209 ( + 2) Armament : Notes: W ith the exception of Eversole, which
2 Guppy III Guns 4 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets was built by Todd Pacific Shipyard, the
7 GuppylIA Missile systems ships were produced by Bethlehem Steel,
none in four different yards. The ships were com-
Light Forces: A!S weapons (FRAM I) missioned into US service in 1945, 1946
4 Liirssen FAC(M) 1 octuple ASROC launcher and 1947. Adatepe, Gayret and Cakmak
4 Kartal FAC(M) 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes are FRAM I rTIodernisations, the others
A!S weapons (FRAM II) FRAM II. They were transferred to Turkey
5 Kartal F AC(T) between 1972 and 1975.
1 Hedgehog
7 Jaguar FAC(T) 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
1 N~sty FAC(T) Torpedo tubes
Patrol Forces:
2 Asheville PC
6PC 1638 PC
10 large PC
19 J type PC
(14 SAR33 type PC)
425 .3-m coastal PC

Mine Warfare Forces:

1 77-m minelayer
5 LSM coastal minelayers
1 YMP type coastal minelayer
12 MSC coastal minesweepers
4 MCB coastal minesweepers
5 Vegesack coastal minesweepers
4 inshore minesweepers
. 9 minehunting boats

Amphibious Forces:
2 Terrebonne Parish LST
2 LST511-1152
5 British LCT
4 LCU501 'Robert H. Smith' class de- Aircraft
stroyer (1) none
20 LCM8 type Radar and electronics: SPS-6 air search,
SPS-10 surface search, Mark 28 (GFCS
Auxiliaries: Class: Muavenet (0357). ex-US Gwin Mark 37) main armament fire-control , and
2 survey ships (00772) Mark 34 (GFCS Mark 51) 40-mm quad
1 depot ship Displacement: 2,250 tons (2,286 tonnes) fire-control radars
1 support ship standard; 3,375 tons (3,429 tonnes) full Sonar: QCU orQHB
3 support tankers load Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
3 repair ships Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m) supplying steam to 2 geared turbines, de-
Beam 41 ft (12.5 m) livering 60,000 shp to two shafts
others Oraught 19 ft (5.8 m) Speed : 34
Armament : Range: 4,600 miles (7,400 km) at 15 knots
Air Arm: Guns 6 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets Crew: 274
(2 ASW sqns) 8 S-2A, 12 S-2E, 2 TS-2A 1 2 40-mm in 2 quadruple and 2 twin Used only by: Turkey
3 AB 204B helicopters mountings Notes: Built at Bethlehem Steel's San Pedro
6 AB 212 ASW helicopters 1120-mm yard between 1943 and 1944, Gwin was
(10 AB212 ASW helicopters) Missile systems altered on the stocks from an 'Allen M .
none Sumner' class fleet destroyer into a mine-
A!S weapons laying destroyer (MMO). and com-
none missioned as such in 1944. She has a
Torpedo tubes capac ity of 80 mines. She was transferred
none to Turkey in 1971 .

'Allen M. Sumner fRAM II' Armament: Powerplant : 4 Babcock &, Wilcox boilers
Guns 6 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets supplying steam to 2 geared turbines, de-
class destroyer (1 ) Missile systems livering 60,000 shp to two shafts
none Speed: 34 knots
Class: Zafer (0356), ex-US Hugh Purvis A!Sweapons Range : 4,600 miles (7,400 km) at 15 knots
(00709) 2 Hedgehogs Crew: 15+260
Displacament : 2,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes) 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Used also by: Brazil , Chile, Colombia, Iran,
standard; 3,320 tons (3,373 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes South Korea , Venezuela
load none Notes: Hugh Purvis was built in 1944 by Fed-
Dimansions: Length 376ft 6 in (114.8 m) Aircraft eral Shipbuilding & Ory Oock, and com-
Beam 40 ft 11 in (12.5 m) provision for 1 helicopter missioned into US service in 1945. She
Oraught 19 ft (5 .8 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-40 air search was transferred to Turkey in 1972.
and SPS-l 0 surface search radars
Sonar: SOS-29

'fletcher' class destroyer (5)

Class: Istanbul (0340)' ex- US Clarence K.

Bronson (00668); Izmir (0341), ex-US
Van Valkenburgh (00656); Izmit (0342),
ex- US Cogswell (00651) ; Iskenderun
(0343), ex-US Boyd (00544); lfiel (0344),
ex- US Preston (00795)
Displacement: 2,050 tons (2,083 tonnes)
standard; 3,000 tons (3,048 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 376 ft 6 in (114.8 m)
Beam39ft6in(12.1 m)
Oraught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Guns 4 5-i n (127-mm) in single turrets
6 3-in (76-mm)
Missile systems
2 Hedgehogs
Torpedo tubes
1 quintuple 21-in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics: SPS-6 air search, geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to Notes: The ships were built by Federal Ship-
SPS-l0 surface search, Mark 25 (GFCS two shafts building & Ory Oock. Gulf Shipbuilding,
Mark 37) fire-control , Mark 35 (GFCS Mark Speed: 34 knots Bath Iron Works, and Bethlehem Steel be-
5'6) fire- control, and Mark 34 (GFCS Mark Range: 5,000 miles (8 ,047 km) at 15 knots tween 1942 and 1943, for commissioning
51 ) fire-control radars Crew: 250 into US service in 1943 and 1944. The first
Sonar: Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, two were transferred to Turkey in 1967,
Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers Greece, Italy, Mexico, Peru, South Korea, the other three in 1969.
supplying steam to 2 General Electric Spain, Taiwan, West Germany

'Berk' class frigate (2)

Class: Berk (0358), Peyk (0359)
Displacement: 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes)
standard ; 1,950 tons (1,981 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 311 ft 5t in (95.0 m)
Beam 38 ft 8t in (11.8 m)
Oraught 18 ft 1 in (5 .5 m)
Guns 4 3-in (76-mm) in twin turrets
Missile systems
A!S weapons
1 OC rack
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32
32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPG-34 fire-control ,
SPS-40 air search, and SPS-l0 surface
sea rch rada rs
Sonar: Used only by : Turkey
Powerplant: 4 Fiat diesels, delivering 24,000 Notes: The two ships were built by G61ciik
bhp to two shafts Navy Yard between 1967 and 1972, for
Speed: 25 knots commissioning into Turkish service in
Range: 1972 and 1975. The design is based on
Crew: that of the US 'Claud Jones' class.

Type 209 submarine (4)
Class: Atilay (5347). Saldiray (5348). Batiray
(5349). Yildi;ay (5350)
Displacement : 990 tons (1 ,006 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 1,290 tons (1 ,311 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 183 ft 8f in (56 .0 m)
Beam 20 ft 4 in (6 .2 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
A/5 weapons
Torpedo tubes
8 533-mm (21-in)
none Speed: 10 knots (surfaced) ; 22 knots (dived) Notes: The Type 209 is an Ingenieurkontor of
Radar and electronics: Range : 50 days endurance Lubeck design, built by Howaldtswerke of
Sonar: active and passive Crew : 31 Kiel between 1972 and 1977 , for com-
Powerplant: diesel-electric, with 4 MTU- Used also by: Argentina , Colombia, Ecuador, missioning into Turkish service in 1975
5iemens diesel generators, and 1 5iemens Iran , Peru , Uruguay, Venezuela and 1977 (first two). Two more of the
electric motor, delivering power to one class are to be built by G61cuk Navy
shaft Yard .

'Guppy III' class submarine (2) A/5weapons Powerplant: 4 General Motors Corporation
none 278A diesels, delivering 6,400 shp, and 2
Torpedo tubes General Electric electric motors, delivering
Class: Ikinci Inonu (5333). ex-U5 Corporal 10 21-in (533-mm) 5,400 bhp to two shafts
(55346); C;anakkale (5341). ex-U5 Aircraft Speed: 20 knots (surfaced); 15 knots (dived)
Cobbler (55344) none Range:
Displacement: 1,975 tons (2,007 tonnes) Radar and electronics: Crew: 86
standard; 2 ,540 tons (2,581 tonnes) dived Sonar: Used also by: Brazil. Greece, Italy
Dimensions: Length 326 ft 6 in (99.4 m) Notes : Both boats were built by the Electric
Beam 27 ft (8.2 m) Boat Company and commissioned into the
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m) U5 Navy in 1945. They are of the basic
Armament: 'Balao' class, modernised under the
Guns none GUPPY III programme. They were trans-
Missile systems ferred in 1975, and it seems likely that
none another two, Clamagore and Tiru, will have
been transferred by 1979. .

'Guppy 1 A' class submarine (1)

Class: Dumlupinar (5339). ex-U5 Caiman
Displacement: 1,840 tons (1 ,869 tonnes)
standard; 2,445 tons (2,484 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 306 ft (93.2 m)
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Beam 27 ft (8.2 m) Aircraft Crew: 85

Draught 17 ft (5.2 m) none Used also by: Argentina, Peru
Armament: Radar and electronics : Notes: Caiman was built by the Electric Boat
Guns none Sonar: Company and commissioned into U5 ser-
Missile systems Powerplant: 3 General Motors Corporation vice in 1944. 5he was transferred to Turkey
none diesels, delivering 4,800 hp, and 2 electric in 1972, and has been deleted as a result
A/5weapons motors, delivering 5,400 hp to two shafts of damage.
none Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
Torpedo tubes Range: 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 10
10 21-in (533-mm) with 24 torpedoes knots surfaced

'Guppy IIA' class submarine (7) Armament: Powerplant: 3 General Motors Corporation
Guns none diesels, delivering 4,800 hp, and 2 electric
Missile systems motors, delivering 5,400 hp to two shafts
Class: Burak Reis (5335). ex-U5 Seafox none Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (dived)
(55402); Murat Reis (5336). ex-U5 Razor- A/5weapons Range: 12,000 miles (19 ,313 km) at 10
back (55394) ; Oruc Reis (5337). ex-U5 none knots surfaced
Pomfret (55391) ; UluqAIi Reis (5338). ex- Torpedo tubes Crew: 85
U5 Thornback (55418); C;erbe (5340). ex- 10 21-in (533-mm) with 24 torpedoes Used also by: Greece, 5pain
U5 Trutta (55421) ; Preveze (5345). ex-U5 Notes: With the exception of Entemedor,
Entemedor (55340) ; Birinci Inonu (5346). which was built by Electric Boat, these
ex-U5 Threadfin (55410) Radar and electronics: boats were built by Portsmouth Navy Yard
Displacement: 1,840 tons (1 ,869 tonnes) Sonar: and commissioned into U5 service in 1944
standard; 2,445 tons (2,484 tonnes) dived and 1945. The first pair were transferred in
Dimensions : Length 306 ft (93 .2 m) 1970, the second pair in 1972, and the last
Beam 27 ft (8.2 m) three in 1973.
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m)

Modified' 'Balao' class sub- Armament : Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; i 0 knots (dived)
Guns none Range : 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 10
marine (2) Missile systems knots surfaced
none Crew : 85
Cla!!s: Turgut Reis (S342). ex-US Bergal/ NSweapons Used also by : Chile, Greece, Italy, Venezuela
(SS320); Hizir Reis (S344). ex-US Mero none Notes: The boat s were built by Electric Boat
(SS378) Torpedo tubes and Manitowic Shipbuilding between
Displacement : 1,562 tons (1 ,587 tonnes) 10 21 -i n (533-mm) with 24 torpedoes 1943 and 1945, and commissioned into
standard ; 2,424 tons (2,463 tonnes) dived Aircraft US service in 1944 and 1945 respectively.
Dimensions: Length 311 ft 9 in (95 .0 m) none They were transferred in 1958 and 1960,
Beam 27 ft 3 in (8.3 m) Radar and electronics : and bought by Turkey in 1973. Both have
Draught 13 ft 9 in (4.2 m) Sonar : now been deleted.
Powerplant : 4 General Motors Corporation
diesels, delivering 6,400 shp, and 2 electric
motors, delivering 5,400 shp to two shafts

Lurssen type fast attack craft Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara Sonar:
(missile) (4) 2 35-mm in a twin mounting Powerplant: 4 MTU diesels, delivering
M issile systems 18,000hp
8 Harpoon SSM launchers Speed: 38 knots
Class : Dogan (P340). Marti (P34 1). Tayfun NSweapons Range : 700 miles (1 ,125 km) at 35 knots
(P342). Volkan (P343) none Crew:
Displacement: 41 0 tons (416 .6 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Used also by : Ecuador
Dimensions: Length 190 ft 7 in (58.1 m) none Notes: The lead craft was built by the design-
Beam 24ft 11 in (7.6 m) Aircraft ers, Lurssen of Vegesack, and the other
Draught 7 ft 2t in (2.2 m) none three by Taskizak Yard of Istanbul. Dogan
Armament: Radar and electronics: Hollandse Signaal- was commissioned in 1976, Marti and
apparaten WM 27 missile fire-control radar Tayfun in 1977, and Volkan in 1978.

'Kartal' class fast attack craft

(torpedo/missile) (9) .

Class : Denizkusu (P321). Atmaca (P322).

Sahin (P323). Kartal (P324). Meltem
(P325). Pelikan (P326). Albatros (P327),
Sim~ek ·(P328). Kasirga (P329)
Displacement : 160 tons (162 .6 tonnes)
standard ; 180 tons (182 .9 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 140 ft 5 in (42.8 m)
Beam 23 ft 3t in (7 .1 m)
Draught 7 ft 2t in (2 .2 m) Torpedo tubes Speed : 42 knots
Armament : 4 533-mm (21 - in) Range:
Guns 2 40- mm in single mountings Aircraft Crew: 39
Missile systems none Used only by : Turkey
Harpoon SSM launchers in Meltem, Peli- Radar and alectronics: Notes : All the class were built by Lurssen of
kan, Albatros and Simsek Sonar: Vegesack, and commissioned between
NSweapons Powerplant: 4 MTU 16V 538 diesels, deliv- 1967 and 1968. They are closely related to
none ering 12,000 bhp to fou r shafts the German 'Jaguar' class.

Lake service being formed

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
The Navy althe USSR missile, pre-dating the first American deck, eight surface-to-surface missile
One of the more 1Jlisleading Polaris launch. launchers as well ·as an anti-aircraft
generalisations currently in use is the By 1955 the first Soviet ship-borne and anti-submarine capability, was a
statement that 'The Russian is a land cruise missile was under test, being radical departure from all previous
animal.' This is misleading on two incorporated in the 'Krupny' class Soviet ships. Her size gives her
counts: firstly 'Russian' refers to only a destroyer design from 1958. Although accommodation for a fleet staff, her
little over half the population of the the US Navy introduced the Regulus communications the ability for area
USSR; secondly the Empire of the cruise-missile before this time it was a command and control and her
Czars had a long history of naval design which was dropped, leaving the endurance a world-wide operating
operations and exploration. These two Soviet navy alone in its possession of capability. Kiev means that, when
facts are significant. shipboard cruise-missiles until Exocet supported by the other two ships of her
At the end of the nineteenth century was introduced by France, and Sea class, the USSR will have the nucleus of
the Czar's navy ranked fourth in world Killer by Italy, in the late 1960s. Since powerful task-forces in peacetime and a
strengths but it was poorly led, of then the adoption of Harpoon by the potent anti-submarine group in war.
inferior material quality and widely USN in the mid 1970s with the possible As other constituents of such task
dispersed. In the Russo-Japanese War arrival of the Tomahawk long-range forces, the Soviet navy has produced a
of 1904-5 its main strength was cruise missile means that the American variety of classes of ocean-going .
destroyed and although sensible and fleet is slowly catching up with Soviet cruisers and destroyers as well as
practical plans were produced for its armament. In the interim the USSR providing support in the shape of
rehabilitation these were frustrated by has produced five new ballistic missiles, considerable mine-warfare,
the stifling effects of court extending the range from 370 miles to amphibious and supply groups. All the
bureaucracy. Thus by 1914 when war 5,200; five new cruise-missiles modern major surface ships are
was joined with Germany the including one type for dived launch provided with surface-to-air missiles,
rebuilding programme was years from a submarine; five various surface- some anti-surface ship missiles, some A/S
behind schedule and the showing of the to-air missiles; three forms of anti- missiles. None is lacking in speed
Czar's ships was, to say the least, submarine missiles as well as six comparable if not superior to Western
undistinguished. It was due only to the variants of the air-to-surface missile. ships, most of the newer classes relying
support given by the sailors to the The last of these are carried by the on the flexibility and acceleration of gas
October Revolution of 1917 that the aircraft ofthe Soviet Naval Air Force turbines, a not surprising fact when it is
navy became more widely recognised so which reached a peak of 4,000 recalled that the Soviet navy
that by 1921 the 10th Party Congress machines in 1955 before it passed the introduced the world's first all gas-
decided 'to take measures towards the fighter protection of naval bases to the turbine warship - the 'Kashin' class of
revival and strengthening of the Red Soviet Air Force. Today its fleet of 1962. .
Navy'. bomber reconnaissance aircraft, It is not only in their major surface
Despite this statement the attitude of amphibians and helicopters numbers ships that the ingenuity and
the Party, the state of the shipyards and some 1,500, including the Mach 2.5 inventiveness of Soviet designers has
the condition of the economy prevented 'Backfire' bomber. This considerable been evidenced. Their early attempts
any new construction for another five force was originally able to cover only with nuclear-propelled submarines and
years. Then, under the First Five Year the northern areas of the Atlantic and ballistic missiles has already been
Plan of 1928-32, there began a rapid Pacific but now with bases in Cuba, mentioned. Over the twenty years since
acceleration of new construction which West Africa, East Africa and Aden, the their first nuclear boat was built great
increased as Stalin recognised his whole Atlantic and Indian Ocean advances have been made in
maritime incapacity during the theatres can be subjected to aerial propulsion, hull form and armament
Spanish Civil War. By the time of the surveillance and, if necessary, attack. until today they possess over ninety
German invasion in June 1941 the One of the main sea-going bases for nuclear powered attack and cruise
USSR had some 275 ships and helicopters is the 'Kiev' class of missile submarines in addition to
submarines in commission with aircraft-carrier. In 1967 the first of two seventy nuclear submarines carrying
another 220 on the building-ways - a helicopter cruisers joined the Soviet ballistic missiles as well as 150 diesel
powerful force which did little to fleet carrying eighteen ofthe then new boats, with another 100 in reserve.
distinguish itself in the ensuing four Hormone helicopters. The reason for This, the largest submarine fleet in the
years other than in a variety of the unusually small number of this world, practises operations in all parts
amphibious operations and river class became apparent in July 1976 of the world's oceans.
patrols. when Kiev herself emerged from the Another world 'first' was achieved in
When, in July 1945, Stalin called for Black Sea. Prolonged arguments had 1959 when the first Soviet fast attack
the building of a fleet 'still stronger and taken place over the years in the Soviet craft armed with missiles were
more powerful' the background was not navy as to the advisability of building commissioned. This trend has been
encouraging. Over half the Soviet aircraft-carriers - under Stalin two had reflected in most of the world's major
surface ships and a high proportion of been ordered, only to be cancelled in navies and now provides a very
their submarines had been lost. The 1940. In the post-war plan there was no powerful striking force in coastal
western building yards had been sign of any ship specifically designed to waters for a comparatively small
destroyed. The tatty, ill-assorted carry aircraft of any type until the outlay. High speed operations are also
groups of surviving ships were manned helicopter-cruisers of 1967-8 possible with the rapidly increasing
by men lacking in both leadership and appeared. But in the same year a new number of hydrofoils and hovercraft
experience. Within ten years the aircraft appeared also - the Yakovlev now being provided. While no more
situation had changed dramatically. Freehand verticaVshort-take-off than fifty may be today's total, these
In 1953 the first prototype marine (V/STOL) machine. With this future multi-purpose craft will probably
nuclear reactor was put in hand and capability the cruiser design was expand in both size and quantity in the
five years after that the first Soviet discarded in favour of a carrier capable very near future.
nuclear submarine was commissioned. of carrying both V/STOL and World-wide commitments are
In September 1955 came the launching helicopters. The eventual result, a currently supported by the extensive
of the first submarine-oriented ballistic 43,000 ton ship with an angled flight use of both naval and mercantile

tankers, and SSG: Light Forces:
recuperative visits are now possible in 16 Juliett 50 Osa II FAC(M)
many ports where Marxist 7 Whiskey Long-Bin 70 Osa I FAC(M)
governments make the Soviet ships 3 Whiskey Twin-Cylinder 62 Stenka FAC(P) ( +?)
welcome. Knowledge of the oceans and 30 Turya FAH(P) (+?)
what floats upon them is available from SSN: 3 Sarancha FAH (P) (+?)
the very large numbers of survey, 2 Alfa 50 Shershen FAC(T)
research, mercantile and fishery ships 5 Victor II 20 P-6 FAC(T)
which cover all navigable areas and 16 Victor!
which are centrally controlled by 13 November Patrol Forces:
ministries of the Moscow government. 5 Echo I 60 SO I PC
From the foregoing it is clear that the (plus 2 in reserve) 15 MO VI FAC(P)
Soviet Union has a fleet of great 20 Pchela FAH(P)
potential which has altered out of all SS: 25 Zhuk coastal PC
recognition from the coast-defence 7 Tango 80 Shmel river PC
navy of twenty-five years ago. It is 4 Bravo 20 BK3 river PC
powerful, well-armed and widely 60 Foxtrot 10 BK2 river PC
deployed but, to see it in proportion to 19 Zulu IV 20 BKL4 river PC
other navies, the weaknesses must be 10 Romeo
borne in mind. The state of the 50 Whiskey Mine Warfare Forces:
personnel is of prime importance. The 4 Whiskey Canvas Bag 3 Alesha minelayers
officers are highly trained technicians 20 Quebec 24 Natya ocean minesweepers
who are, in many cases, constrained by (plus 115 in reserve) 47 Yurka ocean minesweepers
their background. Command does not 20 T-58 ocean minesweepers
come as naturally to them as to many CV: 84 T -43 ocean minesweepers
Western counterparts because of this 3 Kiev 5 T-43/AGR radar pickets
and the rigid control exercised from the 12 Sonya coastal minesweepers
top. All junior ratings are conscripts Helicopter Cruisers: 3 Zenya coastal minesweepers
with the training and abilities which 2 Moskva 73 Vanya coastal minesweepers
might be expected when a sailor is on a 40 Sasha coastal minesweepers
three-year term. They come from a vast Cruisers (CG): 8 Evgenya inshore minesweepers
area with a multitude oflanguages and, 6 Kara (+2) 4 Ilyusha inshore minesweepers
as the urban birth rate falls steadily, a 10 Kresta II 20 TR-40 inshore minesweepers
higher proportion will appear 4 Kresta I 70 K8 minesweeping boats
outlandish to the true Russians. Behind 4 Kynda
all the 433,000 people of the fleet, 1 Sverdlov Amphibious Warfare Forces:
however, stand the political officers led 14 Alligator LST
by Admiral Grishanov providing Cruisers (CA): 10 Ropucha LST (+?)
motivation and education for all; an 7 Sverdlov 60 Polnocny LCT
education which lacks one very (plus 4 in reserve) 35 VydraLCU
important factor - only the more senior 1 Chapaev 2MP2LCU
members of the Soviet navy have ever 20MP4LCU
seen action under war conditions. How Destroyers (DOG): lOMP10LCU
the remainder would react under fire 4 Krivak II (+?) 40SMB1LCU
and in moments of great stress we hope 15 Krivak I 100T4LCM
never to discover. Materially the fleet is 5 Modified Kashin 25 Gus hovercraft
good, its organisation is efficient. How 14 Kashin 5 Aist hovercraft
the man behind the missile, the 4 Kildin
instrument, the gun would prove 8 Kanin Auxiliaries:
himself is the great unknown but he 3 SAM Kotlin II 9 submarine depot ships
seems to be the possible weak link in the 5 SAM Kotlin I 12 submarine support ships
whole impressive chain. 8 missile support ships
Destroyers (DO): 27 repair ships
433,000 including 59,000 Naval Air 19 Kotlin 5 submarine tenders
Force, 12,000 Naval Infantry and 36 Skory 54 intelligence ships
8,000 Coast Artillery and Rocket 74 survey ships (plus 24 civilian +2)
Troops. Frigates (FF): 11 research ships (+ 1) (plus 24
1 Koni (+?) civilian)
SSBN: 20 Mirka I and II 14 space associated ships (plus 8
6 Delta III ( + 3) 26 Petya II civilian)
5 Delta II ( + 3) 9 Modified Petya I 6 fleet replenishment ships
15 Delta I 13 Petya I 6 replenishment tankers
34 Yankee 37 Riga 37 support tankers
1 Hotel III 3 Kola 20 salvage ships
7 Hotel II 15 submarine rescue ships
Corvettes: 41 icebreakers
SSB: 8 Grisha III (+?) others
13 Golf II 4 Grisha II
9 Golf! 18 Grisha I Naval Air Force:
17 Nanuchka (+?) 280 Tu-16 Badger medium bombers
SSGN: 64 Poti 30 Tu-26(?) Backfire B medium
2 Papa bombers
3 Charlie II 40 Tu-22 Blinder medium bombers
12 Charlie I c 30 Yak-36 FGA
29 Echo II 30 Su-17 Fitter C FGA

40 Tu-16 Badger ElF recce 'Delta II' class nuclear ballistic Aircraft
30 Tu-16 Badger ECM none
missile submarine (8) Radar and electronics:
45 Tu-95 Bear D MR
25 Tu-95 Bear F MR
Class: five boats, plus three building Powerplant : 1 pressurised water-cooled
50 11-38 May MR Displacement : 9 ,000 tons (9 ,144 tonnes) nuclear reactor supplying steam to 2 tur-
90 Be-12 Mail MR surfaced ; 11 ,000 tons (11 ,176 tonnes) bines, delivering 40,000 shp to two shafts
80 Tu-16 tankers dived Speed: possibly 25 knots (dived)
220 Mi-4 Hound; Mi-14 Haze, Ka-25 Dimensions : Length 500 ft (152 .5 m) Range : limited only by food capacity and
Hormone NB ASW Beam 39 ft 4! in (12 .0 m) crew efficiency
280 transport and training aircraft Draught 29 ft 6! in (9.0 m) Crew : 110
Armament: Used only by: USSR
Naval Infantry: Gunsnone Notes: The boats of this class are building at
5 naval infreqts with 15 infbns, 5 tank Missile systems Severodvinsk and Komsomolsk, and first
16 SS- N- 8 SLBM launch tubes came to the notice of western observers in
bns A!S weapons 1973. Also built at the same yards are six
none 'Delta III' boats, with a further three build-
Torpedo tubes ing, with a missile armament of 16 SS- N-18
6 533-mm (21-in) SLBMs.

'Delta I' class nuclear ballistic Aircraft

missile submarine (15)
Radar and electronics :
Sonar :
Class: 1 5 boats Powerplant: 1 pressurised water-cooled
Displacement : 8,500 tons (8,636 tonnes) nuclear reactor supplying st eam to 2 tur-
surfaced ; 10,500 tons (10,668 tonnes) bines, delivering about 40,000 shp to two
dived shafts
Dimensions: Length 442 ft 1 ot in (135.0 m) Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; 26 knots (dived)
Beam 39 ft 4i in (12 .0 m) Range : limited only by food capacity and
Draught 29 ft 6 ! in (9.0 m) crew efficiency
Armament: Crew: 100
Gunsnone Used only by: USSR
Missile systems Notes : The class is built at Severdvinsk, and it
12 SS-N-8 SLBM launch tubes seems that half the USSR 's output of 12
A!S weapons submarines per yea r is of th e 'Delta I' and
none 'Delta II' classes. The first boats cam e to
Torpedo tubes the notice of western observers in 1972.
6 533-mm (21-in) with 18 torpedoes or 36

= -~~ U 11111111111111 II 111111 ._..L, -=----' - - - - - ; : : -

'Yankee' class nuclear ballistic

missile submarine (34)

Class : 34 boats
Displacement: 8 ,500 tons (8 ,636 tonnes)
surfaced ; 10,000 tons (10,160 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 426 ft 6 in (130.0 m)
Beam 36ft (11.0 m)
Draught 27 ft 1 in (8.5 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
16 SS-flJ -6 SLBM launch tubes
Torpedo tubes
8 533 - mm (21-in) with 18 torpedoes or 36

Radar and electronics:
Sonar :
Powerplant: 2 pressurised water- cooled
reactors supplying steam to 2 turbines, de-
livering 40,000 shp to two shafts -------------------~
Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; 25 knots (dived) ~-------
Range : limited only by food capacity and
crew efficiency Notes: The boats of this class were built at porate features from the 'Golf and ' Hotel'
Crew: 100 Severodvinsk and Komsomolsk, and were class boats. Leninets is the only name
Used only by : USSR delivered from 1967 to 1975. They incor- known .

'Hotel'" and 'Hotel III' class

nuclear ballistic missile sub-
marine (8)

Class: one boat (,Hotel III') and seven boats .... U .1 II •• ••• • • • ........ I. III ••••••••• I •••••

(,Hotel II')
Displacement: 5,000 tons (5,080 tonnes)
surfaced ; 6,000 tons (6,096 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 377 ft 3 in (115 .2 m)
Beam 29 ft 6t in (9.0 m)
Draught 25 ft (7 .6 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
3 SS-N - 5 SLBM launch tubes
Torpedo tubes
6 533 - mm (21-in)
4 406-mm (16-in)
Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Tray' surface
search radar; 'Stop Light' passive ECM
Sonar: 'Hercules' and ' Feniks'
Poerplant: 2 pressurised water-cooled reac-
tors supplying steam to 2 turbines, deliver- Crew: 90 'Hotel II!' boat is an experimental craft with
ing 30,000 shp to two shafts Used only by: USSR an armament of 6 SS-N-8 SLBM launch
Speed : 20 knots (surfaced); 22 knots (dived) Notes : The boats were all built between 1958 tubes. The original ' Hotel!' boats were pro-
Range: limited only by food capacity and and 1962 at Severodvinsk, and will prob- vided with 3 SS-N-4 SLBM launch tubes.
crew efficiency ably be placed in reserve or scrapped . The The only known name is Krasnogvardits.

'Golf I' and 'Golf'" class ballis-

tic missile submarine (22)

Class: nine ('Golf I') and 13 ('Golf II') boats

Displacement: 2,350 tons (2,388 tonnes)
surfaced ; 2,800 tons (2 ,845 tonnes) dived = n
Dimensions: Length 321 ft 6i in (98.0 m)
Beam 27 ft 1ot in (8 .5 m)
Draught 19 ft 8t in (6.0 m)
Armament :
Missile systems
3 SS-N-4 SLBM launch tubes ('Golf I')
3 SS- N-5 SLBM launch tubes ('Golf II')
A/S weapons
Torpedo tubes
10 533 - mm (21-in) with some 22 torpe-
does or 44 mines
Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate ' surface
search radar ; 'Stop Light' passive ECM
Sonar: ' Hercules' and 'Feniks'
Powerplant: 3 diesels, delivering 6,000 hp,
and 3 electric motors, delivering 6,000 hp,
to three shafts
Speed: 17t knots (surfaced) ; 17 knots (dived)
Range: 22.700 miles (36,535 km) on the sur-
Crew : 12 + 74
Used only by: USSR
Notes: The boats were built at Severodvinsk,
the first being laid down in 1957 and com- planned as large attack craft, but were con-
pleted in 1961 , with the last of the class verted intc intermediate-type missile boats
completed in 1962. The boats were in the mid-1950s.

'Papa' class nuclear cruise mis-
sile submarine(2)

Class : two boats

Displacement : 5,500 tons (5 ,588 tonnes) A!Sweapons 40,000 shp to one shaft
surfaced; 6,500 tons (6,604 tonnes) dived none Speed : 20 knots (surfaced); 28 knots
Dimensions: Length-328 ft (100.0 m) Torpedo tubes (dived)
Beam 39 ft 4t in (12.0 m) 6 533-mm (21 - in) Range: limited only by food capacity and
Draught 26 ft 3 in (8.0 m) Aircraft crew efficiency
Armament : none Crew: 89
Guns none Radar and electronics: Used only by : USSR
Missile systems Sonar : Notes: This was probably conceived as an ex-
10 SS-N-7 SLCM launchers Powerplant : 1 nuclear reactor supplying perimental craft, and only two were built,
steam to 2(7) turbines, delivering about between 1968 and 1.970, probably at

'Charlie I' and 'Charlie II' class

nuclear cruise missile sub-
marine (15)

Class : 12 ("Charlie I") and three ('Charlie II")

Displacement: 4,000 tons (4,064 tonnes)
surfaced ; 5,100 tons (5,182 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 288 ft 81 in (90.0 m)
Beam 32 ft 9 in (10.0 m)
Draught 24 ft 7 in (7.5 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
8 SS-N-7 SLCM launchers
A!Sweapons Powerplant: 1 pressurised water-cooled Used only by: USSR
none reactor supplying steam to 2 turbines, de- Notes : The first of the boats, replacements for
Torpedo tubes livering about 30,000 shp to two shafts the 'Echo II" class, was laid down in '1967,
6 533-mm (21 - in) Speed : 20 knots (surfaced); 30 + knots at the Krasnoye Sormovo yard at Gorkii.
Aircraft (dived) • The three 'Charlie II" boats are some 29 ft
none Range: limited only by food capacity and 6t in (9.0 m) longer than the 'Cl].arlie I'
Radar and electronics: crew efficiency class boats' and possibly carry torpedo
Sonar : Crew: 80 tube-launched SS- N-l 5 missiles.

'Echo II' class nuclear cruise
missile submarine (29)

Class: 29 boats
.. I ......
Displacement: 4,800 tons (4,877 tonnes)
surfaced; 6,000 tons (6,096 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 390 ft 5 in (119 .0 m)
Beam 31 ft 2 in (9.5 m)
Draught 25 ft 11 in (7 .9 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
8 SS-N-3 SLCM launchers
Torpedo tubes
6 533 - mm (21-in)
4 406-mm (1 6-in)
Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate ' or
'Snoop Slab' surface search, 'Front Piece'
target acquisition radars; 'Stop Light' pas-
siveECM Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; 22 knots (dived) the 'Echo I' class by a lengthening of the
Sonar : 'Hercules' and 'Feniks' hull to accommodate another pair of SLCM
Range: limited only by food capacity and
Powerplant: 1 pressurised water-cooled launchers. The first boat was laid down in
crew efficiency
reactor supplying steam to 2 turbines, de- 1963, and the class was built at Severod-
Crew: 92
livering 22,500 shp to two shafts vinsk and Komsomolsk. The only named
Used only by : USSR
Notes: The 'Echo II' class was derived from boat known is Frunze .

'Juliett' class cruise missile sub-

marine (16)

Class: 16 boats
Displacement : 3 ,200 tons (3 ,251 tonnes)
surfaced ; 3 ,600 tons (3 ,658 tonnes) dived

DimensionS": Length 285 ft 5 in (87.0 m)
Beam 32 ft 9f in (10.0 m)
Draught 19 ft 8t in (6.0 m)
Missile systems
4 SS- N-3 SLCM launchers
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
6 533-mm (21 - in)
Radar and electronics : 'Snoop Slab' surface
sea rch rad ar; 'Stop Light' passive ECM
Sonar : ' Hercules' and 'Feniks' Range: 15,000 m iles (24,140 km) on the sur- 1961 , and the last completed in 1967. The
Powerplant: 3 diesel engines, delivering face missiles can only be fired when the boat is
7,000 bhp, and 3 electric motors, delivering Crew : 90 on the surface. There are indications that
5,000 hp Used only by: USSR some of the class have been modified to
Speed : 16 knots (surfaced and dived) Notes : The 'Juliett' class boats were built in launch the SS-N - 12 missile.
Len ingrad, the first boat being laid down in

'Whiskey Long-Bin' class cruise
missile submarine (7)
, n .~ {J,
Class : seven boats
Displacement: 1,200 tons (1,219 tonnes) .. ;;:::=::....-:.....~ ...:."'." ... ;.......... .., .... j
surfaced ; 1,600 tons (1 .626 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 275 ft 7 in (84.0 m) Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate ' surface Crew: 75
Beam23ftll in(7 .3m) search radar ; 'Stop Light' passive ECM Used only by: USSR
Draught 16 ft 5 in (5.0 m) Sonar : ' Hercules' and 'Feniks' Notes: The 'Whiskey Long-Bin ' class repre-
Armament : Powerplant: 2 diesel engines, delivering sents a more successful adaptation of the
Guns none 4 ,000 bhp, and 2 electric motors, deliver- 'Whiskey' class patrol boat to carry cruise
Missile systems ing 2,500 hp to two shafts missiles than the earlier 'Whiskey Twin-
4 SS-N-3 SLCM launchers Speed: 16 knots (surfaced) ; 14 knots (dived) Cylinder' class. The lack of on-board guid-
A!Sweapons Range : 13,000 miles (20,925 km) on the sur- ance means that long-range missile accu-
none face racy is dependent on mid-course correction
Torpedo tubes by aircraft or other ships. Compared with
6 533-mm (21-in) the 'Whiskey Twin-Cylinder' class, the
Aircraft 'Whiskey Long-Bin ' class is some 32 ft 10
none in (10.0 m) longer.

'Whiskey Twin-Cylinder' class

cruise missile submarine (3)

Class: three boats

Displacement: 1,100 tons (1 , 118 tonnes)
surfaced ; 1.400 tons (1.422 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 246 ft (75.0 m)
Beam 23 ft 11 in (7 .3 m)
Draught 16 ft 5 in (5 .0 m)
Armament :
Missile systems
2 SS-N-3 SLCM launchers
Torpedo tubes
4 533-mm (21-in) with 18 torpedoes or 24 Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 4,000 bhp, Notes: The conversion of these boats was
mines and 2 electric motors, delivering 2 ,500 hp undertaken between 1958 and 1961, and
Aircraft to two shafts provided a temporary means of getting
none Speed: 17 knots (surfaced) ; 15 knots (d ived) Russian SLCMs to sea. The whole system
Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Plate ' surface Range: 13,000 miles (20,925 km) on the sur- is inefficient, and very noisy under the
search radar; 'Stop Light' passive ECM face water. For firing , the submarine must be
Sonar : 'Hercules' and 'Feniks' Crew: 70 surfaced, and the two cylinders elevated
Used only by: USSR into the firing angle of about 20°.

'Alfa' class nuclear attack sub-

marine (2)

Class: two boats

Displacement : 2 ,500 tons (2,540 tonnes)
surfaced ; 3 ,000 tons (3,048 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 255 ft 11 in (78.0 m)
Beam 32 ft lOin (10.0 m) Missile systems Torpedo tubes
Draught 26 ft 3 in (8.0 m) none 6 533-mm (21-in)
Armament : A!Sweapons Aircraft
Guns none none none

Radar and electronics : Range : limited only by food capacity and submarine , or experimental craft, for no
Sonar : crew efficiency more have been built. The original boat was
Powerplant : 1 reactor supplying steam to 1 Crew: built by the Sudomekh Yard in Leningrad
geared turbine , delivering 25 ,000 shp to Used only by : USSR between 1968 and 1970. The two are the
one shaft Notes: These boats were probably unsuc- world ' s smallest nuclear submarines.
Speed : 16 knots (surfaced) ; 28 knots (dived) cessful prototypes for a new class of attack

'Victor I' and 'Victor II' class
attack submarine (21 )
Class: 16 ('Victor I') and five (Victor II') boats
Displacement : 4 ,000 tons (4,064 tonnes)
surfaced and 5,200 tons (5,283 tonnes)
• II II ..

dived for Victor 1' ; 4,700 tons (4,775

tonnes) surfaced and 6 ,000 tons (6 ,096
tonnes) dived for Victor II '
Dimensions: Length 285 ft 5 in (87 .0 m) for
Victor I'; 308 ft 4t in (94,0 m)
for 'Victor II'
Beam 32 ft 10 in (10.0 m)
Draught 26 ft 3 in (8.0 m)
Armament :
Guns none
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
8 533-mm (21 - in)
Radar and electronics :
Powerplant : 1 pressurised water-cooled Crew: 90 (Victor I'); 85 (Victor II') named boat is Letya SSR , the building
reactor supplying steam to turbines, deliv- Used only by : USSR rate is two boats per year, and the type
ering 30,000 shp to two shafts Notes : The Victor' was the first Russian sub- is reputedly the fastest submarine in the
Speed: 26 knots (surfaced) ; 30+ knots marine class to feature a tear-drop shape to world. The Victor II' class appeared in
(dived) for Victor I' and 33 knots for Victor their hulls. The first boat was laid down in· 1971, its extra length necessary for the
II' 1965 at the Admiralty Yard in Leningrad, tube- launched SS-N - 15.
Range : limited only by food capacity and and completed in 1968. The boats can
crew efficiency carry up to 64 mines. The only known

'November' class nuclear attack

- ~-- -
submarine (13)

Class : 1 3 boats
Displacement : 4 ,200 tons (4,267 tonnes)
surfaced; 5,000 tons (5,080 tonnes) dived
-- -- -- - - -- ---- -- - -- -- -- ------.
Dimensions: Length 357 ft ·n in (109.0 m)
Beam 32 ft 1 in (9.8 m)
Draught 24 ft 4 in (7.4 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
6 533-mm (21 - in) with 32 torpedoes or 64
4 406- mm (16-in)
Radar and electronics : 'Snoop Tray' surface
search radar; 'Stop Light' passive ECM
Sonar: ' Hercules' and 'Feniks'
Powerplant: 2 pressurised water-cooled
reactors supplying steam to 2 turbines, de-
livering 32 ,500 shp to two shafts
Speed: 20 knots (surfaced) ; 25 knots (dived)
Range: lim ited only by food capacity and
crew efficiency .
Crew: 88
Usedonlyby : USSR
Notes : This was the first series-built Russian
nuclear-powered submarine class, the first
boat being laid down in 1958 and com-
pleted in 1961, probably at Severodvinsk.
Both the hull and the powerplant are noisy,
but the boats are fast and have a deep
diving depth,

'Echo I' class nuclear attack sub-
marine (5)
I I l l I tmIDIIlI 1111

Class: five boats

Displacement : 4,300 tons (4,369 tonnes)
surfaced ; 5,500 tons (5,588 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 367 ft 5-! in (112 .0 m)
Beam 31 ft 3 in (9.5 m)
Draught 25 ft 11 in (7 .9 m)
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
6 533 - mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics: 'Snoop Tray' or
'Snoop Plate ' surface search radar; 'Stop
Light' passive ECM
Sonar : 'Hercules' and 'Feniks'
Powerplant: 1 pressurised water-cooled
reactor supplying steam to 2 turbines, de-
livering 30,000 shp to 2 shafts
Speed : 20 knots (surfaCed); 25 knots (dived)
Range: limited only by food capacity and vinsk and, probably, Komsomolsk. Based siles. The class was probably intended to
crew efficiency on experience with the 'Hotel' and pioneer nuclear-powered cruise missile
Crew: 12+80 ' November' class boats, the 'Echo I' class boats, but does not appear to have been
Used only by: USSR boats were produced at the same time as very successful. Indeed, during 1973 and
Notes: The first boat was laid down in 1961 the 'Juliett' class cruise missile sub- 1974 the boats were converted into attack
and completed in 1962. The boats of the marines, and like them at first had six submarines with the removal of the
class were built up to 1963 at Severod- (instead of four) launchers for SS-N-3 mis- SLCMs.

'Tango' class patrol submarine


Class : seven boats

Displacement: 3,000 tons (3 ,048 tonnes)
surfaced; 3 ,500 tons (3,556 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: 298 ft 6J in (91.0 m)
Beam 30 ft (9 .1 m)
Draught 19 ft 8t in (6.0 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
6 (?) 533-mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics:
Powerplant : 3 diesels, delivering 6,000 hp, Crew: 62 gramme of .two boats per year has been
and 3 electric motors, delivering 6,000 shp Used only by: USSR instituted, possibly with a view to replacing
to three shafts Notes: The 'Tango ' class of conventional older diesel-powered boats or providing
Speed: 16 knots (surfaced); 20 knots (dived) attack submarine became known to west- Russia 's allies with modern conventional
Range: ern observers in 1973, and a building pro- boats.

'Bravo' class patrol submarine

0000000000000000000 DoDoO 0000000000000 000 a 0000 000000000 =
Class: four boats
Displacement: 2 ,300 tons (2,337 tonnes)
surfaced; 2,800 tons (2,845 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 219 ft 9f in (67.0 m) Aircraft Notes: The first of these boats appeared in
Beam 30 ft (9 .1 m) none 1966, and only four have been built. The
Draught 23 ft (7.0 m) Radar and electronics : type may have been experimental, to judge
Armament: Sonar: by the low length :beam ratio, in an effort to
Guns none Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 5,000 hp, gain access to greater underwater speeds.
Missile systems and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,000 bhp Alternatively, the fact that one of these
none to two shafts boats is attached to each of the major
A!S weapons Speed: 14 knots (surfaced); 16 knots (dived) Russian fleets may indicate that the boats'
none Range: extra beam is 'padding' , and that the boats
Torpedo tubes Crew: 60 are used as targets for torpedo and A!S
6 533-mm (21-in) Used only by: USSR firings.

'Kiev' class aircraft-carrier (3)

Class: Kiev, Minsk, Komsomolec

Displacement: about 43,000 tons (43,688
tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 898ft 1Olin (274.0 m)
8eam (bull) 135 ft (41 .2 m)
\ ~o, bB~CDDOO

Armament :
Guns 4 76-mm in twin turrets
8 6-barreI23-mm AA mountings
Missile systems
4 twin SS-N-12 SSM launchers
2 twin SA- N-3 SAM launchers
2 SA- N-4 SAM launchers
1 SUWN-l A/S launcher, probably for
SS-N-14 or FRAS- l
2 12-barrel M8U 2500A launchers
Torpedo tubes
2 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)
30-35 helicopters and V/STOL aircraft
Radar and electronics : Top Sail' 3D long-
range air search, 'Head Net' air search,
'Head Light' SA- N-3 fire-control, ' Pop
Group' SA-N-4 fire-control. 'Owl Screech'
76-mm fire-control, plus other radars ; a full
fit of ECM equipment, including 'Side
Sonar : probably hull-mounted and vari -
able-depth Notes: The three ships are of Nikolayev South decks 68 ft (20.7 m) wide, and arma-
Powerplant: geared steam turbines or gas construction , being laid down in 1971, ments of great versatility. It is assumed t hat
turbines, delivering power to four shafts 1972, and 1973, for launching in 1973, catapults may be fitted to allow the embar-
Speed : 30 + knots 1974 and 1976, and commissioning in cation of aircraft other than VTOL types.
Range: 13,000 miles (20,922 km) at 18 knots 1976, 1977 and 1979. Originally known The Russians designate the ships Anti-
Crew : as the ' Kuril' class, these ships have flight Submarine Cruisers.
Usedonlyby: USSR

'Moskva' class helicopter

cruiser (2)

Class: Moskva and Leningrad

Displacement: 14,500 tons (14,732 tonnes)
standard; 19,200 tons (19,507 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 644 ft 9 in (196 .6 m)
Beam 111 ft 6 in (34.0 m)
Draught 24 ft 11 in (7 .6 m)
Guns 4 57-mm in twin turrets
Missile systems
2 twin SA-N-3 SAM launchers with 180
1 twin SUWN-l A/S missile launcher
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers
Torpedo tubes
2 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)
1 8 ASW helicopters
Radar and electronics: Top Sail' 3D long-
range air search, 'Head Net-C' 3D air
warning, 'Oon-2 ' navigation, 'Head Light'
SA-N-3 target tracking, 'Muff Cob' 57-mm
fire-control radars; 'High Pole' IFF and 'Side
Globe' ECM
Sonar: Tamir' or 'Hercules' hull-mounted,
plus variable-depth
Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to
geared turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed : 30 knots
Range: 8 ,000 miles (12,875 km) at 15 knots
Crew: 800 mount aircraft (or rather helicopters) as their
Used only by: USSR primary armament. The Russian classi-
Notes : The two ships were built between fication for the ships (Anti-Submarine
1962 and 1968 at Nikolayev South , and Cruiser) is probably accurate. The flight
commissioned in 1968 and 1969. They are deck is located aft of the superstructure,
indications of a new Russian approach to and measures 295 ft 4 in (90.0 m) by 115
sea power, being t he first Russian ships to ft (35 .0 mI.

'Kara' class guided missile
cruiser, (8)

Class: Azov, Kerch, Nikolayev, Ochakov,

Petropavlovsk and one other, plus two
Displacement : 8,200 tons (8,331 tonnes)
standard; 10,000 tons (1 0,160 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 570ft (173 .8 m)
Beam 60ft{18.3 m)
Draught 20 ft (6.2 m)
Guns 4 76-mm in twin turrets
4 6-barreI23-mm mountings
Missile systems
2 quadruple SS-N - 14 SSM launchers
2 twin SA- N-4 SAM launchers
2 twin SA-N-3 SAM launchers
A!S weapons
2 12- barrel MBU 2500A launchers
2 6-barrel DCTs
Torpedo tubes
2 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)
1 ASW helicopter
Radar and electronics: Top Sail' 3D long-
range air search, 'Head Net-C' 3 D air warn- Sonar: bow-mounted and variable-depth Notes: The ships are of Nosenko Yard, Nikola-
ing, 'Head Light' SA- N-3 control, ' Pop Powerplant: gas turbines, delivering yev , construction , and the first was laid
Group' SA-N-4 control, 'Owl Screech' 76- 120,000 hp to two shafts down in 1969. They are formidable war-
mm fire-control, ' Bass Tilt' 23-mm fire- Speed : about 34 knots ships with a comprehensive armament,
control , ' Don ' navigation, 'Sheet Curve' Range: and are classified by the Russians as Large
search radars; 'Side Globe' ECM ; 'High Crew: about 500 Anti-Submarine Ships, which slightly
Pole' IFF Used only by : USSR belies their powerful AA armaments.

'Kresta II' class guided missile

cruiser (10)

Class : Admiral Isachenkov, Admirallsakov,

Admiral Makarov, Admiral Nakhimov, Ad-
miral Oktyabrsky, Admiral Yumaschev,
Kronshtadt, Marshal Timoshenko, Marshal
-Voroshilov, Vasili Chapaev, plus two others
Displacement: 6 ,000 tons (6 ,096 tonnes)
standard; 8,000 tons (8,128 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 520 ft (1 58.5 m)
Beam 55 ft 1 in (16 .8 m)
Draught 19 ft 8 in (6.0 m)
Guns 4 57-mm in twin turrets
4 6-barreI23-mm mountings
Missile systems
2 quadruple SS-N-14 launchers
2 twin SA-N - 3 launchers
A!S weapons
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers
2 6-barrel DCTs
Torpedo tubes
2 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)
Radar and electronics: 'Top Sail' 3D long-
range air search, 'Head Net-C' 3D air-
warning, 'Head Light' SA-N-3 control, geared turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to
'Muff Cob' 57-mm fire-control , 'Bass Tilt' two shafts pleted in 1970. The design is clearly an
23-mm fire-control, ' Don-Kay' surface Speed: 35 knots updating of that of the 'Kresta I' class, with
search radars; 'Side Globe' ECM; ' High Range: 5,500 miles (8,850 km) at 18 knots the addition of more modern equipment
Pole'IFF Crew: 500 and anti-submarine missiles, compared
Sonar : bow-mounted Used only by : USSR with the 'Kresta I' class armament of SAM
Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2 Notes: The first ship was laid down in 1967 at missiles. The Russian classification is Large
the Zhdanov Yard in Leningrad, and com- Anti-Submarine Ship.

'Kresta I' c~ss guided missile Dimensions: Length 510ft (155 .5 m) A!Sweapons
Beam 55 ft 9t in (17.0 m) 2 12- barrel MBU 2500A launchers
cruiser (4) Draught 19 ft 8t in (6.0 m) 2 6-barrel DCTs
Armament: Torpedo tubes
Class: Admiral Zozulya, Sevastopol, Vice- Guns 4 57-mm in twin turrets 2 quintuple 533-mm (21 - in)
Admiral Drozd, Vladivostok 4 6-barreI23-mm mountings (Drozd) Aircraft .
Displacement: 6,140 tons (6,238 tonnes) Missile systems 1 ASW helicopter
standard; 8,000 tons (8,128 tonnes) full 2 twin SS-N-3 with no reloads
load 2 SA-N-l launchers

Radar and electronics: ' Head Net-C' 3D air-
warning , ' Big Net' long-range air-warning,
'Plinth Net' medium-range target des-
ignator, 'Scoop Pair' SS- N-3 control , ' Peel
Group' SA- N-1 control, 'Muff Cob' 57-mm
fire-control, 'Bass Tilt' 23-mm fire-control
(Drozd only). and 'Don' navigation radars ;
'Side Globe' ECM; ' High Pole' IFF
Sonar : 'Hercules'
Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2
geared turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed: 35 knots
Range: 5,500 miles (B ,B50 km) at 18 knots
Used only by : USSR
Notes: The four ships were built by the
Zhdanov Yard in Leningrad, the first unit 1968. Although somewhat limited in their capable of detached operations. The
being laid down in 1964 and completed in armament (by Russian standards). the Russian classification is Large Anti-
1966, The last of the four was completed in ' Kresta I' class ships are powerful units Submarine Ship.

'Kynda' class guided missile

cruiser (4)

Class : Admiral Fokin, Admiral Golovko,

Grozny, Varyag
Displacement : 4,800 tons (4,877 tonnes)
standard; 5,700 tons (5 ,191 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 465 ft 9 in (142 ,0 m)
Beam 51 ft 9 in (15,8 m)
Draught 17 ft 5 in (5,3 m)
Guns 4 76- mm in twin turrets
Missile systems
2 quadruple SS-N-3 launchers
1 twin SA-N-1 launcher with 32 missiles
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers
Torpedo tubes
2 triple 533-mm (21-in)
facilities for 1 helicopter
Radar and electronics : 'Head Net-A' long- geared turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to The last was completed in 1965. The class
range air search, 'Scoop Pair' SS-N-3 con- two shafts was the first surface type to carry the SS-
trol, 'Peel Group' SA- N-1 control , 'Owl Speed : 35 knots N-3 missile, although control of this is de-
Screech ' 76-mm fire-control, ' Don' naviga- Range: 7 ,000 miles (7 ,112 km) at 1 5 knots pendent on mid-course guidance from
tion radars ; 'High Pole' IFF ; 'Watch Dog' Used only by: USSR other sources, as the 'Kynda' class ships
passive ECM Notes: The four ships were built by the carry no helicopter as standard. The
Sonar: 'Hercules' Zhdanov Yard in Leningrad , the first being Russian designation is Large Rocket Cruiser.
Powerplant : 4 boilers supplying steam to 2 laid down in 1960 and completed in 1962,

'Sverdlov' class guided missile

cruiser, command cruiser and
cruiser (12)

Class: Dzerzhinski (1). Admiral Senyavin and

Zhdanov (2). and Admiral Lazarev, Admiral
Ushakov, Aleksandr Nevski, Aleksandr
Suvorov, Dmitri Pozharski, Mikhail Kutu-
sov, Murmansk, Octyabrskaya Revolutsiya,
Sverdlov (9)
Displacement: 16,000 tons (16,256 tonnes)
standard ; 17,500 tons (17,780 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 689 ft (21 0 .0 m)
Beam 72 ft 3 in (22 .0 m)
Draught 24ft 6 in (7.5 m)
Guns 12 152-mm in triple turrets (except
Dzerzhinski and Zhdanov : 9 152- mm in
triple turrets, and Senyavin 6 152-mm
in triple turrets)
12 1OO-mm in twin turrets
8 30-mm in twin turrets (Zhdanov)
16 30-mm in twin turrets (Senyavin)
8 6-barrel 23-mm cannon (Oktyabrskaya
Missile systems
1 twin SA-N-2 launcher (Dzerzhinsktl
1 twin SA-N-4 launchers (Zhdanov and

A!S weapons' gation radars ; ' High Pole' I FF, 'Square 14 were eventually completed by 1956.
none Head'IFF; 'Watch Dog' passive ECM Dzerzhinski was built by the Nosenko Yard,
Torpedo tubes Radar and electronics: (Senyavin and Nikolayev; Zhdanov by Nosenko Yard,
none Zhdanov) 'Top Trough ' air search\ surface Nikolayev; Admiral Senyavin by Amur
Aircraft search, fi re-control and navigation as in Yard, Komsomolsk; and the others at the
facilities for 1 helicopter (Zhdanov) Dzerzhinski, 'Pop Group' SA-N-4 control, Baltic Yard, Leningrad, the Marti Yard, Len-
1 helicopter (Senyavin) and ' Drum Tilt' 30-mm fire-control radars; ingrad, Yard 402, Severodvinsk, the
Radar and electronics : (unmodified ships) 'High Pole' IFF; 'Watch Dog' passive ECM Nosenko Yard, Nikolayev, and the Amur
' Big Net' or 'Kn ife Rest' or 'Top Trough ' or Sonar: Tamir' Yard, Komsomolsk. Dzerzhinski has her
'Hair/ Slim Net' air search, ' Low Sieve' or Powerplant : 6 boilers supplying steam to tw in SA-N-2 launcher in place of X turret;
'High Sieve' surface search, 'Half Bow' geared turbines, delivering 110,000 shp to Admiral Senyavin has neither X nor Y tur-
target indicator, 'Top Bow' 152-mm two shafts rets, the former being replaced by a heli-
tracker, 'Egg Cup-A 152-mm fire-control, Speed: 30 knots copter hangar with 4 twin 30-mm turrets
'Sun Visor' 1OO-mm fire-control, and ' Don' Range: B,700 miles (14,000 km) at 18 knots and a twin SA-N-4Iauncher on top, and the
navigation radars; 'High Pole' IFF, 'Square Crew: about 1,000 latter by a helicopter pad ; and Zhdanov has
Head' IFF ; 'Watch Dog' passive ECM Usedonlyby: USSR a twin SA-N-4 launcher replacing her X
Radar and electronics: (Dzerzhinskl) ' Big Notes: These were the last conventional crui- turret. Admiral Senyavin is f lagship of the
Net' and 'Slim Net' air search, ' Low Sieve' sers built by the Russians. Some 24 of the Pacific Fleet, and Zhdanov of the Black Sea
surface search, ' Fan Song-E' missile con- class were projected, 20 were laid down, Fleet. All except these two can carry 150
trol , ' High Lane ' height-finder, fire-control 17 were launched from 1951 onwards, and mines.
as in unmodified sh ips, and ' Neptune' navi-

'Chapaev' class cruiser (1) A!Sweapons geared turbines, delivering 110,000 shp to
none four shafts, and diesels for cruising
Torpedo tubes Speed : 30 knots
Class : Komsomolets (ex-Chkalov) none Range: 7,000 miles (11,265 km) at20 knots
Displacement : 11,300 tons (11,481 tonnes) Aircraft Crew: 900
standard ; 15,000 tons (15 ,240 tonnes) full none Used only by : Russia
load Radar and electronics : 'Slim Net' air search, Notes: Some nine of the class were planned,
Dimensions : Length 665 ft (202.8 m) 'Low Sieve' surface search, 'Top Bow' 152- six were laid down, and only five were com-
Beam 62 ft (18.9 m) mm fire-control, ' Egg Cup' 152- mm track- pleted . The class was heavily influenced by
Draught 24 ft (7 .3 m) ing, 'Sun Visor' 1OO-mm fire-control, 'Nep- German and Italian cruiser design in the
Armament: tune' navigation radars; 'High Pole' and late 1930s. Chkalov was built by the Marti
Guns 12 1 52-mm in t riple turrets 'Square Head'iFF Yard at Nikolayev between 1939 and
8 1OO-mm in twin turrets Sonar : 'Tamir' 1950. Komsomolets is now used as a train-
24 37-mm in twin mountings Powerplant: 6 boilers supplying steam to ing cruiser. She has the capability of carry-
Missile systems ing 200 mines.

'Krivak' class guided missile de-

stroyer (19)
Class : Bditelny, Bodry, Deiatelny, Doblestny,
Dostpyny, Drozny, Razumny, Razyashchy,
Razytelny, Retivy, Rezky, Rezvy, Silny,
Storozhevoy, Svirepy, Zharki and three
Displacement : 3 ,300 tons (3,353 tonnes)
standard ; 3,600 tons (3,658 tonnes) and
3,700 tons (3,759 tonnes) full load for
' Krivak I' and ' Krivak II' respectively A!Sweapons Powerplant: 4 gas turbines, delivering
Dimensions : Length 404 ft 9 in (123.4 m) for 2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers 80,000 shp to two shafts
'Krivak 1'; 418 ft (127.4 m) for Torpedo tubes Speed: 32 knots
'Krivak II ' 2 quadruple 533-mm (21-in) Range:
Beam 45 ft 11 in (14.0 m) Aircraft Crew : 250
Draught 16 ft 5 in (5.0 m) none Used only by: USSR
Armament: Radar and electronics: 'Head Net-C' 3D air- Notes: The ships of the class have been built
Guns 4 76-mm in twin turrets ('Krivak I') warning , 'Eye Bowl' SS-N- 14 control, 'Pop since 1971, and continue at the rate of about
21 OO-mm in single turrets ('Krivak II') Group' SA- N-4 control, 'Owl Screech' four per year. The first 12 ships may be
Missile systems ('Krivak II') or 'Kite Screech' (' Krivak I') gun designated ' Krivak 1', and the subsequent
1 quadruple SS-N-14 launcher w ith 4 mis- fire-control and 'Low Trough' ('Krivak II') or 100-mm gunned ships 'Krivak II'. These
siles 'Don' navigation radars; ' High Pole' lFF vessels are described as Large Anti-Sub-
2 twin SA-N-4Iaunchers with 36 missiles Sonar: bow-mounted and variable-depth marine Ships by the Russians.

'Kashin' and Modified 'Kashin'

class guided missile destroyer

Class: Komsomolets Ukrainy, Krasny-

Kavkaz, Krasny-Krim, Obraztsovy, Oda-
renny, Provorny, Skory, Reshitelny, Smet-
/ivy, Soobrazi telny, Sposobny, Steregush-
chy, Strogyand Stroyny('Kashin'); Ognevoy,
Sderzhanny, Slavny, ' Smely Smyshleny
(Modified 'Kashin') Dimensions: Length 470 ft 11 in (143,3 m) Armament:
Displacement : 3,750 tons (3 ,810 tonnes) for 'Kashin' ; 481 ft (146 .5 m) Guns 4 76-mm in twin turrets
standard ; 4,500 tons (4,572 tonnes) full for Modified 'Kashin' 4 30-mm in single mountings (Modified
load for 'Kashin'; 4 ,700 tons (4,775 Beam 52 ft 6 in (15.9 m) 'Kashin' class only)
tonnes) full load for Modified 'Kashin' Draught 15ft 5 in (4,7 m)

Missile systems
2 twin SA- N- 1 launchers with 44 missiles
4 SS- N-2 (modified) launchers with four
missiles (Modified 'Kashin' class only)
A!S weapons
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers
2 6-barrel DCTs
Torpedo tubes
1 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)
provision for 1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: 'Head Net-C' 3D air-
warning , 'Big Net' long- range air-warning ,
'Peel Group ' SA-N - 1 control, 'Owl Screech'
gun fire-control , 'Bass Tilt' 30- mm fire-
control (Modified 'Kashin' only). and 'Don'
navigation radars; 'High Pole' IFF
Sonar: ' Hercules', and variable-depth in mod-
ernised ships
Powerplant: 4 gas turbines, delivering
96,000 shp to two shafts
Speed: 35 knots ships were built by the Zhdanov Yard in class ships. A modernisation programme
Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,440 km) at 18 knots Leningrad and the Nosenko Yard in Nikola- initiated in 1974 has led to the Modified
Crew : 300 yev. The first ship was laid down in 1960, 'Kashin ' class, some 10 feet longer than the
Used also by : India for completion in 1962. The basic role for originals, and mounting 4 30-mm AA guns,
Notes : The 'Kashin ' class destroyers were the the ships seems to be AA and A!S protect- 4 SS-N-2 launchers, and variable-depth
world 's first series- built warships to rely ex- ion of 'Kynda' class cruisers, each cruiser sonar, at the expense of the two 6- barrel
clusively on gas-turbine propulsion , The being escorted by three or four ' Kashin ' DCTs.

'Kildin' class guided missile de-

stroyer (4)

Class : Bedovy, Neudersimy, Neulovimy, Pro-

Displacement: 3 ,000 tons (3 ,048 tonnes)
standard ; 3 ,600 tons (3,658 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 414 ft 11 in (126 .5 m)
Beam 42 ft 7 in (13.0 m)
Draught 16 ft 1 in (4.9 m) Radar and electronics: (before modern- Crew : 300
Armament: isation) 'Slim Net' air search, 'Top Bow' SS- Used only by : USSR
Guns 4 76- mm in twin turrets (after modern- N-1 control , ' Hawk Screech' 57-mm gun Notes: The four ships were built by the
isation) fire-control, and 'Neptune' navigation Zhdanov Yard in Leningrad the Nosenko
16 45-mm in quadruple mountings (after radars ; 'High Pole and 'Square Head' IFF; Yard in Nikolayev, the first being laid down
modernisation) 'Watch Dog' passive ECM in 1958 and completed in 1960. The class
16 57-mm in quadruple mountings (before Radar and electronics: (after modernisation) comprised the world's first guided missile
modernisation) 'Head Net-C' 3D air-warning, 'Owl destroyers, and is an adaptation of the
Missile systems Screech ' 76-mm gun fi re- control , ' Hawk 'Kotlin' class, Bedovy actually being laid
1 SS-N-1 launcher with 4 missiles (before Screech' 45-mm gun fire-control , and down as a 'Kotlin ' class ship. The class is
modernisation) 'Neptune' navigation radars ; 'High Pole ' being modernised by the removal of the
4 SS-N -2 (Modified) with 4 missiles (after and 'Square Head' IFF; 'Watch Dog' pass- SS-N - 1 launcher from the quarter-deck,
modernisation) ive ECM where 2 76- mm guns are to be fitted , the
A!S weapons Sonar : 'Hercules' addition of new radar, and the adding of 2
2 16- barrel MBU 2500 launcher Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to SS-N- 2 (Modified) (otherwise SS-N-11)
Torpedo tubes geared turbines, delivering 72 ,000 shp to launchers on each side of the rear funnel.
2 twin 533-mm (21-in) two shafts So far, only Neudersimy has not received
Aircraft Speed : 35 knots this modernisation, The Russian designation
none Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,440 km) at 16 knots is Large Anti-Submarine Ship,

'Kanin' class guided missile de-

stroyer (8)

Class: Boyky, Derzky, Gnevny, Gordy, Grem-

yashchyi, Uporny, Zhguchy, Zorky
Displacement: 3 ,700 tons (3 ,759 tonnes)
standard ; 4,700 tons (4,775 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 456 ft (139.0 m)
Beam 48ft 3 in (14.7 m)
Draught 16 ft 5 in (5 .0 m)
Armament :
Guns 8 57-mm in quadruple mountings
8 30-mm in twin mountings
Missile systems
1 twin SA- N-1 launcher with 22 missiles
3 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers
Torpedo tubes
2 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)

Aircraft Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2 Notes : The 'Kanin ' class are all converted
facilities for 1 helicopter geared turbines, delivering 84,000 shp to 'Krupny' class ships, with their SSM arma-
Radar and electronics : ' Head Net-C' 3D air- two shafts ment re'placed by SAM missile systems, and
warning, ' Peel Group' SA-N-1 control, Speed: 34 knots other detail improvements. The conversion
'Hawk Screech' 57-mm gun fire-control, Range: 4,500 miles (7 ,240 km) at 16 knots was carried out from 1967 by the Zhdanov
' Drum Tilt' 30- mm gun fire-control , and Crew : 350 Yard in Leningrad. The Russians designate
'Don ' navigation radars; 'High Pole' IFF Used only by: USSR the class Large Anti-Submarine Ships.
Sonar: 'Hercules'

'SAM Kotlin I' and 'SAM Kotlin

II' class guided missile destroyer

Class: Bravy, Nakhodchivy, Nastoychivy,

Skromny, Vozbuzhdenny; Nesokrushimy,
Skrytny, Soznatelny
Displacement: 2 ,850 tons (2,896 tonnes)
standard; 3,600 tons (3,658 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 414 ft 11 in (126.5 m) 2 16-barrel MBU 2500 launchers (Bravy Sonar: 'Hercules'
Beam 42 ft 7 in (13.0 m) and 'SAM Kotlin II' class only) Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to tur-
Draught 16 ft 1 in (4.9 m) Torpedo tubes bines, delivering 72,000 shp to two shafts
Armament: 1 quintuple 533-mm (21-in) (not in Bravy) Speed: 36 knots
Guns 2 130-mm in a twin turret Aircraft Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,440 km) at 16 knots
4 45- mm in 1 quadruple or 2 twin moun- none Crew: 360
tings Radar and electronics: ' Head Net-C' or Used also by: Poland
12 45-mm in Bravy ' Head Net-A' 3D air-warning or long-range Notes : These are converted 'Kotlin ' class de-
8 30-mm in twin mountings ('SAM Kotlin II' air search, 'Peel Group' SA-N - 1 control, stroyers, the first being converted in 1962,
class) 'Sun Visor' 130-mm gun fire-control. ' Egg and the others since 1962. The last three
Missile systems Cup- B' 130-mm turret control, 'Hawk have 30- mm guns, and are designated
1 twin SA-N - 1 launcher with about 20 mis- Screech' 45-mm gun fire-control. ' Drum 'SAM Kotlin II' class ships. The Russians
siles Tilt' 30-mm gun fire-control ('SAM classify the class as Destroyers.
A/S weapons Kotlin II' class only), and ' Don ' navigation
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers radars ; 'Watch Dog' passive ECM

'Kotlin' class destroyer (19)

Class: Bessledny, Blagorodny, Blestyashchy,

Bur/ivy, Byvaly, Naporisty, Plamenny,
Spleshny, Dalnevostochny Komsomolets,
Moskovsky Komsomolets, Spokojny, Sve-
dujschy, Svetly, Vdokhnovenny, Vesky,
Vlijat.elny, Vozmushchenny, Vyderzhanny,
Displacement: 2,850 tons (2,896 tonnes)
standard ; 3 ,600 tons (3 ,658 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 414 ft 11 in (126.5 m)
Beam 42 ft 7 in (13 .0 m)
Draught 16 ft 1 in (4.9 m)
Armament: Aircraft Speed: 36 knots
Guns 4 130-mm in twin turrets facilities for 1 helicopter (Svetly only) Range: 4 ,000 miles (6,440 km) at 16 knots
16 45-mm in quadruple mountings Radar and electronics: 'Slim Net' long-range Crew: 285
8 25- mm in twin mountings (modified air/ surface search, 'Sun Visor' 130-mm Used also by: Poland
ships only) gun fire-control. 'Egg Cup-B ' 130-mm Notes: The first ship of the class was laid
4 25-mm (unmodified ships only) turret control, ' Hawk Screech' 45-mm gun down in 1954, and the type has been built
Missile systems fire-control , 'Post Lamp ' target des- at Leningrad, Nikolayev and Komsomolsk.
none ignation, and ' Don' navigation radars ; ' High The design has its origins in the Tallinn '
A/Sweapons Pole' and 'Square Head' IFF; 'Watch Dog' class. The ships were the world's last 'con-
4 M BU launchers (various types) passive ECM ventional' destroyers to be built as such.
6 DCTs (except Svetly) Sonar: Tamir'
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to
1 or 2 quintuple 533-mm (21-in) geared turbines, delivering 72,000 shp to
two shafts

'Skory' class destroyer (36)

Volevoy, Vrazumitelny Missile systems
Class : Besnervny, Bessmenny, Bessmertny, Displacement: 2 ,300 tons (2 ,337 tonnes) none
Bezupretchny, Bezukoriznenny, Ognenny, standard ; 3,100 tons (3 ,150 tonnes) full A/S weapons
Ostervenely, Ostorozny, Ostroglazy, load 4 DCTs
Otchayanny, Otretovenny, Otvetstvenny, Dimensions: Length 395 ft 3 in (120.5 m) Torpedo tubes
Ozhestochenny, Ozzhivlenny, Serdity, Beam 38ft 10 in (11 .8 m) 2 quintuple 533-mm (21-in)
Seriozny, Smotryasflchy, Sokrushitelny, Draught 15ft 1 in (4.6 m) Aircraft
Solidny, Sovershenny, Statny, Stepenny, Armament: none
Stojky, Stremitelny, Surovy, Svobodny, Guns 4 130-mm in twin turrets Radar and electronics: 'Slim Net' long-range
Vazhny, Vdumchivy, Verduschchy, Verny, 2 85-mm in a twin turret air/ surface search , 'Hawk Screech' 57-mm
Vidny, Vikhrevoy, Vnesapny, Vnimatelny, 8 37-mm in twin mountings gun fire-control, and ' Don' navigation

radars (on modified ships); ' Knife Rest-B' geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to Sea, White Sea , Baltic and Far East, From
very long-range air-warning and 'Cross two shafts 1959 onwards some of the class were
Bird' long-range air warning radars (on Speed: 33 knots modernised, with new radar and elec-
unmodified ships) ; ' High Pole' and 'Square Range: 3 ,900 miles (6,275 km) at 13 knots tronics, 5 single 57-mm guns instead of the
Head' IFF ; 'Watch Dog' passive ECM (on Crew: 280 85- and 37-mm guns, only one quintuple
modified ships) Used also by: Egypt torpedo tube mounting, and 2 16-barrel
Sonar: Tamir' Notes : The first of the class was laid down in MBU 2500 A/S launchers,
Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 1949, and the ships were built in the Black

'Mirka I' and 'Mirka II' class frig-

ate (20)

Class : 20 ships
Displacement: 1,050 tons (1 ,067 tonnes)
standard; 1,100 tons (1,118 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 269 ft (82,0 m)
Beam 29 ft 11 in (9,1 m) 2 quintuple 406-mm (16-in) ('Mirka II') Speed: 28 knots (gas turbines) ; 20 knots (die-
Draught 9 ft lOin (3 .0 m) Aircraft sels)
Armament : none Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 10 knots
Guns 4 76- mm in twin turrets Radar and electronics: 'Strut Curve' or 'Slim Crew: 100
Missile systems Net' long-range air search, ' Hawk Screech' Used only by: USSR
none 76-mm gun fire- control , and ' Don' naviga- Notes: The ships were built between 1964
A/Sweapons tion radars; ' High Pole' and 'Square Head' and 1969 in Leningrad and Kaliningrad ,
4 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers ('Mirka IFF; 'Watch Dog ' passive ECM and are derived from the 'Petya' class. The
I') Sonar : 'Hercules' Russian designation is Small Anti-
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers (' Mirka Powerplant: CODOG (COmbined Diesel Or Submarine Ship.
II') Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 gas tur-
Torpedo tubes bines, delivering 30,000 hp, and 2 diesels,
l 'quintuple 406-mm (16-in) ('Mirka I') delivering 12,000 hp, to two shafts

'Petya 1', Modified 'Petya I' and A/Sweapons Powerplant: CODOG (COmbined Diesel Or
4 (2 in 'Petya II ') 12-barrel MBU 2500A Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 gas tur-
'Petya II' class frigate (48) launchers bines, delivering 36,000 hp, and 2 diesels,
Torpedo tubes delivering 4 ,000 hp, to two shafts
Class : 13 ships ('Petya 1'), nine ships (Modi - 1 (2 in 'Petya 11') quintuple 406-mm (16-in) Speed : 30 knots (gas turbines) ; 18 knots (die-
fied 'Petya 1'),26 ships ('Petya II ') Aircraft sels)
Displacement : 950 tons (965.2 tonnes) none Range : 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 10 knots
standard; 1,100 tons (1,118 tonnes) full Radar and electronics: 'Strut Curve' air Crew: 100 .
load search, ' Hawk Screech' 76-mm gun fire- Used also by: India , Syria
Dimensions: Length 269 ft (82.0 m) control, and ' Neptune' or ' Don' navigation Notes: The ' Petya I' class was built between
Beam 29 ft 11 in (9.1 m) radars ; 'High Pole' and 'Square Head' IFF ; 1960 and 1964 at Kaliningrad and prob-
Draught 10ft 6 in (3 .2 m) 'Watch Dog' passive ECM ably at Nikolayev, before being superseded
Armament: Sonar : ' Hercules', plus variable-depth in by the ' Petya II' class, which has an extra
Guns 4 (2 in Modified 'Petya I') 76-mm in twin some ships, now known as Modified ' Petya quintuple torpedo tube mounting in place
turrets I' and earlier as 'Petya III' of the after MBU launchers. The Russian
Missile systems designation is Small Anti-Submarine Ship.

'Riga' class frigate (37) 4 25-mm in twin mountings (only some Sonar: Tamir' or ' Hercules'
ships) Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to tur-
Missile systems bines, delivering 20,000 shp to two shafts
Class : Barsuk, Bujvol, Byk, Gepard, Giena, none Speed: 28 knots
Kobchik, Lisa, Medved, Pantera, Sakal, A/Sweapons Range: 2,000 miles (3,220 km) at 10 knots
Turman, Volk and 25 others 2 MBU 1800, 2500, 2500A or 900 Crew: 150
Displacement : 1,200 tons (1,219 tonnes) launchers (only some ships) Used also by: Bulgaria, China, East Germany,
standard ; 1,300 tons (1,321 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Finland, Indonesia
load 2 or 3 533-mm (21-in) (only some ships) Notes: The 'Riga' class escorts were ·built at
Dimensions: Length 298 ft 9 in (91 .0 m) Aircraft Kaliningrad and Nikolayev between 1952
Beam 31 ft 3 in (9 ,5 m) none and 1959, as successors to the ' Kola' class.
Draught 11 ft (3.4 m) Radar and electronics: 'Slim Net' air search, The types can carry 50 mines, and are
Armament: 'Sun Visor' 100-mm gun fire-control , and classified by the Russians as Escort Ships.
Guns 3 1OO-mm in single turrets ' Don ' navigation radars; 'High Pole ' and The class may be about to be replaced by
4 37 - mm in twin mountings 'Square Head' IFF ; 'Watch Dog' passive the new 'Koni ' class offrigate.

'Kola' class frigate (3) Armament: Radar and electronics: ' Ball Gun' surface
Guns 4 1OO-mm in single turrets search, 'Cross Bird' air search, 'Sun Visor'
4 37-mm in twin mountings 100-mm gun fire-control radars ; 'High
Class: Sovietsky Azerbaidjan, Sovietsky Missile systems Pole' and 'Square Head' IFF
Dagestan, Sovietsky Turkmenistan none Sonar: Tamir'
Displacement : 1,200 tons (1 ,219 tonnes) A/S weapons Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to
standard ; 1,600 tons (1,626 tonnes) full 4 DC rails geared turbines, delivering 25 ,000 shp to
load Torpedo tubes two shafts
Dimensions : Length 321 ft 5 in (98,0 m) 3 533-mm (21-in) Speed: 30 knots
Beam31 ft3in(9 .5m) Aircraft Range : 3,500 miles (5,635 km) at 12 knots
Draught 10ft 7 in (3 .2 m) none

Crew: 190 They display a German influence in design
Used only by: USSR and are highly visible from the air. They are
Notes: The ships were built at Kalingrad and classified as Escort Ships by the Russians.
on the Black Sea between 1950 and 1952.

'Grisha I', 'Grisha II' and 'Grisha

III' class corvette (30)

Class: 18 ships ('Grisha 1'), four ships ('Grisha

II'), eight ships ('Grisha III')
Displacement : 900 tons (914.4 tonnes) . . ..
standard ; 1,000 tons (1,016 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 236 ft 2~ in (72.0 m)
Beam 32 ft 9 in (10.0 m)
Draught 11 ft (3 .6 m)
Guns 2 (4 in 'Grisha II') 57-mm in twin turrets Radar and electronics: 'Strut Curve' air Speed: 30 knots
1 6- barrel 23-mm mounting ('Grisha III' search, ' Pop Group' SA-N-4 control Range: 4,600 miles (7.400 km) at 12 knots
only) ('Grisha I' only). 'Muff Cob' 57- mm gun Crew: 80
Missile systems fire-control, and ' Don' navigation radars; Usedonlyby: USSR
1 twin SA-N-4 launcher with 18 missiles 'High Pole'lFF Notes: The class entered production in 1969
('Grisha I' only) Sonar: hull-mounted, plus variable-depth in at various Black Sea yards, and is being
A!Sweapons some ships built at the rate of three or four ships per
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers Powerplant: CODAG (COmbined Diesel And year. It is a useful mUlti-purpose type,
DCs Gas turbine) arrangement, with 1 gas with good sea-keeping qualities. The
Torpedo tubes turbine, delivering 12,000 shp, and 2 type is classified as a Small Anti-
2 twin 533-mm (21-in) diesels, delivering 18,000 shp, to three Submarine Ship by the Russians.
Aircraft shafts

'Nanuchka' class guided missile

corvette (17)

Class: 17 ships
Displacement: 800 tons (812.8 tonnes) stan-
dard ; 950 tons (965.2 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 193 ft 6t in (59.0 m)
Beam 39 ft 5 in (12 .0 m)
Draught 9 ft 10 in (3.0 m)
Guns 2 57-mm in a twin turret
Missile systems
2 triple SS-N-9Iaunchers with six missiles
1 twin SA- N-4Iauncher with 18 missiles 57-mm gun fire- control, and 'Don' naviga- Notes: The 'Nanuchka' class ships entered
A!Swe~pons tion radars production in 1969 at the Petrovsky Yard in
none Sonar: Leningrad, and are being built at the rate of
Torpedo tubes Powerplant: 6 diesels, delivering 28,000 shp three ships per year. Designed for coastal
none to three shafts operations, the class packs maximum
Aircraft Speed: 32 knots 'punch' onto minimum hull, and poses a
none Range: formidable threat to surface ships and air-
Radar and electronics: 'Band Stand' search, Crew: 70 craft.
'Pop Group' SA-N-4 control , ' Muff Cob' Used also by : India

'poti' class corvette (64) A!Sweapons Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 gas tur-
2 12-barrel MBU 2500A launchers bines, delivering 24,000 shp, and 2 die-
Torpedo tubes sels, delivering 8,000 shp, to two shafts
Class: 64 ships 4 406-mm (16- in) Speed: 34 knots
Displacement: 400 tons (406.4 tonnes) Aircraft, Range: 6,900 miles (11 ,100 km) at 10
standard ; 600 tons (609.6 tonnes) full load none knots
Dimensions : Length 193 ft 6t in (59.0 m) Radar and electronics: 'Strut Curve' air Crew: 50
Beam 26 ft 3 in (8.0 m) search, ' Muff Cob' 57- mm gun fire-control, Used also by : Bulgaria , Romania
Draught 8 ft (2.4 m) and 'Don' navigation radars; 'Watch Dog' Notes: The ships of the ' Poti' class were
Armament : passive ECM built between 1961 and 1968, and are
Guns 2 57-mm in a twin turret Sonar: 'Hercules' classified by the Russians as Small Anti-
Missile systems Powerplant: CODAG (COmbined Diesel And Submarine Ships.

'Natya ' class ocean mine-

Missile systems Sonar: Tamir'
sweeper (24) none Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 4,800 bhp
A!Sweapons to two shafts
Class: 24 ships 2 5-barrel M BU 1800 Speed: 1 8 knots
Displacement: 650 tons (660.4 tonnes) full Torpedo tubes Range:
load none Crew: 50
Dimensions : Length 190 ft 3 in (58.0 m) Aircraft Used only by: USSR
Beam 29 ft 6 in (9 .0 m) none Notes: The class is designed to succeed the
Draught 7 ft 3 in (2 .2 m) Radar and electronics: ' Drum Tilt' 30-mm 'Yurka' class, and has been building at the
Armament: gun fire-control , and ' Don' navigation rate of three ships per year since 1971 .
Guns 4 30-mm in twin turrets radars; ' High Pole' and 'Square Head' IFF

'T-58' class ocean minesweeper Missile systems 'Watch Dog' passive ECM
none Sonar:
(20) A!Sweapons Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 4,000 bhp
2 5-barrel MBU 1800 launchers to two shafts
Class: 20 ships 2 DCTs Speed: 18 knots
Displacement : 790 tons (802 .6 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Range:
standard; 900 tOlJs (914.4 tonnes) full load none Crew: 82
Dimensions: Length 229 ft 11 in (70. 1 m) Aircraft Used also by : India
Beam 29 ft 6 in (9.0 m) none Notes: The class was built between 1957 and
Draught 7 ft lOin (2 .4 m) Radar and electronics: ' Muff Cob' 57-mm 1964.
Armament: gun fire-control , and ' Neptune' navigation
Guns 4 57-mm in twin turrets radars: 'High Pole ' and 'Square Head' IFF;

'T-43' class ocean minesweeper


.Class: 84 ships
Displacement: 500 tons (508 tonnes) stan-
dard : 570 tons (579 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 190 ft 3 in (58.0 m) in
older ships; 198 ft (60.3 m) in
newer ships
Beam 28 ft 3 in (8 .6 m)
Draught 6 ft lOin (2 .1 m)
Guns 2 45-mm in single turrets
4 25-mm in twin mountings (in newer
. boats only)
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
Radar and electronics: 'Ball Gun' surface
search, and ' Don ' navigation radars; 'High
Pole' and 'Square Head' iFF
Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 4,000 bhp
to two shafts
Speed: 1 7 knots
Range: 1,600 miles (2,575 km) at 10 knots
Crew: 40
Used also by: Alban ia, Algeria, Bulgaria,
China, Egypt, Indonesia, Iraq, Poland, Syria
Notes: The class was built by yards in many
parts of Russia between 1947 and 1956.

'T-43/ AG R' class radar picket A!Sweapons Range : 1,600 miles (2,575 km) at 10 knots
none Crew: 60
(5) Torpedo tubes Used only by: USSR
none Notes: The '1-43/AGR ' class is a conversion
Class : five ships Aircraft of the '143' ocean minesweeper into a
Displacement: 500 tons (508 tonnes) stan- none radar picket by the addition of early warn-
dard; 570 tons (579 tonnes) full load Radar and electronics : ' Big Net' long-range ing radar : in the first series, 'Knife Rests'
Dimensions: Length 190 ft 3 in (58.0 m) air-warning or 'Knife Rest' early air- were fitted , one forward and one aft; and in
Beam 28 ft 3 in (8.6 m) warning, and 'Neptune' navigation radars ; later series, a ' Big Net' radar was fitted on a
Draught 6 ft lOin (2.1 m) 'Watch Dog' passive ECM ; 'High Pole' , large four-leg mast added towards the
Armament: ' Fish Net' and 'Score Board' IFF stern of the ship. The first conversion was
Guns 4 37-mm in twin mountings Sonar: made about 1958.
2 25-mm in a twin mounting Powerplant: 2 diesels, delivering 2,000 bhp
Missile systems to two shafts
none Speed: 1 7 knots

SS-N-4 'Sark' Performance: range 404 miles (650 km)

Used only by: USSR
Type: submarine-launched ballistic missile Notes: Russia 's first submarine-launched bal-
Guidance: inertial listic missile. Introduced in 1958, and may
Dimensions : Body diameter 5 ft 10~in (1.8 no longer be operational.
Length 49 ft 2 t in (15.0 m)
Booster : solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: solid- propellant rocket
Warhead: nuclear
Weights: Launch 18.75 tons (19.05 tonnes)
Burnt out

SS-N-5 'Serb' Booster : solid-propellant rocket km); throw-weight 1,500 Ib (680 kg); CEP
Sustainer: solid-propellant rocket 2.3 miles(3.71 km)
Type: submarine-launched ballistic missile Warhead: nuclear, in the megaton range Used only by: USSR
Guidanca: inertial Weights: Launch 18 tons (18.29 tonnes) ap- Notes: Russian 2nd-generation SLBM . Intro-
Dimensions : Diameter 4 ft 7 -i't; in (1.42 m) proximately duced in 1963 .
maximum Burnt out
Length 42 ft 3-i't; in (12 .9 m) ap- Performance: range estimates vary from 746
proximately miles (1 ,200 km) to 1,491 miles (2,400

SS-N-6 'Sawfly'
Type : submarine- launched ballistic missile
Guidance : inertial
Dimensions: Body diameter 5 ft 5 in (1 .65 m)
Length 31 ft 7-i't;in (9.65 m) ap-
Booster: liquid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: liquid- propellant rocket
Warhead: Modell and 2 nuclear, 1-2 mega-
Model 3 nuclear, 3xl-kiloton MRV
Weights: Launch 18.75 tons (19 .05 tonnes)
Burnt out
Performance: range 1,491 miles (2,400 km)
for Modell ; range 1,864 miles (3,000 km)
for Models 2 and 3; throw-weight 1,500 Ib
(680 kg) ; CEP 1.2 miles (1 .93 km)
Usedonlyby: USSR
Notes : Russian 3rd-generation SLBM . Model
1 introduced in 1968, Models 2 and 3 in
1973-4 .

SS-N-7 SS-N-8 SS-N-11 (or SS-N-2 Modified)

Type: naval underwater-to-surface tactical Type: submarine ~ launched ballistic missile Type: naval surface-to-surface tactical mis-
cruise missile Guidance: inertial sile
Guidance: autopilot, plus radar terminal Dimensions: Body diameter 5 ft 5 in (1 ,65 m) Guidance: autopilot or radio command , plus
homing approximately terminal homing
Dimensions: Span Length 42 ft 5~ in (12 .95 m) Dimensions : Span
Body diameter approximately Body diameter
Length about 22 ft (6.7 m) Booster : liquid-propellant rocket Length 21 ft (6.4 m)
Booster: Sustainer: liquid-propellant rocket Booster: solid-propellant jettisonable rocket
Sustainer : Warhead : nuclear, 1-2 megatons Sustainer: rocket
Warhead : Weights: Launch 20.08 tons (20.41 tonnes) Warhead : high explosive
Weights: Launch Burnt out Weights: Launch
Burnt out Performance : range 4 ,850 miles (7 ,800 km) ; Burnt out
Performance : speed about Mach 1.5 ; range throw-weight 2-3,000 Ib (907 - 1,361 kg) ; Performance : speed Mach 0 .9 ; range 31
in the region of 28 to 34 miles (45 to 55 CEP 0 .25 mile (0.4 km) miles (50 km)
km) Used only by: USSR Used only by: USSR
Used only by: USSR Notes: Introduced in 1972. Incorporates Notes: Deployed on 'Osa II' class missile
Notes: Carried in an octuple launcher by stellar correction programme as part of the boats in 1968, and then on 'Kildin' and
Soviet 'Charlie' class nuclear submarines, inertial navigation system . ' Kashin ' class destroyers, the SS-N-ll is
SS- N- 7 missiles began to enter service in believed to be derived from the S&-N -2
1969 or 1970, Virtually nothing is known 'Styx'. The terminal homing system is prob-
about them , but it is presumed that the ably active radar.
missile is a surface skimmer in the terminal
homing phase of its attack:

SS-N-17 SS-N-18
Type : submarine launched ballistic missile Type: submarine-launched ballistic missile
Guidance : presumed inertial Guidance: presumed inertial
Dimensions: Body diameter 5 ft 5 in (1 .65 m) Dimensions: Body diameter 5 ft 1O-!o- in (1 .8
approximately m) approximately
Length 36 ft 3i in (11.06 m) Length 46 ft 3 n- in (14.1 m)
approximately approximately
Booster: solid-propellant rocket Booster: liquid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: solid- propellant rocket Sustainer: liquid-propellant rocket
Warhead: nuclear, 1 megaton Warhead : nuclear, 3 x 1 or 2-megaton MIRV
Weights: Launch Weights: Launch
Burnt out Burnt out
Performance : range 3,000+ miles Performance: range 5,000+ miles (8,000 +
(4,800+ km) ; throw-weight 3,000+ Ib km); throw-weight 5,000+ Ib (2 ,268 + kg)
(1 ,361 + kg) ; CEP 0 .33 mile (0.54 km) Used only by: USSR
Used only by: USSR Notes: Similar to, but larger than, the SS-N-8,
Notes: First Russian SLBM to use solid pro- with larger volume, advanced guidance and
pellant and to be fitted with a post-boost a post-boost vehicle.
vehicle, suggesting a MIRV capability.

SS-N-1 'Scrubber' Length about 24 ft 1l~ in (7.6 Used only by: USSR
m) Notes : Little is known of this first Russian
Type: naval surface-to-surface tactical cruise Booster: solid-propellant rocket anti-ship missile, which is probably no
missile . Sustainer: probably ramjet longer operational. Designed in the form of
Guidance: probably infra-red terminal Warhead: probably high explosive an aircraft, the 'Scrubber' is launched from
homing Weights: Launch 9 ,000 Ib (4,080 kg) a trainable ramp some 55 ft 9 in (17 .0 m) in
Dimensions: Span about 15 ft 1 in (4.6 m) Burnt out length. The 'Scrubber' entered service in
Body ' diameter about 39% in Performance: speed subsonic; range 1958 on board 'Kildin ' and ' Krupny' class
(1.0m) possibly up to 115 miles (185 km) destroyers.

SS-N-3 'Shaddock'
Type: naval surface-to-surface tactical cruise
Guidance: radio command , plus infra-red ter-
minal homing
Dimensions: Span 6 ft 1 ot in (2.1 m)
Body diameter 39! in (1 .0 m)
Length 45 ft 3t in (13.8 m)
Booster : twin JATO units
Sustainer: turbojet miles (450 km) SS-N-3's performance and dimensions are
Warhead : nuclear (1 kiloton) or high ex- Used only by: USSR difficult, as there are apparently several
plosive Notes: The naval version of the SSC-1 'Shad- versions in service on board Russian sur-
Weights : Launch (Shaddock) 26,000 Ib dock', the SS-N-3 'Shaddock' is the largest face vessels and submarines. Once
(11 ,790 kg) approximately Russian maritime cruise missile, and has launched from surface vessels, SS-N-3
Burnt out the configuration of an aircraft. The type missiles are tracked by 'Scoop Pair' radar,
Performance: speed Mach 1.5; range 280 entered service in 1962. Estimates of the and are then controlled by radio command.

SS~N-2 'StyX'
Type : naval surface-to-surface tactical cruise
Guidance : probably autopilot or radio com-
mand for the cruise phase, and command ,
active radar or infra-red terminal homing
Dimensions: Span about 9 ft (2 .75 m)
Body diameter about 29t in
Length about 20 ft 6 in (6 .25 m) Performance: Speed Mach 0.9 ; range 25 Notes: Introduced into service in 1959 or
Booster: jettisonable solid-propellant rocket miles (40 km) 1960, the ' Styx' has proved a successful
Sustainer : rocket Used also by: Algeria, Bulgaria, China, Cuba, weapon, and has probably been used with
Warhead : 794- lb (360-kg) high explosive East Germany, Egypt, Finland, India, Indon- a number of guidance methods during its
Weights: Launch 5,500 Ib (2,495 kg) esia , Iraq, North Korea, Poland, Romania, lifetime. All performance and dimension
Burnt out Somalia, Syria , Vietnam , Yugoslavia figures are approximate.

SS-N-9 SS-N-14
Type: naval surface-to-surface tactical cruise Type : naval surface-to-surface tactical cruise
missile missile
Guidance: autopilot, with optional radio com- Guidance : autopilot, with possible mid-
mand for mid- course correction by helicop- course radio command correction from a
ter or aircraft, plus terminal homing helicopter or aircraft, plus terminal homing
Dimensions : Span Dimensions: Span
Body diameter Body diameter
Length about 29 ft 10t in (9.1 Length about 24 ft 11t in (7.6 m)
m) Booster :
Booster: Sustainer:
Sustainer: Warhead: high explosive, and possibly
Warhead: high explosive nuclear
Weights: Launch Weights: Launch about 6 ,000 Ib (2,720 kg)
Burnt out Burnt out
Performance: speed about Mach 1.4 ; range Performance: speed about Mach 1.2 ; range
46t miles (75 km) normally, or about 170 about 34 miles (55 km) without mid-
miles (285 km) with mid-course guidance course correction
Used only by: USSR Used only by: USSR
Notes: Deployed only in triple launchers Notes : Deployed aboard 'Kresta Ir' class crui-
aboard 'Nanuchka ' class corvettes, the SS- sers and 'Krivak' class destroyers, SS-N-1 0
N-9 entered service in 1968 or 1969. The missiles are probably intended for the anti-
terminal homing system may be active shipping, and possibly for the anti-
radar. submarine, role. It is likely that the terminal
homing system is active radar, with
optional anti-radiation homing. The SS-N-
14 became operational in 1968.


Type : naval surface-to-air tactical guided

Guidance: radio command, plus (probably)
radar termina l homing
Dimensions: Span 3 ft 11 {- in (1.2 m)
Body diameter (booster) 231 in
(60.0 cm) ; (second stage) 17t
in (45.0cm)
Length 22 ft (6.7 m)
Booster : solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer : solid-propellant rocket
Warhead: high explosive Used also by: Poland compound radar complex. The launcher is a
Weights: Launch BB2 Ib (400 kg) Notes: The SA- 3 and SA- N-l missiles are twin one, the arms rotating to the vertical
Burnt out probably identical, but the radars associ- position for reloading through deck
Performance : speed Mach 2 ; slant range ated with the land and naval systems are hatches.
about 9 miles (15 km) ; ceiling 39,370 ft totally different, the naval system being
(12 ,OOOm) used in conjunct ion witI' the 'Peel Group'

SA-N-2 'Guideline' SA-N-3 'Goblet' SA-N-4

Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided Type : naval surface-to-air tactical guided
missile missile missile
Guidance: radio command Guidance : radio command, plus semi-active Guidance : radio command
Dimensions : Span 5 ft 6,,\ in (1 .7 m) rada r terminal homing Dimensions: Span about 23i in (60.0 cm)
Body diameter (booster) 27 i in Dimensions: Span 4 ft 01 in (1 .24 m) Body diameter about 8{- in
(70.0 cm); (second stage) 19n BOdy diameter 13i in (33 .5 cm) (21 .0cm)
in (50.0cm) Length 29 ft 4n in (6.2 m) with Length about 10ft 6 in (3 .2 m)
Length 35 ft 1{- in (10.7 m) tail cone Booster : probably solid-propellant rocket
Booster : sol id-propellant rocket Booster: solid-propellant rocket Sustainer: probably solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: liquid-propellant rocket Sustainer: ramjet, using the same combust- Warhead: high explosive
Warhead: 287 -Ib (130-kg) high explosive ion chamber as the booster Weights : Launch
Weights : Launch about 5,071 Ib (2 ,300 kg) Warhead : 88-lb (40-kg) high explosive Burnt out
Burnt out Weights: Launch about l ,2131b (550 kg) Performance: speed possibly Mach 2 ; range
Performance: speed Mach 3.5; slant range Burnt out between 5 and 10 miles (8 and 16 km);
about 25 miles (40 km) ; ceiling 59,055 ft Performance : speed Mach 2.8 ; range about operating altitude between 164 and
(18,OOOm) 37 miles (60 km) at high altitude, 18t 19,685 ft (50 and 6,000 m)
Used only by : USSR miles (30 km) at low altitude; minimum Used only by : USSR
Notes: Derived from the land-based SA-2 range about 2t miles (4 km) ; ceiling Notes : Although widely used, virtually
'Guideline, the SA-N-2 is used only on the 59,055 ft (18,000 m) nothing is known of this naval missile
cruiser Dzerzhinski, perhaps because of the Used only by: USSR system, and the only reason to conjecture
difficulty of installing the necessary 'Fan Notes : First seen on ' Kresta II' class cruisers that it is similar to the land SA-8 'Gecko' (to
~ong ' radar in smaller vessels. and the helicopter- carrier Moskva, the SA- which the details given above relate) is the
N-3 system is only conjectured to be the coincidence of various aspects of the naval
naval equivalent of the land-based SA-6 'Pop Group' and land radars. The naval mis-
'Gainful' missile, whose specifications are sile, on a twin launcher, is located in wells
quoted above. The radar associated with under the deck, and 'pops up' before
the SA-N-3 is 'Head Lights'. The system is launching.
also used on the ' Kara ' class and the air-
craft- carrier Kiev.

21-in torpedo Weight : Notes: Very little is known of Russian torpe-

Engine: thermal does, but it is assumed that they have fol-
Type : ship-, submarine- and aircraft-launched Speed: lowed Western practice in following up the
torpedo Range: development of German World War II tor-
Guidance: Warhead: high explosive, or in rare cases pedoes. It is .also reported that there are
Launch method : tube nuclear two other types oftorpedo : a 457-mm (18-
Dimensions: Length possibly 27ft ot in Used only by: Russian-built warships in) weapon used by aircraft, and a 16-in
(8.25m) (406-mm) weapon for use in light de-
Diameter 21 in (533 mm) stroyers and submarine chasers.

United Arab Emirates

(Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujairah, The police force operates five Fairey
Ras al Khaimah, Sharjah and Umm al Spear coastal PC
600 men
Patrol Forces:
6 VosperThornycroft 33.5-m PC
3 Keith Nelson 17 A-m coastal PC
6 Dhafeer coastal PC
2 Cheverton 27-ft coastal PC

Unit~d Kingdom
The R oyal Navy suffer from two grave deficiencies: helicopter flights.
It is particularly difficult to assess the firstly, none is equipped to carry more The lesson is clear: the Royal Navy is
current state of the Royal Navy: since than one A!S helicopter and, secondly, well equipped with major surface ships
World War II Britain has withdrawn although most are adequately provided and service/support forces, but needs a
from any real pretensions of world with SAM launchers, and some with clear politico-military decision on
power, at least so far as worldwide SSM launchers, missiles of all types are where it is to go from here. Modern
commitments are concerned, and the totally insufficient in numbers as a weapons such as missiles are urgently
defence forces are still in a relative state result of financial restrictions. needed, and high-speed patrol and
of turmoil, adapting themselves to their Much the same applies to the frigates attack forces are vitally necessary,
new role as members of the NATO of the Type 21 'Amazon', Type 22 especially given the political ambitions
alliance armed forces. However, 'Broadsword', 'Leander', 'Broad- entertained from British North Sea
Britain still relies enormously on beamed Leander', Type 81 'Tribal', oilfields. The mine warfare forces,
overseas trade, and the need to protect Modified Type 12 'Rothesay' ana Type although adequate in quality, are
these vital trade lanes, or rather the 61 'Salisbury' classes. All are adequate desperately short of the latest
shipping using them, seems to be less ships, but limited in helicopter and equipment and enough vessels.
and less in the forefront of defence missile armament. Many of these ships
planning. The Royal Navy has four have only obsolescent A/S equipment 67,770 men including Fleet Air Arm
primary missions (contribution to as well. and Royal Marines, plus 29,100
NATO's main surface forces, trade It is in coastal defence and offshore regular and 6,500 volunteer reservists
protection, coastal defence and the protection that the Royal Navy is most
protection of offshore interests such as deficient, however. And it is on these SSBN:
the North Sea oilfields, combined with forces that the main burden oflocal 4 Resolution
the need to protect dwindling overseas defence would fall in the event of a
commitments), neither of which seems crisis calling the major surface ships SSN:
to have been fully met. For its tasks, the away into the North Atlantic. Offshore 4 Swiftsure ( + 2)
Royal Navy has 67,770 personnel, some protection is the province of the five 5 Valiant
21.6 per cent of the total armed forces, 'Island' and four 'Bird' class craft, 1 Dreadnought
who have a budget of 4.95 per cent of which are slow, and have no armament (1 Trafalgar + ?)
the gross national product. worthy of note. In a crisis they could be
What may be considered the Royal supported by a number of other small SS:
Navy's fifth major mission, the craft, but again none of these has any 13 Oberon
provision of Britain's strategic nuclear powerful armament, even torpedoes. In 4 Porpoise
deterrent force in the form of SLBMs coastal waters moreover, it is reckoned
carried in four nuclear-powered that the cutback in MCM forces means V/STOL Carrier:
submarines, is in a sense divorced from that the British have the means to clear (1 Hermes being reactivated)
the other missions. Even so, although only three major ports of mines at any
the deterrent force is still just about one time, a situation boding ill for any Helicopter Carrier:
effective, it will not remain so for much prospects of worthwhile reinforcements 1 Hermes
longer, for the Polaris missiles reaching British shores or being
embarked are rapidly approaching the transshipped to continental Anti-Submarine Cruisers:
stage of obsolescence, and the defence destinations. It is clear, therefore, that (2 Invincible)
planners must before long decide on a the Royal Navy is in urgent need of
replacement or alternative to this costly substantial numbers ofFAC types, with Helicopter Cruisers:
system. missile and torpedo armament, as well 2 Tiger
NATO commitments and trade as quantities of missile-armed
protection require similar ships, and hovercraft for offshore protection. Light Cruisers:
here Britain is reasonably well placed. Only tlmscan coastal and offshore 1 Type 82
Although argument still continues protection be ensured. . 7 County
about the desirability of abandoning Of the major forces this leaves the
aircraft-carriers entirely, the situation submarine arm and the Fleet Air Arm. Destroyers (DDG):
is partially remedied by the Submarines are adequately provided 6 Type 42/Sheffield ( +4)
construction of new anti-submarine for, the Royal Navy having nine nuclear
cruisers able to operate VTOL aircraft and 17 diesel attack submarines, Frigates (FFG):
and helicopters. Unfortunately, there although thought will have to be given 8 Type 21/Amazon
will be a gap in the Royal Navy's ranks in the near future to the replacement of (1 Type 22/Broadsword + 3)
until the first of these, Invincible, is the diesel-powered boats by more
commissioned possibly in 1980. modern craft with high underwater Frigates (FF):
Another unit of the type is building, speed, great manoeuvrability, and quiet 16 Leander
and it seems that a third may also be running characteristics. The Fleet Air 10 Broad-beamed Leander
ordered. For the rest, the Royal Navy's Arm has been heaviest hit by 7 Type 81/fribal
most important major surface warships governmental monetary restrictions, 9 Modified Type 12/Rothesay
are the two helicopter cruisers of the strategic indecisions, and the decision 2 Type 61/Salisbury
'Tiger' class, the one Type 82 cruiser, finally to phase out the Royal Navy's 1 Type 41lLeopard
the seven 'County' class cruisers, the six aircraft-carriers. This leaves the Fleet 1 Type 12/Whitby
Type 42 'Sheffield' class destroyers Air Arm with one attack squadron of 1 Type 14/Blackwood
(with four more to follow), and Phantom aircraft, one strike squadron
frigates. The helicopter cruisers each of Buccaneer aircraft, one AEW Amphibious Warfare Forces:
embark four A!S helicopters, but must squadron with Gannet aircraft, and 2 assault ships (LPD)
surely be near the ends of their effective seven helicopter squadrons with a *6 logistic landing ships
lives. Superficially, the cruisers and miscellany of types, plus various 14 LCM(9)
destroyers appear effective units, but training and transport units, and SAR t2 logistic landing craft

2LCM(7) . 'Resolution' class nuclear ballis- Radar and electronics: I-band search radar
tllLCM tic missile submarine (4) Sonar: Types 2001 and 2007
3 LCP(L) (3) Powerplant: 1 pressurised water-cooled
26 LCVP (1), (2) and (3) reactor, supplying steam to geared tur-
Class: Resolution (S22), Repulse (S23), bines, delivering power to one shaft
t3 LCT(8 ) type Renown (S26), Revenge (S27) Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; 25 knots (dived)
*1 LST(3) Displacement: 7 ,500 tons (7 , 6~0 tonnes) Range : limited only by food capacity and
surfaced; 8,400 tons (8,534 tonnes) dived crew efficiency
* = manned by Royal Fleet Auxiliary Dimensions : Length 425 ft (129 .5 m) Crew : 13 + 130 (two crews)
t = manned by Royal Corps of Trans- 8eam33ft(10.1 m) Used only by: UK
port Draught 30 ft (9 .1 m) Notes: The first pair were built between 1964
Armament : and 1967 by Vickers (Shipbuilding) at
Gunsnone Barrow-in-Furness, being commissioned in
Mine Warfare Forces: Missile systems 1967 and 1968; the second pair were built
1 training minelayer 16 Polaris A-3 SLBM launchers between 1964 and 1968 by Cammell Laird
(2 Hunt coastal minehunters) A/Sweapons at Birkenhead , being commissioned in
1 Wilton coastal minehunter none 1968 and 1969. The boats each have two
15 Ton minehunters Torpedo tubes crews to ensure maximum sea time.
18 Ton minesweepers 6 21-in (533-mm)
3 Ham inshore minesweepers Aircraft
2 Ley inshore minehunters none

1 helicopter support ship
1 maintenance ship
1 escort maintenance ship
1 royal yacht (hospital ship)
1 submarine depot ship
1 ice patrol ship
4 hovercraft
1 diving ship
13 survey ships and craft
6 fleet tankers
4 support tankers
4 fleet replenishment ships

Patrol Forces:
5 Island offshore PC (+ 2)
4 Bird PC
3 fast training craft
1 Vosper FAC(P) '5wiftsure' class nuclear attack Radar and electronics : Type 1003 search
5 Modified Ton PC submarine (6) Sonar : Type 2001, Type 2007 , Type 197 and
2 Ford PC Type 183
Class: Sceptre (S 104), Sovereign (S 108), Powerplant: 1 pressurised water- cooled
Fleet Air Arm: Superb (S 109)' Spartan (S 111), Severn re actor supplying steam to English Electric
1 strike sqn with 14 Buccaneer S2 (Sll2),Swiftsure(S126) geared turbines, delivering power to one
1 FGA sqn with 14 Phantom FG 1 Displacement: 4 ,200 tons (4,267 tonnes) shaft
1 AEW sqn with 11 Gannet standard; 4,500 tons (4,572 tonnes) dived Speed: 30 knots (dived)
5 ASW sqns with 29 Sea King Dimensions: Length 272ft (82 .9 m) Range: limited only by food capacity and
1 ASW sqn with 39 Wasp Beam 32 ft 4 in (9 .8 m) crew efficiency
Draught 27ft (8.2 m) Crew : 12 + 85
1 ASW sqn with 6 Wessex, 4 Lynx Used only by : UK
Armament :
1 cdo assault sqn with 16 Wessex Gunsnone Notes : All the boats of this class are ofVfckers
SAR flights and training with various Missile systems (Shipbuilding) construction at Barrow- in-
helicopters none Furness. The first boat, Swiftsure, was laid
(35 Sea Harrier) A/Sweapons down in 1969, and the last, Severn, in
(21 Sea King) none 1976. Swiftsure was commissioned in
(60 Lynx) Torpedo tubes 1973, Sovereign in 1974, Superb in 1976,
5 21-in (533-mm) with 25 torpedoes and Sceptre in 1978. Spartan and Severn
Aircraft will probably be commissioned in 1980
none , and 1981.

'Valiant' class nuclear attack A!Sweapons Crew: 13+90
none Used only by: UK
submarine (5)
Torpedo tubes Notes : Conqueror was built by Cammell Laird
6 21 - in (533-mm) with 32 torpedoes 'at Birkenhead, the others by Vickers (Ship-
Class: Churchill (546). Conqueror (548). Aircraft building) at Barrow-in-Furness. The first
Courageous (550). Valiant (5102). War- none boat, Valiant, was laid down in 1962,
spite (5103) Radar and electronics: Type 1003 search launched in 1963, and commissioned in
Displacement : 4,4bO tons (4,470 tonnes) radar 1966; the last boat, Courageous, in 1968,
standard; 4,900 tons (4,978 tonnes) full Sonar : Type 2001 , Type 2007, Type 197 and 1970,and 1971 .
load Type 183
Dimensions: Length 285 ft (86.9 m) Powerplant: 1 pressurised water-cooled
Beam 33 ft 3 in (10.1 m) reactor supplying steam to English Electric
Draught 27 ft (8.2 m) geared turbines, delivering power to one
Armament: shaft
Guns none Speed: 28 knots (dived)
Missile systems Range : limited only by food capacity and
none crew efficiency

'Dreadnought' class nuclear M issile systems Powerplant : 1 Westinghouse S5W pressur-

none ised water-cooled reactor, supplying
attack submarine (1 ) A!S weapons steam to geared turbines, delivering power
none to one shaft
Class : Dreadnought (51 01) Torpedo tubes Speed : 28 knots (d ived)
Displacement : 3 ,000 tons (3 ,048 tonnes) 6 21 - in (533 - mm) Range : limited only by food capacity and
standard; 3,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) sur- Aircraft crew efficiency
faced; 4 ,000 tons (4,064 tonnes) dived none Crew: 11 + 77
Dimensions : Length 265 ft 9 in (81 .0 m) Radar and electronics : I-band search radar Used only by: UK
Beam 32 ft 3 in (9 .8 m) Sonar : Type 2001 and Type 2007 Notes : Dreadnought was the UK's first
Draught26ft(7 .9 m) nuclear- powered submarine, and was built
Armament : between 1959 and 1960 by Vickers-
Guns none Armstrong at Barrow-in-Furness. She was
commissioned in 1963.

'Oberon' and 'Porpoise' class

submarine (17)

Class: Porpoise (SO 1). Finwhale (505).

Sealion (507), Walrus (508). Oberon (509).
Odin (510). Orpheus (511). Olympus
(512). Osiris (513). Onslaught (514). Otter
(515). Oracle (516). Ocelot (517), Otus
(518). Opossum (519). Opportune (520).
Onyx(S21 )
Displacement : 1,610 tons (1 ,636 tonnes)
. standard ; 2 ,030 tons (2 ,062 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 2,41 0 tons (2,449 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 295 ft 3 in (90.0 m)
Beam 26 ft 6 in (8.1 m)
Draught 18 ft (5 .5 m)
Guns none

Missile systems Powerplant: 2 Admiralty Standard Range Notes : The four boats of tile 'Porpoise' class
none diesels, delivering 3 ,680 bhp, and 2 and 13 boats of the 'Oberon' class were
A/Sweapons electric motors, delivering 6,000 shp to built by a number of yards, the 'Porpoise'
none two shafts class being built between 1954 and
Torpedo tubes Speed: 12 knots (surfaced) ; 17 knots (dived) 1958, commissioning between 1958
8 21-in (533 - mm) with 24 torpedoes Range: and 1961, and the 'Oberon' class being
Aircraft Crew : 6+65 in ' Porpoise ' class ; 6+62 in built between 1957 and 1964, com-
none 'Oberon' class missioning between 1961 and 1967.
Radar and electronics: I-band search radar Used also by: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile
Sonar : Types 186 and 187

'Hermes' class helicopter/VTOL

carrier (1)

Class: Hermes (R 12)

Displacement : 23,900 tons (24,282 tonnes)
standard ; 28,700 tons (29,159 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 744ft 4 in (226 .7 m)
Beam (hull) 90 ft (27.4 m)
Draught 29 ft (8 .8 m)
Missile systems
2 quadruple Seacat SAM launchers
A/S weapons
Torpedo tubes
13 helicopters
Radar and electronics : Type ' 965 surveil-
lance, Type 993 search, Type 975 naviga-
tion, and GWS 22 fire-control radars
Powerplant: 4 Admiralty boilers supplying
steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
ing 76,000 shp to two shafts
Speed : 28 knots
Crew: 980
Used only by: UK was modernised between 1964 and 1966, anti-submarine carrier with commando
Notes: Hermes was built between 1944 and and converted into a commando carrier be- capability. The carrier Bulwark (R08).
'1953 by Vickers-Armstrong at Barrow-in- tween 1971 and 1973. In 1976 and 1977 recommissioned in 1979 as a replacement
Furness, and commissioned in 1959. She she was again converted, this time into an for Ark Royal, is a sistership of Hermes.

'Invincible' class anti-submarine

cruiser (2)

Class : Invincible (CAH 1 ).lIIustrious (CAH2)

Displacement : 16,000 tons (16 ,256 tonnes)
standard ; 19,500 tons (19 ,812 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 677 ft (206.6 m)
8eam (deck) 104 ft 7 in (31 .9
Draught 24ft (7.3 m) (?) Aircraft Crew: 31 +869 (excluding aircrew)
Armament: 10 helicopters and 5 aircraft Used by: building for UK
Gunsnone Radar and electronics: Type 965 surveil- Notes: Invincible was built by Vickers at
Missile systems lance, Type 992R search, Type 909 fire- Barrow-in-Furness between 1973 and
1 twin Sea Dart SAM launcher control, and Type 1006 navigation radars 1977, and is scheduled for commissioning
4 MM38 Exocet SSM launchers (possibly) Sonar: Type 184 in 1979. Illustrious was laid down in 1976
A/Sweapons Powerplant: 4 Rolls-Royce Olympus gas tur- at the Wallsend-on-Tyne yard of Swan
none bines, delivering 112,000 shp to two shafts Hunter. There are indications that a third
Torpedo tubes Speed: 28 knots ship of the class may be ordered.
none Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 18 knots

'Tiger' class helicopter cruiser Dimensions: Length 566 ft 6 in (172 .8 m) A/Sweapons

(2) Beam64ft(19.5m) none
Draught 23 ft (7 .0 m) Torpedo tubes
Armament: none
Class: Tiger (C20). ex-Bellerophon; Blake Guns 2 6-in (152-mm) in a twin turret Aircraft
(C99). ex-Tiger, ex-Blake 2 3-in (76-mm) in a twin turret 4 helicopters
Displacement: 9,500 tons (9,652 tonnes) Missile systems Radar and electronics : Types 965 and 993
standard; 12 ,080 tons (12 ,273 tonnes) full 2 quadruple Seacat SAM launchers search, Type 277 or 278 height-finder,

MRS 3 fire- control, and Type 975 naviga- Range : 4,000 miles (6,440 km) at 20 knots building & Engineering at Govan, and
tion radars Crew: 85+800 commissioned in 1961. Designed and laid
Sonar: Usedonlyby: UK down as conventional cruisers, the ships
Powerplant: 4 Admiralty boilers supplying Notes: Tiger was built between 1941 and were suspended in construction in 1946,
steam to 4 Parsons geared turbines, deliv- 1945 by John Brown on Clydebank, and and restarted in 1954, when work was
ering 80,000 shp to four shafts commissioned in 1959; Blake was built be- further delayed by redesign.
Speed: 30 knots tween 1942 and 1945 by Fairfield Ship-

Type 82 light cruiser (1) 1 3-barrel Limbo mortar and 2 Bristol Siddeley Marine Olympus
Torpedo tubes TMIA gas turbines delivering 56 ,000 shp
Class: Bristol (023) none to two shafts
Displacement: 6 ,100 tons (6,198 tonnes) Ai rcraft Speed: 30 knots
standard ; 7,100 tons (7 ,214 tonnes) full facilities for 1 small helicopter Range: 5 ,000 miles (8,047 km) at 18 knot s
load Radar and electronics: Type 965 'surveil- Crew: 29 + 378
Dimensions : Length 507 ft (154.5 m) lance, Type 992 search, Type 909 fire- Used only by: UK
Beam 55 ft (16.8 m) control , and Types 1006 and 978 naviga- Notes: Bristol was built between 1967 and
Draught 23 ft (7.0 m) to bottom of tion radars; Action Data Autcmation 1969 by Swan Hunter & Tyne Shipb\.lil-
sonar dome Weapon System ders, and commissioned in 1973. She is
Armament: Sonar: Types 162, 170, 182, 184, 185 and officially rated as a destroyer, with some
Guns 1 4 .5-in (114-mm) 189 justification.
Missile systems Powerplant: COSAG (COmbined Steam And
1 twin Sea Dart SAM launcher Gas turbine) arrangement with 2 boilers
A/Sweapons supplying steam to 2 Standard Range
1 Ikara launcher geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp,

'County' class light cruiser (7)

Class: Devonshire (002). Kent (012). London

(016). Antrim (D18), ,..GLam.Ulgan.. (019).
Fife (D20),Norfolk (021)
Displacement: 5,440 tons (5,52 7 tonnes)
standard; 6 ,200 tons (6,299 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 520ft 6 in (158.7 m)
Beam 54ft(16.5 m)
Draught 20 ft (6. 1 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 (Devonshire, Kent and London) or 2
(others) 4.5-in (114- mm) in twin turrets
2 20-mm in single mountings
Missile systems
4 M M38 Exocet SSM launchers in Antrim,
Glamorgan, Fife and Norfolk
1 twin Seaslug SAM launcher
2 quadruple Sea cat SAM launchers
Torpedo tubes
1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: Type 965 air search,
Type 992 surveillance, Type 277 height-
finder, Type 901 Seaslug fire-control , MRS
3 gun fire-control, GWS 21 (Devonshire
and London) or GWS 22 (others) Seacat
fire-control radars

Sonar: Speed: 30 knots commissioned between 1962 and 1970.
Powerplant: CO SAG (COmbined Steam And Range: Their sistership Hampshire has been paid
Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 Babcock Crew: 33+438 off for financial reasons. The vessels are
& Wilcox boilers supplying steam to 2 Usedonlyby: UK officially described as destroyers.
geared turbines, delivering 30,000 shp, Notes : The ships were built by five yards in
and 4 G.6 gas turbines, delivering 30,000 the period between 1959 and 1967, and
shp to two shafts

Type 42 ('Sheffield' class) de-

stroyer (10)

Class: 'Sheffield (080). Birmingham (086).

Newcastle (087), Glasgow. (088). Cardiff
(01 08). (Coventry (0118). Exeter, South-
ampton Nottingham, and one other
Displacement: 3,150 tons (3,200 tonnes)
standard; 4,100 tons (4,166 tonnes) full
load Radar and electronics: Type 965 search, Used also by: Argentina
Dimensions: Length 410ft (125.0 m) Type 9920 surveillance and target indi- Notes : The ships have been built by several
Beam 46 ft (14.0 m) cator, Type 909 SAM fire-control , and Type yards in the period between 1970 and
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m) _ 1006 navigation radars; ADAWS 4 action 1976, the first six ships being com-
Armament: data automation and weapons system missioned in the period from 1975 to
Guns 1 4 .5-in (114- mm) Sonar: Types 184 and 162 1978. Exeter and Southampton are build-
220-mm Powerplant: COGOG (COmbined Gas tur- ing in the yards of Swan Hunter at Wa,ll-
Missile systems bines Or Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 send-on-Tyne and Vosper Thornycroft, and
1 twin Sea Dart SAM launcher Rolls-Royce Olympus gas turbines, deliver- Nottingham has been ordered from the
A!Sweapons ing 50,000 'shp, and 2 Rolls- Royce Tyne Vosper Thornycroft yard , and a tenth unit
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324- mm) tubes gas turbines, delivering 8 ,000 shp to two from Cammell Laird, Birkenhead.
Torpedo tubes shafts
none Speed : 30 knots
Aircraft Range: 4,500 miles (7,245 km) at 18 knots
1 ASW helicopter Crew: 26+273

Type 21 ('Amazon' class) guided

missile frigate (8)

Class: Amazon (F169) Antelopel F170).Ac-

tive (F171). Ambuscade F172), Arrow
(F173), Alacrity (F174) Ardent (F175).
Displacement: 2,750 tons (2,794 tonnes)
standard; 3,250 tons (3,302 tonnes) full
load Missile systems Torpedo tubes
Dimen~ions: Length 384ft (117.0 m) 1 quadruple Sea cat SAM launcher (Sea- none
Beam 41 ft 9 in (12.7 m) wolfto be retrofitted) Aircraft
Draught 14 ft 6 in (4.4 m) 4 MM38 Exocet SSM launchers 1 ASW helicopter
Armament: A!Sweapons Radar and electronics: Type 9920 surveil-
Guns 1 4 .5-in (114-mm) 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) tubes to be lance and target indicator, GWS 24 SAM
2 20-mm in single mountings fitted fire-control , Orion RTN-1.0X WSA 4 gun

fire-control. and Type 978 navigation 56,000 shp, and 2 Rolls-Royce Tyne gas Notes : The class was designed by Vosper
radars; CAAIS turbines, delivering 8 ,500 shp to two shafts Thornycroft, and built by them (first three)
Sonar: Type 184M and Type 162M Speed: 32 knots and by Yarrow at Glasgow (last five), in the
Powerplant: COGOG (COmbined Gas turbine Range : 3 ,500 mi les (5,635 km) at 18 knots period between 1969 and 1975, with com-
Or Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 Rolls- Crew : 13+ 164 missioning in the period between 1974
Royce Olympus gas turbines, delivering Used only by : UK and 1978.

Type 22 ('Broadsword' class) A!S weapons Speed: 30 + knots

2 triple 12.7 5- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range: 4,500 miles (7 ,245 km) at 18 knots
guided missile frigate (4) Torpedo tubes on Tynes
none Crew: about 250
Class : _BroMISWJ)ccL (F88), Battleaxe, .§.rilliant, Aircraft Used by : building for UK
Boxer 2 ASW hel icopters Notes: The ' Broadsword' class, of which
Displacement: 3 ,500 tons (3 ,556 tonnes) Radar and electronics: Type 967/ 8 surveil- some 14 ships are planned , is to be the suc-
standard ; 4,000 tons (4,064 tonnes) full lance and Type 1006 navigation radars cessor to the 'Leander class. The four
load Sonar: Type 2016 present ships are of Yarrow construction ,
Dimensions: Length 430 ft (131 .2 m) Powerplant: COGOG (COmbined Gasturbine with Broadsword entering service in 1979.
Beam 48ft 6 in (14.8 m) Or Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 Rolls- Intended mainly for A!S operations, the
Draught 14ft(4.3 m) Royce Olympus gas turbines, delivering class is notable for its lack of gun arma-
Armament : 56,000 bhp, and 2 Rolls-Royce Tyne gas ment except for a pair of 40- mm AA
Guns240-mm turbines, del ivering 8 ,500 bhp to two weapons
Missile systems shafts
2 Sea Wolf SAM launchers
1 quadruple MM38 Exocet SSM launcher

'I-eander' and 'Broad-beamed

Leander' class frigate (26)

Class: Aurora (F1 0), Euryalus (F15), Galatea

(F18)' Cleopatra (F28), Arethusa (F38),
Naiad (F39), Sirius (F40)' Phoebe (F42),
Minerva (F45), Danae (F471. Juno (F52),
Argonaut (F56) , Dido (Fl04), Leander
(Fl09), Ajax (F114), Penelope (F127) ;
A chilles (F121. Diomede (F16),Andromeda
(F571. Hermione (F58), Jupiter (F60), Bac-
chante (F69), Apollo (F70), Sr:ylla (F71l.
Ariadne (F72)' Charybdis (F75)
Displacement: 2,450 tons (2,489 tonnes)
standard and 2 ,860 tons (2,906 tonnes)
full load for 'Leander ; 2 ,500 tons (2 ,540
tonnes) standard and 2 ,962 tons (3 ,009
tonnes) full load for 'Broad-beamed
Dimensions : Length 373 ft (113 .4 m)
Beam 41 ft (12 .5 m) for
'Leander; 43 ft (13.1 m) for
'Broad-beamed Leander'
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Guns 2 4.5-in (114- mm) in a twin turret
2 40-mm (generally)
2 20- mm (in ships fitted with Sea cat)
Missile systems
4 MM38 Exocet SSM launchers (in place of
4 .5- in/ 114- mm guns) in 'Broad-beamed
Leanders' , Cle'opatra, Sirius, Phoebe,
Minerva, Juno, Argonaut, Dido, Danae
1 quadruple Seacat SAM launcher, except
Ikara ships (2 quadruple Seacat SAM
launchers) and Exocet ships (3 quadru-
ple Sea cat SAM launchers)
1 Ikara launcher (in place of 4.5- in/ 114-
mm guns) in Leander, Ajax, Galatea,
Naiad, Euryalus, Aurora, Arethusa, Pen-
1 3-barrel Limbo mortar (not Exocet ships)
2 triple 12.75-in .l324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
(Exocet ships only)
Torpedo tubes
1 small helicopter
Radar and electronics : Type 965 surveil-
lance (not Ikara sh ips), Type 993 combined Speed : 30 knots from the 'Rothesay' class, and its ships
air/ surface warning , MRS 3/ GWS 22 fire- Range: were built in a number of yards from 1959
control, and Type 975 navigation radars Crew : 251 (' Leander) ; 260 (' Broad-beamed to 1971. The first unit, Leander, was com-
Sonar : Type 199 variable-depth in Ikara ships Leander) missioned in March 1963, and the last,
Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to 2 Used also by : Chile, Ind ia, New Zealand Ariadne, in Febru ary 1973. There are 16 of
double- redu ction geared turbines, deliver- Notes : The 'Leander class was developed the original ' Leander class, and 10 of the
. ing 30,000 shp to two shafts . improved ' Broad- beamed Leander' cla ss.

Type 81 ('Tribal' class) frigate

Class: Ashanti (F117), Eskimo (F118). Gurka

(F122), Zulu (F124). Mohawk (F125).
Nubian (F131). Tartar(F133)
Displacement: 2 ,300 tons (2,337 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,700 tons (2,743 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 360 ft (109.7 m)
Beam 42 ft4 in (12 .9 m)
Draught 17 ft 6 in (5 .3 m)
Guns 2 4 .5-in (114-mm) in single turrets
Missile systems
2 quadruple Sea cat SAM launchers
A!S weapons . Sonar: Types 177 , 170 and 162, plus Type Crew : 13 + 240
1 3-barrel Limbo mortar 199 variable-depth in Ashanti and Gurkha Usedonlyby : UK
Torpedo tubes Powerplant : COSAG (COmbined Steam And Notes: The seven ships of the Tribal' class
none Gas turbine) arrangement, with 2 Babcock were designed for distant operations, in
Aircraft & Wilcox boilers supplying steam to 1 which a fair measure of self-sufficiency and
1 small helicopter Metrovick turb ine, delivering 12,500 shp, great range would be needed . The ships
Radar and electronics : Type 965 search, and 1 Metrovick gas turbine , delivering were built by seven different yards between
Type 293 combined air/surface warning, 7 ,500 shp to one shaft 1958 and 1962, being commissioned be-
MRS 3 gun fire-control, GWS 21 SAM fire- Speed: 28 knots tween 1961 and 1964.
control , and Type 975 navigation radars Range :

Modified Type 12 ('Rothesay'

class) frigate (9)

Class : Yarmouth (F101). Lowestoft (F103).

Brighton (F106). Rothesay (F107), Lon-
donderry (F108 ). Falm outh (F113). Ber-
wick (F115) ,~.1ll.Q.lllll~ F1 26). Rhyl (F129)
Displacement : 2 ,380 tons (2,418 tonnes)
standard ; 2 ,800 tons (2,845 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 370 ft (112 .8 m)
Beam 41 ft (12 .5 m)
Draught 17 ft 4 in (5.3 m) Aircraft Speed : 30 knots
Armament: 1 small helicopter Range :
Guns 2 4 .5-in (114-mm) in a twin turret Radar and electronics: Type 993 search, Crew : 15 + 220
2 20-mm in single mountings MRS 3 f ire-control. and Type 975 naviga- Used only by: UK
M tion radars Notes : The nine ships of the class were built
1 quadruple Sea cat SAM launcher Sonar: in eight yards in the period between 1956
A!S weapons Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers and 1960, being commissioned in 1960
1 3-barrel Limbo mortar supplying steam to 2 Admiralty Standard and 1961 . The design was based on that of
Torpedo tubes Range double-reduction geared turbines, the 'Whitby' class.
none delivering 30,000 shp to two shafts

Type 61 ('Salisbury' class) frig-

ate (2)

Class: Salisbury (F321. Lincoln (F99)

Displacement: 2 ,170 tons (2,205 tonnes)
standard ; 2,408 tons (2,447 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 339 ft 9 in (103.6 m)
Beam 40ft (12.2 m)
Draught 15ft 6 in (4.7 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 4.5-in (114-mm) in a twin tu rret
Missile systems
1 quadruple Sea cat SAM launcher
1 3-barrel Squid mortar gation radars ; Knebworth Corvus chaff Notes: Salisbury was built by Devonport
Torpedo tubes dispensers Dockyard, Lincoln by Fairfield Shipbuild-
none Sonar : Types 174and 170B ing & Engineering at Govan, between
Aircraft Powerplant : 8 Admiralty Standard Range 1955 and 1959, for commissioning in
none diesels, delivering 14,400 bhp to two 1960. The cla ss is intended primarily to
Radar and electronics:Type 965 long-range shafts provide direction for strike aircraft. Their
surveillance. Type 993 combined air/surface Speed : 24 knots sistership Llandaff was transferred to
warning , Type 277Q height-finder. Type Range: 7 ,500 miles (12 ,070 km) at 16 knots Bangladesh in 1976.
982 target indicator. Type 275 (Mark 6M Crew: 14+223
director) fire-control, and Type 975 navi- Used also by : Bangladesh

Type 12 ('Whitby' class) frigate Missile systems geared turbines, delivering 30,430 shp to
none two shafts
(1 ) Speed: 31 knots
13-barrel Limbo mortar Range:
Class: Torquay(F43) Torpedo tubes Crew: 12+213
Displacement : 2,150 tons (2 , 184 tonnes) none Used also by: Bangladesh, India, New Zea-
standard ; 2,56.0 tons (2 ,601 tonnes) full Aircraft land
load none Notes: Torquay was built between 1953 and
Dimensions : Length 369 ft 9 in (112 .7 m) Radar and electronics : Type 993 search, 1954 by Harland' & Wolff at Belfast, for
Beam41 ft(12.5 m) Type 275 fire-control , and Type 1006 commissioning in 1956. She is now used
Draught 17 ft (5.2 m) navigation radars as a navigation/ direction trials and training
Armament: Sonar: Types 174, 170 and 162 ship.
Guns 2 4 .5-in (114-mm) in a twin turret Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
supplying steam to 2 double-reduction

Type 14 ('Blackwood' class) Missile systems supplying steam to 1 geared turbine , deliv-
frigate (1) none ering 15,000 shp to one shaft
A/S weapons Speed: 26 knots
2 3-barrel Limbo mortars Range: 4 ,090 miles (6,440 km) at 12 knots
Class : Hardy (F54) Torpedo tubes Crew: 8+132
Displacement : 1,180 tons (1 ,199 tonnes) none Used also by: India
standard ; 1,456 tons (1,479 tonnes) full Aircraft Notes : The single survivor of the class was
load none built by Yarrow in 1953 for commissioning
Dimensions: Length 310ft (94.5 m) Radar and electronics: Type 278 search in 1955. Her sisterships Duncan (F80) and
Beam33ft(10.1 m) radar Russell (F97) are used for harbour training
Draught 15 ft 6 in (4.7 m) Sonar: Types 174, 170 and 162 work.
Armament : Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
Guns 2 40- mm Bofors

Assault ship (2)


Class: Fea;less (L 10), Intrepid (L 11)

Displacement: 11,060 tons (11,237 tonnes)
standard; 12,120 tons (12 ,314 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 520 ft (158.5 m)
Beam 80 ft (24.4 m)
Draught20ft6 in (6.2 m)
Armament : ------~
Guns 2 40- mm Bofors
Missile systems
4 quadruple Seacat SAM launchers
Torpedo tubes
facilities for 5 helicopters
Radarand electronics: Type 993 air/ surface
search and Type 975 navigation radars;
Computer Assisted Action Information
System (CAAIS) ; Knebworth Corvus chaff
Sonar :
Powerplant: 2 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
supplying steam to 2 English Electric tur-
bines, delivering 22,000 shp to two shafts
Speed: 21 knots
Range: 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 20 knots
Crew: 580
Used only by: UK
Notes : The ships were built by Harland &
Wolff in Belfast and John Brown on Clyde-
bank, between 1962 and 1964, for com-
missioning in 1965 and 1967 . Each ship
can carry up to 700 troops , 15 tanks and up
to 30 other vehicles , landed by the ship 's
four LCM(9)s in the dock and four LCVPs at
the davits. The dock at the rear of the ship is
flooded by flooding down the stern to a
draught of 32 ft (9 .8 m) . Only one ship is
kept in commission at anyone time.

Ton' class minehunter and mine-
sweeper (33)

Class : Bi/deston (M 111 0). Brereton

(M 1 113). Brinton (M1114). Bronington
(M 1 140). Hubberston (M 1147), Iveston
(M 1 151). Kedleston (M 1153). Kellington
(M 1154). Kirkliston (M 1157), Maxton
(M 1165), Nurton (M 1166). Sheraton
(M 1181) and Shoulton (M1182) ; Alfriston
(M 1 103). Bickington (M 11 09). Crichton
(M 1 124). Cuxton (M1125). Glasserton
(M 1 141). Hodgeston (M1146). Laleston
(M 1158). Repton (M 1167), Polling ton
(M 1 173). Sha vington (M1180). Upton
(M 1 187), Walkerton (M1188). Wotton
(M 1 195). Soberton (M 1200). Stubbington
(M 1204). Wiston (M 1205). Lewiston
(M 1208) and Crofton (M 1216)
Displacement : 360 t ons (365.8 tonnes)
standard ; 425 tons (431 .8 tonnes) full load
Dimensions : Length 153 ft (46.3 m)
Beam 28 ft 9 in (8.8 m)
Draught 8 ft 3 in (2 .5 m)
Armament : Ai rcraft Used also by : Argentina , Eire, Ghana , India,
Guns very varied , most minehunters having 1 none Malaysia , South Africa
or 2 40-mm and 2 20-mm, and mine- Radar and electronics : Type 975 Notes : Some 11 8 of these craft were orig-
sweepers 0 or 1 40-mm Sonar: Type 193 in minehunters inally built between 1953 and 1960, by a
Missile systems Powerplant: 2 JVSS 12 Mirlees diesels, de- number of yards under the directorship of
none livering 2 ,500 bhp, or 2 Napier 18A-7 A John I. Thornycroft of Southampton. The
A!Sweapons Deltic diesels, delivering 3,000 bhp to two first 15 ships above are minehunters, the
none shafts remaining 17 minesweepers. Kedleston,
Torpedo tubes Speed: 1 5 knots Kellingtof/, Hodgeston, Repton, Upton and
none Range: 2,300 miles (3.700 km) at 13 knots Crofton are used as Royal Naval Reserve
Crew : 29 (minesweeper) ; 5+33 (minehunter) training ships.

'Island' class offshore patrol Armament : Radar and electronics :

craft (5) Guns 1 40-mm Sonar :
Missile systems Powerplant : 2 diesels, delivering 4,380 hp to
none one shaft
Class : Jersey (P295). Guernsey (P297), A!S weapons Speed: 1 6 knots
Shetland (P298). Orkney (P299). Lindis- none Range: 7,000 miles (11 ,265 km) at 15 knots
fame (P300) Torpedo tubes Crew : 34
Displacement : 925 tons (939.8 tonnes) none Used only by : UK
standard; 1,250 tons (1 ,270 t\Jnnes) full Aircraft Notes : All five craft were built by Hall Russell
load none & Co. Jersey was comm issioned in 1976
Dimensions: Length 195 ft 4 in (59 .6 m) and the others in 1977-78. Two more units
Beam 35 ft 9 in (10.9 m) were ordered in 1977 .
Draught 14 ft (4.3 m)

'Bird' class large patrol craft (4)

Class: Kingfisher (P260). Cygnet (P261).

Peterel (P262l. Sandpiper (P2 63)
Displacement: 190 tons (193 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 120 ft (36.6 m)
Beam 23 ft (7 .0 m)
Draught 6 ft 6 in (2 .0 m)
Guns 1 40-mm
2 machine- guns
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
Aircraft Speed : 1 8 knots missioned in 1975, the next two in 1976,
none Range : and the last in 1977. The design is based
Radar and electronics: Crew: 24 on that of the RAF's 'Seal ' class rescue
Sonar : Used only by: UK craft, with modifications to improve sea-
Powerplant: 2 Paxman 16YJ diesels, deliver- Notes: All four craft were built by R. Dunston keeping qualities.
ing 4,800 bhp Ltd at Hessle, the f irst craft being com-

British Aerospace (BAC) 5ea- Dimensions: Span about 24 in (61 .0 cm) Warhead: high explosive
wolf Body diameter about 7 in Weights: Launch
(17 .75cm) Burnt out
Length about 6 ft 6t in (2 .0 m) Performance : speed in excess of Mach 2
Type: naval short-range surface-to-air missile Booster: sol id-propellant rocket Used by: underdevelopment for UK
Guidance : line-of-sight by means of radio Sustainer : none Notes : The Seawolf is the missile component

of the Guided Weapon System 25, and is
designed for the close-range air defence of.
ships displacing 2 ,000 tons (2032 tonnes)
or more. It :is used in conjunction with the
Types 967 and 968 air and low-altitude
surveillance, Type 910 tracker radars, plus
a variety of TV and other installations. The
missile is fired from a six-round launcher.
Various other models of the missile are
under development.

British Aerospace (HSD) Sea


Type : naval surface-to-air tactical guided

Guidance : radar guidance with semi-active
radarterminal homing
Dimensions: Span 36 in (91.4 cm)
Body diameter 16t in (41 .9 cm)
Length 14 ft 3i in (4.36 m)
Booster: solid- propellant rocket
Sustainer: Rolls-Royce Odin ramjet
Warhead : probably high explosive
Weights: Launch 1,2131b (550 kg)
Burnt out
Performance: range at least 18t miles (30
Used also by : Argentina
Notes : The Sea Dart system is highly flexible ,
and provides its parent vessels with pro-
tection against aircraft attack from any-
where between very high and very low
levels. The system can also be used against
missiles and other ships. Sea Dart is used
with Type 919 target tracking and illum i-
nating radar. The system is currently being
updated to improve its immunity to ECM .

British Aerospace (HSD)


Type: naval sUrface-to-air tactical guided

missile, with surface-to-surface capability
Guidance: beam-riding
Dimensions : Span 4ft 8t in (1 .435 m)
Body diameter 16 in (40.64 cm)
Length 19 ft 8 in (6 .0 m)
Booster: four jettisonable solid-propellant
Sustainer: solid-propellant rocket
Warhead: high explosive
Weights: Launch Used onlyby: UK radar, and Type 901 tracking and illumi-
Burnt out notes: Designed as a long-range guided mis- nating radar. The Seaslug is fired from a
Performance: range more than 28 miles (45 sile, the Seaslug is used with Type 901 M twin launcher, and became operational in
km); ceiling more than 49,200 ft (15,000 radar for guidance, Type 965 long-range 1961 . The system is now obsolescent.
m) surveillance radar, Type 277 height-finding

Short Brothers Sea cat

Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided

Guidance: radio command
Dimensions : Span 25t in (64.77 cm)
Body diameter 7 tin (19.05 cm)
Length 4 ft 10 in (1.48 m)
Booster: solid-propellant rocket
Sustainer: solid-propellant rocket
Warhead: high explosive
Weights: Launch about 1391b (63 kg)
Burnt out
Performance : range 5,200 yards (4,755 m)
Used also by : Argentina , Australia, Brazil,
Chile, India, Iran, Libya, Malaysia, Nether-
lands, New Zealand, Sweden, Thailand,
Venezuela, West Germany

Notes: Designed as a close-range ship-borne
missile system, the Sea cat was at first pro-
vided with optical sighting arrangements,
in which the operator gathered the missile
into his field of vision and then guided it
onto the target with his thumb control.
Later versions, however, have been com-
bined with a number of naval fire-control

Mark 8 torpedo Mark 20 (Improved) torpedo Mark 23 torpedo

Type : submarine-launched anti-ship torpedo Type : submarine- launched anti-ship and anti- Type: submarine-launched anti-ship and anti-
Guidance: preset angle, course and depth submarine torpedo submarine torpedo
Launch method: tube Guidance: preset angle, course and depth , Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel ,
Dimensions: Length 22 ft (6.7 m) with passive sonar homing plus passive sonar homing
Diameter 21 in (533 mm) Launch method: tube Launch method: tube
Weight: 3,3841b (1 ,350 kg) Dimensions: Length 13 ft 6 in (4.11 m) Dimensions: Length
Engine: compressed air Diameter 21 in (533 mm) Diameter 21 in (533 mm)
Speed : 45 knots Weight: about 1,810 Ib (821 kg) Weight:
Range : 4 ,921 yards (4,500 m) Engine: electric Engine: electric
Warhead: high explosive Speed : Speed:
Used also by : other navies Range : 12,030 yards (11 ,000 m) at 20 knots Range : about 8,800 yards (8,047 m)
Notes: Although obsolescent, this torpedo Warhead : 200 Ib (91 kg) high explosive Warhead: 200 Ib (91 kg) high explosive
has given good service since its intro- Used only by: UK Used only by : UK
duction in the mid-1930s. It is capable of Notes: Designed principally as an anti- Notes: Britain 's first wire-guided torpedo, es-
operating up to 59 ft (18 m) down. submarine weapon, running at depths up to sentially a Mark 20 weapon with an extra
210ft (64 m) and homing on the propeller section inserted for the wire casket.
cavitation noise of submarines at depths of Intended as an interim and training weapon
up to 800 ft (244 m). Problems with the ini- pending the introduction of the Mark 24,
tial guidance system have made the type the Mark 23 is still in service as a result of
none too successful. delays with the Mark 24 programme.

Mark 24 'Tigerfish' torpedo

Type: submarine-launched anti-submarine

Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel ,
plus active/ passive acoustic homing
Launch method: tube
Dimensions: Length 21 ft 2t in (6.464 m)
Diameter 21 in (533 mm)
Weight: 3,4171b (1 ,550 kg)
Engine: electric
Speed: high or low speeds
Range: probably at least 20 miles (32 km)
Warhead: high explosive
Used also by : other navies
Notes: Sophisticated anti-submarine
weapon, with onboard computer, roll
stabilisation by means of retractable stub
wings, and wire dispensed from both tor-
pedo and launch submarine.

United States of America
The United States Navy private shipbuilders', and, looking over only ten attack carriers would be in
In the twenty years between the end of their shoulders, 'The record of present service now. Despite the
the Civil War, inwhich the Union Navy shipbuilding companies during the mathematicians' attempts, however, a
played a considerable part in obtaining (1917-18) war ... was little short of continued carrier'building programme
a victory, and the mid-1880s, the navy being disgraceful. They made very enabled the USN to retain on 1
of the USA grew steadily more considerable profits - on Treasury February 1978 a force of thirteen active
moribund. Political jobbery, graft, audits they showed up to 90%.' ships, with one nuclear ship building
inefficiency and a proportion of one It was in the face of this profiteering and five elderly oil-fired ships in
officer to every four enlisted men were and the Congressional methods of reserve. The argumerm advanced in
among the factors which assisted in this patronage that Franklin D . Roosevelt the McNamara era have been
state of affairs. From 1883 onwards built up his navy to a state where it not resurrected by President Carter's
building programmes were authorised only sustained the disaster of Pearl advisers. This time the arguments for
which gave a tentative, if inadequate, Harbour but gave better than it had the retention of a strong carrier force
start to the modernisation of the fleet received at Midway, in the Coral Sea are being assailed with a theory that the
and its support. This construction and throughout the Pacific island use of shore-bases on friendly territory
continued to accelerate until, at the campaigns. These operations, would provide an equally efficient
outbreak of war with Spain in April combined with the war in the Atlantic, deployment of aircraft. This does not
1898 the total of modern warships called for an astonishing shipbuilding appear to take full account of the
stood at 53 with 16,452 personnel. effort which produced nigh on 1,400 political problems which affect such
Even so a considerable augmentation of major warships and submarines as well operations - the instability in Portugal
this force was thought necessary and as a host of minor war vessels and the and the Azores, problems in Italy and
123 ships ranging from tugs to majority of allied merchant ships. reactions from some quarters in Spain,
auxiliary cruisers were taken up from Again numbers had been too few in the continued frictions in the Eastern
trade or other services in addition to the 1941 but it was a fitting tribute that the Mediterranean, objections to foreign
purchase of half-a-dozen foreign final surrender should have been signed bases in the Indian Ocean, the USA's
warships. in an American battleship in Tokyo own attitude to South Mrica,
These facts, apparently irrelevant to Bay on 3 September 1945. difficulties in South America, the
modern affairs, have been included as a By this time the USN had a pre- Norwegian refusal to have foreign
symptom of a truth which afflicts the eminent capability in carrier warfare, forces based on their territory, and
navy of any democracy after a bloody had a deep knowledge of amphibious uncertainties over Icelandic reactions
war and a prolonged peace - there are operations and had achieve-d a are only some of these. If the USN is to
never enough ships when hostilities submarine success rate of astonishing retain its capacity for world-wid.e
once again erupt. Despite the dimensions. It was these three abilities operations a strong carrier force is
enthusiasm and activities of President which were to be of great value in the essential.
Theodore Roosevelt and some of his post-war years. Less than five years In the period 1941-5 American
successors, an objective assessment of after the Tokyo Bay surrender, US submarines achieved spectacular
the state of the USN a year after the naval forces were once again engaged, success. Since then an imaginative and
outbreak of World War I in August this time off Korea in the war which highly profitable series of research and
1914 listed fifteen major deficiencies began on 25 June 1950. Carrier development projects have provided the
including a 40 per cent shortage of operations supported the land forces basis for the nuclear submarine
officers, lack offast major war-vessels, and the amphibious landings at Inchon building programme from which has
minewarfare ships, aircraft and in September 1950 were of immense stemmed the ballistic-missile
gunnery practices. From 1914 onwards importance. At no time was the submarine force. By February 1978
a rapidly expanding programme superiority of the United Nations' fleets there were 41 of these large craft
allowed for the construction oflarge challenged -:- by the ceasefire in July available with 7 of the huge 'Ohio' class
numbers of all types of warships from 1953 no major allied ship had been ordered or proposed. Behind this major
battleships to auxiliaries. Once again sunk yet their activities had contribution to the strategic deterrent,
the fleet had been proved inadequate contributed greatly to the outcome. 70 attack submarines with nuclear
for its wartime task. In August 1964, in the wake of the propulsion plus a further 28 ordered or
When the Japanese attacked Pearl 'Tonkin Gulfincident' the USN was building provide a highly efficient force
Harbour on 7 December 1941 they once more involved in a foreign war; for with particular capabilities for the
found an unprepared area in which the next eleven years the reinforced detection and destruction of enemy
they wreaked major havoc. This was Seventh Fleet was continually in action submarines.
hardly surprising in view of the fact of one sort or another off Vietnam. This The inroads made by the costs of
that warnings from Washington had period was to have a profound and eleven years of war in Vietnam were
not resulted in any genuine long-lasting effect on the navy. In 1961 greatest in the replacement
apprehension amongst the local the new president, John F. Kennedy, programmes of surface ships other than
commanders. This attitude, however, had appointed Robert McNamara as carriers and into the provision of up-to-
was not true of that in the White House. Secretary of Defense, a business man date weaponry for those that were
Shortly after his election, in June 1933, who introduced theories of cost- built. Great numbers of World War II
President Franklin D. Roosevelt set effectiveness into service planning ships were retained in service after
aside a large slice of the funds of the which were to cause much bitterness 1964 and the running costs of this huge
National Industrial Recovery Act to and opposition. In that year three force absorbed vast amounts offinance.
stimulate ship building and the carriers, two of the 'Kitty Hawk' class Thus when the decision was made in
resurgence of the USN. Two years and the first nuclear propelled carrier, the early 1970s to delete the over-age
later, almost to the day, the Senate Enterprise, joined the fleet. In ships, the total of major surface
Committee on the Munitions Industry February 1963 McNamara instructed combatants dropped dramatically from
commented that 'The Navy has become .the Navy Department to justify the 960 to 480 - a figure well below the
big business' ... 'The need for many retention of fifteen attack carriers in 600-ship navy considered necessary to
ships in 1933 was the main cause for addition to plans for new construction. carry out peacetime operations of
the increase in prices charged by If the latter had been totally cancelled surveillance, presence and support for

threatened allies, the latter comprising CVN: Command Ships:
a very extensive list throughout the 2 Nimitz (+ 1) 1 Converted Raleigh AGF
world. Ifhostilities should develop, this 1 Enterprise (plus 2 CC in reserve)
figure of 600 would need reinforcement
similar to that provided in the five CV: Patrol Forces:
major wars in which the USN has been 4 Kitty Hawk and John F. Kennedy 1 Pegasus PCH(M) ( + 5)
involved in the last eighty years. 4 Forrestal 2 Asheville PG
However, the current US 2 Midway 1 High Point PCH
administration has recommended cuts 1 Hancock 4PTF23
in the proposed five-year programme (+4 in reserve)
which will make the attainment of a Mine Warfare Forces:
600-ship fleet out of the question. The CGN: 2 Acme ocean minesweepers
resulting arguments in Congress and 3 Virginia ( + 1) 23 Aggressive and Dash ocean mine-
the Pentagon are effectively delaying 2 California sweepers
the implementation of vital building 1 Truxtun 8 minesweeping boats
plans. 1 Bainbridge
Similar delays, caused partly in 1 Long Beach Auxiliaries:
Washington and partly by the Vietnam 15 destroyer tenders ( + 5)
situation, has retarded the introduction CG: 13 ammunition ships
of modern surface-to-surface missiles in 9 Belknap 7 combat store ships
the USN. It is only now that the fitting 9 Leahy 14 oilers (+14)
ofthe 50-mile Harpoon is providing the 2 Albany 4 fast combat support ships ( + 1)
USN with a capability possessed by the 1 Converted Cleveland 7 replenishment oilers
Soviet navy for the last twenty years. At 7 repair ships
the same time the fu ture of the CA: 4 landing craft repair ships
Tomahawk cruise-missile remains 3 Des Moines 14 salvage ships
uncertain, a possible bargaining 1 Baltimore 13 submarine tenders ( + 3)
counter whose cancellation would 1 Canberra 8 submarine rescue ships
deprive the USN of a most potent (all 5 in reserve)
weapon of deterrence. Naval Aviation:
In the midst of political indecision DDG: 168 F-14A (14 fighter sqns)
and the refusal by the top management 10 Coontz 144 F-4 (12 fighter sqns)
to accept the truths of history, the USN 2 Mitscher 110 A-6E (11 attack sqns)
does the best it can with what it is 4 Converted Forrest Sherman 300 A-7E (25 attack sqns)
allowed to have. And allied to these 23 Charles F. Adams 30 RA-5C and RF-8 (10 recce sqns)
problems is that of retention of 280 P-3B/C (24 MR sqns)
experienced enlisted men. But, despite DD: 130 S-3A (13 ASW sqns)
these recurrent dilemmas, the fleet has 18 Spruance (+ 12) 52 E-2B/C (13 AEW sqns)
two great advantages: it is manned by 14 Forrest Sherman and Hull 96 SH-3A/D/G/H (12 ASW sqns)
volunteers of good education and sound 28 Gearing FRAM 1 17 support sqns with 12 C-130, 7 C-118,
traiping and this training is founded on 2 Carpenter FRAM 1 12 C-9B, 12 CT-39, 13 C-131,
eighteen years of combat experience 6 C-117, 20 C-1, 15 C-2, 36 EA-6
during-the last thirty-seven, a situation FFG: 30 RH-53D, CH-46, SH-3 and SH-2
unique amongst the world's navies. 1 Oliver Hazard Perry (+ 17 +56) 13 F-5E/F (1 aggressor training sqn)
6 Brooke 19 training sqns with 11 aircraft and 3
532,300, including 21,600 women, plus helicopter types
94,100 reservists FF: (There are some 41 squadrons in
46 Knox reserve)
SSBN: 10 Garcia Marine Aviation:
(4+9 Ohio) 2 Bronstein 144 F-4N/S (12 FGA sqns)
31 Benjamin Franklin and Lafayette 80 AV-8A (3 FGA sqns)
5 Ethan Allen Amphibious Warfare Forces: 60 A-4F/M (5 FGA sqns)
5 George Washington 2 Blue Ridge LCC 60 A-6A/E (5FGA sqns)
2 TarawaLHA (+3) 10 RF-4B (1 recce sqn)
SSN: 7 Iwo Jima LPH 10 EA-6B (1 ECM sqn)
13 Los Angeles ( + 27) 12 Austin LPD 36 OV-lOA (2 observation sqns)
1 Glenard P. Lipscomb 2 Raleigh LPD 36 KC-130F (3 tanker sqns)
1 Narwhal 5 Anchorage LSD 54 AH-1J (3 attack helicopter sqns)
37 Sturgeon 8 Thomaston LSD 96 UH-1E/N (4 light helicopter sqns)
13 Thresher (plus 7 Clisa Grande LSD in reserve) 162 CH-46F (9 medium helicopter
1 Tullibee 20 Newport LST sqns)
5 Skipjack (plus 3 De Soto County LST in 126 CH-53D (6 heavy helicopter sqns)
4 Skate reserve) (There are 16 squadrons in reserve)
1 Seawolf 5 Charleston LKA
1 Nautilus 1 TuiareLKA The US Coast Guard has 37,500 men,
( + 2 in reserve) 2 Paul Revere LPA and operates (on the activelist):
60 LCU 1610 series 18 high-endurance cutters, 22 medium-
SS: 24 LCU 1466 series endurance cutters (+2), 7 icebreak-
3 Barbel 21 LCU 501 series ers, 1 patrol hydrofoil, 75 patrol
1 Grayback LPSS ?LCM8 craft, 3 training cutters, 2 oceano-
1 Darter ?LCM6 graphic cutters.
1 Sailfish ?LCVP Other vessels, as well as the following
4 Tang aircraft:
( + 3 in reserve) 34 HC-130, 18 HU-16, 12 Gulfstream,
38 HH-3F, 79 HH-2A.

'Ohio' class nuclear ballistic
missile submarine (13)

Class: Ohio (SSBN7261. Michigan

(SSNB727) and 11 others (SSBN728 to
Displacement: 16;600 tons (16 ,865 tonnes)
surfaced ; 18,700 tons (18,999 tonnes)
Dimensions: Length 560 ft (170.7 m)
Beam 42 ft (12 .8 m)
Draught 35 ft 6 in (10.8 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
24 Trident I SLBM launch tubes
A!S weapons
none to geared turbines, delivering power to one of the 'Ohio' class are the largest sub-
Torpedo tubes shaft marines yet designed. The only two yards
4 21-in (533 - mm) Speed : classified capable of building such craft are Newport
Aircraft Range: limited only by food capacity and News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock, and the
none crew efficiency Electric Boat Division of General Dyna-
Radar and electronics : Crew:16 + 117 mics. The latter is building the first five
Sonar: BQQ-5 passive Used by: building for USA boats, scheduled for commissioning be-
Powerplant: 1 General Electric S8G pressu- Notes: Planned as the USA's main deterrent tween 1979 and 1982. The rest have not
rised water-cooled reactor supplying steam force for the 1980s and 1990s, the boats yet been laid down.

'Benjamin Franklin' and 'Lafa-

yette' class nuclear ballistic
missile submarine (31)

Class : Lafayette (SSBN6161. Alexander

Hamilton (SSBN617). Andrew Jackson
(SSBN6191. John Adams (SSBN6201. Displacement: 7 ,250 tons (7,366 tonnes) to 2 geared turbines, delivering 15,000 shp
James Munroe (SSBN6221. Nathan Hale standard surfaced ; 8,25@ tons (8,382 to one shaft
(SSBN6231. Woodrow Wilson (SSBN6241. tonnes) dived Speed : 20 knots (surfaced); about 30' knots
Henry Clay (SSBN6251. Daniel Webster Dimensions: Length 425 ft (129.5 m) (dived)
(SSBN6261. James Madison (SSBN627). Beam 33 ft (1 0.1 m) Range: limited only by food capacity . and
Tecumseh (SSBN6281. Daniel Boone Draught 31 ft 6 in (9.6 m) crew efficiency
(SSBN6291. John C. Calhoun (SSBN630)' Armament : Crew: 20+ 148 (two crews) from SSBN640 ;
Ulysses S. Grant (SSBN631), Von Steuben Guns none 14+ 126 in others
(SSBN6321. Casimir Pulaski (SSBN633), Missile systems Used only by: USA
Stonewall Jackson (SSBN6341. Sam 16 Poseidon C-3 SLBM launch tubes Notes: The 31 boats of these two classes,
Rayburn (SSBN6351. Nathaniel Greene A!Sweapons which have only minimal differences, were
(SSBN6361. Benjamin Franklin (SSBN640), none built between 1961 and 1966 by the Elec-
Simon Bolivar (SSBN641), Kamehameha Torpedo tubes tric Boat Division of General Dynamics,
(SSBN642l. George Bancroft (SSBN643), 4 21 - in (533-mm) Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth
Lewis and Clark (SSBN644), James K. Aircraft Naval Shipyard, and Newport News Ship-
Polk (SSBN6451. George C. Marshall none buildrng & Dry Dock. The boats were com-
(SSBN654), Henry L. Stimson (SSBN655), Radar and electronics: missioned between 1963 and 1967, and
George Washington Carver (SSBN656), Sonar: form the backbone of the US nuclear deter-
Francis Scott Key (SSBN6571. Mariano G. Powerplant : 1 Westinghouse S5W pressur- rent force . Each boat has two crews for
Vallejo (SSBN658), Will Rogers (SSBN659) ised water-cooled reactor supplying steam maximum sea time.

'Ethan Allen' class nuclear bal-
listic missile submarine (5)

Class: EthanAllen (SSBN6081. Sam Houston

(SSBN6091. Thomas A. Edison n I
(SSBN6101. John Marshall (SSBN6111.
ThomasJefferson (SSBN618)
Displacement : 6,955 tons (7 ,066 tonnes)
surfaced; 7,880 tons (8,006 tonnes) dived Aircraft Used only by: USA
Dimensions: Length 410ft (125.0 m) none Notes : The first and third boats were built by
Beam 33ft(10.1 m) Radar and electronics : the Electric Boat Division of General Dyna-
Draught 32 ft (9 .8 m) Sonar: mics, and the other three by Newport News
Armament: Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse S5W pressu- Shipbuilding & Dry Dock, between 1959
Gunsnone rised water-cooled reactor supplying steam and 1962, for commissioning between
Missile systems to 2 General Electric geared turbiness, de- 1961 and 1963. The boats are of an
16 PolarisA-3 SLBM launch tubes livering 15,000 shp to one shaft improved 'George Washington ' design, but
A!Sweapons Speed : 20 knots (surfaced) ; about 30 knots built with better steel to improve the diving
none (dived) depth . They are not to be converted to fire
Torpedo tubes Range : limited only by food capacity and Poseidon missiles, as were the boats of the
4 21 -i n (533- mm) crew efficiency 'Benjamin Franklin' and 'Lafayette ' classes,
Crew: 15+ 127

'George Washington' class

nuclear ballistic missile sub-
marine (5)
D - ~
Class: George Washington. (SSBN5981.
Patrick Henry (SSBN5991. Theodore Roo-
sevelt (SSBN6001. Robert E. Lee
(SSBN6011.Abraham Lincoln (SSBN602)
Displacement: 6,019 tons (6,115 tonnes)
standard surfaced; 6 ,888 tons (6,998
tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 381 ft 8 in (116 ,3 m)
Beam33ft(10.1 m)
Draught 29 ft (8 .8 m)
Armament :
Missile systems
16 Polaris A-3 SLBM launch tubes
Torpedo tubes
6 21 - in (533- mm)
Radar and electronics :
Powerplant : 1 Westinghouse S5W pressu-
rised water-cooled reactor supplying steam
to 2 General Electric geared turbines, deliv-
ering 15,000 shp to one shaft
Speed : 20 knots (surfaced); about 30 knots Crew: 12+ 100
(dived) Used only by: USA and were built by four yards between 1957
Range : limited only by food capacity and Notes : These boats were the first ballistic and 1960, for commissioning between
crew efficiency missile-armed submarines in US service, 1959and 1961 .

'Los Angeles' class nuclear

attack submarine (40)
D n
Class: Los Angeles (SSN6881. Baton Rouge
(SSN6891. Philadelphia (SSN6901.
Memphis (SSN6911. Omaha (SSN6921.
Cincinatti (SSN6931. Groton (SSN6941.
Birmingham (SSN6951. New York City
(SSN6961. Indianapolis (SSN697). Bre-
merton (SSN6981.Jacksonville (SSN6991.
Dallas (SSN7001. La Jolla (SSN7011.
Phoenix (SSN702). Boston (SSN7031. Bal-
timore (SSN7041. 16 others (SSN705 to
SSN7201. and seven others (unnumbered
as yet)
Displacement: 6,000 tons (6,096 tonnes)
standard ; 6 ,900 tons (7 ,010 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 360ft (1 09.7 m)
Beam 33 ft (10. 1 m)
Draught 33 ft (10.1 m)
Guns none

Missile systems Powerplant: 1 General Electric S6G pressu- Crew: 12+ 115
tube-launched Harpoon SSM from 1978 rised water-cooled reactor supplying steam Used only by: USA
A!Sweapons to 2 geared turbines, delivering power to Notes: The boats are being built by Newport
SUBROC . one shaft News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock, and the
Torpedo tubes Speed: 30+ knots (dived) Electric Boat Division of General Dyna-
421-in (533-mm) Range: limited only by food capacity and mics. The first 18 boats are to be built be-
Aircraft crew efficiency tween 1972 and 1980, for commissioning
none between 1976 and 1980, with the other
Radar and electronics: BPS-15 search and 22 following during the 1980s. Particular
navigation radar attention has been paid to making the
Sonar : BQQ- 5 long-range acquisition and boats as quiet as possible.
BQS-1 5 close-range

'Glenard P. Lipscomb' class Range: limited only by food capacity and

nuclear attack submarine (1 ) crew efficiency
Crew : 12+108
Used only by: USA
Class: Glenard P. Lipscomb (SSN685) Notes: The only boat of its class, this was pro-
Displacement: 5,813 tons (6,906 tonnes) duced to test the efficiency of various quie-
standard; 6,480 tons (6,584 tonnes) dived tening measures, subsequently adopted in
Dimensions: Length 365 ft (111 .3 m) the 'Los Angeles' class. The boat was built
Beam 31 ft 9 in (9 .7 m) by the Electric Boat Division of General
Draught Dynamics between 1971 and 1973, and
Armament: commissioned in 1974.
Guns none
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
4 21 -in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics:
Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse S5Wa pressu-
rised water-cooled reactor supplying steam
to 1 General Electric turbo-electric drive,
delivering power to one shaft
Speed: about 25+ knots (dived)

'Narwhal' class nuclear attack Radar and electronics : Speed: 20+ knots (surfaced) ; 30+ knots
Sonar: BQS-8 upward-looking, BQQ-2 (dived)
submarine (1) system (with BQS-6 active and BQS-7 Range: limited only by food capacity and
passive) crew efficiency
Class : Narwhal(SSN671) Powerplant: 1 General Electric S5G pressur- Crew : 12+95
Displacement : 4,450 tons (4,521 tonnes) ised water-cooled re,actor supplying steam Used only by: USA
standard ; 5,350 tons (5,436 tonnes) dived to two turbines, delivering 17 ,000 shp to Notes: Narwhal was built by the Electric Boat
Dimensions: Length 314ft 7 in (95.9 m) one shaft Division of General Dynamics between
Beam43ft(13.1 m) 1966 and 1967, and commissioned in
Draught 27ft (8.2 m) 1969. Although based on the design of the
Armament: 'Sturgeon' class, the Narwhal is fitted with
Guns I")one a special natural circulation reactor, which
Missile systems is simpler and quieter than the reactors that
none rely on mechanically circulated coolant.
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
4 21-in (533-mm)

'Sturgeon' class nuclear attack

submarine (37)

Class: Sturgeon (SSN637), Whale

(SSN638). Tautog (SSN639). Grayling
(SSN646). Pogy (SSN647), Aspro C)
(SSN648). Sunfish (SSN649). Pargo
(SSN650). Queenfish (SSN651), Puffer
(SSN652). Ray (SSN653). Sand Lance versides (SSN679). William H. Bates Armament :
(SSN660). Lapon (SSN661). Gurnard (SSN680). Batfish (SSN681), Tunny Gunsnone
(SSN662). Hammerhead (SSN663). Sea (SSN682). Parche (SSN683). Cavalla Missile systems
Devil (SSN664). Guitarro (SSN665). (SSN684). L. Mendel Rivers (SSN686) none
Hawkbill (SSN666). Bergall (SSN667), Richard B. Russell (SSN687) A!S weapons
Spadefish (SSN668). Seahorse (SSN669). Displacement: 3,640 tons (3 ,698 tonnes) SUBROC
Finback (SSN670). Pintado (SSN672). Fly- standard; 4,640 tons (4,714 tonnes) dived Torpedo tubes
ing Fish (SSN673). Trepang (SSN674). Dimensions: Length 292 ft 3 in (89.0 m) 4 21-in (533-mm)
Bluefish (SSN675). Billfish (SSN676). Beam 31 ft 8 in (9.5 m) Aircraft
Drum (SSN677).Archerfish (SSN678). Sil- Draught 26 ft (7.9 m) none

Radar and electronics: BPS-14 search radar
Sonar : BOQ-2 system , with BOS-6 active
and BOS-7 passive sonars, plus BOS- 8 up-
ward-looking and BOS-12 (first 16) or
80S-13 (others) active/ passive sonars
Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse S5W pressur-
ised water-cooled reactor supplying steam
to 2 turbines, delivering 15,000 shp to one
Speed : 20 + knots (surfaced) ; 30 + knots
Range: limited only by food capacity and
crew efficiency
Crew: 12 + 95
Used only by: USA
Notes: The 'Sturgeon' class is a development
of the Thresher' class, with the same pro-
pulsion, but slightly larger and probably
slightly slower. The 37 boats were built by
a number of yards between 1963 and
1974, and were commissioned between
1967 and 1975.

'Thresher' class nuclear attack

submarine (13)

Class: Permit (SSN594), Plunger (SSN595), D

Barb (SSN596), Pollack (SSN603), Haddo
(SSN604), Jack (SSN605)' Tinosa
(SSN606), Dace (SSN607), Guardfish
(SSN612), Flasher (SSN613), Greenling
(SSN614), Gato (SSN615), Haddock
Displacement: 3,750 tons (3,810 tonnes)
standard and 4,300 tons (4,369 tonnes)
dived for all except Flasher, Greenling and
Gato: 3,800 tons (3,861 tonnes) and
4,4 70 tons (4,542 tonnes)
Dimensions : Length 278 ft 6 in (84.9 m)
Beam 31 ft 8 in (9.6 m)
Draught 28 ft 5 in (8.7 m)
Guns none
Missile 'systems
Torpedo tubes
4 21-in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics:
Sonar : 800-2 system with BOS-6 active Range: limited only by food capacity and for commission ing between 1962 ' and
and BOS-7 passive sonars crew efficiency 1967. Jack, Flasher, Greenling and Gato
Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse S5W pressur- Crew : 12+91 are longer than the other boats, at 297 ft 5
ised water-cooled reactor supplying Used only by: USA in (90,7 m) for Jack, which has different
steam to 2 turbines, delivering 15,000 Notes: The name boat of the class, Thresher propulsion characteristics, and 292 ft 3 in
shp to one shaft (SSN593)' was lost at sea in 1963. The (89.1 m) for the others.
Speed : 20 + knots (surfaced); 30+ knots 14 boats of the class were built by
(dived) various yards between 1959 and 1966,

'Tullibee' class nuclear attack

submarine (1) Torpedo tubes Speed: 15 knots (surfaced); 20+ knots
4 21-in (533-mm) (dived)
Class: Tullibee (SSN597) Aircraft Range: limited only by food capacity and
Displacement: 2 ,317 tons (2 ,354 tonnes) none crew efficiency
standard ; 2 ,640 tons (2,682 tonnes) dived Radar and electronics: Crew : 6+50
Dimensions: Length 273 ft (83 .2 m) Sonar: BQO-2 system, with BOS-6 active Used only by: USA
Beam23ft4in(7 ,1 m) and BOS-7 passive sonars, and BOG-4 Notes: Tullibee was built by the Electric Boat
Dra'u ght 21 ft (6.4 m) PUFFS (Passive Underwater Fire-control Division of General Dynamics between
Armament: Feasibility System) 1958 and 1960 to test the turbo-electric
Guns none Powerplant: 1 Combustion Engineering drive propulsion and other advanced attack
Missile systems S2C pressurised water-cooled reactor submarine features incorporated on later
none supplying steam to 1 Westinghouse turbo- attack boats. She was commissioned in
A/Sweapons electric drive, delivering 2,500 shp to one 1960. She is intended for anti-submarine
none shaft operations.

'Skipjack' class nuclear attack
submarine (5)

Class : Skipjack (SSN5851. Scamp (SSN5881.

Sculpin (SSN5901. Shark (SSN5911.
Snook (SSN592) .
Displacement : 3,075 tons (3 ,124 tonnes)
surfaced ; 3 ,513 tons (3 ,569 tonnes) dived Range : lim ited only by food capacity and
Dimensions : Length 251 ft 8 in (76.7 m) Aircraft crew efficiency
Beam 31 ft 6 in (9 .6 m) none Crew : 8+85
Draught 29 ft 5 in (8.9 m) Radar and electronics : Used only by : USA
Armament : Sonar : Modified BQS-4 Notes : The boats were built in four ya rds be-
Guns none Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse S5W pressu- tween 1956 and 1960, and commissioned
Missile systems rised water-cooled reactor supplying steam in the period from 19'59 to 1961. Their
none to 2 Westinghouse (Skipjack) or General sistership Scorpion (SSN589) was lost at
A!Sweapons Electric (others) turbines, delivering sea in 1968. The class introduced the tear-
none 15,000 shp to one shaft drop hull design, the Westinghouse S5W
Torpedo tubes Speed : 16 knots (surfaced) ; 30 + knots reactor and single-screw propulsion, all
6 21-in (533 -mm) (dived) features of later attack boats.

'Skate' class nuclear attack sub-

marine (4)

Class : Skate (SSN5781. Swordfish

(SSN5791. Sargo (SSN5831. Sea dragon
o /'
Displacement: 2 ,570 tons (2 ,611 tonnes)
standard ; 2,861 tons (2,907 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 267 ft 8 in (81.5 m) Speed: 20+ knots (surfaced) ; 25+ knots
Beam 25 ft (7 .6 m) Aircraft (dived)
Draught 22 ft (6.7 m) none Range: limited only by food capacity and
Armament : Radar and electronics: crew efficiency
Guns none Sonar : BQS-4 Crew : 8+87
Missile systems Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse S3W (Skate Used only by : USA
none and Sargo) orWestinghou,se S4W (Sword- Notes : The 'Skate' class boats were the
A!Sweapons fish and Seadragon) pressurised water- world 's first production- line nuclear-
none cooled reactor supplying steam to West- powered submarines; their design is,essen-
Torpedo tubes inghouse turbines, delivering 6,600 shp to tiallya scaled-down version of the Nautilus '
8 21-in (533- mm) two shafts design.

'Seawolf' class nuclear attack

submarine (1)

Class: Seawolf(SSN575)
Displacement: 3.765 tons (3 ,825 tonnes)
standard ; 4 ,200 tons (4,267 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 337 ft 6 in (102 .9 m)
Beam 27 ft 8 in (8.4 m)
Draught 23 ft (7 .0 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
6 21-in (533-mm)
Radar and electronics :
Sonar: BQS-4
Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse S2Wa pressur-
ised water-cooled reactor supplying steam
to 2 General Electric turbines~ delivering
15,000 shp to two shafts
Speed : 20+ knots (surfaced and dived)
Range: limited only by food capacity and
crew efficiency
Crew : 11 +90
Used only by : USA
Notes : Seawolf has a hull design based on
that of the 'Guppy' type conventional sub-
marines, and was produced as a test vehi-
cle for the Knolls Atomic Power
Laboratory/ General Electric Submarine In-
termediate Reactor (SIR) II/ S2G liquid-
metal reactor, to evaluate its performance The boat is now used mainly for exper-
in comparison with the pressurised water- imental work, with a Westinghouse reactor
cooled reactor (S2W) used in the Nautilus . in place of the General Electric unit.

'Nautilus' class nuclear attack
submarine (1)

Class : Nautilus (SSN571)

Displacement: 3,764 tons (3,824 tonnes)
surfaced ; 4,040 tons (4,105 tonnes) dived
Dimensions : Length 319 ft 5 in (97.4 m)
8eam 27 ft 7 in (8.4 m)
Draught 22 ft (6.7 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
Torpedo tubes
6 21 - in (533-mm)
Aircraft Range: limited only by food capacity and experimental work. The pressurised water-
none crew efficiency cooled reactor, the type that was to
Radar and electronics: Crew: 13+92 become standard in US Navy boats, was
Sonar : BQS-4 Used only by: USA developed as the Submarine ·Thermal
Powerplant: 1 Westinghouse G2W pressu- Notes: Nautilus was the world 's first nuclear- Reactor (STR) by the Bettis Atomic Power
rised water-cooled reactor supplying steam powered submarine, having been built be- Laboratory and Westinghouse, after initial
to 2 Westinghouse turbines, delivering tween 1952 and 1954 by the Electric Boat research by the Argonne National Labora-
15,000 shp to two shafts Division of General Dynamics, al'ld com- tory.
Speed: 20+ knots (surfaced and dived) missioned in 1954. She is used mainly for

'Barbel' class submarine (3) A/S weapons Range:

none Crew: 8 + 69
Torpedo tubes Used only by : USA
Class: Barbel (SS580). Blueback (SS581). 6 21 - in (533-mm) Notes: The boats were built between 1956
Bonefish (SS582) Aircraft and 1958 by Portsmouth Naval Shipyard,
Displacement: 2 ,146 tons (2 ,180 tonnes) none Ingalls Shipbuilding and New York Ship-
surfaced; 2,894 tons (2 ,940 tonnes) dived Radar and electronics : building, for commissioning in 1959. The
Dimensions: Length 219 ft 6 in (66.8 m) Sonar : BQS-4 boats have a teardrop-shaped hull, and an
Beam 29 ft (8.8 m) Powerplant: 3 Fairbanks Morse diesels, de- attack centre for all essential controls and
Draught 28 ft (8 .5 m) livering 4,800 bhp, and 2 General Electric crew, features used in all later US sub-
Armament: electric motors, delivering 3 ,150 shp to marines.
Gunsnone one shaft
Missile systems Speed : 15 knots (surfaced) 21 knots (dived)

'Nimitz' class nuclear air-

craft-carrier (3)

Class : Nimitz (CVN68). Dwight D. Eisen-

hower (CVN69). Carl Vinson (CVN70)
Displacement: 81 ,600 tons (82,906 tonnes)
standard ; 91 ,400 tons (92 ,862 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 1,092 ft (332 .0 m)
Beam (hull) 134 ft (40.8 m)
Draught37ft(11.3 m)
Missile systems
3 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile
Torpedo tubes
90 +
Radar and electronics: SPS-48 3D air
search, SPS-43A air search, SPS-10 sur-
face search, and SPS-42, 43 and 44 navi-
gation radars; NTDS (Naval Tactical Data
Sonar: none
Powerplant: 2 pressurised water- cooled
reactors (A4W/ A 1 G) supplying steam to
geared turbines, delivering 280,000 shp to
four shafts
Speed: 30+ knots
Range : between 800,000 and 1,000,000
miles (1 ,287,500 and 1,609,400 km) Notes: Newport Shipbuilding & Dry Dock are in 1975, 1977 and 1981 . The ships are the
Crew: 3 ,300 (ship) + 3,000 (air group) building all three ships in the period be- largest warships in the world, and have
Used only by: USA tween 1968 and 1979, for commissioning flight decks some 252 ft (76.8 m) in width .

'Enterprise' class nuclear air-
craft-carrier (1 )

Class : Enterprise (CVN65)

Displacement: 75,700 tons (76,911 tonnes)
standard ; 89,600 tons (9,1,034 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 1,102 ft (335 .9 m)
Beam (hull) 133 ft (40.5 m)
Draught 35 ft 9 in (10.8 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-32 3D air/ Crew: 162+2,940 (ship) + 2,400 (air group)
Armament : surface search, SPS-33 3D target-tracker, Usedonlyby: USA
Guns none SPS-58 low-level air search, SPS-l0 and Notes: Enterprise was built between 1958
Missile systems 12 search, and various navigation radars; and 1960 by Newport News Shipbuilding
2 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile NTDS (Naval Tactical Data System) & Dry Dock, and commissioned into US
Systems Sonar : none service in 1961. She was at first classified
A/Sweapons Powerplant: 8 Westinghouse A2W pressu- as an attack carrier (CVAN), but reclassified
none rised water-cooled reactors supplying as an aircraft-carrier (CVN) in 1975. The
Torpedo tubes steam to 4 Westinghouse geared turbines, hull is derived from that of the 'Forrestar
none delivering about 280,000 shp to four shafts class aircraft-carriers, with a prominent
Aircraft Speed: about 35 knots rectangular 'island' covered with electronic
84 Range: some 10 to 13 years of steaming sensors and radar antennae.

'Kitty Hawk' and 'John F. Ken-

nedy' class aircraft-carrier (4)

Class : Kitty Hawk (CV63), Constellation

(CV64), America (CV66), John F. Kennedy
Displacement: 60,100 tons (61 ,062 tonnes)
and 80,800 tons (82,093 tonnes) full load
for Kitty Hawk and Constellation; 60,300
tons (61 ,265 tonnes) standard and 78,500
tons (79,756 tonnes) full load for America ;
61 ,000 tons (61 ,976 tonnes) standard and
82 ,000 tons (83 ,312 tonnes) full load for
John F. Kennedy
Dimensions: Length 1,046 ft (318.8 m) for
Kitty Hawk and Constellation ;
1,047 ft 6 in (319 .3 m) for
America; 1,052 ft (320.7 m) for
John F. Kennedy
Beam (hull) 130 ft (39.6 m)
Draught 35 ft lOin (10.9 m) for
John F. Kennedy; 37 ft (11 .3 m)
for others
Guns none
Missile systems
2 twin Terrier SAM launchers in Constella-
tion and America
3 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile
Systems in John F. Kennedy and Kitty-

A!S weapons Sonar: SOS-23 (America only) Notes : The first two ships were built by New
none Powerplant : 8 Foster Wheeler boilers supply- York Shipbuilding and New York Naval
Torpedo tubes ing steam to 4 Westinghouse geared tur- Shipyard, the other two by Newport News
none bines, delivering 280,000 shp to four Shipbuilding & Dry Dock, in the period be-
Aircraft shafts tween 1956 and 1967. The ships were
about 85 Speed : 30+ knots commissioned in 1961 , 1961 , 1965, and
Radar and electronics: SPS- 52 3D surveil- Range: 1968, w ith the classification of attack car-
lance (all except John F. Kennedy). SPS-48 Crew : 150+ 2,650 (ship) + 2 ,150 (air group) riers (CVA) . They were reclassified as air-
and 58 search (John F. Kennedy only). Used only by : USA craft-ca rri ers (CV) in 1973, 1975, 1975
SPS-43 air search, and SPS-30 long- range and 1974.
height-finder (except John F. Kennedy)
radars ; NTDS (Naval Tactical Data System)

'Forrestal' class aircraft-carrier


Class : Forrestal (CV59). Saratoga (CV60).

Ranger (CV61).lndependence (CV62)
Displacement : 59 ,060 tons (60,005 tonnes)
standard and 75,900 tons (77 ,114 tonnes)
full load for Forrestal and Saratoga ; 60,000
tons (60,960 tonnes) standard and 79,300
tons (80,569 tonnes) full load for Ranger
and Independence
Dimensions: Length 1,086 ft (331 .0 m) for
Forrestal; 1,063 ft (324.0 m) for
Saratoga; 1,071 ft (326.4 m)
for Ranger; 1,070 ft (326.1 m)
for Independence
Beam (hull) 129 ft 6 in (38.5 m)
Draught37ft(11 .3 m)
Guns 2 5- in (127-mm) in single t urrets
(Ranger only)
Missile systems
2 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile NTDS (Naval Tactical Data System) by Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock
Systems (except Ranger) Sonar : none and by New York Naval Shipyard, between
A!Sweapons Powerplant: 8 Babcock & ·Wilcox boilers 1952 and 1958, for commissioning in
none supplying steam to 4 Westinghouse geared 1955, 1956, 1957 and 1959. At first
Torpedo tubes turbines, delivering 260,000 shp (Fo"esta/) classified as large aircraft-carriers (CVB).
none or 280,000 shp (others) to four shafts they were reclassified as attack carriers
Aircraft Speed: 33 knots (Forresta/) ; 34 knots (others) (CVA) in 1952, and as aircraft-ca rriers (CV)
about 70 Range: in 1975, 1972, 1975 and 1973. Ranger is
Radar and electronics : SPS-43 air search, Crew: 145+2,645 (ship) + 2,150 (air group) to have 3 BPDMS Sea Sparrow systems in
SPS-30 height-finder,SPS- 58 low-level air Used only by : USA 1978-79.
search, and SPN-10 navigation radars ; Notes: The ships were built in alternate pairs

'Midway' class aircraft-carrier


Class : Midway (CV41). Coral Sea (CV43)

Displacement : 51,000 t ons (51 ,816 tonnes)
standard for Midway. 52 ,500 tons(53,340
tonnes) standard for Coral Sea; about 64,000
tons (65,024 tonnes) full load for all
Dimensions : Lengt h 979 ft (298.4 m)
Beam (hull) 121 ft (36 .9 m)
Draught 35 ft 3 in (10 .8 m)
Armament :
Guns 3 5-i n (127-mm)in single turrets
M issile syst ems
2 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile
Systems (Midway only)
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
about 75
Radar and electronics : SPS- 10 surface
search, SPS-43 air search, SPS- 30 height-
finder, SPS-58 low- level air search, and
SPS- 6 and 10 navigation radars ; NTDS
(Naval Tactical Data System)

Sonar : none Crew: 140+2,475 (Midway) or 165+2,545 aircraft-carriers (CVB), they were re-
Powerplant: 12 Babcock & Wilcox boilers (Coral Sea) + 1,800 (air group) classified as attack carriers (CVA) in 1952,
supplying steam to 4 Westinghouse geared Notes: The ships were built by Newport and as aircraft-carriers (CV) in 1975. Both
turbines, delivering 212,000 shp to four News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock, between have been very considerably modernised,
shafts 1943 and 1946, for commissioning in with angled decks, new lifts, improved
Speed: 30+ knots 1945 and 1947. Initially classified as large electronics, and steam catapults.
Range :

'Hancock' and 'Intrepid' class

aircraft-carrier (5)

Class: Intrepid (CVSll), Lexington (CVT16),

Bonne Homme Richard (CVA31), Oriskany
(CV34), Shangri-La (CVS38)
Displacement: 41 ,900 tons (42,570 tonnes)
full load (except Oriskany : 40,600 tons/
41,250 tonnes) A/S weapons turbines, delivering 150,000 shp to four
Dimensions: Length 899 ft (274.0 m), except none shafts
Lexington, Oriskany and Shan- Torpedo tubes Speed: 30+ knots
gri-La : 889 ft (270.9 m) none Range:
Beam 103 ft (30.8 m), except Aircraft Crew: CVA/CV 110+1,980; CVS
Oriskany: 106 ft 6 in (32.5 m) 80 for CVA/CV; 45 for CVS; none for CVT 115+ 1 ,500; and CVT 75+ 1,365
Draught 31 ft (9.4 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-l 0, SPS-30 and Used only by: USA
Armament: SPS-43 search, and SPN-l0 navigation Notes: The ships were built as 'Hancock'
Guns 4 or 2 (Oriskany) 5-in (127-mm) in radars, except Lexington, which has SPS- class aircraft-carriers between 1941 and
single mountings, except Lexington, 12 instead of SPS-30 search radar 1945, and commissioned in 1943, 1943,
which has no guns Sonar: none 1944, 1950, and 1944. Only Lexington is
Missile systems Powerplant: 8 Babcock & Wilcox boilers now in commission , as a training carrier.
none supplying steam to 4 Westinghouse geared

'Virginia' class nuclear guided

missile cruiser (4)

Class: Virginia (CGN38), Texas (CGN39)'

Mississippi (CGN40),Arkansas (CGN41)
Displacement: 10,000 tons (10,160 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions: Length 585 ft (177 .3 m)
Beam 63 ft (18.9 m)
Draught 29 ft 6 in (9.0 m)
Radar and electronics: SPS-48A 3D search , Crew:27+415
Gun!i 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets
SPS-40B air search, and SPS-55 surface Used only by: USA
Missile systems
search radars ; NTDS (Naval Tactical Data Notes : All four ships will have been built by
2 Mark 26 twin ASROC!Tartar-D launchers System) Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock
for Standard SAMs
Sonar: SQS-53A between 1972 and 1979, with com-
A!S weapons
Powerplant: 2 General Electric D2G pressu- missioning in 1976, 1977, 1978 and
ASROC (see above) rised water-cooled reactors supplying 1980. Harpoon SSM launchers are to be
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
steam to 2 geared turbines, delivering fitted in the near future. The 'Virginia ' class
Torpedo tubes
power to two shafts is very similar to the 'California ' class, but
none Speed: 30+ knots with better AA facilities, ECM equipment
Aircraft Range: virtually unlimited and ASW control systems.
2 helicopters

'California' class nuclear

guided missile cruiser (2)

Class: California (CGN36), South Carolina

Displaqement: 9 ,561 tons (9,714 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions: Length 596 ft (181 .7 m)
Beam61 ft(18.6m)
Draught 31 ft 6 in (9.6 m)
Guns 2 5-in (127 -mm) in single turrets
Missile systems 40 search, and SPG-51 D, SPG-60 and Notes: Both ships were built by Newport
2 Mark 13 single Tartar-D launchers for 80 SPQ-9A fire-control radars; NTDS (Naval News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock between
Standard MR SAMs Tactical Data System) 1970 and 1972, for commissioning in
A/Sweapons Sonar : SQS-26CX 1974 and 1975. The type was at first
1 octuple ASROC launcher Powerplant: 2 General Electric D2G pressu- classified as a guided-missile frigate
4 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes rised water-cooled reactors supplying (DLGN) type. Two 20-mm Phalanx Close-
Torpedo tubes steam to 2 geared turbines, delivering In Weapons Systems (CIWS) are to be
none power to two shafts fitted, and Mark 36 Chaffroc Rapid Bloom
Aircraft Speed: 30+ knots Overhead Chaff (RBOC) is standard . Har-
none Range: about 700,000 miles (1,126,600 km) poon SSM capability is to be added.
Radar and electronics: SPS-48 3D air Crew : 28+512
search and target acquisition, SPS-l 0 and Used only by: USA

'Truxtun' ,class nuclear guided
missile cruiser (1)

Class: Truxtun (CGN35)

Displacement: 8 ,200 tons (8,331 tonnes)
standard; 9,127 tons (9,273 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 564 ft (117 .9 m)
Beam 58 ft (17.7 m)
Draught 31 ft (9.4 m)
Gunsl 5-in (127-mm)
2 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings
Missile systems
1 Mark 10 twin ASROC/Standard ER
ASROC (see above)
412.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
facilities for 1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS-48 3D search,
SPS-l0 surface search, and SPS-40 air
search radars ; NTDS (Naval Tactical Data
System) ; Mark 36 Chaffroc (RBOC); fire-
control is by SPG-53A and SPG-55B
Sonar: SQS-26
Powerp'ant: 2 General Electric D2G pressu-
rised water-cooled reactors supplying
steam to 2 geared turbines, delivering
60,000 shp to two shafts
Speed: 30+ knots
Range :
Crew: 36+456
Used only by: USA commissioned into US service in 1967. cruiser (CGN) in 1975. Two 20-mm Pha-
Notes: Truxtun was built by New York Ship- Her classification was altered from guided- lanx Close-In Weapons Systems (CIWS)
building between 1963 and 1964, and missile frigate (DLGN) to guided-missile are to be fitted in the near future.

'Belknap' class guided missile

cruiser (9)

Class: .Belknap (CG26). Josephus Daniels

(CG27). Wainwright (CG28). Jouett
(CG29). Horne (CG30). Sterett (CG31).
William H. Standley (CG32). Fox (CG33).
Biddle (CG34)
Displac~ment: 6 ,570 tons (6,675 tonnes)
standard; 7,930 tons (8,057 tonnes) full
load Aircraft Speed: 34 knots
Dimensions: Length 547ft (166.7 m) 1 helicopter Range:
Beam 54ft 9 in (16.7 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-48 3D air Crew: 31 +387
Draught 28 ft 9 in (8.7 m) search, SPS-l0 surface search, SPS-37 Used only by : USA
Armament: (Belknap. Daniels. Wainwright) or SPS-40 Notes : The ships were built by four yards in
Gunsl 5-in (127-mm) (others) airsearch, SPG-53Aand SPG-55B the period between 1962 and 1965, for
2 3-in (76-mm) in single mountings weapon control radars ; NTDS (Naval Tacti- commissioning between 1964 and 1967.
Missile systems cal Data System); Mark 36 Chaffroc RBOC Originally classified as guided-missile frig-
1 Mark 10 twin ASROC/Standard ER Sonar: SQS-26 ates (DLG). they were reclassified as
launcher with 60 missiles (including Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox (Belknap, guided-missile cruisers (CG) in 1975. All
up to 20 ASROCs) Daniels. Wainwright) or Combustion En- vessels will receive the Harpoon SSM
NSweapons gineering (others) boilers supplying steam system and 20-mm Phalanx Close-In Wea-
ASROC to 2 General Electric (Belknap, Daniels. pons System (CIWS). Belknap is currently
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Wainwright) or De Laval (others) geared out of service after a collision in 1975.
Torpedo tubes turbines, delivering 85,000 shp to two
none shafts

'Leahy' class guided missile

cruiser (9)

Class: Leahy (CG 16), Harry E. Yarnell (CG 17).

Worden (CG 18). Dale (CG 19). Richmond
K. Turner (CG20). Gridley (CG21). England
(CG22). Halsey (CG23). Reeves (CG24)
Displacement: 5,670 tons (5,760 tonnes)
standard ; 7,800 tons (7 ,925 tonnes) full

Dimensions: Length 533 ft (162 .5 m) search, SPS-37 air search, SPG-50 and Range :
Beam 54ft 11 in (16.6 m) SPG-55 weapons control radars ; NTDS Crew: 18+359 (CG 16, 17,21, 23) ; 32+381
. Draught26ft(7 .9 m) (Naval Tactical Data System); Mark 36 (others)
Armament : Chaffroc RBOC Used only by: USA
Guns 4 3-in (76-mm) in twin turrets Sonar: SQS-23 Notes: The ships were built by five yards be-
Missile systems Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox (CG 16 to tween 1959 and 1962, and commissioned
2 Mark 10 twin Standard ER SAM laun- CG20) or Foster Wheeler (others) boilers between 1962 and 1964. They were orig-
chers with 80 missiles supplying steam to General Electric (CG 16 inally classified as guide- missile frigates
A/Sweapons to CG18). De Laval (CG19 to CG22) or (DLG). being reclassified as guided- missile
1 octuple ASROC launcher Allis-Chalmers (CG23 and CG24) geared tur- cruisers (CG) in 1975. They afe designed
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes bines, delivering 85,000 shp to two shafts for the AA and A!S protection of carrier task
Torpedo tubes Speed: 34 knots forces. Each ship is to be fitted with Har-
none poon SSMs and two 20-mm Phalanx
Aircraft Close-In Weapon Systems (CIWS) .
facilities for 1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS-48 3D search
and target acquisition, SPS- 10 surface

'Bainbridge' class nuclear

Sonar: SQS-23
guided missile cruiser (1 ) Powerplant : 2 General Electric D2G pressu-
rised water-cooled reactors supplying
Class : Bainbridge (CGN25) A!S weapons steam to 2 geared turbines, delivering
Displacement: 7,600 tons (7 ,722 tonnes) 1 octuple ASROC launcher 60,000 shp to two shafts
standard ; 8 ,580 tons (8 ,717 tonnes) full 2 triple 12.7 5- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Speed: 30+ knots
load Torpedo tubes Range:
Dimensions : Length 565ft (172.5 m) none Crew: 34+436
Beam 57 ft 11 in (17 .6 m) Aircraft Used only by: USA
Draught 31 ft (9 .5 m) facilities for 1 helicopter Notes: Bainbridge is similar to the 'Leahy'
Armament : Radar and electronics : SPS- 52 3D surveil- class except for the provision of nuclear
Guns 4 3- in (76-mm) in twin turrets lance, SPS- 10 surface search, SPS-37 air power. She was built by Bethlehem Steel
Missile systems search, SPG-50 and SPG- 55A weapons at Quincy, Massachusetts between 1959
2 Mark 10 twin Terrier/ Standard ER SAM control radars; NTDS (Naval Tactical Data and 1961 , and commissioned in 1962.
launchers with 80 missiles System); Mark 36 Chaffroc RBOC Harpoon SSMs are to be fitted .

'Long Beach' class nuclear

guided missile cruiser (1)

Class : Long Beach (CGN9) Aircraft Notes: Long Beach was the first nuclear-
Displacement : 14,200 tons (14,427 tonnes) facilities for 1 helicopter powered surface warship in the world, and
standard ; 17,100 tons (17 ,374 tonnes) full Radar and electronics : SPS- 32 long-range the first to have missiles as its primary ar-
" load search, SPS-33 long-range tracking, SPS- mament. The ship was built between 1957
Dimensions: Length 721 ft 3 in (219 .8 m) 10 surface search, SPS-12 long- range sur- and 1959 by Bethlehem Steel at Quincy,
Beam 73 ft 3 in (22.3 m) veillance, and SPG-49B and SPG-55A Massachusetts, and was commissioned in
Draught 31 ft (9 .5 m) weapons control radars; NTDS (Naval Tac- 1961 . Harpoon SSMs are to be fitted , as
Armament : tical Data System); Mark 36 Chaffroc are two 20-mm Phalanx Close- In Weapons
Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets RBOC Systems (CIWS).
Missile systems Sonar : SQS-23
1 Mark 12 twin Talos SAM launcher with Powerplant : 2 Westinghouse C1W pressu-
46 missiles rised water-cooled reactors supplying
2 Mark 10 twin Terrier/ Standard ER SAM steam to 2 General Electric geared tur-
launchers with 120 Terrier missiles bines, delivering about 80,000 shp to two
A!Sweapons shafts
1 octuple ASROC launcher Speed : 30 knots
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range:
Torpedo tubes Crew : 79+1 ,081
none Used only by: USA

'Albany' class guided missile
cruiser (2)

Class:Albany (CG 1 0). Chicago (CG 11)

Displacement: 13,700 tons (13 ,919 tonnes)
standard; 17 ,500 tons (17 ,780 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 674ft (205.4 m)
Beam 71 ft(21 .6 m)
Draught 30 ft (9 .1 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets
Missile systems
2 Mark 12 twin Talos SAM launchers with
92 missiles
2 Mark 11 Tartar SAM launchers with 80
A!S weapons
1 octuple ASROC launcher
2 triple 12.7 5- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
facilities for helicopters
Radar and electronics: SPS-48 long-range supplying steam to 4 General Electric
search and target acquisition, SPS-1 0 sur- geared turbines, delivering 120,000 shp to River, and Philadelphia Navy Yard, for com-
face search , SPS-30 height-finder, SPS-43 four shafts missioning in 1946 and 1945. The two
air search radars (Albany) ; SPS-l0 surface Speed: 32 knots were converted to missile cruisers between
search, SPS-30 height-finder, SPS-43 air Range: 1959 and 1964, with completely new
search , and SPS- 52 3D surveillance radars Crew : 72+ 1,150 superstructures. Albany received Anti-Air
(Chicago). plus SPG-49B and SPG-51 C Used only by : USA Warfare (AAW) modernisation between
fire- control radars; NTDS (Naval Tactical Notes : The two were originally 'Oregon City' 1967 and 1969, but Chicago will not be so
Data System) inAlbany ; Mark 28 Chaffroc and 'Baltimore' class heavy cruisers updated. Harpoon SSMs are to be fitted , as
Sonar: SOS-23 respectively, being built between 1943 and is the 20-mm Phalanx Close-In Weapons
Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers 1945 by Bethlehem Steel on the Fore System (CIWS).

Converted 'Cleveland' class

guided missile cruiser (1 )

Class: Oklahoma City (CG5)

Displacement : 10,670 tons (10,841 tonnes)
standard ; 14,400 tons (14,630 tonnes) full
Dimimsions: Length 610ft (185.9 m)
Beam 66 ft 4 in (20.2 m)
Draught 25 ft (7 .6 m)
Guns 3 6-in (152 - mm) in a triple turret
2 5-in (127-mm) in a twin turret
Missile systems
1 Mark 7 twin Talos SAM launcher with 46
Torpedo tubes
facilities for 1 helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS-l0 surface
search, SPS-30 long-range height-finder,
and SPS-43 air search radars, plus
SPG-49A weapons control radar
Sonar : none
Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers
supplying steam to 4 General Electric
geared turbines, delivering 100,000 shp to
four shafts
Speed: 31 knots
Crew : 89+ 1,245
Used only by: USA Providence (CG6) and Springfiela (CG71.
Notes: The ship was originally CL91 , a light with twin Terrier SAM launchers and 120
cruiser of the 'Cleveland' class , built by missiles, are in reserve.
Cramp Shipbuilding in Philadelphia be-
tween 1942 and 1944, for commissioning
in 1944. Oklahoma City was recommis-
sioned as a guided-missile light cruiser
(CLG) in 1960, and was reclassified as a
guided-missile cruiser (CG) in 1975. Two
20-mm Phalanx Close-In Weapons
Systems are to be fitted . Her sisterships

'Coontz' class guided missile
destroyer (1 0)

Class : Farragut (DDG371. Luce (DDG38),

M acDonough (DDG39)' Coontz (DDG40),
King (DDG41), Mahan (DDG42), Dahlgren
(DDG43), WiUiam V. Pratt (DDG44),
Dewey (DDG45), Preble (DDG46)
Displacement: 4 ,700 tons (4,775 tonnes)
standard ; 5,800 tons (5 ,893 tonnes) full
load Aircraft bines delivering 85,000 shp to two shafts
Dimensions : Length 512 ft 6 in (156.2 m) facilities for 1 helicopter Speed: 34 knots
Beam 52 ft 6 in (15.9 m) Radar and electronics : SPS-48 3D long- Range:
Draught 25 ft (7 .6 m) range search and target acquisition (SPS- Crew : 21 + 356
Armament : 52 in King and Pratt), SPS- 10 surface Used only by: USA
Guns 1 5-in (127 - mm) search, and SPS-37 air search radars, plus Notes: The ships were built by five yards in
1 20- mm Phalanx CIWS (King) SPG- 53A and SPG-55B weapons control the period between 1957 and 1960, and
Missile systems radars ; NTDS (Naval Tactical Data were commissioned between 1959 and
1 Mark 10 twin Terrier/ Standard ER SAM System); Mark 36 Chaffroc 1961 . Original armament in the init ial frig-
launcher with 40 missiles Sonar: SOS-23 ate classification was 4 3- in (76-mm) in
A!Sweapons Powerplant : 4 Foster Wheeler (DDG37 to twin turrets. The ships then became
1 octuple ASROC launcher DDG39) or Babcock & Wi lcox (DDG40 to gu ided- missile frigates (DLG)' in 1956, and
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes DDG46) boilers supplying steam to 2 De f inally guided-missile destroyers (DDG) in
Torpedo tubes Laval (DDG37 to DDG39) or Allis- 1975. All vessels will have the 20-mm
none Chalmers (DDG40 to DDG46) geared tur- Phalanx CIWS and Harpoon SSMs.

'Mitscher' class guided missile

destroyer (2)

Class: Mitscher (DDG35), John S. McCain

Displacement : 5,200 tons (5,283 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions: Length 493 ft (150.3 m)
Beam 50 ft (15.2 m)
Draught21 ft(6 .7m)
Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets Radar and electronics : SPS-48 3D long- Crew : 28 + 349
Missile systems range search and target acquisition , SPS- Used only by : USA
1 Mark 13 single Tartar SAM launcher with 10 surface search, and SPS-37 air search Notes: The two ships were built by Bath Iron
40 missiles radars, plus SPG- 51 C weapons control Works between 1949 and 1952 as fleet
A!Sweapons radar ; Mark 36 Chaffroc RBOC destroyers (DD927 and DD928). They
1 octuple ASROC launcher Sonar: SOS-23 were reclassified as destroyer leaders (D L)
2 triple 12.7 5- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Powerplant: 4 Foster Wheeler boilers supply- in 1951 , and commissioned as such in
Torpedo tubes ing steam to 2 General Electric geared tur- 1953. In 1955 DL became the designation
none bines, delivering 80,000 shp to two shafts for frigates, but the two became guided-
Aircraft Speed: 33 knots missile destroyers (DDG) during missile
facilities for 1 helicopter Range : conversion in 1967.

Converted 'Forrest Sherman'

class guided missile destroyer

Class: Decatur (DDG31), John Paul Jones

(DDG32) , Parsons (DDG33), Somers
Displacement: 4 ,150 tons (4,216 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions : Length 418 ft 5 in (127.5 m) .1J.L
Beam 44ft (13 .4 m)
Draught 20 ft (6 .1 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-48 3D long- Speed: 32 t knots
Armament: range search and target acquisition, SPS- Range :
Guns 1 5-in (127 - mm) 10 surface search, and SPS-37 (SPS-40 in Crew : 22 + 315 (Decatur and John Paul
Missile systems Somers) air search radars , plus SPG-51 C Jones) ; 25 + 339 (Parsons and Somers)
1 Mark 13 single Ta rtar SAM launcher with and SPG- 53B weapons control radars ; Used only by : USA
40 missiles Mark 36 Chaffroc Notes : The ships were built by three yards be-
A!Sweapons Sonar: SOS-23 tween 1954 and 1958 as fleet destroyers
1 octuple ASROC launcher Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox (Foster (DD936, DD932 , DD949 , DD947) and
2 triple 12.75- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Wheeler in Decatur) boilers supplying were commissioned as such, the first pair in
Torpedo tubes steam to 2 General Electric (Parsons and 1956, the second in 1959. They were con-
none Somers) \ or Westinghouse (others) geared verted into guided- missile destroyers
Aircraft turbines, delivering 70,000 shp to two (DDG) in 1965 (three ships) and 1967 (one
none shafts ship), being recommi~sioned in 1967
(three ships) and 1968 (one ship).

'Charles F. Adams' class guided Draught 20 h (6.1 m) Sonar: 505-23
Armament: Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox (DDGs 2,
missile destroyer (23) Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets 3,7 , 8 , 10-13, 20-22)' Foster Wheeler
Missile systems (DDG2 to DDG 14) (DDGs 4-6, 9 , 14) or Combustion Engin-
Class: Charles F. Adams (DDG2). John King 1 Mark 11 twin Tartar SAM launcher with eering (DDGs 15-19) boilers supplying
(DDG3). Lawrence (DDG4). Claude V. 42 missiles steam to 2 General Electric (DDGs 2 , 3 , 7,
Ricketts (DDG5). Barney (DDG6). Henry B. Missile systems (DDG 15 to DDG24) 8, 10-13, 15-22) or Westinghouse
Wilson (DDG7), Lynde McCormick 1 Mark 13 single Tartar SAM launcher with (DDGs 4-6, 9, 14, 23, 24) geared tur-
(DDG8). Towers (DDG9). Sampson 40 missiles bines, delivering 70,000 shp to two shahs
(DDG10). Sellers (DDG11). Robison A/Sweapons Speed: 31 + knots
(DDG 12). Hoel (DDG 13). Buchanan 1 octuple ASROC launcher Range:
(DDG14). Berkeley (DDG15). Joseph 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Crew : 24+330
Strauss (DDG 16). Conyngham (DDG 17), Torpedo tubes Used also by: West Germany
Semmes (DDG 18). Tattnall (DDG 19). none Notes: The ships were built by a number of
Goldsborough (DDG20). Cochrane Aircrah yards between 1959 and 1963, for com-
(DDG21). Benjamin Stoddart (DDG22). none missioning between 1960 and 1964. The
Richard E. Byrd (DDG23). Waddell Radar and electronics: SPS-52 3D surveil- design is basically an improvement of the
(DDG24) lance, SPS-10 surface search, SPS-37 'Forrest Sherman' class, and the first eight
Displacement: 3,370 tons (3,424 tonnes) (DDG2 to DDG 14) or SPS-40 (DDG 15 to were built as fleet destroyers (DD952 to
standard ; 4 ,500 tons (4,572 tonnes) full DDG24) air search, and SPS-39 3D air DD959). All the ships are being fitted with
load target search radars, plus SPG-51 C and provision to fire Standard SAMs, and Har-
Dimensions: Length 437 h (113.2 m) SPG-53A weapon control radars; Mark 36 poon SSMs will be fitted in the nearfuture.
8eam 47 h (14.3 m) Chaffroc

'Spruance' class destroyer (30)

Class: Spruance (DD963). Paul F. Foster

(DD964). Kinkaid (DD965). Hewitt
(DD966). Elliott (DD967), Arthur W. Rad-
ford (DD968). Peterson (DD969) , Caron
(DD970). David R. Ray (DD971). Olden-
dorf. (DD972). John Young (DD973).
Comte de Grasse (DD974). O'Brien
(DD975). Merrill (DD976). Briscoe
(DD977). Stump (DD978), Conolly
(DD979). Moosburgger (DD980). John
Hancock (DD981). Nicholson (DD982).
John Rodgers (DD983). Leftwich
(DD984). Cushing (DD985). Harry W. Hill
(DD986). O 'Bannon (DD987), Thorn
(DD988). Deyo (DD989). Ingersoll (DD990).
Fife (DD991). Fletcher (DD992)
Displacement: 7 ,300 tons (7,417 tonnes)
full load Aircrah Notes: The ships of the 'Spruance' class,
Dimensions : Length 563 h 4 in (171 .1 m) 1 ASW helicopter which is designed primarily for A/S warfare,
Beam 55 h (17 .6 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-40 air search, are all being built by the Ingalls Ship-
Draught 29 h (8.8 m) plus SPG-60 and SPO-9 weapons control building Corporation of Litton Industries at
Armament: radars ; Mark 36 Chaffroc RBOC Pascagoula, Mississippi, between 1972
Guns 2 5-in (127-mm) in single turrets Sonar: 50S-53 and 1978, with commissioning dates be-
Missile systems Powerplant: 4 General Electric LM2500 gas tween 1975 and 1980. It is planned to fit
none turbines, delivering 80,000 shp to two two 20-mm Phalanx Close-In Weapons
A/Sweapons shahs Systems (CIWS) and a NATO Sea Sparrow
1 octuple ASROC launcher Speed : 30+ knots multiple SAM launcher. Some 18 of the -
2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range: 6 ,000 miles (9 ,655 km) at20 knots class were in service by the end of 1978.
Torpedo tubes Crew: 24+272
none Used also by: Iran

'Forrest Sherman' and 'Hull' Armament: Sonar: 505-23,. and variable-depth in A/S
Guns 3 5- in (127-mm) in single turrets, and 2 group (DD933 to DD950)
class destroyer (14) Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox (DDs 931 ,
3-in (76-mm) in single turrets, except A/S
group (DD933 to DD950): 2 5-in (127- 933, 940-942, 945, 946, 950, 951) or
Class : Forrest Sherman (DD931). Bigelow mm) in single turrets; and Hull: 1 8-in (203- Foster Wheele r (others) boilers supplying
(DD942), Mullinnix (DD944). Hull mm). 2 5-in (127-mm) and 2 3-in (76-mm) steam to 2 Westinghouse (DDs 931 , 933,
(DD945). Edson (DD946). Turner Joy in single mountings 938) or General Electric (others) geared
(DD951). Barry (DD933). Davis (DD937), Missile systems turbines, delivering 70,000 shp to two
Jonas Ingram (DD938). Manley (DD940). none shahs
Du Pont (DD941). Blandy (DD943). A/Sweapons Speed: 32-!- knots
Morton (DD948). Richard S. Edwards 1 octuple ASROC launcher in A/S group Range :
(DD950) (DD933 to DD950) Crew: 17+275 (unmodified ships); 17+287
Displacement: 2 ,800-3,000 tons (2 ,845- 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes (A/s group)
3 ,048 tonnes) standard; 3 ,960-4,200 tons Torpedo tubes Used only by: USA
(4,023-4,267 tonnes) full load none Notes: The ships were built by a number of
Dimensions : Length 418 h (127.4 m) Aircrah yards between 1953 and 1958, for com-
Beam45h(13.7 m) none missioning between 1955 and 1959. The
Draught 20 h (6 .1 m) Radar and electronics : SPS-10 surface eight A/S modified ships were adapted in
search and SPS-37 or SPS-40 air search the period from 1967 to 1971 .

'Gearing FRAM I' class de-
stroyer (28)

Class : William R. Rush (DD714). Hamner

(DD718). Southerland (DD743). William
C. Lawe (DD763). McKean (DD784). Hen-
derson (DD785). Hollister (DD788).
Higbee (DD806), Corry (DD817), Johnston
(DD821), Robert H. McHard (DD822), Ager-
holm (DD826), Myles C. Fox (DD829).
Charles P. Cecil (DD835), Fiske (DD842),
Bausell (DD845). Vogelgesang (DD862).
Steinaker (DD863). Harold J . Ellison
(DD864). Cone (DD866). Damato
(DD871). Hawkins (DD873). Rogers
(DD876). Dyess (DD880). Newman K.
Perry (DD883). John R. Craig (DD885).
Orleck (DD886). Meredith (DD890)
Displacement : 2,425 tons (2,464 tonnes)
standard ; 3,480 to 3 ,530 tons (3,536 to
3 ,586 tonnes) full load
Dimensions: Length 390ft 6 in (119 .0 m) Aircraft Range: 5,800 miles (9,335 km) at 15 knots
Beam 40 ft 11 in (12.4 m) none Crew: 14+260 (USN); 19+288 (USNRF)
Draught 19 ft (5.8 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-10 surface Used also by: Brazil, Greece, Pakistan,
Armament: search, and SPS-37 or SPS-40 air search South Korea , Spain, Taiwan, Turkey
Guns 4 5- in (127-mm) in twin turrets radars Notes : These ships were built between
Missile systems Sonar: SOS-23 1944 and 1946, and commissioned into
none Powerplant: 4 Babcock & Wilcox or Bab- US service between 1944 and 1947.
A/Sweapons cock & Wilcox and Foster Wheeler boilers They were updated in the Fleet Modern-
1 octuple ASROC launcher supplying steam to 2 General Electric or isation and Rehabilitation (FRAM) I pro-
2 triple 12.75- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Westinghouse geared turbines, delivering gramme between 1961 and 1965, and 26
Torpedo tubes 60,000 shp to two shafts of the 28 now serve with the Naval Reserve
none Speed : 34 knots Force.

'Oliver Hazard Perry' class

guided missile frigate (74)

Class : Oliver Hazard Perry (FFG7l. FFG8 to

FFG 16, FFG 19 to FFG26, and possibly
56 others
Displacement: 3 ,605 tons (3 ,663 tonnes)
full load
Dimensions : Length 445 ft (135.6 m)
Beam 45 ft (13.7 m)
Draught 24 ft 6 in (7 .5 m)
Armament : Aircraft turbines, delivering 41 ,000 shp to one
Guns 1 76-mm aTa Melara 2 helicopters (see above) shaft
1 20-mm Phalanx CIWS Radar and electronics: SPS-49 long-range Speed: 30 knots
Missile systems air search, SPS-55 surface search and Range : 4 ,500 miles (7,240 km) at 20 knots
1 Mark 13 single launcher for Standard MR navigation, and STIR (modified SPG-60) Crew: 11 + 152
SAMs and Harpoon SSMs weapon control radars Used also by: Australia , Spain
A/Sweapons Sonar: SOS-56 hull- mounted, and TACTAS Notes: The first 8 ships of the class are
2 LAMPS helicopters towed passive array being built by Bath Iron Works of Bath,
2 triple 12.75- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Powerplant: 2 General Electric LM 2500 gas Maine, and Todd Shipyards of San Pedro,
Torpedo tubes Calfornia, between 1975 and 1981, for
none commissioning between 1977 and 1982.

'Brooke' class guided missile A/Sweapons Used only by: USA

1 octuple ASRaC launcher Notes: The first three ships were built by
frigate (6) 2 triple 12.7 5-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Lockheed Shipbuilding & Construction,
Torpedo tubes and the second three by Bath Iron Works
Class: Brooke (FFG1). Ramsey (FFG2). Scho- none between 1962 and 1966, for com-
field (FFG3). Talbot (FFG4). Richard L. Aircraft missioning between 1966 and 1968. The
Page (FFG5).JuliusA. Furer (FFG6) 1 LAM PS helicopter design is identical with that of the 'Garcia'
Displacement : 2 ,640 tons (2 ,682 tonnes) Radar and electronics : SPS-52 3D long- class frigate except for the substitution of
standard ; 3,426 tons (3,481 tonnes) full range surveillance, SPS- 10 surface search , the missile launcher in place of the second
load and SPG-51 C weapons control radars 5-in (127 - mm) gun. They were originally
Dimensions: Length 414 ft 6 in (126.3 m) Sonar : SOS-26AX classified as missile ocean escorts (DEG).
Beam 44ft 3 in (13 .5 m) Powerplant: 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply- but reclassified in 1975.
Draught 24ft (7 .3 m) ing steam to 1 Westinghouse (first three) or
Armament : General Electric (last three) geared tur-
Guns15-in(127- mm) bines, delivering 35,000 shp to one shaft
Missile systems Speed: 27 t knots
1 Mark 22 single Tartar/ Standard MR SAM Range:
launcher with 16 missiles . Crew: 17+231

'Knox' class frigate (46) Armament : Acquisition System (lPD/TAS). plus
Guns 1 5-in (127 - mm) SPG-53A weapons control radar; Mark 36
Missile systems Chaffroc RBOC
Class: Knox (FF1 052). Roark (FF1 053). Gray Sonar: SQS-26CX bow-mounted, and SQS-
1 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile
(FF1054). Hepburn (FF1055). Connole 35 variable-depth (except FF 1053- 55 ,
System (FF1052 to FF1069 and
(FF1056). Rathburne (FF1057), Meyer- 1057- 62 , 1072, 1077)
FF1071 to FF1083)
kord(FF1058). W. S. Sims (FF1059). Lang Powerplant : 2 boilers supplying steam to 1
1 NATO Sea Sparrow launcher in Downes
(FF1060). Patterson (FF1 061). Whipple Harpoon SSMs in Thomas C. Hart and Westinghouse geared turbine, delivering
(FF1062). Reasoner (FF1 063). Lockwood Ainsworth, and soon in all others 35,000 shp to one shaft
(FF1 064). Stein (FF1 065). Marvin Shields
A!S weapons Speed : 27 + knots
(FF1066). Francis Hammond (FF1067), Range:
1 octuple ASROC launcher (also capable of
Vreeland (FF 1068). Bagley (FF 1069). Crew : 17 +228 , or 22 + 261 for ships with
firing Standard SAM)
Downes (FF1 070). Badger (FF1 071). Bla- BPDMS and LAMPS helicopter
4 12.7 5- in (324- mm) Mark 32 tubes
kely (FF1072). Robert E. Peary (FF1073). Used only by: USA
Torpedo tubes
Harold E. Holt (FF1 074). Trippe (FF1 075). Notes: The ships were built between 1965
Fanning (FF1076). Quellet (FF1077). and 1973 by Todd Shipyards and Avondale
Joseph Hewes (FF1078). Bowen Shipyards, for commissioning between
1 LAMPS helicopter (except Patterson and
(FF1079). Paul (FF1080). Aylwin 1969 and 1974. They were originally
(FF 1081). Elmer Montgomery (FF1082).
Radar and electronics : SPS-10 surface classified as ocean escorts (DE) . In design,
Cook (FF1083). McCandless (FF1084). the class is similar to the preceding
search , SPS-40 air search , and (Downes
Donald B. Beary (FF1085). Brewton
only) SPS-58 threat detection radar as part 'Brooke' and 'Garcia' class frigate!;.
(FF1086). Kirk (FF1087), Barbey
of the Improved Point Defense/Target
(FF1 088). Jesse L. Brown (FF1 089). Ains-
worth (FF1090). Miller (FF1091) , Thomas
C. Hart (FF1092). Capodanno (FF1093).
Pharris (FF1094). Truett (FF1095). Valdez
(FF1 096). Moinester (FF1 097)
Displacement: 3,011 tons (3 ,059 tonnes)
standard ; 3 ,877 tons (3 ,939 tonnes) full
load for FF1052 to FF1077) ; 3,963 tons
(4,026 tonnes) full load for FF1078 to
Dimensions : Length 438 ft (133.5 m)
Beam 46 ft 9 in (14.25 m)
Draught 24 ft 9 in (7.55 m)

'Garcia' class frigate (10)

Class : Garcia (FF1040). Bradley (FF1041).

Edward McDonnell (FF1043). Brumby
(FF1044). Davidson (FF1045). Voge
(FF1047), Sample (FF1048). Koelsch
(FF1049). Albert David (FF1050).
o "Callaghan (FF1051)
DisplacQment: 2 ,620 tons (2 ,662 tonnes)
standard ; 3,403 tons (3,457 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 414ft 6 in (126.3 m)
Beam 44 ft 3 in (,3 .5 m)
Draught 24 ft (7 .3 m)
Guns 2 5-in (127 - mm) in single turrets Sonar : SQS-26AXR (FF1040-41, Speed : 27 knots
Missile systems 1043-45). or SQS-26BR (FF1 047- 51) Range:
none Powerplant: 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply- Crew : 13 + 226 (FF1040, 1041 and
A!S weapons ing steam to 1 Westinghouse (FF1040, 1043- 45) ; 16+231 in others
1 octuple ASROC launcher 1041 , 1043-45) or General Electric Used only by : USA
2 triple 12.7 5- in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes (others) geared turbine, delivering 35 ,000 Notes: The ships were built by four yards be-
Torpedo tubes shp to one shaft tween 1962 and 1965, for commissioning
none Radar and electronics : SPS-10 surface between 1964 and 1968. They were at
Aircraft search and SPS-40 air search radars ; ASW first classified as ocean escorts (DE). being
1 LAMPS helicopter (except Sample and NTDS (Naval Tactical Data System) in reclassified in 1975.
Albert David) Voge and Koelsch

'Bronstein' class frigate (2) A!S weapons Speed : 26 knots

1 octuple ASROC launcher Range:
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Crew : 16 + 180
Class : Bronstein (FF1 037), McCloy (FF1 038) Torpedo tubes Used only by: USA
Displacement : 2 ,360 tons (2 ,398 tonnes) none Notes : Both ships were built by Avondale
standard; 2 ,650 tons (2 ,692 tonnes) full Aircraft Shipyards at Westwego, Louisiana , be-
load facilities for 1 helicopter tween 1961 and 1962 , for commissioning
Dimensions: Length 371 ft 6 in (113 .2 m) Radar and electronics : SPS-10 surface in 1963. They are intermediate vessels,
Beam 40ft 6 in (12.3 m) search and SPS-40 air search radars and proved a number of features incor-
Draught 23 ft (7 .0 m) Sonar : SQS-26 bow- mounted, and TASS porated in later frigate classes. They were
Armament : (Towed Array Surveillance System) at first classified as ocean escorts (DE). but
Guns 2 3-iri (76-mm) in a twin turret Powerplant : 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply- reclassified as frigates (FF) in 1975.
Missile systems ing steam to 1 De Laval geared turbine , de-
none livering 20,000 shp to one shaft

'Blue Ridge' class amphibious /VSweapons Sonar : none
none Powerplant : 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply-
command ship (2) Torpedo tubes ing steam to 1 General Electric geared tur-
none bine, delivering 22,000 shp to one shaft
Class: Blue Ridge (LCC19). Mount Whitney Aircraft Speed: 20 knots
(LCC20) facilities for 1 helicopter Range:
Displacement : 17.,100 tons (17 ,374 tonnes) Radar and electronics : SPS-48 3D long- Crew: 40+ 680 (ship) + 200+ 500 (flag staff)
full load range surveillance, SPS-1 0 surface search , Used only by: USA
Dimensions : Length 620 ft (188.5 m) and SPS-40 air search radars ; NTDS Notes : The ships were built by Philadelphia
8eam 82 ft (25.3 m) (Naval Tactical Data System). ACIS Naval Shipyard and Newport News Ship-
Draught 27 ft (8.2 m) (Amphibious Command Information building & Dry Dock between 1967 and
Armament: System). and NIPS (Naval Information Pro- 1970, for commissioning in 1970 and
Guns 4 3-in (76- mm) in twin turrets cessing System) 1971 . Their hulls are similar to those of the
Missile systems 'Iwo Jima' class assault ships.
2 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile

'Tarawa' class amphibious as- /VSweapons Speed : about 24 knots

none Range :
sault ship (5) Torpedo tubes Crew : 90+ 812 (ship) plus 172 + 1,731 (troops)
none Used only by : USA
Class : Tarawa (LHA 1'). Saipan (LHA2). Bel- Aircraft Notes : The ships are being built by Ingalls
leau Wood (LHA3). Nassau (LHA4). Da 26 helicopters, or VTOL aircraft in place of Shipbuilding of Litton Industri es at Pasca-
Nang (LHA5) some helicopters goula, Mississippi, between 1971 and
Displacement : 39 ,300 tons (39,929 tonnes) Radar and electronics : SPS- 52 3D surveil- 1980, for commissioning between 1976
full load lance, SPS- 10 surface search , SPS-40 air and 1981 . They are capable of as-
Dimensions : Length 820ft (250.0 m) search, and SPS- 35 air/ navigation radars, sault-landing a full regimental combat
Beam 106 ft (32 .3 m) plus SPG-60 and SPG-9A weapons control team with all its vehicles and equipment, by
Draught 27ft 6 in (8 .5 m) radars; TAWDS (Tactical Amphibious War- means of helicopters and LCUs, the latter
Armament : fare Data System) operating from an internal dock 268 ft
Guns 3 5-in ( 127- mm) in single turrets Sonar : none (81 .7 m) by 78 ft (23 .8 m ) capable of ac-
6 20-mm in single mountings Powerplant: 2 Combustion Engineering boilers commodating 4 LCUs at a time.
M issile systems supplying steam to 2 Westinghouse geared
2 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile turbines, delivering 140,000 shp to two
Systems shafts

'Iwo Jima' class amphibious as-

sault ship (7)

Class: Iwo Jima (LPH2), Okinawa (LPH3).

Guadalcanal (LPH7), Guam (LPH9). Tripoli
(LPH10). New Orleans (LPH11). Inchon
Displacement : 18,000 tons (18 ,288 tonnes)
full load for Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Guadal-
canal; 18,300 tons (18,593 tonnes) full
load for Guam, Tripoli; 17 ,706 tons none Range :
(17 ,989 tonnes) full load for New Orleans ; Aircraft Crew : 47 + 605 (ship) plus 143+ 1,581 (troops)
17,515 tons (17,795 tonnes) full load for up to 24 helicopters Used only by : USA
Inchon Radar and electronics: SPS-10 surface Notes: The ships were bu ilt between 1959
Dimensions : Length 592 ft (180.0 m) search, SPS-40 air search , and SPN - 10 and 1969 by Philadelphia Naval Shipyar-
Beam (hull) 84 ft (25 .6 m) navigation radars , plus SPG - 50 weapon dand Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation of
Draught 26 ft (7 .9 m) control radar Pascagoula , Mississippi, and com-
Armament: Sonar : none missioned between 1961 and 1970. Each
Guns 4 3-in (76- mm) in twin turrets Powerplant : 2 Combustion Engineering ship is designed to carry and land a US
Missile systems (Babcock & Wilcox in Guam) boilers Marine Corps battalion corgbat t eam with
2 Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile supplying steam to 1 De Laval (TripolI) , all its vehicles and support equipmen t. The
Systems General Electric (Inchon) or Westinghouse hel icopter deck is 104 ft (31 .9 m) w ide, and
/VSweapons (others) geared turbine , delivering 22 ,000 can handle up to seven hel icopters at a
none shp to one shaft time.
Torpedo tubes Speed : 23 knots

ASROC (RUR-5A) Span (m issile) 33* in (84.5 Notes : ASROC consists of a ballistic mi ssile ,
cm) with a Mark 46 torpedo or nuclear depth
Type : ship-launched anti -submarine ballistic Weight : (missile) about 960 Ib (435 kg) charge as warhead . The missile is aimed
missile Engine : Naval Propellant Plant solid-fuel tan- and fired by a computer acting on the infor-
Guidance : unguided in flight ; acoustic dem-boost rocket ma tion supplied by the Sh ip's sonar. After
homing if Mark 46 torpedo is carried Speed : transonic launch , the missile fo llows a ballistic trajec-
Launch method : 8-cell launcher, Mark 46 Range : estimated from 2 ,187 to 10,936 tory to a predetermined point, whe re it
launching system , or Mark 10 Terrier yards (2,000 to 10,000 m) releases its warhead . If this is a torpedo , it
launcher Warhead : nuclear depth charge or 100 Ib is lowered into th e water by parachute, and
Dimensions : Leng th (m issile) 15ft (4.6 m) (45.4 kg) high explosive in Mark 46 then homes convent ionally. ASROC is
Diameter (missile) 12t in (32 .5 Used also by : Canada, Italy, Japan , West made by Honeywell
cm) Germany

Bendix R.IM-8 Talos
Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided
Guidance: beam-riding, plus semi- active
radar terminal homing
Dimensions : Span 9 ft 6 in (2.S9 m)
Sody diameter 2 ft 6 in (76.2
Length (with booster) 31 ft 3 in
(9 .525 m); (without booster) 21 than S6,940 ft (26,500 m) ; range more 1. RIM-SG high-altitude interceptor,
ft (6.4 m) than 75 miles (120 km) with provision for mid-course beam-
Booster: Allegheny Ballistics solid-fuel tan- Usedonlyby : USA riding guidance and continuous-wave
dem rocket Notes : The Talos missile is the US Navy's interferometer terminal homing
Sustainer : ramjet, rated at 20,OOO-lb (9,070- most powerful anti-aircraft missile, and 2. RGM-SH surface-to-surface anti-
kg) static thrust was designed for long-range fleet defence, rad iation homing head version
Warhead: nuclear or high explosive based on cruisers ; but later models have a 3 . RIM-SJ adaptation of the RIM - SG but
Weights: Launch (with booster) 7,000 Ib surface-to-surface capability. US Navy with improved terminal homing.
(3 ,175 kg) designations run from RIM - SA to RIM-SJ, Talos is normally used w lth.AN/SPG-49
Burnt out the three latest models being : target illuminat ing radar, and AN/SPG-
Performance : speed Mach 2 .5 ; ceiling more 56 tracking and guidance radar.

General Dynamics BGM-109 Booster : Atlantic Research solid-fuel rocket, Performance : cru ising speed 550 mph (SS5
Tomahawk delivering 7,OOO-lb (3,175-kg) thrust kph) for land-attack model ; range 1,990
Sustainer: Williams Research F1 07-WR-400 miles (3 ,200 km) for land-attack model ;
turbofan, rated at 600-lb (272-kg) thrust more than 300 miles (4S0 km) for anti-
Type: sea-launched cruise missile
Guidance: TAINS (Terrain Contour Match- Warhead : nuclear, WSO, up to 200 kilotons shipping model ; CEP no more than 100 ft
for land attack; high explosive, Bullpup B of (30.5 m) w ith NAVstar homing
ing-Aided Inertial Navigation System) for
1,000 Ib (454 kg). for anti-shipping role Used by : underdevelopmentforthe US Navy
land attack; McDonnell Douglas inertial
plus active radar homing for anti-ship oper- Weights : Launch 4 ,000 Ib (1,S14 kg) for Notes : Designed for launching from a sub-
ations land-attack model marine's torpedo tubes. Aerodynamic sur-
Burnt out faces and engine intake deploy after the
Dimensions : Span 100 in (2.54 m)
Body diameter 21 in (0.53 m) missile has left the water. Cruise to the
Length 1S ft 3 in (5.56 m) with- target area is at very low level and at high
out booster; 20 ft 6 in (6.25 m) subsonic speed.
with booster

General Dynamics RIM-2 Ter-


Type: naval surface-to-a ir tactical guided

<: 11 =
Guidance: beam-riding, plus semi-active
radar terminal homing
DimeRsions : Span 20 in (50.S cm) Performance: speed Mach 2.5 ; ceiling more Advanced Terrier. Uke the Tartar, the Terrier is
Body diameter 11 t in (30.0 cm) than 65,620 ft (20,000 m) ; range about being upgraded in the CG/SM- 2 (ER) pro-
Length (with booster) 26 ft 3 in 21 t miles (35 km) gramme. Associated equipment includes
(S.O m); (without booster) 15 ft Used also by : Italy, Netherlands AN/ SPG-44 continuous-wave target
(4.6m) Notes : The Te rrier missile provides air- illuminating radar, AN/SPG-49 guidance
Booster : solid-propellant rocket craft- carriers, cruisers and frigates with a radar, AN/SPG-55 fire-control radar, and
Sustainer: solid-propellant rocket powerful AA weapon, twin launchers being AN/SPG- 5A long-range tracking and
Warhead: high explosive (nuclear in RIM-2D) fed from automatic magazines. US Navy guidance radar. The Terrier has limited
Weights : Launch about 3 ,OS5 Ib (1,400 kg) designations for the Terrier run from RIM-2A surface-to-surface capability.
Burnt out to RIM-2F, the last being known as the

General Dynamics RIM-24


Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided

Guidance : semi-active radar homing
Dimensions : Span 20 in (50.S cm) than 39,370 ft (12,000 m) ; range more 74 gun and guided missile director, and the
Body diameter 11~ in (30.0 cm) than 10 miles (16 km) AN/ SPG-51 guidance radar. The Tartar is
Length 15 ft (4.6 m) Used also by: Australia, France, Iran, Italy, currently being updated by the improve-
Booster: dual-thrust solid- propellant rocket Japan, Netherlands, Spain, West Germany ment of launch vessels' radar in read iness
Sustainer: as above Notes : Designed as a medium-range air for Standard SM-2 adoption. The pro-
Warhead: high explosive defence weapon , the Tartar is deployed as gramme, known as CG/ SM-2 (ERI. involves
Weights: Lal,lnch 1,500 Ib (6S0 kg) the primary AA weapon of destroyers, and the fitting of AN/ SPS- 52 3-dimensional
Burnt out the secondary AA weapon of cruisers. As- radar, AN/ SPS- 65 radar, and improved
Performance: speed Mach 2 ; ceiling more sociated equipment includes the Mark 73/ plotting equipment.

General Dynamics RIM-66 and

R I M-67 Standard

Type : naval surface-to-air tactical guided

missile, w ith surface-to-surface capability
Guidance : semi-active radar homing

Dimensions: Span (M2) 42 in (107 cm); speed more than Mach 2.5, ceiling more surface-to-surface anti-radiation mis-
(ER) 62 in (157 cm) than 65,620 ft (20,000 m); range more sile (ARM) role
Body diameter 12 in (30.5 cm) than 34 miles (55 km) 5. RTM-66D Standard (ARM) training
l!ength (MR) 15 ft (4.57 m) ; Used only by: USA version of the RGM- 66D
(ER) 27ft (8.23 m) Notes: The RIM-66A is a medium-range 6. RGM-66E (ARM) adaptation of the
Booster: (MR) Aerojet/Hercules Mark 56 (MR) model, and the RIM-67A the ex- RGM-66D for use with an ASROC
Model 0 rocket ; (ER) Atlantic Research tended-range (ER) model, with a longer launcher
Mark 30 Model 2 solid-propellant rocket body, more fuel and an improved engine. 7. RIM-67A Standard (ER). with a new
Sustainer: (MR) as above; (ER) Naval Pro- There are various versions: booster to give greater range.
pellant Plant Mark 12 Model 1 solid- 1. RIM-66A Standard basic model The above missiles are all versions of the
propellant rocket 2. RIM-66B Standard improved model Standard 1. There is also a Standard 2
Warhead: high explosive but with an improved motor under development for use with the Aegis
Weights: Launch (MR) about 1,300 Ib (590 3. RIM-66C Standard (MR) adaptation system, which is expected to become oper-
kg); (ER) about 2,3351b (1,060 kg) of the RIM-66B for use with the ational in 1982. The Standard 2, which will
Burnt out Aegis anti-cruise missile defence also be available in MR and ER versions,
Performance: (MR) speed more.than Mach 2, system currently under development has improved electronics, making possible
ceiling more than 65,620 ft (20,000 m). 4. RGM-66D Standard (ARM) adapta- a far more economical trajectory.
range more than 11 miles (18 km); (ER) tion of the RIM-66B intended for the

C FJ ]f---------I, ----I]~
Lockheed UGM-27C PolarisA-3

Type: submarine-launched ballistic missile

Guidance: inertial 1
] - - - -

Dimensions: Body diameter 4 ft 6 in (1 .37 m)

Length 31 ft 6 in (9.6 m)
Booster (1 st stage) : Aerojet solid-propellant
rocket Weights: Launch 15.625 tons (15.85 tonnes) Used also by: UK
Sustainer (2nd stage): Hercules liquid- approximately Notes : Final development of the Polaris
injllction rocket 8urnt out SLBM , with reduced structure weight and
Warhead: nuclear, 3 200-kiloton MRV (ear- Performance: range 2,875 miles (4,630 km); improved propellant to improve range by a
lier models had a single warhead of about 1 speed Mach 10 at burn-out; throw-weight considerable margin over the Polaris A-2
megaton) 1,000 Ib (454 kg) CEP 0.6 mile (0.97 km) (range 1,725 miles/2,780 km).

Lockheed U G M-73A Poseidon


Type: submarine-launched ballistic missile

Guidance : inertial
Dimensions : Body diameter 6 ft 2 in (1.88
Length 34 ft 0 in (10.36 m)
Booster (1 st stage) : Thiokol/Hercules solid- Used only by: USA
propellant rocket Weights: Launch 29.0 tons (29.48 tonnes) Notes: Successor to the Polaris, with the
Sustainer (2nd stage): Hercules solid-pro- Burnt out same range but double the weight and
pellant rocket Performance: range 2,875 miles (4,630 km) ; greatly superior offensive capabilities. Can
Warhead: thermonuclea r, 10 50-kiloton throw-weight 2-3,000 Ib (907-1,361 be launched from the same tubes as Polaris
MIRV kg) ; CEP 0.33 mile (0.54 km) missiles.

McDonnell Douglas RGM-84A


Type: naval surface-to-surface tactical guided

Guidance: preprogrammed attitude allied to
a radio altimeter, plus active radar terminal
Dimensions: Span 36 in (91.4 cm)
Body diameter 13t in (34.0 cm) (RGM) 1,460 Ib to 1,530 Ib (662 with high subsonic speed, and can also be
Length 15 ft (4.57 m) with kg to 694 kg) launched from aircraft, in which mode the
booster Burnt out solid-propellant booster is omitted, reduc-
Booster : Aerojet MX(TBD) B446-2 tandem Performance: speed Mach 0.85; range 70 ing length to 12 ft 7 in (3 .84 m). One of the
solid-propellant rocket miles(113km) Harpoon's most important adjuncts is its
Sustainer: Teledyne CAE J402 turbojet, Used also by: Australia, Denmark, Iran, excellent electronic counter-countermeasures
rated at 660-lb (299-kg) static thrust Israel. Japan, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, (ECCM) capability, especially in the terminal
Warhead: 500-lb (227 -kg) high explosive South Korea, Turkey, UK, West Germany phase. The HE warhead is of the penetrating-
Weights: Launch (AGM) 1,160 Ib (526 kg); Notes : The Harpoon is an anti-ship missile blast type.

Raytheon Sea Sparrow Point Length 12 ft (3.66 m) Used also by: Belgium , Denmark, Italy,
Booster : Aerojet Mark 53 Model 2 or Hercules Netherlands, Norway, West Germany
Defense Missile System Mark 58 dual-thrust solid-propellant rocket Notes : The Sea Sparrow missile, derived from
Sustainer: same as above the air-to-air AIM-7 Sparrow III, is used in
Type: naval surface-to-air tactical guided Warhead: 66-lb (30-kg) high explosive two basic naval defence systems, the US
missile defence system Weights: Launch 500 Ib (227 kg) Navy's Basic Point Defense Missile
Guidance : semi-active radar homing Burnt out System, and the NATO Sea Sparrow Point
Dimensions: Span 3 ft 4 in (1 .02 m) Performance: speed Mach 3.5+ ; range 8 Defence Missile System Mark 57. The US
Body diameter 8 in (20.32 cm) miles(13 km) BPMDS uses the modified AIM - 7E Spar-

row III , fired from a modified octuple manual Mark 115 fire-control system, with using computerised launch techn iques. The
ASROC lallncher on an adapted 3-in (76 .2- target data coming from t he ship's combat data above refer to the AIM - 7F, soon to be
mm) automatic gun carriage. The target is information centre. The NATO system uses adapted for naval use.
illuminated by a Mark 51 director and il- the RIM-7H, the naval version of the
lum inator, and the missile fired by the AIM-7E, in an eight-cell launcher, and

SUBROC (UUM-44A) Engine: Thiokol TE-260G tandem-boost an enemy submarine has been detected by
solid- propellant rocket sonar, the weapon control system calcu-
Speed : supersonic lates the necessary trajectory for the
Type : submarine-launched anti-submarine Range : about 35 miles (56 .3 km) SUBROC missile. This is then fired from a
missile Warhead: nuclear torpedo tube, moves through the water
Guidance : computer-generated programme Used only by: USA before emerging into the air for the main
plus an inertial platform Notes : SUBROC is an advanced ant i- part of the flight. At a predetermined point
Launch method : tube submarine weapon system for use by US the warhead separates from the missile
Dimensions: Length 20ft 6 in (6 .25 m) nuclear-powered attack submarines. Once and follows a ball istic t rajectory until it
Diameter 21 in (533 mm) lands in the water. the warhead then sinks
Weight : about 4,0851b (1 ,853 kg) towards the enemy submarine and deton-
ates. SUBROC is made by Goodyear.

Freedom Torpedo Launch method : tube or rack Engine: electric

Dimensions : Length 18ft 9 in (5.72 m) Speed : 40 knots
Diameter 19 in (482.6 mm) Range : up to 15,310 yards (14,000 m)
Type : ship- or submarine-launched anti-ship with runners for 21-in tubes Warhead : 650 Ib (295 kg) high explosive
torpedo Weight : 2,557 Ib (1,160 kg) Used by:
Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel Notes : Private venture torpedo by Westing-
with programmed term inal phase, or wire- house.
guidance with homing

Mark 14 Model 5 torpedo Dimensions : Length 17 ft 2t in (5.25 m) Used also by: other navies
Diameter 21 in (533 mm) Notes: An effective conventional torpedo,
Weight: 3 ,9251b (1 ,780 kg) introduced in the mid- 1930s. There were
Type : submarine-launched torpedo Engine : therma l/compressed air teething problems with the contact and
Guidance : preset course and depth Speed : 32-46 knots proximity fuses , but these were solved
Launch method: tube Range: 5,000 to 10,000 yards (4,572 to swiftly during World War II.
9 ,144m)
Warhead : 500 Ib (227 kg) high explosive

Mark 37 Models 0 and 3 torpedo Mark 37 Model 1 and 2 torpedo Mark 45 ASTO R torpedo

Type: submarine-launched anti-submarine Type : submarine-launched anti-submarine Type: submarine-launched anti-submarine

torpedo torpedo torpedo
Guidance : preset course and depth, ac- Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel Guidance : wire-guidance from launch vessel
tive/ passive sonar hom ing Launch method: tube Launch method: tube
Launcb method : tube Dimensions: Length 13 ft 5 in (4.09 m) Dimensions : Length about 18 ft lOt in (5.76
Dimensions : Length 11 ft 6t in (3 .52 m) Diameter 19 in (482.6 mm) m)
Diameter 19 in (482.6 mm) with guides to fit 21-in tubes Diameter 19 'in (482.6 mm)
with guides to fit 21 -i n tubes Weight: 1,690 Ib (766 kg) Weight : about 2,8881b (1,310 kg)
Weight : 1.4221b (645 kg) Engine: electric Engine:
Engine: electric Speed : 24 knots Speed:
Speed : 24 knots Range : Range : about 12,000 yards (1 0 ,973 m)
Range: Warhead : 330 Ib (150 kg) high explosive Warhead: nuclea r or high explosive
Warhead: 330 Ib (150 kg) high explosive Used only by: USA Used only by: USA
Usedonlyby : USA Notes : These two torpedoes are wire-guided Notes : The Anti-Submarine Torpedo Ord-
Notes: This is the world 's first high- developments of the Mark 37 Models 0 nance Rocket (ASTOR) is a powerful; long-
performance submarine-launched anti- and 3, the Model 2 having t he same re- range high-speed anti-submarine weapon
submarine torpedo, but can also be lationship to the Modell as the Model 3 to for use in American attack submarines. It
launched from surface vessels. After the Model O. The extra length ofthe Models can also be used against surface targets.
launch, the torpedo maintains its preset 1 and 2 are needed for the wire-guidance
course until after a certain distance the casket.
missile is armed and freed to follow the
selected homing mode. The Model 3 is
basically similar to the Model 0 , but incor-
porates the resu Its of experience with the
earlier model. The Model 0 went into ser-
vice in 1957.

Mark 46 torpedo

Type : ship- and aircraft-launched light- (Model l ) 507 Ib (230 kg) (RETORC) programme. The Mark 46 tor-
we ight anti-submarine torpedo Engine : (Model 0) solid-fuel motor; (Model l) pedo is deep-diving and fast, and is capable
Guidance : active/ passive acoustic homing mono-propellant Otto of repeated attacks. The Model 0 was the
Launch method: Mark 32 tube, aircraft, heli- Speed: first US torpedo to use a sol id-fuel motor.
copt(!r, or ASROC Range :
Di~ ensions: Length (Model 0) 8 ft 9 in (2 .67 Warhead : 100 Ib (45.4 kg) high explosive
• m) ; (Modell) 8 ft 6 in (2.59 m) Used by : various navies
Diameter 12.75 in (324 mm) Notes : Developed as a Mark 44 replacement
Weight : (Model 0) about 570 Ib (259 kg) ; under the Research Torpedo Configuration

Mark 48 torpedo Dimensions: Length 19 ft (5 .8 m) Used only by: USA
Diameter 21 in (5-33 mm) Notes : Primary armament of US subm arines,
Weight : about 3 ,5251b (1 ,599 kg) and developed under the Research Tor-
Type : submarine- launched anti-submarine Engine : mono-propellant Otto driving pump- pedo Configuration (RETORC) programme.
and anti-ship torpedo jet propulsors The Mark 48 is very complex, but highly
Guidance : active/ passive acoustic homing, Speed : 50 knots versatile, being capable of repeated attacks
with or without wire-guidance Range : 28t miles (56 km) until a target is hit, and can operate up to a
Launch method: tube Warhead: high explosive depth of 3 ,000 ft (914 m) .

NT-37 torpedo

Type: submarine- and ship-launched anti-

submarine and anti-ship torpedo
Guidance : preset course and depth, with
sonar homing, or wire-guidance
Launch method: tube
Dimensions: Length as for Mark 37 Models 2
and 3
Diameter as for Mark 37
Models 2 and 3
Weight :
Engine : liquid mono- propellant (Otto engine)
Speed : 40 per cent greater than Mark 37
Range : 150 per cent greater than Mark 37
Warhead : 330 Ib (150 kg) high explosive
Used also by: other navies Mode A for anti-ship attack, with all homing combined with a search pat-
Notes : Basically a conversion package devel- homing and search modes cut out tern is activated
oped by Northrop for the Mark 37 Models 2 Mode B for anti-ship attack, with all Mode C standard anti-submarine attack,
and 3 torpedoes, and an Otto engine homing and search modes cut out for but with the improvements provided
instead of the electric motor. There are a preset distance, after which the by more modern systems.
three attack modes : target is presumed missed and sonar

4,000 men including naval air arm, , Dealey' class frigate (1 ) Aircraft
marines and coastguard none
Radar and electronics : SPS- 6 search, ~PS-
Class : 18 de Julio (DE31. ex-US Dealey 10 surface search, and SPG-34 fire-control
Frigates: (DE1006) radars
1 Dealey Displacement : 1,450 tons (1,473 tonnes) Sonar :
2 Cannon standard ; 1,900 tons (1 ,930 tonnes) full Powerplant: 2 Foster Wheeler boilers supply-
load ing steam to 1 De Laval geared turbine , de-
Corvettes: Dimensions : Length 314ft6 in (95.9 m) livering 20,000 shp to one shaft
1 Auk Beam 36ft9 in (11.2 m) Speed : 25 knots
Draught 13 ft 7 in (4.2 m)
1 Aggressive Armament :
Range :
Crew : 165
Guns 4 3-in (76-mm) in twin turrets
ss: Missile systems
Usedonlyby: Uruguay
Notes : Dealey was built by the Bath Iron
(2 Type 209) none Works between 1952 and 1953, for entry
A/Sweapons into US service in 1954. She was bought
Patrol Forces: 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes by Uruguay in 1972.
1 Adjutant PC Torpedo tubes
6 coastal PC none

Amphibious Forces:
2 LCM6
2 survey ships
1 salvage vessel
2 tankers

Naval Air Arm:

2 S-2AMR
3 C-45 transports
1 T-34B trainer
4 SNJ-4 trainers
4 T-6 trainers
2 Be1147G
2 SH-34J

8,000 men including 4,000 marines
2 Aragua
1 Allen M. Sumner FRAM II
1 Allen M. Sumner
Frigates (FFG):
(6 Lupo)
Frigates (FF):
4 Almirante Clemente
2 T ype 209 (+2)
2 Guppy II
Light Forces:
3 Vosper Thornycroft 36.9-m FAC(M)
3 Vosper Thornycroft 36.9-m FAC(G)
(lO FAC(M))

Patrol Forces:
10 Rio Orinoco coastal PC ( + 11 )
Amphibious Forces:
1 Terrebonne Parish LST
4LSM 'Aragua' class destroyer (2) Aircrah
1 ARL (transport) Radar and electronics : AWS 2 (Nueva
Class : Nueva Esparta (011 ),Zulia (012) Esparta) or SPS-6 (Zulia) search. SPS-12
Auxiliaries: Displacement: 2,600 tons (2,642 tonnes) medium and long-range surveillance, and
3 transports standard ; 3,670 tons (3,729 tonnes) full I-band fire-control radars
1 survey ship load Sonar :
2 survey launches Dimensions: Length 402 h (122.5 m) Powerplant: 2 Yarrow boilers supplying
Beam43h(13. 1 m) steam to Parsons geared turbines, deliver-
others Draught 19 h (5 .8 m) ing 50,000 shp to two shahs
Armament : Speed: 34 knots
Naval Air Arm: Guns 6 4.5-in (114-mm) in twin turrets Range : 5,000 miles (8,047 km) at 10 knots
2 S-2EMR 16 (4 in Nueva Esparta) 40- mm in twin Crew : 20+236
4HU-16SAR mountings Used only by: Venezuela
3 C-41 transports Missile systems Notes: Both ships were built by Vickers at
2 Be1l47J 2 quadruple Sea cat SAM launchers (Nueva Barrow- in- Furness between 1951 and
(6 AB 212ASW) Espana only) 1953, and commissioned in 1953 and
A!Sweapons 1954. They have subsequently been mod-
2 Squids ernised, especially in their A!S and AA par-
Marine Force: 20CTs
3 bns t iculars.
2 DC racks
Torpedo tubes

'Allen M. Sumner FRAM II' Sonar: SQS-29 hull mounted, plus vari-
class destroyer (1 ) Powerplant : 4 boilers supplying steam to 2
geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
Class : Falcon (022). ex- US Robert K. Hun- two shahs
tingdon (00781) Speed: 34 knots
Displacement : 2,200 tons (2 ,235 tonnes) Range: 4 ,600 miles (7.400 km) at 1 5 knots
standard; 3,320 tons (3,373 tonnes) full Crew : 274
load Used also by : Brazil , Chile, Colombia , Iran ,
Dimensions : Length 376h 6 in (114.8 m) South Korea , Turkey
Beam40h 11 in(12.4m) Notes: Huntingdon was built in 1944 by Todd
Draught 19 h (5.8 m) Pacific Shipyards, and commissioned into
Armament: US service in 1945. She was bought by
Guns 6 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets Venezuela in 1973 .
Missile systems
2 Hedgehogs
2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes
Torpedo tubes
facilities for 1 small ASW helicopter
Radar and electronics: SPS-10 surface
search and SPS-40 air search radars

'Allen M. Sumner' class de- Missile systems Powerplant: 4 boilers supplying steam to 2
none geared turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to
stroyer (1) A!Sweapons two shafts
2 Hedgehogs Speed: 34 knots
Class: Carabobo (D21). ex-US Beatty 2 triple 12.75-in (324-mm) Mark 32 tubes Range: 4,600 miles (7,400 km) at 1 5 knots
(DD756) DCs Crew: 274
Displacement: 2,200 tons (2,235 tonnes) Torpedo tubes Used also by: Argentina , Brazil, Colombia,
standard; 3,320 fons (3,373 tonnes) full none Greece, Taiwan
load Aircraft Notes: Beatty was built in 1944 by Bethle-
Dimensions: Length 376ft6 in (114.8 m) none hem Steel at Staten Island, and com-
Beam 40 ft 11 in (12.8 m) Radar and electronics: SPS-6 search, SPS- missioned into US service in 1945. She
Draught 19 ft (5.8 m) 10 surface search, and Mark 25 (Mark 37 was transferred in 1972.
Armament: GFCS) gun fire-control radars
Guns 6 5-in (127-mm) in twin turrets Sonar:

'Almirante Clemente' class frig- 2 76-mm OTO Melara (F11 and F12) Radar and electronics: M LA-lor Plessey
440-mm AWS-1 search, and I-band fire-control
ate (4) 8 20-mm (not F14) radars
Missile systems Sonar:
Class : Almirante Clemente (F11). General none Powerplant: 2 FosterWheeler boilers supply-
Jose Trinidad Moran (F 12). Almirante A!S weapons (F11 , F12 and F13) ing steam to 2 geared turbines, delivering
Brion (F13).AlmiranteJose Garcia (F14) 2 Hedgehogs 24,000 shp to two shafts
Displacement: 1,300 tons (1 ,321 tonnes) 4 DCTs Speed: 32 knots
standard ; 1,500 tons (1,524 tonnes) full DC racks Range: 3,500 miles (5,635 km) at 15 knots
load A!S weapons (F14) Crew: 12+ 150
Dimensions: Length 325 ft 11 in (99 . 1 m) 1 A!S mortar Used only by: Venezuela
Beam 35 ft 6 in (1 0.8 m) 4 DCTs Notes: These four ships, and another two since
Draught 12 ft 3 in (3.7 m) 2 DC racks deleted, were built between 1954 and 1956
Armament: Torpedo tubes by Ansaldo at Livorno, and commissioned
Guns 4 4-in (1 02-mm) in twin turrets (F 13 1 triple 533-mm (21-in) (F13) in 1956 and 1957. F14 was modernised
and F14) Aircraft in 1962 and 1963 to improve her A!S
none capabilities.

Type 209 submarine (2)

Class: Sabalo (531). Caribe (532) .

Displacement: 990 tons (1,006 tonnes) sur-
faced; 1,350tons (1,372 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 177 ft 1 in (54.0 m)
Beam 20 ft 4 in (6.2 m)
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Guns none
Missile systems
A!S weapons Powerplant: diesel-electric, with 4 MTU- Iran, Peru , Turkey, Uruguay
none Siemens diesel generators and 1 Siemens Used also by: various nations
Torpedo tubes electric motor, delivering 5,000 hp to one Notes: The boats were designed by Ingen-
8 533-mm (21-in) shaft ieurkontor of Lubeck (I KL) and built by
Aircraft Speed : 10 knots (surfaced); 22 knots (dived) Howaldtswerke of Kiel between 1973 and
none Range: 50 days endurance 1975. They were commissioned into Vene-
Radar and electronics: Crew: 31 zuelan service in 1976 and 1977. Another
Sonar: active and passive Used also by: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, two are on order.
'Guppy II' class submarine (2) Missile systems and 2 electric motors, delivering 5,400 shp
none to two shafts
A!Sweapons Speed: 18 knots (surfaced) ; 1 5 knots (dived)
Class: Tiburon (521). ex-US Cubera (SS347);
none Range: 12,000 miles (19,313 km) at 10
Picuda (S22). ex-US Grenadier (SS525) Torpedo tubes knots surfaced
Displacement: 1,870 tons (1 ,900 tonnes) 1021-in (533-mm) Crew: 80
surfaced; 2,420 tons (2,459 tonnes) dived
Aircraft Used also by: Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan
Dimensions: Length 307 ft 6 in (93 .8 m)
none Notes: The boats were built by the Electric
Beam 27 ft (8.2 m)
Radar and electronics: Boat Company and Boston Navy Yard in
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m)
Sonar : 1944 and 1945, and commissioned into
Powerplant: 3 diesels, delivering 4,800 shp, US service in 1945 and 1951 . They were
Guns none
transferred in 1972 and 1973.

Vosper Thornycroft 36.9-m fast
attack craft (missile/gun) (6)

Class: Constitucion (P111, Federacion (P121,

Independencia (P131, Libertad (P141,
Patria (P151, Victoria (P16)
Displacement : 150 tons (152.4 tonnes)
Dimensions : Length 121 ft (36.9 m)
Beam 23 ft 4 in (7.6 m)
Draught 5ft7 in (1.7 m)
Guns 1 76-mm OTO Melara (P11 , P13 , P15)
1 40-mm (P12 , P14, P16)
Missile systems
2 Otomat SSM launchers (P12 , P14, P16)
A/S weapons
Torpedo tubes Powerplant : 2 MTU diesels, delivering 7 ,200 Notes: The craft were built by Vosper Thorny-
none hp to two shafts croft between 1973 and 1974, and com -
Aircraft Speed: 27 knots missioned in 1974 and 1975. Another 10
none Range: 1,350 miles (2 ,175 km) at 16 knots missile-armed craft will probably be
Radar and electronics: SPQ-2D radar Crew: 18 ordered .
Sonar: Used only by : Venezuela

3,000 men Patrol Forces:
Light Forces: c 30 coastal PC
2 Komar FAC(M)
8 Shanghai FAC(G) Amphibious Forces:
14 Swatow FAC(G) c 20 landing craft
2 P-6 FAC(T)
2 P-4 FAC(T) Aircraft:
10 Mi-4 SAR

Virgin Islands
Police force

Patrol Forces:
1 Brooke 13 .1-m coastal PC

West Germany
The West German Navy important boats are the 18 Type 206 first to commission in 1981, followed by
West Germany has only a relatively craft, which have a good torpedo others to make a total of 12 Type 122
short coastline, but it is one that is vital armament and adequate dived speed. ships. These will have Harpoon SSMs,
to the security of NATO: it provides a Additionally, the boats are relatively Sea Sparrow SAMs and Stinger SAMs,
means of entry into the North German quiet, a vital factor in modern a powerful A!S armament of torpedoes
plain, where it is likely that major underwater warfare. For surface and up to two helicopters. The new
military operations will occur in the operations, Germany has three of the ships will complement the six 'Koln'
event of hostilities between the forces of first-class 'Charles F. Adams' class class frigates, which are useful general-
the Warsaw Treaty Organisation, and guided-missile destroyers, four purpose ships (they can carry mines),
also forms an important link in the 'Hamburg' class conventional but possibly lack the armament to be
allied communications with the destroyers (recently upgraded by the truly effective in modern conditions.
northern flank of NATO in Norway. addition ofExocet SSM launchers in West Germany naturally worries
The West German Navy or place of one gun turret), and four about the security of her North Sea
Bundesmarine has a manpower somewhat elderly 'Fletcher' class coast, a fact reflected in the strength of
strength of36,500, some 7.45 per cent destroyers. However, the survival of her coastal forces, based on six Type
of the total armed forces, whose annual even the most modern missile-armed 205 coastal submarines for longer-
budget amounts to about 3.4 per cent of ships in an area within easy range of range defence, and five 'Thetis' class
the gross national product. Russian land-based aircraft is at best corvettes to co-ordinate and co-operate
For operations in the North Sea, the problematical. with a number of missile- and torpedo- ~
West German Navy relies on Germany is building six new Type armed FACs. At present these consist
submarines and surface vessels. For 122 guided-missile frigates, based on primarily of the 10 Type 143 craft
long-range operations the most the Dutch 'Kortenaer' class, with the armed with four Exocet launchers, the

20 Type 148 craft with four Exocet The Bundesmarine is well provided Mine Warfare Forces:
launchers each, and the 10 'Zobel' class with service and auxiliary ships, and 18 Type 320/ Lindau coastal mineswee-
craft with two wire-guided torpedoes has a forward-looking building pers/hunters
each. In the 1980s the missile-armed programme. Coastal protection seems 22 Type 340-341/Schutze fast coastal
boats will be supplemented by Improved well cared for, and it is only in the minesweepers
Type 143 FAC(M)s to replace the 'Zobel' matter of North Sea operations by 10 Type 394/ Frauenlob inshore mines-
class craft. . surface vessels that the German weepers
Mine warfare will also play an situation seems parlous. However, the 8 T ype 393/ Ariadne inshore mineswee-
important part in German operations, existence of the F-I04G/ Tornado force pers
it is believed, and Germany deploys 18 may well rectify matters in this sphere. 2 Niobe inshore minesweepers
Type 320 or 'Lindau' class coastal 1 trials minesweeper
minesweepers/hunters, 22 Type 340- 36,500 men (11,000 conscripts) (12 ? minehunters)
341 or 'Schutze' class fast coastal including naval air arm
minesweepers, 10 T ype 394 or Auxiliaries:
'Frauenlob' class inshore Destroyers (DDG): 11 depot ships
minesweepers, eight Type 393 or 3 Charles F . Adams 2 repair ships
'Ariadne' class inshore minesweepers, 4 Hamburg 6 replenishment tankers
and two 'Niobe' class inshore 5 support tankers
minesweepers. These and the other Destroyers (DD): 8 support ships
coastal forces have the support of no 4 Fletcher 2 ammunition transports
less than 11 'Rhein' class depot ships, 2 mine transports
which can also double as frigates by Frigates (FFG): others
reason of their two 100-mm guns. (6 Type 122)
German minehunting capabilities are
to be improved by the building of 12 Frigates:
new minehunters. . 6KOln
Vitally important to Germany's
maritime effort is the naval air arm, Corvettes:
which has 6,000 men and 134 combat 5 Thetis
aircraft. Some 85 of these are F-104G
fighter-bombers, equipping three SS :
squadrons, and providing the navy with 18 Type 206
a first-class strike capability with 6 Type 205
Kormoran air-to-surface anti-shipping 1 Converted Type XXI (trials)
missiles. To supplement and then
replace these F-104Gs, the naval air Light Forces:
arm has on order 110 Panavia Tornado 10 Type 143 FAC(M)
aircraft. Information on communist 20 T ype 148 FAC(M)
maritime movements is clearly of great 10 Type 142/ Zobel FAC(T)
importance, and the Germans deploy (10 Type 143A FAC(M))
19 Atlantic aircraft in two squadrons
for the purpose. The possibility of Amphibious Forces:
replacing the Atlantic with S-3 Viking 22 Type 520 LCU
aircraft is under consideration. 19 Type 521 LCM

'Charles F. Adams' class guided

missile destroyer (3)

Class : LUtjens (0185). ex-US DOG 28;

Molders (0186). ex-US DOG 29; Rommel
(0186). ex-US DOG 30
Displacement : 3 .370 tons (3,424 tonnes)
standard; 4 ,500 tons (4,572 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 440 ft (134.1 m)
Beam 47ft(14.3 m)
Oraught20ft(6.1 m) lers supplying steam to geared turbines,
Armament : delivering 70,000 shp to two shafts
Guns 2 5-in (12 7-mm) in single mountings Speed: 35 knots
Missile systems Range : 4 ,500 miles (7 ,242 km) at 20 knots
1 Tartar launcher Crew : 21 + 319
A!Sweapons Used also by: USA
1 ASROC launcher Notes : All three were bu ilt to West German
1 OCT requirements by Bath Iron Works. The
Torpedo tubes three ships were laid down in March 1966,
2 triple 12 .75- in (324- mm) Mark 32 April 1966, August 1967 ; launched in
Aircraft August 1967, April 1968, February 1969 ;
none and comm issioned in March 1969, Sep-
Radar and electronics : SPS 52 30 air- tember 1969, April 1970.
search and target designator, SPS 40 air-
surveillance, two SPG 51 Tartar fire-
control , SPS 10 surface-V"arning , and
GFCS 68 gunfire-control radars ; SATIR I
data automation system and TACAN
Sonar : SOS 23
Powerplant : 4 Combustion Engineering boi -

'Hamburg' class guided missile
destroyer (4)
Class: Hamburg (D 181), Schleswig-Holstein
(D182).Bayern (D183),Hessen (D184)
Displacement: 3,400 tons (3,455 tonnes)
standard ; 4,400 tons (4,471 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 439 ft 7 t in (134.0 m)
Beam 44 ft (13.4 m)
Draught 17 ft 1 in (5 .2 m)
Armament :
Guns 4 1OO- mm (3 .9-in) in single mountings
8 40- mm in twin mountings
Missile systems
4 MM38 Exocet
2 quadruple Bofors DC mortars
Torpedo tubes
4 2 1- in (533 - mm) A!S
Radar and electronics: LW 02/ 3 air-warning,
DAO 2 target-designator, two M45 100-
mm fire-control, two M45 40-mm fire-
control and navigation/ air-warning radars ,
all made by Hollandse Signaalapparaten;
FCS for A!S weapons : ECM fit
Sonar: hull- mounted ELAC 1 BV
Powerplant : 4 Wahodag boilers supplying
steam to 2 Wahodag double-reduction
geared turbines, delivering 68,000 shp to
two shafts
Speed: 35-1 knots
Range: 6 ,000 miles (9 ,656 km) at 13 knots ; Used only by: West Germany commissioned in May 1964, October
920 miles (1,481 km) at 35 knots Notes: All built by H. C. Stulcken Sohn of 1964, July 1965 and October 1968
Crew : 17+263 Hamburg between 1959 and 1963, being respectively.

'Fletcher' class destroyer (4) Missile systems turbines, delivering 60,000 shp to two
none shafts
A!Sweapons Speed : 32 knots
Class : Z2 (D171), ex-US Ringgold (DD500); 2 Hedgehog Range : 6,000 miles (9,656 km) at 15 knots
Z3 (D172), ex-US Wadsworth (DD516); 1 DC rack Crew: 250
Z4 (D178), ex-US Claxton (DD571); Z5 2 torpedo-tubes Used also by : Argentina , Brazil, Chile,
(D179), ex-US Dyson (DD572) Greece, Italy, Mexico, Peru , South Korea ,
Torpedo tubes
Displacement: 2,100 tons (2 ,134 tonnes) 1 quintuple 21-in (533-mm) Spain , Taiwan, Turkey
standard ; 2 ,750 tons (2,794 tonnes) full Aircraft Notes: These vessels were built by Federal
load none Shipbuilding, Bath Iron Works, Consoli-
Dimensions: Length 376ft6 in (114.8 m) Radar and electronics: SPS 6 search, SPS dated Steel Corporation and Consolidated
Beam 39 ft 6 in (12.0 m) 10 surface surveillance, and GFCS 56 and Steel Corporation , between 1941 and
Draught 18 ft (5.5 m) 68 fire-control radars 1943, being commissioned into US service
Armament: Sonar: SQS 29 in 1942 and 1943. They were originally
Guns 4 5-in (12 7-mm) in single mountings Powerplant : 4 Babcock & Wilcox boilers lent to Germany for five years in 1958, the
6 3-in (76-mm) in twin mountings supplying steam to 2 Westinghouse geared period having been extended ever since.

'Koln' class frigate (6)

Class: Koln (F220)' Emden (F221 ),Augsburg

(F222). Karlruhe (F223), LUbeck (F224),
Braunschweig (F225)
Displacement: 2,100 tons (2,134 tonnes)
standard; 2,550 tons (2,591 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 360ft 11 in (110.0 m)
Beam 36 ft 1 in (11.0 m)
Draught 11 ft 2 in (3.4 m)
Armament: two M45 40-mm fire-control, and naviga- Notes: All built by H.C. Stulcken Sohn of
Guns 2 1OO-mm (3.9-in) in single mountings tion/ surface-search radars, all built by Hol- Hamburg between 1957 and 1960, and
6 40-mm in 2 twin and 2 single mountings landse Signaalapparaten ; FCS for Bofors commissioned between 1961 and 1964.
Missile systems A!S
none Sonar : PAE/ CWE
A!Sweapons Powerplant : (CODAG) 4 MAN diesels, deliv-
2 quadruple Bofors DC mortars ering 12,000 bhp, and 2 Brown Boveri gas
Torpedo tubes turbines, delivering 24,000 shp, to two
4 21-in (533-mm) A!S shafts
Aircraft Speed : 32 knots
none Range : 920 miles (1,48 1 km) at 32 knots
Radar and electronics : DA 02 ta rget des- Crew: 200
ignator, two M45 100-mm fire-control, Used only by : West Germany

Type 206 submarine (18)

Class : U 13 , (5192). U 14 (5193). U 15

(5194). U 16 (5195). U 17 (5196). U 18
(5197). U 19 (5198). U 20 (5199), U 21
(5170). U 22 (5171), U 23 (5172), U 24
(5173). U 25 (5174), U 26 (5175). U 27
(5176). U 28 (5177). U 29 (5178). U 30
Displacement : 400 tons (406.4 tonnes) sur-
faced ; 600 tons (609.6 tonnes) dived
Dimensions: Length 159 ft 5 in (48 .6 m)
Beam 15 ft 5 in (4.7 m)
Draught 13 ft 1 in (4.0 m)
Armament : Radar and electronics: Range: 4,500 miles (7 ,242 km) at 5 knots
Guns none Sonar : surfaced
Missile systems Powerplant : MTU diesel-electric, delivering Crew: 22
none 1 ,800 hp to one shaft Used also by : Israel
A!5weapons Speed : 10 knots surfaced ; 17 knots dived Notes : Nine boats each built by Howaldts-
none werke of Kiel and Reinstahl Nordseewerke
Torpedo tubes of Emden. The boats were laid down be-
8 21-in (533-mm) tween 1969 and 1972, launched between
Aircraft 1971 and 1974, and commissioned be-
none tween1973and1975.

Type 205 submarine (6) A!5weapons tric motors, delivering 1,700 bhp t o one
none shaft
Torpedo tubes Speed : 10 knots (surfaced) ; 17 knots (dived)
Class : U 1 (5180). U 2 (5181), U9 (S188). U 8 21-in (533-mm) Range :
10 (5189)' U 11 (5190). U 12 (5191) Ai rcraft Crew : 21
Displacement : 370 tons (375.9 tonnes) su r- none Used only by: West Germany
faced; 450 tons (457 .2 tonnes) dived Radar and electronics: Thomson-C5F Notes : All built by Howaldtswerke of Kiel and
Dimensions: Length 142 ft 8 in (43 .5 m) Calypso attack and navigation radar commissioned between 1962 and 1969.
Beam 15ft 1 in (4.6 m) Sonar: The first German-designed submarines
Draught 12 ft 10 in (3 .8 m) Powerplant : (diesel-electric) 2 MTU diesels, since World War II. Torpedoes are loaded
Armament : delivering 1,200 shp, and 2 5iemens elec- into the bow tubes after the stern has been
Guns none trimmed down.
Missile systems

'Thetis' class corvette (5) Armament: surface-warning radar

Guns 2 40- mm Breda L70 in twin mounting Sonar : ELAC 1 BV
(to be replaced by 1 76-mm OTO- Melara) Powerplant: 2 MAN diesels, delivering 6 ,800
Class: Thetis (P6052). Hermes (P6053). Missile systems bhp to two shafts
Najade (P6054). Triton (P6055), Theseus none Speed: 24 knots
(P6056) A!5 weapons Range:
Displacement : 564 tons (573 tonnes) stan- 1 quadruple Bofors A!5 mortar Crew : 48
dard ; 650 tons (660.4 tonnes) full load Torpedo tubes Used only by : West Germany
Dimensions: Length 229 ft 8 in (70.0 m) 4 21 -in (533-mm) Notes: All built by Rolandwerft of Bremen ,
Beam 27 ft (8 .5 m) Aircraft and commissioned between 1961 and
Draught 14 ft (4.2 m) none 1963.
Radar and electronics : KH 14 navigation and

Type 143 fast attack craft (mis-

sile) (10)

Class: S 61 (P6111). S 62 (P6112)' S 63

(P6113)' S 64 (P6114), S 65 (P6115). S
66 (P6116). S 67 (P6117). S 68 (P6118).
S 69 (P6119), S 70 (P6120)
Displacement: 378 tons (384 tonnes) full
Dimensions : Length 187 ft (57 .0 m)
Beam 25 ft 7 in (7 .8 m)
Draught 8 ft 6 in (2.4 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 76-mm (3-in) OTO-Melara
Missile systems
4 M M38 Exocet launchers
Torpedo tubes automatation system to allow Type 143 Range : 1,300 miles (2 ,092 km) at 30 knots
2 21 - in (533 -mm) craft to be used as controls for Type 148 Crew : 40
Aircraft craft operations Used only by : West Germany
none Sonar: Notes: Built by Uirssen of Vegesack and
Radar and electronics: Hollandse 5ignaalap- Powerplant : 4 MTU diesels, delivering Kroger of Rendsburg , and commissioned in
paraten WM 27 gun-, missile- and tor- 16,000 hp to four shafts 1976 and 1977. Intended as replacements
pedo-control radar ; probably AGI5 data Speed : 38 knots for the 'Jaguar" class craft.

Type 14S-fast attack craft (mis- Missile systems Powerplant: 4 MTU die~els, delivering
4 MM38 Exocet launchers 12,000 bhp to four shafts
sile) (20)
A!Sweapons Speed : 35t knots
none Range : 600 miles (965 km) at 30 knots
Class : S41 (P6141)toS60(P61aO) Torpedo tubes Crew : 4 + 26
Displacement: 234 tons (237.75 tonnes) none Used only by : West Germany
standard ; 265 tons (269.25 tonnes) full Aircraft Notes: All built or completed by Con-
load none structions Mecaniques de Normandie of
Dimensions: Length 154 ft 2 in (47 .0 m) Radar and electronics: RM 20 navigation, Cherbourg as replacements for the f irst 20
Beam 23 ft (7.0 m) Triton air- and surface-search/target des- craft of the 'Jaguar' class. Commissioned
Draught 6 ft 7 in (2 .0 m) ignator and Pollux tracking radars; Thom- between 1972 and 1975.
Armament: son-CSF Vega-Pollux PCET gun- and
Guns 1 76-mm (3-in) OTO- Melara missile-control system
1 40-mm Bofors Sonar:

'Zobel' class fast attack craft

(torpedo) (10)

Class: Zobel (P6092). Wiesel (P6093). Dachs

(P6094). Hermelin (P6095). Nerz (P6096).
Puma (P6097), Gepard (P6098). Hyane
(P6099). Frettchen (P6100). Ozelot
Displacement : 225 tons (228.6 tonnes) full
Dimensions: Length 139 ft 5 if) (42 .5 m)
Beam 23 ft 5 in (7 .2 m)
Draught 7 ft 11 in (2 .4 m)
Armament :
Guns 2 40-mm Bofors L70 in single moun-
Missile systems
A!S weapons
Torpedo tubes
2 21 - in (533-mm) for wire-guided Seal
torpedoes Sonar: Used only by : West Germany
Aircraft Powerplant: 4 MTU diesels, delivering Notes : Comm issioned between 1961 and
none 12,000 bhp to four shafts 1963 as units of the 'Jaguar' class, after
Radar and electronics: two M20 fire-control Speed: 40t knots construction by Lurssen of Vegesack and
radars Range: Kroger of Rendsburg . Became 'Zobel ' class
Crew: 39 after conversion to torpedo boats.

Sea Eel Seal SST4

Type : ship- and submarine-launched anti- Type: ship- or submarine-launched anti- Type: ship- and submadne-Iaunched anti-
submarine torpedo surface vessel torpedo surface vessel torpedo
Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel, Guidance: wire-guidance from launch ship, Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel,
plus active/ passive sonar homing plus active/ passive sonar homing plus active/ passive sonar homing
Launch method : tube Launch method: tube Launch method: tube
Dimensions: Length 13 ft 1t in (4.0 m) with Dimensions : Length 20 ft l l t in (6 .39 m) Dimensions: Length 21 ft (6.4 m)
guidance-wire casket with gu idance-wire casket Diameter 21 in (533 mm)
Diameter 21 in (533 mm) Diameter 21 in (533 mm) Weight:
Weight: Weight : 3,020 Ib (1 ,370 kg) Engine: electric
Engine: electric Engine: electric Speed:
Speec;t : 23 to 35 knots Speed: 23 to 35 knots Range:
Range: Range : 8.1 to 17.4 miles (13 to 28 km) Warhead: 5731b (260 kg) high explosive
Warhead: 220 Ib (100 kg) high explosive depending on speed Used also by : seven NATO and South Ameri-
Used only by : West Germany Warhead: 5731b (260 kg) high explosive can countries
Notes: Generally similar to the Seal, but with Used only by: West Germany Notes : The SST 4 is similar to the Seal, and
only half the battery capacity, a smaller Notes: The Seal sets off on a programmed has contact and magnetic proximity fuses.
warhead, and three-dimensional sonar in course if the wire breaks or control signal It is used on Type 209 submarines, 'Com-
the homing head. ceases for some other reason. There are battante II', 'Combattante III' and 'Jaguar'
contact and proximity fuses, the torpedo class attack craft.
can operate in deep or shallow water, and
the homing is three-dimensional.

SUT (Surface and Underwater Dimensions: Length 21 ft 11 t in (6.7 m) with Notes: The SUT is a development of the SST
Target) guidance-wire casket 4 with features of the Seal and Sea Eel. A
Diameter 21 in (533 mm) feed-back circuit allows the launch vessel
Weight: to control the torpedo even in the terminal
Type : ship- launched .anti-ship and anti- Engine: electric homing phase of the run if necessary. The
submarine torpedo Speed: torpedo can be used to the maximum dspth
Guidance: wire-guidance from launch vessel , Range: attainable by conventional submarines.
plus active/ passive sonar homing Warhead : high explosive Long ranges are available, and at low,
Launch method : tube Used only by: West Germany medium and high speeds the torpedo is
relatively noiseless.

'Split' class destroyer (1) Torpedo tubes
Yugoslavia 5 533-mm (21-in)
Class: Split (R 11 ). ex-Spalato none
Displacement: 2,400 tons (2,438 tonnes) Radar and electronics: SC and SG 1 radars,
27,000 (8,000 conscripts) including standard ; 3,000 tons (3 ,048 tonnes) full
marines plus Marks 12 and 22 (Mark 37 GFCS) gun
load fire-control radars
Dimensions : Length 393 ft 8 in (120.0 m) Sonar :
Destroyer: Beam 36ft6 in (11 .1 m) Powerplant: 2 boilers supplying steam to
1 Split Draught 12 ft 3 in (3 .8 m) geared turbines, delivering 50,000 shp to
Armament: two shafts
Corvettes: Guns 4 127-mm in single turrets Speed : 31 t knots
2 Mornar 1240-mm Range:
1 LeFougeux Missile systems Crew : 240
none Used only by : Yugoslavia
(1 ?) A!Sweapons Notes: The ship was built at Rijeka between
2 Hedgehogs 1939 and 1940, but completed only in
SS : 6 DCTs
(2 Improved Heroj) 1958 and commissioned in 1959.
2 DC racks
3 Heroj
2 Sutjeska
1 Mala
'Mornar' class corvette (2) Torpedo tubes
Light Forces: Aircraft
1 Rade Koncar Type 211 FAC(M/G) Class: Mornar(551 ).Borac (552) none
+9 ) Displacement: 330 tons (335 .3 tonnes) Radar and electronics:
10 Osa FAC(M) standard ; 430 tons (436.9 tonnes) full load Sonar:
14 Shershen FAC(T) Dimensions : Length 174ft 9 in (53.3 m) Powerplant : 4 SEMT- Pielstick diesels, deliv-
6158 FAC(G) Beam 23 ft (7 .0 m) ering 3 ,240 bhp to two shafts
Draught 6 ft 7 in (2 .0 m) Speed : 20 knots
Armament: Range : 3 ,000 miles (4 ,830 km) at 12 knots
Patrol Forces: Guns 1 76-mm
10 Type 131 PC Crew : 60
2 40-mm in single mountings Used only by: Yugoslavia
13 Kraljevica PC 4 20-mm in quadruple mounting Notes: The two ships were built in Yugoslavia
Missile systems between 1957 and 1958, for com-
Mine Warfare Forces: none missioning in 1959, and between 1964
4 Vukovklanac coastal minesweepers A!Sweapons and 1965, for commissioning in 1965.
6 M117 inshore minesweepers 4 MBU 1200 launchers
4 Ham inshore minesweepers 2 DCTs
14 M301 river minesweepers 2 DC racks

Amphibious Forces: 'Heror class submarine (3) Aircraft

(2 ?LST) none
25 DTK 221/DTM230 type LCT Radar and electronics :
Class: Heroj (821 ).Junak (822). Uskok (823) Sonar :
2MZtypeLCT Displacement: 1,068 tons (1 ,085 tonnes) Powerplant: diesels and electric motors, de-
lLCU dived livering 2,400 hp
?LCA Dimensions: Length 210ft (64.0 m) Speed: 16 knots (surfaced) ; 10 knots (dived)
Beam 23 ft 7 in (7 .2 m) Range :
Auxiliaries: Draught 16 ft 5 in (5 .0 m) Crew: 55
1 training ship Armament: Used only by: Yugoslavia
1 presidential yacht Gunsnone Notes: All three boats were built by the
1 survey ship Missile systems Uljanik Shipyard at Pula between 1964
none and 1969, and commissioned into Yugos-
others A!Sweapons lav service in 1968, 1969 and 1970.
Aircraft: Torpedo tubes
?Mi-8 6 533-mm (21-in)
'Sutjeska' class submarine (2) Aircraft
Marine Force: none
1 marine bde Radar and electronics:
Class : Sutjeska(811).Neretva(812) Sonar :
Displacement: 820 tons (833 .1 tonnes) sur- Powerplant: diesels and electric motors, de-
faced ; 945 tons (960. 1 tonnes) dived livering 1,800 hp
Dimensions : Length 196 ft 9 in (60.0 m) Speed: 14 knots (surfaced) ; 9 knots (dived)
Beam 22 ft 3 in (6.8 m) Range: 4 ,800 miles (7,725 km) at 8 knots
Draught 16 ft 1 in (4.9 m) surfaced
Armament: Crew: 38
Gunsnone Used only by: Yugoslavia
Missile systems Notes: Both boats were built by the Uljanik
none Shipyard at Pula between 1957 and 1959,
A!Sweapons and commissioned into Yugoslav service in
none 1962 and 1960 respectively.
Torpedo tubes
6 533-mm (21-in)

Zaire Light Forces: Patrol Forces:

400 men 3 P-4FAC(T) 15 coastal PC (+ 12)

List ·o f Abbreviations
AA anti-aircraft FRAM fleet rehabilitation and modernisation
AGSS auxiliary submarine GUPPY greater underwater propulsion project
ASROC anti-submarine rocket LAMPS light airborne mUlti-purpose system
ASW anti-submarine warfare LCA landing craft, assault
bde brigade LCC amphibious command ship
bn battalion LCT landing craft, tank
BPDMS basic point defence missile system LHA amphibious assault ship
CA heavy cruiser LPD amphibious transport dock
CC command ship LPSS amphibious transport submarine
CEP circular error probable LSM landing ship, medium
CG guided missile cruiser LST landing ship, tank
CGN nuclear guided missile cruiser MARV manoeuvrable re-entry vehicle
CIWS close- in weapons system MCS mine-countermeasures ship
CL light cruiser MIRV multiple independently-targetable re-entry vehicles
CODAG combined diesel and gas turbine MRV multiple re-entry vehicles
CODOG combined diesel or gas turbine MSC non-magnetic coastal minesweeper
COGOG combined gas turbine or gas turbine MSO ocean minesweeper
COSAG combined steam turbine and gas turbine NTDS naval tactical data system
CV aircraft-carrier PC patrol craft
CVA attack aircraft-carrier PSE patrol escort
CVL light aircraft-carrier PG patrol combatant
CVN nuclear aircraft-carrier PSMM patrol ship multi- mission
CVS anti-submarine aircraft-carrier PUFFS passive underwater fire feasibility system
CVT transport aircraft-carrier RBOC rapid bloom overhead chaff
DC depth charge RV re-entry vehicle
DCT depth charge thrower SAM surface-to-air missile
DD destroyer SAR search and rescue
DDG guided missile destroyer SLBM submarine- launched ballistic missile
DE ocean escort SLCM submarine-/ ship-Iaunched cruise missile
ECM electronic countermeasures sqn squadron
EW early warning SS attack submarine
FAC(G) fast attack craft (gun) SSBN nuclear ballistic missile submarine
FAC(M) fast attack craft (missile) SSG guided missile submarine
FAC(P) fast attack craft (patrol) SSM surface-to-surface missile
FAC(T) fast attack craft (torpedo) SSN nuclear attack submarine
FAH(M) fast attack hydrofoil (missile) STOL short take-off and landing
FAH(T) fast attack hydrofoil (torpedo) SUB ROC submarine rocket
FF frigate VDS variable-depth sonar
FFG guided missile frigate VTOL vertical take-off and landing
fit flight

A Balao class, 37, 75, 99 Crotale Navale system , 68
Balderclass, 127 Cuauthemoc, 119
A 184 torpedo, 102 Baleares class, 160 Cuitlahuac, 119
APD type, 44 Barbel class, 222
APD 37 class, 176
Barcelo class, 164
APD 87 class, 176
ASROC, 233
Battle class, 85, 137 o
Bayern, 242 020 class, 160
Abhay class, 82 Belknap class, 226
Abtao class, 143 060 class, 1 59
Benjamin Franklin class, 217 D'Estr~es, 63
Aconit, 64
Bergamini class, 96 DaeGu, 156
Adatepe, 179 Berk class, 1 80
Admirable class, 30 Damiette, 52
Bird class, 212 Dang Yang, 173
Aggressive class, 67 Black Swan class, 52
Agile class, 100 Daphne class, 48
Blackwood class, 82, 211 Daphne class, 58, 114, 138, 148, 154, 163
Agosta class, 58, 154, 162
Blanco Encalada, 36 Daring class, 18, 141
Aguirre, 140
BIas de Lezo, 159 De Cristoforo, 96
Akigumo, 105 Blue Ridge class, 233
Akizuki, 107 De Grasse, 61
Bouchard, 15 De Ruyter, 122
Akizuki class, 107
Bouchard class, 140 De Ruyter class, 140
AI Said class, 139
Bouvet, 63 Dealey class, 237
AI Zaffer, 52
Brave class, 77 Dedalo, 159
Alagoas, 25
Bravo class, 190 Defensora, 24
Alamgir, 138
Brisbane, 17 Deidre class, 53
Alava class, 1 62
British River class, 29 Delfinen class, 48
Albany class, 228
Broad-Beamed Leander class, 127, 209 Delta I & II classes, 185
A[batros class, (47). 97
Broadsword class (UK). 209 Dolfijn class, 126
. Albatros system, 101
Broadsword class (US). 78 Draken class, 169
Alcala Galiano, 160
Bronstein class, 232 Dreadnought class, 205
Alfa class, 188
Brooke class, 231 Drenthe, 122
Algerine class, 29
Brooke Marine 32.6-m type, 111 , 136 Du Chayla, 63
Algonquin, 31
Brooke Marine 37 .5-m type, 112 Duguay Trouin, 61
Allen M. Sumner class, 15, 25,73,239
Brooklyn class, 14,35 Duperr~, 62
Allen M . Sumner FRAM II class, 25, 36, 43,
Buena Piedra, 15 Dupetit Thouars, 63
85,156, 174,180,238
Almirante class, 35 Dupleix, 60
Duquesne, 61
Almirante Clemente class, 239
Almirante Domecq Garcia, 15
c Durango class, 120
A Imirante Ferrandiz, 1 60 CH class, 138
Almirante Grau, 140 CR class, 138 E
Almirante Pereira da Silva class, 147 Cacine class, 148
Almirante Riveros, 35 Caio Duilio, 92 E-71 class, 22
Almirante Storni, 1 5 California class, 225 E14 torpedo, 70
Almirante Valdes, 160 Canadian Flower class, 50 E15 torpedo, 70
Almirante Williams, 35 Canadian River class, 164 Echo I class, 1 90
Alpino class, 95 Cannon class, 74 Echo II class, 187
Amatsukaze, 106 Capitan Quinones, 141 Edsall class, 119
Amatsukaze class, 106 Cape class, 87 EIFateh,52
Amazon class, 208 Carabobo, 239 Enterprise class, 223
Amsterdam, 122 Casabianca, 63 Ethan Allen class, 218
Andrea Doria, 92 Casco class, 144 Exocet SSM, 68
Andrea Doria class, 92 Centauro class, 96
An Yang, 175 Ceylon class, 141
Annapolis class, 31 Chang Chun, 40
Anshan, 40 Chapaev class, 194 F
Aokumo, 105 Charles F. Adams class, 230. 241 F30 class, 161
Aragua class, 238 Charles Lawrence class, 37 F60 class, 1 62
Ardito, 92 Charlie I & II classes, 1 87 F70 class, 160
Arethuse class, 58 ChiLun, 40 FAC(M) types, 77 , 150
Argos class, 12 Chiang Yang , 175 FAC(T) type, 110
Artemiz, 85 Chien Yang, 173 FFG7 class, 19
Asagumo , 105 Chikugo class, 108 Falcon , 238
Aspis, 73 Chodo class, 1 31 Falken class, 48
Assault ship type, 211 Chung Buk, 155 Falster class, 49
Athabaskan, 31 Chung Mu, 157 Fant~, 94
Atrevida class, 162 Churruca, 159 Ferre , 141
Attack class, 20 Circe class, 67 Fiji class, 80
A'udace, 92 - Claud Jones class, 83 Fletcher class, 15, 25, 36, 73, 94, 119, 141,
Audace class, 92 Clemenceau class, 59 157,160,174,180,242
Audaz class, 161 Cochrane, 36 Foch,59
Auk class, 1 57 Colbert, 60 Forbin , 63
Ayanami, 107 Colbert class, 60 Ford class, 72
Ayanami class, 107 Colossus class, 13, 23 Forrest Sherman class, 230
Azakaze, 104 Commandant Riviere class, 64 Forrestal class, 224
Azteca class, 120 Commandante Joso Belo class, 147 Foxtrot class, 82 , 114
Constituicao, 24 Franco-Beige type, 102
Converted Cleveland class, 228 Freccia class, 100
B Converted Forrest Sherman class, 229 Freedom Torpedo, 237
Coontz class, 229 Friesland, 122
Babr, 85 Coronel Bolognesi, 141 Friesland class, 122
Babur, 137 County class, 207 FuChun, 40
Bainbridge class, 227 Courtney class, 44 FuYang, 174

G Improved PGM 71 class, 87 Lafayette class, 217
Improved Restigouche class, 33 Lake class, 128
G6E to rpedo, 102 Improved Ruotsinsalmi class, 56 Lampo class, 100
Gabriel SSM , 89 Improved Uzushio class, 109 Langaria , 159
Garcia class, 232 In Cheon, 156 Lao Yang, 173
Garian class, 115 Independence class, 159 Latorre, 34
Gastrikland, 1 66 Independencia, 24 Lazaga class, 1 63
Gayret, 179 Indomito, 94 Le Foudroyant, 57
Gearing FRAM I class, 72 , 137, 155, 159, Intrepid class, 225 Le Fougueux class, 66
173,179,231 Intrepido, 93 Le Redoutable, 57
Gearing FRAM II class, 15,26, 72, 155, 173, Invincible class, 206 Le Redoutable class, 57
174, 179 Iroquois, 31 Le Terrible, 57
GeneralBelgrano , 14 Iskenderun, 180 Le Tonnant, 57
Geniere, 94 Isku class, 55 Leahy class, 226
George Washington class, 21 8 Island class, 212 Leander class, 36, 81 , 127, 209
Georges Leygues, 60 Isonami, 107 Leopard class, 22 , 81
Glavkos class, 74 Istanbul, 180 Lepanto , 160
Glenard P. Lipscomb class, 219 Isuzu class, 108 Liao Yang , 173
'Goa', see SA- N- 1 IwoJima class, 233 Liberal, 24
'Goblet', see SA-N-3 Izmir, 180 Limburg, 122
Golf class, 41 Izmit, 180 Lindormen class, 49
Golf I & II classes, 186 Lo Yang , 175
Gordy class, 40 Long Beach class, 227
Gata Lejon class, 34 J Lonkhi,73
Gravina, 159 Los Angeles class, 218
Jaguar class 77 , (182)
Grisha I, II & III classes, 198 Lupo class, 95
Jahangir, 138
Groningen, 122 Uirssen types, 38, 182
Gu{jpratte, 63 Jan van Riebeeck, 153
Jeanne d'Arc, 59 Luta class, 40
'Guideline', see SA-N-2 Li'itjens, 241
Guise, 141 Jeong Buk, 155
Jerong class, 117 Lynch class, 16
Guppy IA class, 16, 143, 181
Joilo Coutinho class, 148
Guppy II class, 16,27, 176, 239
John F. Kennedy class, 223
Guppy IIA class, 75, 163,181
Jorge Juan, 160 M
Guppy III class, 26, 98, 181
Juliett class , 187 M . Fevzi Cakmak, 179
MSBS M -2/ M -20 SLBM, 69
H MSO 498 type, 22 , 67
Hai class, 50 Mackenzie class , 32
Hai Kou class, 42 K-48 class, 132 M aille Br{jz{j, 63
Hainan class, 42 KaiYang, 173 Majestic class, 80
Hiijen class, 170 Kaman class, 86 Makigumo , 105
Hal/and, 167 Kanaris, 72 Makinami, 107
Halland class, 167 Kara class, 192 Malafon missile, 69
Halsingland, 1 66 Kartal,182 Maranhao , 25
Hamburg, 242 Kashin class, 194 Marcilio Dias, 26
Hamburg class, 242 Kersaint, 63 Ma rk 8 torpedo, 214
Han 'fang, 173 Kiang Hu class, 40 Mark 14 Model 5 torpedo, 236
Hancock class, 225 Kiang Nan class, 40 Mark 20 (Improved) torpedo, 214
Harpoon 'SSM , 235 Kiang Tung class, 40 Mark 23 torpedo, 214
Harukaze, 108 Kiev class, 1 91 Mark 24 torpedo, 214
Harukaze class, 108 Kikuzuki, 105 Mark 37 Models 0 and 3 torpedoes, 236
Haruna, 104 King class, 16 Mark 37 Models 1 and 2 torpedoes, 236
Haruna class, 104 Kitty Hawk class, 223 Mark 45 torpedo, 236
Harusame, 107 Knox class, 232 Mark 46 torpedo, 236
Hauk class, 134 Kocatepe, 179 Mark 48 torpedo, 237
Hayashio class, 110 Kola class, 197 Marques de la Ensenada , 159
Heng Yang, 175 Kaln class, 242 Marriz E. Barros , 26
Hercules, 14 Komar class, 12 Masurca SAM , 69
Hermes class, 206 Kontouriotis, 72 Matto Grosso, 25
Heroj class , 245 Kortenaer class, 124 Melbourne, 17
Hessen, 242 Kotlin class, 196 Mendez Nunez, 159
Hiei, 104 Kresta I & II classes, 192 Miaoulis, 73
Hobart, 17 Krivak class, 194 Midway class, 224
Holland class, 124 Krogulec class, 146 Minas Gerais, 23
Hotel II & III classes, 186 Kromantse class, 71 Minegumo, 106
Hsiang Yang, 175 Kronshtadt class, 11 Minegumo class, 106
Hu Chwan class, 11 Kuen Yang, 175 M ing class, 42
Hua Yang, 175 KwangJu , 155 Ministro Portales, 36
HueiYang, 175 Kwei Yang , 175 MinistroZenteno, 36
Hugin class, 170 Kynda class, 193 Mirka I & II classes, 197
Hull class, 230 Missile corvette type, 114
Humaita class, 139 L Mitscher class , 229
Hunt Type 1 class, 51 Mizutori class, 109
Huron, 31 L3 torpedo, 70 Mochizuki, 105
Hvidbjornen class, 46 L4 torpedo, 70 Modernised Pizarro class, 162
L5 torpedo, 70 Modified Balao class, 182
L'lndomptable, 57 Modified Dido class, 137
L'lnflexible, 57 Modified Halland class, 43
Icel, 180 La Combattante I class, 65 Modified Hvidbjornen class, 47
Ikara syst em, 21 La Combattante II class , 76, (86), (117) Modified Kashin class, 194
Impavido , 93 La Combattante IIG class, 115 Modified Le Fougueux class, 121
Impavido class, 93 La Combattante III class , 76 Modified Lupo class, 142 .
Impetuoso, 94 La Dunkerquoise class, 66 Modified Majestic class, 17
Impetuoso class, 94 La Resolue class, 59 Modified Obluze class, 145
Improved Haruna class, 104 La Galisonniere class , 62 Modified Petya I class, 197

Modified Ton class, 20 Perkasa class, 11 8 Sauro class, 97
Modified Type 12210 Mol class, 164 Pernambuco, 25 Savage class, 143, 177
Mol class, 164 Perth, 17 'Sawfly', see SS-N-6
Molders, 241 Perth class, 17 Schleswig-Holstein , 242
Montcalm , 60 Petya I class, 173, 192 'Scrubber', see SS- N- 1
Mornar class, 245 Petya II class, 81 , 197 Sea Dart SAM , 213
Moskva class, 191 Piaui, 25 Sea Eel torpedo, 244
Muavenet, 179 Piratini class , 26 Sea KillerMark 1 SSM , 101
Murakumo , 106 Plejad class, 172 Sea Killer Mark 2 SSM, 102
Murasame, 107 Po Yang , 175 Sea Sparrow SAM , 235
Murasame class, 107 Polaris SLBM , 235 Seacat SAM, 213
Mysore, 80 Poluchat I class, 87 Seal torpedo, 244
Porpoise class, 205 Seaslug SAM , 213
N Poseidon SLBM , 235 Seawolf SAM , 212
Poti class, 28 , 198 Seawolf class, 221
NT- 37 , 237 Potvis class, 126 Segui, 15
Nacken class, 168 Prat, 34 Seoul, 157
Nagatsuki, 105 President class, 153 'Serb', see SS-N - 5
Najin class, 131 Pusan, 157 Sergipe, 25
Nan Yang , 175 Py, 15 Sfendoni,73
Nanuchka class, 198 'Shaddock' , see SS-N-3
Narhvalen class, 48 ShahJahan , 138
Narval class, 59 R
Shanghai I class, 42
Narwhal class, 219 RB08A SSM, 172 Shanghai II class, 11 , 42
Natsugumo , 106 Reshef class, 88 Shantung class, 43
Natsushio class, 1 10 Resolution class, 204 Sheffield class, 208
Natya class, 198 Restigouche class, 32 Shen Yang, 173
Nautilus class, 222 Riga class, 28, 197 Shershen class, 29
Na varinon, 73 Rihtn iemi class, 56 Shikinami, 107
Nawarat class, 30 Rio Grande do Norte, 25 Siete de Agosto, 43
Nigeria class, 129 River class, 19 Sj60rmen class, 169
Nils JlJel class, 47 Robert H. Smith class, 179 Skate class, 2 2 1
Nimitz class, 222 Roger de Lauria, 159 Skipjack class, 221
Niteroi, 24 Roger de Lauria class, 159 Skory class, 52 , 196
Niteroi class, 24 Romeo class, 28, 41 , 52, 131 Sieipner class, 133
Novemberclass, 189 Rommel,241 Smaland, 167
Nueva Esparta, 238 Rosales, 15 Snagg class, 134
Nueve deJulio, 14 Rothesay class, (153). 210 Sodermanland, 166
Rotterdam, 122 Sadermanland class, 166
0 Rudderow class, 157 Soloven class, 48, (115)
Ruissalo class, 55 Sotomoyo class, 37
Oberon class, (20). 26, 34, 37 , 205 Ruthoftype, 72 Sparviero class, 99
Obluze class, 145 Spica-M class, 1 17
Ohio class, 2 17
Oksywie class, 145
S Spica T1 21 class, 171
Spica T1 31 class, 1 71
Oland class, 167 6 October, 52 Split, 245
Oliver Hazard Perry class, 19, 231 S30 class, 1 63 Split class, 245
Oonami, 107 S60 class, 1 63 Spruance class, 230
Ooshio class, 1 10 S70 class, 162 St Laurent class, 33
Oquendo, 160 SA-N - 1 SAM , 202 Standard SAM , 234
Oquendo class, 160 SA- N- 2 SAM , 202 Storm class, 135
Osa I and II classes, 12 SA- N- 3 SAM , 202 Sturgeon class, 219
Oslo class, 133 SA-N-4 SAM , 202 'Styx', see SS-N-2
Gstergotland, 166 SAM Kotlin class, 144 Suez, 52
Otomat SSM , 101 SAM Kotlin I and II classes, 196 Suffren, 61
Overijssel, 122 SO - I class, 45 Suffren cl ass, 6 1
Oxley class, 20 SS-N-1 SLCM , 201 Surapati class, 83
SS-N -2 SLCM, 201 Susa class, 11 5
SS- N-2 Modified, see SS-N- 1 1
P SS-N-3 SLCM , 201
Sutjeska class, 245
Sverdlovsk class , 193
P- OO class, 163 SS-N -4 SLBM, 199 Swatow class, 42
P- 10 class, 164 SS- N- 5 SLBM , 200 Swiftsure class, 204
P 48 class, 1 50 SS-N-6 SLBM , 200
PBR type, 165 SS-N-7 SLCM, 200
PC type, 102 SS- N-8 SLBM , 200
PC 461 class, 144 SS-N-9 SLCM , 201 Tclass, 88
PC 1638 class, 38 SS-N-11 SSM , 200 T-43 class, 199
PCE 827 class, 29 SS- N-17 SLBM , 200 T-43/ AGR class, 199
PF 103 class, 86 SS-N-18 SLBM , 200 T-58 class, 199
PGM types, 50, 144 SS-N-14 SLCM , 201 TP41 torpedo, 1 72
PGM 9 class, 78 SST 4 torpedo, 244 TP42 torpedo, 1 72
PGM 53 class, 84 SUB ROC system , 236 TP61 torpedo, 172
PR 72 class, 121 SUT torpedo, 244 Tacoma class, 49
PSSM Mark 5 class, 84, 157 SX 404 class, 1 39 Tacoma PSSM Mark 5, 48, 157
Pahlawan class, 27 Saam class, 85 Tachikaze , 104
Palacios, 141 Saar class, 88 Ta chikaze class, 104
Palang, 85 Sachtouris, 72 Taejon , 155
Papa class, 187 Salisbury class, 21 , 210 Taimur, 137
Para, 25 Salta class, 16 Takanami, 107
Paraiba, 25 S an Giorgio, 93 Takasuki, 105
Parana, 25 San Giorgio class, 93 Takatsuki class, 105
Pattimura class, 83 Santa Catarina, 25 Talos SAM , 234
Peder Skram class, 46 S antander, 43 Tang class, 86, 98
Penguin SSM , 135 Santissima Trinidad, 14 Tango class, 190
Perdana class, 1 17 Sariwan class, 131 Tarawa class , 233

Tariq, 137 Type 207, 134 VosperThornycroft Mark 1, '11
Tartar SAM : 234 Type 209, 16,44,51,74, 142, 181 , 239 VosperThornycroft Mark 3, 130
Tartu, 63 Type A69, 65, 154 VosperThornycroft Mark 7,113
Te Yang, 173 Type C65, 64 VosperThornycroft Ma rk 9,130
Terrier SAM, 234 Type C70, 60 VosperThornycroftTypeA, 151
Teruzuki, 107 Type E52, 64 VosperThornycroftType B, 152
Themistokles, 72 TypeF67 , 61
Thetis class, 243 Type SX-506, 45
Thornycroft type, 116 TypeT47, 63 w
Thresher class, 220 Type T 47 (ASWL 63
Wclass, 153
Thyella , 73 TypeT53,63
Warszawa, 144
Tiger class, 206 Type T53 (Modified ASW) , 62
Whampoa class, 42
Tin aztepe, 179 TypeT56, 62
Whiskey class, 41 , 53, 84, 131, 145
Tobruk class, 114 Type TNC, 45, 16, 84
Whiskey Long-Bin class, 188
Tomahawk SLCM , 234 TypeTNC48, 151
Whiskey Twin- Cylinder class, 188
Tombasiz, 72
Whitby class, 81 , 128, 211
Ton class, 212
Toti class, 98
U Willemoes class, 48
Wolf class, 126
Tourville , 61 Umit'iI'ka class, 109
Town class, 139 Uniao, 24
Trad class, 177 Uranami, 107 y
Tral class, 132 Utrecht, 122
Tribal class (Canada), 31 Uzushio class, 109 Yamagumo, 105
Tribal class (U KL 210 Yamagumo class, 105
Trident class, 65 Yankee class, 185
Triton class, 47
v Yarrow types, 116, 117,177
Tromp, 122 Valiant class, 205 Yudachi, 107
Tromp class, 122 Vampire , 18 Yuen Yang, 175
Truxton class, 226 Van Speijk class, 125 Yukikaze , 108
Tuima class, 54 Vauquelin , 63 . Yuugumo , 105
Tull ibee class, 220 Veinte deJulio , 43
Turunmaa class, 54 Veinticinco de Mayo , 13
Type 12, 211 Velos, 73
Type 14, 211 Vendetta , 18 Zclass, 5i
Type 16, 138 Victor I and II classes, 189 Z1 , 242
Type 21 , 209 Vikrant, 80 Z2, 242
Type 22, 209 Villar, 141 Z3, 242
Type 42, 14,208 Virginia class, 225 Z4, 242
Type61,21 , 210 Visby class, 168 Z5,242
Type81 , 210 Vittorio Veneto , 90 Z16, 70
Type 82, 207 Vittorio Veneto class, 90 Zaffer, 180
Type 143,243 VosperThornycroft 31 -m type, 112 Zeeland, 124
Type 148, 244 VosperThornycroft 31 .5-m type, 178 Zobel class, 244
Type 205, 243 VosperThornycroft 33.4-m type, 149 Zulia , 238
Type 206, 87 , 243 VosperThornycroft 36.9-m type, 240 Zwaardvis class, 125

lllustration Credits
Picture Editor: Jonathan Moore

Many organisations and archives kindly helped with photogra ph ic material during the prepara - 55(T) Tuuli Tuima-class missile- armed fast attack craft of the Finnish N avy based on the
tion of this volume. W e would wish particularly to thank the following for their invaluable assist- Soviet Osa -cl ass vessels; 1977 IFinnish Navy, Helsinki!
ance : IC) Isku the Finnish Navy's experimental missile craft fitted with four SS-N-2 missile
Australian Departm ent of Defence. Canberra ; Bundesmarine. Wilh elmshaven; Cdr. Aida launchers; 1 9741Finnish Navy, Helsinki!
Fraccaro li. Switzerland; Hell eni c General Nav al Staff, Athens; Japanese D efence Agency, IB) Raisio (4) Ruissalo-class large patrol craft of the Finnish N avy ; 1974 (Finnish Navy,
Tokyo; Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Norway; E. Speakman and S. Reed and staff of the Press Helsinki!
Photog raph s Department, Ministry of Defence , London; Netherlands Ministry of Defence. Gra - 56(T) Rihtniemi Rihtniemi-c lass large patrol craft of the Finni sh Navy; 1969 (Finnish Navy,
ve nhage; Service d'information et de s Relat ions Publiques de la Marine. Pari s; C & S Ta ylor. Helsinki!
Eastbourne ; Robert A. Carlisle. H ea d of the US N avy's Photojo urnali sm Branch , Washington ~C . IB) Keihassalmi, Improved Ru otsin salm i-class min elayer of the Finnish Navy; 1976 (Fin -
and staff; and Wright & Logan Limited. South sea . nish Navy, Helsinki)
All artwo rks in this volume were produced byThe County Studio. Leicesters hire. 57 The first three nuclear-powered balli stic missile sub marines of the French Nayy : in the
Unless otherwise indicated. all photographs w ere supplied through Mil itary Archive & Re- foreground is the class leader Le Redoutable IS6 11) with Le Terrible (S6 12) and Le
search Services IMARS), London. Foudroyant IS6 10) behind; 197 3 IECPIArm~es, I vry-sur-Seine, France)
Key to picture posi tions: IT) = top, IC) = centre, IB) = bottom, IUC) = upper centre, ILC) = 58(T) Agosta (5620) Agosta-cl ass diesel-electric submarine of the Frenc h Navy ; 1976
lower centre. IECPIArm~es, France)
IC) Oaphni IS64 1) Daphne-class diesel-electri c subm arine of the French Navy; 1968
13 Pegaso (P362) , Portug uese Argos- class large patrol boat now of the Ango lan Navy IECPIArm~es, France)
IPortuguese Navy, Lisbon) I B) Arethuse (S635) Ar~thuse-class diesel-electric subm arine of the Frfi,' nch Navy; 1976
14 Hercules (028) Brit ish Type 42 destroyer of the Argentine Na vy ; 1977 (Vickers Ship- (Marine N ationale, France)
building Group) 591T) Narval (S631) Narval-c la ss diesel- electric submarine of the French Navy; 1971
15 Rosales (0-22) ex- US Fl etcher-class destroyer of the Argentine Navy underway (Marine Nationa/e, France)
during joint US-South American manoeuvres UNITAS X IV in the Atlantic Ocean ; IB) Clemenceau (R98) fleet aircraft- carrier of the Fre nch Navy, about to recover an Eten -
November 19 73 (US Navy) dard IV ; November 1 9751ECPIArm~es, France)
18 HMAS Perth (3 8 ) Perth-class guided missile destroyer of the Roya l Australian Navy 601T) Jeanne d'Arc (R97) anti-submarine warfare heli copter cruiser of the French Navy .
during manoeuvres (Defence PR, Canberra) Beyond is the AlpMe IY696) a small transport of the French Navy ; 1975
19 HMAS Stuart (4 8 ) River-class frigate of the Royal Australian Navy (Defence PR, Can- IECPIArm~es, France)
berra) IB ) Colbert IC6 1 1) guided missile cruiser of the French Navy 1 9761ECPIArm~es, France)
201T) HMAS Oxley (57) Oxley-class subm ari ne of the Roya l Australian Navy. buil t to th e 611T) Georges Leygues ID640) C70 Type destroyer fitting out for the French Navy ; 1978
same design as British Oberon- class subm arin es (D efence PR, Canberra) (Marine Nationale, Paris )
IB ) HMAS Curlew(1121) modified Briti sh Ton-class minehunter, of th e Royal Australian IB) Suffren (0602 ) Suffren-class destroyer of the French Navy; July 1976 IECPIArm~es,
Navy IOefence PR, Canberra) France)
211T) HMAS Adroit (82) Attack-class large patrol craft of the Roya l Australian N avy 621T) Tourville (0610) Type F67 destroyer of the Fren ch Navy ; July 1976 IECPIArm~es,
IOefence PR, Canberra) France)
IB) Ik ara long- range shipborne an ti-subm arine system on the foredeck of HM S Bristo/ IC) La Galissonni~re 1063B) Type T56 destroyer of the French Navy ; 1976 (ECPIArm~es,
IH awker Siddeley Dynamics, H erts, UK) Fran ce)
24(T) Minas Gerais (A 11) ex- British Colossus- class aircraft carri er of the Brazilian Navy I B) Duperre (0633) Type T53 M odifi ed anti-submarine warfare destroyer of the French
during joint US- South American fl eet manoeuvres; September 19 72 (US Navy) Navy; 1975 IMarine Nationale, France)
IB) Niteroi(F40) Niteroi-class dest royer of the Brazi lian Navy during tria ls; October 1976 63(T) Oupetit Thouars (0625)Type T47 guided missile destroyer of the French Navy; 1975
(Vosper Thornycroft, Portsmouth) IECPIArm~es, France)
25 Paraiba (0 28) ex- US Fletcher-class destroyer of the Brazi lian Navy underway during IB) O ·Estrees (0629) Type T47 anti -submarine destroyer of the French Navy; 1976
joint US-So uth American manoeuvres Operation Unita s X IV in the Atlantic; IECPIA rm~es, France)
November 1973 (US Navy) . 641T) Aconit (0609) Type C65 destroyer of the Fren ch Navy ; 1977 (ECPIArm~es, France)
26(T) Mariz E Barros (026) ex- US Gearing FRAM I- class destroyer of the Braz ili an Navy IC) Commandant Riviere (F733) Command ant Ri viere -class escort frigate of the French
entering San Juan harbou r, Puerto Ri co, July 1968 (US Navy) Navy, before fitting with Exocet; 1975 (Marine Nationa/e, France) ..
IB) Humaita (S20) Bri tish Oberon-class submarine of the Brazilian Navy (Vickers Ship- IB) L 'Alsacien IF776) Type E52 frigate of the French Navy ; 1 9741ECPIArm~es, France)
building Group) 65 Detroyat (F784) Type A69 anti-submarine warfare frigate of the French Navy; 1977
27 Bahia (S 12) ex- US Guppy II-cl ass submarine of the Brazilia n Navy arrives alongside I ECPIArm~es, France)
the quay at Salvador, Brazil, October 1973 (US Navy) 661T) La Combattante (P730) La Combattante I-type fast missile attack craft of the French
31 (T) HMCS Huron (281) Tribal-cla ss anti -submarine destroyer of the Canadian Armed Navy (Marine Nationa/e, France)
Forces; 197 41Canadian Armed Forces) IC) L 'Ardent IP635) Le Fougu eux-class large patrol craft of the French Navy ; 1976
IB) HMCS Annapolis (265) Annapoli s-class frig ate of the Canadian Armed Forces; 1972 IECPIArm~es, France)
(Canadian Armed Forces ) IB) La Lorientaise (P652) La Ounkerq uoise cla ss large patrol craft of the French Na vy
321T) HMCS Saskatchewan (262) M ackenzie -class frigate of the Canadian Armed Forces (Marine N ationa/e, France )
(Canadian Armed Forces) 671T) Circ~ IM71S) Circ"-class minehunter of the French Navy ; 197 7 IMarine Nationale,
IB) HMCS Chaudiere (23 5) Restigouche-class frigate of the Canadian Armed Forces Paris)
(Ca nadian Armed Forces) IB) Vinh Long (M619) Aggressive-class minesweeper of the French Navy (Copyright of
33(T) HMCS Gatineau (236) Improved Restigouche- class frigat e of the Canadian Armed and print from Marius 8 ar Toulon )
l .
Forces : 1972 (Canadian Armed Forces) 68(T) MM38 Exocet surface-to-su rfa ce missile being fired from the guided-mi ssil e de-
IB) HMCS Assiniboine (23 4) St Laurent-class frigate of the Canadian Armed Forces. stroyer HMS N oliolk 102 1); 1 9741Crown Copyright, MOO RN, London)
recove ring a Sea King heli copter (CanadianArmed Fo rces) 681UC) MM38 Exocet surface-to- surface ship-borne tactical missile being laun ched
34(T) H MCS Okanagan (74) Oberon -class submarine of the Canadian Armed Forces (Cana - fAerospatiale, Paris)
dian Armed Forces) I LC ) Royal Navy frigate Undaunted afte r being struck by an Exocet surface- to-surface mis-
IB) Latorre (04) ex- Swedish Gata Lejon-class crui ser of the Ch il ean Navy; 197 3 (Chilean sile fired by the guided-missile destroyer HMS Noliolk; 1973 I Crown Copyrigh t, MOO
Navy) RN, London )
35(T) Prat (03) ex- US Brooklyn-class cruise r of the Chilean Navy; 19751Chilean Navy) I B) Crotale naval mount for a shipborne area defence system aga in st airborne targets
IB) Almirante Riveros (18 ) Almirante- class destroyer of the Chilean Navy ; 1975 (Chilean IThomson -CSFI Thierry Scart)
Na vy) 69(T) Malafon 233 anti-submarine mi ssi le (Latecoere, Paris, France)
361T) Blanco En calada (14) ex-US Fl etcher-class destroyer of the Chilean Navy IChilean IB) Loading an MSBS M-20 mi ssi le. into the launch tubes on a French nucl ear-powe red
Navy) balli stic missile submarine fA{Hospatiale, Paris)
IC) Ministro Zenteno (16) ex- US All en M Sumner FRAM II - class destroyer of the Chi lea n 70 Lau nch of a MSBS M-20 ballist ic mi ssile from a submerged French Navy submarine
Navy; 19761Chilean N avy) fAerospatiale, Paris)
IB) Condell(06) Leander-class frigate of the Chilean Navy ; 19761Chilean Navy) 71 Ketal Fl 8 ) Vosper Mk 1 corvett"of the Ghanaian Navy IWright & Logan, Southsea)
37(T) Serrano (26) ex- US Charles Lawrence -class frigate of the Chil ea n Navy (Chilean 731T) HS Themistokles (210) ex-US Gearing FRAM II-class des troyer of the Hellenic Navy;
Navy) 1 972IHellenic Na vy,Athens)
IUC) H yatt (23 ) Oberon-class submarine of the Chil ean Navy; 19761Chilean Navy) IC) HS Miaoulis 12 11) ex-US Allen M Sumner-class destroyer of the Hell enic Navy; 1973
ILC) Simpson ISS 2 1) ex- US Balao-class submarine of the Chilean Navy; 1972 IChilean IHelienic Navy, Athens)
Navy) IB) HS Thyella (2 8) ex- US Fletcher-class destroyer of the Hellenic Navy (Hellenic N a vy,
IB) Lautaro (62) ex- US Sotoyomo-class corvette of the Chilean Navy (Chilean Navy) Athens)
381T) Papudo (37) PC- 1 638-class large patrol craft of the Chilean Navy; 1976 IChilean 741T1 HS Leon (54) ex-US Cannon -class frigate of the Hell enic N avy (H ellenic N a vy,
Navy) Athens)
IB) Lurssen-type fast torpedo attack craft Quidors , Tequa/da , Guaco/ds and Fresia of the IB) HS Glavkos IS 1 10) Type 209 subma rine of the Helleni c Navy IHelienic NavY, Athens)
Chilean Navy ; 19761Chilean Na vy) 751T1 HS Katsonis IS 1 15) ex-US Guppy III-class submarine of the Helleni c Navy IH elienic
41 (T) Golf I-cl ass ballist ic missile submarine of the Soviet Navy. Three vertical launch tubes Navy, Athens)
for SS-N-4 missiles are fitted in the fin ; Augu st 1961 IUS Navy) IC) HS Papanikolis ISl 14) ex-US Guppy IIA-class submarine of the Hellenic Navy ; 1973
IB) Whiskey-c lass submarine (Novosti Press Agency) IHelienic Navy, Athens)
43 USS Keith 100-775) Allen M Sumner-class destroyer of the US Navy; December I B) HS Triaina (S 86 ) ex-US Balao -class submarine of the H el le ni c Navy (Hellenic Navy,
1959 IUS Navy) Athens)
44 USS Hartley 10E- 1029) Courtney-class frigate of th e US Navy; August 1957. Now 761T1 HS Ipoploiarhos Mikonios (P5 3) La Combattante III-c lass fast missile attack craft of
Boyaca, a frigate of th e Colombian Navy (US N avy) th e Hellenic Navy IHelienic Navy, Athens)
45 Pijao ISS28) Type 209 submarine of the Colombian Navy during tri als; 197 5 IB) HS Ipoploiarhos Konidis (P57 ) La Combattante II -c lass fa st missile attack craft of the
(Howa/dtswerke, Kie!) Hell enic Navy (Hellenic Navy, A thens)
46 Peder Skram IF352) Peder Skram-class frigate of the Roya l Danish Navy IWright & 771T) HS Kelefstis Stamou IP28) fast attack craft of the Hellenic Navy IHelienic Navy,
Logan. Southsea) Athens)
47 Bellona (F344) Triton-class corvett e of the Royal Danish N avy (Wright & Logan, IC) HS Tyfon IP2 30) ex-FOR Jaguar-class fast attack craft of the Hellenic Navy IHelienic
Southsea) Navy,Athens)
49 Moen IN82) Falster-class minelayer of the Royal Danish Navy IC & S Taylor, East- IB) HS A strapi (P20) Vosper Brave -class fast atta ck craft of the Hell enic Navy (Hellenic
bourne ) NavY,Athens)
51 Huancavilca Type 209 submarin e of the Ecuadorian Navy during trials; 1977 7B HS PloiarhosArslanoglou IPl 4 ) ex- US PGM -9-class large patrol craft of th e Hellenic
IHowaldtswerke, Kien Navy IHelienic Navy, Athens)
53(T) Whiskey-class patrol submarine; 19741Crown Copyright, MOO RN, London) 80 Mysore IC60) Fiji-class cruiserpf the Indian Navy I Wright & Logan, Southsea)
IB) Deidre (P20) corvette of the Republic of Ireland Navy (Irish Army Air Corps) 811T) Udaygiri(F35) Leander-class frigate of the Indian Navy (C & S Taylor, Eastbourne)
54 Karja/a Turunmaa-c la ss corvette of the Finnish Navy; 1977 (Finnish Navy, Helsinki) IB) BetwalFl 39) Leopard-class frigate of the Indian Navy I Wright & Logan, Southsea)

B3 USS McMorris (DE 1036) Claud Jones-class frigate of the US Navy at sea in the Pa- (B) Fret (FB1B) Wolf-class corvette of the Royal Netherlands Navy; 197B (Royal Nether-
cific;June 1969. Now Ngurah Rsifrigate of the Indonesian Navy (US Navy) lands Navy, Den Haag)
B4 Whiskey-class patrol submarine of the Soviet Navy; November 1970 (US Navy) 127(T) Balder (PB02) Balder-class large patrol craft of the Royal Netherlands Navy; 1971
B5 liS Z8al (72. though shown here with old pennant number) Saam-class frigate of the (Royal Netherlands Navy, Oen Haag)
Imperial Iranian Navy (Vickers Shipbuilding Group) IB) HMNZS Canterbury (F4211 Leander-class frigate of the Royal New Zealand Navy
BB(T) Dolphin (77) ex-British T-class patrol submarine of the Israeli Navy (Israeli Navy, Tel (Royal NewZealand Navy, Wellington)
Aviv) 12B HMNZS Taranaki (F14B) Whitby-class frigate of the Royal New Zealand Navy (Roy.'
(B) Saar-class fast missile attack craft of the Israeli Navy (Israeli Navy, Te/Aviv) New Zealand Navy, Wellington)
B9 Gabriel ship-ta-ship missile (Israel Aircraft Industries, Lad, Israel) 129(T) HMNZS Rotoiti (P3569) Lake-class large patrol craft of the Royal New Zealand Navy
91 Vittorio Veneto (eSSO) helicopter cruiser of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) (Royal NewZealand Navy, Wellington)
92(T) Cafo Duilia (C554) Andrea Doria-class frigate of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Romel (B) NNS Otobo (FB2) VosperThornycroft Marl< 3 corvette of the Nigerian Navy (C & S Taylor,
(B) Audace (0551) Audace-class guided missile destroyer of the Italian Navy; 1975 (ita- Eastbourne)
lian Navy, Rome) . 130 NNS Otobo (FB2) Mk 3 Vosper Thornycroft type corvette of the Nigerian Navy
93(T) Impavido (OS70) Impavido-class guided missile destroyer of the Italian Navy; 1976 (Vosper Thornycroft, Portsmouth)
(Italian Navy, Rome) 131 Whiskey-class patrol submarine; 1974 (Crown Copyright, MOD RN, London)
(B) San Giorgio (0562) destroyer/training ship of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) 133(T) Bergen Oslo-class frigate of the Royal Norwegian Navy (Wright & Logan, Southsea)
94 Impetuoso (OSSa) lmpetuoso-class destroyer of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy. Rome) (B) Sieipner (F31 0) Sieipner- ciass corvette of the Royal Norwegian Navy (Royal Nor-
95(T) Lupo (0564) Lupo-class frigate of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) wegian Navy, Oslo)
(B) Alpino (F5BO) Alpino-class frigate of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) 134(T) Utstein (S302) Type 207 submarine of the Royal Norwegian Navy (Royal Norwegian
96(T) Carlo Bergamini (F593) Bergamini-class frigate of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy. Navy, Oslo)
Rome) (C) P986 Hauk-class fast missile attack craft of the Royal Norwegian Navy (Royal Nor-
(B) Centauro (F554) Centauro-class frigate of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) wegian Navy, Oslo)
97(T) Pietro de Cristofaro (F540) de Cristofaro-class corvette of the Italian Navy (Italian (B) Rapp (P9Bl) Snogg- class fast missile attack craft of the Royal Norwegian Navy (AS
Navy, Rome) Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Norway)
(C) Albatros (F543) Albatros-class corvette of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) 135(T) Traust (P973) Storm-class fast missile attack craft of the Royal Norwegian Navy (AS
(B) Nazario Sauro Sauro-class submarine of the Italian Navy ; 1977 (Italian Navy. Rome) Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Norway)
9B(T) Enrico Toti(S506) Toti-class submarine of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy. Rome) (B) Skudd(P967) Storm-class fast missile craft of the ~oyal Norwegian Navy firing a Pen-
(B) Romeo Rome; (5516) ex-US Tang-class submarine of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy. guin missile (AS Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Norway)
Rome) 136(T) SNV AI Said corvette of the Oman Navy (Brooke Marine, Lowestoft)
99(T) Gianfranco Gazzana Priaroggia (5502) ex-US Guppy III-class submarine of the Italian (B) SNV AI Jabbar (87) large patrol craft of the Sultanate of Oman Navy; September
Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) 1977 (Brooke Marine, Lowestoft)
(C) Alfredo Cappellini (5507) ex-US Balao-class submarine of the halian Navy (Italian 137 Babur (C84) Modified Dido-class cruiser of the Pakistani Navy (Wright & Logan,
NavY, Rome) Southsea)
(B) Sparviero (P420) Sparviero-class missile-armed hydrofoil of the Italian Navy. The 13B Ghazi (S 134) Daphnlt-class submarine of the Pakistani Navy (Print from and copy-
Otomat ship- to-ship missile launchers can be seen at the stern (Italian Navy, Rome) right of Marius Bar, Toulon)
100(T) Freccia (P493) Freccia-class fast attack craft of the Italian Navy; 1974 (Italian Navy, 139 Jessore (P141) Town-class large patrol boat of the Pakistan Navy. This vessel was
Rome) sunk during the Indo-Pakistan War, December 1971 (Brooke Marine. Lowestoft)
(B) Lampo (P491) Lampo-class fast attack craft of the Italian Navy (Italian Navy, Rome) 141(T) Capitan Quinones (83) ex-British Ceylon-class cruiser of the Peruvian Navy ; 1975
10HT) Albatros shipborne anti-aircraft and anti- missile system being fired from a shjp of the (Peruvian Navy, Lima)
Italian Navy. The missile used is the naval Sparrow III (designated Sea Sparrow (C ) Palacios (0073) ex-British Oaring-class destroyer of the Peruvian Navy; 1976 (Peru-
RIM-7H) (Selenia Spa, Rome, Italy) vian Navy, Lima)
(B) Otomat anti-ship missile in flight (0 TO Melara, Italy) (B) Villar (0071) ex-US Fletcher-ciass destroyer of the Peruvian Navy ; 1976 (Peruvian
104(T) Tachikaze (0016B) Tachikaze-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Mari- Navy, Lima)
time Self-Defence Force) 142(T) Islay (S45) Type 209 submarine of the Peruvian Navy ; 1975 (Peruvian Navy. Lima)
(B) Hiei(00142) Haruna-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy Uapanese Maritime Self- (B) Arica (S46) Type 209 submarine of the Peruvian Navy leaving Kiel after building:
Defence Force) 1974 (Howaldtswerke, Kien
105(T) Kikuzuki (DO 165) Takatsuki-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Mari- 143 Iquique (S44) Abtao-class submarine of the Peruvian Navy; 1974 (Peruvian Navy,
time Self-Defence Force) Lima)
(B) Akigumo (00120) Yamagumo-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Mari- 145 Warszawa (275) SAM Kotlin-class guided missile destroyer of the Polish Navy
time Self-Defence Force) (Wright & Logan, Southsea)
106(T) Natsugumo (00117) Minegumo-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy (Japanese 146 Pelikan (here shown under old pennant number. 619) Krogulec-class ocean mine-
Maritime Self-Defence Force) (T&B) sweeper of the Polish Navy (Wright & Logan, Southsea; C & S Taylor, Eastbourne)
(B) Amstsukaze (DO 163) Amatsukaze-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy Uapanese 147(T) Comandante Joao Bela (F4BO) Comandante Joao Bela-class frigate of the Portu-
Maritime Self-Defence Force) guese Navy (Portuguese Navy, Lisbon)
107(T) Akizuki (DO 161) Akizuki-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy Uapanese Maritime (B ) Almirante Pereira da Silva (F472) Almirante Pereira da Silva-class frigate of the Por-
Self-Defence Force) tuguese Navy (Portuguese Navy, Lisbon) ,
(C) Murasame 100107) Murasame-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy Uapanese 14B(T) Jolla Coutinho (F475) class-name frigate of the Portuguese Navy (Po;cuguese Navy,
Maritime Self-Defence Force) Lisbon)
(B) Takanami (DO 11 0) Ayanami-class destroyer of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Mari- (B) Cacine (P1140) Cacine-class large patrol craft of the Portuguese Navy (Portuguese
time Self-Defence Force) Navy, Lisbon)
10B(T) Chikugo (OE215) Chikugo-class frigate of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Maritime 149 AI Wusaail (Q 14) Vosper Thornycroft 33.4-m type large patrol craft of the Qatar Navy
Self-Defence Force) (C & S Taylor, Eastbourne)
(B) Ooi (OE214) Isuzu-class frigate of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Maritime Self- 151 RSS Independence (P69) Type A fast attack craft of the Singapore Navy (Vosper
Defence Force) Thornycroft, Portsmouth)
109(T) Yamadori (312) Mizutori-class corvette of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Maritime 152 RSS Sovereignty (P71) Type B fast attack craft of the Singapore Navy (Vosper
Self-Defence Force) Thornycroft, Portsmouth)
(B) Uzushio-class submarine of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Maritime Self-Defence 153 President Kruger(F150) President- class frigate of the South African Navy (SouthAfri-
Force) can Navy) •
110(T) Asashio (SS562) Ooshio-class submarine of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Maritime 154 Emily Hobhouse (S98) Daphnlt-class submarine of the South African Navy (South
Self-Defence Force) African Navy)
(B) PTll (811) fast torpedo attack craft of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Maritime Self- 155 USS New (00-B1B) Gearing FRAM I destroyer of the US Navy at sea ; April 196B.
Defence Force) Now in service with the South Korean Navy (US Navy)
111 Madaraka (P31211. Harambee (P3123) and Jamhuri (P3122) Brooke Marine 37 .5 156 USS Wallace L Lind (00-703) Allen M Sumner FRAM II-class destroyer of the US
metre- class large patrol craft of the Kenyan Navy (Brooke Marine, Lowestoft) Navy; May 1966. Now Dae Gu. destroyer of the South Korean Navy (US Navy)
112 Mamba (P31 00) Brooke Marine 32 .6 metre-class large patrol craft of the Kenyan 159(T) Dedalo (PH01) ex-US Independence-class helicopter carrier of the Spanish Navy
Navy; January 1974 (Brooke Marine, Lowestoft) (Spanish Navy, Madrid)
113 DatAssawari (F01) Vosper Thornycroft Mk 7 type frigate of the Libyan Navy (Vosper (B) Roger de Lauria (042) Roger de Lauria-class destroyer of the Spanish Navy (Spanish
Thornycroft, Portsmouth) Navy, Madrid)
114 Wadi M 'Ragh corvette of the Libyan Navy under sea trials off Genoa. May 1978 160 Oquendo (041) Oquendo-class destroyer of the Spanish Navy (Spanish Navy,
(CommanderAldo FraccaroIJ: Switzerland) Madrid)
115(T) Susa Susa-class fast missile attack craft of the Libyan Navy firing SS. 12M ." issile 161 Baleares (F71) Baleares- class frigate of the Spanish Navy (Spanish Navy, Madrid)
(Vosper Thornycroft, Portsmouth) 162 Atrevida (F61) Atrevida F60-class frigate of the Spanish Navy (Spanish Navy. Madrid)
(B) Garian Garian-class large patrol craft of the Libyan Navy (Brooke Marine, Lowestoft) 163 Isaac Peral (S32) S30-class submarine of the Spanish Navy (Spanish Navy, Madrid)
116(T) Homs Vosper Thornycroft type large patrol craft of the Libyan Navy (Vosper Thorny- 164 Laya (P12) Barcelo-class large patrol craft of the Spanish Navy (Spanish Navy,
croft, Portsmouth) Madrid)
(B) Rahmat Yarrow type frigate of the Malaysian Navy (Wright & Logan, Southsea) 166 Ostergotland (J20) S6dermanland-class destroyer of the Royal Swedish Navy (Royal
117 Hang Tuah Yarrow type frigate of the Malaysian Navy (Wright & Logan, Southsea) Swedish Navy)
llB Perkasa (P150) Perkasa-class fast missile attack craft of the Malaysian Navy (Vosper 167(T) Halland (J lB) Halland-class destroyer of the Royal Swedish Navy (Royal Swedish
Thornycroft, Portsmouth) Navy)
119(T) Cuitlahuac (IE 02) ex-US Fletcher- class destroyer of the Mexican Navy (Mexican (B) Oland (F16. shown here under old pennant number) Oland-class frigate of the Royal
Navy) Swedish Navy (Kockums, Sweden)
(B) Como ManuelAzuera (A06) ex-US Edsall-class frigate of the Mexican Navy (Mexican 16B(T) Visby (F 11) Royal Swedish Navy Vis by-class frigate (Royal Swedish Navy)
Navy) (B) Neptun (Np) Royal Swedish Navy Nacken-class (A 14) submarine (Kockums. Sweden)
120(T) Durango (B-Ol) Durango-class frigate of the Mexican Navy (Mexican Navy) 169(TL) Sjoormen (Sor) Royal Swedish Navy Sj60rmen-class submarine (Royal Swedish
(B) Jose Maria Izazgu (P-04) Azteca -class large patrol craft of the Mexican Navy (Mex;- Navy)
can Navy) (TR) Sjohasten (Sha) Royal Swedish Navy Sj60rmen -class submarine (Kockums, Sweden)
121 AI Bachir (22) large patrol craft of the Moroccan Navy (Print from and copyright of (B) Vargen (Vgn) Royal Swedish Navy Oraken-class submarine (Kockums, Sweden)
Marius Bar, Toulon) 170(T) Valen (Va) Royal Swedish Navy Hajen-class submarine (Kockums, Sweden)
123(T) De Ruyter (FB06) Tromp-class destroyer of the Royal Netherlands Navy; 1976 (Royal (B) Hugin (P151) Hugin-class fast missile attack craft of the Royal Swedish Navy (AS
Netherlands Navy, Den Haag) Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk, Norway)
(B) Drenthe (0816) Friesland-class destroyer of the Royal Netherlands Navy; 1973 171(T) Spica T131-class torpedo-armed fast attack craft at speed : in the foreground is the
(Royal Netherlands Navy, Den Haag) . Nynashamn (T132). with Vasteras (T135) and Norrtslie (T133) beyond (Karlskrona-
124(T) Zeeland (OB09) Holland-class destroyer of the Royal Netherlands Navy; 1976 (Royal varet AB, Sweden)
Netherlands Navy, Den Haag) (B) Castor (T124) Royal Swedish Navy Spica T121-class torpedo-armed fast attack craft
(B) Kortenaer (FB07) Kortenaer-class frigate of the Royal Netherlands Navy ; 197B (Royal (KarlskronavaretAB, Sweden)
Netherlands Navy, Den Haag) 172(T) Plejad (Tl02) Royal Swedish Navy Plejad-class torpedo-armed fast attack craft
125(T) Van Speijk (FB02) Van Speijk-class frigate of the Royal Netherlands Navy; 1976 (Royal Swedish Navy) ,
(Royal Netherlands Navy, Den Haag) (B) RB 08 coastal defence weapon of the Royal Swedish Navy being test fired (Saab-
(B) Zwaardvis (S806) Zwaardvis-class submarine of the Royal Netherlands Navy ; 1974 Scam'a, Sweden)
(Royal Netherlands Navy, Den Haag) 174(T) USS Hanson (00-B32) FRAM I destroyer of the US Navy off the coast of Oahu.
126(T) Dolfijn (SBOB) Oolfijn-class submarine of the Royal Netherlands Navy; 1973 (Royal Hawaii : February 1971 . Now Liao Yang . a destroyer of the Taiwan Navy (US Navy)
Netherlands Navy, Den Haag) (B) USS Ernest G Small (00-B3B) Gearing FRAM II-class radar picket of the US Navy

underway in the Gulf of Tonkin; June 1970. Now Fu Yang of the Taiwan Navy (US 20B HMS Newcastle IDB7) Type 42 guided-missile destroyer of the Royal Navy ; March
Navy) 197BICrown Copyright. MOO RN. London)
175 USSJohn·W Thomason 100-760) Allen M Sumner-class destroyer of the US Navy in 209m HMS Ariadne (F72) Broad-beamed Leander- class frigate of the Royal Navy ; August
the Gulf of Tonkin; October 1969. Now Nan Yang destroyer of the Taiwan Navy (US 1977 ICrown Copyright. MOO RN. London)
Navy) (B) HMS Jupiter (F60) Broad-beamed Leander- class frigate of the Royal Na vy (Crown
177 Makut Rajakumsrn Yarrow type frigate of the Thai Navy (Wright & Logan. Southsea) Copyright. MOO RN. London)
17B Chagu8ramus (CG3) Later Vosper type large patrol craft of the Trinidad & Tobago 210(T) HMS Ashanti IF 117) Tribal-class frigate of the Royal Navy 1973 (Crown Copyright.
Coast Guard IVosper Thornycroh. Portsmouth) MOO RN. London)
179 Gayret 10352) ex-US Gearing FRAM I-class destroyer of the Turkish Navy (Wright & (B) HMS S8lisbury IF32) Salisbury IType 61) class frigate of the Royal Navy ; December
Logan. Southsea) 1974 ICro wn Copyright. MOD RN. London)
lBom USS Preston 10-795) Fletcher-class destroyer of the US Navy. Now Icel destroyer of 211 H MS Fearless (L 10) LPD assault ship showing her stern door lowered and landing
the Turkish Navy (US Navy) craft operating from the dock between the two hulls; 1973 (Crown Copyright, MOD
IB) Berk ID35B) Berk-class frigate of the Turkish Navy (C & S Taylor. Eastbourne) RN. London)
lBl Atilay IS347) Type 209 submarine of the Turkish Navy during trials; 1975 (Howaldts- 2121T) HMS Cuxton 1M 1125) Ton-class coastal minesweeper of the Royal Navy leaves Fas-
werke,Kie(J lane. Dumbartonshire. at the end of Clyde Week; July 1977 (Crown Copyright. MOO
lB5(T) Delta I-class ballistic missile submarine of the Soviet Navy. This class of ship is fitted RN. London)
with 12 SS-N-8 missiles in vertical launch tubes aft of the fin ; 1975 (Crown Copy- IB) HMS Kingfisher (P260) Bird-class large patrol craft of the Royal Navy leaving Rosyth;
right. MOO RN. London) October 19751Crown Copyright. MOO RN. London)
(BI Yankee-class ballistic missile submarine of the Soviet Navy. This class of ship is fitted 213 Hawker Siddeley Sea Dart missiles on the Royal Navy Type 82 destroyer HMS Bristol;
with 16 SS -N-6 missile launch tubes aft of the fin ; August 1976 (uS Navy) May 197 51HawkerSiddeley Dyn8mics. Herts)
lB6IT) Hotel II-class ballistic missile submarine of the Soviet Navy in difficulties 600 miles 2141T) Seacat. a short-range ship-to-air defence system , capable of being deployed on even
north-east of Newfoundland as located by a US Navy P- 3 patrol aircraft. This vessel small craft IShorts. Belfast)
carries three SS-N-5 missiles in vertical tubes within the fin . 29 February 1972 IUS IB) Final tests of a Tigerfish Mk 24 Mod 0 torpedo ICrown Copyright. MOO. London)
Navy) 217(T) An artist's impression of the US Navy's Ohio-class nuclear ballistic missile submarine
IB) Golf II-class ballistic missile submarine of the Soviet Navy in the North Atlantic en IUSN8vy)
route to Cuba. Three vertical launch tubes for SS-N-5 missiles are fitted in the fin ; May (B) USS Stonewall Jackson (SSBN 634) Lafayette-class nuclear powered ballistic mis-
19741US N8VY) sile submarille of the US Navy during trials in 19641US Navy)
lB7(T) Charlie-class nuclear cruise missile submarine of the Soviet Navy (Novasti Press 21BIT) USS George Washington ISSBN 59B) The US Navy's first nuclear powered fleet bal-
Agency) listic missile submarine (General DynamiCS, Electric Boat Div, Connecticut. USA)
IB) Echo II-class cruise missile submarine of the Soviet Navy. These vessels are fitted (B) USS Los Angeles ISSN 6BB) Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine of the US Navy
with eight launchers for SS-N-3 missiles; July 1973 (US Navy) during sea trials; September 1976 (US Navy)
lBBIT) Juliett- class cruise missile submarine of the Soviet Navy. This vessel is armed with 219 USS Glenard P Lipscomb (SSN 6B5) Glenard P Lipscomb-class nuclear-powered
four SS-N-3 missiles fired from tubes fore and aft of the fin; November 1970 (US submarine of the US Navy; November 1974IUS Navy)
Navy) 220m USS Flying F;sh (SSN 673) Sturgeon-class nuclear-powered fleet attack submarine
IB) Whiskey Twin Cylinder-class cruise missile submarine of the Soviet Navy (No vast; of the US Navy, seen here on her first sea trials (General Dynamics, Electric Boat Div,
Press Agency) Connecticut. USA)
lB9IT) Victor-class nuclear powered fleet submarine of the Soviet Navy in the South China IB) USS ThresherlSSN 593) Thresher-class nuclear-powered submarine of the US Navy;
Sea; April 1974 (US Navy) July 1961 IUS Navy)
IB) November-class nuclear powered fleet submarine of the Soviet Navy, in trouble in the 221 USS SeawolfiSSN 575) Seawolf-class nuclear-powered submarine of the US Navy
Atlantic ; April 1970 ICrown Copyright MOO RN. London) cruising off Groton, Connecticut, USA; March 1957 (US Navy)
190m Echo I-class nuclear powered fleet submarine of the Soviet Navy ; September 1975 222(T) USS Nautilus (SSN 571 J. Nautilus-class, the world 's first nuclear- powered sub-
IUS Navy) marine; 1975IUS N8VY)
IB) Tango-class patrol submarine of the Soviet Navy during a naval review . In front of this (B) USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Nimitz-class nuclear powered aircraft of the US Navy underway
ship can be seen a Whiskey Twin Cylinder-class cruise missile submarine ; 1975 (US in the Atlantic during NATO exercises; August 1975 (uS Navy)
Navy) 223m USS Enterprise (CVN 65) Enterprise-class nuclear powered aircraft- carrier of the US
191(T) The Soviet aircraft carrier Kiev viewed from the Wasp helicopter of H M 5 Danae which Navy underway off Point Lorna. California. USA; 21 June 1976 (US Navy)
can be seen shadowing the Russian ship as she passes through the Shetland-Faroes IB) USS John F Kennedy (CVA 67) John F Kennedy-class aircraft -carrier of the US Navy
gap in the North Atlantic; August 19761Crown Copyright. MOD RN. London) underway in the Atlantic during manoeuvers; March 1969 (US Navy)
IB) Moskva Moskva-class helicopter cruiser of the Soviet Navy (Novasti Press Agency) 224m USS Farrestal (CV 59) Forrestal-class aircraft-carrier of the US Navy underway in the
1921T) Ochakov (539) Kara-class cruiser of the Soviet Navy during exercises in the Mediter- Mediterranean; August 1975IUS N8vy)
ranean as seen from an RAF Nimrod operating from St Mawgan, Cornwall; February (B) USS Coral Sea (CV 43) Midway-class aircraft carrier underway in the Gulf of Tonkin;
19761Crown Copyright. MOD RAF. London) May 1970 (US Navy) _
IB) Admiral Oktyabrsky (225) Kresta II-class cru~ser of the Soviet Navy passing through 226 USS Truxtun (CGN 35) Truxtun-class nuclear- powered guided missile cruiser of the
the English Channel; May 19741Crown Copyright. MOO RN. London) US Navy underway off the coast of Oahu. Hawaii; July 1970 (US Navy)
1931T) Kresta I-class guided missile cruiser of the Soviet Navy photographed from a Nimrod 227 USS Bainbridge (CGN 25) Bainbridge-class nuclear powered guided missile c~ujser of
operating from RAF Kinloss ; March 19751Crown Copyright. MOD RAF. London) the US Navy underway in the Pacific Ocean ; 23 March 1971 IUS Navy)
(C) Admiral Golovko Kynda-class guided missile cruiser at anchor in the Mediterranean. 22BIT) USS Chicago (eG 11) Albany-class guided missile cruiserof the US Navy underway in
Clearly visible are the two sets of quadruple SS - N- 3 fore and aft and the SA-N-1 twin the Pacific Ocean ; March 1971 IUS Navy)
launcher on the foredeck ; Summer 1974 (US Navy) IB) USS Oklahom8 City ICG 5) Converted Cleveland-class guided missile cruiser of the
IB) Sverdlov unconverted Sverdlov-class cruiser of the Soviet Navy viewed from a Sea US Navy at sea ; January 19761US N8vy)
King helicopter operating from HMS Blake in the North Sea ; July 19761Crown Copy- 229 USS Mitscher IDDG 35) Mitscher-class guided missile destroyer of the US Navy
right. MOO RN. London) underway off the coast of Guantanamo Bay. Cuba ; 13 January 1975IUS Navy)
1951T) A Soviet Kashin-class destroyer in the North Sea as seen from a Sea King helicopter 230 USS Peterson 100 969) Spruance-class destroyer of the US Navy off Pascagoula.
operating from HMS Blake; July 1976 (Crown Copyright. MOO RN. London) MISSissippi. USA;July 19771US Navy)
IB) The British commando carrier HMS Hermes being shadowed by a Soviet Kanin-class 231 William R Rush 100714) Gearing-class (FRAM I) destroyer of the US Navy underway
destroyer. October 1973 (Crown Copyright. MOO RN. London) in Narragansett Bay. Rhode Island. USA; March 1970 IUS Navy)
196 Svetly (490) Kotlin-class destroyer of the Soviet Navy as seen from a Sea King heli- 2321T) USS Brewton IFF 10B6) Knox-class frigate of the US Navy underway in the South
copter operating from HMS Blake in the North Sea ; July 1976 (Crown Copyright. China Sea;July 1975 IUS Navy)
MODRN. London) IB) USS G8rci81FF 1040) Garcia-class frigate underway; August 1972 IUS Navy)
199 T-43-class ocean minesweeper of the Soviet Navy; August 1965(US Navy) 2371T) Deck-launch for a Northrop NT-37C torpedo during trials at the US Naval Torpedo
200 SS - N-6 'Sawfly' type submarine-launched ballistic missile on view at the May Day Station. Keyport. Washington INorthrop--Ventur8 Div.. USA)
parade in Moscow, 1968 (Novost; Press Agency) IB) , B de Julio IDE 3) ex-US Dealey-class frigate of the Uruguayan Navy during joint US-
204m HMS Resolution (S22) nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine of the Royal South American manoeuvres Operation Unitas XIV in the Atlantic Ocean; November
Navy. Resolution is fitted with 16 tubes for the Polaris A- 3 missile. (Crown Copyright, 19731US Navy)
MOO RN. London) 238 Warships manoeuvring during joint US-Venezuelan exercises: the nearest vessel is
IB) HMS Superb (S109) Swiftsure-class nuclear- powered fleet submarine of the Royal the Venezuelan destroyer Nueva Esparta 10- 11); September 1965 (US Navy)
Navy, seen during contractor's trials in the Clyde Estuary with a Sea King helicopter 239 Congrio (S22) Type 209 submarine of the Venezuelan Navy during trials off the
overhead ; June 19761Crown Copyright. MOO RN. London) German coast; 1976lHowaldtswerke. Kien
2051T) HMS Churchill IS46) Valiant-class nuclear powered fleet submarine of the Royal 240 Federacion (P-12) Vosper Thornycroft 121 ft-class fast missile attack craft of the Ven-
Navy with HMS Renown ISSBN) off the Scottish coast ; October 1970 (Crown Copy- ezuelan Navy armed with two Otomat and one 40mm gun (Vosper Thornycroft, Ports-
right. MOO RN. London) mouth)
IB) HMS Orpheus (S11) Oberon-class patrol submarine of the Royal Navy in the Clyde 242 Hessen (D 184) Hamburg-class destroyer of the Federal German Navy (Federal
Estuary; January 197BICrown Copyright. MOD RN. London) German Navy, Wilhelmshaven)
206 HMS Hermes (R' 2) anti-submarine carrier of the Royal Navy entering the Grand Har- 2431T) U 29 IS 17B) Type 206 submarine of the Federal German Navy during trials ; 1974
bour at Malta ; April 1977 I Crown Copyright. MOO RN. London) IHowaldtswerke. Kien
207m HMS Tiger (C20) Tiger-class helicopter cruiser of the Royal Navy enters Rotterdam
IB) S 621P 6112) Type 143 fast missile attack craft of the Federal German Navy IFederal
harbour during a visit to Holland. Behind is HMS Hermes,' September 1974 (Crown German Navy. Wilhelmsh8ven)
Copyright. MOO RN. London) 244 Frettchen IP 6100) Zobel-class fast attack craft of the Federal German Navy (Federal
IB) HMS Kent (D 12) County-class guided- missile destroyer of the Royal Navy off German Navy, Wilhelmshaven)
Gibraltar; 197B (Crown Copyright. MOO RN. London!

TheWorld's Navies
TheWorld's Air Forces
TheWorld's Annies
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this gap by combining information
on individual armed forces with
technical descriptions of all major
weapons and weapon systems so as
to form a comprehensive, illustrated
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Each volume is arranged
alphabetically by country. The
national entries give details of
strengths and organisations of the
country's forces and information
about all major items of equipment.
For all major military powers,
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outline current operational
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The three volumes are edited
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Stanford Research Institute Strategic
Research Center, and the British
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Together they form the first
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armed forces of today's world.

Jacket illustrations:
Front : HMS Bristol (left) and HMS Fife,
Photo MARS; Crown copyright (MOD-RN)
Back: USS Virginia guided-missile cruiser,
US Navy Official Photo

Printed in the UK

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