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) Where in this map will you find Namibia (1, 2, or 3) and which of the following
is its capital city? (2 + a)

a. Windhoek
b. Bamako
c. Monrovia
d. Freetown

2.) Below are the worlds deepest ocean depths below sea level ever recorded. Can
you assign the correct name of area to each depth? Bonus: They are all within the
expanse of one ocean, which one? (1c, 2b, 3a + Pacific ocean)

1) -10.984m/-36,037ft 2) -10.823m/-35,509ft 3) -10.540m/-34,580ft

a. Galathea Depth, Philippine Trench

b. Horizon Deep, Tonga Trench
c. Challenger Deep, Mariannas Trench

3.) Which of the following three is the national flag of Ecuador? Tricky Bonus:
Find the flag of Chile between six hot contestants (hint: there is a star
involved)! (a, f)

a. Ecuador - b. Venezuela - c. Brazil

a. South Sudan - b. Guinea Bissau - c. Philippines - d. Venezuela - e. Texas - f.


4.) The Caspian Sea is an endorheic basin, meaning it does not connect with, or
flow out to other rivers, seas or oceans. It is the largest such inland body of
water on Earth. Is the water it holds fresh or saline? (b)

a. Fresh
b. Saline (0.3 times as salty as sea water is)
b. Ultra salty/Hypersaline (9.6 times as salty as sea water is)

5.) What is the capital of Slovakia. Does it border with Italy or Austria? (some
unlucky R**nair passengers will most likely know the difference!) (d)

a. Vienna
b. L'viv
c. Ljubljana
d. Bratislava

6.) Below are some of the world's most isolated islands or island groups. Most of
these in the pacific ocean region, but one of them is not; can you "isolate" it?

a. Tristan de Cunha
b. Wake Island
c. Henderson Island, Pitcairns
d. Ototojima Island, Osagarawa Islands
e. Severnaya Zemlya Islands

7.) Russia is divided in administrative territories, called Oblasts. Kaliningrad is

such an oblast and also an exclave (entirely surrounded by foreign states but
territorialy it's a part of Russia). Can you tell which continent it lies in and
what its neighbouring countries are? (b)

a. Europe - fully surrounded by Ukraine

b. Europe - surrounded by Poland and Lithuania
c. Asia - surrounded by China and North Korea
c. Asia - fully surrounded by Kyrgystan

8.) An easy one, name the capital of the U.S.A. (c)

a. Washington
b. New York
c. Washington D.C.
d. Philadelphia

9.) Paraguay and Uruguay both share borders with Brazil and Argentina, only one has
a coastline. Can you guess which doesn't? Also, can you remember the third country
this one shares borders with? (a + Bolivia)

a. Paraguay
b. Uruguay

10.) What is the capital city of the spanish prefecture of Catalunya (Cataluña)?

a. Extremadura
b. Andalusia (Andalucía)
c. Barcelona
d. Aragon (Aragón)

10+.) Finally, a bonus to cater for geography, history, AND epic comedy
What, is the capital of Assyria? Also, a bonus within a bonus for geo-perverts:
Assuming you managed to pass over the Bridge of Death safely, where would you find
this city today and what is it's current name? (a + Today it is Qalʿat Sharqāṭ, in
Iraq, according to Wikipedia)

a. Asruh/Assur
b. Mansurah (Al-manṣūrah)
c. Murcia
d. Babylon

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