Unit 2, Use of English Focus, Activity 3: My Score

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Unit 2, Use of English focus, Activity 3

how sociable you are (add yo ur scores for questions 1 and 5)

how organised you are (add your scores for questions 2 and 6)
unlikely = 3 points how creative you are (add your scores for questions 3 and 4)
=2 points
1 point

7- 10 points 5-6 points 1-4 points

I You are adventurous and You are a bit of both. I You are independent
My score = sociable. Read both descriptions iand shy.
You enjoy going out and to find out more. You need time to be
meeting new people. alone. You take a long I
You're confident and fun time to make new
I to be with but you get
bored easily.
friends. You aren't easily I

---- _ _+-1le~y 01l1 e_

r p_eo_p_le. _
Organisation I You are organised and I You are a bit of both. I You are relaxed and
My score = practical. Read both descriptions spontaneous.
You like to be in charge. to find out more. You don't like to plan
You're very good at ahead. You think there
getting th ings done but , are more important
I you find it difficult to
I relax.
I I things than being on
I time and meeting

My score =
rYou are i~aginative and f,
I creative.
Y~u are ; -bit of both:-
l Read both descriptions t
You are thoughtful and

. You're always full of You pay attention to
! ideas. You prefer to look Idetail. You're cautious
t the big picture rather I1when making decisions.
than focusing on detail. You always see both
L sides 9f an argument.
- -

Unit 2, Writing focus, Activity 7

Read the exam task, Brainstorm ideas and decide whether you agree/partly agree/
disagree with the question. Look at the notes and decide which points to include in
each paragraph, Then write your essay.
In your English class you have been
talking about fam ily relationships.
Now your teacher has asked you to Is it better to have older or younger parents?
write an essay.
Write an essay using all the points Write about:
and give reasons for your point of
view Write 140-190 words. 1 things in common
2 experien ce
3 ~.. __ ~ _____~ ~ ~~ ~~ (your own idea)

Communication activities 157

Unit 10, Vocabulary and Listening
focus, Activity 3

Results: Add up your scores.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 points A C C A B C C A
2 points B A B C A A B B
1 point C B A B C B A C

Circle friendships
Score: 12 or less
You have. or want. a wide circle of friends, and people might say you have a gift for friendship. You seek to know
people in many walks of life, with different lifestyles and characters. You like nothing more than being with them
all but you may also worry that different friends of yours won't get on. This shows that you have many parts to
your character, and different friends appeal to different parts. The risk of your friendship type is that you may not
actually get to know any of your friends very well. They are drawn to your extrovert character though that can act as
a barrier to intimacy.

ladder friendships
Score: 13-18
You view life as a journey of change, evolution and progress. You therefore value friends who share your journey, or
who are experiencing the same things as you. You like to encourage and help your friends get on in life and value
it when they encourage and help you. You're very self·confident and enjoy meeting new people and make friends
easily But sometimes old friends will feel you've left them behind. though they will admit that you are an inspiring
person to be with, someone who both challenges and excites them.

Soulmate friendships
Score 19-24
You value a small number of close friends, perhaps just one, and regard other people in your life as acquaintances.
The benefit of soul mate friendship is the chance of knowing someone well and allowing them to know you. You
are loya l and completely trustworthy. You are self·sufficient and don't depend on friendship to maintain your self·
esteem. The risk you face is of disappointment with friends, since it's quite hard to meet someone you connect
wi th so strongly. In fact, you may well have had a close friend in the past, and now feel that you don't. You value
friendship so much because you know the treasure it offers.

Unit 11, Grammar focus, Activity 7

Student B
Think of what you might say in the following situations. Use I wish/ if only and
other expressions with hypothetical meaning. Then roleplay the situations with
your partner.
Situation 1: You are at a theme park with Student A. Student A wants to go on a new roller
coaster ride at the theme park. You are afraid of heights and don't want to go on
the ride. Try and persuade Student A to choose a different activity.
Situation 2: You are on a walking trip in the mountains with Student A. You are reading the
map but you think you are lost. Suggest what action you should take.

158 Communication activities

Unit 8, Grammar focus, Activity 3
Match the underli ned examples with the verb forms in the box.

going to might past simple present continuous

present perfect present simple will wo uld

Interviewer: Lauren, how (1) did you hea r about th is job?

Lauren: Well, I (2) spotted the advert while I was on the internet. (3) I think it's something
(4) I'd be good at.
Interviewer: Being an entertainmen t coordinator (5) will involve looking after very young
children. (6) Have you had much experience of doing this?
Lauren: Well, (7) I look after my niece and nephew every month and (8) I'm taking them
on a cycling hol iday tomorrow.
Interviewer: Well, (9) you might be unl ucky, I'm afraid, because (10) I've heard that
(11) it's going to rain.
Lauren: Oh (12) I'm sure (13) we' ll still have a lot of fun.
Interviewer: Well, (14) you sound ve ry positive, and this is one of the qualities
(15) we're looking fOL Anyway, enjoy your weekend'
Lauren: Thanks.
Interviewer: LauLen, thanks for coming. (16) We'l l w Lite soon, but don't WorLY if
(17) you don't heaL anything for a few days.

Find the 'reported'versions of the underlined examples above in the email on

page 84. Verbs 12-15 are not reported in the email.

Unit 11, Grammar focus, Activity 7

Student A
Think of what you might say in the following situations. Use I wish/if only and
other expressions with hypothetical meaning. Then roleplay the situations with
your partner.
Situation 1: You are at a theme park w ith Student B. You wantto go on a new roller coaster rid e.
Situation 2: You are lost in the mountains and Student B is Leading the map. You know that
you are better at Leading maps than Student B. You are angry with yourself fo r
getting into this situation .

Unit 7, Writing focus, Activity 5

Read the exam task. Brainstorm ideas and plan how you will organise it.
Then write the essay.

In your English class, you have

been talking about diffeLent
kinds of holidays. Now your Is it better to have a holiday abroad or stay in
teacher has asked you to write your own country?
an essay. Notes
Wri te an essay using all the Write about:
points and give reasons for - - -
your point of view. Write 1 cost
140-190 words. 2 environmental issues
3 (your own idea)

Communication activities 159

Unit 4, Listening focus, Activity 1
1B 2A 3C 4A SC

Unit 8, Listening focus, Activity 3

In my work as a counsellor, I'm already seeing a huge increase in the number of victims of cyber bu llying on social network
sites and this is a trend that can only get worse. To deal with bullying or other problems that can occur online, social
networking counsellors will support people in their cyber relationships using the same counselling skills we use today. The
only difference is that, because we'll be online, it'll be easier for people to contact us when they need us - in the evenings, for
example. This may mean that we'll have to change our working patterns and work out of office hours.

Unit 5, Grammar focus, Activity 7

Look at the table and choose the correct words in sentences 1-8.

a latof/ o few/ hardly a fittle/a bit

much many some any na
lots of very few any of/very little

In positive
sentences • • • • • • •
In negative
sentences • • • •
nou ns
• • • • • • •
nou ns
• • • • • • •

, I don't eat many/much fresh fruit.

2 The re aren't a lot of/hardly any healthy snacks in my local shop.
3 I drink very few/very little water
4 We eat hardly any/any meat at home.
S I drin k a lot of/many orange juice.
6 I only eat a little!a few eggs a week.
7 The re isn't no/any chocolate in my bag.
S I always have some/a few rice with dinner.

Unit 14, Writing focus, Activity 4

Read the exam task. Brainstorm ideas for a third point.
In your English class you
have been talking about
ways in which animals can Dogs are the most useful animals to humans.
be useful to humans. Now Do you agree?
your teacher has asked you
to write an essay.
Write about:
Write your essay using all
the notes and giving reasons 1 guard dogs
for your point of view. Wri te 2 police dogs
140-190 words. 3 ... .... ... ... . . .... . . (your own idea)

160 Communication activities

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