2D-7 Revisi-2

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Kelompok 7 :

Ani Maulidah Uli R

Ayu Veronica
Galuh Ageng R
Yudha Satria

Celery as an Anti-Hypertensive Drug

1. Taxonomy
Kingdom : Plantae
Division : Magmoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Ordo : Apiales
Family : Apiaceae
Genus : Apium
Species: Apium graveolens L.

2. Morphology
 Plant : herbaceous, dicotyledonous plants, unbranched
 Stems : not woody, broad, branched, upright, pale green, ramified
 Leaf : compound tip, the pinnates are odd, petiole grows upright, green, young
leaves widened or extends from the base
 Flower : single, green, the hidden petals, the petal greenish white or pale pink
with hooked tip. Clear female flower compound, not stemmed or short stemmed,
often have faced leaves or limited with floral curtain.
 Fruit : has a length of about 3 mm, angled stem, notched, very aromatic.
 Root : Thick, spread out and are 5-9 cm deep, hollow, tap root
3. Ecosystem
 Altitude and temperature : at an altitude of 0 - 1200 meters above sea level (asl),
with humidity between 80-90%, and temperature between 15-24oC
 Rainfall : Celery is less resistant to high rain water
 Sunlight : need sunlight stand directly exposed to the sun.
 Soil : fertile, loose, contains soil, good aeration, black or brown, has crumb
structure with silt, silt loam, or loam texture.
4. Chemical contents
 On all part of celery: Apiin glicosides (flavone glycosides), isoquersetin,
umbelliferon, mannite, inosite, asparagine
 On leaves of celery: apigenin, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, fitosterol
 Acid compound in seeds : palmitat, oleat, resin acid, linoleat, petroselinat
 Coumarin compound in seeds : seselin, isomperatorin, osthenol, and

5. Empirical Efficacy
 Lowering high blood pressure
 Unleash urine
 Slowing down the heart rate

6. Research
 Based on research performed by student medical school Lampung University in
2016 find that apigenin as a beta blocker which slows the heart rate.
 That research also find that potassium contained in celery will increase intracellular
fluid by attracting extracellular fluid, so there is occur a balance of sodium-
potassium pump which decreases the blood pressure.

7. Anti-Hypertension Drug Preparation

 Juice of celery with honey
 Celery seed tea
 Juice celery with lemon and cucumber

8. References
 Saputra.O., Fitria.T.,2016. “Efficacy of celery leaf (Apium graveolens) against
pressure hypertension in hypercholesterolemia patients”. Majority. Volume 5
(No.2):page 3
 Firda Diana. 2018. “The Effect of Rice Washing Water On Index Mythic
Circumtances (Apium graveolens L.)”. Faculty of Teacher and Education. Biology
Education. Muhammadiyah University. Malang.

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