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Mindful Eating

Mindfulness describes being fully present and aware of where we are

and what we’re doing. We all have the natural skill to be mindful, but
mindfulness tends to be most effective when used daily. Mindfulness has
been used to help people with improved time-management, controlling
habits, achieving peace and tranquility, and managing anxiety and
depression. Mindfulness is commonly practiced through the process of
daily meditation, but this isn’t its only use!
Mindful eating is the process of becoming more aware of our thoughts
and feelings related to food and eating habits.
Here are some benefits to practicing mindful eating:
· Reconnect with your ability to recognize when you are hungry or full
(helping with portion control)
· Offers to free you from obsessive decisions around food and eating
(break away from diets)
· Empowers us to make healthier choices instead of being emotionally
dependent on food

Before eating ask yourself the following questions:

“Am I eating because I am actually hungry, or am I just stressed?”
“What times of the day do I crave sweets the most?”
“Do I tend to overeat when I am eating in front of the TV, if so, should I
remove distractions?”

Mindful eating is purely a tool for you to add to the toolbox of behavior
change. Below are some resources about mindfulness and mindful eating
if you would like to learn more.
Free App: Koru Mindfulness

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