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The Negotiable Instruments Law Doubt resolved in favor of negotiability – to

encourage the free circulation of negotiable

Act No. 2031
February 3, 1911

Purpose: facilitate transactions in commercial

Contracts vs. Negotiable Instruments
paper and to promote free flow of credit
1. Assumability and negotiability – Unlike
Theory: Negotiable Instruments appear to
contracts, NI’s are NOT IN FORCE UNTIL
belong to the person having them and to no
one else.
2. Negotiability of various types of
Negotiable Instruments Importance commercial paper
3. Rules of law applicable
1. Substitute for money
2. Medium of exchange Commercial papers with limited liability
3. Medium of credit transactions
1. Document of Title – Receipt or order for
Negotiable Instruments Characteristics the delivery of goods. Although it is
termed “negotiable” when the goods
1. Negotiability – quality to be passed are deliverable to bearer or order, it is
from hand to hand, so as to give the WITHOUT an unconditional promise or
holder in due course the right to hold order to pay a sum certain in money
the instrument and collect the sum 2. Letter of credit – It is in favor of a
payable for himself free from any specified person and NOT TO ORDER.
infirmity in the instrument OR defect in 3. Trust Receipt – It is a document of
the title of any of the prior parties, or security pursuant to which a bank
defenses available to them among acquires a ‘security interest’ in the
themselves goods under trust receipt.
- One who honestly takes without 4. Certificate of stock
knowledge of its theft can hold it 5. Pawn Ticket
against the world, including the true
2. Accumulation of Secondary Contracts –
Most important feature; once an
instrument is issued, additional parties
can become involved


1. Common - promissory note, bill of

exchange and bank check
- PN: the issuer has promised to pay
- BoE: issuer has ordered 3rd person
to pay
2. Special – Certificate of deposits, bank
notes, due bills, bonds, etc.
CHAPTER 1: Form and Interpretation Promissory Note – unconditional promise in
writing made by one person to another, signed
S1: Form – To be negotiable, NI’s must conform
by the maker, to pay on demand or at a
to the following requirements
fixed/determinable future time, a sum certain in
a. In writing and signed by maker or money to ORDER or BEARER
Maker – One who promises and signs the
Maker – person issuing a PN instrument

Drawer – person issuing a BoE Payee – To whom the promise is made or to

whom it is payable
b. Contain an unconditional promise or
order to pay a sum CERTAIN in money Holder – Every person to whom an instrument
is delivered
Unconditional Promise – PN

Unconditional Order - BoE

Bill of Exchange – unconditional order in
c. Payable on demand, fixed time or writing, addressed by one person to another,
determinable future time signed by the person giving it, requiring the
d. Payable to ORDER or BEARER person to whom it is addressed to pay to a third
A signature is a PRIMA FACIE evidence of the person (order or bearer)
maker / drawer’s intention to be bound. If the - Requires, in its inception, at least
signature is not clear as to his intention, he is three parties (drawer, drawee and
deemed an INDORSER. payee)
e. If it is addressed to a DRAWEE, he - Payee: Holder of the instrument /
MUST BE NAMED or indicated with Sa kanya ibabayad
REASONABLE CERTAINTY (applicable - Drawer: Person who issues and
only to BoE and Checks) draws the order bill. He gives the
order to pay money to a 3rd party,
Order which is not addressed to any person thus he does not pay directly
cannot be a bill. A BILL IS AN ORDER. - Drawee: The person to whom the
A promissory note has no drawee bill is addressed and who is ordered
to pay (in case of a check, the
drawee is a bank)
Non-Negotiable Characteristics of BoE not found in PN
1. Check specified to a specified person (NI 1. The words ‘pay to’ indicate an
ceases to be negotiable if the unconditional ORDER instead of a
indorsement prohibits the further promise
negotiation of the instrument) 2. The signed name indicates the drawer
2. It is merely a simple contract in writing 3. The ‘ to juan’ indicates the drawee.
and is evidence of such intangible rights There is no drawee in a PN. He assumes
3. Cannot be negotiated but it may be liability only by writing the word
assigned or transferred “accepted” and signing his name on the
face. After signing, he is no longer called
a drawee but an ‘acceptor’ instead. The d. With exchange, whether at a fixed or
drawer becomes a surety. current rate (foreign currency)
4. The words ‘charge the same to the e. With costs of collection or an attorney’s
account of’ means that the amount is to fee, in case payment shall not be made
be charged against the funds of the at maturity
drawer. This part may be omitted.
S3: Unconditional Promise – An unqualified
Purpose of BoE order or promise to pay is unconditional

1. Drawer’s funds in hands of drawee a. An indication of a particular fund out of

2. Liability of the drawee for non-payment which reimbursement is to be made or
(A drawee-bank is not liable for its a particular account to be debited is
refusal to pay a check on account of negotiable
insufficient funds, but it is liable if there
are sufficient funds)
But an order or promise to pay out of a
S2: What constitutes certainty as to sum particular fund which payment is to be made is
NN because it depends upon the adequacy of
If the instrument calls for an act other than
the fund designated (even if it is adequate). IT IS
payment of money, it is not negotiable. Why?
Because a negotiable instrument is intended as
a substitute for money
a. With interest
The test of negotiability in every case is said to
If the instrument provides for the payment of be whether or not the instrument carries the
interest without the said date where interest general personal credit of the maker or drawer.
will start to run, it shall be computed from the If it does, the instrument is negotiable; if it
date of the instrument and if there is no date on carries only the CREDIT OF A PARTICULAR
the instrument, the interest shall be computed FUND, the instrument is NN
from the issue thereof at 12% if no interest rate
If the language used is ambiguous, courts
is stipulated.
usually decide in favor of negotiability
If the interest is usurious, the instrument is still
b. A statement of the transaction which
valid as to principal
gives rise to the instrument
b. By stated installments
Mere consideration for origin of transaction
c. By stated installments with a provision
does not affect its negotiability
that upon default in payment, the
whole shall become due Terms and conditions contained in another
paper makes the instrument NN. THE
If the NI is to be paid in stated installments, the
amount and the date should be specified
If the obligor is given the right to extend FACE ALONE AND NOT ELSEWHERE.
payment, the interest of the extension must be
specified to keep the instrument negotiable
PN – must contain an unconditional promise (or
order) to pay
1. It is not essential that the word S5: An instrument which contains an order or
‘promise’ should be used. Any promise to do any act in addition to the
equivalent word is alright such as payment of money is not negotiable.
(payable, to be paid, agree to pay, Exceptions:
guaranty to pay, obliges himself to pay,
1. Sale of collateral securities
good for, due on demand etc.) or words
2. Confession of Judgement- enables the
of negotiability such as (due P or
holder to obtain a judgement without
bearer, or due P or demand or IOU to
the delay usually incident to a law suit,
be paid on June 1, 2019) NO YEAR
as It eliminates the necessity of trial
3. Waiver of benefit granted by law,
2. Bare admission or acknowledgement of
waiver of protest, presentment for
debt such as IOU, for value received,
payment or demand or exemption from
due Php xxx, etc., is not negotiable as
attachment or execution
there is no promise to pay nor intention
4. Election of holder to require some other
to be paid
act (because it is as good as an
instrument payable in money) … I
BoE – There must be an unconditional order to promise to pay P or order 15,000 or an
pay by one party to another otherwise, it is NN air conditioner AT THE OPTION OF THE
HOLDER. If the option is with the
1. It is not necessary to use the word
promissor, the instrument is NN
‘order.’ You can also use equivalent
because the holder cannot compel him
words such as ‘let the bearer’ or
to make payment in mony
‘Drawee name will much oblige Drawer
name to pay Payee name or order’ S6: The validity and negotiable character of an
instrument are not affected by the fact that
Unconditional: Meaning
a. It is not dated
1. Instrument payable absolutely; not
subject to any condition or contingency An instrument has no inception until delivery. If
EXCEPT conditions of presentment, there is a date stated but no such date in the
protests and notice of dishonor calendar, the nearest ‘past’ date will be chosen.
2. Even if the condition or event is very
The holder may insert the true date. Insertion of
likely to occur, the instrument remains
a wrong date, will make the instrument void in
the hands of an innocent 3rd party who may
S4: Determinable Future Time enforce the instrument.

1. Instrument payable upon condition or b. Does not specify the value given, or that
contingency is NN UNLESS if there is any value has been given therefor
also a clause that specifies a time or the c. Does not specify the place where it is
condition is 100% sure to happen drawn or the place where it is payable
2. A note containing a provision that it
Where the instrument was dated is the place of
may be renewed at maturity is NN
writing. No place of payment means it is
because there is no unconditional
payable at the residence of the maker or place
promise to pay at maturity
of business.
d. Bears a seal: Valid In an order instrument, A SPECIFIED PERSON
e. Designates a particular kind of current MUST ALWAYS BE NAMED BEFORE OR AFTER
money in which payment is to be made THE WORD ‘ORDER.’

S7: An instrument is payable on demand when S9: The instrument is payable to bearer

a. It is expressed to be payable on Bearer – person in possession of a bill or note

demand, at sight or on presentation (as which is payable to bearer
to 3rd parties as well)
Bearer Instrument – Payable to bearer may be
b. No time for payment is expressed (only
transferred by delivery without indorsement
to involved parties)
and payment in good faith discharges the
Where an instrument is issued, accepted or instrument. Whoever possesses it is the bearer.
indorsed when overdue, it is, as regards the
An instrument that FAILS TO QUALIFY AS AN
person so issuing, accepting or indorsing it –
payable on demand.
On demand, at sight, presentation, on call, at
The instrument is payable to bearer when!
any time, at such times the payee may require,
at the holder’s convenience may be used. 1. Expressed to be payable to bearer
S8: The instrument is payable to order where it I promise to pay bearer Php 1,000 is a
is drawn payable to the order of a specified bearer instrument.
person or to him or his order. It may be drawn
to the order of – I promise to pay bearer, P Php 1,000 is not a
bearer instrument since the person is specific.
a. Payee who is not maker, drawer or
drawee 2. Payable to person named therein or
b. Drawer or maker bearer
c. Joint Payees Pay to P or holder is a bearer instrument
d. One or more several payees
e. Holder of an office for the time being 3. Payable to order of a fictitious person

Where the instrument is payable to order, the It is not necessarily an order instrument. If
payee must be named or otherwise indicated the payee is not the intended recipient of the
with reasonable certainty. An instrument instrument, the check is a bearer instrument
payable to a specified person is NN as the order 4. Payable to order of a non-existing
is limited to paying to one person. Any person
subsequent purchaser will not enjoy the
advantages of being a holder, but will merely Since indorsement is impossible, the
step into the shoes of the person and will thus manifest intention of the drawer is to make
be open to all defenses available to the previous the instrument a bearer paper negotiable
holder. by delivery. An instrument payable to a
person who is already dead is payable to
The words ‘to the order of,’ ‘or order’ or ‘ to bearer. The maker or drawer intends that
Payee name and assigns” are equivalent and the payee shall have no right or interest
will render the instrument negotiable. whatsoever in the instrument so that the
instrument is, in effect, payable to a non- is undated, any holder may insert therein the
entity. true date of issue or acceptance, and the
instrument shall be payable accordingly. The
5. Name of payee not name of person
insertion of a wrong date does not avoid the
“Pay to cash, cash or order, money, sundries, instrument in the hands of a subsequent holder
payroll, etc.,” in due course; but as to him, the date so
inserted is to be regarded as the true date.
In making an instrument payable to an
impersonal payee, the maker or drawer intends
the same to be payable to bearer.
When date may be inserted
6. Only indorsement in blank. Mere
1. Where an instrument is payable at a
signature on the back without
fixed period after date but is issued
endorsement makes the instrument
payable to bearer.
2. Where an instrument is payable at a
S10: The instrument need not follow the fixed period after sight but the
language of this act but any terms are sufficient acceptance is undated
which clearly indicate an intention to conform
The insertion of a wrong date in an undated
to the requirements thereof.
instrument by one having knowledge (in bad
- Substance over form faith) of the true date of issue or acceptance
- Use of foreign language is alright will avoid the instrument as to him or any one
- Mere defect in language or claiming under him BUT NOT AS TO
grammatical error does not destroy SUBSEQUENT HOLDER IN DUE COURSE. In the
negotiability hands of A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE, THE DATE
S11: Where the instrument or an acceptance or REGARDED AS THE TRUE DATE.
any indorsement is dated, the date is prima
facie true date of the making, drawing, If P changes the date to hasten the day of
acceptance or indorsement. maturity, then the note is avoided insofar as P is
concerned because the instrument is ante-
S12: The instrument is not invalid for the reason dated for a fraudulent purpose.
only that it is ante-dated or post-dated,
provided this is not done for an illegal or However, if P, indorses the instrument to A who
fraudulent purpose. The person to whom an acquires it in GOOD FAITH FOR VALUE without
instrument so dated is delivered acquires the notice and before maturity, then A, as a holder
title as of the date of delivery. in due course, has the right to enforce payment
based on the date inserted.
Ante-dated: When it contains a date earlier
than the true date of its issuance. An
instrument issued on July 30, 2010 but dated
July 15, 2010 is antedated. Post-dated opposite.
S14: Where the instrument is wanting in any
S13: Where an instrument expressed to be
material particular, the person in possession
payable at a fixed period after date is issued
thereof has a prima facie authority to complete
undated, or where the acceptance of an
it by filling up the blanks therein. And a
instrument payable at a fixed period after sight
signature on a blank paper delivered by the INCOMPLETE BUT DELIVERED
person making the signature in order that the
1. The holder has authority to fill up the
paper may be converted into a negotiable
blanks with any date or amount
instrument operates as a prima facie authority
2. The instrument may be enforced only
to fill it up as such for any amount. In order,
against a party prior to completion of
however that any such instrument when
filled up strictly in accordance with the
completed may be enforced against any person
authority given and within a reasonable
who became a party thereto prior to its
completion, it must be filled up strictly in
3. The person who signed his name has
accordance with the authority given and within
the burden to rebut the presumption
a reasonable time. But if any such instrument
after completion is negotiated to a holder in M authorized P to put in the blank 10K.
due course, it is valid and effectual for all However, P inserts the sum of 2K and then
purposes in his hands, and he may enforce it as indorses the note to A, from A to B, and from B
if it had been filled up strictly in accordance to C who is NOT A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE. C
with the authority given and within a can collect nothing because when one or both
reasonable time. requisites are absent the HOLDER NOT IN DUE
COURSE cannot recover.

4. The defense that the instrument had

S14 – incomplete delivered (Personal Defense)
not been filled up in accordance with
S15 – incomplete undelivered (Real Defense) the authority given and within a
reasonable time is not available as
S16 – complete undelivered
against a holder in due course.

The rule is founded by upon the principle that

2 Classes of Instruments where one of two persons must suffer by the
bad faith of another, the loss must fall upon the
1. Those in which obvious blanks are left one who first reposed confidence and made it
at the time they are made or indorsed possible for the loss to occur.
The one who signs or indorses is liable to bona S15: Incomplete undelivered instrument will not
fide holders through the doctrine of implied be valid in the hands of any holder, as against
authority any person whose signature was placed thereon
2. Those which are apparently complete, before delivery
containing blanks only because the 1. The fact that an incomplete instrument,
written matter does not so fully occupy completed without authority, has not
the entire paper as to preclude the been delivered, IS A DEFENSE EVEN
insertion of additional words or figures, AGAINST A HOLDER IN DUE COURSE.
or both. Maker must rebut by proof to the
The liability for the amount of the instrument contrary.
which has been increased by filling up 2. The invalidity of the above instrument is
unoccupied spaces therein is placed upon the only with reference to the parties
doctrine of negligence. whose signatures appear on the
instrument before and not after
As a general rule, negotiable instruments has no
M makes a note for 1K with the name of the legal inception or existence, as such, until it has
payee in blank and keeps it in his drawer. P been delivered in accordance with the purpose
steals the note and inserts his name as payee and intent of the parties. No delivery means no
and then indorses the note to A, A to B, B to C liability, actual or constructive.
and C to D, a holder in due course. Can D
“issue” and “delivery” are used interchangeably
enforce the note against M?
Delivery: transfer of possession with intent to
No, because the instrument is not valid.
transfer title
Can the instrument be enforced against P, A, B,
Issue: first delivery of the instrument, complete
and C?
in form, to a person who takes it as holder
Yes because as indorsers, the warrant that the
Holder: payee or indorsee of a bill or note who
instrument is genuine and in all respects what it
is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof. If
purports to be. The instrument is valid as to
the instrument is no longer in the possession of
them. In the case of P, he is liable not merely
the person who signed it and it is complete in
because he is an indorser but also because he is
its terms, “a valid and intentional delivery by
the one responsible for the theft and the
him is presumed until the contrary is proved.”
completion and negotiation of the instrument.
A note in the hands of the maker, albeit
complete is but a blank piece of paper. Its
S16: Every contract on a negotiable instrument wrongful seizure cannot create against his will a
is incomplete and revocable until delivery of the valid contract where none existed before
instrument for the purpose of giving effect. As
between immediate parties, and as regards a
remote party other than a holder in due course, S17: Ambiguous Instrument
the delivery in order to be effectual, must be
made either by or under the authority of the a. When sum payable in words and figures
party making, drawing, accepting, or indorsing are different, the one in words is
as the case may be; and in such case the correct
delivery may be shown to have been b. Where there is no date specified when
conditional, or for a special purpose only, and interest runs, the interest runs from the
not for the purpose of transferring the date of issue
protperty in the instrument. But where the c. Where there is no date, the date is
instrument is in the hands of a holder in due considered the time of its issuance
course, a valid delivery therof by all parties prior d. Where there is conflict between written
to him so as to make them liable to him is and printed provisions, the written
conclusively presumed. And where the provisions prevail
instrument is no longer in the possession of a e. Where the instrument cannot be
party whose signature appears thereon, a valid identified as a bill or a note, THE
and intentional delivery by him is presumed HOLDER MAY TREAT IT AS EITHER AT
until the contrary is proved. HIS ELECTION
f. Where a signature is placed such that without disclosing his principal, does not
his intentions are not clear, he is exempt him from personal liability
deemed to be an indorser
When agent may escape personal liability
g. Where an instrument containing the
words “I promise to pay” is signed by 1. He is duly authorized
two or more persons, they are deemed 2. He adds words to his signature
solidarily liable. “We promise to pay” is indicating that he signs as an agent
deemed jointly liable 3. He discloses his principal
S18: No person is liable on the instrument Agent is personally bound when he signs his
whose signature does not appear thereon, own name but discloses no principal. The mere
except as herein otherwise expressly provided. addition of descriptive words without disclosing
But one who signs in a trade assumed name will the principal will not relieve the signer from
be liable to the same extent as if he had signed personal liability.
in his own name.

S21: A signature by procuration operates as
1. Person signs in a trade or assumed notice that the agent has but a limited authority
name to sign, and the principal is bound only in case
2. Principal is liable if a duly authorized the agent in so signing acted within the actual
agent signs on his own behalf limits of his authority
3. In case of forgery, the forger is liable
even if he has no signature Procuration: act by which a principal gives
4. Where the acceptor makes his power to another to act in his place as he could
acceptance of a bill on a separate paper himself (per pro, per proc, P.P. or PP.)
5. Where a person makes a written S22: The indorsement or assignment of the
promise to accept a bill before it is instrument by a corporation or by an infant
drawn passes the property, the corporation or infant
S19: The signature of any party may be made by may INCUR NO LIABILITY
a duly authorized agent. No particular form of Indorsement by incapacitated persons
appointment is necessary for this purpose and
the authority of the agent may be established 1. Minors – voidable. He is not
as in other cases of agency. (authority given incapacitated to transfer certain rights.
orally or in writing but if it is in writing, it is REAL DEFENSE hence he may disaffirm
enforceable as to 3rd persons) and recover the instrument from a
holder in due course.

M issues a negotiable promissory note payable

S20: Where the instrument contains or a person to the order of P, a minor. P indorses the
adds to his signature words indicating that he instrument to A.
signs for or on behalf of a principal, or in a
representative capacity, he is not liable on the M becomes liable to A because the indorsement
instrument if he was duly authorized; but the by P passes title to A. But if M cannot pay and a
mere addition of words describing him as an sues P, the latter may raise the defense of
agent, or as filling a representative character, minority to escape from liability. P may even
disaffirm his indorsement and recover the 2. Where the forged signature is not
instrument from A. necessary to the holder’s title in which
case the forgery may be disregarded
If A gives it to B and B is a HOLDER IN DUE
(bearer instruments)
COURSE, P cannot set aside the negotiation. P
can rescind his indorsement before the Persons precluded from setting up the defense
instrument is negotiated to a party who of forgery
qualifies as a holder in due course.
1. Those who by their acts, silence, or
negligence are estopped from setting
up the defense of forgery
HOWEVER, a minor may be held bound by his
2. Those who warrant or admit the
signature in an instrument where he is guilty of
genuineness of the signatures in
actual fraud committed by specifically stating
question (indorsers, acceptors and
that he is of age when, in fact, he is not.
persons negotiating by delivery
Other incapacitated persons has a REAL
A party precluded from raising defense of
DEFENSE that is available even against a holder
forgery such as by reason of negligence may still
in due course.
recover damages under provisions on quasi-
A corporation is not liable on notes in a suit by delicts
an indorsee, where the corporation is without
capacity to make the contract in fulfillment of
which they were executed. One who deals with
the officers or agents of a corporation is bound
to know their powers and the extent of their

S23: When a signature is forged, it is wholly

inoperative UNLESS the party against whom it is
sought to enforce such right is precluded from
setting up the forgery or want of authority.

A person whose signature was forged as maker,

drawer, payee or indorsee CANNOT BE HELD
LIABLE BY ANYONE. It is a real defense.

The proof of burden lies on the party alleging

forgery and cannot be presumed.


1. If the party against whom it is sought to

enforce such right is precluded from
setting up the forgery or want of

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