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Industrial Relations in simple definition is refers to the existing relationship between the employees and

the employers. One cannot clearly understand the relationship between these two actors as it can get
very complicated in times. Fortunately, there are approaches and theories regarding Industrial Relations,
which include the Unitary Theory. It is believe that unitary theory assumes that the relationship
between the employees and employers is based on mutual corporation and a harmony of interest
between the two parties. [CITATION Mar05 \l 1033 ]. Thus, this essay will discuss features and main
criticisms of the unitary theory aiding with examples. It will also compare and contrast Taylor’s Scientific
Management and Human Relation Theory and give examples as well.

To begin with, there are mainly five features of unitary approach. The very first feature is the general
philosophy. This feature is likely to be the basic knowledge of what unitary theory is about. When we
think of the unitary theory, it automatically clicked to our mind that between the employees and the
employers is a well-maintained relationship. From a unitarist perspective, it is assume that the
workplace is a unified and harmonious entity sharing the same objectives and goals. Employees do not
have a goal of their own, they all follow what the employer is try to achieve regardless of what they
think. For example, China is said to be boosting the level of harmony in the organization as an effective
mean that enhance employee affective commitment to and compliance with their employees.
[ CITATION Tac14 \l 1033 ].

To add on, one feature of unitary theory is the role of management aiming in providing a strong
leadership and good communications in the workplace. For example, local organizations in Tonga and
the PNG which help to overcome local resistance and improve competition in the market.[ CITATION
Jay15 \l 1033 ]. In unitary theory, it is assume that the workplace operate in a top-down management.
Therefore, managers need to be firmed with whatever decision they make. They cannot be swayed in
order to keep a strong leadership within the organization. The management cannot be weak otherwise
communications will be lack, as employees will find them weak and do whatever they want within the
organization regardless of the top management are saying. Local organizations in Tonga and the PNG,
which help to overcome local resistance and improve competition in the market.

Secondly, unitary theory exist for both employees and employers thus, another feature of unitary
approach is the role of employees.
“Unitary view has a paternalistic orientation where employees are expected to be loyal to the
management which in return must do everything possible to uplift the welfare of the
employees.” [ CITATION Est12 \l 1033 ].

The management is the only one making decision employees are tend to follow whatever it is for they
have no say in the organization. Through this, their loyalty to the organization can be proved. For
instance, Fiji water awarded some of their employees for working in the company for more than 10
years now. The reward was a recognition of the employees commitment and loyalty to the company
where they have been dedicating their lives to by working so hard for not only themselves but for the
company as well. [ CITATION Fij18 \l 1033 ].

In addition, the fourth features of unitary approach is concerning about the union. Unitary approach
assume that in the workplace, both employees and employers are aiming on achieving the same goal.
Hence, the harmonization in the working environment. Employees are satisfy with everything, as it is
clear that they do have a say in the organization as they have the same goal with the employers. Why
protest, when they both aimed at one thing? Consequently, there is no need for union to exist in the
workplace. Unitary perspective views trade unions as unwelcome intruders who upset the unified and
cooperative structures within the organization. They are said to be competing with management for the
loyalty of the employees. From this, it is assume that the loyalty between the employees and
management is considered to be mutually beneficial. [ CITATION Est12 \l 1033 ]. A good example of
where trade union is being opposed is seen in Ryanair. Ryanair is an airline, which does not recognize
trade unions. In the airline industry, Ryanair have one of the highest turnover rates and in order to
prevent the turnover rates from getting any higher, union representation may be needed. Pilots are
complaining regarding about job security and less pay rate. However, these pilots are pushed to resign
from the job as Ryanair announced that they would not recognize or enter into meeting with the unions.
Pilots have to agree with them otherwise they will not have any pay rise. [ CITATION Con17 \l 1033 ].

The last feature of unitary approach to be discussed is the Industrial Conflict. In a workplace operated in
unitary approach, it is said to be quiet and peaceful. Industrial conflict does not exist for the workers
and the organization have the same objective. Thus, there will not be a misunderstanding between
these two parties. If conflict ever to happen in the workplace, it is said to be perceived as disruptive and
pathological. Indeed, it is not normal for a workplace to have conflict. Work place conflict results
from poor management, from employees who do not mix well with the organization’s culture
and it is view as a temporary aberration. [ CITATION Son20 \l 1033 ]. It is impossible in reality to
find a workplace where conflict does not exist. In every organization, conflict will occur as
employees and employers will not be in good term at all time. Eventually, these two parties will
be involve in a misunderstanding, which allows conflict to happen.

Moreover, criticisms of the unitary approach will also be discussed in this essay. The criticisms
of unitary approach are very much similar to the features. One criticism of unitary theory out of
the many criticisms to be discussed is that in a workplace that operates in a unitary approach,
there can only be a single source of authority, which is the management authority. According to
a research student in the University of the South Pacific, the power distribution in the unitary
theory is concentrated, which simply means that the authority and decision made comes from
the top management. [ CITATION Iao17 \l 1033 ]. Employees do not have any say in the
organization; the management does all the decision-making. In fact, the workplace is managed
in a top-down approach. For instance, the Tonga Power Limited is a monopoly in which there is
no other company providing the services that it does. Therefore, the management is the only
one making decisions and employees cannot go against for the skills they have can only be used
in the Tonga Power Limited. Employees follow whatever decisions made by the management.

Another criticism of unitary theory is that it does not take conflict in consideration. Unitary
theorist believe that there is no conflict in the workplace. Organization is operating in a
harmonized working environment. In the organization where unitary theory exist, there can
only be one group of employees. Workers who are against the management and its decisions
are seen as troublemakers, militants and difficult workers. (Chand, 2017). However, unitary
views conflict as the expression of employees dissatisfactions and differences with the
management yet, it is still consider bad for the organization. [ CITATION Est12 \l 1033 ].

Adding on, unitary approach as viewed by employees, it means that there is flexibility in the
organization. Employers are to provide with the employees a working practice that is flexible
where individuals are business process improvement oriented and multi-skilled. Regardless of
what situation the organization tangles with, employees should be flexible and ready to tackle
with zest and efficiency whatever tasks assigned for them. A great example of worker flexibility
is the teachers in Tonga. Unlike other school in overseas there are specific people for areas such
as sports and food. However, the teachers are the ones who does everything. They teach inside
the classroom, they also act as trainers who train students in different kind of sports like rugby
and netball and they are the ones who cook for the students. In this case, teachers are multi-
tasked and are flexible. They handle everything regardless.

The fourth criticism of unitary approach is that both employees and the employers are sharing
the same goal. Organization’s goal sets direction and vision of that organization. Every activities
in the organization must be geared towards attaining that particular vision. Thus, employees’
goals should also be inspired from the overall goal of the organization hence, the common
objective shared by the employees and the employers. Importantly, not only employees should
struggle for common objective but organization should also try making the effort of aligning its
goals with those of the employees to enhance achievement of goal congruence where the
employees’ objectives should fit into the corporate objectives of the organization. [ CITATION
Arm09 \l 1033 ]. The Morning Star Company for example, it is the largest tomato processor in the
world. This company have a sole owner and professionals solely make decision-making and
initiating communication and coordination between employees to achieve the organization
corporate goals. [ CITATION Ric14 \l 1033 ].

Last but not the least, the unitarist perspective fails to take into account of inequality of power
distribution among employees and employers in the decision making process. With references,
Michael Armstrong (2009) stated that the power remains solely and firmly in the employer
hence no mutuality. In fact, at the end of the day, the employer can decide unilaterally to shut
the company down or whatever decisions employers make, hopelessly employees cannot do
anything about it. [ CITATION Arm09 \l 1033 ].

The major similarities exist in both theory is within the main idea of both theories. Both
theories sought to find ways in which workers can be motivated in performing their task. As a
result, they will be dedicated to their work and increase the level of output in the organization.
These two theories also have incentives as a motivation. From Elton Mayo’s theory, employees
are encourage to work as group or teamwork. The organization provides for the employees’
social needs assuming that when the employees are happy and satisfy, they are motivated to
do the task assigned to them. [ CITATION Iao17 \l 1033 ]. Similarly, Frederick Taylor’s theory
motivate workers through monetary rewards. For example, providing employees with wage
bonus encouraging them to work harder. At McDonald, employees receive a bonus for each
hour they have worked. [ CITATION Rob3 \l 1033 ]. The harder they work, the higher the amount
of bonus they get. Both theories get works done by using people.

On the contrary, Scientific Management theory and Human Relation theory are differed in how
they treat employees. Taylor treats employees like robotic machines making them to work
harder than usual whereas Mayo believes that employees are a very important asset to the
organization and therefore they should be treated right for what they are, they are human
being. Human Relation theory is helping rather than exploiting workers. As mentioned above
about the bonus given by McDonald where employees receive a bonus of 50p for each hour
they have worked. This drives employees to work overtime without resting. They maybe are
motivated in the start but eventually, they will have no more energy left and end up giving up.
After all, they are just human, only robots can work without getting tired.

Furthermore, the Human Relation theory used participative management styles instead of using
autocratic system like the Scientific Management theory. Employees are more skilled nowadays
and well-educated, thus, they have the urge within them to participate in the organization
decision-making. By giving workers the chance to take part in the decision-making process, they
contribute innovation and creativity for the organization. For instance, Jack Fiji were presented
with award in which it was dedicated for the employees. The manager dedicated the award to
the team members for working together exchanging ideas in making the company a high quality
organization with innovations. [ CITATION Lus17 \l 1033 ]. Unfortunately, Scientific Management
does not allow such situation to happen and hinder employees from taking part in decision-

Finally, another difference between the Scientific Management and Human Relation theory is
that Scientific Management looks for the production efficiency of workers. However, the
Human Relation theory focus on the workers’ need for it will change over time.
To conclude with, there are several approaches design to help employers manage their
employees such as the unitary theory, Scientific Management theory and the Human Relation
theory. However, each approach may not be used correctly in an organization and that is why
the successfulness of an organization depends on how well these approaches are apply by the
management to their employees in order to attain the organizational goals. Indeed, employees
are the organization most valuable assets hence, the need for proper care for them. An
organization will not be an organization without its employees.

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