Unit 4 Learning Aim A

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Unit 4 learning aim A

Pre production - is all the planning that takes place before the day they start filming on or the
day the music video is released on. for example, the availability of Equipment that will be
used, the camera angles the digital media product will be shot at, costumes that will be worn
on the day. Examples of digital media products can be podcasts, TV series, movies etc.

Finance – is the cost of the overall digital media product. It always has to be taken care off
otherwise there would be problems like hiring a camera crew vans to move the equipment
and so on. The finance crew has to work out what equipment will be used on the day and if it
will be within their budget.
Logistics is everything that needs to be sorted out practically. For example, what food are
people allergic to. They will have to make sure the people that are in the music video are
mentally stable.
Adherence to codes of practice and regulation is all the legal actions that have to be set in
place before shooting the video. For example, have the actors and actress' signed a legal
contract that says they are allowed to work?
The formats of Pre-production are the documents that need to be produced in the planning.
The formats have to be understood and acted on by all. The function of Pre-production is to
help produce the highest possible product you can within the legal and financial restraints.
Storyboards helps us work out if an idea is good, safe and can be done financially. When
you do not make a storyboard it would be much more difficult to complete the majority of the
music video.

The purpose of pre-production in digital media is to ensure that the entire crew knows
exactly what is going on. It gives everyone a clear idea of what their job is in the media
product. Pre-production helps plan important things such as budget, brainstorming,
research and so on.

Flow diagram

This is the process of making a music video in the form of a flow diagram. As you can see
there are three main parts when making a music video 1. Schedule everything has a set time
that it needs to be started and completed 2. Budget if there is a budget you could use too
much money in the long run or may not have enough money to finish the product 3. And
Finally, health and safety which is very important because without it anything could go
Case study 1 Kendrick Lamar humble music video

The case study is on the music video “Humble” by Kendrick

Lamar. This song was released on March 30th 2017. This
music video was a lot to make some of the scenes in the music
video cost hundreds for example the scene which lasted a
seconded of Kendrick riding a bicycle on in a synonyms
world. However the budget wasn’t a problem in making this
music video. A challenge e of this music video would be the
risks such as falling off the bicycle, slipping off the roof or
accidently hitting residence with the ball. One of the reasons
why this was so successful was because of the pre-production
that went into this music video. If there wasn’t enough
planning when making this music video everything would’ve
been rushed and improvised a lot of people could’ve gotten
hurt and a lot of essential things missing.

Case study 2 OK GO upside down inside out music video

Case study 2 is on the music video upside sown inside out by
OK GO this music video was released on the 15th of February
2016. The cost of ok go music video is $4950
When shooting this music video pre-production is the most
important things to consider, there must’ve been a lot of
planning that went onto making this music video because
there are an endless amount of things that could’ve gone
wrong while shooting the video. Such as: The airplane
crashing, the people on the plane getting sick whilst shooting
g the video, damaging the equipment whilst using props(paint
hitting the camera) and making back to your seat before the
plane stops freefalling.

Finance is also very important when making this music video

because the cost of the flights was expensive and there were
multiple flights taken just to shoot that one music video.
OK go conclusion

When they first began to make this music video you can tell that the idea was made before
the actual lyrics or the song, this lead to, to much focus on the music video and not enough
on the lyrics which made people see it as a cool video with a backing track.
A positive of the pre-production was that nobody was injured this is due to their risk
assessment which must’ve been good seeing as they did ten different flights. However,
although nobody was injured there were still 53 incidents of people during and after the
flight being sick. Due to this or even before this because of the risk assessment there
must’ve seen sick bags on the flight. We don’t see any sick bags in the music video which
means they must’ve spent lot of money in order to get such a good editor. Instead of
shooting this video in America where it would cost more they shot it in Russia which cost
significantly less but they were still successful. The contract also went well because
everybody was paid and safe after the music video.

Kendrick Lamar humble conclusion

In Kendrick Lamar’s music video there has been a lot of camera techniques that relate to the
music video itself. There are a lot of setting changes which could make the listener/viewer
lose focus of the lyrics. This music video won about 8 awards which is good and means all
the money spent on editing and CGI effects paid off. The most pre-production the must’ve
done would be for securing all the locations that were in the videos. I think that there was
good story boarding and shot list which made the music video so successful. There was a
scene of the last supper and throughout his song he is talking about being humble which
correlates nicely. Overall the music video was a success making thousands of pounds.

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