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2A Online Learning Program

Tuesday, April 21

Daily Assignments
Please only
Social Studies:
email me
pictures of the ~ Watch video with the Social Studies lesson for today.
~ Explore the tabs on PebbleGo by clicking on the link below:
~ Completed
Social Studies
Use this username and password:
about farming Username: engaged Password: learning
then and now ~ Open worksheet attached as a pdf file and complete your assignment.
~ Completed ~ Optional: Spend some time coloring your picture of farming in the past.
math Math:
assignment ~ First watch the math video by Ms. Rowland by clicking on the link below:
estimating in
inches *At the very end of the video, she accidently said, “Please do not give an exact
estimate using a ruler for this assignment.” She meant to say, “Please do not give an
*If you don’t
exact measurement by using a ruler.” Today you are only estimating. Sorry for the
have a printer, confusion!
please just
number a piece ~ Next, please complete the worksheet that is attached with today’s assignments.
of paper and
have your child ~ Optional: After completing your estimates, check your work by measuring with a ruler. Please
write out their do not change your answers though. We just want you to see how close your estimate was and
answers. see how many inches the items actually are.
Questions do *Another optional activity would be to add more objects to the chart and practice estimating
not have to be them in inches. You could even make a whole new chart of your own with a list of other
copied if there
objects around your house if you’d like more practice.
is a number.
~ Three
sentences to
~ Ch. 19, “We Go in Peace to Share God’s Love.” Please read and discuss
answer the “We pages 220-221. Please answer the “We Respond” questions on page 221. Since there
Respond” is not enough space, please write your answer on a separate piece of paper. Please use
questions on pg. your best handwriting and start your sentences in this way:
221 in religion • I share the love of Jesus with my family by…
• I share the love of Jesus with people at school by…
*Please attach • I share the love of Jesus with people in my neighborhood by… (if you don’t
all 3 pictures in have neighbors, change it to “people in my community”)
one email. ~ Optional video about the final blessing at Mass:

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