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Amir: 5 years old boy and he’s the youngest in the family.

Fatin: 13 years old girl and she’s the eldest in the family.

Father: 40 years old guy working at private sector.

Mother: 32 years old lady and she’s a volunteer for social work.

Miss Tai: Preschool’s teacher.


Setting: A big house in a town.

Act I Scene I

NARRATOR: Once upon a sunny morning a little boy is waiting for his scrambled eggs for
breakfast. But nothing served on the table.

AMIR: (Sigh) Hmmm, mom said Atin will prepare for my food. But, I don’t see if she’s here.
This is why I don’t like school holidays. At school, Miss Tai will prepare food for us.

NARRATOR: Walking around in the kitchen, AMIR’s eyes suddenly stars something
unbelievable throughout the window. It is a legendary creature that has been described
since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiralling horn projecting from its
forehead. The unique creature with a golden horn is quietly cropping roses in the garden.

AMIR: Wow, is this real? That is a unicorn like my Miss Tai had shared with all of us in
school. I taught it just a made up story from her. I should tell Atin about this. It’s eating
mom’s flowers.

NARRATOR: The little boy goes up to the bedroom where his elder sister is still asleep and
wakes her up.

Act I Scene II

AMIR: There's a unicorn in the garden. Eating roses. It’s so wonderful, you should come and
see it!

FATIN: (She opened one unfriendly eye and looks at him) The unicorn is a mythical beast.
Don’t speak nonsense and just go watch TV down there.

NARRATOR: FATIN continue her sleep. The little boy feels very disappointed. He walk
slowly downstairs and out into the garden.

Act I Scene III

NARRATOR: The unicorn is still there; he is now browsing among the tulips. The little boy
feels extremely excited as he can see that legendary creature with his own naked eyes.

AMIR: (Walking out from the house) Why shall I watch TV while I have the real fantastic
horse in the garden? I should have fun with it. (Pulling up a lily and gave it to him) Here,
unicorn. What a unique creature on earth you are. You should be grateful as you have
mom’s flowers as your breakfast. Not like me, no one cares about my food except Miss Tai.
(Petting unicorn’s head) I wish I have she here.

NARRATOR: The unicorn ate it gravely without giving any respond to him. With a high heart,
because there is a unicorn in their garden, AMIR goes upstairs and tried to rouse his sister
once again. Hopefully she will wake up this time.

Act I Scene IV

AMIR: Atin, wake up, wake up. (Excited) The unicorn ate a lily. Don’t you want to see it? It is
more beautiful than what you had drew in my workbook. Come on!

NARRATOR: FATIN sit straight in bed and looks at his little brother coldly.

FATIN: You are baloney (Saying in anger), and I am going to slice you into pieces for sure!
Go away before I keep my words.

NARRATOR: The little boy, AMIR who never knows the other meaning of "baloney" beside a
type of sausage, and who like them even less on a shining morning when there is a unicorn
in the garden, thought for a moment.

AMIR: Do you mean that you’re going to make me a sandwich with baloney? But I don’t want
to have a breakfast anymore. I want to show you a unicorn, the real unicorn. Let’s go! (He
runs over the door and shouting) He has a golden horn in the middle of his forehead, come

NARRATOR: Then AMIR goes back to the garden to watch the unicorn, but unfortunately
the unicorn has gone away. The little boy sit down sorrowfully among the flowers and after a
few minutes, he goes to sleep.

Act II Scene I

NARRATOR: As soon as the little boy, AMIR has gone out of the living room as well as in
the garden, the sister gets up and calls their mother as fast as she can. She is very worried
and there is a lament in her eye. She telephones their parents; she tells them to hurry to
return home and see what happened to their little one. When the father and the mother
arrive, they sit down in sofa and look at her with full of doubt.

MOTHER: What happened dear, why you suddenly called us? Don’t you know that we
should be doing our job right now? What’s the problem?

FATHER: And why are you still in your pyjamas, have you prepared your little brother for

FATIN: (Scratching her head) Hmmm… But I have something more important to tell both of
you rather than about the food. Amir, he saw a unicorn this morning. He told me it ate a lily.

(The FATHER looked at the MOTHER and; the MOTHER looked at the FATHER.)

FATIN: He told me it has a golden horn in the middle of its forehead.

NARRATOR: At a firm signal from the FATHER, the MOTHER leaps from their chairs and
holds FATIN’s hand and then brings her to the kitchen.

MOTHER: (While massaging her daughter’s shoulders) That’s why I always told you, a good
girl must wake up early in the morning and be more productive by doing household chores.
So that you don’t woke up late and saying nonsense because it’s not nice for a girl. Get it?

Act II Scene II

NARRATOR: Just as they get FATIN into the kitchen, the little boy, AMIR just wake up and
comes to the FATHER.

AMIR: Papa, what bring you home so early today? Did you get me some food?

FATHER: (Staring at his daughter and sigh) Yes, your mom and Atin are preparing some
food for you. What did you do before you fell asleep?

AMIR: (Trying to refreshing himself) Hmmm, I was in the kitchen looking for breakfast, but I
saw nothing on the table. No one wants to play with me either, so I get to bed and sleep.
Why papa?

FATHER: Did you tell your sister you saw a unicorn?

AMIR: Unicorn? Yes, I knew what unicorn is because Miss Tai had told us about the unicorn.
But, she said that unicorn is not real, how could I see it in real?

FATHER: Oh my clever boy, okay nevermind. Now go and wash your face then come to the
dining room for lunch.

AMIR: Alright papa.

Act III Scene I

NARRATOR: After finishing their lunch, the FATHER and the MOTHER decided to leave
and continue their work. Out of the blue, the FATHER sees something which is so surprising.

FATHER: Mom, see what that creature did to your flowers. It ate them.

MOTHER: Oh no! This is why I asked Atin to wake up early. See, the goat has destroyed my
beautiful garden.

FATHER: Relax mom, this really made my day. See, someone has put the birthday cone hat
on his head. (Begins to laugh) Let me snap some photos and put it in Instagram. It’s so

NARRATOR: Both of them laughing together while starting their cars and go to work.

*The End*

Moral of the story: Don’t count the chickens before they are hatched.

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