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Mix’s Explorers
Welcome to 6​th​ grade ​in Room 104 ​online! 

Hello 6th Graders and Families!

First, I would like to thank all of you for your patience, your questions, and your flexibility during this
time. I still can’t believe we’re in the middle of a pandemic and we won’t be back to school anytime soon. But
here we are, and here we go!

The following pages are here to explain (as best I can!) what our plan is and what you will want to know
as we go through this uncharted territory. Please know that updates, adjustments, and changes continue to come
in so many things are subject to change. It feels like we waited and waited to see what was going to be decided
by the government and now we’re in a rush to put things together as quickly as possible. There may be some
kinks along the way so your patience and communication is always appreciated! Please take some time before
Monday to read through it all (both parents and students!). If you have any questions after looking through the
information, please don’t hesitate to ask.

I. Focus
Our main focus during this time is to continue learning as best we can, but also stay connected as a class, a
community, and a family. We are now working towards continued learning to help keep 6th graders prepared
for their 7th grade year. We also want to keep in touch with each other as much as possible as we’re missing out
on the socialization we get from school.

II. Communication
❖ Email​ | This has been the best way for me to get updates out to everyone as well as loads of information
such as this! Please make sure you check your email daily and even set up notifications on your phone if
you can. This goes for both parents and students. At this point, I’m not sure how often I will be sending
out emails once we get rolling but this will be my main mode of communicating with everyone as
needed. My email address is ​​.
❖ Remind​ | This is another option for parents only. Anything I email out will also be sent via Remind.
❖ Oakridge Website​ | Our district will keep updating their website as needed. There are tons of resources
and tools for activities, needs, and more for families & students. ​Click here.
❖ Class Weebly​ | I will continue to update this, especially the lists for activities and things to keep
students & families moving and learning while we’re home. Please use this as a tool. ​Click here.
❖ Lessons​ | This is the daily starting point for virtual learning. Students start here and follow directions for
each subject. More info below. ​Click here.
❖ Google Classroom​ | Students should plan on accessing Google Classroom each day. There will be
announcements, tasks, and more from specific teachers on there, depending on the day’s lessons.
III. Virtual Learning
*6th graders should start ​HERE​ each day*

To the right is our template for daily learning. When

students access the lessons, they will see links and
instructions for each subject. We’re trying to make this
as self explanatory and easy to follow as possible but
please ask questions along the way!

In general, students should be working through each

day’s plans. If you miss a day or get behind, just do your
best to catch up by using the weekend or giving
themselves “homework”. We expect students to
participate as much as possible, connect with us when
they can and ask for help as much as needed. We also
want them to do their best! Most of the assignments are
things we believe they can do well and on their own at

Please pace yourself​. Do not plan on doing all of the assignments all at once each day. There are several
suggested schedules out there for families that include some kind of break every 45 minutes - 1 hour, more
often if needed. It’s best to work for a chunk of time, take a break and move around, then jump back into it for
another chunk of time. If this is a struggle for you or your family, please let me know and I’d be happy to help
you brainstorm!

You may find videos of other 6th grade teachers along the way. That’s normal! There will be times when I’m
recording but other times when we borrow from each other for certain things so you may see or hear some of
the other teachers along the way.

For reading​, 6th graders will be reading ​Storm Thief​. This is one of their books for 6th grade and there will be
recordings of the read aloud available to them. However, if they prefer to have the book in front of them or if
that helps them focus, ​Amazon​ has it available for $7. This is not required but an option.

For math​, all of 6th grade will start off working on Chapter 5. Some of you already started this during the first
couple weeks of the shut down, so you may use this as additional practice and a refresher since it has been a
couple weeks. If you find any assignments listed that you already completed, you can count that as done, just
make sure you remember how to do it! Otherwise, follow directions and complete any tasks for Chapter 5 as
listed in the daily lessons.
IV. Office Hours & Class Meetings
Office hours will be meant for individual students who need to check in with their teacher to get help on an
assignment, ask a question, etc. Students can always email ​anytime ​with questions. Office hours open up the
option to call me or start a Google Meet meeting (video conferencing).
Class meetings will be held twice a week and are optional. I would like to see as many students as possible each
time! This is another opportunity to ask for help on things as well. These meetings will take place using Google
Meet. If you’re not familiar with it, feel free to play around with it! It’s new to me too so I’m still learning. I
will post in Google Classroom and send out an email beforehand so students know how to get to our meeting
each time.
These days/times may be adjusted based on student needs. Any changes will be announced via email, Remind,
and Google Classroom.

Mrs. Mix’s Office Hours Room 104 Class Meetings

Tuesdays​ 10:00am - 11:30am Mondays​ 10:00am - 10:45am
Thursdays​ 1:00pm - 2:00pm Fridays​ 3:00pm - 3:30pm

V. Grades
Please note: we are still working through some decisions regarding grades. In general, here is what we know so

3rd Marking Period

● 3rd Marking Period grades will be finalized this Friday, April 20th.
● Any assignments that were due before we left (March 13th) will be marked accordingly (grade, missing,
● Any assignments started but not due before March 13th will not be graded in PowerSchool.
● AR goals will be adjusted and graded based on the beginning of 3rd Marking Period through March
13th. However, if students read and took quizzes on books up until April 20th, those quizzes will count
towards their 3rd MP goal.

4th Marking Period

● 4th Marking Period will begin Monday, April 20th
● Students should be reading and taking AR quizzes from home. This will be graded as usual (% of AR
Goal and Comprehension Level).
● Certain assignments from our virtual learning may need to be turned in. Most assignments will be turned
in via Google Classroom but directions for this will be given with each assignment that needs to be
turned in.
● Grading procedure for the 4th Marking Period is still being worked out. We will most likely give
credit/no credit based on participation & effort.
○ Students who do not have internet access or a device at home will not be penalized. There are
options available to help in this situation. Please contact me if this happens at any point during
this time.
IV. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What happens with 6th Grade Camp?

A: ​As you have probably already figured, camp will not happen this school year. We are very sad to have to say
that. Teachers are currently working on an alternative plan and will let you know as soon as we have something
set. Once we have a plan, we will also share what happens with the money students raised to cover camp costs.
Q: Will 6th graders still get a middle school visit before starting 7th grade?
A: ​We are working on this as well. We would like to plan something so students can get acclimated to their new
building before jumping right in. This is in the works!
Q: What assistance is the district providing for families in need?
A: ​Please visit ​​ for detailed information about food distribution,
chromebooks, and more during this time. The site is constantly updated and has loads of information.

V. To Dos
Please try to complete these items by Monday, April 20. Thank you so much!

❏ Make sure you’re checking email daily to get updates from the district, the school, and from me.
❏ Make sure your student(s) has a working device and internet connection at home
If anything changes with this during our virtual learning time, please contact me.
❏ Help your child(ren) gather supplies (notebook or paper, pencil, independent reading books).
If you need assistance with any of this, please contact me
❏ Do your best to set up a routine/schedule M-F to help student(s) be successful.
❏ Help your child(ren) choose a learning space where you can be successful each day

❏ AR
❏ Make sure you know how to get logged on & take a quiz from home
❏ Get caught up on quizzes from any books you’ve read during our break so far, including Perry
These quizzes should be done by FRIDAY and will add to your 3rd MP AR goal/grade
❏ All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook
❏ Please finish if you haven’t already! I hate that we couldn’t finish as a class. Click ​here​ for a link
to read alouds and more for Perry.
❏ Take the AR Quiz
❏ Biography Assignment
Done? Send it to me! Extra credit added to 3MP
Not done? You can finish it anytime before the end of the year for extra credit.
❏ Google Classroom
❏ Accept invite to 2 new classrooms (find this in your email or use the class codes to add yourself):
❏ Welcome ​6cceura
❏ Enrichments ​fhzbuos
Molly Mix

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