Assignment On Agile Methodology

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Q.1. State 10 other things other than PLAN on which Project Management depends on?
Project Management depends on following things:

1. Budget:
Budget is critical factor that determines a project’s progress and management. In case the
budget is high, then the number of days for completion of the project is also more and so is the
number of resources allocated to it. 

2. Deadline:
Deadline is one of the key aspects that determine how a project is managed. Missing a deadline
creates a bad impression for your team.

3. Stakeholders
Techniques of managing projects will vary depending upon the kind of stakeholders for the
projects. In case a project has multiple stakeholders from different backgrounds, there is a
possibility of disagreement between them.
4. Scope

Defining the reason why a project is necessary.

5. Risk

Managing the risks, issues and changes on the project

6. Price
Price is an important aspect of project management. Price is determined by high level managers
in consultation with project sponsors after studying market trends.

7. Supply Resources
In order to meet the demand within a stipulated date and time (which we came across as
deadline), supply of resources is necessary.

8. Motivation

Leading and motivating the project delivery team.

9. Monitoring

Monitoring progress against plan also depends on project management.

10. Capturing Requirement

Capturing project requirements, specifying quality of the deliverables, estimating resources and

Q.2.Difference Micro Management and Triple M?

Micromanagement is classic project management approach which is about managing the project in a
way that the manager keenly observes each activity which is performed by the team members. It
ensures the completion of project with accuracy, and on time.

While Triple M (modern mind management) is a modern management approach in which manager
clearly states the responsibility of each team member. It is also seen that manager has kind of less
authority over a team because this authority is often compromised by the priorities, views and
occasional interference of the actual administrative managers.

It can be precisely said that micromanagement is management which is based on activity performed by
members and triple M is management which is based on team members performing any activity.

Micro Management and Triple M differs in various ways are following:

 Job Duties
The job duties of a manager who Triple M usually remain unchanged. For instance, a lax
manager in the marketing department typically does not try to intervene in issues outside of his
department. A micromanager, however, takes on additional job duties and crosses
organizational walls to manage other departments.

 Trust Issues
Managers who works as Triple M reinforce an autonomous culture and self-reliant
organizational behavior in the workplace. Employees essentially govern themselves and do not
face trust issues. Micromanagers, however, typically erode the perceived trust that managers
have between their employees.
 Communication
The amount of communication from a micromanager versus that of a triple M is one of the
biggest differences between the two management styles. Micromanagers typically communicate
their opinions, solutions and issues with other employees and managers frequently. Managers
who are in triple M are usually silent and do not communicate with their employees.

 Chain of Command
The chain of command is usually not clear when a micromanager becomes heavily involved in
the workings of other departments in the business. For example, if the president of a company
begins to micromanage employees working on a marketing project, the employees might
become confused as to whom they should speak to regarding the project. Triple M, however,
are typically seen as the "boss” whether or not they take an active role in the workings of the

Q.3. List different Agile Methodologies?

 Agile Scrum Methodology

 Lean Software Development
 Kanban
 Extreme Programming (XP)
 Crystal
 Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)
 Feature Driven Development (FDD).

Q.4. What are the different Focus, Values and Roles in Scrum? And its importance? and its
difference from other focus, role and value?

Focus in Scrum

Scrum is a framework for project management where problems are stated while delivering some
deliverables of the project. It has some focus which are

 Transparency
 Inspection
 Adaptation

The Scrum framework includes elements that help promote focus.

 The team should focus on having a “Done Increment” at least by the end of every Sprint.
 Each scrum role has a distinct accountability which helps individuals know what to focus on as
their priority. That ultimately contributes to team outcomes.
 The scrum team focuses on a Sprint Goal to guide the team in what to deliver
 The product backlog is a prioritized order, and that creates focus on what is most important
thing to do next.
 Time-boxed sprint events create a sense of urgency and help us focus on the purpose of the

Values in Scrum

1. Courage
The Scrum Team members have the courage to do the right thing and work on tough
2. Focus
Everyone focuses on the work of the Sprint and the goals of the Scrum Team. 
3. Commitment
Scrum team members must be committed to success and be willing to create realistic goals
and stick to them
4. Respect
As self-organizing teams, it cannot do without respect for each other, so that we will cultivate
an engaged, productive, and humane environment for all.
5. Openness
The empiricism of Scrum requires transparency, openness by making known the arrangement
of our work, our progress, our learning and our problems.

Roles in Scrum

Scrum has 3 roles

1. Scrum Master
The Scrum Master helps the product group learn and apply Scrum to achieve business value.
The Scrum Master does whatever is in their power to help the Team, Product Owner and
organization be successful. The Scrum Master is not the manager of the Team members, nor
are they a project manager, team lead, or team representative.

2. Scrum Product Owner

The Product Owner is responsible for maximizing return on investment (ROI) by identifying
product features, translating these into a prioritized list, deciding which should be at the top
of the list for the next Sprint, and continually re-prioritizing and refining the list.

3. Development Team
A Development Team is a collection of individuals working together to develop and deliver the
requested and committed product increments.


Courage, Focus, Commitment, Respect, Openness are the values in scrum. Scrum added 5 values to the
framework that each member of the team uses to guide his decision making. Not a lot of people know
and understand these values, but they are critical to the successful implementation of scrum,
deserving elaboration for the meaning of them here .


The roles in Scrum are quite different from the traditional software methods. Clearly defined roles and
expectations help individuals perform their tasks efficiently. In Scrum, there are three roles:  Product
Owner, Development Team, and Scrum Master. Together these are known as the Scrum Team.

The main importance of scum is because of its assurance of quality of the product. Through continuous
client/customer feedback, quality is enhanced and product is developed as per need.

 The scrum has different focus because any traditional approach does not provide transparency
which means all the requirements are stated at the beginning of the development cycle, also it
doesn’t provide inspection instead only testing is done which is performed at the end of
development. Scrum has open gate for adaption which means through this framework, changes
can be added while development.
 The values of scrum don’t have much difference with other approaches instead of its openness
and respect. Because it is always open to be seen and it gives respect to the customer’s needs
and changes.
 The roles are also different because traditional and classical approach don’t have scrum master.
Only roles are, product owner and team.

Q.5. What are different events in Scrum?

Scrum Events

Scrum defines four events (sometimes called ceremonies) that occur inside each Sprint: Sprint Planning,
Daily Scrum, Sprint Review, and Sprint Retrospective.

 Sprint Planning

Sprint planning involves the entire Scrum Team: the development team, product owner, and Scrum
Master. During Sprint Planning, the entire Scrum Team collaborates and discusses the desired high-
priority work for the Sprint and defines the Sprint Goal. The Scrum Master’s role is primarily to facilitate
the meeting. The Product Owner describes the objective of the Sprint and also answers questions from
the Development Team about execution and acceptance criteria / criteria of satisfaction.  The
development team has the final say in how much of the high-priority work it can accomplish during the

 Daily Scrum
The mandatory participants at the Daily Scrum are the development team and the Scrum Master. The
product owner is invited but doesn’t have to attend. The Development Team meets for 15 minutes (or
less) every day of the Sprint to inspect progress toward the Sprint Goal. They describe for each other
how their own work is going, ask for help when needed, and consider whether they are still on track to
meet the Sprint Goal. This is not a status meeting but is instead an opportunity for the Development
Team to inspect and adapt the product and process on a daily basis.

 Sprint Review
The entire Scrum Team attends the sprint review. Any stakeholders, senior managers, and other
affected departments (e.g., marketing, customer support) are invited to attend and give feedback. Sprint
reviews focus on the product being development, specifically on the potentially shippable product
increment created during the sprint. During a sprint review, the Scrum Team invites stakeholders to
discuss what was completed during the Sprint. 

 Sprint Retrospective
Sprint retrospectives focus on the process. During a sprint retrospective the Scrum Team discusses what
went right and areas for improvement in the Sprint. They make tangible plans for how to improve their
own process, tools and relationships. Sprint retrospectives are for the Scrum Team, which would include
the development team, Scrum Master, and product owner. 

Q.6. Compare as Excel Sheet between Scrum and Waterfall Model?

 Scrum has sprints to work on the project  Waterfall model has clear and defined

stages to work on the project

 Scrum welcome changes at an early and  It welcomes changes only at the

late-stage during development requirement phase. There is not the

liberty of making changes at later stages.

 It includes customer and stakeholder at  It keep customer at bay. By the time

each phase. result is near.

 Work divided in teams as an individual  Work divided in phases. Team works

responsibility. closely

 Scrum take feedback from product  The requirement document is done at

owner and stakeholders. Customer kept initial stage. Proper documentation

in loop and constantly taken his word takes place during requirement phase

throughout the process. only.

 Scrum development process work well  Waterfall model work well with smaller

for difficult and complex project. project.

 Working Software shown to the  Working software is produced at the

customer at early stage. Which is why delivery time only to the customer.

changes are welcomed.

 The development process is divided

 Phases and processes are completed one
among the team as an individual, it does at a time

not wait for the previous stage to get


 Scrum development saves time and  It may take extra time as reviewing is
money by reviewing regular sprints in the done at the result only, if found

inappropriate then the process is back to

development process. level 1.

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