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The Principles Value

The Dialogic Loop
Chat box
There is a live chat box where questions can be asked and are
0 0 0
attended in a span of 1 to 3 minutes.

Open forum
There is an open forum page where questions, reviews, and
0 0 0
messages from site visitors are posted.

FAQ section
There is a comprehensive FAQ page and the information is
0 0 0
relevant to stakeholders.

Feedback form
A link to download feedback form or a separate webpage that
1 1 1
contains the feedback form is available in the website.

Polls for feedback about their projects

There are regular poll avenues for how to improve their projects. 0 0 0

Polls for feedback about the projects volunteers want to have

There are regular poll avenues that volunteers can vote on,
voicing out what projects they want to have and continue 0 0 0
participating in.

Offers regular email for feedback

There is an option as to where the stakeholder may receive
monthly feedback with regards to the whereabouts of the 1 1 1

R = 3M/N1 + N2 + N3;
R = 3(7)/7+7+7 = 1.00
Intercoder reliability = 100% > 80%

Only two indicators are present which is not adequate to establish a dialogic relationship with the
volunteers, therefore there is no proper Dialogic Loop. The website is in need of adding more widgets that
would allow the volunteers to directly communicate to the organization within the domain of the website.
Usefulness of Information
About us page
There is an “about us” page that contains the basic information
about Project PEARLS (i.e. history, vision-mission, objectives, 1 1 1

Contact us page
There is a section in the website that contains their contact
information such as their address, email address, phone number 1 1 1
and email.

Has a history page

There is an area in the website that contains the history of the
0 1 1

Has a vision mission page

There is an area in the website that contains the vision mission of
1 1 1
the organization.

Contains past projects

There is a page/section that has pictures and information on the
past projects of Project PEARLS. It can also contain comments 1 1 1
and write-ups of stakeholders.

Contains future projects

There is a page/section where future projects of the Project
1 1 1

Has a “What’s New/News” page

There is a page where current projects or programs are posted
through brief information or pictures. It may also contain any
recent activity in Project PEARLS (i.e. events, partnership, 1 1 1
promotions, message to the stakeholders, stance on
issues/manifestos, etc.

Has instructions on how to give or volunteer

There is a clear instruction on how to become a volunteer in
Project PEARLS with the requirements needed by the volunteer.
There is also a clear instruction on how to donate or partner to 1 1 1
Project PEARLS with the requirements and information needed
in order to donate or partner.

Financial Statements
There is an area allocated for the stakeholder to view or
0 0 0
download information regarding their financial statements.

Press releases
There are ready media information about the organization, as
1 1 1
well as their activities.
Audio/visual capacity
There are available photos, videos, podcasts present on the
1 1 1

Logo of organization isprominent

The logo is placed somewhere in the webpage on a noticeable
1 1 1

R = 3M/N1 + N2 + N3
R = 3(11)/12+12+12 = 33/36 = 0.916
Intercoder reliability = 92% > 80%

One indicator is not present: the Financial Statement. There is sufficient useful information within the
website but needs developing on how they present their History page. There is a great need to add a page
regarding the Financial Statements in order for the volunteers to become more knowledgeable of how the
organization spends the funds they work for.

Generation of Return Visits

Updated, not less than 3 months
There are updates in the “What’s New/News page”. It may also
contain updates in any of the segments in the website (i.e. About 1 1 1
Us, Contact Us, Future Projects, etc.

Calendar of events
There is a page wherein the future events of the organization is
1 1 1
clearly plotted, with some details already given.

Offers email updates

There is a segment where you can place your email address and
the Project PEARLS would send you updates through your 1 1 1

Downloadable information
There are options wherein you may download PDFs that contain
information about the organization such as their history, vision 0 0 0
mission, financial statements, etc.

Links to other websites that is in affiliation with the

0 0 0
There are links that directs the user to the website of the
organization’s affiliations and partner organizations.
R = 3M/N1 + N2 + N3
R = 3(5)/5+5+5 = 15/15 = 1.00
Intercoder reliability = 100% > 80%

This particular principle is followed fairly well by the website but lacks in a couple of aspects. These
factors can be crucial in encouraging the volunteers to go back to the website for future references such as
downloadable information and links that can direct them to the partner organizations that are relevant for
in discovering what the organization can offer and to lessen the volunteers’ uncertainty.

Ease of Interface
Less than 3 clicks or hovers to access information
0 0 0
Readable font
The font can be read without confusion or any eye strain. 1 1 1

Font size is big enough to read comfortably

The font size is not less than size 10. 1 1 1

Site Map
0 0 0
Search box
There is a visible search box so that the user may type in the
0 0 0
certain kind of information they are looking for.

Low reliance on graphics

Not more than 5 photos in one page. 0 0 0

Short Scrolling Time

Scrolling to the very bottom of the page must not take more than
5 seconds in order to have more straightforward and concise 0 0 0

Organization of Menu tabs

The menu tabs must contain no more than 5 page options to serve
as the Main Menu and should lead to desired subpage through 0 0 0
dropdown option.

R = 3M/N1 + N2 + N3
R = 3(8)/8+8+8 = 24/24 = 1.00
Intercoder reliability = 100% > 80%

Based on the results, majority of the indicators for ease of interface are absent in their current website.
Using their website can be quite difficult as it has no aesthetic appeal nor does provide an efficient
navigation while exploring through the pages for information. The website has very large amounts of
content per page that tends to overwhelm the user and it also takes a long time for the user to get to the
main idea that he or she might need. Specifically, volunteers might want to get information immediately
and easily as they need to feel that they are needed by the organization.
Conservation of Visitors
Short loading time
Homepage and subpages within the website takes less than 15
1 1 1
seconds to load completely.

Straightforward homepage
The homepage must only contain the main menu tab, less than
three news or post updates, and must directly address volunteers 0 0 0
and donors and invite them to help.

Absence of spam advertisements

There are no spam advertisements that lead to dangerous and
faulty websites that could possible harm the user’s device’s 1 1 1

Absence of unnecessary web links

Links of websites that leads to unaffiliated or unsponsored
websites are filtered and cannot be seen from any and all of the 1 1 1
pages within the site.

R = 3M/N1 + N2 + N3
R = 3(4)/4+4+4 = 12/12 = 1.00
Intercoder reliability = 100% > 80%

All of the indicators are present but one, which is the straightforwardness of the homepage. There is a
great need for them to alter the homepage to make it look less overwhelming and at the same time
immediately catches the attention of the target volunteers for them to stay hooked with the website and
willingly search for more information.
Level of Measurement:
Value Description
It is always available/evident and completely functioning/updated/ or consistent.
It is not always available/evident and not functioning or not applicable in the website.

R = 3M/N1 + N2 + N3

M = 35 intercoder agreement
N = 36 total number of indicators

3(35)/36 + 36 + 36
= 0.97 or 97%

The codebook has been revised once and coding was conducted twice.

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