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(3 SKS)

Faculty :
Imbang J Mangkuto

GF 22 GSMB Academic Affairs,

Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. C 22, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920

Phone: 021 – 526 1448


Course description: 

Defining the term of Crisis Management Plan, this course begins by explaining the
business continuity plan and how it comprises the prevention, emergency response, and
business resumption plan. This course examines the role of the management in the
crisis and the techniques adopted by national and international organisations to study
precrisis, acute crises and post crisis and deals with the crisis commjunication team and
plan, and review development of the crisis management plan, and discusses the
comman centre. It examines international crises from the media’s perspective. It begins
by examining the theoretical role of the media in international crises and then, through a
case study approach, measure media performance in practice in the major conflicts of
crisis management.

Course objectives: 

This course seeks to improve your understanding of crisis management and to give you
specific skills of managing the crisis. At the end of this course, you should have the
ability to:
 Identify a number of crisis that can be threaten to a company
 Demonstrate how problems in the pre-crisis stage are manage to prevent acute
 Suggest how to select the crisis management team and how they should manage
the crisis in the post crisis stage
 Show how periodically revise an existing plan and explains the need for
continually updating the plan

Required text:
• Edward S. Devlin, Crisis Management Planning and Execution, Auerbach Public
ations, 2007 
• Edward, P. Borodzics, Risk, Crisis and Security Management, Wiley. 2005 
• Graham Dietz., Nicole Gillespie., The Recovery of Trust: Case studies of
organizational failures and trust repair

Your course grade will be determined in the following way: 35% Midtest, 35% Final
test, 30% Assignments
As a general policy, no make up work or exams will be granted unless required for
medical reasons, in which case a note from a physician is required. An important
part of the course is the effectiveness of your individual participation in the class.
Contribution that add new insights into the case issues or class discussions,
including toward work of other groups, will be rewarded.
GF 22 GSMB Academic Affairs,

Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. C 22, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920

Phone: 021 – 526 1448

2. Topics Covered & Schedule:

No Topic

Session 1 Introduction:
Ch01 The Crisis Management Plan — What Is It? 
Case : The Recovery of Trust: Case studies of organizational failures and
trust repair

Session 2. Start of Group presentation on Reading and Case

Reading 1:
Ch02 Business Continuity Planning: What Is It? 
Case Study 1: Siemens

Session 3. Reading 2:
ch03 Stages of a Crisis ‐ The Pre‐Crisis Stage
Case Study 2: Mattel

Reading 3:
Session 4.
Ch03 Stages of a Crisis ‐ The Acute‐Crisis Stage 
Case Study 3: Toyota

Reading 4:
Session 5.
ch03 Stages of a Crisis ‐ The Post‐Crisis Stage 
Case Study 4: BAE Systems

Reading 5:
Session 6.
Ch04 Steps in Managing a Crisis 
Case Study 5: The BBC

Session 7.
Reading 6:
Ch05 The Executive Management Team
Case Study 6: Severn Trent

Mid Test Mid Term Exam 

GF 22 GSMB Academic Affairs,

Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. C 22, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920

Phone: 021 – 526 1448

Session 8 Continued on Group Presentation on Reading and Company
Session 8 : ch06 The Crisis Management Team
CA 1: Company profile and Crisis description

Session 9 Session 9 : ch07 The Crisis Communications Team 
CA 2: Pre-crisis situation identification, establish timeline

Session 10 Session 10 : ch08 Developing the Crisis Management Plan 
CA 3: Acute-crisis situation (Four steps identification)

Session 11 Session 11 : The Crisis Management Team Command Center 
CA 4: Post crisis situation identification

Session 12 Session 12 : ch10 Exercising the Crisis Management Plan 
CA 5: EMT, CMT, CMP: Identify their presence

Session 13 Session 13 : ch10 Exercising the Crisis Management Plan 
CA 6: Communication Team : Identify their action

Session 14 Session 14 : Risk, Crisis and Security Management (IJM)
Final Group Presentation – Company Case

Final Test Final Exam 


1. Chapter and Case Group presentation

2. Chapter and Company analysis presentation

GF 22 GSMB Academic Affairs,

Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. C 22, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12920

Phone: 021 – 526 1448

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