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Cristina: Israel is a beautiful country located on the Asian continent. Missaely

yesterday we read an article about this country. Missaely, what do you think about the
Missaely: Ok, The most typical food in israel is the PITA, Alfonso, How is Pita Made?
Alfonso: Pita its made actually a very simple bread dough: water, flour, yeast, salt, and
that's about it.
Cristina: Oh that sounds very easy, we should try.
Missaely: We are supposed to do it. We must share this recipe with our friends and if
we suddenly have a party, make it for our guests. Do you agree Alfonso?
Alfonso: Yes, I agree. I will try to prepare it for my family this afternoon maybe
accompanied with a special sauce this can be pink sauce. Cristina, What can you tell
me about manners in Israel?
Cristina: Okay but let's do something. I'm going to talk to you about good manners.
Missaely: And I'm going to talk to you about bad manners.
Alfonso: And if we better speak two of each?
Missaely: Ummmm, Ok.
Cristina: In Israel, be careful not point at people that can bring you problems, maybe
they can even attack you. And another one, It is not acceptable to complain to your
server if you dont like your meal.
Missaely: You can ingratiate the people of Israel by bowing. But It is impolite shake
hands between woman.
Alfonso: You know I had planned to travel to Israel next year and with these
suggestions, I will be able to apply them there. Something else to add. In Israel, arriving
late its not ok, If you are going to do that, you must say that you will be late. And the
last, You can offend people by eating in front of them without sharing. Sharing is one
of the sayings of this country.
Alfonso: I want to add something more about Hanukka .It is a feast that marks the
rededication of the Jerusalem temple to commemorate the successful Maccabean
rebellion against the seleucidos when they fought for their independence and religious
Missaely: And when Its celebrated.
Cristina: It seems to me. It seems to me that from December 10 to December 15.
That’s Ok?
Missaely: No, the exact end date is December 18th.
Cristina: You’re correct Missaely.
Missaely: Its good to know.
Cristina: Yes.

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