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Doug Thomas, Managing Director of Central Transport, had just returned from a meeting
called by Sue Purdum, President and CEO of SAB Distribution. He immediately sat
down and wrote the following E-mail message to all of his senior staff.

I need your collective wisdom and input to help me respond to a challenge given to me
by Ms. Sue Purdum of SAB Distribution. SAB, as you know has been one of our best
customers for many years. Our growth has been tied to its growth since we are one of its
core carriers. As it expanded its customer base throughout Pennsylvania and the
neighboring states, we have expanded our route network to meet its requirements. Our
founder, John Spychalkski, was a personal friend of the three founders of SAB
Distribution. While that personal friendship has changed with changes in both of our
organizations, Central has maintained a partnership approach with SAB. My belief is that
if SAB wins Central wins.

SAB, according to Sue Purdum has been faced with a growing level competition both
directly and indirectly in the communities where its retail store customers are located. Its
profit margins have narrowed, and Sue Purdum is under pressure from his board (most of
whom are descendants of the three founders) to improve SAB’s profitability. To his
credit, he initiated a number of changes after he became Vice-President five years ago.

According to Sue Purdum, he has to reduce his cost-of-sales and / or improve his level of
customer service to add more value to his customers. Transportation from SAB’s
warehouse to its customer stores is a major part of its cost-of-sales. Also, our ability to
deliver customer’s orders in a timely and reliable manner impacts significantly SAB’s
customer service.

Sue Purdum would like our senior management team to consider what we could do to
help SAB remain competitive and improves its profitability. Obviously, we could reduce
our rates by 10 % to offset the problem to us unless we can reduce our operating costs by
10 % to offset the rate reduction. We need to be creative and think of ourselves as a
supply chain partner with SAB and its suppliers and customers.

Help Mr.Doug Thomas develop a “white paper” to respond to Sue Purdum by addressing
the following:


1. Why and how has the competitive marketplace changed for SAB Distribution?
2. Provide additional rationale for the collaborative perspective suggested by Mr.
Doug Thomas.
3. Using the success factors for supply chain management as a framework,
recommend what Central Transport can do to help SAB improve its efficiency
1. The Competition has increased for SAB distribution from the communities
of its Retail customers. The following are the channels due to which market place
changed for SAB.

a. The Customer service, for which the SAB thinks, is not as per the competition
and at the level which consumer wants. Wall mart buying advantage from
manufacturers had to be offset

b. The time constraints / limits in which the customer wants the products to be
delivered. As the consumer is too choosy now days, he/she want the right
product at right time and right place at the cheapest price.

c. The transport expenses, which SAB thinks has to be decreased and are
affecting their Profit.

2. Mr. Doug Thomas told his company senior staff.

a. The founders of the SAB distribution and Central Transport’s founder were

b. There is partnership approach between both the companies

c. The central grows with the growth of SAB, as the SAB expanded in
Pennsylvania and other states, Central also expanded along with to provide the

3. The SAB can improve its efficiency by:

a. The Profit = Price – Cost. The price is in the hand of Market, as the market
fluctuates the price fluctuate, the cost can be controlled by the company, so as to
increase the profit. The expenses have to be controlled.

b. As the transport solution/Support is provided by Central Transport the Central

transport can reduce the rates by 10 %. By which the cost will come down.

c. Manage the route of the supply of the materials in such a way that there is no
repetition of transport on the same way for different Deliveries. Means orders
should be delivered in one stretch, i.e. load all at once as much as possible and
unload as the destination arrives, instead of loading and reloading again and
again for orders of same route and almost same date.

d. Central also can think of providing the Large Capacity Transport vehicle
Facility so that Central’s cost decreases and further they can cut the SAB’s
Transport Cost.

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