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Ghubaya College of Pharmacy 9485500085 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY


The human digestive system consists of

1 Alimentary canal
2 Accessary oragans
▪ pairs of salivary glands
▪ the pancreas
▪ the liver and bilary tract

➢ Ingestion means taking food into alimentary tract

➢ Digestion means break down of complex particles into simple absorbable one (mechanical &
chemical) A
➢ Absorption means the process by which the digested food substances pass through walls of
organs of alimentary canal into the blood for circulation all over the body
➢ Elimination means excretion of food substances, which had been eaten but could not be
digested and absorbed, by the bowel as faeces.
➢ The anatomy and physiology of various organs of the system is as follows –

Mouth or Oral cavity:

Mouth or Oral cavity is bounded by muscles and bones. It is linked by stratified epithelium.
The tongue serves the following functions:
✓ Mastication (chewing)
✓ Deglutition (swallowing)
✓ Taste (general sensation)
✓ Speech (essential speech)
✓ Secretion (mucus and serous fluids)

Ghubaya College of Pharmacy 9485500085 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY

These are embedded in sockets of the alveolar ridges of the mandible and maxilla. It exists in two forms -
temporary teeth (20), and permanent teeth (32). The permanent teeth show molars, premolars, incisors, and
Molars and premolars are used for grinding and chewing food while inscisors and canine helps in cutting or
biting of pieces of food.
The pharyngeal and laryngeal parts of the pharynx are involved in the digestive system. Food from the oral
cavity passes to the pharynx and then to oesophagus,
It is the first organ of the system and is about 25 cm long. It is continuous with the pharynx above and joins
the stomach below the diaphragm. It receives the food from the pharynx and passes to the stomach by series
of peristaltic contractions.
✓ It receives food material and acts as a reservoir of food
✓ Stomach secretes gastric juice which acts as a digestive fluid. The hydrochloric acid of gastric
juice acts as an antiseptic against swallowed bacteria
✓ Stomach digest the proteins
✓ It absorbs small quantities of water, saline, alcohol, glucose, and certain drugs.
Small Intestine:
Small intestine is the main site where complete digestion of food occurs. The functions of small intestine
Ghubaya College of Pharmacy 9485500085 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY
✓ Onward movement of its contents by peristalsis, which is increased by parasympathetic stimulation
✓ Secretion of intestinal juice, also increased by parasympathetic stimulation
✓ Completion of chemical digestion of carbohydrates, protein and fats in the enterocytes of the villi.
✓ Absorption of nutrients.
Large Intestine:
Functions of large intestine are:
✓ Absorption of water and drugs.
✓ Large number of micro-organisms are present in the large intestine e.g. E. Coli, E. aerogenes which
helps in the synthesis of vitamins,
✓ It is involved in the act of defecation.
Accessory organs of Digestive System :
Salivary Glands:
These glands pour their secretions into the mouth. The saliva serves the following function –
✓ It keeps the mouth moist,
✓ It dilutes hot and irritant substances and prevents the injury to mucous membrane,
✓ Constant flow of saliva washes down the food debris and thus prevents the growth of the bacteria
✓ Maltose in the saliva converts into glucose.
It is the largest gland of the body which weights about 1 - 2.3 kg. Bile is the secretary as well as excretory
product of liver.

Liver in involved in following functions :

✓ It deaminates amino acids.
✓ It converts glucose to glycogen in presence of insulin.
✓ It desaturates the fat.
✓ It is known to produce heat.
✓ It is involved in synthesis of vitamin A.
It is a pale grey gland weights about 60 gms, It is present in epigastric region of abdominal cavity. It
secretes pancreatic juice. This juice is involved in chemical digestion of food.

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