Escaping Pandora's Box - Another Novel Coronavirus: Perspective

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PE R S PE C T IV E Escaping Pandora’s Box

Escaping Pandora’s Box

Escaping Pandora’s Box — Another Novel Coronavirus

David M. Morens, M.D., Peter Daszak, Ph.D., and Jeffery K. Taubenberger, M.D., Ph.D.​​

T he 1918 influenza pandemic

was the deadliest event in hu-
man history (50 million or more
have recently seen many such
emerging zoonoses, including the
2003 bat-coronavirus–derived SARS
man virus. Coronavirus emergence
takes a different trajectory, but
the principles are similar: SARS,
deaths, equivalent in proportion to (an earlier severe acute respiratory the Middle Eastern respiratory syn-
200 million in today’s global syndrome, caused by a closely re- drome (MERS), and Covid-19 all
population). For more than a cen- lated coronavirus), which came apparently have their origins in
tury, it has stood as a benchmark terrifyingly close to causing a enzootic bat viruses. The paral-
against which all other pandem- deadly global pandemic that was lels between the two SARS virus-
ics and disease emergences have prevented only by swift global es are striking, including emer-
been measured. We should remem- public health actions and luck.1 gence from bats to infect animals
ber the 1918 pandemic as we deal Now, 17 years later, we stand at sold in live-animal markets, allow-
with yet another infectious-disease a similar precipice. How did we ing direct viral access to crowds
emergency: the growing epidemic get to this point, and what hap- of humans, which exponentially
of novel coronavirus infectious dis- pens next? increases opportunities for host-
ease (Covid-19), which is caused by We must realize that in our switching. Such live markets have
the severe acute respiratory syn- crowded world of 7.8 billion peo- also led to avian epizootics with
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). ple, a combination of altered hu- fatal human “spillover” cases
This virus has been spreading man behaviors, environmental caused by nonpandemic, poultry-
throughout China for at least changes, and inadequate global adapted influenza viruses such as
2 months, has been exported to public health mechanisms now H5N1 and H7N9. One human
at least 36 other countries, and easily turn obscure animal viruses cultural practice in one populous
has been seeding more than two into existential human threats.1-3 country has thus recently led to
secondary cases for every primary We have created a global, human- two coronavirus near-pandemics
case. The World Health Organi- dominated ecosystem that serves and thousands of severe and fatal
zation has declared the epidemic as a playground for the emergence international cases of “bird flu.”
a Public Health Emergency of and host-switching of animal vi- But these are not the only ex-
International Concern. If public ruses, especially genetically error- amples of deadly viral emergences
health efforts cannot control viral prone RNA viruses, whose high associated with human behav-
spread, we will soon be witness- mutation rates have, for millions iors.2 HIV emerged from primates
ing the birth of a fatal global of years, provided opportunities and was spread across Africa by
pandemic. to switch to new hosts in new truck routes and sexual practices.
The Greek myth of Pandora’s ecosystems. It took the genome The origin of Ebola remains un-
box (actually a pithos, or jar) comes of the human species 8 million certain, but in 2014–2016 the virus
to mind: the gods had given Pan- years to evolve by 1%. Many ani- spread explosively in West Africa
dora a locked jar she was never mal RNA viruses can evolve by in association with fear and se-
to open. Driven by human weak- more than 1% in a matter of crecy, inadequate infrastructure
nesses, she nevertheless opened days. It is not difficult to under- and information systems, and
it, releasing the world’s misfor- stand why we increasingly see the unsafe nursing and burial prac-
tunes and plagues. emergence of zoonotic viruses. tices. Emergences of arenaviruses
Of course, scientists tell us We have actually been watch- causing Argentine and Bolivian
that SARS-CoV-2 did not escape ing such dramas play out in slow hemorrhagic fever are associated
from a jar: RNA sequences close- motion for more than a millen- with agricultural practices, and
ly resemble those of viruses that nium in the case of pandemic Bolivian hemorrhagic fever was
silently circulate in bats, and epi- influenza, which begins with vi- spread across Bolivia by road
demiologic information implicates ruses of wild waterfowl that host- building that fostered migration
a bat-origin virus infecting un- switch to humans and then cause of reservoir rodents. In Southeast
identified animal species sold in human-to-human transmission. A Asia, Nipah virus emerged from
China’s live-animal markets. We bird virus thereby becomes a hu- bats because of the intensifica-

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PERS PE C T IV E Escaping Pandora’s Box

tion of pig farming in a bat-rich “witness” the beginning of the as-yet-undetermined ratio of in-
biodiversity hot spot. Human 1918 pandemic, evidence sug- apparent cases to apparent cases
monkeypox emerged in the Unit- gests that wherever it began, it and an unknown rate of asymp-
ed States because of a booming silently spread around the world, tomatic spread? The answer to
international wildlife trade. In the causing mostly mild cases but this question is critical, because
1980s, Aedes albopictus mosquitoes also mortality of 0.5 to 1% or without the ability to prevent such
were being spread globally by higher — a rate that was initially spread, we will cross a threshold
humans; in 2014 and 2015, we too low to be detected against a where pandemic prevention be-
had pandemics of aedes-borne high background rate of death comes impossible. And we won’t
chikungunya and Zika viruses. from unrelated respiratory illness- know that we have arrived there
Major epidemics associated es. Then it suddenly exploded in until it is too late.
with human crowding, movement, urban centers almost everywhere With luck, public health con-
and sanitary inadequacy once oc- at once, making a dramatic en- trol measures may be able to put
curred without spreading global- trance after a long, stealthy ap- the demons back in the jar. If
ly — for example, interregional proach. We are now recognizing they do not, we face a daunting
plague pandemics of the 6th, early stages of Covid-19 emer- challenge equal to or perhaps
14th, and later centuries; influ- gence in the form of growing and greater than that posed by the
enza pandemics beginning in the geographically expanding case influenza pandemic of a century
9th century; and cholera pan- totals, and there are alarming ago. As the late Nobel laureate
demics in the late 18th and early similarities between the two re- Joshua Lederberg famously lament-
19th centuries. When truly global spiratory disease emergences. Like ed about emerging infectious dis-
pandemics did become common pandemic influenza in 1918, eases, “It’s our wits versus their
— for instance, influenza in 1889, Covid-19 is associated with respi- genes.” Right now, their genes
1918, and 1957 — they were ratory spread, an undetermined are outwitting us by adapting
spread internationally by rail and percentage of infected people with to infectivity in humans and to
ship. Then, in 1968, influenza be- presymptomatic or asymptomatic sometimes silent spread, without
came the first pandemic spread cases transmitting infection to — so far — revealing all their
by air travel, and it was soon fol- others, and a high fatality rate.5 secrets. But we are catching up.
lowed by the emergence of acute We are taking swift public As we push ahead, we should take
enteroviral hemorrhagic conjunc- health actions to prevent an heart in the Hesiod version of
tivitis spread between internation- emergence from becoming a pan- the Pandora myth, in which Pan-
al airports. These events ushered demic, including isolation of pa- dora managed to prevent a single
in our modern epidemic era, in tients and contacts to prevent escape: “Only Hope was left .  .  .,
which any disease occurring any- secondary spread. But will these she remained under the lip of the
where in the world can appear actions be adequate? Most ex- jar, and did not fly away.”
the next day in our neighbor’s perts agree that such measures Disclosure forms provided by the authors
backyard. We have reached this could not have prevented the 1918 are available at
point because of continuing in- influenza pandemic. In fact, in
From the Office of the Director (D.M.M.)
creases in the human population, the past century we have never and the Viral Pathogenesis and Evolution
crowding, human movement, en- been able to completely prevent Section, Laboratory of Infectious Diseases
vironmental alteration, and eco- influenza spread at the commu- (J.K.T.), National Institute of Allergy and In-
fectious Diseases, Bethesda, MD; and Eco-
systemic complexity related to nity level, even with vaccination Health Alliance, New York, New York (P.D.).
human activities and creations. and antiviral drugs. The problem
Cartoonist Walt Kelly had it right is that most influenza cases are This article was published on February 26,
decades ago: “We have met the either asymptomatic, subsymptom- 2020, at
enemy, and he is us.” atic, undiagnosed, or transmitted
1. Allen T, Murray KA, Zambrana-Torrelio
Preventing and controlling before the onset of symptoms. C, et al. Global hotspots and correlates of
future pandemic occurrences re- Can we do better with SARS- emerging zoonotic diseases. Nat Commun
mains a global priority.4 With CoV-2, a virus with a presumably 2017;​8:​1124.
2. Morens DM, Folkers GK, Fauci AS. The
Covid-19, are we seeing a replay longer incubation period and se- challenge of emerging and re-emerging in-
of 1918? Although we did not rial generation time, but with an fectious diseases. Nature 2004;​430:​242-9.

1294 n engl j med 382;14  April 2, 2020

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
PE R S PE C T IV E Escaping Pandora’s Box

3. Parrish CR, Holmes EC, Morens DM, Long KC, Karesh WB. Building resilience to cataclysm, 1918. N Engl J Med 2018;​379:​
et al. Cross-species virus transmission and biothreats:​an assessment of unmet core 2285-7.
the emergence of new epidemic diseases. global health security needs. New York:​Eco-
Microbiol Mol Biol Rev 2008;​72:​457-70. health Alliance, 2019. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2002106
4. Carlin EP, Machalaba C, Berthe FCJ, 5. Morens DM, Taubenberger JK. Influenza Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Escaping Pandora’s Box

Waste, Worry, and the Seven Sins of Medicine

Waste, Worry, and the Seven Sins of Medicine

Brendan M. Reilly, M.D.​​

I t takes seconds to suspect the

diagnosis — there’s nothing
else this could be. Annoying but
but then they needed one of my neck.
Then they did an MRI of my brain,
and after that a neurologist came and
number on Greg’s mind; he’s be-
gun receiving his medical bills.
The charge for carotid ultrasound
benign, Greg’s malady is common said my tests were fine, so maybe it’s is $3,339; his ED tests, $26,432;
and typically resolves on its own. BPPV, but I better keep that appoint- the ones in the cardiologist’s of-
Reassuring him, however, isn’t so ment with the cardiologist in case some- fice, $15,989. He hasn’t seen the
simple, after other doctors have thing else is going on, too. doctors’ bills yet.
“scared the bejesus out of me.” Something else? Greg was the chief informa-
And Greg, who was on the 71st Yeah, but I Googled BPPV, and it tion officer for two multinational
floor of the North Tower on 9/11, sounded right to me. One of the com- drug firms, so outrageous pricing
doesn’t scare easily. ments on the Web site said they should doesn’t surprise him. Nor does ir-
He called me after the cardi- add a third “P,” call it benign paroxys- rational risk aversion. What shocks
ologist scheduled him for coro- mal Purely positional vertigo because, him is “the stupidity of the pro-
nary angiography. I couldn’t walk fast like you said, it only happens when you cess, the mental laziness.” Where’s
enough on the treadmill — my sore change position. Nobody asked me the science? he asks. I’ve got this fleck
hip, you know? — so they did the phar- about that, how I had turned my head of calcium tumbling around in my in-
macologic stress test, but that was in- each time it happened. Anyway, the ner ear, and they tell me maybe it’s a
conclusive, too. So he says do the angio- cardiologist did a Holter monitor and heart attack! The final straw comes
gram, better safe than sorry, right? an ultrasound and some other stuff, when Greg sees his niece, a young
Why are they doing these tests? said everything looked good but we internist, at a family gathering.
So I can get a note for the gym. should do the angiogram, like why take He begins telling her his story,
The gym? chances, you know? but after about 30 seconds she
Yeah. I had a spell in the gym. On But . . . says, “You got BPPV, huh? But it’s get-
the rowing machine. I know. I mean, where’s Occam’s ting better, right?” Greg can’t believe
A spell? razor? it. Here they are, doing MRIs of my
Yeah. First I had one when I was out Greg holds a doctorate in ad- brain and scaring the crap out of me,
jogging. My primary care sent me for vanced mathematics, so he knows and this kid says “Oh yeah, millions of
an ultrasound of my neck. about Occam’s razor. I tell him people get that, no big deal.” Hello?
Your neck . . . your carotid about Hickham’s dictum, the People worry. These are not victimless
arteries? counterargument to Occam that crimes.
Yeah. In case it was a stroke. Then says “the patient can have as many Greg makes an ENT appoint-
they said I should see a cardiologist, but diseases as he damn well pleas- ment to get an expert’s reassur-
then I had the spell at the gym. The es.” But Greg knows about Bayes’ ance. But the ENT’s expertise
gym people got all nervous, said I need theorem, too — and prospect doesn’t extend to the inner ear.
a doctor’s note before I can come back. theory. So he asked the cardiolo- He looks at Greg’s ear drum,
Then the next day I had another spell gist to estimate his probability of does an audiogram, tells him he
— in the bathroom, shaving — so I coronary disease, given his lack has some high-frequency hearing
went to emergency. They put me in 23- of any risk factors except age. The loss, but declines to opine about
hour observation, did an electrocardio- guy looked at me like I was speaking a the vertigo. For that, he says, you’ll
gram and some blood tests and x-rays, foreign language. need to go to the Vestibular Center.
then a CT of my head. That looked OK, Pretest probability isn’t the only There, in an office with a phys-

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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