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Internet of Things security focuses on protecting your internet-enabled devices that

connect to each other on wireless networks. IoT security is the safety component tied to the Internet
of Things, and it strives to protect IoT devices and networks against cybercrime.
In recent years, the techniques based on the biological properties of human beings having
the much significant in the identification of individuals where the other techniques like pass codes,
OTP generation and other types of security modes having the possibilities of getting stolen, misused
and forged etc. Hence the biological properties like identification of face finger prints, Palm, ear, Iris,
retina and signature can be used which are not easily accessed by anyone. The major purpose of face
recognition is to verify and identify. Face recognition applications are playing significant role in the
following fields like security investigation, Camera surveillance process, General identity
verification, criminal case investigation, database management systems, application based on smart
card and other types of magnetic cards.
In the current era, a human face is not only used for social interactions but also
extensively utilized to unlock various devices. This particular technology is well known as Face
recognition. It utilizes the human face to act as a password for multiple devices employing biometric
face recognition technology. A person is no longer required to remember passwords that can be
easily forgotten, lost or stolen. As technology advances, facial recognition system is getting more
potential in various industries ranging from Enterprises, Hospitals, Law enforcement, Retail,
Hospitality to Marketing. As one of the most successful applications of image analysis and
understanding, face recognition has recently received significant attention, especially during the past
several years. At least two reasons account for this trend: the first is the wide range of commercial
and law enforcement applications, and the second is the availability of feasible technologies after 30
years of research. Even though current machine recognition systems have reached a certain level of
maturity, their success is limited by the conditions imposed by many real applications. For example,
recognition of face images acquired in an outdoor environment with changes in illumination and/or
pose remains a largely unsolved problem.
Face scanner is the future generation recognition system that provides an incredibly
versatile human verification process. Its application is not restricted for the security concerns only but
also promptly expands the outreach in a commercial domain. Face recognition is a biometric solution
designed for the purpose of recognizing a human face without any physical contact required. The
solution runs through algorithms that match the facial nodes of a Captured person with the facial
nodes of Existed faces that are stored in the database.
Security of any organization or critical location can be enhanced using facial recognition.
The versatile nature of facial recognition makes it a preferred choice for added security.
Facial biometrics system has been used as a measure of securities in the topmost institutions
and workplaces to ensure that there is no scope of any vandalism. This type of software leaves
absolutely no room for human error and is a major helping hand. Just by a set of algorithms, the
software does geometric and photometric recognition within seconds.
The facial biometrics system has emerged as the master of all recognition software due to
its easy applicability and low-cost technology. Its non-contact nature is the best thing about it in the
sense that a person through facial recognition, even in a crowded place can be recognized, given that
his ../images are saved in the database.
Facial recognition makes access to information more limited and restricted to those who own
it. It has made verification relatively easier, with nothing much to equip and a lot of information to
access within minutes. The Face recognition solution has been as a major component in the field of
Objective of the Project
Facial recognition system captures the Face of a person to identify an individual through
a certain distance as it does not involve any physical interaction with the person. The images captured
will be in the form of nodal points that is compared with the existing nodal points present in the
system to identify a pre-registered individuals. If it does not match with any faces then it will send an
authentication Email to the authorized Persons.
The non-contact procedure rendered by biometrics face recognition technology provides
a safe, rapid and reliable solution.
Unlike any other identification solution, face recognition identifies the unique features of the
human face and them makes a comparison based on the existing database of photographs. Sensors
detect and identify face shapes by the colour of the iris, nose shape, and so on. Identifying the human
face includes concentrating on certain unique features, such as the jaw, cheekbones, face shape and
so on. Once the image in the database matches with the face of the person concerned, the face is
The non-contact feature of this solution makes the identification and verification of a person’s
identity much easier and involves less processing than any other identification system.

Literature survey

The task of face recognition has been actively researched in recent years. It is an
important research problem spanning numerous fields and disciplines. This because face
recognition, in additional to having numerous practical applications such as bankcard
identification, access control, Mug shots searching, security monitoring, and surveillance system,
is a fundamental human behaviour that is essential for effective communications and
interactions among people.
Progress has advanced to the point that face recognition systems are being demonstrated in
real-world settings. The rapid development of face recognition is due to a combination of factors:
active development of algorithms, the availability of a large databases of facial images, and a
method for evaluating the performance of face recognition algorithms. In the literatures, face
recognition problem can be formulated as: given static (still) or video images of a scene, identify
or verify one or more persons in the scene by comparing with faces stored in a database. When
comparing person verification to face recognition, there are several aspects which differ. First, a
client – an authorized user of a personal identification system – is assumed to be co-operative and
makes an identity claim. Computationally this means that it is not necessary to consult the
complete set of database images (denoted model images below) in order to verify a claim. An
incoming image (referred to as a probe image) is thus compared to a small number of model
images of the person whose identity is claimed and not, as in the recognition scenario, with every
image (or some descriptor of an image) in a potentially large database. Second, an automatic
authentication system must operate in near-real time to be acceptable to users. Finally, in
recognition experiments, only images of people from the training database are presented to the
system, whereas the case of an imposter (most likely a previously unseen person) is of utmost
importance for authentication.
Organisation of the Project Report

Chapter 1 includes brief introduction of Project, objective of the project, Literature Survey
Chapter 2 includes the existing methods and details
Chapter 3 includes the proposed method and details about way of implementation
Chapter 4 includes the discussion about project Result
Chapter 5 concludes the project

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