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Lesson Plan

Name: Emily Browne Date: 01/27/2020

Grade: 6th Grade Class Type: General Music

1.Measurable Objective(s): (Measurable learning objectives use action verbs to describe what you want the
students to be able to do by the end of the class.)
Students will read patterns with do, re, mi, fa, and sol.
Students will play diatonic melodies on barred instruments.
Students will sing one part of a round.

2.Assessment: (What evidence will show that the students understand? Describe the assessment used – formal
and informal assessments based on learning objectives.)
Informal – teacher assessment – teacher will listen to see if students are singing the correct pitches and
Informal – student assessment – students will listen to people around them to see if they are singing the
same notes. “Thumbs up or thumbs down, do you need to echo the song again?”

3. National Standards: (Creating, Performing, Responding – Write out the standards that you will be
addressing in their entirety.)
MU:Pr5.1.3b Rehearse to refine technical accuracy, expressive qualities, and identified performance

4. State Standards: (Creating, Performing, Responding, Connecting - Write out the standards that you will be
addressing in their entirety.)
Sing and play musical canons, rounds, and music in at least two parts. (3-4.M.P.05)

5. Required Prior Knowledge and Skills: (What must students know to be successful.)
Keep a steady beat
Match pitch
Playing technique for barred instruments

6. Material, Repertoire, Equipment needed: (Be sure to include music titles, composer/arranger, text etc.)
Xylophones, metallaphones, and glockenspiels
Smart board
Music displayed on smart board
Pipe cleaners

7. Review Needed: (What needs to be reviewed to reinforce prior learning related to this lesson.)
Students may need to review the melody of the song. We will sing through it once in order to refresh
Students will need to review rest position on these instruments.

8. Accommodations: (Special Needs, ELL, etc.)

Proximity – stand near students who need reminders to be quiet and focus
Verbal reminders – remind students throughout class to be respectful and stay focused
Visual – music will be displayed on the smart board, as well as the agenda for the day
9. Agenda: (List items to be taught and post.)
Note naming
Pipe Cleaners
Chairs to Mend
Drmfs patterns
Now the Day is Over
Musician of the month

10. Lesson Sequence (Be sure to list time in the Pacing Section) Pacing
A. Brief Opening: (A teacher posted group or brief individual assignment. Brief A.…………………...
reading writing, editing, or problem-solving activity to ready them for learning – may be
a question about the rehearsal music or at the younger levels it may be a learning activity
to set up for today's lesson such as a "Do Now.") 2 minutes
Students will be getting new seats this class, so they should come right into the
room to look for their new spot. There will not be a “Do Now” because of this, as
it is a change in routine and needs extra time.

B. Learning Activities: (What learning experiences and instruction will enable B

students to achieve the desired results – have more learning activities than you need.)
1. Pipe cleaners – change the shape of a pipe cleaner and have students echo the 1. 2 minutes
sound that it portrays
a. Give a few students a chance to try it themselves
2. Chairs to Mend 2. 6 minutes
a. Teacher will sing the whole song.
b. “Listen to see if you can figure out what this song is about”
c. “Hear a little part, sing a little part” – have students echo patterns of
the song
d. “Thumbs up or thumbs down if you think you’re ready to sing the
whole song” – sing the whole song if most look ready, or do call and
response one more time
e. “Great! Now you be part one and I’ll be part two” Sing the song as a
round with the students.
f. Split the class into two groups and sing the song as a round
g. If the round doesn’t go well, sing it again in unison
3. Now the Day is Over 3. 10 minutes
a. Echo a few drmfs patterns, with each one having a fa
b. Decode a few drmfs patterns on recorder
c. Read a few drmfs patterns on the board
d. Project “Now the Day is Over” on the board
e. Read the rhythm first with ta, tum, and ti-ti
f. Next read the words with the correct rhythm
g. Read the solfege syllables in rhythm
h. Put the words with the tune
4. Sarasponda on xylophones 4. 15 minutes
a. “I will give you a partner to work with. Grab some mallets and
review what we worked on last time” Remind students that when I do
“clap clap clapclap clap” they should put their instrument in rest
position “Who can
b. Give students a few minutes to get settled and review
c. Sing the song, playing the parts that were learned last class
d. Give students a minute to look at the last measure that needs to be
e. Play the song all the way through, switching between partners to give
everyone a turn
5. Musician of the month 5. 5 minutes
a. Watch a video of the musician of the month. “While you’re
watching, look at Gustavo Dudamel and try to figure out what he is
doing that makes the sections of the song so different.”

C. Closing/Wrap-up: (This is a recap of the key learning of the day to check for C
understanding. Could be a ticket to leave as individuals or group answers.)
Students will tell me one thing they noticed about the video and line up when
they have answered a question.
D. Assignment: D.

11.Reflection Prompt: What do you think went particularly well? How did this strength impact your students’

12.Reflection Prompt: If you could teach this lesson again, is there anything you would do differently? How
would this have impacted your students’ learning?

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