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Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C.

Document title: Fire & Gas Mapping

Guidance for inclusion in Scope of Work

Document Number: PDO201603100037

Revision: 2.0
Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: June -16

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 SP-1190 Requirements for F&G Mapping ..................................................................................... 3
2 Information to be Provided to the 3rd Party Service Provider .............................................................. 4
2.1 Documents / Files / Inputs to be provided ................................................................................... 4
2.2 Fire & Gas Philosophy ................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Selection of Detector technology ................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Selection of Toxic / Flammable Sphere Sizes ................................................................................ 5
2.5 Fire / Gas Zones............................................................................................................................. 8
2.6 Clipping Zones ............................................................................................................................... 8
3 Information to be Provided by the 3rd Party Service Provider .............................................................. 9
3.1 Agreement with PDO Prior to full mapping commencing ............................................................ 9
3.2 Mapping Outputs Required .......................................................................................................... 9
4 Appendix 1 Fire / Gas Zones & Detector Selection ............................................................................. 10


AL 1 / 2: Alarm Level 1 / 2

F&G: Fire & Gas (mapping)

LFL: Lower Flammability Limit

LOS: Line of Sight

SGS: Shell Global Solutions

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Petroleum Development Oman LLC Effective: June -16

1 Introduction
This document provides guidance on what information should be provided to third party service
providers for 3D F&G Mapping Studies which are to be conducted for PDO facilities.

Historically SGSi (Shell Global Solutions) was the third party service provider which carried out the
Fire & Gas Mapping studies for PDO projects. However, there are alternative service providers
available in the market, the use of which can result in a schedule and cost benefit for PDO.

Typically the latest version of the Shell Fire, Gas and Smoke Detection Systems, DEP
Gen shall be referenced when conducting F&G Mapping Studies. However, there are some areas
where the DEP is insufficiently clear / concise to ensure a consistent approach.

It is not the intention of this document to replicate the F&G DEP, the DEP still applies in its entirety
within PDO. The intention is to provide the following specific information, which should be
included within each contract document, to have consistency of approach across the assets.

The coverage and limitations need to be understood for all our facilities, which allows PDO to
manage its risk effectively. Where mapping identifies areas where coverage is less than the DEP,
the risk of failing to detect a release, or failure of executive action should be included in the asset
risk register.

1.1 SP-1190 Requirements for F&G Mapping

SP-1190-3, Section identifies a number of issues to enable consistency of approach
across the H2S gas detection mapping.

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2 Information to be Provided to the 3rd Party Service Provider

2.1 Documents / Files / Inputs to be provided

To facilitate the F&G Mapping Process, the following documents to be provided, if available:

Existing Facilities New Projects

3D Model / Laser Scan 3D Model
Existing F&G Layout Drawings & Plot Plans, PEFS & PFS
Junction box locations ( & spare I/O) Heat and Material Balance
PEFS & PFS F&G Philosophy
Heat and Material Balance F&G Narrative
F&G Philosophy Fire & Gas Zones
F&G Narrative Fire, Gas Dispersion & Explosion Assessment
Fire & Gas Zones Facility Plot Plans
Fire, Gas Dispersion & Explosion Assessment Fire & Gas Cause & Effects
Facility Plot Plans
Fire & Gas Cause & Effects

2.1.1 Site Survey

A combined site survey by the asset and mapping consultants can provide beneficial in minimising any
engineering , construction and commissioning issues. It should be considered as part of the scope.

2.2 Fire & Gas Philosophy

All assets require a Fire & Gas Philosophy. This is the basis for the F&G Mapping exercise. The key
elements to be provided in the F&G Philosophy are:

 Type of detectors to be used for the applicable hazards

 Fire & Gas Zones to be provided with detection, see Section ‎2.5.
 Detector Voting & Coverage Criteria

2.3 Selection of Detector technology

This shall be in accordance with the F&G DEP, with the following exceptions:

 Toxic H2S Point Detectors to be Metal Oxide semi-conductors Type(Version 40 DEP,
Section 4.6.1)

Limitations on the different equipment types need to be fully understood by the PDO team requesting
the mapping. Each vendor will have different specifications and characteristics. These specifications
and limitations can impact the mapping and the number and location of detectors. An oversight at this
stage can invalidate the mapping, if an alternate vendor product with different characteristics is

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Issues to be addressed / agreed with the mapping contractor prior to conducting the mapping are:

 Flame detector field of view and sensitivity settings, for both new and existing developments to
ensure the coverage settings are appropriate.
 Acoustic detector range and suitable process conditions for each make of detector which is to
be used in the mapping exercise

This should also be agreed with the C&A department.

2.4 Selection of Toxic / Flammable Sphere Sizes

The Accumulation Mapping technique shall be used for all PDO facilities and projects. If ‘Jet Mapping’ is
proposed to be used, this will require the prior approval of MSE4.

2.4.1 Toxic Sphere

The sphere used for toxic mapping determines the detector density for Toxic LOS & point detectors.

The DEP States a Toxic Sphere of 8m, but it makes no reference to the concentration of the sphere at
that dimension. During the Harweel 2AB F&G Mapping exercise, SGSi advised that the concentration is
80ppm at 8m.

Within the DEP, there is no guidance on whether to map at Alarm Level 1, 2 or at some other
concentration. During the Harweel 2AB study, SGS advised that the mapping was to be conducted with
a 40ppm, 12.5m cloud.

Currently PDO sets it H2S point detectors at the following Alarm Levels:

Alarm Level 1 - 10ppm,

Alarm Level 2 – 20ppm.

The DEP states that Alarm Level 2 must be 40ppm. At the 40ppm H2S contour, the diameter of the
sphere is 12.5m, which has been used for the PDO Critical Sour Facilities. Guidance provided by SGSi has
been to maintain the 12.5m diameter cloud size irrespective of the current PDO Alarm Level 2 set point
of 20ppm.

To ensure alignment within PDO, all PDO toxic point detectors are to be mapped at 40ppm, 12.5m cloud
diameter, even if the existing plant trip point is 20ppm. This is a conservative approach, as mapping at
20ppm, would mean the use of a larger target cloud. When the plant is fully mapped, and the mapping
solution fully implemented, the operational trip set point can be raised to 40ppm in compliance with the

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The current DEP uses the following ALARM Levels for H2S Line Of Sight detectors

Alarm Level 1 – 100ppm-m

Alarm Level 2 – Range 150-300ppm-m

The set points of the H2S Line of Sight Detectors that are approved for use in PDO and in use within
Greater Birba, are:

Alarm Level 1, 100ppm-m

Alarm Level 2, 300ppm-m

The same toxic sphere is used for mapping both Toxic Point and Toxic Line of Site detectors. However,
for LOS activation we look at the sum of the H2S concentration through the 2D chord. Inferred
calculations show that the LOS detectors effectively will reach Alarm Level 1 (100ppm-m) at the outer
edge of a 20m diameter sphere. LOS Mapping is conducted using Alarm Level 1 as recommended by
SGSi. Therefore a 20m diameter sphere will be used as the basis for the Toxic Line of Sight mapping
exercise. It will not be used for point detection mapping.

2.4.2 Flammable Sphere

DEP32.30.20.11 requires that ‘For flammable gas the appropriate cloud size for the detection
performance requirements for each zone shall be based on explosion analysis and the predicted
explosion overpressures with respect to the designed tolerance of the hazardous zone’. However, as all
PDO facilities are onshore and in comparision to an offshore platform are typically neither confined nor
particularly congested, then the flammable mapping is to be conducted using the standard flammable
gas cloud sizes. If an area of a facility is considered to be particularly vulnerable with respect to
explosion overpressures, this should be highlighted and the flammable cloud size agreed with input
from explosion modelling. This shall be agreed with PDO.

Therefore typically, all flammable mapping is to be carried out using the standard DEP Spheres for
flammables based on congestion. The Flammable sphere defined in the DEP is 100% LFL at the outer
edge / contour (5m, 7m or 10m). However, for the mapping, the cloud size to be used is based on the
actual Alarm Level 2 setting of the facility; which as of most recent DEP, of Feb 2016 stands at 40% LFL.
This means that flammable cloud diameter used in the mapping will be greater than that noted in the
DEP, as the LFL decays to 40% LFL, based on the process fluids at site and Alarm Level 2.

Historically, within PDO Alarm Level 2 may have been set to 60 % LFL. In the case of any modification to
existing facilities where the percentage (%) flammability may not align with the current DEP (i.e. Not
40% LFL), the cloud diameter is to be modified to align with the % flammability in use at the site, taking
account of the typical flammability limits of the streams in the particular unit.
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The current DEP typically uses the following Alarm Levels for Flammable Line Of Sight detectors.

Alarm Level 1 – 1 LFL-m

Alarm Level 2 – 2 LFL-m

Alarm level 1 of 1 LFL –m, means that there is a concentration of 1LFL distributed over the entire path
length (not each metre). For example, if the path length is 100m , and the LFL of the gas was 50,000ppm
then the total concentration through the cloud, over the 100m path is 50,000ppm. If the cloud was
homogeneous over the 100m, that would mean each linear metre of the 100m path would contain

However, as discussed above the flammable cloud to be mapped is not homogenous, and will decay in
concentration from the release point to the 40% LFL.

This shall be applied for all PDO facilities. The mapping setting for Flammables LOS is Alarm Level 2, not
Alarm Level, 1 as used for Toxic LOS.

For Flammable LOS, the same cloud is used for mapping, as the point detectors. However, for LOS
activation we look at the sum of the flammable concentration through the 2D chord, based on the same

Prior to mapping commencing, the calculation and size of the flammable cloud, presenting the following
details will be provided to PDO and agreed in writing:.

 For Point Mapping; Cloud Diameter to LFL, AL1 LFL & AL2 LFL

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 For LOS Mapping, using the same Cloud Diameter to LFL (as for point mapping), provide the
radius / diameter distance(m) to chord concentration of 2LFL-m, & 1LFL-m.

All related calculations are to be provided within the F&G Mapping Report.

2.5 Fire / Gas Zones

The selection of the F&G Zones is critical to ensuring that the hazards can be detected in the event of a
loss of containment and response (i.e. alarm, evacuation, etc) can be initiated.

The Fire / Gas Zones need to be identified and subsequently defined taking account of the hazards
present in the facility. Prior to mapping all relevant information must be available and logically
organised. For this purpose a matrix / template with associated guidance notes is available in Appendix
1. Completion of the matrix will provide an auditable trail that full consideration of the detection
required has been conducted. The Fire / Gas Zone matrix must be formally agreed by PDO Technical
Safety Engineer, prior to mapping commencing by the vendor.

2.6 Clipping Zones

Clipping Zones are the areas that must be in compliance with the detection coverage criteria of the DEP.
The Mapping consultant will define the clipping zones. The Clipping Zones encompass the areas where
the hazard exists and therefore limit the extent of the Fire / Gas detection area. Clipping Zones need to
be in general agreement with the Fire & Gas Zones noted within the specific F&G Philosophy. However
the Clipping Zones may be smaller than the Fire / Gas Zones. The co-ordinates of the clipping zones
need to be provided by the mapping consultant before mapping starts.

The Clipping Zones shall be reviewed & agreed by PDO prior to the F&G Mapping commencing.

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3 Information to be Provided by the 3rd Party Service Provider

3.1 Agreement with PDO Prior to full mapping commencing

The following details need to be agreed with PDO, prior to the computer based mapping being

 F&G detection philosophy details, such as detector voting and coverage criteria.
 Flammable Point Mapping: Flammable sphere size AL2 LFL points.
 Flammable LOS Mapping: Flammable Sphere - distance to the chord which reaches AL2 in
LFL-m for LOS.
 Toxic LOS Mapping: Toxic sphere - distance to chord which reaches AL1 in ppm-m for LOS.
 Fire / Gas Zones.
 Clipping Zones.
 Instrument ranges, such as ‘Field of View’ for Flame Detectors & Acoustic .
 Completion of the matrix in Appendix 1.

3.2 Mapping Outputs Required

The Mapping Report shall provide the following details as a minimum:

 Summary of all the items identified in Section 3.1 above.

 High Level summary of numbers of each type of detector per facility.
 Summary of numbers of each type of detector per fire / gas zone.
 Summary of the coverage achieved per fire / gas zone, or clipping zone as appropriate.
 Plots or 3D snapshots showing the locations and tag numbers of the detectors per clipping zone,
or Fire/ Gas Zone.
 Tables providing locations, elevations, angles etc. as appropriate per clipping zone.
 For facilities with toxic detectors, Laser Toxic Line Of Sight (LOS) is the primary technology In line
with the SP-1190-3 Guidance. This technology must be supported by either Toxic Point or
Acoustic leak detectors. The report shall present the coverage for each zone assuming the H2S
LOS toxic are at fault, simply to ensure that the asset is aware of the residual coverage on loss of
LOS. There is no back-up coverage criteria for the point detectors in this situation.
 Electronic native version of the Fire & Gas Mapping Model Files.

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4 Appendix 1 Fire / Gas Zones & Detector Selection

The following elements are to be considered while preparing the inputs to the matrix.

 Each fire hazard zone should be regarded carefully where the detection is required and also
record the assumptions where the detection is not required.
 For each fire hazard zone where the detection is required, determine whether full area coverage
is required or focused detection (identify the process source/release) is required by mark-up
drawing demonstrating fire/flammable/toxic areas with different colour codes on plot plan.

This section defines the terminology used in the matrix;

Process Product
HP (Liquid/Gas): If the liquid/gas streams handling toxic/hydrocarbon components in the equipment
are more than 4 barg, it should be considered as high pressure stream.
LP (Liquid/Gas): If the liquid/gas streams handling toxic/hydrocarbon components in the equipment
are more than 4 barg, it should be considered as low pressure stream.
Vapor pressure: Is the liquid component generates sufficient vapor pressure to form a flammable
cloud. A rule of thumb, if any stream has RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure) more than 2.5, gas detectors to
be considered. Check the box with “Yes” if it has sufficient vapor pressure.
Flame Detection
Required: Check with Yes/No if the flame detection is appropriate for the stream/equipment. Follow
the Fire & Gas Philosophy/Design Basis for requirements and methodology for considering the flame
Jet Fire: Check with Yes/No if the flame detection is required for a jet fire scenario. Yes, Fire Size will
normally be considered as per DEP, if not, please specify.
Pool Fire: Check with Yes/No if the flame detection is required for a pool fire scenario. Yes Fire Size
will normally be considered as per DEP, if not, please specify.
Gas Detection
Required: Check with Yes/No if the gas detection is appropriate to the stream/equipment.
Ultra Sonic: Ultrasonic gas leak detection (UGLD) is required only for gaseous streams handling
above 4barg as per section 4.3.6 of DEP
Check the box with Yes/No accordingly. Also, check the vendor data sheet of UGLD for confirmation
on the limitation of the pressure. Check the F&G Philosophy & background noise.
Inferred Detection: Refer section 4.3.2 of DEP for implementing if it is applicable
in the project.
Conventional (Flammable): Check with Yes/No in the designated boxes, if the streams are
appropriate to provide the flammable gas detection.
Conventional (Toxic): Check with Yes/No in the designated boxes, if the streams are appropriate to
provide the toxic gas detection.

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Mapping (Flammable/Toxic)
Flammable Accumulation Points: Determine the accumulation cloud size required (5/7/10m) at LFL.
Normally for less congested areas, such as open areas of onshore gas processing plants, a 10m cloud
size to be considered. Refer Table 6-1 in DEP & Section 2.4.2 of this document for
more details.
Flammable Accumulation LOS: Determine the accumulation cloud size required (5/7/10m) at LFL.
See section 2.4.2.
Toxic Accumulation Points: Refer to the section 2.4.1, the default toxic cloud size is a 12.5m
diameter sphere at 40ppm..
Toxic Accumulation LOS: Refer to Section 2.4.1. 20m sphere at 100ppm-m.
Jet Release Flammable: This type of mapping shall not be conducted without the Approval of MSE4.
If the mapping requires flammable gas jet release, provide FRED files to the Fire & Gas Mapping
consultant for those streams/equipments which are modelled during FEA (Fire, Gas Dispersion &
Explosion Assessment) study.
Jet Release Toxic: This type of mapping shall not be conducted without the Approval of MSE4. If the
mapping requires toxic gas jet release, provide FRED files to the Fire & Gas Mapping consultant for
those streams/equipments which are modelled during FEA (Fire, Gas Dispersion & Explosion
Assessment) study.
Additional Indicators
CCTV at Flame Detector: Refer to the CCTV layout which is normally prepared by Telecom
department and also provide the co-ordinates from of the CCTV locations from the PDMS model to
the consultant, so that the coverage will be determined for each Fire Hazard Zone (FHZ) and also
other information such as CCTV tilt angles, positions in case of emergency event.
Consider gas release cameras?
Any other information to be addressed apart from the information provided above.

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Fire / Gas Zone Matrix

Fill the appropriate data/information in the cells provided or check with Y/N

Zone / Unit Provide the Zone or Unit Name / Number

Equipment Details A B C D E F G H
Process Stream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
HP (Liquid/Gas) Pressure >4 barg
LP (Liquid Gas) Pressure < 4 barg
Product Can the liquid component generate
Vapour Pressure sufficient vapour pressure to form
a flammable cloud?

Required Is flame detection appropriate

If flame detection required is this
for a jet fire?
Jet Fire
If yes, as 6.2.2 (2) or other fire size
Flame (if other define)
If flame detection required, is this
for a pool fire?
Pool Fire
If yes, as 6.2.2 (2) or other fire size
(if other define)
Required Is Detection appropriate?
Is Ultrasonic detection
Gas Ultra Sonic
Inferred Use Flammable Gas detectors to
Detection infer toxic gas?

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Zone / Unit Provide the Zone or Unit Name / Number

Equipment Details A B C D E F G H
Process Stream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Conventional Is Flammable gas detection
(Flammable) appropriate
Is Toxic gas Detection appropriate
Select appropriate cloud size
required (5/7/10m)LFL at AL2.
Flammable Select appropriate cloud size
Accumulation required (5/7/10m)LFL at AL2
LOS through chord
Accumulation Cloud of 12.5m diameter at 40ppm.
Mapping Point
(Flammable Toxic
/ Toxic) Accumulation 20m cloud diameter at 100ppm-m.

Jet Release Flammable gas Jet Release

Flammable mapping? See MSE4

Toxic gas Jet Release mapping? See

Jet Release Toxic

Advise if the Zone requires fixed

Additional CCTV at Flame
CCTV installation at the Flame
Indicators Detector
detector locations

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Zone / Unit Provide the Zone or Unit Name / Number

Equipment Details A B C D E F G H
Process Stream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

CCTV at Gas

Consider providing gas release

Gas Cameras


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