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The Peaceful Pill eHandbook

Sodium Azide - NaN3

Sodium Azide is a colourless, crystalline, water-soluble salt that

has a number of properties that make it worth considering as an
end of life drug. While almost as effective as cyanide, sodium
azide is easier to obtain, and has a number of other properties
that make it a useful end of life agent.


Sodium Azide is comprised of colorless crystals and has the

formula, NaN3. While it is very soluble in water, the salt
breaks down explosively into sodium and nitrogen if heated to
>300oC. It is this property that led to its use in vehicle collision
air bags. The salt or solutions of the salt can form unstable/
explosive azides if placed in contact with metals. Acidification
of a solution, or the addition of acid to the salt itself, can result
in the production of HN3, highly toxic volatile gas, similar to
hydrogen cyanide. A solution of the salt in water is a very toxic
drink, and even in small quantities will reliably end life.

Sodium azide found use as the active ingridient in auto airbags

Lethal Inorganic Salts

Bandung, Storage, and Disposal

Aqueous solutions of the salt (<5%) in plastic sealed containers

are easier to store than the salt. Because of the potential of the
substance to form unstable/ explosive compounds when in
contact with a number of metals, the salt or aqueous solutions
should not come in contact with metals. Storage in sealed
plastic containers is recommended. Disposal of the unused salt
or solutions should not be made through the drainage system
where contact with metals is possible. The problems associated
with dealing with sodium azide have led to its description as a
particularly dangerous substance to deal with.

eg see:
The Peaceful Pill eHandbook

Using Azide for a rapid death

A reliable death can be brought about by mixing 2 -3 gm of the

salt into 50ml of distilled or de-mineralised water (do not use
soda water) in a plastic or glass container. Do not use a metal
spoon. Although the release of toxic HN3 is minimal during
mixing, this should be done in the open in a well ventilated
area. This 50ml of 5% solution can then be sealed, and drunk
at a later stage to end life. An anti-emetic (eg 4 x lOmg of
metoclopramide), taken 30 minutes earlier is recommended.

Obtaining Sodium Azide

The toxic properties of sodium azide, its instability and its use
in the manufacture of explosives mean that the substance is
carefully controlled. Nevertheless, intemet sites do offer the
chemical at prices as low as $10/ kgm.

See: hs.'//www

Lethal Inorganic Salts

The Dutch euthanasia powder "Middel X"

The Dutch pro-self determination group Co6peratie Laatste Wil

(CLW) went public in September 2017 claiming that they had
discovered a Dutch euthanasia powder' that would provide
their members with a reliable way of ending their lives with
no medical involvement. They announced their intention to
purchase and distribute the unnamed Dutch powder "Middel
X" to their members using finger-print secure safes. Although
there was considerable public interest in this development, CLW
refused to confirm that the salt they were talking about was in
fact sodium azide, thus avoiding any scrutiny, comment, and
the inevitable critisism that would have followed.

In March 2018 the NL Public Prosecution Service announced a

criminal investigation into the behaviour of CLW and instructed
the Cooperative to cease all activities with immediate effect.
See: https..,/


Although the reliability and relative peacefulness of the death

from ingestion of sodium azide give this salt some appeal, the
inevitable headache prior to death, and the problems associated
with storage, safe disposal, and risk to others limit its usefulness.
Nevertheless, it is an available option that may provide an
effective solution for those seeking a reliable death, and without
any access to the better performing barbiturates.
The Peaceful Pill eHandbook

Sodium Nitrite - NaNO2


The search for a humane method of controlling Australian

wild pig populations has led to the recent trial and adoption
of sodium nitrite as an effective end of life agent. Those same
reasons that found this common salt effective in the control of
pig populations prompted its examination as an effective, and
readily available, method of peacefully ending human life.


The salt is widely used as an anti-oxidant in the curing of meats

like ham, bacon and hot dogs. Sodium nitrite serves a vital public
health function as it blocks the growth of botulism'-causing
bacteria and prevents spoilage. Sodium nitrite gives cured meats
their characteristic color and flavor. Its widespread use make
restriction or legal control of this substance highly unlikely.
Lethal Inorganic Salts

Mode of Action

Sodium nitrite enters the blood stream and alters the hemoglobin
in red blood cells causing methemoglobin. Methoglobin is a
form of haemoglobin with a much'-reduced ability to combine
and transport oxygen, High methemoglobin levels reduce the
oxygen-.carrying capacity of the blood and change the blood to
a brownish colour. At toxic doses, reduced oxygen levels lead to
central nervous system depression, terminal hypoxia and death.

The protective enzyme system, methemoglobin reductase, also

called diaphorase', and more properly called cytochrome b5
reductase, which is normally present in red blood cells, will
rapidly reduce the methemoglobin back to hemoglobin. With
high nitrite absorbtion rates, however, this protective mechanism
is overwhelmed. Any interference with the activity of these
e~ es increases the potency of nitrite ingestion. Levels of
these protective enzymes are similar in pigs and humans.

Toxic symptoms include lethargy, confusion, intoxication and

headache, before loss of consciousness occurs. In large doses,
nitrite is an excellent vasodilator because of its relaxing action
on vascular smooth muscle, causing a drop in blood pressure
hypotension and shock. The associated headache can be
pretreated with analgesics.

The estimated lethal dose of sodium nitrite in adults is as little

as 3 gm.
The Peaceful Pill eHandbook

Using sodium nitrite for a peaceful and reliable death

The salt is very soluble in water. To prepare a lethal dose of

the salt, 10 gm is dissolved into 50 ml of water. The taste is
unremarkable, and vomiting is unlikely. However, it is advised
that an anti-emetic (4 x 10 mg of metoclopramide - Maxolon)
be taken as a single dose, 30 minutes before drinking the nitrite

Potentiating sodium nitrate

An effective and peaceful death depends on the nitrite

overwhelming the restorative enzyme methemoglobin reductase.
The achieve this, rapid gut absorbtion of the salt on ingestion
can be facilitated by increasing the stomach pH, by taking a
drinking 5 gm of dissolved sodium bicarbonate dissolved in
water shortly before taking the nitrite solution. Another strategy
is the use of dietary supplements to restrict the effectiveness of
the enzyme. Phytic acid (inositol hexaphosphate) has this effect
and can be readily purchased from health food stores.

Obtaining, storage and disposal of the salt

The salt is in wide use for food curing and preserving with
no specific restrictions. Readily available on the internet with
no safety issues for transport. Cost is minimal with chemical
suppliers offering the product for as little as $15/ kgm.

eg see:
Lethal Inorganic Salts

Storage and disposal of the salt

The salt is very stable (although hygroscopic - absorbing

moisture from the air) so in can readily be stored at room
temperature in a sealed container.

There are no specific concerns with the disposal of unused nitrite

and shelf life is almost infinite.

Sealed 10 gm container of sodium nitrite

The Peaceful Pill eHandbook

Cyanide, Azide & Nitrite - RP Test

For a substance or drug to be useful as a Peaceful Pill two

main criteria must be met. It must be Reliable', and it must
be Peaceful'. Applying the Exit RP test to these salts is

Reliability of all three is high. Few people will ever survive

the ingestion of 2 gm of sodium cyanide or azide. For nitrite,
a larger quantity is needed, and reliability is a little less, R=7.

There is also a correlation between the size of the dose and the
speed of death and this minimises the chance of any adverse
symptoms developing.

In terms of Peacefulness, mixed accounts make this a difficult

characteristic to assess. Clearly, the size of the dose, and the
speed of onset of symptoms to loss of consciousness,is relevant.

For cyanide and azide the toxic effect is produced when

stomach acid acts on the salt producing HCN or HN3 which is
then absorbed by the gut into the blood stream. This process is
facilitated by dissolving the salt in cold water and drinking on
an empty stomach when the gastric acid content is high.

An alternative is to place these salts into gelatin capsules.

Taking 2 x 00' capsules (2.5gm) of azide or cyanide with a
carbonated drink (soda water) creates the optimum conditions in
the stomach. The delay can also usefully be employed to induce
sleep with the addition of a strong soporific (sleeping tablet).

Availability - Cyanide salts are heavily regulated and hard

to obtain. Azide salts are easier to source on the intemet, but
Nitrites are the easiest, with no effective surveilance.
Lethal Inorganic Salts

Preparation - All these salts are water soluable and can be

consumed as a drink. Alternatively, gelatine capsules can be

Undetectability - at autopsy all three salts will be detected.

Some clinicians examining the body after a death with cyanide,
will note the pink colour and a possible smell of bitter almonds,
but this is often missed. The clinical darkening of blood colour
associated with nitrite methaglobin is also occasionally noticed.

Speed - a very quick death for azide and cyanide, slower with

Safety - there is little risk to others, although the glass should

be washed. Note - if vomiting occurs after azide or cyanide
ingestion, the gastric contents may give off dangerous HN3
or HCN.

Storage -. With proper storage, the sodium salts have an almost

indefinite shelf life.

Criteria Sodium cyanide Sodium azide Sodium nitrite

Reliability 10 9 7
Peacefulness 5 6 7
Availability 1 3 4
Preparation 4 4 5
Undetectability 3 2 2
Speed 5 5 3
Safety 2 2 5
Storage 5 3 5
Total 35 (70%) 34(68%) 38(76%)

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