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The steady-state outer surface temperature



The steady-state outer surface temperature is 309.57 K




The inner radius of the container is ri  0.5 m

The outer radius of the container is ro  0.6 m
The volumetric heat generation rate is q  10 W m
5 3

krw  20 W m-K
The thermal conductivity of the radioactive waste is
k  15 W m-K
The thermal conductivity of the stainless steel is ss
The temperature of the water is T  298 K
The convection coefficient due to water is h  1000 W m -K

Formula used:

The conduction heat transfer is given as,

Qcond  q  Vi

Here, Vi is the inner volume of the container.

The inner volume of the spherical container is given as,

V   ri 3

The convection heat transfer is given as,

Qconv  hAs,o Ts,o  T 
Here, is the outer circumferential area of the sphere.

The outer circumferential area of the container is

As,o  4 ro 2


The steady-state at the outer surface can be calculates as,

Qcond  Qconv
  hAs Ts,o  T 
4 3
 
105 W m3      0.5 m     1000 W m 2 -K   4   0.6 m  Ts,o  298 K 
3 

52359.87 W =  4523.89 W K  Ts,o  298 K 

Ts,o  309.57 K


Therefore, the steady-state outer surface temperature is 309.57 K





The steady-state inner surface temperature



The steady-state inner surface temperature is 402.13 K



The inner radius of the container is ri  0.5 m
The outer radius of the container is ro  0.6 m
The volumetric heat generation rate is q  10 W m
5 3

krw  20 W m-K
The thermal conductivity of the radioactive waste is
k  15 W m-K
The thermal conductivity of the stainless steel is ss
The temperature of the water is T  25C
The convection coefficient due to water is h  1000 W m -K

Formula used:

The conduction heat transfer is given as,

4 kss  Ts,i  Ts,o 
Qcond 
1 1
  
 ri ro 
Here, s,i is the inner surface temperature and s,o is the outer surface temperature..

The convection heat transfer is given as,

Qconv  hAs,o Ts,o  T 
Here, is the outer circumferential area of the sphere.

The outer circumferential area of the container is

As,o  4 ro 2


The steady-state at the inner surface can be calculates as,

Qcond  Qconv
4 kss  Ts,i  Ts,o 
 hAs Ts,o  T 
1 1
  
 ri ro 
4  15 W m-K   Ts,i  309.57 K 
 1 1 

  1000 W m 2 -K   4   0.6 m 
  309.57 K  298 K 
 0.5 m  0.6 m 
 
565.486  Ts,i  309.57 K   52341.446
Ts,i  402.13 K


Therefore, the steady-state inner surface temperature is 402.13 K





T  r
The steady-state temperature distribution in the radioactive waste .

The temperature at r  0 .



T  r
The steady-state temperature distribution in the radioactive waste is
T  r   Ts,i  o  ri 2  r 2 

The temperature at r  0 is 610.46 K




The inner radius of the container is ri  0.5 m

The outer radius of the container is ro  0.6 m
The volumetric heat generation rate is q  10 W m
5 3

krw  20 W m-K
The thermal conductivity of the radioactive waste is
k  15 W m-K
The thermal conductivity of the stainless steel is ss
The temperature of the water is T  25C
The convection coefficient due to water is h  1000 W m -K
Formula used:

The heat equation for uniform heat generation in the container is given as,
1 d  2 dT  q
r   0
r 2 dr  dr  k
Here, r is the radius inside the container and T is the temperature at the required r .

The Boundary conditions are given as,

dr r 0 T  r  r=r  Ts,i
and i


The temperate distribution inside the radioactive waste can be calculated as,
1 d  2 dT  q
r   0
r 2 dr  dr  k
d  2 dT  q o r 2
 r   
dr  dr  krw

Integrate the above equation with respect to r ,

d  2 dT  q o r 2
 dr  r dr     krw
 2 dT  q o r 3
 r     C1
 dr  3krw
dT q r C
  o  21
dr 3krw r
Here, C1 is the integration constant.

Integrate the above equation again with respect to r ,

dT  q r C 
 dr    3korw  r 21 
q o r 2 C1
T  r     C2
6krw r ......(1)
Here, C 2 is the integration constant.

The integration constants C1 and C 2 can be calculated as,

Apply the boundary condition,
dr r 0
q  0 C1
0 o  2
3krw r
C1  0

Apply the boundary condition,

T  r  r=r  Ts,i

q o ri 2 0
Ts,i     C2
6krw r
q o ri 2
C 2  Ts,i 
6k rw

Substitute all the values in equation (1),

q o r 2 0 q o ri 2
T  r     Ts,i 
6krw r 6krw
 Ts,i  o  ri 2  r 2 
6k rw

The temperature at r  0 can be calculated as,

T  r   Ts,i  o  ri 2  r 2 
To  Ts,i  o  ri 2  0 

 402.13 K +
 10 5
W m3   0.5 m 

6   20 W m-K 
 610.46 K


T  r
The steady-state temperature distribution in the radioactive waste is
T  r   Ts,i  o  ri 2  r 2 

The temperature at r  0 is 610.46 K



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