H CL 2Hcl

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DAE/Mid Term Exam-2018/First Year/Electrical Technology

Total Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50
Part: A (Objective)
Note: This part is compulsory. It should be attempted on the question paper and returned to the
supervisory staff after the prescribed time. Cutting, overwriting and use of lead pencil is not allowed.
Time: 15 minutes Marks: 10
Q.1 Encircle the correct answer.
1. In periodic table number of periods are
a) 8 b) 18 c) 17 d) 7
2. The symbol of antimony is
a) Ag b) Hg c) Pb d) Sb
3. Only sigma bond is found in
a) H2 b) O2 c) C2H4 d) N2

4. The reaction H 2  Cl 2 
 2HCl is example of

a) Addition b) Displacement c) Neutralization d) Decomposition

5. Double covalent bond is present in the molecule
a) Water b) Oxygen c) Nitrogen d) Chlorine
6. The modern periodic law is based on
a) Atomic number b) Atomic mass c) Neutron number d) Nucleons
7. The one mole of water is equal to grams
a) 16 b) 17 c) 18 d) 19
8. The atomic number is represented by
a) A b) Z c) D d) K
9. Which one has slippery touch
a) Acid b) Base c) Salt d) Ion
10. One solar day contains seconds
a) 36,400 b) 86,400 c) 86,600 d) 86,000

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