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The sosial determinants of the insidense and

management of type 2 diabetes mellitus: are we

prepared to rethink our questions and redirest our
researsh astirities?

Dennis Rapkael
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Susan Anstice
Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Kim Raine
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Kerry R. McGannon
University of lowa, lowa City, lowa, USA
Syed Kamil Rizvi
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vanessa Yu
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Keywords An expanding literature is examining the limited as compared to issues of social and
Diabetes, Health services, dimensions of health inequalities in material deprivation. She also considers how
Research work, Social factors industrialized nations (Acheson, 1998; an emphasis on biological determinism as an
Raphael, 2002a). Specific focus is on explanation of the late twentieth century
Abstrast dimensions of social exclusion that reflect epidemic of diabetes distracts from
This paper discusses the role increasing income, housing, and food consideration of the types of social and
insecurity associated with the weakening of economic issues we raise in this paper
played by social determinants of the welfare state (Canadian Council on (McDermott, 1998).
health in the incidence and Social Development, 2001; Health
management of type 2 biabetes Promotion Atlantic, 2001; Raphael, in
mellitus (diabetes) among press). Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) – like Diabetes: definition, insidense,
vulnerable populations. This issue cardiovascular disease – is an affliction
is especially important in light of more common among the poor and and management
recent data from Statistics Canada excluded (Chaturvedi Diabetes is a common chronic disease that
indicating that mortality rates from et al., 1998; Hux et al., 2002). A few studies in affects over two million Canadians. All forms
diabetes have been increasing
Canada have included income as a relevant of diabetes are characterized by the
variable in the incidence of diabetes, but presence of high blood glucose
among Canadians since the mid- these studies lack adequate (hyperglycemia) due to defective insulin
Ł980s, with increases being conceptualization of the role social secretion, insulin action, or both. During an
especially great among those determinants of health play in diabetes acute episode, coma and even death may
living in low-income communities. incidence (Raphael, 2002c). Also, result from blood sugar that is very high or
Diabetes therefore appears – like conceptual and empirical analyses have not very low, due to medication overdoses.
cardiovascular disease – to be an been carried out in a way that has income as Chronic hyperglycemia may lead to serious
affliction more common among a determinant of the risk factors usually complications including damage to the
the poor and excluded. lt also associated with diabetes morbidity and heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves and blood
appears to be especially likely to
mortality. vessels (Canadian Medical Association and
This paper outlines what is known about Canadian Diabetes Association, 1998). The
afflict poor women. Yet we know the social determinants of type 2 diabetes treatment for diabetes rests on blood
little about how these social and challenges health researchers and glucose (glycemic) control to be achieved
determinants of health influence workers to begin asking different questions with diet, exercise and (if necessary)
diabetes incidence and as to the causes of its incidence and the medications – the ‘‘three pillars’’ of the
management. What evidence is factors diabetes management regimen (Canadian
available is provided and the case Medical Association and
is made that the crisis in diabetes
requires new ways of thinking
about this disease, its causes, and
its management.
affecting its management. It does not Canadian Diabetes Association, 1998).
lnternational Journal of Health examination of the possible role that genes Health Canada reports that diabetes is the
Care Quality Assurance play in the incidence of diabetes. McDermott seventh leading cause of death in Canada,
incorporating Leadership in argues that the evidence for such a role is claiming 5,000 lives annually (Health Canada,
Health Services
Ł6/3 [2003] x–xx
MCB UP Limited
[ISSN 1336-0756] The Emerald Research Register for this journal is availableThe
at current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
[DOI 10.1108/13660750310486730]

Dennis Raphael, 1999). It is estimated that by 2010, close to with household incomes of $10,000-29,999 is
four million Canadians will have this twice (6 percent) that of those living in
Susan Anstice, Kim Raine, disease. households with incomes of $60,000 or more
Kerry R. McGannon, (3 percent) (James et al., 1997). Similar
Syed Kamil Rizvi and Some $9 billion is spent annually on
diabetes care in Canada. Diabetes is a findings are seen in the UK (Riste et al., 2001).
Vanessa Yu challenge because it is subject to the ‘‘rule
The social determinants of the Wilkins and colleagues provide striking
of halves’’ – only half of all cases of diabetes evidence in the September 2002 issue of
incidence and management of are diagnosed, only half of those diagnosed Health Reports of how increases in mortality
type 2 diabetes mellitus: are are treated, and only half of those having rates from diabetes among Canadians since
we prepared to rethink our treatment are managed successfully the mid-1980s have been especially great
questions and redirect our (McKinlay and Marceau, 2000). Little is among Canadians living in urban low income
research activities? known about the determinants that help communities (Wilkins et al., 2002). These
lnternational Journal of Health put Canadians into each of these important researchers link the causes of death and
Care Quality Assurance halves. postal code data with census data to provide
incorporating Leadership in Diabetes is classified into two main types: profiles of mortality rates in urban Canadian
Health Services neighbourhoods classified into income
Ł6/3 [2003] x-xx 1 type 1, gestational diabetes (GDM); and quintiles. Wilkins et al. (2002, p. 19) describe
2 type 2 (Canadian Medical Association and the findings regarding mortality associated
Canadian Diabetes Association, 1998). with diabetes in urban Canada as follows:
For diabetes among males, mortality rates
Type 1 diabetes usually develops during for most quintiles decreased from 1971 to
childhood and its onset is generally acute. It 1986, but then increased from 1986 to 1996.
occurs when the pancreas fails to produce Because the increases in the latter period
insulin, often as a result of auto-immune were especially large for the poorest
damage and pancreatic beta-cell destruction. quintiles, the inter-quintile rate differences
Gestational diabetes is a temporary widened from 1986 to 1996. For diabetes
condition of glucose intolerance during among females, mortality rates for all
quintiles declined from 1971 to 1986 and then
pregnancy and is often a precursor to type 2 changed little from 1986 to 1996, except for
diabetes later in life. Type 2 diabetes the poorest quintile, in which rates
usually develops during adulthood, increased rapidly. Therefore, the inter-
although age of incidence is decreasing and quintile rate difference was considerably
results from predominant insulin resistance greater in 1996 than it had been in 1986. The
with relative insulin deficiency to a trends with respect to the overall rates and
predominant secretory defect with insulin socio-economic disparities in diabetes
resistance. Onset can be insidious as insulin mortality are disquieting and deserve
secretion may decline gradually. Type 2 further study.
diabetes affects approximately 90 percent Similar findings concerning morbidity and
of Canadians diagnosed with diabetes mortality among low-income communities
(Canadian Diabetes Association, 2000) and is are apparent in the USA and UK (Riste et al.,
the primary focus of this paper. In Canada, 2001; McKinlay and Marceau, 2000). Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is appearing at younger therefore appears – like cardiovascular
ages (Canadian Medical Association and disease – to be an affliction more common
Canadian Diabetes Association, 1998). among the poor and excluded. Evidence of
increasing income inequality among
Canadians and increasing numbers of low
Greater burden on rulnerable income families during the past decade
directs special attention to the potential
populations effects of low income upon the health and
An examination of the distribution of wellbeing of those living with diabetes
diabetes in the population reveals a (Canadian Institute for Health Information,
disproportionate burden among low-income – 2002).
including aboriginal – Canadians. Recent
data from the Institute for Clinical
Evaluation Sciences indicate that in Ontario Sosial determinants of health and
the risk of diabetes is four times greater
among low-income women than that seen diabetes: potential sontributions to
among high-income women (Hux et al., understanding
2002). The rate for low-income males is
Virtually nothing is known about the causes
40 percent higher, and among lower-middle- of recent increases in morbidity and
income males, 50 percent higher than the mortality among the Canadian population in
well-off, still very significant figures. Cross- general, and the low-income population in
Canadian data indicate that the prevalence particular. The presence of the metabolic
of diabetes among Canadians aged 45-64
years [ xi]
Dennis Raphael, syndrome has been identified as a psychological responses to work and social
significant indicator of a predisposition to environments which themselves result
Susan Anstice, Kim Raine, diabetes (as well as cardiovascular disease). from, are reproduced as, aspects of social
Kerry R. McGannon, Presence of three or more of the following structure. The model also identifies the
Syed Kamil Rizvi and identify the syndrome: direct effects on mortality, morbidity, and
Vanessa Yu wellbeing of material factors that
The social determinants of the 1 abdominal obesity: waist circumference
accumulate across the lifespan.
incidence and management of > 88cm in women;
type 2 diabetes mellitus: are These model components are common to
2 hypertriglyceridemia: 150mg/dL most conceptualizations related to
we prepared to rethink our (1.69mmol/L); population health (Health Canada, 2001;
questions and redirect our 3 low high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
research activities? cholesterol: < 40mg/dL (1.04 mmol/L) in Marmot and Wilkinson, 2000; Raphael,
men and < 50 mg/dL (1.29 mmol/L) in 2002b). However, in the diabetes area, these
lnternational Journal of Health
women; more distal factors – with very few
Care Quality Assurance exceptions (McKinlay and Marceau, 2000;
incorporating Leadership in 4 high blood pressure: 130/85mm Hg; or Riste et al., 2001) – are rarely, if ever,
Health Services 5 high fasting glucose: considered by health researchers, public
Ł6/3 [2003] x-xx 110mg/dL (6.1mmol/L) (Ford health workers, and disease-oriented
et al., 2002). associations. Virtually all diabetes research
and health discourse is limited to the
Conventional thinking among health care, proximal issues of health behaviors,
public health workers, and disease-oriented pathophysiological changes and, in some
associations attributes increases in the cases, neuroendocrine and immune
presence of the metabolic syndrome and processes. There is a need to address these
increases in morbidity and mortality to other societal determinants of health relative
changes in dietary and physical activity to diabetes incidence and management.
patterns among Canadians (Ford et al.,
2002). This is similar to traditional thinking Drawing on this model, it would appear
concerning cardiovascular-related issues that societal determinants of health could
(Raphael, 2002c). Yet, this dominant influence diabetes morbidity and mortality
‘‘health behaviors’’ paradigm takes little in at least two broad ways. First, these
account of the increasing literature determinants may influence the incidence –
concerning the importance of the social and therefore the prevalence – of the
determinants of health in population health disorder among the population and its sub-
in general and the incidence and populations. Second, these determinants may
management of diseases such as diabetes in influence the successful management of the
particular. Brunner and Marmot (1999) disorder. At the very minimum, societal
point out that 90 percent of the variance in determinants of health will influence the
occurrence of metabolic syndrome adoption of behaviors that contribute to the
observed in the UK Whitehall studies cannot incidence and successful management of
be accounted for by conventional diabetes. But there is also increasing
behavioral risk factors. The literature on evidence that societal determinants of health
societal determinants of health can – especially aspects of material deprivation –
contribute to understanding of the causes of may directly influence the incidence and
diabetes morbidity and mortality. management of this complex disorder
The social determinants of health through a variety of biological,
framework presented by Bruner and psychological, and social pathways across
Marmot is helpful for illuminating the the life-span. As argued by Kuh and
potential contributions of these concepts Ben-Shlomo (1997, p. 3):
for understanding the incidence and The prevailing aetiological model for adult
management of type 2 diabetes (Brunner disease which emphasizes adult risk factors,
and Marmot, 1999). The framework also particularly aspects of adult life style, has
illuminates the gaps in conceptualizing the been challenged in recent years by research
causes of type 2 diabetes and related that has shown that poor growth and
management issues. In this model, proximal development and adverse early
causes of morbidity, mortality and environmental conditions are associated with
wellbeing are identified such as an increased risk of adult chronic disease.
pathophysiological changes and organ Raphael (2002c) brought together much of
impairment, and neuroendocrine and this work on the societal determinants of
immune responses. cardiovascular disease and during that work
Slightly more distal behavioral began to locate a similar literature related to
antecedents such as health behaviors (e.g. diabetes. But the literature on societal
diet, physical activity, tobacco use, etc.) are determinants of diabetes is more dispersed
also identified in this model. Of importance
to the present discussion are the even more
distal antecedents of disease such as

[ xii
Dennis Raphael, than that seen for cardiovascular disease. material deprivation have less exposure to
Susan Anstice, Kim Raine, Also, the diabetes area has not benefited positive resources such as education, books,
Kerry R. McGannon, from having very well known authorities newspapers, and other stimulating
Syed Kamil Rizvi and such as Sir Michael Marmot and George resources, attendance at cultural events,
Vanessa Yu Davey Smith opportunities for recreation and other
The social determinants of the – both of whom have written extensively on leisure activities that contribute to human
incidence and management of the life-course approach to the incidence of development over the lifespan. How might
type 2 diabetes mellitus: are cardiovascular disease – working on these these factors be related to the eventual
we prepared to rethink our issues in relation to diabetes. incidence of diabetes during adulthood?
questions and redirect our Recent studies have shown that
research activities? intrauterine-growth retarded and low
The sosietal determinants of the birthweight babies are at a higher risk of
lnternational Journal of Health developing diabetes in adulthood. And
Care Quality Assurance insidense of diabetes growth retardation and lower birth weight
incorporating Leadership in Raphael shows that societal determinants of are frequently consequences of poor early
Health Services health are linked with each other and that nutrition associated with low income
Ł6/3 [2003] x-xx income plays an especially important role mothers’ living in materially-deprived
(Raphael, 2002c). Income influences the conditions (Leger et al., 1994; Phipps et al.,
quality of early life, levels of stress, 1993). The thrifty phenotype hypothesis
availability of food and quality of diet, suggests that poor nutrition in early life
physical activity participation, degree of leads to poor foetal and infant growth and
social exclusion, and so on. Shaw et al. (1999, produces permanent changes to glucose
p. 65) state that: metabolism. These changes eventually lead
Health inequalities are produced by the to development of the metabolic syndrome
and diabetes (Hales et al., 2001).
clustering of disadvantage – in
opportunity, material circumstances, and These changes of reduced insulin
behaviors related to health – across secretion and insulin resistance when
people’s lives. combined with obesity, physical inactivity
and advancing age make individuals highly
Benzeval et al.’s argument that societal susceptible to diabetes. Numerous studies
determinants of health such as income have supported this hypothesis (McCance et
influence health through three main al., 1994; Leger et al., 1994; Jaquet et al.,
mechanisms – material deprivation during 2000). Beringue et al. (2002) provide evidence
early life and adulthood, excessive that the mechanisms involve insulin
psychosocial stress, and the adoption of resistance rather than decreased insulin
health-threatening behaviors – proved secretion in adults.
useful for considering the social Clearly, compromised foetal growth at birth
determinants of cardiovascular disease. may be associated with diabetes in
These mechanisms may be useful for adulthood.
identifying how societal factors influence Wimbush found that middle-class
the incidence and management of diabetes mothers were more likely to participate in
among vulnerable populations (Benzeval et social and recreational activity groups than
al., 1995). McKeigue (1997) and Lawlor et al. were
(2002) show how early material deprivation low-income mothers (Wimbush, 1988). More
predicts diabetes in later life. recently, Brown et al. (2001) found further
support for the notion that mothers of lower
socio-economic status spent less time each
Material depriration and week in active leisure. Brown et al. (2001)
speculated that part of the reason for these
the insidense of diabetes findings related to women of lower socio-
Material deprivation refers to the economic status being unemployed or under-
differences individuals experience in employed, the likes of which resulted in
exposures to both beneficial and damaging fewer social networks and connections to the
aspects of the physical world (Lynch et al., community. Social and community supports
2000). These exposures accumulate over the have been found to be extremely important
course of the lifespan and are determined in facilitators for physical activity and leisure
large part by the amount of income people opportunities for mothers of young children
have available to them (Shaw et al., 1999). of all socioeconomic backgrounds (Frisby
Individuals who suffer from material et al., 1997). Thus, these findings further
deprivation have greater exposures to reinforce the need to better understand the
negative events such as hunger and lack of role of material and social forces that
quality food, poor quality housing, underpin constraints to physical activity and
inadequate clothing, and poor
environmental conditions at home and
work. In addition, individuals suffering from
Dennis Raphael, leisure participation, particularly for low- brain with the release of corticotrophin-
Susan Anstice, Kim Raine, income mothers living in poverty who are at releasing factor from the hypothalamus.
Kerry R. McGannon, risk of, or who have, Type 2 diabetes. This hormone causes the release of the
Syed Kamil Rizvi and Lifespan models of chronic disease risk adrenocorticotropic hormone from the
Vanessa Yu that take into account life periods after very pituitary gland into the circulation. This
The social determinants of the early childhood are being developed for hormone stimulates the release of cortisol
incidence and management of numerous chronic diseases (Davey Smith from the adrenal gland. Cortisol is an
type 2 diabetes mellitus: are and Hart, 2002; Davey Smith and Gordon, antagonist of insulin and increases the
we prepared to rethink our 2000; Davey Smith et al., 2001; Kuh and levels of blood glucose and also causes the
questions and redirect our Ben-Shilmo, 1997). These conceptualizations release of fatty acids from fat tissues. The
research activities? are much more advanced for the role of stress in the occurrence of the
cardiovascular area, but it appears that metabolic syndrome
lnternational Journal of Health common mechanisms may underlie both – specifically insulin resistance – and the
Care Quality Assurance these diseases (Brunner and Marmot, 1999).
incorporating Leadership in One key aspect of life-course models is the incidence of diabetes has been under-
Health Services role played by stress. Another is the researched (Brunner and Marmot, 1999).
Ł6/3 [2003] x-xx adoption of unhealthy behaviors. Concerning the relationship between
psychosocial stress and the metabolic
syndrome, Brunner and Marmot (1999, p. 33)
argue that:
Psyshososial stress and the ... this cluster of risk factors may be the
insidense of type 2 diabetes product of altered activity of the HPA
(hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis in
Brunner and Marmot (1999) present a model response to long-term exposure to adverse
that provides potential insights into the role psychosocial circumstances.
stress plays in the incidence of chronic
disease. They identify potential pathways There is a historical link between lower
by which the stress of living under difficult socioeconomic status and increased
living conditions becomes translated into adrenocortical activity. Destitute people of
incidence of both diabetes and nineteenth century England who were
cardiovascular disease. As discussed later, subject to chronic malnutrition were found
at the very minimum, exposure to to have larger than normal sized adrenal
psychosocial stress influences the adoption glands (Sapolsky, 1992). Brunner and
of behaviors such as poor diet and Marmot’s (1999) conclusion that the
inactivity, all associated with greater presence of the metabolic syndrome is
likelihood of type 2 diabetes during strongly predicted by income and social
adulthood. status would suggest its presence would
But the direct effects that stress has on also be related to societal determinants of
metabolic and physiological pathways that health associated with income such as food
make an individual susceptible to type 2 security, housing uncertainty and social
diabetes may be of more potential value. exclusion, among other factors.
Two neuroendocrine pathways that involve
the release of hormones may contribute to
the incidence of this disorder. The Adoption of unhealthy behariors
sympathetic adrenal pathway involves the
release of noradrenaline from the and the insidense of diabetes
sympathetic nerve endings and adrenaline The behavioral risk factors for the incidence
from the adrenal medulla into the blood of diabetes are well known: poor nutrition
stream. These hormones affect the target and sedentary lifestyle are associated with
organ of the heart since it is under the obesity (Canadian Medical Association and
control of both the autonomic nervous Canadian Diabetes Association, 1998). There
system and adrenaline levels in the blood. are also barriers to successful management
These hormones increase the heart rate, of the disorder:
metabolic rate, blood pressure, respiration
rate, and produce vasoconstriction, ● poor meal planning/poor diet;
sweating and dryness of the mouth. ● tobacco smoking; and
The second pathway comes into play a ● physical inactivity (Canadian Medical
few minutes or maybe even a few hours Association and Canadian Diabetes
after an initial stressor stimulus. It causes Association, 1998).
the release of hormones from the
hypothalamus, pituitary gland and the All of these behaviors are associated with
adrenal glands and is known as the lower income and social status. However,
hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis. The much of the diabetes health literature
activity of this axis begins in the assumes that these behavioral patterns are
adopted through voluntary lifestyle choices
Dennis Raphael, (Wilkinson and Marmot, 1999). It is important (Canadian Institute for Health
Susan Anstice, Kim Raine, becoming increasingly clear that patterns of Information, 2002).
Kerry R. McGannon, health behaviors are strongly shaped by the
Syed Kamil Rizvi and social and economic environments in which
Vanessa Yu people live. Stress produces behaviors The sosietal determinants of the
The social determinants of the aimed at ameliorating tension such as high sussessful management of diabetes
incidence and management of carbohydrate and fat diets, and tobacco use
type 2 diabetes mellitus: are (Wilkinson, 1996). Meal planning (and As noted, Wilkins et al. (2002) have
we prepared to rethink our engaging in physical activity) may be documented the exceptional increases in
questions and redirect our difficult when concerns about meeting basic diabetes mortality among Canadians living
research activities? needs of housing, food, and clothing intrude in low-income communities. The risk of the
on daily activities (Travers, 1996). disease is especially related to low income
lnternational Journal of Health among women. Virtually nothing is known
Care Quality Assurance It should not be surprising then that about the causes of such increases. One
incorporating Leadership in individuals faced with low income or other possibility may be that increasing
Health Services stress inducing issues such as difficulties in day-to-day living among
Ł6/3 [2003] x-xx unemployment or underemployment, racism, people living in disadvantaged
insecure or unaffordable housing would circumstances are contributing to
have difficulties maintaining ‘‘healthy difficulties in disease management. The
lifestyles’’. This would especially be the diabetes management regimen is
case for those managing their diabetes. A considered ‘‘among the most demanding
sole emphasis by the diabetes health regimens of any chronic illness’’ (Callaghan
community on explaining unhealthy and Williams, 1994). The regimen is
behaviors as a matter of individual choice associated with a number of lifestyle
may be counter-productive in the battle changes that people with diabetes often
against the effects of this disease. First, find difficult to incorporate into their
these behavioral factors may not account everyday lives (Maclean and Oram, 1988).
for the majority of variance associated with Anstice (2002) argues that there are many
the incidence of diabetes or its successful reasons to believe that adherence to the
management. Second, it leads towards a diabetes management regimen may be
‘‘blaming the victim’’ approach whereby especially challenging for members of low-
those with disadvantage are blamed for income families, and particularly for low-
adopting means – admittedly unhealthy – income mothers who are living with
diabetes. Many are also unable to find time
for coping with their difficult life situations. or safe spaces for exercise or to afford blood
Third, an emphasis solely on individual sugar testing equipment to better manage
choice fails to address underlying issues of their diabetes.
why disadvantaged people adopt these Studies have found that, for families living
behaviors. in poverty, meeting food needs is a
An extensive analysis of the determinants persistent problem (Fitchen, 1988; Radimer
of adults’ health-related behaviors such as et al., 1992). Furthermore, it is commonly
tobacco use, physical activity, and healthy reported that during times of acute food
diets, found these behaviors were predicted shortage mothers in low-income families
by poor childhood conditions, low levels of will compromise their own food intake in
education, and low status employment order to provide more for others (Graham,
(Lynch et al., 1997). The study also found 1993; Hamelin et al., 2002; Tarasuk et al.,
that poor socioeconomic conditions during 1998). The fact that women bear children
early life make it less likely that people feel and frequently have responsibility for
they have control over their lives – a factor caring for the health needs of their family
that can contribute to illness. Identifying suggests another mechanism by which
some of the possible pathways to type 2 gender may play a role in the incidence of
diabetes such as material deprivation, diabetes. Prospective mothers may skimp
on their own nutritional needs in order to
excessive psychosocial stress, and adoption provide food for the rest of their family.
of health threatening behaviors suggests This may be associated with lower
value in applying a societal determinants of birthweight and greater likelihood of their
diabetes approach. Certainly, such an offspring developing diabetes in later life.
analysis would contribute to our Since good nutrition is considered the
understanding of why and how diabetes is cornerstone of good diabetes management, it
an especially important issue for low income may be that mothers with diabetes who live
and other vulnerable populations. in low-income families experience
Considering the increasing numbers of low exceptional food problems that challenge
income families living in urban Canada, such the dietary management of their own
a focus seems especially diabetes (Anstice, 2002). A small body of
Dennis Raphael, research indicates that the material context social, financial, health and personal
Susan Anstice, Kim Raine, of everyday life helps shape personal problems that impeded their involvement.
Kerry R. McGannon, experience of diabetes, and further that The Canadian literature on the difficulties
Syed Kamil Rizvi and acute financial constraints may present of diabetes management faced by vulnerable
Vanessa Yu barriers to successful management. Mason populations is small. Anderson and
The social determinants of the (1985) found that among people living in colleagues examined the diabetes experience
incidence and management of socially disadvantaged areas in Scotland, of low-income immigrant women and found
type 2 diabetes mellitus: are those faced with acute financial constraints also found that the constraints of low income
we prepared to rethink our made decisions that did not necessarily helped shape management decisions
questions and redirect our prioritize their diabetes management. (Anderson, 1991, 1998; Anderson et al., 1993,
research activities? Miewald (1997) studied low-income clients 1995). The researchers contend that an
at a US clinic and found that both financial immigrant woman with diabetes who lacks
lnternational Journal of Health constraint and shortcomings of low-income access to material resources is in a
Care Quality Assurance neighbourhoods challenged participants’ paradoxical situation:
incorporating Leadership in adherence to a dietary regimen. She notes On the one hand, she is expected to take
Health Services that: responsibility for carrying out her care. On
Ł6/3 [2003] x-xx Lack of access to inexpensive grocery stores the other hand, she does not have access to
and tight food budgets .. . made it difficult the resources that would allow her to do so
for clients to make changes in their eating (Anderson, 1991, p. 111).
habits (Miewald, 1997, p. 359).
Anderson’s research focused on the role of
Studies have also found low amounts of ethnicity in women’s experiences of diabetes;
leisure-time physical activity to be strongly it is probable that other low-income women
associated with low income (Stachenko et face this self-care paradox.
al., 1992; Steenland, 1992), low education An investigation by Anstice (2002)
(Sternfeld et al., 1999), and low socio- provides further evidence of the importance
economic status (Blanksby et al., 1996; of this area of inquiry. In her grounded
Mensink et al., 1997). Furthermore, the theory study, Anstice used multiple, in-
lowest participation rates are found among depth, one- on-one interviews with three
the poor and women of child-rearing age, Toronto women to explore the question:
many of whom are the same people (Frisby How do sole-support mothers who live on
et al., 1997). While literature in this area income support describe their everyday
tends not to explore physical activity experiences of diabetes mellitus? She found
participation from a critical or social that financial vulnerability, characterized
determinants of health perspective, it has by income inadequacy and a sense of
been noted that physical activity is heavily precariousness, was manifested in
dependent on financial resources and experiences of housing, food and
cultural capital (Kidd, 1995). In support of transportation difficulties. This everyday
this, research links material and structural context profoundly shaped diabetes
circumstances (e.g. living in disadvantaged management decisions. For example, food
neighborhoods with more crime) to lower problems associated with income inadequacy
levels of physical activity (Wimbush, 1988; such as household food shortages were
Lindstrom et al., 2001). described as major barriers to implementing
Despite this, the complexity of the the dietary recommendations of the
relationship between the foregoing social diabetes management regimen.
determinants and physical activity practices Uncertainty concerning the adequacy of
has not been adequately addressed. Thus, other societal determinants of health such
not surprisingly, little information exists on as housing certainly plays a role as well in
low- income families, physical activity, and poor dietary management. These
diabetes management. However, the results insecurities certainly create an early
of a participatory action research study in childhood environment not conducive to
Canada – The Woman’s Action Project – the healthy development of children
found that low-income women identified a (Hertzman, 1999; Keating and Hertzman,
lack of access to physical activity in their 1999) – another area profoundly under-
community as a major factor inhibiting the researched by those concerned with the
development of healthy lifestyles for health effects of diabetes.
themselves and their families (Frisby et al.,
1997). Focus groups confirmed that
although women in this income bracket Implisations for the further study
desired benefits from physical activity of the sosial determinants of
participation similar to those of women in
higher income brackets, low-income women diabetes
These kinds of hypotheses would suggest
that if the appropriate analyses were
Dennis Raphael, income and social status would have direct Anderson, J., Wiggins, R., Rawjani, R.,
Susan Anstice, Kim Raine, association with the presence of both the Holbrook, A., Blue, C. and Ng, M. (1995),
Kerry R. McGannon, metabolic syndrome and the presence of ‘‘Living with a chronic illness: Chinese-
Syed Kamil Rizvi and diabetes in populations independent of the Canadian and Euro-Canadian women with
Vanessa Yu health behaviors usually identified as the diabetes – exploring factors that influence
The social determinants of the primary causes of diabetes. Indeed, there is management’’, Social Science and Medicine,
incidence and management of evidence that this is the case. Wamala et al. Vol. 41 No. 2, pp. 181-95.
type 2 diabetes mellitus: are (1999) studied precursors of the metabolic Anderson, J.M. (1991), ‘‘Immigrant women
we prepared to rethink our syndrome among Swedish women. They speak
questions and redirect our found that low education (a proxy for lower of chronic illness: the social construction
research activities? income) was associated with a 2.3 times of the devalued self’’, Journal of Advanced
greater likelihood of the presence of the Nursing, Vol. 16 No. 6, pp. 710-17.
lnternational Journal of Health metabolic syndrome even after accounting
Care Quality Assurance for age, family history, smoking, lack of Anderson, J.M. (1998), ‘‘Speaking of illness: issues
incorporating Leadership in exercise, and alcohol consumption. In of first generation Canadian women –
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